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IPv6’s Features & Advantages مختصری در مورد IPv6
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IPv6It’s Features & Advantages

تهیه کننده: احمد حقیقی[email protected]

Page 3: IPv6

IP( IPv4)مختصری بر

Internet Protocolمخفف •• IP بيتي بوده كه كامپيوتر موجود در يك 32يك عدد منحصر بفرد

شبكه را مشخص مي كند. است.IPهر ماشين بر روي اينترنت داراي يك آدرس منحصر بفرد

ثابت ) ايستا( بوده IPسرويس دهندگان اينترنت داراي آدرس هاي •كه تغيير نخواهد كرد

= Localhost:از چهار عدد سه رقمي تشکيل شده است.مانند•

هشتايى)مي گويند.octetهر يك از اعداد فوق را( • ، نحوه نمايش آنها IPبمنظور بخاطر سپردن آسان آدرس هاي •

بصورت دسيمال ) مبناي دهدهي ( بوده. كامپيوترها براي ارتباط با يكديگر از مبناي دو ) باينري ( استفاده •

مي نمايند. Localhost = 11011000.00011011.00111101.10001001

هیچگاه به کار برده نشد، همین اتفاق برای IP پروتکل 3 تا 1نسخه •نسخه پنجم نیز افتاد.

Page 4: IPv6

IPv4آدرس های قابل تولید توسط

8 bit 8 bit 8 bit 8 bit


هایی که میتوان ساختIPتعداد = ==

تفكيك آدرس ها به كالس ها و رزو بودن برخي آدرس ها براي multicastingتست و موارد خاص ديگر ،

Page 5: IPv6

بEه • تEرین دلیEل روی آوردن افEزایش IPv6مهم )افEزایش نEود هEای شEبکه( IPسEریع تقاضEا بEرای

بEودن محEدود در IPو موجEود هEای IPv4 ودEب)است(.

فراگEیرترین IPv6مسEلما • و بزرگEترین از یکی پEایه ای سEاختارهای روی بEر کEه بEود تغیEیراتی

20اینEترنت اعمEال شEد.( تغیEیری کEه در طEول سال گذشته بی سابقه بوده است.)


Page 6: IPv6


128-bit IPv6 Address3FFE:085B:1F1F:0000:0000:0000:00A9:1234

8 groups of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers separated by “:”


:: = all zeros in one or more group of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers

Leading zeros can be removed

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IPv6آدرس های قابل تولید توسط

16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit 16 bit


= = 3.4x = تعدادIPهایی که میتوان ساخت



Page 8: IPv6

#1) IPv6 provides a substantially larger IP address space than IPv4

= 79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,336

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#2) IPv6 provides better end-to-end connectivity than IPv4

How does IPv6 provide a solution? IPv6 with its large address space no longer requires NAT and can ensure true end-to-end connectivity. This means peer-to-peer applications like VoIP or streaming media can work very effectively and efficiently with IPv6.

• The most exciting applications to emerge in recent days are peer-to-peer applications such as multi-player online games, video-conferencing (streaming media), file sharing and VoIP.

• As mentioned earlier, the shortage of addresses caused by IPv4 has been overcome to some extent by using NAT

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#3)IPv6 has better ability for autoconfiguring devices than IPv4

How does IPv6 provide a solution? • IPv6 offers automatic configuration and simple configuration

mechanisms. Known as plug-and-play autoconfiguration.• IPv6 offers DHCPv6, which is an autoconfiguration similar to IPv4

DHCP and offers stateful address autoconfiguration• IPv6 also offers stateless or serverless address autoconfiguration• In stateless autoconfiguration, a host can automatically

configure its own IPv6 address and does not need any assistance from a stateful address serve.

• Whenever a node plugs in and wants to be part of a network, IP address information and router information is required to properly configure the node and get it running.

• In the past, when there were fewer devices and computers in a network running IP, almost all of them were statically configured and IP addresses were manually assigned.

