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July-August 2017 Supporting Membership...

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Pages 1-5 Family Follow-Up Survey Program Results for 2016 Be Part of Our 100th Anniversary Celebration Selected Leadership Academy Honors Graduates Tiffany A. Hofer: Meet The Mentors Kelco Supply Company Supports Members ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Supporting Membership Growth July-August 2017
Page 1: July-August 2017 Supporting Membership Growthsifhazurestorage.blob.core.windows.net/websitedownloads/bulletin/... · membership growth campaign with the goal of achieving 600 member

Pages 1-5

Family Follow-Up Survey Program Results for 2016

Be Part of Our 100th Anniversary Celebration

Selected Leadership Academy Honors Graduates

Tiffany A. Hofer: Meet The Mentors

Kelco Supply Company Supports Members



July-August 2017

Page 2: July-August 2017 Supporting Membership Growthsifhazurestorage.blob.core.windows.net/websitedownloads/bulletin/... · membership growth campaign with the goal of achieving 600 member

Supporting Membership Growth1 Mark Cuddy: Showing Pride in Your Association

2 Rob Paterkiewicz: The Challenges and Opportunities of Membership Growth

5 Five Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Membership Growth

Also in This Issue6 NewOfficersandBoardRepresentativesChosen

7 BePartofOur100thAnniversaryCelebration

7 Educational Trust Job Fairs Connect Members and Students

8 Family Follow-up Survey Program Results: Reputation, Previous Experience Top Factors in Choice of Funeral Home

10 BambooHRHelpsSolveHumanResourcesIssues

11 Selected Leadership Academy Graduates Fifth Class

12 Selected Connections Event: June in Virginia

14 Tiffany Hofer Shares Perspectives on Meet The Mentors

16 Kelco Supply Company Support Members in Many Ways

18 Three New Preferred Partners Added to Program

20 SarahPojanowski:SpringCleaning;IsYourLegalHouse in Order?

Our Members22 Remembering Our Colleagues, New Members,

New STS Agents, Educational Trust Contributors

23 News From Our Members

Our Preferred Partners19 FederatedInsurance

21 C & J Financial, LLC

24 Federated Funeral Directors of America

24 Precoa

25 Passare

Back Cover Messenger LLC

Board of DirectorsNeil P. O’Connor, PresidentLaguna Hills, CA, Group [email protected]

Ann Ciccarelli, Secretary-TreasurerSaugus,MA,Group1781-233-0300 [email protected]

Lisa Baue, Secretary-Treasurer-ElectSt. Charles, MO, Group 4 636-940-1000 [email protected]

Charles M. Billow, President-ElectAkron,OH,Group2 330-867-4141 [email protected]

Kimberly Farris-LukeAbingdon,VA,[email protected]

Joe Jackson Jr.Laredo TX, Group [email protected]

Mark Higgins, Ex OfficioDurham,NC,[email protected]

Executive Director and CEORobert J. PaterkiewiczDeerfield,[email protected]

July-August 2017selected-bulletin.org


The BulletinVolume 100, Number 4selected-bulletin.orgThe Bulletin(ISSN1533-7197) is published bimonthly by SelectedIndependentFuneralHomes 500LakeCookRd.,Suite205 Deerfield,IL60015 PeriodicalpostagepaidatDeerfield,IL

Toll-Free:800-323-4219 Local:847-236-9401 Fax:847-236-9968

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Bulletin,SelectedIndependentFuneralHomes,500LakeCookRd., Suite205,Deerfield,IL60015.

Contributions relative to the funeral service profession and to the activities of the members of this organization are solicited. Address all correspondence to the above address or to [email protected].







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Page 3: July-August 2017 Supporting Membership Growthsifhazurestorage.blob.core.windows.net/websitedownloads/bulletin/... · membership growth campaign with the goal of achieving 600 member


Funeral homes get numerous phone calls and solicitations each week from sales people, community event coordinators and people looking to capitalize on a �rm’s success. There is a lot of research and work that goes into pinpointing good, potential member �rms, but we’ve found that our outreach o�en can get lost in the shu�e. It’s more apparent than ever that the only

way to e�ectively grow Selected is through the recommendations of current members.

I o�en ask members, “Who do you want sitting beside you at the next Selected event? Who would add perspective and depth to our discussions? Who could help raise public understanding about the importance and value of the licensed,

family funeral profession?”

The hallmark of Selected is the open exchange of information, expertise and ideas among trusted colleagues that raises every aspect of operating successful and growing funeral homes. This is evidenced by the popularity of Selected programs such as the online Forum, NextGen, Selected Study Groups and the Selected Leadership Academy; as well as the vitality and relevance of Group Roundtables, Spring Management Summits and Annual Meetings.

Throughout the association’s 100-year history, it has never sought the highest membership numbers or the lowest common denominator. We seek out �rms with inspired leadership that, regardless of size or geographic location, are adding value to the lives of the families they serve, to their communities and to the profession as a whole. These are the potential members we want and need. But to reach them, we need your help more than ever before.

Increasingly, I’m getting calls from people who have heard about Selected from our own members who are excited about what the association is doing with its programs and educational opportunities that reach far beyond the owners and managers to help �rms on many, di�erent levels. And this is exactly the kind of buzz we need.

By Mark Cuddy, Membership Development Director

For members of Selected Independent Funeral Homes, a�liation with this association is a source of great pride. It represents many, many years—even generations—of dedication to the highest principles of independent funeral service. It distinguishes funeral professionals around the world who seek to improve and grow by focusing on the best care and service they can provide to their client families.

Growth is very important for every entity, whether it’s the funeral service practitioner seeking to increase their knowledge of best practices or the funeral home operation working to expand its range of service and support, and thus, its market share. And for Selected, growth means adding high-quality, progressive funeral homes and their dedicated, forward-thinking professionals to our membership roster. Why? Because it helps those �rms grow even more, and it enriches the opportunities and experience for all members.

In 2015, we launched our 600 by 2020 by 1 membership growth campaign with the goal of achieving 600 member �rms in North American by the year 2020, focusing on one new member at a time. We’ve had adequate success in the past two years, and we’ve learned a lot about re�ning the membership development process to �t the dynamics of today’s world.


Showing Pride in Your Associationby Supporting Membership Growth

Concludes on page 3

“We are finding that the best examples of membership growth occur when the prospect has active cultivation and guidance from at least one existing member.”

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The Opportunities and Challenges of Membership Growth

By Rob Paterkiewicz, CEO and Executive Director

Everyone knows that growth is essential for the success of any business or enterprise. And Selected Independent Funeral Homes is no exception. The development and growth of our organization is directly dependent on the participation, support and leadership of its members.

This is not news. The leaders and sta� of this association have repeated this message ever since Beryl Boyer, George Olinger and their esteemed colleagues created its foundation in 1917. So why has it been challenging to add quali�ed �rms to our ranks—ones that will not only bene�t themselves through membership but also raise the value for all members? There are several reasons, and exploring them reveals some opportunities we can grasp as we move together into the future.

Value of Relationships. Perhaps the most bene�cial aspect of membership in Selected is actually the hardest to convey to funeral directors who have not experienced our culture. It’s all about relationships—the dynamic interaction, uninhibited sharing and unparalleled learning among peers. Within Selected, the teachers are students, and the students are teachers simultaneously. It’s what makes this organization so unique and special.

But try explaining that to someone struggling in an extremely competitive market and who’s facing shrinking revenues or to the successful, multi-location operator who feels he has nothing more to learn or gain. It’s a hard sell. Their �rst reaction is o�en, “Why do I need you?”

They may not realize it yet, but what they truly need are the very relationships and support that

Selected o�ers. Implementing proven strategies that have been successful for existing members is virtually the only way to turn around a worthy yet struggling business. Our members face numerous challenges every day ranging from rising cremation rates to the devaluation of funeral ceremony to the seeming vacuum of suitable employees. But Selected members are �nding and sharing ways to surmount not only these obstacles but many others.

