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JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of...

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JUST/2011/JPEN/AG294 3 Rostock-Warnemü 3 rd to 5 th S Confere ünde (Germany) September 2014 ence Program
Page 1: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de


Rostock-Warnemünde (Germany)3rd to 5th September 2014

Conference Program

Warnemünde (Germany) September 2014

Conference Program

Page 2: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

List of Participants Surname First name Position, Organisation Country E-Mail-Address Dr. Aaltonen Mikko Senior Researcher, National Research

Institute of Legal Policy, Helsinki Finland [email protected]

Abraham Kai Referent, Senatsverwaltung Justiz, Berlin Germany [email protected] Alatalo Ilppo Senior Coordinator, Head of Research and

Statistic Unit, Criminal Sanctions Agency Finland [email protected]

Anischewsky Christiane Head of Unit, Bützow Prison Germany

[email protected]

Anslan Ain Deputy Director, Viru Prison, Johvi Estonia [email protected] Dr. Appleton Catherine Senior Research Fellow University of

Nottingham United Kingdom

[email protected]

Arndt Gloria Deputy Governor Waldeck Prison Germany [email protected] Arola-Jarvi Anna Director of Health and Welfare Services,

City of Kaarina Finland [email protected]

Autio Petteri Assessment Centre/Team Leader Finland [email protected] Balschmiter Peter Head of Unit, State Office of Criminal

Investigations Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania, Rampe

Germany [email protected]

Barbu Alina Legal Expert, Drafting Legislation Department, Criminal Law Division, Ministry of Justice, Bucharest, Vice President PC-CP

Romania [email protected]

Dr. Bardarsky Bärbel Referentin, Senatsverwaltung Justiz, Berlin

Germany [email protected]

Baric Martina Head of Department of Special Treatment Programs, Min. of Justice, Prison System Directorate, Head Office, Zagreb

Croatia [email protected]

Baum Rudolf Berater des Justizministeriums in Angelegenheiten der Sozialen Arbeit, Justizvollzugsschule Wuppertal

Germany [email protected]

Becker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison

Germany [email protected] [email protected]

Beckers Carl Attaché, House of Justice, Brussels Belgium [email protected] Begley Gearoid Detective Superintendent, Monitoring

Convicted Sex Offenders, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Investigation Unit, Irish National Police Force, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Billberg Jonas Person Security Officer, Stockholm Police Sweden [email protected] Boberg Wiebke Psychologist, Diagnostic Centre Waldeck

Prison Germany [email protected] Böcker Kirstin Governor, Stralsund Prison Germany [email protected] Bonig Uwe Geschäftsstellenleiter,

Berufsfortbildungswerke GmbH Sachsen/Thüringen

Germany [email protected]

Bonnie Valerie Accounts & ICT Executive, IASIO Irish Association for the Social Integration of Offenders, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Borg Kevin Assistant Director, Corradino Correctional Facility, Paola

Malta [email protected]

Born Werner Psychologist, Dresden Prison Germany [email protected] Boshkoska Ana Inspector for Treatment of Convicted

Persons, Directorate for Execution of Sanctions, Ministry of Justice, Skopje

Macedonia [email protected]

Bracken Aisling Human Resources & Communications Executive, IASIO Irish Association for the Social Integration of Offenders, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Brennan Edward Joseph

Integrated Sentence Management Coordinator, Portlaoise Prison

Ireland [email protected]

Brümmer Ellen Geschäftsfeldleiterin Beteiligungsmanagement in der Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Germany [email protected]

Bruns Sabine Referentin, Diakonie Rheinland-Westfalen Lippe

Germany [email protected]

Bruns-Gercken Anne Sachbearbeiterin der Führungsaufsichtsstelle beim Landesamt für ambulante Straffälligenarbeit, Rostock

Germany [email protected]

Bulatovic Dragoljub Deputy Director, Montenegro Ministry of Justice Administration for Executing of Criminal Sanctions

Montenegro [email protected]

Burgi Sabine Interpreter, Federal Ministry of Finance, Berlin

Germany [email protected]

Burianova Jana Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Page 3: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Butenschön Anja Referatsleiterin Vollzugliche Grundsatzfragen, Beschwerdewesen, Sächsisches Staatsministerium d. Justiz, Dresden

Germany [email protected]

Butler Maura Chairperson, Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Buttigieg Simon Head of Operations, Corradino Correctional Facility, Paola

Malta [email protected]

Carleson Henna Pauliina

Social Worker, Turku Prison Finland [email protected]

Cascini Francesco Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Justice, Rome

Italy [email protected]

Cassar Camilleri Mariella Assistant Director - Rehabilitation, Corradino Correctional Facility, Paola

Malta [email protected]

Ccyzewski Mateusz Probation Officer, District Court Szcecin

Poland [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Chankova

Dobrinka Professor of Criminal Procedure Law, South-West University "N.Rilski", Blagoevgrad

Bulgaria [email protected]

Dr. Chevalier Cathrin Head of Prison and Probation Educational Center Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow


[email protected]

Dr. Chuda Olga Senior State Advisor, Ministry of Justice, Bratislava

Slovakia [email protected]

Clarke David Governor, Irish Prison Service College, Portlaoise

Ireland [email protected]

