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Issues and Problems of Public Personnel

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  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel




    Public personnel in any country are mostly talked and major issue in the

    government service. They play an important role in the service. They canmake serious impact on nation. Both it can be positive and negative. Their

    efectiveness and eciency is based on the system o country’s recruitment,

    selection, training and promotion. these procedures are transparent and

    not biased then there is possibility to get high !uality personnel. "nd in this

    study like to #nd out the overall system o procedure o personnel

    management in the public sector in Bangladesh, their problem and also

    present some recommendation that ho$ to get rid o these problem.


    “Management framework does not need to be exaggerated in

    the face of the changing role of public administration in recent

    decades due to external and internal pressures that have

    forced governments worldwide to redene the role of the state

    and recalibrate public administration capacities”

    %&euleers, '(()

    Bangladesh is a developing country. *ur civil service has inherited rom

    British civil service. "ter )( years o independence our civil service is stillnot moderni+ed. Though there are lots o problems in public personnel

    management o Bangladesh because o internal and eternal pressure, it’s

    changing slo$ly. -eorm and reconstruction initiative are taken in a regular

    basis. o$ personnel management o Bangladesh civil service is lot more

    /eible and public oriented.

    But in contrast $ith developed countries our civil service ar behind rom

    epected eciency and efectiveness because $e still have a huge problems

    and obstacle in our public personnel management.

    Development of Public Personnel Management inBangladesh

    Pubic Personnel Management

    t is commonly ackno$ledged that human resources management is the

    primary resources in any organi+ation. n service organi+ation in particular,

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    the availability o abundant #nances, physical resources, and inrastructure,

    e!uipment, machinery, buildings, technology and inormation resources is o 

    no conse!uences $ithout a $ell trained, ecient $orkorce to provide the

    relevant service to clients.

    !uddlestone describes 0public personnel administration as that sub#eld o public administration $hich is sometimes more descriptively kno$n as

    human resource management1. 2e states that it is the job o the personnel

    administration to ensure that the public institution has most competent

    people $orking or it, this involved not only recruiting and selecting the best

    employees ac!uire the skills kno$ledge and competence to perorm their

    task efectively. The term 0Public Personnel 3anagement1 is consists o the

    three integrated elements.

    1. Public4 This reers to the locus o the sub discipline, that is the terrain

    on domain in $hich it is practiced, namely public sector generally5 including commerciali+ed public corporations, statutory bodies and

    local authorities6 and the public service in particular 5 consisting o the

    central state departments and provincial administration6.

    2. Personnel 4 this denotes the human resources 7 labor, $orkers,

    personnel, etc% $ho are employed in public sector and $ho are

    involved in the provision o public services to society.

    8. Management:  This reers to those practices, activities and process

    related to the marshalling o human resources o public organi+ation in

    order to contribute efectively and eciently to the optimalachievement o predetermined organi+ational goals.

    9o $e can say that public organi+ations should have sucient personnel,

    $ith the right skills and epertise in the right places, to carry out the ecient

    and efective delivery o public goods and services to all segments o society.

    :or this reason, the efective management o public personnel is

    undamental to the achievement o successul governance and service


    Development of PPM in Bangladesh

    Public personnel management is the administration o the pubic personnel,

    an etra ordinary interest is taken by the general public in ho$ the

    government employees are hired, used, disciplined and re$arded. n

    particular, the general public is concerned to see that public personnel

    management should conormed to a system in $hich all citi+ens have an

    e!ual opportunity to enter the public service and to receive advancement in

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    the service in accordance $ith proven merit in the discharge o ocial


    The British system

     The main eature o the British system is that it has over the years evolvedneither as a centrali+ed civil service management giving rise nor to a single

    organ but t$o institutions. The civil service department 5;9

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    the top. ;ivil servants, especially the elite ones, $ere specially recruited and

    indoctrinated or holding both policy making and policy implementing

    positions at the 9ecretariat and at the #eld level. These ocers had more

    scope o promotion than others.

     The government o Bangladesh has a t$o%tier administrative system. Theupper tier is the central secretariat at the national level consisting o the

    ministries and divisions to provide policies and to perorm clearinghouse

    unctions. The other tier consists o line’ departments@directorates attached

    to the ministries and divisions that are mainly responsible or general

    administration, service delivery to citi+ens and implementation o various

    government development programs at the sub%national level. 5"hmed, '(('4


    "t present, the Bangladesh civil service has more than one million civil

    servants in 38 ministries, 11 divisions, 25 departments and 1!3 statutorybodies 5"

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    department $hile on the other cases it is headed by an ocial enjoying the

    pay grade and bene#ts o a deputy secretary, joint secretary or an additional

    secretary 5"hmed, '(('4 8'G6. There are our classes in Bangladesh civil

    service. ;lass and part o class ocers are treated as 0ga+ette1 ocers=

    the rest are considered as 0non%ga+ette1 ocers 5"hmed, '(('4 88)6. The

    number o ;lass ? ocers is about )(,(((. * them C(J are recruited into

    'G cadres= the rest do not belong to a particular cadre but $ork in unctional

    areas. -ecruitment is conducted by the Public 9ervice ;ommission 5P9;6 as

    per re!uirement conveyed by the 3inistry o Astablishment, $hich is

    responsible or the personnel policy $ithin the civil service and human

    resources unction, particularly in the administrative cadre 5

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    Public 9ervice commission 5BP9;6 conducts eamination to identiy the

    deserve candidates based on the demands o 3*P". Then selected

    candidates gather in the induction K orientation program to learn

    through the process o $orking in diferent position on the job.

