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Introduction to Wahid Sandhar Sugar Mill Ltd (Autosaved)[

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1 LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT Report on Summer Training [Title] “ROLE OF WORKER’S PARTICIPATION IN MANAGEMENT” Submitted to Lovely Professional University In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted by: Name of the student: Anil gangar University Roll No:RQ1906A04 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY JALANDHAR NEW DELHI GT ROAD PHAGWARA PUNJAB
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Report on Summer Training[Title]


Submitted to Lovely Professional University

In partial fulfillment of theRequirements for the award of Degree of

Master of Business Administration

Submitted by: Name of the student: Anil gangar University Roll No:RQ1906A04







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One’s few words are not able to express my feeling for indebtness and gratitude towards those who help me in accomplishment of one’s goal.

It gives me immense pleasure to express my sincere gratitude to my esteemed guide MR SUSANTA BOSE for giving me valuable guidance, help, encouraging attitude and supervision throughout my study. It is matter of privilege that I derived benefits of his experience.

I am grateful to S. Jarnail Singh Wahid (chairman cum managing director), S. sukhbir Singh sandhar (joint managing director) and S. sandeep Singh Wahid (director) for allowing me to undertake training in Wahid sandhar sugars ltd. Phagwara. My special thanks to MR. Sukhvir Singh garcha (manager of HR department) who guided me at every step in a friendly and encouraging manner.

I sincerely thanks to the staff of the Wahid sandhar sugars ltd and specially Personnel Department who played a vital role at every step of my work completed.

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Sr no Detail Page no







Introduction to the topic

Introduction to the company

Objective and research methodology

Data analysis and findings

Suggestions and conclusion


4 – 12

13- 17


19- 33




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Every company has good managers and bad, just as every company has good employees as well as bad. If you want to look for examples, there are enough of them in this industry to pretty much any point of support you hold. You will find extraordinarily working hours but you will also find adrenaline pumping exhilaration at the end of a successfully ended project report. You will find people complaining about monotony of work, but you will also find huge premium on creativity and enterprise. this  is the ground reality of new knowledge industry of our country and while not everything is right with it there is more that is good than has ever been in any single economic sector in India.Wahid sandhar sugars mill is creating a positive environment for efficient and smooth work. With the repetitive nature of work, one’s efficiency get affected and growth oriented opportunities become less . Under the provision of the company, to any issue and problem, company takes initiatives with time and appropriate measures. For efficient working, managers do have to take care about the professional and personal growth.  


Worker’s participation in the management

It is also defined as a system of communication and consultation either formal or informal by which employees of an organization are kept informed about the affairs of the undertaking and through which express their opinion and contribute to management decisionsThe broad goal of participation is to change basically the organizational aspect of production and transfer the management function entirely to the workers so that management becomes Auto management.  Worker participation can take many forms. There might be a consultative council in the company where trade unions and management meet regularly to discuss points of mutual interest. Workers can be organized in quality circles and meet regularly in small groups to discuss ways in which their work could be better organized.Three groups of managerial decisions affect the workers of any industrial establishment and hence theWorkers must have a say in it.•Economic decisions – methods of manufacturing, automation, shutdown, lay-offs, and mergers.•Personnel decisions – recruitment and selection, promotions, demotions, transfers, grievanceSettlement, work distribution.•Social decisions – hours of work, welfare measures, questions affecting work rules and conductof individual worker’s safety, health, and sanitation and noise control.Participation basically means sharing the decision-making power with the lower ranks of theOrganization in an appropriate manner.

Workers participation may be viewed as:

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An instrument for increasing the efficiency of enterprises and establishing harmonious relations;

A device for developing social education for promoting solidarity among workers and for Tapping human talents;

A means for achieving industrial peace and harmony which leads to higher productivity and increased production;

A humanitarian act, elevating the status of a worker in the society;

An ideological way of developing self-management and promoting industrial democracy.


Unique motivational power and a great psychological value.

Peace and harmony between workers and management.

Workers get to see how their actions would contribute to the overall growth of the company.

They tend to view the decisions as `their own’ and are more enthusiastic in their implementation.

Participation makes them more responsible.

They become more willing to take initiative and come out with cost-saving suggestions and growth-oriented ideas.

It is now necessary that we review the steps that have been taken in India to specify the areas in which, workers can participate in management, and the machinery that can be provided for participation

The participation has to be at different levels of management:

(i) at the shop level, (ii) at the department level, and(iii) at the top level.

The decision-making at these different levels would assume different patterns in regard to policy formulation and execution.

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Elements of Participation

The term “participation” has different meanings for different purposes in different situations. McGregor is of the view that participation is one of the most misunderstood idea that has emerged from the field of human relations. Keith Davis has defined the term “participation” as the mental and emotional involvement of a person in a group situation which encourages him to contribute to group goals and share responsibilities in them. This definition envisages three important elements in participation. Firstly, it means mental and emotional involvement rather than mere physical activity; secondly, participation must motivate a person to contribute to a specific situation to invest his own resources, such as initiative, knowledge, creativity and ingenuity in the objectives of the organization; and thirdly, it encourages people to share responsibility for a decision or activity. Sharing of responsibility commits people to ensure the success of the decision or activity.

