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JOHN NOTT, · 2015. 6. 2. · N. Ca&TLE. J. B ATHERTON. G. P. CASTLE. W. A. BO WEN. EDW. D. TENNEY....

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VOL. X.-- NO. 38 HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST U, 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. Stattbottftii. IHE DAILY IN MEDITATION. Australiap Mail Service GARDNER K. WILDER, TIILE, TABLE or THE THROUGH STEAMERS or THE OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY. Atto rne yat'L aw , 0 Commercial Advertiser jg PUBLISHED m isrning Except Sundays, Merchant St. it No. 46 8. N. Ca&TLE. J. B ATHERTON. G. P. CASTLE. W. A. BO WEN. EDW. D. TENNEY. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 1264-l- y FOR SAN FRANCISCO, fhe new and fine Al steel steamship Due at Honolulu from San Francisco, on or about. -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN- - ZEALANDIA 99 Within her fair white hands the Good Book lies; As reverently slow she turns its leaves, The violet shadows veil her wistful eyes, And as the nightfall sure and slowly weaves, I hear her dear voice clear and strong "Set me as a seal upon thy heart, 4 s a seal upon thy arm. For love is strong as death:" And as she reads the Israel sonjr Her lips are like a roseleaf curled apart In spicy sweetness warm With incense of its breath. On, on she reads; hushed on her snowy breast. Lulled in its peace as of a holy shrine, Each tender sigh doth rock itself to rest; Her face, love lit, doth glow with fire divine. Her trembling voice doth linger long "Jealousy is cruel as the grave, The coals thereof are coals of firo With most vehement flame;" Yet as she reads the singer's song She seems to grow more brave In harmony of Israel's lyre Attuned to love's dear name ! Dear fair white hands wherein the Good Book lies, Dear tender sisrhs that hush unon her broasf. j. ALFRED MAGOON, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I. 121-l- m G-ener- al Merchandise. Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Mariposa August 31 Zealandia September 28 Alameda October 26 Mariposa November 23 Zealandia December 21 -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR-- sgBSCBirTlONS : year ?6 00 p.C.ADVEBTISEE.OI , g ii per month " Gazette, one year ..... 5 00 ,i4ttT h .una ' .. foreign (in- - 6 00 iadin? postage) w.ble invariably ia Advance. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.. 46 Mercha t 8t.t n Honolulu, H. I. Kobala Sugar Co., Aug 24, 1889, Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation, A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papal kou Sugar Co. NTERPRIS PLANING MILL., ALAKEA, NEAR QUEEN STREET. 174 Telephone 55. Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, on or about. And will leave for the absve port wtth mails and passengers on or abou t that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Dear blue veined lids that veil her violet eyes, Wm. G. Irwin & Co., &CMENTB. Zealandia August 24 Alameda September 21 Mariposa , October 19 Zealandia November 16 Alameda . December 14 Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. S The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemington and Wheeler & Wilson SEWING MACHINES. tf SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. For Sydney and Auckland. TIME TABLE OF INTERMEDIATE Insurance effected upon every description of property at current rates of premium. Steamer Australia The new and fine Al steel steamship Total Sum Insured in 1886 327,333,700 6 59 LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dicksja) and Dealers ia dumber lBiporters And H Kinds of Building Materials. FORT STBEET. Honolulu. 15 JOHN T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. So. 25-3- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf H. HACKFELD & CO., General Commission Agents Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company , will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco or or about Aug. 31, 1889. H. E. Mclntyre &, Bro. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN G-rocerie- s, Provisions and ITeed EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Goods received by every paeset from the Eastern States and Europe fresh Calif ornta Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416 Telephone No. 02 Oanl? Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic- tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE And will have prompv dispaton with mails an Leave San Francigco for Honolulu at 13 o'clock noon, on Friday August 16 Friday September 13 Friday October 11 Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 12 o'clock noon, on Friday August 2 Friday August 30 Friday September 27 Friday October 25 assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. GL Irwin & Co., AGENTS AJSD Unto my life thou art sweet peace and rest ! Love, set me as a seal upon her heart. Thou, love, art strong as strong as death thou art! Harriet Maxwell Converse in Home Journal Tricks of the Stage CoMVanier's Trade. New York Sua. The reporter asked the customer if he could make a crooked leg straight, and he replied that ho often cured people of bow-leggednes- s, and made their legs straight an operation beyond the skill of the most accomplished surgeon. Padding out the hollows and a judicious proportion of padding at other points is all that is required. Of course, there are special ways of padding for cer- tain lines of character, and the cos-turn- er can turn a shapely man into a hunchback or into a fat man. A slim actor need not be afraid to play a heroic character; for he can be made stalwart one-hal- f as big ag.un if neceesary. For him there are padded shirts which give him a splendid chest, and also arm and shoulder pads. There are special arm pads for Roman characters, and shoulder pads are often used to make the shoulders oven, for frequently one shoulder will be lower than the other. There are special cases in which the deficiencies are so di licult to remedy that a plaster cast is taken of the de- ficient limb, and a skillful workman sot to work to make a special pair of tights which will hide tho deficiencies shown in the plaster cast. This usually has to be done in case of bow-leggednes- s; also in case of large calves and small thighs, in which case the tights have to be nicely graduated. As an example of the difficulties he sometimes had to deal with, the costumertold of a case in which he had to proportion a pair of legs, the calf of one being twelve and one-hal- f inches, that of the other fourteen inches. The deficiency he has most frequently to remedy lor women is the dent made by the garters. Actors most frequently want calf and thigh tights. The reporter was surpriaed to hear that the wearing of padded tights is as com- mon among actors as it is among actresses. Nino out of ten actors pad. Of the women on the stage the ballet-dance- rs make the greatest demand for tights, as the exercise of dancing hard- ens and thins the legs. lemons in Medicine and Cookery. Boston Euiget.l We know of a physician who used lemon juice in a case of small-pox- , the only liquid given, and no other remedies. In thirty-six- " hours the disease was under BEAVER SALOON, COMMISSION AGENTS. GEO. W. LINCOLN, THE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS A and is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of work appertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, in the same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shop expenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain- ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to do the same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same time bearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. in Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.' a, H. J, SOLTE, PROPBIETOB. ftstlhm Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. ltf LIST OF OFFICERS: P. C. Jones. Jr President and Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen , Auditor DIRECTORS: Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. Waterhouse Thanking the public for past favors, I remain respectfully yours, GEO. W. LINCOLN. 65 HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, The Planters' Monthly Devoted to the Encouragement of AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE STOCK RAISING and INDUS- TRIAL PURSUITS GENERALLY, Win. G. Irwin. Claus Sprecfcels . Mien. Sugar Stills, Coolers, Brass CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTTER In lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins. Finest Article for Warm Climates. S. FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. 36 and 28 California St., San Francisco. feb21,89 45-l- y Walker & Redward, and Lead Castings, Hi michinery of every description made to CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKEPiS . wer. Particular attention taid to shins black- - ithiog. j0b work executed on the shortest PH. ltf HAW'AIIAN ISLANDS HONOLULU B. F. EHLEKS & CO.'s Grand Opening of European & American Dry and Fancy GroocLs THE ROYAL SALOON, Xunanu and Merchant Streets Draw Exchange on the principal parts o the world. Under the Management of E. H. F, Wolter, Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and JjPUway? in stock a variety of the best Wines, 7.."' Bee. and ice cold beers on draught at exchange business. And more especially to the develop- ment and perfection of Cultivation of Cane and the MANUFACTURE OF SUGAR. "cents per glass Deposits bearing interest received In their Sav fgrCall and See ITs.l ltf -- :o:- complete control, and in one week was lngs Department subject to published rules and entirely cured. regulations. 17oc3tf N. B. On and after May 15th, MISS CLARK will have charge of Hot lemonade, with flaxseed simmered Contractors & Bnilders our Dressmaking Rooms. 1-- tf In it for half an hour, then strained and sweetened, is excellent for a cold, but, as it produces perspiration it should lx taken only upon retiring. The white of LOVE'S BAKERY WONG S.AI, Manufacturer of A an egg beaten to a stiff froth and No. 73 A'unann Street Brick, Stone and Wooden Building Estimates Given. .fobbing Promptly Attended to, 76 KING STREET. whipped up with the iuice of a lemon, re wntlemen's Underclothing MRS. ROBT. LOVE, ... Proprietress. JOHN NOTT, DIMOND BLOCK, 95 and 97 KING STREET. lieves hoarseness and soreness of the chest at once, taken by the teaspoonful half hourly. Wollen and Pougee Coats, Nol, Calico, German and Linen Shirts. P. O. Box 423. Bell Telephone No. 2. Every Description of Plain and Fancy 211 tf This popular journal has entered on it eighth volume, and having been Enlarged to 48 Pages Monthly, makes a yearly volume of nearly 600 pages, devoted to the agricul- tural and commercial prosperity of the Hawaiian Islands. The juice of two lemons taken in half a glass of water before each meal is a power- ful remedy for rheumatism, and it is also "n Street next door to E. B. Thomas' Bread and Crackers, 14-3- m considered almost a specific for inter PIONEER mittent fever. The juice of one lemon 1 RES H taken tnree times a day in a cud of clear. strong coffee, will often cure chills and WILLIAM C. ACH1, fever, when the disease is stubborn and Steal Soda Crackers unyielding to all other remedies. Alt orny and Counsellor at Law, and The pulp of a lemon bound on for three AND Estate Broker. successive nisrhts, is said to cure corns. and a few pearl shirt-button- s dissolved in AND Saloon Bread t'ids a11 the Courts of the Kingdom. the juice of one lemon, forms a thick. Merchant St., Honolulu. Always on Hand. ora creamy ointment that will almost surely cure them. !So we find the medicinal properties of the lemon are many and varied; their value in culinary art is also MILK BBEAD The attention of the business men of Honolulu and of all persons engaged in industrial pursuits is called to this per- iodical as a medium for Advertising & Information great. ine nna, thinly pared off. is an J- - C. MARCHANT, A 8PECIALTY. agreeable flavoring for custards, creams! and blanc mange. It should be cooked! (Island Orders Promptly Attended to. & Paper Ruler in tne miiK and removed before the other ingredients are added. The ycliow rindl only is fit for use the white part u 172-3- m kthel St BAKERY. F. HORN. Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker Bich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. HONOLULU MARKET. (Successor to Wm. McCandless.) No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Ho- nolulu, B. I. - Press Pub. Co. Buildi z-- tt WING W0 CHAN & CO. always muer. Boasted Peacock. The Caterer. Which can be obtained in no other pub- lication, here or abroad. NTJUANTJ STREET, Stores, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. Twice a year old Thomas had either a peacock or a peahen on his table. The ewood For Sale! Have Just Received by Late Arrivals peacock was served usually in January 'he price of subscription is very 88 and the peahen in July. The former made a grand appearance, being A large and well assorted Stock of IVORY WARE, Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work AT vumJ n HR. GERTZ'S Drought to the table with his gorgeous ffr tail leathers spread, which, however, were removed before it was carved; but Comprising Card Boxes, Paper Cutters SO FORT STREET. the peahen of which I partook was served without her train, of which and Jewelry Uoxes. aiso a Complete Stock of 3he had been depr'ved while being shut low Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50) per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad. A few copies of bound volumes of the years 1886 and 1887 can be obtained: $3.50 each. lgT'Back Volumes of the Planters' Monthly bound to order. Address: up and fattened. The meat tastes much s carty Dress Silks and Crepes like turkey, should be stuffed with al Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish VEGETABLES, ETC., Always Kept on Hand. Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu. No. 17 Emma Street. Bimilar dressing and basted with plenty All colors and patterns. A New Lot of Elegant f butter, while cocking. Old bally ??xt door tothp n a dsod to lard the breast as its flesh isj n m merchant Street L PORCELAIN and BRONZE VASES. NOR. 1ft On ptw rather dry and, just before serving it, poured into the body, from the neck. Also, all varieties and qualities of Silk Handkerchiefs. equal quantities of port wine and strong! . "WKPPE 110. beet gravy mixeu, wun a leacuprm of The undersigned begs to inform the public of these islands that he is making Shirts j measurement. Directions for will be given on application. White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Gowns. A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island orders solicited. o currant jelly dissolved therein, allowing 5g, Mutual 590. gut & Cotton Bathing Robe Family and Shipping orders Carefully Attended to. Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at short notice. the same to permeate slowly into thej H. M. WHITNEY, Editor Planters 1 Monthly, 46 Merchant St., bird. Currant jelly is always the ao xmpaniment of roas; 3d peacock. Phis Stock is well worth an in A.. M. MELLIS. K wn??'?i ADVERTISER spection, the Goods having just been re 104 OT Bell Telephone 410. Telephones No. 212 3 16 1254-3- m Honolulu, H, I. wiest news. ceived per Stmr. Umatilla. 100-i- y


    Australiap Mail ServiceGARDNER K. WILDER,



    OCEANIC S. S. COMPANY.Atto rneyat'Law ,0 Commercial Advertiser


    m isrningExcept Sundays,

    Merchant St.it No. 46


    CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,

    Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 1264-l- y FOR SAN FRANCISCO,

    fhe new and fine Al steel steamship Due at Honolulu from San Francisco,on or about.


