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Radiative heat transfer from supersonic flow with suspended particles to a blunt body Leonid A. Dombrovsky a,, Dmitry L. Reviznikov b , Andrey V. Sposobin b a Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Krasnokazarmennaya 17A, NCHMT, Moscow 111116, Russia b Moscow Aviation Institute (Aerospace University), Volokolamskoe Shosse 4, Moscow 125993, Russia article info Article history: Received 1 September 2015 Received in revised form 4 October 2015 Accepted 26 October 2015 Keywords: Radiative heat transfer Supersonic flow Blunt body Absorbing and scattering particles Collisions of particles Computational model abstract The spectral radiative transfer problem for a supersonic gas flow with suspended particles at the front surface of a blunt body is solved using the combined two-step model based on transport approximation for the scattering phase function. The particle laden flow is calculated taking into account both dynamic and temperature non-equilibrium of micron-sized particles suspended in the carrier gas. A computational study of the problem showed that the effect of collisions between polydisperse particles including those reflected from the body is significant for both the flow field of particles behind the shock wave and the radiative heat transfer. At the same time, one can use a monodisperse approximation instead of complete calculations to estimate both the radiation flux and equilibrium temperature of the body surface. Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The problem of thermal interaction of a supersonic flow of a gas or plasma with a blunt body is very important in some aerospace applications. This interaction is especially strong in two cases: at very high relative velocities of the flow and also in the case when solid or liquid particles are suspended in a gas. The latter case is characterized by specific difficulties because of a complex behavior of composite materials under the action of a gas flow with particles [1]. The solid particles can increase essentially the heat transfer near the stagnation point. In the case of large particles impinging on the body surface, a contribution to the heat flux is related to transformation of the particle kinetic energy [2–4]. For fine parti- cles, an increase in the heat flux is explained by modification of the flow in the boundary layer [5]. This problem of fluid mechanics has been theoretically studied in detail for wide ranges of particle sizes and free stream particle volume fraction in the recent paper [6]. It is well-known that a contribution of thermal radiation to combined heat transfer in supersonic flow over the bodies may be significant. This problem is usually considered as applied to the re-entry stage of space missions [7,8]. Most recent studies are focused on plasma radiation at very high re-entry velocity [9–13]. The presence of micron-sized particles makes this problem rather different from that for gas or plasma flow without particles. On the one hand, the complex radiative properties of the host medium appears to be not so important and there is no need in extremely detailed spectral calculations because of a continuous emission spectrum of particles. On the other hand, one should take into account both the local dynamic and thermal nonequilibrium of particles [1,6,14–18] and the radiation scattering by particles of size comparable with the wavelength [19–24]. The computational modeling of supersonic flows of a gas with suspended particles is not a simple task, especially in the case when collisions of particles with each other and also with the body surface are important. The flow model appears to be especially complex in the realistic case of a wide size distribution of particles because of numerous collisions between the particles of different size. In papers [23,24], the monodisperse approximation has been used. Of course, this approach simplified radically the mathematics of both the flow field and the radiative transfer calculations. At the same time, it was not clear how to choose an appropriate average size of particles in this approach and to estimate the errors of the monodisperse approximation in the main parameters of the calculated flow field and radiative transfer. Moreover, it is not obvious that this approach is applicable to the problem under consideration. In addition, one should recall the real cases when monodisperse approximation gives too crude results even for inte- gral (over the spectrum) radiative flux from an isothermal particle http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2015.10.072 0017-9310/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Corresponding author. Tel.: +7 910 408 0186; fax: +7 495 362 5590. E-mail address: [email protected] (L.A. Dombrovsky). International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 853–861 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijhmt
Page 1: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Page 2.files/IJHMT...Radiative heat transfer from supersonic flow with suspended particles to a blunt body Leonid A. Dombrovskya,⇑,

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 853–861

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

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Radiative heat transfer from supersonic flow with suspended particlesto a blunt body

http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2015.10.0720017-9310/� 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +7 910 408 0186; fax: +7 495 362 5590.E-mail address: [email protected] (L.A. Dombrovsky).

Leonid A. Dombrovsky a,⇑, Dmitry L. Reviznikov b, Andrey V. Sposobin b

a Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Krasnokazarmennaya 17A, NCHMT, Moscow 111116, RussiabMoscow Aviation Institute (Aerospace University), Volokolamskoe Shosse 4, Moscow 125993, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 1 September 2015Received in revised form 4 October 2015Accepted 26 October 2015

Keywords:Radiative heat transferSupersonic flowBlunt bodyAbsorbing and scattering particlesCollisions of particlesComputational model

The spectral radiative transfer problem for a supersonic gas flow with suspended particles at the frontsurface of a blunt body is solved using the combined two-step model based on transport approximationfor the scattering phase function. The particle laden flow is calculated taking into account both dynamicand temperature non-equilibrium of micron-sized particles suspended in the carrier gas. A computationalstudy of the problem showed that the effect of collisions between polydisperse particles including thosereflected from the body is significant for both the flow field of particles behind the shock wave and theradiative heat transfer. At the same time, one can use a monodisperse approximation instead of completecalculations to estimate both the radiation flux and equilibrium temperature of the body surface.

