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Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit (Case Study In Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) MitraCimahi) by: Umi Rahmawati ( Students - Politeknik Pos Indonesia [email protected] Surya Noor Ramadan, SE. Dedy Somantri Yusuf, SE,. M.M,. Lecturers Teachers - Politeknik Pos Indonesia ABSTRACT The increase in net income of a Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) one is to do the improvement of the quality of the business is performing. Activities of the BMT one of them is murabaha financing, where financing is financing the commodity of revenue for BMT. Murabaha financing will affect net profit which might be fairly significant amount. To prove it is necessary to study which aims to determine the magnitude of murabaha financing growth, development and influence of the net profit to net income murabaha financing. The study was conducted using quantitative analysis techniques with analytical tools; correlation, simple regression, the coefficient of determination, and test hypotheses. The results of analysis of financial data BMT Mitra showed that there is a strong influence among murabaha financing of net profit.This is evidenced by the large correlation coefficient of 0.771. Both of these variables showed a positive relationship, it is shown the linear regression equation Y = 16,491,297.21 + 0.081 X. Through the t test of 2.964 obtained t count T Table greater than 2.447 with significant level of funding so it can be said net profit murabaha and significant relationship exists. Murabaha contributed 59.4% while 40.6% is a factor - other factors affecting net profit is not disclosed in this study. Umi Rahmawati | Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit
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Influence on the Murabaha FinancingNet Profit

(Case Study In Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) MitraCimahi)

by:Umi Rahmawati (

Students - Politeknik Pos [email protected]

Surya Noor Ramadan, SE.Dedy Somantri Yusuf, SE,. M.M,.

Lecturers Teachers - Politeknik Pos Indonesia


The increase in net income of a Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) one is to do the improvement of the quality of the business is performing. Activities of the BMT one of them is murabaha financing, where financing is financing the commodity of revenue for BMT. Murabaha financing will affect net profit which might be fairly significant amount. To prove it is necessary to study which aims to determine the magnitude of murabaha financing growth, development and influence of the net profit to net income murabaha financing. The study was conducted using quantitative analysis techniques with analytical tools; correlation, simple regression, the coefficient of determination, and test hypotheses. 

The results of analysis of financial data BMT Mitra showed that there is a strong influence among murabaha financing of net profit.This is evidenced by the large correlation coefficient of 0.771. Both of these variables showed a positive relationship, it is shown the linear regression equation Y = 16,491,297.21 + 0.081 X. Through the t test of 2.964 obtained t count

T Table greater than 2.447 with significant level of funding so it can be said net profit murabaha and significant relationship exists. Murabaha contributed 59.4% while 40.6% is a factor - other factors affecting net profit is not disclosed in this study. 

Based on the above results, it was concluded that there is a strong and significant relationship between financing murabaha against net profit with a substantial contribution, it is advisable to BMT Mitra Cimahi to further improve the quality of murabaha financing in order to further optimize the acquisition of its net profits by taking into account the level of margin of financing as well as the smoothness of the financing itself. In addition, BMT should be able to explore the potential for other financing in order to develop the entire exercise of financing products in an effort to increase the profits.

| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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1.1 Background Issues 

It has become common knowledge that the economic development of Islamic sharia

synonymous with economic expansion. There are many economic sectors in Indonesia which

has been running sharia, ranging from Islamic Banking, Islamic financial institutions,

mortgage sharia, sharia, and others. 

One financial institution that runs in accordance with Islamic sharia is the Baitul Maal Wat

Tamwil (BMT), the equivalent of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil he said is composed of two terms,

namely the Baitul Maal Zakat means accepting deposit funds, infaq and Sadaqah and

optimize its distribution in accordance with regulations and amanahnya, while the Baitul

Tamwil means conducting productive development efforts and investments in improving the

economic quality of micro and small entrepreneurs, especially by encouraging saving

activities and financing activities to support its economy. 

