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Junction Magazine Summer 2012

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Junction Magazine Summer 2012
summer edition 2012
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summer edition


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CONTENTS News................................................p3Olympic Torch in Tatton Park........p4-5Rome - Easter 2012.........................p6BTec Music Performance.................p6Beswick Music Festival....................p6Olympic Torch Performance............p6Art & Design.................................p8-9Maths Challenge............................p10Olympic Stadium Visit....................p10Sport .............................................p11Food Technology...........................p12School Parliament.........................p13Head of School: School Award ....p13Duke of Edinburgh Award.............p13Lower School................................p14For information.............................p15Spellbound Olympic Stadium.......p16

Front Cover Graphics Team:Emily Dytham, Joseph Lasham, Calum Lee

Yasmin Howell, Sophie-May Booth, Rebecca BrownSamuel Daines, Aaron Coates, Charlotte Bailey

Chosen Cover By:Louis Estherby & Emma Higgins

Staff Editor: Mrs Nicola Phillips

From the PrincipalRain. Living near Manchester I suppose we’re used to it, but when events are

organised live with the false expectation that everything will be alright on the day - it often turns out not to be the case.

So it was with the Olympic Torch event in Tatton Park in May. From the outset we intended our students to be part of the day. It’s unlikely the Olympics will return to Britain for a long time and the torch relay was very much a ‘once in a lifetime’ opportunity. The opportunity became even more appealing when we succeeded in gaining a place at the ‘main event’ outside Tatton Hall.

A great deal of planning went into the day, with Mrs Ince and Mrs Weigh being the key players – many thanks, indeed, are owing to them for the energy, commitment and creativity they showed in this task. The tee shirts, banners, posters and locations were all inspirational. The only ingredient missing was the warm summer weather, which disappeared from

view the very day of the event. To add insult to injury, the rain started not long after we set off for the park and stopped pretty much as we departed. We were wet. Very wet. The remarkable point, though, is just how much everyone involved gained from the day. Both the Academy and our parents can justifiably be proud of how our students behaved and responded on that day. They were magnificent, all but ignoring the monsoon conditions and cheering with the best of them as the torch arrived and was carried among them. I do hope you had the chance to see the coverage on television news bulletins that day which gave a flavour of what happened. And life is like that, isn’t it? There will be rough times as well as smooth, setbacks whatever the planning and preparation. We will always need to make the best of a bad job and enjoy things despite it. (I kept telling myself that watching the Jubilee Pageant on the Thames 3 days later in very similar conditions!). This is one of the qualities our students showed on the day, a quality I hope they carry through life. It only remains for me to thank you all for the support shown for the Academy during the year, and hope that wherever your travels may take you over the summer the weather is markedly more clement than it was in Tatton Park on May 31st.

CONGRATULATIONS!Congratulations go to Mrs Jan Holehouse and her husband Cliff who won a gold medal in an ice dancing competition at Siver Blades Ice Rink in Altrincham. They beat off some stiff competition but secured a gold with their interpretation of the 'Dutch Waltz'. The Science Learning Centre have now renamed her Jan Torvill!

Karen Key, Assistant Director Science

Examinations!Some interesting figures from this summer’s exams: Over 4500 examinations have been taken by students this summer in 170 different sittings. Between them, students have spent over 6000 hours sitting their exam papers this summer.

We look forward to Knutsford Academy students receiving good results, reflecting the hard work done in preparation for their examinations.

Examination results days this year are as follows:GCE A2 Yr13 – Thursday 16th August 8:00am•GCE AS Yr12 - Thursday 16th August 9.00am•GCSE Yr 11 – Thursday 23th August 9:00am•Members of the teaching staff will be on hand

to assist students who need guidance and advice.

If you cannot collect your results in person, you can provide the Exams Office with a stamped addressed envelope and your results will be posted. If you want someone else to collect your results on your behalf, this must be requested in writing and your request sent to the Exams Office at least one week prior to results day. We are sorry but results cannot be given out over the telephone or via email in any circumstances.

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NEWS Wilkinson Quincentenary Essay Prize Winner George Edmondson has won an essay competition run by St John’s College, Cambridge. This competition is open to all pupils in the Lower Sixth Form (Year 12). George is one of two winners this year. George’s essay was entitled “There is nothing left to Explore” and was a philosophical essay based on our understanding of knowledge and perceptions of reality. George focussed on the lack of knowledge we have about an ‘absolute truth’, in particular our lack of knowledge of the spectrum of human emotions. George is currently studying A levels in Philosophy, History, Mathematics & French, and hopes to be able to study Philosophy at Cambridge if he is fortunate enough to be offered a place. Together with his parents, Sarah & Stephen Edmondson and his Philosophy tutor Mrs Turnbull, George has been invited to attend a prize giving lunch at the college in July. George’s prize is £750, with the same sum also awarded to the Academy. Congratulations from all at Knutsford Academy George!

