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Imran group

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Project Submitted to Prof.Sana Riaz Submitted By Imran khan L1s12bbam2104 Uzair Aziz L1s12bbam0131 Abeel Pasha L1f10bbam0345 Khadeeja Manzoor L1s12bbam2121 Marymam Zulfiqar L1s12bbam2111
Page 1: Imran group


Submitted to

Prof.Sana Riaz

Submitted By

Imran khan L1s12bbam2104

Uzair Aziz L1s12bbam0131

Abeel Pasha L1f10bbam0345

Khadeeja Manzoor L1s12bbam2121

Marymam Zulfiqar L1s12bbam2111

Page 2: Imran group

Table of content

1. Acknowledgement2. Targeting3. Positioning

Coke brand positioning

4. Segment and target market

Geographic segment Demographic segment Psychographic segment

5. Executive summary

6. Company profile

Our Mission Our vision Bullet features

7. Marketing research

8. Product Introduction

9. Competitive analysis

10. Product life cycle

11. SWOT


13. BCG Matrix

14. Competitive edge

15. Pricing

16. Packaging

17. Promotion decision.

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We would like to thank all those people who made this project possible and unforgettable

experience for us first of all, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our Professor Sana

Raiz for her invaluable help of constructive comments and suggestions throughout the project,

and not to forget our appreciation for all the related people to BULLET to share their ideas and

helped us to gather an appropriate information related to our topic.

A task undertaken without offering prayers to almighty and talking blessings from the elders is not a good

beginning. Likewise the work completed without acknowledging the assistance to those who were always

by our sides to make our efforts fruitful in the task left incomplete .Firstly, we would like to thank ‘God’

for his cordial and merciful blessings which have enabled us to complete this project. This project is an

outcome of effort, guidance and channelization of our teachers and parents. We wish to extend our

deepest regards and obligation to Sir Bilal Sarwar who has guided us in this project and helped us in all

possible ways to collect and analyze all the data. We are obliged and grateful to our Professor Mr. Amjad

Shazad for his help and guidance in completing the project. Last but not the least, our special gratitude

goes to our friends and classmates who indirectly assisted us in the successful completion of this project.

Thank you all for teaching us endlessly how to become a better person, friend and student

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Segmentation enables Brands to define the appropriate products for different kind of customers.

Coca Cola doesn’t target a specific segment but adapt its marketing strategy

by developing new products.

Age: Generally, Coke does not have a specific target and is addressed to


But the main consumers are 12-30 years old people; even if there is no

specific product or communication for less than 12 or more than 30, the

brand succeed in reaching them, through partnerships for example

(restaurants, fast foods such as McDonald’s…), or thanks to its value among consumers. So, the

core target audience of Coca Cola is youngster or youth. Their targeting is not based on gender

but the results show that both genders like this product and use it (almost 50/50).

Finally, Coca Cola consider each customer as a target and a potential consumer. All age groups

are being targeted but the most potential is the age group from 18-25 that covers around 40% of

total age segments.

Life style: no life style targeted but more and more busy life style and mobile generation (youth)

are considered to be the most important part of Coke’s consumers.

Occupation: no occupation targeted but consumers are mainly students and family oriented


Nature: fun, joy, entertainment loving…

Customer’s Media Habits

There are some habits which are given as follow:

· The young target audience of the brand loves media exposure

· Mobile generation & social media is part of daily life

· Connected people; they like innovations, they like being surprised.

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Coca Cola has strategically positioned itself within the world soft drink market. It faces a vital question: does it have to keep the same positioning or to adapt according to the 200 countries where the brand sells its products. The brand has understood this principle while ago: “think global, act local”. Coca is thus willing to keep the same core product which is coke, but it adapts the offer to local needs. They use strategic positioning in order to have the same image all around the world, which is a success because it is perceived today as a part of daily life everywhere. This perception of the brand by the consumer leads to a high degree of loyalty and makes the purchasing decision more automatic. Coca Cola has

been successful by using Unique Selling preposition as “Live the coke side of life”, related to joy and happiness.

Consumers basically associate this brand with these emotions. When the name of Coke is mentioned, the first thing that comes into mind is fun and entertainment.

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Coca Cola Brand Positioning

'Coca-Cola's' brand personality reflects the positioning of its brand. Positioning is in the mind of the consumer and can be described as how the product is considered by that consumer. When researching the positioning of a product, consumers are often asked how they would describe that product if it were a person. Coca cola has positioned itself as a part of their daily life. This affinity between the brand and the consumer leads to a high degree of loyalty and makes the purchasing decision easier. Coca Cola has been successful by using Unique Selling preposition as “Live the coke side of life”.

Cole basically associates this brand with emotions and joy. We name of Coke comes into mind the first thing comes into mind is fun and entertainment. 

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Segmenting and Targeting Markets

Coca Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of soft beverages. Coca Cola uses "Multisegment" targeting strategy which means that the company has more than single, well- defined, market segment. It develops a marketing mix for each of the segments. Coca Cola has more than 400 different products line, total of 3,500 product mix

Geographic segmentation:-

Coca Cola has drinks that targets different age groups, ethnic groups, sexes, lifestyles, etc. Examples:

- Oasis- Juice made for the younger working adults, between the ages of 20-30. The product is available in different flavors (berry, lemon, and orange tangerine). It’s mostly popular in Britain and Ireland.

Demographic segmentation:-

-Age- 15-25 years old and 40 plus.

-Gender- targets both genders with wide variety drinks.

-Income- segments different income level. for example, by packaging: for low level income the

company is selling returnable glass bottle; for high level income, the company is selling coke in


Psychographics segmentation:-

People who are brand conscious will not drink beverages of

less known brands. They will try to show their status by

drinking Coca-Cola brand.

The level of education is another factor that the company is paying attention to. In a high percentage education, the company can use advertisements to convey the company

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massage. For that purpose we have also do an English advertisement also. For catering the every market.

Executive Summary

The Coca Cola Corporation is defined to be the most well known trade mark in the world, and it is justly so. Coca cola owns over 400 brands that appeal to many different people all around the world. They are able to satisfy the needs of all their consumers and make their experiences with coca cola better. The coco cola products appeals to a wide range of people from all races, genders, and ages. Coco cola is well known for its worldwide popularity as its products are sold to over 200 countries, while major competitors sell in several countries, putting coco cola ahead of all competitions. Coco cola is a obvious and easily recognized by all. The popularity of coco cola has grown very recognizable company. It is known worldwide and its branding is constantly earned by coca cola surpasses all other beverage companies and these funds would over the years, is still growing to this day, and will continue into the future. The finances prove vital in the future of coco cola as it allows for the promotions of many other products. Many aspects of coco cola prove to be superior to that of compotators, ranging from promotional techniques to corporate structure. Some of these aspects include, positioning, market mix strategy, and implementation plan. These aspects place coco cola superior to competitors.

