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J , at 2 o'cloi k, P. My, in the ottice of tliefultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/Fredonia NY...

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V A = 1 ri L . < THE RESULT IN THE STATE As we cxpcci«l;ih« Siatc has gone h«vily (or ;he Wofbcos.' frhc Whigs in rjjpst parts of.ihe State, with a ftW bright' e x c e p t ^ have, as it werersoffered tli Eieciiooto goby default.— The whole voteiill be about 80,000, less thrs.0 in 1840. The. following table, which we j copy from Ae Buffalo Commercial, gives the Assembly| returns complete, withtHeexception of AUegany. (Whig.) and St. Lawrence, (Loco,) each entitled to two members. J ."j. »• The* House stood last year, 35 Whigs to 9C| cos. The Senate will stand*' 6 Whigs* to 26 cos. \ . >VHto» A Loco. Albany, .3 Caltnraupus, ..... Broome, ...'•• jj... ..1 Chautauque, Chautauque,.. •? .... ,. I Chemung .... Cayuga, .... ; ..... JZ Chenango..'.. Lo- Lo- .2 o . ...... £ . j * s e x , • « • • « ' . . » • • • • ' . JL c.ne,«. ••.••••...•••3 •ueriesce, <•••,.. Living«tou,. .., Monroe ..; ..... 3 (New Yorlu..„i Niagara H > ~ . . . I Ontario,,...,,/.,.. .3 Rensselaer... /; i/i.. 3 Schenectady,... Tioga,.., ...... TJUter/ ........ Wa*hing»o'n..., "VXTestchester,.., • . • . JL . .... I «... A . .... I Wyoming ..... }...,.3- Niaea-a,. 4- New York,,. !- .. Clinton; ". Columbia, .... Cortland, ...... Delaware,. .X Dutchess ..if jptiltnn, ..'..'.. FVanklin Greene, Herkimer, -J *• Sermon,..;..,. j\tn££, ......... JLi e Wr I .**. , .... •«« .1 .3 i.'.l, I* 3 . . . - o CH'AltfT y . The Ibllowi'iig we War congratulations every hand, stjnce Wiiig faith, rtlow se.mations rrraV.he, too much of truth. The Argus 4eis*£ from Chautauque a* N. Y. Ei.KCTioVii New York except fr! has gone Locci.—A Brine out fJie Bi from ivW YorJc /-—' .Chautauque, Ihe c District'!'" The comes in moarJglori democrat* and) owe iatur'e.—Erie Vbse m ' 'E i i i.,., •':-. i' > ; • .'41.. !' ''hi" \9* : <'•' ••' ! '): • •'• THE F I the jopjaiQ Wii'Teciiiyes' on i' - Ml' ' r 11 < I j from tbe true atedlthese l^epre-' m l"4 •• ! W hwciCannot deny Ij'i ' - V t\'' : B^A<pem%men ajfocoa/ . •|| •; , I jtja 1 ret uf nsj from ie<*ouiiry!,which of *#;:•.« a «»• | Whi GMmsofe^ «u 'Mi :•;;•'$ -. . : |, .' * • • ?1 .• 'if' ; ] . • • •. •(••- i. -><>»«»hr/tAi«!(lwy ri J * u , v! * •••'• '•••r'Ktff^.'rw, $ '' mg 'is^a statei 05 s * The Politic; with untiring ieal lure. They i|aye paid off by a \rcpc\ iruckljjng to'ithe j.mucli good<has beenL operation? I'erhh {% cian can solve the o 4 • . » J 2 . -r 3 ..... f ..... * ..... * Madis«>o < .... . -3 Muntuiiinery, .... *,.2 • A t • • * • m llilffl FiTstBraatftfde 1. nuns frorh old 'iftsi-.** L.%ted in j'New Yjork inocryacy. ^Fwu [fed to t|te LegiS- Biafve labored* ofi>co Leftislat vvill |nciW; be jC|«ftr, a base for the regula Clerk, and Membe if ; -'-i'r •" ]•'• . «'T .. ' ; . I , : I';"' -•,• i '•I' " and ofr Asse|mbl\ll ! f vba ybtesIrsiven at! the el 1 t^ket, for Senaior, feheiif G I Li 35 Oneida ...... Onondaga, .. Orange Orleans. Oiaejzo OH we go, .... Putnam, Queens. Richmond. [.. Rnrkland,... Suffolk ...... Steuben, ..... SardiAgn Schoharje .... Seneca. ..... Sullivan...'.. Tompkins,..., Ulster , ! MICHIGAN !las pr errs by a dimmish Congressmen-; ire fly.The reirinmij eldest daughter qf i Biieham) of thisioi .4 ! a 2 ...I ...I ...1 Z,! ny whrre she died j j heaide her father, if 3 i>'h inst., the funeri \he Rev. Mr- TTL'IS The solicitude of wish, that her ash m . i j dust, have been gf. .2 j far from the home •3- could not smoiMh ,1 *^ i moUten Irer grjavq Natures liberal gifts, which her oy, 2 | had improved; aniJI *.' remembered - as'ooett .1 i • •, ...'.if .1 .1 Wavne .o i»« our midst, Wellr ] r ......... l ' "- ^rllfh, \ ates N . jgsma: How WSb 'S tn e islave. byfc the neri.lniaihemnii- cening Journal. ,;: Y'h rT":' 1 forIjhp Locofo- •t ^Two Locdfoco hpsen. j;'J ."•;• •' :-• 'Paylor (llbr ryttght from MtVc'e, and in etn Miyula pg. perform Cliurch. : her own'n D.-c with ki|tlred niihou^lishA'died tjiose friei)d|jwho tttntltuw.ii may < now r|i|^s. ij iuestowpd superior and perseverance ill be generally ho had grown up r'usefulness; and te ctunpahtpnsjof 1 'ArKwrigtii, .• pusil, .Carnjii; 'CNrjolte, , j Chautauque. Cherry Creek, iClymer, Elhcott, . Ellin'utop. . •French jbfeek, Gerry, .j , '-. . Hanover,* , Harmony, Miua, Poland, PomTri't, •,•. Portland, Ripley, Sherman,'^; Sheriilan,, Stocuton, j VtHeuova, •Westfieldi i_ ' • O" \Ve put-ti^h the" r»tlowli«pr lotjier ft-nm a i>mv»$ OK- jiulilu:. li IK jiii-tmioh n liuter.aK w« tlutiild ht.v iVnm ullcll «r*'Hirvr. VVu Uiu.w I)r Qi iglny |>^r" iln>rn M » » muit in the c o u n t r y . WhoM? i p i u i o u \H moro ro^pner, tin 'm on r<|| mil j -C'IH bnteitt uiul FI| lu- liiiili «-li: meter » s u Phvxiniifi «:ui lin -itlONH-<l icrdi.T-d iri'Mi in th«* en y.-/Philadelphia I aih/ Sut^ I 8ii»iPiir.RoV Tow-,, /u..-1'ivi. 10. l ^ : i ; j . DRAB ftm,—YOU euquira of IIIM whotl cr I have ' \ ' .... ' |'' Hair T )iiic. nnd tl 1, Sovrra! yf>nrs npn ray hair brg.in 10 (ill rnputl pc:il|>.mi-l I liii-l *l.<- |H'iH'|ii:i:t ot" prt>iu:uu 'e liililni: fovnrHl * fur.- 1 n.Jril v.iriini-. prop.intiions recoininpr bAir. fnun which I tinri\n»\ n<» hnnnfiu. At li-nptli a mnmrii'lril \ our Ilnir 'I'oiiiti. I u»<-il ( n r e o or four: (-onlu)ir to i!K- pputpj ilirccrinns. nnd Mtjthn end nl'ijijc mom t||a my hutr wn> thick «ci, and sincOiUi tendency to "urn jp'ny V urrr-i»-d. );, 11 ;• I havri n»(ver before ffivon a "rnt (nndiriiiffi; whfch indi-»:rini>i do n.nc'i ' " j u r y . Ifti" in u «r«"»o lit*** pruMini, wh#:rn | ; Unoiv iht-. >krticl«* tirtbnrthJtiijncial, nnil that it c m d o no.'mu in. ^ti-huve ho scruple* in staunj; f.ict--> wi'bin ihy Own kn.owlcdirn-^1 || Y«»nrf, /cc. ! Jbnr«•Qjt|ict.Ev4'' lection, Gouidtv -•; . x.! ,•;<-••• I .1 :•;-,', '•,-:;.v:-i'\! - ;.-|||/,!:i;>--;/.;i '.' ;: .,!/: : |1;;.Y' : \ •' '"-. :'•''• •' ' ^ T ^ ' ' ; \^p jfcS' {" —_-! ;!"'•• j 1 ' j ' ' .r: , ' ', '. i.. n... •- •• I FRFft 4 ; 09 3362.3549135341 4- G " 'jlBl^AM E;XCITJS^Ti^J^otf-a« 'Jncn 1; tbyJibtMe^prtifitif'Jl xUniwa t h e Snb*erib«Tt«, havp'j. ju-t Nejye*; a |NKVV, B|fqFf, EXTENSIVE AND con«5«ning of ' .|^_-j bitif fiqpibs. rJsBdcERiB^lcRtMjkEnVi HARDIV IRE,; J J BOcJTSv iSHOEsr.iAKD LEATHER* , which Will b^ iH0ldifor,c<i*^]Zo!to:cr thari can be bought at' ^tijrr;piher>tpr^ ia tWi^^c^^ of rnu«wjff Viur uPjSertioti good*r-andTQr. cou'tiiry. W^dtt'ce; - we will «jir crifjd^on jaafaijombleter.ins'.a's' anyorie e'Ue.' t \Ve icnn ufiiircl to Sell a« | toW ntt.any of «»ur t\efa) ibori whojtrtake tjrent prWennipr tfavdwttl rill-fatten ;. piiri work i« much'8Ur»ettor to tlbfitv-rrto v«»u VllWew, call i^M^f' i - } 1 P>'1\ : ^fOHNVFOIVBES &! C>.',•? PRE rpaENE h '•!• *. u , * W B 5 S5B TERM of Mi- K.rd,Win,A.-H«tc^y X. cnmmenc&in Monday, \ 1th SfpierhrfiiTp^t, un \:m > * *' 5' .1 * V* .'.V ' f ' » ' ' ' '* T • 1 .1 !'l I ) : 3524 mm^wmBiwrniiaajjaaa scsBrzsasssa ! , lh l y,< ar C|)ORO< fr«»m t tie Pnri ijg I for t li : nnd rk lltftH I ..,., .... - ..., ,_.,..., ....... cOlU tendency to turn biny v«i ••• .;•• i • i f , ,• r certifica'p, rrcnminoodinf; 1 p |tr liuitoly u-oil, a-* tli-vj iilu-.u a ;«. Dr 1».J* v v e . Pliila(]<-!p'n:i. H. ............ 1 her youth, nov scattlefeJiSjwWe, will cherish still •. livelier recollectiunJ dlf*l'Uw|\a»hTlil>le disposition | Tn 1>0rtl 'i ^ • , -t'ji iMiGfl' ftili -it , , ,i nnd those endyartiiw.vifli^aii'wmth adorned 1 character.—(^0^ TRUK G BKAT N ti M M& ' !Ri teve . . 69' In,the aosene<»"of tlie official returns, it is im- possible to. speak with anv accuracy of the aggre- gate majority of votes. The Argus figures up a majority on thesenatorial vote ofitoinfthrng like •19,000,or two ori three thounand less th»n BOUCK- received last yeajr. Tlie absurdity of making that vote a list is evident from the fact that in a ma- jority of the districts the Senatorial ticket was al- lowed to gJ altnwt by default. In very many counties the Wh gs supposing that it was useless. to make any fighk on the Senator; turnetl ajl their a:tention to the eptinly, ticket, and succeeded in electing their sherif, or clerk, or members of'As- sembly, as the dase might be. while on senator il/" We CJ1 '1 ,l j^ ^ there woubl be a maj»>rity of some hundreds j country merchants fj 'to •j^stost them. Instead of a majority'nf 19,000, columns of JOHN or tlurreabou's. against the whign. we a ^'* ,,,f - j |h*o city pf Kevw prise<l that ir dUI not rrnch twice that number.— _. . • ! „ . ' The Whigs made less ewtion on the Senatorial | ^ 0,n,!, » u,ls ; i u y most honorary, de Q7* We call il mwMOsly attributed to eJfil||''or-.the attainment IfiP i l-i • i a Iwtiigue; who studies 5-do- ^u]i l ^i|ii|ej|Ji|lit,abtis of indullfy,' grear military acl of higfl nauopal'lH mestic economy,- and l * wields the j war, and learns hi ncss and profjigae'ri *a|| »lready' approachedllhe ' ee i qfij-fl) rx I* rn G r e a t n essi. ,!' 1. 231 co- and. on Monday last, Mr. Zunri Hill lutinnnry Pensioner. He enmci hia dedtb by (received on being accidentally thrown from a] Tucnday week.—COM. Ij., Tn MnyviUt*, Nov.'4, A'"rz> tr^r*on of Mo .Amy Howard, nard "2 ntul S montho. ln|VV V 4iB«>1d t Mi*s Betsy Carpenter of Fren 'a"'^ 29 y»-iir^. In We»nfield, N«iv. 7. of drnp«v on-the brai rr'W^f^-'T "' ,, " , ,: ! l^ •y , H. Md-at -mr,„r R.. V . C . R. S'.H;..nH %^*§U 4 rta|| HwW'S 1 'K |i'n|dement 3 of k"g , " I . js= Blj f UMltin .the paths of hlle-jl! :• A. L.-PALN.KR; -! 11 % ^ubi.f pur readers and ^veitiaerr.eni in. our •pi$*t?t, a large denier in. jjpjjlj-standing, in jp^u-cp, thao ^hey did against VA^ BUKF.:/ in'$(>,* wJ«en bis majority was nearly 30,0b0; and the fact that lh» majority cihimetl by the Atgus is sipvrrol thousand less iljan Gov. BoticK rrreiveil is a ai»nificonr indication of tlve state>»»f pnp«»la,r[n^tui- ment. When tbe official vote of the several! coun- ties i» made pubuic. we shall I hen have' eiorfeci data for iiiakimi|dn estimate of the political com- plexion of rhe slate.—Commercial. tb rers' ar t icfes, a nil faem wjpn to call on himliftbftyw TnAaJK'sctvt.NGJ BouCTC has ppI M '»'lf day of Thauk>»ivi«g!i , jfte' E'arthquaJcf.\\'p Mercury, thai: an'||ii j bean! ori •Tnesda, 1 ! l«i ; Oppo«i(e H. B. Van Bonn's Store,' Fronf stTejf ''__——- : J.L -^—M-.A^1 Wa rcmml) the waapon of political warfare. »nd prea* fi»r- beJore-Q o clo^'k. w,r.t in (iRfeiicT of t>ir L'riit ({•ir..fii>... o f S i j i r Hiitl >'unonut 1 rOII. SlOtlghlOU, ly'•-*"! eooc«ra;nu which wc have heen array mi, nnd rmrr w«ii rpirit aad X«MI into \>rc\*»«» iuu» for ih'n prni«t o i u i r n t or lr-14. T a » t w«\, h » v e »ucc«"<xJ"<l or b e e u <|«<fiMttao' In t)io prtvtual in* ataaea outrht not, au«i we im»l will not -,'mio otH* j<«* <>f i!>- ar- d o r w h a w h i c h av»?ry, tr«J«- W h i g . ev»-ry V v r r of hi« cnuntry, who would prefer tbo aaluMTjr MIMI |»r<i#>u«-rnus iitue» of VVixg-' rut*:, u> the iie«iructijfe |x,]icy of Y.,u Itnrrn tatiii hm c«m<>ju- tari. will rqir.h-t! NirOMlf uii ilie »iil*j wf the People ami of IlcNtir CLAT IU tile alrafgfe which .awaita us.—J<untU«vn Journal. 1 >< •The above remark.tomes from a sheet which. \ $***»?[; bl f HjlPj ' , , ... i. ,, I-',,K i . king ol rhe groutw^h although it has the term HEN** CLAY at tne head ef towns yi tliiit'^iicjimj like a'/heavyiexp imnt rumbling id ohuujirM.fc then died uway. | .:S}'h ken in the townsaJn jnrred opei>, ntuj , (fthtfj rattled.' Variohsj fac nend ourmerchrjftts dsat dlieap prices. .' - -.j- )fe se^n thatj Giov. ijYfDec. 1-lib a-llbe "fat?. 