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JUST RECEIVED JUST x l PP. S....Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of...

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' ife f I ' 1 j k wi ffl4J L. Iff v "7 i" STEAM PMNTING OFFICE. !!. ..... . (uron Street, pp viltu Wps'.'i Cirrlnsru factory. "iorlpllon, 50 conls por Month I'AY.VIIt.U in Advancu. x l business communications to bond. M.iiiagor Daily Rullctln, Post I Mluo Box N o.l-l- . Telephone 2!3G. DvNiEt. LonAN, Elitor Wuay Tayi.ou Local Reporter J vs. 0. Ci.kviou Manager Commission Merchants. BREWER & COMPANY, 0 (Limited) Gknehai. MnnoAsiiiiE and Commission Agents. list ov officers! T. U. Jones, Jr President & Manager ,T. 0. Oakteh. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DittECTOiis: Hon. O. It. Kisnor. Hon. H. A. P. Cam-m- i 338 ly Geo."V. Mncfnrlanc. 11. It. Mncfnrlanc. Q. W. MACPAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS. COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Sugar Factors, Firc-Proo- f Building, - - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS lor TUo Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hceia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Sleam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Watson & Co's Sugar Maehm cry, Glasgow, v Glascow and Honolulu Line of Packets. J85 A O. BERQER, 24 MEllCHANT SXIIEET. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd South British and National Fire & Ma. rine Insurance Co. Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. The Haitford Fire Insurance Co. The Commercial Firu & Marine Insur- ance Co. 233 J. LYONS, I" J- - LEVEY. Si LEVEY, .Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Reaver Block, Queen at., - - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Slock, Real Estate ind General Merchandise piomptly at- - tended to. Solo Agents for Americau and Euro-pea- n merchandise. 318 & CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Uuaolulu. J & CO., MS. Commission Merchants, 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Claus Sprcckcls. Wm. G. Irwin. VTIT a. IRWIN & COMPANY, YV Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 OLEQHORN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise. Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lul- 78 GON8ALVES & Co., MA. No. 07 Hotel Sheet, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 &c, &c, &c. T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Healer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Castle. J. IS. Atbcrton. 61 COOKE, CABTLE Shippiug and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. I & PHILLIPS, BROWN Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. tST HoiiHo and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y 228 and 230 Fort Street, Honolulu, . - - Hawaiian Is. W. H- - PAOE, Proprietor. '8k i , WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And UpliolMterer, Ho. 03 Htel street, Opposito International Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, Mado of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets, Cornices, Curtiln Poles, &C made ot the latest designs. DR. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort. Tclcphono No. 140. 59 2m PP. GHAY. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ofikc, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 0 to 11 a m., and 2 to 4 anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, U to 11 a.m. Residence, eor. Kinnu and Pensacoln SUcetg. 1)18 ly DR. A. MoWAYNE, (Late of New York Ophthalmic Hospital). Office and residence 34 Ala. kca Street. Special attention to diseases of the eye and car, and cotrcction of faulty vision. Ofllco hours, 9 to 11 n.m, 0 to 8 p.m. 04 ly LA. THURSTON, Attokney at Law, Successor to Smith & Thurston. 27 38 Merchant Street. lm ABOSA, AT LAW, And Notary Public, Office with the Attorney General, Allio lanl Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly RICHARD F. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgage? of Free- holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1 CEOIL BROWN, and 'Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgments of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold ana leased, on commission. Loans negotin ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 j - M THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. and Solicitor in Chancery. Office Campbell's Block, Second Slory, Rooms 8 and 0. Entrance on Merchant Sticet, Honolulu, II. I. 984 tf WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of the Honolulu Wnter Works, foot of Nuu anu street. 181 JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. WO. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translatoi and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of either of tho abov languages made with accuracy and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 n-i- HONOLULU IRON 'WORKS, iwl'iiwjfiHt''""1 engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.KT' Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. H. S. Tregloan, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. Koliert Lcwors, O. M. Cooko. L EWERS & COOKE, (successors to Lewers & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 HOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 007 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P.O. Box 130, Telophono 349. 501 Om WM. McCANDMJSS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer In choicest Ilccr, Venl, Mutton, FIhIi, &c, &r. Family and Shipping Orders carofully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to ordor. 340 ly T. RHOADS, w CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Shop on Queen Btrect, near Alakca. 835 Om INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. tho undersigucd uro prepared WE to furnish household servants, collect bills, aud do Anglo-Ohincs- e and a general agency busi- ness. Chnrgo moderate. SOYONG & AHPHART, 30 Om 43 Nuuanu St JUST RECEIVED ! JUST RECEIVED ! LADIES' JERSEYS, ALL OVER EMBROIDERY, ORIENTAL NET LACE, KOTOS OF LAOES, SWISS & HAMBURG EMBROIDERY, LADIES' LISLE THREAD GLOYES. The Largest and Moat Complete Stock of Millinery Goods in the Kingdom ! NEW HATS, NEW FEATHERS, NEW TD?S, NEW FLOWERS, NEW ORNAMENTS, NEW TRIMMINGS, AT THE POPULAR IWCUL,L.HVEK,TT HOUSE, N. S. SACHS, Proprietor, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu. JAMES BRODIE.. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, corner street and McKibbin lane. Office hours from 7 to 0 a. si., and 1 to a . sr. Orders left at the Pantheon Sti-bl- cs will'be promptly attended to. P. O. Box 80. 843 tf WEMER & GO. Ianufactnrlns Jewellers, no. 03 Tronrr stueet. Constantly on hand a largo assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Fluted Ware, &c. 953 ly PIOjSEER STEAM GANDY FACTORY AND BAliEUY. F. nORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- IJ3- Telephone 74. k DRAYMEN. orders for Cartage promptly at. tended to. attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Office, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts, Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33. 