� 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The problem of thermal interaction of a supersonic flow of a gasor plasma with a blunt body is very important in some aerospaceapplications. This interaction is especially strong in two cases: atvery high relative velocities of the flow and also in the case whensolid or liquid particles are suspended in a gas. The latter case ischaracterized by specific difficulties because of a complex behaviorof composite materials under the action of a gas flow with particles[1]. The solid particles can increase essentially the heat transfernear the stagnation point. In the case of large particles impingingon the body surface, a contribution to the heat flux is related totransformation of the particle kinetic energy [2–4]. For fine parti-cles, an increase in the heat flux is explained by modification ofthe flow in the boundary layer [5]. This problem of fluid mechanicshas been theoretically studied in detail for wide ranges of particlesizes and free stream particle volume fraction in the recent paper[6].

It is well-known that a contribution of thermal radiation tocombined heat transfer in supersonic flow over the bodies maybe significant. This problem is usually considered as applied tothe re-entry stage of space missions [7,8]. Most recent studiesare focused on plasma radiation at very high re-entry velocity

[9–13]. The presence of micron-sized particles makes this problemrather different from that for gas or plasma flow without particles.On the one hand, the complex radiative properties of the hostmedium appears to be not so important and there is no need inextremely detailed spectral calculations because of a continuousemission spectrum of particles. On the other hand, one should takeinto account both the local dynamic and thermal nonequilibriumof particles [1,6,14–18] and the radiation scattering by particlesof size comparable with the wavelength [19–24].

The computational modeling of supersonic flows of a gas withsuspended particles is not a simple task, especially in the casewhen collisions of particles with each other and also with the bodysurface are important. The flow model appears to be especiallycomplex in the realistic case of a wide size distribution of particlesbecause of numerous collisions between the particles of differentsize. In papers [23,24], the monodisperse approximation has beenused. Of course, this approach simplified radically the mathematicsof both the flow field and the radiative transfer calculations. At thesame time, it was not clear how to choose an appropriate averagesize of particles in this approach and to estimate the errors of themonodisperse approximation in the main parameters of thecalculated flow field and radiative transfer. Moreover, it is notobvious that this approach is applicable to the problem underconsideration. In addition, one should recall the real cases whenmonodisperse approximation gives too crude results even for inte-gral (over the spectrum) radiative flux from an isothermal particle

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a particle radiusA;B size-distribution parameters~C;~F;~G; ~N;~q vectors in Eq. (6a)D radiation diffusion coefficientE internal energyEa; Es specific coefficients introduced by Eq. (22)f v volume fraction of particles~f forceF gamma-distributionG spectral incident radiationH enthalpyI radiation intensityK coefficient in Eq. (13)l the number of particle fractionsm complex index of refraction or mass of particleNp number of particlesq radiative fluxQ efficiency factor of absorption or scatteringR radius of spherical bodys coordinate along the body surfaceS emission term of the source functionx diffraction parameter

Greek symbolsa absorption coefficient

b extinction coefficientc specific heat ratio� emissivityj index of absorptionk wavelengthr scattering coefficientr0 Stefan–Boltzmann constant~x angular velocity~X unit vector of direction

Subscripts and superscriptsa absorbedb blackbodyd dragm maximumM Magnusp particler radiatives scatteredt total (integral)tr transportw wallx rotational

854 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 853–861

cloud [19,22,25]. Note that this approximation is totally inapplica-ble for thermal radiation of some polydisperse systems when par-ticles of different size have considerably different temperatures.The known examples are: thermal radiation of particles in plasmaspraying [26–28], radiation from combustion products in exhaustplumes of aluminized-propellant rocket engines [19,21,22,29,30]and radiative cooling of core melt droplets in nuclear fuel–coolantinteraction [31–33].

The objective of the present paper is twofold: (1) To summarizethe methodological results for radiative transfer calculationspresented in [24] for the case of numerous collisions between poly-disperse particles [34] and (2) To examine the monodisperseapproximation in the realistic case of equilibrium temperature ofthe body surface.

According to [34], the value of an average particle radius whichgives good estimate of the radiative flux is different for relativelycold and hot surface of the blunt body. Therefore, the solution tothe second task is not obvious. Note that possible use of themonodisperse approach is very promising to decrease the compu-tational time. The latter is especially important for the conjugatedproblems with destruction of the body material under thecombined thermal and mechanical action of the flow containingparticles [1,18,35].