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Company’s Profile:

These are some of the the products which Coca-Cola is already offering in the present market.

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Our Mission:-

Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

To refresh the world... To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... To create value and make a difference.

Our Vision:-

Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.

People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and

satisfy people's desires and needs.

Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create

mutual, enduring value.

Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support

sustainable communities.

Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall


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Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Bullet – Energy on the targetBullet energy drink gives you an energy boost to charge-up and keep you going. It also

invigorates your taste buds with its refreshingly delicious natural flavor.  We created Bullet so

people could stop deciding what not to do and start switching on to life's possibilities... To

provide a boost to people who know that there's life after work and school. That authenticity and

adventure are mantras to live by and that every day is a chance to experience something new.

Yes, we created bullet with great experiences in mind.


Packaging: Can (Tinned)

Volume (L): 250

Weight (kg): 250

Shelf Life: 12month

Berry Blast (Strawberry at frist we launch then we launch following flavors

 Gold Rush, Gold (with Ginseng), Power Lime (Kiwifruit/Lime) and. You have to be 12+ to drink sting.

The most repeated and relevant words for Coca Cola are:-




For Pepsi it was:



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The point of parity:

The points of parity first can be the both companies are very famous in this beverage industry.

Mostly their products are rival to each other. If we talk about our product the points of parity is

these are both energy drink.

The point of difference

The main points of differences are following.

Natural material

No artificial energy boosters

Good quality

Good Packaging

Low are of caffeine

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Marketing Research

We began with exploratory research and identified many resources of secondary data available

on the internet about energy drinks which included previous marketing research reports on

energy drinks and prominent websites. After the first step, which involved the collection of

secondary data, we collected Primary data by directly interviewing various segments of

population including University of Central Punjab. The type of questions asked while collecting

primary data was mostly open ended. After this, we designed a comprehensive Questionnaire

which was going to be our primary source of Data collection.


Data & Data Collection:

The data will be collected through primary sources by surveying University of central Punjab secondary data from the internet.

Measurement Methods:

Sampling Plan:


People of University of Central Punjab.

Sampling Unit:

The sample unit consists of students & professionals

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Sample Size:

A sample of 50 people in UCP will be drawn. 

Sampling Method:

Convenience sampling will be used for drawn sample.

Partial Data:

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Demographic Information:


under 1820%






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Level of education:

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lower secondary school20%

upper sec-ondary school




Level of education




Other Specify 16%

Are you a

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Income Status:

5000 – 15,00060%

15,000 – 35,00012%

35,000 – 65,00016%

ABOVE 65,00012%

Income status

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Question 1:

Which of the following beverages do you drink most often in university select any one...

Water (bottled/


Fizzy drinks (e.g. Coca-Cola, Fanta,


Fruit juices, smoothies ...


Energy drinks (e.g. Red Bull, String)


Sport Drinks (e.g. Gatorade )



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Question 2:

Do you drink Energy Drinks?

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Do you drink energy drink

Question 3:

Which brand of energy drinks do you usually drink?

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Red Bull20%


Power full8%





Question 4:

Where and how often do you drink energy drinks?

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At home, in or-dinary situations


With friends dur-ing parties


Associated to sport and phys-

ical exercise40%

At work12%

Question 5:

What makes you try a new energy drink?

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o Packaging12%

o Taste20%

o Price12%

o Variants20%

o Brand24%

o Celebrities4%

o Advertisements4%

o Recommendations of friends


Question 6:

Which channel affects your choice of Energy Drinks most?

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o Newspaper8%

o Television32%

o Advertisements32%

o Internet12%

o Friends4%

o Promotion12%

Question 7:

What is your favourite energy drink flavour?

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Question 8:

What is the usual size of energy drinks you consume?

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Can: 250 ml 40%

Can: 355 ml48%

Energy shot: 50 ml12%

Question 9:

Do you usually prefer energy drinks…

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With sugar 68%

Sugar free32%

Question 11:

Do you experience any side effects from drinking energy drink?

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Shake/ Tremors8%




Question 12:

Suggest some slogan for our new energy drink “Bullet”

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Helaa k Rakh de!32%

Non-stop Energy!


Our product – Introduction:

Bullet is a tasty, natural and refreshing functional beverage that is enriched with the right amount of vitamins and other functional ingredients to allow the consumer to overcome the day-by-day challenges of a busy work, both from physical & cognitive perspective. Our aim is to help our consumers embracing life with performance and happiness: make every day better, easier and more performing by changing the way peoples are drinking.

We came with the idea to launch a new product, different from all, mixing characteristics of sport drinks with energy drinks as a dedicated functional drink for people working long hours, mostly in offices, who needs concentration and to stay focused but in the same time want to avoid products with high-caffeine levels.

Stages in the product development & its launch

Formulate the product together with a specialized producer.

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Test and chose the final active ingredients.

Create and define the visual identity of the product, based on its personality features

(vitamin content & fruits chosen for taste) and targeted market.

Contact the distribution channels based on their targeted end consumer coverage.

Launch the production and prepare the product public launch.

Sustain the product with the right mix of marketing strategies.

Introduced the product with unique promotional campaigns.

It is a drink for the people who make intense and sustained intellectual effort and want a boost

and non stop energy to meet these requirements.

Is addressing a diverse audience:

Teens and students.

Anyone requiring long hours of attention and concentration (drivers, computer

operators, technicians, software programmers, accountants, auditors, etc.)

Overall, the buyers are motivated to achieve performance. Our drink has to be a choice that

comes with a buzz of energy and helps you in continuation of a busy lifestyle.

Bullet will distinguish itself by the following characteristics:

1. The functional beverage, which enhanced with functional vitamins and supplements to support

consumers in their today’s everyday life but mostly when facing cognitive demands with an extra

energy buzz.

