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ITC by Country Report Ecuador 05/12/2014 ITC by country - Ecuador 1
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ITC by CountryReportEcuador05/12/2014

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Table of Contents1. Country / Territory Brief

2. People and Economy

2.1 People

2.2 Economy

3. Trade Performance

3.1 General Trade Performance

3.2 Sector Trade Performance

4. Trade Strategy and Policy

4.1 Trade and Development Strategies

4.2 Domestic and Foreign Market Access

4.3 Trade Facilitation

4.4 Business and Regulatory Environment

4.5 Infrastructure

5. ITC and the Country/Territory

5.1 ITC Projects

5.2 Events

5.3 ITC Contacts

6. Trade Information Sources and Contacts

6.1 Trade Information Sources

6.2 Trade Contacts

This is a pdf version of the captioned country contents in the intracen web site of the International Trade Centre. This documentwas generated on 05.12.2014. For the latest information about ITC's work and the country, please refer to www.intracen.org ©International Trade Centre 2014

ITC encourages the reprinting and translation of its publications to achieve wider dissemination. Short extracts of this documentmay be freely reproduced, with due acknowledgement of the source. Permission should be requested for more extensivereproduction or translation. A copy of the reprinted or translated material should be sent to ITC.

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1. Country / Territory Brief

Ecuador has experienced inclusive growth, increasing the middle class and reducing poverty and extreme poverty levels inrecent years. Moreover, it is the country that has reduced inequality more rapidly in the region. Despite many successes,Ecuador’s growth relies heavily on exports of commodities and on public investment. Reduce high economic dependency on theoil sector is an important challenge. The Government objectives include strengthening domestic markets and to promote an“intelligent integration” into the global economy; promote exports focusing on diversification of products, services and markets;support local producers, particularly SMEs, with the goal to reduce dependency on traditional exports such as oil and agriculturalcommodities; and transform the higher education system and increased knowledge in science, technology, and innovation. Inthis context ITC aims to work both at national and regional level and to support the competitiveness of SMEs and the servicessector.

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2. People and Economy2.1 People

Total population(growth rates per annum) 14,512,402 in 2012 with growth rates of 1.6% p.a during 2008-2012

Population density(people per sq. km ofland area)

58 in 2012

Female population 49.9% in 2012

Population below 15years of age 30.3% in 2008 ; 31.6% in 2012

Urban population 65.6% in 2012

Population living below$1.25 a day at purchasingpower parity (PPP)

6.5% in 2012

Ranking in the HumanDevelopment Index (HDI) 89 out of 186 in 2012

Evolution of the HumanDevelopment Index (HDI)

Source: United Nations Development Programme Human Development IndicatorsNote: The Human Development Index measures the overall development of a nation and ranges from 0 (low level ofdevelopment) to 1 (highest level of development). The United Nations Development Programme (http://hdr.undp.org)provides a detailed explanation. ITC Regional group refers to ITC definition

Health Life expectancy at birth (years) (76); Mortality rate, under-5 (per thousand live births) (23.3) in2012

Education Education index - expected and mean years of schooling (rank) ( 103 out of 191) in 2012

Income level GNI per capita in PPP terms (constant 2005 international $) (8,291) in 2012

Inequality Inequality-adjusted HDI (rank) (69 out of 191)in 2012

Poverty Multidimensional Poverty Index (rank)( 83 out of 191) in 2012

Gender Gender inequality index (rank) (66 out of 191) in 2012

Sustainability Adjusted net savings (% of GNI) (n.a) in 2012

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2.2 Economy

Added value per sector(current US$ and % of GDP)

Sector added value2004 2008 2012


Agriculture 3,546 10.4 5,537 9.3 N.A. N.A.

Industry 10,872 31.8 23,420 39.3 N.A. N.A.

Manufacturing 4,621 13.5 7,447 12.5 N.A. N.A.

Services 19,780 57.8 30,593 51.4 N.A. N.A.