The results of recent analysis of different approximate methodsin radiative transfer calculations reported by Dombrovsky andReviznikov [24] are used in the present paper. According to theseresults, the traditional P1 approximation is sufficiently accurateonly in the case of a relatively cold body surface (see also papers[22,36–38]), whereas the combined method including the ray-tracing procedure [22,39] can be employed to solve the radiativetransfer equation at the second step of numerical solution in thecase of arbitrary temperature of the body surface.

The present study is motivated mainly by the interest to ther-mal conditions in the experimental testing of composite materialsused in design of rocket engines. Therefore, we consider a model

problem with parameters typical of engineering problems of thistype. At the same time, the methods suggested are expected tobe also applicable to some re-entry problems.

The present paper is focused mainly on elaboration of theadvanced computational model and illustration of this model qual-ity in the most important range of the problem parameters. Somespecific features of the problem solution at various geometrical andthermal parameters have been already studied in recent publica-tions by the authors [23,24,34].

2. Flow field model for gas with suspended particles

A general scheme of the problem under consideration is illus-trated in Fig. 1 taken from recent paper [24]. The uniform super-sonic flow of combustion products containing small aluminaparticles interacts with a blunt body. It is assumed that there areboth dynamic and thermal equilibrium between the gas and smallalumina particles in the exit cross section of the nozzle. In contrastto papers [23,24], the only variant of the geometrical parameters ofthe nozzle and spherical obstacle is considered: the radius 3 cm ofthe sphere, the radius 4.66 cm of the nozzle exit cross section andthe distance 5.33 cm from the nozzle exit to the sphere center. Thislimitation is explained by the limiting length of the journal paper.The physical parameters of the model problem under considera-tion are similar to those reported in the above referred papers. Atthe nozzle exit, the specific heat ratio c = 1.25, densityq = 0.6 kg m�3, pressure p = 0.269 MPa, temperature T = 1558 K,and Mach number M = 2 were taken. Note that the stagnation tem-perature is equal to T0 = 2336 K at the above conditions. The initialvolume fraction of particles is equal to fv0 = 10�4. It was assumedthat all particles, which reach the body surface, undergo specularreflection with the recovery factor equal to 0.9.

It is typical for the combustion problems that small volume ele-ments contain a large number of particles, so that a representativelocal size distribution of particles can be introduced. For simplicity,

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Fig. 1. Scheme of the problem and a part of the computational region.

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we assume that all particles are spherical. In this case, the numberof particles with radii in the range from a to a + da in a unit volumeis expressed as NpF(a)da, where Np is the total number of particlesin this volume, F(a) is the size distribution function. The aboveintroduced function is normalized as follows:Z 1

0FðaÞda ¼ 1 ð1Þ

It is convenient to introduce the volume fraction of particles:

f v ¼4p3


Z 1

0a3FðaÞda ð2Þ

It is assumed also that size distribution at the initial crosssection of the undisturbed flow is given by the followingtwo-parameter gamma-distribution widely employed for dispersecomposition of natural and industrial aerosols [19–22,40–42]:

FðaÞ ¼ ABþ1

CðBþ 1Þ aB expð�AaÞ ð3Þ

This distribution has a maximum at a = am = B/A, and theaverage particle radii can be easily calculated:

ai;i�1 ¼ ðBþ iÞ=A ¼ am þ i=a ð4Þwhere the ordinary notation for the integral parameters of theparticle size distribution is used:

aij ¼Z 1


Z 1

0ajFðaÞda ð5Þ

The typical curves of F(a) are shown in Fig. 2.

0 1 2 3 4 50.0






A = 2 μm-1

A = 3 μm-1


), μ


a, μm

B = 2

Fig. 2. Gamma-distributions of particle sizes.

The detached shock wave in front of the body leads to signifi-cant changes of the flow parameters and significant dynamicaland thermal non-equilibrium between the micron-sized particlesand the carrier gas flow. Of course, the local size distributions ofparticles are not the same as that in the initial cross section ofthe flow. The particles are heated behind the shock wave and theirlocal volume fraction increases significantly as compared with thatin the free flow. This leads to specific conditions of radiative trans-fer in this region. As to gases, we assume that both absorption andemission of the infrared radiation by gases can be neglected. Thisspecific simplification is really acceptable because of a predomi-nant role of condensed phase particles in all the thermal radiationeffects in similar problems [19,22,43]. The spectral approachemployed to calculate the complete radiation field and also theradiative flux at the body surface are presented in the next sectionof the paper.

