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Issue 09 - Calling - (25 March 2010)

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The end of term is fast approaching and with this comes the cycle of examinations and assessment. The majority of students have had examinations and assignments due over the last couple of weeks. The teachers are currently marking and reporting on these exainations and Term 1 reports will be sent home over the Easter Holidays.
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Dear Members of the St Patrick‘s Family, The end of term is fast approaching and with this comes the cycle of examinations and assessment. The majority of students have had examinations and assignments due over the last couple of weeks. The teachers are currently marking and reporting on these exainations and Term 1 reports will be sent home over the Easter Holidays. Included with your son‘s report will be information regarding the Parent Teacher Interviews. Last week (Wednesday, 17 March) the College launched its new website. As part of this launch parents were sent details about access to the PARENT LOUNGE. I encourage parents to investigate the new website and in particular the capabilities of the Parent Lounge. I think that you will be very impressed. At the next Parents and Friends meeting (21 April) Mr David Gardiner will present an information session on the new College website and its capabilities. Last Saturday saw the completion of the Term 1 sports program. I take this opportunity to thank the large number of staff, parents and old boys who assisted with the various sports this term. Overall, the College had a successful term in the sporting arena. The Trimester 1 Co-curricular Assembly will be held on Tuesday, 27 April. I also wish to congratulate all of the students who participated in this term‘s sporting program. You competed well, supported each other and, importantly, represented your College in a sporting way. Well done! Yesterday, the members of the Queensland Independent Education Union took Protected Action (Strike) as part of the current Enterprise Bargaining negotiations. My thanks to all families for their support and understanding of this issue. The second part of this Protected Action is an ongoing ban on all co-curricular activities. This has the potential to affect the upcoming Term 2 sporting and cultural program. I will keep you informed of any changes to the program. At this stage the College will continue to conduct its co-curricular program as normal, including Rugby and Soccer training. At this stage all tours and training camps over the upcoming holidays will proceed as usual. I will update this information prior to the holidays. On the last day of term, Thursday, 1 April, the College will host its annual Shore to Gate. This is always a great day and parents are very welcome to join the staff and students on this day. All students are asked to seek donations and sponsors for this event and all money is to be bought in to school before the end of the term. The goal for 2010 is $40,000 with half of the funds raised supporting the College‘s immersion programs and half going to projects here at the College. Your support is needed. Finally this week, I again thank families for their ongoing support and hope that you and your families are progressing with your own healing journey. Have a great week. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal 25 March 2010 No. 9 Dr Carroll, Teachers, Students and Parents On behalf of my children, Brendan, Adam and Christian, we would like to express our thanks for the support and comfort we have received from the St Patrick’s community during the recent loss of their father, my husband Raymond White. As you would appreciate, these times are difficult enough, but with the wonderful and sincere support we as a family have received, the edge of helplessness has been diminished. Once again we would like to pass on our thanks to all. Judy White

Dear Members of the St Patrick‘s Family, The end of term is fast approaching and with this comes the cycle of examinations and assessment. The majority of students have had examinations and assignments due over the last couple of weeks. The teachers are currently marking and reporting on these exainations and Term 1 reports will be sent home over the Easter Holidays. Included with your son‘s report will be information regarding the Parent Teacher Interviews. Last week (Wednesday, 17 March) the College launched its new website. As part of this launch parents were sent details about access to the PARENT LOUNGE. I encourage parents to investigate the new website and in particular the capabilities of the Parent Lounge. I think that you will be very impressed. At the next Parents and Friends meeting (21 April) Mr David Gardiner will present an information session on the new College website and its capabilities. Last Saturday saw the completion of the Term 1 sports program. I take this opportunity to thank the large number of staff, parents and old boys who assisted with the various sports this term. Overall, the College had a successful term in the sporting arena. The Trimester 1 Co-curricular Assembly will be held on Tuesday, 27 April. I also wish to congratulate all of the students who participated in this term‘s sporting program. You competed well, supported each other and, importantly, represented your College in a sporting way. Well done! Yesterday, the members of the Queensland Independent Education Union took Protected Action (Strike) as part of the current Enterprise Bargaining negotiations. My thanks to all families for their support and understanding of this issue. The second part of this Protected Action is an ongoing ban on all co-curricular activities. This has the potential to affect the upcoming Term 2 sporting and cultural program. I will keep you informed of any changes to the program. At this stage the College will continue to conduct its co-curricular program as normal, including Rugby and Soccer training. At this stage all tours and training camps over the upcoming holidays will proceed as usual. I will update this information prior to the holidays. On the last day of term, Thursday, 1 April, the College will host its annual Shore to Gate. This is always a great day and parents are very welcome to join the staff and students on this day. All students are asked to seek donations and sponsors for this event and all money is to be bought in to school before the end of the term. The goal for 2010 is $40,000 with half of the funds raised supporting the College‘s immersion programs and half going to projects here at the College. Your support is needed. Finally this week, I again thank families for their ongoing support and hope that you and your families are progressing with your own healing journey. Have a great week. God Bless

Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

25 March 2010 No. 9

Dr Carroll, Teachers, Students and Parents

On behalf of my children, Brendan, Adam and Christian, we would like to

express our thanks for the support and comfort we have received from the St Patrick’s community during the recent loss of their father, my husband Raymond

White. As you would appreciate, these times are difficult enough, but with the

wonderful and sincere support we as a family have received, the edge of helplessness has been diminished.

Once again we would like to pass on our thanks to all.

Judy White

Page 2


Frank Torrisi

Hair: The Hair and Grooming Policy

is located on Pages 21 and 22 of the College diary with the underlying principle ―St Patrick’s College requires students to maintain a high standard of dress and grooming so as to present an appropriate image of the College to the

broader community and to each other. It is an expectation that hair be kept neat, tidy and above the collar, ears and eyebrows at all times‖. I ask that all boys make the necessary arrangements to have their hair cut to meet the College guidelines.

Blazer: All boys in Years 10, 11 and

12 will be required to wear blazers to and from school during Terms 2 and 3. In preparation for this I ask that if dry cleaning of blazers is required, this is done over the next couple of weeks for the commencement of Term 2.

Public Transport: St Patrick‘s is a

great school but it can be let down in its public image if the students are poorly behaved on public transport. The College will not tolerate poor behaviour on public transport. Students misbehaving in this area will face a range of consequences

as a result of their actions.

School Camps: The year level camps

at St Patrick‘s College are designed to provide challenges to the boys and to provide an opportunity for the boys to work together in a different setting. The

Year 7, 9 and 10 Camps and the retreat program for Years 9 and 10 are scheduled for Term 2. Forms need to be returned to class teachers or handed in to the Student Office by Friday, 2 April,2010. All camps and retreats are a compulsory components of the school curriculum. Please contact me if you have any concerns about the upcoming Year 7, 9 or 10 camps.

Young Driver Safety Program

Sunday 8 August: St Patrick‘s students in Years 11 and 12 have an opportunity to participate in a Safe Driver Program. This is a one day driver education course. The designated date is in August and it will be run on a Sunday and the cost is $143 per person. Students must hold a Learners Permit to participate in the program. If you are interested please see Mrs Sandra Fowlie in the Student Office.

Last Day of Term—All students will

be dismissed at 1.30 pm on Friday, 2 April. It is expected that all students attend school until 1.30 pm. Students will commence the day with an Easter liturgy followed by the Shore to Gate.

Sports Photos Sports photos will be taken tomorrow Friday, 26 March, for Cricket, Swimming, Volleyball and Debating

Shore to Gate is on Thursday, 1 April. Students are expected to attend this day, not to commence holidays a day earlier. The day will include an Easter Liturgy followed by the Shore to Gate and then House sausage sizzles. Every student is expected to collect a minimum of $20 and all cards and monies must be returned before the holidays. Students will be dismissed at 1.30pm on this day to conclude the term.


