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329 Index A Chronicle [A Chronicle of London] xii, 156, 186n3, n4, 187n5, n6, 188n9, 229n42, 240n143, 241n146, 247n187, 289n31, 293n8 A-ND [Anglo-Norman Dictionary] xii, 228n35, 238n119, 250n9 Abelard 35 Abraham (see also Characters and devices) 248n191 Abraham and Isaac (Brome) 104 Accession entries 46, 130131, 137, 138, 190, 194, 285n60 Accessions 6, 52, 54, 58, 70, 134, 136, 142, 147, 193n32, 238n111, 261n20, 283n45, 284n50, 297n43 Acrobatics, acrobats (see also Tightrope performers) 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 71, 102, 216n44 Adam: see Service Representing Adam Adams, Elizabeth D. 301n17 Adams, Reginald H. 247n180, n181 Admiral of France: see Great Admiral of France Agincourt 136, 138139, 280n16, 281n21, 289n29 Alberta, University of x, 275n25 Alcuin 220n32 Aldborough 211n7 Aldermen (see also: Characters and devices; Court of Aldermen) 8, 42, 51, 53, 64, 7476, 109, 138, 143, 150, 163, 185, 190n19, 193n29, 195, 195n2, 206n18, 207n21, 229n42, 238n112, 265n57, 281n26, 282n31, 288n24, 289n34, 290n40, 296n38, 299n63 Aldersgate 190n15, 259n132 Aldersgate St. 259n132 Aldgate 46, 137138, 154, 168, 194, 195n2, 236n100, 258n123, 286n62 Aldgate St. 50 Aleyn, John (mayor) 172173, 182183, 304n64 Alfred the Great 27, 219n27 All Hallows in the Wall 244n157 All Saints’ Day 156 Amys and Amylon 263n35 Andreas, Bernardus xiii, 190n15, 244n157 Anglo, Sydney xii, 10, 144, 190n15, n17, n19, 191n23, 192n26, n27, 193n32, 194n35, n36, 208n35, 280n17, 284n50, 285n51, 287n11, n16, 288n21 Anglo-Norman xi, 33, 195n1, 223n57, n58, n60, 230n56, 242n150, 250n9 Abbreviated printed sources are indexed here under their abbreviations (with their full titles following within square brackets), rather than under their author/editor, unless the author’s/ editor’s name is part of the abbreviation. Contents of footnotes have been indexed (beyond the citations provided) when they go beyond what is included in the text proper. Kings and queens referred to but not named in the text are indexed by name to the relevant pages, with the page numbers placed within square brackets. All references to mayors are indexed under “Mayors, may- oral” unless a specific mayor is named in the text. Non-company MSS used and cited are indexed at the ends of the entries for their specific archives/libraries; company MSS used and cited are indexed at the ends of their companies’ entries. MSS only mentioned within the text are includ- ed within the index entries for their archives/libraries and companies. This index does not include the detail of the contents of the transcribed records printed in Appendix B, although it includes their overall subject and the information provided about them in the Appendix’s headings. www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-63278-2 - London Civic Theatre: City Drama and Pageantry from Roman Times to 1558 Anne Lancashire Index More information



A Chronicle [A Chronicle of London] xii, 156,186n3, n4, 187n5, n6, 188n9, 229n42,240n143, 241n146, 247n187, 289n31, 293n8

A-ND [Anglo-Norman Dictionary] xii, 228n35,238n119, 250n9

Abelard 35Abraham (see also Characters and devices)

248n191Abraham and Isaac (Brome) 104Accession entries 46, 130–131, 137, 138, 190,

194, 285n60Accessions 6, 52, 54, 58, 70, 134, 136, 142, 147,

193n32, 238n111, 261n20, 283n45, 284n50,297n43

Acrobatics, acrobats (see also Tightropeperformers) 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 71, 102,216n44

Adam: see Service Representing AdamAdams, Elizabeth D. 301n17Adams, Reginald H. 247n180, n181Admiral of France: see Great Admiral of

FranceAgincourt 136, 138–139, 280n16, 281n21,

289n29Alberta, University of x, 275n25Alcuin 220n32

Aldborough 211n7Aldermen (see also: Characters and devices;

Court of Aldermen) 8, 42, 51, 53, 64,74–76, 109, 138, 143, 150, 163, 185,190n19, 193n29, 195, 195n2, 206n18,207n21, 229n42, 238n112, 265n57, 281n26,282n31, 288n24, 289n34, 290n40, 296n38,299n63

Aldersgate 190n15, 259n132Aldersgate St. 259n132Aldgate 46, 137–138, 154, 168, 194, 195n2,

236n100, 258n123, 286n62Aldgate St. 50Aleyn, John (mayor) 172–173, 182–183,

304n64Alfred the Great 27, 219n27All Hallows in the Wall 244n157All Saints’ Day 156Amys and Amylon 263n35Andreas, Bernardus xiii, 190n15, 244n157Anglo, Sydney xii, 10, 144, 190n15, n17, n19,

191n23, 192n26, n27, 193n32, 194n35, n36,208n35, 280n17, 284n50, 285n51, 287n11,n16, 288n21

Anglo-Norman xi, 33, 195n1, 223n57, n58,n60, 230n56, 242n150, 250n9

Abbreviated printed sources are indexed here under their abbreviations (with their full titlesfollowing within square brackets), rather than under their author/editor, unless the author’s/editor’s name is part of the abbreviation. Contents of footnotes have been indexed (beyond thecitations provided) when they go beyond what is included in the text proper. Kings and queensreferred to but not named in the text are indexed by name to the relevant pages, with the pagenumbers placed within square brackets. All references to mayors are indexed under “Mayors, may-oral” unless a specific mayor is named in the text. Non-company MSS used and cited are indexedat the ends of the entries for their specific archives/libraries; company MSS used and cited areindexed at the ends of their companies’ entries. MSS only mentioned within the text are includ-ed within the index entries for their archives/libraries and companies.

This index does not include the detail of the contents of the transcribed records printed inAppendix B, although it includes their overall subject and the information provided about themin the Appendix’s headings.

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330 Index

Anglo-Norman Dictionary: see A-NDAnglo-Saxon 62Animal baitings 30, 32, 152, 292n64Animal fights, hunts: see Wild animal fights,

huntsAnnales Londonienses: see Stubbs, WilliamAnnales Paulini: see Stubbs, WilliamAnnals [Annals of English Drama] xii, 263n35,

265n57Anne of Bohemia (queen of Richard II)

45–46, [55, 143, 231n64, 240n144]Anne of Cleves (queen of Henry VIII)

149–150, 193, 193n29, 282n32Anon. Cant. [Chronicon Anonymi Cantuariensis]

xii, 231n59, n63Anon. Chronicle [Anonimalle Chronicle] xii,

228n37, 231n59, n63, n64, 234n77, n80Appleby, John T. 222n54Arber, Edward xii, 192n27, 205n10Archer, Ian W. 247n188Archer, Rowena E. 246n178Armin, Robert 272n116Armourers xix (see Armourers and Brasiers)Armourers and Brasiers ix, xix, 91–92, 95–97,

105–106, 123–124, 239n132, 259n129, n130,260n3, n5, 296n37

GL MS 12065/1 258n124, 259n130, 260n5GL MS 12071/1 259n129, 260n5, 285n60GL MS 12071/2 263n37, 277n41GL MS 12073 260n5

Armstrong, C. A. J. 189n13Arnott, Peter D. 213n13, n14Arras (France) 39, 227n23Arthur, Prince (see also Characters and devices)

131, 138, 191, [191n23, 279n11] 281n26,284n50, 287n18, 292n54

Arthur, Thomas 272n116Ascension Day 236n103Ascue, [Christopher] (mayor) 175Assize of Arms 50Assumption of Our Lady/the Virgin (see also

Characters and devices) 73, 105, 175,247n185, 251n25, 269n95, 302n34(banners), n35 (banner), 304n54

Astington, John 252n49, 261n23Athletics: see SportsAtlas (see also Barron, Biddle, Brooke,

Merrifield) xii, 218n23, 221n46, 226n9,227n26, 230n57, 232n68, 234nn81–83,n85, n87, 235n93, 245n167, 248n193,250n3, 274n9

Augustus, Emperor 212n8Aungier, George James 230n58Axton, Richard xii, 220n31, 222n56,

223nn58–60, 224n65, n68, n70, n71,

227n23, 243n154, 265n63, 266n64, n66,n67, 271n108

Babio 34, 224n67Bachelors (of companies) 77, 98, 101,

148–152, 174–179, 182, 260n9, 290n41,n42, 291n43, n44, n47, 292n55, n61, n63,301n18, 302n26, n27, n34, n37, 304n65

Bagpipes 299n66Bakers ix, 91, 93, 99, 105

GL MS 1574/1 258nn120–122Baldock (player) 92Bale, John 112, 267n79Bale, Robert xiii, 155, 188n10, 293n4Ballads, “balades” 83, 90, 119–120, 123, 127,

255n76, 264n49, 269n98, 277n51Bank of England 21Barking 30, 299n67Barnard (player) 90, 258n114Barne, George (mayor) 270n102Barron, Caroline M. x, xiii, xix, 40, 206n15,

n18, 221n45, 225n5, 226n8, 227n25,228n39, 234n84, 244n158, 246n174,247n188, 248n193, 250n3, n8

Barron, E. Jackson 260n3Bartholomew Fair: see St. Bartholomew’s

Priory, fairBaskerville, C. R. 192n26Bate, Keith 224n65Bateman, Nicholas x, 209n1, 210n4, 211n7,

212n9, n11, n12, 213n13, n15, n16, n18,214nn19–22, n24, n26, n27, 218n11, n13,n14, n16, n17, n20, n21, 219n30

Bateson, Mary 236n102Bath, Bishop of 192Bath, Knights of the: see Knights of the BathBeadle, Richard xiii, 2–3(1994 Companion),

204n2, n6, 243n154, 263n34Beasley, David ixBeauvais 34Beaven, Alfred B. xiii, 195n2, 206n17, n18,

207n21, n22, 239n130, 259n129, 270n105Becket, Thomas 31, 47, 220n34, 222n52,

235n89, 269n95Bede, [“Venerable”] 219n26Bedford, Duke and Duchess of (see also

Characters and devices) 136, 187,198–199

Bedfordshire 109, 223n63Bédoyère, Guy de la 215n31, n32, n34,

216n41Beier, A. L. 209n44, 280n13Bells 144, 149–150, 288n20Bennett, J. A. W. 224n68, n70, n72Bergeron, David 11, 208n38, n39, 232n65

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Index 331

Berlin, Michael 295n29, 296n38, 301n6Bermondsey 264n49Bernardo Andrea xiii, 190n15, 244n157Berners, Lord: see Bourchier, JohnBevington, David 1, 107, 111, 204n1, 207n26,

209n41, 222n56, 223n58, n62, n63,236n100, 262n27, 263n32, n39, n40,264nn44–47, n52, 265n57, n60, n62,266n64, n70, n72, n75, 267n80, 268n88,n93

Bibliothèque Municipal de Tours 33Bibliothèque Nationale 34, 223n58 (MS fr.

902)Bicester 263n35Biddle, Martin xiii, 27, 217n6, n7, 218n9, n10,

n12, n15, 219n30Bieber, Margarete 210n2, 212n8, 213n13, n14Billingsgate 193n31Birch, Walter de Gray xvBirche, George 272n116Bird, J. 215n33Bird, Ruth 245n168Bishop’s Wood 118–119, 126Bishopsgate 138, 190, 194Bishopsgate St. 234n81Black Book: see Grocers, Black BookBlack Death (see also Plague) 37, 39Black Prince 43–44, 232n65, 234n79Blackfriars 37, 192Blackheath 132–133, 150, 186, 186n1,

187–188, 192–193, 193n29, 233n70,282n32

Blackmore, Lyn 217n7, 218n18Blacksmiths ix, x, 70, 84–88, 90, 92–93,

98–99, 103, 117, 249n1, 250n5, 253n52,n54, 257n111, 259n130

GL MS 2883/1 255n81, 256n82, n83,257n111

GL MS 2883/2 253n52, 255n80,256nn84–91, 257n111

GL MS 5535 255n78, 258n128Blagg, T. F. C. 215n33Blair, Claude ixBlytheman, William 268n82Bodleian Library x, 188n10 (MS Rawlinson

B.355)Boe, Guy De 217n7, 218n17Boffey, Julia 221n51, 227n24Boleyn, Anne (queen of Henry VIII) 129,

134–136, 144–145, 149, 152, 192, 280n16,282n31, n32, 283n45, 291n46, 297n48

Bolingbroke: see Henry IVBonfires 139, 166, 219n28, 237n104Book of Sir Thomas More: see Sir Thomas MoreBosworth 131, 137

Boudica 19Boulogne 166Bourchier, John 234n75Bowers, Fredson 208n40Bowyer, William (mayor) 304n65Boxing 20, 23Boy Bishop: see St. Nicholas’ BishopBoy performers: see Child performersBoynton, Lindsay 237n107Boys of the Hospital 90, 93, 99, 114, 258n115Brandon, Charles (Duke of Suffolk) 112,

255n77Brandon, Thomas 116–117, 201–202, 271n112,

n114Braunmuller, A. R. 2(1990 Companion), 204n5,

n6Brewer, J. S. 269n100Brewers ix, x, 7, 54, 70, 79, 88, 92, 98,

100–101, 146–147, 195, 197, 250n7, n8,253n54

GL MS 5440 197, 239n134, 250n8,252n46, 253n54, 257nn100–105, 288n25,289n29

GL MS 5442/1 261n19GL MS 5442/2 261n19

Bricklayers: see Tylers and BricklayersBridge: see London BridgeBridge House: see London Bridge, Bridge

HouseBridge St. 47–48, 232n68Bridges, John 271n111Brie, Friedrich W. D. xiiiBrief Latin Chronicle xiii, 188n11, 189n12Brigden, Susan 250n8, 261n10, 304n62Briscoe, Marianne 223n58, 245n169, 263n35Bristol 166, 227n18, 237n108, 245n167Bristol, Michael D. 205n11British Library x, xiii, 33, 143, 191n23 (Cotton

MS Vespasian C.xiv), 223n58 (Add. MS45103), 288n20 (Harley MS 6148).

