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1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Mean tidal range (cm) 320 340 360 380 400 420 HISTORICAL SEA LEVEL DATA RESCUE TO ASSESS LONG-TERM SEA LEVEL EVOLUTION: SAINT -NAZAIRE OBSERVATORY (L OIRE ESTUARY , FRANCE) SINCE 1821 Authors: Y.Ferret 1 ([email protected]), G. Voineson 1 & N.Pouvreau 1 (1: SHOM: French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, Brest, France) Nowadays, the study of the global sea level rise is a strong societal concern. The analysis of historical records of water level proves to be an ideal way to provide relevant arguments regarding the observed trends. In France, many systematic sea level observations have taken place since the mid-1800s. Despite this rich history, long sea level data sets digitally available are still scarce (Pouvreau, 2008). Currently, only the time series of Brest (Wöppelmann et al., 2006), Marseille and recently the composite one of the Pertuis d’Antioche (Gouriou et al., 2013) span periods longer than a century and are available to be taken into account in studies dealing with long term sea-level evolution. In this context, an important work of “data archaeology ” is undertaken to rescue the numerous existing analog historical data that is part of the French scientific and cultural heritage. The present study focuses on the measurements carried out at the sea level observatory of Saint-Nazaire. As a first and primordial step, this study implies the inventory of existing sea level observations which are scattered in various institutions in France (Figure 2 & Table 1). The first identified measurements took place in 1821 for 4.5 months and correspond to visual observations at a tide staff temporarily located in Saint- Nazaire for offshore sounding reduction purpose (background map, Figure 1). Since 1863 measurements have been automatically performed with the use of a mechanical float tide gauges. These devices have changed and evolved over the time allowing measurements up to 2007, despite the observatory relocation (1951, Figure 1) and some important gaps occurring between 1920 and 1950. Since 2007, the Saint-Nazaire observatory has been part of the French RONIM network operated by SHOM, and the old mechanical tide gauge has been superseded by a radar tide gauge (operated by “Grand Port Maritime” of Nantes- Saint-Nazaire). The precious analog dataset are handwritten ledgers and/or tidal charts covering periods ranging between 2 weeks and 1 month. Except the older ones (1821), ledgers correspond to transcripts extracted by observers from tidal charts with a 15-minutes to 1-hour time step. In order to make the inventoried datasets available for studying the sea level evolution, the existing ledgers and tidal charts have to be digitized (Figure 3). Handwritten ledgers have been manually digitized: about 500.000 hourly values have been processed. During this time-demanding work, verification procedures have been set up to identify errors related to transcription and/or mistakes made by observers (occuring mostly during the extraction of sea level from tidal chart to ledgers). Tidal charts are semi-automatically digitized by using the NUNIEAU software (Ullmann et al., 2005). NUNIEAU is a signal processing tool based on color recognition, developed by the CETE Méditerranée (called now, CEREMA) and free to access. INTRODUCTION AIMS Rescue historical sea level data. Improve our knowledge on trends in sea level components on the Atlantic coast on large scale and on the coast vulnerability at more local scale. Study the influence of the Loire river and of large-scale engineering works on water level measurements. STUDY AREA SEA LEVEL MEASUREMENTS OVER THE HISTORICAL TIME RECONSTRUCTION OF THE SEA LEVEL TIME SERIE ONGOING WORK / PRELIMINARY RESULTS PERSPECTIVES / EXPECTED OUTCOMES European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 27 April – 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria DIGITIZATION Gouriou T., Martín Míguez B., Wöppelmann G., 2013. Reconstruction of a two-century long sea level record for the Pertuis d’Antioche (France), Continental Shelf Research 61–62, 31-40. NUNIEAU. http://wikhydro.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/index.php/Nunieau Pouvreau N., 2008. Trois cents ans de mesures marégraphiques en France : outils, méthodes et tendances des composantes du niveau de la mer au port de Brest. Thesis in french, 467 pp Ullmann A., Pons F., Moron V., 2005, Tool Kit Helps Digitize Tide Gauge Records. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(38), Winterwerp J.C., Wang ZB., 2013. Man-induced regime shifts in small estuaries – I : theory. Ocean Dynamics 63, 1279-1292. Wöppelmann G., Pouvreau N., Simon B., 2006. Brest sea level record: a time series construction back to the early eighteenth. Ocean Dynamics 56, 487-497. Figure 1: Locations of the Tide Observatory of St-Nazaire and man-induced evolution of the coastline since the 19 th century Saint-Nazaire is located on the French Atlantic coast in the mouth area of the macrotidal Loire estuary . Since the mid-19 th century, with the increase of maritime traffic and the harbor development, the city has reclaimed from the sea, and the tide observatory equipped with a tide gauge has been created (Figure 1). This particular location allows the study of the influence of the Loire River and the anthropogenic effects on sea level since the 19 th century. For instance, Winterwerp et al. (2013) showed that the tidal range was strongly modified in upstream areas (Nantes) during the last century because of river deepening, but the impact in downstream locations such as Saint-Nazaire is not yet entirely quantified. This presentation overviews the current status of the study in progress. Plenty of work is still needed (keep digitizing tidal charts, rigorous data-quality check, …) to get a consistent sea level time series as complete as possible. Nevertheless, it is already noticeable that promising results will be achieved. This type of work highlights how precious historical data are because they are irreplaceable archives making their rescue essential. Atmospheric pressure data, also available in paper form (1863-1920), could be processed by following the same procedure: a probable better characterization of long-term sea level trend will be reached. Once the final time-serie has been rendered coherent, it will be made available in existing national databanks and websites: REFMAR for high-frequency data (hourly) and SONEL for the corresponding mean sea levels (daily, monthly and yearly). For further information about this study and his progress, please regularly consult: http://refmar.shom.fr/en/applications_maregraphiques/programmes-projets/construction-analyse-series-coherentes-niveau-mer/port-de-saint-nazaire In total, the covered period is up to 190-year-long, including at least 125 years of continuous sea level measurements. D ATA CONSISTENCY Figure 2: Spatial dispersion of archives relative to the tide observatory of Saint-Nazaire Historical Archives of GPM Nantes Brest (SHOM) SHD Rochefort GPM Nantes SHD Vincennes Saint Nazaire Institutions : Visited To visit A crucial point of this study is to make these data consistent over time in terms of vertical reference and time systems, which both evolved during the studied period. As reported in Table 1, the used time system is different depending on the considered period: from Apparent Solar Time (AST) for oldest datasets to Mean Solar Time (MST) to the current Universal Time (UT). In order to get a time continuity, all the data are converted into the UT system: it consists in the application of the “equation of time” and a correction based on the longitude difference between the current location and Greenwich. Reducing the reconstructed time serie to a common vertical reference level is quite challenging because it implies knowing precisely the different levels used as tide gauge zero and/or chart datum over the time (Figure 4). To get this information, it is necessary to look through lots of diverse and scattered documents (metadata linked to measurements, leveling reports, observers’ notes, letters, …). If it is relatively easy to define recent chart datum, it appears to be more difficult for older periods since much information, sometimes incoherent, have to be analyzed: in the present state of the research, information concerning the gauge zero between 1890 and 1914 remain rather uncertain. Tidal chart Manual digitization 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 01/03/1904 06/03/1904 11/03/1904 16/03/1904 21/03/1904 26/03/1904 31/03/1904 Date Water Level (cm) Semi-automatic digitization (NUNIEAU freeware) Digital signal Figure 3: Schematic view of the adopted procedure to digitize the data REFERENCES The comparison of St-Nazaire, Brest and Pertuis d’Antioche time series proves to be a good method of checking the quality of the newly digitized tide gauge records. On this purpose, yearly correlation coefficients have been calculated from monthly mean sea levels (Figure 6). Preliminary results assess the high quality of the measurements: most of the time the dataset is characterized by correlation values similar to those obtained on the recent RONIM period (on average, 0.92 and 0.91 with Brest and Pertuis, red line on Figure 6). Periods showing bad correlation (grey areas, Figure 6) will be carefully examined to identify the reasons for this relative bad quality (vertical offset due to the use of a wrong gauge zero, variable accuracy linked with observers, …) and to correct it if possible, or reject the data. For this work, the use of tide