Allan Clark

Mathletics, the online mathematics program, has been a hit with the Years 5 to 7 classes. The boys are doing extremely well in earning certificates. Last week one of the classes, 5W, achieved the honour of being the first St Patrick‘s group to make it to the TOP TEN mathematics classes in Australia. Well done, 5W, and all the boys working so well on their number facts! The Year 5 excursion around the Shorncliffe foreshore this morning has been a great success. The boys enjoyed the walk while learning about the local area. The Year 5s are learning about maps and the different features such as

scale and direction. This excursion allowed them to use their skills in making a map of the local area. A standing ovation was given to 6W as they presented a concise and informative musical presentation on Australian History to the Tuesday assembly. The boys did an excellent job and the presentation was very enjoyable. All of Year 6 have been busy this term researching, creating and presenting their images of Australia. The hard work has paid off and many of the boys‘ work has been of a very high standard.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The newspapers from the Year Seven reporters are nearing completion. The teachers have been impressed by the standard and the level of engagement of the boys with this integrated activity. The boys were required to research a famous disaster (Natural or Human-created) of their choice and write a front page newspaper article – including appropriate image(s) – that reports the disaster at the time of its occurrence. The teachers are looking forward to the end results.

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Matthew Hawkins

Today is National ―Close the Gap‖ Day. It is a day when we are reminded that we live in a country which still has much to do in terms of achieving justice and equality for the entirety of our population. Some facts:

Currently, Aboriginal and Torres

Strait Islander peoples have a life expectancy 17 years less than other


Indigenous children are dying at

more than double the rate of non-Indigenous children

Many Indigenous people suffer

chronic diseases which are entirely preventable and have virtually been eliminated in the non-Indigenous population

Access to primary healthcare remains

extremely poor for Indigenous people. Clearly, this is unacceptable. However, the positive news is that this is a problem which can be solved. In fact, in order to solve the problem, we do not need new technology; we do not need more knowledge; we do not need to perform more research. Simply, we need the resolve, the insight, the passion and the public support. At the turn of the nineteenth century, Edmund Rice recognised the needs of the

poor within his community and worked to address those needs. At first, he had little

support and in fact many thought his endeavours would die with him. Today, Edmund Rice‘s legacy can be seen throughout the world, as Christian Brothers and lay people work every day to address the needs of the poor and the marginalised. As members of a Catholic school community in the Edmund Rice tradition, it is incumbent upon us to follow this legacy, and I contend that today in Australia the inequality and injustice that exists in indigenous health is an area we must help to address. So, how do we respond? I encourage you to try to do at least one of the following in the coming days:

Look for the link on the College

website to pledge your support

Visit www.closethegap.com.au

Find out more from

www.caritas.org.au or www.oxfam.org.au

Visit www.oxfam.org.au and sign up

to Oxfam Australia's pledge

Join the Facebook Close The Gap

group and post relevant news on the Wall

Add your hand to ANTaR's

(Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation) online Sea of Hands at http://seaofhands.antar.org.au

Sign GetUp!'s petition at


Get some postcards, stickers, posters,

wrist bands and t-shirts and use them to

spread the word – go to www.oxfam.org.au or an Oxfam Shop to have a look

Donate to one of the organisations

that have signed up to the campaign, including Oxfam Australia, Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council, Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, Australian General Practice Network, Australian Red Cross, Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation, Caritas Australia, Congress of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Nurses, Fred Hollows Foundation, Make Indigenous Poverty History campaign, Oxfam Australia, Reconciliation Australia, Save the Children Australia, UNICEF Australia. Together, we can close the gap and end the Indigenous health crisis.

“Congratulations also to Tyler Caruana

and Kurtis Kerr for winning the Close the Gap treasure hunt this morning‖

Mark Mewburn

Work and Study Balance for Students: Be aware of ―Hours Creep‖, especially for those aged 16+. Students are often asked to do extra hours when the employer gets busy and this can interfere with study, social and family life. Assist your son to manage the pressure. Casuals can say no to extra shifts, but there is often subtle pressure to do more. Boys under 16 should not be doing more than 12 hours during school weeks (This is the law). (Fran Metcalf – Courier Mail 21.3.10f). Year 11/12 students who do more than 10 hours per week, according to a study, will drop a grade in every

subject! The effect on the student‘s OP will be considerable! WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: A weekend for married couples. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . . . your marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 04-06 June 2010 - Venue: Mercy Place, Bardon, QLD For bookings/details contact: 07 3352 3328 / Terry & Rhonda Boyle:

[email protected] Information website: www.wwme.org.au

Events: Lots of upcoming CAREERS related events are listed on my CAREERS website in the Student Intranet – Accessible from home Careers and Employment Expo – Convention Centre - 7-9 May 9am-4pm Tertiary Studies Expo (TS Expo) – RNA Showgrounds – 17-18 July 10am-4pm


