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it News of 8L Week -...

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TWENTY-SECOND YEAR. A^AMO$a^ff^f^\m^^^r&oBT NUMBER SO. News of 8L Week F^r^rapKirPKotographs ot-the WorWslJo'mgs Compiled- ForlHisy ilaynr.Tom L-Tohn^so'ro-f-=CleveIa_d= yr^cajne__out_ fp> win ni^elming? Bij_an_£oi piesRiMt-in_iaQ8.__H6_jjiti_ mited tliat Willi im R~Heats£- v, ouUI recede Jus suppo't in cise the Denio_ _<nati<_ party shovved-a~stiong leaning tovraur^iin •"^jecephoC jn which Democrats tionf.ill o\ei the countiy w ill bo m\ited to tike pint ^ ill he ten JieieAlo_Wi^,uu^—BryannirTIijHiiotr ..Square Garden in New Yolk on his The nigency of the Russian tyiaiiaji situ ation has been ang minted bv neus that _e_e_.d[ of_the_intt,uoi_ pioimtes in- eluding the ^it-gianaiies of Sumarj.- FOREipN NOTES' OF INTEREST. refmn-^fioniji. tup aiouna the world Coii = ie&_ii_in Timothy D Sulluau of New Yoili declued that Mr Biyan will--he_the iie\t,Demo_urtic noinmee- for pie<Sd1briiitf"WirTp- j \\-HH)erelect --«d _At_the ,\ris_oui.i Dehioeiatic eon ventioil—Goi.einoL_PolIv_ declared., thit Mi Bijin would be elected president in 1008 The convention was filled with enthusja^mJpjLMxJJLvan^-^ ~- J= ==== !Che~importaiit flre iii3mance.„compa_ ~nles~6Tfhe United Stites at a meeting —Iield—In New"York agieed to contest e\ery San Fiancisco claim where eaithquake ot action by the civil or miiltaiy authorities did daihage to pioperty Major Geneial Greely sent to Mayor Schmit/ a communication in \i hich he outlined a pi in foi the hous las' of Sin fiar-eisco s ho'iieless It is ^itealsSJiat -the' -iSniJls-«fr-«ie-rete- •gees" Wjil be greatly thinned out in -the^ next -few ~ months through removals, . but ft is certain' that sonre 50,000 hoine- "ess^ersoM^'ii^teyeHB^-TMfetr^arS; •?<>£ for the iiext yearprsorby the-imr-- nicipal authorities^ ' : In- pfactieaIl.v_alL_«sen.lat details the •coa^erees--on- the- .'railroad rate biii greed ^th^ii^a-$ui , e i w"ffi^vrai r passe*d :r " by. the senate The report was present T -'k/St-to both houses,. $e.i"iatpf fflltrtiSht "ehairuiaii-,*of—th$ senate cojtfkePp aetioh. .ijGfie^Mfej^dep! from sixi ymenamehtg, * two pf"which mebeiy 5<hange- the "number,,bf" Sections. • while -.-•twen^feigMJ-o^-'^ rt^tai^drefioatiiB. ahd3ne f eniafnlng y T .seventeen- Were retained under dhferr; "eht^hraseofogy. " " Joseph-R. Barton sent to Governor: "ijgch Jjis yfisiihatloaja^^uite^StaJeii ^na-i^T^oTBTlvansits. Mr, Burton was: <!Qnrieted about a year ago of using his: ^senatorial iirauenee iii behalf of' a "gefe rteh'-auLcls:'' epiieern, trying, tt/Was. a! i ieged, to prevent the issuance of a" -postal fraud-.order Against It,- He was •seuteiipedM*y?ay^^ -^rye^gTjP3Ion]fh>lil prison. The'lRiit-r ed States Supreme; ^ur^has_cpnflrihM --hls-cpnyicticJS aiidlsenieuce. He was - oPtwo-wnig-s of the building— _tlie_Attiei ion. niviv on_Jjilv_]_unles3 -they p'odnce citizenship pipeis'or'a" .signed deelaiation^hat thev intend to tike out the_sime It is as&eited that the Japanese now ms%e seivice main Iv emploverl as stevinids ind_sgixant-s- J m (^eeii^innTilyTTiqiiisiTn^about the workings of our i e«sels 'I he mod»J at the st itue of President JI(OCinley^i_aifli-[ijs_IIenj y-Niehaui;- j(5jis_accepted-Jij the trustees of the McKinley Memorial association The statug»w iTl~b"e Tieioic-sfae~airoris to be erected ln"~front"o? the McKiniaT fjausoleulu at C intou O It represents the-iueoideai. as he deliTerffdrhls^TaiiT speech at Buff ilo —She-ramn5nrim r tj _ 7mdependent l^e- publiem) of r ° a n s j h^iuia_jias__njKni nated =fc foT = f5wniof Lewis Emery, Jr of AIcKeaii countj Ihe tegular Ite publicans bi\e noimmted Udwin S Stuait former mayoi ot Philadelphia 'Ihe-plittojnrof the litter asseit>. op position "to the owneiship of coal mines bj railioads "" A J Cassatt piesident of the Peun sjhania Radio id company, returned fj^om Jhnpije^JJLu Dassatt-said-be--had: >etu|'lied_,hptjie to tote part in tlfe in- vestigation by the board of directors of the Pen'nsyi'yania road into charges -SimJ+Hsk—-T fT - nTilT"R:T>in, are threat ened w lthjfira devtiuction of etops by Thought and tint anothei f unine K im pending which will be sure to dine the peisnutiy to gi eater eveesses than those oj lUQT and swell the clamoi for moie lind There aie senous dissen sions jn__the_dauma—ovei tIitr~propeT jattmiei of supply nig the peasants with iind. -An open conflict between the czai__and_jth£^douina fa Beliei_edL to be Tnrarinejit,^ - - Ihe^IidTi^^cucungs-TryexJlie-jnar- u ige_-^l "King Alfonso and Pnnce^s "Victouahad -a temblj dramatic sequel as a boiiib thLowa tiom m uppei win d o w 111 the Cille Alayor exploded with deadly e(!feajieju2_ae_^2a£h_oefci)pjed- -by-tlnrKing and queen as then m ijes ties w6ie letuining fioni the church attei the mauiage ceiemony Iwenty foui petrous weie killed ind many oth -trs—Avoimded.—jU3nuel -Morales 3Ui& pected of beinj; the bonib_ ihrowerr commrtted-suicideTiirbeinir arretted at a smTlliillage-aear Madud page in the United States senate aftm a bue£ penod of attendance at tlifejjub lie schools - He held oflice almost con tmuously siiiCjv^firj-iii!r_f0Ui_4ernris- m ~EBe senate —Mi^-GarnHu 7 was borir MorotLJ-l -0839^-1 n-Maryland Ws~vm one ot the most influential of the Dem ociatic membeis of the senate Daniel N Lockwood a well known lawyer and fonnei member of eon ^res^ died In Bjiffalo, JS T Jf _Mr, Lock- wood_w as sixty two years old In 1881 Jie. jiojnlnated Grover Cfe\ eland for mayor_of Buffalo, m-iSB2-hf rromtoafed- him^faEjaMjernor-ofr-Xe-w York and -in the_nationa! com ention of 1884 lie pre sentecPttejmn^pOSLeifilandjis a can- a i g | g 3 5 £ f l i a presid&ncy -I—basilars in t? A martyr to science Dr Louis A Weigel one of the foiemct ph\sicians^ of this country ib£d- in-Kcclievfer, HT JC His death was the direct result of experimental w ork in thg-jise-of-tae [ Fi yeft; -Roentgen ra\s of which he was the first American authority Continued exposure of his handstand arms to the penetrating X ray caused cancer -^€pJ^S£niato£^RplJgrt-3iiidjns__QE: Ihe engagement of BerthaJCnippr owneiof the Kiupp-works,"to~Gustav jou^BeJieiDLUhd-Halbachra-ly^ung'Ger" man diplomat, is announced It is gen- erally believed tuat_Miss Jvi_up_P_is ±he- wealthiest-Toung womau in the world, haMiig iiiheiited the ^ast foituue of bei fathei American owners of gold mines near Poit Arthur are lodging protests with the state department because the Jap aiiese letuse to le'-toie then mine prop uties The amount iMohed appio\i mates $1 000 000 Count von Voioalzo^f Dashkoff vice- ^6yof th0 (i'aucasus,- has reported that, the niotrve of the assassination of W. H. Stuart, the American vice consul at Philadelphia acting jtfiairman of _the house .committee on- foreign .affairs shot himself ih theJtetr-opohtaH^ohtbr Washington—-He wasTieaTIIy in~ae6E" owing to speculation and bridge whiafc. ^tt^dams-wasrflfty^sev'en years old John C New, for many years pro- prietor of the Indianapolis^Journal, a hfeiong~frienci of former President Benjamin Hirnson and consul general to London under the Harrison, admin istration, died in Indianapolis Ind - - • • • NEWS OF „ . OUR NEIGHBORS. ,u C . tw «,r.,yaH U w»u mi. u uimi-ses, R h ^ ,-nhhax-v of the acceptance of bribes froni-%pa-l pperatpfs:, '. N«w^-^hieh. 7 hasc6me from-Eastplort, on Long Inland, that a plague of 10- jeuats ; lias. apptjar^d therfr lias caus.ed apprehension amph^'farm.