Today has been spread over 3,000 BMT across the archipelago, has an asset (consolidation)

of more than Rp. 1 Trillion, the managers of more than 30,000 people, nearly half of the S-1

and women. BMT serve more than two million savers, and make loans on more than 1.5

million micro and small entrepreneurs. Proved that BMT can develop based on self-founder

of the initiators of the local community itself, with the initial capital that is not so large than

the established BPR (BPR). BMT aghnia and collect funds from their excess in local

communities and provide loan financing to micro-entrepreneurs in the village itself. BMT is

able to collect funds and provide financing to various levels of society, especially the poor,

against a backdrop of political ideology and beliefs are different. 

Although BMT is not a financial institution the Bank may assume to have a good

management both in marketing management, human resources, or financial management. But

it is proper BMT also perform actions that lead to that direction. The product of BMT is not

much different from the Islamic banking, the only difference from the scale-financed, the

BMT is more focused on economic development sektror micro, small and medium

enterprises. BMT Director Bina Ihsanul Fikri, M Ridwan said in the face of competition with

banks and other financial institutions that enter into the micro sector has an advantage over

BMT. "BMT had a closeness with their members, can sit and eat together, while if the bank

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can not do that," 

The basic principles are the principles on product BMT deposit or deposits (Al-Wadiah), the

principle of profit sharing or profit sharing (Al-Mudharabah and Al-Musharaka) and the

principle of Al-Murabaha. In Al-Murabaha principle place of a sale and purchase of goods at

the original price with the added advantage that the value agreed by both parties. The seller in

this case must tell the price of the product that he bought and determine a level of profit in

addition. Suppose someone takes credit for car purchases. In a conventional bank person will

be charged interest and are required to pay monthly installments for a certain time. In the

banking sector, the prevailing interest rates may change. In the Islamic system of banking or

BMT, of course, such products are also available. But the shape is not a credit, but rather uses

the principle of buying and selling, which termed the Murabaha. In this case, the bank or

Islamic BMT will buy cars that customers want first, then sell it back to the client.  But, since

Islamic banks or BMT bail first, so when it sells to its customers, it costs a bit more

expensive, as the form of profits for banks or Islamic BMT. Because the form of sharia bank

profits or BMT has been agreed in the future, then the customer must pay installments that

are relatively more fixed. 

Net profit on a BMT can be influenced by several factors, such as how the quality of the

financing provided by a BMT is. In this case also assessed how much the management

capabilities of BMT to generate a profit. Management in improving the net profit can do

development on their products. 

In one of the BMT BMT Mitras, murabaha financing is one of the products are much in

demand by customers, due to several factors, some of them are not very complicated process

and this funding is also to be excellent because it is the customers require specialized

financing to meet the needs of for a good / asset. 

As presented by Adiwarman A Karim (2006:113) "Financing murabaha is buying and selling,

ie the Shariah bank acting as seller and buyer clients as a selling price of the bank is the

purchase price from the supplier plus a certain percentage of profits for banks in Shari'ah

according to agreement." 

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Based on data obtained from the BMT Mitras that murabaha financing provided during the

first quarter of 2009 until the fourth quarter of 2010 are as follows: 

Year Quarter Financing murababah

2009 I Rp 280,628,409.80

II Rp 274,626,779.80

III Rp 956,683,769.79

IV Rp 1,085,779,779.10

2010 I Rp 1,113,806,006.63

II Rp 1,139,322,590.59

III Rp 1,310,381,903.01

IV Rp 1,245,179,881.93

Based on the description above, the authors are interested to conduct research and prepare

Final Report to find out how the financing murabaha influence in increasing net income. To

the authors take the title "The effect on Net Income Murabaha Financing Baitul Maal

Wat Tamwil (BMT) Mitra Cimahi". 

1.2 Limitations and Problems Identified 

1.3 1.2.1 Limitations Problems 

Given the breadth of aspects that may be associated with the title of the above problems,

there should be restrictions on the issue.This is so the problem under study can be focused

on the issue.The restriction of this problem are as follows: 

1. Authors calculate that only a limited amount of influence on accounting information

system of financing murabaha. 