Elements of ParticipationThere are  three important elements in participation:-

Firstly, it means mental and emotional involvement rather than mere physical activity;  Secondly, participation must motivate a person to contribute to a specific situation to

invest his own resources, such as initiative, knowledge, creativity and ingenuity in the objectives of the organisation;

Thirdly, it encourages people to share responsibility for a decision or activity. Sharing of responsibility commits people to ensure the success of the decision or activity.

Scope and ways of participation :-

One view is that workers or the trade unions should, as equal partners, sit with the management and Make joint managerial decisions. The other view is that workers should only be given an opportunity, through their representatives, to Influence managerial decisions at various levels. In practice, the participation of workers can take place by one or all the methods listed below:

1. Board level participation 2. Ownership participation 3. Complete control 4. Staff or work councils 5. Joint councils and committees 6. Collective Bargaining 7. Job enlargement and enrichment 8. Suggestion schemes 9. Quality circles 10. Empowered teams 11. TQM 12. Financial participation

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1. Participation at the Board level: This would be the highest form of industrial democracy.

The workers’ representative on the Board can play a useful role in safeguarding the interests of workers.He or she can serve as a guide and a control element.

He or she can prevail upon top management not to take measures that would be unpopular with

the employees. He or she can guide the Board members on matters of investment in employee benefit

schemes like housing, and so forth.

Problems associated with this method: • Focus of workers’ representatives is different from the focus of the remaining members of the Board. Communication and subsequently relations between the workers’ representative and the workers Suffers after the former assumes directorship. • He or she tends to become alienated from the workers. • As a result, he or she may be less effective with the other members of the Board in dealing with Employee matters. • Because of the differences in the cultural and educational backgrounds, and differences in behavior and manners, such an employee’s representative may feel inferior to the other members, and he or she may feel suffocated. Hence, his or her role as a director may not be satisfying for either the workers or the management. • Such representatives of workers’ on the Board, places them in a minority. And the decisions of the Board are arrived at on the basis of the majority vote

1. Participation through ownership :

This involves making the workers’ share holders of the company by inducing them to buy equity shares. • In many cases, advances and financial assistance in the form of easy repayment options are extended to enable employees to buy equity shares. Examples of this method are available in the manufacturing as well as the service sector. • Advantage: Makes the workers committed to the job and to the organization. • Drawback: Effect on participation is limited because ownership and management are two

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different things.

2. Participation through complete control :

Workers acquire complete control of the management through elected boards. The system of self- management in Yugoslavia is based on this concept. Self-management gives complete control to workers to manage directly all aspects of industries through their representatives.


Ensures identification of the workers with their organization.

Industrial disputes disappear when workers develop loyalty to the organization.

Trade unions welcome this type of participation.


Complete control by workers is not an answer to the problem of participation because the Workers do not evince interest in management decisions.

3. Participation through Staff and Works Councils:

Staff councils or works councils are bodies on which the representation is entirely of the employees. There may be one council for the entire organization or a hierarchy of councils. The employees of the respective sections elect the members of the councils. Such councils play a varied role.

Their role ranges from seeking information on the management’s intentions to a full share in Decision-making. Such councils have not enjoyed too much of success because trade union leaders fear the erosion of their power and prestige if such workers’ bodies were to prevail.

4. Participation through Joint Councils and Committees:

Joint councils are bodies comprising representatives of employers and employees. This method sees a very loose form of participation, as these councils are mostly consultative bodies. Work committees are a legal requirement in industrial establishments employing 100 or more workers. Such committees discuss a wide range of topics connected to labour welfare.  Examples of such committees are welfare committee, safety committee, etc. Such committees have not proven to be too effective in promoting industrial democracy, increasing productivity and reducing labour unrest.

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5. Participation through Collective Bargaining:

Through the process of CB, management and workers may reach collective agreement regarding rules for the formulation and termination of the contract of employment, as well as conditions of service in an establishment. Even though these agreements are not legally binding, they do have some force. For CB to work, the workers’ and the employers’ representatives need to bargain in the right spirit. But in practice, while bargaining, each party tries to take advantage of the other. This process of CB cannot be called WPM in its strongest sense as in reality; CB is based on the crude concept of exercising power for the benefit of one party. WPM, on the other hand, brings both the parties together and develops appropriate mutual understanding and brings about a mature responsible relationship.

6. Participation through Job Enlargement and Job Enrichment :  

Excessive job specialization that is seen as a by-product of mass production in industries, leads to Boredom and associated problems in employees. Two methods of job designing – job enlargement and job enrichment – are seen as methods of Addressing the problems. • Job enlargement means expanding the job content – adding task elements horizontally. • Job enrichment means adding `motivators’ to the job to make it more rewarding. This is WPM in that it offers freedom and scope to the workers to use their judgment. But this form of participation is very basic as it provides only limited freedom to a worker concerning the method of performing his/her job. The worker has no say in other vital issues of concern to him – issues such as job and income Security, welfare schemes and other policy decisions.