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: Added value is US$ terms are expressed in million, GDP US$, and"6,976 to be read 6'976"

Evolution of GDP(constant 2005 US$)

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI

Evolution of GDP per capita(constant 2005 US$)

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI

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Aid Dependency(Official Development Assistance/GrossNational Income)

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on the World Bank WDI. Regional grouprefers to ITC definition

Remittances as a Share of GDPRemittances as a Share of GDP

2004 2008 2012

Remittance ($ millions) 1,838 3,089 N.A

Remittance (% GDP) 502.3 500.1 N.A

Source: World Bank World Development Indicators (WDI)

Note: ITC calculations based on World Bank WDI, IMF BOP statistics,and "6,976 to be read 6'976"

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3. Trade Performance3.1 General Trade Performance3.1.1 Evolution of Trade Ratio to GDP - Goods

3.1.2 Evolution of Trade Ratio to GDP - Services

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3.1.3 Evolution of Total Trade

3.1.4 Trade Map

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3.1.5 Export and Import by Leading Destination - Export

3.1.6 Export and Import by Leading Destination - Import

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3.1.7 Evolution of Exports and Imports by Destination - Export

3.1.8 Evolution of Exports and Imports by Destination - Import

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3.1.9 Total Export Growth

Source: ITC, calculations based on ITC’s Trade Competitiveness Map data.Note:Graph shows decomposition of the country’s export growth in value terms by diversification pattern over the indicatedperiod.

3.1.10 Marginal Export Growth

Source: ITC, calculations based on ITC’s Trade Competitiveness Map data.Note:Graph shows decomposition of the country’s export growth in value by structural driving effects over the indicated period.Values are in US$ thousands.

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3.1.11 Composition of Trade in Services - Export

3.1.12 Composition of Trade in Services - Import

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3.1.13 Evolution of FDI

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3.2 Sector Trade Performance3.2.1 Sectoral Diversification in Products - Export

3.2.2 Sectoral Diversification in Products - Import

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3.2.3 Sectoral Diversification in Destinations - Export

3.2.4 Sectoral Diversification in Destinations - Import

Sectoral diversification in origin for Ecuador's imports


Sector'simportgrowthin value(% p.a)2009-2013

Share of top 3supplying

countries insector’s imports

List of the top 3 supplying countries

2009 2013 2009 2013

Clothing 38.2 % 58.1 % 72.9 % Colombia ; China ; Panama China ; Colombia ; Peru

Leather products 27.4 % 57.4 % 78.1 % Panama ; China ; Area Nes China ; Viet Nam ; Colombia

Minerals 24.0 % 67.1 % 76.1 % United States of America ;Venezuela ; Peru

United States of America ;Panama ; Spain

Unclassified products 18.7 % 81.4 % 55.8 % United States of America ;Venezuela ; Spain

United States of America ; Spain; Japan

Electronic components 18.0 % 59.0 % 62.4 % United States of America ; China; Colombia

China ; United States of America; Colombia

IT & consumable electronics 16.1 % 72.3 % 79.8 % United States of America ;Panama ; China

China ; Mexico ; United States ofAmerica

Non-electronic machinery 15.7 % 56.9 % 56.2 % United States of America ; China; Brazil

United States of America ; China; Germany

Miscellaneous manufacturing 15.0 % 54.9 % 60.9 % United States of America ; China; Colombia

China ; United States of America; Colombia

Basic manufactures 14.2 % 38.6 % 50.6 % United States of America ; China China ; United States of America

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3.2.5 Sectors by World Demand - Export

3.2.6 Sectors by World Demand - Import

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3.2.7 Trade Performance Index

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4. Trade Strategy and Policy4.1 Trade and Development Strategies

Year Strategy name Sector


Plan Nacional de Desarrollo AgroindustrialThe plan aims to improve and increase agro-industrial production, especiallyshifting the...


2009Plan Nacional Para el Buen VivirThe plan builds on the previous Plan de Desarrollo Nacional and it...


UNDAF Ecuador 2010-2014The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) is aligned withthe objectives...


Plan Estratégico de Desarrollo de Turismo Sostenible para Ecuador -PLANDETUR 2020The plan aims to consolidate ecotourism as a way to foster economic...


2007Plan Nacional de DesarrolloThe plan envisages a range of policies aiming to improve the well-being...

2007Plan Nacional de Desarrollo de las TelecomunicacionesThe plan provides an overview of the current situation of the telecommunications...

Information CommunicationTechnology

2007Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Social y ProductivoThe plan pursues five main objectives: 1) to provide a strategic framework...


Estrategia Nacional para el manejo y desarrollo sostenible del Aviturismo enEcuadorThe plan analyses the potential for bird-watching in Ecuador. It points out...



