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J"" b ?'! ' 8 '1 'I ' -- - S ivi sion Ordinance
Page 1: J ?'! b '8 'I - Iowapublications.iowa.gov/12870/2/Urbandale_Report_vol2.pdf · B. Before approving a preliminary plan, the Commission may in its discretion hold a public hearing on

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S i v i s i o n O r d i n a n c e

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City of Urbandale, Iowa

March, 1962

Prepared under contract for and financed in part by the Iowa Development Commission under the provisions of Chapter 280, Laws of the 58th General Assembly of Iowa, as amended.

By: Anderson Engineering Company City and County Planning and Zoning- Civil Engineering, Site Planning and Land Subdivision Planning. Des Moines, Iowa

March, 1962

Urban Planning Grant Project No. Iowa P-3. The preparation of this document was financed in part through an urban planning grant from the Housing and Home Finance Agency, under the provisions of Section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, as amended.

By: Anderson Engineering Company City and County Planning and Zoning- Civil Engineering, Site Planning and Land Subdivision Planning. Des Moines, Iowa

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Walker A. Johnston - Mayor Dargl Newbrough Harry J. Milliman, Sr.

Ned J. Kissinger - Mayor Donald E . Mitcbll Robert E. Downer

Ned J. Kissinger Robert E. Dowser Donald E. Mitchell

Eugene W. Lukavsky Leon C. Reinig

Fred Swinton Howard A. Hanson - City Clerk


E. L. Young - Chairman ! I 1

Lawrence Hindert - Vice Chairman Ralph Lowe Robert Drey

' ~ o h n F. Byrnes Floyd Schmitt

Leonard L. Clement

March, 1962

Prepared by

Anderson Engineering Company Planning Consultants, Des Moines, Iowa

Donald A. Anderson - Consultant Max W. Krumrey - Chief Planner William R. Fudge - Assistant Planner

Bernice Peterson - Typist Delores Phillips - Typist

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SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS Streets Blocks Lots Improvements

PRELIMINARY PLAN-REQUIREMENTS Number of Copies and Scale Contents of Prel iminary Plan Accompanying Material

FINAL PLAN-REQUIREMENTS Number of Copies and Scale Contents of Final Plan

















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An Ordinance providing rules and regulations for the approval of plats, sub- divisions, and resubdivisions in the City of Urbandale; prescribing minimum standards for the design layout and development thereof; providing for the pre- liminary and final approval or disapproval thereof; providing for the enforcement and penalties for the violation thereof; all for the purpose of promoting the ad- equacy, safety, and efficiency of the street and road system; and for the purpose of improving the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens; and repeal- ing all other ordinances or resolutions in conflict herewith.

BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Urbandale, Iowa:


It is deemed essential to establish minimum standards for the design and development of all new subdivisions so that existing developments will be pro- tected and so that adequate provisions are made for public utilities and other public requirements and to improve the health, safety, and general welfare.


In accordance with the provisions of Chapters 373 and 409 of the 1958 Code of Iowa and amendatory acts thereto, this Ordinance is adopted by the City of Urbandale, Iowa governing the subdivisions of all lands within the corporate limits of the City and Senate File #162, 59th General Assembly, governing subdivisions of all lands within one (1) mile of the Corporate Limits.



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For the purpose of this Ordinance, certain terms and words are hereby de- fined. Words used in the present tense shall include the future, the singular number shall include the plural and the plural the singular; the word shall is mandatory, and the word may is permissive.

Block. An area of land within a subdivision that is entirely bounded by streets, highways, or ways, except alleys; o r by streets, highways, or ways except alleys, and the exterior boundary or boundaries of the subdivision.

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Building line. Building lines shall be shown on all lots intended for resi- dential use of any character, and on commercial and industrial lots when requir- ed by ordinance. Such building lines shall not be less than required by the Zon- ing Ordinance. Where the subdivided area is not under zoning control, the Com- mission shall require building lines in accordance with the needs of each addition.

Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission.

Council. The City Council

Collector streets. Those which carry traffic from minor streets to the ma- jor system of arterial streets and highways, including the principal entrance streets of a residential development and straets for circulation within such a de- velopment.

Cul-de-sac. A short, minor street, having one end open to motor traffic, the other end being permanently terminated by a vehicular turnaround.

Easement. A grant by the property owner of the use for a specific purpose, of a strip of land by the general public, a corporation, OP a certtiin person or persons, and within the limits of which the owner of the fee shall not erect any permanent structures but shall have the right to make any other use of the land d j e c t to such easement which is not inconsistent with the rights of the grantee. Public utilities shall have the right to trim or remove trees which interfere with the use of such easements,

Engineer. An engineer is a registered engineer authorized to practice civil engineering, as defined by the registration act of the State of Iowa.