^s and has called,forth the opinion-that*thi§_ygaPs 4top-pf--harmtul l^s^TITlKeak. all-; r^Yoman suffrage was defeated by a large" majority in Oregon. George E. ChambBrlain (Dem>> has beBnrrle-elect- ed; igpyerripr,,.andJpnaihJn2JE^ ^^p^^i^ree^5ea^the;p6p^iaS^^ natibn for l&nited^St^^|^^^„„__ r ^^iscasporiea^that-Secretary ot the Treasury SiiaTv will retire to priyiite. -|liMa|eaed^4th* = ^xptrl5ii Senflte.^;._ ... „. , : ';' -. __:_, T^eltHeFfayd .CWcigojyaUhg "wpaieii "" - -- '«•- "t^^fra^aytdipmg^lJigirTgeg tteg-HOSlti|)':rs~la-the city bti'Il-.-service; systeini "Miss JPsepbine. .R', JKprten ; : and : .$Miss Valerie'D. .Ofirenstein harp ; :pas$ejl Jth6 examiufttioil : fbt. as|i6tanj "/^emist!?, Ifi^Se' ;Sty :l^bpi%toi , y,f but ' Oiiief Chefliist "IjujtP Joiies objects to, -good I b o k ^ wpnien!; '/Thenien w^Puld^- spend too much time talking- to theni;" : he said. Health Cpnimissionfeb ^lialetf v-prob'abiy "will have' to decide/tile ciueg- ,'ti'on.'; * ' , •• '••'/.- The interstate commMce^^commis- slon's—InvestigU-tion - -into alleged dis_ crimination in the distribution of coal - cais was resumed in Philadelphia E V W Rosslter, vice president of the - N e w T o r k Central, and~other officials of that road gaye testimony similar to that recently given by the Pennsylva- nia officials, admitting that the former railroad and i£s men teceiyed gifts-of stock, etc, from coal companies Alexia Carrel and C C Guthrie, sur- "geons In the Unlveisitv of Chicago, haie been making remarkable expert ments with the \eins and arteries'of animals and assert'the same thing can be done with man; They transform JlCe^wdQiin-two^eltrW^&S- abandon-. Tme'riH#--ta'Ken as an indleaTiPn that the Towk man has given up his aspirations for theopresidency. ., "Tlie. National Liquor Dealers' assoeiV ation", in convention at Lpiiisvilie, ex- pressed the belief of_its_members in- temperanee-inrd"^nimended the work of the various temperance societies. Governor Higgius -of. Ne^u%orJ£.-an-- npunciiFbls approval of the biSjsjBrju ' :Kitg—ftnr-tw»eiiTy-otte additional iu- ^renie court iiisti,ces In five -judicial .districts of 4be state; ' r^ "~ i Tiie seiiat^ yofed to gostPQne_indSfl»- "THteiy a joint" regolution ameading the ^®i^iSiSfei^o--im!nriit^TOngres3 to eh' act uniforiii laws for nlarriageund di-" . yoMBi "•••J Ji -""-";r. ~- zit:~~~r~r^—~^ - : ,J>TpeT i>f&w-,Jersey legislative commit-. tee S.ttpc>in.tdd to iilyestigate insurance companies asd-financial institutiousipr- gfthized, elPctlrig Senator"HflleTyeEalfr matt. _..•_--_ - . .. .. ' -' In Kankakee, 111., three girls, eight,, si* and two years 'old, playing inLaa; attie,Jocked-theniselves"m a trunk and In a fight between Amei icans and Mexi can laborers at the Green° copper mines, Cananea.-ilexicoTneai the Anzona bor der, two Americans and seven Mex- TMng^w'pfe kiiied.: fii; response to r tto appeals pfJhe. American consuiar agent Lieuteiiant G. M." S o u t h pf thiBrit- ^ P a S p T m F and the Mexican gov. isli army has arrived in England oh a, b^v_cle_after iiavlug; m;»4e a GrSOp mile; wheel trip from India. EipperPi- WiHjam.ispayrag.ipvisit t*P -EnTpe1i*SF'Fraiicis Joseph pf _Anstria>" Hungaryr ' ernment sent soldiers to Cananea to :.lpieserve- order. Pf^^-gndrM_arniea , Ameiicans-iroTtn Bisoee, Afiz i( went to eananea. ' ..: CRtlWES A.ND Josephine- Terranova was declared "not- Cksi^^jr^^Mm" M iffiw.York thPrs" that beard the^videijee tav and :^ggJnst.' : her pn .the jiharge Pf .killing _heE.aiint. iChe girl, .who kilM:-n"er un- *cle and aunt after they had shamefuFfy iShjae^ttJttdtdebauehed-h'Prv was not ie z ie^sed-at-diieer but-msy ha ve*t;6*stand: trial for the. murder pf her uncle. In; sanity was the defease. It was decided by the aj 4he-defen55T5The cases,of Charles H. Moyer and otiier Pffiberi'of the West- fira-I«^d¥ratioTpFl(5iiers that, pending the ITnited States .supreme court de- cision on the_nabeas^orp_s-case"rthley _ •Jivffl-4ak«-mr further steps. The cases __iu^__at-«offieH:p-iiThri _ "Be'fore the end of the yea.tr The accused ineii are charged with blowini^ fipfn+mtn efnoFgteun^nberg_oi^Idahb and with .gcmspir4Hgrt;Pjlf^ opposed to the f ederatipni veins into arteries and arteries into „_______ 2elgs_£iuiL-r£v^a__<_J^ knowiras"Dunkards, have decided thalj telephones and automobiles should be let alone The bill to save Hook mountain, On the Palisades, from the operations of ^pjawg^ne-r^wa^—sii Higgins, e\perImeats^ay_p_rpxe_oi great value ~in~the treatment of disease. Ihomas O'Couor Jones, thirty eight yeais old. one of the heads^of the fa- mous Jones & Tiaughhn Steel company, himself an hen to $50.000.000, killed -bfansriflu a fashionable Plttsbutg ho tel _It_is_asser.ted- that hopeless lore _for his cousin. jsEhoL-.was-mari'ied—re-^ cently, caused his suicide. His_family opposed his_ma^rja^e_toJiis_cousIn_be ~eause ot the close relationshlpj ~ Jews of America 'purpose to raise fl,000,000 to Bght consumption Mem bets of the B'nai B'rith, a national Jewish secret order, the council of Jewish women and Jewish people In gejferaLwlH Insure their lives for the ~ benefit of the National Jewish Hospital For Consumptives, which treats tuber- culosis Without charge, Irrespective of nationality or creed In 1903 congress appropriated $1,- ^600i000 f o r i p - i e w de^Hfftnrent"oTTigrl : cultuie building in Washington, the jnderst&ndtng being that a complete edifice was to be orected The house appropriation committee was amazed to learn that practically the entire sum .jfrnd been exhausted In the construction were found dead-by-thelr mother ^^ The New York State Bar association hag exonerated David B Hill -of the charges of impropriety in Ins connec- tion-with the Equitable Life.. ,_ , The Deutschland, on which John D. JtockeielIer_saiLed, is beHered^ to have had a very nairow e^rape_frpm._col- iision-withrtBeTmer Batavla Dr Seth Evans of Cincinnati Is to be the recipient of honors from the great lama jpf, Lassa, Tibet, upon whom he operated recently The almost priceless collection of Lincoln relics belonging to William H. Lambert,,-Germantown, P a , . w a s cte> stroye'd"by fire \ The Sojith_-Da_i>ta Kepublican-plat^ Tlorm f a v o r n a i i f f revision, while firming adherence to the policy of prdf tectionT Raphael Weill, a millionaire, of Sab Francisco will give outfits of clothing to 500 women as a self imposed bache- lor tax _„ About 3,000 saloons went'out of bus! ness la Ohio -with the-beginfiing of the new tax year under the new $1,000 tai. Senator Dryden of New Jersey will Joe a candidate to succeed himself for a full term beginning next March > Dispatches from' the principal winter 1 .4»wheat stfttes^ndicater-thuirtnT'ouTiolok is better than usual at this time Representative and Mrs Nicholas Longworth, Who was MIss^Allce Roose- velt, sailed for Europe \ Rev. Algernon 8 Crapsey, adjudged KuHtyjor heresy, has filed an appeal. TJbie United States circuit court.of appe'als granted!ii^tay in _th.e..