Add. MS 6113 288n20, 291n45Add. MS 12,222 300n71Add. MS 15,664 235n94Cotton MS Julius B.i 241n146Cotton MS Julius B.xii 287n15Cotton MS Nero C.ix 276n34Cotton MS Tiberius E.viii 191n24,

282n30Egerton MS 1142 258n124Harley MS 5111 250n8Royal MS 18 A.lxiv 192n27, 288n20Royal MS Appendix 89 194n35

Britnell, R. H. 221n42Brockett, Oscar G. 212n8, n9, n12, 213n13,

n14, 215n31, 216n44

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332 Index

Brodie, R. H. 291n51Brome: see Abraham and Isaac (Brome)Brooke, Christopher xiii, 218n23, 219n30,

221n40, n41, nn43–45, n48, n51, 224n73,225n74, 225n3, 226n15, 238n122, 244n158

Brotanek, Rudolf 121, 275n25Brough-on-Humber 211n7Brown, Carleton 188n10Brown, P. Michael 222n55Brown, R. T. ixBrown, Rawdon xivBrowne, John (mayor) 180Bruce, John 286n61Brugge, John (mayor) 175Brut xiii, 186n4, 187n5, n6, n8, 188n9, n10,

233n69, n70, 234n72, 249n201, 282n35,283n38, n42, 286n62

Buck, George 189n13Burckhardt, Jacob 292n56Burgundy, Duchess of 286n6Burke, James F. 249n1Burrows, Helen xiButchers ix, 91

GL MS 6440/1 258n126Butler, H. E. 221n50, 225n6, 260n8Butterworth, Philip 291n53Byrne, Muriel St. Clare 193n28, 272n117,


Caerleon 211n7Caerwent 211n7Caistor-by-Norwich 211n7Caistor St. Edmund 211n7Cal. LB [Calendar of Letter-Books] xiii, 206n15

(L), n18 (L), 207n20 (L), n23 (L), 226n11(A, B ), 237n106 (E ), 238n111 (H ), 242n150(H ), 249n202 (H ), 288n27 (L)

Calendar of Letters . . . between England and Spain297n44, n48

Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts . . . Venice:see CSPV

Calisto and Melebea 111, 266n69Cambridge xCambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama:

see Braunmuller or HattawayCambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre:

see BeadleCambridge University Library x

MS Ee.2.12 250n8Cambridgeshire 106Campeius, Cardinal 138, 192Candlemas 70–71, 81, 88–90, 118–122Cannadine, David 209n44, 280n13Canterbury 33, 49, 211n7, 223n58, 224n64,

231n63, 235n94

Carlyle, Ursula ixCarmarthen 211n7Carpenter, John 277n45, n46, 278n3Carpenters ix, 71, 88–90, 92, 95, 98–99,

205n10, 253n54, 268n82, 287n12GL MS 4326/1 253n54, 257nn106–108,

n110, 258n113, n114GL MS 4326/2 257n109

Carpenter’s Yard 268n82Casey, John 214n25Castle Baynard 236n100Castle of Perseverance 1, 49, 242n147Catherine of Valois (queen of Henry V)

134, 187, [187n6,] 196–197, 279n11,283n43

Catterick 211n7Cawte, E. C. 169, 300n71Celestina 111Chamber, John (marshall of the king’s

minstrels) 116–117Chamber of London 154, 180Chamberlain 117Chambers, E. K. 9, 207n27, 208n28, 228n37,

229n44, 244n157, 261n20, 271n112,272n116, 275n19

Chambers, R. W. 197, 288n25Chaney, David 206n19Chantry lands 169Chapel Children (see also Crane, William) 101,

114–115, 268n85, 287n12Chapman, Ambrosius 268n82Characters and devices (in games, mummings,

pageants, plays, tournaments)General : 35, 45, 106, 109, 110, 114, 120, 123,

125, 153, 224n69, 231n64, n65, 266n69Individual : (see also Mercers’ maid)Abominable Living 109Abundance 110Abraham 137Adam and Eve 33Aldermen 64, 229n42(?)Angels 6, 45, 49, 130, 137, 190n19, 231n64,

233n69, 254n67, 283n43Animals 283n43, 291n53Apostles 6, 283n43Arches 6Ark of the Covenant 119, 274n12Arthur, King 43, 249n199Arthur, Prince 132Assumption of Our Lady/the Virgin 6,

105, 157, 160, 162, 172, 175–178, 182, 184,302n28, n37, 304n54

Bedford, Duke of 137Bird 228n39 (pelican?)Cage? 45, 231n62

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Cain and Abel 33Calivers 168–169Cardinals 42, 63Castles (see also Summer-castle) 6, 45,

48–49, 131, 139, 157 (Castle of War),231n64, 232n65, n66, 287n10, 299n65

Chariot 179, 303n53Christ 33Clouds 45, 233n69Conscience 110Cressida 114Cupid? 119Daniel 34Devils 42, 50, 168, 299n66Doctor 168Dolphins 236n97Dragon 143–144, 149–150, 152, 168 (with

St. George), 287n16, 288n20, 291n53Dromedary 228n39Eglamour of Artois (Sir) 264n49Elephant and castle 168Emperor 42Envy 110Esquires 42Falcon 144, 149, 288n20Fish 38, 151Flora 119Florence (knight) 264n49Fortitude 122Fortune 119, 122, 131Friar 98, 101Friar Tuck 168Giants 6, 50, 114, 131–132, 153, 155, 157,

167–169, 219n28, 283n43, 284n47, 296n32,299nn65–67, n70

God 45Golden Fleece 176Good Council 109Grace 131Greeks 114Griffin 148, 290n41Hector 137Hell 33Hercules 137Hobbyhorses 168–169Isaac 137Jack of Lent and his wife 168Jesse 6, 157Joshua 137Jupiter 101, 119 (his herald)Justice 101Knights 42, 48Knowledge 109Lady/virgin with a lamb 106, 124, 263n37

Legates 42Levites 119Lions’ den 34Little John 168Lord Cardinal’s Players 109Luces 48Lynx 178–179, 184, 303n46Maid: see Mercers’ maidMaid Marian 168Maidens 45, 231n64, 232n65, 233n69Mary, Virgin 299n67 (Our Lady)May 119May lord and lady 168, 299n66Mayor 64Merchants 119, 274n13Mercury 101Misrule 110Monsters 144, 288n20Moors 144, 157, 168, 178, 184Moses 137Mount 144, 149, 288n20Muses? 119Nature 131Nine worthies 156, 162, 168, 293n7Orpheus? 119Pander 114Paradise 131Peace 110Pope 42, 63Prophets 33, 268n91Prudence 122Queen 168Richman 125Righteousness 122Robin Hood 43 (outlaws), 168, 264n49,

269n96, n98Saints 130, 151, 160, 263n36Salmon 48Scaramouch 259n129Seven Deadly Sins 63Seven estates 125 (princes, priests,

merchants, knights, plowmen, artisans,judges)

Ships 49, 119, 229n40, 232n66, 236n97,274n13

Smoke 33Snake 33St. Blythe 263n36St. Christopher 263n36St. Elizabeth 263n36, 299n67St. George 106, 124, 168 (with dragon),

263n36St. John Baptist 45, 160, 162, 184, 263n36St. John the Evangelist 114, 157, 263n36,


Characters and devices (cont.)

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St. Katherine 132St. Magnus 38, 48St. Margaret 254n67, 263n36, 269n95St. Thomas Becket 169, 263n36, 299n67St. Ursula 132, 263n36Sturgeons 48Sultan 168Summer-castle 45, 46, 232n66Suspension devices 45, 49, 231n64,

233n69Sword, flaming 33Temperance 122Temples 131, 139Towers 6, 44–45, 48–49, 137, 151, 230n56,

231n64, 232n65, n66, 236n97Trinity 131Troilus 114Venus? 119Ver 119Vice 265n56Virgins 6, 137, 144, 149, 179, 283n43,

288n20Whale 142Wild beasts 45Wilderness 45Wildmen 144, 153, 178, 184, 288n20Zodiac, signs of 125

Chariot-racing 23, 24Charles V, Emperor 129, 135, 138, 192, 278n1,

280n16, 284n47, 291n53Charterhouse 194Charterhouse-on-Mendip 211n7Chaucer, Geoffrey 248n191

Canterbury Tales 248n191; “Physician’s Tale”248n191

Cheapside (see also: Cross; Great Conduit; LittleConduit; Standard) 6, 27–29, 42, 44–50,53, 63, 130–135, 137–138, 145, 154, 157,168, 186, 186n4, 187–189, 191–192, 192n27,193, 193n32, 194, 218n23, 227n24, 228n36,231n59, n63, 232n65, 233n70, 234n80,n87, 235n93, 247n188, 248n195, 270n102,281n26, 282n31, n35, 285n55, 293n4,294n16

Chelsea 287n18Cheney, C. R. 230n56Chertsey 30Chester 1, 4, 5, 55, 61, 211n7, 246n173Chettle, Henry 109, 269n98Chichester 211n7Child performers (see also: Boys of the Hospital;

Chapel Children; Choirs, choristers;Christ’s Hospital school; Golder, Robert,and children; School/schoolboy theatre;

Singers, singing, songs; St. Anthony’s[Hospital] school; St. Magnus,clerk/children of; St. Nicholas’ Bishop;St. Nicholas’ clerks; St. Paul’s boys/children/choristers; St. Paul’s grammarschool and schoolboys; St. Thomas ofAcon [Hospital] school; Suffolk, Duke of,children; Westminster School; Wilmot,John, and his children) 8, 93, 99–103,106–107, 109, 113–114, 119, 124, 137, 169,191n20, 228n39, 231n64, 233n69, 255n75,262n27, 263n37, 269n94, 275n21, 287n12

Children of Paul’s: see St. Paul’s boys/children/choristers

Choirs, choristers (see also: Chapel Children;Golder, Robert, and children (?); Singers,singing, songs; St. Magnus, clerk/childrenof; St. Paul’s boys/children/choristers;Suffolk, Duke of, children (?)) 83, 92–93,101, 103, 119, 130–131, 137, 223n59,264n46, 269n94

Chrimes, S. B. 226n8Christ, Passion of 294n22Christ Church/Holy Trinity (Aldgate) 195n2,

236n100Christ Church, St. Katherine’s 244n157Christ’s Hospital school 258n115Christian, King of Denmark 297n40Christianson, C. Paul 285n54Christie, James 244n161, 247n181, 261n20Christmas 36, 41–43, 50–51, 60, 70, 73, 82,

87, 91, 108, 113, 115–117, 120–122, 126–127,220n37, 228n33, 229n41, 237n105, n106,248n189, 253n56, 256n95, 264n44,268n90, 269n100, 270n102, 271n114,276n31

Chronica Johannis de Reading xii, 231n63,248n196, 249n201

Chronicle of Dunmow 48Chronicle of London: see A ChronicleChronicle of Queen Jane xiii–xiv, 194n35, n36,

278n1Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London: see Grey

FriarsChronicles, chronicle histories (see also specific

chronicles and chroniclers) 5, 12, 14, 32,38–39, 41, 43–46, 56–57, 60, 63, 69,129–130, 133, 135–137, 143–144, 147,149–150, 152, 155, 162, 166, 185, 186n2,196, 232n65, 233n70, 239n138, 240n143,244n157, 249n2, 279n8, 282n31, 284n48,286n64, 291n46

Chronicles of the Mayors and Sheriffs of London: seeRiley, Henry Thomas

Chronicles of the White Rose of York 188n11

Characters and devices (cont.)

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Chronicon Angliae 231n64Chronicon Anonymi Cantuariensis: see Anon. Cant.Cirencester 19, 22, 211n7Clark, Peter 238n113Clayton, Dorothy J. 233n71, 279n8Clerk (city officer) 129, 277n45, n46, 278n3Clerk of the Market 91, 93, 99, 258n123Clerkenwell 4, 54–55, 57, 69, 239n138,

240n141, n143, 241n145, n146, 242n151,246n172, 252n42

Clerkenwell/Skinners’ Well play 9, 49,54–64, 69–72, 81, 84–85, 88, 92, 98,101–102, 105, 139, 239n138, 240n144,241n145, n146, 242n147, n148, n150,243n155, 244n157, n161, 245n168, 246n172,247n183, 248n189, n191, 252n42, 262n29

Clerks (see also: Parish clerks; Parish Clerks)36, 55, 57, 61, 64, 69, 71–72, 78, 83, 88,92–93, 96–101, 174, 240n144, 241n145,242n151, 248n189, n192, 252n42, 259n132

Clode, Charles M. 246n174, n175Cloisters (Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY)

223n61Clopper, Lawrence M. 216n1, 220n32,

239n138, 242n150Clothworkers ix, 8, 82, 159, 166, 207n20

(Clothworkers/Shearmen), 268n82,298n53, 301n4, n17

CLRO: see Corporation of London RecordsOffice

Cobham, Eleanor 293n4Cockburn, J. S. 244n159, 245nn162–165,

246n174Cohen, Jeffrey Jerome 207n25, 274n14Colchester 211n7Coldewey, John C. 223n58, 245n169, 263n35Collectanea xiv, 190n18, n19, 191n20, 193n32,

287n14, n18, 292n64Collections III xiv, 10, 153–154, 158–161, 169,

171–173, 178–180, 207n27, 208n31, 252n43,254n66, 263n33, 269n95, n98, 272n116,286n5, 292n55, 293nn1–3, n14, 294n15,n19, n24, 295n26, n27, n29, 296n30, n34,n35, 297n40, 299n67, n70, 300n72, 301n4,n5, n8, n10, n12, 302n21, n22, n33, n37,303n40, n42, nn45–49, n53, 304n55, n57,n58, n61

Collections V (see also Robertson, Jean) 10, 159,208n31

Commedia dell’arte 25Common Council 115, 147, 163–164, 206n18,

207n22, 250n8, 296n38, 299n68Common Weigher of Bread 258n123Companies, crafts, guilds (see also: Bachelors;

Fraternities; Livery [clothing]; Livery

[senior company members]; Yeomanry;individual companies as listed below) ix,xix, 4–5, 7–11, 13–15, 31–32, 35, 37–38, 40,46, 49–50, 53, 58, 60–63, 65, 69–128, 130,138–139, 142–162, 167–174, 177–180,182–184, 193n29, 205n10, 206n15, n17,n18, 207n20, n21, n24, n27, 224n67,226n14, 235n93, 238n116, 246n174, n178,247n183, n188, 250nn3–5, n8, n9, 253n52,n56, 257n112, 258n128, 259n130, 262n30,263n32, 267n77, 268n83, 269n95, 272n116,n117, 275n15, 281n26, 286n64, 287n12,288n22, 290n39, n42, 291n47, n51,298n52, 301n17, 304n58

Individual companies: Armourers and Brasiers,Bakers, Blacksmiths, Brewers, Butchers,Carpenters, Clothworkers, Coopers,Curriers, Cutlers, Drapers, Fishmongers,Founders, Glaziers, Goldsmiths, Grocers,Haberdashers, Ironmongers, Joiners andCeilers, Leathersellers, Mercers,Merchant Taylors, Minstrels, Painter-Stainers, Parish Clerks, Pewterers,Pinners/Wiresellers, Salters, Scriveners,Skinners, Stationers, Tallow Chandlers,Tylers and Bricklayers, Vintners, WaxChandlers, Weavers

Conduits (see also: Great Conduit; LittleConduit) 44, 47–48, 131–132, 137, 139,154, 185–193, 193n31, 194, 231n64, 234n75,n85, n87, 236n98, 278n4, 285n56

Constables (see also Tower of London,Constable of) 154–155, 164, 166, 168,240n140, 300n78

Constantine, Emperor 214n25Conversion of the Blessed Apostle Paul/St. Paul

34, 105Cooper, C. R. H. ixCoopers ix, 91

GL MS 5606/1 258n124GL MS 5614A 258n124

Coote, H. C. 236n100, 255n79Corinium Dobunnorum: see CirencesterCornhill 21, 47–48, 50, 131, 134–135, 137, 154,

191, 228n36, 233n70, 234n81, n87Cornish cycle 104Cornwall, Cornish (see also: Cornish cycle;