Knutsford Academy is asking the right questions!

Knutsford Academy’s debating team have won a trip to visit Parliament through the BBC’s Schools Questions & Answers Competition. They filmed a debate on the topic, ‘Can the assassination of a dictator ever be justified?’ which was one of the nine entries invited to London as runners-up in the national competition. The format of the debate was similar to the BBC show Question Time, with a panel of speakers taking questions from the chairperson and other participants. Jess Dytham spoke in favour of assassination only in extreme circumstances, while Sam Stephenson opposed her by arguing that dictators who are war criminals should face a fair trial. Toby Smith completed the panel by reflecting on the arguments of the two speakers and offering alternative ways forward. Lucy McDonald, Jess Hellier, Sarah Bowers and Alex Coates all asked questions. The students travelled to London on Friday the 30th of March for a day of activities including a tour of the Houses of Parliament, a panel debate and a workshop with representatives from the BBC. They were accompanied by their teachers, Caroline Atkinson and Ian Betts. The photo shows the debating team with their teachers and David Natzler, Director General, Chamber and Committee Services. David Natzler joined the Houses of Parliament as an Assistant Clerk in 1975. In over 30 years here he has served in all the procedural offices and been clerk to a lot of different committees and is now the Director General of the Chamber and Committee Services.

Congratulations to all involved in this brilliant effort!


Knutsford Academy pupil, Shaun Malone, carried the Olympic torch through the streets of Croston, Lancashire at 8:20am on Friday 1st June.

Shaun, 11ADN, was nominated by his older sister for the honour of being Olympic torchbearer because of the determination and courage he showed when recovering from a life threatening illness. “My younger brother is a true inspiration to everyone….his strong willpower has enabled him to keep a

positive outlook and aim to get back on his feet.” Shaun came to school wearing his white tracksuit and bearing his torch; he told Junction magazine: “I am very excited and honoured to be part of sporting history. This is something I will be proud of and remember forever. The thing I enjoyed the most was the atmosphere on the day. “ Read more about Shaun’s story and details about the other torch bearers on www.london2012.com/torch-relay/torchbearersThank you Shaun for bringing your torch to school and letting so many students & teachers see it

Parliament Quiz The ChancellorGeorge Osbourne, Chancellor of the Exchequer andMember of Parliament for Tatton recently came into school to talk to the students on our school parliament.

Students were able to quiz the Chancellor on subjects such as the Eurozone and education. Mr Osbourne talked about his work as a Member of Parliament and his day to day life being the Chancellor. Many thanks to Mr Osbourne for this interesting insight to life in politics.

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Olympic Fever

Tatton Park andthe Olympic Torch It has been many years since such a big event was organised by the school but on Thursday 31st May 2012 the whole of Knutsford Academy went to Tatton Park to see the Olympic flame. Dressed in red, green, black, yellow and blue t-shirts to match the five colours of the Olympic rings the school set out on mass. It didn’t matter how many hours were put into the planning of the event, but the one and only thing that literally put a slight dampener on the day was the rain. I am glad to say that staff and students remained cheerful and thoroughly enjoyed this once in a lifetime experience. Everyone had a fantastic view of the torch especially at the end when the torch bearer came down into the Italian Gardens to have photos taken with students. Some students were able to spot themselves on the local news reports in the evening whilst others did the school proud with their interview techniques for the reporters. After a wet walk back and some lunch to warm them up there were more activities to come. All girls took part in Zumba and the boys took part in boot camp fitness. The highlights of the sporting activities were seeing some of the Year 9 and 10 girls on the stage doing a fantastic job of assisting the aerobics instructor and hearing that a certain Mr Hollins out ‘planked’ every student and member of staff in boot camp. I would like to say how proud the school were of the behaviour from students and the community spirit of the whole school. Mrs R Ince

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Tatton Park Torch Relay

A very big THANK YOU to Mrs Ince, Miss Weigh and all the PE Staff

for organising such a memorable day

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ROME - Easter 2012

The school hall rocked on Thursday 29th March when an audience of over two hundred enjoyed music performances by the Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 BTEC Music students.

The evenings were the culmination of two years work and for this unit the students were required to plan, fundraise, organise, sell tickets and perform in a live music event. These evenings therefore reflect the hard work and organisation of the students involved.