Estrategia Nacional de EcoturismoFirstly, the strategy outlines a conceptual framework for ecotourism, providing adefinition...


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4.2 Domestic and Foreign Market Access

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4.3 Trade Facilitation

Logistics Performance Index (LPI): Country Comparison

Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

Logistics Performance Index – Evolution

Source: World Bank, Logistics Performance Index (LPI)

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4.4 Business and Regulatory Environment

The Business Environment: Doing Business

Source: World Bank, Doing Business

Multilateral Trade Instruments


The Trade Treaties Map tool is a web-based system on multilateraltrade treaties and instruments designed to assist trade supportinstitutions (TSIs) and policymakers in optimizing their country's legalframework on international trade

Instrumentratified : 116 / 266 instruments

Ratificationrate : 43.6%

Weightedscore : 55.1/100

RatificationRate Rank


In World : 66 / 193 63 / 193

In Region : SouthAmerica 4/ 10 3/ 10

InDevelopmentlevel :

Developingcountry 23/ 88 19/ 88


Presents a visual illustration breaking down a country’s ratificationlevel according to various categories and compares it to the worldaverage.

Instruments ratified Click here for a full list and more details about thesemulti-lateral trade instruments

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4.5 Infrastructure

Indicator Value Rank/148

Quality of overall infrastructure How would you assess general infrastructure (e.g.,transport, telephony, and energy) in your country? [1 = extremely underdeveloped—among the worst in the world; 7 = extensive and efficient—among the best in theworld] | 2012–13 weighted average.

3.62 81

Quality of roads How would you assess roads in your country? (1 = extremelyunderdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international standards) | 2010, 2011. 4.64 46

Quality of railroad infrastructure How would you assess the railroad system in yourcountry? (1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by internationalstandards) | 2010, 2011.

n/a n/a

Quality of port infrastructure How would you assess port facilities in your country? (1 =extremely underdeveloped; 7 = well-developed and efficient by internationalstandards). For landlocked countries, this measures the ease of access to portfacilities and inland waterways | 2010, 2011.

4.23 63

Quality of air transport infrastructure How would you assess passenger air transportinfrastructure in your country? (1 = extremely underdeveloped; 7 = extensive andefficient by international standards) | 2010, 2011.

4.46 65

Individuals using Internet (%) Internet users are people with access to the worldwidenetwork. 106.23 76

Mobile telephone subscriptions/100 pop According to the World Bank, mobile cellulartelephone subscriptions are subscriptions to a public mobile telephone service usingcellular technology, which provides access to switched telephone technology.Postpaid and prepaid subscriptions are included. This can also include analogue anddigital cellular systems but should not include non-cellular systems. Subscribers tofixed wireless, public mobile data services, or radio paging services are not included.

35.13 83

Fixed broadband Internet subscriptions/100 pop: The International TelecommunicationUnion considers broadband to be any dedicated connection to the Internet of 256kilobits per second or faster, in both directions. Broadband subscribers refers to thesum of DSL, cable modem and other broadband (for example, fiber optic, fixedwireless, apartment LANs, satellite connections) subscribers.

5.29 72

Source: World Economic Forum, Global Enabling Trade Report 2014

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5. ITC and the Country/Territory5.1 ITC Projects5.1.1 Current projects

No Current Projects Found!5.1.2 Recent projects

No Recent Projects Found!

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5.2 Events5.2.1 Upcoming events

No data

5.2.2 Recent events

No data

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5.3 ITC Contacts


Senior Trade Promotion Officer

+41 22 730 0436

[email protected]


Chief, Office for Latin America and the Caribbean

+41 22 730 0521

[email protected]

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6. Trade Information Sources andContacts6.1 Trade Information SourcesThis section provides a list of country specific print and online publications on trade-related topics, including both ITC andexternal sources.

6.1.1 ITC publications

The Andean Community, Mercosur & Chile: Sub-Regional Trade and Investment Opportunities in Essential Drugs

Ecuador : The Importance of Public-Private Organizations which Plan and Develop an Image and Country Brand

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum's 2006 Consultative Cycle on Innovations in Export Strategy : 'Changing Perceptions :National Branding : Implications for Strategy', Bucharest, Romania, 14-16 June, 2006 -...