predictions will be very useful as well. 1821 1863: Tide observatory, « Vieux Môle » location 1920 RONIM Network: 2007 1951: New location Ledgers 1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1910 1900 1890 1970 1930 1960 1950 1940 2000 1990 1980 2010 NO D ATA Float tide gauge Float tide gauge Radar tide gauge 1821: First sea level observations Analog datasets (ledgers, tidal charts) Analog datasets (tidal charts) Digital datasets NO DATA Period Effective duration Instrument Sampling strategy Unit of length Time system Type of archive Historical archive 1821 4.5 months Tide staff diurnal-15 min Foot-Inch AST ledgers SHD (Rochefort) 1863-1894 31 years Float tide gauge 15 min metric AST ledgers SHOM (Brest) 1894-1900 6 years Float tide gauge 15 min metric MST ledgers SHOM (Brest) 1900-1920 21 years Float tide gauge (15 min) metric MST ledgers/tidal charts SHOM (Brest) 1925 4 months Float tide gauge Diurnal-15 min metric UT ledgers SHD (Rochefort) 1932-1933 3 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts 1934 7 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts 1936-1937 23 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts 1941 1 year Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts 1943-1944 16 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts 1950-1986 37 years Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts 1986-2007 21 years Float tide gauge (5 min) metric UT digital tidal charts 2007-… 7 years … Radar tide gauge (5 min) metric UT digital tidal charts SHOM (Brest) GPM Nantes Saint- Nazaire (Port Authority, Nantes) Table 1: Inventory of available data and characteristics of sea level datasets ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study is funded by the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDDE/DGPR), and the SHOM. The authors are grateful to the GPM Nantes Saint-Nazaire for permitting the access to their historical archives. Figure 4: Evolution of the used reference level / Chart datum over the time 1821 RLR 1974 (PSMSL) 12.757m Chart Datum: 1996 - … Benchmark IGN NGF OKS69 9.252m Gauge zero, Chart Datum: (1898 ) - 1996 8.852m Gauge zero: 1863 - (1898 ) 0.25m (?) 0.1m L ONG TERM SEA LEVEL EVOLUTION -- D ATA QUALITY CONTROL Figure 5: Monthly mean sea level for the Saint-Nazaire time serie (new dataset in light red), and comparison with others long time series from « nearby » stations (Figure 1) Figure 6: Yearly correlation coefficients between Saint Nazaire sea level time serie and those from « nearby » stations (red line: correlation coefficient for the modern period) TIDAL RANGE EVOLUTION By assuming that vertical offsets occurring between high and low water are limited due to the considered short period, it is possible to study fairly reliably the evolution of the tidal range in Saint Nazaire (Figure 7). By digitizing this huge amount of sea level data (about 60 yrs up to now), the S T Nazaire time serie becomes long enough to assess the local long-term sea level evolution and increase the knowledge at the Northern Europe’s scale (Figure 5). However, this is not yet feasible without first rigorously controlling the data quality . Tidal range tends to slightly increase over the studied period (2.5 cm/100 yrs, linear trend Figure 7) but this is out of proportion with upstream observations. The influence of the lunar 18.6 year nodal cycle is clearly visible on the evolution of the tidal range since 1863. It is noticeable that these long-term oscillations appear to increase in amplitude (red smoothed line Figure 7) with larger fluctuations. This observation could be due to the man-induced changes on the area. To verify this potential origin, further analyses are necessary (signal filtering, relations between this evolution and engineering works, …). 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 Correlation coefficient 0,6 0,8 1,0 S t Nazaire / Brest S t Nazaire / Pertuis Observers CHAZAL EVAIN CAPE MORVAN Figure 7: Monthly mean tidal range evolution 3500 4000 4500 3500 4000 4500 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 6500 7000 7500 Mean sea level (mm) 3000 3500 4000 6500 7000 7500 Newlyn (source: PSMSL) Brest (source: Sonel) SAINT NAZAIRE Pertuis Antioche (Gouriou et al.) Marseille (source: PSMSL) NEWLY DIGITIZED DATA ! TO DIGITIZE Present-day observatory (Current location, since 1951) First location of the observatory, next to the lighthouse of « Vieux-Môle » (1863 - 1950) Background map: Beautemps-Beaupré, 1821 (Source, SHOM) 600 m Coastline : 1821 (Beautemps Beaupré) 1881 (Bouquet de la Grye) Nowadays 200 km ST-NAZAIRE BREST NEWLYN PERTUIS D’ANTIOCHE MARSEILLE Ap. 2014
Page 1: INTRODUCTION STUDY AREA SEA - Refmarrefmar.shom.fr/...Ferret-et-al-2014-Saint-Nazaire-sea-level-evolution.pdf · HISTORICAL SEA LEVEL DATA RESCUE TO ASSESS LONG-TERM SEA LEVEL EVOLUTION:

1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000


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Authors: Y.Ferret1 ([email protected]), G. Voineson1 & N.Pouvreau1 (1: SHOM: French Navy Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service, Brest, France)

Nowadays, the study of the global sea level rise is a strong societal concern. The analysis of historical records of water level proves to be an ideal way to provide relevant arguments regarding the observed trends. In France, many systematic sea level observations have taken place since the mid-1800s. Despite this rich history, long sea level data sets digitally available are still scarce (Pouvreau, 2008). Currently, only the time series of Brest (Wöppelmann et al., 2006), Marseille and recently the composite one of the Pertuis d’Antioche (Gouriou et al., 2013) span periods longer than a century and are available to be taken into account in studies dealing with long term sea-level evolution. In this context, an important work of “data archaeology” is undertaken to rescue the numerous existing analog historical data that is part of the French scientific and cultural heritage. The present study focuses on the measurements carried out at the sea level observatory of Saint-Nazaire.

As a first and primordial step, this study implies the inventory of existing sea level observations which are scattered in various institutions in France (Figure 2 & Table 1). The first identified measurements took place in 1821 for 4.5 months and correspond to visual observations at a tide staff temporarily located in Saint-Nazaire for offshore sounding reduction purpose (background map, Figure 1).

Since 1863 measurements have been automatically performed with the use of a mechanical float tide gauges. These devices have changed and evolved over the time allowing measurements up to 2007, despite the observatory relocation (1951, Figure 1) and some important gaps occurring between 1920 and 1950.

Since 2007, the Saint-Nazaire observatory has been part of the French RONIM network operated by SHOM, and the old mechanical tide gauge has been superseded by a radar tide gauge (operated by “Grand Port Maritime” of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire).

The precious analog dataset are handwritten ledgers and/or tidal charts covering periods ranging between 2 weeks and 1 month. Except the older ones (1821), ledgers correspond to transcripts extracted by observers from tidal charts with a 15-minutes to 1-hour time step.

In order to make the inventoried datasets available for studying the sea level evolution, the existing ledgers and tidal charts have to be digitized (Figure 3). Handwritten ledgers have been manually digitized: about 500.000 hourly values have been processed. During this time-demanding work, verification procedures have been set up to identify errors related to transcription and/or mistakes made by observers (occuring mostly during the extraction of sea level from tidal chart to ledgers).

Tidal charts are semi-automatically digitized by using the NUNIEAU software (Ullmann et al., 2005). NUNIEAU is a signal processing tool based on color recognition, developed by the CETE Méditerranée (called now, CEREMA) and free to access.


AIMS • Rescue historical sea level data. • Improve our knowledge on trends in sea level components on the Atlantic coast on large scale and on the coast vulnerability at more local scale. • Study the influence of the Loire river and of large-scale engineering works on water level measurements.




European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014

27 April – 2 May 2014, Vienna, Austria


Gouriou T., Martín Míguez B., Wöppelmann G., 2013. Reconstruction of a two-century long sea level record for the Pertuis d’Antioche (France), Continental Shelf Research 61–62, 31-40. NUNIEAU. http://wikhydro.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/index.php/Nunieau Pouvreau N., 2008. Trois cents ans de mesures marégraphiques en France : outils, méthodes et tendances des composantes du niveau de la mer au port de Brest. Thesis in french, 467 pp Ullmann A., Pons F., Moron V., 2005, Tool Kit Helps Digitize Tide Gauge Records. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(38), Winterwerp J.C., Wang ZB., 2013. Man-induced regime shifts in small estuaries – I : theory. Ocean Dynamics 63, 1279-1292. Wöppelmann G., Pouvreau N., Simon B., 2006. Brest sea level record: a time series construction back to the early eighteenth. Ocean Dynamics 56, 487-497.