The students chose a theme of past versus present

as this gave them the flexibility to perform current music as well as timeless classics. The evening was a huge success, the importance of which is heightened as many of the students were assessed on these performances as well as their written work on the processes involved in planning and organising such events. It has inspired many younger students who are thinking of studying Music at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. Emma Wright Head of Music

BTEC Music Final Major Project Performance Evening

At 4am on the eleventh of April 2012, 25 tired and grumpy students met three

even more tired and grumpy teachers to set off on a brief, but amazing, visit to the Eternal City – Rome. The Sixth Form trip with Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy & Ethics gave students a chance to look at world famous monuments in a city that has been at the heart of an empire and the hub of a religion for almost three thousand years. By the time we got to the hotel, Mr Perry’s coffee had clearly kicked in as he took us on a ten-kilometre walk to have our first look at some of the main sights. Our first taste of ancient Rome was when we turned the corner and in front of us stood the Colosseum – an 80,000 seater amphitheatre that has stood there for almost two-thousand years. This set the tone for the next few days as around every corner there seemed to be some site of major historical significance. The Colosseum was just the first of countless jaw-dropping moments over the next three days: we saw ancient ruins, priceless pieces of art, the world’s largest church, and beautiful piazzas. We sampled true Italian pizza and pasta, walked miles and miles, learnt loads and got drenched! It is difficult to decide on a most memorable moment. Danny Chetham losing the group and following a Japanese tour through the Vatican was quite funny as was Mrs Turnbull’s obsession with Roman cats. The immense size of the Pantheon was awesome and it was humbling knowing that we were standing where Emperors had once stood. But I think my lasting memory will be the Trevi Fountain by night. Although there were tourists everywhere we were still able to find a moment of tranquillity and absorb everything we had experienced. We arrived back even more tired than when we left but inspired by what has become my new favourite place in the world. We were truly grateful that we got to go and are more than a little jealous of those who are going to Athens with RS and Social Sciences next year. If you want to go, see one of the teachers for a letter.

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The annual Beswick Music Festival was held on Thursday 15th March and proved yet again to be a very successful event within the Music Department. Nearly one hundred students auditioned, showing a high level of musical talent and enthusiasm across all year groups, making the selection process extremely difficult. The finalists gave excellent performances, to an appreciative audience, in a variety of styles and on a wide selection of instruments. Our adjudicators this year were Ashley Thomas (Special Projects Manager for Music for Life) and Ruth Tickle (Music Tutor for Music for Life). They thoroughly enjoyed the evening and found the task of choosing the winners in each category so difficult and following its introduction last year, decided to recognise the talent of an additional student through the ‘Adjudicators’ Award’. The Mayor of Knutsford and Mr Wallace (the grandson of Mrs Beswick) presented an engraved plaque to each winner, as well as the category trophy.The 2012 winners are as follows:

Most Promising Beginner = • Adam MaxwellJunior Musician =• Alistair HarrisonJunior Vocalist = • Emily YarwoodJunior Ensemble Players = • Oscar Edmondson and Anthony JardineComposer = • Adam ArmstrongContemporary Musician = • Jack CogginSenior Ensemble Players = • Adam Armstrong, David Creaser, Shaun Hudson, Chris Parker and Will SavinSenior Vocalist = • Jake PhillipsSenior Musician =• Will SavinAdjudicators’ Award = • Connor Dorrell-Shepherd

Two special awards are presented annually to a student from Year 9 and a student from Year 13 for their commitment and contribution to Music. The Shorrocks Award for Lower School Commitment to Music was awarded to Scarlett Quigley, who has taken part in the Beswick Music Festival, Encore Music Concert, Christmas Church Service and Lower School Productions. The Wallace Rosebowl Award for Upper School Commitment to Music was awarded to Charlotte Hoather, who has taken part in the Beswick Music Festival, Encore Music Concert, Christmas Church Service, various GCSE Music Performance Evenings, the PTA Summer Ball and Upper School Productions. I would also like to thank Matt Lynes, Ross Wilkie, Joe Bickerton, Emma Morgan and Theo Young for their help with sound and lighting. Emma Wright, Head of Music

MUSIC:Beswick Music Festival

We were privileged to be asked by Cheshire East to represent Knutsford Academy by providing music at the old Law Courts in Knutsford as the Olympic Torch passed through the town on Thursday 31st May. Following several weeks of intense rehearsals, twenty four students from Year 7 through to Year 10 performed the following set of songs, which included the new song that was written by Gary Barlow for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee:

We Are The Champions- The Greatest Day- I Have A Dream- Rule The World- Walking On Sunshine- The Flood- Search For The Hero- Shine- Sing- We’re All In This Together-

The excited and enthusiastic crowd enjoyed the performances in the hour preceding the arrival of the Olympic Torch, as did the local press who took photographs and recorded interviews. Many members of the public congratulated the students on their performances making comments such as ‘you are fantastic ambassadors for the school’ and ‘I really enjoyed your performances – well done’. Each student received a certificate and a CD of their performances and really appreciated this once in a lifetime opportunity.Emma Wright, Head of Music

Olympic Torch Relay Music Performances

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DOODLE ART CLUB - Knutsford Academy Art Club for all students in Year 7 and Year 8.