We are privileged to have as members some of the most successful, independent funeral homes in the world. How do these �rms stay ahead of the curve and maintain their success? By adjusting with the times, learning new techniques, polishing

Rob Paterkiewicz


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their skills and expanding their opportunities to serve families. From whom do they learn this? Most o�en it’s from the colleagues they respect the most—their trusted friends who are working on the front lines to raise up their own businesses as well as the profession as a whole.

Adjusting the Focus. To its credit, the association has never resorted to a broadcast approach to membership growth, and it never will. Just as our members focus on serving one family at a time, our growth campaign focuses on enhancing Selected one outstanding new member at a time. This is re�ected in the 1 in our theme 600 by 2020 by 1. We feel it’s the only way to develop meaningful relationships.

Membership Development Director Mark Cuddy spends all his time doing just this. And what we have found over the years is that new relationships have a better chance of success when there’s at least one current member involved in the process—not just making the referral but actively shepherding the prospect into membership.

At �rst, it may seem that there are numerous potential members in any geographic region. But when we si� through the data, searching for the �rms that meet our high standards, the result is much smaller than you might think. Add to that the potential lack of interest by quali�ed candidates, and the chances of successful invitations to membership decrease substantially.

A few prospective �rms understand the value of Selected right away. But in many cases, it’s taking several months to a year or more of follow up to �nally bring �rms in. Add to that, we’ve seen some of our members sell to

But we can’t stop here. 600 by 2020 by 1 is a grassroots movement that depends on the active involvement and support of our current members at the local level. We are �nding that the best examples of membership growth occur when the prospect has active cultivation and guidance from at least one existing member. So we’re really focusing on this crucial aspect, because member involvement is the most e�ective tool is obtaining the caliber of growth we all seek.

Selected is a dynamic and bene�cial organization helping its members move forward into a successful future. I encourage you to take pride in that movement and support our outreach for new members by helping locate and guide quali�ed �rms into our ranks.

Please contact me with your recommendations at 800-323-4219 or [email protected].

corporate entities in recent years, and it makes our net gain smaller than anticipated. Clearly, to reach our campaign goal, we need to step on the gas.

While we are still committed to only inviting the most quali�ed �rms into Selected, we are starting to expand our outreach. When our �rst choice in a particular location doesn’t pan out, we are taking a good look at other quali�ed �rms that may be poised to take over the leadership position. These �rms must still meet all our selection criteria. But they may be more prepared for and more desirous of the opportunity for membership than their more established competitor. With Selected’s help, they have the potential of rising to the top.

This is a change from our traditional approach but one we feel is absolutely necessary. As we look toward our second hundred years as an association, one of the

things that is going to keep us vital and successful is diversity of size, culture, ethnicity, location, etc. among our members. So we are being very deliberate about looking for diversity as we grow.

We currently are focusing on potential members in the Midwest who could come to Chicago for the 99th Annual Meeting in September. This meeting will provide a unique opportunity for prospects to see �rst-hand what it’s like to be a Selected member.

Speaking of Annual Meetings, I think every new �rm needs to attend in its �rst year of membership. This has proven to be the best exposure to the value of relationships in Selected that I mentioned at the beginning. When we talk with new members who recently have gone to an Annual Meeting, it is almost unanimous that they respond with something like,

Mark Cuddy, from page 1

Continues on page 4

“The only way Selected will be able to achieve another 100 years is through steady growth... Our goal is to fill the membership pipeline with enough qualified candidates that we can invite new members on a regular basis.”

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“Wow! I had no idea it was like this! I’m so glad I �nally found this organization!”

We now do a session at Annual Meetings speci�cally for new members and share how they can best take advantage of the meeting opportunities. We’ve had established members o�er their approach toward attending the meeting and getting the most out of it. And it’s great those members invite new ones out for dinner or o�er their cellphone number in case a question comes up during their stay. It shows new members they are not alone but part of a caring, extended family.

Something that current members may not realize is they are always welcome to bring a potential member as guest to virtually any of our meetings. If they let Headquarters know in advance, we can be of assistance

in seeing that the guest is provided helpful information and answers to their questions.

Role of Current Members. There is a great deal of business conducted between funeral homes on a regular basis. Managers, directors and sta� keep tabs on other �rms and prefer to work with those they can trust and who deliver the level of service they demand of themselves.

Our current members probably have more working knowledge of good, potential members than they realize. There are likely at least a couple of �rms they’ve found to be very good to work with. But once the transaction is completed, they o�en are forgotten. What we need is for you to remember them.

I encourage members to be very watchful for the good traits of non-member �rms. And then, most importantly, communicate

your knowledge to Mark Cuddy, the Headquarters sta� or the Board of Directors. And, again, current members being willing to walk with prospective members through the selection process has already proven to be an invaluable key to long-term success in membership growth.

In recent years, we’ve had a number of members really step up and help the campaign—not just by making new member recommendations but by getting on the phone, reaching out, making introductions and getting the interaction going. This is absolutely invaluable, and we hope more and more members will follow this example and provide this crucial role!

There is another, equally important role our members can serve, and that’s helping to retain fellow members who

Rob Paterkiewicz, from page 3

Expectations for Members of Selected Independent Funeral Homes

Member candidates must agree to adhere to the following membership requirements:

• To comply at all times with the Code of Good Practice and to place a copy of the code in the possession of a representative of all parties with whom we arrange funerals.

• To abide by and support the constitution and by-laws of the association, including the purposes and objectives as expressed in Article II of the constitution.

• To observe at all times the standards of membership prescribed in Article III of the constitution.

• To actively participate in the association’s programs and services as the Board of Directors may deem essential to the advancement of the organization.

• To use the symbol of Selected Independent Funeral Homes to identify our firm as a member, including the use of said symbol on all stationery, local printed media advertising and other items as are utilized to contact the public.

• To publicly display our membership by using the appropriate symbols on plaques, certificates, signs and other media material.

• To attend, or to designate a representative to attend, at least one official meeting of Selected Independent Funeral Homes within any given two year period.

• To pay membership dues and to pay such additional amounts as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors in accordance with Article II, Section 2b of the by-laws.

• To participate in Selected’s Family Follow-up Survey Program or provide proof of participation in other family survey programs annually.

• To file each year a form, to be provided by the Board of Directors an annual membership report setting forth the manner in which our firm observes membership requirements and complies with the Code of Good Practice.

Concludes on next page

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currently are not very active in their participation. Selected has a more varied range of bene�ts, programs, meetings and services than ever before. If a member has forgotten about or overlooked a bene�t that could be of immediate value, we must identify and pursue this opportunity.

Is there a person on the sta� of a member �rm you know who would enjoy participating in the NextGen group, who would bene�t from the Selected Leadership Academy or could help their �rm by joining a Selected Study Group or the Funeral Home + Cemetery Management special interest group? Let us know what you think, and we can assist in reaching out to help your fellow members gain more value from their membership.

We have a new on-boarding program for every new member. It has speci�c touch points and is

designed to help new members understand the broad range of bene�ts available. This helps new �rms derive immediate bene�t yet maintain balance and not over-commit during their �rst years.

Our Next Hundred Years. Some members may ask, “Why do we need 600 members by the year 2020?” We needed to set a goal and form a strategy that is ambitious but attainable. And the need for growth is absolutely real, not just for the health of the organization and its ability to deliver quality programming and services; but also for the bene�t of every existing member, because they, too, gain from the presence of additional, high-quality colleagues.

Admittedly, a typical new �rm is going to receive more than it gives during the �rst couple of years. But soon, as is demonstrated in many cases, people from the new

�rm start sharing and becoming teachers as well as students.

The only way Selected will be able to achieve another 100 years, is through steady growth. So, obviously, when we reach 600, we’re not done. Our goal is to �ll the membership pipeline with enough quali�ed candidates that we can invite new members on a regular basis.