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2. It will be fresh and aromatic with slight hints of original ingredients

(Pomegranate, Acai, and Guarana etc)

The main benefits of functional beverages are very clear and appealing to the end consumer and consist in:

Intense hydration A boost in energy General Rejuvenation

There is a lot of space for innovation on this market and many products started to emerge as the consumers got more and more educated about the features of this new beverages category.

Our Products/Flavors:

Our Energy drink will be introduced in some new features. It not only helps you to boost your energy but also provides you some benefits with minerals and vitamins with reduces your tensions and axiety too which other energy drinks don’t do.


The functional claim of the drink will be that Bulllet supports optimum nervous system functioning,

enhance mood and energy levels boost ups within seconds, because of its ingredients:



Vitamin D

B vitamins (1,3, 6, 12)

Zinc + Magnesium + Selenium

Higher amount of caffeine level.

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Bullet Essential Elements - basically made from a mixture of classic ingredients, vitamins and minerals that contribute to normal cognitive functioning and provides you an super buzz of energy:

Iron Magnesium Potassium Thiamine and Riboflavine Ginseng Pomegranate & Lychee

Bullet Energy - contains those ingredients which contribute mainly to reduce fatigue and cognitive exhaustion with the tint of power:

Iron Calcium Magnesium Vitamin B12 Vitamin B6 Caffeine Acai and Guarana

Bullet Performance Booster - not only boost to supports daily life activities faster but actively contributes to better the cognitive function and make you do perform better by elimanting your laziness mode with some new flavours:

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Magnesium and Potassium Resveratrol L - theanine and Glutamine Goji

Effects and generic health claims:

We try to provide only benefits and boost up you performance level without providing any sides effects. Our product helps you to;

Refreshing and Toning Great taste Low sugar Supports cognitive processes Maintain Focus and concentration Boost up your body Extra doze of energy with fresh flavours

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Competitive Analysis: Battle of the beverages

The energy drinks industry is heavily competitive. Bullet has competitors in its own industry. Also outside of its industry, this would include soda beverages, water, and other athletic drinks. The top five competitors inside of the Energy Drink Industry are Red Bull, String, Rockstar, Monster and Booster.

Red Bull:

Red Bull is the leader of the energy drink market.

It is market leader both nationally and internationally.

Red bull operates within the energy drinks sector of the beverages. The product is an example of functional drink. Red Bull is known to be the first energy drink in the United States. Its main headquarters are in Austria. Their popular slogan is

Red Bull gives you wiiings

Red Bull caters to athletes and college students in events such as extreme sports, music, and travels. However, they also sponsor in many different activities like video gaming and cultural arts. Red Bull has only three products, the Original, Sugar-Free, and Cola, Red Bull has sold more than 4 billion cans in over 130 locations. As of May 18, 2008, Red Bull earned $79,817,000. Their growth increased by 26.5%.

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Positioning through pricing strategy:

In every market, Red bull set a price at least 10 percent greater than the most expensive competitor in order to maintain a “Best of class” positioning. The 250mL can of Red Bull cost up to 300 percent more per ounce than traditional soft drinks.

Market Share:

Since its launch, the brand has managed to dominate the Pakistani market with more than 48.8 percent market share.


Market Leadership – within energy drinks market, it is the industry leader throughout the world.

Marketing efforts – many promotions and well targeted campaigns and sponsorship. E.g: F1

helps to expand Red Bull Brand and increase customer brand awareness and recall.

Strong, fresh and fashionable brand identity.


Above average prices.

Reliant on small product base – the company only markets one branded product, Red Bull

Energy Drink along with a sugar free variety.

Lack of patent on its recipe means anyone can copy it.

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Pepsi introduced their energy drink in Pakistan with the name of Sting.

Because of it’s extensive growth it becomes the challenger.

• Sting Energy Drink is a carbonated energy drink from PepsiCo International. Sting Energy Drink aims

to provide hardworking individuals with energy to get them going through the day. It sharpens the mind

and body to endure taxing situations. Sting is a refreshing energy drink that gives you a positive kick.

Recently Pepsi introduced their energy drink in Pakistan with the name of Sting. They have made it full

of flavors with ingredients of energy drinks as well. They have introduced two flavors in energy drinks.

Most important about Sting to catch the mass market is its rates. They are one of the cheapest energy

drink in the market except a few like Booster and Ozo. Sting can is of Rs. 60/- If a less price energy drink

came in market, people would think about its quality and might not go for it. But when a big company

like Pepsico came up with energy drink, whether its price low, people won’t question about its quality so

it captures a huge share too.

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Market Share:

It’s market share is 21 percent.


Sting Energy Drink was the first delicious, fruit- flavored, ready-to-drink energy drink that is affordable.

Sting is available in three flavors, such as original Gold Rush, Gold (with ginseng), Power Lime (kiwifruit lime) and Berry Blast (Strawberry).

Whether its price low, people won’t question about it’s quality because of its strong pepsi brand name.

String reducing the market share of Red Bull in Pakistan.


People don’t like its packaging much comparatively other brands. Some of its flavour are not accepted smoothly by people. It contains less level of caffeine comparatively Red Bull.


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Depicted by a logo of three claws, Monster energy drink is distributed by Hansen Natural Corporation,

Corona California. With ingredients like guarana, caffeine and glucose, monster artificially stimulates

energy. With a fairly tolerable taste, this energy drink sparks one up and packs quite a vicious punch.

Though Monster Energy is not widely advertised in the media it receives a large amount of recognition

from its sponsorship of various sporting events.

Market Share:

It is ranked 3rd in the market with an 14.4% share.


MonsterofferstheirproductattwicethesizeofaRedBull(16ozcan)forthesameprice. Monstersponsorsteams,athletes,sportsandbandssuchas wakeboarding,ChrisColeandOfMiceandMenasapull forpublicity. Monsterpromotionalitems,hats,teeshirts,BMXbikesaregiven directlytotheconsumerratherthanasprizes.


Monstercontainsadditiveingredientssuchasguaranathathavenot beenevaluatedbytheFDA. Monsterholdsasignificantlylesspercentageoftheenergydrink

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marketshare. Monsterisaproductofalargercorporation,Hansen’sNatural,that wasfoundedonjuicesandmay

experienceneglectintermsof marketing.

Rock star:

TheaverageservingsizeofRockstaris8ounces.Thestandard sizeofaRockstarcanis16ounces.Perserving,Rockstarcontais140calories,31gramsofsugarand80mgofcaffeine.Additionalingredientsinclude:taurine,

ginkgobilobaleafextract,guaranaseedextract,inositol,l‐caratine,panaxginsengextractandmilkthistle extract.

