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Joining the dots … Some implications of current educational initiatives in Scottish schools for the University’s Curriculum Review Elaine M Cowan & Liz Curtis School of Education [email protected] and [email protected]
Page 1: Joining the dots … Some implications of current educational initiatives in Scottish schools for the Universitys Curriculum Review Elaine M Cowan & Liz.

Joining the dots …

Some implications of current educational initiatives in Scottish schools for the

University’s Curriculum Review

Elaine M Cowan & Liz Curtis

School of [email protected] and [email protected]

Page 2: Joining the dots … Some implications of current educational initiatives in Scottish schools for the Universitys Curriculum Review Elaine M Cowan & Liz.

The Scottish Education context

The National Priorities as stated in 2002:

1. Achievement and Attainment

2. Framework for Learning

3. Inclusion and Equality

4. Values and Citizenship

5. Learning for Life

See www.nationalpriorities.org.uk

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Current major national initiatives in Scottish Schools

Education for Citizenship 2002 Assessment is for Learning 2001-2008 Curriculum for Excellence 3-18 2004 onwards

Other developments (local) aiming to enhance learning e.g.: Thinking skills Philosophy for Children, Critical skills programme, Collaborative learning Core and cross cutting skills

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Curriculum for Excellence 3-18- why change it?

“The curriculum in Scotland has many strengths. Its well-respected curriculum for 3 to 5 year olds, its broad 5-14 curriculum, Standard Grade courses and the National Qualifications structure have been carefully designed to meet the needs of pupils at different stages.

However, the various parts were developed separately and, taken

together, they do not now provide the best basis for an excellent education for every child. The National Debate showed that people want a curriculum that will fully prepare today's children for adult life in the 21st century, be less crowded and better connected, and offer more choice and enjoyment.”

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CfE 3-18

• De-clutter the curriculum (especially in primary schools)• To give better continuity and enhance progression at stage

transitions (i.e. Nursery to PS/ PS to SS/ SS to University?)• Review the curriculum in a more generic way, rather than

in the more traditional, stage/subject compartmentalised fashion. Encourage across curriculum skills and learning

• Emphasise the importance of the values underlying the curriculum as well as the processes of learning and teaching.

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CfE 3-18: The Four Capacities

The curriculum should enable all children to become:Successful learnersConfident individualsEffective contributorsResponsible citizens

What does each of these outcomes mean?

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successful learnerswith•enthusiasm and motivation for learning•determination to reach high standards of achievement•openness to new thinking and ideas

and able to•use literacy, communication and numeracy skills•use technology for learning•think creatively and independently•learn independently and as part of a group•make reasoned evaluations•link and apply different kinds of learning innew situations

confident individualswith•self respect•a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing•secure values and beliefs•ambition

and able to•relate to others and manage themselves•pursue a healthy and active lifestyle•be self aware•develop and communicate their own beliefsand view of the world•live as independently as they can•assess risk and take informed decisions•achieve success in different areas of activity

responsible citizenswith•respect for others•commitment to participate responsibly inpolitical, economic, social and cultural life

and able to•develop knowledge and understanding ofthe world and Scotland’s place in it•understand different beliefs and cultures•make informed choices and decisions•evaluate environmental, scientific andtechnological issues•develop informed, ethical views of complexissues

effective contributorswith•an enterprising attitude•resilience•self-reliance

and able to•communicate in different ways and indifferent settings•work in partnership and in teams•take the initiative and lead•apply critical thinking in new contexts•create and develop•solve problems

To enable all youngpeople to become

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Planning for CfE : core principles

Underlying principles for CfE:• challenge and enjoyment; breadth; progression; depth; personalisation

and choice; coherence; and relevance. These principles find support in the literature on learning and pedagogy

accumulated over several decades of research linking e.g. to motivation.

CfE also identifies three factors upon which the opportunity for children to develop the four capacities will depend:

• the environment for learning;• the choice of teaching and learning approaches; and• the ways in which learning is organised (Scottish Executive, 2004, p.


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Learning and Teaching approaches in CfE 3-18

• Active engagement: How can learning activities be designed in order to provide a stimulating context for the active engagement of individual learners?

• Meaningfulness: How can we ensure that the learner can make the necessary connections with new information, and make sense of the learning experiences provided?

• Motivation: Is there a willingness on the part of pupils to engage with the process of learning? How can we make the learning challenging, enjoyable and/or seen as worthy of effort?

• Metacognition: How can pupils be encouraged to be reflective – to ‘learn how to learn’?

• ICT and learning: How can we use ICT tools to enhance and transform pupils’ learning?

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CfE: Organising learning

Cooperative and collaborative learning: What opportunities are providedfor peer mediated learning? How can a collaborative learning community beconstructed in order to reap the advantages of a classroom culture withinwhich teachers and students support one another in pursuit of clearlyarticulated goals?

Problem-based learning: How can we provide pupils with the challenge ofreal problems to solve as individuals or in collaborative groups, thus fosteringthe motivation which comes from a genuine ‘need to know’ the answer?