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Strengthening Value Chains to Promote Economic Opportunities for Small Producers and SME : Ethics and BusinessLinkages : Supply Chain Implications for Exporters. - Ecuador

Paper presented at ITC World Export Development Forum : 'Consumers, Ethics and Environment', Montreux, Switzerland, 8-11October, 2008 - describes Ecuador's CORPEI (Corporación de Promoción de Exportaciones e Inversiones) approach...

Latinpharma 2003 (Report)

Clave del comercio: Libro de respuestas para el exportador. - Ecuador

Manual adaptado para responder a las necesidades de las empresas exportadoras del Ecuador, así como a las preguntas quese plantean con mayor frecuencia acerca del proceso de exportación -...

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Exporting Environmental Services : Ecuador and the Carbon Market

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Export of Services : Hype or High Potential? Implications for Strategy-Makers' ,Montreux, Switzerland, 5-8 October, 2005 - focuses on CDM market development...

International Trade of Professional Services and the Andean Community

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Export of Services : Hype or High Potential? Implications for Strategy-Makers' ,Montreux, Switzerland, 5-8 October, 2005 - focuses on agreement of integration...

Getting the Most of the Tourism Dollar : The Case of Ecuador

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Export of Services : Hype or High Potential? Implications for Strategy-Makers' ,Montreux, Switzerland, 5-8 October, 2005 - focuses on the Ecuadorian government...

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Mercado Común Centroamericano, Comunidad Andina, Mercosur y Chile: LatinPharma 2005

Ecuador: Estudio de Oferta y Demanda del Sector Farmacéutico

Estudio de mercado sobre el sector farmacéutico en Ecuador - tras une presentación del mercado farmacéutico ecuatoriano;analiza la estructura de la industría farmacéutica del lado de la oferta, la...

Building Markets : Strategic Alliances, Win-Win Opportunities ? - Ecuador

Paper presented at ITC World Export Development Forum : 'Bringing down the Barriers - Charting a Dynamic ExportDevelopment Agenda', Montreux, Switzerland, 8-11 October, 2007 - presents successful examples of...

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Gestión de la Calidad de Exportación: Libro de Respuestas para Pequeños y Medianos Exportadores. - [Ecuador]

Las preguntas y respuestas sobre todos los aspectos de la gestión y el control de la calidad dirigidas a los exportadores - cubrenlos reglamentos técnicos y las normas, la...

The Andean Community: Statistical Indicators for Identifying Intra-regional Export Potential

Ecuador: Estudio de Oferta y Demanda del Sector Farmacéutico

Estudio de mercado sobre el sector farmacéutico en Ecuador - tras une presentación del mercado farmacéutico; analiza laestructura de la industria farmacéutica, su capacidad de producción, la demanda interna...

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Ecuador: Estudio de Oferta y Demanda del Sector de Productos Naturales

Estudio sobre el mercado de productos naturales en Ecuador - tras un análisis del sector al nivel nacional a través el estudio dela producción nacional y de las exportaciones;...

Ecuador's Experience on Matching Grants : Who Should the Client Be?

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum's 2006 Consultative Cycle on Innovations in Export Strategy : 'Underwriting ExportPromotion : 'Best Practices' in the Operation and Management of a Matching Grant...

Ecuador: Estudio de Oferta y Demanda del Sector Farmacéutico 2008

Estudio de mercado sobre el sector farmacéutico en Ecuador - tras une presentación del mercado farmacéutico ecuatoriano;analiza la estructura de la industría farmacéutica del lado de la oferta, la...

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Clave del comercio electrónico: guía para pequeños y medianos exportadores. - Ecuador

Una guía que responde las más importantes preguntas sobre comercio electrónico y que resultan de gran apoyo a países endesarrollo. Contíene informatión básica sobre el tema, la formulación de...

The Andean Community, Mercosur and Chile: Sub-Regional Trade Opportunities

State of e-Business and Potential for Development in Ecuador

Report assessing e-preparedness of Ecuador from the perspective of small and medium enterprises, in order to provide a betterunderstanding of the potential and constraints for e-trade - reviews national...

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Ecuador : Road Map to Services

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Business for Development : Implications for Export Strategy-Makers' , Cancún,Mexico, 6-9 September, 2003 - focuses on the growing opportunities in Ecuador's services...

Ecuador : La Formalización de Alianzas entre los Sector Público y Privado en Gestión de la Estrategia deExportaciones : La Experiencia Nacional

Ponencia preparada por el equipo nacional del Ecuador, presentada al foro ejecutivo regional del CCI : 'Estrategia deExportación en un Contexto Empresarial en Mutación' , Santa Cruz de la...