Coldrick Geraldine Detective Garda, Irish Police, Dublin Ireland [email protected] Cooke Natasha Senior Probation Officer, National

Probation Service, Birmingham United Kingdom

[email protected]

Coré Bradineras Jorge Information and Security Service, Prison and Probation Sevice, Department of Justice Catalunya, Barcelona

Spain, Catalunya

[email protected]

Cornel Marin Head of Prison Regime Department, Detention Security and Prison Regime Directorate, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Courtney Dolores Assistant Principal Officer, Irish Prison Service, Operations Directorate, Longford

Ireland [email protected]

Csemane Varadi

University of Miskolc Faculty of Law Institute of Criminal Sciences – ass. Professor Hungary Csemane

Dr. Cuthbert Lisa Chief Executive Officer, PACE Organisation, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Dack Brian Assistant Director, The Probation Service, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

D'Angelo Markus Fürsprecher Abteilungsleiter, Amt für Freiheitsentzug und Betreuung, Abteilung Straf-und Massnahmenvollzug, Kanton Bern

Switzerland [email protected]

Danut Ilie Security and Regime Officer, Prison Regime Department, Detention Security and Prison Regime, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

das Neves Pedro Board Member, IPS-Innovative Prison Systems, Lisboa

Portugal [email protected]

Dee Carsten Referent Vollzugsgestaltung, Niedersächsisches Justizministerium Hannover

Germany [email protected]

Dr. Delle Donne Elisabetta President, PIXEL Associazione, Firenze Italy [email protected] Prof. Dr. Demleitner

Nora V. Dean, Washington and Lee University School of Law, Lexington, Virginia

USA [email protected]

Derbach-Jüpner Marita Referatsleiterin, Justizministerium Brandenburg, Potsdam

Germany [email protected]

Devalle - Eales Rachel Sergeant, Integrated Offender Management, Greater Manchester Police

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Deters Katrin Psycholgist, Bremen Prison Germany Deters Dingeldein Katrin Mitarbeiterin Abteilung für Forensische

Abklärung, Bewährungs- und Vollzugsdienste Kanton Zürich

Switzerland [email protected]

Dittrich Henrik AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Dittrich

Dobroserdova Olga Senior Desk Officer, Supervision Division, Supervision and Probation Programs Department, State Probation Service of

Latvia [email protected]

Page 4: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Latvia, Jelgava Donnellan Michael Director General, Irish Prison Service,

Longford Ireland [email protected]

Donnelly Shane Social Work Team Leader, Child & Family Agency (SORAM), Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Doran Arthur Paul Deputy Director of Probation-Operations, Probation Board for Northern Ireland, Belfast

UK/ Northern Ireland

[email protected]

Dr. Dotter-Schiller

Karin Vize President EuroPris and Deputy Head of Department for Prison Service in the Austrian Prison Administration - Federal Ministry of Justice, Vienna

Austria [email protected]

Dowling Liam Governor 2, Arbour Hill Prison, Dublin Ireland [email protected] Prof. Dr. Drenkhahn

Kirstin Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, Freie Universität Berlin

Germany [email protected]

Drese Stefanie Member of Parliament, SPD Landtagsfraktion Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Schwerin

Germany [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Dünkel Frieder Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology, University of Greifswald

Germany [email protected]

Eggert Bernd Governor, Neustrelitz Juvenile Prison Germany [email protected] Eicke Eva-Maria Referatsleiterin Vollzugsgestaltung,

Behandlung, Hessisches Ministerium der Justiz, Wiesbaden

Germany [email protected]

Ellenrieder Katja Deputy Governor, Head of Custody, Bützow Prison

Germany [email protected]

Ernst Christian AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Ernst

Prof. Dr. Farrall

Stephen Professor of Criminology, Centre for Criminological Research, School of Law, University of Sheffield

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Feelgood Steven Director, Social Therapy Unit, Brandenburg a.d.H. Prison

Germany [email protected]

Felber Felix AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Felber

Fernandes Eva Maria Senior Manager of the Department for National Standards in Sentences and Penal Measures, Head of National Probation Department, DGRSP, Portuguese Prison and Probation Service, Lisboa

Portugal [email protected]

Ferreira Marum Pedro Head of Electronic Monitoring, House of Justice, Brussels

Belgium [email protected]

Fillova Dagmar Legal Advisor, Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava

Slovakia [email protected]

Finholdt Rüdiger Führungsaufsicht, Landgericht Hamburg Germany [email protected] Finnern Antje Leiterin der Kriminalpolizei Anklam,

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany [email protected]

Fix Werner Head of Probation Service, Region Bonn Germany [email protected] Floren Kristel Student, Estonian Academy of Security

Sciences, Tallinn Estonia [email protected]

Flynn Patricia Psychologist, ASC Criminal Justice Research and Development, Member of Council ACJRD, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Fok Róbert Head of Security Department, Hungarian Prison Service HQ, Budapest

Hungary [email protected]

Fosker Harald Director of International Cooperation, Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, Lillestrom, Member of PC-CP, Lillestrom

Norway [email protected]

Futter Ulrich Director General, Ministry of Justice, Stuttgart

Germany [email protected]