982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19. LUCAS, Contractor ""Til F" and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attanded to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited ALVIN n. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book of all description neatly and promptly executed. Gazette Building - street 722 ly Telephone 55. Enterprise I PLANING MILL, F Alultcti, near Queen St. C. J. Haiuiisi:, Propriejor. Contracting & Building Mouldings and Finish always on hand. E2T Orders promptly attended to. -- i8 7K HAIjK Hard and Soft Stove Wood, 93 1 Out and Split ly WIIJDEIt'.S Si. . CO. Limited. SiSteamor Kinau Klntr. Commander, TnvnH Honolulu minh Tucsdav nt 4 p.m., touching at Lttlialna, Maa-lae- a Bay, Makena, Muhukona, e, Laupahoelioo and Hllo. Returning, will touch at nil the alovo ports, arriving at Honolulu each Saturday afternoon. feato AN IMMENSE STOCK OF ALL Particular Binding Merchant UNION FEED 0 Hay, Grain and COMPANY Ohiclcen Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Tcloplioiie 175. Island solicited, aud Roods delivered promptly. II. M. BENSON, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. MaAiifactiirii k Dispensing. Plamacists, 113 & 115 FORT STREET HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke & Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, The Common Senso Nursing Bottles, And Allairo Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. NOTICE. MR. N. F. BURGESS has purchased the Ev- - press Rusiucss lately carried on ly Mr. G. M. Lake, at 81 King Street, and is prepared to execute all orders with promptness, and respectfully solicits public patronage. Olllcc Telephone, 202. Residence Telephone. 1152. 984 tf N. F. BURGESS. POI ! POI ! 1Vtlcox.'H Machine SIndc. Families and others in want of Good, Fresh, Clean, Machine Made Poi, Can obtain tho same In quantities. to suit by leaving orders and con- tainers with ' XP. JB. OAT, At Pacific Navigation Co.'s Building, 801 Queen street." tf Mm L Saloon The Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours The finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. CASINO AT TIIK PAltK IS OPEN EVEEY DAY. tarThe only sea-sld- o resort In the Kingdom. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor Hay aMFeei MessrB. S, F. Graham & Co. Take pleasure in nunouncing to their old friends and patrons that they have .TTJSX RECEIVED a fresh lot of ice Hay Bii Grain WliUh they oHer at Tlio XiOAVCHt: Marled J 1 11 tow. 13?" Hay and Feed delivered to any part of the city. H. F. UKAUAM A Co., No. 83 King Street T ephono No. 187. 690 lm Feed. Schreck's THE (1. V,'. SMITH, nAijii-ix- n t j e Prussian National Insurance Comp'y EST.vnMSUF.D 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Rlchsmarks. undersigned, having been ap pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian IslundB, Is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCIINEIDER, C70 1yb at "Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concern. -- r(Kri an. The undersigned having gHHPtArnado alterations, additions, VSJsdaajund improvements in his !&& SOAP FACTORY. Is now prepared to give The Highest Cusli Value for any quantity of And will furnish containers for tho same free of cost to any one who may desire. TJIOS. W, KAWLINS, Honolulu Soap Works. OIUco in Brick Building, King street, Leleo. 483 ly J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers in nil kinds of STATIONERY, Tho Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at tho Gatclle Block, Mei chant Street 1 by LAINE & CO. Iluve i Laryo Stock of tho VERY BEST HAY, 3rxa,iii, Etc., Which is ofl'ered at Lowest Market Prices AND-Doliv- orod Free to any part of tho City AGENTS-F- OS TIIE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. Commi8sionerofDoodsfor California Telephone No. 147. 708 GUD8CRIPTI0U 60 CENTS PER MONTH S. M. CARTER, AOENT TO TAKE Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts. Office with Mr. Fisliuourne. 009 8m H. S. TREu-LOAI- , Storoliunt M'alloi'. DEALERS IN GENTS and BOYS Furnishing Goods, HATS and CAPS. CORNER OF Fort and Hotel Streets. 879 The Horso tho Index of a Nation's Prosperity. VENTURE. aMIIS fast trotting stallion has been from training and will now be kept for stock purposes e.clu-slvcl- lie has shown as much speed as ocr and had It not been for an ncci-de- which befell him a few dajs be- fore the race, he being dead lame on the 11th, wc think that he would have giv. en the gang a haul tussle for the money. Ho is now all right again, and is being regularly jogged at the truck, and can show close to a 2:30 clip at any time that he is called upon. This kind of treatment has been found by long ex. perienco to bo the right plan to adopt w 1th a stallion, as by it he Is not only a surer foal-geltc- but also he will transmit a greater amount of speed, energy and vigor to his offspring. This is now the rule in all of the largo reeding establishments everywhere. To parties owning good marcs this is an opportunity that should not be neg- lected, for Venture, with Vis fine breed-in- g and great speed, I consider tiie most desirable siocic norsc in tlie country. Mr. Campbell tells mo that of all of the horses that he has imported to this coun- try, which is probably a dozen or more, ho likes his colts by Venture better thnn any of them, which is surely proof enough of bis qualities as a stock.geitcr. Mares will be taken to the Park and returned free of charge. For any addi- tional particulars apply to corner of Punchbowl and Queen Streets. C. It. 3IILK.S. Honolulu, June 18th, lt85. SO 3m "MF.lmtair The Only Paper in California that Advocates Hawaiian Interests. A Splendid Advertising Medium For Hawaiian Business Men desirous of forming trade connections on tho Coast. All Hawaiian papers kept on tile and full information given concerning the Islands. ANY orders Entrusted to tho Proprietor will bo promptly and carefully executed, and no commission cnAitOED. TERMS Three Dollars per annum; $1,715 for six months. CImrleH It. Bucklaiul, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE 323 Front Street. PoRt-Offi- Uox, 2800, San Francisco, California. SILK CULTURE i My Book of Instruction, "SILK AND THE SILK WORM," Gives all necessary information. I'rlce, Twenty Vive C'entM ntr cops. Bilk Worm Eggs, Reels, Trees, Cut-ting- Heeds, &c., for Bale at tho very lowest market rates. Thermometer and Barometor Combined For use of Bilk Raisers, free by mail only 76 cents. I will bo pleased to glvo information to correspondents who apply by letter, inclosing two-cen- t stamp for reply. Niiecimcii IIozpn or CnrooiiM A Heel- ed Hllk, . CentH.j None but articles of the flrstquality sold Address all communications to Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter, Practical Silk Culturlst, New Lisbon, Bu'llngton Co. 044 NEW JERSEY.
Page 1: JUST RECEIVED JUST x l PP. S....Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing,