The mathematical model of polydisperse flow is based on acombination of the Eulerian approach for the gas flow and theLagrangian formulation for the velocity and temperature of sus-pended particles. The coupled equations for the gas flow take intoaccount the effect of particles:


þ @~Fð~qÞ@x

þ @~Gð~qÞ@y

þ~Cð~qÞ ¼ ~N ð6aÞ

~q ¼



1CCCA ~F ¼

ququ2 þ p



1CCCA ~C ¼ qv





1CCCA ~G ¼


qv2 þ p




~N ¼

0�hf pxi�hf pyi

�h~f p~vp þ~sx~xp þ qci



E ¼ pqðc� 1Þ þ

12ðu2 þ v2Þ H ¼ Eþ p


where the components of vector ~N are the impulse and energyfluxes from particles to ambient gas. The nonlinear Eqs. (6a)–(6c)are solved numerically using the TVD-modified Harten–Lax–VanLeer scheme of the second order [44]. The approach of non-reflecting perfectly absorbing boundary conditions [45] is used toavoid a non-physical effect of wave reflection at the boundaries ofcomputational region. The rectangular grid adapted to both thebody surface and the flow pattern is used in numerical solution.

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Boundary conditions at the curvilinear boundary are approximatedaccording to the ghost-cell immersed method. The details of thecomputational procedure can be found in paper [18]. Note thateffect of particles on the carrying gas flow is rather weak excludinga thin layer at the body surface.

The model of the particle motion takes into account collisionsbetween particles and their reflection from the body surface. TheSaffman lift force [46] which is considerable for relatively slowshear flows including the boundary layer in the vicinity of stagna-tion point [47,48] is not taken into account. A method of directnumerical simulation of the complex particle dynamics taking intoaccount the collisions of polydisperse particles has been developedin papers [49,50]. The particles are modeled as rigid uniformspheres. The motion of a single particle in a gas flow is governedby the following equations:


dt¼~f p Jp


dt¼~sx ð7Þ

The external force~f p is a sum of the drag force~f d and Magnus

force~fM responsible for the particle rotation:

~f p ¼~f d þ~fM ð8aÞ

~f d ¼ pa2

2cdqð~v �~vpÞj~v �~vpj

~fM ¼ pa3cxq12r�~v � ~xp

� �� ð~v �~vpÞ

� �ð8bÞ

The drag coefficient is a function of Mach and Reynolds num-bers. The dependence of cd = cd (Rep, Mp) is calculated using the for-mula by Henderson [51]. The torque value is determined asfollows:

~sx ¼ a5


12r�~v � ~xp

� �12r�~s� ~xp

�������� ð8cÞ

The expressions for coefficients cx = cx (Rep, Rex) andcl = cl (Rex) can be found in papers [52–54].

Strictly speaking, the energy equation for particles shouldinclude a term corresponding to the contribution of thermal radi-ation. The radiative component of the total heat flux to movingparticles can be determined from the radiation field as discussedin [22]. Theoretical estimates showed that particle temperaturein the problem under consideration is determined by convectiveheat transfer with ambient gas and the role of thermal radiationcan be neglected [24]. As a result, the energy equation for singleparticles is as follows:


dt¼ qc qc ¼ 2NupakðT0 � TpÞ ð9Þ

where cp is the heat capacity of particle material, qc is the convec-tive heat flux, k is the thermal conductivity of ambient gas, Tp isthe particle temperature. The value of T0 is assumed to be approx-imately equal to the stagnation temperature

T0 ¼ T þ j~v �~vpj2=2cp ð10ÞThe Nusselt number Nu is calculated according to [55]. The

coupled equations for particle motion and heat transfer are inte-grated using the fifth-order Runge–Kutta method. Of course, theequations for gas and those for particles are not independent ones.Therefore, these equations are solved simultaneously at each timeof the general numerical procedure.

While modeling the flow with suspended polydisperse particlesit is important to take into account numerous collisions betweenthe particles. As a rule, the Monte Carlo methods similar to thoseapplied in rarefied gas dynamics are used to simulate this effect[56,57]. According to [34], an alternative method of direct

numerical simulation of particle dynamics suggested in [49] isemployed in the present paper. According to this method, the par-ticle motion during time interval (tk, tk+1) is computed using theanalytical approximation of particle trajectory by second-orderpolynomials like the following one:

~rðtÞ ¼~r2ðt � tkÞ2 þ~r1ðt � tkÞ þ~r0 ð11ÞThe condition of collision of two particles with radii ai and aj is

given by the obvious forth-order algebraic equation:

j~riðtÞ �~rjðtÞj2 ¼ ðai þ ajÞ2 ð12ÞThe dynamic parameters of a pair of particles after their colli-

sion and also the characteristics of a particle after reflection fromthe body surface are calculated on the basis of the model of hardspheres [17]. Successive treatment of all the collisions is carriedout using unified queue of events sorted chronologically. Note thateach particle can participate in multiple collisions with other par-ticles and body surface during one computational step. Note thatan assumption of a specular reflection in every collision of particleswith the recovery factor equal to 0.9 was used in the calculations.