2. The authors use quantitative data in the form of secondary data from quarterly financial

reports of 2009-2010 and conduct case studies in BMT Mitra located in Cimahi with the

interview method to support the writing of this report. 

3. Financing Murabaha Murabaha margins as revenues will be compared with the net


| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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1.2.2 Problem Identification 

The identification of issues to be addressed in this Final Report are as follows: 

1. How much financing growth and net profit murabaha BMT Mitra Cimahi in the period

first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter 2010? 

2. How strong is the relationship between financing and net income murabaha BMT Mitra

Cimahi in the period first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter 2010? 

3. How does murabaha financing to increase net income in the BMT Mitra Cimahi in the

period first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter 2010? 

1.3 Purpose and Research Objectives 

1.3.1 Usability Research 

With this study, the authors hope that the results obtained can be useful, among others: 

1. For Authors 

To meet one of the conditions in diploma exams D3 majoring in accounting programs

Polytechnic Pos Indonesia, as well as add insight and information about finance in the

banking world. 

2. For BMT 

As a contribution to the thinking of the input materials to assist in the establishment of

policies in terms of providing murabaha financing to its customers as well as repair

materials in the future. 

3. For the Other 

Provide input for the parties who need to research more about the system of financing,

so it can be used as reference material in researching objects and themes relating to

Islamic Accounting. 

1.3.2 Research Objectives 

In accordance with the problems described above, the author has the following objectives: 

1. To find out how much murabaha financing growth and net income in the BMT Mitra Cimahi in

the period first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter 2010. 

2. To find out how strong the relationship murabaha financing and net income of BMT Mitra

Cimahi in the period first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter 2010. 

3. To determine the effect of growth murabaha financing to increase net income in the BMT Mitra

Cimahi in the period first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter 2010. 

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1.4 Hypothesis 

The hypothesis is accepted as a statement as true as it is. The hypothesis is also an estimate or

a reference are formulated and accepted for a while that could explain the observed facts or

conditions are observed, and used as a guide for subsequent research steps. 

From the above understanding, it can be said that the hypothesis is a logical statement while

applying the facts and conditions observed are still weak, so the truth still needs to be


Through the theme of the chosen problem, the authors take the hypothesis as follows: 

"Allegedly murabaha financing affect net income increased BMT Mitra Cimahi" 

Statistically, to measure the effect of financing murabaha (X), against the net profit (Y)

can be seen in the table below: 


Ho : ρ = 0 means no influence between Murabaha financing to

increase net income BMT Mitra Cimahi 

Ha : ρ ≠ 0 means no effect Murabaha financing growth to increased

net income BMT Mitra Cimahi 

1.5 Types of Research 

Type of research in this study include research into the precise associative associative Causal

research, ie research that describes the relationship is causal. So here are the independent

variables (variables that affect) and dependent (influenced). 

Researchers in developing research efforts use a case study method. The meaning of the case

study by M. Nazir (2003:57): "the case study is research on the status of research subjects

with respect to a specific phase or typical of the whole personality." Objective case study is to

provide a detailed description of the background characteristics and the characters typical of

the case, or the status of the individual, who then from the properties typical of the above will

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be a matter of a general nature. In this case the authors did a case study to the institutions

concerned, namely the Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT) Mitra Cimahi. 

1.6 Population and Sample 

Sugiyono (2009:61) expressed his opinion about the population as follows:


"The population is composed of the generalization that the object / subject that has certain

qualities and characteristics that are applied by researchers to learn and then drawn

conclusions. Thus, the population is not just people but also objects and natural objects to

another. The population is also not just the number that existed at the object / subject being

studied, but include all the characteristics / properties owned by the subject / object ". 

According Sugiyono (2009:62) "The sample is part of the number and characteristics of the

population. When a large population, then researchers may not learn all there is in the

population, for example due to limited funds, manpower and time, then researchers may use

samples drawn from that population. " 

In accordance with this consideration in this study the authors took a sample of financial

statement data BMT Mitra quarter 2009 to fourth quarter of 2010. 