'I 'i •] f ••r.j-ii-.l--- {\ the New.Bedford ifubiiri-j IIOISA Iwas 'nu.'Oieon umnutes of ;Cmti'o]hB Sha- D«'dbam, i|<l loih- |^'pie first; Si>uigl !was ;i(fontiruied, ifke the wn'r^ls of ;i'rninii«|L and sea were sensibly,'shn* Tailor! BnnkirkL N . Y . N EW. ESTABLISHMKNT—lBOSTOvJ (fir-Y SKOKE: J :\i| STROSS & SEYMOUR If . Are now np^nine; n Store lin the Weht end.oiT the l/ge- donin HoiWj, wlirro ttiey i'.u-nJ to, keep cob|stantly;op band a full acs^rtmf-nc of' j . I li l^ , FA NCY iGOODSi, - f. c>»ni-t«tihg of the tollowin^-hriiclci*: Musljin de'Laines. AUo,. a'great varit-rj « f S i l k « , Silk Sliawls, Di'es< l i m»tk*re.hi«"fsi a 2«-»»nt. vai;ifry of Black Lycc Veils ari'l f-inry llacc Ribbons.- ^ v ! Geiit'-i Cratats ot ih»* lif««at «tvU», t : C A L ICQ E S; j A«aortmeat of M-rimuM, Linpa Liw, lEmbroidered Sh'uvli*. Violin:;*. '..!,• \ i A'soi an h-4-jOrunent' of Jewelry, and o,th<"r Ynnke.* notion*), too n'^merou*. to.mHi.Hiin. j \ Siri»-»t* & S«*ym<nr-ph-d-re ibepnielvca to pelt ch»*npfi ilinn any other »»MuMi-ilur)»nt w««*t of N»*w York. A- they J intend «wll for CAS.H, nlone; they will not b<* butd«»ne l,y u'ny other er>tnb|i'->hrnt*nt in FiV-donin. s . The I* - idi<j« vvdl plehse'call and; exaiuiiie Goodti and RTGAGE SALE.—George Rowley, on he i'jit day of-April 1842, by deei of mortgnee eotipiiliins the iihiihl power of «nle, tno-icnt;ed lo Jo- «epli[A. Bunnell one equal undivided half of all that ceruHa p'eco or'parcel 'of lund,'Mtuate, lyirig and, being on iHil CanadaA - ny creek in the'villas!' of Fredonia, inclojfuit: the bed of the creek within tn* bounds of the •j'ii(i iijlriii, .(alid being the. southerly pa ;t of the Itinrl- Hndiyremi-ie*«;cDnveyed by Jbvv'i Risley r nd S »p|iia A. his Wye, to EbeneziT A. L^-^ter, J«ihn 2i. Snxron fl\\r\ \latft|>n . Bin'kui^hnm, bv, inden'ure br- irina; date the 30«HTfl(**y °T D ' c o m b e r . 1,836,) and bounded aa follows, viz aMJejMnning at a i-toke ainndift'g on the weat'line of lot number .14 in the sixth township and twelfth rangf*, nen^he lop of the southeily hipli bulk of tbe s'uid Ciniidnway creek, and.at rhe nonheiwti«rly corner ol hmjbprr. of I/roviience L. ShepnrtTa farm now occu- pienflnd ipproved as an orchard, and nunnio:- thenos aart »87 deRrees en»*t 3 chains and 75 linkti to a stake' <\nu ting on the top of thefir*-tor lower! Houiberly bank of tr«> »aid crevk, a little ubove the dam which turns the ,\puer uf >>aid creek into the canal (leading to , the •luwrinill Un the r-rernises hereby convened; thence up J .he «w?ek south 7.1 degrees and 30 minutes east four RhSl|t| and 62 link*, to a pile of stones on the ^gravelly beacjli of slid pr.ek, at <he edce tifj ih.ijwater us ir was on tb^ 1 14th day of Morch in the year eighteen hundix'd 'ino jti'itrty seven; ihence north 6 :deireV*nnd 15 min- utes jea"! IOTO.-JS thejsaid' Cauadawuy Cre.k. 1 chain and 14 li^k*>•^* highiwater maiklojn the northerly bank of said creek; ihencje norh 5$ decrees and 15 minutes weitlnithhi the hour ds of thui rdad leu ling from said Leitw's Furnace to the bridge cnwsitfg the said Cnna- law-jy.-crrek' ju-tbrlow the dwelling-In ti->e of the said I'riivjnenee L. Shepir',8 chains and i50 link--; ihence nprit 1)1(56 d«/grvos and 45 minmea wettt^ still withlfi lite •oUndjt* of the. said' road 10 chains an I 6.) links; to a -takef n»«ar the saif bridge; thenco. nirth 52 degrees v«st,i'||r»ne ihe nortl erly bank ot said creek at high wa* :.**r^itii»rk,. 3 chains t » a^ stakf in the bank of suid creek; henrMnorift 6*2 d#-g •eesfltvd 30 minut-ls west stillalong be' ru|n.h»-rly bank of said crerk lour] chains|" thence TVTEW GOODS WALKERST SIMMONS' have X nl jo*»t. reeeiv«-d o ne\y, supply of (JOODS, compris- ing ihe u*«tnl variety, together with many «nt«Midtd and rich articles—all will i-old «« low forjCASH asi thpy «*an be ,b'oui»ht at any other store in this vicinny; mom kinds of •roun«rv produce Taken in payment for Goods. F-erloi.ia, Oc'.- 1C. lfii|3, f ? / 32 tyr, df its columns, through ihe Inrte poljtiral contest bat also^iad emblazoned on >tsi banner the names | of Forbes John ton and Mttrciu* Simons as its can- : didates for the Assembly, weu| whom it has thus significantly preferred to represent this county, to the exciuiion of SAMCKZ, A. BROW?/, a fellow- townsman of eminent worth and abilitv. It has Oted ail its influence and efforts to elect the iwo Locofocoes above named, and by the same, means endeavored to defeat Messrs. Brown, Lake, and Jodson, men aniently devoted to the Whigcauae, and against whom that paper lias not as yet ad- duced o single real objection on ihe 9cofe of either jjitnessfor the ©ffice,or. fidelity to Whig-princi- ' pies. WHIGS or CnAOtACQOE, ii is the same sheef /which contains the sentence we have quoted Above and now comes before you with protesta- tions ofvatiachmeni to Whig principles, that has iy itssup()ort of two Locufoco candidates for the AsseroUly.disgiacedyoo in the eyes of the Whips sj" the Union, wid defrauded you of your rightful quota of representation in the Legislature. Shall the Jdjestown Journal, then, thus bedaubed with Loeafocoim* be received back a U ain with open arms, wMle it. expresses no contrition for its traitorous condijct, ond for itslngency in be'eetiing two bantlings in the shape «f Lmcofoco Anscm- blymen? As s constituent of that party who«4- digoiiy han beep inaulicd, aridjUa principles tr»m- pleflio the dust, we say No: and ns a faithful sentinel on the outpost we occupy, we shall d»- mand of the Journal some other countersign than the watchword* it has learned in the 1 enemy's camp, words whose accents are .not yet otT its Bp*. artd .eupbohiously sour d. •* Forbes Johnson and Marcius Simons." Neighbor of the Journal, ire sorrow over your dereliction, W e grieve ovei yonr errors and es- trangement. I During jhe lime we had.heretofore labored together* 'We formed many Sgre'eablc as^ sociations. It is your\>wn t> utt that they are tie- -stroyed, and that the perrecj harnmny rjf feeling which has so* long' existed | Ben ween the Whig PTess of ihis cotinty, is now disturbed and broken. Yon have unwisely taken a position which* has rendered you obnoxious tc the reproach of all honorable men in both parjiesl and now, be not surprised, nor take it a* uuk nd.ifrpbuke, forcible and po^nam, shall.be vol l r g, ec ,j ng QU ever y T)and. You are held direeky resfwnsible for .the ctoioo of two radical I^rfocoes to the Assem- biy. It now remains for you to do penance, and your offence, "forgive and lbrget, ,f generally helievil -en r t hq u&ke, all I toiiih that quartcrJ-—5wff<7i THK Kuickerl "lowing on »he au|tli3ri ••A negro, wlmjnec ihe President's in iff t in hts arinonrieemenpt iletnan nutned Foi arm. was HIIOWM; i-^.t intrntluctioni .' Irlr FteiV* . ! Snpio S/or/n at to'day wjihjthe merfcipd' a* \\u\f plajji falling slightly, uji'iyi ing (o'prcs^inehi Hnaliy in/*l8nnig | north -west, with;; Patriot, ilh in irnir>lied. thV «io«j-r.4'were •i ho br eakfust-jables 'yiveiii as to jvjand quttijrtueu|, ! sh'a-: JJ-Jirtfs were 'ytverii as i tie «t ^dihinncje,- it wa-j slight sh'oc.k /of an; , '•{:• iiomeiiu ::re rate in iwnllev prici'n l>,-tji>r.» ptireh't-*in«! <d-n"whcr*?. F^donja N..v. 14. 1343. ! I 30^; li xinr relates, the fol- Ijr. Robert T^lcr. mill ushers Kis-lters at ['always ver^j precise ne orrctisBuiJ a gen- daughter nit each wing tpoin,'wM'h' the and, the iu\o misses 1 o h f t\ 7TJ-U r t e .jNre vinited ' the season.J, Ir com* look, -nrnl Jcont/mued I trie'titdA oTottr g'o- 1 re|j«hed ihejI^iUnd] and ..rsjjln. Winfli frpm the i Tlev*AbetBr inobii'ed on.|he ey : very Itf^utfer. I was h(.-;C)th ujL'ij at Balla- t"i). New yf]«»rk, Jjj^tlijlJfjif ^ e m u t i n a -iii- speak on the sijbjrct.i>f*ht|iTi'4|!ffiiW^ thought I mobs were i»ot of jashidn., bfwi3n|lraji^|i»le of Balsto'n seem » •» ' H it'll''* t'llSJ .• M ' '• (V li resolved to introduw I'gHtn. r ASHES.-f Th-r| ri-S'ue lo dero»rtd nm Pewrl*. tvrp 5 JJM then be tbe word and act,, £ . (L^Oor subscribers are notified that. Mr. _^?y? ?°*"**!2 * J " * •utbori^ed to receive pay- loeaff for ths Censor. '35 nn| FLOaR*-rRet-^ b . . t - u K-» I HI- e b L-'lfl 1,11,1 Ollil', 4 C9 m 4 75. Ti GRAIN.-i-T tv-*- u »Hte uf 2 •toee.it U h>-ld H mid in £-oo«l ri«*mfti»( Canal, wan'im'iw 1 unid in cood'dt»m» SKKDS.-J-8«0i or» si 9 cet it-»; mlvire* from' nbro 7c-eni». Tir->.r!i; iran F'«x«ee<l Wi PRO vision there it but u no-! i*. looking up I)i i- fhe sale-i fronvft \»old at 4 S^srifl City M.$* r, „, Ktalder* ori^ »i^ detihtnd, wiili tm\ 850. keg* ai|6J«ct4 at 6} ct»;' S.!.-s qui««Cat7 a-lO'sAfrJf, | CAT! A^ nmrl^ei ( 1 Cows and Calve 1 * PRfCESr-BE pend wirh I i-r w $4 to 4 50la.$5. COWS AND S H E E P ! A " for Lamb*, and Tribune. STTflls^el. at the Acudcpy oi followio, rotoluiic fcVWn>»'Ea ; t>| IWH to notiJ .ale* 7 5 t{ ,( . I Po >v. f, iJPorJi t «n- l/U barr«-l». N EW; AND CHKAP.r-We hijve! received ynd novy. off*o to j*he'public, a liirgc and rich a->- •ortm»htof G O O D S , eon«»i-»tinjj of 'j; j" DKY GOODS. nttOCKIttES. CROCKF.RYJ tlAttDWARE, BOO I't*. SlIOKi-, II \ T 5 , CAt'S, SOUK AINU | - CfPBlt LEATHEa. &:,>«„ j* which-will be *o|.l as cheap if not. a little elieiin^r. for cni«b. than cun be found at any other »n>re in Ch»|iitnij. queConntyi* J. FaRbES "Si CO. Fn-donin, Oct. 30, 1S43. . • j .33 N EW h>LL A\D WINTF.U GOODS.-^-Jur-t re- roive«t. n Inrpi- lor of Fall -met \Virji.**rj DRT GOODS,* GROCER IKS, CROCKEnY, HARDWARE. IRON,-8TEKU, NAILd, &c; j embracing nn untoifmeiiri onr*uq)a««A«d .fori Richness, Quantity. Quality and CUEAPJS'ESS t 'ui tbe|we«*t- exnrrMi]jk»*t. . N ( , !• . We fink the public to call'and examine, ns we-will po-Vtiviily civr good bargain* for prompt pnv.' Fredoni.1.0 •••., 30 184J. ^3J fE? \\ »ST.F.Y & C<"> i ii-iini- n •—•-•• —• n -IMII. i—w H.-IM •' «• ••--»»-»---—-*>--i-ii» ••••••••MIP • — • I'-II'I— mm j/^1 A N A D I ->N S i.ORK I"he •ul»iicii|e*rJe-iC4»urHeefl \j by the l,iberal pmrorioge given him, IKIH resolved, to r«*muin at Fredonia during the winter; and invite-; i,he «"iii'4 'n-* t,til'examine a fresh ^npphy of Fwll nnd Win- 1 te.r G.w»ds wl/ich h»* t* now n*V.«»iving und which !»• will nell nr tije lowest Buffalo pricet. .. *:• Butter, Cheene, and modt kind*, of produce, received in pa.Nmenr. WJLLIAM BISHOP. u Frydonia, Nov. 1, 1843. ' • | 31 N oi'ih! degiuea MI id cit.ot'k four chai te (>uid batik of thence north. 32 ong tlio bunk bl ind 23 ltrik»; thchce north 33 de vesr, still alons t IH an^l forty link-; and '15 mil Ate* we-t, still u lek 5 chains i qej* ng- tho bat>k' of •MRS. VAI N KW FASHIONS. jju-»t returned from New Y-itk with the,I sir;' *nplv af-kj i 7S'for Genesee, $ a ! l C f o f f atlaiej. L MicH- k irfn-J 4'69. Round Ohio 75 •• ' I - A I I , •ljM» i ; g i .i,nd for^Vh««f r l,niid'wd no- *llinoi»{J-,t HJi tMnt-.. In •Ti 4 ' •'• C 'L rn § FF pl-^ntk I(j:»'f2isopbii,jidi-Jj6hto.v"tir WflWeienr. '. Obi ^Uj steady ^30iH5fal > ' . Y Cletfri t P k w e T Lu to buy. |ei i(aHvkin6trVr|fiAiii ( an the m «»nn*g<5Khipirieirii above jri'ik-.*' dull «t J 'kirj]far'MiJ**rft^: it'^mtt'snecutiitjive 1 *^^fTba « • » . '. •"•. 'H $10. and rJ Beef uetibn.7- Prime ba* Ciry Prin1.f;J|50a47o( igianadyorlc4ofji>5 ct*.' pricei«.,.{JL-firrt'is in eood burreK atJ5] o ^contw; , ftnd i>0() So out of atlore iecio ut 5 (k*l\ ^Butter,U N OntJK-^Strayed from thi?> pa*ture of ihi Hjttbncri- b»r on t!l,ie fir*.t d«y of Nov. instj, f-iur Sheep, b*^ ing tw.i Bucks and two Weiithern, all horned J Who ( ever will nottjv me where tb|sy can be found, ibnH be ' liberaliv rewtjrdcri; (V ! JAMES PETriT.' ET -Nov iern>—2T> e,k4l)0 Sotnhei ^p-bnd ^ m b » , j f-.Weqiiotejtocorres- mry to Pjaj^' retailing 8n$2JJ50 quuiity.