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International MOOC Conference - federica.eu · Carlos Delgado Kloos · University of Madrid Carlo...

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N a p l e s / A n a c a p r i 2 4 t h · 2 6 t h S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 5 International MOOC Conference Where are MOOCs going? The future of distance learning .eu www.federica.eu Università di Napoli Federico II


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International MOOC ConferenceWhere are MOOCs going? The future of distance learning


www.federica.euUniversità di Napoli Federico II


Where are MOOCs going? The future of distance learning

Exploring the challenges posed for Higher Education by the digital, global era and the need to qualify increasing numbers of creative and mobile citizens. Can MOOCs, which provide institutions with a vehicle for innovative exploration of business models and flexible learning, offer an effective and sustainable response?

24 September 2015

Welcome Federica WebLearning Via Partenope, 36 - Naples

Transfer to University of Naples Federico II Corso Umberto I, 40 - Naples

Opening Session Thursday 15.00 • 16.30

Gaetano ManfrediRector, University of Naples Federico II

Mauro CaliseDirector, Federica WebLearning

Rosanna De Rosa Coordinator, University of Naples Federico I - EMMA Project

Transfer to Port and boat to Capri

Conference dinner


9.30 • 11.00

MOOCs as disruptive innovation: The transfer of on-campus tuition to the on-line environment

Mark Brown · Dublin City University

Carlos Delgado Kloos · University of Madrid Carlo III

Catherine Mongenet · F.U.N.

Michael Gaebel · European University Association

Coffee break

11.30 • 13.00

Rebooting MOOC Research. Learning analytics and beyond

Darco Jansen · EADTU

Sarah Porter · Advisor on Innovation in Higher Education

Justin Reich · HarvardX


25 September 2015Anacapri, Friday 9.30 • 13.00


25 September 2015Anacapri, Friday 14.30 • 18.00

14.30 • 16.00

Learning design in MOOCs: The future of learning and teaching environments in the virtual space

Sian Bayne · University of Edinburgh

Mauro Calise · Federica WebLearning

Cristobal Cobo · Study Centre - CEIBEL Foundation, URY

Steven D. Krause · Eastern Michigan University

Coffee break

16.30 • 18.00

Self-directed MOOCs: Supporting personal learning in the massive world of MOOCsStephen Downes · National Research Council of Canada

Rosanna De Rosa · University of Naples Federico I - EMMA Project Coordinator

Rita Kop · Yorkville University

PierPaolo Limone · University of Foggia

Conference dinner


26 September 2015Anacapri, Saturday 9.30 • 13.00

9.30 • 11.00

Business models for MOOCs: Rethinking higher education structure, policy and funding

Charlie Chung · Class Central

Johannes Heinlein · edX

Mark Lester · Futurelearn

Fabian Schumann · Iversity

Coffee break

11.30 • 13.00

Round-up session


15.30 • 19.00

Round table session:The future of distance learning in higher education and the role of MOOCs


Villa Orlandi,Anacapri


Federica.EUUniversità di Napoli Federico II

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Sian BayneSian Bayne is Professor of Digital Education in the School of Educa-tion at the University of Edinburgh. She convenes the Digital Cultures and Education research group and teaches on the MSc in Digital Education and the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC.Her research interests revolve around educational change as we become more and more en-meshed with the digital. Current particular interests are around posthumanism and online education, the geographies of distance education, museum learning and multimodal academic literacies.

Mark BrownProfessor Mark Brown is Director Professor Mark Brown is Direc-tor of the National Institute for Digital Learning based at Dublin City University. Over the last decade Professor Brown has played key leadership roles in the enterprise wide deployment of Moodle, the design and development of the Mahara eportfolio system, a major study of the adoption and use of Open Educational Resources (OER), and the enterprise-wide implementation of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platform (Open2Study). Professor Brown serves on several international journal editorial boards and has published and/or presented exten-sively in the areas of online, blended and digital learning.



Mauro Calise Mauro Calise is Professor of Political Science, University of Naples Federico II, and Past-President of the Società Italiana di Scienza Politica. He is the Editor of the IPSA Web Portal for Electronic Sources. He has taught and lectured throughout Italy, Europe, and the United States. His international activities include the International Political Science Association (Vice-President, 2000-2003); Visiting Professor, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris; Visiting Professor and Research Fellow, Cornell University; Research Fellow, Harvard Center for European Studies. His recent interests focus on Internet epistemology and culture. With Theodore J. Lowi, he has published Hyperpolitics. An Interactive Dictionary of Political Science, University of Chicago Press and www.hyperpolitics.net.He is the Director of Federica Web-learning, Center for Innovation and Dissemination of distance Education.