1.7 Sources of Data 

Data used in this study were divided into two types, namely: 

1. Primary data 

Data is obtained directly by way of direct interviews with parties related to the research

conducted. Primary data was generally in the form of qualitative data and used to prove

the hypothesis that has been presented previously. Primary data was obtained by

conducting research and questionnaires. In this case the authors did a case study directly

to the object of research, namely the Head of Finance Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT)


2. Secondary data 

Is the data that has been further prepared and presented by both collectors or others in the

company. Among the literature, historical records, and books relating to such data and

reports or evidence that has been arranged in the data, published or unpublished. 

In this study, the authors use data sources of primary data, namely in the form of an

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interview with an authorized executive officer or the officer in the accounting and

finance officials at the BMT Mitras.In addition, researchers using secondary data from

financial statements to support in this study. The financial statements are financial

statements used in the first quarter 2009 to fourth quarter of 2010.

1.8 Data Collection Methods

The data collection carried out by using the methods of data collection as follows: 

1. Research Library (Library Research) 

This literature study aims to obtain secondary data. This research is on the books,

adaptations, text book, as well as other materials related to the problem to be investigated

in order to obtain theoretical data which is useful as a basis for comparison as well as

supporters in the discussion of this Final Report. 

2. Study Documentation 

Data for this study was obtained from secondary sources and how the documentation is

conducting a review of documents related to research, namely the balance sheet and

income statement BMT. 

3. Unstructured Interviews 

That is, researchers ask directly the things and information to support research (company

documents related to the problem under study) to employees Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil

(BMT) Mitras who understand the research object, namely the head of finance. 

1.9 Technical Analysis 

To determine the effect of financing murabaha to net income, the data was then analyzed

by calculating the-datum datum expressed qualitatively and quantitatively to interpret the

results of the calculations and answer the problems that duteliti and draw conclusions

from the data processing 

Qualitative Analysis

To determine the effect of financing murabaha to net income in this regard particularly to

the net profit, the data in the can then be analyzed by calculating the-datum datum

expressed qualitatively and quantitatively to interpret the results of the calculations and

answer the issues, and draw conclusions from the data processing.

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Quantitative Analysis 

According to Husein Umar (2003:55), "more quantitative study based on data that can be

calculated, to produce a solid quantitative assessment. quantitative information in the

field of accounting may be used, for example, applying the use of funds from a business

activity. ". 

Related to the nature of this study is to describe in descriptive and hypothesis testing, the

data have been processed are presented in the form of frequency tables and use the

analytic statistics for subsequent further analysis. 

Correlation Analysis 

Correlation analysis is used to determine the effect of growth on net income murabaha

financing. To test the hypothesis that this correlation arises: 

"Financing murabaha will affect the increase in net income in the BMT Mitra Cimahi" 

As for how to calculate the Pearson product moment correlations are as follows: 

r xy=∑ xy

√(∑x ¿2)¿¿¿

Where: r = degree of relationship

x = variable Murabaha financing (independent)

                 y = Variable earnings

Can also by the following formula:

r xy=n∑ XY−∑ X∑ Y


Simple Regression Analysis

The author uses a simple regression analysis to determine the effect of growth on net

income murabaha financing. Simple linear regression based on the

functional or causal relationship ofindependent variables with one dependent

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variable to determine the value of a simple regression equation was examined from both

variables, we use a simple regression formula as follows.

Y = the subject in the dependent variable predicted

a = value of Y, if X = 0 (constant prices)

b = regression coefficient

X = Subject to the independent variables that have a particular value

n = Number of pairs of data

To determine the magnitude of the influence of the variable x to variable y, then

the calculated coefficient of determination is asfollows:

Where: Kd = how much influence the variable X to variable Y

r2 = correlation coefficient

Testing the hypothesis

T test statistic used to look at the relationship or influence between the

individual independent variables on the dependent variable.

t= r √n−2


| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

Y = a+bXa =

(∑Y )(∑ X2 )−(∑ X )(∑ XY )n (∑ X2 )−(∑ X )2

b =n(∑ XY )−(∑ X )(∑ Y )

n(∑ X 2)−(∑ X )2

Kd = r2 x 100 %

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According to the decision of the hypothesis by comparing the value t

count value t tables.