' ife


I '

1 j k




v"7 i"


!!. ..... . (uron Street,pp viltu Wps'.'i Cirrlnsru factory.

"iorlpllon, 50 conls por Month

I'AY.VIIt.U in Advancu.

x l business communications to bond.M.iiiagor Daily Rullctln, Post

I Mluo Box N o.l-l- . Telephone 2!3G.

DvNiEt. LonAN, ElitorWuay Tayi.ou Local ReporterJ vs. 0. Ci.kviou Manager

Commission Merchants.

BREWER & COMPANY,0 (Limited)

Gknehai. MnnoAsiiiiE andCommission Agents.

list ov officers!T. U. Jones, Jr President & Manager,T. 0. Oakteh. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. O. It. Kisnor. Hon. H. A. P. Cam-m- i

338 ly

Geo."V. Mncfnrlanc. 11. It. Mncfnrlanc.




Sugar Factors,Firc-Proo- f Building, - - 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS lor

TUo Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hceia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Sleam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, Watson & Co's Sugar Maehm

cry, Glasgow, vGlascow and Honolulu Line of Packets.



24 MEllCHANT SXIIEET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd

South British and National Fire & Ma.rine Insurance Co.

Macneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

The Haitford Fire Insurance Co.

The Commercial Firu & Marine Insur-ance Co.



.Auctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Reaver Block, Queen at., - - - Honolulu.Sales of Furniture, Slock, Real Estate

ind General Merchandise piomptly at- -

tended to.Solo Agents for Americau and Euro-pea- n

merchandise. 318

& CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Uuaolulu. J

& CO.,MS. Commission Merchants,124 California street,

1 San Francisco, Cal.

Claus Sprcckcls. Wm. G. Irwin.

VTIT a. IRWIN & COMPANY,YV Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

OLEQHORN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise. Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lul-


GON8ALVES & Co.,MA. No. 07 Hotel Sheet, Honolulu,Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy

Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,280 &c, &c, &c.

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Healer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

S. N. Castle. J. IS. Atbcrton.61 COOKE,CABTLE Shippiug and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. I

& PHILLIPS,BROWN Plumbeis, Gas Fittersand Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. tST HoiiHo and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y228 and 230 Fort Street,

Honolulu, . - - Hawaiian Is.W. H- - PAOE, Proprietor.

'8k i



And UpliolMterer,Ho. 03 Htel street,

Opposito International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Mado of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtiln Poles, &C

made ot the latest designs.

DR. EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort.Tclcphono No. 140. 59 2m


Ofikc, first door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 0 to 11 a m., and 2 to 4anil 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, U to 11 a.m.

Residence, eor. Kinnu and PensacolnSUcetg. 1)18 ly

DR. A. MoWAYNE,(Late of New York Ophthalmic

Hospital). Office and residence 34 Ala.kca Street. Special attention to diseasesof the eye and car, and cotrcction offaulty vision. Ofllco hours, 9 to 11 n.m,0 to 8 p.m. 04 ly

LA. THURSTON,Attokney at Law,

Successor to Smith & Thurston.27 38 Merchant Street. lm

ABOSA, AT LAW,And Notary Public,

Office with the Attorney General, Alliolanl Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

RICHARD F. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgage? of Free-holds. Office, No. 44 Merchant st. 1

CEOIL BROWN,and 'Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgments of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. 1


and Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold analeased, on commission. Loans negotinted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100

j -


and Solicitor in Chancery. OfficeCampbell's Block, Second Slory, Rooms8 and 0. Entrance on Merchant Sticet,Honolulu, II. I. 984 tf

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office ofthe Honolulu Wnter Works, foot of Nuuanu street. 181

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translatoi

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of either of tho abovlanguages made with accuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 209

n-i- HONOLULU IRON 'WORKS,iwl'iiwjfiHt''""1 engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

CHR. GERTZ,No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.KT'

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

H. S. Tregloan,TAILOR,

201 FORT ST.

Koliert Lcwors, O. M. Cooko.

LEWERS & COOKE,(successors to Lewers & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,007 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P.O. Box 130, Telophono 349.

501 Om

WM. McCANDMJSS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer In choicestIlccr, Venl, Mutton, FIhIi, &c, &r.

Family and Shipping Orders carofullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to ordor. 340 ly

T. RHOADS,w CONTRACTOR & BUILDERShop on Queen Btrect, near Alakca.

835 Om

INTELLIGENCE OFFICE.tho undersigucd uro preparedWE to furnish household servants,

collect bills, aud do Anglo-Ohincs- e

and a general agency busi-ness. Chnrgo moderate.

SOYONG & AHPHART,30 Om 43 Nuuanu St





The Largest and Moat Complete Stock of

Millinery Goods in the Kingdom !





POPULAR IWCUL,L.HVEK,TT HOUSE,N. S. SACHS, Proprietor, 104 Fort Street, Honolulu.

JAMES BRODIE..Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE and residence, corner

street and McKibbin lane.Office hours from 7 to 0 a. si., and 1 to a

. sr. Orders left at the Pantheon Sti-bl- cs

will'be promptly attended to.P. O. Box 80. 843 tf

WEMER & GO.Ianufactnrlns Jewellers,

no. 03 Tronrr stueet.Constantly on hand a largo assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Fluted Ware, &c.

953 ly


AND BAliEUY.F. nORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- IJ3- Telephone 74.


DRAYMEN.orders for Cartage promptly at.

tended to. attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, cor. Kaahumanu & Queen sts,

Hawaiian Bell Telephone No. 33.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19.

LUCAS,Contractor ""Til F"and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attanded to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Book-Bind- er


Manufacturer.Book of all description neatly

and promptly executed.Gazette Building - street

722 ly

Telephone 55.


Alultcti, near Queen St.C. J. Haiuiisi:, Propriejor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

E2T Orders promptly attended to. --i87K HAIjK

Hard and Soft Stove Wood,93 1 Out and Split ly

WIIJDEIt'.S Si. . CO.Limited.

SiSteamor KinauKlntr. Commander,

TnvnH Honolulu minh Tucsdav nt4 p.m., touching at Lttlialna, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Muhukona, e,

Laupahoelioo and Hllo.Returning, will touch at nil the

alovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Saturday afternoon.








Hay, Grain and



Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTcloplioiie 175.

Island solicited, aud Roods delivered promptly.


BENSON, SMITH & CO..MaAiifactiirii k Dispensing. Plamacists,


Depot for Boericke &

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, The Common Senso Nursing Bottles,

And Allairo Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

NOTICE.MR. N. F. BURGESShas purchased the Ev- -

press Rusiucss lately carried on ly Mr.G. M. Lake, at 81 King Street, and isprepared to execute all orders withpromptness, and respectfully solicitspublic patronage. Olllcc Telephone,202. Residence Telephone. 1152.

984 tf N. F. BURGESS.

POI ! POI !1Vtlcox.'H Machine SIndc.

Families and others in want of Good,Fresh, Clean,

Machine Made Poi,Can obtain tho same In quantities. to

suit by leaving orders and con-tainers with '

XP. JB. OAT,At Pacific Navigation Co.'s Building,801 Queen street." tf

Mm L Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVEEY DAY.tarThe only sea-sld- o resort In the

Kingdom. II. J. NOLTE,Proprietor

Hay aMFeeiMessrB. S, F. Graham & Co.

Take pleasure in nunouncing to theirold friends and patrons that

they have

.TTJSX RECEIVEDa fresh lot of

ice Hay Bii GrainWliUh they oHer at

Tlio XiOAVCHt: Marled J 1 11 tow.13?" Hay and Feed delivered to any

part of the city.H. F. UKAUAM A Co.,

No. 83 King StreetT ephono No. 187. 690 lm




(1. V,'. SMITH,

nAijii-ix- n t j ePrussian National

Insurance Comp'yEST.vnMSUF.D 1845,

Capital, 9,000,000 Rlchsmarks.

undersigned, having been appointed agent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian IslundB, Is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In


II. RIEMENSCIINEIDER,C70 1yb at "Wilder & Co's.


and all whom it may concern.-- r(Kri an. The undersigned having

gHHPtArnado alterations, additions,VSJsdaajund improvements in his!&& SOAP FACTORY.Is now prepared to give

The Highest Cusli Valuefor any quantity of

And will furnish containers for tho samefree of cost to any one who may desire.