The above described approach enables one to calculate accu-rately the complex flow field taking into account the repeated col-lisions between the particles and their reflection from the bodysurface. At the same time, the implementation of this method tothe computer code may lead to very time-consuming algorithmbecause of difficulties of parallel calculations. Some ways to mini-mize the computational time have been discussed in [57]. One ofthese ways is used in the present paper. We represent every K par-ticles by a single probe particle. As a result, Eq. (12) is modified:

j~riðtÞ �~rjðtÞj2 ¼ Kðai þ ajÞ2 ð13ÞNote that the probe particle has physical properties of a single

particle. But we should use the coefficient K to obtain some integralproperties such as the effect of particles on the gas flow and theimpact of particles on the body surface. Therefore, it is importantto be sure that a probe particle has the same intensity of collisionsalong the trajectory as that of a single particle. The probe particlesapproach is expected to extend possible applications of the directnumerical simulation of particle collisions because of a significantdecreasing both the computer memory and the computationaltime.

3. Radiative transfer modeling

In this paper, we do not consider the region past a body wherethere are no condensed phase particles. This makes possible to usethe well-known P1 approximation [22,58,59] at least at the firststep of solution when the incident radiation field is determined.This approach leads to the boundary-value problem for the modi-fied Helmholtz equation:

�rðDrGÞ þ aG ¼ 4pS D ¼ 1=ð3btrÞ S ¼Xl


aiIbðTp;iÞ a ¼Xl



ð14Þwhere D is the spectral radiation diffusion coefficient,

btr ¼ aþ rtrs is the transport extinction coefficient, rtr

s ¼ Pli¼1rtr


is the transport scattering coefficient, i is the current number ofthe particle fraction with temperature Tp,i, l is the total numberof particle fractions in the elementary volume. Of course, the spec-tral incident radiation G, the temperatures Tp,i, and all coefficientsin Eq. (14) are the functions of spatial coordinate~r. Hereafter, thesubscript k, which is usually used for spectral values, is omittedfor brevity. Note that S = aIb (Tp) in the case when all particles have

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the same temperature Tpð~rÞ. However, this is not the case even forparticles of the same size because of reflection of particles from thebody surface.

It should be noted that a contribution of absorbing and emittingcomponents of the carrying gas to radiative heat transfer in theproblem under consideration is small and can be neglected. Thisis a typical situation for combustion products of aluminizedpropellants in solid-propellant rocket engines [19–22].

The Marshak boundary condition for Eq. (14) at the body sur-face with temperature Tw and spectral emissivity ew is as follows[22]:

�Dð~nrGÞ ¼ ew2ð2� ewÞ ðG� 4pIbðTwÞÞ ð15Þ

where ~n is the external normal to the body surface. Obviously, theboundary conditions at other surfaces of the computational regionare much simpler than that given by Eq. (15). With the use of theP1 solution, the local spectral and integral radiative fluxes to thebody surface are determined as follows:

qw ¼ ew2ð2� ewÞ ðG� 4pIbðTwÞÞ qt

wðsÞ ¼Z k2


qwðsÞdk ð16Þ

where s is the current curvilinear coordinate along the body surface.Of course, the spectral interval ðk1; k2Þ should include the range of aconsiderable spectral contribution to the integral radiative flux.

The P1 approximation is simple and very convenient for radia-tive transfer calculations especially in combined heat transferproblems. Moreover, this approach appears to be sufficiently accu-rate in the case when one needs only the divergence of radiativeflux in the energy equation [60–62]. At the same time, the use ofP1 in radiative flux calculations at the boundaries of the computa-tional region may lead to significant errors. A physical analysis ofthese errors has been studied in early paper by Dombrovsky [36](see monograph [22] for more details). Nevertheless, the simplicityof this approach is a permanent reason of its use even in calcula-tions of the radiation field around blunt-body vehicles in the atmo-sphere [37,38,63].

It is important that P1 approximation can be derived from thecomplete radiative transfer equation by using the only assumptionon the following linear angular dependence of the spectral radia-tion intensity:

Ið~r; ~XÞ ¼ 14p

½Gð~rÞ þ 3~X �~qð~rÞ� ð17Þ

Generally, the P1 is thought to be applicable in optically thickmedia. This widespread error is easily overcome if we recall thatthat this approach gives rather accurate results for 1-D problemsof self emission of isothermal volumes of a homogeneous mediaat arbitrary optical thickness (see [22] for more details). In fact,the only condition of a sufficiently smooth angular structure ofthe radiation field, Eq. (17), is a basis of the P1 applicability. Thisstatement will be used in our analysis of the computational dataobtained for the problem under consideration.