I urge all Selected members to contact Mark Cuddy or myself at 800-323-4219 with their membership recommendations, as well as questions and ideas. We need to work together to make our goal a reality.

Five Things You Can Do Right Now to Help Membership Growth

1. Recall Your Recent Transfers and Transactions. Think of a non-member funeral home you’ve had recent, superior dealings with, and then recommend that firm for membership consideration.

2. Host a Colleague. Invite a non-member colleague to be your guest at the next Group Roundtable meeting. Demonstrate why attending Selected events is so important to you and your funeral home.

3. Become an Ambassador for the Association. Refamiliarize yourself with the programs and opportunities Selected provides, and talk about them with your non-member peers. Share a success story with funeral directors that is rooted in a service or benefit available from Selected.

4. Uplift Your Staff. Sponsor a member of your funeral home team to participate in the NextGen program, Selected Leadership Academy or Selected Study Groups. Then take it a step further by recommending a fellow member participate in a Selected program that would provide value to them and their firm.

5. Shepherd a Firm Through the New Member Process. A recommendation is good, but active participation in the new member process is great! Make phone calls, answer questions, show potential members they are not alone and that membership in Selected is well worth achieving.

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technology, funeral arrangement/planning, accounting, �nance, loan underwriting and more. He is also President and CEO of Johnson Consulting Group and FDMS Funeral Case So�ware. 

Erickson and Johnson will be installed later this year at the 99th Annual Meeting, September 10-13 at the Radisson Blu Aqua hotel in Chicago, IL.

as president of the Connecticut Funeral Directors Association and on the NFDA Policy Board. He currently serves on the NFDA Board. 

Jake Johnson is Owner and General Manager of Menke Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Sun City, AZ, a Selected member since 2008. He has been involved in all aspects of funeral service including management of large cemetery grounds operations,

In March, Selected announced the election by the Board of Directors of Chip Billow as President and Lisa Baue as Secretary-Treasurer. They will be o�cially installed during the 99th Annual Meeting in Chicago.

Charles M. “Chip” Billow, a ��h-generation funeral professional, is President/CEO of Billow Funeral Homes and Crematory, a �rm founded in 1875 and located in Akron, OH. He is the representative for Group 2, and his �rm has been a member of Selected since 1932. Chip’s father, Charles W. Billow, served on the Board of Directors of NSM, and his great-great-grandfather was one of the founding members of NFDA.

“To be elected President of Selected is a tremendous personal honor, but the thing that is most important is just being a member,” said Billow. “The importance of membership is unbelievable and has been the focal point of my professional life. Being a member of Selected is both timely—focusing on today and the timeless present—while also looking to the future to ensure success and sustainability for our members.”

Chip Billow and Lisa Baue Elected Officers for 2017-18

Selected Welcomes New Board Members for Groups 1 & 6


Lisa A. Baue, a third-generation funeral professional, represents Group 4 and is President/CEO of Baue Funeral Homes, Crematory and Cemetery in St. Charles, MO, a �rm established in 1935. Her grandfather, Arthur C. Baue, and father, David C. Baue, both served on the Board of Directors of NSM.

“I am excited about the added focus Selected has placed on the future of �rms operating both a funeral home and a cemetery. The Combo Owners program and new resources are helping the needs of our members, myself included,” said Baue. “Last year we held a very successful Roundtable for women in the funeral profession focusing on how to raise a family, run a business and become better leaders.

“We must continue to �nd ways to demonstrate the value in what we provide to families, and Selected is here to help members succeed,” she said. “A critical factor that sets Selected apart from other associations is that we believe in a high quality of caring for our members during both good times and bad.”

Chip Billow

Art Erickson

Lisa Baue

Jake Johnson

The Selected Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Arthur Erickson and Jake Johnson as its newest representatives from Groups 1 and 6 respectively.

Arthur I. Erickson, CFSP, CPC, is President of Beecher & Bennett Funeral Service, Hamden, CT. He is a third-generation funeral director and is proud to have two sons licensed and working at the �rm, which has been a Selected member since 1921. Art is a member of the Selected Study Groups program and served on the Preferred Partner selection workgroup. He has served

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Be Part of Our 100th Anniversary Celebration!

Educational Trust Job Fairs Connect Members and Students

It’s going to be big—really big! Celebrating 100 years calls for big plans, and we are well into the preparation of our Annual Meeting in Chicago, September 10-13, 2017.

This year not only marks the 100th year of the organization but creates a bridge to our other milestone—the 100th Annual Meeting which will occur in Salt Lake City, UT, in 2018. Basically, we’re going to just keep celebrating.

In Chicago, we will focus on the history we have shared together. We’ll have museum-style display cases and plenty of hands-on material for your enjoyment, as you experience the past ten decades of our history.

Our history is your history, so we need your help. What items do you have that you’d like to contribute to our displays?

Here are a few ideas:

• Signi�cant moments for your �rms, relating to your relationship with Selected.

• Technology and products from the past.

• Documents or articles that relate to key topics or have historical signi�cance in the profession.

Golden, four-foot-tall pyramid from 1953

Please email your digital images to Patty Neuswanger, [email protected], by June 16 and include the following information with your submission: your �rm name, description of the photos, names of people shown in the photos, approximate dates when photos were taken. If you are willing to include an item in our onsite museum display, we’ll be happy to discuss options for shipping and display.

Be sure to connect with us on social media and watch for our weekly Throw Back Thursdays (#TBT) postings on Facebook to view historical photos and share one of your own. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Neuswanger at 800-323-4219.

On Friday, June 23, the Selected Educational Trust will hold the �rst of three Job Fairs scheduled for 2017. This one will be at Worsham College of Mortuary Science in Wheeling, IL, a northwest suburb of Chicago. Exclusively for Selected member �rms, the fair will give members the opportunity to meet and interview more than 50 candidates, all of whom will be graduating within one year with either an ABFSE Diploma or Associate of Applied Science degree.

In 2016, six students were hired by Selected �rms within six weeks of the Job Fairs; and during the last year, more than a dozen students have found careers with member �rms.

Shelby M. Shafer, funeral director at The Springs Funeral Home, Colorado Springs, CO, attended Selected’s 2016 Job Fair at the Pittsburgh Institute of

Mortuary Science and hired a student.

“We are so glad we were able to come to the Selected Job Fair. The student we hired shows great promise, and we think she will do very well,” said Shafer.

Selected members pay nothing to participate, but you must register in advance. All �rms receive a table for displaying literature, two chairs, signage and lunch. Make your plans

now to participate in the Worsham Job Fair. Visit selectedtrust.org/job-fair for details and to register. Selected extends a special thank you to Kelco Supply Company for its sponsorship of this exclusive member bene�t.

Shelby Shafer

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Selected’s Family Follow-Up Survey Program lets members survey their families about their satisfaction with the �rm’s services. Participating members recently received their Annual Summary Report with results from the 2016 program year and data on how their responses compared to fellow Selected members.

In the 2016 program, 358 members participated, with 12,000 surveys (11,701 paper, 299 online) completed by client families from March 2016 to February 2017.

Online form completion rate was virtually unchanged with 295 in 2015 and 299 in 2016. Families chose to respond on a paper form 97.5% of the time.

Members Show Improvement. The overall number of times a family reported being “somewhat dissatis�ed” or “very dissatis�ed” with an aspect of service decreased in 2016. Clarity of pricing and payment policy remains a concern, as does the need for �rms to communicate value when discussing merchandise with

Members Resolve Client Family Concerns in Family Follow-Up Survey Responses Reputation and Previous Experience: Top Factors in Choice of Funeral Home

Selected Independent Funeral Homes’

Family Follow-UpSurvey Program

*1 to 5 Scale, where higher mean = higher satisfaction. “Does Not Apply” responses are removed.