Creation of the World; Ordinalia; St. Meriasek)1, 2

Coronations (including specific references toentries as for coronations) 2, 10–11, 13,38, 43–47, 64, 122–123, 125–127, 129–136,138, 140, 143–145, 155, 185–186, 186n2,n3, 187, 187n6, n8, 188, 188n10, n11, 189,189nn12–14, 190, 190n17, 191, 191n20, n24,

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192, 192n27, 193, 193n32, 194, 194n35,196–197, 199, 230n58, 231n60, 232n65,233n70, 234n75, n80, 242n147, 245n164,276n29, n33, 279n8, n9, 280n13, n16,281n22, n24, n25, 282n31, n32, n34, n35,283n38, n42, n43, n45, 284n47, n50,285n51, n56, 286n65, 287n13, n16, n17,288n20, 291n53, 296n35, 297n48

Corporation of London (see also: Corporationof London Records Office; Guildhall;Guildhall Art Gallery; Guildhall Library;London Bridge, Bridge House) ix–xi,xiv, 14, 97, 195

Corporation of London Records Office(CLRO) (see also: London Bridge, BridgeHouse; Journals; Letter Books;Repertories) ix, xiii–xvi, xix, 188n11, 195

Bridge House: Annual Accounts andRentals 3 188n11, 189n12, 279n9, 283n40

Bridge House: Annual Accounts andRentals 4 191n24

Bridge House: Bridgemasters’ account rolls1381–1405 227n16

Bridge House: Weekly Payments, Series 1,vol. 2 186n3, 187n6, 195–197, 283n40

Bridge House: Weekly Payments, Series 1,vol. 3 187n7, n8, 195, 198–199, 283n40,285n54

Letter Books: A–237n110; C–237n106;D–231n59, 235n94; E–227n26, 228n28,231n61, 237n106; G–228n28, n29; H–195,228nn29–33, 237n109, 238n111, n112, n114,n119, 239n126, n133, 242n148, n149,245n168, 249n202, 288n23; I–228n33,238n118, 289n29, 290n40; K–188n9,275n23, n24, 278n3; L–189n12, 304n59;N–195, 200–201, 270n106, 271n113, n114,286n67; O–195, 200–201, 270n107, 279n7,298n52, 300n2, 302n30; P–269n95,288n22, 291n47, 296n32, 297n42, n46,298n49, n50, 299n59, n61, 301n15,304n63; Q–193n31, n32, 279n7, 283n45,285n55, 299n63, 300n74, 303n43, 304n65;R–279n6; S–270n107, 299n63, n68

Journals: 1–187n6, 228n33, 279n11;3–288n24; 4–289n32; 5–195, 199, 289n34;6–188n11; 7–292n54; 8–293n7, 304n59;10–191n23, 250n8, 282n29, 293n9; 12–200,271n113, 290n40; 15–268n82, 279n7,304n65; 16–270n103, 279n6, 299n68;21–297n47

Repertories: 1–191n23, 278n1, 284n50,290n40, 293n12; 2–271n114, 272n115;4–271n113, 278n3, n4; 5–271n113, 278n3,

n4; 6–278n3; 7–201, 271n114; 8–200,258n123, 270n107, 271n111, 272n115;9–258n123, 270n106, 286n62, 288n22,291n47; 10–193n30, 268n82, 269n95,272n117, 291n48, 299n60, n61, 301n14;11–193n31, n32, 285n55, n56; 12(1)–193n33,285n57, 286n66; 12(2)–279n7; 13(1)–194n34,n35, 278n5, 279n6, 283n46, 284n47, n50;14–272n117, 285n58

Corpus Christi 56, 60, 80, 124, 243n153,n154, 247n184, n185

Corpus Christi cycles 1, 2, 32, 34, 39, 49,55–59, 61, 69–70, 104–105, 204n6,241n145, n146, 243n154, n155, 246n173,248n191, 262n29

Corpus Christi processions (see also Skinners,Corpus Christi procession) 300n74

Corrody 245n165Cother, R. ixCourt, courtly 2–10, 12, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40–43,

49, 58–60, 62–65, 71, 73, 82, 93–94,99–102, 107–111, 114–116, 118–122,124–125, 127, 139, 142, 152, 208n36,227n23, 233n69, 239n138, 243n156,249n199, 266n64, n69, 268n85, n93,269n100, 270n107, 275n17, 276n27, n31,286n69, n4, 291n53

Court of Aldermen 166–167, 206n18,272n117, 286n62

Court of Husting 219n30, 226n12Coventry 1–2, 4–5, 32, 39, 56–58, 61, 166,

237n108, 238n113, 245n167Cox, John D. xvi, 3, 11Cradle of Security 265n57Crafts, craft guilds: see Companies, crafts,

guildsCraik, T. W. 262n30Crane (related to William Crane?) 287n12Crane, William 115, 270n106, 287n12Creation of the World (Cornish) 242n147Creighton, Charles 298n52Cresset lights 51–52, 139, 153–155, 166–167,

237n104, 238n113, 298n51, n52, 299n58Cripplegate 138, 194Cromwell, T. 242n151Cromwell, Thomas 267n79Croniques de London 230n58, 235n94Cross (Cheapside) 47, 131, 139Crown (monarchy) 5, 31, 47, 57–58, 62–64,

112, 128, 148, 169, 172, 199, 249n200,280n14, 289n34, 295n29

Croxton: see Play of the Sacrament (Croxton)CSPV [Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts . . .

Venice] xiv, 192n26, 291n53, 293n3,297n48, 299n66

Coronations (cont.)

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Curriers ix, 92, 272n116GL MS 14346/1 258n126

Custumals (see also: Liber Albus; LiberCustumarum; Liber de Antiquis Legibus)14, 37, 39, 226n12

Cutlers ix, 70, 86–88, 92, 98, 249n1, 256n96,287n12, 288n26, 289n28, n31, 290n36

GL MS 7146 256nn93–95, 257n98, 286n6,289n28, n31, 290n36

Dame Sirith 35, 224n68, n70Dance, dancers, dancing (see also Morris

dances) 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 36, 41, 42(choreography), 72, 108, 111, 114, 211n7,212n9, 213n14, 216n44, 217n2, 222n54,229n40, 231n60, 237n104, 255n76, 259n130(school)

Daniel 34, 223n61Daniel-Tyssen, John Robert 255n79Danish influences 219n30Dasent, John Roche 237n108, 273n118,

299n55Daunt, Marjorie 197, 288n25Davies, John Silvester 186n2Davies, Matthew 205n10, 246n178Davies, Richard G. 233n71, 279n8Davis, Norman 224n69De Boe, Guy: see Boe, Guy DeDe la Bédoyère, Guy: see Bédoyère, Guy de laDe la Halle, Adam: see Halle, Adam de laDeadman, Hugo 226n12Debates 107Dekker, Thomas 109, 208n40Deptford 192Devizes, Richard of 32–33, 222n54, n55Devon, Frederick 240n144Dialogues 104, 106, 109, 114, 220n37, 277n46Dice, dicing 41–43, 71, 222n54, 228n29, n33,

n37Dictionary of National Biography 224n65, 287n12Dido: see Rightwise, JohnDigby: see Mary Magdalene (Digby)Dillon: see Lee-Dillon, Harold ArthurDisguisings (see also Mummers, mummings)

10, 36, 41–43, 64, 82, 111, 115, 117, 119–120,123, 127, 180, 183, 227n27, 228n33, 253n56,268n82, 273n118, 275n17, 299n66 (Maygame)

Disobedient Child 265n56Dives and Lazarus 265n57Dockray, Keith 188n10, 234n74Dodsley, Robert 60, 248n190Dog, performing 224n68, 258n121Dorchester 211n7Dormer, Michael (mayor) 202

Dorset 1Douglas, David C. 236n101Dramatic Texts and Records: see DTRDrapers ix, x, 7, 70, 73–80, 83–85, 88, 90,

92–95, 98–101, 105, 115, 117, 151–152,155–157, 159, 162, 169, 172–179, 181–184,195, 205n10, 249n1, 252n36, n43, 253n54,254n60, n66, n67, 257n97, n112, 260n9,261n21, 262n28, 263n33, 268n82, 269n95,n98, 272n116, 287n12, 288n26, 289n31,293n11, n14, 294n15, n24, 296n33, 299n67,301n17, 302nn27–29, n31, n34, n35, n37,303n41, 304n54, n64

MS +128 252n35MS +130/1 252nn34–36, n41, 260n9,

261n10, n21, 287n10, 292n61, 294n15,302n19, n21, nn24–27, n33, n34

MS +130/2 252n35, n42, 254n60, n67,257n112, 262n28, 291n53, 294n17, 301n8,n10, 302n20, n35, 303n39

MS +130/3 252n35, 269n95MS +140 75, 251n19, n21, n22, 252n45,

288n26, 289n31MS +140a 252n35MS +143 77, 263n33, 291n53, 293n10, n11,

301n16, 302n35, 303n38MS +252 252n35, n44, 302n20, n35MS +253 252n35MS +254 252n35, n49MS +255 252n35MS +403 76, 200, 252nn28–30, 293n7, n10,

304n60MS +795 78, 251n12, n13, n20, n24, n25,

252n26, n27, nn31–33, 269n95Drapers’ Company: Transcripts 205n10, 251n21Drums, drummers 117, 124, 151, 154, 168,

263n37, 299n66DTR xiv, 11, 187n6, n7, 188n9, 189n12,

190n19, 191n23, 192n26, n27, 194n35, n36,205n12, n13, 210n5, 211n7, 217n3, 219n27,220n32, n33, n36, n37, 221n47, n49,222n54, 223n63, 224n65, nn68–70, 225n1,n4, 228n33, n34, n38, 229nn43–46,231n62, 232n67, 233n69, 235n94, n96,240n140, n142, 241n146, 243n152,244n157, 246n171, n173, 248n191, n194,n195, 249n199, 252n38, n40, 254n64,255n72, nn75–77, 259n131, n134, n135,260n6, 261n11, n20, n22, n23, 262n29,263n36, n41, 264n43, n44, n48, n49, n51,265n55, n60, n63, 266n69, n71, n74, n75,268n82, n85, n87, nn89–92, 269n96, n98,273n4, 278n3, 280n16, 284n50, 285n54,293n7

Dublin 220n37

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Duke of Gloucester: see Gloucester, Humphrey,Duke of

Duke of Norfolk: see Norfolk, Duke ofDuke of Suffolk: see Suffolk, Duke of; see

Brandon, CharlesDunstable 223n63, 240n142Durham Place 279n7Dyson, Tony 217n7, n8, 218n13

Early English Stages: see EESEast Anglia 2East Greenwich 254n64East Midlands 35Easter 31, 36, 89, 141, 168, 220n37Eberle, Patricia 249n1Editions Rodopi x, 300n1Edward I 39–40, 44 (prince, king), 48,

[229n47 (prince),] 230n58, 238n121,[240n140]

Edward II 44, 185, 231n60, [237n106,]281n25

Edward III 44 (prince, king), 49 (prince),63–64, 231n59, 238n111, 239n136,247n185

Edward IV 10, 130, 134, [150, 155,] 180, 188,[188n11, 189n12,] 247n185, 258n123,282n34, 284n50, 286n65, [293n5,] 297n40,[304n60]

Edward VI [115,] 129, 134, 136–137, 157, 169,193, 193n32, 280n16, 282n31, 283n45,284n50, 285n51, n56, 291n53, 296n35,297n43, 304n62

Edward the Confessor 38EES [Early English Stages] xiv, 189n12, 208n32,

n34, 225n6, 228n37, 231n59, n60, n64,232n65, 233n69, 234n87, 235n95, 242n147,273n2, n3, 274n11, n13, 277n38, 279n9,280n14, 283n40, 295n28

Elder, John 194n36, 278n1, 282n31Eleanor of Castile (queen of Edward I) 44,

245n165Eleanor of Provence (queen of Henry III) 44Elizabeth I 2, 6, 10, 54, 137–138, 142, 151, 194,

[286n4,] 297n47Elizabeth of York (queen of Henry VII)

130–131, 135, 143–145, 191, [191n23,]283n45, 287n17, 288n20

Ellis, Henry xiv, xv, 288n20Eltham 42, 49, 62, 229n41, n42, 235n94,

240n144, 278n54English, John 77–78, 89, 255n72English Pageantry: see EPEntertainments (types of): see: Accession entries;

Acrobatics, acrobats; Animal baitings;Ballads; Bonfires; Choirs, choristers; Dance,

dancers, dancing; Debates; Dialogues; Dice,dicing; Disguisings; Dog, performing;Farces; Fireworks, wildfire; Folk drama,theatre; Household theatre; Interludes;Jesters, jesting; Jousts; Jugglers, juggling;Lord Mayor’s Show; Magicians; Masks;May games; Midsummer Watch; Mimes,mimes, miming; Minstrels, minstrelsy;Miracles, miracle plays; Misrule, lords of;Morality plays; Morris dances, dancers,dancing; Mummers, mummings; Music,musicians; Naumachia; Pageants,pageantry; Pantomime; Plays; Puy;Recitations; Romances; Royal and otherentries; St. Nicholas’ Bishop; St. Nicholas’clerks; Saint plays; School/schoolboytheatre; Singers, singing, songs; Sports;Storytellers, storytelling; Subtleties;Swordsmen, sword players; Tightropeperformers; Tournaments; Tumblers,tumbling; Water pageants, pageantry,shows; Wild animal fights, hunts; Withe

See also: Provincial theatre; Roman dramaand theatre; Roman London, theatricalactivity

Entries: see: Accession entries; Royal and otherentries; Water entries

EP [English Pageantry] xiv, 186n4, 188n9,191n23, 192n26, n27, 193n32, 194n35, n36,208n29, 231n60, 232n65, 233n69, 234n77,235n92, 238n111, 280n13, 284n50, 287n11,288n20, 289n30, 291n46, 293n13, 294n20,301n5, 303n47

Epiphany 116, 228n39, 284n49, 299n63Erler, Mary C. 244n157, 269n95Esdaile, A. 266n73Estfield, William (mayor) 81, 118, 121–122,

275n15Europe, European 25–27, 30–31, 33, 39–40,

100, 132, 208n33, 235n95, 245n169,254n64, 280n15

Evans, B. Ifor 268n89Exchequer 8, 37, 142–143, 145, 148, 239n136,

275n23, 290n35Exchequer Barons 52, 171, 173, 238n121Exeter 211n7Eynsham 31, 220n37

Fabyan, Robert xiv, 187n6, n7, 188nn9–11,189n12, 190n15, 193n31, n32, 194n36,229n48, n49, 230n50, n56, 233n69,245n165, 279n8, 281n18, 286n64

Fairholt, Frederick W. 287n16, 291n46, 303n41Fairs (see also St. Bartholomew’s Priory, fair)


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Farces 20, 25, 28, 107, 110, 213n14, 224n72,259n129

Felsted (silk dyer) 272n117Fenchurch St. 47, 50, 132, 134, 138, 154,

282n35Ferguson, F. S. xviiFeuillerat, Albert 270n102Fifes 154Fincham, H. W. 245n164, n165, 246n176Fireworks, wildfire 142–144, 149–152, 157,

