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Integrated Unit Stage 1 Food 1
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Integrated Unit

Stage 1


Integrated K.L.A

FOOD – STAGE 1 (suggested core activities are shaded)Remembering Understandin

gApplying Analysing Creating Evaluating

EnglishReading Writing

& Speaking

Make an alphabet listing of Food words

Additional Task 1

Prepare a procedure of how to make scones/

pikeletsAdditional Task 4

Complete information report on food topics

Variety of Tasks

Survey favourite breakfast cereal

Give an oral report.Task 8

Research Healthy Food Pyramid

List Healthy & Unhealthy Foods

Task 1

Prepare a list of healthy snack foods for eating at

schoolTask 5



Identify food packaging shapes (3D shapes)

Additional Task 7

Outline favourite breakfast cereals in a

graph. Task 8

Sort cut out food pictures into plant/animal/both foods. Use a Venn diagram format to display

Task 7

Order food from smallest to largest - predict weight. Confirm by using scales

Task 7


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H.S.I.EGlobal Issues

Environmental Issues

Discuss various foods eaten in other

countriesAdditional Task 7

Look at the best environment for plants

to grow.Additional Task 7

Locate and examine recipes from other countries.Additional Task 10

Plan and prepare a ‘feast’ of foods from other countries.Task 10

ScienceEarth and its surroundingsLiving Things

Learn about and re- construct a food

chainTask 9

Prepare a senses chart for describing white food powders.

Task 4

Conduct on experiment on food going bad

(take photos -report each day.

Task 6

Examine plants – list the parts we eat and draw

illustrations for the examples

Task 2

Create a paper mache/clay model of a

‘plant’ foodAdditional Task 2

Determine what a food chain is and how

removing one item can unbalance nature.

Task 9

TechnologyWord Processing


Use MS Word to list healthy foods at school

Task 5

Use Kidpspiration to produce food related flow charts / chains /Venn diagram

Task 3 /4/9

Use Web based interactive gamesVariety of Tasks

Use Internet to research information on food.Variety of Tasks


Draw a colour cluster and match

fruit/vegetables to colours

Additional Task 7

Learn /Perform food related songs/rhymes

Task 1

Design a new breakfast cereal name and

character.Task 8

Create a ‘food art’ design/artwork

Additional Task 5

Perform an advertisement for a new breakfast cereal.

Additional Task 8

PD /PE HEALTH Perform exercises that will assist in keeping healthy

Additional Task 5

Examine food handling and health problems

Additional Task 5

Examine what happens to food after we have

eaten.Additional Task 3

Devise a play or sketch on

healthy food habitsAdditional Task 1

Evaluate important learning activity -give

oral report


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Stage 1 Stage StatementStudents who have achieved Stage 1 are developing an awareness of the wider world and are applying their scientific and technological understanding to new and different situations. They are starting to develop the social skills required to investigate, design and make products and services. Students are starting to appreciate the dependence of living things and their environments. They recognise that people create products, services and environments to meet their own needs. They build on their existing understanding of some of the forms of energy.

Students are able to interpret information and make predictions based on their own observations. They are better able to accept that the result of a test may be different from what was originally expected. Students are able to recognise the purpose of an investigation and seek further information as a result of their own curiosity. They begin to see that an investigation is a series of orderly steps. They use their senses to identify similarities and differences.

Students show curiosity about natural and made environments and seek explanations that allow them to interpret their observations. Using plans, drawings and models, Stage 1 students begin to generate and select ideas to best meet design task objectives, and give simple explanations of why they have chosen a certain idea. Students in this stage can draw plans for a design and can explain some of the features and materials to be used. They can write labels and simple explanations when creating images. Students recognise and discuss with others, some of the strengths and limitations of what they have done and identify some changes that could be made to improve plans or models, eg appearance. They make comparisons about what they like and dislike about familiar products, systems or environments. Students effectively manipulate materials that are available in the classroom environment, and show a growing awareness of the different properties of such materials and how they affect the way in which the materials are used. They recognise that some materials occur naturally, while others are made.

Students have a developing awareness of a range of media and information products. They are able to use computer technology to start, open files or applications, save and shut down. They are able to use computer-based technologies where appropriate for a given task. They are able to identify the different forms of technology in their immediate environments and explain how they help us. They safely use, maintain and store equipment such as scissors, magnifying glasses, computers and disks.