1. If the value t count> t table value, then the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected

2. If the value of t calculated <t table value, then the null hypothesis(Ho) accepted

To make the decision whether or not the hypothesis is proven, then the price of t

count is compared with the t table, to see the price oftable t, then based on (dk) degrees

of freedom that magnitude is n-2with an error level (α) set 0.05 (5%).

1.10 Murabaha Financing Growth and Net Income Mitras BMT

Murabaha Financing Growth

Financing murabaha conducted Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT)Mitras are intended to

channel funds from a third party entrusted to the public. The practice of financing is the same

as buying and selling system in general, that the seller sells the goods to the buyerby

taking advantage of the excess value of the goods at cost price.Excess (profit margin) is expected

to Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT)Mitras must be approved in advance by the BMT as a

seller andcustomer financing as a buyer at the time of the contract. Theamount

of financing Murabaha income margins seen from the Baitul

Maal wat do Tamwil (BMT) Mitras and its growth period of the first quarter of 2009 until

the fourth quarter of 2010 are as follows:

Year Quarter Financing Murabaha Growth(%)

2009 I Rp 22,534,033.00 0.00

II Rp 45,105,903.00 50.04

III Rp 89,618,400.00 49.67

IV Rp 152,912,524.00 41.39

2010 I Rp 98,458,617.52 -55.31

II Rp 179,299,082.22 45.09

III Rp 271,023,124.71 0.34

IV Rp 337,605,012.07 0.20

Jumlah Rp 1,196,556,696.52 131.42

Rata-rata Rp 149,569,587.07 16.43

(Data source: Financial Statements BMT Mitra Cimahi,processed)

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From the table above, the BMT Mitra murabaha financing of theperiod of the first quarter of

2009 - the fourth quarter of 2010showed an increase. from

almost every period murabaha financinghas increased. Although there

are several periods of decline, but itonly occurs in one quarter, the first quarter of

2010, while the restcontinued to rise.

Can be concluded that the financing of murabaha performed each

period by BMT Mitras experienced growth in each period, except for

the first quarter period of 2010 and fourth quarter of

2010.Growth in murabaha financing indicates the confidence of the public to borrow funds

to BMT. An increasing number of murabahafinancing in each

period also shows that BMT Mitras have soughtto continuously improve the distribution

of funds collected by BMTfrom a third party by providing financing to customers in need of

funds and in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles.

To see more clearly the growth and decline BMT murabahafinancing Mitras for the

quarterly period in 2009-2010 (8 quarters)can be seen from the chart below:

















tingkat pembiayaan murabahah

Net Profit Growth

Profit is the difference between revenues and all costs / expenses

incurred. Mitras In BMT, the net profit obtained from the income earned and less

the expenses and costs incurred during the operational activities take place in a period. To see

the development of Net Income to Mitras BMT can be seen from the following table:

Year Quarter Net Profit Growth (%)

2009 I Rp 15,456,607.27 0

  II Rp 20,782,195.89 34.46

  III Rp 27,456,512.75 32.12 | Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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  IV Rp 43,423,502.91 58.15

2010 I Rp 17,353,777.05 -60.04

  II Rp 26,321,457.66 51.68

  III Rp 30,787,632.27 16.97

  IV Rp 46,736,643.03 51.80

Jumlah Rp 228,318,328.83 185.14

Rata-rata Rp 28,539,791.10 23.14

(Data source: Financial Statements BMT Mitra Cimahi,processed)

Based on the above table, can be mentioned that the total profits derived BMT Mitra, the

period of the first quarter of 2009 until the period of the fourth quarter of 2010 continued to

increase, so that until the fourth quarter of 2010 net profit reached

Rp228,318,328.83 BMT Mitras. The highest increase occurred inthe fourth quarter of

2009 period, amounting to 58.15%, while thelargest declines occurred during the first

quarter of 2010, amounting to 60.04%. The average profit BMT Mitra of the period first

quarter 2009 to fourth quarter of 2010 amounted

to Rp28,539,791.10. although total profits have continued to rise, but atthat period the

percentage of profit ensued. This indicates that in running its operations BMT Mitras are

always faced with variouschallenges primarily as a result of external factors (economic

conditions) which continues to change and not always predictable.

