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Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more...

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EBOOK Influencer-Generated Content is Key to Facebook Ad Success
Page 1: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.


Influencer-Generated Content is Key to Facebook Ad Success

Page 2: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

Introduction 3

The Power of Facebook Advertising 5

Your Creative Process Can’t Keep up with Modern Advertising 7

The Power of Influencer-Generated Content 10

Table Of Contents

Page 3: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

How does your brand keep up with the constant need for fresh ad creative? In today’s advertising, visual content is king. According to Consumer Acquisition, images are responsible for 75 to 90 percent of an ad’s performance on Facebook. At the same time, consumers demand more personalization, a demand which cannot be satisfied with the traditional model of asset creation. To produce enough high-quality content, many brands are turning to influencer-generated content (IGC) for a credible solution.

By harnessing the power of a community of online creators and influencers, brands can close their content gap with visuals that are both faster to create and higher performing.

This guide will explore how brands can maximize their Facebook advertising with IGC.

More than 70 percent of B2B and B2C companies

plan on creating more content in the coming year


50 percent of companies rely on agencies and

external freelancers for additional content – DMN

The content shortage:


Page 4: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

The Power of Facebook Advertising

Page 5: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

Fast facts:

The average user spends 1,500 minutes per month on Facebook

Facebook has extremely powerful targeting capabilities

Facebook punishes non-relevance heavily

Until now, brands couldn’t use Facebook to its full capacity

It’s difficult to overstate Facebook’s prominence in the advertising world—it’s now the most powerful and complete ad targeting platform on Earth.

With over 1.3 billion daily active users, Facebook retains information on nearly

Native ads on Facebook receive double the average CTR of other ad platforms, at 0.014 percent.

– Forbes

“Images can fatigue rather quickly. It’s very rare that something plays for multiple weeks on Facebook.

– Matthew Weller, Director of PerformanceMarketing at Revfluence

Only 45% of brands use interest targeting.

– Invesp

“ To avoid skyrocketing ad costs, brands must refresh their Facebook ad content frequently, sometimes bi-weekly. The problem? They rarely have enough high-quality photo and video content to keep pace.

Facebook is a highly visual platform and seeks to deliver a high-quality experience to users, especially with its ads. Anything

The power of Facebook advertising

1 in 6 people and the average American spends 1,500 minutes there each month. It’s breadth is impressive, but so is its depth. Unlike other ad providers, Facebook can deliver targeted ads to each of those users and segment them by thousands of factors, from online behavior to beliefs and personal interests. Facebook can be an incredibly powerful tool for advertisers, yet many brands have not been able to take full advantage of the platform.

that appears in users’ feeds, such as images, must in some way add value. This means that ads which engage users are shown more frequently while ads that disrupt users are punished heavily for non-performance. When one graphic saturates a target audience, which happens frequently as a result of Facebook’s extreme targeting specificity, users tire of it and Facebook’s algorithm makes it more costly to run.

Page 6: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

Your Creative Process Can’t Keep up with Modern Advertising

Page 7: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

Fast facts:

Studio-shot creative is expensive and time-intensive

There is no feedback loop between ad and media teams

Ad teams can’t personalize their visual content

For most brands, contentcreation is time-consumingand expensive. For most brands, content creation is

time-consuming and expensive. Visuals are usually created by creative agencies or in-house production teams who are fully independent of the teams who plan media buys. These media creation teams typically produce this content in large batches via studio-shot productions which require locations, models, product, photographers, and a variety of elements

Exacerbating the issues present in traditional content creation, there exists an even larger problem inherent to many companies’ processes: The feedback loop between ad teams and media teams is practically non-existent. Ad teams make changes to their advertising in real-time based on learnings they gather but must use months-old studio-shot creative which rarely incorporates their input. They also need a much greater volume of content than studio shots typically produce: ad teams may be running hundreds of simultaneous ads, each with tens of variations, and may need over three

Our marketing imagery can take a few months to appear from the time it’s shot.

– Alexis Bley, Producer, Gap

hundred new photos each month. When they burn through what’s available, they must turn to stock footage and in-house graphic designers, whose time they must compete for with other teams.

that make content creation costly. Because of this complexity, shoots are often performed full quarters in advance.