Lot. A portion of a subdivision or other parcrel. of land intended for the pur- - pase, whether immediate o r future, of transfer of ownership or for building development.

Major thoroughfare. A street used primarily for fast, large volume traffic.

Marginal access street. A street that is parallel to and adjacent to a major thoroug;hfare o r highway; and which provides access to abutting propertiesand protection from through traffic.

Minor street. A street used primarily for access to the abutting properties.

Performance Bond. A surety bond or cash deposit made out to the City in an amount equal to the full cost of the improvements which are required by this Ordinance, said cost being estimated by the City Engineer, and said surety bond o r cash deposit being legally sufficient to secure to the City that said improvements will be constructed in accordance with this Ordinance.

Plat, A map, drawing, or chart on which the subdividerfs plan of the -

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subdivision is presented and which he submits for approval and intends in final f o m to record.

Roadway. That portion of the street available for vehicular traffic, and where curbs are laid, the portion from back to back of curbs.

Subdivision. A subdivision is the division of land into three or more lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development; or, any change in existing street lines o r public easement. The term when appropriate to the context, shall relate to the process of subdivid- ing or to the land subdivided, or, the resubdivision of land heretofore divided or platted into lots or other divisions of land, or, if a new street is involved, any division of land.

Surveyor. A registered surveyor authorized to practice surveying, as defined by the registration act1 of the State of Iowa.


A. Whenever the owner of any tract or paroel of land within the jurisdiction of &is Ordinance wishes to subdivide or plat the same, he shall c a s e to be prepared a preliminary plan of said subdivision, and shall submit three (3) copies of said preliminary plan and other information to the City Clerk, The preliminary plan shall contain such information and data as is outlined in Section 6 hereof.

The City Clerk shall immediately refer copies of the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission and to the City Engineer, The City Engineer. shall oarefully examine said plat as to its compliance with the ordinances of the City, the axisting street system, and good engineering practices, and shall, as soon as possible, submit his findings to the Planning Commission.

After receiving the City Engineer's report, the Plaaning Commission shall study the preliminary plat and other material for conformity thereof to these regulations. The Commission may confer with the subdivider on changes deemed advisable and the kind and extent of such improvements to be made by him. The Commission shall approve or reject such plan within fokty-five (45) days after the date of submission thereof to the Commission. If the Commission does not act within forty-five (45) days, the preliminary plan shall be deemed to be ap- proved, provided, however, that the subdivider may agree to an extension of the time for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days. The approval of the preliminary plan by the Commission shall be null and void unless the find plan is presented

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to the Commission within one hundred eighty (180) days after date of approval,

B. Before approving a preliminary plan, the Commission may in its discretion hold a public hearing on the proposed plat, notice of which shall be given by publication in a local newspaper of general distribution, o r by posting notices on the tract, o r by sending notices to affected property owners by mail. Such notice shall be given within seven (7) days prior to the public hearing.

C. Reference should be made to Section 16 of the Zoning Ordinance for platting under the Community Unit Plan.


The standards and details of design herein contained are intended only as minimum requirements so that the general arrangement and layout of a sub- division may be adjusted to a wide variety of circumstances. However, in the design and development of a plat, the subdivider should use standards consistent with the site conditions so as to assure an economical, pleasant, and durable neighborhood.



a. Comprehensive Plan. All proposed plats and subdivisions shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan.

b. Continuation of Existing Streets. Proposed streets shall provide for continuation o r completion of any existing streets (constructed or re- corded) in adjoining property, at equal o r greater width, but not less than fifty (50) feet in width, and in similar alignment, unless variations are recommended by the Commission.

c. Circulation. The street pattern s h d l provide ease of circulation within the subdivision as well as convenient access to adjoining streets, thoroughfares, o r unsubdivided land as may be required by the Commiss- ion. In a case where a street will eventually be extended beyond the plat, but is temporarily dead-ended, an interim turnaround may be required.

d, Street Intersections. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as possible,

e. Cul-de-sac. Whenever a cul-de-sac is permitted, such street shall be no longer than six hundred (600) feet and shall be provided at the closed

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end with a turnaround having a street property line diameter of at least one hun- dred (100) feet in the case of residential subdivisions. The right-of-way width of the street leading to the turnaround shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet. The property line at the intersection of the turnaround and the lead-in portion of the street shall be rounded at a radius of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. A turn- around diameter greater than one hundred (100) feet may be required by the Com- mission in the case of commercial or industrial subdivisions if it is deemed nec- essary.