Gau Kay Psychologist, Stralsund Prison Germany [email protected] Gärtner Birgit Staatssekretärin Justizministerium

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany [email protected]

Gavin Ethel Governor, Portlaoise Prison Ireland [email protected] Geiran Vivian Director General, Irish Probation Service,

Dublin, Member of PC-CP Ireland [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Gimenes-Salinas

Esther Professor for Criminal Law and Criminology, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona

Spain [email protected]

Page 5: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Dr. Giordmaina Joseph Coordinator - The Programme of Educaton in Prison, University of Malta, Mosta, UNESCO Member of Science Committee on Education in Prison

Malta [email protected]

Dr. Giovanoglou Sofia Research Fellow at the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki

Greece [email protected]

Goei Bian Koen Policy Officer, CEP, Utrecht Netherlands [email protected] Grant Deirdre Area Manager, Probation Board for

Nothern Ireland, Belfast UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

Grönlund Inga-Liisa Assistant Prison Director, Turku Prison Finland [email protected] Gross Andreas Abteilungsleiter, Behörde für Justiz und

Gleichstellung, Hamburg Germany [email protected]

Grotjohann Frank Governor, Waldeck Prison Germany [email protected] Grund Peter Referatsleiter II440 Innenministerium,

Schwerin Germany [email protected]

Dr. Grzywa-Holten

Joanna wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Greifswald

Germany [email protected]

Gürcke Carolin Executive Officer, Petitions for Clemency, Ministry of Justice, Schwerin

Germany [email protected]

Hahn Michaela IT-Systembetreuung JVA Stralsund Germany [email protected] Hakulinen Taru Maria Psychologist, Helsinki Prison Finland [email protected] Hanhikangas Tuomas Prison Officer/ Senior Criminal Sanctions

Officer, Turku Prison Finland [email protected]

Hanke Andrea Governor Neubrandenburg Prison Germany [email protected] Hansen Barbara Executive Officer EU Project, Ministry of

Justice, Schwerin Germany [email protected]

Hawlitschek Kirsten Executive Director, EUROPRIS, The Hague

Netherlands [email protected]

Hayward Charles Business Director; National Probation Service, London Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Heese Jan AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Heese

Hein Jaanika Probation Officer, Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected] Heinkelmann Bärbel Teamleader, DG Justice, European

Commission, Brussels Brussels [email protected]

Hengeveld Anne Christel

M.Phil Research Student, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Henriksen Troels Head of Section, Danish Prison and Probation Service, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen

Denmark [email protected]

Hickey Anthony Assistant Principal Officer, Irish Prison Service, Directorate, Longford

Ireland [email protected]

Hillmer Jürgen Head of Unit, Senate of Justice and Constitution Land Bremen

Germany [email protected]

Hitchen Steven Police Officer, Integrated Offender Management, Greater Manchester Police

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Hoffmann Cathleen Service of Administration, Lastar, Probation Service Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rostock Germany

[email protected]

Holzner Peter Director General, Ministry of Justice, München

Germany [email protected]

Horstmann Volker Judge, District Court, Rostock Germany [email protected] Dr. Hubig Stefanie Staatssekretärin im Bundesministerium

der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz, Secretary of State, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin


Jaakkola Leila Social Worker, The City of Tampere, Social Welfare Office for Adults

Finland [email protected]

Jaggo Andres Head of Narva Crime Division, Police and Border Guard East Prefecture Crime Bureau, Narva

Estonia [email protected]

Jatkevicius Antanas Head of Penal and Administrative Law Unit, Legal Department, Office of the Parliament, Member of PC-CP

Lithuania [email protected]


Jörg Director General, Ministry of Justice, Schwerin, Member of PC-CP

Germany [email protected]

Dr. Jiricka Vaclav Psychologist, Prison Service of the Czech Republic, General Directorate, Prague

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Joegisuu Jana Case Manager Supervisor, Tartu Prison Estonia [email protected] Prof. Dr. Johnstone

John Gerry Professor of Law, University of Hull United Kingdom

[email protected]


Attila Prison Governor, Heves County Penitentiary Institute, Eger, Member of PC-CP

Hungary [email protected]

Page 6: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Juuti Ari Eelis Senior Inspector, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Kaarlejärvi Kati Projekt Manager, Oulun Seudun Setlementti Via Vis-Street Violence Project (NGO)

Finland [email protected]

Kaarmila Katja Marika

Senior Planning Officer / Criminal Sanctions Region of Southern Finland; Assessment Centre, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Kaijalainen Marjatta Senior Planning Officer; Criminal Sanction Agency, Central Administration, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Kallas Ly Senior Public Order Officer, Estonian Police and Border Guard Board North Prefecture, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Kama Priit Deputy Secretary General; Head of Prison Department, Estonian Ministry of Justice, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Kammermeier Bernd Sachbearbeiter der Führungsaufsichtsstelle beim Landesamt für ambulante Straffälligenarbeit, Rostock

Germany bernd.kammermeier@ lastar.mv-justiz.de

Karaganova Valentina Head of Department "Social Activities and Educational Work with Offenders",General Directorate Execution of Sentences to the Ministry of Justice, Sofia

Bulgaria [email protected]