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OUTCOMESEnglishTS1.1 Communicates with an increasing range of people for a variety of purposes on both familiar and introduced topics in spontaneous and structured classroom activities.RS1.5 Reads a wider range of texts on less familiar topics with increasing independence and understanding, making connections between own knowledge and experience and information in texts.RS1.8 Identifies the text structure and basic grammatical features of a limited range of text types.WS1.9 Plans, reviews and produces a small range of simple literary and factual texts for a variety of purposes on familiar topics for known readers.WS1.11 Uses knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences and a variety of strategies to spell familiar words

MathematicsES1.2 Uses technology with teacher guidance in mathematical situationsES1.5 Explores two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, describing them using everyday comparative language.WM1.2 Answers mathematical questions using objects, pictures, imagery, actions or trial-and error.WM1.3 Explains simple mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and drawing.WM1.6 Uses the available technology to explore basic mathematical concepts. S1.1 Describes three-dimensional objects using everyday language, models and sorts them, and recognises them in drawings and pictures.S1.5 Conducts simple data investigations and interprets the results using concrete materials with teacher guidance.M1.5 Estimates, compares, orders and measures the mass of objects using informal units.N1.1 Approximates, counts, compares, orders and represents whole numbers and groups of objects up to 100.

OUTCOMESHuman Society and its EnvironmentCUS1 4 Describes the cultural, linguistic and religious practices of their family, their community and other communities.ENS1.6 Demonstrates an understanding of the relationship between environments and people.SSS1.7 Explains how people and technologies in systems link to provide goods and


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services to satisfy needs and wants.

Science and TechnologyLTS1.3 Identifies and describes ways in which living things grow and change.PSS1.5 Grows, makes or processes some products using a range of techniques and materials.ESS1.6 Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments.INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.DMS1.8 Develops and implements own design ideas in response to an investigation of needs and wantsUTS1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task.

Personal Development, Health and Physical EducationALS1.6 Participates in physical activity, recognising that it can be both enjoyable and important for health.PHS1.12 Recognises that positive health choices can promote well-being.

Creative and Practical ArtsVAS1.1 Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things.DRAS1.1 Takes on roles in drama to explore familiar and imagined situations.

Note: Teachers please check the suitability for your children based upon cultural, parental and school expectations. Websites change frequently so teachers need to vigilantly review them to assess ongoing suitability.There are many web resources available the below are just a few that can be used to support the suggested learning activities in the Integrated KLA/Blooms grid.

Healthy Food PyramidNutrition Australia http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/Food_Facts/Fact_Sheets/about%20_the_healthy_eating_pyramid.asp


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Better Healthhttp://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/BHCV2/bhcArticles.nsf/pages/Healthy_eating_for_kids?OpenDocument

Keeping yourself healthyhttp://www.worlded.org/us/health/heal/passport/part_1_a.html

Food from PlantsParts of Plant Challengehttp://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/case1/c1f.htmlhttp://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/case1/c1m1a.html

Make a plant growhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/7_8/plants_grow.shtml

Foods from Plants and Animals http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/BHCV2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Foods_from_plants_and_animals?

Moo Milkhttp://www.moomilk.com/

5 Senseshttp://freda.auyeung.net/5senses /

Healthy Habits – food going badSpot the differencehttp://www.foodlink.org.uk/spotdifference.htm#

Note: Teachers please check the suitability for your children based upon cultural, parental and school expectations. Websites change frequently so teachers need to vigilantly review them to assess ongoing suitability.Calamity Kitchenhttp://www.foodlink.org.uk/calamity_kitchen.htm

Food Safety for Kidshttp://www.fda.gov/oc/opacom/kids/html/wash__hands.htm

Cool Food Kidz http://www.coolfoodplanet.org/gb/kidz/index.htm

Food Chainshttp://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/S00000328.shtml



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Who is coming to Dinnerhttp://www.borealforest.org/school/food_chain.htm

Games and ActivitiesSesame Street - Food Arthttp://www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet/games/shock/foodart/play.php

Food Colouring Bookhttp://coloringbookfun.com/food/index.htm

Enchanted Learning – Food Theme Pagehttp://www.enchantedlearning.com/themes/food.shtml

Note: Teachers please check the suitability for your children based upon cultural, parental and school expectations. Websites change frequently so teachers need to vigilantly review them to assess ongoing suitability.