f. Street Names. All newly platted streets shall be named and in a manner conforming to the prevailing street naming system. A proposed street that is obviously in alignment with other existing streets, or with a street that may logically be extended although'3he various portions be at a considerable die- t w e from eaoh other, shall bear the same name. Names of new streets shall be subjeot to the approval of the Commission in order to avoid duplioation or oloae similarity of names.

g. Phyeical and Cultural Features. In general, 6treetrr 6Ul be platted with appropriate regard for topography, oreeke, wooded areaill, and other lrartural feature6 whioh would lend themselves to attraotive treatment.

h. Half Streets. Dedication of half street6 will be dirootrraged. Where there mists a dedicated or platted half street or alley adjaoent to the traot to be mabdividd, the other half shall be platted if deemed neoesssry by the Corn- miecrion.

1. Allma. Alleys may be required in bucrineclrr areas and industrial dietriot6 for adequate aoaeas to blook interiors and for off-atreet loading and park- lug purpose6 . Exoept where justified by unusual oonditionrrr, alley6 will not be ap- proved in residential distriots. Dead-end alleys shall be provided with a meuu of turning around at the dead-end thereof.

j. Easements. Easements for utilities shall be provided along rear or side lot lines or along alleys, if needed. Whenever any stream or i m p o m aurfaoe water course is located in an area that is being subdivided, the eubdivid- er shall, at his own expense, make adequate provision for straightening or widen- ing the dunnil so that it will properly carry the surf&e water, and shall provide and dedioate 'to .the City an easement along each aide of the' stream, whioh ease- ment ehall be for the purpose of widening, improving, o r probcthg the stream. The width of such easement shall be not less than twenty (20) feet and the total width of the easement shall be adequate to provide for any nemssary ahnnnel re- loeation or straightening~.

k. Neighborhood Plan. If any overall plan has been made by the Commission for the neighborhood in which the proposed subdivision is l o d e d , the street system of the latter shall conform in general thereto.

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1. Land Not Platted. . Where the plat to be submitted includes only part of the tract owned by the subdivider, the Commission may require to- p o g q h y and a sketch of a tentative future street system of the unsubdivided por- tion.

m. Major Thoroughfares. Where a new subdivision, except where justified by limiting conditions, involves frontage on a heavy traffic way, limited aceessway, freeway, or parkway, the street layout shall provide motor access to such frontage by one of the following means:

( 1) A parallel street supplying frontage for lots backing onto the trafficmay

(2) A series of cul-de-sacs o r short loops entered from and plan- ned at right angles to such a parallel street, with their terminal lots baaking onto the highway.

(3) An access drive separated by a planting strip from the highway to which a motor access from the drive is provided at poWs suitably epaoed.

(4) A service drive or alley at the rear of the lots. Where any one of the above mentioned arrangements is used, deed covenants or other a~erurrr should prevent any private residential driveways from having direat aecess to the trafficway.

a. Dedication. A deed to the City shall be given for all streets be- fore the same will be accepted for City maintenance.

o. Railroads. If a railroad is involved, the subdivision plan ahould:

(1) Be so arranged as to permit, where necessary, future grade s6arations at highway crossings of the railroad.

(2) Border the railroad with a papallel street at a sufficient dis- tance from it to permit deep lots to go back onto the railroad; or form a buffer strip for park, commercial, or industrial useo

(3) Provide cul-de-sacs at right angles to the railroad so --to permit lots to back thereonto,

p. Street Widths. Streets shall have a width and cross-section as in the Comprehensive City Plan for the type of street involved.

q. Street Grades, Streets and alleys shall be coqle ted to grades which have been officially determined o r approved by the City Engineer. All streets shall be graded to the full width of the right-of-way and adjacent side slopes graded to blend with the natural ground level. The maximum grade shall not exceed six (6) percent for main and secondary thoroughfares, or ten (10) peroept

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for minor or local service streets. Al l changes in grades on major roads o r highways shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equivalent to twenty (20) times the albegraic difference between the rates of grades, ex- pressed in feet per hundred, or greater, if deemed necessary by the City Engi- neer; for secondary and minor streets, fifteen (15) times. The grade alignment and resultant visibility, especially at intersections, shall be worked out in de- tadl to meet the approval of the City Engineer.


1. No block shall be longer than one thousand three hundred and twenty (1,320) feet.

2. At street intersections, block corners shall be rounded with a ragius of not less than fifteen (15) feet; where, at any one intersectio n a curve radius has been previously established, such radius shall be used as standard.


1. Except in districts requiring a greater width, corner lots shall have a minimum width of seventy-five (75) feet in order to permit adequate build- ing set-backs on both front and side streets.