    Within her fair white hands the Good Book lies;As reverently slow she turns its leaves,

    The violet shadows veil her wistful eyes,And as the nightfall sure and slowly weaves,

    I hear her dear voice clear and strong"Set me as a seal upon thy heart,

    4 s a seal upon thy arm.For love is strong as death:"

    And as she reads the Israel sonjrHer lips are like a roseleaf curled apart

    In spicy sweetness warmWith incense of its breath.

    On, on she reads; hushed on her snowy breast.Lulled in its peace as of a holy shrine,

    Each tender sigh doth rock itself to rest;Her face, love lit, doth glow with fire divine.

    Her trembling voice doth linger long"Jealousy is cruel as the grave,

    The coals thereof are coals of firoWith most vehement flame;"

    Yet as she reads the singer's songShe seems to grow more brave

    In harmony of Israel's lyreAttuned to love's dear name !

    Dear fair white hands wherein the Good Booklies,

    Dear tender sisrhs that hush unon her broasf.

    j. ALFRED MAGOON,Attorney and Counselor at Law and

    Notary Public.Office 42 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.I.

    121-l- m

    G-ener- al Merchandise.Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

    Mariposa August 31Zealandia September 28Alameda October 26Mariposa November 23Zealandia December 21


    sgBSCBirTlONS :

    year ?6 00p.C.ADVEBTISEE.OI , g

    ii per month" Gazette, one year ..... 5 00

    ,i4ttT h .una' .. foreign (in-- 6 00iadin? postage)

    w.ble invariably iaAdvance.


    46 Mercha t 8t.t

    n Honolulu, H. I.

    Kobala Sugar Co.,Aug 24, 1889, Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation,A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,

    G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

    Haiku Sugar Co..Paia Plantation,

    Papal kou Sugar Co.



    174 Telephone 55.

    Leave Honolulu for San Francisco, onor about.And will leave for the absve port wtth mails andpassengers on or abou t that date.

    For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Dear blue veined lids that veil her violet eyes,

    Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,&CMENTB.

    Zealandia August 24Alameda September 21Mariposa , October 19Zealandia November 16Alameda . December 14

    Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

    The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

    S The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

    Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

    Wilcox & Gibbs, Eemington and Wheeler & Wilson



    Established 1710.For Sydney and Auckland.


    Insurance effected upon every description ofproperty at current rates of premium. Steamer AustraliaThe new and fine Al steel steamshipTotal Sum Insured in 1886 327,333,700 6 59


    Successors to Lewers & Dicksja)

    and Dealers ia dumberlBiportersAnd H Kinds of Building Materials.

    FORT STBEET. Honolulu. 15


    Importer and Dealer in


    So. 25-3- 1 Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf

    H. HACKFELD & CO.,

    General Commission Agents

    Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

    Ot the Oceanic Steamship Company , will bedue at Honolulu from San Francisco

    or or about

    Aug. 31, 1889.

    H. E. Mclntyre &, Bro.IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

    G-rocerie- s, Provisions and ITeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

    New Goods received by every paeset from the Eastern States and Europe fresh Calif orntaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoffice Box No. 416Telephone No. 02 Oanl?

    Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

    G. W. Macfarlane & Co.lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.




    And will have prompv dispaton with mails an

    Leave San Francigco for Honolulu at 13o'clock noon, on

    Friday August 16Friday September 13Friday October 11

    Leave Honolulu for San Francisco at 12o'clock noon, on

    Friday August 2Friday August 30Friday September 27Friday October 25

    assengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC

    COMMODATIONS, apply to

    Wm. GL Irwin & Co.,AGENTS


    Unto my life thou art sweet peace and rest !Love, set me as a seal upon her heart.

    Thou, love, art strong as strong as death thouart!

    Harriet Maxwell Converse in Home Journal

    Tricks of the Stage CoMVanier's Trade.New York Sua.

    The reporter asked the customer if hecould make a crooked leg straight, andhe replied that ho often cured people ofbow-leggednes- s, and made their legsstraight an operation beyond the skillof the most accomplished surgeon.Padding out the hollows and a judiciousproportion of padding at other points isall that is required. Of course, thereare special ways of padding for cer-tain lines of character, and the cos-turn- er

    can turn a shapely man into ahunchback or into a fat man.

    A slim actor need not be afraid toplay a heroic character; for he can bemade stalwart one-hal- f as big ag.un ifneceesary. For him there are paddedshirts which give him a splendid chest,and also arm and shoulder pads.There are special arm pads for Romancharacters, and shoulder pads are oftenused to make the shoulders oven, forfrequently one shoulder will be lowerthan the other.

    There are special cases in which thedeficiencies are so di licult to remedythat a plaster cast is taken of the de-ficient limb, and a skillful workman sotto work to make a special pair of tightswhich will hide tho deficiencies shownin the plaster cast. This usually hasto be done in case of bow-leggednes- s;also in case of large calves and smallthighs, in which case the tights have tobe nicely graduated. As an example ofthe difficulties he sometimes had to dealwith, the costumertold of a case in whichhe had to proportion a pair of legs, thecalf of one being twelve and one-hal- finches, that of the other fourteeninches. The deficiency he has mostfrequently to remedy lor women is thedent made by the garters. Actors mostfrequently want calf and thigh tights.The reporter was surpriaed to hear thatthe wearing of padded tights is as com-mon among actors as it is amongactresses. Nino out of ten actors pad.Of the women on the stage the ballet-dance- rs

    make the greatest demand fortights, as the exercise of dancing hard-ens and thins the legs.

    lemons in Medicine and Cookery.Boston Euiget.l

    We know of a physician who usedlemon juice in a case of small-pox- , theonly liquid given, and no other remedies.In thirty-six- " hours the disease was under


    GEO. W. LINCOLN,THE WELL-KNOW- N BUILDER, IS STILL IN THE FIELD AS Aand is now better prepared to do any and all kinds of workappertaining to contracting or any other class of work belonging to his trade, inthe same good and workmanlike manner as heretofore ; having curtailed my shopexpenses and still retain plenty of room to do any and all kinds of work appertain-ing to the building trade that may be entrusted to my care. 1 am enabled to dothe same at very low rates, to suit the extremely dull times, and at the same timebearing in mind that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

    in Street, Opposite Wilder & Co.'a,H. J, SOLTE, PROPBIETOB.

    ftstlhm Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

    Open From 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.Smokers' Requisites a Specialty. ltf


    P. C. Jones. Jr President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen , Auditor


    Hon. C. R. Bishop. Hon. H. WaterhouseThanking the public for past favors,

    I remain respectfully yours,GEO. W. LINCOLN.65HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,

    Steam Engines,

    The Planters' Monthly

    Devoted to the Encouragement of





    Win. G. Irwin.Claus Sprecfcels .Mien. Sugar Stills, Coolers, Brass


    BUTTERIn lib., 21b., 31b, and 71b. Tins.

    Finest Article forWarm Climates.

    S. FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


    36 and 28 California St., San Francisco.feb21,89 45-l- y

    Walker & Redward,

    and Lead Castings,Hi michinery of every description made to


    BANKEPiS .wer. Particular attention taid to shins black- -

    ithiog. j0b work executed on the shortestPH. ltf


    B. F. EHLEKS & CO.'s

    Grand Opening ofEuropean & American

    Dry and Fancy GroocLs


    Xunanu and Merchant Streets Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld.Under the Management of

    E. H. F, Wolter, Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andJjPUway? in stock a variety of the best Wines,

    7.."' Bee. and ice cold beers on draught at exchange business.

    And more especially to the develop-

    ment and perfection of Cultivationof Cane and the


    "cents per glass

    Deposits bearing interest received In their SavfgrCall and See ITs.l ltf -- :o:- complete control, and in one week waslngs Department subject to published rules andentirely cured.regulations. 17oc3tf N. B. On and after May 15th, MISS CLARK will have charge of Hot lemonade, with flaxseed simmeredContractors & Bnilders our Dressmaking Rooms. 1-- tf In it for half an hour, then strained andsweetened, is excellent for a cold, but, asit produces perspiration it should lxtaken only upon retiring. The white of

    LOVE'S BAKERYWONG S.AI,Manufacturer of

    A an egg beaten to a stiff froth andNo. 73 A'unann Street

    Brick, Stone and Wooden BuildingEstimates Given.

    .fobbing Promptly Attended to,


    whipped up with the iuice of a lemon, rewntlemen's UnderclothingMRS. ROBT. LOVE, ... Proprietress. JOHN NOTT,


    lieves hoarseness and soreness of the chestat once, taken by the teaspoonful halfhourly.

    Wollen and Pougee Coats,Nol, Calico, German and Linen

    Shirts.P. O. Box 423.Bell Telephone No. 2.Every Description of Plain and Fancy 211 tf

    This popular journal has entered on iteighth volume, and having been

    Enlarged to 48 Pages

    Monthly, makes a yearly volume of

    nearly 600 pages, devoted to the agricul-

    tural and commercial prosperity of theHawaiian Islands.

    The juice of two lemons taken in half aglass of water before each meal is a power-ful remedy for rheumatism, and it is also"n Street next door to E. B. Thomas' Bread and Crackers,14-3- m considered almost a specific for interPIONEER mittent fever. The juice of one lemon

    1 RES H taken tnree times a day in a cud of clear.strong coffee, will often cure chills andWILLIAM C. ACH1, fever, when the disease is stubborn andStealSoda Crackers unyielding to all other remedies.Alt orny and Counsellor at Law, and The pulp of a lemon bound on for threeA N DEstate Broker. successive nisrhts, is said to cure corns.

    and a few pearl shirt-button- s dissolved inANDSaloon Breadt'ids a11 the Courts of the Kingdom. the juice of one lemon, forms a thick.Merchant St., Honolulu. Always on Hand.

    oracreamy ointment that will almost surelycure them. !So we find the medicinalproperties of the lemon are many andvaried; their value in culinary art is alsoMILK BBEAD

    The attention of the business men of

    Honolulu and of all persons engaged in

    industrial pursuits is called to this per-

    iodical as a medium for

    Advertising & Information

    great. ine nna, thinly pared off. is anJ-- C. MARCHANT, A 8PECIALTY. agreeable flavoring for custards, creams!

    and blanc mange. It should be cooked!(Island Orders Promptly Attended to.& Paper Ruler in

    tne miiK and removed before the otheringredients are added. The ycliow rindlonly is fit for use the white part u

    172-3- m

    kthel St


    Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and BakerBich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

    71 Hotel Street.


    (Successor to Wm. McCandless.)