%se*pf-= M^isi-sr GsynoivandT Greene,. convicted in Savannah of-oonspii'acy tb deiraud Uie government in cohneetroinsitli har- bor iniproyeineht work. Eleyen persons were killed and .more ithjtti forty iujured, sonie of them far pa__*eTe"ruslied to the Keadowdale , Mr and Mrs Dd You ig enter- tained friends out of_tovvn S u n d a \ - -Mr-s-TSaJje-Frve^aiid daxig-Me,*- Anna, wits the giiesTof her sister Mrs Black- man, or Voorheeaulle, on Sunday -Mr and Mrs Will Frver, and Mas- ter Seward, spent Sunday at South Schenectady _ Mrs JS Spoor, Mr and~Mrs Abe Pangburn,jKlr -and Mrs-C^fusT3IfEon7 cirrd Grant Fr>er, of Schenectadyr-werf gue$t~of Bert Fryer's, for a fewTctays la«tiveek. _ _ Xrasher and w-ife,-of Albanj.^at Sidney- Sniithjs I _Mr. andJklrs J?rank-Spawn- and "familj, of Fullers, and Mildred Oluer, of Yoorhee.-.vill<» r at Mar.y. Knox. Mr Elam Williams juror this week is serving as _£tss Ethei-Hotaling-ts visiting her. B_ggf|a_J!itjUje; Itls~difficuTF1pliydip5/^ \ A. story- which Illustrates this is -tpld of .tiielate <3pipilel:;&: GrToleftflae'noted horseman, - who , diied in Wichita. A- •KeitjickianjWas_speaking. of. Gplpnei- ^dTe^j^iarSaidi "Gblpqel TPIer raised John R ! _ : Gjenj^iianAiBtoy--other^fa- "mpWnorsesi The turf lias suffered a gi-eat Ipss.tohini^iA^Jbetter-judge of norseJe^_and a^pleasanter-niaB -ypu'd never "find. -I used to -love to watch him- studying horses. H e Was 'very keen^ He was at his best ihen. A f ?c^ taitoryonce^pngfelinn-ixri^e^^ acquisition,, a'trotter of doubtful qual- lty,_fop whj(Ar^ho'wever, ^i50Q had: been paid. -The. tailor. was full of en- thusiasm; "about his hotse. He Httla. Icnew-he-had-been- doner-'lidWaniim,' he cripd. "There's s a horse for yoi_. ok^«t^ajemJegsZi-¥.§& Pretty,'-' -said Colone]"Tple4 griaalngi '. •Yery.^iice legs jjldeeg. TBnf don't you think TJiey oag k little. M the -knees? " Troy iEimei tally, by the p^e^turnin^Lot-a^troHey- 1 -moTh1|«rirb7^forenoon and about. &v in EasrPfoyidencei R, I. The car 4 in 'the: afternoori___A^ag-riieePrd--of" left the .raJtl8_aJua-sto-^eiHn-ft-^---^—- j "early niorning, of the, 28th" Is pbyjpu|- ly a- -mistake arisingrrlrpni "rBISapprS; heiislon*as to tlie significance of Sev^ era's *'Eye of Death" sketch, a cphfu- albii.pl Jan. 28_and^Feb^-a8^---_ie--nis^ Bertha Claiche, the ''white slave!' murderer of her brutal master* Einli GeMi^pn, was sentenced in New York to hot more than five years or IMIS thafit tW6 yeitrsim^rtmrmdWia. ^ A theft by means of raisihg_a-checkT f roin, $2M54o^_#00^&TSS"occurred iff the: Eastern: JNew York reiocmatory at: Napaiipch, and Edward Irish, comp- troller's clerk, is missing, Assemblyman Max Eckmann and half a dozen notaries charged to New York city with faking Munidipai Own- ership nomination petitidhs pleaded guilty. An anarchist plotto asaa33inate_Eri «de^Hr-goiy-_iilt^ is-Sttla-to haWBeehT is^sai discovered among_iJarge-body of Rus- sian nihilists in Portlandj Ore. j. B, Riffle, a meiphant of Gladstone, Mo., who weighed about 356 pounds, hanged himself with a train cl DEATHS OF NOtEO Michael Davitt, one of the mbsi noted of Irish . -JMersrhas^ipd-attet; -i^Wr^beirile . ^PEOPtiE. -.. A - l0M j, and.painful ill- ness. H e ^vas after Paruell's death prPbab^ the strongest figure in the fight for home rule and was popular ^uohg„Ici3hm6n-npt only gt: home, but all"5ver the worid u JVIp__Da.vltfc-was- -b_^irin~S^_UirCouHty Mayo, March HQ, 1846,. and was the son pf a peasant infearly life he Worked in a factory, losing his r%ht aim in the' tuathiheryi Later he became -a printeri reporter aftftpoiitiplanv ,, . Senator friom karylandi vdied suddenly at his rejfidence In Washlngtok. While Senator Gorman had been ill for many months, he hud shown some improve- ment lately. Heart trouble wag the Immediate cause of Heath Mr. Gor- man commenced his nubile life as a here _ Mrs„ Margaret Batcher is spending some time with her son Alfred near Meadow dale, Wm Spencer and family, of Schen- ectad3, spent Decoration Day with relatives here Mr and Mrs George Honor returned home on Sunday, after spendnTg--aTfew daj s with her parent- W. O. "VauAuken, wife and_sisiex. also A." VanAernam .spent Decoration JDayjwith relatives at Berne. Herman Quaj, who has been quite sick; is some better at this writing. He is attended by Dr Dietz of Berne __- - The remains of Mrs Maria Warner, o?_ feast Berne, -were brougnt -to~the Knox Cenjeterj for burial on Wednes- daj~ ••"-"• X-here will be a graphophone enter- tainment at the Knox Keforined church hall on Saturday even ng, June 16 Admission 10 cents. Ice cream and ca^e-wairbe^ol-^ after the entertain- ment, . UP TO_DATC-P?£-FORit -^M6:«JFi?«0rf^>r^U-o£_fbe;^te^!_^. +teth century than the -wfiiimi^T t* which wise -i_d_ps AIHI the genefOU*. philjuthiopist, send *ae waira and, tm waywaLd bo^S of the gie it city. Notbr " ong could-be-more JUJ, 1 ke the old-tasfci- - toned—retuge -<nto—(V-jCh—the-TrafoPf " tuuate_aii(Lmj^gUHleil-ioy8--of^b^S«t gin_!rations were~drj\en, both a* W- - gai d"s-bu!Idin^s_ana^_Mles J ^>t3lTiW_/_7 tfia-F^g-^chiiaien's~~vniage arTPoBSi; '" of-tByNew-York-Ju^enile asylunC -_i_^the--pit3t=a'estttnte chiIul-nr»aW joung ciimmals wei^e^ feenerall^^wd^ •ed-^nriserimmately^iir-baTrScI-r JNft one_ r ^ier_thonght_oi: -_aaU_ag_tll«»- -^ "* homes." and __t__ie-ayer-ftJBgaid*^---^ them as -places where except T>y chance _ie little „iui_ates were actual ly retoimed ,The old time reformatory^ - Was no beftei -han a puson, with ill" the hopeless charactera^facs^flsuch m— mstitSSoi But tim-!8 have - cB3&ge-l for the Jjetr ter" The-chiluren s-coiiirh_s-_upplaot-»__ , as In the ca3e ot the Juvenile aayltm, ^v*^ is comprised of soaie 'fifteen attracthr_« f friend, Miss Alice Dockstader. Mr. and Mrs. Pharje. "Suirda.v with Telatives"at"West Berne. -_Dcr-MT_iafr"Quay, of Elizabeth, N. J , spent Sunday with his_.b_rojher-4-cattages and a schoolhouse, situated, 1*. Installation U. F. G. S. The True Workers Fellowship, TJ F. G. Si, celebrated the installation of pffipers^eleci.ed Jilay23, 1-906-,-m-Good Samaritari rlall at South Berne. The -Supreme Inspecting Fellowman, Mr Chaiincey Spaulding, of Greenville, performed the ceremony m a very able manner. The following omoers were installed:L_ -- Jennie'M Blessing, C F , William Carl, _*, C F , Howard Know Is, F. F , g e v . Mr. -FrerKihT-A--F--,-David-Know-lsT -the midst-of-a-fertile-plaih-fat frpn* the demoraii-mg city Instead of t h * severe isstra'nts u_dsr w h c i jTornnrlJF- young unfortunates chafed here^tite^Bi aie -neithei keepeis-nor-fences Ih» boy rescued from the streets or takes, from neglectful or abusive parent*. made to feel that the asylum. Is tb» happiest r )lace m tke-woiid "-JKm^neaa _ nieets-him on-e\^rr - h_tia7Tndnstry andT hone^y_ajre. rf iuculcated_-by_lessoas