190, 190n18, 287n10, 291n53Fish St. (see also Old Fish St.) 45, 47, 154,

232n68Fishmongers ix, xix, 7, 38, 48–49, 79, 100,

178, 232n66, 235n91, n93, 276n32, 298n52,301n17

Fitz Stephen, William 31–35, 37, 54–56,141–142, 221n45, n50, n51, 222n52,225n74, n6, 240n139, 242n151, 260n8,286n2

Flanders 245n168, 264n44Fleet St. 47, 53, 191n22, 231n63, 234n80,

279n11Flenley, Ralph xiii, xiv, 186n2 (Longleat MS),

188n10, 249n2, 293n4Fleury 34Flint Castle 58Florence 225n7Flude, Kevin 212n12Flutes 124, 222n55 (flute girls), 263n37Folk drama, theatre (see also: Characters and

devices; May games; Morris dances;Mummers, mumming; Robin Hood;Swordsmen, swordplayers; Withe) 6–7,25–26, 34–35, 37, 104, 107–108, 114,231n60

Forbes, Derek 275n20“Forma et Modus” 185, 281n24, n25Founders ix, 91, 99, 205n10, 259n130

GL MS 6330/1 258n124, n125, 259n130Fox, Alistair 112, 265n59, 266n67, 267n76,

n80, 268n85Foxe, John 194n36, 292n64France, French 33–35, 39, 43–45, 55, 70, 110,

122, 124, 126, 129, 131, 136, 146, 155, 161,165, 223n59, 224n66, n71, n72, 233n70,238n111, 242n147, n149, 245n168, 277n46,279n7, 291n51, 297n40, 304n60

Francis I, King of France 291n51Frank, Grace 216n1, 242n147Fraternities 37, 59–60, 70, 74, 105, 175,

206n15, 244n158, 246n174, n178, 247n183,n185, n188, 250n5, 253n56

Freedom (of the city), freemen 7, 50, 62, 65,116–117, 201, 206n17, n18, 272n117

Freeman, Thomas 129, 279n6Freeth, Stephen ix–xFrench Chronicle: see: Riley, Henry Thomas; see

Aungier, George JamesFrilford 211n7Froissart, John 234n75, n76Fryde, E. B. 276n29Fuentes, Nicholas 215n33, 216n42Fulford, Michael 211n7Fulham 143Furnivall, Frederick J. 192n27, 288n20,

294n19, n21, 298n51Fussell, Penelope ix

Gabrieli, Vittorio 265n56Gadlowe, George: see Tadlowe, GeorgeGairdner, James xiii, xv, xvi, 188n10, 291n51Galbraith, V. H. xiiGardiner, Bishop 114Gascony (Gascogne) 44Gayangos, Pascual de 297n44, n48Gentleness and Nobility 111, 266n67, n69Germany 44Gesta [Henrici Quinti] xiv, 186n4, 187n5,

281n21, 286n68Gibson, Richard 271n111Gifts 7, 41–43, 64, 70, 73, 81–82, 102, 108, 115,

117–119, 122–123, 126, 130–132, 134, 140,167, 186n4, 187n6, n7, 188n9, 191n22,192n27, 193n31, n32, 217n6, 228n37, n39,229n40, 240n144, 249n203, 254n62,260n9, 278n54, 279n10, n11, 281n18,282n31, n33, 296n38

Girtin, Tom 75, 251n11, n23, 256n96, 257n99Given-Wilson, C. xviiGladiators, gladiatorial combats 20, 23,

211n7, 212n9, n10, n12Glaziers 272n116Globe and Mail (Toronto) 211n7Gloucester 265n57Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of 82, 127,

247n185, 254n64Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, mummers

82, 127, 254n64Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, players

82–83, 92, 98, 127, 254n64Godly Queen Hester 113, 268n85, n86Golder, Robert 82, 93, 99, 254n67Golder, Robert, and children 93, 99, 254n67Goldsmiths ix, x, 7, 38, 45–46, 53–54, 80–81,

105, 118–119, 121–122, 126, 150, 152, 159,178–179, 205n10, 221n43, 227n17, 239n132,248n193, 254n57, n58, n66, 269n95,272n116, 274n9, n14, 275n15, 276n32,277n40, 278n54, 287n12, 297n43, 301n17

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MS 1518 227n17, 232n67, 239n124, 254n57,278n54

MS 1519 231n64, 239n124, n132, 254n57,278n54

MS 1520 254n57, 278n54MS 1522 254n57, 277n40, 278n54MS 1524 269n95, 272n116, 291n52, 292n62,

297n43, 303n50Gordon, D. J. xivGordon, Irene 292n56Gosbecks 211n7Grace Church 154, 236n98Gracechurch, William of: see William of

GracechurchGracechurch St. 47–48, 50, 131–132, 134,

137–138, 154, 189, 193n31, 228n36, 232n68,234n81, n87, 236n98, 282n35, 285n55

Grafton, Richard xv, 144, 187n6, 189n12, n13,191n23, 192n26, n27, 193nn29–31, 283n44,291nn48–50

Great Admiral of France 129, 137, 193, 285n55Great Chronicle [of London] xv, 187n6, 188n9,

n10, 190n15, 191n23, n24, 233n70,241n146, 282n28, 283n43

Great Conduit 44–45, 47, 131–132, 157,230n57, 231n59, 234n87, 254n60, 294n16

Great Marshall of France 279n7Great Wardrobe 37Green, Richard Firth 121, 127–128, 274n12,

276n27, n30, 278n59Greenaway, George W. 236n101Greenberg, Noah 223n61Greenway, Diana 228n39Greenwich (see also East Greenwich) 138,

142–144, 149–150, 191–193, 193n29, n30,270n102, 282n32, 286n6, 291n51

Greg, W. W. 207n27, 264n49, 265n54,266n69, 269n97, n98

Gregory, William xv, 187n7, 188nn9–11,241n146, 283n38, n42

Gresham, John (mayor) 157Grey, Jane: see Jane (Jane Grey, Queen)Grey Friars [Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London]

xv, 150, 191n23, 192n26, n27, 193n29, n32,194n34, n36, 241n146, 247n184, 270n102,278n1, 291n46, n48, n49, 294n16, 298n53

Greyfriars 159, 179, 244n157, 294n22Griffiths, Ralph A. 190n15Grocers ix, xix, 7, 38, 51–54, 70, 82–83, 89,

92, 98–101, 127, 147–149, 159, 178–179,186n2, 205n10, 224n66, 225n3, 227n17,234n75, 261n24, 288n26, 289n30, n31,290n36, n41, 291n48, 292n55, 294n23,299n58, 301n17, 302n36

GL MS 11570 186n2, 187n6, 227n17,234n75, 238n116, 239n127, n131, n135,255n69, 278n57, 288n26, 289n30, n31,n33, 290n36, n41, 302n36

GL MS 11571/1 255n70, 261n24GL MS 11571/2 255n70, n71, 261n24GL MS 11571/3 255n72GL MS 11571/4 255n72, n73, n76, 288n22GL MS 11571/5 255n77, 291n48, 294n23,

299n58, 303n49Grocers, Black Book 83Grose, Francis xv, 185, 192n27, 281n22, n24,

n25, 282n35, 283n41Guildhall 19, 26–27, 41 (chapel), 42, 52–54, 59

(and chapel), 97, 116, 119, 145, 167–168,171–175, 179, 210n4, 218n12, n21, 219n30,247n181 (chapel), 250n8, 275n23, 290n40,300n2

Guildhall Art Gallery xi, 210n4Guildhall Library (see individual companies for

GL company MSS) ix–x, xiv, 260n6,261n17

Guilds: see Companies, crafts, guildsGuth, DeLloyd J. 190n15

Haberdashers 8, 79, 178, 247n188, 261n17,268n82, 288n22, 298n52, 301n12, n17

Haddington 157Hadlow, J. B. ixHadrian, Emperor 20, 213n15, 213n18Hagen, Tanya 292n64, 293n4Haigh, Christopher 297n39, n45, 304n62Hall, E. J. ixHall, Edward xv, 133, 144, 189n13, 191n23,

n24, 192n26, n27, 193n29, n30, 278n1,282nn30–32, 283n44, 288n20, 291n45,nn48–50, n53, 297n40

Hall rentals 113, 259n130, n132Halle, Adam de la 227n23

Le Jeu de la Feuillée 227n23Hamilton, William Douglas xviiiHammond, Eleanor Prescott 276n37, 277n40Hammond, P. W. 11, 189n13, n14, 209n43,

283n46Hanawalt, Barbara A. 236n102, 295n29Hancokkes, Thomas 268n82Hanson, John Arthur 215n33Harbage, Alfred xiiHarding, Davis P. 270n104Harding, Vanessa x, 197Hare, Susan ixHarps, harpers 119, 272n117, 278n54Harte, Negley ixHarvey, Barbara F. xviiiHaslam, Jeremy 217n7

Goldsmiths (cont.)

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Hassall, M. 215n33Hassall, W. O. 240nn140–142, 248n192Hattaway, Michael 2 (1990 Companion), 204n5,

n6Hayward, John 46, 194n37, 234n75Hearne, Thomas xiv, xviiiHector, L. C. xviiiHeloïse 34Henry I 220n37Henry II 31, 35, 220n37, 223n63Henry III 44, 50, 239n136Henry IV 42–43, 46, 55, 58 (king,

Bolingbroke), 59, 69–70, 134, 136, 137–138(Bolingbroke), [186n1,] 186n2, [229n42,]229n45, 234n75, 241n146, 245n164,247n185, 282n34

Henry V 43, [52,] 59, 70, 134, 136, 138–139,146, 148, 186, [187n5, n6,] 196, 197,[241n146,] 245n165, 247n185, 280n16,281n21, 289n29, 290n38 (death)

Henry VI 42, 63, [120,] 122–126, 129, 131–136,138, [147, 155,] 187, 187n8, 188, 199,247n185, [276n31,] 279n8, n11, 280n17,[281n18,] 281n25, 282n35, 284n49, 285n51,286n62, [n6,] [290n37,] n38

Henry VII 10, [130,] 131, [133,] 134–135, 137,143–145, 190, 190n15, [n19,] [191n23,]244n157, 246n175, 281n24, 284n50,287n10, n12, n16, n17, [292n54]

Henry VIII [51,] 78, 112, 115, [116,] 133–135,138, 144, 157–158, 160–166, 169–170, 173,182, 191, 193, 195n2, [200–201,] 237n107,[253n53,] 263n32, 267n76, n79, 271n111,[n112–114,] 282n32, 286n65, [n7,][291n51,] 292n64, [294n16,] 295n29,[296n38,] 297n40, [n42,] n44, n45, n48,[298n52, n54,] 304n62

Herbert, William 97–98, 100–101, 232n67,260n7, n8, 261n17, n21, 295n27, 302n23

Heywood, John 2, 109–111, 114–116, 129, 200,204n6, 265n59, 266n67, n69, 270n107,272n116, 278n5

Four PP 109–110, 265nn58–60, 266n69Johan Johan 110, 266n69Play of Love 111, 265n62Play of the Weather 114, 268n93Witty and Witless 110–111, 265n62See also: Gentleness and Nobility; The Pardoner and

the FriarHeywood, Thomas 172Hickscorner 112, 266n75Higden, Ranulf xvi, 249n202Hilarius 34Hilton, R. H. 245n167Hinstock, Robert 78

Historia Vita Et Regni Ricardi Secundi 233n70Historical Charters xv, 206n17, 238n121,

239n136, 290n37Historie of the Arrivall of Edward IV 286n61Hit the Nail o’ th’ Head 265n57Hobley, Brian 217nn5–8, 218n9, 219n26Hodges, Richard 217n5Holborn 157Holidays/Festivals: see: All Saints’ Day;

Ascension Day; Assumption of OurLady/the Virgin; Candlemas; Christmas;Corpus Christi; Easter; Epiphany; HolyInnocents; Jesus Day; May Day;Michaelmas; Midsummer; New Year’sDay/eve; Pentecost; Purification;Saints and saints’ festivals–St. Andrew,St. Bartholomew, St. Clement, St. Dunstan,St. Edward, St. Etheldreda, St. George,St. John Baptist, St. Katherine, St. Leonard,St. Magnus, St. Martin, St. Matthew,St. Michael, St. Nicholas, St. Peter,Sts. Peter and Paul, Sts. Simon and Jude;Shrovetide; Trinity; Twelfth Day/Night;Whitsunday.

Holinshed, Raphael xv, 144, 186n2, n3,187n6, 188n10, 189n13, 191n24, 192n25,n27, 193nn31–33, 194nn35–37, 270n102,278n1, n5, 282n30, n31, 285n58, 291n48

Hollaender, A. E. J. 271n110, 274n8Holt, Richard 245n167Holy Innocents 261n20Holy Resurrection 33, 222n56, 223n58, n60,

243n154Holy Roman Empire 161Holy Trinity: see Christ Church/Holy Trinity

(Aldgate)Horace 30 (Art of Poetry), 222n55 (Satires)Hornsey Park 190, 190n15Hoskyns, Richard and Elisabeth xiHousehold theatre 1, 3–4, 41, 43, 82–83, 93,

100, 103, 106–107, 109, 112–113, 115,117–118, 121, 123, 127, 168, 254n64,264n42, n46, 268n82(?), 269n94, n100,270n102, 271n114, 275n21, 277n53

How St. Nicholas Freed the Son of Getron 34Howard, Katherine (queen of Henry VIII)

150, 291n51Howard-Hill, T. H. 264n53, 265n56Humphrey, John 23, 210n2, 212n12,

216nn37–42, 236n97Hunt, R. W. 281n23Husee, John 162Hüsken, Wim 285n53, 300n1Hutton, Ronald 163, 295n29, 297n48,


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Iceni 19Impatient Poverty 109–110, 265n60Imray, Jean 271n110, 274n9, 294n16Ingram, R. W. 237n108, 243n152Ingram, William 259n135, 271n109, n111Inns of Court 11Institute of Classical Studies (University of

London) xInstitute of Historical Research (University of

London) xInterlude of Johan the Evangelist: see Johan the

Evangelist, Interlude ofInterludes (see also: Ballads; Johan the Evangelist;

Interludium de Clerico et Puella) 78(interluder), 79, 82, 94, 100, 119, 219n27,224n72, 228n33, 254n66, n67, 255n76,257n101, 265n56, 268n82

Interludium de Clerico et Puella 35, 224n70Ireland 46Ironmongers ix, 7–8, 82, 228n39, 257n112,

262n28, 287n12, 296n33, 301n17GL MS 16960 257n112, 262n28GL MS 16988/1 296n33

Isaac (see also Characters and devices)248n191

Isabel (queen of Edward II) 44, [49, 231n61,235n94]

Isabella (queen of Richard II) 45, 233n70,234n80

Italy, Italian 254n64, 259n129

Jack Juggler 114, 268n89Jackson, W. A. xviiJacob, James 279n6Jacquot, Jean 192n26James, Mervyn 243n154, 155, 247n183Jane (Jane Grey, Queen) 136Jesters, jesting 32, 72, 222n54, 224n64,

254n67, 258n114Jesus Day 92Joan (queen of Henry IV) 134, 136, 186,

186n2, 242n147, 282n34Johan the Evangelist, Interlude of 114, 269n97John, King of England 53, 236n100John, King of France 43–44, 231n59, 234n76Johnson, A. H. 95, 200, 251n11, n17, n20, n21,

n24, n25, 252n27, nn31–33, 260n1, 302n23,304n60

Johnston, Alexandra x, 243n152, 253n50,263n35, 264n49, 285n53, 300n1

Joiners and Ceilers 273n118 (joiners)Jones, Marion 274n13, 275n16Journals (see Corporation of London Records

Office for individual MS citations) xv, 9,14, 155, 166, 180

Jousts (see also Tournaments) 63–65, 241n146,249n202

Jowett, John 265n56Joyce, Sally L. 241n145, 242n147Jugglers, juggling 22, 25, 28, 30, 32, 65, 71–72,

89, 102, 213n14, 216n44, 217n2, 224n64,255n72, 261n24

Kahrl, Stanley 242n147Kastan, David Scott xvi, 3, 11Katherine of Aragon (wife of Prince Arthur;

queen of Henry VIII) 129, 131–133, 136,156, 191, [191n23,] 278n1, 280n14, 283n46,284n50, 292n54

Katherine of Valois: see Catherine of ValoisKeats-Rohan, K. S. B. 220n34Keene, Derek 47, 219n26, 219n29, 225n7,

226n15, 235n88, n89Keir, Gillian 219n30, 221n43, n44, n48Kellaway, William 271n110, 274n8Kennington 42–43, 62, 228n34, 233n70Kent 42, 107, 235n94Kent, Earl of 109Kent (Canterbury), University of xiKernodle, George R. 208n33, 235n90Keynsham Abbey 220n36King, H. P. F. 244n159King, Pamela 221n51, 227n24Kings of England: see: Alfred the Great;

Edward I, II, III, IV, VI; Edward theConfessor; Henry I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII,VIII; John; Richard II, III; William theConqueror.