Grouping: How can the needs of individual pupils best be met bydifferentiation and organisational strategies and that do not themselves createnegative consequences?

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CfE: implications for Learning and Teaching

How can schools meet the capacities, skills & attitudes for 21st Century outlined in CfE?

• The Assessment is for Learning initiative• Core Skills e.g. WwO + Problem Solving to

enhance co-operative learning (linked to monitoring surveys AAP/SSA) and SEED’s Literacy and Numeracy programme

• Other developments

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What is Assessment is for Learning?

Based on the work of Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam King’s College London

Funded by SEED (ends March ‘08) and supported with in-service and thinking/development time

Classroom teachers involvement in AifL projects (including formative assessment) and evaluation through action research

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AifL: the Programme

By December 2004, this initiative involved 1,581 schools. Working in Associated Schools Groups (ASGs) has emphasised the importance of professionals working together across sectors and subject boundaries building communities of practice to enhance learning and tecahing.

By end academic session 2007-8 all schools in Scotland will be AifL schools and this will continue as an important aspect within CfE 3-18 initiative

• The outcomes of projects are captured in case studies available in the Assessment Online Toolkit, a dynamic resource aimed primarily at Scottish classroom teachers and school managers, but which will also be of interest to local authorities, researchers, trainee teachers, parents and pupils.


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How does this link to improving teaching and enhancing learning?

The Assessment is for Learning programme is based on the ideas that learners learn best and attainment improves, when learners:

• understand clearly what they are trying to learn, and what is expected of them;

• are given detailed feedback about the quality of their work, and what they can do to make it better;

• are given advice about how to go about making improvements;

• are fully involved in deciding what needs to be done next, and who can give them help if they need it.

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AifL: …the programme

• Supports teachers in developing their practice – implementing formative assessment strategies

• Monitors the Scottish education system (AAP/SSA)• “Shares the standard” and helps teachers to confirm

professional judgments on children’s learning• Reports to & discusses progress with parents and children• Supports and meets children’s needs & involves pupils and

parents in setting appropriate next steps for learning

……..that is Assessment as, for and of learning

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What is an AifL School?A Place Where Everyone is Learning Together

Curriculum Learning and Teaching


Our pupils and staff help to set their own learning goals

Our pupils and staff practise self- and peer-assessment

Our pupils and staff identify and reflect on their own evidence of learning

Staff use a range of evidence from day-to-day activities to check on pupils’ progress

Staff talk and work together to share standards in and

across schools

Staff use assessment information to monitor their establishment’s provision and progress, and to plan for improvement

Our pupils, staff and parents are clear about what is to be learned and what success would be like

Our pupils and staff are given timely feedback about the quality of their work and how to make it better

Our pupils and staff are fully involved in deciding next steps in their learning and identifying who can help

Our classroom assessment involves high quality interactions, based on thoughtful questions, careful listening and reflective


Using evidence as feedback

to informimprovement

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AifL strategies

• Sharing learning intentions• Understanding the standard & success criteria

(what makes a good answer?)• Wait/thinking time - allowing response time and

using better questioning to develop thinking• Giving and following up quality feedback so

children can do better next time • Peer and self assessment – children evaluating

their own work………………….. Do these work?

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Does AIFL work? Miller & Lavin ’s research at Dundee University (SERA 05)

Implementing AifL strategies in the classroom (370 P6/7 children across approx 16 teachers) over four months resulted in:

• Measurable gains in self worth, self confidence as well as learning for those of the lowest and of the highest ability and for boys

• Less marked gains for those of middle ability• Boys with negative views of their abilities at start

of the year made twice the gains of others

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ITE Students’ experiences of implementing AifL (Cowan)

Key to the experiences of ITE students at Aberdeen University 2004-7 both on and off campus

• Linking to the national programme our ITE students were learning about AifL and using these strategies in schools.

• From 2003 onwards growing use in primary classrooms of AifL principles and strategies by teachers and our students was evident

• In the last two years, greater involvement by teachers and students in secondary schools is also evident.

• AifL percolates the whole school system 3-18 and is a core underlying principle and so continues within CfE 3-18

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Did it make a difference?

Students wrote:“The pupils preferred this way of working as when they know

the learning intentions, they know how to go about achieving (these).”

“AifL enhanced pupil learning gains ….. (they were) extremely beneficial for identifying next steps for teaching and learning”.

Links to idea of metacognition (i.e. develops skills and enhances deeper understanding about own learning in order to generalise and apply it in other contexts)

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CfE 3-18: links to other school developments in Learning and Teaching strategies

Existing developments not only in AifL but also ….• Core skills (all have SQA NQ profiles since 2000)and• Philosophy for children• Thinking skills• The Critical Skills Programme• Collaborative learningas additional useful strategies to draw on to help

children to learn more effectively

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Why Education for Citizenship?

Longstanding concerns in education but impetus in Scotland from:

• Crick Report 1998 in England & Wales • LTS Advisory Group to examine Scottish context

and consultation document published in 2000• LTS Advisory Group produced final report in

2002 Education for Citizenship in Scotland: a document for development and discussion

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Why EfC?