Market Share:

The market share of rockstar in Pakistan is 5.8 percent market share.



Rockstarsponsorsathletes,bands,sportsandhasitsown modelsfor publicity.

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Rockstarhasmorecalories,sugars,andadditionalingredientsthanits competitors.


Rockstarholdsasignificantlylesspercentageoftheenergydrink marketshare.



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Booster is a German energy drink brand.

It is a follower.

Booster is a German energy drink brand. It attracts one from the start as one looks to its packing. Like all other energy drinks available in long think tin packs, this is available in small, fat plastic bottle. Theservingsizeofboosteris8ounces.Thestandardsizeofaboostercanis16ounces.Perserving,boostercontains110calories,28gramsofsugarand71mgofcaffeine.Additionalingredientsinclude:guaranaseedextract,maltodextrin,taurineandpanaxginsengroot.

Market Share:

The market share of the energy drink Booster in Pakistan is almost to 3 percent market share.


Its packing is different from all energy drinks in the market so it appeals you at the first place. Second important thing is its price, it is one of the cheapest energy drink in market. ItcontainsthesameflavortasteformulaasMountainDew.Thiscanpullconsumerswhoareseekingthe

beverageforadifferentpurpose. BoosteristwicethesizeofaRedBull(16oz)inthelessprice.

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Booster contains a significantly less percentage of the market share. Booster contains less caffeine than its competitors.

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Product Life cycle and stages

Product life cycle is about products sales and profits in the whole time period of the product life. It deals with the life of the product in the market with respect to all the cost incurred. It got five stages which are explained below.

Introduction Stage: -

Stage of the cycle could be the most expensive for a company launching a new product. The size of the market for the product is small, which means sales are low, although they will be increasing. On the other hand, the cost of things like research and development, consumer testing, and the marketing needed to launch the product can be very high, especially if it’s a competitive sector.

Growth Stage :–

The growth stage is typically characterized by a strong growth in sales and profits, and because the company can start to benefit from economies of scale in production, the profit margins, as well as the overall amount of profit, will increase. This makes it possible for businesses to invest more money in the promotional activity to maximize the potential of this growth stage.

Maturity Stage :–

During the maturity stage, the product is established and the aim for the manufacturer is now to maintain the market share they have built up. This is probably the most competitive time for most products and businesses need to invest wisely in any marketing they undertake. They also need to consider any product modifications or improvements to the production process which might give them a competitive advantage.

Decline Stage :–

Eventually, the market for a product will start to shrink, and this is what’s known as the decline stage. This shrinkage could be due to the market becoming saturated (i.e. all the customers who will buy the product have already purchased it), or because the consumers are switching to a different type of product. While this decline may be inevitable, it may still be possible for companies to make some profit by switching to less-expensive production methods and cheaper markets.

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Strategies for this stage

Introduction stage: -

Our product is including in FMCG’s so its need heavy marketing and needs also heavy sales to increase profit. It’s on introductory stage so Sales are low and cost is high. And profits are going negative. So our strategy is to create awareness about the products. Through different modes like advertisement using TV, Radio, billboard etc. And also do marketing in malls, famous streets by placing our stalls. And offering free samples to customers. Whether our company is well known but we are launching a new product. Initially we introduced small bottles and using cost-plus formula for pricing. As everyone knows that Coca cola have very good distribution channel we use the same distribution channel because it’s also daily usable product like coke and other products.

Growth stage:-

In growth stage the product is providing benefit. So we have plan for this stage. We will do different changes in our product. Firstly we try to more better our product quality to satisfied customers. Currently it’s being manufactured on high standers means we’ll keep on improving our selves. Then we add different failovers in our product and different sizes for line filling in accordance to the need of customers. Like coke is in each segment. We try to cater new segments by offering some special taste and change in packaging. It may be upward or may be downward.

Maturity Stage:-

When the product is on maturity stage then we have to sustain on it we have to do different things to make our product up there. First we will expand our users we convert the non-users in users like bullet is the energy drink and it’s mostly use by adults people. We will convince alders to drink it through adding more stimulation and energy which help them in work keep them active. And add new sugar less variant for health conscience people which game them same taste and energy without losing their health. We also can increase the usage of product by telling the people that eat bullet with each meal it digest your meal more fast as others drink or water do. Keep your digestive system healthy and gives low fat make you fit and healthy. And most important we will change our product style its shape which help in growing our sales.

Decline Stage:-

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At this stage consumers are switching from the brand. And here is not too much sale of the products. At this stage we will reduce are product variants and then dispose of them. Then we may go to some cheaper markets by altering some product features. Like low packaging material and bit low quantity to make it available for that segment if it’s not possible then we dispose of the product. And sell its material.

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SWOT Analysis


As the other energy drinks are contain artificial energy stimulus which is bad for health. And they contain too much caffeine and excess of caffeine can cause many problems keeping this thing in mind we make our product with natural energy stimulus like lemon and others critics. And also use of chocolate energy factor and less use of caffeine. These all things create strength of our product bullet. Mostly people are becoming are health conscious so it also can usable for children’s as well. Our best distribution channel is also can consider as strength. The other strength of our product bullet is our distribution channel. Our distribution channel is so good which helps us placing our product in all the segment market where ever we want. This because we have every good relationship with our distributers. The other most important strength is our employees which work so efficiently taking in mind are product goals and vision of the product. They work in accordance to achieve those goals. That helps us to be their where we vision our products and company.

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As we are using natural flavors and energy which may give a different flavor to our product which may dislike by customers because it’s a new concept in the market. Keeping in mind this risk factor it’s also is weakness. Otherwise products have all the things which other products have.


The biggest opportunity is for us is that there is no such existing products in the market. So its gave us the opportunity to make this kind of product. It also makes us the competitor of almost every energy drink in which like Monster, Red bull, Sting. This thing helps to make our product repute good.


Currently the biggest threat is for our product is Sting because in which market we are going to introduced are product Sting is our strong competitor. Pepsi may launch variant of sting which is made by natural materials. And threat may come from customer because if they don’t like the product it will also consider as threat.

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These factors determine the extent to which a government may influence the economy or a certain industry. For example a government may impose a new tax or duty due to which entire revenue generating structures of organizations might change. Political factors include tax policies, Fiscal policy, trade tariffs etc. that a government may levy around the fiscal year and it may affect the business environment (economic environment) to a great extent.