    No. 6 Queen Street, Fish Market, Ho-

    nolulu, B. I.

    - Press Pub. Co. Buildiz-- tt

    WING W0 CHAN & CO.always muer.

    Boasted Peacock.The Caterer.

    Which can be obtained in no other pub-

    lication, here or abroad.NTJUANTJ STREET, Stores, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. Twice a year old Thomas had either a

    peacock or a peahen on his table. Theewood For Sale! Have Just Received by Late Arrivals peacock was served usually in January'he price of subscription is very88 and the peahen in July. The formermade a grand appearance, being

    A large and well assorted Stock of

    IVORY WARE, Plumbing. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron WorkAT vumJnHR. GERTZ'S Drought to the table with his gorgeousffr tail leathers spread, which, however,

    were removed before it was carved; butComprising Card Boxes, Paper CuttersSO FORT STREET. the peahen of which I partook was

    served without her train, of whichand Jewelry Uoxes. aiso aComplete Stock of 3he had been depr'ved while being shut

    low Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50)per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad.

    A few copies of bound volumes of theyears 1886 and 1887 can be obtained:

    $3.50 each.

    lgT'Back Volumes of the Planters'Monthly bound to order.


    up and fattened. The meat tastes muchs carty Dress Silks and Crepes like turkey, should be stuffed with alChoicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish


    Always Kept on Hand.

    Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu.No. 17 Emma Street.

    Bimilar dressing and basted with plentyAll colors and patterns. A NewLot of Elegant f butter, while cocking. Old bally??xt door tothp n a dsod to lard the breast as its flesh isjn m merchant StreetL

    PORCELAIN and BRONZE VASES.NOR. 1ft On ptwrather dry and, just before serving it,poured into the body, from the neck.Also, all varieties and qualities

    of Silk Handkerchiefs. equal quantities of port wine and strong!. "WKPPE 110. beet gravy mixeu, wun a leacuprm of

    The undersigned begs to inform the public of these islands that he is making Shirts jmeasurement. Directions for will be given on application.White Shirts, Over Shirts and Night Gowns.

    A fit guaranteed by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island orders solicited.o

    currant jelly dissolved therein, allowing5g, Mutual 590. gut & Cotton Bathing RobeFamily and Shipping orders Carefully

    Attended to.

    Live Stock Furnished to Vessels at shortnotice.

    the same to permeate slowly into thejH. M. WHITNEY,

    Editor Planters 1 Monthly,46 Merchant St.,

    bird. Currant jelly is always the aoxmpaniment of roas; 3d peacock.Phis Stock is well worth an in A.. M. MELLIS.K wn??'?i ADVERTISER spection, the Goods having just been re 104OT Bell Telephone 410.Telephones No. 212 3 16 1254-3- m Honolulu, H, I.wiest news. ceived per Stmr. Umatilla. 100-i- y

  • DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, ATTGSUT 14, 1889.(General 2ltortiscments.


    acquainted with the Chinese lan-guage. To speak Chinese is by nomeans as rare an accomplishment as

    OAHU COLLEGEKameliamek Preparatory Schoolit was twenty-fiv- e years ago.Secondly, the idea of a mounted JUST BECEIY



    Punahou Preparatory Schoolconstabularymust be revived. The

    last experiment in mounted policeproved such an utter failure that the j HONOLULU, H. I.

    NEXT TERM OF THE KAME-hameh- aPreparatory School will open

    MOM DAY, September 2d.Applications for admission should be

    made at once to the Principal.37-1- 7t MISS C. A. REAMER.

    The investment of capital is anexpression of confidence, not only insome particular business, but in thestability of the country. The Lon-don Illustrated News estimates thatEnglishmen have invested not lessthan five hundred million dollars inAmerican railway bonds. But thisis only one item of investment.British capital is now seeking in-vestments in breweries, flour mills,mines, and in other great enter-prises which promise to pay mod

    A LARGE AND ELEGANT LINE OPNotice to Exhibitors.The Hon. Paul Isenberg has applied for These Schools Open for the New Year

    permission to remove the Articles now at

    very idea is usually scouted. Butbecause such a body was misused intho past, there is no earthly reasonwhy it should be so in the present.There is absolute need for patrolduty not only in the outskirts of the

    September 9, 1889.Paris, after the close of the Exposition For Sale or Charter. LADIES' & wEJN T8 SHOE


    to Bremen where it is proposed to exhibitthem in an Exposition to be held in that The faculty of Oahu College will be thecity in June, 1890. same as last vear. The Friend says: "We

    think that there has never been an ablerProvided no objection is received fromTHE NEW HAWAIIAN

    Steamer AKAMAI, 41 tonsgross measurement, copper-fastene- d,

    is offered for sale,faculty at Oahu College, or one betterExhibitors at this office prior to August adapted to impart a nign classical ana

    28th instant, permission for such removal scientihc education.Misses' and Children's Sh


    erate dividends, lhe volume ofthis money drift has largely increased during the last few years. Isthere any visible reason for this in-flow of capital from Great Britainother than the desire for profitableinvestment? Now and then one mayread in English publications sharpcriticisms on the instability of re

    will be granted.Tho "Rrmrrh'ne' Dermrtment nan accom

    freight or charter. Apply toDAVID DAYTON, Agent,

    No. 91 King St., up-stair-s.Honolulu, July 15, 1889. 12-- tf

    Foreign Office, Honolulu, August 13, modate but few more than were in attend-ance last year, and all who desire to entershould make an early application.

    city but also along the lonely roadsof the country districts. The con-stable, who is dependent upon anybroken down nag that he can hire,is a long way behind the regularmounted constabulary man, upon awell fed and well trained horse. Toorganize such a mounted police wedo not require military men, we re-quire those who have had to dealwith constabulary. There are several

    1889. 38-- 3t 1284-- 1 t

    WANTED.EVENTS OF TO-DA- Y. publican institutions m this coun-try. If these were to be accepted asjust the inference would be thateverything was unstable, that the

    Honolulu Rifles Companv C, riril7:30 p.m. A T HAMSTER; GOOD REFERENCES.Apply at the Enterprise Mill.

    45K. of P. Oahu Lodge, Fort street,Mystic Lodge, King street, 7:30 p. m.;

    The Preparatory School continues underthe Principalship of Miss Malone; MissCarrie A. Giilman takes Miss Chamber-lain's position, the latter having resignedto remove to the United States.

    The Trustees are happy to announcethat, through the generous interest of afriend, they are erecting a fine new build-ing and remodeling the present one, sothat this school will occupy new and com-modious quarters in September. Whenthus equipped we believe the PreparatorySchool will offer opportunities second tonone in the Kingdom.

    men in the islands who have occu-pied such positions for years andwho could be got together for a

    Central Union, and Chinese Churchse Notice to Shipperst :30 p. m.ON COMPLETION OF

    lavinsr of the Hawaiian Paci

    Annual Meeting Honomu Sugar Co. atthe office of C. Brewer & Co., 10 a m.

    Mekting Myrtle Boat Club, boat house,7 30 p m. Address all letters of inquiry or

    fic cable on or about August9th, the Al Clipper SchoonerC, T4 TnniiPr 100 tons. Cant.

    C. Japplications to

    REV. W. C. MERR1TT,36-1-8t 1283-4- t President.

    " f--' r ?Kfliey, will be open for charter for

    Anrerfnan or British Colnmhia Port.any

    nucleus. Lastly when the next Leg-islature meets there will have to bea very much larger appropriationmade for police of all kinds and theforce very much increased. Thecivil authority has not, at present,sufficient power to cope with thecriminal classes of the community.We believe that the best is donewith the means at command, but themeans are not sufficient.

    or will return direct to Victoria, B. C.freight and passage, apply toTHE DAILY

    ej, j. nan oi, ouii, run sireet.BARTHOLOMEW & BAKER.

    27-t- f THERISDONPacific Commercial Advertiser. FELIX 0LLERT,

    Instructor of !PianoSOUTH SEA EXHIBITION.Orders taken at Hawaiian News FORTF. GERTZ,Co. Orders promptly attended to. 33-l- mBe just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aiin'st at be

    Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth'a.STREET

    NOTICE. 31 -- lmWEDNESDAY, : AUGUST 14, 1889


    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALLwho took a hand in putting downthe dastardly attempt of the 30th ulto.,and assisted in the maintenance of lawand order, whose names are upon theMarshal's list, that the sum of ten dollarswill be paid to all such as will call on theundersigned on or before the 20th inst., onbehalf of the Merchants of Honolulu, asa slight recognition of the services ren-dered. JOHN H. PATY,

    Acting Secretary.Honolulu, August 10, 1889. 36-- 6t

    great geographical divisions of thecountry were hostile to each other,and at no distant day there wouldbe political chaos.

    Now, if this view were a just one,or had in it any element of truth,British capitalists would not besending over their money by mil-lions for investment in this country.They have at present, according torecent estimates, not less than athousand millions invested in vari-ous enterprises in the United States.Probably about one half of this is inrailway bonds and shares, for thereason that, while these are not inall cases the safest securities, theinterest and dividends are, in mostinstances, large. John Bull likes asolid security, but will accept oneless solid in consideration of largerreturns. There is at this date moreBritish capital seeking investment inthe United States, probably, than atany former period in the history ofthe country. If a great enterpriseis set on foot there is no trouble insecuring foreign capital. There isnot a good mine in the wholecountry, nor one that promises to begood, the owners of which could notsecure foreign capital.

    In times of great political dis-turbance, or when revolutionarytendencies are visible, capital experiences the first tremor. Capitalistsare proverbially cautious and timid.The political disturbances in Irelandmay have something to do with theoutward drift of British capital.Possibly the impression that a greatEuropean war is pending may havehad much more to do with thismoney drift. The situation inEurope is less assuring than it wassix months ago. Russia a few daysago disfranchised the LutheranChurch in that country because itwas essentially German in originand sympathy. No less than 3,000,-00- 0

    communists were, by a decree ofthe Czar, unchurched. Perhaps thepolitical significance of this act hasbeen overrated. If a great Euro-pean war were to occur at no distant day, while there would be somegreat opportunities for the employ-ment of capital in quick turns,stocks would tumble.

    The one thousand millions whichBritish capitalists have invested inthe United States, and the othermillions that are coming, is a factrunning counter to all the adversecriticism on the institutions of thiscountry. It is John Bull's testimonythat Republican institutions are tobe trusted. If he thought otherwise,his money would not be sent here forpermanent investment. He is send

    The death of Prince Taifone, theheir-appare- nt to the Tonga throne,cuts off the succession in a directline; and when the aged king dies

    Iron and Locomotive Works,

    Corner of Beal and Howard Streets,

    San Francisco California

    W. H. TAYLOR PresidentR. S. MOORE Superintendent

    Builders of Steam Machinery

    In all its branches.Steamboat, Steamship. Land Engines & Boilers,

    High Pressure or Compound.STEAM VESSELS of all kinds built complete,

    with hulls ot wood, iron or composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

    visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugn con-

    structed with reference to the trade in whichthey are to be employed. Speed, tonnage anddraft of water guaranteed.

    SUGAR MILLS and Sugar Making Machinerymade after the most approved plans. Also, allBoiler Iron Work connected therewith.

    WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi Aheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets rolled, punched and packedfor shipment, ready to be riveted on theground.

    HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and WaterPipes made by this establishment, riveted byhydraulic riveting machinery, that quality ofwork being far superior to baud work.

    SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

    SOLE Agents and manufacturers for the PacifhCoast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

    PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation oicity works purposes, built with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, superior to any otheipump.