King’s minstrels 116King’s Players 72–73, 77–78, 83, 86, 91–93,

99, 108, 110, 252n38, 255n72, 271n112,272n116

Kingdon, John Abernethy 205n10Kingsbury Regis 220n37Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge xv, xvii,

187n5, n6, 188n9, n11, 190n15,191nn21–23, 228n37, 236n100, 278n3,279n11, 281n18, n19, n26, 282n28, 286n63,n64, 289n31, n34, 293n4

Kingston 187Kinney, Arthur 11, 208n40Kipling, Gordon xv, 10–11, 132, 136, 186n4,

188n9, n10, 191n23, 194n35, n36, 204n8,208n36, n37, n39, 231n61, 232n65,233n69, 235n90, n95, 277n45, 278n3,280n12, nn15–17, 281n19, 282n28, n29,n33, 283n40, 284n49, n50, 285n51, n53

Knighton, Henry 230n58, 231n63, 233n69,Knightrider St. 23, 215n33, 216n42, 232n68Knights Hospitaller 57

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Knights of the Bath 189n12Knole 107

L&PH7 [Letters and Papers . . . of Richard III. andHenry VII.] xvi, 191n23, 282n27

La Celestina: see CelestinaLambert, John James 247n183, n185, 277n43Lambeth 107, 132, 188, 188n11, 190–191Lancashire 1Lancashire, Anne xix, 248n191, 249n1,

252n43, n49, 253n50, 255n75, 259n133,n134, 261n23, 267n81, 268n90, 300n1

Lancashire, Ian xi, xiv, 4, 43, 112, 249n1,266n74, n75

Lancaster, Duke of 42Larking, L. B. 245n165Latham, R. E. 231n62Law courts (see also: Court of Husting;

Exchequer; Mayor’s Court) 37Leadenhall 48, 154, 179–180, 194, 298n53Leathersellers ix, 91, 100, 117

MS Liber Curtes 1 190n18, 258n124,261n18, 287n9

Lee, Sidney 224n65, 287n12Lee-Dillon, Harold Arthur 260n3Legg, Leopold G. Wickham xvi, 185, 190n17,

281n24, n25, 282n31, n35, 283n36Legge, M. Dominica 222n56, 223n58Leicester 211n7Leland, John xiv, 129, 278n3Lerer, Seth 267n76Letter Books (see Corporation of London

Records Office for individual MScitations) xvi, 5, 9, 14, 37–38, 41, 51, 53,129, 166, 169, 180–181, 223n57, 226n11,228n33, 242n150

Letters and Papers . . . of Richard III. and HenryVII.: see L&PH7

Liber Albus xvi, 190n19, 237n104, 238n123,239n125, n128, n129, n136, n137, 300n2,301n13

Liber Custumarum 39, 226n12, 227n21, 234n80,236n100, 237n106

Liber de Antiquis Legibus 37Liber Regalis xvi, 185, 186n2, 281n25, 282n35Lichfield 220n37Lily, William 129, 278n3Lincoln 211n7Lindenbaum, Sheila 236n102, 249n199,

276n37, 295n29Lisle, Lord 162Little Conduit 131, 154, 234n85“Little Device” 185, 189n13, n14, 190n17,

281n24, n25, 282n31, n35, 283n36,284n48

Livery (clothing) 48, 53–54, 64, 133, 142, 145(ceremonial dress), 171, 206n15, 234n77,296n38

Livery (senior company members) 77, 90, 113,148, 206n18

Livery companies: see Companies, crafts,guilds

Lobel, Mary xiiLollards 58, 69, 246n171Loman, Mark xiLombard St. 37, 234n87Londinium: see Roman LondonLondon, Bishop of 26 (bishopric), 30

(bishopric), 118, 132, 137London, Bishop of, palace 190, 190n16, 191,

193London, city administration/governance (see

also: Aldermen; Chamber of London;Chamberlain; Clerk; Common Council;Companies, crafts, guilds; Constables;Corporation of London; Court ofAldermen; Court of Husting; Custumals;Freedom (of the city); London Bridge,Bridge House; Mayors, mayoral; Mayor’sCourt; Recorder; Sheriffs; Wards) 7–8,26–27, 29, 35, 37–38, 50–54, 160, 164–170,206n17, n18, 207nn20–24, 217n7, 219n30,236n102, 237n104, n106, 238n112, n121,239n130, n136, 275n23

Other city offices/officers: see: Clerk of theMarket; Common Weigher of Bread;Meter of Linen Cloth; Weigher of RawSilks

London, Dept. of Urban Archaeology209n1

London, Norman: see Saxon London andNorman London

London, places in and around (includingWestminster): see: Aldersgate; AldersgateSt.; Aldgate; Aldgate St.; All Hallows inthe Wall; Bermondsey; Billingsgate;Bishop’s Wood; Bishopsgate; BishopsgateSt.; Blackfriars; Blackheath; Bridge St.;Carpenter’s Yard; Castle Baynard;Charterhouse; Cheapside; Chelea; ChristChurch/Holy Trinity (Aldgate); ChristChurch, St. Katherine’s; Clerkenwell;Conduits; Cornhill; Cripplegate; Cross(Cheapside); Durham Place; Exchequer;Fenchurch St.; Fish St.; Fleet St.; Fulham;Grace Church; Gracechurch St.; GreatConduit; Greyfriars; Guildhall; Holborn;Inns of Court; Knightrider St.; Lambeth;Leadenhall; Little Conduit; Lombard St.;London, Bishop of, palace; London

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Bridge; Ludgate; Mark Lane; Mile End;Newgate; Old Fish St.; Paris Garden;Portsoken; Poultry; St. Andrew’s Hill;St. Bartholomew’s Priory; St. Botolph’s(Aldersgate); St. Botolph’s parish; St. GilesCripplegate, parish of; St. James’s Park;St. John’s Priory; St. Magnus Martyr,church of; St. Margaret’s (Westminster),St. Mary Clerkenwell Priory; St. MaryColechurch; St. Paul’s; St. Thomas ofAcon/Acre hall; St. Thomas Watering;Salisbury, Bishop of, palace; Shoreditch;Silver St.; Skinner’s Well; Smithfield;Soper Lane; Southwark; Southwark Place;Standard (Cheapside); Stepney; Stocks;Suffolk Place; Temple Bar; ThamesSt.; Tower of London; Tower St.; TowerWharf; Trinity Hall; Tun; Walbrook;Westminster; Westminster Abbey;Westminster Bridge; Whitehall; YorkPlace.

See also: Barking; Chertsey, Hornsey Park,Kennington, Merton, Putney, Richmond,Sheen

London, population size 2–4, 19–21, 31,36–37, 39, 56, 58, 61–62, 69–70, 210n5,211n6, 213n17, 219n29, 225n7, 227n18,239n138, 243n156, 245n167

London, Saxon: see Saxon London andNorman London

London, University of x, 293n14, 295n28,302n28

London Bridge 10, 31, 38, 42, 45, 47–48, 63,130–135, 137–138, 140, 143, 145, 185, 186,186n2, 187–194, 228n36, 231n63, 232n68,233n70, 235n94, 255n75, 282n34, n35,283nn41–43, 284n47, 286n62, 291n51

London Bridge, Bridge House (see Corporationof London Records Office for individualMS citations) xiii, 10, 14, 38, 130, 137,196–199, 269n95, 279n9

“London’s Monasteries” 244n159Look About You 269n98Loomis, Roger Sherman 249n199Lord Cardinal’s Players: see Characters and

devicesLord Mayor’s Show (see also Bachelors) 4, 7–8,

10–13, 49, 52–54, 62, 64–65, 80, 93,142–143, 156–157, 160–162, 164–165,167–168, 170–184, 207n23, 208n40,258n115, 292n55, n63, 295n28, n29,299n64, 300n3, 301n12, n17, 302n28,303n41, nn46–48, 304n54, n57

Lords of misrule: see Misrule, lords of

Love Feigned and Unfeigned 111–112, 266n73Lowen, John 272n116Luard, Henry Richards 230n53Lucius the gladiator 211n7Ludgate 47, 231n63, 235n94Ludus Coventriae: see N-TownLumby, Joseph Rawson xviLumiansky, R. M. 246n173Lundenburh 27, 29Lundenwic: see Saxon LondonLundonia 217n7Lusher, Patricia 182, 293n14, 295n28, 302n28,

n37, 303n41Lusty Juventus 109–110, 265n56, n60Luter 258n114Lydgate, John x, 9, 10, 13, 81, 98, 101–102,

104–105, 107–108, 117–129, 188n9, n10,207n25, 208n29, 273n1, n3, 274n14,275n16, n25 (Canon project), 277n45,278n3, 281n18

“Ballade to King Henry VI upon hisCoronation” 276n30

“Bycorne and Chychevache” 123–124, 126,273n3, 276n37, 277n38

Danse Macabre 277n46“Legend of St. George” 123–124, 126,

276n37Mumming at Bishopswood 118–122, 126–127,

273nn2–4, 274n11Mumming at Eltham 273n2, n3, 276n31Mumming at Hertford 120, 123, 273n2, n3,

275n20, n21, 276n31Mumming at London 122–123, 126–127,

273n2, n3, 276n33Mumming at Windsor 122, 273n2, n3, 276n31Mumming for the Goldsmiths of London

118–122, 126–127, 273n2, n3, 274n12, n14,275n15

Mumming for the Mercers of London 118–122,126–127, 273n2, n3, 274n13, n14

“Of the Sodein Fal of Princes in OureDayes” 277n51

“Pageant of Knowledge” 125, 277n50“Roundel for the Coronation of Henry VI”

276n30“Soteltes at the Coronation Banquet of

Henry VI” 125, 276n30Troy Book 273n3

Lyell, Laetitia xvi, 189n13, 190n15, 205n10,270n105, n106, 291n43

MacCracken, Henry Noble 125, 273n1, n2,n4, 275n15, n20, 276n30, n31, n33, n35,n36, 277n38, n39, nn42–44, n46, n47, n49,n51, n52

London, places in and around (cont.)

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Machyn, Henry xvi, 151, 168, 194n34, n35,n37, 244n157, 247n184, 262n30, 270n102,282n32, 285n58, 286n4, 287n10, 292n57,n58, 294n22, 299n65, n66, n68, n70,300n3, 303n47

Macready, Sarah 210n2Macro plays 1Madden, Frederic 230n52Maghfeld, Gilbert 228n39Magicians 32, 222n54, 261n24Maidstone, Richard 46, 231n59, 233n69,

234n73Malfatti, C. V. 194n35, n36Malmesbury 220n37Malone Society 9–10, 153, 159, 171–172, 180Malverne, John xvi, 228n39, 229n40, 233n69,

234n79, 240n144, 249n202Mancinus, Dominicus 189n13Mankind 1, 106, 204n1, 263n39Manley, Lawrence xvi, 5–6, 11, 47, 130, 132,

136, 205n14, 207n24, 209n41, 232n65,233n69, 234n86, 235n89, 236n100,279n10, 280n15, 281n20, 285n52, 295n28,n29, 301n6, n7, n12, 303n41, 304n59

Manuel II, Emperor 42–43, 186, 186n1, 229n45Map, Walter 35, 224n65Margaret of Anjou (queen of Henry VI) 129,

134, 155, 188, 279n8, 280n16, 283n38,[283n42, 286n6, 289n34, 293n5]

Margaret of France (queen of Edward I) 44,230n56, 232n65

Mark Lane 47, 132, 134, 138, 285n55Marlowe, Christopher 8Marriage of Wit and Wisdom 110, 265n56Marsden, Peter 209n1, 210n2, n3, 212n8, n12,

213n15Marsh, Bower 205n10, 260n2Marsh, G. D. 215n35Mary (Queen) 10, 111, 113, 129, 134–136, 138

(princess, queen), 145, 183, 194, 194n35,244n157, 247n184, 261n20, 269n95,280n16, 282n32, 283n45, n46, 284n47,285n51, n60, 292n64, 297n43

Mary, the Virgin (see also: Assumption of OurLady/the Virgin; Characters and devices;Purification) 39

Mary Magdalene (Digby) 1, 49, 105, 223n63Masks (masques) 115, 117, 121, 262n30Masks, visors 22, 41–42, 211n7, 213n14,

215n33, n35, 216n36, 228n29, n33Masters, Betty R. ix, 274n8May Day 28, 118, 120, 122, 276n32May games (see also: Characters and devices;

Maypole) 6, 65, 168–170, 293n7, 299n66,n70

Maydiston, Richard: see Maidstone, RichardMaylor, George 272n116Maynard, John (sheriff) 168, 270n102Mayor’s Court 226n12Mayors, mayoral (see also: Characters and

devices; Lord Mayor’s Show; individualmayors as listed below) xix, 8, 12, 14, 42,47, 49, 51–54, 62, 64, 74–77, 81–83, 108,109, 115–119, 121–122, 124, 127, 132–136,138, 140, 142–153, 155–157, 159–176,178–180, 182–187, 187n5, 188–189, 189n14,190, 190n15, n19, 191, 191n23, n24, 192–193,193n29, 194, 197, 199–200, 202–203,206n18, 207nn21–23, 237n108, 238n115,n118, n121, 239n129, n136, n137, 240n142,247n181, 249n200, 250n8, 253n53, n54,n56, 254n60, 258n123, 265n57, 270n102,271n114, 274n13, 275n15, n23, 281n18, n24,n26, 282n31, n32, 283n42, 286n62, 287n18,288n22, n24, n26, 289nn29–31, n34,290n35, n37, n39, n40, 291n44, n47, n51,293n2, 294n16, n18, n23, n24, 295n27,296n37, n38, 298n52, 299n63, n65, n68,300n78, n2, 301n10, n12, n17, 302n27, n29,n31, n32, n37, 303n46, 304n60, n64, n65