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I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Trimester 1 sporting coordinators:

Shane Bowden – SPC Swimming

Chris Carlill – SPC Volleyball

Geoff Paulsen and Ryan Schultz –

SPC Cricket for all their time, commitment and

expertise given to the running and coordinating of their respective sports. Thank you to all the coaches, managers and parents who have also assisted with St Patrick‘s College Swimming, Cricket and Volleyball this year. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. SPC Volleyball finished off the AIC season in overall 2nd place (SEC 1st, Iona 3rd). This supersedes 2009 (4th) as the most successful year for St Patrick‘s College in AIC Volleyball. Congratulations to all involved in making Volleyball so successful in 2010. In AIC Cricket St Patrick‘s College finished the season in sixth (6th) place overall.


SPC 13A Volleyball Team – (1st)

won the 2010 AIC premiership.

SPC 16A Volleyball Team – 2nd in

2010 AIC Volleyball

SPC 3rd VI Volleyball Team – (1st)

won the 2010 AIC premiership.

SPC 2nd VI Volleyball Team - (1st)

won the 2010 AIC premiership.

SPC First VI Volleyball Team –

finished off the 2010 AIC season in third (3rd) place (MCA 1st, SEC 2nd ).

SPC 3rd XI Cricket Team – 2nd in

2010 AIC Cricket

SPC 2nd XI Cricket Team – 3rd in

2010 AIC Cricket

SPC 14A Cricket Team – 3rd in 2010

AIC Cricket

SPC 5th XI Cricket Team –

Undefeated in all their matches in 2010 This week saw the first of our Rugby and Football official training sessions for 2010. Some points that we need to be aware of before the start of the 2010 CIC and AIC Rugby and Football season follow. 1. Dress Standard of All SPC Students at Training – All students MUST be dressed in appropriate clothing suitable for training. Under no circumstance are any Rugby or Football players to train in the Formal Grey Uniform. This also

includes the wearing pf grey school socks at training. Any student not dressed appropriately will be refused the privilege of training on that particular training day. All Rugby players MUST have a mouth guard at every training session.

2. Dress Standard of All SPC Students on Game Days – Please be reminded that it is expected all students who intend to be spectators on Saturdays (whether home at Curlew or away) are to be dressed in the formal College uniform (with tie). Any student who arrives at a venue not dressed appropriately WILL be asked to leave the venue. Under no circumstance through the course of a Game Day are any students to be wearing thongs. If a student is not dressed to play either Rugby or Football, he is to be dressed in the College Uniform. 3. Correct Spectator Behaviour – All spectators (be they students, old boys, parents or friends) must abide by the respective CIC and AIC Codes of Conduct in both their actions and words. We encourage and expect positive cheering and support from everyone towards players, match officials and other spectators. 4. Designated Spectator Areas – Please note that Curlew Park will have designated spectator areas in 2010. We ask that everyone stay within these areas to assist with the successful running of Rugby and Football game days. 5. No Vehicles Within Curlew Park Grounds – all vehicles are to remain in the designated parking areas of Curlew Park. Only authorised vehicles are to enter into the Curlew Park grounds. 6. No Smoking or Alcohol – Please be advised that Curlew Park (and all other AIC playing venues) is a NON SMOKING and NO ALCOHOL venue. We ask that everyone be aware of this and adhere to this. Important Rugby Dates To Remember Please note that some dates may vary from the published College Calendar

Thursday 25 March – AIC Rugby

training commences at Curlew Park from 3.30pm until 5.00pm. All students who are playing AIC Rugby and Football MUST attend.

Friday 26 March - CIC Rugby

training commences at Curlew Park from 3.30pm until 5.00pm. All students who are playing CIC Rugby and Football

MUST attend.

Tuesday 30 March – Under 13 and

Under 14 Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8am.

Tuesday 30 March – CIC and AIC

Rugby training at Curlew Park from 3.30pm until 5pm.

Tuesday 6 April – First XV Rugby

Squad leave for Matthew Flinders Rugby Tournament.

Saturday 10 April – Year 5, 6 and 7

Edmund Rice Rugby Tournament at Gregory Terrace Playing Fields Tennyson

Sunday 11 April – Under 14 Rugby

Canberra Touring Team departs Brisbane.