Radiative transfer is often characterized by complex angulardependences of the radiation intensity. In this case, the diffusionapproximation can be incapable of accurately predicting the radia-tion field in real applications, especially for media that are charac-terized by strong spatial variation of radiative properties and largetemperature gradients [36]. At the same time, even for the mostcomplicated cases, the field of the radiation energy density (or inci-dent radiation) obtained by using the diffusion approximation canbe successfully used as an initial guess in multi-step solutionmethods [39,64].

Following this general idea suggested originally by Edwards andBobcôo [65] (see also [22,64]), a next step in radiative transfer

modeling was made in [24] as compared with [23]. No changesin energy equations for particles should be made. The only noveltyis in additional iterative step in calculations of spectral radiativeflux at the body surface. This enables us to estimate an error ofthe P1 approximation. It is important (and very convenient) thatthis iteration can be made after completing the calculationsbecause our current approach does not contain any feedbackdepending on the radiative heat flux at the body surface.

In transport approximation for the scattering phase function[64], the radiative transfer equation can be written as follows:

~XrI þ btrI ¼rtr


4pGþ S G ¼


Id~X ð18Þ

Eq. (18) with the variable incident radiation Gð~rÞ determinedusing P1 approximation at the first step of the combined two-step solution is integrated numerically along the rays (first towardthe body surface and then in the opposite direction). A set of61 � 61 = 3721 rays coming to the selected point of the body sur-face are used in this procedure. Up to one thousand of uniformintervals are used in the numerical integration along each ray.The boundary condition of perfect reflection and the alternativecondition of zero spectral radiation intensity are considered atthe external boundary of the computational region, but the differ-ence between the results obtained with the use of these boundaryconditions appeared to be negligible. Note that the second variantof the external boundary condition gives an upper estimate of theradiative flux at the body surface in the case of a relatively hotbody. The boundary condition of both diffuse reflection and emis-sion of radiation at the body surface is used in the calculations. It isassumed that the body material is opaque and the surface reflectiv-ity is equal to 1 � ew. For simplicity, the body surface is assumed tobe gray (with optical properties independent of the wavelength).Having in mind the temperature level in the model problem, thewavelength range 0.5 6 k 6 8.5 lm was considered in the spectralradiative transfer calculations. It was shown that a uniform step ofDk = 0.1 lm over the spectrum is quite sufficient for the reliablecalculations of integral (over the spectrum) radiative flux at thebody surface.

4. Radiative properties of particles

According to Mie theory [66,67], absorption and scatteringproperties of single spherical particles are controlled by twodimensionless parameters. The first one is the so-called diffractionor size parameter x ¼ 2pa=k and the second one is the complexindex of refraction of the particle substance m ¼ n� ij, where nis the index of refraction and j is the index of absorption. The fol-lowing approximations of spectral and temperature dependencesfor both indices of refraction and absorption of alumina are usedin the calculations [22]:

nðk;TÞ¼n0ðkÞ½1þ11ðT�T1Þ� 11 ¼2:02 �10�5K�1 T1 ¼473K ð19aÞ

n20 � 1 ¼ 1:024k2

k2 � 0:003776þ 1:058k2

k2 � 0:01225þ 5:281k2

k2 � 321:4ð19bÞ

jðk; TÞ ¼ 0:002ð1þ 0:7kþ 0:06k2Þ exp½12ðT � T2Þ�12 ¼ 1:847 � 10�3K�1 T2 ¼ 2950 K ð20Þ

Note that wavelength k in Eqs. (19b) and (20) is expressed inmicrons. Eq. (20) has been originally suggested for molten alumina(T > 2320 K), but their use at lower temperatures gives anacceptable qualitative estimate for the index of absorption of solidsubstance. At least, it seems to be appropriate for the modelproblem under consideration.

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The following approximate relations for particles of a weaklyabsorbing substance are used to calculate the efficiency factor ofabsorption Qa and the transport efficiency factor of scattering Q tr



Q a ¼4n

ðnþ 1Þ2½1� expð�5jxÞ� þ 2:5jw=e1 ð21aÞ

Q trs ¼ 1:2w½1� 15ð2:5� nÞj� when u 6 8

x�n þ 0:5wð1� 10jÞðn� 1Þð2:5� nÞ when u > 8



n ¼ 0:75� 0:3nþ ð32:5� 10nÞj w ¼ uðn� 1Þe21e1 ¼ expð�0:1uÞ u ¼ 2xðn� 1Þ ð21cÞNote that the use of approximations (21a)–(21c) is much preferablethan time-consuming calculations based on the Mie theory. Typicalresults of calculations using these approximate equations for alu-mina particles with size distributions of Fig. 2 are presented inFig. 3. The values of specific absorption coefficient and transportscattering coefficient defined as