    JOHN DYER Honolulum Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels' Block.

    the kingdom of Tonga, or theFriendly Islands, will be annexed to

    For Sale or Lease.the government of Fiji from whichcolony it is only 300 miles distant


    Stands First among the Life Assurance Companies of the World in allessential particulars, viz :

    Outstanding Assurance $549,216 12fi 00New Business for 1888 152,93535 00Surplus, (4 per cent. Standard) 20,794,715 00Total Income 26,'958l977 00Premium Income 22,047,813 00Increase in Assets in 1888 10,664018 00Increase in Outstanding Assurance. (50,180564 00Increase in Total Income 37isl28 00Increase in Premium Income rxooo 2,932,038 00Increase in Surplus J 2,(iiX)',460 IX)Dividends Paid in 1888 2,376,664 00Increase in Interest ; Dividend and Rent Income, 1888 780,090 00Expenses to New Business 3.22 per centPercentage of Assets to Liabilities 128 percentVide New York State Life Insurance Report for 1888, in which are the sworn

    Statements of all Life Companies.

    indeed some of the outlying islandsof both groups are within sight of HOUSE AND PREMISES AT

    Iwilei, Honolulu. House con-tains three large and two smallrooms and hall and larce attic.

    each other.The present king, George, of Ton-

    ga has resigned over 50 years ; andhis kingdom has been practically un- -

    .J T 1 1 t i J

    LCottage with three rooms on the premises;cook ana Datn nouse; stable with threestalls and carriage house; shade and fruittrees on the premises.

    IWApply to J. M. MONSARRAT,7-- tf Cart Wright's Block, Merchant St.

    uer a untisn protectorate lor over30 years. The entire trade of the ALEX. J. CARTWRIGH'1,

    A New Zealand and South SeaExhibition is now being held in aBritish colony, New Zealand, at thevery outer edge of the clusters ofislands known as the "South SeaIslands." When it is possible tomake a success of a South Sea exhi-bition in a small British colony 10degrees south of the tropics, andwhere the characteristics of thetropical islands are unknown, ex-cepting among a comparatively smallnumber who have visited some of thegroups, how much better successwould attend a South Sea ot PacificIsland exhibition at Honolulu, whichis within the tropics and Nhas manyof the characteristics of the countrieswhose products would be exhibited?Situated as Honolulu is, as a com-mercial center of the Pacific, andwithin the geographical area of thebelt of tropical islands of this vastocean, the success that would attenda judiciously planned and skillfullyconducted exhibition in this city ofPacific-islan- d products, is incalcul-able; and the more this matter isstudied in all its bearings, the morefavorable does the scheme appear.

    It would be no exaggerated esti-mate that 25,000 strangers could bedrawn to visit the Hawaiian Islandsupon an occasion of this nature;and, as an advertisement of Hono-lulu and the islands, nothing couldpossibly be more effective.

    The cost need not be very large tothis Kingdom; little more would berequired than the of theresidents, and liberal grants of facili-ties in aid of the work. For anenterprise of this kind, foreign capi-tal could easily be had, because ofthe profits that accrue to well man-aged exhibitions.

    Were our Government to advertisethat such a movement is in contem-plation at Honolulu, the amount ofaid that would be offered from all


    ALL FERSONS WHO RECEIVEDA any arms or accoutrements, on the30th day of July last from the Police Sta-tion, are hereby requested to return thesame to the Marshal's Office.

    JNO. H. SOPER,Marshal.

    Honolulu, Aug. 2, 1889. 28

    Tonga islands is with the Australiancolonies; and ijjie traders residentupon the islands are British, andconduct branches of Australian busi-ness houses.

    Tongataboo, the largest and chiefisland of the group, is about 100miles long by about 25 miles wide.It is of coral formation without anynatural elevation more than 100 feetabove sea level. The soil is very(fertile throughout, and there is af arge inland saltwater lagoon havingh nav-gabl- passage to the ocean.IfJpon this island the capital Nuke-- I.offa, is situated ; but its harbor is)nly a roadstead.

    Lot For Sale,

    ON NOETHWEST CORNER OFKinau and Victoria streets, runningthroueh to Lunalilo. One of the

    most desirable lots on the plains, for build-ing or sub-divisio- n. Apply to

    13-l- m "W. FOSTER.

    ing more money to this country atthis time than to any other in theworld, and this, too, when all Europeis menaced by the danger of war, thebeginning and the end of which notthe wisest can forecast. While a few FOR SALE.

    Vauvau, Apai, and Eoa arether islands of the group ofize worthy of mention, and

    first named possesses a good


    har--foreign critics are busy in trying toprove that things are in a bad wayhere, the increasing volume of English capital seeking investment is an


    Star Mill Co., Kohala,Is offered for sale. The machinery

    is in perfect working order andconsists of one

    26x48 MILL WITH ENGINE,Trash-carrie- r, etc., complete:1 Pair of Boilers, 6x20;1 Double Effect, 6 and 7 ft. Pans ;1 Vacuum Pan, 6ft. , with Blake Pump;3 Weston Centrifugals and Engine,Together with the usual assortment ofClarifiers, Cleaning Pans, Coolers, andother machinery usually found in a wellappointed mill. Also a number of

    California & Island Mules

    intelligent foreign judgment in favor

    THREE COTTAGES ANDpremises on Emma street at a rea-sonable figure. Apply to

    J. M. MONSARRAT,Cartwright's Block, Merchant St


    -- tfof stability S. F. Bulletin.


    There is an electrical machine forquarters, and the amount of interest census recording, which i6 thus dethat would be taken in the move scribed: The census form is filledment, would be astonishing in its up in the ordinary manner. The

    sheets are then taken to the machineoperator, who is provided with cards

    DOSTAL SAVINGS BANK PASS BOOKNo. 888. favor of Gustav A. Neth.

    Finder please return to General Postoffice.33-- 3t

    bulk and ramifications.

    f i)or and is of volcanic origin.The exports consist of cocoanut

    il, copra, tobacco, cotton, cocoanutI bre, etc ; and the population of theg roup is about 30,000 natives. TheI'hite and half caste population isA bout 800, most of these being re--i

    dent in the city of Nukeloffa,cngataboo.The protestant missionaries areesleyan Methodists, and the Cath-ti- c

    missionaries are from France.he latitude and climate are similar

    ' the Hawaiian Islands,j ' King George is new about 80 yearsL: age, and is a Wesley an inission-ll- y

    preaching every Sunday in the! itive church at Nukeloffa.

    for every person enumerated onHonolulu is the queen city of thePacific; and the mere fact that a these sheets. Holes are punched Cane Carts and General Planta-

    tion Implements.British colony m the far southern NIGHT HACKS!seas, hardly within the limits of the

    Delivery will be given after the cropPacific ocean, should successfully uas ueen Harvested, say about Julv 1,1889.carry out an exhibition of Pacific NIGHT HACKS TO BEhad at the


    For further particulars apply toisland products, is a reflection uponHawaiian enterprise that only abetter exhibition at Honolulu can

    through the cards, in certain posi-tions representing the answers givenin the collectors' forms, by a ma-chine manipulated like a type-write- r.The cards are next placed in a kindof press, so that, wherever a hole hasbeen punched through the card, apin passes into a mercury cup be-neath, making electrical contact, andis recorded by an electrical counterfrom which the totals can be read ata glance. It is proposed to use themachine at the next U. S. A. censusin 1890 Electrical Review.

    JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.

    150-l- m

    wipe out. Dwelling Houses & LotsFOR SALE.

    This is a matter that interests allthe i usiness men of these islands,1SLAND CRIME.irrespective of political considerati t iixnere nave oeen several serious ON ACCOUNT OF DEPAT- -tions, and it is to be hoped that amovement toward having a Pacifici mes committed in various parts of liili "re,

    we are willing to offerfor Salfl cmr f.anHc cltnotr, nt--

    . &m Stttocrttscmcnts.3 Islands which goto show that the

    (jREAT bargainsIn Hats and Bonnets,

    Trimmed and untrimmed,

    For 30 DaysOn account of CLOSING OUT my


    Kulaokahua Plains, on the mauka side ofIsland Exhibition, at or near Hono-lulu, will proceed from our residentsiracter of our population is chang--

    There was a time when the of influence, because upon their Agents for the Davidson Steam Pompme of murder was of very rare NOTICE.purrence, and then the causes of it

    ajdciiJina street, aajoinmg JS. C. Rowe'spremises, having a frontage of over 150 ftan od,epth of, 100 ft- - Lot 2 has frontageof 300 ft and a depth of 100 ft., withdwelling houses thereon.

    13 For further particulars apply atthe premises, or to J. A. MagoonT Mer-chant street.A. B. KAAUKCJU,JAS. KUKONA.Honolulu, July 24, 1889. 21-l- w 1281-l- t

    jre usually jealousy or some kin- -id passion. Murder for greed MRS. GOOD,

    Fashionable Milliner

    initiatory aid would be the onlypromise of ultimate success.

    The articles to be exhibited wouldnot only comprise all island productsand manufactures; but also themachines, implements, textile fab-rics, etc., of all parts of the world;and especially the articles market-able in the tropical regions of thisvast ocean.

    Fort Street. Honolulu,

    U. S. Consulate-Genera- l,Honolulu, H. I., Aug. U, 1889.)

    A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS--A- against the estate of ALEX. FLOHR,deceased, and all persons owing him, arehereby notified to pre-en- t their bills andmake' payment within thirty days. Allpersons haviiig property are also notifiedto leave it at the Consulate.

    H. W. SEVERANCE,38-l- w Consul-Genera- l.

    h practically unknown. This isjv very much changed. Murderj the sake of obtaining money hasiome far too common. During

    past eight or nine years theree been quite a number of cases,

    II, if our memory serve us, they

    THE only Steam Pump made that can be run at high pistoiee I,

    and with safety to the machine. Piston rods, stn1


    seats, stems and lining of water cylinders are of the best cotnpofit' m meStandard.

    THESE Pumps have been adopted tor use in tbeNewSpr: ;

    the Brooklyn Water Works, Brooklyn, New Yorfc, ichar :tbi

    A GOLD Medal was awarded this Pump by the MassachusettsMechanic Association, one of, if not the oldest of its kind inStates money can not buy a gold medal from this Association, -- ericures it, and it was won from a large number of exhibitors of steani pu

    T"Full stock of Boiler Feed Pumps, Light Tank and Circulatingu

    all sizes constantly on hand.

    200 SEASIDE and LAWN TENNISHATS? nt 9Fn Krto oH 7v. u .

    Jein nearly every instance beenmitted by Chinese. This points

    EHLERS & COHave Just Received per Australia,

    New Satteens, Seersuckers


    Laces and EmbroideriesIn great variety.

    At Verv Low Prices.


    former prices, $1.20 to J2.00;

    TIPS, PLUMESAlso, a large variety of


    Latest Novelties in Gauzesand TRIMMINGS.

    o necessities. One, that a por


    Hollow bricks are coming intomore general use in Eastern cities,and a number Ki large buildingshave been built with them. Theycrush at 30,000 lbs., and are made 8inches by 8 inches by 12 inches, withwall 1 inch thick. It is claimed thatthey cost one-thir- d less than theordinary form, and make walls proofagainst fire, moisture, and frost.

    ANNUArT MEETING OF THETHE Sugar Co. will be held on 27 1282

    I of our police should, if possible,I cquainted with the Chinese lan-fg- $;

    in point of fact that some ofm should be Chineso. Three or

    Chinese detectives would be

    WEDNESDAY, August 14, 188U, at tneoffice of C. Brewer & Company at 10o'clock a. m. P. C. JONES,

    32-- 8t Secretary. GREAT REDUDTION IN PRICES! The Daily P. C. Advertiser and WeeklyGazette

    k valuable. Perhaps a still better They require a peculiar clay in theirmanufacture one that will notshrink when burned.