Enchanted Learning - Food Related Dictionaryhttp://www.enchantedlearning.com/dictionarysubjects/food.shtml

A variety of Book Resources exist in most library collections:Specific Book for this Unit is:

Food, Mawter, Jeni Classroom Focus Issue 4 2003.


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Learning Experiences:Task/ s Activity DateTask 1 Unit Introduction.

Read story about healthy eating and the Healthy Food Pyramid Discuss types of food and nutritional value according to pyramid Create a chart of 5 ‘more of’ / ‘less of’ foods for healthy eating Learn food related songs/rhymes and perform actions

Additional Activity – Healthy Food Alphabet Write an alphabet listing of healthy food/food related words Create a sketch of play on eating healthy foods

Task 2 Food from Plants Discuss types of food that are from plants (fruits & vegetables) Examine a plant and list each plant part that we eat e.g. lettuce

=leaves , carrot = root, cauliflower = flower - draw illustrations Match plant part to food (internet activity)

http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/case1/c1f.htmlAdditional Activities – Making a model

Create a model of a fruit/vegetable from clay or paper macheTask 3 Food from Animals

List types of food that comes from animals (meat/fish, dairy, eggs) example: steak – tuna – cream - omelette

Discuss the story of milk http://www.moomilk.com/ Use kidspiration to create a flow chart or use graphic organizer

providedAdditional Activities - Digestion

Research what happens to food after we have eatenTask 4 Flours and Powders

Display and examine variety flours and powders – flour, cornflour, sugar, bi-carb soda, icing sugar, salt

Ask students to think up words to use to describe each under the senses of looks/feels/smells/tastes

Under teacher guidance use senses to describe 6 white powders – salt/sugar/flour/cornflour/icing sugar and bi-carb soda

Using Kidspiration to create a Venn diagram to record similarities and differences between 2 of the powders or graphic organiser provided.

Additional Activities – Making food from flour

Read Non Fiction story on bread making Write a procedure on making scones / pikelets Follow procedure and make


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Task 5 Healthy Food at school Explore the different foods bought to school for recess Ask which food group they might belong to. Prepare a chart of healthy foods Use MS Word to create a healthy snack food poster

Additional Activities –Healthy Habits Examine why we need to have safe food handling habits Start up a daily exercise routine

Interactive Games Safe Food http://www.coolfoodplanet.org/gb/kidz/index.htm Complete the activity placing items from the shopping bag into

either refrigerator/freezer or cupboard Calamity kitchen http://www.foodlink.org.uk/calamity_kitchen.htm

Task 6 Food going BadTask A

Determine what might cause food to go bad – list reasons Place fruit in jars, place one jar in the refrigerator and the other in

the sun. Watch for a week and record the changes.Task B

Place ripe fruit banana/apple/orange in separate lunch boxes along with a piece of bread or cake. Predict what changes might occur. Which fruit might go ‘bad’ first? Will the bread /cake go bad?

Leave for a week - examine changes to both fruit and bread/cake. Take digital photos and record findings. Discuss why we shouldn’t eat bad food.

Task 7 Sorting and Ordering Raw/ Prepared and Processed FoodsTask A

Cut out pictures of foods from a magazine Sort them into Plant / Animal or Both e.g. Banana = Plant / Eggs = Animal / Banana Smoothie = Both Create a Venn Diagram from cardboard sheets Glue the pictures in to 3 sections

Task B Predict the weight or of a variety of fruits/vegetables Order pictures of fruit/vegetables from lightest to heaviest Weigh each of fruit/vegetable items to prove/disprove prediction

Additional Activities – Food and Packaging List how food is packaged

Identify and reconstruct 3D shapes


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Task 8 Favourite Foods Survey students to find out favourite breakfast cereal Graph findings in a simple bar graph Create a new breakfast cereal – name it and create a breakfast

character Check out the web site below for ideas http://www.lavasurfer.com/cereal-guide.html

