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Invisible Corner First Edition 2009

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  • 8/14/2019 Invisible Corner First Edition 2009


    Invisible Corner

    First Edition


  • 8/14/2019 Invisible Corner First Edition 2009



    Blinding fire,incandescent, dreamer,averno door,dreams and spells.

    Hypnotist and evocative,inspiring stories,legends and fears,

    torment, despair,to control it and not have it.

    Center of Bruges and spells,all revolve aroundlike moths to light,eventually succumb to

    to its charms.

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    All you humiliate,you yell and punish,money you want.

    You can not live,you're not happy,want to control,but do not.

    Do not act know,your person is not,you're crazy,lost in the immensity.

    You crazy for no reason,

    the face is transformed,soul haunts you,you're confused.

    All das penaltywhy you run,

    you know not imposethe yoke of power.

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    Death is notthinking,but the rewarda full life.

    The line of the principleafter accumulationsuffering,

    silent tears and dry.

    Part salta sweet life,by bitter peopleto bury the dreamsand off the heart.

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    Having deep rootsthat penetrateinside the heart,wise upMy old treegrows strongerwithin the family,spread sheets

    my descendants,stretching branchesskywardembracing the sky,while idlyformed part of the time.

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    Soledad eternalsolitary anguish,malaise,grief and anger.

    Soledad physicalAffective intolerance,killed,

    abandoned and buried.

    Punished with reasonleft rightcrazy and lonely,awaiting punishment.

    Treaty without affection,insulted by whom I love,psychological abuseand hopelessly ill.

    That is the question,

    Simple equation,there is only one solutionabandon the patient,removing a nuisance.

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    Looking for a placeperched on topor lying on the floor,said before shooting,while reading by the lens.

    A place, a timea tree or a river,

    I choose my preycarefully.

    The beauty Bucket,new gravelthat timeintact over time.

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    It evokes feelingssmell sensationsoigo emotionssense paradise.

    Endless trails,impassable rivers,Gentlemen trees

    impassive, vigilant.

    Blue sky and blinding sun,green,muddy roadsdotted with manure.

    Reveal the patheach step,segments showinglandscape of dreams.

    At the end of the journey

    The summit is revealed,shows its inaccessibilitydefeated by the mountain.

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    Jealousy and barbaric,ruthless murderers,have no mercykill in cold bloodto keep tyranny.

    Subject to their partnerhave no life of its own,

    live to dominate,subdue and punishmurderers without gills.

    They have no value,nor honor,want to frighten,

    subdue and dominateand only the killer.

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    W andering W ayfarer

    Wandering Wayfarershowing your face,callas that injustice,weeping over the misfortunes,around your universe.

    Want but can notalter the perception

    a cursed world,you be penalized fora globetrotter.

    Nowhere livebelong to all,but you can not,

    live but you die,'re penitent of death.

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    Dispute an ind ividual

    Distant but sure,expectant but indifferent,but nostalgic dreamer,loving but passive,but only together.

    Dispute an individualcomplex yet simple,

    yearning for peacebut he likes the crowds,twisted personupon itself.

    Looking for something morea life without incentives,

    the daily newspaper,an impossible dream,a mirage in the ocean.

    Yearns to findsomething that has,

    but do not know,looking for lifeawakening from a dream.

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    Moves nervouslyup and down without rest,shows its beautiful silhouetteand sing for joy,although caged lives.

    Its feathers are orange,his ceaseless watch,

    a delight to sing itshappy to staywhile displaying its elegance.

    Intones as a tenorits sweet tune,that fills the air

    sounds relaxinghis only song.

    Sings with unrelenting tenacitytheir only songshowing habit

    the spectator,the canary that sings well.

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    Water sculpts the rockwith unusual quietness,incessant displays his geniusa bravura uncontrolleda rough sea.

    The air starts a whistlethe rocks of the cliff,

    struck whileLight enjoy the showsea enraged.

