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t t 0 ewrto.Mir lbds oaf Re w'Uf A PIG I - M, Gi[NhK'S WKI IS STeeiEN Gay Young Ade Suspected of Taking French Expert's Pol Rogwer to Partis. Div; p nce qf a cawe of chamA- Mage. t x-four bottles of Pol Rtoger 194, has dirupted the French deegation to the disarmament con- e wive wain the hotel room enauped by X. Maurice Casenave. flaacia ezpor and French flocalI aIen n Now York during the war. ' 14nch detectivee accompanying e4egation amf the*of - 't he o renth fir and spted et af the set t the - t-- to ir e. ta o utes Abos Su'ete o Tn king prch its x ors Pn Rheeru nks .t the win, war Inth oekro OAILLM WTELN o.~upS. bto. MuieCmae BpERtInNE Yec.dur the vwa enchenteieating aomanyeues thea, o strite to e or appenicts, sboefreqdecthen whethe Itmi assumet th eor e sibe fro o th e where tI eIan tataa tO cou authrit theae Madeir for t FON IN OSONCOMO ESODe.3--akcna of ma atato se , the bag n e bl ~' '~ r~~l~t,"wee n 4911 MEL TA t4my asui And.Lynohig aeNre *hAdmfor U ary ar ants..i- tews esretis. sotpu 'Repu Leader MondlJ will Wnounce t the I progam fer the House 4 ig the coming week, the start of the legin, lative grind, of its first regular abe- men. Ahead of Congres are all the money supply bills for, the Govern Mpt for the fiscal year beginning Juty 1 next. In addition. there will be brought out the general legislo- tion and the great multiplicity of pti- vato bills usual at a regular session. The present House was organized last April for the extraordinary see- sion called by President warding to revise the tax and tariff laws and to pass readjustment legislation. The tax law was revised, but the tariff law is still in course of chanme in the 'Senate. Antt-Lynching DID Sehedaaed. Much unfinished legislation is ready for consideration by the House. One Importint measure that- is to be pressed is the anti-lynching bill. rec-. ommended by the President. The pending bill brings the crime under the Federal jurisdiction, and pro- vides imprisonment for State or Ocal officials who fail to guard prisoners sought by lynching mobs and fineo for countjes Ip which the crimes take place. Attersey .lenoral Dawgherty ha an approval to-the legislation ask -.med, &ad ft Is to be Passed through The ,nm. pfthough aginttedly tll p;j" M'tn. 'MUkay of L. thle .-Aldse have surged tht eteto estt see endtimath erll 1 a oej l n are' ai: a t estiet A=; t &m. ps- Eo' gent "as .pposing the bill ow the grousi that more ase competierof the baa- ag business.- Te huseappr altim ~ it- ... some of the mrain .p.2''"'"a Llls and other committewil begin1 urning out legislation that has. bemen 'eld up for the coming sesslosa. Among these measutA are the Pan- ima Canal toll. act, which would per- it free use of the canal by Amern- ~an coastwise vessels. Another im- xirtant measure is the securities "blue ky" bill which would provide super- 6 ision over the issuance of new se-1 ,uritiee. t LOAN COMPANIES WILL AID FARMERS IF -BANKS DON'T. CHICAGO, Dec. 3.--If financial in- titutions, aouch as local hank or State1 rust companies, refuse or fall to . inance the farmer under the plans t 1f the War Finance Corporation, or fthere be red tape or delay in mm- - mediate financing, cattle loan com- pantee or other institutions will be irganised to meet the need of the ~orn belt lve stock men,. This statement was made here yes- i; Lrday at the clos of a meeting of the te ~ern belt advisory comtmittee of the r War~ Finance Corporation. The commilttee I t. report asserted a that It was of the opinion that the seed of funds by. the #aers of the a ~ir belt can be fully -e under planls I inier whiob tbgWa Finance Cer- j Fermors in the rpr rougheWa 1rotersr ID.6.M V99UR,00IERED . AWAMO~LOWIO MNM tnheup ~~e~~ja Wty O . Sof th'beacatthere U.S. .. WoAter is ifg o.Year CMao "iqs. Son of Mrs. Elima- both EChtk. of Blooming .len, Beeks enry, Pa., who was ep- in otuhebrn Ru- No Ithau tem 40f Im.* Tome Erats was serV- iag on the Mon- nowlte Relif cqilsslon mot to that country by the Mennon- ites of North America to a1 t he i r strieben' brethren and otber. Ali efawt to locate KWS by the State be- partment and other ageacke have pred -futIle. His mother redes near Bloomlaeg ai,. and an only brother. Jpcb, at Ma- coungle, Pa. Him relatives an- lously await soMe word of 'N young man's whereabouts, trust- In that o news is good news and that he is sill alive. IMUSIC IN CHURCHEI First - WOh A speoial nusial e r service will be hpeld unday at the First Con- rregdoWnal Church. Tenth and 0 treets northwest, at 4 p. m., Opening with an organ recital. The following Program will be : For organ. -BYmphie Z u," first move- ment (Widor); "Mcherme-Pastorale" f4rlai); "The ramme of Navarre" 