Karasiotoy Varvara Social Worker, Drug Prevention Center and Center for Reintegration of Ex Offenders (NGO), Athens

Greece karasiotoy.yahoo.gr

Kari Riitta Deputy Governor Finland [email protected] Karlsson Karl

Christer Chairman KRIS (NGO) Sweden, Stockholm

Sweden [email protected]

Karuauk Kaimar Director, Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected] Kaskinen Miika Juho Development Manager, Criminal Sanctions

Region of Eastern and Northern Finland, Kuopio

Finland [email protected]

Keller Annette Goveror, Anstalten Hindelbank Schweiz [email protected] Kelly Máire Probation Officer, The Irish Probation

Service, Dublin Ireland [email protected]

Kendaru Sten-Hendrik

Student, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Kenny David Senior Probation Officer, National SORAM Office, Irish Probation Service, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Kettel Claude Agent de Probation, SCAS, Bewährungshilfe Luxembourg

Luxembourg [email protected]

Kiis Karin Advisor, Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic Estonia, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Kikas Laura Deputy Governor Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected] Klee Tanja Head of Unit Education, Labour, EU

Projects, Ministry of Justice, Schwerin Germany [email protected]

Klucken Sabine Programmleitung ROS (Risikoorientierter Sanktionenvollzug), Bewährungs- und Vollzugsdienste Kanton Zürich

Switzerland [email protected]

Knuuti Ulla Senior Specialist, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Central Administration, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Köck Josef Geschäftsstellenleiter, Bewährungshilfe Liechtenstein, Schaan

Liechtenstein [email protected]

Dr. Konttila Arja Project Manager, KRITS, Helsinki Finland [email protected] Korpelainen Riitta Senior Criminal Sanctions Official,

Pyhaselka Prison, Hammaslahti Finland [email protected]

Kostjanaja Olga Inspector, Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected] Kotthaus Elisabeth Political Reporter, Legal Affaires,

European Commission, Brussels, Legal Affairs, EU Commission Germany

[email protected]

Kötz Jens Head of Communication Unit, Bützow Prison Germany

[email protected]

Koumi Iosifina Social Worker, Cyprus Prison Department, Nicosia

Cyprus [email protected]

Dr. Kovács András Main Desk Officer, Security, Szombathely National Prison

Hungary [email protected]

Kovács Mihály Ferenc

Head of Department of Detention Affairs, Balassagyarmat strict and medium regime Prison

Hungary [email protected]

Kovács Zsuzsanna Psychologist, Veszprem Megyei Bv. Intezet, Veszprem

Hungary [email protected]

Kovar Jakub Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service, Karlovy Vary

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Kozlowski Tomasz Judge, delgated to the Ministry of Justice, Department of Enforcement of Judgments and Probation, Warsaw

Poland [email protected]

Kraus Kaarel Case Manager, Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected]

Page 7: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Prof. Dr. Krehl

Christoph Judge, German Federal Court of Justice, Karlsruhe

Germany [email protected]

Kryzek Phillip AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Kryzek

Kubicki-Halskov Renate Head of Division Prision and Probation Law, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin

Germany [email protected]

Kuder Uta-Maria Minister of Justice, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Germany [email protected]

Kuivajärvi Kirsti Development Director, Criminal Sanctions Agency (CSA), Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Kulo Kristo Deputy Governor, Tartu Prison Estonia [email protected] Kuuse Rait

Speaker Deputy Secretary General on Social Policy, Ministry of Social Affairs Estonia, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Labi Andreas Richter am Oberlandesgericht Rostock Germany [email protected] Ladwig Grit-

Christin Deputy Head of Probation Service, Rostock Region

Germany [email protected]

Lakotta Beate Kriminal- und Justizreporterin "Der Spiegel", Hamburg

Germany [email protected]

Lapinleimu Otso Principal Lecturer, The Training Institute of Prison and Probation Services, Vantaa

Finland [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Lappi-Seppäla

Tapio Director of the National Research Institute of Legal Policy, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Lazarevic Bosko Treatment Service Staff, Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Podgorica

Montenegro [email protected]

Leinonen Tiina Assistant Director/Director, Tampere Community Sanctions Office & Vilppula Prison, Tampere

Finland [email protected]

Leonidou Charalambos

Security Officer, Cyprus Prison Department, Nicosia

Cyprus [email protected]

Lepasaar Greete Student, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Lewis Sally CEO, Avon and Somerset Probation Trust, Somerset

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Liba Piret Lecturer -The College of Justice, Estonian Academy of Securuity Sciences, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Liesche Teresa German Federal Criminal Police Office, Wiesbaden

Germany [email protected]

Lindstrom Peter Criminologist, Stockholm County Police, Member of PC-CP

Sweden [email protected]

Lohse Hedwig Psychologist, Bützow Prison Germany [email protected] Long John

Acting Chief Constable, Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Bristol

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Loppenthin Niels Chief Consultant, Department of Prisons and Probation, Ministry of Justice, Copenhagen

Denmark [email protected]

Luca Adrian Officer, Cooperation and Programs Department, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Lutzebäck Lisa Stellvertretende Leiterin der Strafvollzugsabteilung, Leiterin Stabsstelle Reform der Sozialen Dienste, Ministerium d. Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz Rheinland-Pfalz, Mainz