    • Placement3inistry o Public "dministration is the agency that responsible or

    placement o B;9 5administration6 cadres. *ther ocers are

    administrated according to their respective career placement planning

    by the respective cadre controlling ministries.


    &raining % Development

    Basically there are t$o types o training arrangements in the civil

    service o Bangladesh4 nternal K Aternal.

    nternal training can be categori+ed into ) groups%

    i. "oundation Training: t is a long%term training course or ne$ly

    recruited civil servants. This training is organi+ed by BP"T;.

    ii. #n the $ob% &e'artmental Training:  2ere the ocers learn

    eclusively job related techni!ues $ithin the organi+ation.

    iii. Mid (e)el Training:  BP"T; organi+e advanced courses on

    administration and development as the mid level training or the

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


      +om'ensations and .nducements:

    ;ompensation is a generic term, including various sorts o re$ards

    given employees. The most obvious component is pay4 it may be

    $ages and salaries= it may be insurance, pension and medical bene#ts=

    it may be time of or vacations and other indirect re$ards. The present

    pay structure in Bangladesh the compensation package or B;9 ocers

    is minimum )?((T& to maimum )((((T&.

    /etirement , Termination:

      "ccording to the constitutional Provision the government servant $ill

    serve the republic until he@she reaches the age at DC. Movernment can

    send anybody on retirement ater ul#llment o 'D years o !ualiying

    service even though the employee has not reached DD. 9imilarly employee

    can go on a voluntary retirement ater 'D years o !ualiying service.

    "areer Planning in Bangladesh "ivil #ervice

    ;areer planning is an important issue o Bangladesh ;ivil 9ervice. t is a

    continuous process that involved managers, human staf, eternal parties

    and individual themselves. ;areer planning is closely related to training and

    development policy and its management. t is also related to the ";- in

    $hich the overall perormance rating is provided in respect o a civil service.

    t can be eplained by integrated legacy relating to the civil service and the

    structures and unctions are based on a division into generalists and

    specialists. The recommendations made by various committees@commissionsto design a career path allo$ing opportunities or both generalists and

    specialists to enter into policy planning and management.

    $ecommendations of "areer Planning b( )#$" *+,-

    *n ?D 3arch ?GC', a our member "dministrative and 9ervice -eorgani+ation

    ;ommittee 5"9-;6 $as appointed. The chairman o the committee $as vice

    chancellor o the Nniversity o

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    appropriate number o pay levels matching diferent levels o skill and

    responsibility premised in job analysis.

    ). To inculcate proessionalism in the public service. The division o all

    posts $ithin into t$o broad categories to be designated as :unctional

    Posts and "rea Mroup Posts.

    •  "unctional Posts: :unctional posts are those or $hich a pre%

    entry technical and vocational education is re!uired. t also

    includes those $ho ac!uire the necessary vocational and

    technical !uali#cations ater joining the service.

    •   Area 0rou' Posts: "rea Mroup Posts are those $hich lie outside

    the :unctional Mroup. These posts do not re!uire any single

    unctional !uali#cations. These posts are urther demarcated into

    a number o "rea Mroups’ or administrative convenience,

    training and development acilities. The speci#c areas include4

    o Economic Administration:  3onetary, #scal, commercial,

    price, income and investment policies, economic planning

    and project evaluation, oreign aid, oreign echange, etc.

    o Financial Administration: Budgeting, ependiture control,


    o Industrial Administration:  ndustrial planning and

    development, investment promotion, small and cottage

    industrial development, industrial technology etc.

    o Commercial administration:  nternal eternal trade andrelated matters.

    o Social Administration:  -ural and urban development,

    cooperatives, community development, health and amily

    planning, labour relations, inormation and public

    relations, social $elare, etc.

    o Education Administration:  Aducation Policies and

    administration, manpo$er planning and administration,


    o Personnel Administration: 3anagement analysis involving

    $ork study, grading and evaluation o posts, organi+ation

    and methods, selection techni!ues, training and career

    management, staf supervision and control, motivation,

    moral and staf $elare, etc.

    o General administration: 3aintenance o public order, land

    revenue and land management administration, internal

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    security and intelligence, deense administration, relie 

    and rehabilitation, distribution o ood and essential

    commodities and residuary eecutive unctions.

    D. ;reation o a personnel division attached to the *ce o the Prime

    3inister stafed by proessionally competent persons to undertake a

    variety o responsibilities in the area o stang, job analysis and

    evaluation, training and career planning.

    O. Astablishing a Personnel cell in each ministry and department.

    C. Promotions to higher positions are given on the basis o merit as

    demonstrated in appropriate eaminations and recommendations o 

    relevant departmental promotion committees.

    H. " civil servant is allo$ed to remain in a given job or at least T$o years.

    G. The most important element in the career management concept

    developed by "9-; is its emphasis on the linked eperience o a civil

    servant’s career. The element o linked eperience demands thatmobility o a civil servant as the policy management level should be

    limited to allied areas or subjects rather than subjects $hich have no


    ?(. t recommends that bet$een C th  and ?(th  years o service

    personnel should be posted in the districts or a period o one year.