— tijra al p 2-1.' ^AJI taken at! J r'AO sold *t Sheep, - sail - ' : : : • next mectinr a J, for tho i •aif&t " •ft will bo held ou Of the I r- OUR EN h»»- Win ter faithions for Lndy** Hat*, Cup*, Cloak* and Dfe*!"- en, together with a choice selection'of Ribon«». Silk* and Tririiiming-i. * % Sbop threo j doont ea»t, of Rialeya* Srore. .-Fieilonia, Oct. 3d. j N..B. Milliner* can be accommodated with pattern* on rea->onab|e terms •- f ; 1 34 1' . i. . 1 1 . j I'I > 1 1.1 ,'<• ||'• '• N EW . GOOl^S —JU-T n-erivpo*, a full nlipplv ol DHV GOOD 0 . "UO^KRIES, MEDICINES. P-ilN fjj Ol LS. DYE S rOKtjS aiirt lilQUOR^ of „ir kindi*. whipb w.- wi*.h to excbuiigeifor Cu»b, Wbeut, Oat^ Corn and Butter t • '-' ! ( V ,'! SQUIRE AVHITB & SON. Fredon-e/Oc-. 27, 1810. 34 •-aid'or, ;rees! &nd 15- minutes west,! still ah •aidicfX'k 3 chuina nnd 60 link-i; thenco north 2 3 de •irees'f'nd 45 minuti s weir, still'along• tbe bank of .said ereijk-iutur chnins at d 2L' link-=; ! )thence north nine de- :re«|» ritid 45 iniuutts we--t nloue the said bnnk of paid •reijk djie chain and 44 Jinks; tlience south 52 degree** Vt»rf /Ithuina and 5.6 lirtk- 1 , to the c'»0ter of the. ro^id enij inH. from ihe si til-Providence JL. ShepardV dwell- M -| t'JIJiO'to Cro-.byifille; thence south 44 degree* and I5!|iin|jie*» pa-it nIon4.tho center.of the hint menti'ineet '<»a|, 23 clia;n« and 92 links; thence south 63 degreen •n*tii ti^ithe center ol the road crossing thr -.uiij cretk" jusijjb^Rpi the/said Shepnrd s dwellinf: 'IIOU-M-, 13 chninsi MKl|25'h»k i *,.thenet «outb70 degrees eii*>r 4 chains and 5 linkijto th»* cenur . of the laid Slie'pntd'n'wfll| nnd tience jlouih 58 deireei*'east nine churns nnd 90 link* o ' the?jjp.bipe ol bf ginning: the said premises' bein^; >ourt"depf4iorthwardly by land* owned liyjj'oel R.Parker; \nd als^l the ri«ht.nf raihing the wat'ei by thetirnbt:r hVni on Vpe-Hnid premises to thekume height that., lit is lovra fed'by the slid timber diam, land to tho Bitme •ei;;h\ M|atdit*hed'l;y the nrhkrmtors between Eb»*ne»e?|r A. LeHer, and El'jth': Risley, |Vilhnm Risley.ajnil JL * >i lli-!«.'CT v und'r4l-.o, the right of private Way and pa-*-, -ne 5 nldir^r bo'northerly bank of the laid creek i.aA the •time wk| originally conveyed by suid L'»vi Risley and \ id IjVter, Suxton und Buckingham,. a»j, for 0* Lounaa of the pr**misea ber»»by conveyed—ex- it of unaNfrom liii* conwyohce a certain spriiisj 1 of wntei "reserved in a deed frornsaidl Ri*.ley D lSSQ.L.fJ i;ION.~ri4cop.ittner-hip:hereto .li'^Hfl'between ihe firm;of B U C K S ' ^ CROSS, i* this duy di<solv<»d by'mutual eontveb ^'•4f O? A. BUCK, Fredor ta, C?cc. 14, f 1843 ! 3. Z. NORCOSS. SIL B or*ex* NOR- tie !con- T HE Mr ijey-MokviBeConcern wIli'hereaftiBr due ed l»y , 0 . ; A- BUC Kg at tho fctand o f B iek» & Norproij'lv^n^llEH^Im^ hand a full assoii nent of common•••iz'ed Siisb, iindf promptly n);«ke to "pWer any extra Vtsejthnt may'be^caliied for., .i' rM , . The W-oyon-rriaking bui.i,ne-.s will also b o c p n t i W d at the^m. plnceby.l. E-NjORCROSS.' : • 3*33 D OVVMNH'S L-VNDSCAPK rtARpl<vNlIiG an! A RCrOTEC rURi(^ ;Dr<AWlN6 ; a|l/o( l.V« Cottage Re^idences^ two^yety de-irable works^ foi- ev^ ery peruon of ta-ite l 'ond''especbilly to'thojte irjterding tjo build and improve their ground*, for «HI»» at tjhe^ Fre« ; donin B »ok«tor^v !/!''•''• -H. C\ FRIS 3EE,. ' Oct. 33i; 1843. .:.:.;: i ;',;• •'..,• .1.;..' ffi i - /33 Mr. WAI.TI{R U? ( H«BA»VT, A B;., Teacher fn jthe ^rteli-dv dermrtrri* y' Mi-. MABGAW r Female Departme jr Mi**-Ei.17.&»>:-( H ; Mlia Ew^tefci ^Kt«G, T**ach;) , ,>n MUH|CJ •A departmonj: f irithe education of'C-immon Sichool ' Te&cherV,''jha<ie< h ; established by the Reiei pi of.lho v v University. 1 Ilrjio' iourne of instruo»k»o is thorough and practical, and |w< II cnlcujuied to furnish abb- and cifi- cient teachers. >Vhen ,ji •tii i dent.;W ©onapierfh,- tho "course arid;"i»de me«l in nil P-H-IOCIS. well 'rj'ialtfied w . teach o Comr^Uij Ibhool, ho wilt receive a Piplorjjia. Tuition, per be m, of fotir months, fnalVb>ahcbefe, U but $4, payable: ir advance,; half at the commencSniSAil and half at the !m ddle ofluncb term. . [ Music, DruWin r"and PalHtin^ wiMbechaWedUxtnu'"••. Board may, be. had in good fumiliws at $1 25 rief 1'* may'Uo. liud in good tumtliws at M> 1 2 5 n'ef we<;kv including.-•« anhing; rhpm, a"od fitrnituro., The tc^nUirlti at ; the beginnV.ig ir middle of tho,Teriw,' io fprr odmisnion irttp'thfe Academy it .... -- ir middle of thoTerm.' v , '" ^ « From tho welllknown high;e^aira<ii«rsn(l''qtVa1iHt^ TVTEW'"GOODS AT THE NEW YORK StO.RE. ±\ Jnst.received l .a| general stock «f Fall and] W|mer. Goods, such as BroadJ4?lothjS Beaver Cloths,Caj»j.im"eres. S'ttinrti'. Brown and ''Blearlt'Sheeti-»e« nnd Sbirttngs. Co:t.nn nnd Woolen. Flanbrl*, CotijDn Yarn. Batting nnd Wiricrnc, Calicoes, nnd Gin^ham-t; Alpicca* ordiffer- ent color*, (tiu'd and plain.) MiWlin de biini's, jogether' with.many other new nnd|fa#bionrthlo articles for La- dies' Drf-i.s'»« and Clouki. All tlio-above J'go^d*' are Fresh New Goods, from tiho citvof New York, and will be oold'iuinu,->iinlly low for CASH. : T Butter, Cheese. Dried Fruit. Socks and Flannels will be received in exebnnse for G «ods, if delivered coon, atthet-iiooC tho NEWj YORK STORE, j 1 J H. PEMBERTON. Frodontn. Oct. 16. TRflS. . ', ' ',.! j - 3 2 N EVY G O O D S —D.j W. DOUGLASS «&. CO are now rnr^tviti-f t'n-if N F.W (JO''D^, rm»*i-*r lug.of DRY GOOnP. GROCBRIF-S. 'FlAKD-U'AE.B, i NAILS, IRON. GLAi>S, <JROP^EUY.&c4 and ns they were bought lower ibi* season tl an usual,< thpy ofT**r them for sale at very low prices. It his bccnmi* quite fii»h'ionnhl-- in this nbice-lo I sell goods for" pay down in, cash.Or barter, .and nj; w vwi»h to suit our customers in nil thing* as much wecuni we'offer the'm for that kind of pay at exlrtmejty low. rales, and we > wilf not i-efuie to give a short credit to one who we think' it* bofb responsible and prrmrjt. W e plWlge ourselves] tn sell good Good* us jow as any of pur iieigbb»»rs, an!d. if they.wantany old Caiadtan gore's, we will sell sn«j:h lower than wandrterjf, and bold ourselves renpon.4irjj!e for'our acts in I he, I lareain. The hitehesf: price: will be puid in Guoda-jfor jButter. Fredn-in, June 5,' 1H43. 13 that no Semlnqr tlons of tho re.*|»e< live teachers', the pleasant nnd 'healthy location uf ibojl stituiion, <whicji ha* v s'v*luabh* Phi* , lo-ophicul und C iemical fip^BraWts, ri Cabinet of Min? era'S and anjejiri n*»ve and woll ni'-b-ct.-d Libran,) :••••• '• rho veiyJoWjpxt jHufruition, it i».couHdei»tly Wnevetl' . il J r\ oi\r country posses-ie* tt d<.-atitatre» r^v. Fcedooia. I August 14.' 1843." : , •, •• j\ v •: 23 To |fW| t<in}cw and/the Pnblip gencMlljr. .PAINTS, MEDICINES. GltOKKIttK:*. &c. 188,6it :KNWICH stitlcfcT, JtKAV TOTlit. V"... J OHN CJ M< >RRlSON <jff--r« formal* o n the most •' liberal.term . fur C A S H or CREO^T; S very ex- tensive assort me »t of .Goods, among tbem tho fbtlawinj,t to which he wot d soljcftthe attention of Apothecaries. 0,»}um, Onirip!i-»r. Onotii Tsrtar •-< e (*iiinp'.i-r, Castila Soap j Liquorice llhulmrb " ; Jalfip Flowers Canjomi) Gura'Arabic Quick-ritv-ir ' Atngnckiu Koll&FiVSntnbi rAlcohnl <•_! »• NT » ».. n ;_t._i—-' Caloi*icf A«|ii:i /iinmohin Turtnric Atid I.:i1lil:iliui!l O.I P-*p'uiint nnd Corkfe of ml' l.in.f \ S.ir»4|<unl!a llru{"-jir.i/» Utu*s Viirn I5:il»am Copavia •, ., A1u«s t CasiorOil l Msauit . B >r*x rrZ i*d4*Cra«ls <;..rr.»Mn- >"•• i.'..;..-•<; \BjlN KT W A RE ROQM.—Tbe Sublet-ih*-ir keeps on hand,at bii Shjp corner oi Main nvd| Mechanic streets every descriptioji of CABINET FURNIjfURE, uhicb ho'will «iell at the followingextrerhidy htw.pree-.: M^hn-jnnv Burenii-i ( §il8 ; Chrrry do. (n»rh 7p<» $ 1 2 ; Breakfittt "Tiible*. $3; Renter Tables 20 to $50: ^i-e rion Chairs $4i; common Chairs 5* io i j | - L-ght Stands $1. ,'; : * \ ' \ ,' ' '•' 1 i J 'Orders punctually .attended to. . \-J- ).:. , . THOMAS POvyER. Frodonin. S-nt. 5:.1343. 1 26 N EW BOUKS ANP S.CATIONARY.-^The Sub* seriberhus received his Fall and 1 W;n»j?r etock or Bj»ok* and Suuionary,J embrncine nll^he varjeties of common school and classical Books used in thj* section of the cnunrVy, together with a vniiety of mi<cellnrrt\- ous Books, which Will be sold reasonably low] for ready pay. H. C. FRIS BEE. A ) L A R G E n«*ort"«nW ol &HOES. suc^ ns { cny ! LJL ters. slippers, walking shoea, Misses do. chil drenVjpt.ters, morocco do .children's brogans, youth'v boots, bi»y T s jdo.. jiiit received and cheap or ca-»h by t v ! j (WALKER &.SIM^0^S. Fn-donin j Sepr. 19. JIS43- H ATS AND CAPS for sale at the old M»rid of P. tl. SfEVENjS, by STEVJZNS f:.G#U\ FE-i\Ht whii-h will be sold chonp-for C^sh-.or in «x- khjuigi* for'Corn, Q\l*\ Wheat, Grass S^e3,ojr approved jCn-dii. Plensecaflarjd examine quality and prices, Fredonia, June 21. (1843. ;• •]: 15 wifb t o i >he nori re'pting \i »r fpriii;; tn<\ wiljij iboiye re 'j|be a Lti42, by 1 .'to said L\»ter, S><Xton and Buckiiighurn, ired o, d ited.Decemher Si - ), .1836. ! d Joseph A. Banned on the llth day of April deed us-tignetl'ihe-said mortcaae-*o H»*nry vV.' L)olWlh, Dauforth p. lOjyes and Freder'ck Dol- ori,. S ill mortgage WII« recorded' on the )9ui day of April lM2, at 2 o'cloi k, P. My, in the ottice of tlie J ltiuutfi uque County, in hber 19 of mort-ages, 6, and'said assijsnrhent Wa*» recorded on the f April 1842, at 2 o'clook\P. M,, in the ol x Sl ; AN.O. FOR.SALE <JK RKR I'.— IS ill) SpVERT ittl * he well-known raVern, S und nWn* d ani^ocru _??J fMdbv M. bhULti, in this village^ is oft'-re'dfor (iiiU* orrerit. ,ii hits ldirgMand,coi>m«|«liou4outbuiIdincs and many convenience* attached thereto, together with nini? ucrt ; » «>f]eood bold. It will be rented on vifry low tei:m<». For l'ni"h»»r infonnution, apply to M. ALLEN, or GEO C. ROOD. •.;•,! ! ii FredonHi.Oct.31. 1843. i-. *110*34 Piim.fn-t, Nov 6, 1843, 25 A* LPACCjlS, Cbusaui-,' Muslin! He Lainea, j Crape J\. De t a i W , . Mi'rinoes, Bombaziriesi. &c; the rich- est assortment eyer offerid in Fire^iWita. by . |, ' E. R1SLKY &'CO. Oct. 30, 11543. 34 IT POKING GL,AS5E$, Cnu-kery, and Glass JL* Ware, .b^ 'EvRlSLEY & CO. Nov t,^ 843. • " ' ; : i it ••:•: j : ! •'. j.-- ,-•'• RlM PKD fjAM BRrC^ (lor cqUaretteb) Plain Cbeck-d! Musltn^/Lacesi &c.byAi, ^ RISLEY & CO. T RON. Steel, Nu'iU, and m X Nov. 8v 1843. artlwn'rp.for,»nle by E. RISLEY &.CO. S HEETINGS. Shirtings. Tickings; Dtnllings. ;Wickings, Batting, Cotton Yam.!.Carpet Warp arid Filling, bv i ^ E. RISLEY & CO. JFutia 14,1&», (&M U] tv.; kte : : : -" : "•••' - i '•''-} Jl»-rk ol tr. page I9(h duy , licitj of ll'ej said Clerk in liber G orj mortgages, at |>age 192. T j|te ts claimed to be due bh'thmsatd mortKage it ihe'fiijUl'pub jc4ition of this notice tho «Mm of $389* i.'2|und;"| w e r e is another in-unlment to Income due -vr|ch no J| amounts to ,$l 113 73 j tnakinc tl^e whole -urn unpnSl at tiiis time , $l702 75 In default'of the ,layment kif tho sum of money so due upon tub stud mqit^ngdns aforesaid^ the said mortgaged |nemises\will DO ttold utlpubltc yenduo to the rjiiattoot bidder, utlhe lohnson House,'in the village df Fredonia, on Thnrse lay tbe Brtri diiy of February 1844, at 12 o'clock, at noon. pktvd'Nftv- 14, 184:?. . i ; •! '•'• r HENRY W DOLS^ON, > 1 D A N V0 RT H D . , K EY» S. V A«ignee,s. FREDERICK DOLSON" ILIRUGOLICS, A*t'y. 13w2G [rpTjlGE.-^SYLVlA P.! WARLiDEN htfs f left] 1raybed and board Withjtwo ciiiblrt-n; witii- uii any j dip ijst cause or provocation. Therefore, 1- forbid il harb-.rii.g or trusting thom on my uecount,'for, r iihall pwno debts of their* on tract ing utter tb?« dat»-,. . WILLIAM >Y. WARLDFN. r.is^-2(1.