    Dressmaking Department underwould uq to send to Hongkongobtain Europeans who are

    ADVERTISER IS THETHE daily paper of the Kingdom ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS INDaily Pacific Commercial Advertiterthe management of Mias Clark. aw-G- i 'Are th leading Kwjm in


    Mvtttlsmenxt. New fttocrttsemmw.f a w a

    DIRECT FROM EUROPE !A Large Importation of

    Embroideries and LacesJUST OPENED AT THE

    Popular Millinery House104 Fort Street. : N. S. SACHS, Prop.

    An Immense Assortment of

    Swiss, Nainsook and Hamburg EdgingsIn all widths and qualities:

    ORIENTAL LACE FLOUNCES inwhite and deep ecru with edgings tomatch.

    VALENCIENNE LACE FLOUNCESfull skirt lengths with edgings tomatch.

    EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES SKIRTLENGTH exquisite patterns at verylow prices.

    ALL-OVE- R EMBRODERY latest pat-terns in Swiss and Nainsook.

    LACE FLOUNCING an immence as-sortment at low prices.


    Its Progress and Direction Estimatesas to When it Will be Finished,Etc.

    Recent advices from Hilo, regardingthe road to the Volcano now in the courseof construction, state that this new high-way has been graded to a point about amile beyond "the woods," and that thework is now rapidly progressing throughthe ferns. Tne distance completed isabout eight miles from Hilo, to a pointbeyond Sunter's coffee plantation. Theold ramie plantation, nine miles fromHilo, is avoided the new road crossingthe old track from makai about a mileand a half from it, and cutting off alarge bend. The progress of grubbineand grading is now very much more rapidsince the woods were passed, and theeight miles of road already made is of avery satisfactory nature. Buggies andother wheeled vehicles have traversedits whole length, and when the rainspack its material a little more one couldgo smoothly over it with a bicycle.

    The traction engine is considered tooheavy for use as yet ; but a roller is madeto answer the purpose of pressing downthe surface until the material becomesmore firm and compact. The coveringof aa prevents mud ; but the coarse vol-canic soil is so open and unstable thatthe use of the traction engine, at present,would not do much good and might doharm.

    So far the cost has been ahnnt. 9 nnnper mile ; but the most expensive por-tion having been nassed. tho rnt nffinishing the remainder of the road willnot exceed $1,200 per mile. There areonly two belts of woods to pass beforereaching the volcano, and these do notpresent any difficulties worth noting.Only twenty-on- e miles of the road hasyet to be made as there is one mile ofgood wagon road from the VolcanoHouse to a point where the new roadwill join. Even now, there is onlytwenty-tw- o miles of horseback riding, asbuggies travel the eight miles made,and then the remainder is performed onhorseback.

    The road-cam- p has been shifted to theneighborhood of the ramie plantationwhere there is a well ; but the supply ofwater is not enough for the supply of thecamp, and utensils of several kinds arebrought into requisition for catchingrain water of which there is abundanceif the means of catching it were suff-icient.

    As to the time of completion of theroad, that depends upon circumstances;but the appropriation will not cover theexpense of putting this important high-way through to the volcano. However,if no stoppage occurs, the entire gradingshould be finished by the end of thepresent year, as it is expected that thehalf-way-hou- se will be reached beforethe end of September.


    Cable news from Tonga reportsthe death of Prince Taifone, heir tothe throne.

    Woolen mills at Bennington, Vt.,which cost $800,000, were sold lastweek for $66,000.

    From January to June, thirtyChinese entered Victoria, and duringthe same period 267 left that colony.

    Belva Lockwood, the lawver. savsthat a woman will be President ofthe United States twenty-fiv- e yearsnence.

    The Governor of West Prussia, in

    The above Goods are inmorted dirent from t.hf Ifsuinfanbrmrn inEurope, and will therefore be offered atsolicited.


    Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands,


    For the

    -:- - JOHN WIELAND'S -:- -



    Db. Jaegees Sanitary Woole-- 1nderw ear, all sizes and

    weights at M. McIsebny's. Seeour Fort street window. 38-l- w

    Irish Shirts.I have just received

    .from Rus- -

    11 T" -sea oro?., uuneriCK, Ireland, acomplete stock of the cele

    brated Cheviot, Lanark and Ceylon shirtsin all sizes and colors. The variuos styles ofthese shirts may be seen in ray corner win-dow.

    37-- 1 w M. McInebny.

    Ladies should not fail to call at3 N. S. Sach's store and see theimmense varietv of embroidery edgings and embroidery and laceflounces in all styles and at extremely lowprices. These are imported direct trom themanufacturer in Europe. 37

    A lady just arrived by the Ala-meda, and who has been resid-ing in Bakersrield, Cal., re

    cently, desires an engagement as house-keeper. She has a thorough knowledge ofdomestic duties and can perform them.Address L. M. office of this paper. lw

    What is Worth AdvertisingIs Worth Advertising Well.

    Therefore, Advertise in theDAILY ADVERTISER.

    L. ADLER,fiftl BEGS T0 INFORM THEfgi public in general tbat he has re-- fceived an elegant assortment of

    Ladies', Gent's and Children'sShoes. Ladies' evening Slippers a spe-cialty. 30-i- m


    Board of Trustees of the Queen's Hos-pital will be held on SATURDAY, the 7thSeptember, 1889, at 10 a. m. at the Roomsof the Chamber of Commerce.

    Business of importance, Amendmentof the by-law- s. Per order.

    F. A. SCHAEFER,Secretary.

    Honolulu, August 7, 1889. 33-l- m


    the Enterprise Mill for building a two-stor- yHouse. Plans and specifications can

    be seen at the Enterprise Mill for twoweeks. All tenders must be in sealed en-velopes. L. J. KA1AMA.

    23-2- w


    FOR EVENINGS, A SMALL SET OFto keep. Address " B," this of-fice. U-l- m

    Old Type tfor Sale.

    K AAA POUNDS, MORE OR LESS,OVW in lots of 100 or 500 pounds.Type metal makes the finest babbet

    metal that can be procured for bearings,etc.

    Apnlv to theHAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO.,

    40 Merchant Street,d&w2m Honolulu.

    Sale of Lease and Stock.

    IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALLLi concerned, that I have this day soldall my right, title and interest in the leaseof certain land in Waialua, Oahu, ownedby me, together with all the buildingsthereon and the merchandise stock, furni-ture and appurtenances contained in thesame to Chung Fat. ACHOY

    August 5, 1889. 32-- 6t

    Pianos For Rent.


    COMPANY. 123-t- f

    CHR. GERTZ,Importer and Dealer n

    Gents', Ladies' and Children's

    Boots, Shoes and ClippersNo. 80 Fort St., Honolulu.

    78-l- y

    Hp-to- wn Bookstore!

    A MILLION FACTS to be found inCONKLIN'S HANDY MANUAL ofuseful information and Atlas of thethe World ; price 60c.

    Bancroft's new Guide to the PacificCoast. Large sized illuminated PictureBooks for children ; prices from 5c. up.

    The Books for chddren of seven yearsand overTHE CHILD'S DELIGHT, price 50c.and SUNSHINE FOR OUR DAR-LINGS, price 75c., full of pictures, andnicely bound in lithographed covers.

    Full lines of ARTIST MATERIALS :Canvas, Stretchers, Water Colors, OilColors, Sketch Blocks, Brushes, Etc.,at prices which are just to all !

    Indian Clubs, 3, 4, 6 and 81bs.Baseballs, Bats, Gloves, Etc.Lawn Tennis Rackets and Balls.

    A quantity of Ebony Framed Pic-tures to be sold out at less than cost!

    Stationery of all descriptions: 120sheets of jgood ruled NOTE PAPERfor 30c. New Music bv everv steamer.

    Our line of NOVELS is the best incity.

    THOS. G. THRUM, Proprietor.

    THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILEE. C. Dake's AdvertisingAgency, 64 & 65 Merchant's Exchange.

    j San Francisco, Cal., where contracts for' a A uorti ai n cr nan Via morla fsw It-

    No business to report at the SupremeCourt yesterday.

    Mr. J . Hubash has a notice to thoseindebted to him, in our advertising col-umns.

    Mr. J. F. Morgan's credit sale at Hack-fel- d& Co.'s store ill be continued to-

    day at 10 a. m.

    Up to 10 o'clock last night there wereonly two arrests one for embezzlementand one drunk.

    The monthly meeting of the MyrtleBoat Club will be held this evening atthe usual hour.

    The Rev. Alexander Mackintosh wentto Kauai by the steamer Waialeale yes-terday afternoon.

    In our "By Authority" column will befound a notice to Hawaiian exhibitors atthe Paris Exposition.

    Half of the Cabinet Ministers are re-ported to have been out on a rowing ex-cursion on Monday last.

    Neither moon nor electric light up to9:30 o'clock last night; but there wasconsiderable gloom on the streets.

    The bark Lady Lampson sailed yester-day for San Francisco, and the brigan- -Hue vuusueiu win sail ior same port to-morrow.

    The steamer Kinau sailed for wind-ward ports yesterday afternoon, withabout forty saloon passengers and fifty inthe steerage.

    Business around the wharves vester-da- ywas unusually dull, and even "on the

    streets there did not seem to be the usualactivity. This is the dull season.

    In our advertising columns will befound a U. S. Consulate notice to per-sons having claims against the estate ofthe late Alex. Flohr, and also to all thosewho are indebted to the said estate.

    When the moon came to time lastnight, it was more than usually glorious.The sky was clear, and the weather wascalm all night just such moonlight aswe read of, but which is seldom seen inmost parts of the world.

    Mrs. Chun Lung is expected by theIwalani this morning, and the funeral ofher husband, the late Mr. Chun Lung,is expected to take place thi3 afternoon,from the residence of his father, Mr. C.Afong, Nuuanu avenue.

    The Fort street window of Mr. M. Mc-Inern-store has a display of Dr. Jae-

    ger's sanitary woolen underwear. Thisis just the kind of underclothing to keepa healthy action of the skin during thewarmer months in this climate.

    Reports are current in well informedquarters that it is the intention of theGovernment to considerably reduce thenumbers of Household soldiers; butupon enquiry at the Foreign Office ourreporter could get no confirmation ordenial of these reports.

    On her next trip to Hawaii, leavinghere on Friday, August 23d, the steamerKinau will return to this port on Fridaymorning the 30th, in order to connectwith the outgoing mail steamer Australia.This change is made to accommodate thepublic, and to ensure to passengers andcorrespondence close connection withthe mail steamer. The Agents of theWilder Line are to be commended forthis move, which is in the interest oftourist travel and prompt correspondence

    From information obtained by ourshipping reporter from the skipper ofthe small schooner, recently arrivedfrom the South-sea- s, it was stated thatan iron safe was found buried at MarcusIsland. Later enquiries have, however,elicited the fact that the safe brought bythe schooner belonged to the wreckedvessel Jennie Walker. It is not a mat-ter of much importance; but it has theeffect of throwing discredit upon thewhole story concerning Marcus Island,as told by the South-se- a skipper refer-red to. Indeed the whole yarn hashypothetical look.


    Tuesday, Aug. 13.Alex. Smith, B. H. Kahananui, A. S.

    Mahaula, and Kahalewai. Treason.Remanded from August 6th, and furtherremanded by the prosecution untilAugust 16th.

    Manuel Perry. Larceny. Foundguilty, and sentenced to one month'shard labor, a fine of $10 and $1 50 costs.Appeal noted.

    Charles Hall charged with sellingliquor without a license at Honolulu.Pleads guilty, and sentence is reserveduntil 14th inst.

    Four Chinamen charged with posses-sion of opium, are remanded until 17thinst.