t -Ia— the classrdom and br work In tba =h_ops_ai i d onjHw^Trm J jincl_exe r 3_Jnflnp t _-- e_ie__tead5 to ejeomage m him tbe __ea_tiat Le-.s-gta<Iuaky niakmg: a man. of hi_iself E-pe. leace bad p i o v e i flila. «;che_ie a success fc* of the 6 000 chil- dren sent to western farms from the--_ _isyluta_aft§i-a pe. oJ of baining la Itsfl._, eaie 80 per cenfTit is estimated, have * ilej elaped-into-self^espectfng a_tdja._c___ •abidiiig^citse is^-Ta a simple, natural -and-i"te' - estm ; ^rma iiTef- = _5e' _ boy3r«r«! taught to foiget then former lives ot " crime o*- misery and to_sfcu\e for hatter things _ ~ A t prresent the rather limited capacity of the institution is taxed-to- -the -ut^" most Before^long, howeier, thacllrectt. ors hope to be abLe to-erect at least ouo more cottage wh-eh would bfr th» means of taking some twenty more- - joyg_PUj_o£ the schools of. crime that exist in Xew York e ty and, besides, tot add a chinch to the buildings tnat couv pose this uienl chudien . village •E^SV-j^ieria—Hota'Ung, ti. P ; Wm. Adriatiee. G F SSI F_—yell^e-StssHnr F. E.; Jerome Vincent, F Ch., Ma>- «^-Sfrufeiat,'iTC. Rev. W G. Pnce of* Greehville, tne Supreme Advising -fellow-man, was present also and ex- plained some of the changes in the new ritual: work One<-new candidate was initiated, after which refreshments wfeFe~I§e£Eed. Although—not "quite a by the Hudson's Bay company many years ago When, this company cam* to this part of the country to engage jta__5___trnnTiSg^=«=SOTa^ "" tribes pX_Indian^^iaeJUEith- Its ovn* _.—- EfffiaSficie'of Seyern Fixes It. on the ".,;,-* Nigriit_oi; *cW «?, ' — -••- _-^_ __A__lto the actual day and hour of Keatsj death there is bewildering dis- crepancy. Thfe date lias been given as the SStli, fheWtii, thi-2 ; it&-aiid-the--23d i of Febfuajy_jn^L_ie-Jib«tas-th since this order was orgamzed^t take asjtoJh^^th^STdtfeTolhei # t e a> ^e-heaoTof^vern'a fain'oui fraghien- tary letter to Armitage Browu (27th) beginumg^^HeJs gone," Written *fpur days sifbseqtient tp the decease. The inscription on the Bouse in thfe Piazza di Spagha at Rome mentions Feb. 24, and the same date is engraved on the tombstone. But there, see^s no fea- souable doubt that this is. simply the date -of the registration of death. Keats died in ^vern^armfl^ani :ee--repeajssirtn ex- tant letters Written at the time, Is ex* plicif."":"The death sunimohs,'' he Wrote* "happenedabouthalf past _ on the aft- ernoon of Friday, the 234," and then follow the poignant; ^rroWtog details- Again;-in hlff" fragmentary jg^rjta Browu-onTuesdayj thp-STUit^ejWjItes,. i?0n-the-53dr-F*iaayi^»^ approach pf death cjinie on. •*. ** **.{The; dea,tft_agony) - -inereaseajainti|_ Jli-jafc lally sank into d^ath, so quiet that I still thought he slept" It would seem, t l n ^ & ^ J h g t the most definite assertions as to Keats' death having occurred in the edriy morning of the 24th or at^JsL ffie J foreao9n-^f-Pither~iiier2asa Or 24th must be set aside before lafptm&tioh so-explicit as that of th^ one witfless. of the poet's death, the triend whose ceaseless care and love bad meant £o much to Keats in those weeks Si proj longed sufferini Tn^mT*oT = |^fTy = lnWnuig Xif the famous "Eve Pf Dedlth" sketch. In a word, it would appear irrefutable udw tno 1 t. Keats died about 11 o'clock on the night, <of Ifnday, Feb 23 The beauti- ful and moving story has been often told and Is famihai to all lovers pf Keats—William Sharp in Century has beer^ajafl^Js-ra^idl^^rowrny-ir-D<">dee-Adywtlser.- numbei'S, and we would wish to see a loTdge bffened in every town, where the young- people would have a place of instruction as well as enjoyment. Tie-sinoereat-tnbate that- can-be paid to superiority is imitation The many imita- tions of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salre that are how before the pablie prove it tne beat. Ask ^orDeJVj(t'jc_Good for bnrna, sealda, "cEi-fed skin, eczema, tetter, outs, broisea, bolls and piles Highly recommended and reliable, tlold by Joseph Snyder A Oavllaat Bar. A Bostonian was talking about the Mite Henry Harland "Horiand was a gracefu!,__gaHant- ou-f ?s fie~saia "Hven^lohis boyhood h* turned the prettiest compliments ««Ea his boyhood he studied Latin un- der a charming young lady "This young lady, calling him up in class one mornlng^said^ , Lchoicer-tew^c— '•^ienrj^_name some of the chief ^^^jedjucatlanj^.. —— iWTpWT^m-ling into his teacher's jJf^tjSreJes, answered * 'Schooim {stresses'" _ Death, and Drlafe_ ' In an address to young Scotchmen .deliSeredi-at the opening of a gym- nasium building at Dundee, In his ca- pacity as rector ofjjt Andrew's unk j^rai^r^dJewuDarnegle spoke of the use' of alcohol and tobacco as twin evils. "Drunkenness," he said, '"is'the great risk ahead In the career of every young man It is far more important that he insure himself against it than against death A drink ppHeyj^jialfl, lifi£e_JhitJmi_y_e5^_he^ " These "~ are words, of wisdom, hardly less ap- plicable to conditions in the 'United States than In Scotland. Death, will come when it will come. Drunkenness Is a preventable 7 evil. TCyery young man can Insure himself against the drink habit and save money, credltand character by tie abstention,- , _ "Calooolt Jargon." ~ "" " The "Chinook jargon" that ft f w ' quently referred to by writers tn^beJK_ ing of conference- between white mea and Indians, both east and west of tit* Cagcafle rang_-_is-j^Ungaage-dey_9e«^= dialect^ Yet therg wpre a number ot words almost If not exactly alike "an^ meaning about the same thing * WIST' these words as a basis the managers of the_conipany^Ereat9_—a~^workln» ' language that jcime_ to be. know» as the "ChmooK jargon." and thereafter the dealings-with the Indians wer», ^5rr^_j>n_-ta^thIs-^mp^siteT!5ongae," All the other'Indians can understand, if and make themselves underatoqd-^LJL ~^G«n-r«l Market*. New York, Jane a, BDTTBH—Creamery, extra, per ptoat "• »Xa20c flrsta. 18lSal9Hc . secondaj.laiaa--^ CHE^E^J?ewr_»ta-ev3rull creain. UuraK --wst,_lQSic t ,_Eip^to «osoar-10«10V£cT»i«».Ul. *~" best, 10^c fair to good 9^4al0c\ lia^kt" skims, best, 8KaSUc , part akima, pctaka. 7a7%c v EOG3—Fresh (fathered, extra, pm» *«»„— >~ en, 20c , nearby, fresh gathered, flrsta ta extra firsts. lTalSc MILK—Per forty quart can, Jl,_k FLOUR —Steadj, but dull? Khutaftota, patents J130a4 60, winter straiahta, DLSta t winter extras, *2 90a3.4O, winter pataat^' WHEAT—Firmness in the local Wheat- market this mornins was promoted__i_-ac; - ta ^UM-^Kentuck5s=^^_te=T : epOT^T : aM~ta ^ " the northwest and covering prices ad- vanced about %c in the first hour: •July, 87aS^.c September, 84^a?5Hc~—*'—'~~~ /•OTATiJES—3teady- choice" - ^, bushel S5a90c fair to good, old, bushel 75a80c par P«e HAY—Steadj, shipping 53a6dr»,, grtntt ta. STRAW—Steady long rye 65e * WOOL—Steady. do__esti&-fl_»piy-.-Bjgfij£r-
Page 1: it News of 8L Week - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031266/1906-06-08/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · pending which will b e sure to dine the peisnutiy to gi eater