5mapyk'; centralte sol, "O Lrd, *reeot Me- (Handel) Mrs. Golie D. Eutchias; violin sto, "Andante hltes." (Cesar Fran), David Seam- or. "Lamentation (Guibnant; offer- .r,. -MotauDs (aeme..). violia. .s *ad organ; contralte seto, "The Is und" (Dartlitt); ergan post- for the saag and the asrlces are as meo : Mern- ervise-Oran preode. "Meiedy" athm "In Heavenly Lawe wBischem; offertory anthea., Dweoleth Under the Defens" ; organ posulude, "Marek." Amauvwt. -zob 3veeln p- wqeen% Af is m'ws. a ndM~9 anthem, "Sune- us0 jPeno# organ postlude, "An- Ato (Velkinans). Thechai of . Aa.ws P. I. antata, " Ma Word of God." on Sun- ay OVIUEDamo 11. This n- et ten years, and wiD he mnoot in- aretiag, sa dam~ot a noeity as~e mein Its ausical worth. The choir Is ande* the dlwsation of Marguerite A. loss, organist. -YEAR-OLD CHiLD KEPT LIKE DOG BY ORANDMOTHER NEW TORE, Dec. ~a ag rith literally having treatedheI ight-year-old grandsanghter like a og, Mirs. LUtle Gress yesterday was eMd without hail pending investima- Ion. The coenplaint allgdthat the roman had tied the cilM under the louse all day, had made her sleep on ni old coat beside a real dog. had ept her in the coal bMn In rainy resther. had beaten and underfed' t-, and had sent her out Into thel trets to beg. The prIsoner denied he cha-.o disederyconduct on 'ARLEY HERE IS BITTER POLITICAL ISSUE IN ITALY, ROME, Dec. 3.-The Washington ,nference Is becoming a political nue in Italy. The popular party aday adopted a resolution Upproving iduction of land and navu1l forces WashIngtont as a means 'of de- reasing the danger of future war. The Detnocratis are oarrying on an itive cain as against the Donotun. ibinet an the prediction was snade politcl oppofents of Premier lp~itetthe chiset would fall m~are the Italian delegats get bach 'sm Waohlhgtes. NMATES OV ALMS HOUSE ARE FED ON OSTRICH STEW' , 3n.s-Inmiates okesa almaheosee Pure ~ys~d~ hestrich stew, Set Da e t o a local Udt#a '~sy, s the dresd ostridh to opent the et s 11114bft . 111 reaet so W11" whm e r r r from- Rod of the Gwv*rmnat. jAESEHT INT[RTATION OF HUGHES PUN Acoeptanoe "In PrincI:,e." They Contnd, Does Not Cover Detafls en Rato. Jagan smade a grave mistake when her spokesmen accepted the HuJe anese otfl ieJdelre er ody The premeat disagreement of naval fsierts over raio anotments has been brought about, he imai te striking diffuenes in te .t ed meinfna ot wo.* tress the Znglis -m..e to e Japnes ...s The sewith whch the Jaan accepted the Hughes proposals -in principle" has caused belated regrets amnng the Jpaasse delegates, the official said. The Japanese declare they under. stood the word principle" and "do- tails" to be disconnected in their mean- Ings as applied to the Hughes maim. Though objecting to the cent ratio clause from the filit. the Japanes did not understand. the of- ticial said, that acceptance of the pro. 6eeaie "In principle" ananit the de.- tan were accepted also. Thl Japanse maintain the 60 per cent allotment !a a "detan" and not part ef the "prin- ciple." and should be worked out in- dependently. The Japanese delegates ara being criticised by their countrymen in the Japanese press of this country for not having queried boldly from the con- ference floor as to the meanings of the diplomatic phrase, "acceptance in principle.1" HERE'S SOMETHING NEW IN MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTS NEW YORK, Dec. 3.-ociety r- porters striving to depart from the stereotyped form of marriage an- nouncemenats, might take a l.essn from the editor of the Daily Polloe Bulletin. Recently Mrs. Iabela Goodwin, the only woman ammber on the force to hold the rank ot deteo- tive. first grade. marred Osoar A. Seaholm. The buletin record the event as follows: "Chage In amoas: "Acting detective sergeant, first grade. "Isabelle Goodwin, hield No. 2T9. detective diviaei. has ckaged her mog~~~eiIcodnoadi ow known eaeato ake efc October 27. 1921. "The record of the HONEY SEE HAS IGHT TO. ROAM AT WiLL, SAYS JUDGE KANUAE CITY, M., Dec. 8.-A bee has a right te ream at will. Judge Nemen 3. Johnen ruled yesterday in the circuit court here. Jug Johnson was hearing a appa in the ase of Lee Cooley, fined *60 In police court some time agoeon the g aud that be "har- The complaining witness asserted that one of Cooley's bees had stung a child five timns, and Judge John- mon, after listening to the testimony of bee experts, announced he was convinced that a bee could sting but once. He held a city ordinance re- stricting the wandering. of bee was unconstitutional and ordered Cooley's fine remitted. SIMPLIFIED TAX FORMS PLAN OF NEW BOARD Taxpayer. in the United States are to be freed ofpussling and compli- cated tax o'm. In their stead will be establisd simplified procedure, and new tax blank. which are more easIly underutood than forms now in use. The tax implification board is now ready to proceed with Its job, officials said today. l'ersonnel of the board was completed today by Secretary When new forms and other pro- cedure are modified, the effect will be to hasten along the audits of revenue collected In precedIng year. Electric Storm at Boston. BOSTON, Dec. 3.