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    Somnolence nostalgic,

    fatigue digestiveparentheses of the daynap in the lounge,after the copious lunchnoon.


    Grow into adolescence,

    presumption of what we have,although onlya single instant,of a young slight,time off,transformed beforeand forget the stage,teenager.

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    Golden age

    Write to expresspersonal concerns,the desire to communicate,to grow as a person.

    It is time for sculptorspainters, photographers,and science writers,

    artists and film critics.

    Where the culturehas its golden age,and where manis its greatest exponent.

    It is the century of dreamers,people multidisciplinarySpain knows where to expressits internal culture.

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    Land of rain,intense cold,snow whitegreen meadowschestnut,legendary traditions,ancient craft.

    Of food,for nature lovers,cattleof simple people,where the mountainsmerges with the sea,giving way to


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    Wood artbarefoot and has no one want,inspirationwork of craftsmen.

    Carved woodenrecorded by handmale patients

    carvers and virtuous.

    Legacy of a region,ideogram of a landancient, full of legendsand Celtic symbols.

    Footwear modestavoids the mudand define the landresidents of the village.

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    Life must be lived,to deal with,the cruel realityDreams truncatedlost illusions.

    Before starting,we must conclude,

    also meditateour consequences,paid for trying to help.

    The arrogance of being better,or the misfortune of losing,everything is bad in this world,

    so we have to improve,anyone because we are good.

    We are spiteful,arrogant and selfishnobody wants to share,

    Love without commitmentwhy not in paradise.

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    The reflection in your eyes

    I look in your eyesthe reflection of a weary life,truncated and calm,my beloved desired.

    Suffer with it,I suffer and cry,sleep together

    by a piece of heaven.

    I came with nothing,by unconditional love,for a life of hardship,of tears live.

    Does not deserve to sufferbut there is no life without pain,love without condition,roses without thorns.

    I reflect on their actions,

    I grow with your achievements,encouraged me with their successes,as we walk togetherthrough their eyes.

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    Larger wake,dream of a rebelnot lived long enough,I regretted later,a life not livedwithout giving an apology,some say no thanks,my macho pride

    not learned to control.

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    Not yet met you,but I got this,but still do not know where you are,or as you are named,tirelessly seek you.

    Wanted in my mind,a track from you,

    I lost you in my heart,but do not lose hopeto hear from you.

    At last I met you,and I am disappointed to seebecause you thought unattainable,

    different, beautiful, intelligentbut you are equal to others,superficial, cold and distant.

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    From black to redyellow to green,sad but happy,dead but alive,everything is confusing.

    I love you from the inside,you have from the outside,

    I need you from the distance,from the timeless,Sky abstract.

    Wanted in the abstract,movements explicitwords without sound

    the falsity of the body,after living without forgiveness,looking for remorse.

    The lack of compassion,the smell of the dead,

    negative feelings,twisting the words,stabbing compassionI am well, pettyservant of God.

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    His chords echoin my memory,before leaving,and cry in my soul.

    Their unmistakable sounddescribes a world forgotten,removed from memory,

    troubled by the absence.

    Forgotten Melodiessignificance with the bagpipe,sacred instrument,virtuosos of the song.

    Echo their linebetween mountains and valleys,while keeping itsdescribes the vastness,in nature.

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    Spain to the brink of collapsemine speculators,loafers of manipulators,huge profits at the expense of government,supports the speculationtheft and embezzlement.

    Train and claim is dismissed,

    without any explanation,only important benefits,reaches the Great Depression,sales of the speculator.

    Hunger currency,unemployment in order to justify the means,

    guarantees economic solution,comes the great savior of capitalism,to combat the recession.

    Dismiss the worker,to not pay during the recession,

    and cost savings and increased profitswith the excuse of low production,lame government aid.

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    I am a citizen of the river,endorsing my mismanagement,sack the company forward,dismissal without compassionall for more moneyto maintain my position.