“The curriculum alone will not develop good citizens. Young people must be allowed to live important experiences in school and participate in real citizenship.” (p 2)

From HGIOS Education for Citizenship self evaluation series 2003

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EfC: what is it?

Experiences to develop skills, values and knowledge:

• Within curriculum or subject areas

• Across the curriculum through broader experiences both in and out of school

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What is EfC?

• Political Literacy i.e. KU of– Contemporary social, political, economic,

cultural and moral issues– Individual/social needs and consequences of

actions to meet them– Rights and responsibilities in a democratic

society– Conflict and decision making processes

including role of the media

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EfC Skills

• Coping effectively/safely in a range of social situations

• Working in teams to carry out tasks/ overcome difficulties

• Communicating effectively

• Researching and handling information

• Thinking critically about evidence

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EfC Values

• Respect and self for others• Share responsibility for community welfare• Value and respect culture and community diversity• Understand and value social justice

And dispositions –including creativity and enterprise contributing to capability for active and responsible citizenship via independent thought, solving problems, self expression, observe/reflect on environments.

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EfC: Issues confronting schools

• Education about citizenship?– Factual

• Education through and for citizenship?– Participation and action (more problematic?)

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University’s curriculum review implications: incoming students

CfE, AifL and EfC should mean that our students incoming from schools• Take more responsibility for their own learning – review and targets• Have greater awareness and understanding of different learning styles • Will have experiences and developed skills in a range of types of

assessment (formative/summative, peer/self)• Share in a deeper understanding of the standard and the clear criteria

for success (what they need to be able to do, apply and/or know)• Value detailed positive feedback on how to improve• Participate in meaningful interaction and learning conversations - not

be silently compliant

These will have major implications in relation to student expectations of their future learning and assessment experiences in the University and also major effects therefore on staff.

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Qualifications and Achievement

Currently ongoing national consultations (to end March) :

• Awareness that some children are doing external exams in each of the last 4 years of secondary school. Is this good for their learning and development?

• Formal consultation on changes for Level 4 and 5 qualifications (SG/Int 1 & 2) but no current changes planned at level 3, 6(H)/7(AH).

• Bologna agreement – but most intake have Highers (at level 6 our 1st year) not AH – partnerships issue FE/schools

• Recognition of wider achievement across all levels – developments ongoing between SG, LTS and SQA - perhaps there will be a need for University admissions to take more note of this and the skills incoming students bring into the University in the future.

• Links to demographics and mature applicants and part time studies

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• From EfC to responsible citizens• Links to incoming students’ wider achievement

and development of Core/ Cross cutting skills profiles

• Emphasis on responsibility & active participation in the local community as well as individual rights

• Student involvement in developing curriculum• Increasingly look across and between traditional

subject boundaries.

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Relevant references for CfE and AifLCurriculum for Excellence http://www.curriculumforexcellencescotland.gov.uk/ AiFL Teacher’s toolkit online www.ltscotland.org.uk/assessThe SSA for Language and Communication 2005 including results on core skillslink to and provide evidence for the CfE 3-

18 capacities? www.scotland.gov.uk/publications (See also SSA Social Subjects Enquiry skills 2006 )

Black et al (2000) Working Inside the Black BoxPaul Black & Dylan Wiliam 1998 Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment

http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/kbla9810.htmAssessment Reform Group 2002 Beyond the Black Box http://arg.educ.cam.ac.uk/publications.htmlMiller, & Lavin, F, 2005 Formative assessment and children’s views of themselves as learners. P 10

www.LTScotland/assess Newsletters archive for Autumn 2005 (7)Cowan, E. M. 2005. Assessment is for Learning: Experience of two student cohorts.pp 8-9 www.LTScotland/assess

Newsletters archive for Autumn 2005 (7)

Other sources: McGuinness, C 1999 From Thinking Skills to Thinking Classrooms. DfEE. Norwichwww.standards.dfes.gov,uk/kestage3/respub/afl_wswww.qca.org.uk/7659.htmlwww.aaia.org.ukwww.criticalskills.co.ukhttp://philosophyforkids.comwww.standards.dfes.gov.uk/thinkingskills

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Relevant references for EfC

• LTS 2002 Education for Citizenship in Scotland: a document for development and discussion

• Cleaver et al 2003 in Teaching Citizenship 7: 15-19• Clark, Cowan, McMurtry & Cooney 2004 Citizenship: the view from

North of the Border in Register of Research in Primary Geography 4: 25-29

• Ireland, Kerr et al 2004 Citizenship Education 2nd Annual Report. Research Report 531. www.nfer.ac.uk/research/citizenship.asp

• Leighton 2004 in Teaching Citizenship 9: 26-31 • Sutherland 2002 in Education in the North 10: 65-79• Torney-Purta et al 2001 Citizenship and Education in 28 countries:

Civic Knowledge & Participation at Age 14. Amsterdam: IEA• Twine 2002 in Education in the North 10: 80-82