-Boeton was given a smple of weather last night in marke contrast to the Ice storm early In the week. Vivid lightning flujhes and loud thunder *ere "accom- panied by a downpour of rain that turned gutter. Into brookis. Wales at Bikaner. , BIlCANER, British Indla, Dec. 2. -The Prince of Wales arrived here p'asterday. He was received at the ha Th ppuae was totnintsreception of S et atnesn~ - - WNa a on g Ehree'stw t-toasJ MUCAW41tou Ae6L, -am..n a .m ru my sm. pveWSI o tee WUin t =ttWV Mrneral oft ur e United I U= madls at Hawd. be wprbd .a r__a_ to a cablegra fm his a. .P Morse. v.g ei Of the ta y~ In this country: qT;l retrn to the .nte OU m~euew! r no"""i roblng to M. Ilsvo imp across sema. his surpass ter - Ing. awl -tho pogsa which has ban cnutdA nihim WNW3 be Ise e the 00a0. '1 am advised the ate Dhasnt ha is no request for the apPrehen et Mr. More. m one nmade any f Ior to &pprehoad or domin hm, and spom his arrival en the ether ,=. he bmeasy eaMes, s shove The enly inLrftis, he bd af what was going om here in hse pumie pro" was that oeMVsWed to ht by a cablegram frm his sa. Mr. Mere, upon arrival o the other side. In admon to calming the" Atr- no General of the United Mates. gave out 2. statement. an esact copy of phich I have not ese, but -'n Ox- tracts published In ebseure pa, in the public prom, the following appaLr: Is Oing U ed siede, Tbls Is merely a civil cas, and they are trying to make a erimnal came of It. I was astonished when I heard about 50 mies at se that the charges brought after I had undergone a two month' Investigation. I have been IL Washington twice during that p- sad was never amted. It would seem from this state of eats that a defberate effort has been made to persecute an4 demae Mr. Mr. Morse Is ing the United States Government to recover any melious ot deS're rm-A-ng to be owing him wpsm cotreats. DELYLIKELYIN REPLY TO IRISH TO PEACE PLAN British Officials Fear Ulster Re. jectlon Rather Than Adverse Sinn Fein Decision. my w~ N.... ew s 1.. as.. LANDON. Dec. 3-Peace cener- mss continued throughout the day with NEmma d Valera abd mm.mbera mf the Man Vain cabinet on the pre- = which Premier Llsyd George subtted as the bad@ for a am- tnumatiom of the parley in Landon. Some members of the DOB irmnn NNWgtd that the proposals be put p the Irish people ss that the n ein caunet smstep reepeniA- bility of a final decide. "Great headquarterst" of the Irish republian army announced that if any members wore ImplIated in the at- lentpted jail delivery at Derry yester- lay 'morning they would be punished for violating the armistice. Army of 0- olals referred to the Derny disorders as an outrage. "Some days prebably wiBi elapse be- ore our decision Is ist farm for Pre- miler Lloyd George," saidMicaela Colline. Officials ele to Downing Street srofessed greater fears that Ulster woeuld reject the British cabinet'n tow peace formula than that the linn Fein would turn them down. Premier Lloyd George and his col- eoaguea are hopeful that Arthur Grif- Ith and Michael Collins will take tconcillltory attitude In the con- 'erences at Dublin, despite the pro- lictions made here at the time of the leparture ot the Sinn Fein deltgatee would tbe rejeted$ bSuth Irland LIVESTOCK MEN FiGHT WAR TRADING RULES CHICAGO, Dec. 3.-Contending that the business of traders on the Chi- sago livestock exchange was purely ntrastate business and, therefore, not lubject to Federal legIslatIon, Levey ifayer, counsel for a group of raders, presented his arguments for in Injunction against enforcement at the stockyards act of 1921, in dim.- ;rict court. "Wartime acts cannot apply to acc-time busness," Mr. Mayer de- stared. "Dtring the war Congrees was not interfered with In passing aws, because of the patriotism of he people. But sinc. the war Con- fros has gone wild in passing legis- ation."1 Judges K. M. Landis, Evans, and 1 Pltshenry hoard the arguments. The 'i nit was brought, to test the const.