    That is the questionbenefit,without compassion

    buy the government,sell to the employee.

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    Platonic love

    Ethereal love,feeling weak,uncontrollable desire,miss you.

    Dream to have,but I can not poseerte,I love you,

    but I can not see you.

    You are everythingthe moon of my dreams,the sun shinesmy desire for love.

    Inalcanzable sensationdull unreason,untamed heart,desire disheartening.

    To have everything,

    get by,although I do not wantI love you without explanation.

    I wish you always,from the depths of my being,Seeking an explanation,

    This platonic love.

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    I came from a village,but never came back,I have my root there,although I was not happy.

    I miss my childhoodbut not what happens,but it went,

    and because I came from there.

    I'm not like that when I left,I fled because of the world,but at last I understood,who I am and who I was.

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    Ilusione s bur ied

    Bitter futurerevueltos at times,

    homelessby natural disaster.

    Submitted by the economy,punished by the government,humiliated by the situation,or homeless people.

    Surviving Storeswithout heating and cooling,without love,pain in the heart.

    Crying in silence,the bitterness of loss,Memories legacytruncated dreams.

    The economy was buriedby banks and,animals without compassionthey want benefits.

    There is no humanityor solidarity,all that mattersis the economy.

    There is happiness,

    it's time to mourn,or win or collect,only solidarity.

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    Am algam atmospheric phenom ena

    The sun is shining in the morning,clouds the while,turns out the sunand starts to hail,stopping without warning.

    Again clarifies the timeturning to dusk,

    gets ugly againbut not raining,blowing air.

    It's raining and cold,the sun shines againprelude to temporary

    time to be homeand enjoy family.

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    Yo u are w ho you are

    You are inspiringof love and desire,the subject of fantasies,unattainable dreams,part of my subconsciouslonging to love you forever.

    Eres sanity after madness

    the subject of mixed feelings,color in a dark world,joy in agony,perfection in the breakdown,recognition in disapproval.

    You are a friend of the unsociable,

    generous to the greed,positively to adversity,affectionate with people,nicely with the disaffected,light in a dark world.

    Before you're loving companion,partner rather than raised,dear friend before that,honest rather than manipulative,honest rather than lying,individual rather than despotic.

    You are who you are.

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    Concerned about what we did,so we door so we went,without past or futurejust this.

    Happiness is not to worry,for past wrongs,

    or the challenges of the future,is knowing how to enjoy the present,Today's imminent.

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    Putting the street

    The cold in the morningdoes shake the street,still not makingbecause there is nobody that go.

    Illuminated with shyness,occurs between lampsfurniture,

    hidden in the dark.

    Frost all dyed whitewetting the publicappeared in winter and spring,turning sadness into joy.

    While all sleepunrelated to realityan awakening,asleep in the street.

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    With shyness and stubbornness,so sincere and honestalive againimplemented and becomethe only thing to be.

    I am not who I beor what people are saying,

    I am not what you see,I am the absence of my being.

    The evidence is notto know who you are,we must investigateto see beyond.

    The absence of damageof false evidence,absent witnessneighbors and people.

    Must see and do not look,to know more about the person,to appreciate,no judge,nor superficial.

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    Know ing what you w ant

    I want what I have,I would not wish it,I do not want what I have.I lose what I have,then I want to have,but do not have one.

    It meets what I want,

    but it is not what I wantand wishes of another,that when I got itnot wishwithout knowing what I want.

    Not wish to enjoy

    nor mine nor the other,I am miserable and unhappyI want what I have,and not make me happynot know what I want.

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    Afra id to m iss

    Feeling weakhas my heart,weeping in silenceby your love.

    Wanted tearsbut they are dry,of both mourn,

    to get close.

    Feeling weakhas my heart,that sighspor tu amor.

    Wanted momentsto be together,quality timeto give the world.

    Feeling weak

    has my heart,feared missingforever.