Germany [email protected]

Lyner Olwen Jean Chief Executive, NIACRO, Belfast UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

Machedanz Henning Advisor/ Information Office of the Land of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the European Union, Brussels

Germany [email protected]

Mack Charles Jonathan

Chief Executive, Extern, Belfast UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

Magovcevic Vitomir Authorised Officer for Supervision of Execution Criminal Sanctions, Ministry of Justice Montenegro, Podgorica

Montenegro [email protected]

Maib Paul Psychologist, Neustrelitz Juvenile Prison Germany [email protected] Prof. Dr. Majerus Benoit Associate Professor, University of

Luxembourg, Walferdange Luxembourg [email protected]

Manzewski Dirk Head of the Agency of Ambulant Offender Services Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Rostock

Germany [email protected]

Marg Christin Head of Probation Service, Neubrandenburg Region

Germany [email protected]

Dr. Markov Helmuth Minister of Justice Brandenburg, Potsdam Germany [email protected]

Page 8: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Masonos Andreas Chief Warden, Cyprus Prison Department, Nicosia

Cyprus [email protected]

Matouskova Andrea Chief of Department for Methodology, Statistic and Analyses, Probation and Mediation Service, Prague

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Matschiner Günter Director General, Ministry of Justice Saarland, Saarbrücken

Germany [email protected]

Mauruschat Agnete Governor, Lübeck Prison Germany [email protected] Dr. Mavris Michail Head of Probation Service of Piraeus Greece [email protected] Mc Gibbon Gareth Area Manager, Probation Board for

Northern Ireland, Belfast UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

Mc Glade Ian Francis Probation Officer, Probation Board for Northern Ireland, Newry

UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

Mc Nally

Gerry Assistant Director, Irish Probation Service, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Mc Williams Jacqueline Probation Service Officer, Probation Board for Northern Ireland, Belfast

UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

McColl John Mark Governor, Northern Ireland Prison Service, Lisburn

UK/Northern Ireland

[email protected]

McDonagh Gerry Principal Officer, Prisons & Probation Policy Division, Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

McPaul Mark Manager Approved Premises-Post Release Hostel for High Risk Offenders, National Probation Service Wales, Wrexham

United Kingdom, Wales

[email protected]

Mielke Thomas AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Mielke


Satu Senior Counselor, Turku Prison Finland [email protected]

Milis Ils Director Strategic Coordination, Belgian Prison Service, Brussels

Belgium [email protected]

Miljan Maret Director, Rehabilitation Division, Prison Departement, Ministry of Justice Estonia, Johvi

Estonia [email protected]

Mohácsi Zsolt Reintegration Officer, Budapest Strict and Medium Regime Prison

Hungary [email protected]

Molony Jennifer Detective Sergeant, National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Molyneux Therese Assistant Principal Officer (Probation Policy), Department of Justice and Equality, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Molzahn Danilo AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Molzahn

Moreira Navalho Francisco José

Senior Manager of the Regional Department for Offenders Resettlement and Reinsertion, Coimbra

Portugal [email protected]

Dr. Morgenstern Christine Research Associate, University of Greifswald

Germany [email protected]

Mrhar Prelíc Danijela Director Womens Prison, Prison Administration of Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana

Slovenia [email protected]

Muche Jana Probation Officer, Rostock Region Germany [email protected] Mullen Martin Governor, Midlands Prison, Portlaoise Ireland [email protected] Müller Detlef Member of Parliament Mecklenburg -

Western Pomerania, Schwerin Germany [email protected]

Mycka Krysztof Judge, delegated to the Ministry of Justice, Department of Enforcement of Judgments and Probation, Warsaw

Poland [email protected]

Nahk Anneli Probation Officer, Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected] Neagoe Stefan

Adrian Vicepresident, National Trade Union of Prison Workers from Romania, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Necula Mihaela Carmen

Justice and Home Affairs Counselor, Romanian Permanent Representation to the EU, Brussels

Romania [email protected]

Nichifor Elena Probation Counselor, Probation Service of Brasov

Romania [email protected] [email protected]

Nita Florin Catalin

Director, Litigation and Drafting Laws Directorate, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Novak Slava Head of the International Cooperation , Prison Administration of the Republic

Slovenia [email protected]

Page 9: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Slovenia , Ministry of Justice, Ljubljana Nygaard Carmen Senior Probation Officer, Department of

Probation and Parole, Valletta Malta [email protected]

Obagel Liliana Diana

Probation Counselor, National Probation Department, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Odvarkova Alena Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service, Litomerice

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Öhman Bo Torbjörn Inspector, Person Safety Group, Stockholm Police

Sweden [email protected]

Oláh Robert Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic, Ústì nad Orlicí

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Olfen Volker Governor, Prison of Suhl-Goldlauter Germany [email protected] Olm Klaus Leiter Bildungszentrum, Europäisches

Bildungszentrum, JA Raßnitz Germany [email protected]

Osolainen Erkki Director, The College of Justice, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Ostrovskis Aigars Senior Desk Officer, Supervision and Probation Programes Department, State Probation Service of Latvia, Kuldiga

Latvia [email protected]