In this months Junction we are showcasing Lower school art work by Doodle students. Doodle is run by the the art staff and A Level Fine Art students help out and work with the Lower school students to help share ideas and develop their creative practice.

If you would like to find out more please come down to the art department or get in touch with -

Mr Whitmarsh Curriculum Leader Fine Art & Photography.

An interview with ... Mrs Shaw

What do students do at DOODLE?

We are always trying to think of new ways to approach art and this term we have looked at different ways of drawing using the local landscape. It is really exciting to see the students experimenting and we went outside to use any natural material we could find to make a mark with. We used grass, flowers and leaves to draw the fields around lower school and then back in the art rooms we worked together to make a layered mixed media collage, based on the students own drawings.

I am very proud of the students and it is exciting to see them embracing different ways of working and then coming togther to share their ideas. I can’t wait to see what the Doodle artists create next!

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DOODLE ART CLUB - Knutsford Academy Art Club for all students in Year 7 and Year 8.

In this months Junction we are showcasing Lower school art work by Doodle students. Doodle is run by the the art staff and A Level Fine Art students help out and work with the Lower school students to help share ideas and develop their creative practice.

If you would like to find out more please come down to the art department or get in touch with -

Mr Whitmarsh Curriculum Leader Fine Art & Photography.

An interview with ... Mrs Shaw

What do students do at DOODLE?

We are always trying to think of new ways to approach art and this term we have looked at different ways of drawing using the local landscape. It is really exciting to see the students experimenting and we went outside to use any natural material we could find to make a mark with. We used grass, flowers and leaves to draw the fields around lower school and then back in the art rooms we worked together to make a layered mixed media collage, based on the students own drawings.

I am very proud of the students and it is exciting to see them embracing different ways of working and then coming togther to share their ideas. I can’t wait to see what the Doodle artists create next!

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Maths Challenge

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Sport: Olympic Stadium VisitOLYMPIC STADIUM VISIT, 9th MAY, 2012

Knutsford Academy had the fantastic opportunity for its PE staff to take 42 students to see the School Games Finals at the Olympic venues in London. After an early start on the coach and a trip across London on the Underground, the tour began at the Olympic athletics stadium itself –some of the most talented young athletes in the country were achieving some astonishing times, distances and heights in one of the venue’s first test events. The stadium, whilst obviously fully built, was not quite complete – advertising hoardings were not in place, nor were the big screens that are familiar at such prestigious venues. From there, we moved to the basketball arena for the closing ceremony, passing the hockey pitches and aquatics centre en route. The fully pedestrianised area was partially open and allowed us to view the athletes’ village for the first time. Jonathan Edwards, world triple jump record holder, spoke before an amazing performance

from Spell bound and a VT of events from the previous few days in a variety of sports. The achievements of these young sportsmen and women in able bodied and disability events was an inspiration to staff and students.Big thanks to Mrs Ince for organising

a brilliant day, a once in a lifetime experience!!

This April, 117 of our most able students in Lower School completed the UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge 2012. Run by the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds there are over 240,000 entrants nationally. The challenge involves 25 multiple choice questions to be completed in one hour and is sat within school under exam conditions. The students were well motivated and enjoyed the competitive element of the challenge. As always we achieved excellent results with four students achieving Gold, fifteen students achieving Silver and twenty two students achieving a Bronze certificate. Each institution receives a best in school which this year has been awarded to Chloe Woolfenden (Year 8) with an amazing score of 94. Well done Chloe. The best score in Year 7 with 88 was Tom Woods. Congratulations to all the certificate winners, this is an excellent achievement. Mr Andrews “The competition was a really challenging experience, because all the questions were of a high standard. However everyone who took part received an outstanding score to be proud of.” Hannah Châtelet 7CAS.