Total for Survey YearMean* Level of Satisfaction

4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0

Concerns of Client Families

1. Value of services received compared to price paid: 109 responses, down from 125 in 2015.

2. Attention to detail: 109 responses, the same as 2015.

3. Preparation and appearance of the deceased: 65 responses, down from 89 in 2015.

4. Clarity of pricing and payment policy: 87 responses, up from 86 in 2015.

5. Value of merchandise purchased (casket, urn, vault) compared to price paid: 88 responses, up from 81 in 2015.

6. Sensitivity of the funeral director: 47 responses, down from 79 in 2015.

Courtesy of the staff overall 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.96 4.95

Flexibility/willingness to meet special requests 4.96 4.94 4.94 4.94 4.94

Sensitivity of the funeral director 4.95 4.94 4.95 4.94 4.95

Condition of the facilities 4.94 4.95 4.94 4.94 4.94

Overall impression of the ceremony 4.95 4.94 4.94 4.93 4.93

Freedom and time to make decisions without pressure 4.95 4.94 4.94 4.93 4.94

Overall rating of the services of the firm 4.95 4.94 4.94 4.93 4.94

Initial contact with the firm (phone, email, visit) 4.94 4.93 4.93 4.93 4.94

Information provided for decision-making 4.93 4.93 4.92 4.92 4.93

Variety of available services and merchandise 4.91 4.91 4.90 4.90 4.90

Attention to detail 4.92 4.90 4.91 4.90 4.91

Clarity of pricing and payment policy 4.91 4.89 4.89 4.89 4.90

Preparation and appearance of the deceased 4.91 4.90 4.90 4.89 4.91

Creativity of service and support options 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.87 4.88

Tribute/memorialization options (audio-visual, web-based, etc.) 4.87 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.87

Value of services received compared to price paid 4.81 4.81 4.81 4.80 4.80

Value of merchandise purchased (casket, urn, vault) vs. price paid 4.80 4.79 4.80 4.79 4.79

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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families. As funeral providers increasingly seek to bolster revenue with increased merchandise sales, this message becomes crucial.

Satisfaction Stays High. Satisfaction levels were very strong for all operating characteristics, with average ratings in the 4.9 range out of �ve possible points. Courtesy of the sta� had the highest average at 4.95 while value of merchandise purchased came in lowest at 4.79. [See Mean Level of

Satisfaction on page 8.]

Advertising, Website, Price Lack Primary Influence. Respondents most o�en reported choosing a funeral home for reputation, previous family experience and location. Families indicated that website and advertising were not major drivers

Main Reason(s) Why The Specific Funeral Home Was Chosen

0 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Survey YearMultiple responses allowed. Therefore, percentages will not add to 100%.

of their choice, with only 2% listing either as a primary reason for �rm choice. Similarly, price was cited as a main reason for only 7% of families. [See Main Reason(s) Funeral

Home Was Chosen below.]

Not Using Selected’s Family Follow-Up Survey Program? Your �rm can opt in to receive 100 free surveys, monthly activity reports and an annual report.

Using another survey program? You are encouraged to “test drive” the program alongside any other program you are using. Learn what your fellow members have to say at selectedfuneralhomes.org/�usp and contact Donna Anderson or Denise Zoephel at 800-323-4219 with questions or to sign-up.

Family Follow-Up SurveyLogin Code

Thank you for recently using the services of our member firm:

If you prefer to complete this survey online, please go to www.sifhfollowupsurvey.com and be sure to

enter the login code identified at the upper right-hand corner of this form when asked to do so.

1. Initial contact with the firm (phone, email, visit) .............................

1. Please evaluate the following:Does Not










REASONS FOR SELECTING THIS FIRM1. Please identify the main reason(s) why this specific funeral home was chosen. (Select all that apply)

LocationFacilitiesReputationWishes of deceasedWishes of the familyPre-arranged funeralPrevious family experience

Previous attendance at other funeralsIndependently-ownedPricingAdvertisingFuneral home websitePersonal recommendation byOther (please explain)

2a. Was this funeral home your first choice? Yes No2b. If "No," why not?RATING THIS FIRM

2. Attention to detail .......................................................................... 3. Sensitivity of the funeral director ................................................... 4. Courtesy of the staff overall .......................................................... 5. Preparation and appearance of the deceased .............................. 6. Condition of the facilities ............................................................... 7. Flexibility/willingness to meet special requests ............................. 8. Information provided for decision-making ..................................... 9. Variety of available services and merchandise .............................10. Freedom and time to make decisions without pressure ................11. Clarity of pricing and payment policy ............................................12. Tribute/memorialization options (audio-visual, web-based, etc.) ...13. Creativity of service and support options ......................................14. Overall impression of the ceremony ..............................................15. Overall rating of the services of the firm ........................................

© 2011 Selected Independent Funeral Homes. All rights reserved.


Please continue

Please take a few minutes to share your candid responses to the following questions as they relate to the services provided by our member

funeral home. Your feedback helps us ensure that this member and all members of Selected Independent Funeral Homes uphold our

standards for quality funeral care. You have the option of providing your contact information or not. Either way, we will share the results of this

survey with the above funeral firm.When you are finished, please return the survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

16. Value of services received compared to price paid ........................17. Value of merchandise purchased (casket, urn, vault) compared to price paid ..................................................................

You may use pen or pencil. Please fill in the marks like this: Not like this:


Survey Says… Order by August 11 and Save!

Why Participate in the Family Follow-Up Survey Program Mid-Year Savings Event? Top two answers on the board…

1. Targeted Results: This year’s first-time-ever offer allows you to capture survey results by location for only $199 per location. (Regularly $245, per location.)

2. Free Shipping: Order additional survey sets before August 11 and pay no shipping!

No matter how you answer, you can’t lose with this special offer. What are you waiting for? Order form is available at selectedfuneralhomes.org/family-followup, or contact Donna Anderson at 800-323-4219 for pricing and to order.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Reputation 55% 55% 54% 54% 53%

Previous family experience 54% 54% 53% 52% 52%

Location 51% 50% 50% 51% 51%

Wishes of deceased 34% 34% 34% 33% 33%

Previous attendance at other funerals 34% 33% 33% 32% 32%

Facilities 26% 26% 26% 25% 25%

Wishes of the family 26% 26% 25% 24% 25%

Pre-arranged funeral 24% 24% 24% 23% 24%

Independently owned 12% 12% 12% 12% 12%

Pricing 7% 7% 7% 7% 7%

Other 6% 6% 6% 6% 7%

Personal recommendation 5% 5% 5% 6% 5%

Funeral home website 1% 2% 2% 2% 2%

Advertising 2% 2% 1% 2% 2%

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Selected members continue to express their challenges with human resources issues, from �nding quali�ed sta� to handling the day-to-day requirements of managing people. We are pleased to share the resources o�ered by BambooHR, the leading online HR so�ware provider helping small and medium businesses improve their HR e�orts.

BambooHR’s so�ware automates applicant tracking, custom work�ows, employee self-onboarding, time-o� tracking, employee database and records, HR reporting, electronic signatures, payroll and performance management.

Software Allows Firms to Manage HR Through Automation

“We use BambooHR, a great online human resources tool, in our hiring process,” said Neil O’Connor, O’Connor Mortuary, Laguna Hills, CA. “If candidates can �ll out the forms and submit their application and resume correctly online, it’s a good �rst test to see if they can follow speci�c directions.”

BambooHR clients pay a monthly subscription fee based on their number of employees, plus a one-time implementation fee. There’s no extra charge for customization, enhanced features, multiple administrators, support or inactive employees.

Contact Donna Anderson at 800-323-4219 to schedule a

demonstration with a BambooHR representative.

Use Selected’s special link to learn more: bamboohr.com/?utm_source=Par-Funera-Ref

Top Reasons for Using HR Software

• Reduce risk of clerical errors and protect your business from fines.

• Monitor employee training, keep compliance documents in one organized location, create accurate reports.

• Use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to hire people faster and reduce recruiting costs.