    ??. "t appropriate higher levels, it may be advantageous to post

    senior area group administrators in senior diplomatic posts abroad.

     The "9-; submitted its recommendations to the government in t$o

    phases. But there $as no ocial response to the committee’s $ork till the

    end o the 3ujib government.

    $ecommendations of Public )dministration #ector #tud( .P)##/0


    arious development partners assistance to prepare reorm policies o 

    public administration in Bangladesh. Public "dministration 9ector 9tudy

    $as conducted by N

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    that they $ere satis#ed $ith the career plans developed or them. Then

    P"99 $as given some recommendations about career planning o 

    Bangladesh ;ivil 9ervants. 9ome o them are as ollo$ing4

    ?. The career plans eist or only a minority o staf and re!uently

    dra$n up $ithout consulting them. "mong senior civil servants,career plans are generally non%eistent and unsatisactory $here

    they do eist.

    '. Provide proessional development opportunities or individual

    ocers. This has to be determined in the contet o the ";- and

    career development needs.

    8. "ttention should be given on 0science o management1 and

    developed 0scienti#c principles o management1 including

    0scienti#c classi#cation o organi+ations1, it may be useul to

    categories ministers@ divisions into unctional cluster. The

    recommended clustering is based on broad unctions. These are

    enumerated belo$4

    • ecuti)e:  These organi+ations are entrusted $ith the

    responsibility o directing, controlling and monitoring $hole or

    parts o the governmental machinery.

    • /egulatory:  They are empo$ered to make rules and

    regulations and oversee their enorcement.

      Ser)iceoriented%4el-are:  They ofer direct services o 

    various kinds o either the general population or special target


      &e)elo'ment:  They are involved in nation building tasks,

    social and economic uplit and inrastructure development.

      Promotional:  They serve to promote a particular #eld o 

    activity in $hich the country made little progress in the past

    or $hich needs urther governmental entrepreneurships.

      Sta*%ad)isory:  They are involved in activities, $hich are

    auiliary to the main purposes o advising the government on

    the implications o policy making.

      /esearch: They undertake detailed studies and eaminations

    to provide input into the policy making process and


      .nternational:  These organi+ations liaise and maintain

    contacts $ith oreign countries and international organi+ations

    or various aspects o social, political and economic afairs.

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    $ecommendations of Public )dministration $eform .P)$"/0


    P"-; $as established in

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    limited in that it envisages only D( percent o the posts o 

    "mbassadors to be #lled up by the personnel o B;9 5oreign

    "fairs6. * the remaining D( percent, 8( percent $ill be open

    to member o other proessionals including armed orces and

    remaining '( percent $ill be open to members o the 9enior

    9ervice Pool 599P6.

    ). Perormance monitoring and result oriented perormance.

    o implementation report till the end o the then government. The

    government has paid attention to career planning in 9eptember '((8= a

    career planning and training $ing has been established in ministry o public

    administration. The plan is to ocus on career%based deployment rom the

    level o

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    Placement in the training institutes is a stigma in the civil service today.

     There are innumerable instance that illustrates the act that $hen there is

    no other place or person to #t in $ith, he is de#nitely destined to go

    dumped in a training institute. But in a reality dynamic civil service

    system this should have been the opposite.

     6 /am'ant corru'tion , decreasing credibility:

    arious reports including papers prepared by the Iorld Bank, N

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    $ecruitment and selection in B"# on the basis of last three

    (ears data

     The #rst logical element o career service system is recruitment. -ecruitment

    is the process o searching or prospective employees and stimulating them

    to apply or jobs in the organi+ation 5:lippo and Ad$in ?GH)4 ?)?6. t is the

    process o searching manpo$er in sucient number rom $hich to select

    capable and competent candidates or job vacancy. *n the other hand,

    selection is a process o hiking individuals $ho have necessary and relevant

    !uali#cations to #ll job in an organi+ation.

     The primary issues in the recruitment process are

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    independent in ?GC?, the members o the civil service $ho joined the ne$

    nation brought $ith them the heritage o the colonial system. This heritage

    included administrative competence, $hich proved invaluable in running a

    young Bangladesh and an epectation by the elite o bene#ts and po$er.

    n mid%?GHH the civil service $as composed o t$enty%eight separate

    services. There $ere t$enty grades, $ith promotion to higher grades based

    on merit and seniority, dependent on annual con#dential reports #led by the

    individuals supervisors. -ecruitment to the civil service occurred through

    open competition $ithin a !uota system.

    3egal 4ramework for $ecruitment to B"#

     The ;onstitution o the People’s -epublic o Bangladesh has granted the

    e!ual employment opportunities or the public at all level. The constitutionalprovisions relating to the -ecruitment are

    )rticle -+.*/4 There shall be e!uality o opportunity or all citi+ens in

    respect o employment or oce in the service o the


    $egulator( )uthorit( for $ecruitment

    n Bangladesh, there are t$o bodies $ho are directing over all recruitment

    and selection process in B;9. The major t$o regulatory bodies or

    recruitment are%

    • 3inistry o Public "dministration53oP"6

    • Public 9ervice ;ommission5P9;6

    Methods of $ecruitment

     The B;9 is a broad based service $ith all its member cadres as class

    Ma+etted ocers. The P9; along $ith diferent ministries are liable to recruit

    personnel in the B;9 cadres. Basically, there are three types o recruitmentprocedures to the diferent cadres o the B;9.