Additional Activity – Breakfast Cereal Create and perform advertisement for new breakfast cereal

Task 9 Food webs and Chains Research food chains (books and/or internet) Create a food chain and discover why removing one item can

unbalance nature. http://www.sd5.k12.mt.us/glaciereft/foodchk2.htm Select an animal and follow the food web or chain Draw illustrations and write captions to explain each step

or Use kidspirations to create a food chain

Additional Activities Create a colour cluster diagram – matching food to colour group

Task 10 Food from Other Cultures Read Story of food from other country (Let’s Eat) Discuss various foods and their origin Create on cards a picture of food from another country with the

name of the country on a separate card e.g pasta picture + Italy, sushi picture +Japan

Play game in class – or create a display Discuss what food has been eaten by students and their thought on

it. Locate simple recipes of foreign foods from cookbooks Parents/helpers to prepare a feast of food from other cultures –

share at schoolRevision and Summary

Evaluate what was the most interesting/important learning activity – write a report

Students read and explain choice to class Vote for best ‘new cereal’ and advertisement Teacher assessment of success of unit Note of any changes or additions to unit. Record any broken links


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Worksheets and Teacher Notes

The following worksheets are suggestions for listed activities. Teachers may wish to create own worksheets, locate worksheets from other sources or rely on student’s own written work.


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Name ____________ Healthy Food Pyramid - Task 1http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/Food_Facts/Fact_Sheets/about%20_the_healthy_eating_pyramid.asp

Using the Healthy food pyramid identify 5 foods that you have eaten recently and place them in the correct columns to complete this sentence.

For healthy eating habits I should eat:More of Less of

RS1.5 Reads a wider range of texts on less familiar topics with increasing independence and understanding, making connections between own knowledge and experience and information in texts.

PHS1.12 Recognises that positive health choices can promote well-being.


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Food Related Rhymes and Songs -Task 1www.enchantedlearning.com

Learn food related songs and rhymes and perform as a drama.

Georgie Porgie

Here We Go 'Round the Mulberry Bush Hot Cross Buns!

I'm a Little Teapot Jack SpratLittle Jack Horner Muffin Man

Pat-A-Cake Peter, Peter, Pumpkin-eater

Peter Piper

Polly, Put the Kettle On

Pop! Goes the Weasel The Queen of


This Little Piggy Tom, Tom the Piper's SonDRAS1.1 Takes on roles in drama to explore familiar and imagined situations.

Name __________Healthy Food Alphabet - Additional Task 1List a variety of foods and draw an illustration


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WS1.11 Uses knowledge of sight words and letter-sound correspondences and a variety of strategies to spell familiar words

Name ____________ Food From Plants – Task 2For healthy living we eat many different plants. These are mainly from the groups called


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F___________ and V____________.

There are 6 parts of a plant we can eat1. Leaves2. Flower3. Fruit

4. Stem5. Seed6. Root

Additional Activities 1. Identify how we can grow certain vegetables/fruit by. 2. Examine what conditions and other things they need to grow

successfully. 3. How are they prepared for eating (cooked or eaten raw)?

Play an interactive game on plant parts Plant Partshttp://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/gpe/case1/c1f.htmlHelp the Plant Growhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/7_8/plants_grow.shtml

ESS1.6 Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments.

Draw a plant and label the parts


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Name ____________ PLANT PARTSLeaves, stems, flowers, fruits and roots – we eat them all!

Identify a part of a plant that we eat – draw it and name it.



ESS1.6 Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments.

Name ____________ LOOKING AT SEEDSAfter cutting up fruit and vegetables draw where the seeds can be located.


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Apple Orange Banana

Avocado Tomato Snow Peas

Carrot Strawberry CucumberESS1.6 Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments.


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Name ____________ Food from Animals- Task 3For healthy eating we also get food from animals. This could be meat such as lamb, beef or chicken or from what the animals makes such as eggs and milk.Activities:1. Use a MS Word – Tables to create a grid (see below) and list foods for each group of example:

Meat Dairy Eggs Other

2. Read or view the story of milk http://www.moomilk.com/3. Use kidspiration (or use the graphic organiser ) to produce a flow chart to show the process of ‘How milk is made’

ESS1.6 Identifies and describes ways in which people and other living things depend upon the Earth and its environments.INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.UTS1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task.

