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Industrial Revolution Thing

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    IndustrializationThe SettingDuring the mid 1700s there was audden outburst of technologydvancing and all aspects of lifemproving, this time was called thendustrial Revolution. It began withhe Agricultural Revolution in

    England And slowly progressed intohe advancement of industrial needs.

    The World AdvancingThe Industrial Revolution began inEngland and technology began toroduce even more and more. Morend More inventions were beingreated everyday changing the wayeople lived, worked, and travelled.

    Steam engines and Boats were createdor easy travel and cargo carry.

    The Industrialization Idea soon begano spread to all countries in Europend to the United States. Soonnough, the whole world was moredvanced in technology and

    manufacturing. Society began tomprove but even so, pollution, pooreople, and unhealthy livingonditions did as well.

    New Ideas

    There were many new Ideasresented during the Industrial

    Revolution. The three big Ideas were

    Starting in England during the 1700s, the world began the Industrial Revolution,advancing their technology and the thinking of the modern day person.

    The ProblemThe Big problems thatall countries involved inhe Industrial

    Revolution faced.ncluding poverty,

    pollution, and clashinggovernmentphilosophies.Page 2

    Karl MarxThe problem Marx is

    facing is attempting to get Communism spreadas an idea.Page 2

    The Goals

    Some of the ideas and goals Karl Marxwanted for the futureand for the present, hisideas of communismand his book theCommunist Manifesto.Page 3

    The EventsWhat some of the majorevents leading to Karl

    Marxs ideas downfallor to the end of it.Page 4

    The Ending Marxs ideas inspiredmany laterrevolutionaries such asRussias Lenin, Chinas

    Mao Zedong, andCubas Fidel Castro.Page 5

    Modern Day Marxism was the greatest form of communism, his idkept going even tomodern day.Page 5

    Industrial Revolution Newsletter Issue No 1. - Fall 2011

    Industrialization made many newfactories pop up all along the

    countries creating new jobs, and new

    manufactured goods.

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    Socialism and Communism. Adammith was a popular writer who

    defended the ideas of Capitalism.Other reformists went against it withhe idea of Socialism, and Karl Marxntroduced his own idea of

    Communism through the CommunistManifesto, a pamphlet he wrote.

    TheProblemThe problem that Karl Marx isacing is the government. The

    Capitalist thinkers of Smith,Malthus and Ricardo opposed

    overnment efforts to helpoor workers. They thoughthat it would only upset theree market system andndermine production of

    wealth in society. These twoeliefs brought the societysnderclass down in to theutter while the big companywners and upper class wasitting gaining even more

    money, not helping the poor.

    Along with the horribleconomic and social status,here was a huge pollution andealth problem developing.

    Due to the large poverty fromhe capitalist governmentcheme, there were a lot of roblems having to do withiving and working conditionsor the lower class.

    Marx was working togetherlong with Friedrech Engels inn attempt to spread his

    In a place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonismwe shall have an association which the free development of each is the condit for the free development of all

    -Karl Marx

    Karl Marx was a journalistand economist. he joinedthe flood of radicals who

    fled for continental Europefor England. His theories

    made him little money andmade a meager living off of his Journalism, His germancoauthor, Friedrich Engels

    Helped him out.

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    o ot of t em t e In ustriaRevolution had made thewealthy richer and the poor

    oorer. They predicted thathe workers would overthrowheir owners. This is exactly

    what Karl Marx wanted to doo that his form of ommunism could come intolay.

    The GoalMarx believed that Factories would drivemall artisans out of business making amall amount of people controlling the

    wealth. Then the big amount of workerswould strike against the rich factorywners and create their own economy.

    This new economy would create equalityor all. Soon after the government wouldease to exist as a classless society waseveloped. Marx called this pure

    ommunism and described it as a form of omplete socialism in which the means of roduction would be owned by theeople.

    rivate property would soon bemaginary and everything including alloods and services would be shared . Hisook, The Communist Manifesto,onlyreated short-term affects.

    Marx Believed that economic forcesominated society. Even though, time

    howed that religion nationalism, ethnicoyalties and desire for democratic

    Friedrich Engles was the co-author of The Communist

    Manifesto helping out marxwith his studies. He was a

    German social scientist,author, political theorists,

    industrialist and philosopher.Friedrich is also considered tobe the father of the theory of Marxism. He supported Marx

    financially and was also agood friend of his.

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    oor within industrialized countriesailed to widen like Marx and Englesredicted.

    TheEventsThe Communist Manifesto did

    ot spark much interest in allf Europe. It only producedome short term effects and

    Caused many revolutionsuring the widespreadevolutions in Europe in 1848.

    This time is known as theEuropean Revolutions of 1848lso known in some countriess the Spring of Nations,pringtime of the Peoples. It

    was a great revolutionffecting over 50 countries.