7. Participation through Suggestion Schemes:

Employees’ views are invited and reward is given for the best suggestion. With this scheme, the employees’ interest in the problems of the organization is aroused and maintained. Progressive managements increasingly use the suggestion schemes. Suggestions can come from various levels. The ideas could range from changes in inspection procedures to design changes, process simplification, paper-work reduction and the like. Out of various suggestions, those accepted could provide marginal to substantial benefits to the company. The rewards given to the employees are in line with the benefits derived from the suggestions. •


Management and operatives/employees should not work at cross-purposes i.e. they must have Clearly defined and complementary objectives.

Free flow of communication and information.

Participation of outside trade union leaders to be avoided

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Strong and effective trade unionism.

Workers’ education and training.

Trade unions and government needs to work in this area.

Trust between both the parties.

Workers should be associated at all levels of decision-making.

Employees cannot spend all their time in participation to the exclusion of all other work.

Essential condition for WPM:

The success of workers portion in management depends upon the following conditions.

The attitude and outlook of the parties should be enlightened and impartial so that a free and frank exchange of thoughts and opinions could be possible. Where a right kind of attitude exists and proper atmosphere prevails the process of participation is greatly stimulated.

Both parties should have a genuine faith in the system and in each other and be willing to work together. The management must give the participating institution its right place in the managerial organization of the undertaking and implementing the policies of the undertaking. The labor, on the other hand, must also whole heartedly co-operate with the management through its trade unions. The foremen and supervisory cadre must also lend their full support so that the accepted policies could be implemented without any resentment on either side.

Participation should be real. The issues related to increase in production and productivity, evaluation of costs, development of personnel, and expansion of markets should also be brought under the jurisdiction of the participating bodies. These bodies should meet frequently and their decisions should be timely implemented and strictly adhered to. Further,

Participation must work as complementary body to help collective bargaining, which creates conditions of work and also creates legal relations.

There should be a strong trade union, which has learnt the virtues of unit and self-reliance so that they may effectively take part in collective bargaining or participation.

A peaceful atmosphere should be there wherein there are no strikes and lock-outs, for their presence ruins the employees, harms the interest of the society, and puts the employees to financial losses.

Authority should be centralized through democratic management process. The participation should be at the two or at the most three levels.

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Programs for training and education should be developed comprehensively. For this purpose, Labor is to be given education not to the head alone, not to the heart alone, not to the hands alone, but it is dedicated to the three; to make the workers think, feel and act. Labor is to be educated to enable him to think clearly, rationally and logically; to enable him to feel deeply and emotionally; and to enable him to act in a responsible way.

Limitations of participation:

Technology and organizations today are so complex that specialized work-roles are required.

This means employees will not be able to participate effectively in matters beyond their Particular environment. Everybody need not want participation.

The role of trade unions in promoting participative management has been far from satisfactory.

Employers are unwilling to share power with the workers’ representatives. Managers consider

Participative management a fraud.

Merits of Workers participation in management

a) Increase productivity

b) Increase efficiency of employee.

c) Establish industrial peace

d) Establish industrial democracy

e) Well being of individual

f) Personality development

g) Mutual understanding

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h) Social well being

i) Welcome changesj) Rapid industrialization

Demerits of Workers participation in management

a) Inactive trade union

b) Chances of suspicion

c) Employee may lead a careless life

d) Industrial anarchy

Methods for implementing Workers participation in management

a) Co-partnership/co-ownership

b) Workers committee

c) Joint management council

d) Suggestions

e) Board representation

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There are 507 sugar industries in India, 23 in Punjab and only one in Phagwara namely Wahid Sandhar sugar mill ltd Phagwara is a leading company in the sugars which is engaged in the production of sugar, molasses and other by products. The Narang group set up in the Phagwara sugar mill formally known as jagjit sugar Mill Company limited. In the year 1933, Dr Gokal Chand Narang was the founder of the mill. The factory was set up at initial with crushing capacity of 400 tones per day and was increased to 1000 tones per day. In 1987, the management of mill took over by oswal group under the chairmanship of sh. Abhey Oswal then crushing capacity to 4000 tons per day in 1989. On 16th September 2000, this mill was taken over in the partnership of Wahid Sandhar Group. Under the chairmanship of managing director sh. Sukhbir Singh sandhar the present crushing capacity is 4500 tones per day.The raw material of sugarcane is supplied to the factory through cane corporative society name:-