FLOW CHART Name:______________ Class:____________







How milk is produced

Draw or write the steps. (Record them in correct order!)


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Name ____________ Flours and Powders – Task 4There are many different white powders we use in cooking.See if you can unjumble these 6 words to work out the names of common white powders found in a kitchen.1. lsat _______________ 2. guars ____________

3. giinc guars __________ 4. roulf ____________

5. rocn roulf ___________

6. ib brac dosa _____________________Complete a senses chart to describe each of the powders

Your 5 senses are:

______________ _____________

_______________ ____________

_______________INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.


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Name ____________ Senses ChartItemWhite


Looks like Feels like Smells like Tastes




Icing Sugar

Bi-Carb Soda


Use one sense at a time to describe each powder.INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.


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Healthy Habits and Safe Food Charts -Task 5Activities

1. Using MS word create a poster that lists healthy snack food you can bring to school – use clipart to decorate it!2. Click on the link below and locate - Safe Food


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http://www.coolfoodplanet.org/gb/kidz/index.htmComplete the quiz and make some notes!

3. Click on the link to Calamity Kitchenhttp://www.foodlink.org.uk/calamity_kitchen.htm

Complete the activity – take a print of the kitchen and colour it in!4. Complete posters in MS Word to show

a) Good hygiene meansb) Storing food safely

Additional Activity Create a ‘food art’ using the Sesame Street charactershttp://www.sesameworkshop.org/sesamestreet/games/shock/foodart/play.php

UTS1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task.VAS1.1 Makes artworks in a particular way about experiences of real and imaginary things


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Name ____________WHAT MAKES FOOD GO BAD? TASK 6

Moulds and bacteria make food go bad but there are many reasons why this happens. List reasons and then draw an illustration why food may go badExample; food out of date, not kept cold, uncovered and flies on it.


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Food Going Bad Experiments– Task 6Task 1Equipment

2 jars with lids Fruit cut into small pieces Refrigerator Warm place

Method Put the fruit into the jars and seal Place one jar in the warm spot Place the other jar in a cool place (refrigerator) Examine fruit every day for a week Make a report on what you see.

Task 2Equipment

Lunch boxes or containers with lids Fruit – banana/ apple/ orange Bread or cake

Method Place ripe fruit banana/apple/orange in separate lunch boxes along

with apiece of bread or cake.

Predict what changes might occur and which fruit might go ‘bad’ first?

Will the bread /cake go bad? Leave for a week - examine changes to both fruit and bread/cake. Take digital photos and record findings. Discuss why we shouldn’t eat bad food.

INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.

Sorting and Ordering Food - Task 7Sorting and Ordering Raw/ Prepared and Processed FoodsTask A

Cut out pictures of foods from a magazine. Sort them into Plant / Animal or Both.


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e.g. Banana = Plant / Eggs = Animal / Banana Smoothie = Both. Create a Venn Diagram from cardboard sheets. Glue the pictures in to 3 sections.

Task B Predict the weight or of a variety of

fruits/vegetables e.g potato, orange, apple, banana, rockmelon, avocado etc.

Order pictures of fruit/vegetables from lightest to heaviest Weigh each of fruit/vegetable items to prove/disprove prediction

Additional Tasks Food packaging shapes – 3D shapes identify and name Colour Cluster – locate food of the same colour

M1.5 Estimates, compares, orders and measures the mass of objects using informal units.

Name ____________


Raw, Prepared and Processed Food


watermelonpumpkinorangeapplecherries strawberry

Ordering Food !

Colour Clusters


Name:__________ Class:_________

Fruit and Vegetable Colours


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Name ____________ Favourite Foods - Task 8Survey students to work out the most popular breakfast cereal












Step 1 List a variety of popular breakfast cereals in the marked column Step 2 Ask students to tell you their favourite (only allowed 1 choice) Step 3 Colour the cell that shows which one they choseStep 4 Work out which is the most popular (tallest column) least popular (shortest column)The most popular breakfast cereal was _______________least popular was ____________S1.5 Conducts simple data investigations and interprets the results using concrete materials with teacher guidance.N1.1 Approximates, counts, compares, orders and represents whole numbers and groups of objects up to 100.