Thursday 15 April – CIC Rugby

Coaching Clinics at Curlew Park. Years 5 to 7 (9am until 12noon).

Friday 16 April – AIC Rugby

Coaching Clinics at Curlew Park. Years 8 to 12 (9.00am until 12noon).

Friday 16 April – Year 7 Armidale

Rugby Squad leave depart Brisbane for Armidale.

Saturday 17 April – AIC Rugby (A, B

and C teams) trial against Downlands College. Important Football (Soccer) Dates To Remember

Please note that some dates may vary from the published College Calendar

Thursday 25 March – Year 6 and 7

Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8am.

Thursday 25th March – AIC Football

training commences at Curlew Park from 3.30pm until 5.00pm. All students who are playing AIC Rugby and Football MUST attend.

Friday 26th March – Under 16 and

Open Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8.00am.

Friday 26th March - CIC Football

training commences at Curlew Park from 3.30pm until 5.00pm. All students who are playing CIC Rugby and Football MUST attend.

Monday 29th March - Year 5

Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8am. .

Tuesday 30th March – Under 13 and

Under 14 Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8am.


Page 5

Tuesday 30 March – CIC and AIC

Football training at Curlew Park from 3.30pm until 5pm.

Wednesday 31 March – Under 15

Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8am.

Thursday 1 April – Year 6 and 7

Football (Soccer) Skills Session on College back oval 6.45am until 8am.

Monday 5 April – First XI Football

Squad leave for TSS Football Tournament.

Saturday 10 April – Year 5, 6 and 7

Edmund Rice Football Tournament at Gregory Terrace Playing Fields Tennyson

Sunday 11 April – Under 14

Football Canberra Touring Team Departs Brisbane.

Thursday 15 April – CIC Football

Coaching Clinics at Curlew Park. Years 5 to 7 (9am until 12 noon).

Friday 16 April – AIC Football

Coaching Clinics at Curlew Park. Years 8 to 12 (9am until 12 noon).

Saturday 17 April – AIC Football (A

teams) trial against Downlands College.

SPC Rugby and Football Verse

Downlands College

All parents of students in Years 8 to 12 who are intending to play Rugby or Football for SPC are reminded that on

Saturday, 17 April, St Patrick’s College will be trialing against Downlands College. Due to the work being completed

on Oval 3 at Curlew Park, some games of Rugby will be played away from Curlew at Sandgate / Redcliffe Cricket Fields (off Board Streeet) where a Rugby field will be constructed for the entire season of AIC and CIC Rugby.

It is expected that all players make themselves available for these important trial games on Saturday, 17 April. Following are the anticipated game times and venues for Saturday, 17 April:

Game Schedule for Saturday 17 April

St Patrick’s College Vs Downlands College Toowoomba Rugby (A,B and C teams) and Football (A teams)

Curlew Oval 1 Curlew Oval 2


Redcliffe Oval

Football Oval 1


13B Rugby

14C Rugby


13A Rugby

14B Rugby

13C Rugby

13A Football



14A Rugby

15B Rugby

16C Rugby

14A Football 11.30am


15A Rugby

16B Rugby

15C Rugby

15A Football 1.00pm


2nd XV Rugby

16A Rugby

3rd XV Rugby

16A Football


1st XV Rugby

1stXI 2.30pm

Please Note:

A bus shuttle will run from Curlew Park to Sandgate/Redcliffe Rugby playing field.

A canteen and barbeque will be in operation at Curlew Park.


Page 6

Edmund Rice Colleges Junior Rugby and Football Challenge 2010

Saturday 10 April at Gregory Terrace Playing Fields, Tennyson

The following teams will represent St Patrick‘s College at the forth coming Edmund Rice Challenge on Saturday, 10 April, at Ten-nyson. Football (11- A- Side) Year 7 x 1 team, Year 6 x 1 team, Year 5 x 1 team Rugby (10 – A – Side) Year 7 x 2 teams, Year 6 x 2 teams, Year 5 x 2 teams

Team selections will be made up from those students who indicate that they are available to play and compete on Saturday, 10 April. We ask that students indicate their availability at training on Tuesday, 30 March.


