Figure 1: Locations of the Tide Observatory of St-Nazaire and man-induced evolution of the coastline since the 19th century

Saint-Nazaire is located on the French Atlantic coast in the mouth area of the macrotidal Loire estuary. Since the mid-19th century, with the increase of maritime traffic and the harbor development, the city has reclaimed from the sea, and the tide observatory equipped with a tide gauge has been created (Figure 1).

This particular location allows the study of the influence of the Loire River and the anthropogenic effects on sea level since the 19th century. For instance, Winterwerp et al. (2013) showed that the tidal range was strongly modified in upstream areas (Nantes) during the last century because of river deepening, but the impact in downstream locations such as Saint-Nazaire is not yet entirely quantified.

This presentation overviews the current status of the study in progress. Plenty of work is still needed (keep digitizing tidal charts, rigorous data-quality check, …) to get a consistent sea level time series as complete as possible. Nevertheless, it is already noticeable that promising results will be achieved. This type of work highlights how precious historical data are because they are irreplaceable archives making their rescue essential. Atmospheric pressure data, also available in paper form (1863-1920), could be processed by following the same procedure: a probable better characterization of long-term sea level trend will be reached. Once the final time-serie has been rendered coherent, it will be made available in existing national databanks and websites: REFMAR for high-frequency data (hourly) and SONEL for the corresponding mean sea levels (daily, monthly and yearly). For further information about this study and his progress, please regularly consult: http://refmar.shom.fr/en/applications_maregraphiques/programmes-projets/construction-analyse-series-coherentes-niveau-mer/port-de-saint-nazaire

In total, the covered period is up to 190-year-long, including at least 125 years of continuous sea level measurements.


Figure 2: Spatial dispersion of archives relative to the tide observatory of Saint-Nazaire

Historical Archives of GPM Nantes

Brest (SHOM)

SHD Rochefort

GPM Nantes

SHD Vincennes

Saint Nazaire

Institutions: Visited To visit

A crucial point of this study is to make these data consistent over time in terms of vertical reference and time systems, which both evolved during the studied period.

As reported in Table 1, the used time system is different depending on the considered period: from Apparent Solar Time (AST) for oldest datasets to Mean Solar Time (MST) to the current Universal Time (UT). In order to get a time continuity, all the data are converted into the UT system: it consists in the application of the “equation of time” and a correction based on the longitude difference between the current location and Greenwich.

Reducing the reconstructed time serie to a common vertical reference level is quite challenging because it implies knowing precisely the different levels used as tide gauge zero and/or chart datum over the time (Figure 4). To get this information, it is necessary to look through lots of diverse and scattered documents (metadata linked to measurements, leveling reports, observers’ notes, letters, …). If it is relatively easy to define recent chart datum, it appears to be more difficult for older periods since much information, sometimes incoherent, have to be analyzed: in the present state of the research, information concerning the gauge zero between 1890 and 1914 remain rather uncertain.

Tidal chart

Manual digitization








01/03/1904 06/03/1904 11/03/1904 16/03/1904 21/03/1904 26/03/1904 31/03/1904



er L




Semi-automatic digitization

(NUNIEAU freeware)

Digital signal

Figure 3: Schematic view of the adopted procedure to digitize the data


The comparison of St-Nazaire, Brest and Pertuis d’Antioche time series proves to be a good method of checking the quality of the newly digitized tide gauge records. On this purpose, yearly correlation coefficients have been calculated from monthly mean sea levels (Figure 6).

Preliminary results assess the high quality of the measurements: most of the time the dataset is characterized by correlation values similar to those obtained on the recent RONIM period (on average, 0.92 and 0.91 with Brest and Pertuis, red line on Figure 6).

Periods showing bad correlation (grey areas, Figure 6) will be carefully examined to identify the reasons for this relative bad quality (vertical offset due to the use of a wrong gauge zero, variable accuracy linked with observers, …) and to correct it if possible, or reject the data. For this work, the use of tide predictions will be very useful as well.