These factors are determinants of an economy’s performance that directly impacts a company and have resonating long term effects. For example a rise in the inflation rate of any economy would affect the way companies’ price their products and services. Adding to that, it would affect the purchasing power of a consumer and change demand/supply models for that economy. Economic factors include inflation rate, interest rates, foreign exchange rates, economic growth patterns etc. It also accounts for the FDI (foreign direct investment) depending on certain specific industries who’re undergoing this analysis.


These factors scrutinize the social environment of the market, and gauge determinants like cultural trends, demographics, population analytics etc. An example for this can be buying trends for Western countries like the US where there is high demand during the Holiday season.


These factors pertain to innovations in technology that may affect the operations of the industry and the market favorably or unfavorably. This refers to automation, research and development and the amount of technological awareness that a market possesses.


These factors have both external and internal sides. There are certain laws that affect the business environment in a certain country while there are certain policies that companies maintain for themselves. Legal analysis takes into account both of these angles and then charts out the strategies in light of these legislations. For example, consumer laws, safety standards, labor laws etc.

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These factors include all those that influence or are determined by the surrounding environment. This aspect of the PESTLE is crucial for certain industries particularly for example tourism, farming, agriculture etc. Factors of a business environmental analysis include but are not limited to climate, weather, geographical location, global changes in climate, environmental offsets etc.

Implementation on Our Product


Keeping in view the PAKISTAN market in which inflation rate is rapidly increasing or more precisely inflation rate is increasing rate is growing too much and tax imposition is also getting up. As PAKSITAN is agriculture country and it’s provide most of free taxation and subsides on agriculture products. As early we have mention in SWOT our product strength is that it’s made from natural material and almost every basic ingredient is available here. This thing helps our product a lot and gave us low cost as competitor sting have to import there whole manufactured product from PHILPINES.


In this we got all the economic trends of ECONOMY OF PAKISTAN. Economy of PAKISTAN has many trends. Its growth is growing but it got very slow speed. And as PAKISTAN is developing country its need to raise its self. Government of PAKISTAN is imposing taxes almost everything and it’s also raising it keeping in view our company making those things which have good plan to tackle these entire situation. Like our product Bullet is using locally availably. And if this is not available here then we merge with government or help with government to build that industry there which is also good for our company repute in front of government and People of PAKISTAN.


Coca cola is socially responsibly company keeping in view all the demographics, Culture and religion believes of that people of that country. As its working in PAKSITAN and here majority of population is MUSLIM so it’s making product which are HLAL products. Keeping that in view Bullet is also made of HLAL materials. And it meet all HLAL standers


This factor is about using that kind of technology which is favorable for the society and good for the company. Coca Cola is well managed company. It keeps its self-update with

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all the technology which makes their operations more efficient and more rapid. And these technologies also good for environment.


On the legal grounds our company and its products are good weather laws about external like environment or internal like manufacturing, wastage management, labor hours etc. In making of Bullet as like others beverages coca cola follow all legal provisions.


As part of environment coca cola Company make its repute good in this. They make products according to all environments standards. In case of bullet its use same plant with enhancement in the place. They have located their factory in industrial area. Using filters for chimneys. They treat their wastage before disposing off. Like there have water treatment plant for waste water.

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The BCG Growth-Share Matrix

The BCG Growth-Share Matrix is a portfolio planning model developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970's. It is based on the observation that a company's business units can be classified into four categories based on combinations of market growth and market share relative to the largest competitor, hence the name "growth-share". Market growth serves as a proxy for industry attractiveness, and relative market share serves as a proxy for competitive advantage. The growth-share matrix thus maps the business unit positions within these two important determinants of profitability.

The four categories are:


Dogs have low market share and a low growth rate and thus neither generate nor consume a large amount of cash. However, dogs are cash traps because of the money tied up in a business that has little potential. Such businesses are candidates for divestiture.

Question marks:-

Question marks are growing rapidly and thus consume large amounts of cash, but because they have low market shares they do not generate much cash. The result is large net cash consumption. A question mark (also known as a "problem child") has the potential to gain market share and become a star, and eventually a cash cow when the market growth slows. If the question mark does not succeed in becoming the market leader, then after perhaps years of cash consumption it will degenerate into a dog when the market growth declines. Question marks must be analyzed carefully in order to determine whether they are worth the investment required to grow market share.


Stars generate large amounts of cash because of their strong relative market share, but also consume large amounts of cash because of their high growth rate; therefore the cash in each direction approximately nets out. If a star can maintain its large market share, it will become a cash cow when the market growth rate declines. The portfolio of a diversified company always should have stars that will become the next cash cows and ensure future cash generation.

Cash cows:-

As leaders in a mature market, cash cows exhibit a return on assets that is greater than the market growth rate, and thus generate more cash than they consume. Such business units should be "milked", extracting the profits and investing as little cash as possible. Cash

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cows provide the cash required to turn question marks into market leaders, to cover the administrative costs of the company, to fund research and development, to service the corporate debt, and to pay dividends to shareholders. Because the cash cow generates a relatively stable cash flow, its value can be determined with reasonable accuracy by calculating the present value of its cash stream using a discounted cash flow analysis.

Implantation on our company and our product category

Star product:-

Stars products generate heavy profit because of their strong relative market share but also consume large amounts of cash because of their high growth rate therefore the cash in each direction approximately nets out. Here in coca cola Pakistan is Fanta, diet coke. They are currently star products they need heavy investment and in future grabbing heavy market share they will become cash cow.

Cash Cow:-

This category of products generates heavy profits with not too much heavy effort as we do on star products. Coke is the cash cow product of Coca Cola Company. This product have heavy competitor like Pepsi.

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Questioned products:-

In this category all new products which are going to introduced are being included. Our product Bullet is fall in this category. Its fall in this category because it’s new and we don’t know in future he will become star and then cash cow product. And may be turn in to dog products.

Dog products:-

Dog products include all that products which are on last time. They must dispose off or some re launch or modification. Coca cola Kinley is fall under it. Its market share is very low. So they have to dispose it. Or modify it.