Individual mayors: Aleyn, John; Ascue,Christopher; Barne, George; Bowyer,William; Browne, John; Brugge, John;Dormer, Michael; Estfield, William;Gresham, John; Norman, John; Roche,William; Rudstone, John; Walcote, John;Warren, Ralph; Welles, John; Whyte,Thomas

Maypole 299n65McDonnell, K. G. T. 244n159McGee, C. E. xvi, 190n19, 191n23, 192n26,

n27, 193n32, 194n35, n36McGeorge, Raya ixMcKisack, M. 281n23McLaren, Mary-Rose 233n71, 249n2, 279n8McMillin, Scott 264n53McMurray, William 272n117McNiven, Peter 233n71, 279n8Meagher, John C. xvi, 190n19, 191n23,

192n26, n27, 193n32, 194n35, n36Medieval Institute (Kalamazoo) x, 249n1Medwall, Henry 2, 9, 106–107, 111, 115,

204n9, 262n29, 264n47Fulgens and Lucres 107, 262n29, 264n47Nature 106–107, 262n29, 263n40

Melchiori, Giorgio 265n56Menander 220n34Mercers (see also Mercers’ maid) ix–x, 7, 38,

42, 46, 53–54, 79, 81, 83, 93, 115–116,118–119, 121–122, 126, 148–149,151, 155,

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157, 159–161, 165–166, 168–169, 172–174,176, 178–179, 181–184, 195, 200, 202,205n10, 227n17, n24, 229n41, n42,237n108, 239n132, 253n53, 254n60,267n81, 270n102, n106, 271n109, n110,272n116, 274n9, n14, 275n15, 276n32,278n54, 288n26, 290n36, 291n44, 294n16,n24, 295n27, 296n33, 297n44, 298n52,n53, 301n10, n17, n18, 302n32, 303n53,304n54, n64, n65

MS Acts of Court 1 189n13, 190n15,237n108, 274n10, 291n43, 293n6, 297n40,304n60 (see also Lyell–Watney)

MS Acts of Court 2 200–201, 253n53,254n60, 270n106, n107, 291n48, 292n55,294n16, n24, 297n44, 298n52, 300n75,303n51

MS Ordinance Book 291n43, n44, 301n18MS Register of Writings 2 202–203,

291n44, 292n59, 300n3, 303n52MS Renter Wardens’ Accounts 2 270n106MS Wardens’ Accounts 1347–1464 223n57,

227n17, 228n39, 229n41, n42, 234n76,239n127, n135, 278n54, 286n64, n6,288n26, 290nn36–38

Mercers’ maid 179, 181, 184, 303n53, 304n65Merchant Taylors ix–x, xix, 8, 38, 42, 53,

59–60, 71, 80–83, 92–94, 98, 100–101, 112,114, 127, 151, 156, 178–179, 183–184,205n10, 207n20, 227n17, 234n75, 246n174,n176, 248n193, 250n5, 258n115, 267n76,n77, 270n102, 271n111, 272n116, 276n32,287n12, 288n26, 291n43, 293n5, 294n15,296n33, n35, 298n52, 299n63, 301n17,303n44, n48

GL MS 34004 291n43GL MS 34008/1 190n18, 287n12GL MS 34048/1 227n17, 229n43, 234n75,

239n127, 250n6, 254nn61–63GL MS 34048/2 247n179, 250n6, 286n6,

293n5GL MS 34048/3 250n6, 286n6GL MS 34048/4 254n66, 299n63, 303n44GL MS 34105 253n52, 258n115, 292n60,

n63, 298n52, 303n48Merrifield, Ralph 209n1, 214n25, 215n32,

216n36, n43, 218n11Merrilees, Brian xi, 195n1, 249n1Merton 187Meter of Linen Cloth 115Metz, G. Harold 264n53MG [Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis] xvi,

188n9, 227n21, 234n80, 236n100,237n106

Michaelmas (see also Saints and saints’festivals–St. Michael) 105, 121, 275n23

Middlemore, S. G. C. 292n56Middleton, Thomas 172, 208n40Midsummer (see also: Midsummer Watch;

Saints and saints’ festivals–St. JohnBaptist, St. Peter, Sts. Peter and Paul) 4,28, 50–52, 64, 81, 86, 93, 126, 155,157–158, 162–163, 166, 168–170, 175–176,180, 219n28, 237n104, 238n111, n113,253n53, 254n60, 257n111, 287n10, 294n16,n20, n23, 296n33, 297n40, n48, 299n63,n66, n70, 302n37

Midsummer Watch (see also Cresset lights)4–5, 7–8, 10, 13, 49–52, 62–65, 81, 93,105, 114, 117, 126, 139, 153–184, 195–196,200, 236n100, 237n108, n109, 238n113,n118, n119, 242n147, 244n157, 253n53,254n60, n67, 263n33, n36, 269n95,270n102 (mock), 287n10, 291n53,293nn1–4, n14, 294n16, nn18–20, n23,n24, 295nn27–29, 296nn32–35, n37, n38,297n40, n42, n44, n47, n48, 298nn51–53,299n58, n63, n70, 300n74, 301n10,302n21, n27, n31, n37, 303n41, n44, n49,304n54, n57, nn60–62

Mile End 157Mill, Anna Jean 201, 207n27, 268n82,

271n112, n113Millett, Martin 216n36Mills, David 246n173Milne, Gustav 209n1, 210n4, n5, 211n6,

213n17, n18, 214n20, n21, n26, n28,215n29, 217n4, 218n18, n19, 227n18

Mime, mimes, miming (see also Pantomime)20, 23, 25, 32, 35–36, 41, 124, 213n14,222n54, 224n64, n65

Minstrels (Company) 117, 272nn115–117Minstrels, minstrelsy 1, 35, 39, 46, 53–54,

70–72, 74–77, 80–81, 83, 88–92, 96, 103,116 (king’s minstrels), 137, 143, 145, 148,155, 219n27, 228n37, 233n70, 234n75, n76,239n132, 254n57, n60, 257n110, n111,261n24, 272n116, n117, 278n54, 299n66

Miracles, miracle plays 31, 33–34, 36, 55–56,104–106, 114, 220n37, 222n52, 240n142,244n161, 248n191, 263n35

Misrule, lords of 115, 269n100, 270n102Moeslein, M. E. 107Monmouth, Geoffrey of 210n5, 287n16Montgomery, John 294n19, 298n51Moors (see also Characters and devices) 222n54Morality plays 2, 101, 104, 106–107, 109–112More, Sir Thomas 109, 115–116, 138, 192n25,


Mercers (cont.)

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Morley, Henry 244n161Morley, Isa xiMorley, Timothy 260n3Morris, John 210n2, n3, 212n8, n9, n12,

213n14, 216n37, n42Morris dances, dancers, dancing 90, 153,

155–157, 168, 254n60, 270n102, 278n54,299n66

Mortlake 191n23Morton, Cardinal 106–107, 115, 264n46Mowat, Barbara A. 207n26Muir, Lynette 223n58, 243n153Mummers, mummings (see also: Disguisings;

Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of,mummers; Lydgate) 8, 10, 13, 36, 41–43,63–65, 81–82, 102, 104, 108, 115(mummeries), 117 (and mummeries),118–128, 121 (mummeries), 208n29,227n27, 228n33, n37, n39, 229n41, n42,237n105, 273n1, n3, 275n17, 278n54

Munday, Anthony 109, 269n98, 272n116Death of Robert Earl of Huntingdon 269n98Downfall of Robert Earl of Huntingdon

269n98See also Look About You

Mundus et Infans 109Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis: see MGMuseum of London Archaeology Service x,

209n1Music, musicians (see also: Bagpipes; Ballads;

Bells; Child performers; Choirs,choristers; Crane, William; Dance,dancers, dancing; Drums, drummers;Fifes; Flutes; Harps, harpers; Luter;Minstrels, minstrelsy; Organs; Piper; Puy;Singers, singing, songs; Taborer;Trumpets, trumpeters; Veni Creator; Viols;Waits) 2, 8, 24, 34, 36–42, 46, 48, 50,53–54, 63–64, 71–72, 74, 80, 82–83, 87,92–94, 99–100, 103, 110, 113–116, 118–119,123, 127, 130–133, 137, 139, 142–153, 157,168–169, 171, 191n23, 193–194, 212n9,213n14, 227n23, 254n66, 270n102, 286n66,287n12, 296n32

Muster(s) 50, 64, 157–158, 161, 163–165,169–170, 173, 237n106, n108, 297n47

Myers, A. R. 237n104Myles (clerk) 259n132

N-Town 1, 246n173 (Ludus Coventriae)Naumachia 141, 212n12Nelson, Alan 2, 107, 204n4, n9, 207n27,

243n155, 248n191, 264n46Neuss, Paula 112, 267n76, n77New Fish St.: see Fish St.

New History [New History of Early English Drama]xvi, 2–3, 11, 204n8, 205n11, 207n26,209n45, 277n53

New Testament 34, 55, 240n144New Year’s Day/eve 228n37, 273n2,

276n31New York 223n61New York Pro Musica 223n61Newgate 42, 53Newlyn, Evelyn S. 241n145, 242n147Newstead 211n7Nicholas, David 238n112, 250n8Nichols, John Gough xiv–xvi, 193n32, n33,

261n20, 282n31, 291n53Nicol, Donald M. 186n1, 229n45Nicolas, Nicholas xiiNicoll, Allardyce 25, 216n1, 224n64Nightingale, Pamela xvii, 218n23, 219n29,

221n41, 224n66, 225n74, n3, n7, 227n19,n20, 246n178, 290n38

Noble tryumphaunt coronacyon of quene Anne192n27, 282n31

Norfolk 106Norfolk, Duke of, Players 78Norman London: see Saxon London and

Norman LondonNorman, John (mayor) 289n34North Africa 216n41Northumberland 217n3Northumberland, Earl of 112Norton, George 258n123Norwich 107

O’Connor, Marion xiOED [Oxford English Dictionary] xvii, 230n55,

232n66, 251n18, 252n44, 255n76, 259n129,287n10, n19, 302n36

Of the tryumphe/and the verses 192n26Old English 30Old Fish St. 232n68Old Testament 33–34, 55, 60, 240n144,

248n191Ordinalia (Cornish) 241n145, 242n147Organs 137, 190n19, 287n12Osberg, Richard H. 232n66Otto [IV], Emperor 44, 230n52, n53Oxford x, 36Oxford English Dictionary: see OED

Page, William 244n160, 245n166Pageants, pageantry (see also Water pageants,

pageantry, shows) 1, 3–13, 24, 29, 36, 38,43–52, 56, 62, 64–65, 80–81, 93, 105,114–115, 117, 119, 124–126, 129–140, 151,153–162, 165, 167–187, 187n6,188–194,

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196–200, 206n17, 207n27, 208n30, n33,n40, 230n55, 231n60, n64, 232n65, n66,233n69, 234n77, 235n93, n95, n96,254n60, n67, 258n115, 263n36, 266n64,269n95, 274n14, 277n45, 278n1, n4, n5,279n8, n9, 280n12, nn15–17, 282n34,283n42, n43, 284n47, n48, n50, 285n51,n56, 286n65, n69, 291n53, 293n2, n3, n7,n10, n11, n14, 294n16, n20, n23, n24,295nn27–29, 298n52, n53, 299n64, n66,n67, n70, 301n4, n12, n17, 302nn26–29,n31, n34, n36, n37, 303n41, n44, n46, n48,304n54, n57, n64

Painter-Stainers 117 (Painters)Palsgrave, John 129, 279n7Pantin, W. A. 281n23Pantomime (see also Mime) 20, 23, 213n14,

255n76Pantzer, Katharine F. xviiPardoner and the Friar 110, 265n61Paris 136, 223n58, 233n69 (Parisian), 245n169Paris Garden 292n64Paris, Matthew 44, 230nn51–53, 231n60Parish clerks 55, 57–58, 61, 78, 93, 98–100,

240n144, 241n146, 247n183, 250n7,252n42, 272n117

Parish Clerks ix, 59–60, 97, 100, 246n172,247n181, n183, 260n6, 272n117

GL MS 3704 272n117Parishes, parish theatre (see also St. Giles

Cripplegate, parish of) 4, 6, 11, 35, 57,60, 93, 103 (churches), 114, 168–170,235n93, 239n138, 244n157, n158, 247n183,n184, n188, 260n6, 264n49, 268n82,269n95, 272n117 (churches)

Parkinson, David x, 250n6, 254n57, 278n54Parliament 37, 51, 123, 273n2, 276n33,

284n47Parsloe, Guy 205n10Paston, John 107Paul’s: see St. Paul’sPearsall, Derek 121–122, 125, 223n58, 254n64,

273n2, 274n7, n13, 275n18, n22, n23, n26,276n28, n31, n33, 277n45, n46, n48,278n58

Peasants’ Revolt 58, 244n159Pentecost 190n19, 192n27Pepperers xix (see Grocers)Performers (named): see: Armin, Robert (actor);

Arthur, Thomas (actor); Baldock (player);Barnard (player); Birche, George (actor);Brandon, Thomas (entertainer); English,John (actor); Hinstock, Robert (actor);Lowen, John (actor); Lucius the gladiator;

Maylor, George (actor); Myles (clerk,player); Rutter, William (actor); Sly, John(actor); Vause (lord of misrule);Verecunda the “ludia”; Wayt, Robert(drum player); Wyat (jester); Wyllyamson,John (minstrel); Young, John (actor)

See also (producers, suppliers, troupe leaders,etc.): Bridges, John; Chamber, John;Crane; Crane, William; Felsted; Gibson,Richard; Golder, Robert; Heywood, John;Rightwise, John; Turnour, John; Walton,Henry; William of Gracechurch; Wilmot,John

Performing groups (named): see: Boys of theHospital; Chapel Children; Christ’sHospital school; Gloucester, Humphrey,Duke of, mummers; Gloucester,Humphrey, Duke of, players; Golder,Robert, and children; King’s minstrels;King’s Players; Norfolk, Duke of, players;Prince’s Players; Queen’s Players;St. Anthony’s (Hospital) school; St.Magnus, clerk/children of; St. Paul’sboys/children/choristers; St. Paul’sgrammar school and schoolboys;St. Thomas of Acon (Hospital) school;Suffolk, Duke of, children; Suffolk, Dukeof, Players; Westminster School; Wilmot,John, and his children

Perring, Dominic 209n1, 210n4, n5, 211n6,213n17, n18, 214n20, n21, n23, n25, n28,215n33

Pettitt, Tom 204n1Pewterers ix, 90, 99, 253n54, 259n130, 287n12

GL MS 7086/1 286n64GL MS 7086/2 258n118, 259n130GL MS 7094 258n119

Philip, King of Spain 129, 134–136, 194,194n36, 278n1, n2, n5, 280n16, 284n47,n50, 285n51, 292n64

Phillpotts, Chris 221n45Pike, Joseph B. 220n34, 224n64Pinners/Wiresellers ix, 91

GL MS 6526 258n124Piper 278n54Pitt, G. Newton 95–98, 259n129, 260n3Pitt, Sydney Hewitt 259n129Plague (see also Black Death) 176, 298n52Plautus 30, 114, 216n1, 220n34

Amphitruo 114Plays (general) (see also: Clerkenwell/Skinner’s

Well play; Corpus Christi cycles;Interludes; Miracles, miracle plays;Parishes, parish theatre; Play prohibitions;Printing of plays; Saint plays) 1–9,

Pageants, pageantry (cont.)