News of 8L Week F^r^rapKirPKotographs ot-the WorWslJo'mgs Compiled- F o r l H i s y

ilaynr.Tom L-Tohn^so'ro-f-=CleveIa_d= yr^cajne__out_ fp> w i n n i ^ e l m i n g ?

Bij_an_£oi piesRiMt-in_iaQ8.__H6_jjiti_ mi ted tliat Willi im R~Heats£- v, ouUI recede Jus suppo't in c i s e the Denio_

_<nati<_ party shovved-a~stiong leaning tovraur^iin • " ^ j e c e p h o C j n which Democrats t ionf . i l l o \e i the countiy w ill bo m\ited to t ike pint ^ ill he ten

JieieAlo_Wi^,uu^—BryannirTIijHiiotr ..Square Garden in New Yolk on his

The nigency of the Russian tyiai iaji situ ation has been ang minted bv neus that

_e_e_.d[ of_the_intt,uoi_ p io imtes in-eluding the ^ i t - g i a n a i i e s of Sumarj.-



refmn-^fioniji. tup aiouna the world Coii=ie&_ii_in Timothy D Sulluau of New Yoili dec lued that Mr Biyan will--he_the i ie\t ,Demo_urtic noinmee-for pie<Sd1briiitf"WirTp-j\\-HH)erelect

- - « d _At_the ,\ris_oui.i Dehioeiatic eon ventioil—Goi.einoL_PolIv_ declared., th i t Mi B i j i n would be elected president in 1008 The convention was filled with enthusja^mJpjLMxJJLvan^-^ ~ -

J=====!Che~importaiit flre iii3mance.„compa_ ~nles~6Tfhe United St i tes at a meeting —Iield—In New"York agieed to contest

e \ ery San Fiancisco claim where eaithquake ot action by the civil or miiltaiy authorities did daihage to pioperty Major Geneial Greely sent t o Mayor Schmit/ a communication in \i hich he outlined a pi in foi the hous las' of S i n fiar-eisco s ho'iieless It is

^ i t e a l s S J i a t -the' -iSniJls-«fr-«ie-rete-•gees" Wjil be greatly thinned out in -the^ n e x t - f e w ~ months through removals,

. but ft is certain' that sonre 50,000 hoine-"ess^ersoM^'ii^teyeHB^-TMfetr^arS;

•?<>£ for the iiext y e a r p r s o r b y the-imr--nicipal authori t ies^ '

: In- pfactieaIl.v_alL_«sen.lat details the •coa^erees--on- the- .'railroad rate biii

greed ^th^ii^a-$ui,eiw"ffi^vrairpasse*d:r

" by. the senate The report was presentT

-'k/St-to both houses,. $e.i"iatpf fflltrtiSht "ehairuiaii-,*of—th$ senate cojtfkePp

aetioh. . i j G f i e ^ M f e j ^ d e p ! from sixi ymenamehtg, * two pf"which mebeiy

5<hange- the "number,,bf" Sections. • while -.-•twen^feigMJ-o^-'^ rt^tai^drefioati iB. a h d 3 n e f eniafnlng

yT .seventeen- Were retained under • dhf err; "eht^hraseofogy. " " •

Joseph-R. Barton sent to Governor: "ijgch Jjis yf is i ihatloaja^^uite^StaJei i

^na-i^T^oTBTlvansits. Mr, Burton was: <!Qnrieted about a year ago of using his: ^senatorial iirauenee iii behalf of' a "gefe rteh'-auLcls:'' epiieern, trying, tt/Was. a !

i ieged, to prevent the issuance of a" -postal fraud-.order Against It,- He was •seuteiipedM*y?ay^^ -^rye^gTjP3Ion]fh>lil prison. The'lRiit-r ed States Supreme; ^ur^has_cpnflrihM

--hls-cpnyicticJS aiidlsenieuce. H e was

- oPtwo-wnig-s of the building— —

_tlie_Attiei ion . niviv on_Jjilv_]_unles3 -they p'odnce citizenship pipeis'or'a" .signed deelaiation^hat thev intend to t ike out the_sime It is as&eited that the Japanese now ms%e seivice main Iv emploverl as stevinids ind_sgixant-s-

J m (^eeii^innTilyTTiqiiisiTn^about the workings of our i e«sels

'I he mod»J at the st itue of President JI(OCinley^i_aifli-[ijs_IIenj y-Niehaui;-j(5jis_accepted-Jij the trustees of the McKinley Memorial association The statug»w iTl~b"e D £ Tieioic-sfae~airoris to be erected ln"~front"o? the McKiniaT fjausoleulu at C intou O It represents the-iueoideai. as he deliTerffdrhls^TaiiT speech at Buff ilo

—She-ramn5nrimrtj_7mdependent l^e-publiem) of r°ansj h^iuia_jias__njKni nated=fcfoT=f5wniof Lewis Emery, Jr of AIcKeaii countj I h e tegular Ite publicans b i \ e noimmted Udwin S Stuait former mayoi ot Philadelphia 'Ihe-plittojnrof the litter asseit>. op position "to the owneiship of coal mines bj railioads ""

A J Cassatt piesident of the Peun s j h a n i a Radio id company, returned fj om Jhnpije^JJLu Dassatt-said-be--had: >etu|'lied_,hptjie to tote part in tlfe in­vestigation by the board of directors of the Pen'nsyi'yania road into charges

-SimJ+Hsk—-T fT-nTilT"R:T>in, are threat ened w lthjfira devtiuction of etops by Thought and tint anothei f unine K im pending which will be sure to d i n e the peisnutiy to gi eater eveesses than those oj lUQT and swell the clamoi for moie l ind There aie senous dissen sions jn__the_dauma—ovei tIitr~propeT

jattmiei of supply nig the peasants wi th i i n d . -An open conflict between the czai__and_jth£^douina fa Beliei_edL to be

Tnrarinejit,^ -

- Ihe^IidTi^^cucungs-TryexJlie-jnar-u ige_-^l "King Alfonso and Pnnce^s

"Victouahad -a t e m b l j dramatic sequel as a boiiib thLowa tiom m uppei win dow 111 the Cille Alayor exploded with deadly e(!feajieju2_ae_^2a£h_oefci)pjed--by-tlnrKing and queen as then m ijes ties w6ie letuining fioni the church attei the mauiage ceiemony Iwenty foui petrous weie killed ind many oth

-trs—Avoimded.—jU3nuel -Morales 3Ui& pected of beinj; the bonib_ ihrowerr commrtted-suicideTiirbeinir arretted at a smTllii l lage-aear Madud

page in the United States senate aftm a bue£ penod of attendance at tlifejjub lie schools - H e held oflice almost con tmuously siiiCjv^firj-iii!r_f0Ui_4ernris- m

~EBe senate —Mi^-GarnHu7 was borir MorotLJ-l -0839^-1 n-Maryland Ws~vm one ot the most influential of the Dem ociatic membeis of the senate

Daniel N Lockwood a well known lawyer and fonnei member of eon ^ r e s ^ died In Bjiffalo, JST Jf _Mr, Lock-wood_w as sixty two years old In 1881

Jie. jiojnlnated Grover Cfe\ eland for mayor_of Buffalo, m-iSB2-hf rromtoafed-him^faEjaMjernor-ofr-Xe-w York and -in the_nationa! com ention of 1884 lie pre sentecPttejmn^pOSLeifilandjis a can-a i g | g 3 5 £ f l i a presid&ncy - I—bas i lars in t?

A martyr to science Dr Louis A Weigel one of the f o i e m c t ph\sicians^ of this country ib£d- in-Kcclievfer, HT JC His death was the direct result of experimental w ork in thg-jise-of-tae [ Fi yeft; -Roentgen r a \ s of which he was the first American authority Continued exposure of his handstand arms to the penetrating X ray caused cancer


I h e engagement of BerthaJCnippr o w n e i o f the Kiupp-works,"to~Gustav jou^BeJieiDLUhd-Halbachra-ly^ung'Ger" man diplomat, is announced I t is gen­erally believed tuat_Miss Jvi_up_P_is ±he-wealthiest-Toung womau in the world, haMiig iiiheiited the ^ast foituue of bei fathei

American owners of gold mines near Poit Arthur are lodging protests with the state department because the Jap aiiese letuse to le'-toie then mine prop ut ie s The amount i M o h e d appio\i mates $1 000 000

Count von Voioalzo^f Dashkoff vice-^6yof th0 (i'aucasus,- has reported that, the niotrve of the assassination of W. H. Stuart, the American vice consul at

Philadelphia acting jtfiairman of _the house .committee on- foreign .affairs shot himself ih theJtetr-opohtaH^ohtbr Washington—-He wasTieaTIIy in~ae6E" owing to speculation and bridge whiafc.