Charlie ChungCharlie Chung acts as Chief Editor of Class Central. Class Central provides an impartial directory of MOOCs, and also has in-depth reviews, interviews with MOOC instructors, and com-mentary on the MOOC space. Charlie has developed a broad knowledge of the current MOOC landscape through dozens of interviews with MOOC instructors and interactions with learners around the world. Charlie is co-author of a book chapter in ‘MOOCs and Open Education Around the World’ (Routledge, 2015) entitled ‘Creating a Temporary Sponta-neous Mini-Ecosystem through a MOOC’. Charlie holds an MBA from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.

Cristobal CoboDirector of the Study Center – CEIBAL Foundation in Uruguay, and also research fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, and Associate at the Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance, part of the University of Oxford, England.Cobo currently serves on the board of the Global Open Educational Resources (OER) Graduate Network and on the “Open Education 2030” board (European Commission). He also serves as external consultant for the “Capacity Building and Knowledge Flows for Developmental Effectiveness” for the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington DC.


Steven D. KrauseProfessor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Eastern Michigan University. Some of his recent scholarship has appeared in College Composition and Communication, Kairos, and Computers and Composition, and he has published commentaries in AFT On Campus and The Chronicle of Higher Education. His blog at stevendkrause.com won the John Lovas Memorial Weblog award from Kairos in 2011.Editor (along with Charles Lowe) of the collection Invasion of the MOOCs: The Promises and Perils of Massive Online Open Courses, published by Parlor Press.

Carlos Delgado KloosFull Professor and Vice-Rector for Strategy and Digital Education at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.Content creator and general coor-dinator of the MOOC “”Introduction to Programming with Java””, edX; chair of Experience Track Committee for EMOOCs 2014.He is also the director of an online Master’s programme on eLearning, the Holder of the UNESCO Chair on Scalable Digital Education for All and coordinator of the eMadrid network on eLearning in the region of Madrid. He is also the Spanish representative at TC3 about Education of IFIP (International Federa-tion for Information Processing).

Rosanna De RosaRosanna De Rosa is assistant professor in Political Science at the University of Naples Federico II.Her publications focus on the impact of new technologies on politics, especially e-government, e-democracy, online knowledge, communication, and the emerging public sphere on Internet.She is Executive Editor of Ipsaportal.net, an online official portal of the International Political Science Association.She has been the Project Manager of “Campus Virtuale” at the University of Naples Federico II, which led to the design and imple-mentation of the internationally awarded Web Learning platform “Federica”. She is currently Coordinator for the European Multiple MOOC Aggregator Project (EMMA).


Stephen DownesSenior Researcher for National Research Council of Canada in Moncton. MOOC founder, specializes in the fields of online learning, new media, pedagogy and philosophy. Widely accepted as the central authority for online education in the edublogging community and as the originator of ELearning 2.0. Best known for his daily newsletter, OLDaily, which is distributed by web, email and RSS to thousands of subscribers around the world.

Michael GaebelMichael Gaebel joined the EUA (European University Association) in 2006, where he was first in charge of Global Dialogue and interna-tionalisation, to become in 2009 Head and later on the Director of the Higher Education Policy Unit. This unit focuses on issues related to higher education learning and teaching, including the Bologna Process, lifelong learning, e-learning and MOOCs, internationalisation and global dialogue.He worked for more than a decade in higher education cooperation and development in the Middle East, the former Soviet Union and Asia. From 2002 to 2006, he was the European Co-Director of the ASEAN-EU University Network Programme (AUNP) in Bangkok.

Johannes Heinlein Johannes Heinlein is vice president of strategic partnerships for edX, leading university partnership and collaboration initiatives. In this role, Johannes works directly with the edX president and board on identifying and executing strategy. Prior to joining edX, Johannes served as director in the Office of the President and Provost of Harvard University where he was responsible for the planning and execution of university-wide transformations in strategy and operations. Prior to joining Harvard, Johannes worked in the public sector and for global industry leaders, to develop and implement change management and program strategies.


Darco JansenProgramme manager at EADTU. Responsible for development of dif-ferent long term themes for EADTU on Online Education, MOOCs and OER, Employability and on Open and Social Innovation. Darco’s fields of expertise are e-learning, open innovation, ed-ucational business development, continuous education, non-/informal learning and workplace learning. He worked for over 20 years at the Open Universiteit of the Netherlands. Currently Darco is the coordinator of the first pan European MOOC initiative OpenupEd and coordinator of several European projects (HOME, SCORE2020).

