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Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11

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  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    CHAPTER 11CHAPTER 11Pages 355 386

    Interpersonal RelationshipsInterpersonal RelationshipsCommunicating and Relating Effectively

    to Others

    Michael Turino, 2008

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Is it really this bad?

    Perhaps John Gray is right Men are from Mars,Women are from Venus.

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    Learning Goals

    The primary goal of this chapter is toThe primary goal of this chapter is tohelp you develop effective interpersonalhelp you develop effective interpersonalcommunication skills that will enablecommunication skills that will enableyou to overcome shyness, formyou to overcome shyness, formfriendships and intimate relationships,friendships and intimate relationships,resolve interpersonal conflicts, andresolve interpersonal conflicts, andrealize your leadership potential.realize your leadership potential.

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Chapter OutlineChapter Outline

    The Importance of Interpersonal Relationships

    Developing Effective Interpersonal Skills

    Overcoming Shyness

    Dating and Romantic Relationships

    Interpersonal Conflicts

    Developing Leadership Skills

    Summary and Conclusion

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    The Importance of Interpersonal


    Page 356

    Interpersonal Intelligence - the ability to relate

    effectively to others is considered one major form of

    human intelligence.

    Emotional Intelligence - includes interpersonal

    awareness and empathy and has been found to be

    more important for personal and professional success

    than intellectual ability.

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  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Overcoming ShynessPage 369-372

    Strategies:Be aware of specific situations

    Block out negative thoughts

    Observe others

    Practice relaxing in situationsPractice skills of effective interpersonal


    Enroll in small classes

    Gain a wide knowledge base

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    Dating and Romantic RelationshipsPage 372-376

    Approaches to Dating:

    Postponing dating

    Hooking up

    Casual dating

    Exclusive dating


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    Dating and Romantic RelationshipsPage 372-376

    Romantic Love:Passionate love (infatuation)

    Mature love

    Five characteristics of successful, long-lasting romantic

    relationships:1. Compatibility

    2. Caring

    3. Commitment

    4. Compromise

    5. Constructive Disagreement

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Interpersonal ConflictsPage 376-381

    Minimizing and Resolving Conflicts:The right time and place

    Decompress emotionally

    Allow adequate response time

    Do not dismiss or discount othersTime out or cease fire

    Make points assertively

    Focus on specific behavior (use I messages)

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Interpersonal Conflicts, continuedPage 376-381

    Minimizing and Resolving Conflicts:Avoid criticizing

    Focus on problem solving, not winning

    End discussions on a constructive note

    Express appreciation

    Refer to a higher authority

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    Developing Leadership SkillsPage 381-384

    Truths and Myths about Effective Leadership:It is not a single personality trait

    It is a specific behavior

    Leadership may be situational

    Effective leaders are not necessarily extroverted,bold, and aggressive

    Leadership comes in different styles

    A common trait is self-knowledge

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    Developing Leadership SkillsPage 381-384

    Leadership Situations and Roles:




    Strategies for Developing Leadership SkillsLearn about your organization or institution

    Learn how to effectively communicate with and relate

    to others

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Summary and ConclusionAs quoted on page 384

    Communicating and relating effectively with others is animportant life skill and one of the most important forms

    of human intelligence.

    We need to relate to others in a way that acknowledgestheir humanity and individuality, and preserves or

    promotes their self-esteem. We should strive to bring out

    the best in others by being helpful friends, positive role

    models, and effective leaders.

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    I said, Go to the next page for exercises.I said, Go to the next page for exercises.

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Class Activity

    1. All females please move to one side of

    the room.

    2. After theyve moved, all males move to

    the opposite side of the room.

    3.After you are in your groups, complete

    the exercise on the next tile.

  • 8/3/2019 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter11


    Discuss and respond to the following questions about the cartoon above. After

    15-20 minutes, come together as a class for group processing and discussion.

    1. Do you find the cartoon offensive in any way?

    2. Do you think there is anything included in the cartoon that you think is clearly

    inaccurate or a complete myth?

    3. What aspects of the cartoon do you think may be generally accurate or true

    (if any)?

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    Group Discussion Questions for Chapter 11Group Discussion Questions for Chapter 11

    1. When someone forgets your name, how does it make you feel? Are you affected or offended in any


    2. If you see someone whom you met before, but forget the persons name, do you think its better to ask

    for the name again or not admit that youve forgotten?

    3. In this class, do you feel comfortable disagreeing with others opinions?

    4.If youre having a conversation with someone whom youre not romantically involved with, is it everappropriate to touch that person? (If so: Under what circumstances and in what way?)

    5. If youre being treated badly in a relationship and you dont express your dissatisfaction to the other

    person, would you say youre equally responsible for the mistreatment?

    6. If you were to assume leadership for improving the first-year experience for students on campus, what

    would you attempt to change? What specific leadership steps would you take to increase the likelihoodthat these changes would actually take place?

    7. Do you generally agree or disagree with the following statement made by a college sophomore: I think

    males and females process information, events, and emotions differently. For example, males typically

    would rather cool off and have some alone time after an argument. Conversely, females typically need

    to talk it out.