Senior Clinical Psychologist, Irish Prison Service

Ireland [email protected] [email protected]

Paap Linda Advisor, Ministry of Justice, Prison Department, Rehabilitation, Division, Johvi

Estonia [email protected]

Paatsi Riina Psychologist, Tallinn Prison Estonia [email protected] Prof. Dr. Palma Mauro President Council for Penological

Cooperation (PC-CP), Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Italy [email protected]

Pálóczi Dávid Main Educator, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Remand Prison, Budapest

Hungary [email protected]

Pamperin Stefan Deputy Head of Probation Service, Region Schwerin

Germany [email protected]

Paukert Grit Koordination besonderer Fördermaßnahmen, Jugendanstalt Hameln

Germany [email protected]

Pavlic Snjezana Senior Advisor, Ministry of Justice, Section for Probation, Zagreb

Croatia [email protected]

Paze Andris Head of Cesis Correctional Intitution for Juveniles, Cesis, Riga

Latvia [email protected]

Peltovuoma Sami Senior Planning Officer, Head of the Prison; Assessment Unit, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Dr. Peraldo Gianolino

Andrea Project Manager, Pixel Associazone, Firenze

Italy [email protected]

Pesti Ferenc Director Juvenile Prison, Hungarian Prison Service, Budapest

Hungary [email protected]

Dr. Peters Michael Inspektionsleiter, Polizeiinspektion Wismar Germany [email protected] Petrov Rosen Director General, General Directorate

Execution of Sentences to the Ministry of Justice, Sofia

Bulgaria [email protected]

Podrzaj Joze Director General of the Prison Administration of the Republic Slovenia , Acting Director General

Slovenia [email protected]

Preusker Wolfram Referatsleiter, Ministerium für Justiz und Gleichstellung, Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg

Germany [email protected]

Priedniece Iveta Senior Inspector of Education and Employment Department, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga

Latvia [email protected]

Dr. Pripp Cristina Head of Psychosocial Assistance Department, Social Reinsertion Directorate, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Dr. Pruin Ineke Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Criminology, University of Greifswald

Germany [email protected]

Puolakka Pia Psychologist, Sukeva Prison, Kalliosuo Finland [email protected] Puschmann Aliki Head of Unit, Bützow Prison Germany [email protected] Puskarjov Nikolai Head of Department, Viru Prison, Johvi Estonia [email protected] Rabrenovic Slavica General Director of Directorate for

Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Ministry of Justice Montenegro, Podgorica

Montenegro [email protected]

Radkovska Nadya Head of Department "International Cooperation and Professional Training Staff", General Directorate Execution of Sentences to the Ministry of Justice, Sofia

Bulgaria [email protected]

Radván Péter Reintegration Officer, Hungarian Prison Service, Budapest

Hungary [email protected]

Page 10: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Raickovic Sladjan Deputy Director, Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Podgorica

Montenegro [email protected]

Räis Kert Student, Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Raitanen Jenni Senior Planning Officer, Criminal Sanctions Region of Southern Finland, Assessment Center, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Rama Egezon Ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter, Jugendanstalt Hameln

Germany [email protected]

Rappat Thomas Head of Unit, Ministry of Justice Lower Saxony, Hannover

Germany [email protected]

Dr. Rauchert Marion Direktorin Fachhochschule für öffentliches Recht, Polizei und Rechtspflege, Güstrow

Germany [email protected]

Reckling Peter General Manager, Association for Social Work, Criminal Justice and Policy, Cologne

Germany [email protected]

Redmond (Cooper)

Helen Senior Probation Officer, Irish Probation Service, Portlaoise

Ireland [email protected]

Rehfeld Uwe Head of Unit, Waldeck Prison Germany [email protected] Repkova Petra Senior State Advisor, Ministry of Justice,

Bratislava Slovakia [email protected]

Rethmeyer Martina Führungsaufsicht, Landgericht Hamburg Germany [email protected] Reunanen Ali Vice Chairman, KRIS, Stockholm Sweden [email protected] Richardson Paddy Chief Executive, The Irish Association for

the Social Integration of Offenders, Dublin Ireland [email protected]

Ridlova Renata Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic, Brno

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Rodriguez Giminez

Aida Covadonga

Research Assistant, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona

Spain, Catalunya

[email protected]

Dr. Rogan Mary Lecturer/Chairperson, Head of Law and Assistant Head of the School of Languages, Law and Society - Dublin Institute of Technology/Irish Penal Reform Trust

Ireland [email protected]

Rohde Andreas Head of Probation Service, Rostock Region

Germany [email protected]

Roman Artur Probation Officer, District Court Szcecin Poland [email protected] Dr. Roos Helmut Board Member, Association for Social

Work, Criminal Justice and Policy, Cologne

Germany [email protected]

Royle William Inspector Integrated Offender Management, Greater Manchester Police

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Ruuskanen Elina Senior Planning Officer, Ministry of Justice, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Sachsenröder Gunter Head of Supervision of Conduct Department, Rostock

Germany [email protected]

Sadovskis Olegs Deputy of Cesis Correctional Institution for Juveniles, Cesis

Latvia [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Sakalauskas

Gintautas Assoc. Professor at Departement for Criminal Justice, Vilnius University

Lithuania [email protected]