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    $ecruitment on the basis of "ompetitive 'xamination

    -ecruitment at the entry level is mainly done through direct recruitment. The

    largest number o ocial are recruited by means o this procedure. The

    procedure actually concerned $ith ollo$ing stages

    • eed "ssessment

    • Budget allocation or recruitment

    • "dvertisement

    • 9creening the application orm

    • Preliminary Test

    • Iritten Test

    • iva oce

    • 3edical Test

    5eed )ssessment and Budget )llocation

      The most important aspect o recruitment to B;9 is the ade!uate

    assessment o manpo$er allocation o unction under the -ule ?' o the

    -ules o Business, ?GGO.

     The three basic unctions relating to need assessment allotted to 3*P" are%

    • -evie$ and revision o organ gram and e!uipment o the public oces

    • Periodical inception and revie$ o staf position in ministries, divisions,

    departments, attached and subordinate oces or optimum utili+ation

    o manpo$er.• ;ompilation o data or statistics relating to civil employees or use by

    the government or manpo$er planning.

     The 3*: is responsible or making necessary budget allotment or ne$ posts

    created. n B;9, the need actually assessed on the basis o t$o kinds o

    posts% posts under Revenue Budget , standard set up o particular post or

    position such as secretary, "dditional secretary or Loint secretary and Postsunder evelopment Budget , manpo$er that are re!uired to complete the

    development projects.


    "ter allocation o budget, the 3*P" asks Public 9ervice ;ommission 5P9;6 to

    circulate through the ne$spaper. Then P9; gives advertisement through

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    ne$spaper and distributes orms through the 9onali Bank. The

    advertisement thus made provides the ollo$ing re!uirements4

    • ame o the post

    • umber o vacancies

    • "ge limit

    • Mrade o pay

    • 3ethod o recruitment

    • -e!uirement o educational !uali#cation

     The advertisement notice or recruitment also lays do$n the terms and

    conditions or the candidates. These relate to submission o nationality

    certi#cate, documents o educational !uali#cations etc.

     The advertisement also provides some other 9alient eatures o the

    recruitment rules $hich includes the ollo$ings%

    • "ppointment has to be made upon the recommendations o the P9;

    • *nly the citi+ens o Bangladesh are eligible

    • "ge limits rom '? to 8( years, but it is relaed or health cadres,

    reedom #ghters and tribal. :or them the limit is rom '? to 8'.•  The applicant must hold a second class bachelor degree and second

    division in 99; and 29;.

    "ter the collection o application orm rom the candidates, the inormation

    and documents provided are checked and cross checked and the applications

    are rejected that are incomplete and that have error.

    Preliminar( &est

     The open competition or B;9 eamination or class ? ocer is based on the

    ollo$ing tests.

    • Preliminary Test

    • Iritten Test

    • iva oce• 3edical Test

    "mong them the preliminary test is the #rst step to$ards the open

    competition. 2ere, BP9; is responsible to conduct the preliminary test or the

    selection o suitable person or the $ritten test o class ? ocers $ith other

    services eamination.

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    3ast three Preliminar( &ests taken b( P#"

    Preliminary Test i)a

    along =ith Mark 

    &he recruitment process of Bangladesh "ivil #ervice an overview

    9ubjects or general




    9ubjects or


    al cadres



    Meneral Bangla '(( Meneral Bangla '((

    Meneral Anglish '(( Meneral Anglish '((

    Bangladesh "fairs '(( Bangladesh "fairs '((

    nternational "fairs ?(( nternational "fairs ?((3athematical

    -easoning and

    3ental "bility

    ?(( 3athematical

    -easoning and

    3ental "bility


    Meneral 9cience K


    ?(( T$o Papers or post

    -elated subject


    iva '(( iva '((

     Total ??(( Total ?'((

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


     The #rst recruitment policy $as announced in 9eptember ?GC'. t introduced

    !uota system and accordingly, '( per cent posts $ere to be #lled by the

    merit, ?( per cent by the $omen, 8( per cent reedom #ghters, ?( per cent

    by the afected $omen and ?( per cent by the

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel




    ame o



    o. o acancies Preliminary Test Iritten Test iva



    tion o


    o. o













    ?C'( ?'(G)










    '?G( '(H'



    ?DH? ?'8G)










    )(O' ?)H(



    '8OC ?)C8G


    G(DG HO)



    Table: Sho=ing the recruitment by 'reliminary test and 4ritten

    amination data o- last three years

    $ecruitment on Merit and recruitment b( 7uota

    "ter independence, the Movernment o Bangladesh had ound that not only

    $omen but ethnics, religious groups and some o the regions $ere underrepresented in Bangladesh civil service. That’s $hy government initiated