    Hawaiian Mission Notes.Rev. S. Kauwealoha, one of the Ha-

    waiian missionaries at the Marquesas, inhis annual report tells of the good workdone in the schools for boys and for girls,in which the native Marquesans aretaught in the French language. Hiswife has grown feeble from age, and hehimself finds his right arm failing him.Rev. J. Kekela is translating the NewTestament into the Marquesan.

    Rev. M. Lutera writes from Apaianunder date of May 1st. He reachedMarakei March 1st, and with his wifesailed from that inland in his new surf- -boat, reaching Apaian the same day,April 19. Peace and order prevail onApaian and Tarawa. The laws areobeyed ; policemen keep the peace ; allfire-ar- ms have been taken away fromthe common people. Only the soldiersthat guard the King are allowed to carrythem. Roads are being made, and taxescollected. There are constant additionsto the church both on Tarawa andApaian.

    There is a rumor at Toronto thatSir. John Macdonald will disallowthe Jesuit Indemnity bill. TheMinister of Justice, who is a Catholic,will resign if the bill be disallowed

    There are no less than sixty-thre- emillionaires within the limits ofCleveland, Ohio, to say nothing ofimmense estates owned jointly byheirs.

    The total cash receipts from thecentennial ball at the Metropolitanopera house were $90,696. Morethan seven thousand tickets at $10each were sold.

    A inmut 19Kuikahi. from Wai-tnj- r, ,iald.

    j Waialua.

    .... iptI KES.i) e -Tuesday, August a.

    Lorenzen, for Maui andKinau.BwiSeate. Campbell, for Lihue,

    W, 9 lJk Lady Lampoon, San Fran- -

    jfle Morris for Koolan.

    vewel LeavingTo-da- y.

    Weir, from Hamakua.m Sato, Hagland. for Kilauea andIWi&ffafor Hanamaulu.

    Mil IUIW" w

    in I'ort from Foreign Ports.

    88 JgJ (;reen.Fanning's Island.L ;l ,Yu'-,- Sinitb. Newcastle.'"r v Wilcox Rasch.San Francisco.Bk n.tielo' Robertson, San FranciscoSCffiNewhall, Eureka.BRjEl Harway, Grant, Boston.

    .ut- -i Hian'i, c;cmu....,

    tcted trom Foreign Forts.Where from. Due.Vessels.

    Liverpool Aug 31Bancs Liverpool Sept 10

    grit bKMinnie!" ... New York Oct 1bkAB,

    Caroline .S. America Aug 15or-K


    i ' i t r. san Francisco Aug 31I IJ uiuuwKo0 ri DouasSan Francisco.. July 235 "y - Thompson . .San 1 rancisco...July 21nt Aug 272i it Queen . . San Francisco . .Aug 8vn t K Banders.. San Francisco. Aug 10BkAruv Turner. New York Nov 20RZealiodia Colonies....... Aug 24

    San 1 rancisco Aug 311 8 MariposaBk'jAKing Paget Sound.. . Sept 1

    Aug 31BiTiwr... Ii"Q8 8 Australia., San Francisco. Aug 23g M B Alameda. . Colonies Sept 20



    from Bremen per bk Deutschland, Augwife and live children, Mrs

    Bitting and child.DEPARTURES.

    For Kauai per stnir Waialeale, An? 13Kev Alex Mackintosh, 11 M Von Holt, MrPeacock, E Kruse, E Muller, Rev H Isen-ber- g.

    Mr Belvance and wife, Rev FathersLeavi re and Emeran, A Cox, D K Noane,MfiMahuIe, 11 Nottnieier wife, and five,children, Mrs Bitting and child, and aboutH deck passengers.

    For Maui and Hawaii per stmr KinauAngl3-MrHo- gan, R L Auerbach, G CStratemever, W H Hoogs, P Lewis, R MFuller, Rev Dr Hyde, Airs C E Damon,Kiss Beckwith, Major W H Cornwell. WH Campbell, Rev Fathers Paul, Oliver,Bonavtntura, Ignatus and Theodore, G CCoffin, Rev W D Westervelt, BrothersFrank, Lewis and Joseph, WTGoodale, J GSerrao. Miss M Keamakane, Masters Hop-ton- s

    (2). T Hollinger, W O Lackland, C PFranklin, A Carienberg, M Schuyler andwife, Mr Ellardt, B F Dillingham, C FWilder, A V Gear, R D Walbridge, J RKenton, Chas Wilcox, and about 50 stear-i- e

    passengers. t

    SHIPPING NOTES.The bark Forest Queen is due from San


    The Schooner Liholiho takes a load ofMil to Kauai to-da- y.

    The steamers Lehua, Kilauea Hou, andC. R. Bishop are due to-da- y.

    G. X. Wilcox is at the wharf at the footof Fort street, waiting for sugar.

    The steamer Waimanalo arrived yesterd-ay evening from Waianae and Waialua.

    Messrs. Hackfeld & Co's. steam scow isengaged discharging the bark Deutschland.

    The schooner Kulamanu is still underg-oing a general overhauling at Emmes'wharf.

    The steamer Kaala leaves at 4 o'clockas afternoon for Kilauea and Haualu, isl-and ot Kauai.

    The brigantine Consuelo will leave to-morrow for San Francisco, and the barkV . ikux will leave the following daythe same port.

    The steamer Iwalani is due this morningJjm 1 epeekeo. Hawaii, with Mrs. Chun

    Hie Iwalaini leaves again at noonw Hamakua ports.formerly of the schooner

    Wanine,wentas chief officer of the2lfrJ . "au yesterday, owing to theregular incumbent.frSeR(ierma!1 """"grants that arrived

    ' by the bark Deutschland onay eft yesterday by the steamer; to work on the rToloa and Wai--ffiW Plantations.

    JJl faHan bark Lady LampsonZfn 13tn for Sa" FranciscoPWnS'lSnP! weghing 1.345,326were ? $83,616,06. The shippers

    bch.aefer & Co.,nr r n 4,159 bags

    ',"'K.e,' . bags sugar; Theo H.6T3 ton

    g3 SUgar' Total ton"

    m S yarded by a FrenchtL, 'anys the London Lancet) aso S antlsPtic A strength of

    ginonVL? axn addition tofl.0ther stions, prevents

    W??itl0?io low organisms.

    olC PrePared by mply dis- -pCtionCCohfann in ter, tothe

    ,onf Per cent. A tea- -S thl3a half pint ofmouth w f a t admirab!e antisepticMother I of malignant

    thTSSe the stmach,::,l.wasbing out of that

    enVh fiUt!0U 0f Baccnarin of the

    atmik11 tdmSgist advertisedreiQove wt i a cocanut wouldCuts were

    8 Bnd 4' ofsoutoomn atrefcail in two davs110,1 on all ales- -i

    Z got a commis-remai- n.The deckels still

    tobluiUy fditor married a0th datf a8s bell "for fun" the

    knot ?a DuW finda that theHe is wuen legally tied.!lth Ctl the Sirl : is not, asoney. 18 a matter' Q,ituTR reducGd laziness to

    than r?!u"Iti8bettertotoK to walk b?tfcert0 andt than toit... oetter to he down than to

    S'e'hr"6VLr be gotten ina toi 'that iays the LondonS there at'nlhower mild thelthe llWa?8 aliabil:itv tostages of tha rJic- -mcLd0, Fit2Sanri to

    an the ormr: "cD- -


    Open Day and NightBILL OF FARE :

    Tea, Coffee or Chocolate withHam and Eggs 25 centsEggs to order t 25 "Porterhouse Steak 25 "Mutton Chops 25 "Pork Chops 25Hamburg Steak 25Steak and Eggs 35Steak and Chops 35 "Fish 25 "Tea, Coffee & Chocolate, with Bread

    and Butter or Cakes 10 "Mush and Milk 10

    Extra dishes cooked to order.

    Dinner from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m.Dishes cooked to order up to 8:30 p m.

    19-- tf



    from one to an entire set in-serted on gold, silver, allum-inur- a

    and rubber bases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

    Hotel street, Tregloan premises.55-l- y


    THIS FIRST-CLAS- S FAM-il- yML Hotel (situate in the mostpleasant part of the Citv)continues to offer the comforts of a hometo transients and Others.

    Adjoining the Main Building are severalNew Cottages specially constructed forfamily use. Table unsurpassed,

    U-Ter-ms $2.00 per day, $12.00 weekly.

    Special arrangements for monthly boarders.

    T. KROUSE, Prop.,11 1279-3- m Honolulu, H. I.

    Planters' Monthly

    For July, 1889.


    Hawaiian Sugar StatisticsWith Our ReadersAlexander Young's Patent Automatic

    Diffusion ApparatusThe Foreign Sugar Trade and Con-

    sumption in the United StatesTobacco CultureNew Method of Planting CaneReport on Manufacture of SugarRiverside, Southern CaliforniaNotes from Queensland, AustraliaAdamson's Roasting ProcessArtificial Coffee BeanCoffee, Tobacco and Pepper in CeylonSugar in KansasThe Louisiana Sugar IndustryProtect the Useful Birds

    TERMS .

    Yearly subscription $ 2 50Foreign " 3 00Bound Volumes 4 00

    Back Volumes bound to order.

    Address :


    46 Merchant St., Honolulu.d&w2w


    Murray & Lanman's


    Best for TOILET. BATH.

    and SICK ROOM.

    y119 1240-l- y

    RUPTURE" DR. PIERCE'STRI M"! )nir EIm.iM.v A..

    in the world. No Iron Hoops or Steell rnss has radically cured thousandsDltienta. FstV 1B71 pQ .

    pent to al 1 parts of the world and we guarantee safe de-aIJ- 7'FotaU particulars, write for Pamphlet No. 1.Address. M. E. Trnu Co.,704 Sacramento Street,r. .F ranc,,sS- - Cal., U. S. A. For Pflea use our NewHome Treatment. Price, 82 or 54.

    BigG has given univer-salsfl Cari laH satisfaction in theOgrx to s DATSH cure of Gonorrhoea andJIKcarantMd not to

    TmgM oaoM StrtM&r. Gleet. I prescribe it andfeel safe in recommend-ingEM Vrdoolyby theIJSIXtuj it to all sufferers.Cbssical Co.

    Cincinnati L. J. STONEB, M.D.,Uk Ohio. Jk Decatur, III.PRICE, Si. 00.Trad BBslsarkl Sold by Druggists.

    HOLLISTER & CO Whnlpanlo A oronfoBenson, Smith & Co., Wholesale Agents'.

    SOLD DURINGof the scarcity of farmers, has

    122,13 BARRELS!

    CHILDREN'S EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES suitable for children's dresses.

    prices less than heretofore. Inspection is119--y

    DOT) 13

    Sale of

    :o:- -

    THE YEAR 1888,

    Every Coast Steamer.-tf

    Manhattan Life

    INSURANCE CO.Of New York. Established 1850.

    This old Company now offers to the In

    suring Public its new

    Survivorship Dividend Plan

    Which affords all the ad van fa trp a Tv. J.wnInsurance during the earlier years of lifeand at the same time makes a nmviinJfor old age, as the Policv-holdf- tr nnn fl,,rJrender his Policy at the end of the Surjvivoremp dividend Period and receivdits Full Value m CAsnth IIS pnmKinlv. xrfwa--u VHBBing Investment and Pbotection.

    Any information cheerfully fuinished.

    JOHN H. PA.TY,26 1256 Agent.


    Paafhau Pi.ii r.no , iHawaii, 13ft.

    Risdon Iron nd LocomoUre .san FrsCisco.Gentlemen We have used two at our 3chambered Filter Presees son. Tliare i convenient, easily handled ta i v workhentirely tn nn ".uiiiauiuii, ofc a rpcommeiuo improvement on them.