1. Phagwara cane Grover society ltd.

2. Phillaur cane Grover society ltd.

3. Garhshankar cane Grover corporative society ltd.

These society arranged sugar supply in the factory through their member Grover. These society at the rate of 50% per paisa in the cane supply paid by each society to encourage the farmers to being more under sugar cane they are giving to the farmer these incentives such as interest free loan subsidies adjusted plant production chemicals high a (Kiran/Gahi) where in basic necessities have been provided exclusively for the use of the farmers. They have a good parking yard in front of their factory main gate where incoming cane to loaded trolleys and carts all parked in addition to this thy have acquired a suitable fact for packing of such cane loader vehicles. Both the places 400 canes trolleys can be parked which are crushed in 16 hours time. By production in Wahid   Sandhar sugars limited is as below:-

o 4 tones of molasseso

o 3 tones of presumedo

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o 0.3 tones of furnace ash and 1.5 kw powero

o 30 tones cane tops and leave


The Wahid sandhar sugars ltd Phagwara is a leading company in the sugar which is engaged in the production of sugar, molasses  and other by products. The company is really a good example of a great progress in very less time. As we can list its milestones in the following manner:-

1. There is only one sugar industry in phagwara which was set up by narang group formally known as jagjit sugar Mill Company limited. The initial crushing capacity of the company was 400 tones per day which was increase to 1000 tones per day in the year 1933 by Dr Gokal chand narang. He was the founder member of this mill.

2. In august 1987 the oswal group took over by oswal group under the chairmanship of sh. Abhey oswal then crushing capacity to 4000 tones per day.

3. In 1989, they setup new plant in sugar mill.

4. On 16th September 2000, this mill was taken over in the partnership of Wahid sandhar group. Under the chairmanship of managing director sh. Sukhbir Singh sandhar the present crushing capacity is 4500 tones per day.


1. Due to its reputation.

2. Its sound relations with its employees

3. Awareness of social responsibilities.

4. It enjoys excellent credit worthiness among suppliers, customers, bankers and creditors.

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Name of industrial concern: Wahid sandhar sugars ltd.

Date of incorporation/ registration : in the year 1933

Date of commencement of business: 16th September 2000

Sector: private

Location: G.T. road Phagwara

installed capacity: 4500 tones per day

initial crushing capacity: 400 tones per day

registered office: Wahid sandhar sugars ltd, Phagwara, and kapurthla

CEO name: sandeep Wahid

Annual  turnover : Rs 50 to Rs 250 crore

Number of employees : above 1000

Nature of company: manufacturer.


Total sugar industries in India :-  507

Total sugar industries in Punjab:-   23

In phagwara established in:-   1933

Set up by:- narang group formally known as jagjit sugar mill co.

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Founder of the mill:- Dr Gokal chand narang

Installed capacity: 400 tones per day

Present capacity:- 4000 tones per day

Exports countries:- America, Canada, England and Pakistan

Sector:- private

Location:- G.T. road Phagwara

Main suppliers:- local farmers (Phagwara)

Raw material:- sugar cane


M/S  R.  Arora and Associated

Charted accountant, Ludhiana.



Two schools are opened by Wahid sandhar ltd.

A club is also opened by Wahid sandhar is known as “Dev Club”.

A sewing centre has been also opened by Wahid sandhar ltd.


Mill has its own trust namely jagjit trust.

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The trust has established in the year 1946. The entire provident fund cut from the employee’s salary is deposited in this trust.

Mill gives the annually record of this provident fund to the government.

Production pattern in Wahid Sandhar Sugars Ltd:-

Main products:-

Sugars Molasses Bag gasses Presumed


                             Production of sugar is seasonal. The production season starts from 1st November to 30th April.


                            It is used as raw material for alcohol products in distilleries and in cattle feed industries. It is also used in casting.

 Bag gasses:-                                             It is used in paperboard making and as full boilers


                        It is used as fertilizers in the field and for bio comport making.   

Quality policy of Wahid Sandhar Sugar Ltd

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The motto of Wahid Sandhar Sugar Ltd Quality policy is customer’s satisfaction. They commit themselves to produce and deliver such a material such as to meet the customer’s quality expenditure.This is achieved by:-

Identifying the customer’s requirement and translating them into products.

Purchasing the process of being about continuous improvement by the employees of the company.

Ensuring the quality about insurance system and procedures are highly maintained and continuously upgraded to reflect customer’s changing requirement.


As an essential part of my BBA programme I have done my summer training in human resource management area at Wahid sandhar sugars limited phagwara where I worked on the project on “role of worker’s participation in management.

The primary objective of my study is to analyze the actual participation of workers in management of Wahid sandhar sugar mill ltd and other objectives are as under:-

1. To know about the human resources development within the organization.2. To know the employer – employees relationship and their behavior towards others and

about their authority and relationship3. To know the growth of company.4.

Research methodology

The data which have already been collected and processed by some other persons and taken from their statistical data. This data can be collected from- 

Published sources Unpublished sources

Data is collected by all the reports and books provided by the company. 

Internet- I collected data from the Sugar Mill’s Website Moreover  i took the help of my company’s mentor Sh. Sukhbir Singh Garcha .(Head of

human resource department)

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There are various groups of managerial decisions that have a direct impact on the employees of an organization. These decisions are the social, personnel and the economic decisions.