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11–13, 20, 29–36, 39–40, 65, 69–120, 125,127, 204n6, 207n26, 212n8, 213n14, 216n1,220n34, n36, n37, 223n60, 224n67, n69,227n23 (Halle), 243n154, n156, 244n157,245n169, 252n42, 254n64, 261n23, 262n26,n30, n31, 263n32, n35, 264n49, 267n80,n81, 268n90, 269n94, n98

Play of Daniel: see Daniel“Play of Robin Hood for May-Games”

269n98Play of the Sacrament (Croxton) 105, 223n63Play prohibitions (see also Prohibitions) 3, 4, 9,

29–30, 55, 60, 113, 205n11 (regulation),220n32, 240n144, 242n148, n150, 245n168,268n82, n83

Playhouses 2, 5, 8 12 (Red Lion), 24, 205n11,244n157

See also individuals with houses used forplaying: Blytheman, William; Chapman,Ambrosius; Hancokkes, Thomas;Tadlowe, George

Pollard, A. W. xviiPope (see also Characters and devices) 131,

138, 161, 191Porland, William 257n100Porter, Gina 218n17, n20, n22, 219n30Portsoken 195n2Potter, Lois 2 (Revels History), 204n3, n7, 274n13Poultry 47–48, 50, 131, 134, 137, 228n36,

234n87Powicke, F. Maurice 276n29Prestwich, Michael 230n58Prince’s Players 78Printing of plays 3, 9, 107, 109–112, 114,

207n26, 262n26, 265n58, 266n64, n69,n72, 269n97, n98

“Processus factus” 282n35, 283n36“Prodigal Son” 266n69Prohibitions (see also Play prohibitions) 5, 36,

39, 41, 43, 101, 180–181, 183–184, 220n32,228n33, 261n20, 299n66

Provincial theatre (see also Corpus Christicycles) 1–3, 5, 12, 39, 49, 55–59, 61–62,69–70, 104, 107, 139, 204n1, n9, 239n138,243n155, n156, 248n191, 262n29, 291n53

Public Record Office x, xvii, 240n140 (PROAncient Petition 4858)

PRO C239/9/25 271n109PRO SP1/89/208 296n38

Purification 230n50Putney 142–143, 190Puttenham, George 299n70Puy 38–41, 63–64, 70, 226n12, 227n22, n24Pythian-Adams, Charles 238n113

Queen’s Players 78Queens of England: see: Anne of Bohemia

(q. of Richard II); Anne of Cleves (q. ofHenry VIII); Boleyn, Anne (q. of HenryVIII); Catherine of Valois (q. of HenryV); Eleanor of Castile (q. of Edward I);Eleanor of Provence (q. of Henry III);Elizabeth I; Elizabeth of York (q. ofHenry VII); Howard, Katherine (q. ofHenry VIII); Isabel (q. of Edward II);Isabella (q. of Richard II); Jane (Grey);Joan (q. of Henry IV); Katherine ofAragon (q. of Henry VIII); Margaret ofAnjou (q. of Henry VI); Margaret ofFrance (q. of Edward I); Mary; Seymour,Jane (q. of Henry VIII); Woodville,Elizabeth (q. of Edward IV)

See also Boudica

Racing 20, 23Raising of Lazarus 34Ramsay, Robert Lee 267n76Rappaport, Steve 206n17, n18, 207n24,

290n42Rastell, John 111, 115–116, 129, 266n64, n67,

n69, 271n111Four Elements 111, 265n63, 266n64See also: Calisto and Melebea; Gentleness and

NobilityRastell, William 116, 266n69Reading, John of: see Chronica Johannis de ReadingRecitations 72, 102, 104, 106, 123–126,

216n44, 224n65, 277n51Recorder 129, 132, 138, 281n26Records of Early English Drama (REED) x,

xvii, 1, 7, 11, 14, 195, 249n1, 263n35,292n64, 293n4

Red Lion (playhouse) 12Redford, John 114

Wit and Science 114Redgrave, G. R. xviiReformation 47, 58, 60, 160, 170, 223n63,

253n51, 277n43, 297n45Reimer, Stephen R. x, 275n25, 277n50Remembrancia 207n27Repertories (see Corporation of London

Records Office for individual MScitations) xvii, 9, 14, 166, 180, 258n123

Respublica 113, 268n87Resurrection of Our Lord 262n29Revels History of Drama in English: see Potter, LoisReyerson, Kathryn L. 236n102, 295n29Reynolds, Susan 243n156Richard II 42 [and Joan, his mother], 43

(prince, king), 45–46, [51,] 52, 55, 58, 63,

Plays (general) (cont.)

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69, 137, 143, [155,] 185, [228n37 (prince),]n38, [n39,] 231n59, n60, n63, [n64,]232n65, 233n69, n70, 234n79, n80,238n111, n120, 240n144, 243n156, 246n175,247n185, 249n199, 281n24, n25, 282n33,n35, 287n13

Richard III 11, 131, 133, 135, 137, 140, 143,145, 189, 189n13, n14, 247n185 (RichardDuke of Gloucester), 281n22, n24,283n46, 284n50, 287n13

Richard of Devizes: see Devizes, Richard ofRichborough 211n7Richmond 194n36, 292n64Richmond, John 259n129Rickert, Edith 228n39Rightwise, John 93, 101, 279n7

Dido 101, 114Riley, Henry Thomas xvi, 190n19, 195n2,

229nn47–49, 230n50, n56, n58, 231n59,n60, 235n94, 236n100, 237n104, n106,238n112, 249n202, 290n37

Rimbault, Edward F. 261n20Robertson, Jean (see also Collections V) xiv,

192n26, 207n27, 295n25, 301n4Robin Hood (see also Characters and devices)

36, 43, 107–108, 114–115, 264n49,269n98

Robin Hood and the Sheriff of Nottingham107–108, 264n49

Roche, William (mayor) 172–173Rogerson, Margaret 243n152Roman drama and theatre (see also: Plautus;

Menander; Terence) 19–20, 22–26,29–31, 107, 141 (naumachia), 211n7, 212n8,n9, n12, 213n13, n14, 215n31, n33, 216n44,216n1, 217n3, 220n36, 222n52, 236n97

Roman London (Londinium) 4–6, 11–14,19–24, 26–27, 29, 36, 141, 209n1, 210n2,n5, 211n6, 213n18, 214n21, n22, n23(temple of Mithras), n28, 215n34, 216n36

Roman London, theatrical activity (see alsoNaumachia) 13, 20, 22–26, 141, 210n5,212n9, n10, n12, 213n13, n14, 214n22, n25,215n32, n33, 216n39, 222n52

Roman London, theatrical buildingsAmphitheatre xi, 4, 6, 11–12, 19–24, 26–29,

36, 50, 209n1, 210n2, n4, 211n7, 212n12,213n15, n16, n18, 214nn20–22, n25,218n11, 219n30

Circus 20, 23–24, 216n37, n39, nn41–43Stadium 20, 23–24, 216n37Theatre 19–20, 22–24, 26, 29, 215nn32–34,

216n36, n42Romances 48, 104, 264n49, 269n98

Rome (see also Roman drama and theatre) 31,210n2, 212n8, n12, 263n32, 295n28

Roper, William 270n104Rosenheim, James M. 209n44, 280n13Roskell, John S. xivRosser, Gervase 226n8, 245n167, 245n169Rothwell, Harry 237n106Rothwell, William xiiRoyal and other entries (see also: Accession

entries; Water entries) 2–5, 7–14, 38,43–50, 58, 62– 65, 70, 93, 119, 124–125,128–140, 142–145, 148–151, 156, 185–194,196–199, 208n33, n34, n40, 229nn47–49,230nn50–53, n56, 231nn59–64, 232n65,n66, 233n69, n70, 234nn75–77, n79, n80,n87, 235n94, n95, 239n138, 242n147,255n75, 270n102 (route; mock), 274n14,278nn1–3, n5, 279nn7–11, 280nn12–17,281n18, n21, n22, nn24–26, 282n27,282nn31–35, 283n38, nn41–43, n45, n46,284nn47–50, 285n51, nn53–56, n60,286n62, nn64–66, 287n13, 291n53,293n14, 296n35

RSTC [Short-Title Catalogue: revised edn.] xviiRudstone, [John] (mayor) 175Ruffhead, Owen 238n118Rutter, William 78“Ryalle Book” 185, 281n22, n24, n25, 282n35,

283n41, 284n48Rymer, Thomas 187n6

St. Albans 19, 22, 211n7, 264n49St. Andrew’s Hill 215n33St. Anthony’s (Hospital) school 258n115St. Bartholomew’s Priory 54–55, 57–58, 60,

244n160, 161St. Bartholomew’s Priory, fair 55, 57,

239n138, 240n141, 244n160, n161St. Benoit-sur-Loire 34St. Botolph’s (Aldersgate) 259n132St. Botolph’s parish 268n82St. Giles Cripplegate, parish of 168–169,

299n67, 300n71St. James’s Park 157St. John’s Priory 57–60, 240n141, 244n159,

245n164, n165, 246n176, 247n179St. Katherine play at London: 60, 65, 105; at

Kingsbury Regis/Dunstable: 220n37,223n63, 240n142

St. Magnus, clerk/children of 83, 92–93, 99,114, 255n75, 268n91

St. Magnus Martyr, church of 48, 92, 99,235n93 (church, parish), 255n75, 268n91

St. Margaret’s, Westminster 244n157St. Mary Clerkenwell Priory 55, 57, 248n192

Richard II (cont.)

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St. Mary Colechurch 247n188St. Meriasek 105, 242n147St. Nicholas’ Bishop 100–101, 261n20St. Nicholas’ clerks 100–101, 261n20St. Nicholas play 36St. Paul’s 26–30, 45, 47, 60, 93, 131–135, 137,

145, 154, 171, 173, 175, 179, 186–188,189n13, 190, 190n16, n19, 191–193, 193n31,194, 231n63, 232n68, 233n69, 236n100,238n114, 246n174, 277n46 (PardonChurchyard), 278n1, n5, 285n51, n55

St. Paul’s boys/children/choristers (Children ofPaul’s) 79, 82, 92–94, 100–101, 114,254n66, 261n23, 268n90

St. Paul’s grammar school and schoolboys 60,79, 93–94, 101, 114, 129, 248n189, 261n23,267n81, 268n90, 278n5, 279n6, n7

St. Thomas of Acon/Acre hall 274n9St. Thomas of Acon (Hospital) school

258n115St. Thomas Watering 187n5Saint plays (see also: St. Katherine play) 2, 34,

104–106, 114, 223n63, 263n35, 269n95Saints and saints’ festivals (days/eves/nights)

(see also: All Saints’ Day; Characters anddevices)

St. Andrew 229n47St. Bartholomew 57, 59, 240n144St. Clement 91, 105, 258n121, n122,

261n20St. Dunstan 80, 105, 269n95, 277n40,

278n54, 297n43St. Edward 61, 230n56 (Translation),

275n23 (Translation)St. Etheldreda 229n48St. George 106, 123–124St. John Baptist 28, 50, 51, 59, 105,

153–155, 157, 162, 164, 229n49, 237n104,244n157, 247n179, 293n5

St. Katherine 60, 247n188, 261n20St. Leonard 122St. Loye 250n5St. Magnus 48, 235n93St. Martin 83St. Matthew 187n6St. Michael (see also Michaelmas) 236n103St. Nicholas 100–101, 261n20St. Peter 49, 61, 155–157, 163–164, 166, 181,

238n118, 297n44Sts. Peter and Paul 28, 50–51, 153–155Sts. Simon and Jude 53, 171, 275n23

Salisbury, Bishop of, palace 191n22, 279n11Salisbury, John of 220n34, 224n64

Policraticus 220n34, 224n64Salonika (Greece) 211n7

Salter, Elizabeth 223n58, n60Salters 8, 79, 165, 178, 301n17Saskatchewan, University of x, 250n6,

254n57, 278n54Saul, Nigel 232n65, 233n69, n70, 240n144Saxon London (Lundenwic) and Norman

London 4, 11, 13–14, 22, 25–36, 217n6,n7, 218n11, n18, n20, n21, 219n26, 219n29,n30, 220n36, 221n39, n45

Scattergood, John 221n51, 222n55Schirmer, Walter F. 275n25Schoenbaum, S. xiiSchofield, John 32, 217n7, n8, 218n13,

219n29, 221n39, n45, 222n53, 225n3,243n156

School/schoolboy theatre (not including choirschools [see Choirs, choristers]) (see also:Boys of the Hospital; Christ’s Hospitalschool; St. Anthony’s (Hospital) school;St. Paul’s grammar school andschoolboys; St. Thomas of Acon(Hospital) school; Westminster School)4, 6, 90, 93–94, 99, 101, 114, 125, 261n23,267n81, 268n90, 278n5 (?)