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Porter five forces

Low Threat of New Entrants:-

Threat for new entrance is very low in the energy drink industry. To enter in this industry companies need high fixed cost for all the operations like production, ware houses, trucks etc. In Pakistan there are limited bottlers/cans manufacturers so they have to build their bottling/cans plant and it need high amount of money. There are two giant companies in the market one is coke and other is Pepsi which make extremely difficult to enter in this market. Our product bullet is also catering the same market of sting of Pepsi. This is mostly segmented by youth. So it is very difficult to enter in this segment. Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi have agreements with their existing bottlers who have rights in a certain geographic area. These agreements prohibit bottlers

from taking a new competing brand for similar products.

Strong Threat of Substitutes:-

There are many substitutes available in the market. Also even coca cola has substitute products. Like water, coffee, tea etc. Consumers are become more health conscious so more prefer those thing which not cause any danger to their health. That’s why we introduced this product. And also they more consume sports drinks. These health conscious trends create more and more variant of the products. And now this brings more substitute of Bullet.

Low Threat of Suppliers:-

Bullet industries have major ingredients from local suppliers. And it doesn’t purchase from only one supplier so that’s why their purchasing power is very low.Because most of material is easily available in the market. But with the increase in sugar and packaging material its increase the cost of product. And also the supply shocks may come under it but it’s not for longer period of time so its create no too much effect. But on the other hand coca cola is not doing bottling of their products they need bottlers. They have contract with the bottlers but it may create any threat for bullet or other coca cola products. If bottlers do strike or something bad happened to bottlers then the problem will be faced by coca cola and to product bullet.

Moderate Bragging power of buyers:-

It is the fact that Coca cola products are first sell their products to big retailers, wholesalers, Big mall style shops( Metro, hyper star). So they sell it to end consumers. And their barging power is so strong. So coca cola have to keep on making good relation with them. Our product bullet is new one and these retailers play a very good role in marketing our product. Display bullet on the front. Hang bounties, giving broachers placing free sampling stalls in their malls etc for attracting their customers.

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Strong comparative rivalry:-

This is most important point where coca cola and our brand bullet have to face real challenge. Coca cola has major competitor in almost every country is Pepsi. And our product competitive product is sting of pepsi. This rivalry is going on for many decades. In PAKISTAN coca cola grab major share. But in case of our product bullet it is new in the market. And its competitor sting have already grab major share in the market. So we have to work hard for grabbing higher share then pepsi sting has.

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Competitive advantage

Occurs when an organization acquires or develops an attribute or combination of attributes that allows it to outperform its competitors. These attributes can include access to natural resources, such as high grade ores or inexpensive power, or access to highly trained and skilled personnel human resources. New technologies such as robotics and information technology can provide competitive advantage, whether as a part of the product itself, as an advantage to the making of the product, or as a competitive aid in the business process (for example, better identification and understanding of customers).

Different strategies for Competitive advantage

Cost leadership strategy:-

The goal of cost leadership strategy is to offer products or services at the lowest cost in the industry. The challenge of this strategy is to earn a suitable profit for the company, rather than operating at a loss and draining profitability from all market players. Companies such as Walmart succeed with this strategy by featuring low prices on key items on which customers are price-aware, while selling other merchandise at less aggressive discounts. Products are to be created at the lowest cost in the industry. An example is to use space in stores for sales and not for storing excess product.

Differentiation strategy:-

The goal of differentiation strategy is to provide a variety of products, services, or features to consumers that competitors are not yet offering or are unable to offer. This gives a direct advantage to the company which is able to provide a unique product or service that none of its competitors is able to offer. An example is Dell which launched mass-customizations on computers to fit consumers' needs. This allows the company to make its first product to be the star of its sales.

Innovation strategy:-

The goal of innovation strategy is to leapfrog other market players by the introduction of completely new or notably better products or services. This strategy is typical of technology start-up companies which often intend to "disrupt" the existing marketplace, obsoleting the current market entries with a breakthrough product offering. It is harder for more established companies to pursue this strategy because their product offering has achieved market acceptance. Apple has been a notable example of using this strategy with its introduction of iPod personal music players, and iPad tablets. Many companies invest heavily in their research and development department to achieve such statuses with their innovations.

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Operational effectiveness strategy:-

The goal of operational effectiveness as a strategy is to perform internal business activities better than competitors, making the company easier or more pleasurable to do business with than other market choices. It improves the characteristics of the company while lowering the time it takes to get the products on the market with a great start.

Our Product competitive advantage strategy

Differentiate strategy:-

We have adopt differentiate strategy our product bullet is offering different features as our competitor sting is offering. Our competitor is offering that energy drink which is using artificial energy boosters. And extreme amount of caffeine. Artificial flavor this all things are dangers for human health. Artificial energy boosters and flavor cause much disease like cancer even. They got huge amount of caffeine can also cause many problems. Caffeine is good for human but in to limited intake but excess of everything is bad. As in the case of caffeine also very large amount of intake can cause you sleep disorder, stress etc. But in our product we are using natural things and low amount of caffeine and also not too many artificial things. We are taking energy boosters from different critics like lemon, orange etc these will not cause any health problem and also provide different vitamins which are good for human health. We are also using caffeine but to limited intake to make flavor good. And its limited intake will not cause any problem to human health. And these all things gave our product a natural aroma and taste which will may like everyone. Because like PAKISTAN society or more precisely which segment we are catering the people are like that kind of things which look natural taste natural. And also give a modern look and taste along with natural things.

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Pricing decision

There are different and strategies which every company should follow them to do its products pricing. Following are the same rules which we have followed to do our products pricing and then strategies and which one we have chooses.

Rule that we have followed

Listen to your customers:-

You really don't need to hire a marketing research firm to understand how your customers value your products versus competitors. Just take some time to ask customers questions and actually listen, versus just trying to close a sale.

This is a good sales technique anyway. For that purpose we will talk to customers by placing our stall in any our segment market. And then gave them free samples to try it and ask them what they think about it we will ask them for their recommendations. It will work a lot for making doing our product pricing this will tell us how customer think about our product is he willing to pay the price which we will charge for it.

Know your competition:-

This can be an awkward question to ask a customer, but it is worthwhile to ask, "If you weren't doing business with me, who would you go to?" How is the competition different, and how do your customers value what is different? Prepare yourself for surprises when you start finding out your real competitors, and the benefits the competition may have over you.

You're learning stuff you didn't know. Yes this is also good for our product also. Like if we ask our target customer what you think about our product if they like or not. We will must ask them what you think about our major competitor sting this will tell us where the place us on the upper ground or the lower if they have to place us on upper ground then we do pricing in accordance if less we use that strategy which will make us on the upper one.