• Control time off by implementing automated time off tracking.

• Make new employees’ first weeks more efficient with automated onboarding.

• Use mobile apps to quickly reference employee information, create portable workflows, keep all the moving parts of your company connected.

• Give employees the ability to update relevant personal information, easily check benefits and fulfill other assigned tasks.

• Quickly use data to create informative reports.

• Create efficient approval processes with custom workflows.

• Go paperless, save time and trees.

• Create effective performance reviews.

From BambooHR’s The Tried and True Guide to Mastering HR Best Practices

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The Selected Leadership Academy held its ��h Leadership Conference in Raleigh, NC, April 24-26. The event included orientation for the Wolfpack (2018-2020 Class), a unique, hands-on experience at ArtSpace, a joint leadership session for current classes and alumni, Capstone presentations by the graduating class, a graduation ceremony and more! Visit selectedfuneralhomes.org/leadership-academy to learn more about the Academy as well as view past years’ Capstone presentations. Special thanks to the Academy O�cial Partner ASD for their support!

Selected Leadership Academy Honors Graduates

Above: Congratulations to Squigglution (2015-2017 Class) for completing their two-year Academy journey! L-R: Michael Mienkiewicz, Howe-Peterson Funeral Home and Cremation Services, MI; Eric Bliley, Joseph W. Bliley Company, Inc., VA; Todd Deibert, Baue Funeral Homes, Crematory and Cemetery, MO; Barry Donewar, Mothe Funeral Homes, Inc., LA; Ashley Fryer, Beinhauer Family Funeral Homes, PA; Abby Sweeney, Horan & McConaty Funeral Service/Cremation, CO; and Olivia Starks, Starks Family Funeral Homes, MI.

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Jun 1 Group 6 Roundtable, Denver, CO

Jun 7 Group 3 Roundtable, Algood, TN

Jun 15 Group 1 Roundtable Kennebunkport, ME

Jun 21 Group 4 Roundtable, Madison, WI

Jun 22 Group 2 Roundtable, Loveland, OH

Jun 27-29 Selected Connections hosted by Bliley’s Funeral Homes, Richmond, VA

Sep 10-13 99th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL Selected’s 100th Anniversary Begins!

Nov 2-5 Pacific Group Autumn Meeting Tasmania, Australia

Nov 14 European Autumn Meeting London, England

Nov TBD Group 2 Roundtable, Coraopolis, PA

Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Visit selectedfuneralhomes.org/events-calendar for the latest listings.


Bliley’s to Share Their Approach Toward Cremation During June Selected Connections EventCremation presents many obstacles and challenges for funeral service, particularly with the lack of family involvement. Learn how to look at and approach cremation from a di�erent perspective during the upcoming Selected Connections on June 27-29 hosted by Bliley’s Funeral Homes in Richmond, VA. Come prepared to hear from respected presenters and to be an active participant in the discussion of the challenges, solutions and ongoing goals of serving families choosing cremation.

Featured sessions will include Dr. Thomas Long, internationally-acclaimed author of Accompany Them with Singing and The Good Funeral and Mark Higgins, Ex O�cio of Selected, who will present on the importance of ritual, especially for people choosing cremation.

Neil O’Connor, Selected President, and Becky Lomaka, Community and Education Outreach Director at O’Connor Mortuary, will discuss their West Coast experience in a 70% cremation market and how community outreach can promote the message of the importance of utilizing a funeral home.

Carey Bliley and several of his sta� will share their experiences with their Cremation Center along with the challenges and successes that have come from this new approach. The program also features an in-depth tour of Bliley’s Cremation Center with a special presentation by Ernie Kassoff, Facultatieve Technologies.

For full details and to register, visit selectedfuneralhomes.org/connections. For questions, contact Amy Hunt at 800-323-4219 or [email protected].

Selected Connections is the professional exchange program open exclusively to Selected members. It provides a networking and educational opportunities, looking inside the daily operations of a host �rm to learn its best practices.

This Selected Connections program is sponsored in part by the generous support of Facultatieve Technologies.

Bliley’s Funeral Homes Cremation Center

Bliley’s cremation options selection room

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Thanks to all who were ready to branch out and joined us for the 2017 Spring Management Summit in Raleigh, NC, April 26-28! Visit selectedfuneralhomes.org/summit

Members Branch Out at 2017 Spring Management Summit

Join Us in Chicago to Kick-Off Selected’s 100th Year!

James McMullan & Son Hosts 2017 European Spring Meeting

Be part of Selected’s continuing story as we launch our 100th year at the 99th Annual Meeting to be held Sunday, September 10, through Wednesday, September 13, 2017, at the Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel in Chicago, IL.

  The Annual Meeting is a time to not only learn and share valuable takeaways and insight, but to develop and rekindle lifelong friendships. Beginning at the

European members recently met in Belfast, Northern Ireland, for the 2017 European Spring Meeting hosted by Andrew McMullan of James McMullan & Son.

Almost in the shadow of the Harland & Wol� shipyard, where RMS Titanic was built before its fateful sailing, the Merchant Hotel provided a lovely setting for both meeting and socializing. Speakers included Billy Dixon on improving customer service through con�dence, trust and quality; and David McGowan, a funeral director in rural Ireland.

Spring Management Summit participants traveled to Duke University for a session conducted by Gregory A. Dale, PhD, Director of the Sport Psychology and Leadership Programs for Duke Athletics.

First Annual Convention held at the Hotel LaSalle in Chicago on September 10, 1918, it was clear there’s something unique that occurs when Selected members gather. It’s what has set us apart and will continue to be the “Selected di�erence” as we chart the course for the next century.

  Don’t delay in securing your hotel reservations for best rates and availability by visiting

selectedfuneral homes.org/annual. Full details on the meeting, including meeting registration also are available online. Contact Amy Hunt or Stefanie Favia at 800-323-4219 for more information or with any questions.

for access to speaker handouts and other materials from the meeting. Special thanks to Summit sponsor, Kelco Supply Company, for their support!

Participants gather under the Titanic sign at the Harland & Wolff shipyard in Belfast.

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I had the opportunity of attending the �rst event in 2011 and gained so much from listening to John Carmon, Diana Kurz, Thomas Lynch and Bill McQueen. 

“Each mentor gives a 45-minute presentation about their areas of expertise and what makes their funeral operations unique. Then there is a panel discussion with questions from the audience. The second day includes presentations about how the mentors started in the profession and the challenges they overcame. The program concludes with a session using the Have the Talk of a Lifetime® conversation cards.”

And you returned as a mentor this year?

“Yes, it brought things full circle for me, and I was humbled and honored to have been asked. It was fellow Selected member, Kristin Newman, whom I met at the Selected Women’s Roundtable meeting last July in St. Charles, MO, who suggested me as a mentor in the NFDA program.

“I shared with the audience what the life of a rural funeral director is like—the communities we serve, the customs we have, the challenges we face, etc. I was

honest about my progress, the fears I’ve overcome, what I’ve done to improve my leadership qualities, the impact I’ve been able to make on others, and how we’re working together to improve the future of our funeral homes.

“The focus was on providing information and personal experiences that could help younger funeral professionals, but I also gained a lot from the experience myself. For one, it helped me get over my anxiety of

Tiffany Hofer Shares Her Perspective at the 2017 NFDA Meet The

Tiffany A. Hofer, CFSP, is co-owner of Luce, Luze, & Reck Funeral Homes with five locations in central South Dakota. She was invited to be on the panel of the 2017 NFDA Meet The Mentors program at Emory University in March of this year. She recently spoke to The Bulletin about her experience.

What is the Meet the Mentors program?

“In September 2011, NFDA launched its inaugural Meet the Mentors program at Harvard University, through the support of a generous grant from the Funeral Service Foundation. The two-day program is designed to engage and inspire younger funeral service professionals by providing exposure to ideas and advice from experienced and respected funeral directors across the country.