Rita KopRita Kop works as the Dean of Education at Yorkville Universi-ty. She is involved in the design, development and maintainance of online educational programs, and in teaching and research of the learn-ing experiences. She is currently carrying out research into open edu-cational practices, such as MOOCs and learning analytics. A virtual ethnography was one of the recent methods she used, and the data analyses involved qualitative data mining and social network analysis of large amounts of learner data and research in the ethics of using ‘Big Data’ in research.Former researcher at the National Research council of Canada on their Personal Learning Environment Project.

Mark LesterMark Lester is Global Head of Partnerships at FutureLearn, the UK-based massive social learning plat-form, and a member of its Executive team. Prior to joining FutureLearn, Mark headed the strategy develop-ment unit at the British Open Uni-versity, has held senior management positions in the financial services sector and central Government, and was a managing consultant for several years at Monitor Group advising organisations on innovation, industry competitiveness, business strategy and healthcare policy. Mark holds an MSc and a BSc degree from the LSE and trained as a teacher at the Institute of Education, London.


Pierpaolo Limone Associate Professor of Media Education at the Department of Humanities, University of Foggia, Italy. His scientific work is primarily concerned with applied research in the area of digital media and education. Founder and director of the laboratory for “Educational Research and Interaction Design” (ERID Lab). Responsible for the academic affairs and president of the board for quality assurance of the University of Foggia.

Catherine MongenetProfessor in computer science at the University of Strasbourg.Since May 2013, she is Policy Offi-cer at the French Ministry of Higher Education in charge of the project “France Université Numérique” (FUN). The aim of this national project is to support the French universities to develop online edu-cation and promote innovative teaching and learning methods using digital and online tools.From 2009 to 2012, she was vice-president of the University of Strasbourg for the ICT strategy. As such, she was responsible for defining the digital policy.

Sarah PorterFormer Head of Innovation at JISC, Independent Advisor on innovation in higher education based in Oxford. She is interested in: e-learning, innovation, higher education, digital literacy, digital libraries, open educational resources, MOOCs. Sarah is currently researching how universities can better adapt to their current and future challenges and to embrace the opportunities that are offered to them through new developments such as MOOCsSarah’s book ‘To MOOC or not to MOOC: how can online learning help to build the future of higher education?’was published by Chandos / Elsevier in May 2015.


Justin ReichJustin Reich is the Richard L. Men-schel HarvardX Research Fellow, based in the Office of the President and Provost at Harvard University, where he explores the possibilities and limits of open online learning.He is a Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society and a visiting lecturer in MIT’s Scheller Teacher Education program. He is also the co-founder of EdTechTeacher, a professional learning consultancy devoted to helping teachers leverage technology to create student-centered, inquiry-based learning environments.He is an educational researcher broadly interested in the future of learning in a networked world.

Fabian SchumannHead of Academic Partnerships, iversity. He holds an MA in Political Economy of European Integration from the Berlin School of Economics and Law, a BSc in Economics from the University of Frankfurt / Main and has written his Masters Thesis on the accreditation of online cours-es in the framework of the ECTS. At iversity he is in charge of academic partnerships with universities, NGOs and foundations, as well as part of the business development team working on sustainable business models for iversity and the course providers.

Pressure has been mounting over the last three years to introduce innovative forms of online delivery and methodology and create avant-garde learning content in the form of MOOCs. MOOCs initiatives have mushroomed in diverse areas, including the creation of learning content; the development of purpose-built platforms and aggregators; the definition of quality assessment systems; advanced tools and services provision; knowledge delivery and educational publishing.

Interest in MOOCs has moved from content delivery, interoperability and convergence issues, into an area where the focus is on the development of advanced, specialist services to enhance the delivery of TEL initiatives (translation, assessment, quality standards).

The MOOCs explosion has also opened the way to debate – at times heated – regarding traditional Higher education business models, the importance of educational technology in self-learning, the role and status of teachers, and issues regarding assessment and accreditation where more personalised courses are concerned.

Organising CommitteeRuth Kerr, Ilaria Merciai, Enza Nigro, Monica Zuccarini

VenueUniversity of Naples, Federico II · Corso Umberto I, 40 - NaplesVilla Orlandi, Anacapri

International 2015MOOCConference

P. O. FESR 2007-2013 Asse V - O. O. 5.1 e-Government ed e-Inclusion - Progetto: Campus Virtuale