    !uota system $ith the recruitment on merit. since ater independence o

    Bangladesh in ?GC? till to date recruitment policy to civil service including

    B;9 has been dominating by diferent types o !uota. 2o$ever !uota is

    distributed among the candidates on the basis o merit in their respective

    groups. "ter independence o Bangladesh till ?GCO only '( percent o civil

    ocers $ere recruited on merit. n ?GCO recruitment on merit increased rom

    '( to )( percent and in ?GHD merit became )D percent $hich is still going

    on. n other $ords, rom ?GHD till to date or ') years there has been no

    change in merit policy or civil service recruitment. t may be mentioned that

    in the case o ;lass ??? and ? employees, there is no national merit policy

    and they are recruited district%$ise. * the employees 8( percent are

    reserved or reedom #ghters@their $ards, ?D percent or $omen, ?( percent

    or orphan and disabled, ?( percent or "nsars and

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    employees is that their jobs are unskilled and it is very dicult to measure

    the merits o candidates or such jobs.

     Type o Suota ;lass K Posts ;lass K Post3erit 5outside

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    •  The !uota or the $ards o reedom #ghters through sacri#ced by a

    $ave o sympathy and gratitude has not a legal leg to stand on unless

    the bene#ciaries are proved to be disadvantaged. :urthermore,

    earmarking 8(J posts or this category that constitutes less than one

    percent o population is inconsistent $ith the constitutional principle o 

    ade!uate representation as the justi#cation o reservation or preerred

    groups.•  There is no time limit or any o the !uotas. The high court division o

    Bangladesh 9upreme ;ourt in $rit petition 88() o '((8 maintained

    that no !uota system should be a de#nite time limit or each !uota.

     The eisting DDJ o non%merit !uota system in B;9 violates the "rticle 'G o

    our constitution $hich speaks only about under privileged group. But 8(J

    !uota or reedom #ghters or their ofspring, ?(J or district and ?(J or

    $omen are not included in under privileged group. The number o $omen inB;9 on merit basis is increasing rapidly. They are perorming so $ell in the

    competitive eaminations. "s a result, such kind o reservation is likely to be

    an obstacle rather than a special acility or them. The ?(J district !uota has

    been set considering the population volume o the districts. ;andidates o

    overcro$ded districts get the privilege o the districts !uota, $hile those o

    less populated districts are deprived. The !uota or reedom #ghters is

    disproportionately larger than their share in population, and this is $hy,

    ade!uate candidates rom this category are not available. "s a result,

    candidates $hose perormance is poorest in comparison $ith other !uota

    categories #ll up the posts in the category o reedom #ghters. The present

    !uota or tribal candidates are not ade!uate and these !uota hindrances

    their participation in B;9. "s a result, they $ould not get jobs even their

    perormance is better than other !uota candidates rom the district.

    $ecruitment b( ;ender

    2ere $e have the opportunity to look at the data on the $omen participation

    in B;9 through the mirror o B;9 recruitment and posting o various cadres.

    'Hth B;9

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    male emal


    male emal


    male emal


    male :ema


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    $omen’s representation is not satisactory enough to ensure the $omen’s


    &ransfer in B"#

    n B;9, much attention has been devoted to recruitment and selection that

    takes a long time to round o the processing cycle, less attention is put on

    transer to various position o the government. There should be some system

    or transerring the government ocials to any particular position. There is a

    provision o the government ocials to transer rom one $orking place to

    another ater completion o three years o services. But unortunately, the

    policies regarding transer are not $orked in practice. 3ost o the transer o

    the B;9 ocials took part on an ad hoc basis. "nd there is no routine data

    ound rom the authori+ed body o transer%the 9enior "ppointment and

     Transer%? o the 3*P".


     There is no up to date recruitment policy ollo$ed by the government. The

    recruitment policy o ?GH' is still ollo$ed by the government $ith some

    modi#cations only.

     The long time taken to recruit is another dimension o recruitment problem.

    :urthermore, a large number o applicants appear at the eamination that

    makes it dicult to conduct the eamination more efectively. Though all the

    cadres are recruited at the same level, they do not have the same chances

    or career mobility and job enrichment. Avery government have the tendency

    to make the B;9 in avor o them $hich is seen through the corruption in

    recruitment, selection and transer process. The major problem regarding

    recruitment is the problem o !uota system. There is lack o transparency

    and accountability in terms o the utili+ation o the !uotas in diferent posts.

     The !uota system create the chance to corrupt in the recruitment system as

    a result, the real suppressed groups are deprived rom getting any type o

    acilities. "t present, there are no more reedom #ghters o eligible age, ater

    )( years o independence. o$ a days, the 8(J !uota has been allocated totheir children. This is only a Pandora bo and makes things etremely dicult

    or employees to administer. 3oreover, such provision o !uotas discourages

    many brilliant candidates to join in the civil service as there is no more pride

    to enter on merit. That increase ineciency in the service delivery o the civil


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel



    P9; is the concerned authority at entry level recruitment in B;9. 9o a

    transparent and ecient P9; is important to make the recruitment system

    more efective. BP9; should be un!uestionably ree rom political in/uence,

    $orks closely, openly and cooperatively $ith other stakeholders, at both

    operational and strategic levels to maimi+e the human resource

    development and management potential $ithin civil service. Acessive

    domination over P9; rom 3*P" makes it dicult to conduct the recruitment

    system accurately. 9o the control o 3*P" should be restricted. The

    recruitment should be based on merit rather than !uotas. The !uota system

    should be revised and a more practical percentage o !uotas should be #ed



    "nnual -eports o BP9;

    "33 9$akat ali

    Promotion in B"# on the basis of last three (ears data

    Promotion program is one o! t"e most important aspects o! personnel

    management to #eep t"e emplo$ees disciplined% e&cient in service.