2, Double frontage lots, other thah corner lots, shall be prohibited except where such lots back onto a major street or highway or except in the case of large commercial o r industrial lots.

3. FOP the purpose of complying with minimum health standards, the following minimum lot sizes shall be o b s e r v a

a. Lots which cannot be reasonably served by an existing public sanitary sewer system and public water maim ehatl have a minimum width of one hundred (100) feet, measured at the building line, and an area of not lesls than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet.

b. Lots which are not. within a reasonable distance of a public sani- tary sewer system but t ~ " 8 connected to a public water supply main shall have a minimum width of eighty (80) feet and an area of ten thousand (10,000) square feet; except where greater lot sizes are specified by the Zoning Ordiaance.

4. Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles to the street or radial to cumed streets. On large size lots and except when indicated by to- pography, lot lines shall be straight,

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D. IMPROVEMENTS. The subdivider shall install and construct all im- provements required by this Ordinance. All required improvements shall be in- stalled and constructed in accordance with approved specifications and under the supervision of the City Council and to its satisfaction.

I 1. Grading. All streets and alleys within the platted area which are de- d ica td for public use shall be brought to the grade approved by the City Council after receiving the report and recommendations of the City Engineer.

2. Curb and Gutter. Curb and gutter shall be installed on all roadways in the plat being dedicated for public use and shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with designs and specifications approved by the City Council and at grades established by the City Eii gineer.

3. Surfacing. All roadways being dedicated for public use shall be sur- faced from curb to curb, Surfacing shall be asphaltic 21:;zeri :I o r Portland ce- ment concrete and shall be constructed in accordance with designs and specifi- cations approved by the City C o w i l at grades established by the City Engineer.

4. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets being dedicated for public use. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of four (4) feet in width and sball be constructed of Portland cement concrete in accordance with designs and specifications approved by the City Council and at grades establish- ed by the City Engfneer.

5. Water and Sewers. Water mains, sanitary sewer lines, and storm sewers and their appurtenances shall be constructed and installed in accordance with the plans and specifications adopted by the City Council. water and sewer lines shall be made accessible to each lot. (When public sewer and water facili- ties are available for extension within a reasonable distance.)

Before the City Council approies the final plat, all of the foregoing im-. provements shall be constructed and accepted by formal resolution of the City Council. Before passage of said resolution of acceptance, the City En gineer shall report that said improvements meet all City specifications and ordinhcea or other City requirements, and agreements between the subdivider and the City.

This requirement may be waived if the subdivider will post a performance bond or certified check with the City Council guaranteeing that said i m p r o v e ~ t s will be constructed within a period of one (1) year from final acceptance of the plat. However, if a performance bond is posted, final accepthce of the plat will not constitute final acceptance by the City of any improvements to be constructed. Improvements will be accepted only after their construction has been completed, and no public funds will be expended in the subdivision until such improvements have been completed and accepted by the City.

The City Council may waive the requirements for the construction and in- stallation of aome or all of the foregoing improvements in cases of resubdivis€ons where only the size, shape and arrangement of the lots is being changed and no new streets are required and in cases of dedications of land or rights-of-way to public use where such dedication is in excess of the needs of the subdivision and is desired by a public agency in lieu of a purchase or condemnation proceeding.


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(See example of Preliminary Plan in back of Ordinance)

The Preliminary Plan of a subdivision is not intended to serve as a record plan. Its purpose is to show on a map all facts needed to enable the Commission to determine whether the proposed layout of the land in question is satisfactory from the standpoint of the public interest. The subdivider o r his representative may call at the office of the Commission in advance of the preliminary plan in order to discuss the proposed subdivision and in order to obtain information a s to the requirements necessary for approval of the plan.


Three (3) copies of the preliminary plan shall be submitted a s prescribed for review. The scale of the map shall be one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet on small subdivisions, and one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet on large sub- divisions, unless otherwise approved by the commission.


1. Name of subdivision, date, point of compass, scale, and official description of the property being platted.

2. Name and address of recorded owner and of developer.

3. Name and address of Engineer and/or Land Si?rveyor.

4" Existing buildings, railroads, underground utilities, and other right-of-way.

5. Location, names and widths of all existing and proposed roads, alleys, streets, and highways in o r adjoining the area being subdivided.

6. Location and names of adjoining subdivisions, and the names of the owners of adjoining acreage parcels.

7. Proposed lot lines with approximate dimensions and the square foot area of non-rectangular lots.

8. Areas dedicated for public use, such as schools, parks, and play- grounds.

9. Contour lines at intervals of not more than five (5) feet.

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10. Building setback lines.