Year 8Gold: Chloe Woolfenden, Freddie Pass, Jack MansellSilver: Emily Davies, Alex Foord, James Gold, Michael Kerr, Sam Brookes, Aman Sabih, Emily Addison, James LeesBronze: Will Thompson, Jacob Gresty, Isobel Butler, Ed Blockley, Max davies, Bronwen Snook, Ted Parr, Charlie Hawkins, Sally Hopkins, Ellie Howe, James Philpott, Verity Wright

Year 7Gold: Tom WoodsSilver: Hannah Châtelet, Iona McGarvey, Josie Brookes, Emily Podmore, Simon Keeble, Becky Lynes, Abbie MannBronze: George Keeble, James Woods, Will Buckley, Sophia Naylor, Travis Woolfenden, Alex Deegan, Iwan Rees, Ryan Hill

European Maths Kangaroo Competition

Joe Adams was entered into the European Kangaroo which was a one hour multiple choice paper taken by 25 countries throughout Europe. The competition is by invitation only. 200,000 students are entered into the UK chal-lenge and only 4,400 pupils are entered into the European Kanga-roo. Joe came in the top 25% of these stu-dents and was awarded a Certificate of Merit.

A truly fantasticachievement

Well Done Joe!

Olympians Craig Heap and Tim Prendagast visited Knutsford Academy on Friday 29th June and wanted to leave students with an important message ….. We can’t all be Olympic athletes or A grade students,

but every one of us can achieve something through hard work - make your dreams more than a vision!

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Luke’s free time used to be spent training as a 1st Dan in Taekwondo. However, he has switched sports completely and now rows for Trafford Rowing Club. Luke recently competed in the Northwich Regatta, where he was only beaten by one other who subsequently became the fastest competitor in the Inter Regional Regatta. Since then, Luke has been selected for the British Rowing Championships which will be held on 13th/14th July. Luke has been training hard with his doubles partner for 2 hours per day on the water and for 3 hours on each of Saturday and Sunday. In addition, Luke puts time in on his own Concept rowing machine at home to ensure he is sufficiently fit for this level of competition. Keep your eye out for the next edition of Junction for an update on Luke’s progress and find out how he got on in the British Champs.

Keep up the good work Luke!!

THEO CLAPPERTON 9IHU Theo was a member of Stretford Swimming Club for some time, but began to feel that he wanted to do something different. He saw adverts for water polo and joined the Stretford team, competing on Saturdays. A couple of years later, Theo joined Manchester Aquatics, where he now plays for the U14 and U16 teams. Five months ago, Theo went to the first set of GB trials at the Cardiff International pool. This was a grueling 6 hour trial. Theo was successful, so returned to Cardiff for the 2nd set of trials, this time over 2 days. In order for a GB training squad to be selected, Theo was invited to a further 2 day trial, after which the competitors waited 2 months for news! For Theo, the news was good, he was selected and must now attend training weekends so that the squad of 20 can become an ‘A’ team of 14, who will play several International matches and a ‘B’ team. The GB squad will focus almost entirely on training for the first year, and during the second year will be competing at many venues. From that point, the Olympic training squad will be selected for the 2016 Games – Theo will be 18 years old and hopefully a young Olympian!! Already, this is a fantastic achievement, and like many of our other sporting stars, he and his family are committed to tough training schedules and travelling regimes.

Ted Parr 8CED Ted has had a very busy and successful sporting year. It all started back in September when he went to the County Rugby trials at Macclesfield Rugby Club. After a number of assessment sessions he made it through to the Cheshire school of rugby. In this he has had to undertake 2 hours of training each month, along with a number of training days and matches. On top of that he has been selected to play County Hockey for the Greater Manchester area. After months representing the area, he has been selected to attend Tensworth Hockey Academy for the North England hockey trials. Following his busy and successful winter period, Ted has now started his Cricket season for Cheshire and his local club, with a number of fixtures in a short space of time. This is an exceptional achievement for 1 individual, to be representing Cheshire in 3 different sports and we wish him the best of luck for more future challenges.

ELLIE WOODLAND - Yr 7 Ellie recently took part in the National School Rhythmic Gymnastics Championships. She did amazingly well and finished in bronze position.

Well done Ellie!

On Friday 29th June, Knutsford Academy students from years 7 – 10 were lucky enough to meet ex-Olympic gymnast, Craig Heap and current Paralympic runner,

Tim Prendergast of New Zealand. Craig, originally from Burnley, gave an

amusing yet emotional account of his school days and how his first visit to the gym to watch his sister inspired him to take up the sport, aged 9, in spite of the compulsory leotard…. Criag had many disappointments on the way, but his determination to reach

excellence paid richly in the form of 2 Commonwealth gold medals and achieving his personal best in the Olympic finals.

ELEANOR TWITE - 7LBG Eleanor recently raced in Trafford where she took 9 seconds off her 1200m time - taking her to the top of the McCain Power of 10 National Standings and 5th fastest recorded time in the UK ever. Well done Eleanor!