    Promotion is a re'ard to an emplo$ee '"ic" includes c"ange and

    development in "is position% salar$ and status.

    Promotion b( merit and seniorit( in Bangladesh in "ivil #ervice

    n the civil service system, three elements are given consideration or

    promotion to higher positions. These three elements are4

    V9eniorityV3erit= and

    V"dherence to rules o conduct or good conduct.

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


     The reliance on the above elements has its ups and do$ns. t is necessary to

    trace the origins o such elements and the etent to $hich these changed

    over time or have not changed at all.

     The historical antecedents o evaluating perormance o civil servants as a

    means to determine their suitability or promotion dates back to the colonialdays .nitially, the principle ollo$ed $as seniority. n ?H88, the ;harter "ct

    relating to the administration o ndia introduced some ne$ principles, $hich

    gave more $eight to competence and perormance than to merit 53isra,

    ?GC(6. Nnder this act, the A;’s civil service came under much stricter

    disciplinary control o the Movernment o ndia.

    *n Lanuary 'H, ?H8), the Movernor%Meneral in ;ouncil passed an order that

    laid do$n principles o promotion. This order tended to discard the age%old

    principle o seniority being the only basis o promotion. The order

    emphasi+ed merit and made room or juniors to supersede the seniors. Thisprinciple, per se , is supportive o meritocracy but must al$ays be

    transparently administered. the evaluation o merit is not based on

    objectivity and dispassion, any departure rom the seniority principle can

    result in great deal o mischie.

     To operationali+e the principle o determining merit or competence, it $as

    necessary to gather inormation on the competence, character and

    !uali#cations o civil servants. The decision $as, thereore, taken that every

    controlling ocer should publicly report on hal yearly basis upon the

    conduct, character and !uali#cations o their subordinates. The superior

    ocers $ould revie$ the reports and submit the same to the government

    $ith their opinion.

    n case o ailure to report on any misconduct, the superior ocer $as held

    responsible or any efect o such misconduct. nitially, the report used to be

    called character roll and it $as not either con#dential or secret. 2o$ever, it

    became 09ecret1 ollo$ing a decision by the Movernor%Meneral in ;ouncil in

    ?H8D 53isra, ?GC(6. >ater, it $as classi#ed s con#dential and the reports

    came to be kno$n as ";-.

     The method thus introduced became #rmly embedded in the system o civil

    service, management $ith some modi#cations rom time to time. n course

    o time, seniority and merit combined the t$o principles or promotion

    prospects, although the ;ourt o

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    ord "uckland, the system o reporting on

    individual civil servants $as replaced by annual returns based on the volume

    business perormed severally by each o the subordinate and superior

    ocers. >ater, in ovember ?H8O, every controlling ocer, beore leaving his

    place o duty on transer, $as re!uired to record a memorandum containing

    his assessment o the ocial character o his subordinates. The intention

    $as to enable his successor to indicate his o$n assessment at the time o

    preparing annual reports@returns.

     The memorandum or the successor came to be kno$n as the 0ote to

    9uccessor1. This system continued up to the end o Pakistan era i.e. ?GC?.

    2o$ever, this $as no substitute or the con#dential report on the

    assessment o the perormance o individual ocer.

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    5b6 9eniority inter se o the members o a service, $hich $as earlier

    organi+ed on junior and senior scale arrangements and under $hich

    promotes $ere directly promoted to the senior scale, shall be counted rom

    the date o continuous ociating in the senior scale.

    5c6 9eniority inter se o the members o a service, $hich $as earlier

    organi+ed on junior and senior scale arrangements and under $hich the

    promotes $ere promoted to the junior scale, shall be counted rom the date

    o continuous ociating in the junior scale.

    5d6 9eniority inter se o lateral entrants to a service ;adre shall be counted

    rom the date o their appointment to the scale o pay they $ere dra$ing at

    the time o their appointment to such service ;adre.

    5e6 9eniority inter se o the uture appointees to a service ;adre, $here there

    is no provision or lateral entry at higher levels, shall be counted rom the

    date o their appointment to the lo$est speci#ed post in the service ;adre.

    56 9eniority inter se o the uture appointees to a service ;adre, $here there

    is provision or lateral entry at higher levels, shall be counted rom the date

    o appointment on regular basis to the relevant speci#ed post.


    3erit is determined on the basis o the ";-. ";- provides the overall

    assessment o a civil servant. t gives speci#c opinion on the suitability or

    other$ise o a civil servant or promotion to higher positions. ";- urther

    provides assessment $ith regard to a civil servant’s moral and intellectual

    integrity. the assessment is adverse, possibilities or promotion are badly


    &est >'xamination through BP#" .)ssistant #ecretar( to #enior

    )ssistant #ecretar(/

    -esponsible body4 Public 9ervice ;ommission

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    0Bangladesh ;ivil 9ervice ;adre *cer’s 9enior 9cale Promotion


     "onduct of examination

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    5)6 "n ocer ailing to pass in all the three subjects

    $ithin the period o ninth year o his service in

    accordance $ith the provisions o the preceding sub%

    rules may appear in three more eaminations in

    successive three years ater a gap o t$o years rom

    the date commencing ater his ninth year o service

    and, in case o his ailure in these eaminations, he

    shall not be allo$ed any urther chance to appear in

    any eamination.