11. Boundaries of the proposed subdivision shall be indicated by a heavy line.

12. Zoning classification of the area,

13. Proposed utility service,

a. Source of water supply,

b. Provision for sewage disposal and drainage.

14. A vicinity sketch. at a legible scale showing the relationship of th.e plat to its general surroundings.

15. Lot numbers.


1. An attorney's opinion, in duplicate, showing that the fee title to the subdivision land is in the owner as shown on the plat and showing any en- cumbrances that may exist against said land,

2. Any plat that cannot reasonably be served by public sewer shall show results of soil percolation tests made by the Engineer preparing the plat. Such tests shall be made in accordance with specifications approved by the City Engineer.


(See example of Final Plan in back of Ordinance)


When and if the preliminary plan is approved, the subdivider shall sub- mit six (6) copies of the final plan for review by the commission. The scale of the map shall be one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet on small subdivisions, and one (1) inch equals one hundred (100) feet on large subdivisions, unless otherwise approved by the Commission.

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1. Name of subdivision.

2. Scale

3. Compass point

4. Curve data including delta angle, length of arc, degree of curve, tangent.

5. Boundary lines of subdivided area with accurate distances, bearings, and boundary angles.

6. Exact name, location, width, lot designation, and center line of all streets within the subdivision.

7. Easements for public utilities showing width and use intended.

8. Building setback lines with dimensions.

9. Official legal description of the property being subdivided.

10. Lot numbers.

11. Certification .of Registered Engineer and/or Land Surveyor.

12. Description and location of all permanent monuments set in the subdivision, including ties to original Governinent corners.


1. Plans and profiles of all streets and alleys at a fifty (50) foot hor- izontal scale and five (5) foot vertical scale. Profiles shall show location, size, and grade of all conduits, sewers, pipelines, etc., to be placed under the streets and alleys. Profiles of East and West Streets shall be drawn so that the West end of the profile shall be at the left side of the drawing. Profiles of North and South streets shall be drawn so that the South end of the profile shall be at the left side of the drawing.

2. Any protective covenants or restrictions to be imposed upon the plat shall be submitted for approval.

3. A Deed to the City, properly executed, for all streets intended as public streets, and for any other property intended for public use.

4. The following certificates:

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a. By the owner and his spouse, if any, that the subdivision is with the free consent and is in accordance with the desire of the owners. This certif- icate must be signed and acknowledge by the owner and spouse before some officer authorized to take the acknowledgements of Deeds.

b. From the County Treasurer that the subdivision land is free from taxes.

c. From the Clerk of the District Court that the subdivision land is free from all judgements, attachments, mechanics o r other liens of record in his office.

d. Performance bond, if any


Before a preliminary plat may be considered by the commission, the sub- divider o r his agent shall deposit with the City Treasurer a fee of ten (10) dollars, to be credited to the General Fund of the City.



Whenever the tract proposed to be subdivided is of such unusual topography, size, o r shape, o r is surrounded by such development o r unusual conditions that the strict application of the requirements contained in these regulations would result in substantial hardships o r injustices, the City Council, upon recommen- dation of the Commission, may vary o r modify such requirements so that the subdivider is a l low~d to develop his property in a reasonable manner; but so, at the same time, the public welfare and interest of the City and surrounding area is protected and the general intent and spirit of these regulations is pre- served.

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A. No plat o r any subdivision shall be recorded in the County Recorderfs office or have any validity until it has been approved in the manner prescribed herein.

B. The City Council shall not permit any public improvements over whioh it has control to be made from City funds, or any City money expended for improvements o r maintenance on any street in any area that has been subdivided after the date of 'adoption of these regulations unless such subdivision and streets have been approved in accordance with the provisions contained herein and accepted by the City Council as a public street.


Any provisions of these regulations may be changed and amended from time to time by the City Council; provided, however, that such change8 and amendments shall not become effective until after study and report by the Commission and until after a public hearing has been held, public notice of which shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation at least fifteen (15) days prior to such hearing.

SECTION 12 - VALIDITY If any section, subsection; sentence, clause, or phrase of these regulations

is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or void, such decision shall nbt affed the validity of the remaining portions of these regulations.


This Ordinance shall be in effect after its final passage, approval, and publication as provided by law.

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Page 24: J ?'! b '8 'I - Iowapublications.iowa.gov/12870/2/Urbandale_Report_vol2.pdf · B. Before approving a preliminary plan, the Commission may in its discretion hold a public hearing on


Name of Plat

Page 25: J ?'! b '8 'I - Iowapublications.iowa.gov/12870/2/Urbandale_Report_vol2.pdf · B. Before approving a preliminary plan, the Commission may in its discretion hold a public hearing on