TJIOS. W, KAWLINS,Honolulu Soap Works.

OIUco in Brick Building,King street, Leleo. 483 ly

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers in nil kinds of

STATIONERY,Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at tho Gatclle Block, Mei chantStreet 1 by

LAINE & CO.Iluve i Laryo Stock of tho

VERY BEST HAY,3rxa,iii, Etc.,

Which is ofl'ered at Lowest Market PricesAND-Doliv- orod

Free to any part of tho City


TIIEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

Commi8sionerofDoodsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 708



Acknowledgments to Labor Contracts.Office with Mr. Fisliuourne. 009 8m

H. S. TREu-LOAI- ,

Storoliunt M'alloi'.



Furnishing Goods,



Fort and Hotel Streets.879

The Horso tho Index of a Nation'sProsperity.

VENTURE.aMIIS fast trotting stallion has been

from training and willnow be kept for stock purposes e.clu-slvcl-

lie has shown as much speed asocr and had It not been for an ncci-de-

which befell him a few dajs be-fore the race, he being dead lame on the11th, wc think that he would have giv.en the gang a haul tussle for the money.Ho is now all right again, and is beingregularly jogged at the truck, and canshow close to a 2:30 clip at any timethat he is called upon. This kind oftreatment has been found by long ex.perienco to bo the right plan to adoptw 1th a stallion, as by it he Is not only asurer foal-geltc- but also he willtransmit a greater amount of speed,energy and vigor to his offspring. This

is now the rule in all of the largoreeding establishments everywhere.To parties owning good marcs this is

an opportunity that should not be neg-lected, for Venture, with Vis fine breed-in- g

and great speed, I consider tiie mostdesirable siocic norsc in tlie country.Mr. Campbell tells mo that of all of thehorses that he has imported to this coun-try, which is probably a dozen or more,ho likes his colts by Venture better thnnany of them, which is surely proofenough of bis qualities as a stock.geitcr.

Mares will be taken to the Park andreturned free of charge. For any addi-tional particulars apply to corner ofPunchbowl and Queen Streets.

C. It. 3IILK.S.Honolulu, June 18th, lt85. SO 3m

"MF.lmtairThe Only Paper in California

that Advocates HawaiianInterests.

A Splendid Advertising Medium

For Hawaiian Business Men desirous offorming trade connections

on tho Coast.

All Hawaiian papers kept on tile andfull information given concerning

the Islands.

ANY ordersEntrusted to tho Proprietor will bo

promptly and carefully executed,and no commission cnAitOED.

TERMS Three Dollars per annum;$1,715 for six months.

CImrleH It. Bucklaiul,Editor and Proprietor.

OFFICE 323 Front Street. PoRt-Offi-

Uox, 2800, San Francisco, California.

SILK CULTURE iMy Book of Instruction,

"SILK AND THE SILK WORM,"Gives all necessary information.

I'rlce, Twenty Vive C'entM ntr cops.Bilk Worm Eggs, Reels, Trees, Cut-ting-

Heeds, &c., for Bale at tho verylowest market rates.

Thermometer and Barometor Combined

For use of Bilk Raisers, free by mailonly 76 cents.

I will bo pleased to glvo informationto correspondents who apply by letter,inclosing two-cen- t stamp for reply.

Niiecimcii IIozpn or CnrooiiM A Heel-ed Hllk, . CentH.j

None but articles of the flrstquality soldAddress all communications to

Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter,Practical Silk Culturlst,

New Lisbon, Bu'llngton Co.044 NEW JERSEY.

Page 2: JUST RECEIVED JUST x l PP. S....Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing,

prn; .igsiTrwnpBISHOP & Co., BANKERS

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.Draw Exchange oa Iho

riiuilc oi' Cullibrniu, S. IT.And their agents hi


Messrs. N. 51. Hothschllil it Son, London.The Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,

Londou,The Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,

Sydney.The Hank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chvlstchurch, and Wellington.Tlio Bank of British Columbl.i, Vic

torln, H. C. and Poitland, Or.AND

Tiansact a General H inking Btmnifr.ISGJI lv

Pledged to neither Sect nor Firty.But established for the benefit of all.



Yoscniilo Skating Kink 7.Ccnlinl Park Skating Kink, 7.Oalui Lodge, No. 1 K. of I'. 7 80.


The dread pestilence of cholera,noiv ravaging Spain, may at any daylight upon the American continent.It9 next sttide might be across thePacific to this group of islands.That there is favorable soil for itsgermination and development inHonolulu none here blessed withaverage sight and smell can deny.In the densely crowded purlieus ofthis city it would, doubtless, be aherculean task to have sanitary regu-lations enforced. The difficulty ofthe task is the strongest reason vi bythere should be no delay in under-

taking it. Should cholera dicad-full- y

suiprisc the community all un-

prepared to lesist its invasion, afearful responsibility will attach tothe Hoard of Health. The cityshould be at once portioned off intodistricts, and each of these placedunder the supervision of competentsanitary officials, w ith authority toenforce a thorough cleansing and akeeping clean of all premises.


An Ohio company has purchasedthree hundred thousand acres ofland in Texas from the Texas Paci

ni si. ficEailioad. The uoinn.inv repre


sents three organizations of colonistsAmerican, German and Bohemianby whom the land will be laid off

into farms. The colonists comprise.130 families who biing to theirhomesteads an aggregate capital ofover half-a-milli- dollars. "Whatis being done by colonization com-

panies in the United States might beaccomplished in the Hawaiian Isl-

ands, if only the enterprise andcapital be forthcoming. A largelandholder hero, as wc somo timeago mentioned, expressed to us hiswillingness to dispose of large, cul-

tivable areas for purposes of coloni-

zation. Another gentleman, who isdoing a great deal bimself, in practi-cal ways, to develop the agricul-

tural and stock-raisin- g capabilitiesof this country, has spoken

tvery enthusiastically to the wi iterupon the subject of colonization bycorporate agency. Cannot a con-

ference bo ananged for an cailyday, of all public-spirite- d men dis-

posed to inaugurate a movement in

practical shape, for the colonizingof some of the available agricultu-ral lands of the Kingdom with a de-

sirable class of settlers?