- utlonality of the act and to restrain he district pttorney from emforcingI senalee which became effective No- rember 10. Whe is Maul vssir? Is he Irish,'l eamch, Amrtitaa et biish? Pm. ma stage beati.s sgree en thes lo-inest teU-t Th tere YOUhae, o invet" with.b the aitnanoes or tre ta"" o bth e andm vata Sa"n L it t a. P"ery..wvi msa.ava eurat knoledgt fCia ob =6 - ~ &ad~O4 that Hughe, IEtLode an UnE Isod mth..taes nereW -n*~r bot hin ens or tha the. did ofboth realw Rumen ame. w e ad to d alasns withhm p7 eal hSSlt to ob t don min uth erCM sad th Egland ndJ have a p mrfet es.t ,h,. wl...metb f.d m.. CuI o tl asie. = ll7 Vnd om fo narate oel fwhis Is dt. the BAuLof Qeb ele,e. nde- pan t conton uoenae S e - risit Chins the Sthen de 34fe, tey ha tuned "itmh MG Amr e e the 'orOlt -ViS-_ hi o a pttantroinca hel wth the enineSOn wil te Reut- im Chbef on tmoa myn -to UCI&M200tMnsA ..f. wmnpe . ab statesr. "Thina of oaly hase Mesht om a Ureml.r 00e..a & Be aumtIs comnin S (bm vretnturee. aden Jto F.Bonnan and Jsh au. ak rehpectWey 0awye fortela Irs mth-ma wy reh 6mnre ha e wil he dose no eea of M. mi ha Ta hresndootsandg sevendrer- wRd thaned kJw a or. eamou hng ..diii.. tan h en whoma thicha te hae twt taem wein t utioned The pedce o l e rh e ostaen eresbut thelopin- mon s ben tep tht t to sbjugalte d untiIl~ Janu MOVA ATPRT UOAEW AL MADRD Qee, Dec. -Oi dt Cha.a haiavgie ted aso ashe tuth hat upa nend eea pon itdoterpore forntr Chninaeo7bteio in Portughus fp- done m sortahn wre phicaly nha- nlred andurine harent rapengo Cina, whih hehvealmrian Departent potody.oto ph Zfios eadCmn tpolUs. annonce th wDr. s Cam eetan Otin, hi Odiai Cor ew CarkDece Ie5 es omn orc oar '$50"f.,00,"..'E Landrum Apeis C ue. PANRIBAL. Que.A Dec ha-e earie D nda ud numds s pfe ra Chie" wo wAs edneot 1R4Npy Ae smesiemnessear wm 1 in Goal, AU With aM t -il and .ansg f-t 7 htC8,'-.. t.t -. .ai. .. a .red a" ey*Uiwx eaInvent. -am" saens aewor~iag bW* to h --ee t= mad t lo aud ut ~h~l -base lath ure em amil = 4d o the ft = and the 411Wa It 66" sams that e ade ansat upo dr to' l -& -ne PCt to woo tbe on0y amu with which Aiqlea can "ahef sod nreb her, root WA the good atire of inbornof bmer or this e tempt 1WtO MdorCOwaM0r to 4a SOP- nmavt disarmal nvqldnoan- S sar mer orat, e then ang .: e eol ot it is i e Ife tveo wfth this he o JUI naval disnamet. A"d so al-S tay deremmet we a stiol Onietala or riHs "A interests without war hy the re ftae at our Hav . thterd ia Aut f0 w a with this m we wi have to rein In it.e a en a" hunmUintiC. orshe ot nly out of It her a bant, amth of our ut ave trth, with on hrer prepareddesd iAn at ri Thmon ath * t honer ad md which. rAohs roaredms A .-o able foresdiht wou. surely have averted. LEAg Of GUILTY MADEIN BANK ROBBERY CASE PAIP A HOEV ROLHON .. Up Srtig .|dS Ding chargel with robbery In cown mactea wh the holup on July 18t lost a luest Ui Dmwn ashier of the Georgia, avenue brach of the Pow- Pie's COINNMmrl and SeVIWig BSaji PAq the theft of $970 in bills Whtlp ItuIsh Grossflhld twenty yea- old a~t referred h cse thobato ovi was W ~ ~ e, m- 4111106WWe S . .' .l4 .r...d.r. ur7 -'.owredN -mom A" aro ntZwa t'iavd twas n Ne reere ne ilaw Mad Pblat Wn1Anser t. FJeet hr @".=t I~sne alar Genra byd (DY .n; 40t 21the : eutw ha o Jeohan. clred thwi asr mre tib eran taig3uh.ea Werma tro cobredWa mie e in e forust andlacey exoaectl. eat Cgtthe a iontt n iy MA stear, ng e nrail f ays hor s staand PostofficeWDepartment, ittwasRre ierals tIn reution wist sad p the re 'i ie tompeitss EXTR CREDITS, FER ETERANST O WN POSTAL DN, NeW P a., Plan Mmer Pber, ai -swer t Fetudw char ,s a f Swhosbo ws founy. First &Anist Peostw Geneal Wark. today, to refhrring Woa claim by theator nletcher kitc) Ilorida. thinS the sartnnet not been giving 0gron da to fomer- soldiers taing pst fcv sAere erM sn revealed that or more trehinee and the dedrtedt bad ashorta. taking waihbe andba bo ad=in n is ead asted th. by to belive h fahem a tade In the trnate just a4joUrment last week. b*n=t h cIehed the dolrcy a. the ws 3nrelyt a sufficient ansder. wTst understood this policy was Tpred by tie executive oottset oAmerican Legon beoeI wate adopted. A resolution runad by the legion convention in u n7 City in October, commende Pest- master General Eray for his stand In siding former servie meni In the PO&offiw e Deeartmentd It was rs- tealed f m the Brst tm to day. At the request at the Postmaster G-10 . sew this resoution ws not md public at the trne it ws gssed. it was learneed. FAMER HELD FOR DEATH OF WIFE AT DAWSON PA. DAWOON, Pa.. Dec. $.-]lmer Mier, oaged y4i husanMs e MMs Minnie Hawk Miller, aged forty. eight, Whose body was foundl lying en the nor in the kitcen of their he On a.farm near.here Thursday night bYa slxteen-ydar-old son, wras arretedIn is ome1)mterdaY after- neon andldgdnth Faie county Ai on a charge Of murder. Acordin to the officors. Miller
Page 1: jAESEHT ntZwa INT[RTATION HUGHESPUN CREDITS,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1921-12-03/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · t t 0 ewrto.Mir lbdsoaf Re w'Uf A PIG-I M,Gi[NhK'S WKIISSTeeiEN