Colour Clusters


Name:__________ Class:_________

Fruit and Vegetable Colours


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Name ____________ Design a new Breakfast Cereal

Designing cereal names and characters is big business. Many cereal companies have had the same character for many years as well as trading in on television characters.

Take a look at this web site and see if you can recognise some of the favourites.


Your job is to create a character and name for your breakfast cereal.


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Food Webs and Chains - Task 9Living things depend on each other to stay alive. The food chain shows how some animals eat other animals to survive. While being food for animals higher in the food chain, these animals may eat other animals or plants to survive. If one animal source of food disappears, many other animals in the food chain are affected.

Look at the web siteshttp://www.emints.org/ethemes/resources/S00000328.shtml



Create a Food Chain using Milk Cartonshttp://www.sd5.k12.mt.us/glaciereft/foodchk2.htm(see next page for instructions)

Play a Chain reaction Interactive Gamehttp://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/topics/frogs/chain_reaction/index.cfm#

Complete the online test for a food chainhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise/science/living/03b_act.shtml

Use Kidspirationor your own diagram andcreate a food chain


UTS1.9 Selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to undertake an investigation or design task.

Create a Food Chain – Task 9http://www.sd5.k12.mt.us/glaciereft/foodchk2.htm






Food Chain


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1. Take ten clean, empty milk cartons measure and mark to make a cube. Cut a carton all the way around at each mark, until you have two square-shaped boxes (one will be open at both ends).Take the box that is opened at both ends, turn it sideways and stuff it into the other box to make a cube. Tape both ends closed.

2. Repeat with the other cartons until you have ten cubes or "blocks". If desired, and for easier decorating, wrap each box with scrap drawing paper (like a gift).

3. Take four of the blocks and decorate with pictures of the sun on all sides.4. Take three blocks and decorate with pictures of grass, plants and seeds cut from

magazines or drawn with markers.5. Take two blocks and decorate with pictures of plant-eating animals, such as

people, rabbits, mice, cows, chickens, etc.6. Take the last block and decorate with pictures of meat-eating animals, such as

people, owls, hawks, foxes, etc.7. After completing the set of blocks, let your children build a food chain pyramid:

the four sun blocks act as the base, three plant blocks on top of those, two plant-eater blocks next, and finally the meat-eater block on top. Explain to your class why the blocks are arranged this way.

Manipulate the pyramid by asking these questions: What happens if you take away a plant block from the pyramid? (The

pyramid, or at least part of it, will collapse.)

What happens when you take a sun-block away?

Does the pyramid collapse if you take away the meat eaters? (Blocks do not fall, but it is no longer a pyramid.)

Why are meat-eaters important to the food chain? (To keep the plant-eaters from overpopulating an area and eating all the plants.)

INVS1.7 Conducts guided investigations by observing, questioning, predicting, collecting and recording data, and suggesting possible explanations.

Food from Other Cultures – Task 10 Read Story ‘Let’s Eat - Ana Zamorano


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Discuss the various foods from Greece Brainstorm other foods and their country of origin Display a selection of food items that have their country of origin marked on the packaging Ask the children to guess where these foods come from. Make cards with name of food + diagram and a country e.g. pasta = Italy, sushi

= Japan Play match the cards game Discuss food tried/eaten from other countries or cultures Locate simple recipes of foreign foods from cookbooksParents/helpers to prepare a feast of food from other cultures – share at school.

CUS1 4 Describes the cultural, linguistic and religious practices of their family, their community and other


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Name ____________ Evaluation of Food Unit

Colour the face that best describes your feelings about the work you have done.

(add or delete statements if required)

Learning about food

Reading and writing about food Using Kidspiration about food

Interactive games about food

Doing food experiments Making artworks on food Trying food from other cultures


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My favourite part was: ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Stage 1 Food Unit- EvaluationName: __________ School ____________ (Not Compulsory)

Please spend a few minutes filling out this evaluation, so that we can continue to improve this unit over time. Please email your evaluation to TESS. [email protected]

The areas which worked the best:

The areas which need to be improved:

I would like to see more:36