Salla Jako Criminal Policy Adviser, Estonian Ministry of Justice, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Sandmann Johannes Director General, Ministry of Justice Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel

Germany [email protected]

Savits Katriin Supervisior - Senior Probation Officer, Tallinn Prison

Estonia [email protected]

Schaal Noreen Head of Probation Service, Stralsund Region

Germany [email protected]

Dr. Schäfer Jörg-Uwe Governor, Bützow Prison Germany [email protected] Dr. Schatz Holger Amtsleiter, Behörde für Justiz und

Gleichstellung, Hamburg Germany [email protected]

Schiebel Bernd Head of Unit, Ministry of Justice Saxony, Dresden

Germany [email protected]

Schmidt Sebastian Head of division, legal and Europe policy, Parliament of Mecklenburg Western Pomerania

Germany [email protected]

Schneider Robert AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Schneider

Dr. Schütt Ulrike Head of Diagnostics Centre, Waldeck Prison


[email protected]

Scott Michael Intelligence Manager; UK ACPO Criminal Record Office

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Sekulovska Elisaveta Advisor - Inspector for Treatment of Prisoners, Ministry of Justice, The

Macedonia [email protected]

Page 11: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Directorate for Execution of Sanctions, Skopje

Sempelson Nils Head of Crime Bureau, Police and Border Guard Board, West Prefecture, Pärnu

Estonia [email protected]

Sevasta Miriam Director, Department of Probation and Parole Ministry for Home Affaires and National Security,

Malta [email protected]

Shalev Sharon Research Associate, Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford & ICPS

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Sheppard Duncan National Lead for MAPPA in England and Wales, National Offender Management Service, London

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Sierth Ingo Oberstaatsanwalt, Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Naumburg

Germany [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Skulic Milan Professor for Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade

Serbia [email protected]

Slamova Tereza Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service, Pribram

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Sneiders Els Adivsor-General, Ministry of Justice Belgium, Brussels

Belgium [email protected]

Solodov Stanislav Senior Specialist, Harkuja Murru Prison, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Soresco Oana Psychologist, Psychological Assistance Department, Social Reinsertion Directorate, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Spataru Cristian Augustin

Prison Security Officer, Detention Security Department, Detention Security and Prison Regime, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Staack Mirjam Head of Social Therapy Unit, Neustrelitz Juvenile Prison

Germany [email protected]

Stancovici Marian Deputy Director General, National Administration of Penitentiaries, Bucharest

Romania [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Stando-Kawecka

Barbara Head of Department of Penitentiary Law and Policy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

Poland [email protected]

Stark Detlef Teilanstaltsleiter JVA Tegel, Berlin Germany [email protected] Dr. Steinhilper Monica Director General, Ministry of Justice Lower

Saxony, Hannover Germany [email protected]

Stern Pavel Legal Policy Expert, Prague Czech Republic

[email protected]

Stoll Steffi AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Stoll

Strätker Georg Referatsleiter, Europa- und Rechtsausschuss, Landtag Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Schwerin

Germany [email protected]

Dr. Styliou Floris Consultant Psychiatrist - Forensic Services Cyprus, Nicosia

Cyprus [email protected]

Sundholm Johanna Senior Planning Officer, Criminal Sanctions Region of Western Finland, Turku

Finland [email protected]

Suomela Maarit Development Manager, Probation Foundation Finland, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Svecz Miklós Zoltán

Head of Registration Unit, Márianosztra Strict and Medium Regime Prison, Márianosztra

Hungary [email protected]

Dr. Szeiberling Tamás Director, Justice Service of Government Office for Baranya County, Pécs

Hungary [email protected]

Taali Fatima Technician, Information and Security Service, Department of Justice Catalunya, Barcelona

Spain, Caralunya

[email protected]

Taeterow Amina AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Taeterow

Tägder Julia Executive Officer, EU Projects, Education and Labour, Ministry of Justice, Schwerin

Germany [email protected]

Taipale Taina Senior Planning Officer, Assessment Centre, Criminal Sanctions Region of Western Finland, Hämeenlinna

Finland [email protected]

Takkunen Heikki Psychologist, Riihimäki Prison, Riihimäki Finland [email protected] Tänav Remo Chief of Unit, Prison of Tallinn Estonia [email protected] Taruvuori Karoliina Director, Jokela Prison, Jokela Finland [email protected] Texter Andreas Member of Parliament Mecklenburg- Germany [email protected]

Page 12: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Western Pomerania, Schwerin Theede Kai-Uwe Vorsitzender Richter am

Oberlandesgericht Rostock Germany [email protected]

Thiel Andreas Referatsleiter, Behörde für Justiz und Gleichstellung, Hamburg

Germany [email protected]

Thiele Renè AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Thiele

Thran Christine Head of Probation Service, Schwerin Region Germany

[email protected]

Dr. Timmer Catrinus Director, Exodus Nederland, Leiden Netherlands [email protected] Tkacova Jana Head of Prison and Mediation Service,

Havirov-Podlesi (Czech Republic) Czech Republic

[email protected]

Tolman Ursula Probation Officer, Bonn Germany [email protected] Töwe Christa Referatsleitung