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0 ewrto.Mir lbdsoaf


Gay Young Ade Suspected ofTaking French Expert's Pol

Rogwer to Partis.

Div; p nce qf a cawe of chamA-Mage. t x-four bottles of PolRtoger 194, has dirupted the Frenchdeegation to the disarmament con-

e wive wain the hotel room

enauped by X. Maurice Casenave.flaacia ezpor and French flocalI

aIen n Now York during the war.' 14nch detectivee accompanying

e4egation amf the*of

- 't he o

renth fir and spted et af

the sett the - t-- to ir e.ta o utes Abos Su'ete o

Tn king prch its x ors PnRheeru nks .t

the win, war Inth oekro


o.~upS. bto. MuieCmae

BpERtInNE Yec.dur the vwaenchenteieating aomanyeuesthea, o strite to e or

appenicts, sboefreqdecthen whethe

Itmi assumet th eor e

sibe fro o th e wheretI eIantataa tO cou

authrit theae Madeir for t


of ma atato se

,thebag n e


~' '~ r~~l~t,"wee n


t4my asui And.LynohigaeNre *hAdmforU ary

ar ants..i- tews esretis.sotpu'Repu Leader MondlJ

will Wnounce t the Iprogam fer the House 4 ig thecoming week, the start of the legin,lative grind, of its first regular abe-men.Ahead of Congres are all the

money supply bills for, the GovernMpt for the fiscal year beginningJuty 1 next. In addition. there willbe brought out the general legislo-tion and the great multiplicity of pti-vato bills usual at a regular session.The present House was organized

last April for the extraordinary see-sion called by President warding torevise the tax and tariff laws and topass readjustment legislation. Thetax law was revised, but the tarifflaw is still in course of chanme inthe 'Senate.

Antt-Lynching DID Sehedaaed.Much unfinished legislation is ready

for consideration by the House. OneImportint measure that- is to bepressed is the anti-lynching bill. rec-.ommended by the President. Thepending bill brings the crime underthe Federal jurisdiction, and pro-vides imprisonment for State or Ocalofficials who fail to guard prisonerssought by lynching mobs and fineofor countjes Ip which the crimes takeplace.Attersey .lenoral Dawgherty haan approval to-the legislation ask-.med, &ad ft Is to be Passed through

The ,nm. pfthough aginttedly tllp;j" M'tn. 'MUkay of L. thle.-Aldse have surged tht


1 a oej l

n are' ai: a

t estiet

A=; t&m.ps-

Eo' gent "as

.pposing the bill ow the grousi that

more ase competierof the baa-ag business.-Te huseappr altim ~ it-

... some of the mrain .p.2''"'"aLlls and other committewil begin1urning out legislation that has. bemen'eld up for the coming sesslosa.Among these measutA are the Pan-ima Canal toll. act, which would per-it free use of the canal by Amern-~an coastwise vessels. Another im-xirtant measure is the securities "blueky" bill which would provide super- 6ision over the issuance of new se-1,uritiee. t


CHICAGO, Dec. 3.--If financial in-titutions, aouch as local hank or State1rust companies, refuse or fall to .inance the farmer under the plans t1f the War Finance Corporation, orfthere be red tape or delay in mm- -

mediate financing, cattle loan com-pantee or other institutions will beirganised to meet the need of the~orn belt lve stock men,.This statement was made here yes- i;Lrday at the clos of a meeting of the te~ern belt advisory comtmittee of the r

War~ Finance Corporation.The commilttee I t. report asserted athat It was of the opinion that theseed of funds by. the #aers of the a~ir belt can be fully -e under planls Iinier whiob tbgWa Finance Cer- j

Fermors in the rpr




~~e~~ja Wty

O .Softh'beacatthere

U.S. .. WoAter isifgo.Year

CMao "iqs. Son of Mrs. Elima-both EChtk. of Blooming .len,Beeks enry, Pa., who was ep-

in otuhebrn Ru-No Ithautem40f Im.* TomeErats was serV-iag on the Mon-nowlte Relifcqilsslon motto that countryby the Mennon-ites of NorthAmerica to a1the i r strieben'brethren andotber. Ali efawtto locate KWSby the State be-partment andother ageacke

have pred -futIle. His motherredes near Bloomlaeg ai,. andan only brother. Jpcb, at Ma-coungle, Pa. Him relatives an-lously await soMe word of 'Nyoung man's whereabouts, trust-In that o news is good news andthat he is sill alive.


A speoial nusial e r servicewill be hpeld unday at the First Con-rregdoWnal Church. Tenth and 0treets northwest, at 4 p. m., Openingwith an organ recital. The followingProgram will be : For organ.