Ecuador : Gestión de la Estrategia : Problemas, Experiencias y Lecciones Aprendidas

Ponencia preparada por el equipo nacional del Ecuador, presentada al foro ejecutivo regional del CCI : 'Estrategia deExportación en un Contexto Empresarial en Mutación', Santa Cruz de la Sierra,...

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Ecuador : Export Value Addition through Integration of the Tourism, Entertainment and Production Sectors

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Competitiveness through Public-Private Partnership: Successes and LessonsLearned' , Montreux, Switzerland, 26-29 September, 2004 - explains why the integration of three elements such...

The Need for a Strategic Partnership : Who does What? : Services Exports in Ecuador

Paper presented at ITC Executive Forum : 'Export of Services : Hype or High Potential? Implications for Strategy-Makers' ,Montreux, Switzerland, 5-8 October, 2005 - provides an overview of the...

6.1.2 Selected printed information sources2004 Perfiles de mercado para productos bolivianos en los mercados de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México,Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela2004 Competitividad Industrial del Ecuador2008 - Moreira, Mauricio Mesquita Unclogging the Arteries : The Impact of Transport Costs on Latin American and CaribbeanTrade2008 - Ruben R, ed. The Impact of Fair Trade1997 - Josling T Agricultural Trade Policies in the Andean Group: Issues and Options2011 Perfil de Piña Ecuatoriana2011 Trade Policy Review : Ecuador2007 Case Studies Highlighting the Gendered Dynamic around Agriculture, Trade and Food Sovereignty = Estudios de Casosque Destacan la Dinámica de Género en Torno a la Agricultura, el Comercio y la Soberanía Alimentaria = Des études de cassoulignant la dynamique d'après le genre autour de la suveraineté alimentaire, de l'agriculture, et du commerce2010 Case Studies of Costs and Benefits of Non-Tariff Measures : Cheese, Shrimp and Flowers2010 - Boronyak L Effective Community Based Tourism : A Best Practice Manual for Peru2010 Mercado del sector textil en Ecuador2009 The Market for Responsible Tourism Products in Latin America and Nepal2006 - Fries, Robert Nature-Oriented Tourism in Ecuador : An Assessment Applying the Value Chain and Nature, Wealth andPower Frameworks2009 Perfil del Palmito2013 Industrias2004 Ecuador.Textile Short Fibres

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2005 Biocomercio en la Subregión Andina : Oportunidades para el Desarollo2007 - Vorley, Bill Regoverning Markets : A Place for Small-Scale Producers in Modern Agrifood Chains?2007 - Bureau, Jean-Christophe A Comparison of the Barriers Faced by Latin American and ACP Countries' Exports ofTropical Products2001 Investment Policy Review: Ecuador2005 - M.S. Garrido Valero Recomendaciones y Estrategías para Desarrollar la Agricultura Ecológica en Iberoamérica2011 Análisis Sectorial de Flores2007 - Jano, Pilar A Quality Incentives and the Development of High-value Agrifood Markets : Ecuador's Cocoa MarketingChain2011 México Exporta2005 Multilateralism and Regionalism : The New Interface2008 Perfil de la Industria Paraguaya de Software2009 Characteristics of Malaysia's Animal Feed Market2014 Perspectives on Global Development 2014: Boosting Productivity to Meet the Middle-Income Challenge2010 Mobilizing Aid for Trade for SPS-Related Technical Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region2010 Leather Garments in the EU2006 Overview of the Current State of Organic Agriculture in Kenya, Uganda and the Republic of Tanzania and theOpportunities for Regional Harmonization2007 Export Diversification and Value Addition for Human Development : Addressing the Impact of the Agreement on Textilesand Clothing Expiration on Cambodia2006 - Ruffing, Lorraine Deepening Development Through Business Linkages2012 OECD Economic Surveys: Chile2005 - Magder, D Egypt after the Multi-Fiber Arrangement: Global Apparel and Textile Supply Chains as a Route for IndustrialUpgrading2006 Bangladesh: Furniture Export Market Sector Brief2012 Cotton Contamination Surveys, 2001 - 2003 - 2005 - 2007 - 2009 - 20112006 - Boutou, Olivier Management de la sécurité des aliments : De l'HACCP à l'ISO 220002006 Trading up : Economic Perspectives on Development Issues in the Multilateral Trading System2004 Perfiles de mercado para productos bolivianos en los mercados de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México,Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay y Venezuela2010 Vietnam: Oilseeds and Products2007 Organic Farming in the Czech Republic: 2007 Yearbook2007 - Gibbon P; Bolwig S Economics of Certified of Organic Farming in Tropical Africa: A Preliminary Assessment2006 The Relationship of Third-party Certification (TPC) to Sanitary / Phytosanitary (SPS) Measures and the InternationalAgri-Food Trade; Case Study: Guatemala- with Emphasis on Food Safety2007 - Ismail F Mainstreaming Development in the WTO : Developing Countries in the Doha Round2009 Market Report. Focus on the Nordic Market - Fresh Fruit and Vegetables2001 - Karlöf, Bengt Benchlearning : Good Examples as a Lever for Development2003 - Martin W; Pangestu M, eds. Options for Global Trade Reform : A View from the Asia-Pacific2010 L'industrie sri lankaise du textile-habillement2000 - Hauber, Christiane Formation, Prevention & Determination of Cr (VI) in Leather