    Very respectfully yours.(signed) A. Hooaa,

    These Presses are made extra heavy ihigh pressures, occupies a flot n ,f l4 ft., and presents a filtering surfa o fsquare feet. A limited number In stockHonolulu and are cold at very low prlcca.

    Risdon Iron A Loco Works,Ban Frenclscot

    For particulars enquire oftrf av T?nntfUttn uitn Kir .)l

    wuggesiea cue introduction of Chin-ese labor.

    There is a movement anions- - thoEnglish bishops and arch-bishoD- s todiscard the traditional breeches andgaiters.

    Over four hundred of the newspaper men of New York, who aremembers of building associationsnow own lots or houses in Brooklyn.

    The executive the New Zealandand South Seas Exhibition have de-cided to set apart two bays for thepurpose of an anthropometricalbureau.

    New York now manufactures animitation of every mineral water ofany merit, and these are bottled,labeled and sent out as if comingfrom the different springs.In vain does the nennilsss vnnth si'n

    of love,In a falsetto voice sweet and rlear.

    While the rich old man mav nhatfnrhis vows

    With falsetto teeth and she'll hear.Shanghai is not as prosperous a

    city commercially as it was a fewyears ago, notwithstanding that itdoes 62 per cent, of the import and39 per cent, of the export trade ofthe Chinese treaty ports.

    A meeting of pastoralists in Svd- -ney decided that unless the principle of tenant right was affirmed itwould be unsafe for tenants to improve crown lands, and there wouldbe a dearth of employment for labor.

    The result of the deterioration inthe value of silver enables coinersto work at a profit of from 50 to 70per cent, without resorting to basemetal. Of this genuine article thereis a hundred thousand pounds'worth in circulation. Court JournaL

    A woman artist in London has hadthe courage to exhibit her line offlower paintings on one side of agallery which was filled on the op-posite side with the genuine articles.Such an opportunity to judge ofrealistic art seldom is given to pic-ture lovers.

    Queen Victoria has kept JohnBrown's rooms at Windsor entirelyclosed since the death of that dom-estic, and a large brass column hasbeen erected in the apartment inwhich he expired, with an inscrip-tion commemorating his virtues anddeploring his loss.


    NOTICE.BILLS DUE TO ME NOT PAIDALbv the 24th of this month will be

    placed in the hands of a collector.38-1-0t JOS. HUBASH.

    Full Impoiiations by2


    Life Insurance Company

    Assets : $95,000,000.00.

    "Facts are stubborn things."


    premium table, and in every year, the

    ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

    of the New York Life Insurance Co.

    have been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuing

    similar policies.

    For particulars apply to

    0. 0. BEKGEB,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

    149-t- f

    The Liverpool and Lon-don and Globe


    Assets 40,O0O,000Net Income 9,078,000Claims Paid 112.500,000

    T&kftR Rffllra ftff!llrif T na m Aii rtsiMsna k P(nmw wmm m ajvoq Vf saaassS U J JC AaWon Buildings, Machinery, Sngar Mills.Dwellingsuu luuiiure, on iae most lavoraDie terms.

    Bishop & Co.1188-6- m m

    F YOU WANT ALL THE NEWSloizei-i- y read the Daily P. C. Advertiser. g3 law W. O. TBWIK o.,



    M.ll., Minister Resident; C. dA Charg6 d'Affairs; D. A., Diplomatic Agent; Com.,Commissioner; C. G., Consul General; C. A., Commercial Agent;

    C, Consul; A. C, Acting Consul; V. C, Vice Consul.TONS USED IN THE NEW YORK AND

    PENNSYLVANIA OIL FIELDS. PURE AND SPARKLINGForeign Legations and Consulates in the Hawaiian Kingdom.

    IS THE- -The Invention of Oil-We- ll Torpedoes- -

    Manufacturers of Jitro- - GlycerineShooting an Oil

    Well.COUNTR. Name. Rank. Date of Exequ-

    atur ob (Commission. Ginger Ale,M. R.His Excellency Geo. W. Merrill,

    unjor James H. Wodehonse, Com., C. G.

    Cream Soda,

    plain Soda,

    United States,iiH! AT BLITAIN,portugal,Japan,

    Senhor A. de Souza Canavarro, iCom., C

    June 12, 1886.June 21, 1866.C, Sept. 5, 1882..Jan. 12, 1883.Feb. 25, 1886. lrlk' llV

    -- ?kM r. l a ro Audo, i D. A., C. G. Lemonade,toitcni laKasogi, Attaches.3. lian,V. Tan no,3. Hayakawa,

    unrca id, icoo.April 4, 1888.Aug. 24, 1888.Dec. 28, 1888.Jan. 16, 1889.France, iff. G. G. Hosserout d'Auglade, Com..C.

    iil. Leon liellaonet, Chan. I March 10, 1888. Sarsaparilla, Mineral Wat ers,List of Foreign Consuls Resident in the HawaiianKingdom.OF ALL KINDS, MANUFACTURED BYCOUNTBV. Name. Rank. Date ofExequatub.

    I riTED States, J. 11. Putnam, C. July 10, 1885.Oct. 23. 1885.

    G. April 26, 1886.Oct. 18, 1886.Ang. 20, 1880.Oct. 23, 1882.Sept. 22, 1888.

    HOLLISTER & CoThe Water used in preparing their Goods being purified by the


    C. G.

    V. & Dep. C.Con. Clerk,Con. Agent,Con. Agent,Con. Agent,C. (Dean of

    Con. CorpsC.C.C.Com. Agent.

    the May 30, 18G9.)

    F. P. Hastings,A. W. Richardson,

    i A. F. tiopke,!C. L. Wight,G. Furneaux,F. A. iicbaefer,

    A. J. Cartwright,J. H. Paty,EL F. Glade,C. Alee,Goo Kim,Li W.Sclmiidt,li. W. Laine,

    Kahului, Maui,taahnkona, H.,Hilo, Hawaii,

    Italy,i'i BU,N: THEBL4NDS,A t PTKO--I lUNOABY,'l 1NA,

    VvEDEN it N'oewayMexico,

    Aug. 20, 1878.Nov. 26, 1880.Nov. 28, 1882.April 17, 1884.April 17, 1884.May 28, 1885.

    Asst. C. A.C. In operation in the Hawaiian Islands in their Establishc. (Original Feb. 24, Dt only' VIlbbl.) Ke-ap-p

    Dec. 2, 1885.Jan. 22, 1886.

    Bradford (Pa.) Letter."This is emphatically the age of glycer-

    ine, " remarked an oil man, as he pen-sively contemplated the evershiftingfigures in the electric indicator in theuallway of the Petroleum exchange."Less thiin two years ago Dr. Roberts,who invented oil well torpedoes, had amonopoly of the business. He raked inseveral mil. ion dollars before his patont9expired, but he spent more than a millionin bringing lawsuits against unscrupulouspersons who infringed his rights.

    "There was always competition, though,and all of the doctor's money could notcrush the during meu who secretly manu-factured and covertly exploded the glycer-ine in the wells alter nightfall. "Thenthey were called m joniiguters. Now thebusiness is free to all. Many moonlight-er- s

    were b'.owu to pieces while engagedin their unholy work. The profits, however, were so large that men were foundat all times who were anxious to risktheir lives.

    OLYOSBf ; COMPANIES EVERYWHERE."Aficr the Roberts patent expired

    glycerine companies sprang up in everydirection. The day after the monopolyexpired the announcements of a rounddozen glycerine manufacturers appearetin the oil ountry papers. The era o.high prices came to an end at the sametime In Bradford alone there are mless than nine large firms who mauufacture and explode about thirteertons or' glycerine per month.

    "Never before in the history of the region has the use of glycerine been so extensive. For years the producer in ttiBradford field was c'-utc- to use fifteenor twenty ruart shot j. It was feared thaiheavier doses would ultimately destroythe sand formation and ruin the wells.The enormous prices charged for largttorpedoes in tho.-- e days a'so had a bearingon the situation. Torpedoes were quotecas high as $1,200. i or $ 00 a wealthjoil man could give his well a good shaking up. Then glycerine was sold by thquart Now oil men buy the stulf by thbarrel. A barrel contains forty-tw- galIons, and costs about $150.

    "Bradford's nine firms employ fiftyshooters. They are kept in the go bothday and night." j aftt month over twelvetons of glycerine were burned in the Bradford field alone, in July at least ten toiuof the explosive were lowered into thwells, and, from all accounts, t'eptember's record will surpass that.

    PHENOMENAL BBOTf."Eighty quarts, or nearly half a barrel,

    now represents the average shot. Dyna-mite squibs have, in a large measure, "sueceeded the 'go devil.' The 'go devil'

    March 14, 1887.!Aug. 4, 1887.

    c.c.c.V. c.Actg. V. C.V. C.

    Dxkicaxk,iiH.GIUM.GlBMAN EMPIBE,Stain,Uussia,Gbeat Dbitain,

    ii. R. Macfarlane,J. P. Hackfeld,H. P. Glade,R. W. Laine,J. P. Hackfeld,T. K. Walker,

    Feb. 17, 1880.Sept. 24, 1886.Oct. 17, 1888. HAWAIIAN

    CAEBIAGE MANUFACTURING CoDiplomatic and Consular Representatives ofHawaii.Rank.

    Date ofCommission.

    COUNTBY. Name.

    United States.En. Ex. and Min.lFeb. 9, 1883.Washington, D. C. His Ex. Hon. H. A. P. Carter,

    As there is no SIMPLE TEST by which adulteratedsoaps can be detected, the SAFE COURSE is to purchaseonly those soaps which bear the name of a long-establish- edand reliable house. SINCE 1806 Colgate & Co. have madeonly the best of articles ; as a result, their toilet soaps andperfumes are sold in ALL PARTS OP THE CIVILIZEDWORLD, and are everywhere acknowledged to be theSTANDARD for purity and excellence. The toilet soap andhandkerchief perfume held in highest esteem by the Americanpublio is CASHMERE BOUQUET, and over 30 first awardstestify that thoy are "unequaled in quality and perfume."

    July 21, 1875.June 29, 1885.

    Plen.C Gc! g! for Pacific

    States & Terr.C.C.C.

    E. H. Allen,D. A. McKinley,

    Lawrence Bond,John McCraken,James G. Swan,

    Ang. 28, 1883.April 7, 1865.July 10, 1884.

    C.V. C.C.

    Sept. 21, 1883.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

    Col. W. J. De Gress,Anastatio Obregon,Robert James Barney,

    New York.San Francisco,

    Boston,Portland, O.,Port Townseud,Philadelphia,


    Manzanillo,Centbal & Soutu

    Amebica.Valparaiso,Lima,Callao,Colon,Guatemala,Monte Video,Assumption,

    Gbeat Bbitain &Ibeland.


    C. d'A. & C. G.!$C. d'A. & C. G.te

    David Thomas,R. H. Baddy,Sylvanus Crosby,

    Sent. 13, 1858.Aug. 22, 1871.July 24, 1871.Nov. 18, 1884.


    July 23, 1883.Henry E. Cooke,Henry Tolke,Conrad Hughes,A. Marengo,

    Aug. 13, 1886.Aug. 21, 1885.is a weigiit which was dropped at the

    frin head of thThe constant en

    critical moment on thetorpedo, exploding it.largement of the cavity Abraham Hoffuung, General JJepot for Colgate's Perfumes and Soaps,in the oil-beari- July 31, 1885.July 31, 1885.C. d'A.Sec. to Leg.

    (Actg. C. d'A.)C.

    Carriages, Phaetons, Blips, Brakes, Wagons. 1FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. ALL KINDS OF

    CARRIAGE "And- - WAGON REPAIRINGSolicited at very low prices.