Recognize that customers are different from others:-

Some people value a neighborhood bike shop, while others might have no problem taking a bike off the rack at Walmart. What you charge becomes a question of who you really want to compete with and what type of customers you want to attract. The smart move is set your prices for a particular group of potential customers, rather than all of them.

This activity will gave us different conclusions first one is what customer think about us. Second what he think us on upper ground or lower ground as compare to our competitor. And third and last one he also tells are they really segment we want to cater. Means this thing tell us that segment which are we going to cater is suitable for our product. Means they are the real buyers

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which we are looking for. If yes then we do/adjust our product pricing in accordance with them if not we have to look for new segment.

Different pricing strategies

Creaming or skimming:-

In most skimming, goods are sold at higher prices so that fewer sales are needed to break even. Selling a product at a high price, sacrificing high sales to gain a high profit is therefore "skimming" the market. Skimming is usually employed to reimburse the cost of investment of the original research into the product: commonly used in electronic markets when a new range, such as DVD players, are firstly dispatched into the market at a high price. This strategy is often used to target "early adopters" of a product or service. Early adopters generally have a relatively lower price-sensitivity - this can be attributed to: their need for the product outweighing their need to economies; a greater understanding of the product's value; or simply having a higher disposable income. it will maximize profits for the better of the company

Marginal-cost pricing:-

In business, the practice of setting the price of a product to equal the extra cost of producing an extra unit of output. By this policy, a producer charges, for each product unit sold, only the addition to total cost resulting from materials and direct labor. Businesses often set prices close to marginal cost during periods of poor sales. If, for example, an item has a marginal cost of $1.00 and a normal selling price is $2.00, the firm selling the item might wish to lower the price to $1.10 if demand has waned. The business would choose this approach because the incremental profit of 10 cents from the transaction is better than no sale at all.

Market-oriented pricing:-

Setting a price based upon analysis and research compiled from the target market. This means that marketers will set prices depending on the results from the research. For instance if the competitors are pricing their products at a lower price, then it's up to them to either price their goods at an above price or below, depending on what the company wants to achieve.

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Penetration pricing:-

Penetration pricing includes setting the price low with the goals of attracting customers and gaining market share. The price will be raised later once this market share is gained.

Premium pricing:-

Premium pricing is the practice of keeping the price of a product or service artificially high in order to encourage favorable perceptions among buyers, based solely on the price. The practice is intended to exploit the (not necessarily justifiable) tendency for buyers to assume that expensive items enjoy an exceptional reputation, are more reliable or desirable, or represent exceptional quality and distinction.

Time-based pricing:-

A flexible pricing mechanism made possible by advances in information technology, and employed mostly by Internet based companies. By responding to market fluctuations or large amounts of data gathered from customers - ranging from where they live to what they buy to how much they have spent on past purchases - dynamic pricing allows online companies to adjust the prices of identical goods to correspond to a customer’s willingness to pay. The airline industry is often cited as a dynamic pricing success story. In fact, it employs the technique so artfully that most of the passengers on any given airplane have paid different ticket prices for the same flight.

Value-based pricing:-

Pricing a product based on the value the product has for the customer and not on its costs of production or any other factor. This pricing strategy is frequently used where the value to the customer is many times the cost of producing the item or service. For instance, the cost of producing a software CD is about the same independent of the software on it, but the prices vary with the perceived value the customers are expected to have. The perceived value will depend on the alternatives open to the customer. In business these alternatives are using competitor’s software, using a manual work around, or not doing an activity. In order to employ value-based pricing you have to know your customer's business, his business costs, and his perceived alternatives. It is also known as Perceived-value pricing.

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Strategy we use for our product

Premium pricing:-

Taking interview and using all rules will make our pricing if the customers like our product because we are giving that quality and neutrality in our product. Which our competitor is not offering to customers. Our customer can pay a bit premium price then sting for bullet because of its offering that things which are not doing any hazarded to their lives. Because now a day’s customer are become more voice and more health conscious they prefer that thing which gave them maximum satisfaction and don’t harm their health. For that reason they can pay any amount which the companies are offering. Consumer will/ can pay for that thing which are good for healthy and also good in taste providing same benefit to them but difference is this that it’s not harmful for them. The consumer may will pay the premium price for Bullet. We will sell our product at 35 rupees a can.

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Bullet Placement and distribution

Few things which must keep in mind for have making companies channel for distribution and we have applied it for our product distribution channel.

The nature of product:-

The companies should take into account what kind of our product is and what type channel we have to follow. If goods are perishable then quick distribution channel like our situation our product is not perishable it need quiet time get experience so we don’t need distribution channel which is not much quicker the perishable goods.

The company characteristics:-

It’s about company size and its financial situation coca cola is huge company and it has the good financial capability to use any kind of distribution channel they want to make their product successful.

Characteristics of intermediaries:-

All the wholesalers and retailers etc are different in capability and efficiency being a good company and launching a new product we have to use good and effective intermediaries. This is may become one of our competitive edge.

Environmental factors:-

The environmental factors should be included in this all the factors about society, political, economical etc. By keeping in mind all these factors we have design our companies distribution channel.

Our distribution strategy:-

First we have to think about which strategy we have to follow keeping in view the above mention point. Because our product is including in FMCG’s so it’s require intensive distribution. In intensive distribution the product is being distributed in almost every area of the segment that consumer can easily get access on the product. There are different benefits of using this strategy. The main purpose of using this strategy is to put so much of a product in so many locations that a customer will come across the product frequently, making it easy for them to remember and buy the product.

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Bullet Intermediates

In Bullet distribution we don’t use not too much complex system as coco cola use distribution of coke and other products. They whole cycle will work is following.


The whole stock will transfer from companies ware house to cities warehouses. If there is plant in the city like Lahore, Karachi etc coca cola has its own warehouses along with the plant. The product ware houses are also located in major areas of the city. First bullet will go in companies’ trucks having new bullet logo on it to the distributers located in the cities. This may on small size or may be on large one. The distributers will distribute it to retailers etc. Few companies warehouses are also given to some distributers and company charge some amount of money from the distributers.


The retailers will take bullet from the whole sellers. The whole sellers will take order from the retailers and transfer the product to them in their own trucks or some other vehicles. The retailers can be on work on small scale or may be on large scale they will help us a lot in promoting the bullet. Because they are the one who are going to sell the product to final consumer they can create likeness or dislikenes about the product. They will shelf our product in the front which will help us in increasing our sale.