^tt^dams-wasrflfty^sev'en years old John C New, for many years pro­

prietor of the Indianapolis^Journal, a hfeiong~frienci of former President Benjamin Hirnson and consul general to London under the Harrison, admin istration, died in Indianapolis Ind

- - • • •



,uC. t w « , r . , y a H U w»u mi.u uimi-ses, R h ^ ,-nhhax-v

of the acceptance of bribes froni-%pa-l pperatpfs:, '. N«w^-^hieh.7hasc6me from-Eastplort, on Long Inland, that a plague of 10-jeuats ;lias. apptjar^d therfr l i a s caus.ed apprehension amph^'farm.^s and has called,forth the opinion-that*thi§_ygaPs 4top-pf--harmtul l ^ s ^ T I T l K e a k . all-;

r^Yoman suffrage was defeated by a large" majority in Oregon. George E. ChambBrlain (Dem>> has beBnrrle-elect-ed; igpyerripr,,.andJpnaihJn2JE^

^ ^ p ^ ^ i ^ r e e ^ 5 e a ^ t h e ; p 6 p ^ i a S ^ ^ natibn for l & n i t e d ^ S t ^ ^ | ^ ^ ^ „ „ _ _

r ^^iscasporiea^that-Secretary o t the Treasury SiiaTv will retire to priyiite.

-|liMa|eaed^4th*=^xptrl5ii Senflte.^;._ ... „. , : ';' -. __:_,

T^eltHeFfayd .CWcigojyaUhg "wpaieii "" - -- '«•- "t^^fra^aytdipmg^lJigirTgeg

tteg-HOSlti|)':rs~la-the city bti'Il-.-service; systeini "Miss JPsepbine. .R', JKprten;

: and:.$Miss Valerie'D. .Ofirenstein harp ; :pas$ejl Jth6 examiufttioil :fbt. a s | i 6 tanj

"/^emist!?, Ifi^Se' ;Sty :l^bpi%toi,y,f but ' Oiiief Chefliist "IjujtP Joiies objects to,

-good I b o k ^ wpnien!; '/Thenien w Puld -spend too much time talking- to theni;":

he said. Health Cpnimissionfeb ^l ia letf v-prob'abiy "will have' to decide/tile ciueg-,'ti'on.'; * ' , •• '••'/.-

The interstate commMce^^commis-slon's—InvestigU-tion--into alleged dis_ crimination in the distribution of coal

- ca i s w as resumed in Philadelphia E V W Rosslter, vice president of the

- N e w T o r k Central, and~other officials of that road gaye testimony similar to that recently given by the Pennsylva­nia officials, admitting that the former railroad and i£s men teceiyed gifts-of stock, e t c , from coal companies

Alexia Carrel and C C Guthrie, sur-"geons In the Unlveisitv of Chicago, h a i e been making remarkable expert ments with the \ e ins and arteries'of animals and assert'the same thing can be done with man; They transform

JlCe^wdQiin-two^eltrW^&S- abandon-. Tme'riH#--ta'Ken as an indleaTiPn that the Towk man has given up his aspirations for theopresidency. ., "Tlie. National Liquor Dealers' assoeiV ation", in convention at Lpiiisvilie, ex­pressed the belief of_its_members in-temperanee-inrd"^nimended the work of the various temperance societies.

Governor Higgius -of. Ne^u%orJ£.-an--npunciiFbls approval of the biSjsjBrju

' :Kitg—ftnr-tw»eiiTy-otte additional i u -^renie court iiisti,ces I n five -judicial .districts of 4be state; ' r "~ i Tiie seiiat^ yofed to gostPQne_indSfl»-"THteiy a joint" regolution ameading the ^®i^iSiSfei^o--im!nriit^TOngres3 to eh' act uniforiii laws for nlarriageund di-"

. yoMBi "•••JJi-""-";r. ~- • zit:~~~r~r^—~^ -: ,J>TpeT i>f&w-,Jersey legislative commit-. tee S.ttpc>in.tdd to iilyestigate insurance companies asd-financial institutiousipr-gfthized, elPctlrig Senator"HflleTyeEalfr matt. _..•_--_ - . .. .. ' -'

In Kankakee, 111., three girls, eight,, s i* and two years 'old, playing inLaa; attie,Jocked-theniselves"m a trunk and

In a fight between Amei icans and Mexi can laborers at the Green° copper mines,

Cananea.-ilexicoTneai the Anzona bor der, t w o Americans and seven • Mex-

TMng^w'pfe kiiied.: fii; response to r t to appeals pf Jhe. American consuiar agent

Lieuteiiant G. M." South pf t h i B r i t - ^ P a S p T m F and the Mexican gov. isli army has arrived in England oh a, b^v_cle_after iiavlug; m;»4e a GrSOp mile; wheel trip from India.

EipperPi- WiHjam.ispayrag.ipvisit t*P -EnTpe1i*SF'Fraiicis Joseph pf _Anstria>" Hungaryr '

ernment sent soldiers to Cananea t o :.lpieserve- order. Pf^^-gndrM_arniea , Ameiicans-iroTtn Bisoee, Afiz i ( went to eananea. ' ..:


Josephine- Terranova was declared " n o t -

Cksi^^jr^^Mm" M iffiw.York

thPrs" that beard the^videijee tav and :^ggJnst.':her pn .the jiharge Pf .killing _heE.aiint. iChe girl, .who kilM:-n"er un-*cle and aunt after they had shamefuFfy iShjae^ttJttdtdebauehed-h'Prv was not iez

ie^sed-at-diieer b u t - m s y ha ve*t;6*stand: trial for the. murder pf her uncle. In; sanity was the defease.

I t was decided by the aj 4he-defen55T5The cases,of Charles H. Moyer and otiier Pffiberi'of the West-fira-I«^d¥ratioTpFl(5iiers that, pending the ITnited States .supreme court de­cision on the_nabeas^orp_s-case"rthley_

•Jivffl-4ak«-mr further steps. The cases __iu^__at-«offieH:p-iiThri_"Be'fore the end of the yea.tr The accused ineii are charged with blowini^ fipfn+mtn efnoFgteun^nberg_oi^Idahb and with .gcmspir4Hgrt;Pjlf^ opposed to the f ederatipni

veins into arteries and arteries into „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2elgs_£iuiL-r£v^a__<_J^

knowiras"Dunkards, have decided thalj telephones and automobiles should be let alone

The bill to save Hook mountain, On the Palisades, from the operations of ^pjawg^ne-r^wa^—sii Higgins,

e\perImeats^ay_p_rpxe_oi great value ~in~the treatment of disease.

Ihomas O'Couor Jones, thirty eight y e a i s old. one of the heads^of the fa­mous Jones & Tiaughhn Steel company, himself an hen to $50.000.000, killed

-bfansriflu a fashionable Plttsbutg ho tel _It_is_asser.ted- that hopeless lore

_for his cousin. jsEhoL-.was-mari'ied—re-^ cently, caused his suicide. His_family opposed his_ma^rja^e_toJiis_cousIn_be

~ e a u s e ot the close relationshlpj ~ Jews of America 'purpose to raise

fl,000,000 to Bght consumption Mem bets of the B'nai B'rith, a national Jewish secret order, the council of Jewish women and Jewish people In gejferaLwlH Insure their lives for the

~ benefit of the National Jewish Hospital For Consumptives, which treats tuber­culosis Without charge, Irrespective of nationality or creed

In 1903 congress appropriated $1,-^600i000 f o r i p - i e w de^Hfftnrent"oTTigrl:

cultuie building in Washington, the jnderst&ndtng being that a complete

edifice was to be orected The house appropriation committee was amazed to learn that practically the entire sum

.jfrnd been exhausted In the construction

were found dead-by-thelr mother ^^ The New York State Bar association

hag exonerated David B Hill -of the charges of impropriety in Ins connec-tion-with the Equitable Life.. ,_ ,

The Deutschland, on which John D. JtockeielIer_saiLed, is beHered^ to have had a very nairow e^rape_frpm._col-iision-withrtBeTmer Batavla

Dr Seth Evans of Cincinnati Is to be the recipient of honors from the great lama jpf, Lassa, Tibet, upon whom he operated recently

The almost priceless collection of Lincoln relics belonging t o William H. Lambert,,-Germantown, P a , . w a s cte> stroye'd"by fire \

The Sojith_-Da_i>ta Kepublican-plat^ Tlorm f a v o r n a i i f f revision, while a£ firming adherence to the policy of prdf tectionT

Raphael Weill, a millionaire, of Sab Francisco will give outfits of clothing to 500 women a s a self imposed bache­lor tax _ „

About 3,000 saloons went'out of bus! ness la Ohio -with the-beginfiing of the new tax year under the new $1,000 t a i .

Senator Dryden of New Jersey will Joe a candidate to succeed himself for a full term beginning next March >

Dispatches from' the principal winter1

.4»wheat stfttes^ndicater-thuirtnT'ouTiolok is better than usual a t this time

Representative and Mrs Nicholas Longworth, Who was MIss^Allce Roose­velt, sailed for Europe \

Rev. Algernon 8 Crapsey, adjudged KuHtyjor heresy, has filed an appeal.