Ea ¼ a=f v Etrs ¼ rtr

s =f v ð22Þare plotted together with the results obtained using the exact Mietheory. One can see in Fig. 3 that approximate spectral calculationsof both the absorption coefficient and transport scatteringcoefficient are sufficiently accurate to be used in the present studyand there is no need in time-consuming Mie theory calculations. Itshould be noted that absorption is relatively small over thespectrum and Q tr

s � Q a even at temperature of alumina particlesequal to Tp = 2300 K. Both the predominant role of scattering andinsignificant effect of size distribution on absorption are importantfor understanding the results of subsequent radiative transfercalculations.

The local volume fraction of alumina particles is not so great totake into account the so-called dependent scattering. The latterstatement is not absolutely correct because of significant increaseof the volume fraction of small particles near the body surface.Nevertheless, our approach is based on the widely used hypothesisof independent scattering [68–70]. It means that each particle isassumed to absorb and scatter the radiation in exactly the samemanner as if other particles did not exist. In addition, there is nosystematic phase relation between partial waves scattered by indi-vidual particles during the observation time interval, so that theintensities of the partial waves can be added without regard to

1 2 3 4 5








E, m


λ, μm


Fig. 3. Specific absorption coefficient and transport scattering coefficient ofpolydisperse alumina particles with size distribution (3) at B = 2 and A = 2 lm�1

(1) and A = 3 lm�1 (2) at Tp = 2300 K: solid lines – calculations using the Mie theory,dashed lines – calculations using Eqs. (21a)–(21c).

phase. In other words, each particle is in the far-field zones of allother particles, and scattering by individual particles is incoherent.

5. Analysis of numerical results

First of all, the effect of collisions between particles on both theflow field and radiative transfer is analyzed. The minimum esti-mate of this effect can be done on the basis of the monodisperseapproach. In this case, the most of collisions between particlesare localized in the compressed medium layer behind the shockwave. An expected qualitative result on the role of collisionsbetween alumina particles behind the shock wave is illustratedin Fig. 4. A detailed mesh was used in the flow field calculations.It was shown that transfer from the mesh 600 � 900 to1200 � 1800 has little impact on computational results. As usually,the steady-state solution was obtained using the convergence of atransient solution after about 103–104 time steps. The total numberof particles considered at every time step of duration 10�7 s wasabout 3�106 with more than 105 collisions between them and about103 collisions of particles with the body surface.

The changes of both the volume fraction of particles and theirtemperature (hot particles are shown in red) are obvious fromcomparison of the left and right-hand panels in this figure. Thereis a sharp boundary of the region of hot particles in calculationswithout taking into account collisions between particles (leftpanel). It is explained by the predominant contribution of particlesreflected from the body surface. The collisions between the mainstream particles and reflected particles lead to much narrowerlayer of hot particles. This layer appeared to be significantly closerto the body surface. This effect is known from previous computa-tional studies [14,16,18] but the radiative transfer was not consid-ered in these papers.

It is interesting that collisions between alumina particles leadalso to some changes in the current particle size distribution. Thisstatement is illustrated in Fig. 5, where some numerical data onsize distribution of particles at the body surface are presented. Inthe region near the stagnation point, the collisions between parti-cles lead to a bit wider size distribution (Fig. 5a). At the same time,the effect of collisions between ‘‘primary” and reflected particleson the overall size distribution increases with the distance alongthe body surface and appears to be very strong in the region farfrom the stagnation point (Fig. 5b). In calculations without colli-sions one can distinguish separate size distributions of small pri-mary particles and large reflected ones. The collisions lead to asignificant transformation of this bimodal distribution with a greatdecrease in the relative volume fraction of alumina particles whichhave the radius greater than about 1.7 lm. As one can expect, theeffect of flow field changes shown in Figs. 4 and 5 on the integral(over the spectrum) radiative flux at the front surface of a bodyis significant, at least in the case of a relatively cold body surfaceconsidered in paper [34]. These results are reproduced in Fig. 6where the relative value of �qt

w ¼ qtw=ðr0T

40Þ is plotted as a function

of the dimensionless coordinate along the body surface �s ¼ s=R (s ismeasured from the stagnation point). One can see that collisionsbetween particles lead to significant increase in the radiative fluxeven in the case of monodisperse alumina particles. It is a clearillustration of the great role of collisions between alumina particlesin radiative transfer calculations. Note that simplified approachbased on P1 approximation only was used in these calculationsbecause this approach is acceptable in the case of a cold body sur-face [24]. The computational procedure based on P1 approximationcan be easily employed using a detailed mesh without consider-able increase in the time of complete calculations.