TEAM Year 7 A Year 7 B Year 6 A Year 6 B


















Page 7

The numbers of SPC ‗X Men‘ and women are again growing, with this week seeing our first mum accepting the challenge of an enjoyable jaunt with the team. Once again, all boys, parents and teachers - regardless of age and ability - are invited to attend training with a committed and caring team of athletes and coaches. Training times are: Monday 3:15pm-4:15pm Wednesday 6:45-7:45am (with breakfast kindly provided by Mr. Gradwell) Friday 3:15pm-4:15pm Come and see the following teachers and coaches for details: Miss Cassandra Harden

Mrs Marthy Watson Mr Ben Greenfield Mr Kevin Ayres Mr Paul Toohey Mr Craig Gunn

Last Saturday saw many proud ‗X-Men‘ enjoy a run at Geebung . To receive specific details about this Saturday‘s event at

Tingalpa, access the Queensland Running website www.queenslandrunning.com.au.

However, the preferred event this weekend is Sunday‘s Queensland Athletics meet at Albert Bishop Park, Hedley Avenue,

Nundah. You must be there at least 15 minutes before your race but coaches will be in attendance to help with registration. Race

details are:

7am = 5km race

7:45am = 1.5km race Remember that Cross Country is great for your mind, body and, most importantly, spirit. In fact, the following by an unknown author demonstrates the purity of turning your feet over on grass: Cross Country…no half times, no time outs and no substitutions. It must be the only true sport. (How Mr. Gunn or Blake Henley would have loved to have penned words so poignant.)


TIME / FIELD Captains Field TIME / FIELD Captains Field

TEAM Year 5A/B TEAM Year 5A/B


NC A v NJC A 10.40am SP A v NC A


GT A v SP A 11am NJ A v GT A


NC B v NJC B 11.20am SP B v NC B


GT B v SP B 11.40am NJC B v GT B









Year 7 and Year 6 25 minute games – kicking off on the half hour. Year 5 18 minute games – kicking off every 20 minutes


Holiday Gym Times Monday – Thursday 9am- 11am from 6 to 16 April Important for all senior Rugby players to attend, due to beginning of the Rugby season .


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As a result of current industrial action there will be some disruption to co-curricular activities in the coming weeks;

Chess Club – (Monday afternoons), will be cancelled until 10 May.

Instrumental Groups – Concert Band (Mon 3pm) and Stage Band (Wed 3pm) will continue next week; ALL OTHER BANDS ARE CANCELLED.

Theatresport Groups – All teams will combine for practice this afternoon (Thursday)

Debating teams – All year 9 and 12 teams are to prepare for debates on 21 April. Please consult with your coaches during school time next week to arrange transport etc.

CHESS INTER-HOUSE CHESS The finals of this year‘s competition will be staged during lunchtime on Tuesday, 30 March, in the Resource Centre. Each house will provide 3 players from each year level with games played according to the following draw.


YEAR BOARD Game 1 Game 2 YEAR BOARD Game 1 Game 2

5 1 K v R C v M 9 1 M v K Q v O

5 2 K v R C v M 9 2 M v K Q v O

5 3 K v R C v M 9 3 M v K Q v O

5 4 Q v O Tie Break 9 4 R v C Tie Break

5 5 Q v O Games 9 5 R v C Games

5 6 Q v O if needed 9 6 R v C if needed

6 1 O v Q M V C 10 1 O v K R v C

6 2 O v Q M V C 10 2 O v K R v C

6 3 O v Q M V C 10 3 O v K R v C

6 4 K v R Tie Break 10 4 Q v M Tie Break

6 5 K v R Games 10 5 Q v M Games

6 6 K v R if needed 10 6 Q v M if needed

7 1 C v M O v K 11 1 Q v O K v C

7 2 C v M O v K 11 2 Q v O K v C

7 3 C v M O v K 11 3 Q v O K v C

7 4 Q v R Tie Break 11 4 R v M Tie Break

7 5 Q v R Games 11 5 R v M Games

7 6 Q v R if needed 11 6 R v M if needed

8 1 K v C O v M 12 1 C v M R v Q

8 2 K v C O v M 12 2 C v M R v Q

8 3 K v C O v M 12 3 C v M R v Q

8 4 R v Q Tie Break 12 4 O v K Tie Break

8 5 R v Q Games 12 5 O v K Games

8 6 R v Q if needed 12 6 O v K if needed

Winners will be crowned as part of the Shore to Gate celebrations on Thursday next week.