^843/',".'':' '-K- ,, - f /|;;*6Aa6-i White Iflarlle. •'S er-o.' in la fo HE 9,S "•iifooes, \|j.wtll ruiss tEJ :»s.aiit.l will-con^arfily be*jkepl at No. utli.'Portaj;e street, Wesiifield, a superior urti- li* ofN« v. England Mur>Ie, for Ijead i and fobt Tomb 4'bich wiII be "lettered ujjid carved 'to'order. 1 >e furni-hed on abort notice, Mopiimont.s tui'd wanted. Tbo-»n wjanting su«h articles,-will •ajlf on P»|r. H- S>kes, Sculptor,Jwhn can.usually be found at the Factory, or at mv -mire, No. 2, Mmn street., ; ALPHEUS BALDWINS • r^tfiUld. February 20,1843. ! ly;3 "ANp'ED.—Butter, Cheese^ and Dried Apple-*; for] iwhich Goods, will he exchanged, at. the ' ji Torvvlvnnir .cirvi: |*pt. If). !l843.: NEW YORK STORE. 28 OftkN :E BONNETS, BOOM - and Shoes, Tea 'j'CoJR-e, Sugar, Saleratus, Madder; and many~iDtb[ ' 1 nil 1 « t-nterocet'ilas may be found at very ilow prices, attlio I i CAJSFApiAN SIORB. edoo n;Nov. 1. 1843. ;• f 3f JJL'E V ELY^TS. Heavy Velveteeti. Coajt H fBiiimngs, and' Coat Cord and Trimmings, a ereat P-yrfi':-:. : ' ''"'- >Ei RISLEY ti CO. ; : 1843. I •X •••'I i *',. I , . -ht- Y'DS Cloths/Gassitrtereft. VestinQs *c. by #: RISLEY & CO. 1843. ': ' r .'"•'^•••• : '•> '%^'A:-:''7'" 1 1. ': . ' "" ' ' _ a - ' 1 •! lothf'Velvet and Fof trimmed Men's on j ' Can«, Cheap by- .1843. E: RISLEY &CO.J '• ! •.;>•;•;;'. 10 'ami ??. lEO;---vVbeati Corn; pats, Butterl and Pr»- e f enerslly, by : '#$ | E* RlSPEt -& 00. !», Septi!lt,!l94Si^ ."j''.- •. iW* i .•;;•> .5>.->>t:.J. v ; * N EW- GOODS, ju,st'received* fiom New Yoik,. by Hxpw-^si such as calicoes, alpaccui*; dress silk, |Mii**lin|d«» v L^n* shnwN, dr«Ms( do,, coat cjrd of the 'first <iualij.v, ; cheap-for'casb hv I - '',' it': r *- ! I *\VALRER & SIMMONS. Fredonint Sept. 19. 1g4Jt. [ s ?8 W INDOW GLASS —A IIC*: and ejxrensive supply «f 7x0, 8KI0. and l U x l ^ f r n h i ditTeront manufartories. Also, soanoned Pine L'imboti and Cv- dnr Post-, bu- sale bV / |. . D- BAliRELt. Kr.>d;.;iiM T r..*pr. 1 4 , 1 8 4 3 . ••;• | V 32 W ~~ HOWANTSiTO •SHAVE-EA^YV-At ilte,.Frf»ibinii B-'i'k-.tore m»yV bo found. •'very «ip«*- ci'ir, Blazons, Strops, ft^he*, an«f^Shqyine jCfenm, for sale veiv lo*v j .',;.. H. C. FR1SBEE. , s (Vr.ii7, 1843V 1 •".,(' .;•/:••->>'•• }• \ •'•'•;•-J-.3-J utl hf-'futiatOi 1 I'Guai Truftacauth irk' ttf it11 | ' rupgi-.l/« Ut /Window fjla- I s.iz«;s S|tirit>T«icpROtiuh l*aity Vrnli*rru, dry «uf Clwr«»in|i Gretja^'i in oil Vermilion j , Ivory Itltck i ltoi.e Ptiik '; Rritish Lustre Gild, Silvi-r Uroi jt« Copper Itrotirc ' fir:* Whlu A , iKpsnUh l!rowu Saiid Pujj**r puitHcc Snmr. Ja|»mi,Coj)at,Co|ch,Turkr!v TJiubcr ltClI^lr-'X Bright Vdrtiinlt Confcct oners, Diwtillcrn.aatt ISnkcra. Oil.or !Cunes ** Ti-pin-rinllt n ti u Re-1 Precipitate . Svpriu N|tr-> llu!c^ Su^nr Carbbiidta Kp»oin 8ulu t>»<)A ' , i : . t**uin», t. BnlpbiiOr Qiiaiuo * Ginii Myrrh dtlittmr'tfif , p.i wiicr«<i ,B.irk Spougck, co^riu, Cas Vi*d*. j • ; Pxitntrra. WIII-I- l.t-jjjdry and R<-<1 L a n d . lu,oU '-•..; Litbr-nifa . "VVhui..)- " t'liu.snr V«*f|oW Yellow livhri-.FraoobPrus-o.iN itiq« * v " uad AmerUuu Koitou Sioun Cmii Citpil. ' !Pu.lnr KrtKbcs, .•ilUi=-s Go'.I, ^ovar L«a4 C al*rt. wnitp, r«a VV..... iuu lt«.l ' I T«r«ii) UI.MII I T«rr* da Hittaa [ - tJ m i S.|<*lNc •<,l '-., I l.-nsp I-.Lick ' G|U{K, Hit NirtS Siuli T»ols. all elfin HU-U I.- :i d Cnclliiioal Aloce f '•• iV /.. '•—w i>uon>*^a ClOVr* \Viiiu*r-*r«*j-u CmnumoB . ,'^i'*' C«S*.IM Buds Altsuice'. ,. . J<.iiiiiU*'S Gum Trnpcar.th ' r .'-'-Cam%rabb>,1>rk> Gum Gambngc,. f> Jib»c, Ornnym *u& yiuViimtrui-*i P«HI •i t L<-i:i..n Cuinnmoo Orun*>e, lJi:r-rtii:iot Ainiitr.c.d 44 , Ahsyutb *- Csrawojr •J 4mi'p«r Tartaric Acid Giugrr, fc.rut l|itta :' • • II.VSOU Imperial Gunpowd r IlyaouSk a *' Souahong «. Bobea , Pepper Siiuce «»ce : -,-:: .•' CattileSoap ' Alcohol Friction Sfatchi Suda for wnsfaln :>•;•;-1- W h WattW 0 Curmpdtir jst-bd ; 1' Aoni» Seed. A P*!ar|.»*>ti IStfh'ttQiS '^'•'•IVN' /•••.•'• .':. $$'dtl'W'.'' T<»aquin I •:;<•;: Coruwavt «!r.d Jujube Pu|iio:i 8nlcratu« Gmfcr, Icm.. . '{G.rocer,M : ; T e a , Y o u n g I?-fs]>n Freuch Blr-adtes- " . BpknUb Segi»>: Put and Pwrl Ashes .Smrcti. Litjaorice 1 Bill v ' -B.oh Hrlck , Powder'd Ginger root Abtm x ' ' | ,'Olifa OH, iu btrttiM Nutmegs ir Ht>rja,v '• . and b-i*keOi ." S^itpnuotCud* :.l..c:ilic»y 6-imfT :.n.l rrl;.i«-«l SeotebSnuff I. Ind-KO, Fi<>t -n» ei.u.. '*• •T>->. Alum Oil Vitriol Bleaching Salts Nun-alls > s Cloves Cu«uOil,inb..itlsti Kpaom 8a!ta . [?!•'.?, Ciunamoo -v • [<• Carlilumtc Ammonia B< »t'f>U I .'I -t re ,' v Aluatard. London Cayaaae. Peppef . Powdered Nutujeg Powd^rwl Cinnamon. » jttantifactnrcrs. - s ^ ! C 1 ' ,. Btae Yitrb-I Copper. Eaglab ] Sugar Lead und A rjimcan .N? •il rCochinesi ":T \ v vaqtw Fohi«1i Auuato >„• ; S.Ml^Am | Pot atid Pearl A het Extract Logwood '< TnrtHrieAcid i,'\ Ki-chromateof kjtashSalSopa . G-un sSd.tl L»c Cu<ibe«r ,. Woad Gronai.db-<Tla FallerV, KartU • ! Madd-u-.Dutch,Frecch In.t •:»•>. ».-i,v«.i, White Tartar 1, ,;.'jUed.T*rtuir , i+rtftn* aud !• ft SUroh :'•( Glue ,i;i»c.Dye r; '.", •. ; i ;siu»rob . •-- ,^^-< : J&W*"%>\&fc Gum Senegal* -'• Po-«dereiI Curcuoin P>»:•:«l*r«»l B'.aa* . ti.ii-r.riirou JJUir { Kpjrila Mire FvrU,,! v &l*ft*V^to/i-'' ' SaliPeira j . !Briti»b,Cum Kuoc Ad>« nod ..-•.rfilj ;-::•..• ' i .v.'^>'^^»Al'ci;;-<kcal*e-Acbt." O i l s . — F a I, Wi titer-and Summer. SiraiK.a/1'^poria-— It*- C/n.'d (mil Uurrl urd Wliute—TiimirrA* Train, Lia-ccd, 'NoaUr loot, Oliva iftrt wtei,):uad*f e»' Ble-ihaut.... &&£> k&Hhtii&i;'.- \ ,. arntcut ittcdLctuc C.ralci-a. Ratsam p f H o i t * ' ' Tutr|i«t-(iV>t». , a liul.utn lUt. inan** Dropa IfMrl-eib Oil a u t I ys<eMlli x. Powdnra SH.IIJ-I-IMHV tnt*ef#' Brmj-tiOil vExtract Sar^i-iurilla C<*pb:il-e Snoff*'••"*' Aud**r*uuf* ; Pdl Opod'eld *c. Steer'* .-*•;<!.! l ' . i * . ! « r . '. G"<ilr«.\ '• Corcli.il AIIII-MIXI!''* Cbfigh 'J'ii«.i«|» in'*. U y e W n t e r . Hrepa. ; '. li f -j. I^e's ltoupcr'3 Bleaching Pow Glue ',-,.; Oil Vitriol.'.!».'; Sal Amionninc Extract uf I.I.'J Atuur^ &c. «l'c. I«T» •>' > Pi per lT2akei*, IIaltera, -See. Lofwnotl Harwo-d c r M n K f i » , Haurm, otr. ...-.« •a l'..*.lrr , ii;:ui:ftuiuiiM\.i.'-:'«lla * . - JbiwVitjri-d V rd.gr-ie v j; l Cdpperiui PupperiCatf / pod Alcohol Sugar of Lea* J^r-^vib-'lji I ;.'•'.' \ : li yen* nu«l rtlaunfactnrcra. ;*•. C«uiwiW>d ••• "' '•"'•- Fu-tic V F UKSH IE AS]. iSd|»r-.,C-;fl^-, ffijs? u»th » c*#«»frti as«iirtoielit of'Grocerieii.: Por "' sale Cb*-ap, •.ttbeN..V.SNl.e'. I ;( •'•.: B . TEMBE1 TON; •Kp»d..ni.i. 0-'.:inl MZ ' I* 82 T*f N O I ICE.— I ti-* liiote-i anii. aocuuuU ot iV'.ALKER. SNOW & CO, are left Ht the offiolo of F. H. Ruaples,/E-'q., where thoyj may-'be settled <Iif dono'im- hiedtatelxj) without cos't.-rQi-T. J6, .1843. A LMANACS! F/OR 1844*—The Fwrnier's, S»'ff««rd*a,.Steele**', TemfM*»apc<», and! Vli'thbdisl ALMANACS, for sale pt tho .Fred onia BiioK-«P»re.- , \ Cot. 17, 1813. H. C. ''KRI3BEE R K;H, Winter Velvet! n,nd rthet Ribbons, alp Vehoti* iondSilk* for Lndies* Winter Hats, ofj Villous cof- "orn, jii.sr. received und for sole v.»ry low at the Hew Yoik S^rei—Fredofdn;. Ocr 16.1843'.'-. ; : *r|' ••' M" '•! .'33 S U'oAil, Motiifr.e-'. len, lubaccn, (actioibe article) 'roiats, D v e SjLuff<, & c . for i*ale by ; j E. ftrSLEV •*ints', Dve SjLuff<, &c. forj-ale by^ <W. 30, 1843 ii.fi SvrtS. ._«.• forjsiib* bv Oer. 30 1.843.' -Uuwluud « cel'lb.otefll i>tdi 6KW* 1 • f E. RISliEV &'GO.-J 34 H E E T l N G S , Brow;l nnd bleai-h*-d, P o l j ing. Tick- inft", Yar«s, Battittff,'.VVickingj &e. 1'oJsiile by " ['. ! °iL # l?i ; ^JM '.f 4 ' -E.iRisiisiYJ& i ca C J\ I*S: -A'jl'trge as-idrtrniiit of Velvetnnjd;Cb'2^hCaps, jjist rrcvlVed nnd for sale at the N. " Oet 17. 1843. ',' *i-wr4 F .LQRR•—s> , f, -i , i«f Floi tiity^fpr sale by : •I'COA:- rjV«.J-;- fi.i.. eiit 'oio aloiattheN. X.fi , mm lour by lUe haiVo' Fre.*A^ Jidy 24, l]84i3. E. RIDLEY m CO. JX.iret-e.v-d at llie New York Stow TVpT »J articlo of. Stripe ; and Plain; Arpaccas { tind-Friitie*! for trimming, presses. S«-pt: G IORE. ',••'•!' or; It*-.-, ijuuti- ?0 , u •beeutiful n|««o. Gimips ^ 1843. *>6 T>.r.A^ \V -.N I Et> f-100 bushel* «-f \CT*wanted IT tm^edt^Lv, W ...[•' E. RlSfJEY! & CO, : F^dpjHta:.Sei.t.2&. JIS43. •'' *4:vg ;-^| \--l; < i> 29 " t>USUELS NEW -WHE-Cf—Pin sale bv v,'I I WALKER'& SIMMONS.-.,' ^Aup. 34.18431 * .»i 23 AN CEO-*Wheat. Corn, and Q&h ,'Jor which ' f».M-d» will be eicbaiig*d« i-T'-v ''•'- ;; ! ; J»n.3, 1843. '-.'•[,' ..'• ..J*;..iT:y>.«lBffS^;.^;<?0.-.i' .TJljjC^ L).r- Q.i llie s^ewHlk i n m i s JU i iiist;.,;a crimped enn ha i+ it by ea !|i hg: 4t vilb«ejr,*o»»bt-2U|ti COLLARETl^fcTbis owni/r THIS OFFICE! ;') 4 J33 LAROri as*.ori«tietii'«! UAlTERSi-— i -2 jtx. do., and oldo Shoe's of ntl;drseriptioki«; rrieap for WALKER 6c StMMON$. co-*h, by .Tun».l^. 1S43. , A j jjAKM.fci ;u*»-Mtlriiueiii ; ol LKU< r-LJL':' Af*'»» lull sets Of]a superior htialirv* bv I jjine)3;1«43. .1 WALKKK tc Wjj^ggbj |^uLyUEU Ei\ClRAVii>Ga.—Avlry|bHi«i»otn« us- A./ soilmiptnti TorMiiaot tbo J»?«<l»«tiili Biajk-oore, Oct. $3^1843^ 1(33)|y .^cTrRlSBEE. STOCKS ml te S Collart, lor •QifcTip AWO^SILB; sslfsttbs^y. W .' ,'!:' 11 ''...W* PTQRE.^0ct.M'ilS4a < : " : ' .: ' ' \ - : ':• -i • ,.- . - \li \ ; ! ' . ' ' ' ' 33 r', ' ' . SiilAinainniac '? ' W**p*M Brwx t vV->od Ued^uadet-s 'ij t j .Ifouih Wood ' R-dWpod H v p e r m e \V*M Ji 1'r.n-li Wood i . Kbouy W-«md . "Ciiimu-alx o all kiiidW, Fireuctr, English and America. All kiiiHs |ul'1'irioi mid C'ulor*... KVerv i'l«>M:ripiii<u i>r D r u g s and DMi'jjgi»u',Art clcs,'ttud Patent Mediriti**s.' Pcrluuiery audi Svup*,V gcuon-t utiaortiiifi.t, Sue. &.c &•-. &e. . '*•••• S I NG! ^KjrJBOOKH.—Carmitiu Sativa.' BoMpn Aearf.. I erdy,: Magfl-'v'i > S.»btul ! phoir. The 11 iirm-uiW, Western-Halp,, dndjYoune Choir* Gr sale Jbwby lajti d«-Z*n or *mile, ut the Fredonia Book-tore. Oct. l6; 18|3. Ui' - H. C. FRISBEEi' ' n RIED' 11 D RIE£ rec :ived S*p». |19, llM*Lf{S.--(^rced -A ill LB prvlrm-d',). wiil ived lor troods bv ,' . ; \oM- | WALKiER^.SIMMONS. lB4Pt 11' •''• '•'•' -'•:-, '• * .' t 'jj,; j :-••-•••* •' ••• ., - •••'• •<« •W O^t. 30. : 343. ,t ,, ..-v..; i '-'•'• 3'. ; fH QfLKEi >^ Rob ft W<n'sted. -S O>t; 30, YAROS-^f Calicoef., Scf»nU anU. Atn.-r- icun Ginehan.»i boueht ld'^ *rt' noldiow. E. RISLEY &CC. n-ji-s, (.im[)-, b i l k S t | * " i » , jL»« L»'»»ea ««>. lydo. Slk Points, Clienelle Co« ,jZe|»bj)f i>r >U|L- I . . w b y '••,'" •• ' ' : 'i" S43. :!'q4 E. RISLF.Y A\ CO 1 >Ei\ Af DPOCKE j^ies'ispij l KNlVKtif, a sui»eridr artlcie.- KJLTii.'b Silv^ei IVnol*, for iala at the FmllniH Bobk-titpre. . li. C. kRL>!JEE: -"Ji»nW|3:n4$.'|^'"- ! ''. r ' - " T| 13 tidnwrv jStore, Tea «l the fiistiq^aht^fbr 6 *. per lb. dul Coffee, 1 M do Sr. C-oix Sum' ai 10c; also SpicV- i: J _ J. AM. VAN EU^C^.;' S-Pt. iU 1843. .•> ' d (S3. Fteddut , rieiiout:. o.'pt. t^ iiJ4^. ... ;• , A . -,,i Vrt. TOM . jV AiVkr>D.- r Ll.e S-.b-criljei * .y^.W . JL/ Goods for any quuotity ofgixwl, Bult*-r «(, tliehr ca».h:i«>»re. r . :^-FORBt*^)C4^ !— i J. ;FORBl.f| •% ryJcm , \ . .' !'.f>. ;i' —i '»'•' ' ! • . ' i'L ^ T O l T C t'.-^Adiliidetnvd to us by J>»-tte wr Accpuut, jj\ wiil j <-u»e m u k c i m m e d i a t e pi'tun-w i. . •'•;•_.; m •' ' E. •'RiS'L'EY^&[pQ*' ; Fre^onui Ahril SisV;'i KIPTLUUK 4 H < ii .• i *' . •' : „ : ' • . ' . . - ..r •. • • •Ii '• ' ;, :...: . .. " Accu^^t^dlwk , BARRELL i '• j '•• • . • •• • . ] • . •• . . § i. :-i .' •••' ^ : :'•(; h ' • ' ' . ' . . . , i. J - . . . . - : .••/• ' ' .,„.,.„. | h' t*^ .•' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: J , at 2 o'cloi k, P. My, in the ottice of tliefultonhistory.com/newspapers 7/Fredonia NY Censor/Fredonia NY...V A = 1 ri L • . < THE RESULT IN THE STATE As we cxpcci«l;ih« Siatc