“NFDA members who have been licensed less than �ve years, and those under the age of 40, apply to be invited to the program. Fi�y names are randomly selected in �ve drawings over the course of a week which are available for viewing on the NFDA website, Facebook and YouTube. 

“There have been some extraordinary funeral directors serve as mentors through the years, donating their time and talents to give back to the profession.


Tiffany A. Hofer

Tiffany A. Hofer speaks to the Meet the Mentors audience, joined by James Altmeyer Jr. (L) and James Olson, CFSP.

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speaking in front of a large group. As I was preparing, I contacted a local, retired English teacher to help me formulate my ideas and present them in a way that makes sense. I wanted to come across as real, and I think that’s an important concept. The audience has to be able to identify with you and know that you’re a person facing the same issues.”

What experiences did you share as a mentor?

“I spoke about what it’s like being so entrenched in communities where everyone knows everyone else. We already have some kind of relationship or experience with literally everyone from our community who walks through our doors, whether through our kids’ activities, the boards we serve on, the programs we help with, etc. A level of personal trust already is established. And that allows us to serve them better, but it also adds pressure to consistently meet expectations and assumptions.

“But our greatest challenge right now is sta�ng. It was interesting talking with the audience at Meet the Mentors, because they’re all having the same issue. We’ve been looking for a third funeral director for several years now. With a smaller sta�, there’s always the issue of separating your personal and professional life, since you are constantly on-call. Just being able to get away for a few days is a challenge.”

Do you feel being in a smaller market negatively impacts what you can offer?

“I really don’t think we’re bound by population size. Of course, larger �rms can have marketing divisions and a�ercare divisions. But through our membership in Selected, I’ve been able to take back pieces of what they do and make them work within our communities with the resources and sta� we have.

“And the partnerships we’ve formed in our communities are very important in helping us maintain an e�ective presence, because I can’t do everything. We’ve partnered with certain companies, and we hire part-time sta� to �ll our needs. We have a good partnership with a social worker who leads our a�ercare support group. Does it run continuously? No, but we know the families we serve and get

feedback as to when to provide those groups, as well as monuments, community outreach, etc.”

What is your view of the roles and current recognition of women in funeral service?

“Men and women both can play important roles in funeral service by bringing di�erent attributes to our profession. Funeral service, like other professions, is slowly opening its doors to women, but there is much more work to be done to approach equality. An interesting piece of information I found is that although SCI �rms employ a little more than 50% women, only 9% are in management or leadership roles. In our independent funeral homes, women are still lacking in being given these opportunities. I hope that changes soon, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes a company stronger by having di�erent perspectives.

“As I said at Meet the Mentors, it’s a two-fold issue. First, we as women need to be on each others’ teams and not be so hard on each other. We need to help each other gain leadership roles. At the same time, it is a male-dominated profession, so we need to �nd men who are open-minded about the abilities women have and give them opportunities to demonstrate them.

“My sister and co-owner in our �rm, Mandy Luikens, and I are fortunate that our boss, from whose estate we bought the funeral homes, had three women among his �ve funeral directors. He saw the importance of having females in leadership roles and the advantages that they bring to an organization.”

Are there women in funeral service you look up to as a role models?

“Absolutely! Through Selected, I’ve met some amazing female funeral directors and managers who have been an inspiration to me. Some are older than me, and some are younger. Just to be able to share our struggles—not only as funeral directors and owners but also as mothers—and how we make that balance is pretty awesome. Being members of Selected has been a real game changer for Mandy and me.”

Mentors Program

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Kelco Supports Selected Members in Many Ways

Alicia Carr is President & CEO of Kelco Supply Company, kelcosupply.com. Michael Berner is Selected’s designated Sales Representative from Kelco. The Bulletin had an opportunity to talk with them during the Spring Management Summit which was sponsoredby Kelco.

What’s new at Kelco?

Alicia: “We are currently expanding our o�ering of urns, keepsakes and other items for pets. An increasing number of Selected members are developing pet cremation and deathcare services, so this will be of great interest to them.”

Mike: “We are constantly looking at what’s going on in the profession. We watch the markets and talk to people at trade shows and meetings like the Spring Management Summit to see where funeral homes are focusing their e�orts. Then we determine if there is something we can add to our product line that will help them.

“We don’t have a sales force knocking on doors. So our best feedback comes from talking to people face-to-face at opportunities like the Summit. It’s a great way for us to listen and learn about the current needs and challenges members have. We really get to know their businesses—what’s working for them, what’s not working, where they see trends headed. We pay close attention to that and tailoring our business around what we learn.”


Alicia: “We frequently get special requests from customers, and Selected members have learned they can call us looking for a particular product. Maybe it’s hard to �nd, or they don’t have time to shop around. We take great pride in running with it and �nding a solution for their needs. And if there is enough interest in a speci�c product, we’ll look at bringing it into our full line, so that others know it’s something new we can o�er them.”

Mike: “Brian Dingmann of Dingmann Funeral Care Burial & Cremation Services in Annandale, MN, recently asked me to have a custom furniture piece made for his chapel. I located a vendor, got the dimensions drawn out, supervised the process, hand delivered the �nished product and helped Brian set it up. To see the satisfaction in his eyes—that was very rewarding to me.”

Alicia: “Mike tries to o�er that on a daily basis —a concierge service of sorts, providing options to �t particular needs.

“We’ve been Preferred Partners for about eight years now. In the beginning, it took a while for members to warm to us. But the more opportunities we had to meet with them and show that we are here to help, the relationships began to grow. And once they realized our commitment to them is genuine, we earned their trust.

“Kelco has been serving the funeral profession for 78 years. So we know funeral directors are very

busy taking care of their families. That’s why it’s important for us to do the leg work in �nding the right product options to make their work a bit easier.”

Mike: “And we o�er advantages that other companies might not have. We have a great shipping rewards program for Selected members. They’re able to save 100% of their freight costs on every order when shipped ground delivery, which is a terri�c bene�t.

“We also have a key partner program which is designed for each funeral home individually. We basically tailor a purchase program for the customer’s speci�c needs and many times are able to save them some money in the process, which can be extremely bene�cial.”

Alicia Carr Mike Berner

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Do you feel your partnership with Selected is beneficial?

Mike: “Absolutely! I can’t say enough about this organization and the people we’ve met—about the joy we get from meeting folks face-to-face, building relationships and letting them know that Kelco is here to help their bottom line and ultimately help their businesses grow. It’s very special, and we feel privileged to be part of this.”

Alicia: “And not just business relationships. We’ve developed some really great friendships through Selected as well.

“The association, the members, the sta� and the meetings they put on are top notch. I’ve been to other conferences where I feel like I’m in the dark, wondering what’s going on. But Selected meetings are right on time, and the agenda is made very clear. The sta� also keeps the Preferred Partners up to speed and knowledgeable, so we can help members, too, if they need assistance. That’s really appreciated. So kudos to the sta�!”

You’ve taken your partnership to the next level by sponsoring educational events. Why is that?

Alicia: “Kelco is a family-owned, independently run company. When the management team decided we wanted to focus on independent funeral service rather than corporate entities, Selected was at the top of our list. We feel there is a synergy. I reached out to Rob Paterkiewicz and the Board of Directors before the Preferred Partner program even existed. We became the �rst Premier partner.

“More recently, serving on the Board of the Selected Educational Trust for three years, gave me further insight into the challenges

and importance of providing learning opportunities for funeral professionals. So sponsoring educational programming like the Spring Management Summit is a way we can support Selected and independent funeral service. Because the more successful Selected member �rms are, the better it is for the profession, for families, for everyone.”

Kelco also has been instrumental in helping the Educational Trust with its Employment Opportunity Center and outreach to mortuary schools. Can you tell us about that?

Alicia: “We feel that helping mortuary students �nd jobs and helping Selected members �nd quali�ed employees is, without question, very much needed. Hiring mortuary school graduates has many advantages. They’ve not gotten into a rut and can have some very creative ideas. You can groom them to integrate into your company culture.