Jugenddelinquenz/Straffälligenhilfe; Behörde für Arbeit, Soziales, Familie und Integration, Hamburg

Germany [email protected]

Townsend Amy Assurance Manager for the Transforming Rehabilitation Programme, Ministry of Justice UK, Swansea

United Kingdom

[email protected]

Trost Helmut Generalstaatsanwalt, Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Rostock

Germany [email protected]

Tunger Pille Head Specialist - Board Assistant, Tallinn Prison

Estonia [email protected]

Tuominen Paavo Detective Inspector, National Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Tampere

Finland [email protected]

Tutoky Jan Head of Unit, Prison and Remand Prison Presov

Slovakia [email protected]

Ulrich Ralph Leiter Berufsbildungsstätte Stralsund Germany [email protected] / [email protected] Usacka Ilze Senior Inspector of Education and

Employment Department, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga

Latvia [email protected]

Vähäkoski Ritva Senior Lecturer, Training Institute of Prison and Probation Service, Vantaa (Finland)

Finland [email protected]

Dr. Valentovicova Zuzana Chief Specialist Officer, Corps of Prison and Court Guard Directorate General, Bratislava

Slovakia [email protected]

Valkama Timo Director, KRIS (Central Union of Finland), Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Valkama Hannele Managing Director, KRIS-Etelä-Suomi ry, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Vall Kalle Manager of Violence Crime Unit, Estonian Police, South Prefecture, Tallinn

Estonia [email protected]

Van der Brugge Wilhelm Secretary General, CEP, Utrecht Netherlands [email protected] Verhoeven Hilde Regional Director for all Dutch-speaking

prisons, Belgian Prison Service, Brussels Belgium [email protected]

Vespermann Monica Head of Unit, Senator of Justice, Hamburg Germany [email protected] Viitikka Pekka Prison Officer, Turku Prison Finland [email protected] Vinkó Attila Head of IT, Zala County Remand Prison,

Budapest Hungary [email protected]

Vogt-Airaksinen Tiina Senior Specialist, Criminal Sanctions Agency, Helsinki

Finland [email protected]

Vollan Marianne Director General, Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Service, Lillestrom

Norway [email protected]

von der Wense Moritz Research Fellow, Department of Criminology, University of Greifswald

Germany [email protected]

Dr. von Mandach Laura Head of Information and Documentation, Swiss Training Center for Prison Staff, Fribourg

Switzerland [email protected]

Vosahlikova Radka Probation Officer, Probation and Mediation Service, Prague

Czech Republic

[email protected]

Vyletova Eva Prison and Probation Officer, Hodonin Czech Republic

[email protected]

Wagner Sandra AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Wagner

Weber Eberhard Probation Officer, Probation Service NRW Germany [email protected] Wegner Kathleen Dienst- und Fachdezernat Soziale Dienste

der Justiz, Brandenburgisches Oberlandesgericht

Germany [email protected]

Weidemann Susanne AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of

Germany Weidemann

Page 13: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Weinmeister Anika Psychologist, Waldeck Prison Germany [email protected] Dr. Werner Ronny Head of Unit, Ministry of Justice

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schwerin

Germany [email protected]

Westphal Markus AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Westphal

Wettermann Anne Dipl. Psychologin - Klinik f. Forensische Psychiatrie, Rostock, forensische Psychiatrie, Rostock

Germany [email protected]

Wiesenhütter Melanie Probation Officer, Rostock Region, Germany [email protected] Wilbert Marcus Head of Unit, Ministry of Justice

Thüringen, Erfurt Germany [email protected]

Will Mathias AVD Anwärter, Bildungsstätte Justizvollzug M-V, Student, Prison and Probation Educational Center of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Güstrow,

Germany Will

Williamson David Senior Probation Officer, Probation Service, Republic of Ireland, Dublin

Ireland [email protected]

Dr. Winterfeldt Jens Medical Doctor, Bützow Prison Germany [email protected] Dr. Wirth Wolfgang Leiter des Kriminologischen Dienstes

Nordrhein-Westfahlen Germany [email protected]

Yianni Christopher Interpreter, Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin

Germany [email protected]

Ylikomi Pia Senior Criminal Sanctions Official, Criminal Sanctions Centre of Pirkanmaa

Finland [email protected]

Ylipekka Mikko Psychologist, Hämeenlinna Prison Finland [email protected] Zangger Tanja Stellvertretende Leiterin Bereich

Risikovollzug, Abteilung Straf- und Maßnahmenvollzug des Kantons Bern

Switzerland [email protected]

Zeile Olga Director/ Sectoral Policy Department, Ministry of Justice Latvia, Riga

Latvia [email protected]

Ziercke Jörg President, German Federal Criminal Police Office, Wiesbaden

Germany [email protected]

Zimmermann Hartmut Mitglied der Stiftungsleitung, Internationale Stiftung zur Förderung von Kultur und Zivilisation, München

Germany [email protected]

Zvaigzne Una Senior Inspector of Project Development Department, Latvian Prison Administration, Riga

Latvia [email protected]

Page 14: JCN conference listofparticipants 01.09.2014 final of participants.pdfBecker Kerstin Head of Preventive Detention Unit, Berlin-Tegel Prison Germany Kerstin.becker@jvatgl.berlin.de