    The people of many Europeanountries wanted change of

    heir government, reform forhe workers, and an uprisingf nationalism

    The Communist Manifesto andKarl Marxs ideas were mostnfluential in Germany and


    n germany, the MarchRevolution in the germantates took place in the Southnd West Germany. These

    were led by well educatedtudents and intellectuals.

    They demanded Germanationaly unity and freedom.ollowing this The Communist

    Manifesto began to irritateGermany. After the Marchnsurrection , their demands

    were greatly reduced. Theamphlet only urged unity of

    Germany, universal suffragebolition of feudal duties andimilar middle class goals.

    n Bel ium a threat was

    Barricade of rue Soulflout,an 1848 painting by Horace Vernet.

    The EndingCommunism wasnt a very popular ortrongly supported idea during the timef the Industrial Revolution. It failed topread and carry out its ideas. Manyollowed it but didnt make muchrogress anywhere in Europe. Later onhough, country rulers adopted the idea

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    he time of revolution.easonal workers began topread Communism by themall Communist clique of

    Beglium. Theses people wererought to Belgium beingromised a free ride home and

    money. The planned toverthrow the government.

    The Belgian leader wouldnvade Belgium by train andravel to Brussels where theovernment and monarchy

    would be overthrown. Belgianorder troops were able toplit apart the large groups of his legion. The invasion cameo nothing.

    The Communist ideas werentery popular and didntpread much during thesemes. However, later on they


    An example of some of the communisteaders are Vladimir Lenin of Russia, MaoZedong of Russia, and Fidel Castro of

    Cuba. All were very strict, cruel leaderswho caused internal war in theirountries and radical political reform.

    They all made their own political partieswith the same goal of communism.

    Communist ideas were spreading aboutn newer areas, such as Cambodia, China,

    Korea, Russia and Cuba. Communismwas not viewed at this time as a very

    ood idea to help the people. The onlyhing coming out of it was war andevolution and many attempted to stop it.

    The United States and Russia had theCold War or the American fight againstworld Communism.

    All of the Communist leaders of theworld created their own political party.Lenin was one of the first to adopt KarlMarxs ideas and Joseph Stalin after himwho led the Soviet Union or The Union of

    oviet Socialist Republics. This Party wassocialist party in Russia. Communism

    was just another form of extremeocialism. This party also worked with

    Cubas Fidel Castro during the Cold Warnd Arms Race.

    Castros ideas were built of Lenins andLenins were built off of Karl Marxsdeas. Cuba also had an alliance with theoviet union. Castro became very reliant

    pon the Soviets after the Cuban missilerisis.

    Communism after Marx was viewed as aad political idea and had to be put to atop, currently only a handful of countriesre communist, the Soviet Unionissipated.

    Mauris egestas lacus sit ameVivamus pulvinar, purus ultricies ultrices ullamcorper, dolor diam euismodnisl, vel consectetuer eros mi sit amet lorem.

    Quisque Massa

    Lenin Adressing The People in Sverdlov Square in1920

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    The SettingDuring the 1800s people wanted reform

    o the democratic government that theywere living in. Voting was limited to menwho only owned a substantial bit of landnd women were excluded from the righto vote. Beginning in 1830 protests begano occur in England in favor of a bill inarliament that would extend suffrage, or

    he right to vote.

    The revolution of 1830 in France scaredarliament leaders, they feared that theiolent revolution would spread to

    Britain. They passed the Reform Bill of 832 which ceased the propertyequirements so that some men in the

    middle class can vote. It also modernizedistricts for electing parliament membersnd gave industrial cities moreepresentation. Women were still left outf the picture though and some men weretill unable to vote.

    Another movement arose among theworkers called the Chartist Movement.They wanted suffrage for all men. Theylso wanted Parliament to be moreesponsive with the lower classes filled

    with factory workers and other groups.arliament rejected their demands thoughut they continued to protest. Theyontinued to protest for Political reformnd Parliament finally made theiremands law.

    Queen Victoria was the monarch overBritain at the time with all of the protestsnd movements going on. She was

    onsiderably less powerful and influentialue to Parliament. During this time

    Britain was at its hei ht for wealth and

    he ProblemWhat the big problemwas at the time for all

    f the people andow they wanted it tohange.age 2


    This Woman wasvery important at thetime, she fought forwomans rights tovote and formed theWSPU.Page 2

    The GoalsThe goals of Emmeline Pankhurstand what she wantedto get out of fightingagainst thegovernment.Page 3

    The WSPUWhat is the WSPU?These are some of thefacts about them andwhat they weretrying to doPage 3

    The EventsWhat Emmeline hadto do in order to getall of her goalsachieved. Some of the

    biggest speeches andsuch were made.Page 4

    The EndingWhat happened afall of the protestinto get the womansrights.Page 5

    R E F O R M

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    ad great influence over Parliamentiving almost all of the power to it andhe house of commons.