“Through the Selected Trust Employment Opportunity Center, jobs.selectedtrust.org, Selected members have access to a database of recent graduates and those who will be graduating in the near future. There really isn’t any other resource like it. And with funeral home owners expressing concern about how di�cult it is to �nd good people, this is an idea whose time has come. I’d like to see it grow.”

Mike: “The Educational Trust Job Fairs are another great opportunity for members to meet prospective employees and do speed interviews. The next one is scheduled for June 23rd at Worsham College of Mortuary Science in Wheeling, IL.”

Contact Alicia Carr at 763-493-1266 or Mike Berner at 763-493-1273.

And visit selectedtrust.org/ job-fair or call 800-323-4219 for more information or to register for an upcoming Educational Trust Job Fair.

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Selected Welcomes New Preferred Partners

The Selected Preferred Partner Program, selectedfuneralhomes.org/partners, featuring funeral service consultants and vendors that o�er preferred services and product discounts to members, recently added three new companies.

CSSI, Your Partner in Cash Flow Generation. Cost Segregation Services Inc. (CSSI) assists owners of depreciable real property by creating cash �ow from income tax savings and deferral through accelerated depreciation (cost segregation). CSSI is the premier calculation expert providing IRS-approved and de�ned, engineering–based cost segregation studies since 2001. Nationwide, CSSI has completed more than 15,000 studies for various types of property owners. 

“CSSI is honored to partner with Selected, and we are excited about the opportunity to deliver cash �ow bene�ts to many of its members,” said Greg Perkins. independent CSSI consultant. “The funeral profession is a wonderful application for our bene�cial services. And since my father was a funeral director, I am pleased to work within the profession.”   

CSSI services include cost segregation, capital-to-expense reversal, building systems valuation and partial asset disposition. Visit their website, costsegregationconsulting.com/for-funeral-homes, for more information, and send a copy of your �rm’s Tax Asset Detail Depreciation Schedule to receive a free quantitative analysis.

Get Five-Star Reviews and Generate More First Calls with Funeral Zone. This new Preferred Partner provides online reviews for funeral homes to showcase their excellence to the local community. The reviews are independent and trusted by the public, leading to more �rst calls.

“People are looking online for funeral directors and making purchasing decisions based on independent reviews,” said Ellie Bacon, International Account Manager for Funeral Zone. “Through this partnership, we o�er Selected members the opportunity to showcase


their excellent work to a wider audience and drive more �rst calls to their business.”

Launched in 2013 and working with more than 1,000 funeral homes in the US, UK, Australia and South Africa; Funeral Zone has the largest social reach in the funeral profession and is the fastest growing funeral listings website in the U.S. It stands out from other online review services because it provides full integration of reviews onto your �rm’s website, an arbitration system that protects your �rm from unfair reviews, the ability to reply directly to reviewers and dynamic website widgets to showcase excellence.

Selected members who join Funeral Zone will receive a free year of the review partner service. For more information, visit funeralzone.com.

Kates-Boylston, Your Partner in Death-Care Publications & Education. Kates-Boylston Publications, which produces American Funeral Director and American Cemetery & Cremation magazines and Funeral Service Insider, was founded in 1877, and is the leading independent content company exclusively serving the deathcare profession. In addition to its magazines, newsletters and books, it regularly holds on-site events and webinars for professionals.

“Typically, it’s the most progressive deathcare professionals who are our most devoted customers, which �ts in nicely with Selected’s membership,” said Thomas Parmalee, Executive Director of Kates-Boylston Publications. “In coming months, we’ll be sharing some exclusive o�ers for Selected’s members.”

Kates-Boylston recently announced a partnership with Funeral Innovations (also a Selected Preferred Partner) to help deathcare professionals create and bolster their presence on Facebook. Visit kb.funeralinnovations.com to learn more and be among the �rst to sign up for this o�ering. For more information about Kates-Boylston, visit katesboylston.com.


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Legacy Touch Launches New WebsiteLegacy Touch, the premiere �ngerprint jewelry and keepsake provider, has announced the launch of its improved consumer e-commerce website, LTkeepsakes.com. The new site was designed to create a seamless user experience for mobile devices and will be a key component of the company’s upcoming email initiative to generate further outreach to families.

Outlook Group Joins PrecoaSelected Preferred Partners The Preneed Company of America (Precoa) and The Outlook Group have announced an agreement to come together to better share the healing power of funeral service with more families nationwide. Precoa’s acquisition of The Outlook Group will unite two of the nation’s leading preneed companies under one name.

The Outlook Group will continue to serve its funeral home partners as well as agents and families with the additional support of Precoa’s ProActive Preneed® system. Precoa’s exclusive, proprietary insurance product will continue to be backed by National Guardian Life Insurance Company.

Relationships take work. Sometimes things go smoothly, sometimes not so much. But a winning relationship—like the one between Federated and your association—is worth the effort. The result? A solid partnership built on a foundation of mutual

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Employment Screening Trends and PitfallsBy Federated Insurance, federatedinsurance.com.

Business in most industries continues its upward trajectory in 2017, and companies are hiring at a brisk pace. With the increased urgency in hiring, some companies have found it necessary to hire �rst, ask questions later. This can be risky. Employers should be aware of and minimize potential liability during their hiring process.

Background Screening can be useful to help employers make personnel decisions. An employer may, where appropriate, ask questions about an applicant’s background or require a background check. But there are some risks involved. Implementing the following may help minimize those risks.

Be sure to consult with your attorney, and review and comply with federal, state, and local laws regarding background checks, as many regulate this information. For example, the “Ban the Box” regulation limits the scope of verbal and/or application questions to help

Concludes on page 21

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By Sarah Pojanowski Selected’s General Counsel

The days are warming, the leaves are out, the lilacs are blooming and the days are getting longer. It’s time again to attack the landscaping, reorganize closets, donate that sweater you haven’t worn in a few years and verify you’ve scheduled regular tune-ups for your business’ legal requirements.

It is easy to let those big picture things go, because we get so wrapped up in the day to day of the business to remind ourselves we need to take a little time each day to chip away at bigger projects. Everyone in funeral service is a detail person; you have to be to make sure each of your client families’ experience is the best you can possibly make it. That passion is what makes you good Selected members!

At the same time, it is easy to lose the forest for the trees. Mundane but necessary tasks such as making sure your GPL is up to date and compliant, engaging in regular Funeral Rule compliance training for your entire sta�, and reviewing your Employee Handbook seem like something you can do tomorrow. But every day is hectic, and tomorrow never comes. Many businesses only realize how long it has been since they’ve revisited the big picture when a problem arises.


Spring Cleaning: Is Your Legal House in Order?

This is not necessarily a funeral service problem, it’s a part of modern life. We are all so busy with many obligations, tasks and relationships competing for our attention, it’s easy to fall behind. So use the extra energy in the spring air to think about calendaring in time to review your �rm’s legal and managerial side, then schedule a few minutes daily to get started addressing the ones that need attention.

Selected has a number of tools available to help simplify these tasks. For example, we have created an extensive set of materials to help �rms conduct quick, e�ective FTC Funeral Rule sta� trainings. These documents explain how to run a training, and give you all the materials you need to then do the job. The modules are short and can easily be completed during a sta� meeting.

We also have a number of resources available on the website. If you don’t �nd what you need there, give me a call at 847-236-9908, and I will do my best to help.

Our Partners also o�er fantastic tools. One that I found extremely compelling is Federated Insurance’s Distracted Driving program, available to all members. For funeral homes, employee drivers can be a huge liability risk. Making sure you do everything possible to eliminate distracted driving by employees could save lives and protects your business.

Still, even when you know you have things you need to do, �nding the time to get them done can be overwhelming for us all. Making lists and scheduling speci�c time to work on these kinds of projects can help you carve out space in your busy day to work on the business. Some days it isn’t going to happen, and that’s okay. We all know that in this business client families come �rst. As long as it happens most of the time, you will make important progress.

