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In Theory Philo- sophical Constitut -ing Where’s it found? Federal- isms Feeling “power” -ful...

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In Theory Philo- sophic al Constit ut-ing Where’ s it found? Federa l-isms Feelin g “power ”-ful Mis- cell- any 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 AP Government Jeopardy – Constitutional Foundations

In Theory



Where’s it



Feeling “power”



100 100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500 500

AP Government Jeopardy – Constitutional Foundations

Final Jeopardy! QuestionConstitutional Foundations


Citizens vote to make decisions on public

policy, directly making law themselves

Ex: Town meetings, referendums, initiative

Direct democracy

In Theory 100

Citizens elect representatives who

make laws

Ex: U.S. Congress, state legislatures

Representative democracy

In Theory 200

A small group of people, identified by wealth or political

power, rule in their self-interest

Elite Theory

In Theory 300

PluralismIn a political culture with multiple interest groups, no one group

can gain ascendency to govern, requiring bargaining and

compromise among groups

In Theory 400

A situation in which interest groups block one another, creating

stalemate and inaction


In Theory 500

The concept that people are born with and

entitled to certain rights; championed by John Locke who included

life, liberty, and property ownership

among these

Natural rights

Philo-sophical 100

The idea that governmental authority

is derived from an implicit understanding with the governed that

imposes responsibilities on both parties

Social contract theory

Philo-sophical 200

The idea that power of government is restricted to those powers that the people have granted it,

often embodied in a written constitution

Limited government

Philo-sophical 300

The idea that government derives its

authority from the people, who are the

ultimate rulers

Popular sovereignty

Philo-sophical 400

Principle that each of the three branches of U.S. government is

subject to restraint by the other two branchesEx: Senate approval of

major Presidential appointees

Checks and Balances

Philo-sophical 500

Replaced by the current constitution, as it had a number of faults that

generally resulted from its weak central


Articles of Confederation


Called to rewrite the Articles of

Confederation, but instead wrote a new


Constitutional Convention

Constituting 200

Compromise between large and small states

that created a bicameral legislature with equal representation in the

Senate and population-based representation in

the House

Great (Connecticut) Compromise

Constituting 300

Highly opposed by the Anti-Federalists, this

required the consent of 9 of the 13 states

Ratification of the U.S. Constitution (1788)

Constituting 400

Led by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and

John Jay; supported ratification of the U.S.



Constituting 500

First AmendmentGuarantees basic freedoms: speech,

religion, press, petition, andassembly

Where’s it found? 100

Fourteenth AmendmentConsists of two clauses: Due Process that extends most of the Bill of Rights

to states, and Equal Protection that provided

the basis for ending discriminating practices

Where’s it found? 200

Full Faith and Credit Clause

States are required to recognize the laws and

legal documents of other states (Article IV)

Ex: birth certificates, marriage licenses, drivers’

licenses, wills

Where’s it found? 300

Supremacy ClauseStates laws are invalid if they contradict the U.S.

Constitution, federal laws, or treaties (Article VI) –

Strengthened in McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden

Where’s it found? 400

Commerce ClauseBasis for federal

legislation regarding civil rights, labor relations, and other areas only indirectly related to trade between

the states

Where’s it found? 500

Dual federalismConcept that national and

state governments are each supreme within their own spheres of influenceEx: U.S. government has

sole responsibility for foreign policy


Cooperative federalismConcept that national and state governments share policymaking power in

some areasEx: Cooperation of state and federal governments in building the interstate

highway system


Devolution (New Federalism)

Giving states more authority over use of

federal grantsEx: Welfare reform

legislation dismantled a federal program and gave

the power to the states

Federalisms 300

Fiscal federalismNational government

grant money is used to influence and fund state and local policies and


Federalisms 400

MandatesRequirements imposed by the federal government on

state and local governments (sometimes


Federalisms 500

Separation of powersPrinciple that powers are

divided between three independent branches of government, keeping any

one branch from becoming too powerful

Feeling “power”-ful 100

Enumerated (Delegated) Powers

Powers specifically granted to the federal

government by the Constitution (Article I,

Section 8)Ex: Power to raise an

army, print money, regulate immigration

Feeling “power”-ful 200

Implied PowersPowers not specifically granted to the federal

government, but “necessary and proper” to

carry out listed powersEx: Creation of a national bank upheld in McCulloch

v. Maryland

Feeling “power”-ful 300

Concurrent powersPowers granted to both the national government and

state governments Ex: Power to levy taxes, borrow money, establish


Feeling “power”-ful 400

Reserved powersPowers not specifically granted to the national

government, nor denied to the states (10th Amendment)

Ex: Administer elections

Feeling “power”-ful 500

Legislative, Judicial, & Judicial

The three branches of the U.S. government


2/3 of Congress; 3/4 of states

Majorities – Congressional initiation AND states ratifying –

needed for a constitutional amendment

Mis-cell-any 200

Block GrantsGrants given to states that can be used for a variety of programs in a broad policy area; states have

considerable discretion as to how money is spent

Mis-cell-any 300

Categorical grantsGrants not for a specific

program, but for a specified purpose; state defines program and has

some discretion as to how funds are spent

Ex: “drug prevention” funds could be used for

law enforcement, education, rehab centers Mis-cell-any


Grants-in-aidMoney provided by the

federal government for a specific project or

program; state has little discretion as to how funds

are spent

Mis-cell-any 500

• Why did the framers choose federalism?

• List two advantages of federalism.

• List two disadvantages of federalism.


• Preserve state government while creating a stronger national government.

• Avoids concentration of power, keeps government close to people, states as

“laboratories of democracy,” allows for regional differences.

• Complexity and duplication, conflicts of authority, inconsistency in regulations,

education, etc.