= 1

ri L

• .


THE RESULT IN THE STATE As we cxpcci«l;ih« Siatc has gone h«vily (or

;he Wofbcos.' frhc Whigs in rjjpst parts of .ihe State, with a ftW bright' e x c e p t ^ have, as it werersoffered t l i Eieciiooto goby default.— The whole voteiil l be about 80,000, less thrs.0 in 1840.

The. following table, which we j copy from Ae Buffalo Commercial, gives the Assembly| returns complete, withtHeexception of AUegany. (Whig.) and St. Lawrence, (Loco,) each entitled to two members. J ."j.

»• The* House stood last year, 35 Whigs to 9C| cos. The Senate will stand*' 6 Whigs* to 26 cos. • \ .

>VHto» A L o c o .

Albany, .3 Caltnraupus, . . . . . Broome, . . . ' • • j j . . . . . 1 Chautauque, Chautauque,.. • ? . . . . , . I Chemung. . . . Cayuga, . . . . ; . . . . . JZ Chenango..'..


.2 o


. . . . . .

£ . j * s e x , • « • • « ' . . » • • • • ' . JL

c.ne,«. • • . • • • • . . . • • • 3 •ueriesce, <•••,.. Living«tou,. .., Monroe . . ; . . . . . 3 (New Yorlu . .„ i Niagara • H > ~ . . . I O n t a r i o , , . . . , , / . , . . .3 Rensselaer... /; i / i . . • 3 Schenectady,... Tioga,. . , . . . . . . T J U t e r / . . . . . . . . Wa*hing»o'n..., "VXTestchester,..,

• • . • . JL

. . . . . I • « . . . A

. . . . . I

Wyoming.. . . . . . . , .3- Niaea-a,. 4- New York,,.

!- ..

Clinton; ". Columbia, . . . . Cortland,. . . . . . Delaware,. . X Dutchess

. . i f jptiltnn, . . ' . . ' . . • FVanklin • • Greene, Herkimer,

-J *• Sermon,..;..,. j \ t n £ £ , . . . . . . . . .

JLi e Wr I .**. , . . . . • « «


.3 i . ' . l , I* 3 . . . • -


CH'AltfT • y

. The Ibllowi'iig we War congratulations every hand, stjnce Wiiig faith, rtlow se.mations rrraV.he, too much of truth.

The Argus 4eis*£ from Chautauque a*

N . Y . Ei.KCTioVii New York except fr! has gone Locci.—A

Brine out fJie Bi from ivW YorJc /-—' .Chautauque, Ihe c District'!'" The comes in moarJglori democrat* and) owe • iatur'e.—Erie Vbse

m ' 'E i • i

i . , . ,

•':-. i' > ;

• . ' 4 1 . .

!' • ' ' h i " \ 9 * : <'•' ••' ! ' ) : • •'•



the jopjaiQ Wii'Teciiiyes' on i ' - Ml' 'r 1 1 < I

j from tbe true atedlthese l^epre-' m • l"4 •• ! W hwciCannot deny Ij'i ' -V t\'': B^A<pem%men ajfocoa/ . • | | •; , I

jtja1 ret uf nsj from ie<*ouiiry!,which


*#;:•.« a «»•

| Whi

GMmsofe^ «u

'Mi :•;;•'$ • -. . :|, .' * • • ?1 .• ' i f ' ; ] . • • • • •.

• ( • • -

i. • -><>»«»hr/t Ai«!(lwy ri J *u ,v! * •••'• '•••r'Ktff .'rw, $


mg 'is^a statei

05 s* The Politic; with untiring ieal lure. They i|aye paid off by a \rcpc\ iruckljjng to'ithe

j.mucli good<has beenL operation? I'erhh % cian can solve the

o 4 • . »

J 2 . — -r 3

. . . . . f

. . . . . • *

. . . . . * Madis«>o < . . . . . -3 Muntuiiinery, . . . . * , . 2

• • A • t • • * •



FiTstBraatftfde 1. nuns frorh old

'iftsi-.** L.%ted in j'New Yjork

inocryacy. ^Fwu [fed to t|te LegiS-

Biafve labored* ofi>co Leftislat

vvill |nciW; be jC|«ftr, a base

for the regula Clerk, and Membe i f ;-'-i'r •" ]•'• .

• « ' T . . ' ; . I , : I ' ; " ' -•,• i

' • I ' " •

i« and

ofr Asse|mbl\ll!

f vba ybtesIrsiven at! the el1 t^ket, for Senaior, feheiif G



35 One ida . . . . . . Onondaga, . . Orange Orleans. Oiaejzo OH we go, . . . . Putnam, Queens. Richmond. [.. Rnrkland, . . . Suffolk . . . . . . S t e u b e n , . . . . . SardiAgn S c h o h a r j e . . . . S e n e c a . . . . . . Sul l ivan. . . ' . . Tompkins, . . . , Ulster ,

! MICHIGAN !las pr

errs by a dimmish Congressmen-; ire

fly.The reirinmij eldest daughter qf

i Biieham) of thisioi .4 !


2 . . . I . . . I . . . 1

Z,! ny whrre she died j j heaide her father, if 3 i>'h inst., the funeri

\he Rev. Mr- TTL'IS

The solicitude of wish, that her ash

m . i j dust, have been gf. . 2 j far from the home • 3 - could not smoiMh ,1 *^ i moUten Irer grjavq

Natures liberal gifts, which her oy,

2 | had improved; aniJI • * . ' remembered- as'ooett

.1 i • • , ...'.if

. 1

. 1

Wavne .o i»« our midst, Wellr ]

r . . . . . . . . . l ' "- ^rllfh, \ atesN.

jgsma: How WSb 'S t n e islave. byfc the

neri.lniaihemnii-cening Journal. ,;:Y'h rT":'1

forIjhp Locofo-•t ^Two Locdfoco hpsen.

j ; ' J ."•;• •' : -•

'Paylor (llbr ryttght from MtVc'e, and in e t n Miyula pg. perform Cliurch.

: her own'n D.-c with ki|tlred niihou^lishA'died tjiose friei)d|jwho

tttntltuw.ii may < now r|i|^s. ij

iuestowpd superior and perseverance

ill be generally ho had grown up r'usefulness; and te ctunpahtpnsjof


'ArKwrigtii, .• pusil,

.Carnjii; 'CNrjolte, , j Chautauque. Cherry Creek, iClymer,

Elhcott, . Ellin'utop. .

•French jbfeek, • Gerry, .j , '-. . Hanover,* , Harmony,

Miua, Poland, PomTri't, •,•. Portland, Ripley, Sherman,'^; Sheriilan,, Stocuton,

j VtHeuova, •Westfieldi

i _ ' • •

O " \Ve put-ti^h the" r»tlowli«pr lotjier ft-nm a i>mv»$ OK- jiulilu:. l i IK jiii-tmioh n liuter.aK w« tlutiild ht.v iVnm ullcll «r*'Hirvr. VVu Uiu.w I)r Qi iglny |>^r" iln>rn M »» muit in the country . WhoM? ipiuiou \H moro ro^pner, tin 'm on r<|| mil j -C'IH bnteitt uiul FI| lu- liiiili «-li: meter »s u Phvxiniifi «:ui lin -itlONH-<l icrdi.T-d iri'Mi in th«* eny.-/Philadelphia I aih/ Sut^ I 8ii»iPiir.RoV T o w - , , /u..-1'ivi. 10. l ^ : i ; j . D R A B ftm,—YOU euquira o f IIIM whotl cr I have

' \ ' . . . . ' |'' Hair T )iiic. nnd tl 1, Sovrra! yf>nrs npn ray hair brg.in 10 ( i l l rnputl pc:il|>.mi-l I liii-l *l.<- |H'iH'|ii:i:t ot" prt>iu:uu 'e liil i lni: fovnrHl * fur.- 1 n.Jril v.iriini-. prop.intiions recoininpr bAir. fnun which I tinri\n»\ n<» h n n n f i u . At li-nptli a mnmrii'lril \ our Ilnir 'I'oiiiti. I u»<-il (nreo or four: (-onlu)ir to i!K- p p u t p j ilirccrinns. nnd Mtjthn end nl'ijijc mom t||a my hutr wn> thick «ci, and sincOiUi tendency to "urn jp'ny V urrr-i»-d. );, 11 ;• I havri n»(ver before ffivon a "rnt (nndiriiiffi; whfch indi-»:rini>i do n.nc'i '"jury. Ifti" in u «r«"»o lit*** pruMini, wh#:rn | ; Unoiv iht-.

>krticl«* tirtbnrthJtiijncial, nnil that it c m d o no.'mu in. ^ti-huve ho scruple* in staunj; f.ict--> wi'bin ihy Own kn.owlcdirn-^1 ||

Y«»nrf, / c c . ! Jbnr«•Qjt|ict.Ev4''

lection, Gouidtv - • ; . x . ! , • ; < - • • •


.1 •

:•;-,', ' • , - : ; . v : - i ' \ ! -

;.-|||/,!:i;>--;/.;i '.' ;: .,!/:: |1;;.Y':\ •' '"-. :'•''• •' ' ^ T ^ ' ' ; \^p jfcS' " —_-! ;!"'•• j 1 ' j ' ' . r : , ' ', ' . i.. n... • — • - ••





G" 'jlBl AM E;XCITJS^Ti^J^otf-a« 'Jncn1; tbyJibtMe^prtifitif'Jl xUniwa the Snb*erib«Tt«, havp'j.

ju-t Nejye*; a |NKVV, B|fqFf, EXTENSIVE AND con«5«ning of ' • .| _-j

bitif fiqpibs. rJsBdcERiB lcRtMjkEnVi HARDIV IRE,; J J BOcJTSv iSHOEsr.iAKD LEATHER* ,

which Will b^ iH0ldifor,c<i* ]Zo!to:cr thari can be bought at' ^tijrr;piher>tpr^ ia tWi c ^ of rnu«wjff Viur uPjSertioti good*r-andTQr. cou'tiiry. W^dtt'ce;

- we will «jir crifjd^on jaafaijombleter.ins'.a's' anyorie e'Ue.' t \Ve icnn ufiiircl to Sell a« | toW ntt.any of «»ur t\efa) ibori

whojtrtake tjrent prWennipr tfavdwttl rill-fatten ;. piiri work i« much'8Ur»ettor to tlbfitv-rrto v«»u V l l W e w , call i ^ M ^ f ' i - 1P>'1\: fOHNVFOIVBES &! C>.',•?

P R E rpaENE

h • '•!• *. u , *

W B 5 S5B

T E R M of Mi- K.rd,Win,A.-H«tc^y X . cnmmenc&in Monday, \ 1th SfpierhrfiiTp^t, un

\:m > • * *' 5' . 1 *

V* . ' . V ' f '

» ' ' ' ' * T •

1 .1

! ' l


) : • •


mm^wmBiwrniiaajjaaa scsBrzsasssa

! , l h l • y,< a r

C | ) O R O <

fr«»m t tie Pnri ijg

I for t li : nnd r k lltftH I

. . , . , . . . . - ..., , _ . , . . . , . . . . . . . cOlU tendency to turn biny v « i

••• .;•• i • • i f , ,• r certifica'p, rrcnminoodinf;1 p |tr l iuitoly u-oil, a-* tli-vj iilu-.u a ;«.

Dr 1».J* v v e . Pliila(]<-!p'n:i.

H .

. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 her y o u t h , n o v scattlefeJiSjwWe, wi l l cherish still

•. — l ivel ier recollectiunJ dlf*l'Uw|\a»hTlil>le disposition | T n 1 > 0 r t l

'i ^ • , -t'ji iMiGfl' ftili - i t , , ,i

nnd those endyartiiw.vifli^aii'wmth adorned 1 character.—(^0^

TRUK G BKAT N ti M M& ' !Ri


. . 6 9 ' In,the aosene<»"of tlie official returns, it is im­

possible to. speak with anv accuracy of the aggre­gate majority of votes. The Argus figures up a majority on thesenatorial vote ofitoinfthrng like •19,000,or two ori three thounand less th»n BOUCK-received last yeajr. Tlie absurdity of making that vote a list is evident from the fact that in a ma­jority of the districts the Senatorial ticket was al­lowed to gJ altnwt by default. In very many counties the Wh gs supposing that it was useless. to make any fighk on the Senator; turnetl ajl their a:tention to the eptinly, ticket, and succeeded in electing their sherif, or clerk, or members of'As-sembly, as the dase might be. while on senator i l / " W e CJ1'1 , l j ^ ^ there woubl be a maj»>rity of some hundreds j country merchantsfj'to •j^stost them. Instead of a majority'nf 19,000, columns of JOHN or tlurreabou's. against the whign. we a ^'* , , , f - j |h*o city pf Kevw prise<l that ir dUI not rrnch twice that number.— _. . • ! „ . ' The Whigs made less e w t i o n on the Senatorial | ^ 0 , n , ! , » u , l s ; i uy

most honorary, de

Q7* We call il

mwMOsly attributed to eJfil||''or-.the attainment IfiP i l-i • i a Iwtiigue; who studies 5-do-

^u]il i|ii|ej|Ji|lit,abtis of indullfy,'

grear military acl of higfl nauopal'lH mestic economy,-and l* wields the j war, and learns hi ncss and profjigae'ri *a| | »lready' approachedllhe

' ee i qfij-fl) rx I* rn G r e a t n essi. ,!' 1.

231 co-and. on Monday last, Mr. Zunri Hill

lutinnnry Pensioner. He enmci t» hia dedtb by (received on being accidentally thrown from a] Tucnday week.—COM. I j . ,

Tn MnyviUt*, Nov.'4, A'"rz> tr^r*on of Mo .Amy Howard, nard "2 ntul S montho.

ln|VVV4iB«>1dt Mi*s Betsy Carpenter of Fren 'a"'^ 29 y»-iir .

In We»nfield, N«iv. 7. of drnp«v on-the brai r r ' W ^ f ^ - ' T " ' , , " , • , : ! l ^ • y , H . M d - a t -mr ,„r R. .V . C . R. S ' . H ; . . n H %^*§U 4 rta|| H w W ' S 1 'K |i'n|dement3 of k"g , " I . js= Blj f U M l t i n .the paths of hlle-jl! :• A . L . - P A L N . K R ; -! 11


^ubi . f pur readers and ^veitiaerr.eni in. our

•pi$*t?t, a large denier in. jjpjjlj-standing, in jp^u-cp,

thao ^hey did against V A ^ BUKF.:/ in'$(>,* wJ«en bis majority was nearly 30,0b0; and the fact that lh» majority cihimetl by the Atgus is sipvrrol thousand less iljan Gov. BoticK rrreiveil is a ai»nificonr indication of tlve state>»»f pnp«»la,r[n tui-ment. When tbe official vote of the several! coun­ties i» made pubuic. we shall I hen have' eiorfeci data for iiiakimi|dn estimate of the political com­plexion of rhe slate.—Commercial.

tb rers' ar t icfes, a nil faem wjpn to call on himliftbftyw

TnAaJK'sctvt.NGJ BouCTC has ppIM'»'lf d a y of Thauk>»iv i«g! i

, jfte' E'arthquaJcf.—\\'p

Mercury, thai: an'||ii j bean! ori •Tnesda,1! l«i

; Oppo«i(e H. B. Van Bonn's Store,' Fronf stTejf ''__——- : J.L -^—M-.A^1

W a rcmml) the w a a p o n o f political warfare. »nd prea* fi»r- b e J o r e - Q o c l o ^ ' k . w,r.t in (iRfeiicT of t>ir L'riit (•ir..fii>... o f S i j i r Hiitl >'unonut 1 rOII. S l O t l g h l O U , ly'•-*"! eooc«ra;nu which wc have heen array mi, nnd r m r r w«i i rpirit aad X«MI into \>rc\*»«» iuu» for ih'n prni«t o iu irnt or lr-14.

T a » t w«\, h»ve »ucc«"<xJ"<l or beeu <|«<fiMttao' In t)io prtvtual in* ataaea outrht not, au«i w e i m » l will not -,'mio otH* j<«* <>f i!>- ar­d o r w h a which av»?ry, tr«J«- W h i g . ev»-ry V v r r of hi« cnuntry, w h o would prefer tbo aaluMTjr MIMI |»r<i#>u«-rnus iitue» o f VVixg-' rut*:, u> the iie«iructijfe |x,]icy of Y.,u Itnrrn tatiii hm c«m<>ju-tari . will rqir.h-t! NirOMlf uii ilie »iil*j wf the People ami of IlcNtir CLAT IU tile alrafgfe which .awaita us.—J<untU«vn Journal.

1 >< •The above remark.tomes from a sheet which. \ $***»?[; b l f H j l P j

' , , . . . i. , , I- ',, • K i . king ol rhe groutw^h although it has the term H E N * * CLAY at tne head

ef t o w n s yi tliiit'^iicjimj l ike a ' /heavyiexp imnt rumbl ing id ohuujirM.fc then died u w a y . | .:S'h ken in the t o w n s a J n jnrred opei>, ntuj , (fthtfj rattled.' Variohsj

fac nend ourmerchrjftts dsat dlieap prices.

• .' - - . j -

)fe se^n thatj Giov. ijYfDec. 1-lib a-llbe "fat?. 'I 'i •]

f • •r . j - i i - . l - - -\ the New.Bedford ifubiiri-j IIOISA Iwas 'nu.'Oieon umnutes of ;Cmti'o]hB Sha-

D«'dbam, i|<l loih-|^'pie first; Si>uigl !was

;i(fontiruied, ifke the wn'r ls of ;i'rninii«|L and sea were sensibly,'shn*

Tailor! B n n k i r k L N . Y .