To see more clearly the growth and decline in net profit in BMTMitras for the

quarterly period in 2009-2010 (8 quarters) can be seen from the chart below:

I/09 II/09 III/09


I/10 II/10 III/10




Laba Bersih

1.11 Murabaha Financing Relationship and Effect on Net Income

Analysis of the effect on net income murabaha financing was to determine whether

the provision of financing muarabahahconducted by BMT Mitra or no effect on net

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profit, here the author will use the correlation coefficient, simple regression, andcoefficient of

determination, and hypothesis testing.

The data will be presented from Financing Statements murabahaand net income

by using SPSS version 17.00, therefore tostrengthen the results

of quantitative analysis, in this sectionregarding the effect on net

income murabaha financing by usingquantitative analysis. So to find

out whether BMT Mitrasmanaged efficiently and effectively in

obtaining financing murabahanet income tested against data

obtained from murabaha financingstatements with the income period of the first quarter of

2009 until the fourth quarter of 2010.

Correlation analysis

In determining the correlation value, the processing of research

datausing stastistik program SPSS (Statistical Product and

ServiceSolution) version 17.00. The correlation between the level offinancing murabaha net

profit at BMT Mitras can be seen in table4.5 below:

Model Summary

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of

the Estimate

1 .771a .594 .526 7.8899390E6

a. Predictors: (Constant), pembiayaan murabahah

Based on calculations SPSS 17:00 version can be seen that the correlation between

murabaha Financing (X) and net income (Y) is equal to 0.771. This figure can be seen in the

R column, with the number R of 0.771 indicates that the presence of a strong relationship

between the level of financing murabaha (X) and net income (Y). This is evidenced by the

size used to interpret the strength of the correlation, if 0.60 <r <0.799, it means that a strong


Simple Linear Regression Analysis 

The value of regression that occurs between financing murabaha (X) and net income (Y)

BMT Mitras can be seen in table regression table below: 

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t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 1.649E7 4930415.804 3.345 .016



.081 .027 .771 2.964 .025 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: laba bersih

Based on SPSS version 17 above, then the column UnstandardizedCoefficient column

B, can be seen a constant

value of16,491,297.21, the regression coefficient of 0.081 murabahafinancing rates. Regressi

on equation so as it can be seen between the change in financing murabaha (X) with net

income (Y) are asfollows:

Y = a + bX

Y=16491297 .21+0 .081 X

Y:: net income

X:: Financing murabaha

a:: Constant (constant prices)

b: regression coefficient

Based on the regression equation above, it can be interpreted asfollows:

1. Constants of 16,491,297.21 can be interpreted that

althoughmurabaha financing amounted to Rp. 0, there are still otherfinancing-

financing which could affect net income.

2. Variable regression coefficient of 0.081 change in net income.Can be

interpreted if murabaha financing has increased the value ofRp1, then net

income would have increased to Rp. 0.081. The coefficient is positive it

| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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means going positive relationship betweenmurabaha financing with net income, this

means the higher theprovision of financing murabaha the net profit earned will be higher.

Coefficient of Determination

The value of determination between murabaha financing to net income in the BMT Mitras

can be seen in the table below:

Model Summary

Model R R Square

Adjusted R


Std. Error of

the Estimate

1 .771a .594 .526 7.8899390E6

a. Predictors: (Constant), pembiayaan murabahah

Based on SPSS v 17:00 calculations obtained figures on the columnR2 (R Square) of 0.594 or

equivalent to 59.4%. This shows that thepercentage contribution of the influence

of independent variables(murabaha financing) against the dependent variable (net income)

of59.4%. While the rest of 40.6% influenced by other factors not examined in this study.