-BYmphieZ u," first move-ment (Widor); "Mcherme-Pastorale"f4rlai); "The ramme of Navarre"5mapyk'; centralte sol, "O Lrd,*reeot Me- (Handel) Mrs. Golie D.Eutchias; violin sto, "Andantehltes." (Cesar Fran), David Seam-or. "Lamentation (Guibnant; offer-.r,. -MotauDs(aeme..). violia.

.s*ad organ; contralte seto, "TheIs und" (Dartlitt); ergan post-

for the saag and theasrlces areas meo : Mern-

ervise-Oran preode. "Meiedy"athm "In Heavenly LawewBischem; offertory anthea.,Dweoleth Under the Defens"

; organ posulude, "Marek."Amauvwt. -zob3veeln p-

wqeen%Afis m'ws. andM~9anthem, "Sune-

us0jPeno# organ postlude, "An-Ato (Velkinans).

Thechai of . Aa.ws P. I.

antata, " Ma Word of God." on Sun-ay OVIUEDamo 11. This n-et ten years, and wiD he mnoot in-

aretiag, sa dam~ot a noeity as~emein Its ausical worth. The choir Is

ande* the dlwsation of Marguerite A.loss, organist.


rith literally having treatedheIight-year-old grandsanghter like aog, Mirs. LUtle Gress yesterday waseMd without hail pending investima-Ion.

The coenplaint allgdthat theroman had tied the cilM under thelouse all day, had made her sleep onni old coat beside a real dog. hadept her in the coal bMn In rainyresther. had beaten and underfed't-, and had sent her out Into theltrets to beg. The prIsoner denied

he cha-.o disederyconduct on


ROME, Dec. 3.-The Washington

,nference Is becoming a politicalnue in Italy. The popular party

aday adopted a resolution Upprovingiduction of land and navu1l forces

WashIngtont as a means 'of de-reasing the danger of future war.The Detnocratis are oarrying on anitive cain as against the Donotun.ibinet an the prediction was snade

politcl oppofents of Premierlp~itetthechiset would fallm~are the Italian delegats get bach'sm Waohlhgtes.


,3n.s-Inmiatesokesa almaheoseePure ~ys~d~ hestrich stew,Set Da e to a local Udt#a'~sy,s the dresd ostridh to

opent the

et s

11114bft . 111 reaet so W11"whme r r r from-

Rod of the Gwv*rmnat.


Acoeptanoe "In PrincI:,e." TheyContnd, Does Not Cover

Detafls en Rato.Jagansmade a grave mistake when

her spokesmen accepted the HuJeanese otfl ieJdelre er odyThe premeat disagreement of navalfsierts over raio anotments hasbeen brought about, he imai testriking diffuenes in te .t edmeinfna ot wo.* tress the Znglis-m..e to e Japnes...sThe sewith whch the Jaan

accepted the Hughes proposals -inprinciple" has caused belated regretsamnng the Jpaasse delegates, theofficial said.The Japanese declare they under.

stood the word principle" and "do-tails" to be disconnected in their mean-Ings as applied to the Hughesmaim. Though objecting to thecent ratio clause from the filit. theJapanes did not understand. the of-ticial said, that acceptance of the pro.6eeaie "In principle" ananit the de.-tan were accepted also. Thl Japansemaintain the 60 per cent allotment !aa "detan" and not part ef the "prin-ciple." and should be worked out in-dependently.The Japanese delegates ara beingcriticised by their countrymen in the

Japanese press of this country for nothaving queried boldly from the con-ference floor as to the meanings of thediplomatic phrase, "acceptance inprinciple.1"HERE'S SOMETHING NEW INMARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENTSNEW YORK, Dec. 3.-ociety r-

porters striving to depart from thestereotyped form of marriage an-nouncemenats, might take a l.essnfrom the editor of the Daily PolloeBulletin. Recently Mrs. IabelaGoodwin, the only woman ammberon the force to hold the rank ot deteo-tive. first grade. marred Osoar A.Seaholm. The buletin record theevent as follows:"Chage In amoas:"Acting detective sergeant, first

grade."Isabelle Goodwin, hield No. 2T9.

detective diviaei. has ckaged hermog~~~eiIcodnoadiow known

eaeato ake efcOctober 27. 1921. "The record of the


has a right te ream at will. JudgeNemen 3. Johnen ruled yesterdayin the circuit court here.Jug Johnson was hearing aappa in the ase of Lee Cooley,fined *60 In police court some timeagoeon the g aud that be "har-

The complaining witness assertedthat one of Cooley's bees had stunga child five timns, and Judge John-mon, after listening to the testimonyof bee experts, announced he wasconvinced that a bee could sting butonce. He held a city ordinance re-stricting the wandering. of bee wasunconstitutional and ordered Cooley'sfine remitted.


Taxpayer. in the United States areto be freed ofpussling and compli-cated tax o'm. In their stead willbe establisd simplified procedure,and new tax blank. which are moreeasIly underutood than forms now inuse.The tax implification board is now

ready to proceed with Its job, officialssaid today. l'ersonnel of the boardwas completed today by Secretary

When new forms and other pro-

cedure are modified, the effect will be

to hasten along the audits of revenuecollected In precedIng year.