The workers’ representative in Wahid sandhar sugars ltd play a useful role in safeguarding the interests of workers. Workers can serve as a guide and a control element. Workers can prevail upon top management not to take measures that would be unpopular with the employees.Workers can guide the Board members on matters of investment in employee benefit schemes.

Wahid sandhar sugars limited uses the following methods for encouraging workers participation in management

 Financial Participation:This method involves less consultations or even joint decisions. Performance of the organization is linked to the performance of the employee. The logic behind this is that if an employee has a financial stake in the organization, he/she is likely to be more positively motivated and involved.

 Total Quality Management:TQM refers to the deep commitment, almost obsession, of an organization to quality. Every step in company’s processes is subjected to intense and regular scrutiny for ways to improve it.

 Participation through Suggestion Schemes:Employees’ views are invited and reward is given for the best suggestion. With this scheme, the employees’ interest in the problems of the organization is aroused and maintained. Progressive managements increasingly use the suggestion schemes. Suggestions can come from various levels. The ideas could range from changes in inspection procedures to design changes, process simplification, paper-work reduction and the like. Out of various suggestions, those accepted could provide marginal to substantial benefits to the company. The rewards given to the employees are in line with the benefits derived from the suggestions.

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 Participation through Collective Bargaining:

Through the process of CB, management and workers may reach collective agreement regarding rules for the formulation and termination of the contract of employment, as well as conditions of service in an establishment. Even though these agreements are not legally binding, they do have some force. For CB to work, the workers’ and the employers’ representatives need to bargain in the right spirit. But in practice, while bargaining, each party tries to take advantage of the other. This process of CB cannot be called WPM in its strongest sense as in reality; CB is based on the crude concept of exercising power for the benefit of one party. WPM, on the other hand, brings both the parties together and develops appropriate mutual understanding and brings about a mature responsible relationship.

Wahid sandhar sugars limited uses the following methods for encouraging workers participation in management


One or more representative of the worker’s can be taken by the board of director’s. Workers are therefore fully associated with top decision making body. They are thus responsible for the successful implementation of all plans.


In this system, managers or executives called a meeting of worker’s and share the information with them whenever they feel necessary. they explain the problems to worker and give information to them and invite suggestions from them. The worker’s give their opinions to managers to solve their problems.


Such methods have been devised in away that workers representatives are consulted for activities relating to their welfare, working conditions or routine matters. The representative of the management and workers sit together and discus the issues and find out suitable suggestions. The workers committees assigned issues like condition of work, safety measures and labour welfare. Joint management councils have wide role to play.


Under this system the employees are encouraged to make suggestions for improvement in problem of organization are consulted with workers and invite suggestions from them then workers feel like a part of organization.

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One or more representative of the worker’s can be taken by the board of director’s. Workers are therefore fully associated with top decision making body. They are thus responsible for the successful implementation of all plans.


In this system, managers or executives called a meeting of worker’s and share the information with them whenever they feel necessary. they explain the problems to worker and give information to them and invite suggestions from them. The worker’s give their opinions to managers to solve their problems.


The first factories ace in India was passed in 1881. The objective of this act is to protect the workers from unduly long hours from bodily strain or manual labour and to take precautions for the health, safety and workers.

Wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd provides following provisions to workers.

The provisions regarding health of workers are contained in section 11 to 20. The purpose of these provisions is to ensure that conditions under which work is carried in Wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd do not effect the health of workers adversely


Wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd adopt the following measures:

Accumulation of dirt and refuge the removed daily from the floors and benches of workrooms

The floor of of workroom is cleaned at least ones in every week by washing.


Proper arrangements are made in the mill for the treatment of wastes due to manufacturing process.


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In sugar mill the process which produces high temperature is separated from the workrooms by insulating the hot parts or by others means.


Following steps are taken in Wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd:

Prevent the inhalation of dust.

Prevent accumulation of dust and fumes in workrooms.


Every part of mill is provided with suitable lighting. Both artificial and manual lights are provided in the sugar mill


In sugar mill proper and effective arrangements are made to provide drinking water to workers. Following rules are observed in mill:

All water points clearly marked as “drinking water” in the language understood by workers.

Such water points are situated at the distance of 6 meters of any working place, urinals etc.


Sugar mill provided a sufficient number of spittoons to workers at convenient places. These all are maintained in clean and hygienic conditions


Safety is a basic and primary requirement in a factory. Unless the life of workers is secure, smooth and proper, the working cannot be ensured in any factory sections 21 to 41 of the act contains the provisions regarding the safety of workers. Wahid sandhar sugars ltd follows the following provisions:

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In Wahid sandhar sugar mill ltd, following machinery is securely fenced by safeguards:

Every moving part of prime mover and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover

The headrace and tailrace of every water wheel and water turbine

Any part of stock bar which project beyond the headstock of a lathe.


Under this provision the examination and lubrication etc. of machinery ehile in motion, is carried out only by a significally trained adult worker wearing tight fitting clothing supplied by the occupier. The name of such person is recorded in the register prescribed for the purpose. No women or young person is allowed to clear, lubricate or adjust any part of the machinery while in motion.