This valuable pctiodical, Julynumber, is out on time. Its con-

tents arc of a practical sort. Thereis not much room left for the editorto insert the former complaint ofsugar men not giving his leaders thebenefit of their study and experience. Correspondents take up alarge shaio of the magazine. In acalm and dispassionate manner theeditor discusses tho question, "Arcthe planters responsible for the

of male Chinese?" Thevarious sources of labor supply arestated, and tho Chinese shown to be,on the whole, the cheapest and insome respects, at least hitherto, themost generally picfencd. Facts arecited which exhibit that, in the casoof some plantations, the differencebetween a heavy deficit and a smallprofit has consisted in the employ-

ment of the dearer Portuguese laborinstead of Chinese. "Tho evil andthe danger resulting to the country I

from nn excessive male population,is one which the planters recognizeand feel in common with the rest of


' '

. '. '". m i

tlio community," sayq Iho Monthly,and then proceeds to nrguc that thoexcess of make over females "is n

national danger, which can be avail-

ed onlj by national action, and atnational expense. It is a nationalnecessity that there should bo a suf-llcie- nt

number of laborers to dothe work icquired to be done in

the country, and it is necessaryto have them at u cost within theselling tuicc of the product oftheir labor. If 11 national necessityis occasioned by tho filling of a na-

tional want, it devolves upon thenation to satisfy the necessity so oc-

casioned ; and tho piescncc of malelaboicis being required by a nationalnecessity, the necessity of introduc-ing females of a like class devolvesupon the nation, and it is the Gov-

ernment and not the planteia whichshould supci intend and hear the ex-

penses of introducing females."Another atliclo advocates the expe-

riment of tunnelling the mountainsfor water to irrigate with, which hasbeen signally successful in Los An-col-

county, California. Mr. J. M.

Lidgatc conliibutes an account ofthe cost of cleaning and plantingland at lluo, Hawaii. iMght pages

aie occupied by the lcpoit of Mr.J. Maisdcn to the Planters' Com-

pany concerning the New OrleansExhibition. It is replete with in-

formation and practical suggestions.The delegate pays a high tribute toone of our chief local industries inthese words: "I here beg to men-

tion the fact that neither in the Ex-

position nor anywhere else in mytravels did I sec any sugar machi-

nery that could bo compared, eitherin design or construction, to themachinery manufactured by the Ho-

nolulu Iron "Works." Speaking ofthe diamond well boring machinesmade by a New York company, ofwhich seven have been purchased byan Australian Government, Mr.Mars- -

den says, ' ' The Hawaiian Govern-

ment might with gicat benefit to thecountry imitate the example of theAustralian Government, and pur-

chase one or moi c of these machinesto develop the dry lands of the Ha-

waiian Islands, that only need waterto lender them fruitful and a sourceof wealth to the, Government andpeople." " Kcmarks upon macera-

tion " aie made by Mr. S. N. Castle.Dr. G. Martin writes on the valueof waste molasses, and the results ofmaceration, while Mr. J. M. Lid- -

gate has tho closing words of thenumber, describing a new inventionin the shape of a mill indicator.


A rather spicy letter from GeneralMosby, U. S. Consul at Hongkong,on a matter of hospital dues in Bos-

ton, is published in this issue by re-


Such si disagreeable episode asoccurred in the Police Court thismorning, will, it is to be presumed,be provided against by proper dockaccommodation for piisoners in thenew Police Station.

A notable feature of the GrandArmy Convention atPoi tland, Maine,was the conspicuous vacuum wher-

ever Blaine of Maine's name mightnaturally have been expected tooccur in all the oratory of the occa-

sion. This is a sad illustration ofthe reverse of tho apothegm, "Noth-ing succeeds like success."

"With such n water supply as thetropical conditions of this city de-

mand, citizens could, by the use ofhose and sprinklers, lay the dust inat least the business streets everyday, and thus permit of pure airbeing breathed, which now is onlypossible for the few hours succeed-

ing such beneficent showers as thoseof yesterday ; whilo tho saving ofgoods from deterioration by dustwould go far to pay a large propor-

tion of the interest on the desiredimprovement.

Although our article headed "Ac-

tion "Wanted," a few days ago, wasintended chiefly to urge the impor-tance of having a good Legislatureelected, it has elicited a discussionof a new Cabinet. Whatever ofpractical good may result from thepublished opinions of our correspon-dents, tho discussion is valuable inshowing that all interest in politicalaffairs is not yet dead iii tho com-

munity. Whether tho present Gov-

ernment shall be superseded or notas tho consequence of the elections,


It is of tho utmost Importance thatthe making of the laws should be inintelligent and upright.hands. Thogeneral indifference manifested con-

cerning the approaching elections isone of the worst tokens oxisting ofthe future of tho country.


Editor Bulletin : The anecdotewhich you published yesterday re-

garding tho liberality of Mr. Alionn,reminds me of another in which thesame generous trait was exhibitedby him. Some years ago, the nativeProtestant chinch in Wniohinu, Kau,was burnt down on the Chinese NewYear, from rockets lodged in thosteeple. Soon after the flic, Mr.Aliona started a subscription to re-

build the church, heading the listwith 8200, and securing by his per-sonal efforts among his countrymenover one thousand dollars. The re-

sult was that in a very short time anew and beautiful edifice sprang up,costing some 83,000, which nowstands a monument alike to Chineseand Hawaiian liberality. I haveknown Mr. A. for ten years past, asa merchant, a neighbor and a citizen,and can truly say that for mercantile intcgiity and for the exhibitionof those traits which wo proudlypoint to as our Christian principles,this modest and retiring Chinamanis not one jot behind the most pre-

tentious of my own countrymen.And I may add, he is only one of agoodly number of Chinese living inthese Islands, who arc always readyto assist in good woiks, without ex-

pecting that a ti umpet be poundedin their behalf. W.



A copy of the following letterfrom General Mosby, late UnitedStates Consul at Hongkong, ad-

dressed to Messrs. Charles Brewer& Co., Boston, has been forwardedfrom the Consulate, witli a requestfor its publication in The BostonJournal. Ed. B. J.