6.1.3 Selected online information sourcesInstituto Ecuatoriano de Normalización (INEN)The National Law Center for Inter-American Free TradeSustainable Cocoa Enterprise Solutions for Smallholders (SUCCESS) AllianceEcuador. Export and Investment Promotion Corporation (CORPEI)Ecuador. Asociación Nacional de Exportadores de CacaoEcuador ExportsInformación para Exportaciones del EcuadorAsociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI)

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Asociación de Exportadores de Banano del Ecuador (AEBE)CueronetOrganic Sector in EcuadorComunidad Andina (CAN)Andean Development Corporation (CAF)Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)Mango Ecuador FoundationEcuador ExportaEcuadorian Exporter FederationEcuador. Cámara Nacional de Calzado (CALTU)

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6.2 Trade Contacts

Official Name Address City PhoneNumber

FaxNumber Email Website

Artesa Isabel La Católica 1-102 andAv.de las Américas Quito 593 2

2881 755

[email protected]


Camari Mallorca N24-275 y Coruña,La Floresta Quito 593 2

2520 408593 22504978

[email protected]


Cepesiu- Centro de promoción yempleo para el sector informalurbano

Veintimilla E10-50 y Av. 12de Octubre Quito 593 2


[email protected]


Corporación Femenina Ecuatoriana Ave. 10 de Agosto y Riofrío Quito +593 (2)565-295


[email protected]


BCS Ecuador Cía. Ltd. Km. 3 1/2 via a Chambo Riobamba +593 3291 03 33

+593 3291 0333

[email protected]


Corporación de Promoción deExportaciones e Inversiones

Av. F. de Orellana y M.H.Alcívar Cntr. Empr. LasCámaras

Quito+59342287123ext 202


[email protected]


Cámara de Comercio de Guayaquil Avda. Francisco de Orellanay Guayaquil +593 4

2682771+593 42682766

[email protected]


Cámara de Comercio de Quito Av. Amazonas de República,escina Quito 593 2 244

37 87

593 2226 7709

[email protected]


Camara de Industriales dePichincha Ac. Amazonas y Republica Quito 593 2 245

25 00

[email protected]


Proecuador Av. Francisco de Orellana Guayaquil 593 42597980

[email protected]


Federación Ecuatoriana deExportadores

Iñaquito N35-37 y JuanPablo Sanz Quito 593 2 225

24 26

593 2244 0574

[email protected]


Corporacion de Promocion deExportaciones e Inversiones Avenida Amazonas 4430 y Quito 593 2 223

65 01

593 2223 6472

[email protected]


Corporación de Promoción deExportaciones e Inversiones Ave. Francisco de Orellana Guayaquil +593 4

268 15 50

+593 4268 1551

[email protected]


Cámara de Industrias de Guayaquil Av. F. de Orellana y M. H.Alcívar Guayaquil +593 4

2682618+593 42682680

[email protected]


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Cámara de la Pequeña Industria dePichincha

Avdas. Amazonas yAtahualpa Quito +593 2

2443388+593 22443742

[email protected]


Cámara de la Pequeña Industriadel Azuay

Avda. Octavio ChacónMoscoso Cuenca +593 2

800949+593 2809553

[email protected]


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