Electric Storm at Boston.BOSTON, Dec. 3.-Boeton was

given a smple of weather last nightin marke contrast to the Ice storm

early In the week. Vivid lightningflujhes and loud thunder *ere "accom-

panied by a downpour of rain that

turned gutter. Into brookis.

Wales at Bikaner. ,BIlCANER, British Indla, Dec. 2.

-The Prince of Wales arrived herep'asterday. He was received at the

ha Th ppuae wastotnintsreception of

S etatnesn~

- -

WNa aon g


MUCAW41tou Ae6L,

-am..na .mru my sm.pveWSIo tee WUint

=ttWVMrneral oft ure United I U=madls at Hawd.be wprbd.ar__a_to a cablegra fm his a. .PMorse. v.g ei Of the tay~ In this country: qT;l

retrn to the .nteOU m~euew!rno"""i roblng to M. Ilsvo impacross sema. his surpass ter -Ing. awl -tho pogsa which hasban cnutdA nihim WNW3 beIse e the 00a0. '1 am advised theateDhasntha is no requestfor the apPrehen et Mr. More.mone nmade any fIor to &pprehoad ordomin hm, and spom his arrival en theether ,=. he bmeasy eaMes, sshove The enly inLrftis,he bd af what was goingom here inhse pumie pro" was that oeMVsWed toht by a cablegram frm his sa.Mr. Mere, upon arrival o the other

side. In admon to calming the" Atr-no General of the United Mates. gaveout 2. statement. an esact copy ofphich I have not ese, but -'n Ox-tracts published In ebseure pa, inthe public prom, the following appaLr:

Is Oing U ed siede,Tbls Is merely a civil cas, and

they are trying to make a erimnalcame of It. I was astonished when Iheard about 50 mies at se that thecharges brought after I had undergonea two month' Investigation. I havebeen IL Washington twice during thatp- sad was never amted.

It would seem from this state ofeats that a defberate effort has been

made to persecute an4 demae Mr.

Mr. Morse Is ing the United StatesGovernment to recover any meliousot deS're rm-A-ng to be owing him

wpsm cotreats.


British Officials Fear Ulster Re.jectlon Rather Than Adverse

Sinn Fein Decision.my w~N....ews 1.. as..

LANDON. Dec. 3-Peace cener-mss continued throughout the daywith NEmma d Valera abd mm.mberamf the Man Vain cabinet on the pre-= which Premier Llsyd George

subtted as the bad@ for a am-tnumatiom of the parley in Landon.Some members of the DOB irmnn

NNWgtd that the proposals be putp the Irish people ss that then ein caunet smstep reepeniA-

bility of a final decide."Great headquarterst" of the Irish

republian army announced that if anymembers wore ImplIated in the at-lentpted jail delivery at Derry yester-lay 'morning they would be punishedfor violating the armistice. Army of0-olals referred to the Derny disordersas an outrage.

"Some days prebably wiBi elapse be-ore our decision Is ist farm for Pre-

miler Lloyd George," saidMicaelaColline.Officials ele to Downing Street

srofessed greater fears that Ulsterwoeuld reject the British cabinet'n

tow peace formula than that thelinn Fein would turn them down.

Premier Lloyd George and his col-eoaguea are hopeful that Arthur Grif-Ith and Michael Collins will taketconcillltory attitude In the con-'erences at Dublin, despite the pro-lictions made here at the time of theleparture ot the Sinn Fein deltgatee

would tbe rejeted$bSuth Irland


CHICAGO, Dec. 3.-Contending that

the business of traders on the Chi-

sago livestock exchange was purely

ntrastate business and, therefore, notlubject to Federal legIslatIon, Leveyifayer, counsel for a group ofraders, presented his arguments forin Injunction against enforcement

at the stockyards act of 1921, in dim.-;rict court.

"Wartime acts cannot apply toacc-time busness," Mr. Mayer de-

stared. "Dtring the war Congreeswas not interfered with In passingaws, because of the patriotism of

he people. But sinc. the war Con-

fros has gone wild in passing legis-

ation."1Judges K. M. Landis, Evans, and 1Pltshenry hoard the arguments. The 'init was brought, to test the const.-utlonality of the act and to restrainhe district pttorney from emforcingIsenalee which became effective No-

rember 10.

Whe is Maulvssir? Is he Irish,'leamch, Amrtitaa et biish? Pm.

ma stage beati.s sgree en thes

lo-inest teU-t

Th tere YOUhae, o invet"with.b the aitnanoesor tre

ta"" o bth e andm vata Sa"nLit t a.

P"ery..wvi msa.ava

eurat knoledgt fCia ob=6 - ~ &ad~O4

that Hughe, IEtLode an UnEIsod mth..taes nereW -n*~r

bot hin ens or tha the.

did ofboth realw Rumen ame.

w e ad to d alasns withhmp7 eal hSSlt to ob t

don min uth erCM sad th

Egland ndJ have a p mrfet

es.t,h,. wl...metb f.d m..

CuIo tlasie.= ll7

Vnd om fonarate oel fwhis Is dt.the BAuLof Qeb ele,e. nde-

pan t conton uoenae S e -

risit Chins the Sthen de

34fe, tey ha tuned "itmh MGAmr e e the 'orOlt -ViS-_

hi o a pttantroinca helwth the enineSOn wil te Reut-im Chbef on tmoa myn-to UCI&M200tMnsA..f. wmnpe . ab statesr.