It is interesting to examine an applicability of the monodisperseapproximation to approximate calculations of the integral

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Fig. 4. Temperature fields of monodisperse alumina particles with radius a = 2.5 lm: left panel – calculations without effects of collisions between particles, right panel –complete calculations. Results of two-phase flow field calculations.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.00.0







a), μ


a, μm


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.50.0









, μm


a, μm


Fig. 5. Size distribution of alumina particles (a) near the stagnation point at thebody surface and (b) rather far (at angles 80–90�) from the stagnation point in thecase of initial gamma-distribution with parameters B = 2 and A = 3 lm�1: 1 –calculations without collisions between particles, 2 – complete calculations. Resultsof calculations based on P1 approximation.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.40.00










Fig. 6. Profiles of the relative radiative flux along the body surface at a = 2.5 lm:1 – calculations without collisions between particles, 2 – complete calculations.

L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 853–861 859

radiative flux. The result obtained recently by the authors [34] isvery promising: one can really calculate the radiative flux at thefront surface of the blunt body and the error of these approximatecalculations is insignificant. It is sufficient to use different averageradii of alumina particles for two opposite cases of a cold or veryhot surface of the body. These average radii are equal to a43 anda32 in the cases of a cold and hot surface of the body, respectively.

Note that monodisperse approximation does not lead to a sig-nificant decrease in computational time with the use of the abovedescribed general procedure of detailed calculations. At the sametime, the monodisperse approach is expected to be very usefulbecause it can be employed in a combination with simpler flowmodels when the calculations are not so time-consuming. As tothe radiation calculations, the difference in the computationaltime between the polydisperse and monodisperse variants is

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4















0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.42000










T, K



Fig. 7. Calculated profiles of (a) total radiative flux and (b) a conventionalequilibrium temperature along the body surface: 1 – flow without suspendedparticles, 2 – polydisperse alumina particles at A = 3 lm�1 and B = 2, 3–5 –monodisperse particles with radii a = 1.5 lm, 2 lm, and 2.5 lm, respectively.

860 L.A. Dombrovsky et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 853–861

insignificant because approximate relations are used for spectralradiative properties of alumina particles instead of Miecalculations.

Let us consider more realistic case of a quasi-steady regime ofthe body heating. For simplicity, it is assumed that the local‘‘equilibrium” temperature of the body surface is determined bya balance between convective and radiative heat fluxes. In otherwords, both heat transfer by conduction in the body and possibledestruction of the body material are not taken into account. Thecalculated profiles of the integral radiative flux and the resultingtemperature of the body surface are presented in Fig. 7. Note thatnon-monotonic behavior of these profiles is explained by a transi-tion from the laminar to turbulent flow regime. It is important thatthe contribution of thermal radiation to the equilibrium tempera-ture of the body surface is significant and this effect can be welldescribed using the monodisperse approximation for polydispersealumina particles with equivalent average radius a32 = 1.67 lm.

6. Conclusions

A general computational model for the supersonic flow withsuspended polydisperse particles was developed. This modelincludes the flow field calculations in the case of a detached shockwave in front of a blunt body taking into account not only thedynamic and temperature nonequilibrium of particles but alsonumerous collisions of particles between each other and with thebody surface. The spectral radiative transfer is an important partof this general model which enables one to obtain the radiative flux

at the body surface. According to recent studies by the authors, thecombined method including the P1 approximation at the first stepof an iterative solution and the ray-tracing procedure for subse-quent integration of transport radiative transfer equation is imple-mented into the general code.

The numerical analysis showed that collisions between ‘‘pri-mary” particles coming with the main gas flow and particlesreflected from the body surface have a significant effect on boththe motion of particles and the radiative transfer. Of course, thequalitative estimates obtained in the present paper depend onthe body material structure which is responsible for the reflectioncharacter of alumina particles.

The calculations for polydisperse alumina particles with a typi-cal size distribution showed that one can obtain reliable estimatesof integral (over the spectrum) radiative flux at the front surface ofa body on the basis of relatively simple monodisperse approxima-tion. At the same time, the effective radius of monodisperse parti-cles depends considerably on the problem parameters. Inparticular, one can use the Sauter average radius a32 in a realisticcase of quasi-steady temperature of the body surface. Note thatpossible use of monodisperse model is especially important inengineering calculations to solve conjugated problems character-ized by thermal or mechanical destruction of the body materialwhen the detailed calculations for complex size distributions ofsuspended particles are too time-consuming.

The paper can be considered as a theoretical and computationalbasis of regular engineering calculations at various geometricaland physical parameters of the problem and also as a potential partof general computational models for conjugated problems of com-bined heat transfer.


The authors are grateful to the Russian Foundation for BasicResearch for the financial support of this study under Grants No.13-08-00022a and 15-08-06262a.


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