STROSS & SEYMOUR I f . Are now np^nine; n Store lin the Weht end.oiT the l/ge-

donin HoiWj, wlirro ttiey i'.u-nJ to, keep cob|stantly;op band a full acs^rtmf-nc of' j . I li l^

, F A N C Y iGOODSi , - f. c>»ni-t«tihg of the tollowin^-hriiclci*: Musljin de'Laines. A U o , . a'great varit-rj « fS i lk« , Silk Sliawls, Di'es< l i m»tk*re.hi«"fsi a 2«-»»nt. vai;ifry of Black Lycc Veils ari'l f-inry llacc Ribbons.- ^ v !

Geiit'-i Cratats ot ih»* lif««at «tvU», t: C A L I C Q E S; j

A«aortmeat of M-rimuM, Linpa L i w , lEmbroidered Sh'uvli*. Violin:;*. '..!,• \ i

A'soi an h-4-jOrunent' of Jewelry, and o,th<"r Ynnke.* notion*), too n'^merou*. to.mHi.Hiin. j \

Siri»-»t* & S«*ym<nr-ph-d-re ibepnielvca to pelt ch»*npfi ilinn any other »»MuMi-ilur)»nt w««*t of N»*w York. A-they J intend r« «wll for CAS.H, nlone; they will not b<* butd«»ne l,y u'ny other er>tnb|i'->hrnt*nt in FiV-donin. s.

The I*-idi<j« vvdl plehse'call and; exaiuiiie Goodti and

RTGAGE SALE.—George Rowley, on he i'jit day of-April 1842, by dee i of mortgnee

eotipiiliins the iihiihl power of «nle, tno-icnt;ed lo Jo-«epli[A. Bunnell one equal undivided half of all that ceruHa p'eco or'parcel 'of lund,'Mtuate, lyirig and, being on iHil CanadaA-ny creek in the'villas!' of Fredonia, inclojfuit: the bed of the creek within tn* bounds of the •j'ii(i iijlriii, .(alid being the. southerly pa ;t of the Itinrl-Hndiyremi-ie*«;cDnveyed by Jbvv'i Risley r nd S »p|iia A . his Wye, to EbeneziT A . L^-^ter, J«ihn 2i. Snxron fl\\r\ \latft|>n . Bin'kui^hnm, bv, inden'ure br- irina; date the

30«HTfl(**y °T D'comber. 1,836,) and bounded aa follows, viz aMJejMnning at a i-toke ainndift'g on the weat'line of lot number .14 in the sixth township and twelfth rangf*, n e n ^ h e lop of the southeily hipli bulk of tbe s'uid Ciniidnway creek, and.at rhe nonheiwti«rly corner ol • hmjbprr. of I/roviience L . ShepnrtTa farm now occu-pienflnd ipproved as an orchard, and nunnio:- thenos aart »87 deRrees en»*t 3 chains and 75 linkti to a stake' <\nu ting on the top of the fir*-t or lower! Houiberly bank of tr«> »aid crevk, a little ubove the dam which turns the ,\puer uf >>aid creek into the canal (leading t o , the •luwrinill Un the r-rernises hereby convened; thence up J .he «w?ek south 7.1 degrees and 30 minutes east four RhSl|t| and 62 link*, to a pile of stones on the ^gravelly beacjli of sl id pr.ek, at <he edce tifj ih.ijwater us ir was on tb^1 14th day of Morch in the year eighteen hundix'd 'ino jti'itrty seven; ihence north 6 :deireV*nnd 15 min­utes jea"! IOTO.-JS thejsaid' Cauadawuy Cre.k. 1 chain and 14 li k*>•^* highiwater maiklojn the northerly bank of said creek; ihencje norh 5$ decrees and 15 minutes weitlnithhi the hour ds of thui rdad leu ling from said Leitw's Furnace to the bridge cnwsitfg the said Cnna-• law-jy.-crrek' ju-tbrlow the dwelling-In ti->e of the said I'riivjnenee L . S h e p i r ' , 8 chains and i50 link--; ihence nprit 1)1(56 d«/grvos and 45 minmea wettt^ still withlfi lite •oUndjt* of the. said' road 10 chains an I 6.) links; to a -takef n»«ar the saif bridge; thenco. nirth 52 degrees v«st,i'||r»ne ihe nortl erly bank ot said creek at high wa* :.**r itii»rk,. 3 chains t » a stakf in the bank of suid creek; henrMnorift 6*2 d#-g •eesfltvd 30 minut-ls west stillalong be' ru|n.h»-rly bank of said crerk lour] chains|" thence

TVTEW GOODS — WALKERST SIMMONS' have X nl jo*»t. reeeiv«-d o ne\y, supply of (JOODS, compris­ing ihe u*«tnl variety, together with many «nt«Midtd and rich articles—all will b« i-old «« low forjCASH asi thpy «*an be ,b'oui»ht at any other store in this vicinny; mom kinds of •roun«rv produce Taken in payment for Goods.

F-er lo i . i a , O c ' . - 1C. l f i i | 3 , f? / 32


df its columns, through ihe Inrte poljtiral contest bat also^iad emblazoned on >tsi banner the names

| of Forbes John ton and Mttrciu* Simons as its can-: didates for the Assembly, weu| whom it has thus

significantly preferred to represent this county, to the exciuiion of SAMCKZ, A. BROW?/, a fellow-townsman of eminent worth and abilitv. It has Oted ail its influence and efforts to elect the iwo Locofocoes above named, and by the same, means endeavored to defeat Messrs. Brown, Lake, and Jodson, men aniently devoted to the Whigcauae, and against whom that paper lias not as yet ad­duced o single real objection on ihe 9cofe of either jjitnessfor the ©ffice,or. fidelity to Whig-princi-

' pies.

WHIGS or CnAOtACQOE, ii is the same sheef /which contains the sentence we have quoted Above and now comes before you with protesta­tions ofvatiachmeni to Whig principles, that has i y itssup()ort of two Locufoco candidates for the AsseroUly.disgiacedyoo in the eyes of the Whips sj" the Union, wid defrauded you of your rightful quota of representation in the Legislature. Shall the Jdjestown Journal, then, thus bedaubed with Loeafocoim* be received back aUain with open arms, wMle it. expresses no contrition for its traitorous condijct, ond for itslngency in be'eetiing two bantlings in the shape «f Lmcofoco Anscm-blymen? As s constituent of that party who«4-digoiiy han beep inaulicd, aridjUa principles tr»m-pleflio the dust, we say N o : and ns a faithful sentinel on the outpost we occupy, we shall d»-mand of the Journal some other countersign than the watchword* it has learned in the1 enemy's camp, words whose accents are .not yet otT its Bp*. artd .eupbohiously sour d. •* Forbes Johnson and Marcius Simons."

Neighbor of the Journal, ire sorrow over your dereliction, W e grieve ovei yonr errors and es­trangement. I During jhe lime we had.heretofore labored together* 'We formed many Sgre'eablc as^ sociations. It is your\>wn t> utt that they are tie-

-stroyed, and that the perrecj harnmny rjf feeling which has so* long' existed | Ben ween the Whig PTess of ihis cotinty, is now disturbed and broken. Yon have unwisely taken a position which* has rendered you obnoxious tc the reproach of all honorable men in both parjiesl and now, be not surprised, nor take it a* uuk nd.ifrpbuke, forcible and po^nam, shall.be v o l l r g , e c , j n g QU e v e r y T)and. You are held direeky resfwnsible for .the c t o i o o of two radical I^rfocoes to the Assem-biy. It now remains for you to do penance, and

your offence, "forgive and lbrget,,f

generally helievil -en r t hq u&ke, all I toiiih that quartcrJ-—5wff<7i

THK Kuickerl "lowing on »he au|tli3ri

••A negro, wlmjnec ihe President's in iff t in hts arinonrieemenpt iletnan nutned Foi arm. was HIIOWM; i- .t intrntluctioni .' Irlr FteiV* . !

Snpio S/or/n at to'day wjihjthe merfcipd' a* \\u\f plajji falling slightly, uji'iyi ing (o'prcs^inehi Hnaliy in/*l8nnig | north -west, with;; —Patriot, ilh in

irnir>lied. thV «io«j-r.4'were •i h o br eakfust-jables

'yiveiii as to jvjand quttijrtueu|,! sh'a-:

JJ-Jirtfs were 'ytverii as i tie

« t ^dihinncje,- it wa-j s l ight sh'oc.k /of a n ;

, '•:• iiomeiiu ::re rate in iwnllev

prici'n l>,-tji>r.» ptireh't-*in«! <d-n"whcr*?. F^donja N..v. 14. 1343. ! I 30^;


xinr relates, the fol-Ijr. Robert T^lcr. mill ushers Kis-lters at ['always ver^j precise

ne orrctisBuiJ a gen-daughter nit each

wing tpoin,'wM'h' the a n d , the iu\o misses


o hft\

7TJ-U rte .jNre vinited ' the season.J, Ir com* look, -nrnl Jcont/mued

5» I trie'titdA oTottr g'o-1 re|j«hed ihejI^iUnd] and ..rsjjln. Winfli frpm the

i Tlev*AbetBr

inobii'ed on.|he ey: very Itf^utfer. I was

h(.-;C)th ujL'ij at Balla-t"i). New • yf]«»rk, Jjj tlijlJfjif ^emut ina -iii- speak on the sijbjrct.i>f*ht|iTi'4|!ffiiW^ thought I mobs were i»ot of jashidn., bfwi3n|lraji |i»le of Balsto'n seem » • •» ' H i t ' l l ' ' * t ' l lSJ .• M ' ' • ( V l i resolved to introduw I'gHtn. r

ASHES.-f Th-r| ri-S'ue lo dero»rtd nm Pewrl*. tvrp 5

JJM then be tbe word and act,,

£ . (L^Oor subscribers are notified that. Mr.

_^?y? ?°*"**!2 *J" * •utbori^ed to receive pay-loeaff for ths Censor.

'35 nn| FLOaR*-rRet-^

b . . t -u K-» I HI- e b L-'lf l 1,11,1 O l l i l ' ,

4 C9 m 4 75 . Ti GRAIN.- i -T

tv-*- u »Hte uf 2 •toee.it U h>-ld H mid in £-oo«l ri«*mfti»( Canal, wan'im'iw1

unid in cood'dt»m»

SKKDS.-J-8«0i or» si 9 cet it-»; mlvire* from' nbro 7c-eni». Tir->.r!i; iran F'«x«ee<l Wi

PRO vision there it but u no-! i*. looking up I)i i-fhe sale-i fronvft

\»old at 4 S^srifl City M.$* r, „ , Ktalder* ori »i^ detihtnd, wiili tm\ 850. keg* ai|6J«ct4 at 6 ct»;' S.!.-s qui««Cat7 a-lO'sAfrJf,

| CAT! A^ nmrl^ei (1

Cows and Calve1* • P R f C E S r - B E

pend wirh I i-r w $4 to 4 50la.$5.

C O W S A N D S H E E P ! A "

for Lamb*, and Tribune.

S T T f l l s ^ e l . at the Acudcpy oi followio, rotoluiic

fcVWn>»'Ea;t>| IWH to notiJ .ale* 75 t

• , (

. I Po >v. f,

iJPorJi t «n-l/U barr«-l».

NEW; A N D C H K A P . r - W e hijve! received ynd novy. off*o to j*he'public, a liirgc and rich a->-

•ortm»htof G O O D S , eon«»i-»tinjj of ' j ; j" DKY GOODS. nttOCKIttES. CROCKF.RYJ tlAttDWARE,

BOO I't*. SlIOKi-, II \ T 5 , CAt'S, SOUK AINU | -CfPBlt LEATHEa. &: ,>«„ j*

which-will be *o|.l as cheap if not. a little elieiin^r. for cni«b. than cun be found at any other »n>re in Ch»|iitnij. queConntyi* J. FaRbES"Si CO.

Fn-donin, Oct. 30, 1S43. . • j . 3 3

NE W h > L L A \ D WINTF.U GOODS.-^-Jur-t re-roive«t. n Inrpi- lor of Fall -met \Virji.**rj


embracing nn untoifmeiiri onr*uq)a««A«d .fori Richness, Quantity. Quality and CUEAPJS'ESSt'ui tbe|we«*t-exnrrMi]jk»*t. . N • ( , !•

. We fink the public to call'and examine, ns we-will po-Vtiviily civr good bargain* for prompt pnv.'

Fredoni.1.0 •••., 30 184J. ^3J f E ? \\ »ST.F.Y & C<"> i • i i - i i n i - n • — • - • • — • n - I M I I . i — w H . - I M • ' «• ••--»»-»---—-*>--i-ii» • • • • • • • • M I P • — • I ' - I I ' I — • • mm

j / ^ 1 ANADI ->N S i.ORK — I"he •ul»iicii|e*rJe-iC4»urHeefl \ j by the l,iberal pmrorioge given him, IKIH resolved, to r«*muin at Fredonia during the winter; and invite-; i,he «"iii'4 'n-* t,til'examine a fresh ^npphy of Fwll nnd Win-1

te.r G.w»ds wl/ich h»* t* now n*V.«»iving und which !»• will nell nr tije lowest Buffalo pricet. .. *:•

Butter, Cheene, and modt kind*, of produce, received in pa.Nmenr. WJLLIAM B I S H O P .

u Frydonia, Nov. 1, 1843. ' • | 31


oi'ih! degiuea MI id cit.ot'k four c h a i

te (>uid bat ik o f

thence north. 32 ong tlio bunk bl

ind 23 ltrik»; thchce north 33 de

vesr, still alons t IH an l forty link-;

and '15 mil Ate* we-t, still u lek 5 chains i qej*

ng- tho bat>k' of

•MRS. VAI NKW FASHIONS. jju-»t returned from New Y-itk with the,I sir;'

*nplv af-kj i 7S'for Genesee, $a! l C f o f f a t l a i e j . L M i c H -k irfn-J 4'69. Round Ohio

7 5 •• ' I - A I I • , •ljM» i ; g i .i,nd for^Vh««frl,niid'wd no-*llinoi»J-,t HJi tMnt-.. In

•Ti4' •'• C'Lrn § F F pl-^ntk I(j:»'f2isopbii,jidi-Jj6hto.v"tir WflWeienr. '. Obi ^Uj steady ^ 3 0 i H 5 f a l > ' . Y Cletfri tPkweTLu to buy. |ei i(aHvkin6trVr|fiAiii( an the m «»nn*g<5Khipirieirii above

jri' ik-.*' dull «tJ

'kirj]far'MiJ**rft^: it'^mtt'snecutiitjive

1 * ^ ^ f T b a

« • » . ' .

• " • .


$10. and rJ Beef uetibn.7-

Prime ba* Ciry Prin1.f;J|50a47o(

igianadyorlc4ofji>5 ct*.' pricei«.,.JL-firrt'is in eood burreK atJ5] o ^contw; , ftnd i>0() So out of atlore iecio ut 5 (k*l\ ^Butter,U

NOntJK-^Strayed from thi?> pa*ture of ihi Hjttbncri-b»r on t!l,ie fir*.t d«y of Nov. instj, f-iur Sheep, b*^

ing tw.i Bucks and two Weiithern, all horned J W h o ( ever will nottjv me where tb|sy can be found, ibnH be ' liberaliv rewtjrdcri; ( V ! J A M E S P E T r i T . '

E T -Nov iern>—2T> e,k4l)0 Sotnhei

^p-bnd ^ m b » , j f - .Weqi iotejtocorres-mry to Pjaj^' retailing



tijra al p 2-1.' AJI taken at! J r'AO sold *t


-': : : •

next mectinr a J, for tho i


• "


will bo held ou Of the

I r-

OUR EN h»»-Win

ter faithions for Lndy** Hat*, Cup*, Cloak* and Dfe*!"-en, together with a choice selection'of Ribon«». Silk* and Tririiiming-i. *%Sbop threo j doont ea»t, of Rialeya* Srore. .-Fieilonia, Oct. 3d. j

N . . B . Milliner* can be accommodated with pattern* on rea->onab|e terms •- f ; 1 • 34

1 ' . i . . 1 1 . j I ' I > 1 1 . 1 ,'<• | | ' • ' •

N E W . G O O l ^ S — J U - T n-erivpo*, a full n l ipplv ol DHV GOOD0. "UO^KRIES, MEDICINES.

P-ilN fjj Ol LS. DYE S rOKtjS aiirt lilQUOR^ of „ir kindi*. whipb w.- wi*.h to excbuiigeifor Cu»b, Wbeut, Oat^ Corn and Buttert • '-' ! (V ,'!

