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John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff...

Date post: 03-Jul-2020
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John Hall & Company COMMERCIAL/INVESTMENT PROPERTY LAND www.johnhallco.com This company, or any of its agents, will not be held responsible for any false or misleading information. Information is collected by agents from sources that agent deems reliable. Agent has used his best efforts and good faith to obtain reliable information. 4163 CARMICHAEL ROAD MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 36106 (334) 270-8400 (800) 864-1281 Wright Tract 11.3 +/- acres Verbena, Alabama LOCATION: Chilton County. County Road 542 Verbena, AL 36091 SIZE: 11.3 +/- acres TERRAIN: Hills w/ hardwoods LAND USE: Recreational / Home site PRICE: $62,150 or $5,500 per acre SPECIAL FEATURES: Convienently located very close to Lake Mitchell this tract provides good recreational opportunity or a possible home site overlooking big hardwood bottoms. This tract is full of big mature hickory and oak trees with good timber value or for providing beautiful views. There is about 430 feet of road frontage and also a narrow powerline running across the property. Wildlife activity is very obvious with deer trails and tracks found throughout the property. There are so many possibilities here. Whether its spending the day on the lake and coming back to relax at a home perched on top of a ridge, or sitting in a deer stand in the fall looking across a hardwood ridge covered in white oaks and hickory trees. Contact Hoke Smith today for questions or to view the property! 334.322.2683 [email protected]
Page 1: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu



This company, or any of its agents, will not be held responsible for any false or

misleading information. Information is collected by agents from sources that agent

deems reliable. Agent has used his best efforts and good faith to obtain reliable



(800) 864-1281

WWrriigghhtt TTrraacctt

1111..33 ++//-- aaccrreess

VVeerrbbeennaa,, AAllaabbaammaa

LLOOCCAATTIIOONN:: CChhiillttoonn CCoouunnttyy.. CCoouunnttyy RRooaadd 554422 VVeerrbbeennaa,, AALL 3366009911

SSIIZZEE:: 1111..33 ++//-- aaccrreess

TTEERRRRAAIINN:: HHiillllss ww// hhaarrddwwooooddss

LLAANNDD UUSSEE:: RReeccrreeaattiioonnaall // HHoommee ssiittee

PPRRIICCEE:: $$6622,,115500 oorr $$55,,550000 ppeerr aaccrree

SSPPEECCIIAALL FFEEAATTUURREESS:: CCoonnvviieenneennttllyy llooccaatteedd vveerryy cclloossee ttoo LLaakkee MMiittcchheellll tthhiiss ttrraacctt

pprroovviiddeess ggoooodd rreeccrreeaattiioonnaall ooppppoorrttuunniittyy oorr aa ppoossssiibbllee hhoommee ssiittee oovveerrllooookkiinngg bbiigg

hhaarrddwwoooodd bboottttoommss.. TThhiiss ttrraacctt iiss ffuullll ooff bbiigg mmaattuurree hhiicckkoorryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeeess wwiitthh ggoooodd

ttiimmbbeerr vvaalluuee oorr ffoorr pprroovviiddiinngg bbeeaauuttiiffuull vviieewwss.. TThheerree iiss aabboouutt 443300 ffeeeett ooff rrooaadd ffrroonnttaaggee

aanndd aallssoo aa nnaarrrrooww ppoowweerrlliinnee rruunnnniinngg aaccrroossss tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy.. WWiillddlliiffee aaccttiivviittyy iiss vveerryy

oobbvviioouuss wwiitthh ddeeeerr ttrraaiillss aanndd ttrraacckkss ffoouunndd tthhrroouugghhoouutt tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy.. TThheerree aarree ssoo mmaannyy

ppoossssiibbiilliittiieess hheerree.. WWhheetthheerr iittss ssppeennddiinngg tthhee ddaayy oonn tthhee llaakkee aanndd ccoommiinngg bbaacckk ttoo rreellaaxx aatt

aa hhoommee ppeerrcchheedd oonn ttoopp ooff aa rriiddggee,, oorr ssiittttiinngg iinn aa ddeeeerr ssttaanndd iinn tthhee ffaallll llooookkiinngg aaccrroossss aa

hhaarrddwwoooodd rriiddggee ccoovveerreedd iinn wwhhiittee ooaakkss aanndd hhiicckkoorryy ttrreeeess..

CCoonnttaacctt HHookkee SSmmiitthh ttooddaayy ffoorr qquueessttiioonnss oorr ttoo vviieeww tthhee pprrooppeerrttyy!!



Page 2: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu
Page 3: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu
Page 4: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu
Page 5: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu
Page 6: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu

Road surrounded by mature hardwoods

Hardwood ridge top

Page 7: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu

Ridge top

Deer tracks

Page 8: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu



Page 9: John Hall & Company · harddwwoooodd tbbo o tttommss.. sTThhiis cttrraactt fiiss efuullll toff gbiigg mmaatuurree hicckkooryy aanndd ooaakk ttrreeess wwiithh goooodd timbe r vaalluu

Year-round springs

Blue berries found throughout the property