Tim has lived in London for 5 Years and only days prior to this visit, he learned that he had been selected to run in his 4th Paralympic games, in just 67 days time. Tim described the emotions he felt aged 8, when he began to lose 95% of his vision, having been an avid cricketer and all round sport fan. In spite of finishing last in his 1st competitive running race, Tim put in hours of training and eventually

achieved his dream of a Paralympic Gold medal in Athens, 2004. Following this, he captained the Paralympic team in Beijing. Follow Tim on Twitter; @prendo2012

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Food Technology - Crumbs

School Parliament - Update

Over the course of this year, the members of Crumbs’ have been learning a wide range of cake decoration techniques

including modelling using sugar paste, piping, design and different icing recipes. Crumbs meet every two weeks, and have an opportunity to learn a new skill and be creative. For one of the final projects of the year, members were asked to design a cake that demonstrated the skills they have learnt at Crumbs and really show off their creativity! The results were fantastic! Our next project is making treats for the Summer Festival - we hope you came along and enjoyed them!

This has been another busy year for the School Parliament. Since the election of new members last October, the School Parliament has been consulted on a range of issues ahead of becoming Knutsford Academy. The School Parliament has met with some interesting people this year. The Mayor of Knutsford joined the group for one of the meetings, discussing the outcomes of some research work around the school’s provision of extra-curricular

activities. The students recently had the opportunity to meet George Osborne and to ask questions about his work as a Member of Parliament and as Chancellor of the Exchequer. He was asked about issues of the Eurozone, education and what makes a ‘typical day’ in government. Members of the School Parliament, with A Level Politics students, recently had the chance to travel to London to visit the Houses of Parliament and Downing Street. The students had the opportunity to view Westminster from the London Eye, before enjoying a tour of the Houses of Parliament. Students were excited to walk to Downing Street and to see the famous door of Number 10. As the year comes to a close, it is important to thank all members of the School Parliament for their efforts throughout the year. We wish Iain Ford and Penny James, our members from the Upper Sixth, all the best for the future. Paul Scott

Revision Conferences for AS and A2 Biology StudentsThe Biology department were delighted this term to host two Biology revision conferences for Sixth Form students.The guest speaker was Bill Indge, Chief Examiner, who gave students an insight into approaching difficult data questions and discussed strategies with which to tackle the A2 synoptic essay. He also ran sessions looking at the structure of the exam paper, giving the students some idea of what examiners are looking for and common pitfalls.We started the Conferences mid-way through lunch and had bacon rolls and hot dogs to keep us going until 4.30pm.The Conferences were a huge success. Students found having the time together as a department to focus on exam technique, revision and strategies for approaching difficult questions really useful.

KAREN KEY, Assistance Director, Science Learning Centre

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Latin courseMrs Buchanan selected a group of Gifted Year 9 linguists to learn Latin with the hope that they will continue to learn independently. The students learn from the Cambridge Latin Course online programme and from the partner text book. Each Friday they meet and spend an hour reading and speaking the ancient language. The students use their knowledge of the English language and others to translate words- using cognates. Students learn to speak the language properly and read confidently, answering questions. They use a variety of techniques to learn the language including drama and quizzes. Knowing Latin will help the students in other subjects; in addition to this they also learn about the history of Rome and Pompeii. Becky, Becky & Sara

Can you translate?

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From the Head of School

Duke of Edinburgh Award Design TechnologyWIRE MODEL DESIGN IN YEAR 8

During the Jon Burgerman wire model project, I made two models, both with a consistent theme and a quirky style. The Project entailed designing a Jon Burgerman style drawing and then building it out of many different types of wire.

I got my inspiration from one particular Burgerman design; this design was very simple with just a face and a brain showing.

I found this project very enjoyable as it was easy to shape and bend the wire how I wanted. I really enjoyed finishing my first wire model as I was able to wear my final product and I am very proud of it. TED PARR 8CED

The School Award ‘The School Award’ was born in September 2008 as part of a new whole school Rewards Policy. During a review of that policy in 2010-2011, students confirmed that they liked the recognition that the award offers. Essentially, it’s set up for something exceptional that a student has done and again at students’ request, recognises exceptional achievements outside school, when they are brought to our attention. A congratulatory letter is sent to parents and then students meet either Mr. Hollins or Mr. Gartland or both, if that is possible. Around 250 students have been awarded School Awards since September 2008 and this academic year, the following aspects are some of our students’ achievements that have been recognised.