SQUIRE AVHITB & SON. Fredon-e/Oc-. 27 , 1810. 34

•-aid'or, ;rees! &nd 15- minutes west,! still ah •aidicfX'k 3 chuina nnd 60 link-i; thenco north 2 3 de •irees'f'nd 45 minuti s weir, still'along• tbe bank of .said ereijk-iutur chnins at d 2L' link-=;!)thence north nine de-:re«|» ritid 45 iniuutts we--t nloue the said bnnk of paid •reijk djie chain and 44 Jinks; tlience south 52 degree** Vt»rf /Ithuina and 5.6 lirtk-1, to the c'»0ter of the. ro id enij inH. from ihe si til-Providence JL. ShepardV dwell-M - | t'JIJiO'to Cro-.byifille; thence south 44 degree* and

I5!|iin|jie*» pa-it nIon4.tho center.of the hint menti'ineet '<»a|, 23 clia;n« and 92 links; thence south 6 3 degreen •n*tii ti^ithe center ol the road crossing thr -.uiij cretk" jusijjb^Rpi the/said Shepnrd s dwellinf: 'IIOU-M-, 13 chninsi MKl|25'h»ki*,.thenet «outb70 degrees eii*>r 4 chains and 5 linkijto th»* cenur . of the laid Slie'pntd'n'wfll| nnd tience jlouih 58 deireei*'east nine churns nnd 90 link* o ' the?jjp.bipe ol bf ginning: the said premises' bein^; >ourt"depf4iorthwardly by land* owned liyjj'oel R.Parker;

\nd als^l the ri«ht.nf raihing the wat'ei by thetirnbt:r hVni on Vpe-Hnid premises to thekume height that., lit is l o v r a fed'by the slid timber diam, land to tho Bitme •ei;;h\ M|atdit*hed'l;y the nrhkrmtors between Eb»*ne»e?|r

A. LeHer, and El'jth': Risley, |Vilhnm Risley.ajnil JL * >i lli-!«.'CTvund'r4l-.o, the right of private Way and pa-*-, -ne 5 nldir^r bo'northerly bank of the laid creek i.aA the •time w k | originally conveyed by suid L'»vi Risley and •

\ id IjVter, Suxton und Buckingham,. a»j, for 0* Lounaa of the pr**misea ber»»by conveyed—ex­

it of unaNfrom liii* conwyohce a certain spriiisj 1 of wntei "reserved in a deed frornsaidl Ri*.ley

DlSSQ.L.fJ i;ION.~ri4cop.ittner-hip:hereto .li'^Hfl'between ihe firm;of BUCKS'^

CROSS, i* this duy di<solv<»d by'mutual eontveb

^ ' •4 f O? A. BUCK, Fredor ta, C?cc. 14,f1843 ! 3. Z. NORCOSS.



o r * e x *


tie !con-TH E Mr ijey-MokviBeConcern wIli'hereaftiBr due ed l»y ,0.; A- BUC Kg at tho fctand o f B iek» &

N o r p r o i j ' l v ^ n ^ l l E H ^ I m ^ hand a full assoii nent of common•••iz'ed Siisb, iindf promptly n);«ke to "pWer any extra Vtsejthnt may'be^caliied for., . i ' rM , . The W-oyon-rriaking bui.i,ne-.s will also bocpnt iWd at t h e ^ m . plnceby. l . E-NjORCROSS.' : • 3 * 3 3

DOVVMNH'S L-VNDSCAPK rtARpl<vNlIiG an! A RCrOTEC r U R i ( ^ ; D r < A W l N 6 ; a|l/o( l.V«

Cottage Re^idences^ two^yety de-irable works^ foi- ev^ ery peruon of ta-itel'ond''especbilly to'thojte irjterding tjo build and improve their ground*, for «HI»» at tjhe Fre«;

donin B »ok«tor^v !/!''•''• -H . C\ F R I S 3EE,. ' Oct. 33i; 1843. .:.:.;: i ; ' , ;• •'..,• .1.;..' ffi i - / 3 3

Mr. WAI.TIR U ? ( H « B A » V T , A B;., Teacher fn jthe ^rteli-dv dermrtrri* y'

Mi-. M A B G A W r

Female Departme jr Mi**-Ei.17.&»>:-( H

; Mlia Ew^tefci ^Kt«G, T**ach;),,>n MUH|CJ •A departmonj: f irithe education of'C-immon Sichool '

Te&cherV,''jha<ie< h; established by the Reie i pi of. lho vv University.1 Ilrjio' iourne of instruo»k»o is thorough and practical, and |w< II cnlcujuied to furnish abb- and cifi-cient teachers. • >Vhen ,ji •tii ident.;W ©onapierfh,- tho "course arid;"i»de me«l in nil P-H-IOCIS. well 'rj'ialtfied w . teach o Comr^Uij Ibhool, ho wilt receive a Piplorjjia.

Tuition, per be m, of fotir months, fnalVb>ahcbefe, U but $4 , payable: ir advance,; half at the commencSniSAil and half at the !m ddle ofluncb term. . [

Music, DruWin r"and PalHtin^ wiMbechaWedUxtnu'"••. Board may, be. had in good fumiliws at $1 25 rief


may'Uo. liud in good tumtliws at M> 1 25 n'ef we<;kv including.-•« anhing; rhpm, a"od fitrnituro.,

The tc^nUirlti at ;the beginnV.ig ir middle of tho,Teriw,'

io fprr odmisnion irttp'thfe Academy it ....-- ir middle of thoTerm.' v , '" ^ «

From tho welllknown high;e^aira<ii«rsn(l''qtVa1iHt^

TVTEW'"GOODS AT THE NEW YORK StO.RE. ± \ Jnst.receivedl.a| general stock «f Fall and] W|mer. Goods, such as BroadJ4?lothjS Beaver Cloths,Caj»j.im"eres. S'ttinrti'. Brown and ''Blearlt'Sheeti-»e« nnd Sbirttngs. Co:t.nn nnd Woolen. Flanbrl*, CotijDn Yarn. Batting nnd Wiricrnc, Calicoes, nnd Gin^ham-t; Alpicca* ordiffer-ent color*, (tiu'd and plain.) MiWlin de biini's, jogether' with.many other new nnd|fa#bionrthlo articles for La­dies' Drf-i.s'»« and Clouki. All tlio-above J'go^d*' are Fresh New Goods, from tiho citvof New York, and will be oold'iuinu,->iinlly low for C A S H . : T

Butter, Cheese. Dried Fruit. Socks and Flannels will be received in exebnnse for G «ods, if delivered coon, a t thet - i iooC tho NEWj YORK STORE, j 1

J H . P E M B E R T O N . Frodontn. Oct. 16. TRflS. . ', ' ',.! j -32

N EVY G O O D S —D.j W. DOUGLASS «&. CO are now rnr^tviti-f t'n-if N F.W (JO''D^, rm»*i-*r lug.of


and ns they were bought lower ibi* season tl an usual,< thpy ofT**r them for sale at very low prices.

It h i s bccnmi* quite fii»h'ionnhl-- in this nbice-lo I sell goods for" pay down in, cash.Or barter, .and nj; w vwi»h to suit our customers in nil thing* as much H» wecuni we'offer the'm for that kind of pay at exlrtmejty low. rales, and we>wilf not i-efuie to give a short credit t o one who we think' it* bofb responsible and prrmrjt.

W e plWlge ourselves] tn sell good Good* us jow as any of pur iieigbb»»rs, an!d. if they.wantany old Caiadtan gore's, w e will sell sn«j:h lower than wandrterjf, and bold ourselves renpon.4irjj!e for'our acts in I he, I lareain.

The hitehesf: price: will be puid in Guoda-jfor jButter. Fredn-in, June 5,' 1H43. 13

that no Semlnqr

tlons of tho re.*|»e< live teachers', the pleasant nnd 'healthy location uf ibojl stituiion, <whicji ha*vs'v*luabh* Phi* , lo-ophicul und C iemical fip^BraWts, ri Cabinet of Min? era'S and anjejiri n*»ve and woll ni'-b-ct.-d Libran,) :••••• '• rho veiyJoWjpxt jHufruition, it i».couHdei»tly Wnevetl'

. il J

r\ oi\r country posses-ie* ttd<.-atitatre»

r^v. Fcedooia. I August 14.' 1843 ." : , •, •• j\ v •: 23

• •

To | f W | t<incw and/the Pnblip gencMlljr.

.PAINTS, MEDICINES. GltOKKIttK:*. &c. 188,6it :KNWICH stitlcfcT, JtKAV TOTlit. V"...

JO H N CJ M< >RRlSON <jff--r« formal* o n the most •' liberal.term . fur C A S H or CREO^T; S very ex­

tensive assort me »t of .Goods, among tbem tho fbtlawinj,t to which he wot d soljcftthe attention of

A p o t h e c a r i e s . 0,»um, Onirip!i-»r. Onot i i T s r t a r •-<


( * i i i n p ' . i - r , Castila Soap j Liquorice l lhulmrb " ; Jalfip Flowers Canjomi) Gura'Arabic Quick-ritv-ir ' Atngnckiu Koll&FiVSntnbi rAlcohnl <•_! »• N T » » . . n ; _ t . _ i — - ' Caloi*icf A«|ii:i / i inmohin Turtnric At id • I . : i 1 l i l : i l i u i ! l

O.I P-*p'uiint nnd

Corkfe o f ml' l.in.f \ S.ir»4|<unl!a llru"-jir.i/» Utu*s Viirn

I5:il»am Copavia •, ., A1u«s t CasiorOil l

Msauit . B >r*x rrZ i*d4*Cra«ls < ; . . r r . » M n - >"•• i.'..;..-•<;

\Bj lN KT W A RE ROQM.—Tbe Sublet-ih*-ir keeps on hand,at bii Shjp corner oi Main nvd| Mechanic

streets every descriptioji of CABINET FURNIjfURE, uhicb ho'will «iell at the followingextrerhidy htw.pree-.:

M^hn-jnnv Burenii-i(§il8 ; Chrrry do. (n»rh 7p<» $12; Breakfittt "Tiible*. $ 3 ; Renter Tables 20 to $ 5 0 : ^i-e rion Chairs $ 4 i ; common Chairs 5* io i j | - L-ght Stands $1 . ,'; : * \ ' \ ,' ' '•'1i J

'Orders punctually .attended to. . \-J- ).:. , . T H O M A S P O v y E R .

Frodonin. S-nt. 5:.1343. 1 26

N E W BOUKS A N P S.CATIONARY.-^The Sub* seriberhus received his Fall and1 W;n»j?r etock or

Bj»ok* and Suuionary,J embrncine nll^he varjeties of common school and classical Books used in thj* section of the cnunrVy, together with a vniiety of mi<cellnrrt\-ous Books, which Will be sold reasonably low] for ready

pay. H. C. FRIS BEE.

A ) LARGE n«*ort"«nW ol &HOES. suc^ ns cny ! LJL ters. slippers, walking shoea, Misses do. chil drenVjpt.ters, morocco do .children's brogans, youth'v boots, bi»yTs jdo.. ji i it received and cheap or ca-»h by t v ! j (WALKER & . S I M ^ 0 ^ S .

Fn-donin j Sepr. 19. JIS43-

HATS A N D C A P S for sale at the old M»rid of P. t l . SfEVENjS, by STEVJZNS f:.G#U\

FE-i\Ht whii-h will be sold chonp-for C^sh-.or in «x-khjuigi* for'Corn, Q\l*\ Wheat, Grass S^e3,ojr approved jCn-dii. Plensecaflarjd examine quality and prices,

Fredonia, June 2 1 . (1843. ;• • • ] : • 1 5

wifb t o i >he nori re'pting \i »r fpriii;;

tn<\ wiljij iboiye re

'j|be a Lti42, by1

.'to said L\»ter, S><Xton and Buckiiighurn, ired o, d ited.Decemher Si-), .1836. ! d Joseph A. Banned on the llth day of April deed us-tignetl'ihe-said mortcaae-*o H»*nry

vV.' L)olWlh, Dauforth p . lOjyes and Freder'ck Dol-ori,. S ill mortgage WII« recorded' on the )9ui day of

April l M 2 , at 2 o'cloi k, P. My, in the ottice of tlie

Jltiuutfi uque County, in hber 19 of mort-ages, 6, and'said assijsnrhent Wa*» recorded on the f April 1842, at 2 o 'c look\P . M,, in the ol

x Sl;AN.O. FOR.SALE <JK RKR I'.— IS i l l )

SpVERT ittl * he well-known raVern, S und nWn* d ani^ocru

_??J fMdbv M. bhULti, in this village^ is oft'-re'dfor (iiiU* orrerit. , i i hits ldirgMand,coi>m«|«liou4outbuiIdincs and many convenience* attached thereto, together with nini? ucrt;» «>f]eood bold. It will be rented on vifry low tei:m<». For l'ni"h»»r infonnution, apply to M. A L L E N , or GEO C. ROOD. •.;•,! ! ii

FredonHi.Oct.31. 1843 . i - . *110*34

Piim.fn-t, Nov 6, 1843, 25

A* LPACCjlS , Cbusaui-,' Muslin! He Lainea, j Crape J \ . De t a i W , . Mi'rinoes, Bombaziriesi. &c; the rich­est assortment eyer offerid in Fire^iWita. by . |, '

E. R1SLKY &'CO. Oct. 30, 11543. 34

IT POKING GL,AS5E$, Cnu-kery, and Glass JL* Ware, .b^ 'EvRlSLEY & CO.

Nov t , ^ 843. • " ' ;: i i t ••:•: j :! •'. j . - - ,-•'•

RlM P K D fjAM BRrC^ (lor cqUaretteb) Plain Cbeck-d! Musltn^/Lacesi &c.byAi, ^


TRON. Steel, Nu'iU, and m X Nov. 8v 1843.

artlwn'rp.for,»nle by E. RISLEY &.CO.

SH E E T I N G S . Shirtings. Tickings; Dtnllings. ;Wickings, Batting, Cotton Yam.!.Carpet Warp

arid Filling, bv i ^ E. RISLEY & CO. JFutia 14,1&», (&M U]

t v . ; k t e •:::-": "•••' - i ' • ' ' -

Jl»-rk ol tr. page I9(h duy , licitj of ll'ej said Clerk in liber G orj mortgages, at |>age 192. T j | te ts claimed to be due bh'thmsatd mortKage it ihe'fiijUl'pub jc4ition of this notice tho «Mm of $389* i.'2|und;"| were is another in-unlment to Income due -vr|ch no J| amounts to ,$l 113 73 j tnakinc tl e whole -urn unpnSl at tiiis t ime , $ l702 7 5 In default'of the ,layment kif tho sum of money so due upon tub stud mqit^ngdns aforesaid^ the said mortgaged |nemises\will DO ttold utlpubltc yenduo to the rjiiattoot bidder, u t lhe lohnson House,' in the village df Fredonia, on Thnrse lay tbe Brtri diiy of February 1844, at 12 o'clock, at noon. pktvd'Nftv- 14, 184:?. . i ; •! '•'• r

H E N R Y W DOLS^ON, > 1 D A N V0 RT H D. ,K EY» S. V A«ignee,s. F R E D E R I C K D O L S O N "


[rpTjlGE.-^SYLVlA P.! WARLiDEN htfs f left] 1 ray bed and board Withjtwo ciiiblrt-n; witii-

uii any j d ip

ijst cause or provocation. Therefore, 1- forbid il harb-.rii.g or trusting thom on my uecount,'for,

r iihall p w n o debts of their* on tract ing utter tb?« dat»-,. . WILLIAM >Y. W A R L D F N .

r.is^-2(1.^843/',".'':' '-K- ,, - f /|;;*6Aa6-i White Iflarlle.



i n la

fo HE 9,S

"•iifooes, \ |j .wtll ruiss

tEJ :»s.aiit.l will-con^arfily be*jkepl at No. utli.'Portaj;e street, Wesiifield, a superior urti-

li* ofN« v. England Mur>Ie, for Ijead i and fobt Tomb 4'bich wiII be "lettered ujjid carved 'to'order.1

>e furni-hed on abort notice, Mopiimont.s tui'd wanted. Tbo-»n wjanting su«h articles,-will

•ajlf on P»|r. H- S>kes, Sculptor,Jwhn can.usually be found at the Factory, or at mv -mire, No. 2 , Mmn street.,

; ALPHEUS BALDWINS • r^tfiUld. February 2 0 , 1 8 4 3 . ! ly;3

"ANp'ED.—Butter, Cheese^ and Dried Apple-*; for] iwhich Goods, will he exchanged, at. the

' ji T o r v v l v n n i r .cirvi: |*pt. If). !l843.:


OftkN :E B O N N E T S , BOOM - and Shoes, Tea 'j'CoJR-e, Sugar, Saleratus, Madder; and many~iDtb[ ' 1 n i l 1 «

t-nterocet'ilas may be found at very ilow prices, attlio I i CAJSFApiAN SIORB.

edoo n;Nov. 1. 1843. ;• f 3f

JJL'E V ELY^TS. Heavy Velveteeti. Coajt H fBiiimngs, and' Coat Cord and Trimmings, a ereat P-yrfi':-:.:' • ''"'- • >Ei RISLEY ti CO. ;:




• • • ' I i *',. I

, • .

-ht-Y'DS Cloths/Gassitrtereft. VestinQs * c . by # : RISLEY & CO.

1843. ': ' r .'"•' ••••:'•> '%^'A:-:''7'" 1 1. ': . ' "" ' ' _ a - ' 1 •!

lothf'Velvet and Fof trimmed Men's on j ' Can«, Cheap by-.1843.