TJbie United States circuit court.of appe'als granted!ii^tay in _th.e..%se*pf-= M^isi-sr GsynoivandT Greene,. convicted in Savannah of-oonspii'acy tb deiraud Uie government in cohneetroinsitli har­bor iniproyeineht work.

Eleyen persons were killed and .more ithjtti forty iujured, sonie of them far

pa__*eTe"ruslied to the

Keadowdale , Mr and Mrs Dd You ig enter­

tained friends out of_tovvn Sunda\ - -Mr-s-TSaJje-Frve^aiid daxig-Me,*- Anna, wits the giiesTof her sister Mrs Black-man, or Voorheeaulle, on Sunday

-Mr and Mrs Will Frver, and Mas­ter Seward, spent Sunday at South Schenectady

_ Mrs JS Spoor, Mr and~Mrs Abe Pangburn,jKlr -and Mrs-C^fusT3IfEon7 cirrd Grant Fr>er, of Schenectadyr-werf gue$t~of Bert Fryer's , for a fewTctays la«tiveek. _ _

Xrasher and w-ife,-of Albanj.^at Sidney-Sniithjs I_Mr. andJklrs J?rank-Spawn-and "fami l j , of Fullers , and Mildred Oluer , of Yoorhee.-.vill<»r at Mar.y.

Knox. Mr Elam Will iams

juror this week is serving a s

_£tss Ethei-Hotaling-ts visit ing her.

B_ggf|a_J!itjUje; Itls~difficuTF1pliydip5/^

\ A. story- which Illustrates this i s -tpld of .t i ielate <3pipilel:;&: GrToleftflae'noted horseman, - who , diied in Wichita. A-•KeitjickianjWas_speaking. of. Gplpnei-^dTe^j^iarSaidi "Gblpqel TPIer raised John R !_ :Gjenj^iianAiBtoy--other^fa-"mpWnorsesi The turf l ias suffered a gi-eat Ipss.tohini^iA^Jbetter-judge of norseJe^_and a^pleasanter-niaB -ypu'd never "find. -I used to -love to watch him- studying horses. H e Was 'very keen^ He w a s at his best ihen. A f ?c^ ta i toryonce^pngfe l inn- ixr i^e^^ acquisition,, a'trotter of doubtful qual-lty,_fop whj(Ar^ho'wever, ^i50Q had: been paid. -The. tailor. was full of en­thusiasm; "about his hotse. H e Httla. Icnew-he-had-been- doner-' l idWaniim,' he cripd. "There's sa horse for yoi_.

ok^«t^ajemJegsZi-¥.§& Pretty,'-' -said Colone]"Tple4 griaalngi '. •Yery.^iice legs jjldeeg. TBnf don't you think TJiey oag k l i t t l e . M the -knees? " — Troy iEimei

tally, by the p^e^turnin^Lot-a^troHey-1 - m o T h 1 | « r i r b 7 ^ f o r e n o o n and about. &v in EasrPfoyidencei R, I. The car 4 in 'the: afternoori___A^ag-riieePrd--of" left the .raJtl8_aJua-sto-^eiHn-ft-^---^—- j "early niorning, of the, 28th" Is pbyjpu|-

ly a- -mistake arisingrrlrpni "rBISapprS; heiislon*as to tlie significance of Sev^ era's *'Eye of Death" sketch, a cphfu-albii.pl Jan. 28_and^Feb^-a8^---_ie--nis^

Bertha Claiche, the ''white slave!' murderer o f her brutal master* Einli GeMi^pn, was sentenced in New York to hot more than five years or IMIS thafit tW6 yeitrsim^rtmrmdWia. ^ A theft by means of raisihg_a-checkT f roin, $2M54o^_#00^&TSS"occurred iff the: Eastern: JNew York reiocmatory at: Napaiipch, and Edward Irish, comp­troller's clerk, is missing,

Assemblyman Max Eckmann and half a dozen notaries charged to New York city with faking Munidipai Own­ership nomination petitidhs pleaded guilty.

An anarchist plotto asaa33inate_Eri «de^Hr-goiy-_iilt^ is-Sttla-to haWBeehT is^sai discovered among_iJarge-body of Rus­sian nihilists in Portlandj Ore.

j . B, Riffle, a meiphant of Gladstone, Mo., who weighed about 356 pounds, hanged himself with a train cl


Michael Davitt, one of the mbsi noted of Irish .

-JMersrhas^ipd-at te t ; - i ^ W r ^ b e i r i l e . ^PEOPtiE. - . . A - l 0 M j , and.painful ill­ness. H e ^vas after Paruell's death prPbab^ the strongest figure in the fight for home rule and was popular ^uohg„Ici3hm6n-npt only gt: home, but all"5ver the woriduJVIp__Da.vltfc-was--b_^irin~S^_UirCouHty Mayo, March HQ, 1846,. and wa s the son pf a peasant infearly life he Worked in a factory, losing his r%ht aim in the' tuathiheryi Later he became -a printeri reporter aftftpoiitiplanv , , . •

Senator friom karylandi vdied suddenly at his rejfidence In Washlngtok. While Senator Gorman had been ill for many months, he hud shown some improve­ment lately. Heart trouble wag the Immediate cause of Heath Mr. Gor­man commenced his nubile l ife as a

here _

M r s „ Margaret Batcher i s spending some time with her son Alfred near Meadow dale,

Wm Spencer and family, of Schen-ectad3, spent Decoration D a y with relatives here

Mr and Mrs George Honor returned home on Sunday, after spendnTg--aTfew daj s with her parent-

W. O. "VauAuken, wife and_sisiex. a l so A." VanAernam .spent Decoration JDayjwith relatives a t Berne.

Herman Q u a j , who has been quite sick; i s some better a t this writing. He i s attended by D r Dietz of Berne __-- T h e remains of Mrs Maria Warner, o?_ feast Berne, - w e r e brougnt -to~the Knox Cenjeterj for burial on Wednes-d a j ~ ••"-"•

X-here will be a graphophone enter­tainment at the Knox Keforined church hall on Saturday even ng, June 16 Admission 10 cents. Ice cream and ca^e-wairbe^ol-^ after the entertain­ment, .


-^M6:«JFi?«0rf^>r^U-o£_fbe;^te^!_^. +teth century than the - w f i i i m i ^ T t* which wise -i_d_ps AIHI the genefOU*. philjuthiopist, send *ae waira and, tm waywaLd bo^S of the g i e it city. Notbr "

ong could-be-more JUJ,1 ke the old-tasfci- -toned—retuge -<nto—(V-jCh—the-TrafoPf " tuuate_aii(Lmj^gUHleil-ioy8--of^b^S«t gin_!rations were~drj\en, both a * W- -gai d"s-bu!Idin^s_ana^_MlesJ^>t3lTiW_/_7 tfia-F^g-^chiiaien's~~vniage arTPoBSi;

'" of-tByNew-York-Ju^enile a s y l u n C -_i_^the--pit3t=a'estttnte chiIul-nr»aW joung ci immals wei^e^ feenerall^^wd^

•ed-^nriserimmately^iir-baTrScI-r JNft one_ r ^ier_thonght_oi : -_aaU_ag_tl l«»- - ^ "* homes." and _ _ t _ _ i e - a y e r - f t J B g a i d * ^ - - - ^ them as -places where except T>y chance _ ie little „iui_ates were a c t u a l ly retoimed ,The old t ime reformatory^ -Was no beftei -han a puson, with i l l" the hopeless charactera^facs^flsuch m— mstitSSoi

But tim-!8 have-cB3&ge-l for the Jjetr ter" The-chiluren s-coiiirh_s-_upplaot-»__ ,

a s In the ca3e ot the Juvenile aayl tm, ^v*^ is comprised of soaie 'fifteen attracthr_« f

friend, Miss Alice Dockstader. Mr. and Mrs. Pharje.

"Suirda.v with Telatives"at"West Berne. -_Dcr-MT_iafr"Quay, of Elizabeth, N. J , spent Sunday with his_.b_rojher-4-cattages and a schoolhouse, situated, 1*.

Installation U. F. G. S.