Page 9


DEBATING Secret Topic Debates are in every level of QDU secondary debating and are usually on current topics of interest in the news. During the holidays as well as term time, boys should be following the news daily by reading the newspapers, listening to ABC National and viewing such current events programs as The 7.30 Report on ABC1. This should mean that they are well informed about many topics that may be given in secret topic debates. The debates in the second round are as follows

Grade Date and Topic Draw Venue

8 28 April That we spend too much time at work

Team 1 7.00pm Aff vs Grace Lutheran (3) Team 2 7.00pm Aff vs Grace Lutheran (2)

St John Fisher College

9 21 April That today’s celebrities are bad role models

Team 1 7.00pm Neg vs St Margaret’s (3) Team 2 8.15pm Aff vs Clayfield College (2)

St Margaret’s Anglican College


7.00pm Neg vs Clayfield College (1) Northside Christian College


Team 1 7.00pm Aff vs St Columban’s (1) Team 2 7.00pm Aff vs Albany Creek SHS (1)

Albany Creek SHS


Team 1 8.15pm Aff vs Caloundra Christian College (1) Team 2 8.15pm Neg vs St John Fisher (1)

St Patrick’s College


INSTRUMENTAL PROGRAM All instrumental lessons will be as normal on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. There will be no lessons on Thursday due to Shore to Gate activities. Concert Band will meet Monday afternoon. Stage Band will rehearse Wednesday after school. All other band rehearsals are cancelled next week.

P & F News

Thank you to everyone who attended our meeting last week. Some of the topics covered were: New opening hours for the Library Trousers – proposal is optional this year in Terms 2 and 3 for Years 10-12 Curlew Park update on work being done on the grounds by Council College Building Program update including demolition and rebuilding of toilet block New College Website with a view to holding an Information Night on how to use / navigate Change to P&F meeting format and CLT attending – more details in future Callings Shore to Gate – proposal that proceeds go to overseas focus areas as well as College projects

The continued availability of professional counseling support Bullying and overall College process to be reviewed annually Continued and improved communication between College and Parents/Guardians 23 April – Police Expo on Youth Violence to be hosted by the College

If you would like any more information on these topics please don’t hesitate to contact myself or Dr Carroll. Did You Know??? The P&F is seeking a volunteer to act as Fundraising Coordinator. There are many excellent opportunities for the P&F to raise funds to support special projects within the College and we need someone to look at those and coordinate a team to assist in carrying out those projects. Please feel free to contact me for further information. Lesley Palmer has kindly offered to look after our first project, the 2010 St Patrick's Entertainment Books which will arrive mid April. The books sell for $65 and our school retains $13 for every book sold. Purchasers of the book only need to use it once or twice and it will have paid for itself. Each Entertainment Book contains hundreds of 50% off, 25% off, or 2 for1 offers from many of Brisbane and South East Queensland's finest restaurants, hotel accommodations, resorts, arts, cinemas, sports attractions and leisure activities. Watch out for more information in next week’s Calling. The next P&F Meeting is Wednesday, 21 April – first week back at school in Term 2 - so mark your Calendar.


Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Rotunda

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 30 March Emmanuel John, Liam Campbell,

Jacob Cross, Joseph Lubke

Thursday, 1 April Emmanuel John, Liam Campbell,

Jacob Cross, Joseph Lubke

Thursday, 1 April

Liam Polkinghorne, Aaron Loader

Saturday, 3 April Mark, Michelle, Ayden and Thomas

Winsen, Kylie Pettigrew, Luke Marshall, Conor Hoelscher

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mr Ellison ASAP.

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Date Helpers

Fri 26/03 Debra Phillpot, Alf Messina, Maria Neilson, Vera Woods

Mon 29/03 Rosary Guppy, Michelle Brinkoff, Maggie McGowan

Tue 30/03 Maggie McGowan, Madonna Hoelscher

Wed 31/03 David Row, Christine Row, Victoria Sutton



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Sport Support Group

Sincere thanks for all parent volunteers who assisted in the preparation, participation and dismantling

of the College Shindig for St Patrick’s Night Saturday evening, 13 March.