    ?< #ubmission of application= 5?6 " candidate shall submit his application

    or an eamination to the 3inistry or

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    586 Aach paper shall be o one hundred marks to be

    ans$ered $ithin three hours duration.

    5)6 The minimum pass marks shall be #ty per cent in

    each paper.

    #enior #cale Promotion 'xamination 4ebruar(-22A

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    "ppeared in 8rd paper )G(

    Promoted in ?st paper 88C

    Promoted in 'nd  paper 8H)

    Promoted in 8rd paper )(8

    #enior #cale Promotion 'xamination )ugust -22+

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    Aligible in 8rd  paper 'H(C

    "ppeared in ?st paper HO(

    "ppeared in 'nd  paper ?8(O

    "ppeared in 8rd paper ?((?

    Promoted in ?st paper CO?

    Promoted in 'nd  paper H(G

    Promoted in 8rd paper H8'

    $ole of Departmental Promotion "ommittee0 #uperior #election

    Board .##B/ % "ouncil "ommittee

      Departmental Promotion "ommittee

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    • >a$ 9ecretary

    • 2ome 9ecretary and

    • Public "dministration 9ecretary $ho is also the 9ecretary to the

    committee The 9ecretary o a 3inistry has to propose promotions to eligible

    ocers in a prescribed orm. 2e has to attend the meeting o the

    Board in person to ans$er any !uestions raised by the members o the

    Board.n considering cases o promotion, 99B ollo$s more or less the same

    procedures as

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    minimum 8

    years as Loint

    secretary9ecretary '' years

    service in the

    cadre $ith D

    years in


    post and '

    years as





     XXXXX    XXXXX 

    9ource4 Public "dministration 3inistry oti#cation o A3@9"%)@'%

    ?@G)5Part'6@'G, :ebruary ?(, ?GGH


    • ntroduction o the efective civil service act $ithout any delay.

    • Suota reservation in promotion system should be abolished.

    • Politici+ation in promotion should be stopped or introduction o

    spoil system• Promotion eamination up to

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    "li." 3 3 9ha$kat 5?GG86 "spects o Public

    "dministration, ikhil Prokashoni "li." 3 3 9ha$kat 5'(('6 The >ore o the 3andarins

     To$ards a on Partisan Public  The 3inistry o Public administration 5?GGD6 The

    Astablishment 3anual 3isra.B.B 5?GC(6 The "dministrative 2istory o ndia

    ?G8)%?G)C.*[:*-< Nniversity Press >ast three years "nnual report o Public service


    &able Promotion In Deput( #ecretar( and above from

    5ovember0 -22+ to 5ovember0 -2**

     Qear 9ecretary "dditional




  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


      Menerally training is de#ned as an action process by $hich the

    capabilities o personnel can be improved to meet the organi+ational needs

    in terms o their kno$ledge, skills and attitudes re!uired in perorming

    organi+ational tasks and unctions $ithin relatively short period o time.

    Iith particular reerence to public service, Training is a reciprocal process o teaching and learning a body o kno$ledge and other related methods o 

    $ork 5N?GOO6

    &(pes of &raining

    Nsually training is divided into three broad categories4

    *ord Iellesley established the college $ith a vie$

    to impart training to the ocials o Aast ndia ;ompany. .? the scheme $as

    short lived.

    '. !aile(bur( "ollege4 n this college diferent training schemes $ere

    serious consideration o training public servants came only ater "ugust


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    8. "ivil #ervice )cadem(0 ;C&)0 5P< administrative #ta: "ollege To

    train up the young recruits o deterrent services the civil service academy

    $as established at >ahore :or training o the province civil servants *cers

     Training "cademy 5M*T"6 $as set up in P"T; alert renamed as Bangladesh Public "dministration \lauui?

    ;enter. 5BP"T;6 is entrusted $ith the responsibility o imparting training toocers o’ all categories.

    n ?GH? M*B constituted a broad based national body kno$n as ational

     Training’ ;ouncil. the il’s is primarily responsible or ormulating

    comprehensive training policies and coordinating training n order to

    synchroni+e the eforts o di Brent training institutions and to make train4

    cravenly to the process o national development, a ational Training Policy

    $as ormulated in ?GHO Pt is a comprehensive document $hich outlines the

    objectives and Priorities o public service training and provides guidelines or

    the preparation o training plans.5M*B GHO t covers the pre service and inserviced government employee to grades ?%?G o the ational Pay 9cales.