It also helps to break down large tasks into manageable chunks. Purging extra stu� from your entire home can seem like climbing Mount Everest, for example. But cleaning out one drawer isn’t so hard. And if you do a drawer a day, before long your home will be sparkling and organized. The same goes for your business; with systematic attention, you can make sure all your legal and managerial ducks stay in a proverbial row. Happy Spring Cleaning!

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ensure people with criminal convictions have a fair chance to work. It also may de�ne the timeframe during which background checks can be conducted.

With the help of your attorney, create a process that clearly outlines the checks you order (e.g., motor vehicle records, credit checks, criminal checks, drug tests, etc.) and how this information will or won’t be used in employment decisions.

In all cases, make sure your actions are consistent but not rigid. De�ne your decision-making criteria but use good judgement in assessing a candidate’s unique, individual circumstances. Treating candidates consistently helps reduce the potential for discrimination.

Social Media. There is no question that social media is changing the way businesses work. The use of social media in the hiring process is becoming more common and can provide a better picture of a potential candidate. But, a person’s online postings could contain many pieces of information that may be considered protected. For example, even a brief search could reveal age, sex, sexual orientation, race, national origin, religion and disability/pregnancy/medical conditions.

Once you review a candidate’s online pro�le, a court will likely assume you are aware of that person’s protected characteristics. If you choose to include a social media review as part of your hiring process, here are some best practices to help reduce your risks:

• Use information available only to the public at large. Do not ask for passwords or attempt to “friend” candidates in order to access private information.

• Develop a policy that clearly outlines permitted uses of the information, sites you review, etc.

• Wait to do your search until a�er you’ve met the candidate in person.

• Be consistent. Conduct the same searches at the same point in the process for every candidate.

• Ask your attorney whether you should print or save screen shots as documentation if you see something that you use in your hiring decision.

• Consider the source. There are things like cyber bullying and imposter social media accounts. You may want to give the candidate a chance to explain objectionable content.

• Be aware of and comply with federal and state laws that apply.

Employment Screening, from page 19

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Visit selectedfuneralhomes.org/obituaries for more information and to view the Remembering Our Colleagues memorial video from the 2016 Annual Meeting.



Charles M. Billow, Billow Funeral Homes, Akron, OH, in memory of Claire P. Ham.

Downing & Lahey Mortuary, Wichita, KS, in memory of Claire P. Ham.

Selected Group 2, in memory of Claire P. Ham.

Selected Past Officer’s Spouses Council, in memory of Frances Bryant.

Rev. Chris Leevy Johnson, President and Managing Director of The Leevy’s Funeral Home, Columbia, SC, fourth-generation funeral director and Baptist pastor is chaplain to the University of South Carolina men’s and women’s basketball teams. Both were in the Elite 8 of the 2017 NCAA tournaments. And the women’s team went on to defeat Mississippi State to become national champion for the �rst time in the school’s history.

The following are excerpts from the March 24 Times article by Zach Schonbrun: A college basketball life coach might sound like a far-fetched role to some, but it is one that’s growing in in�uence in the sport. The age of social media has made some coaches more vigilant about what information their players are absorbing.

“We need to speak to our guys about everything, every single day,” said South Carolina’s coach, Frank Martin. “Because if we don’t, someone else is. And if they end up listening to someone else because we didn’t speak to them, shame on us.”

Richard G. Pridemore, long-time owner and operator of Hippensteel Funeral Home, Lafayette, IN, died May 5. hippensteelfuneralservice.com

Charles T. Mayer Sr. of Mayer Funeral Home, Georgetown, SC, died April 25. mayerfuneralhome.com

Lorna Cuddy, mother of Mark Cuddy, Selected’s Membership Development Director, died April 24.

Mary Rose P. Andrews, wife of Richard Andrews, President of Andrews Mortuary, Inc., Wilmington, NC, Past Secretary-Treasurer of Selected and a Past Trustee for the Selected Educational Trust, died April 22. andrewsmortuary.com

William DeWeese, father of Vicki West and father-in-law of Gary West, co-owners of West Funeral Home, Weaverville, NC, died March 29. westfamilyfuneralservices.com

Claire P. Ham, mother of Leadership Academy Dean and friend of Selected, Marguerite Ham, died March 12.


Visit selectedfuneralhomes.org/sts for information about the Selected Transfer Services program.

Clayton Scott Funerals, Nuriootpa, South Australia

Crake and Mallon Funeral Service, Stockton-on-Tees, England

Davis Funeral Home, Nashua, NH

McCall Gardens Funeral and Cremation Service, Victoria, BC, Canada

Miles Funeral Home, Win�eld, AL

Morse & Son Funeral Home, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

Pauley Jones Funeral Home, Harlan, IA

Preston-Schilling Funeral Home, Dixon, IL

Timothy E. Ryan Home For Funerals, Toms River, NJ

Trimble Funeral Homes & Crematory, Moline, IL

Chris Leevy Johnson

Continues on next page

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Johnson typically sits behind the bench—a life coach who is rarely more than a shout away. And he’s more than just a sounding board; he has become like a member of the coaching sta�. His guidance for South Carolina has become so critical that he �ew to New York for a game against Baylor.

“He’s grown with us, and we’ve grown with him,” senior guard Duane Notice said. “He echoes what Coach wants out of us. He’s kind of like a therapist.”

“He’s always encouraging us,” said junior forward Jarrell Holliman. “He knows we can do it.”

According to Holliman, Johnson does not carry himself quite like a therapist or spiritual leader. He is somewhere in between—a funeral director, helping South Carolina keep its season alive.

“He’s always there for us,” Holliman said. “You can have a regular conversation, or pour your heart out to him if you want.”

Reger Funeral Home & Cremation Services, Huntington, WV, recently was featured in the business section of the Huntington Herald-Dispatch in an article by Fred Pace about how the funeral home is transitioning to the next generation with Andrew Reger joining the �rm as a licensed funeral director and embalmer.

“Andrew’s dedication to the profession is demonstrated by having received the Arthur J. Russler Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Practice of Embalming and Preparation,” said his father, Patrick Reger.

In addition to receiving a funeral director’s and embalmer’s license, Andrew also earned certi�cation as crematory operator. The funeral home recently purchased ownership in Tri-State Livery & Crematory.

Keith Walker of Walker Funeral Homes & Crematory, Toledo, OH, received a 2017 Award of Excellence from the National Council for Behavioral Health for Excellence in Addictions Treatment at the Council’s NatCon17 conference in Seattle, WA, in April.

Concludes on next column

Standing, L-R: Andrew Reger, George Reger. Seated: Patrick Reger

“I �rst met Keith Walker about two years ago, when he came to the Zepf Center [a non-profit, Toledo behavioral

health and vocational services outreach program] looking to partner on the Help with Heroin campaign,” said Jennifer Moses, CEO of the Center. “I’ll never forget what he said to me, ‘the people who are dying are our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and friends. Our funeral homes have a responsibility to do what we can about these deaths and to get the word out that help is only a call away.’ ”

Welch & Cornett Funeral Home, Linton, IN, was featured in the Greene County Daily World for having added the Walton Crematory within its branch location in Worthington, IN. According to funeral director and owner Todd Walton, it is the �rst crematory in Greene County.

“Our funeral home always has and always will look for better ways to serve the families that call on us,” said Walton. “Families appreciate their loved one staying at our funeral home and not being taken elsewhere for the cremation process.”

Cindy and Todd Walton

Bradley Funeral Home, Marlton, NJ, and Reynolds-Jonkoff Funeral Home, Traverse City, MI, were featured in a May 11 blog post by Selected Premier Preferred Partner Answering Service for Directors (ASD), myasd.com, titled Amazing Funeral Home Gardens We Love.

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July-August 2017

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