Hypothesis Testing

To test the above hypothesis, in this study using the t test. This hypothesis test

equipment used to perform significance testing of correlation exists. T test used to

determine whether the independent variable (X) partially significant effect on the dependent

variable (Y).The acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis testing using the t test are:

1. Ho is rejected, Ha received: if-t table >-t count  or t count> t table

2. Ho accepted, Ha rejected: if-t table  <-t count  or t count <t table

In testing the value of t, the processing of research

data using SPSSstastistik program (Statistical Product and

Service Solution) version17.00. Testing the value of t between murabaha financing to net

income in the BMT Mitras can be seen in table 4.8 below:

| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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t Sig.



B Std. Error Beta



1 (Constant) 1.649E




3.345 .016



.081 .027 .771 2.964 .025 1.000 1.000

a. Dependent Variable: Net Profit

Based on the above table is the result of calculation can be known SPSS v 17:00

thitung for murabaha financing variable is equal to 2.964 with degrees of freedom for 6 (n-2

is 8-2), with two-sided test where the significance level of 5% is obtained for 2.447

TTable(table attached in Appendix I). So tcount greater than TTable (2.964> 2.447). Because T

Table <t count then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. This means that there is significant influence

between murabaha financing to net income in the BMT Mitra.

The curve above shows that Ho refused and Ha is received,because the value

of t (2.964) is greater than the value t table (2.447) so that the fall in the reception area of 

Ha. Thus, the hypothesis which states "There is the influence

of Murabaha financing to increase net income BMT Mitra Cimahi" accepted, this means

that there isinfluence between murabaha financing to net income in the BMTMitra Cimahi.

1.11 Results Analysis

Murabaha financing that occurred in each quarterly BMT Cimahi Mitras has considerable

changes fluctuated but has a tendency to rise. It can be seen in figure 4.3 which shows the

| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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growth charts murabaha financing, based on the chart, the highest funding occurred during

the second quarter of 2009 amounting to 50.04%, but when seen from the nominal amount of

funding, the highest value murabaha financing that occurred in the BMT Mitras Cimahi

occurred in the fourth quarter of 2010, amounting to Rp.337,605,012.07. And BMT Mitras

continues to make efforts in order to increase its financing murabaha is undertaking various

efforts to further develop the financing. 

Murabaha financing conducted by BMT Mitras Cimahi each quarterly experiencing

continued experiencing a change. This caused the fluctuations in the distribution of funds

conducted by BMT Mitra Cimahi, this can be influenced by ketresediaan funds owned by the

BMT itself, nor the rate of increase and decrease in demand for financing from the

customer. As seen in Table 4.3 on murabaha financing growth, there was obvious that in

every quarter there is no funding in the amount equal value. This affects the level of net profit

in the BMT Mitras, together with the growth rate muarabahah financing, net profit at BMT

Mitras also have ups and downs. In table 4.4 the development of net profit is lowest in the

period of the first quarter of 2010 reached 60.04% decline, while the highest increase in the

period of the fourth quarter of 2009 net profit growth of 58.15%. While in nominal terms, the

highest income gains occurred during the fourth quarter of 2010, amounting to Rp

46,736,643.03. And profitability terndah occurred during the first quarter of 2009, which is

only Rp 15,456,607.27. It is apparent that net profit in the BMT is influenced by besanya

Mitras murabaha financing undertaken. Large net profit in itself is influenced by other

financing undertaken by BMT Mitra Cimahi, but on a graph showing the growth of murabaha

financing and net profit growth of BMT Mitras, it is clear the influence between murabaha

financing of net profit. 

Seen from the graph between growth murabaha financing and net profit growth, is between

the two are not obvious similarity between the rise and fall. But seen from the magnitude of

financing murabaha nilan between net profit and value, it was obvious similarities, whether

viewed from the rise or fall. Equally decline occurred during the first quarter of 2010. In each

year per quarter between murabaha financing and profit both increased. 