No person is allowed to work at any dangerous machine unless:

He has been fully instructed as to the dangerous arising in connection with the machine and the precaution to be observed He has revised sufficient training in a work at the machine or is under adequate supervision by a person who has a thorough knowledge and experience of machine.


In sugar mill suitable devices for cutting power in emergencies from running machinery are provided and maintained in every work room



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In Wahid sandhar sugars ltd the following provisions are following with respect lifting machines, chains and ropes for the purpose of raising or lowering of good persons or materials. These shall be:

Of good construction and sound material.

Properly maintained

Thoroughly examined by a competent person at least ones in every year.


In every room in a mill in which the process of grinding is carried on, these shall be permanently affixed to or placed or near each machines in use, a notice indicating maximum safe peripheral speed.


Under this scheme, the employees are encouraged to make suggestions for improvements. Workers at all level of the organization from top to the bottom are to made their suggestions orally to the top management:

1. Increase productivity

2. Work simplification

3. Material handling

4. Decrease in wastage, spoilage, mishandling of tools or machines

5. Increase in quality

6. Safety and security measures etc.

The workers may suggest some new methods of production or new scheme for all these. The suggestions are put before a committee of the management for security. Best method and schemes are kept and other reject

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 Empowered Teams:Empowerment occurs when authority and responsibility are passed on to the employees who then experience a sense of ownership and control over their jobs. Employees may feel more responsible, may take initiative in their work, may get more work done, and may enjoy the work more. 

 Participation through Suggestion Schemes:Employees’ views are invited and reward is given for the best suggestion. With this scheme, the employees’ interest in the problems of the organization is aroused and maintained. Progressive managements increasingly use the suggestion schemes. Suggestions can come from various levels. The ideas could range from changes in inspection procedures to design changes, process simplification, paper-work reduction and the like. Out of various suggestions, those accepted could provide marginal to substantial benefits to the company. The rewards given to the employees are in line with the benefits derived from the suggestions. Participation through Collective Bargaining :Through the process of CB, management and workers may reach collective agreement regarding rules for the formulation and termination of the contract of employment, as well as conditions of service in an establishment. Even though these agreements are not legally binding, they do have some force. For CB to work, the workers’ and the employers’ representatives need to bargain in the right spirit. But in practice, while bargaining, each party tries to take advantage of the other. This process of CB cannot be called WPM in its strongest sense as in reality; CB is based on the crude concept of exercising power for the benefit of one party. WPM, on the other hand, brings both the parties together and develops appropriate mutual understanding and brings about a mature responsible relationship.FOLLOWING METHODS ARE FOLLOWED FOR WORKER’S PARTICIPATION IN WAHID SANDHAR SUGARS LIMITED

REPRESENTATIVE ON THE BOARD One or more representative of the worker’s can be taken by the board of director’s. worker’s are therefore fully associated with top decision making body. They are thus responsible for the successful implementation of all plans.

DISCUSSIONS In this system, managers or executives called a meeting of worker’s and share the information with them whenever they feel necessary. they explain the problems to worker and give information to them and invite suggestions from them. The worker’s give their opinions to managers to solve their problems.

LABOUR MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Such methods have been devised in away that workers representatives are consulted for activities relating to their welfare, working conditions or routine matters. The representative of the management and workers sit together and discus the issues and find out suitable suggestions. The workers committees  assigned issues like condition of work, safety measures and labour welfare. Joint management councils have wide role to play.

SUGGESTIONS Under this system the employees are encouraged to make suggestions for improvement in problem of organization are consulted with workers and invite suggestions from them then workers feel like a part of organization.

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WORKERS CONTRIBUTION IN QUALITY CONTROLDEFINITION OF QUALITY CONTROLQuality control (QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. QC is similar to, but not identical with,  quality assurance (QA). QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a product or service under development (before work is complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets specified requirements. QA is sometimes expressed together with QC as a single expression, quality assurance and control (QA/QC).  In order to implement an effective QC program, an enterprise must first decide which specific standards the product or service must meet. Then the extent of QC actions must be determined (for example, the percentage of units to be tested from each lot). Next, real-world data must be collected (for example, the percentage of units that fail) and the results reported to management personnel. After this, corrective action must be decided upon and taken (for example, defective units must be repaired or rejected and poor service repeated at no charge until the customer is satisfied). If too many unit failures or instances of poor service occur, a plan must be devised to improve the production or service process and then that plan must be put into action. Finally, the QC process must be ongoing to ensure that remedial efforts, if required, have produced satisfactory results and to immediately detect recurrences or new instances PROVISIONS RELATING TO WORKERS REGARDING HEALTH SAFETY AND WELFARE UNDER THE FACTORY ACT 1948Wahid sandhar sugars ltd:-The first factories ace in India was passed in 1881. The objective of this act is to protect the workers from unduly long hours from bodily strain or manual labour and to take precautions for the health, safety and workers.Wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd provides following provisions to workers.The provisions regarding health of workers are contained in section 11 to 20. The purpose of these provisions is to ensure that conditions under which work is carried in Wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd do not effect the health of workers adverselyCLEANLINESSWahid sandhar sugars mill ltd adopt the following measures:

Accumulation of dirt and refuge the removed daily from the floors and benches of workrooms

The floor of of workroom is cleaned at least ones in every week by washing.DISPOSAL OF WASTEProper arrangements are made in the mill for the treatment of wastes due to manufacturing process.