1863: Tide observatory, « Vieux Môle » location


RONIM Network: 2007 1951: New location



1880 1870 1860 1850 1840 1830 1910 1900 1890 1970 1930 1960 1950 1940 2000 1990 1980 2010

NO DATA Float tide gauge Float tide gauge Radar tide gauge

1821: First sea level observations

Analog datasets (ledgers, tidal charts) Analog datasets (tidal charts) Digital datasets NO



Period Effective duration Instrument Sampling

strategyUnit of length

Time system Type of archive Historical

archive1821 4.5 months Tide staff diurnal-15 min Foot-Inch AST ledgers SHD (Rochefort)

1863-1894 31 years Float tide gauge 15 min metric AST ledgers SHOM (Brest)1894-1900 6 years Float tide gauge 15 min metric MST ledgers SHOM (Brest)1900-1920 21 years Float tide gauge (15 min) metric MST ledgers/tidal charts SHOM (Brest)

1925 4 months Float tide gauge Diurnal-15 min metric UT ledgers SHD (Rochefort)1932-1933 3 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts

1934 7 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts1936-1937 23 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts

1941 1 year Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts1943-1944 16 months Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts1950-1986 37 years Float tide gauge (15 min) metric UT tidal charts1986-2007 21 years Float tide gauge (5 min) metric UT digital tidal charts

2007-… 7 years … Radar tide gauge (5 min) metric UT digital tidal charts SHOM (Brest)

GPM Nantes Saint-Nazaire (Port

Authority, Nantes)

Table 1: Inventory of available data and characteristics of sea level datasets

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study is funded by the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDDE/DGPR), and the SHOM. The authors are grateful to the GPM Nantes Saint-Nazaire for permitting the access to their historical archives.

Figure 4: Evolution of the used reference level / Chart datum over the time


RLR 1974 (PSMSL) 12.757m

Chart Datum: 1996 - …

Benchmark IGN NGF OKS69


Gauge zero, Chart Datum: (1898 ) - 1996


Gauge zero: 1863 - (1898 )

0.25m (?)



Figure 5: Monthly mean sea level for the Saint-Nazaire time serie (new dataset in light red), and comparison with others long time series from « nearby » stations (Figure 1)

Figure 6: Yearly correlation coefficients between Saint Nazaire sea level time serie and those from « nearby » stations (red line: correlation coefficient for the modern period)

TIDAL RANGE EVOLUTION By assuming that vertical offsets occurring between high and low water are limited due to the considered short period, it is possible to study fairly reliably the evolution of the tidal range in Saint Nazaire (Figure 7).

By digitizing this huge amount of sea level data (about 60 yrs up to now), the ST Nazaire time serie becomes long enough to assess the local long-term sea level evolution and increase the knowledge at the Northern Europe’s scale (Figure 5). However, this is not yet feasible without first rigorously controlling the data quality.

Tidal range tends to slightly increase over the studied period (2.5 cm/100 yrs, linear trend Figure 7) but this is out of proportion with upstream observations. The influence of the lunar 18.6 year nodal cycle is clearly visible on the evolution of the tidal range since 1863. It is noticeable that these long-term oscillations appear to increase in amplitude (red smoothed line Figure 7) with larger fluctuations. This observation could be due to the man-induced changes on the area. To verify this potential origin, further analyses are necessary (signal filtering, relations between this evolution and engineering works, …).

1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920










St Nazaire / Brest

St Nazaire / Pertuis





Figure 7: Monthly mean tidal range evolution







1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 20006500




n se

a le

vel (









Newlyn (source: PSMSL)

Brest (source: Sonel)


Pertuis Antioche

(Gouriou et al.)

Marseille (source: PSMSL)


Present-day observatory (Current location, since 1951)

First location of the observatory, next to the lighthouse of « Vieux-Môle » (1863 - 1950)

Background map: Beautemps-Beaupré, 1821 (Source, SHOM)

600 m


1821 (Beautemps Beaupré) 1881 (Bouquet de la Grye) Nowadays 200 km





Ap. 2014