Stastistik Based on the analysis performed using SPSS (Statistic Product and Service

Solution) 17:00 version obtained the correlation between the level of financing murabaha

with profits amounting to 0.771. This suggests a strong relationship between variables and

| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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variable financing murabaha net profit, because its value was in the range 0.60 <r

<0.799. Means of financing murabaha have a strong relationship with net profit in BMT

Mitra Cimahi. 

To find out how they affect the financing murabaha profits have increased BMT Mitra

Cimahi then used simple linear regression analysis. Based on the data processing using SPSS

version 17:00 regression equation obtained between murabaha financing with net income of

BMT Mitras is Y = 16491297.21 + 0.081 X. Based on the known equation of the regression

coefficients showed a positive net profit of 0.081. It indicates if the financing murabaha

increased by 1% then the rate of net profit will increase by 0.081%.Positive coefficient means

there is a positive relationship between murabaha financing with net income of BMT Mitra

Cimahi in other words, if the financing is to increase the net income murabaha BMT Cimahi

Mitras will have a tendency to increase as well. 

Based on the results of analytical calculations of determination (KD) value determination of

changes in working capital turnover figures showed 59.4%. In other words, the contribution

of changes in the financing of the net profit murabaha BMT Cimahi Mitras for 59.4%. This

shows there are still other factors that affect net profit for BMT Mitras Cimahi 40.6% is not

examined in this study. By comparing the calculated t table statistic by t count where t count for

murabaha financing variable is equal to 2.964 with degrees of freedom for 6 (n-2 is 8-2), with

two-sided test where the significance level of 5% is obtained TTable of 2.447. So we get the t

count > t table is 2.964> 2.447, which means Ha Ho accepted and rejected so that the partial

between murabaha financing and net profit in BMT Mitra Cimahi significant relationship


Thus it can be said that the financing murabaha potentially affect net profit BMT Mitra

Cimahi. While the contribution provided financing murabaha against net profit amounted to

59.4%.Increased funding should be coupled with increased murabaha net

profit. Inefficiencies in the provision of financing murabaha in an increase in net profit net

profit would lead to the acquisition plan did not achieve a predetermined profit

1.13 Conclusion 

Based on the results of research and discussion by the author on the Baitul Maal wat Tamwil | Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

Page 20: Jurnal inggris

(BMT) Mitras murabaha Cimahi regarding the effect of financing on the net profit, the author

can take kesimbulan as follows: 

1. Murabaha financing conducted by BMT Mitra Cimahi in the period first quarter 2009 to

fourth quarter of 2010 has a tendency to rise despite decline in a given month. Decrease

in the highest level seen murabaha financing from revenue margin occurred during the

first quarter of 2010, amounting to 55.31%. Murabaha financing was highest in the

period of the fourth quarter of 2010 with funding amounting to Rp 337,605,012.07, while

for the lowest financing occurred during the first quarter of 2009 amounted to Rp

22,534,033.00 and the amount of financing murabaha occurring during 2009-2010

amounted to Rp1, 196,556,696.52. 

2. Net profit for the year 2009-2010 is Rp. 228,318,328.83, where in 2009 I quarter period

until the fourth quarter of 2010, net profit BMT Mitras tend to increase, albeit at trwulan

I period in 2010 decreased the rate of profit of 60.04% . Obtaining the highest profit in

the period fourth quarter of 2010 amounting to Rp 46,736,643.03, and the lowest

profitability occurred during the first quarter of 2009 amounting to Rp 15,456,607.27. 

3. Financing murabaha potentially related to net profit in BMT Mitra Cimahi. This is

attested by the results of simple regression analysis is Y = 16491297.21 + 0.081 X. The

relationship between murabaha financing with net profit is strong, it dbuktikan with the

results of correlation analysis is 0.771. While the contribution provided financing

murabaha against net profit amounted to 59.4% the rest is influenced by other factors.  In

the hypothesis test results obtained t count> t table is 2964> 2.447, which means Ha Ho

accepted and rejected so that the financing and net profit murabaha BMT Mitra Cimahi

significant relationship exists. 

| Influence on the Murabaha Financing Net Profit

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