    Even after all of the reform going on inBritain still no country allowed woman toote, as more men were allowed to, more

    women started to protest. Small reformarties began to form and more and more

    women demanded the right to vote,ausing parliament to be in high demand.

    TheProblemThe problem at the timewas that the governmentwas not giving their peoplehe representation that they

    wanted. Woman still had nouffrage and most of the

    working class did not havehe right to vote as well.

    Because of all of the rightshat the government wasnt

    giving more and morerotests began to rise,

    making the governmentworried and fearful that itmight get out of control.

    The amount of the

    opulation in the veryeginning of the Britisharliament was only 5% of he whole population. This

    was a very small percentagend amount of theopulation. People still

    wanted moreepresentation and were

    getting mad at thegovernment.

    Because the governmentwas not abiding with the

    England had many protests during this time in order to give universal suffrageto all in England. This is just one of them so that men could get suffrage.

    This is Emmeline Pankhurst, thefounder and one of the leadersof the WSPU (Womens Socialand Political Union)

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    n more egan to r segainst it, Emmeline

    Pankhurst was a womanwho fought for womansuffrage, she had formedhe WSPU that peacefullyought for womens rights.

    The WSPU became the mostmilitant organization forwomans rights and was thebiggest influence for gettingeform in the nation.

    The GoalThe Womens Social and PoliticalUnion (the WSPU) was the leadingmilitant organization campaigning forWomens suffrage in England. Theirmembers were known as suffragettes.The WSPU was formed by EmmelinePankhurst on October 10, 1903 by sixwomen who became the groupeaders. It was a women-onlyrganization that campaigned forocial reforms and for an extension of

    womens suffrage. They believed inexual equality.

    They had a slogan that betterdescribed their militant behavior thatwas deeds not words. At first the

    WSPU only had peaceful campaignsn the beginning, being part of thenon-militant National Union of Womens Suffrage Societies. Themembers of this group however brokepart into the WSPU in order toecome more militant and get more of reaction from the government. At

    irst they had a lack of success bywhat they were doing by persuading

    oliticians through meetings.

    The WSPU also convinced a memberf Parliament Bamford Slack to

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    This bill however was quickly talkedut and ignored. The publicity of it

    greatly increased the growth of thegroup leading to be more popular,

    owerful and influential in their fighto gain Womens suffrage.

    The Eventsn order to gain more significance inheir fight for suffrage, the WSPU ledby Emmeline Pankhurst had to fightor their rights. They began a series of

    demonstrations in lobbies of Parliament causing multiple arrests of he growing numbers of the group.

    They mostly focused on attackingwhich political party that was ingovernment and refused to supportegislation.

    There was a split in the group whichaused the Womens Freedom Leagueo form. After the split a new

    newspaper for the group was made,Votes for Women which was thegroupss own newspaper.

    The suffragettes became even moremilitant in leader years bringing therotests into prison even. Their

    rotests also included breaking of windows of shops and buildings inrder to gain more attention. Theylso had multiple public speakingsrom Emmeline Pankhurst and other

    WSPU leaders in order to get morettention on womens suffrage.

    A new suffrage act was introduced in910 but this just led to even more

    destruction in public areas because itwas delay ed in its purpose. This led toburning of stately homes andombing of public buildings, also to

    The EndingThe organization suffered some splitsausing disorganization for protests.

    The editors of Votes for Women werexpelled in 1912 causing the WSPU to

    aunch a new journal. Another groupf the WSPU the East London

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    who was trampled by the Kingshorse. This quickly got out of controlnd was a dangerous protest againsthe government.

    Many of their protests includedviolence, burning of churches,destruction of railways, smashinggovernment windows, and spitting at

    oliticians. In one case Mary Leigh, amember of the WSPU, threw a hatchett the Prime minister. In 1913 54,000ounds worth of damage was caused4,000 in April alone.

    Pankhurst was exp elled in 1914.

    With the approaching World WarChristabel Pankhurst, the daughter of Emmeline, lived in Paris in order tobe without fear of arrest was theeader of the WSPU at the time. Sherdered for the group to abandon itsampaigns in favour of a nationalistictance supporting the British

    government in the war. The WSPUtopped publishing their newspaper, The Suffragette, and started a new onealled Britannia .

    Most of the members supported theffort to fight in the war but a smallmount started the Suffragettes of the

    Womens Social Political Union andhe Independent Womens Social and

    Political Union. Theses groupshowever, were less influential in theiright for womens suffrage and didnt

    have much say in it.

    The WSPU lost public attention andwas dissolved in 1917, and Christabelnd Emmeline Pankhurst founded the

    Womens Party. Which was a minorolitical party in the UK. This grouplaimed that the fight for the World

    War was more important than theight for womans suffrage at the time.

    Not until after the was womensuffrage recognized. In mostountries, full universal suffrage -

    with the inclusion of woman -ollowed universal male suffrage byen to twenty years in the early 1900s.

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