We are very proud of our students at Knutsford Academy so please continue to let us know results of their outstanding achievements. Mr Gartland, Head of School

Joe Adams - European Maths Competition SuccessCara Gittins, Sally Kielty, Tiffany Lavin, Aman Sabih: --Exceptional group work on anti-smoking performanceTed Parr - Exceptional Sporting success - 3 county teamsAlex Caulfield - Recognition for helping a lady in a medical emergency situation.Emily Yarwood - won the Music Theatre Performance Award at Alderley Edge Music FestivalJake Phillips - Successful audition for the Royal National College of Music.Nicholas Cook, Aidan Finlason, Ryan Williams - Exceptional piece of school workBethan Norgrove - Exceptional attitutude to school workBailey Thornton - Young Volunteer of Year Award, TraffordKayleigh Fox Gaffney - Outstanding work in ICT

All Maths Challenge Achievers as mentioned on P10National Debating Team winners - as noted on P3Oscar Edmondson, Emily Davies - Exceptional work for Islam project, Yr 8Hannah McNicholls, Tom Chalker - Exceptional contributions to GSCE Media Studies over last 2 years George Keeble, Jack Gurney-Smith, Kieran Holland, Thomas Woods, James Woods, Jack Abbott, Rowan Perry - Exceptional work within a team for presentation on Internet SafetyThomas Roberts - won school heat of Future Chef competition and represented the school at Trafford CollegeJenny Eadie, David Jones - received The Queen’s Scout AwardTrafford Pownall - Outstanding classwork in ICT

The Duke of Edinburgh’s award has been running at bronze level for many years at Knutsford. With the move to the Professional School in September it seemed an appropriate time to develop the awards provision to all three levels. This is an exciting opportunity for the students at Knutsford Academy to access such a prestigious award and strive for success at the top level, with the chance of a trip to the palace when the gold award is completed. The school will run the expedition phases of the award at all levels, with the emphasis on the student to complete the skill, physical and volunteering section themselves. The award aims to increase confidence, communication, teamwork, commitment and many more life skills that will increase the skill set of the participants for the wider world. For more information about the awards and there levels please go on to www.dofe.org

Hercules ad cavernam venit. heros leonem quaerit. leo Herculem audit et fremit. leo e caverna venit et circumspectat. Hercules non est perterritus. heros est fortis.

Hercules comes to the cave. The hero looks for the lion. Hercules hears the lion and roars. The lion comes out of the cave and looks around. Hercules is not frightened. The hero is strong.

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Lower School

Guess who’s holding shaun’s torch?When Shaun Malone kindly brought his Olympic Torch into School

(read all about it on p2)- it was handed round many of the students and teachers for a closer look....

Can you guess who is holding the torch?



s on





Liverpool University Maths Challenge At the end of the February Half-Term, all of the Lower School Set 1 students were given a Maths challenge booklet (with 2012 Olympics themed questions), to complete over the Holidays. The Challenge was an individual entry competition run in associa-tion with Mathematical Education on Merseyside (MEM). MEM provides a forum for collaboration between the universities based in Greater Merseyside, the Liverpool Mathematics Society (LMS) and teachers in schools. The Maths Challenge had been sent off to many other schools in the North West, with entries from as far away as Cumbria and the Isle of Man. One student from Year 8, Alexander Price (8DLY), and one student from Year 7, Iona McGarvey (7CAS) , managed to get into the top 50 out of the 1800 students that entered. They then went to an awards ceremony at Liverpool University on the 9th May. The winners were given vouchers to spend in the University’s Maths shop, and were able to take part in a computer quiz, before the award ceremony. Alexan-der Price was awarded a certificate of merit, and Iona McGarvey did extremely well and came in 3rd place.

BASKETBALL The first time I played basketball was when I went to a week-long basketball camp with Cheshire Jets in summer when I was 7. I continued going to the camp every year and won one of the competitions when I was 9. My Dad runs the Canute Basketball Club in Knutsford and he started youth training at Egerton Youth Club, so I went along to the training and played in the U-12 matches. The club has links with Cheshire Jets National league program

and when I was 11, I managed to get through the trials and started playing for their U-13s team. This year we came 2nd in the Northern Division, and lost points to the win-ners in quarter finals of the national play-offs. For school I played with the year 10 team and I now play with the Under 16’s for my Dad’s club. This Easter I went with the Cheshire Jets to France for an International tournament which also had teams from Switzerland, Germany, Holland and Belgium. All of the teams were very good so we were really proud that we came second. I currently do training on Tues-day, Wednesday, and Thursday every week. I really enjoy playing basketball and I am very proud of all the things I have achieved. By Alex Price 8DLY

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For Information

2012/13 New Members of StaffMr Andrew Clarke - Assistant Director of ICT

& Learning TechnologiesMiss Hayley Archer - Spanish TeacherMr Russell Whelan - Physics Teacher

Mr David Foster - History TeacherMr David Barber - Temporary Maths Teacher

KA Contact details: Upper School Lower School

01565 633294 01565 652019Option 1 - School HolidaysOption 3 - Upper School AbsenceOption 5 - Lower School AbsenceOption 6 - Upper School ReceptionOption 7 - Lower School Reception

[email protected]@knutsfordacademy.org.uk

Knutsford AcademyBexton RoadKnutsfordCheshire WA16 0EA

Fax: 01565 633796



School Uniform We are looking forward to seeing all students in the new Academy uniform on the first day back to school in September. Please remember the collection days over the holidays are Thursday 16th August 10.30am-4.00pm, Thursday 23rd August 10.30am-4.00pm and Tuesday 4th September 3.00pm-8.00pm. Please note that we are unable to give out uniform that has not been fully paid for. Balance or payments can be made on day of collection. Should you have any queries relating to your uniform, please email either Mrs Debbie Clark on [email protected] or Mrs Jo Allen on [email protected].