Our monthly meeting for April will take place on the last Monday evening of March, Monday, 29

March, at 6.30 pm at the Full Moon, 118 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate. We are a volunteer group of parents who endeavour to assist the College in improving the facilities used and supporting all our

athletes where we are able. All parents and friends are welcome, especially those with sons heavily involved in the College and representative teams programs. This especially includes Football, Rugby

and Cross Country parents in preparation for the coming season. The meeting normally lasts for about

an hour. We look forward to welcoming you into our Group.

Tuesday Morning College Mass

Each Tuesday morning, at 8am, Father Liam, College Chaplain, offers the College a morning Mass in the College

Chapel. Next Tuesday in Holy Week is the last Tuesday of an historic and complicated Term One and it will be

good for parents, staff and students to come and pray for the term that was, safety during the holidays, and the

graces of Easter which God has prepared for us.


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St Patrick’s proud Confraternity Rugby League tradition continues this year with the carnival being hosted in Bris-

bane by Clairvaux MacKillop at St Laurence’s playing fields at Runcorn in June. We are desperately seeking sponsor-ship to assist the boys in their campaign as they try to emulate last year’s feat of winning the Bob Lindner Trophy

in Division One. Please contact John Tucker at the College on 3631 9023 or email [email protected] if you are interested in jersey sponsorship or can assist in any other way.

Uniform Shop

SCHOOL BAGS – Backpack and Carry Bag Styles are in stock priced at $45 each. TIES, PULLOVERS and WINTER JACKETS are in stock now. Ties are worn as part of the Formal Uniform

in Terms 2 and 3 for all year levels. RUGBY and SOCCER UNIFORMS are also in stock as well as secondhand football boots. TRADING HOURS TERM TIME – TUESDAY 12-4PM, WEDNESDAY 10AM-2PM, THURSDAY 7.30-11.30AM.

LOST Liam Leeder in Year 8 Ryan 2 has lost his sports shoes. They are blue and white Adidas, last seen on a chair

in his home room. Their speedy return would be greatly appreciated as they were quite expensive. Grey Shirt missing from the pool area. Looking for a new size 18, a size 22 left in its place.

FOUND Small Black Sun Shirt with Grey stripes on sleeve found in the Pool Area—Please contact the Student Office

Ski Trip

There are still plenty of places left on the St Patrick’s College Ski Trip.

7 Days leaving Saturday, 18 September. $1005 includes all meals and accommodation at the Snow, Ski Hire,5 1/2 days lift

ticket, bus trip to and from the snow each day, only personal spending money extra. To book your spot for the ski trip you can pay $100 to the finance office.

Please obtain a brochure for full details from the Student Office or contact Mr Vanderweide

Email: [email protected]

NAVY CADETS Looking for fun, adventure, friendships? Want to go sailing, shooting, canoeing, power boating?

If you’re over 12 ½ years old then why not join the Navy Cadets at Shorncliffe? We are part of the Australian Defence Force Cadet Scheme and our cadets also

undertake sea voyages on Navy

warships at little or no cost. We meet on Saturdays from 1pm to 4pm.

Don’t miss the boat - numbers are limited! RECRUITING AND OPEN DAY Saturday, 10 April, 9.30am – 1pm

Call Robert Collins on 0428180149 for more details.


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March 26

Year 11 Marine Studies Excursion / Year 9/10 Music Examination/Photo Day

March 27

AIC/CIC Internal Rugby/Football Trials / Parent Son Retreat

March 29

Year 10 CISTA Testing

March 31

Year 12 QCS Practice / Year 12B Marine Studies Excursion

April 1

Shore to Gate

April 19

Theatresports Heats

April 20

Year 8 Immunisation / Theatresports Heats

April 21

Year 12 Legal Studies Excursion / Student Leaders Inservice/ Theatresports Heats / QDU Round 2 Years 9/12

April 22

Year 9 Business Studies Excursion / Theatresports Heats

April 23

Anzac Day Liturgy

April 24

Year 7 Rugby Tournament / AIC Rugby Internal Trials / AIC Football Trial V Padua / CIC Rugby/Football Trials V BBC