     Introduction of BP)&"

      Bangladesh Public "dministration Training ;entre 5BP"T;6 has been at

    the oreront o the development o public sector eecutives o the country. t

    $as established in ?GH) under the *rdinance o Bangladesh Public

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    "dministration Training ;entre *rdinance 5*rdinance o. [[ o ?GH)6 by

    amalgamating the eisting institutions vi+. P", ;*T", B"9; and 9T. Nnder

    the *rdinance o ?GH) the government issued a oti#cation 5o. 9-*%?(D?%

    >@H) 3-56@P"T;%H@H8 part%6 on ?H "pril ?GH) $hich $as enacted on 'H "pril

    ?GH) to begin its activities.

    4unctions of BP)&"

      "ccording to 9ection% o the BP"T; *rdinance, the major unctions o 

    the ;entre are4

    a. To conduct training or senior eecutive ocials o the government o 

    Bangladesh and business institution so that they may play efective roles in a

    dynamic and developing society=

    b. To provide on%the%job training or the employees o the republic and the

    people $ho $ork under local authority=

    c. To conduct oundation training or diferent ;ivil 9ervice ;adre ocials o 


    d. To conduct research@case study on public administration K development=

    e. To publish books, journals K reports relating to administration K


    . To establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms=

    g. To provide consultancy to the government, i and $hen necessary,

    regarding administration and development to solve speci#c problems= and

    h. To do other necessary activities to implement the objectives o the


    "nnual -eport ?O

      BP"T; arranges diferent training courses, seminars, $orkshops other

    than scheduled ones on re!uest o diferent organi+ations. t also provides

    consultancy services to diferent organi+ations in conducting training

    courses, seminars and $orkshops.

     The courses conducted by BP"T; can be categori+ed into ), vi+.

    )/ "areer Development "oursesE

    B/ #hort #pecialied "oursesE

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    "/ $efreshersF ProgramsE and

    D/ Cther "ourses<

    "areer development courses

     A? "oundation Training +ourse @"T+?

    B? Ad)anced +ourse on Administration , &e)elo'ment @A+A&?

    +? Senior Sta* +ourse @SS+?

     The ne$ entrants to the Bangladesh ;ivil 9ervice,

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    ;reate a congenial atmosphere o academic pursuit by putting

    together participants $ith diverse background and $ork eperiences= Provide an open orum or ree and rank echange o kno$ledge,

    ideas, and eperiences or understanding their roles as a practitioner,

    policy maker and implementer o diferent plans, projects and

    programs in the country’s administrative process.

    &raining Methodolog(

    >ectures and discussion= 9yndicate@group discussion@$orkshop= -ole play@simulation@brain storming= 9tudy tour@#eld trip= 9eminar paper presentation= :ilm sho$@video= Atension lectures=



    ame o the;ourses

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    Npdate their communication skills in Anglish.

    &raining Methodolog(

    Practical eercise= ;ade study=

    9eminar= 9yndicate $ork= :ield visit etc.




    ame o the ;ourses

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    &otal -22 -2+ A8

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    )dministrative cadre and the wider civil service

     The 9ecretary, 3oP" is appointed by, and accountable to, the Prime 3inister

    as she holds the Astablishment portolio. The 9ecretary is supported by an

    additional 9ecretary and #ve Loint 9ecretaries $ith responsibilities or si

    administrative $ings 5administration= appointments postings and deputation=career planning and training= discipline and en!uiry= regulation= and

    organi+ation and management6.

     The ministry is composed o the ollo$ing $ings4

    ?. "dministration $ing 5"dmin%I6

    '. The "ppointment, Promotion and

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    ?(. :oreign and local appointments=

    ??. The 3aintenance o the Personnel 3anagement normation 9ystem

    5P396 o the ocers at the levels o 9ecretary, "dditional 9ecretary, Loint


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    'C. Periodic inspection and revie$ o staf position in 3inistries,

  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    consultation is aimed at maintaining the integrity o civil service rules and

    practice. o$, in recruitment o public ocials and staf, Bangladesh ollo$s

    district and other !uota systems $hich contradict the spirit o the

    Bangladesh ;onstitute. 

    $ecommendations and suggestion

    2uman resource management should change4

    5?6 :rom generalist traditions to speciali+ed generalists, $ith strengthening o 

    epertise and openness=

    5'6 :rom seniority based promotion, to promotion based on perormance

    evaluation and competence, using air and transparent competition=

    586 :rom inade!uate appraisal and merit concepts, to the strengthening o

    individual perormance management through more articulated revie$systems=

    5)6";- system should be more transparent and perormance and merit


    5D6 :rom re!uent and oten unpredictable rotation o posts to ne$ practice

    strengthening o speciali+ation through the career development programs.

    5O6 Politici+ation over the recruitment and selection process should be

    removed.5C6 *penness should me the prime concern on the system.

    5H6 Political resemblance should be removed on trade union.


  • 8/18/2019 Issues and Problems of Public Personnel


    "oncluding remark

    "lthough there are lots o problems prevailing in the civil service o

    Bangladesh but nevertheless still $e have potential in terms o improvingour human resource management $hich is undamental or the efective

    service delivery. ts high time government should look ater the issues and

    problems o public personnel management or the purpose o creating a

    modern cutting edge bureaucracy. "s because the overall development is

    dependent on the proper unctioning o the civil service and the

    development o civil service is dependent on the personnel management,

    this is needles to coner that particular ocus on these issues discussed

    above are paramount to be taken in notice $ith priority or ensuring a $ell

    organi+ed and properly unctional civil service.