Unitkij States Consulate, )

Hongkong, April 20, 1885. J

Messrs. U. Brewer b Co., Boston:I have the honor to acknowledge

the receipt of your letter of March2 informing me that the Collector ofCustoms at Boston had exacted 810.53as hospital dues from the bark AmyTurner on her arrival there; andyou now ask me to refund you thissum because I decided when thecrew were discharged here in Augustlast that, as the hospital tax hadbeen abolished by the Shipping Actof June 2G, it was not a propercharge for the Master to retainagainst them. You fuithcr say thatthe Secretary of State (Mr.

infonns you that myaction was contrary to law. I haveno doubt that he instigated you tomake this claim on inc. 1 have alsoreceived from the Depaitracnt ofState a despatch transmitting a letterfrom you on the subject, and in-

close for your information my leply,which you can use as j'ou choose. Iam not awaie that I ever had in mypossession any of your money ; there-fore I have nothing to refund toyou. The wages due to the sailorswere paid to them and not to me,and they went away happy. I havenever seen them since. I am nomore icsponsible for the action ofthe Collector than I would havebeen for the Master if he had hoistedthe black flag or scuttled your ves-

sel. The Collector's having madethe Master pay hospital dues is noproof of Ins right but only of thef.act that he got them. If you willconsul General Butler, or any oneelse who knows the law, he will tellyou that your remedy is against theman who look your money. I wouldbe glad if. you would make this atest case. Several months ago Iwrote to Mr. Daniel Kelly urginghim to get some ship owner to bringthe question into court. There wasa time when the people of Massa-chusetts did not quietly submit toillegal taxation. I commend to youfor imitation the example of the menwho, on a memorable occasion, threwsome chests of tea into Boston Har-bor ; and the New England farmers(guerrillas so called), who on the19th of April, 1770, carrying resist-ance still farther, as Emerson says,at Concord and Lexington "fired theshot heard round tho woild." Younow hear its echoes from the coastof China. I think it rather hard,after my earnest but unsuccessfuleffoit to relieve you of a burden,that you should now seek to transferit to me. There would have been asmuch propriety in the people of Bos-

ton asldng Prescott and Putnam topay for the powder buint nt BunkerIlill because they lost the battle.And now in sorrow I must say, thatI havo met with tho fate of thobenevolent stork who pulled out abone that was stuck in the throatof a fox.

Very respectfully,(Signed) JoiwS. Mosiiv,

U. S. Consul.

DuiiiNC. the continuance of thoCleaianco Sale at tho HawaiianBazar, late Ten Cent Stoic, fiomthis date, a reduction of ten percentwill ho allowed fiom all purchases ofa dollar and over. 07 lw

CULTUflE AND HAPPINESS.Now life is not only what wo

make it, but it is, very largely, whatwo think it is. If wo hold beforeourselves constantly, somo dreary"might have been;" if wo think itis, in some unexplainablo way, finerand more exalted to sot ourselves toa minor key of some miserere, wcmay become in reality very un-

happy. There is no law, unfortu-nately, against people's makingthemselves wretched. Schopenhaue'stheory is that culture makes for

; that the more cultivatedis an individual the more sensitive islie to physical discomfoit or mentaltroubles, and that he is thereby abeing formed to be jatred upon atevery turn. It is very possible thatthe old adage about a little learningapplies to this case. A superficialculture doubtless increases one'ssensibilities in various ways withoutproducing a corresponding increaseof resources ; but the deeper culturesupplies these and enables its pos-

sessor to bear a thousand trials orto discover means to surmount themas may be, of which the more igno-

rant individual would never havedreamed. IJoston Traveller.

The song says, "A boy's bestfriend is his mother." Sometimeshe prefers to go to hi uncle. Phila-delphia Call.


JAPANESE cook. Apply at thisonicc 72 :it

NOTICE.T1IK quartet ly meeting of the Pacific

are Co. (Limited), w ill hoheld at thcii olllco on AVcdncadny, July22nd, nt 10 o'clock a. m.

.IAS. G. SPENCER. Sec'y.Honolulu. July lBtli, 18S5. 7'J lw

SHAWL LOST.last night, in vicinity of Emma

Square, n lady's Brown Shawl, forthe lctum of which n toward will bepaid at this onicc. 72 3t

MAKE FOR SALE.STRONG and gentle brown SaddleA Marc about seven years old, will

be sold for $05, by J. KI DWELL,72 lw Honolulu Nurseiy.

NOTICE.to ike hard times Dr. 11. .T.

OWING of Beretunia Street, willfor the next 25 days treat nil diseaseswithin his specialty foi one-thir- d theusiml price. Consultation and examin-ation free. 72 2W

Kennedy & Co., Bankrupts

WF. REYNOLDS i now picparcdto offer the Mock of this estate

as it stands in the stoic, No. 109 FoitStreet. The net value of said Stock wascarefully nsceitained on the 1st day ofJune. It was taken at such prices aswere guided by a knowlcJgc of SanFrancisco business. The sides sincethat date arejcarefully recorded and aduo allowance will be made from thegross value of the Mock. This is a goodoppoitunity for anyone desiring a goodbusiness. Any information can bo ob-

tained by applying at the store. Pro-posals should be inndo before the 25thof July. 72 lw


AFOURTH dividend (12 percent. 120per share) will be paid to the

stockholders of Koloa Sugar Company.li. w. SUH.U1JJT, Treasurer K.s Co.

Honolulu, July Kl, 1885. 71 ilt

Mrs. J. Rodanetto inform her customerWISHES she is still at 51 Beretanin

Street, and will continue the ihbusiness tlieie, at her usual low

lates. 01 tf


lifeFor .Taluit via Legiep, Mar-shall IMnnds, ( onnecling withGil belt mid Caroline Island?.Tlio fine Al Clipper Tern KE

AU 1IOU, A. Lovcll, Master, will sailfor the abovo ports on or about tho 17thof July. For height or passage applyto

PACIFIC NAVIGATION CO.,or to the Captain on lioird. 70 td

c. j. McCarthyHas just received

EX MARIPOSAAnother lot of

XAttle Xucies.,'Also, some flue



TO LET.npiIE STORE lately occupied byJL Samuel Nott, in Campl:lell's Block,oui'ortHiieci. Apply to

L. A. THURSTON,or R. F. Dillingham.

Honolulu, April 1, 1885. 085 tf

FOR RENT.'VERY COMFORTABLE andA liousoon Kinau street, be-

tween PciiHucoln and Pilkol,streets, g

three bedrooms, parlor, dining-room- ,kitchen, pantry, hnth-rooin- ,

stables, etc. Largo garden. Rent, $10per month. Possession given aboutAugust 15th. For fuilher pniticularsinquire of LYONS & LEVEY,

CO tf Auctioneers.

TEMPLE of FASHIONNos. 61, 63 and 65 Fort Street,

We wish to announce the urriyal of our new Summer Stock in our

which is the most complete in this city.

Sos5 Feathers Cleaned and Curled.Native Straw Sewed in all the Styles of Hats.

JTJrJT DEM20EI"VESX500 pieces of Dre93 Lawna at very Low Prices.

New designs in Dress Goods, Satins & Buntings.

Ladies' Wrappers and Children's Dressesin large varieties. A large invoice of Laces and Embroideries.

Ladies', Misses', Childien's and Infants' Hosieryin the latest styles.

BOYS' waists:! BOYS' WASSTS IYouths', Hoys.' and Children's Clothing a specialty.


JOST- - Call and be Convinced. --&aS. COIIN & COMPANY.



Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House FurnishingGoods, and General Merchandise- -

Just received Eddy's Reliigemtors and Ieo Chests, new styles of Chandeliersand Library Lamps, Stoves and Ranges, Kerosene Oil Stoves.

All of which are offered upon favorable, terms.PACIFIC HARDWARE COMPANY.

JOHN ITT, 1. 8 Kaaliuinanii Street

3stg&jpjgpgryrr'iro' '"iJLnBSrggEMS3"Wl


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSI,House Keeping Goods,


JOSEPH E. WISEMANJThe Only Eecognized General Business Agont on the Hawaiian Islands.

ESXA.13tiZf5III31 1 &?.Offices in Campbell's Fire-proo- f Buildinsr, 27 Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I

i. o. itox :tin : : : Tolophono X7S,


REAL ESTATE AGENT Buys aud bells Real Estate in nil parti of the King-do-

Rents Ofllcc3, Houses, Cottages aud Rooms.

SOLICITING AGENT FORWILDER'S INTER-ISLAN- D STE MEHS-To- ur.ists and tlio Tiaveling Public will apply to mo for Tickets and Information totho Volcano.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEWYORK The Largest, Giandest and Soundest Institution of Kb Kind in theWorld.

AGENT FOR THE GREAT BURLINGTON RAILWAY ROUTE IN AMERICA'This Route excels all other routes going East, the Kencrv being the gr.tndo-t- ,

tho meals the choicest and tho Palace and Dining Cms thc'linnilboincsl and mostcoin foi table.

EMPLOYMENT AGENT Finds Employment for all work In tho vari-ous binnches of industry on tho. Islands.


CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER-Ent-ers Goods at Custom House, pays and dlnehnrgiaFreight and Duty Bills under power of Attorney.

MONEY BROKER Loans Money nt all times on llrat-cln- sccuritiy.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT-Lo- gnl Papeis of every description dinw n. Bills

Distributed and Collected. Books and Accounts kept and adjust!).!. RecordsSearched. Rents Collected. Tuxes and Inbiunnco on Pro criv Inoktil after.Copying and Engrossing done. Aderli'eineniR, Newspaper Article?, Torres-pondene- o

and Commercial Business of every nature promptly and accuratelyattended te.

AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HALL AT HONOLUUJ-Compan- lcs abroadwill correspond with mo for terms, etc Orders for Inland Shells, Curio, LivuSpecimens, Native A'leuHiind Photos carefully filled and forn aided lo nil partsof thcAVorld.

t3f Information nppci tabling to tho Islands given and all correspondence lulth.fully answered.JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,

873 General Business Agent, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands.


f fs--







- A


Page 3: JUST RECEIVED JUST x l PP. S....Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing,


if' hmkU


Ft 'fc




ijflllPiPPit 4n4

WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1885.wrowwfwai


July 14Schr Mary Fo&lcr from WaimciSchr Cntcrina from Wnlintinalo


Bktne Mount Lcbnuon for Hongkong3 S Mariposa for S FStmr Planter for Kauaischr Walclm for Kauai

vesseuTlTaWcSchr Cntcrina for Vv'alinaniilo

VESSELS IN PORT.Egtmi W G Irwin, Turner


For San Francisco, per S S Mnilposa,.Inly 15 Prof Martin Kcllog, Win DArmps, Mis I.ottlo Alexander, II ItHitchcock anil wife, II X Castle. W ABowen, 0 Hroglle, T K Moore, W DVlexamlcr, .Ir, MUsMMuek, Mix H XWlngato and two uliildrcn. P C Jones,Ir, Miss Ida Jones, MM Murv Dowsctt,Vlcx Dowsctt, K 0 Wahlta, 'U WBald-vl- n,

F F Gross, C E Chapln, LyloDickey, MUs A M Pavson, Mrs O 0iw.iin, Mrs F Ceding and child. Mrs JM Giilllth, Miss M lloyt. Mrs C D Kin-ney, J C Glade and J 1$ Atherton. T.'oicst. MMMai, TGoll, GW Hymn-gi- n,

J Ncory and wife, J E Itosenberg,G C Stratcinevcr, JHalllday, Geo Camp,a D Cole, Mrs J Marsden, W W d,

Mrs McLaughlin, E II Staekpolc,J Madez and 7 chlldtcn, J du Sllva, FCosta, C Brown, G Bloomlnghcrg, JnoForsto, A Cabail. Mrs It Mead and 2children, G Zligler, A II Mitchell. J TMurray, A Morgan anil son, J T.udwln,0 Boyicn and 2 Chinese.


The tern Eva will finish dischargingabout Friday. Her ilc.t poit is not yetknown.

The schr Jennie Walker will sail onSaturday for Fanninsrs Island. MrQreig and son will retin n home by her.

Mr J M Oat is making a main sail forthe Ke An Hon.

A house that has been standing in "avacant lot near the Iron Works for sometime will be put on the deck of the KeAu Hon. It was proposed to tho Captthat ho cover the houso with a steel ar-mament, w 1th loop-hol- es but tho Captsays his flic-ar- aie not loaded.

The bktne Mount Lebanon is ownedby Mrs C II Nelson, tho Captain's wife,and she is captain supcrcxccllent.

The sailiug of the bktne Mount Leba-non was postponed until to-d- on ac-count of tho rain yesterday. She took132 Chinese passengeis.

Tho Haw brig AlIieKowe arrived atHongkong after u passage of 18 days.

The Likclike's boiler will be put inMr Soienon was given

tho contract to take the old one out andto put the new one In.

Wilder S S Co gave the Pacitlc Navi-gation Co the old boi or of the Llkelikeand 575 to boot if thev would take itaway. The P N Co w ill break up theboiler for old iron.

The smoke stack for the lime-kil- n ofthe Honolulu Stone Co will be put up


The S S Mariposa took 24,727 bags ofsugar, 3,820 bags of lice, 1,040 bunchesof nananas, 145 bdls of sugar cane, 280bdls of green bides, 21 bbls of salmon,2 boxes of salmon. C boxes of lease's, 10pkgs of leaves and 1 bag'of gold arid sil-ver coins (82.403.00). Total domesticvalue 100,240.08.


A Japanese cook is advertised for.

The Planters' Monthly for Julyis out.

Rcw.uiu awaits finder of a shawlat this office.

A jiei-.tix-g of Hawaiian Lodge,

No. 21, this evening. Third degree.

Tub usual service at St. AndrewsCathedral at 7:30 o'clock this even-ing.

Tun regular monthly meeting ofthe Y. JI. C. A. will be held r-

row evening.

"Mohammedanism in India" anda "Military Execution" will befound on tho foiuth page.

Anvoxi: wanting a nice saddlemare is referred to Mr. Kidwcll'sndverliscmcnt of such.