Your creative process can’t keep up with modern advertising

Page 8: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

To perform meaningful tests, the typical ad team may run:





This puts any brand creating content via studio-shoots at an extreme disadvantage. When images are responsible for 75 to 90 percent of an ad’s performance and ad teams have little control over which ones they use, the ads they run are far less effective than they could be.

In an ideal world, ad teams would have access to bountiful creative and would be able to take advantage of Facebook’s advertising power to personalize images down to demographics, psychographics, beliefs, interests, languages, locations, and more. If the ad team learned through

analytics, for example, that ads with french bulldog puppies outperformed all others, they’d be able to request more content with puppies in a short order.

As a solution, many of these teams now turn to IGC to close the content gap.





Page 9: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

The Power of Influencer-Generated Content

Page 10: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

Fast facts:

IGC provides a highly scalable content engine

IGC outperforms studio-shot creative

IGC decreases the costs of Facebook advertising buys

Influencer-generated content offers the perfect solution to ad teams’ content shortage. By partnering with a network of online creators and influencers, brands can run campaigns to request specific content on a short timeline. Here is why this approach can improve Facebook ROI:

IGC is an Agile Approach to Creating a High Volume of Content

As individuals, influencers can move quickly. They are single person production teams well-versed in creating engaging, eye-catching content for social media. Turnaround times can be measured in days and weeks, not months. Brands using influencer platforms can easily manage many creators at scale, often working with dozens of influencers per campaign and receiving hundreds of images in quick batches.

IGC also gives ad teams a much-needed feedback loop. As ad teams analyze direct response feedback on these images from Facebook’s ad platform, they can request

1. iterative changes with each successive content batch, further increasing performance. For example, if ad teams need to advertise in a new region, demographic, or language, they can tap into this well of content creators to fill a repository of high-value ad-ready creative tailored to that audience. Based on how those ads perform, teams can improve their next content request. With IGC, ad visuals, which account for the majority of an ad’s performance, become as frictionless to test as text or timing.

IGC Performs Better than Studio-Shot Creative

Studies find that IGC frequently outperforms studio-shot creative:

The power of influencer-generated content


Page 11: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

• Influencer content on socialmedia earns more than 8times the engagement rateof brand-directed contentaccording to Forrester.

• Social campaigns thatincorporate influencer-generated content see a 50percent lift in engagementper research by Salesforce.

Why is this? Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes influencer content because users prefer it to traditional ad creative. It can be jarring for users to see sanitized, studio-shot content in their news feed when it’s sandwiched between the content made by their friends and family. When your images are unique but still fit editorially within what normally appears on users’ news feeds, you are adding value. Users enjoy these remarkable photos without feeling disrupted.

3. IGC is Authentic

This brings us to the finaladvantage of IGC: it’sauthentic. In this world whereconsumers have developedbanner blindness and nearlyone in three use ad-blockers,your customers don’t want tofeel sold to. They want to seegenuine content from peoplelike them.

Marketers use a flight of tests,studies, surveys, analytics, andfocus groups to try to isolateand replicate ‘authenticity,’but IGC offers a much simplerapproach. Influencers aretheir customers, and throughinfluencer advertising, brandscan explicitly commissiontheir most creative consumersto create the ads theythemselves want to see. Foreach unique audience, voice,and perspective, there is aninfluencer who can help brandstell their story authentically.

Brands armed with IGC find themselves at a remarkable advantage in Facebook advertising. They can use Facebook’s powerful targeting to its full capacity while leveraging a near limitless stream of high-quality creative. This content is also delivered in less time and at a lower cost than traditional imagery from an in-house team or creative agency.

As Facebook continues to grow in importance as a cornerstone of business advertising, brands will increasingly look to IGC for a sharp competitive edge.

Page 12: Influencer-Generated Content - AspireIQ€¦ · • Influencer content on social media earns more than 8 times the engagement rate of brand-directed content according to Forrester.

Want to learn more? V I S I T A S P I R E I Q . C O M .