E: RISLEY &CO.J '• ! •.;>•;•;;'. 10 'ami ??.

lEO;---vVbeati Corn; pats, Butterl and Pr»-e f enerslly, by: '#$ | E* R l S P E t -& 0 0 . !», Septi!lt,!l94Si^

." j ' ' . -

•. iW* i .•;;•> .5>.->>t:.J.v; *

NEW- GOODS, ju,st'received* fiom New Yoik,. by Hxpw-^si such as calicoes, alpaccui*; dress silk,

|Mii**lin|d«»vL^n* shnwN, dr«Ms( do, , coat cjrd of the 'first <iualij.v,; cheap-for'casb hv I • - '','

it': r*- ! I *\VALRER & SIMMONS. Fredonint Sept. 19. 1g4Jt. • [s ?8

WI N D O W G L A S S — A IIC*: and ejxrensive supply «f 7x0, 8 K I 0 . and lUxl^frnhi ditTeront

manufartories. Also, soanoned Pine L'imboti and Cv-dnr Post-, bu- sale bV / |. . D - B A l i R E L t .

Kr.>d;.;iiMT r..*pr. 14 ,1843 . ••;• | V 32

W~ ~ H O W A N T S i T O •SHAVE-EA^YV-At ilte,.Frf»ibinii B-'i'k-.tore m»yV bo found. •'very «ip«*-

ci'ir, Blazons, Strops, ft^he*, an«f^Shqyine jCfenm, for sale veiv lo*v j . ' , ; . . H. C. F R 1 S B E E . , s

(Vr. i i7 , 1 8 4 3 V 1 •" . , ( ' . ; • / : • • - > > ' • • • \ • ' • ' • ; • -J - .3 -J

utl hf-'futiatOi1 I'Guai Truftacauth irk' ttf it11 | '

rupgi-.l/« Ut

/Window fjla-I s.iz«;s S|tirit>T«icpROtiuh l*aity Vrnli*rru, dry « u f Clwr«»in|i Gretja^'i

in oil Vermilion j , Ivory Itltck i ltoi.e Ptiik '; Rritish Lustre G i l d , Silvi-r Uroi jt« Copper Itrotirc ' f i r : * W h l u A , iKpsnUh l!rowu Saiid Pujj**r puitHcc Snmr. Ja|»mi,Coj)at,Co|ch,Turkr!v TJiubcr

ltClI^lr-'X Bright Vdrtiinlt

Confcc t o n e r s , Diwti l lcrn.aatt ISnkcra. Oil.or !Cunes

** Ti-pin-rinllt

n ti u

Re-1 Precipitate . Svpriu N|tr-> llu!c^ Su^nr Carbbiidta Kp»oin 8ulu t>»<)A ' , i : . t**uin», t. BnlpbiiOr Qiiaiuo * Ginii M y r r h dt l i t tmr ' t f i f ,

p.i wiicr«<i ,B.irk Spougck, co^riu, Cas Vi*d*. j • ;

P x i t n t r r a . • W I I I - I - l . t-jjjdry and R<-<1 Land.

lu,oU '-•..; Litbr-nifa . "VVhui..)-

" t'liu.snr V«*f|oW Yellow livhri-.FraoobPrus-o.iN itiq« *v"

uad AmerUuu Koitou Sioun Cmii Citpil. ' !Pu.lnr KrtKbcs,

.•ilUi=-s Go'.I, ^ o v a r L«a4 C al*rt. wnitp, r«a VV.....iuu lt«.l ' I T « r « i i ) UI.MII I T«rr* da Hittaa [ -tJ m i S.|<*lNc


'-., I

l . -nsp I-.Lick ' G|UK, Hit NirtS

Siuli T » o l s . all elfin HU-U I.- : id

Cnclliiioal Aloce f '•• iV / . .


i>uon>*^a ClOVr*

\Viiiu*r-*r«*j-u CmnumoB . ,'^i'*' C«S*.IM Buds A l t s u i c e ' . ,. . J<.iiiiiU*'S Gum Trnpcar . th 'r.'-'-Cam%rabb>,1>rk> Gum Gambngc , . f> Jib»c, Ornnym *u&

yiuViimtrui-*i P«HI

•i t

L<-i:i..n Cuinnmoo Orun*>e, lJi:r-rt i i : iot Ainiitr.c.d

44 , Ahsyutb *- Csrawojr •J 4mi'p«r

Tartaric Acid Giugrr, fc.rut l | i t t a


• •

II.VSOU Imperial Gunpowd r I l y a o u S k a

*' Souahong « . Bobea , Pepper Siiuce « » c e : -,-:: .•' C a t t i l e S o a p ' Alcohol Friction Sfatchi Suda for wnsfaln •


W h WattW0

Curmpdtir jst-bd ; 1' Aoni» Seed. A P*!ar|.»*>ti IStfh'ttQiS

'^'•'•IVN' /•••.•'• .':. $$'dtl'W'.''

T < » a q u i n I •:;<•;: Coruwavt «!r.d Jujube Pu|iio:i 8nlcratu« Gmfcr,

Icm.. . 'G.rocer,M:;

T e a , Y o u n g I?-fs]>n Freuch Blr-adtes- " . BpknUb S e g i » > : Put and P w r l Ashes .Smrcti. Litjaorice1 B i l l v ' -B .oh Hrlck ,

Powder'd Ginger root Abtm x ' ' | , 'Oli fa OH, iu btrttiM N u t m e g s ir Ht>rja,v '•

. and b-i*keOi ." S ^ i t p n u o t C u d * : . l . . c : i l ic»y 6- imfT : .n . l rrl;.i«-«l

SeotebSnuff I. Ind-KO, Fi<>t -n» • e i . u . . '*• •T>->.

Alum Oil Vitriol Bleaching Sal ts Nun-alls

>s Cloves Cu«uOil,inb..itlsti Kpaom 8a!ta . [?!•'.?, Ciunamoo -v • [<• Carlilumtc Ammonia B< »t'f>U I .'I -t re ,' v

Aluatard. London Cayaaae. Peppef . Powdered Nutujeg Powd^rwl Cinnamon. »

j t t a n t i f a c t n r c r s . - s ^ ! C1' ,. Btae Yitrb-I Copper. Eaglab ] Sugar Lead und A rjimcan


• i l

rCochinesi ":T \ v vaqtw Fohi«1i Auuato >„• ; S.Ml Am |

Pot atid Pearl A h e t Extract L o g w o o d '< TnrtHr ieAc id i , ' \ Ki-chromateof k j ta shSa lSopa . G-un sSd.tl L»c Cu<ibe«r , . W o a d G r o n a i . d b - < T l a FallerV, KartU • ! Madd-u-.Dutch,Frecch In.t •:»•>. ».-i,v«.i, Whi te Tartar 1, ,;.'jUed.T*rtuir , i+rtftn* aud

!• ft

SUroh :'•( Glue

,i;i»c.Dye r ; '.", •. ; i ;siu»rob . •-- ,^^-<:J&W*"%>\&fc Gum Senegal* -'• Po-«dereiI Curcuoin P>»:•:«l*r«»l B'.aa* . ti.ii-r.riirou JJUir Kpjrila Mire FvrU, , ! v &l*ft*V^to/i-'' ' SaliPeira j . !Briti»b,Cum Kuoc Ad>« nod

..-•.rfilj ;-::•..• ' i .v.'^>'^^»Al'ci;;-<kcal*e-Acbt." O i l s . — F a I, Wi titer-and Summer. SiraiK.a/1' poria-— It*-

C/n.'d (mil Uurrl urd Wliute—TiimirrA* Train, L ia -ccd , 'NoaUr loot, Oliva iftrt wtei,):uad*f e»' Ble-ihaut.... &&£> k&Hhtii&i;'.-

\ ,. arntcut ittcdLctuc C.ralci-a. • Ratsam p f H o i t * ' ' Tutr|i«t-(iV>t».,a liul.utn lUt . inan** Dropa IfMrl-eib Oil a u t I ys<eMlli x. Powdnra SH.IIJ-I-IMHV tnt*ef#'

Brmj-tiOil vExtrac t Sar^i-iurilla C<*pb:il-e Snoff*'••"*' Aud**r*uuf*;Pdl Opod'eld *c. Steer'* .-*•;<!.! l ' . i* .!«r. '.

G"<ilr«.\ '• Corcli.il AIIII-MIXI!''* Cbfigh 'J'ii«.i«|» in'*. U y e W n t e r . H r e p a . ; '.



I^e's ltoupcr'3

Bleaching Pow Glue ' , - , . ; Oil Vitriol.'.!».'; Sal Amionninc Extract u f I.I.'J Atuur^ & c . «l'c.

I«T» • > '


P i per lT2akei*, I I a l t e r a , -See.

Lofwnotl Harwo-d

c r M n K f i » , H a u r m , o t r . . . . - . « •a l'. .*.lrr ,ii;:ui:ftuiuiiM\.i.'-:'«lla * . -

JbiwVitjr i -d V rd.gr-ie v j; l Cdpperiui Pupper iCat f /

pod Alcohol Sugar o f L e a * J^r-^vib-'lji I ; . ' • ' . ' \ : li

yen* nu«l r t l aunfac tnrcra . • ;*•. C«uiwiW>d ••• "' '•"'•- • Fu-tic V

FUKSH IE AS]. iSd|»r-.,C-;fl^-, ffijs? u»th » c*#«»frti as«iirtoielit of'Grocerieii.: Por"' sale Cb*-ap,

•.ttbeN..V.SNl.e'. I ;( •'•.: B. TEMBE1 TON; •Kp»d..ni.i. 0-'.:inl MZ ' I* 82

T * f

N O I I C E . — I ti-* liiote-i anii . a o c u u u U ot i V ' . A L K E R . SNOW & CO, are left Ht the offiolo of F. H.

Ruaples,/E-'q., where thoyj may-'be settled <Iif dono'im-hiedtatelxj) without cos't.-rQi-T. J6, .1843.

ALMANACS! F/OR 1844*—The Fwrnier's, S»'ff««rd*a,.Steele**', TemfM*»apc<», and! Vli'thbdisl

A L M A N A C S , for sale pt tho .Fred o n i a BiioK-«P»re.- , \

Cot. 17, 1813. H. C. ' 'KRI3BEE

RK;H, Winter Velvet! n,nd rthet Ribbons, a l p Vehoti* iondSilk* for Lndies* Winter Hats, of j Villous cof-

"orn, jii.sr. received und for sole v.»ry low at the Hew Yoik S^rei—Fredofdn;. Ocr 16.1843'.'-. ;:*r|' ••' M" '•! .'33

SU'oAil , Motiifr.e-'. l en , lubaccn, (actioibe article) 'roiats, Dve SjLuff<, &c. for i*ale by ; j

E. ftrSLEV •*ints', Dve SjLuff<, &c. forj-ale by^

<W. 30, 1843 i i . f i S v r t S .

._«.• forjsiib* bv Oer. 30 1.843.'

- U u w l u u d « ce l ' lb .o t e f l l i>tdi 6 K W *

1 • f E. RISliEV &'GO.-J 34

H E E T l N G S , Brow;l nnd bleai-h*-d, P o l j ing. Tick-inft", Yar«s, Battittff,'.VVickingj &e. 1'oJsiile by " ['.

! °iL# l?i; ^JM • '.f4' -E.iRisiisiYJ&i c a

CJ\ I*S: -A'jl'trge as-idrtrniiit of Velvetnnjd;Cb'2^hCaps, jjist rrcvlVed nnd for sale at the N. "

Oet 17. 1843. ',' *i-wr4 F.LQRR•—s>,l«f,-i,i«f Floi

tiity^fpr sale by : •I'COA:- r jV«.J- ; - f i . i . . eiit ' o i o

alo iat theN. X.f i , mm lour by lUe haiVo'

Fre.*A^ Jidy 24, l]84i3. E. RIDLEYm CO.

JX.iret-e.v-d at llie New York Stow TVpT »J articlo of. Stripe; and Plain; Arpaccas tind-Friitie*! for trimming, presses. S«-pt: G

I O R E . ',••'•!'

or; It*-.-, ijuuti-

?0 , u •beeutiful n|««o. Gimips

^ 1843. *>6 T>.r.A^ \V -.N I Et> f-100 bushel* «-f \ CT* wanted I T tm^edt^Lv, W ...[•' • E. RlSfJEY! & CO, : F^dpjHta:.Sei.t.2&. JIS43. •'' *4:vg ;- | \--l;<i> 29

" t>USUELS NEW -WHE-Cf— Pin sale bv v,'I I WALKER'& SIMMONS.-.,'

^Aup. 34.18431 * . » i 23

A N CEO-*Wheat. Corn, and Q&h ,'Jor which ' f».M-d» will be eicbaiig*d« i-T'-v ''•'- •

;;!; J » n . 3 , 1843. ' - . ' • [ , ' ..'• ..J*;..iT:y>.«lBffS^;.^;<?0.-.i' . T J l j j C ^ L).r- Q . i l l i e s ^ e w H l k in m i s

JU i iiist;.,;a crimped enn hai+ it by ea !|i hg: 4t

vilb«ejr,*o»»bt-2U|ti COLLARETl^fcTbis owni/r


J33 LAROri as*.ori«tietii'«! UAlTERSi-— i -2 jtx. do., and oldo Shoe's of ntl;drseriptioki«; rrieap for

WALKER 6c StMMON$. co-*h, by .Tun».l^. 1S43. ,

A j jjAKM.fci ;u*»-Mtlriiueiii ;ol LKU< r-LJL':' Af*'»» lull sets Of]a superior htialirv* bv I jjine)3;1«43. .1 WALKKK tc W j j ^ g g b j | ^ u L y U E U Ei\ClRAVii>Ga.—Avlry|bHi«i»otn« us-A . / soilmiptnti TorMiiaot tbo J»?«<l»«tiili Biajk-oore,

Oct. $3^1843^ 1 (33) |y .^cTrRlSBEE. STOCKS ml te S Collart, lor •QifcTip AWO^SILB;


• W .' ,'!:''



PTQRE.^0ct.M'ilS4a < : " : • • • '

• • . : • ' ' \ - :

':• -i • ,.- . - \li \ ; ! ' • • .

' ' ' '


• r',

' ' .

SiilAinainniac '? ' W**p*M Brwx t vV->od U e d ^ u a d e t - s ' i j t j .Ifouih W o o d ' R - d W p o d H vperme \V*M J i 1'r.n-li W o o d i . Kbouy W-«md .

"Ciiimu-alx o all kiiidW, Fireuctr, Engl ish and A m e r i c a . Al l kiiiHs |ul'1'irioi mid C'ulor*... KVerv i'l«>M:ripiii<u i>r Drugs a n d DMi'jjgi»u',Art clcs,'ttud Patent Mediriti**s.' Pcrluuiery audi S v u p * , V gcuon-t utiaortiiifi.t, Sue. &.c &•-. & e . .

' * • • • • 4 »

SI NG! ^KjrJBOOKH.—Carmitiu Sativa.' BoMpn Aearf.. I erdy,: Magfl-'v'i > S.»btul! phoir. The 11 iirm-uiW,

Western-Halp,, dndjYoune Choir* Gr sale Jbwby lajti d«-Z*n or *mile, ut the Fredonia Book-tore.

Oct. l6; 18|3. Ui' - H. C. F R I S B E E i ' '

n RIED' 11 DRIE£

rec :ived

S*p». |19,

llM*LfS.--(^rced -A ill LB prvlrm-d',). wiil ived lor troods bv ,' . ;

\oM- • | WALKiER^.SIMMONS. l B 4 P t 11' •''• '•'•' - ' • : - , '• * . ' t ' j j , ; j : - • • - • • • * •'

• • • . , - • • • • • • ' • • < «

• W O^t. 30. : 343. ,t , , ..-v..; i '-'•'• 3'.;fH

Q f L K E i >^ Rob ft W<n'sted. -S

O>t; 30,

YAROS-^f Calicoef., Scf»nU anU. Atn.-r-icun Ginehan.»i boueht ld' *rt' noldiow.


n-ji-s, ( . i m [ ) - , b i l k S t | * " i » , jL»« L»'»»ea ««>.

lydo. S l k Points, Clienelle C o « ,jZe|»bj)f i>r > U | L - I . . w b y ' • • , ' " •• ' ' :'i"

S43. :!'q4 E. RISLF.Y A\ CO

1>Ei\ Af DPOCKE j ^ i e s ' i s p i j

l KNlVKtif, a sui»eridr artlcie.-KJLTii.'b Silv ei IVnol*, for iala

at the FmllniH Bobk-titpre. . l i . C. kRL>!JEE: -"Ji»nW|3:n4$.'|^'"-! ''.r' - " T| 13

tidnwrv jStore, Tea «l the fiistiq^aht^fbr 6 *. per lb. dul Coffee, 1 M do Sr. C-oix Sum' ai 10c; also SpicV- i: J _ J. AM. VAN EU^C^.; '

S-Pt. iU 1843. .•> ' d (S3. Fteddut , rieiiout:. o.'pt. t^ iiJ4^. ...;• ,A . -,,i Vrt. TOM . jV AiVkr>D.-rLl.e S-.b-criljei* . y ^ . W . JL/ Goods for any quuotity ofgixwl, Bult*-r «(, tliehr ca».h:i«>»re. r . : ^ - F O R B t * ^ ) C 4 ^

! — i J. ;FORBl.f| •%

ryJcm , \ • . • . ' ! ' . f>. ; i ' — i '»'•' ' ! • . ' i'L

^ T O l T C t'.-^Adiliidetnvd to us by J>»-tte wr Accpuut, j j \ w i i l j <-u»e m u k c i m m e d i a t e pi'tun-w i . .

• ' • ; • _ . ; m •' ' E . •'RiS'L'EY^&[pQ*';

Fre^onui Ahril


4 H


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