The True Workers Fel lowship, TJ F . G. S i , celebrated the installation of pffipers^eleci.ed J i lay23 , 1-906-,-m-Good Samaritari rlall at South Berne. The -Supreme Inspecting Fellowman, Mr Chaiincey Spaulding, of Greenville, performed the ceremony m a very able manner. The following omoers were installed:L_ -- J e n n i e ' M Blessing, C F , William Carl, _*, C F , Howard Know Is, F . F , g e v . Mr. -FrerKihT-A--F--,-David-Know-lsT

-the midst -of -a- fert i l e -p la ih- fat frpn* the demoraii-mg city Instead of t h * severe isstra'nts u_dsr w h c i jTornnrlJF-young unfortunates chafed here^tite^Bi a ie -neithei keepeis -nor-fences I h » boy rescued from the streets or takes , from neglectful or abusive parent*. t » made to feel that the asylum. Is tb» happiest r)lace m tke-woiid "-JKm^neaa _ nieets-him on-e\^rr-h_tia7Tndnstry andT hone^y_ajre.rfiuculcated_-by_lessoast-Ia— the classrdom and br work In tba =h_ops_aiid onjHw^TrmJjincl_exer3_Jnflnpt_--e_ie__tead5 to e j e o m a g e m him t b e __ea_tiat Le-.s-gta<Iuaky niakmg: a man. of hi_iself E - p e . leace bad p i o v e i flila. «;che_ie a success fc* of the 6 000 chil­dren sent to western farms from the--_

_isyluta_aft§i-a pe. oJ of b a i n i n g la Itsfl._, ea ie 80 per cenfTit is estimated, have * i l e j elaped-into-self^espectfng a_tdja._c___ •abidiiig^citse is^-Ta a simple, natural -and-i"te'-estm;^rma iiTef-=_5e'_boy3r«r«! taught to foiget then former l i ves ot " crime o*- misery and to_sfcu\e for hatter things _ ~

At prresent the rather limited capacity of the institution i s taxed-to- -the -ut^" most Before^long, howeier , thacllrectt. ors hope to be abLe to-erect a t l e a s t ouo more cottage wh-eh would bfr th» means of taking some twenty more- -

joyg_PUj_o£ the schools of. crime that exist in Xew York e ty and, besides, tot add a chinch to the buildings tnat couv pose this uienl chudien . village

•E^SV-j^ieria—Hota'Ung, ti. P ; Wm. Adriatiee. G F SSI F_—yell^e-StssHnr F . E . ; Jerome Vincent, F Ch. , Ma>-«^-Sfrufeiat , ' iTC. Rev. W G. P n c e of* Greehville, tne Supreme Advising -fellow-man, was present also and ex­plained some of the changes in the new ritual: work One<-new candidate was initiated, after which refreshments wfeFe~I§e£Eed. Although—not "quite a

by the Hudson's B a y company many years ago When, this company cam* to this part of the country to e n g a g e

jta__5___trnnTiSg^=«=SOTa^ "" tribes pX_Indian^^iaeJUEith- Its ovn* _.—-

EfffiaSficie'of Seyern Fixes I t . on the ".,;,-* Nigriit_oi; * c W «? , ' — -••- _-^_

__A__lto the actual day and hour of Keatsj death there is bewildering dis­crepancy. Thfe date lias been given as the SStli, fheWtii , thi-2;it&-aiid-the--23di

of Febfuajy_jn^L_ie-Jib«tas-th s ince this order was orgamzed^t

take asjtoJh^^th^STdtfeTolhei # t e a> ^ e - h e a o T o f ^ v e r n ' a fain'oui fraghien-tary letter to Armitage Browu (27th) beginumg^^HeJs gone," Written *fpur days sifbseqtient tp the decease. The inscription on the Bouse i n thfe Piazza di Spagha at Rome mentions Feb. 24, and the same date is engraved on the tombstone. But there, s ee^s no fea-souable doubt that this is . simply the date -of the registration of death. Keats died in ^vern^armfl^ani

:ee--repeajssirtn ex­tant letters Written at the time, Is ex* plicif."":"The death sunimohs,'' he Wrote* "happenedabouthalf p a s t _ on the aft­ernoon of Friday, the 234," and then follow the poignant; ^rroWtog details-Aga in; - in hlff" fragmentary j g ^ r j t a Browu-onTuesdayj thp-STUit^ejWjItes,. i?0n- the-53dr-F*iaayi^»^ approach pf death cjinie on. •*. ** **.{The; dea,tft_agony) - -inereaseajainti|_ Jli-jafc

lally sank into d^ath, so quiet that I still thought h e slept" I t would seem, t l n ^ & ^ J h g t the most definite assertions as to Keats' death having occurred in the edriy morning of the 24th or a t ^ J s L ffieJforeao9n-^f-Pither~iiier2asa Or 24th must be set aside before lafptm&tioh so-explicit as that of th^ one witfless. of the poet's death, the triend whose ceaseless care and love bad meant £o much to Keats in those weeks Si proj longed sufferini Tn^mT*oT=|^fTy=lnWnuig Xif the famous "Eve Pf Dedlth" sketch. I n a word, it would appear irrefutable udw tno1t. Keats died about 11 o'clock on the night, <of Ifnday, Feb 23 The beauti­ful and moving story has been often told and Is famihai to all lovers pf Keats—William Sharp in Century

has beer^ajafl^Js-ra^idl^^rowrny-ir-D<">dee-Adywtlser.-numbei'S, and we would wish to s e e a loTdge bffened in every town, where the young- people would have a place of instruction a s well a s enjoyment.

Tie-sinoereat-tnbate that- can-be paid t o superiority is imitation The many imita­tions of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salre that are how before the pablie prove it tne beat. Ask ^orDeJVj(t'jc_Good for bnrna, sealda, "cEi-fed skin, eczema, tetter, outs, broisea, bolls and piles Highly recommended and reliable, tlold by Joseph Snyder

A Oavllaat Bar. A Bostonian was talking about the

Mite Henry Harland "Horiand was a gracefu!,__gaHant-

ou-f?sfie~saia "Hven^lohis boyhood h* turned the prettiest compliments

««Ea his boyhood he studied Latin un-der a charming young lady

"This young lady, calling him up in class one mornlng^said^ , Lchoicer-tew^c—

'•^ienrj^_name some of the chief ^ ^ ^ j e d j u c a t l a n j ^ . . ——

iWTpWT^m-ling into his teacher's jJf^tjSreJes, answered

* 'Schooim {stresses'" _

Death, a n d Drlafe_ ' In an address to young Scotchmen

.deliSeredi-at the opening of a gym­nasium building a t Dundee, In his ca­pacity a s rector o f j j t Andrew's unk

j^ra i^r^dJewuDarneg le spoke of the use' of alcohol and tobacco as twin evils. "Drunkenness," he said, '"is'the great risk ahead In the career of every young man It is far more important that he insure himself against i t than against death A drink ppHeyj^jialfl,

l i f i£e_Jhi tJmi_y_e5^_he^ " These " ~ are words, of wisdom, hardly less ap­

plicable to conditions in the 'United States than In Scotland. Death , will come when i t will come. Drunkenness Is a preventable 7evil. TCyery young man can Insure himself aga ins t the drink habit and s a v e money, credl tand character by t i e abstention,- ,

_ "Calooolt Jargon." ~ "" " The "Chinook jargon" that ft f w '

quently referred to by writers tn^beJK_ ing of conference- between white mea and Indians, both east and wes t o f tit* Cagcafle rang_-_is-j^Ungaage-dey_9e«^=

dialect^ Yet therg wpre a number o t words almost I f not exactly alike "an^ meaning about the same thing * WIST' these words a s a basis the managers of the_conipany^Ereat9_—a~^workln» ' language that j c i m e _ t o be. know» a s the "ChmooK jargon." and thereafter the deal ings-with the Indians w e r » , ^5rr^_j>n_-ta^thIs-^mp^siteT!5ongae," All the other'Indians can understand, if and make themselves underatoqd-^LJL

~^G«n-r«l Market*. New York, Jane a,

BDTTBH—Creamery, extra, per p t o a t "• »Xa20c flrsta. 18lSal9Hc . secondaj.laiaa--^

CHE^E^J?ewr_»ta-ev3rull creain. UuraK --wst,_lQSict,_Eip^to «osoar-10«10V£cT»i«».Ul. *~" best, 10^c fair to good 9^4al0c\ lia^kt" skims, best, 8KaSUc , part akima, pctaka. 7a7%c v

EOG3—Fresh (fathered, extra, pm» *«»„— >~ en, 20c , nearby, fresh gathered, flrsta t a extra firsts. lTalSc

MILK—Per forty quart can, Jl,_k FLOUR —Steadj, but dull? Khutaftota,

patents J130a4 60, winter straiahta, DLSta t winter extras, *2 90a3.4O, winter pataat^'

WHEAT—Firmness in the local Wheat-market this mornins was promoted__i_-ac; -ta

^UM-^Kentuck5s=^^_te=T:epOT^T:aM~ta ^ " the northwest and covering prices ad­vanced about %c in the first hour: •July, 87aS^.c September, 84^a?5Hc~—*'—'~~~

/•OTATiJES—3teady- c h o i c e " - ^ , bushel S5a90c fair to good, old, bushel 75a80c

par P«e

HAY—Steadj, shipping 53a6dr»,, grtntt ta.

STRAW—Steady long rye 65e * WOOL—Steady. do__esti&-fl_»piy-.-Bjgfij£r-