VENTILATION AND TEMPERATURE   In sugar mill the process which produces high temperature is separated from the workrooms by insulating the hot parts or by others means.DUST AND FUMESFollowing steps are taken in wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd:

Prevent the inhalation of dust. Prevent accumulation of dust and fumes in workrooms.

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LIGHTINGEvery part of mill is provided with suitable lighting. Both artificial and manual lights are provided in the sugar mill DRINKING WATERIn sugar mill proper and effective arrangements are made to provide drinking water to workers. Following rules are observed in mill:

All water points clearly marked as “drinking water” in the language understood by workers.

Such water points are situated at the distance of 6 meters of any working place, urinals etc.

SPIT TONSSugar mill provided a sufficient number of spittoons to workers at convenient places. These all are maintained in clean and hygienic conditionsPROVISIONS REGARDING SAFETY OF WORKERSSafety is a basic and primary requirement in a factory. Unless the life of workers is secure, smooth and proper, the working cannot be ensured in any factory sections 21 to 41 of the act contains the provisions regarding the safety of workers. Wahid sandhar sugars ltd follows the following provisions :

FENCING OF MACHINARY: In wahid sandhar sugar mill ltd, following machinery is securely fenced by safeguards:

Every moving part of prime mover and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover The head race and tail race of every water wheel and water turbine Any part of stock bar which project beyond the headstock of a lathe.

WORK ON OR NEAR MACHINERY IN MOTION:Under this provision the examination and lubrication etc. of machinery ehile in motion, is carried out only by a significally trained adult worker wearing tight fitting clothing supplied by the occupier. The name of such person is recorded in the register prescribed for the purpose. No women or young person is allowed to clear, lubricate or adjust any part of the machinery while in motion.

EMPLOYMENT OF YOUNG PERSON ON DANGEROUS MACHINES : o No person is allowed to work at any dangerous machine unless:o He has been fully instructed as to the dangerous arising in connection with the

machine and the precaution to be observed o He has revised sufficient training in a work at the machine or is under adequate

supervision by a person who has a thorough knowledge and experience of machine.

STRIKING GEAR AND DEVICES FOR CUTTING OFF POWER :In sugar mill suitable devices for cutting power in emergencies from running machinery are provided and maintained in every work room

LIFTING CHAINS MACHINES ROPES AND LIFTING TACKLES: In wahid sandhar sugars ltd the following provisions are following with respect lifting machines, chains and ropes for the purpose of raising or lowering of good persons or materials. These shall be:

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Of good construction and sound material. Properly maintained Thoroughly examined by a competent person at least ones in every year.

REVOLVING MACHINERY :In every room in a mill in which the process of grinding is carried on, these shall be permanently affixed to or placed or near each machines in use, a notice indicating maximum safe peripheral speed.

WORKERS PARTICIPATION IN SUGGESTIONS SCHEMEUnder this scheme, the employees are encouraged to make suggestions for improvements. Workers at all level of the organization from top to the bottom are to made their suggestions orally to the top management:

1. Increase productivity2. Work simplification3. Material handling4. Decrease in wastage, spoilage, mishandling of tools or machines5. Increase in quality6. ssssaSafety and security measures etc.

The workers may suggest some new methods of production or new scheme for all these. The suggestions are put before a committee of the management for security. Best method and schemes are kept and other reject.

Significance of Employees/Workers Participation in Management [WPM] in Wahid sandhar sugars limited

To improve the efficiency of enterprise

To establish harmonious industrial relation

To attain industrial peace and harmony

To give the workers and acceptable status.

To develop self management in the industry.

To increase the productivity level with mutual understanding

Easy to implement the change may by possible by WPM Information sharing and decision making

Improving the self control degree.

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Factor considering by Wahid Sandhar sugars limited in Employees/Workers Participation in Management [WPM] :

The type of decision

Subject matter of participation

Level of participation

Subsidiary level

Time factor

Extend of participation

Significance of decision

Industrial practices

Past experience data

Degree of possibility

No. of workers

Methods of participation

Managerial views regarding workers

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Q.1 Do you find your work interesting? Yes no

Q. 2 Are the working condition of the job physically comfortable? Yes no Q3. How often your work disturbs your personal life? Always Often Never Frequently Sometimes

Q.4 Are you shifted to different job when you start feeling monotonous in particular job? Always Often Never Frequently Sometimes

Q.5 Is merit considered uppermost by the management while giving the rewards ?

Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree

Q6. Does your organization provides opportunities for progress so that you can fulfill your career objectives?

Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree

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Q.7 your interpersonal relation with your boss is?

Good Very good Bad Neither good nor bad

Q.8 association with informal group members adds to your productivity? Strongly agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly disagree

Q.9 are the recreational and monetary incentives given to employees to motivate ? Agree Disagree

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Q.1 Do you find your work interesting?

Level of management Response Yes no

Top level 3 0

Middle level 7 6

Lower level 26 54

Total 36 60


From the above table it can be said that the top and middle level management find their work more interesting and the low level find it less interesting.

Q. 2 Are the working condition of the job physically comfortable?

Level of management Response Yes no

Top level 3 0

Middle level 9 4

Lower level 34 45

Total 46 60

Conclusion It is cleared from the figures that the top and middle level management is physically comfortable .whereas lower level is less comfortable.

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Q3. How often your work disturbs your personal life?

Level of management

Always Frequently Often Sometimes Never

Top level 0 0 1 1 2

Middle level 2 2 2 2 5

Lower level 22 25 20 8 5

Total 24 27 23 11 12

ConclusionIt is clearly mentioned from above that lower level of management’s life is disturbed because of their workings while the life of higher level management is affected less by that.

Q.4 Are you shifted to different job when you start feeling monotonous in particular job?

Level of management

Always Frequently Often Sometimes Never

Top level 0 1 0 2 0

Middle level 3 5 2 2 1

Lower level 12 15 10 18 25

Total 15 21 12 22 26

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ConclusionRotation of workers is for the few jobs. It is just the lower level who have rotated periodically so that the monotony of work could be reduced whereas the higher level management don’t have to face such rotations.

Q.5 Is merit considered uppermost by the management while giving the rewards ?

Level of management

Strongly agreed agreed un decided Strongly disagree

disagree d

Top level 2 1 0 0 0

Middle level 5 3 2 0 3

Lower level 37 27 8 0 8

Total 44 31 10 0 11

ConclusionIt is strongly suggested by workers that the merit of the workers should be keep in mind while giving the rewards.

Q6. Does your organization provides opportunities for progress so that you can fulfill your career objectives?

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Level of management

Strongly agreed agreed un decided Strongly disagree

disagree d

Top level 2 1 0 0 0

Middle level 7 3 1 0 2

Lower level 10 26 4 10 30

Total 19 30 5 10 32

Conclusion It is considered that the top and middle level is provided opportunities for progress so that you can fulfill your career objectives but the lower level is found sad in this.

Q.7 your interpersonal relation with your boss are?Level of management

Good Very good Bad Neither good nor bad

Top level 1 2 0 0

Middle level 7 4 2 0

Lower level 23 35 18 4

Total 31 41 20 4

All the level of management are in view that they have good relationship with their boss. The good relationship avoids strikes and lock outs.

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Q.8 association with informal group members adds to your productivity?

Level of management

Strongly agreed agreed un decided Strongly disagree

disagree d

Top level 1 0 1 0 1

Middle level 7 4 2 0 0

Lower level 34 31 5 2 8

Total 42 35 8 2 9

ConclusionAlmost all the groups agree that association with informal group members adds to their productivity. So it is always recommended to increase the informal groups.

Q.9 are the recreational and monetary incentives given to employees to motivate ?

Level of management Response Agree disagree

Top level 3 0

Middle level 8 5

Lower level 45 35

Total 56 40

ConclusionIt is clear from the above data that the recreational and monetary incentives given to employees motivates them to work and increases their productivity.

SUGGETIONS AND recommendations

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It is not an easy task to recommend suggestions to such large organization. During the training period of six weeks, I am able to suggest that:

The staff was not ready to devote much time for providing the data to us.

There is extremely bad smell in the production unit and the places around it. Provisions should be made to exhaust the bad smell.

Workers of wahid sandhar sugars mill ltd. Are not so co-operate. They should co-operated each other to create friendly environment and for achieving their organizational goals.

Efforts should be made to make production unit hygienic.

Workers do not like to participate in top management. The management should motivate

workers to participate in decision making and other suggestion schemes.  


On the basis of my study during the training period of six weeks at Wahid sandhar sugars ltd the conclusion drawn relates to the positive aspect that there is participation of workers in management of Wahid sandhar sugars limited understand the importance of workers and satisfies all their need which in turn reduces the labour turnover and increases the profit and production of the industry. It also create co operation between top management and workers. The management system of the mill is very effective and efficient. All the workers of the mill perform their work properly and participate in the management.While studying and interpreting the need of workers participation. In management, the conclusion is to be drawn relate to positive aspect. There should be workers participation as workers are most dynamic factor which plays vital role. If workers participation is involved then they should feel a part of management. If they are given some importance then the peaceful administration will be more prevalent and will result in more productivity and increase in profitability. So, workers must be given a chance to participate only than both management and workers can co-operate.


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HR management – by Sukhbir Singh garcha

Various reports of mills

Mill official