    OUR PATENT BRAKES 0riffinrctbysP&etao

    Just Received a large invoice of

    Second Growth of White Oak SpokesHUBS, FELLOES, RIMS, PLANK, ETC. ; HEAVY HICKORY WAGON,


    Feb. 15, 1887.

    Sidney B. rrancia Hoffnung,

    Manley Hopkins,

    Harold Janion,(Ong.Feb.7.1856.)Oct. 14, 1885. --WHOLESALE and RETAI1July 10, 1884.Mark Whitwell,

    V. Moran,

    Liverpool,Bristol,Hnll,Newcastle on


    Sept. 28, 1878.F. Biesterfeldt, Oct. 12, 1882.

    July 10, 1857.Falmouth, W. S. Broad, H0LL1STER & CO., 109 Fort Street.Dover and the F. W. Prescott, March 14, 1887.



    c.c.c.c.V. c.c.

    Cinque Ports,Curdilf & Swan-'Hya- m Goldberg, July 30, 1879. 148 1276-l- m

    sea,Oct. 18, 1873.

    REDUCED RATE.Nov. 18, 1870.July 25, 1881.

    E. G. Buchanan,

    James Dunn,J. G. Zoller,R. J. Murphy,G. B. Dawson,

    W. A. Ross

    uct. 12, 1H2.Sept. 10, 1888. Large Assortment of Bai Iron.

    Edinburgh andLeith,



    Canada.Ottawa,Montreal,Toronto,Bockville, Ont.,

    148 1276-l- m!C.C. G. for the

    Dominion,C.V. C.

    PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.Fort Street, Honolulu, H. I.

    Reduction in Lamp Goods !New Invoices in Latest Designs Just Received and offered at Specialty Low Prices.

    CL Elliot Anderson,Dickson Anderson,Col. Geo. A. Shaw,J. D. Buell,A. Brown,Hamilton, Ont.,

    rock necessitated something better, andthat was the dynamite squib. While theaverage shot fs eighty quarts, there anmany firms who think nothing of explod-ing from two to five barre's of glycerinein a well. The sho: k tears out the rockand opens up the clogged veins of oiLThe cans in which the deadly explosive iitransported about the field have been enIarged from six to eight quarts' capacity,and each shooter's wagon carries ten cans,dt eighty quarts, of thestuX

    "come wells are treated to phenomenalmots. The owners of a test well in Warren county wanted to make a big show-ng- .

    They used over a ton of glycerine.The earth around the well trembled andthe spectators were prostrated on theground. It was the largest shot on record.A. well which produces from one to twobarrels per day naturally, has its capacityincreased to eight or "ten barrels afteibooting. Wells do not hold out longtiter such an experience. They graduallyRecline, and in the course of a fewweeks fall off to their original figures.I "Dollar oil in Bradford, and the heavyDremium paid for lower countrj. or white,and oil, is the cause of this boom in theglycerine market. During the past sixMonths over fifty tons of the explosivejiave been consumed in the New York andPennsylvania oil fields. If oil ever touches$2 a barrel it will pay producers to man-ufacture their own glycerine. "

    ftiakii g Cloie Change.Th i A"go iaut.1

    ;; An interesting story is told of Mr.fanderbilt's regard for money. He in-ite- d

    a friend out riding one day, and1(Hilled up his beautiful horses at the'ichy spring, saying: "I always stopad get a drink here. " He had on driv-l- g

    gloves, but managed to empty his;Jass. Instantly, however, his handsrere busy straining at the reins, for the

    i orscs were quite lively. His friendnew that the Vichy must be paid for,

    ! ad saw that Mr. anderbiit could not

    Feb. 26, 1S86.

    May 14, 1885.Aug. 23, 1883.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.March 12, 1884.April 28, 1887.March 12, 1884.

    March 12, 1884.Jan. 14, 1879.

    Kingstown, OntM!G. Richardson, HAWAIIAN GAZETTEV. C.V. C.V. C.V. c.c.

    V. c.c.

    Rimouski, Q., J. N. Ponliot, Q. C,St. John's, N. B. A. O. Crookshank,Halifax, N. S.,Yarmouth, N. S., E. F. Clements,Victoria, B. C, R. P. Rithet,Vancouver, B. C,

    AUSTBALASIA.Sydney, N.S. W., Ernest O. Smith,Newcastle, " H.E.Stokes,

    C. G. for Australasia. etc. IJan. 11, 1885.

    Oct. 1, 1888.

    A NEW LINE OF GOODSArtists' Materials, Art Goods,

    Paintings, Pictures, Picture Mouldings,All of which were personally selected and are of newest patterns.

    V. C.C.C.

    Melbourne, Vict.! Captain G. N. Oakley, Printing EstablishmentFeb. 7, 1873.July 10. 1884.Brisbane, Q.,C. July 12, 1878.

    June 3, 1887.V. C.C.C.

    July 9. 1878.

    A. B. Webster,Captain Hon. A. Coote,Geo. Collins,D. B. Cruickshank,H. Driver,Hon. J. BeJi Irving,J. J. Keswick,H.Schott,

    Feb. 5. 1871.C. G. Sept. 21, 1886. PICTURE FRAMING in all its branches a specialty.C. Nov. 17. 1881.C. Oct. 5, 1882. 46 (Merchant St., Honolulu.

    Hobart, Tas.,Lannceston, Tas.Auckland, N. Z.,Dunediu, N. Z..

    Honqkono,Shanohae,GlBBAliTAB,Fbance & Colo-

    nies.Paris,Marseilles,Bordeaux, -Rouen,

    Society Gboup.Papeete, Tahiti,

    Gebmany & CoiiO- -

    C d'A. & C. G. RUBBER HOSE!Having been appointed AGENTS of some of the largest factories in the

    favoraWe termsPrePt0 Supply a11 gnaaB and sizes of Hose upon unusually


    AlfredJHoule,A. Couv6,E. de Boissac,C. Schaessler,

    J. T. Cognet

    May 21, 1888.March 1, 1866.March 1, 1866.July 27, 1874.

    Ang. 12, 1886.C.

    --A Large Stock of Goods in all Lines Just Received.- -E. F. Weber, March 25. 187fiJ. F. Muller, Julv 8. 187



    J. Kopp, Jan. 7, 1883.

    March 14. 1881.A. P. Russ,H. Muller, C. April 28, 1871.

    Electric Light Chandeliers and FixturesLATEST PATTERNS, JUST RECEIVED FROM THE


    C. G. Nov. 19. 1888.July 21, 1887.

    ilease the horses to take any changej om his pocket. So he rather timidlyL'oduced'

    a quarter from his waistcoat.e was handing it to the boy who had

    fought the Yichv, when the eyes of Mr.tenderbilt fell on the coin. "Tut. tut. "

    kid he, nudging his companion with hisSbow, "10 cents is enough; 10 cents ispenty. "

    Luck i;i Life.Cbiea.ro Herald.

    Thirteen boys set out one night to com.it a depredation on a melon patch. IdImanner well known to farmers, but notmown to the boys, the patch was planted;th alternate rows of pumpkins. Theght was dark, the work was silent, and

    f each Iny secured his prize he stolejEently away to the rendezvous. When

    were assembled it became known tofe party that twelve boys had. stolenI mpkins and one boy had a watermelon,s rat's the story of luck in life. One fel- -

    tj Vias a. WAtprmplnnmn:t if tVin nthot

    E. Minguez,G. Scham,V. Chnst,F. T. De Navarra,


    inly 14. 1886.March 14. 1887.March 14, 1887.J. Paris,


    ;L. Falcon y Qnevdo, C.V. C.

    NIES.Berlin,Hambnrg,Bremen,Frankfort-on-Maine- ,


    Spain & Colonies.Madrid,Barcelona,Cadiz,Valencia,Malaga,Cartagena,

    Canaby Islands.Las Palruas,

    Santa Crnz de laPalma,

    Poetuoal & Colo-nies.

    Lisbon,Oporto,Madeira,St. Michaels,St. Vincent,

    Italy.Rome,Genoa,Naple hPalermo,


    Sept. 29, 1885.March 14, 1887.March 14, 1887.

    J. rJ. JJe Liaguna,B. Mattheu y Battaller, V. C.

    April 19, 1888.March 26. isss

    A. F. De Serpa,N. f. M. Ferro,J. Hutchison,It. Seeman,C. Martins,

    C. G.C.C.C.V. C.

    Oct. 25, 1878.Nov. 17, 1881.Jane 6, 1884.

    HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

    Hawaiian Islands.



    Plain and Fancy PrintingMarch 9, 1886.Aue. 21. 1867.C. G.C.C.

    J. Clinton Hooker,R. De Luchi,L. Colombo,A. Tagliavia,

    July 14, 1886.C. March 14, 1887.

    EMcksmi iietora the Camera.Exchant

    Cne day, while Dickens was beingen by a photographer, the result be--the well known picture in which he

    Hhown writing, the artist told him thatdfd not hold the pen right, and sug-te-

    that he should take it more natur--iu his fingers. "Just as though you

    ire writing one of your novels, Mr.jkens. " said he. "I see, " said Dickens.J of 'er twist "

    V. C.J. D. van der Made, P. R. z. n., Nov. 15, 1086.

    PRINTING and BINDINGJuly 31, 1885.C. G.C.C.

    Aug. 27. 1880.Victor Forge,E. Coppieters,J. Blanpain,E. Vanden Brande,

    Sept, 10. 1888.C. April 6, 1885.

    A Mystery Solved. May 29, 1879.May 31. 1886.

    C. G.C.V. C.

    ,1 he mvsterv rpiirino- - f ho OF EVERY KINDJuly 16, 1879.j j o O "HlltOI a flfrpr thfik

    Departments of Business :Books and Accounts accurately kept and properly adjustedCollections will receive special attention and returns promptly madei ZlirA1 A SEcl- - Records searched and correct Abstracts of"eng?osCsdENT8ANIPAPEB8 f eVery descriPtion carey drawn and hand?on7el?Copying and Translating in all languages in general use in thisKeal Estate bought and sold. Taxes paid and Property safely insufedHouses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and rentsFire and Life Insurance effected in first-clas- s Insurance Companies Collected'Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatchLoans N egotiated at Favorable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Any Article Purchased or sold on commission.Inter-Islan- d Orders wiU receive particular attention.



    Sweden & NobwayStockholm,Christiania,Lyskil,Gothemburg,



    Japan.Tokio,Hiogo & Osaka,

    South AfbicanRepublic.


    V. C.


    H. A. Burger,L. Samson,H. Bergstrom,Q. Kraak,

    V. von Schonberger,

    J. Holmblad,

    His Excellency R. W. Irwin,IS. Endicott,

    Id up their yelks is explained by alament that they are used to makeJiminized paper for photography.xr York Sun.

    March 14, 1887.

    Dec. 20, 1870.

    May 4, 1880.

    March 30. 1886.

    C. G. PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTEDMin. Res.C. Nov. 20, 1882.

    --:o:-C. G.D. H. Schmull,


    Ai ificial Petroleum.Irofessor Mendcleef lias succeeded intng petroleum from mineral sub-.iMc- es,

    which cannot fc$ distinguishedi the natural article. He believes allDleum is of mineral origin. Engin--IW -

    mis said that $15,000,000 worth of tilebeen laid in Iiiinois, and that the tile,laceri in a continuous line, would

    Sj;i around the globe three times.

    Address all business letters:


    H. M. WHITNEY, BnsineR M!Having had an exteneive business experience for over

    New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all bnrof !Sintricate and complicated natnrp. nr rpor.irin? tnot .n d?o..; jTheWeekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertise

    Are tbc Beat ' .citllhg Medit'xn in thm KingdomSolicit a trial. ? HAWAIIAN RUST vp.h Anrximl

    I Bei TcIavtoM No. 274. " X 1277-t-f 46 Merchant St., Honolulu