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#4) IPv6 contains simplified Header Structures leading to faster routing as compared to IPv4





vers hlen TOS total length

identification flags flag-offset

TTL protocol header checksum

source address

destination address

options and padding

vers traffic class flow-label

payload length next header hop limit

source address

destination address

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#5) IPv6 provides better security than IPv4 for applications and networks

• Because of end-to-end model, IPv4 was designed with almost no security in mind and assumes that the required security will be provided at the end nodes.

• For example, consider an application such as email that may require encryption services.

• Network Address Translation (NAT) and Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) were used to provide some level of protection against some of the threats mentioned above using methods such as firewalls.

How does IPv6 provide a solution? • In IPv6, IPSec is a major protocol requirement and is one of the

factors in ensuring that IPv6 provides better security than IPv4. • IPSec contains a set of cryptographic protocols for ensuring

secure data communication and key exchange. The main protocols used are:

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#5) IPv6 provides better security than IPv4 for applications and networks

How does IPv6 provide a solution? • In IPv6, IPSec is a major protocol requirement and is one of the

factors in ensuring that IPv6 provides better security than IPv4. • IPSec contains a set of cryptographic protocols for ensuring

secure data communication and key exchange. The main protocols used are:

1.Authentication Header (AH) protocol, which enables authentication and integrity of data. 2.Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) protocol, which enables both authentication and integrity of data as well as privacy of data. 3.Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. This protocol suite helps to initially set up and negotiate the security parameters between two end points. It then also keeps track of this information so that the communication stays secure till the end.

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#6) IPv6 gives better Quality of Service (QoS) than IPv4

• The present IP uses a Datagram service to transfer packets of data between point to point using routers

• The IPv4 packet header structure contains 20 bytes of data.

How does IPv6 provide a solution? • QoS is given a special boost in the IPv6 protocol with the IPv6

header containing a new field, called Flow Label field.• This ensures a high degree of QoS especially for peer-to-peer

applications like VoIP and other real-time applications.

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#7) IPv6 provides better Multicast and Anycast abilities compared to IPv4

• This multicast is useful when streams of information have to be made available to a wide variety of connected devices and not just one single destination.

• E.g. Relay audio data, video data, news feeds, financial data feeds

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#7) IPv6 provides better Multicast and Anycast abilities compared to IPv4

Multicast in IPv4 is possible only on subnets and most Internet routers are not configured to support IPv4 multicast.

How does IPv6 provide a solution? • IPv6 extends the multicasting capabilities of IPv4 by offering a large multicast address range.• IPv6 also improves dramatically on the concept of anycast

services, which is available, though in a very minimal form in IPv4.

• In anycast services, packets are not sent to all the nodes in the network but only to the nearest reachable member.

For effective use of multimedia applications it should be possible to address different hosts, which belong in different subnets.

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#8) IPv6 offers better mobility features than IPv4

Mobile devices, which can change their location but would like to retain existing connections.Mobile networks that provide mobility to a group of devicesAd-hoc networking in which some of the devices stay connected to the network or in the vicinity of the network only for the short duration of a communications session

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#8) IPv6 offers better mobility features than IPv4

• Mobile IPv4 requires a special router in the location of the mobile node to properly receive calls.

• Route optimization is available to mobile IPv4 only through an optional set of extensions

How does IPv6 provide a solution? • With IPv6, mobility support is mandatory by the use of

Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6).• There is no ingress-filtering problem in Mobile IPv6

because the correspondent node uses the care-of address as the source address.

• IPv6 through its large address space ensures that each mobile device can have its own unique IP address.

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#9) IPv6 offers ease of administration over IPv4

With an IPv4 network, all the work of

network renumbering and assigning of new

address schemes would have had to be

done manually.

How does IPv6 provide a solution? 1. IPv6 provides capabilities so that network renumbering

can happen automatically.2. Multihoming technique:

In this simultaneous connections are established to two ISPS. (There is more than one path from the host to the destination.)

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#10) IPv6 follows the key design principles of IPv4, thereby permitting a smooth transition from IPv4.

• Using Dual IPv4/IPv6 Stack

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