Schools (see also School/schoolboy theatre)224n66

Scotland, Scots 36, 44, 48, 55, 155, 157, 159,161, 166, 242n149, 264n49, 297n40,304n60

Scriveners ix, 205n10, 258n128GL MS 5370 258n128

Scudder, Elizabeth 226n12Service Representing Adam 33, 222n56,

223nn58–60, 243n154Sewell, James R. ixSeymour, Jane (queen of Henry VIII) 78, 138,

[193], 193n28, [286n7, 294n16, 297n44,]n48

Shakespeare, Shakespearean 5–6, 8–9, 12, 24,109, 172

Shakespeare Association of America xSharpe, Reginald R. xiii, 206n18, 226n11,

238n111, 242n150, 249n202, 288n27Shearmen: see ClothworkersSheen 143, 150, 188, 190Sheldon, H. 215n33Sheppard, Francis 218n12, 220n36, 226n9,

n15Sherborne, James 190n15Sheriffs (see also individual sheriffs as listed

below) xix, 8, 35, 53–54, 64, 81–82, 108,115, 117–119, 121–122, 126–127, 137,145–148, 153, 155, 159–160, 162–163,166–169, 182, 190n19, 197, 206n18,207n22, 229nn47–49, 239n130, n132, n136,

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240n141, n142, 254n60, 270n102, 271n114,275n23, 276n32, 288n23, n24, n26, 27,289n28, n30, n31, 290n36, n40, 293n2, n5,294n18, n23, 295n27, 296n32, n33, n38,298n52, 299n58, n68, 300n78, 301n10,302n31, n37

Individual sheriffs: Maynard, John; Skevington,John

Shirley, John 118–121, 123, 125, 127, 274n7,275n15, n16, 276n31

Shoreditch 4, 137, 190, 190n15Short English Chronicle 188n10Short-Title Catalogue (revised edn.): see RSTC Shropshire 1Shrovetide 73Sigismund, Emperor 187, 187n5Silchester 211n7Silver St. 244n157Singers, singing, songs (see also: Ballads; Choirs,

choristers) 6, 22, 25, 33 (chants), 39, 41,72, 83, 88, 90, 92–93, 101–102, 106, 110,112, 114–115, 119, 122, 124, 137, 144,191n20, 213n14, 217n2, 219n27, 220n32,222n54, 225n1, 229n40, 237n104, 248n192(song school), 255n75, 258n115, 266n69,271n114, 283n43

Sir Thomas More 104, 109–110, 115, 117,262n27, 264n53, 265n54, n56, n57

Skelton, John 112Magnificence 112, 267nn76–n78

Skevington, John (sheriff) 294n15Skinners (see also Skinners, Corpus Christi

procession) ix, 8, 59–60, 80, 82, 99, 115,124, 126, 169, 178–180, 184, 207n20,247nn183–185, 250n5, 253n51, n56,269n98, 277n43, 299n67, 301n17, 303n46,304n57

GL MS 30727/1 247n184, 253n51GL MS 30727/2 253n51, n56, 254n68,

269n99, 304n56GL MS 30727/3 247n184, 253n51GL MS 30708/1 303n45

Skinners, Corpus Christi procession 59–60,80, 124, 126, 247n183, n184, 253n51,277n43

Skinners’ Well 55, 59, 69, 240n143, n144,241n146, 242n148, 244n157

Skinners’ Well play: see Clerkenwell/Skinners’Well play

Slack, Paul 238n113Sly, John 78, 261n21Smith, David L. 209n41, 236n100Smith, George 279n9Smithers, G. V. 224n68, n70, n72

Smithfield 51, 54, 63, 65, 238n114, 240n141,241n146, 248n195, 249n199

Smuts, Malcolm 11, 209n44, 280n13Snowden, Peter xiSocial Sciences and Humanities Research

Council of Canada (SSHRCC) xSociety of Antiquaries of London xSolenne et Felice Intrata 194n36, 292n64Somerset 220n36Somerset, Alan B. 225n1Soper Lane 294n16Southern, R. W. 281n23Southern, Richard 204n1, 262n30Southwark 112, 131, 137, 169, 187, 189, 192,

212n12, 221n45, 233n70, 286n62Southwark Place 194, 194n36Southworth, John 217n2, 219n27Spain, Spanish (see also Philip, King of Spain)

111, 259n130 (Spaniard), 264n44, 287n18Sponsler, Claire 207n25, 274n14Sports (see also: Boxing; Chariot-racing;

Gladiators, gladiatorial combats; Racing;Wrestling) 20, 23–24, 30, 36, 71, 74, 115,141–142, 216n1, 220n32, 271n114

Standard (Cheapside) 47, 137Stationers ix, 91–92, 115, 205n10, 271n111

MS Wardens’ Accounts 1554–1571(Register A) 258n126

Statute of Winchester 50, 238n118Statutes at Large 238n118Steel, Anthony 242n149Steer, Francis W. 205n10, 258n128Stenton, F. M. 221n50, 225n74, n6,

260n8Stephen, Leslie 224n65, 287n12Stepney 63, 118–119Stevens, John 222n56, 223n58, n60, 224n71Stevenson, Joseph xviiiStockfishmongers xix (see Fishmongers)Stocks 154, 234n85, 234n87, 278n4Stone, Louise W. xiiStopes, C. C. 294n19Storytellers, storytelling 25, 72, 224n64,

258n114Stow, George B. 233n70Stow, John xvii, 44, 48, 50, 55, 59, 115, 117,

120, 141, 154, 156–161, 168, 186n2, 187n6,188nn9–11, 189n12, n13, 190n15, n17, n19,191n20, n23, n24, 192n27, 194n35, 228n37,229n42, 230n54, n57, 233n69, n70,234n82, 235n91, 236nn98–100, n103,237n104, 240n139, n141, n144, 241n146,242n150, n151, 244n157, n160, 247n182,n183, n185, 249n198, n202, 269n100,270n102, 273n4, 274n10, 282n30, n31,

Sheriffs (cont.)

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286n2, n3, 293n2, n3, 294n18, n19,296n37, 297n44, 298n51, 299nn67–69

Stratford-upon-Avon 12Streitberger, W. R. xvii, 269n100, 270n102,

n107, 271n111, 286n69, 291n53Strier, Richard 209n41, 236n100Strype, John 296n37, 303n53Stubbs, William 230n52, 231n61, 235n94,

236n101, n103, 237n106, 248n197Subtleties 125Suffolk, Duke of: see Brandon, CharlesSuffolk, Duke of, children 83, 92, 100Suffolk, Duke of, Players 78, 108, 112, 255n77Suffolk Place 112Suggett, Helen 287n8Surrey 42, 136Sutton, Anne F. ix, 11, 39–40, 189n13, n14,

209n43, 227nn22–24, n26, 271n109, 283n46Swanson, R. N. 246n171Swordsmen, sword players 153–154, 254n60Sylvester, Richard S. 270n104

Taborer 258n114Tadlowe, George 268n82Tailors xix (see Merchant Taylors)Tait, James xii, 248n196Tallow Chandlers ix, 90, 93, 99, 114

GL MS 6152/1 258n115, n116GL MS 6155/1 258n117

Tatton-Brown, Tim 218n23Taylor, Frank xivTaylor, Robert A. 249n1Temple Bar 45, 47, 192–193, 233n69Terence 30, 220n34, n36

Phormio 268n90Thames (see also: Water entries; Water pageants)

19, 38, 62, 135, 138, 141–143, 147, 151–152,171, 173, 185, 190–193, 212n12, 214n28,235n93, 286n7, 287n10, 289n30, 292n64

Thames St. 154Theatre terminology 6, 29–30, 32, 36, 44, 55,

71–72, 87, 89, 108, 118–120, 123–126,149–150, 152, 158–159, 171, 175–184, 216n1,217n2, 220n32, n33, 222n54, 225n1, n2,227n27, 230n55, 232n66, 239n138, 240n142,241n145, 250n9, n10, 255n76, 262n25,275n16, n17, n19, 285n56, 288n27, 302n36

Thomas, A. H. xvThompson, Edward Maunde 231n64Thornley, I. D. xvThrupp, Sylvia xvii, 207n24, 225n6, 235n93,

245n167, 247n185, n188, 290n42Tightrope performers 22, 213n14, 285n51

(rope acrobat)

Tittler, Robert 284n47Tomen-y-Mur 211n7Toronto xToronto, University of x–xi, 195n1Tournaments (see also: Characters and devices;

Jousts) 6, 10, 25, 28, 43, 48, 63–65,232n65, 242n147, 248n195, 249n199

Tower of London 47, 130, 132–135, 138, 140,143, 145, 172–174, 176, 178–179, 181–183,185–186, 186n2, 187, 187n6, n8, 188–189,189nn12–14, 190–191, 191n20, 192–193,193n31, n32, 194, 194n35, 233n70, 234n80,279n11, 281n22, 282n31, n35, 283n42, n43,n45, n46, 285n55, 290n35

Tower of London, Constable of 173, 238n121,290n35

Tower St. 47, 132, 134, 138Tower Wharf 143, 193, 193n31, 270n102,

285n55Townsend, George 194n36, 292n64Traduction & mariage of the princesse 191n23,

292n54Transcription practices xix, 195Trial of Treasure 265n56Trinity 87 (Trinity Sunday), 269n95, 297n43Trinity College (Cambridge) 301n17Trinity Hall 259n132Triple, John de 231n61Trumpets, trumpeters 83, 144, 151, 154, 167,

175, 179, 271n114, 290n36Tumblers, tumbling 32, 65, 102, 255n71,

261n24Tun 234n85Turnour, John 271n114Twelfth Day/Night 84, 118–122, 167, 228n37,

276n31Two London Chronicles xvii, 194n35, n36Twycross, Meg 204n1, 272n117Tydeman, William 220n33, 225n2, 243n154,

250n10Tylers and Bricklayers 272n117 (Bricklayers)Tyrrell, Edward xii

Udall, Nicholas 129, 278n3Ralph Roister Doister 114See also Respublica

Unwin, George 206n15, n18, 221n43, 226n10,n13, 235n91, n93, 236n100, 237n104,244n158, 246n174, 247n188, 250n8

Usk, Adam xvii, 186n4

Vause (lord of misrule) 270n102Veni Creator (hymn) 190n19Venice, Venetian 292n56, 293n3, 297n48Verecunda the “ludia” 211n7

Stow, John (cont.)

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Verhaege, Frans 217n7, 218n17Verulamium: see St. AlbansVeyne, Paul 249n203Vince, Alan 217nn5–7, 218n18, 219nn24–26,

n29, 220n35, n36, 221n38, 243n156Vintners ix, 8, 82–83, 92–93, 99, 183, 255n75,

268n82, 301n17GL MS 15333/1 254n67, 255n74

Viols 299n66Visors: see Masks, visorsVita & Gesta [Henrici Quinti] xviii, 186n3, n4,

187n6, 283n43

Wacher, John 210n3, 211n7, 212n10, 213n14,215n31, 216n41, n44

Waits 83, 89–90, 96–97, 155, 167, 247n179,254n57

Wakefield 1, 61, 246n173Walbrook 20, 22, 216n36Walcote, John (mayor) 186n2Wales 211n7Walker, Greg 11, 112–113, 204n1, 205n11,

207n26, 209n42, 263n32, 265n58, n59,n61, n63, 266n69, n75, 267n76, n78, n80,268n83, n86, n87, n93

Wallace, David 216n1, 276n37Walsingham, Thomas 231n64Walton, Henry 116, 271n109, n111Wards 35, 51, 154, 164, 166, 195n2, 206n18,

238n112, n115, n118, 296n37, 300n78Warren, Ralph (mayor) 304n65Watches (other than Midsummer Watch) 3,

50–52, 64, 154, 158, 161, 164, 166, 168–169,236n102, n103, 237n106, 238n111, 294n20,296n37, 297n48, 298n54, 299n63, n70

Water entries 13, 49, 135, 137, 140, 143–145,148–152, 189–194, 282n32, 283n45, n46,287n12, n13, n17, 288nn20–22, 291n46,n48

Water pageants, pageantry, shows 8, 13, 49,65, 135, 137, 141–152, 185, 190–193, 212n12,286n4, n7, 287n10, n18, 288n20, n21, n27,291n46, 292n56, n64

Watney, Frank D. xvi, 189n13, 190n15,205n10, 270n105, n106, 291n43

Waugh, William Templeton xviiiWax Chandlers ix, 91–92, 99

GL MS 9481/1 258n126, n127Wayt, Robert 117Wealth and Health 111, 266n72Weavers ix, 91, 99, 259n130, 272n117

GL MS 4646 258n124, n125, 259n130Webb, John 234n78, 245n164Webster, John 272n116Weigher of Raw Silks 115

Welch, Charles 187n7, 196, 198–199, 256n96,279n9, 285n54

Welles, John (mayor) 127Welsford, Enid 274n13Westcheap: see CheapsideWestfall, Suzanne 107, 119, 227n27,

262nn25–27, n31, 263n40, 264n42, n46,n50, 266n64, 267n80, 269n94, 272n116,274n14, 275n21, 277n53

Westlake, Herbert Francis 248n194Westminster (including palace) 4–5, 8, 10–12,

37–38, 42, 44–45, 47, 49, 51–54, 57–58,61–62, 64, 70, 123, 130, 132–135, 137–138,142–143, 145–152, 157, 161, 164, 171–176,180–183, 185–186, 186n2, n4, 187, 187n8,188, 188n9, 189, 189n13, 190–191, 191n23,192–194, 197, 199, 207n23, 226n8, 231n63,233n70, 234n80, 235n94, 238n121,239n136, 253n54, 259n131, 267n77, 279n11,281n22, n25, n26, 282n31, n32, n35,283n43, 286n4, n6, 287n18, 288n23, n24,n27, 289n30, n34, 290n35, n36, n40,291n51, 292n54, 299n66, 300n2, 304n65

Westminster Abbey 30, 38Westminster Bridge 191n23Westminster Chronicle xviii, 228n39, 229n40,

233n69, 240n144, 241n145, 249n202Westminster School 268n90White, Paul Whitfield 267n79Whitehall 228n34Whitsunday 189n12, 192n27 (eve)Whyte, Thomas (mayor) 299n63Wickham, D. E. ixWickham, Glynne xiv, xviii, 10, 25, 208n33,

n34, 212n8, 215n30, 216n1, 217n2, 219n28,228n37, 231n60, 232n65, 242n147,243n154, 273n2, n3, 274n11, n13, 277n38,279n9, 280n14, 295n28

Wild animal fights, hunts 20, 23, 212n11Wildfire: see Fireworks, wildfireWilliam Goodenough House (London) xiWilliam of Gracechurch 83William of Worcester xviii, 189n12William the Conqueror 237n106Williams, Gwyn A. xviii, 206n17, 226n10,

236n100, 239n125Williams, Sheila 295n28, 303n41, 304n54Williams, Tim 215n33, 216n43Willis, R. 265n57Wilmot, John 258n123Wilmot, John, and his children 91, 93, 99Wilmott, Tony 216n36Winchester 31–32, 186n2, 220n37, 222n55Winchester, bishops of 221n45Windsor 43, 62, 122, 240n144, 276n31, 286n6

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Wine 44–45, 48, 132, 185–188, 191–194,228n37, 230n56, 231n59, 232n65, 234n75,278n1

Winterslow 211n7Wiresellers: see Pinners/WiresellersWithe 168, 299n68Withington, Robert xiv, 9–10, 188n10,

208n30, 230n51, 231n60, 232n65, 238n111,284n50, 289n30, 291n46, 294n20, 301n17,303n47

Wolffe, Bertram 187n8Wolsey, Cardinal 93–94, 101, 114, 267n76,

268n90Woodcutts 211n7Woodville, Elizabeth (queen of Edward IV)

10, 130, 134, 155, 189, 255n75Worcester, William of: see William of

WorcesterWorcester Priory 220n36World and the Child: see Mundus et InfansWorld War II 97Wrestling 20, 23, 55, 240n141, n142, 247n183Wright, Laura 197Wright, Thomas 233n69Wriothesley, Charles xviii, 162, 166–167, 169,

192nn25–27, 193nn28–33, 194n34, n36,

259n132, 271n114, 282n31, n32, 285n55,n57, n58, 286n62, n64, n7, 288n20,291nn48–50, 292n64, 297n42, 298n53,n54, 299nn56–58, n62, n63, 300n74,nn76–78

Wroxeter 216n41Wyat (jester) 254n67Wycomb 211n7Wylie, James Hamilton xviii, 186n4, 187n6,

240n143, 241n146, 245n165Wyllyamson, John 272n117

Yeavering 217n3Yeoman of the Revels 271n111Yeomanry 59, 88, 90, 97, 247n185York 1–2, 4–5, 32, 39, 49, 56–58, 61, 211n7,

245n167, 246n173York, Archbishop of 220n32York, Bishop of 138York Place 152, 286n7Young, Abigail x, 195, 195n1Young, John 272n116Youth 112

Zeeman, Nicolette 223n58

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