We have to think about that we are giving some control in the hand of distributers and whole sellers so these are the ones who can give you huge profit and also loss to if they don’t work efficiently. So for this we have to maintain proper check and balance on them. And we will maintain a good relationship with them. For that reason we have do business more different whole sellers specially which doesn’t affect too much if some mischief happened.

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It’s about being flexible enough to tackle any situation which you face in the market. It’s about facing the problem that new challenges coming out related to distribution like new modes of distribution comes out you have to be flexible enough that your company quickly adopt it. Bullet is almost flexible enough that it will manage this kind of problems. We will hire experienced mangers which are best in their field who knows better ups and down of that field that can manage these challenges. Also we do time to time survey of the market which will update us about the market which helps us understanding the real trends about the market.

Bullet Placement

In Pakistan the majority population is living in villages. But our target market is not living in villages. Our target market is living in cities. Like Lahore and Karachi etc. The placement will do from big stores to small ones. Especially adult place like paan cabins, university college’s canteens etc.

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The packaging should be fulfill all the purpose for which packaging is being done. The bullet packaging is being done in that way that all purposes are successfully being fulfilled. We have followed different strategies which helps us in pottering the good image in the front of general public. All the strategies are as follow.


The unique packaging is must for the product. We have made the product so unique which stands different in the eye of customer. The unique is the product color which almost very different form our existing competitor like sting, red bull etc. Our whole bullet can is in blue color which stands different from our competitor. And clearly mention it’s made with natural ingredients.


Different have many function in their product packaging which may crate complexity some time for avoiding that thing we don’t use too many function customer have to open it like other cans and drink it the best energy full drink in town.


The product doesn’t have any harm full feature in it. The product finishing is so good that it doesn’t harm on hand or face wile drink. It’s easy to open because opener is also very well finished that doesn’t harm.

Easy to remove:-

Bullet packaging is done in that way it easy to remove. Opener is well finished and easy to grab. Customer can easy to open it and drink it.


The packaging of the bullet is design in that why that it’s promoting bullet very clearly and it’s very good. Its show bullet competitive edge very well. It’s also promoting natural product ingredients. And it’s also make threat for other companies.

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Packaging Purpose

Physical protection:-

The bullet packaging is very physically strong. It provides protection from different things like shock, vibration, electrostatic discharge, compression, temperature.

Barrier protection:-

Bullet packaging provide barrier from oxygen, water vapor, dust. Its packaging also contains desiccants or oxygen absorbers to help extend shelf life. Modified atmospheres or controlled atmospheres are also use to maintain in this packaging. Its Keeps the contents clean, fresh, sterile and safe for the intended shelf life which is a primary function.

Information transmission:-

Bullet Packaging and labels communicate how to use, transport, recycle, or dispose of the package or product. Bullet packaging also made clear to customer that goodness of nature things.


Bullet packaging and labels are used to encourage potential buyers to purchase the product. Bullet Packaging graphic design and physical design have been important for sale of product. Marketing communications and graphic design are applied to the surface of the package and (in many cases) the point of sale display. Bullet packaging is designed to reflect the brand's message and identity.


Bullet packages have the features that add convenience in distribution, handling, stacking, display, sale, opening, reclosing, use, dispensing, reuse, recycling, and ease of disposal.


Bullet Packaging reduces the security risks of shipment. Bullet Packaging is made with improved tamper resistance to deter tampering and also it has tamper-evident features to help indicate tampering. Packaging is binge engineered to help reduce the risks of package pilferage or the theft and resale of products.

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Counterfeit consumer goods, unauthorized sales (diversion), material substitution and tampering can all be prevented with these anti-counterfeiting technologies.

Type of packaging

Packaging may be looked at as being of several different types. For example a transport

package or distribution package can be the shipping container used to ship, store, and handle the

product or inner packages. Some identify a consumer package as one which is directed toward a

consumer or household.

Bullet Packaging:-

We will made bulletin can of 250 ml. Because it easy to carry and grip will be good.

Type of Variant and taste

We will introduced bullet in 250ml can with citric flavor a bit with mixture of strawberry

because we are using natural things and we want flavor natural as well. And if coming time

according to need of market we will do line filing, line stretching it’s may be upward or down

ward also.

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Bullet Promotion

We will use different strategies for our product placement. We will follow different steps for our

product placement.


Before the product is released we will create an ad campaign for print online and television

media. The campaigns will be used in outlets that will reach our target audience. For example,

we will launch bullet for adults we will use different sportsman and different actors for our

advertisement. We will start the advertising campaigns around two weeks before the product

arrives in stores. This thing will bring product more closely to customers. And it’s hit the

market. But the process is not till finished its need other things also to keep the process of sales

going on.


Sales promotions such as coupons can be effective for our product launches. Giving customers an extra incentive to buy in addition to the hype created by advertising campaigns. Price promotions can reduce the risk associated with trying a new product especially when the promotion includes free samples or other giveaways. If consumers feel they won't be losing much if they are dissatisfied they are more likely to give new products a try. It will increase the sales.

Customer Experience:-

Using in person demonstrations, product sample giveaways or other methods of allowing customers to experience our product. If customers have a positive experience with our product we can increase direct sales and drive word-of-mouth advertising. It will also helps us doing following one.


Survey will helps us to find out our potential customers to anticipate customer reactions and help target us advertising our message to the target market. This thing helps us before launching of the product. Then we can modify our product or add something according to their likeness.


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This is one of the old technique but usable still now we can provide samples of bullet with coke. We will offer different combos offer in the market and its increase coke sales and one more good thing our bullet will be in the hands of customers. We can also get the feedback from them about bullet and combo.


This thing so much using by marketers is sponsoring a community event to obtain beneficial media coverage and product placement at the event. We can sponsor different Fairs, festivals and art shows etc that can provide a great showcase for bullet. Event attendees are usually in a relaxed mode and willing to try new products. The thing we have to do is draw their attention to our product by sponsoring prizes at the event, creating lively activities that prominently feature bullet and we also can provide free samples to them.


For launching bullet in the market and its successful that it can as far we have to make a good quality product. We have to invest time and effort to create a superior product prior to launch. We have to grab customers with a product that is error-free and from the start we have to create a lasting impression of quality, innovation and value that will outlast launch activities and can translate into long-term bullet success.

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