We ask for all parents to assist us in ensuring high standards of uniform and avoid our students being sent home to resolve any issues.

Students back to school: Wednesday 5th September 2012

PE KIT You will know from recent letters that the school is changing its PE kit. The change is effective from September 2013 . New Year 7 students will however have the new PE Kit from September 2012. Should current year 8, 9 or 10 students need to replace any items of their existing kit for PE, we request that parents purchase these in accordance with the new Knutsford Academy kit list - please see the school website for full details! In addition, we would like to remind students of all years that canvas shoes are NOT appropriate for PE lessons – they provide insufficient stability and cushioning which can cause injuries and discomfort for a variety of joints.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Lower School - Yr 7 & 8 Upper School - Yr 9-11 PE Kit

2011/2012 Staff LeaversMany thanks for your service and very best wishes to the following members of staff who are leaving this term:

Mrs Amanda Dixon - Assistant Director of Maths,RetirementMrs Susan Jackson - SEN/Science Teacher, Retirement

Mr Robin Harvey - Caretaker, RetirementMr Adrian Brown - History Teacher, New School

Mrs Chari Catena - Language Teacher, New SchoolMr David Lilley - Performing Arts Teacher, New School


Page 16: Junction Magazine Summer 2012

KA Student Offers

Did you guess who? Mrs Ince Mrs Clark Miss Walsh Mr Harrison Mrs Page Mr Perry Mr Fung Dr Hughes

From Knutsford Town Council:

Members of the Environment Committee from Knutsford Town Council have asked for all of the community to play their part in reducing litter in Knutsford.

Please do not litter - Help Keep Your Community Clean!

Spellbound at the Olympic Stadium It all started on Wednesday 9th May when the alarm went off at 5am. By 6am we were on the coach yawning and groaning on our way to the Sainsbury’s 2012 School Games. After about two hours we stopped off at a service station for toilet break and an opportunity to buy some refreshments. A film was then put on in the coach and we gazed at it, half listening. We arrived in London after a long time on the coach and boarded a train bound for London’s 2012 Olympic Stadium. After a short walk from the station, we got there, our tickets in our hands. It was one o’clock. We were given twenty minutes to look around and found out that it was very expensive, for instance the drinks were £3. Eventually we set off for the stadium where we found our seats. We looked in awe at the fabulous stadium and the amazing grounds. After about 3-4hours there, we had watched; some spectacular pole vaults, some soaring Javelins, the long jump, heavy weight throws from the discus and shot put, wheel chair races and some exciting sprints, long distances and relays too. It did rain, but the experience was amazing and we did see some paralympic competitors too. The very top of the stadium was very high and we could see everything from up there including the Thames. I personally enjoyed the pole-vault, because the run up built tension and it was exciting to see how high they could go. The events finished and it was time to go. We left excited about the closing ceremony, which was to take place at the Basketball Arena. We saw lots of athletes and they held medals on their chests proudly. After the short walk we entered the Basketball Arena where we sat and listened to some ex athletes stories and a few speeches. Finally, the best part came, when Spellbound arrived (2011 Britain’s Got Talent winners) and performed lots of difficult somersaults and some incredible jumps and throws. The lights went on and another story came up about the young athletes competing. Then Spellbound came back on and performed some more amazing stunts. Cover Drive were next and the athletes got up and crowded around the stage. One guy got on someone’s shoulders and even got a hug. They finished off with Twilight which was great and we left shortly after. The long train journey and coach drive home seemed to go on forever. We stopped for food but many people fell asleep on the way back – it was twenty minutes to one in the morning when we finally got back.After a short but lovely sleep at home we all woke up ready for a new day.

James Woods 7CBD

From July 2012 The Orange Orchard,

18 King Street will be extending it’s opening hours to: 9.30am to 5.00pm Tuesday to Satur-


10% Discount for Knutsford Academy students!

Chillberries21A Tatton St, Knutsford

buy one get one half price weekdays between 3.30pm to 4.30pm

to KA students in uniformor carrying valid sixth form id