"Thina of oaly hase Meshtoma Ureml.r 00e..a&

BeaumtIscomnin S

(bm vretnturee. aden

Jto F.Bonnan and Jsh au. ak

rehpectWey 0awye fortela Irs mth-ma

wy reh 6mnreha e wilhe

dose no eea of M. mi ha

Ta hresndootsandg sevendrer-

wRd thaned kJw a or.eamou hng ..diii.. tan h en

whoma thicha te hae twt taemwein t utioned The pedce ol e

rh e ostaen eresbut thelopin-mon sben tep tht t

to sbjugalte d untiIl~ Janu


MADRD Qee, Dec. -Oi dt

Cha.a haiavgie ted aso

ashe tuth hat upa nend

eea pon itdoterpore forntr

Chninaeo7bteio in Portughus fp-done m sortahn wre phicaly nha-

nlred andurine harent rapengo

Cina, whihhehvealmrianDepartent potody.oto phZfios eadCmn tpolUs.

annonce th wDr. s Cam eetan

Otin, hi Odiai Cor ew CarkDeceIe5 e s omn orc oar'$50"f.,00,"..'E

Landrum Apeis C ue.PANRIBAL. Que.A Dec ha-e

earie D nda ud numds s

pfe ra Chie" wo wAs edneot


Ae smesiemnessear

wm 1



With aM t -il and .ansgf-t

7 htC8,'-..t.t -. .ai. .. a .red a"

ey*Uiwx eaInvent. -am"saens aewor~iag bW* to

h--ee t=mad tlo

aud ut ~h~l -base lathure em amil = 4d o theft = and the 411Wa

It 66" sams that e ade

ansat upo dr to'l-& -ne PCt

to woo tbe on0y amu withwhich Aiqlea can "ahef

sod nreb her, root WA the


ofinbornofbmer or

this e tempt1WtO MdorCOwaM0r to 4a SOP-nmavt disarmal nvqldnoan-

S sar merorat, ethenang .: e eol

ot it is i e

Ife tveo wfththis he o JUInaval disnamet. A"d so al-Stay deremmet we a stiolOnietala or riHs "A interestswithout war hy the re ftae atour Hav . thterd ia

Aut f0 w a with this mwe wi have to rein In it.e aen a" hunmUintiC. orshe ot nly

out of Ither a bant, amthof our ut ave trth, with onhrer prepareddesd iAn at riThmon ath * t honer ad mdwhich. rAohs roaredms A

.-o able foresdiht wou. surely

have averted.



Ding chargel with robbery In cownmactea wh the holup on July 18t

lost a luest Ui Dmwn ashier ofthe Georgia, avenue brach of the Pow-Pie's COINNMmrl and SeVIWig BSajiPAq the theft of $970 in bills WhtlpItuIsh Grossflhld twenty yea- old

a~t referred h cse thobato

ovi was

W~ ~ e, m- 4111106WWe

S . .'

.l4 .r...d.r.

ur7 -'.owredN-mom

A" arontZwa t'iavdtwas n

Ne reere ne ilaw MadPblat Wn1Ansert.FJeet hr

@".=t I~sne alar Genra

byd (DY.n;40t21the : eutw ha o

Jeohan. clred thwi asr mre

tib eran taig3uh.eaWerma tro cobredWa mie

e in e forust

andlacey exoaectl. eat

Cgtthea iontt n

iy MA stear, ng

e nrail f ays hor s staand

PostofficeWDepartment, ittwasRreierals tIn reution wist sad

p the re 'i ie tompeitss


O WN POSTAL DN,NeW P a., Plan Mmer

Pber, ai -swer t Fetudwchar ,s a f

Swhosbo ws founy.First &Anist Peostw GenealWark. today, to refhrring Woa claim

by theator nletcher kitc) Ilorida.thinS the sartnnet not beengiving 0gron da to fomer-soldierstaing pst fcv sAere

erM sn revealed that or moretrehinee and the dedrtedt bad

ashorta. taking waihbe andba

boad=in n is eadasted

th. by to belive h fahema

tade In the trnate justa4joUrment last week. b*n=t

h cIehed the dolrcy a. the ws3nrelyt a sufficient ansder.wTst understood this policy was

Tpred by tie executive oottsetoAmerican Legon beoeI

wate adopted. A resolutionrunadby the legion convention in u n7

City in October, commende Pest-master General Eray for his stand

In siding former servie meni In thePO&offiw e Deeartmentd It wasrs-

tealed f m the Brst tm to day. Atthe request at the Postmaster G-10. sew this resoution ws not mdpublic at the trne it ws gssed.it was learneed.


DAWOON, Pa.. Dec. $.-]lmerMier, oaged y4i husanMs e

MMs Minnie Hawk Miller, aged forty.eight, Whose body was foundl lyingen the nor in the kitcen of theirhe On a.farm near.here Thursday

night bYa slxteen-ydar-old son, wrasarretedIn is ome1)mterdaY after-

neon andldgdnth Faiecounty Ai on a charge Of murder.Acordin to the officors. Miller