Mn. Oeding has left at this olllcea bundle of clothing for the lepersat the Branch hospital.

-- -.

Tun Pacific Hardware Companywill hold its quarterly meeting Wed-nesday, July 22nd, nt 10 o'clock.

i. i

The foreign jury is called for 10o'clock morning, whencriminal cases will bo proceededwith.

Tiiu Honolulu Billes had u gooddrill last evening. Tho parade anddance will take place at the end ofthis month.

Tun usual prayer meeting at thevestry of Fort Street Church thisevening. Subject, "Things worthknowing, a Bible reading".

, I.

At tho prayer meeting at thovestry of tho Bethel Union Churchthis evening tho subject will be,"The Shepherd and his Hock".

Fnosi the Press Publishing Co. wehave received a full account of thoFourth of July exercises in pamphletform and an artistic cover.

Somb sneak thieves hifve beenentering a garden in Nuuanu Valleyand carrying off some valuable plantsand doing other wilful destruction.

A CATtmoB lap robo Una beenfound on Merchant street and nownwnitg an owner at the opcrilingroom of the Hawaiian Bell TelephoneCo.

The Post Office despatched by theMariposa this noon, 4,086 letters,weighing 111 pounds, and 1,316packages of papers, weighing 223lbs. 2 o?..

When is work going to be resumedon the new St. Andrew's Cathedral?There appears to bo plenty of stonoon tho ground to ope-


What a delightful time tho prison-ers have outside, smoking pipes andcigars, chewing tobacco, eatingmangoes and enjoying other privi-leges which do not belong to them 1

Tin: annual examination of Mrs.Wallace's Academic School com-

mences at 9 o'clock morn-ing.

aFriends of the school aud

others are invited without furthernotice.

Mil., Mrs. and Miss Hoffnung didnot leave by tho Mariposa to-da-

They have taken passage by theAlameda August 1st. Next Mondaythey will bo of tho party going to thoisland of Nihoa.

Wn are informed that the steam-ship Mt. Lebanon, Capt. Maxwell,is due here shortly from Hongkong,with a cargo of Chinese, en route toSan Francisco. She ought to arrivebefore the end of July.

Now that the weather is line itwould be a good opportunity to re-

pair the gutter and sidewalk onFort street near the hydrant, men-tioned by us yesterday as being inan impassable condition.

The W. C. T. TJ. will hold itsmonthly meeting on Thursday after-noon at half-pas- t two, in the par-lors of the Y. M. C. A. A cordialinvitation is extended to all ladiesinterested in tho temperance cause.

. ....Mr. Broglie, of the late Arm of

Broglic & Spear, jewellers, left bythe Mariposa to-da- y for the States.He was heavily weighed down withwreaths and leis, the gift of the bandboys, who never forgot their friends.

7 o

Ax unusually large mail was for-

warded by the Kinau yesterday, somuch so that the steamer was de-

tained ten minutes beyond her regu-lar time. The Post-offic- e officials,after they had got through puttingthe mail up, looked like a lot ofdrowned rats.

The largest shippers of sugar bythe Mariposa were: T. II. Davies &Co., 8,C52 bags; Castle & Cooke,6,277 bags ; C. Brewer &Co., 2,892bags; "W. G. Irwin & Co., 2,715bags ; II. A. Widemann, 1,418 bags ;

F. A. Schaefcr & Co., 1.381 bags;Grinbaum & Co. , 1 ,027 bags.

Tin: city circulation of tho Bulle-tin is growing apace, and now ex-

ceeds the most sanguine expectationsof a year ago. This is a fact thatbusiness men should ponder, if theydesire to have their wares brought tothe attention of the purchasing pub-lic in the most effective way....

Anotukk good game of polo wasplayed at the Yosemite skating rinklast evening between the Dudes andthe Alerts. There was quite a largeattendance of spectators. The Dudeswon the first, third and fourth goalsand the game, the Alerts only beingable to obtain one goal, tho second.

. .Tin: stock of the Hawaiian Bazar

is now offered for sale. The netvalue of the stock was taken June1st, and all sales since have beencarefully kept. Any informationwill be furnished by Mr. W. F.Reynolds at the store. Proposnlsshould bo in befoic July 25th. Theopportunity offered is a good one.

Tun O. S. S. Mariposa left at noonsharp with a largo number of passen-gers and a full cargo of freight. TheRoyal Hawaiian Bund was in attend-ance and played tho "Watch on thoRhino" in honor of the GermanConsul, Mr. J. C. Glade, who goesto the Coast ; the Japanese Anthemfor the Japanese Consul, who was onthe wharf, and concluded with Ha-

waii Ponoi.

Tin: public examinations of thoSt. Louis College classes will com-

mence with the primary department,next Monday, tho 20th int., at ii

a. M. and continue for several days.Tho commencement exercises willtake place on Friday, the 21th inst.,at 4 l'. m., being preceded by gym-nastics and military drill of theboarders at 3. The parents andfriends of the pupils arc kindly in-



There was considerable excitementin tho Police Couit this morning atthe conclusion of a case. A toughlooking customer named Dick CahHl,who is minus his right arm, was triedthis morning on a chmgc of maliciousinjury to a sail bont belonging toChas. Purely, a member of theMyrtle Boat Club. Cahill and

jW-"'"'11'1- j&iL 'tttfH"s"te

another follow named Ooy took thoboat the other day and went out forn sail. It was capsized outsido ofthe channel, and in getting it backto the boat house was damaged totho amount of $50. Thoso who wentto tho assistanco of Cahlll and Goywere assailed in the most filthy lan-

guage by tho former, while the lattersaid nothing, and It is since learnedhe stowed away on the City ofSydney. Mr. J. M. Monsarratassisted Deputy Marshal Dayton inprosecuting the case. Cahill wasfound guilty and His Honor finedhim 8G0 and costs 84.80. Thesentenco had no sooner been given,than Cahill, liko a flash of lightning,struck out with his loft hand andplauted a stinging blow on Mr. Mon-s- ai

rat's nose, causing it to bleedprofusely. He was going to strikeagain, but Mr. Dayton quickly gothold of him and ho was immediatelytaken down stairs and locked up in

cell. Tho blow came with suchforce and without any warning, thatit is a wonder Mr. Monsarrat wasnot seriously hurt. Cahlll will pro-

bably be brought up forcontempt of court, and it is to behoped ho will be very severelypunished for such a dastardly attack.It is not the first time ho has donesuch a thing. Once at Wnilulcu howas sentenced to imprisonment for anoffense, and after receiving his sen-

tence struck one of the witnesses.Justice Aholo fined him $10 for it.He is a hard case and the sooner thecountry is rid of him the better.


The following gentlemen have re-

cently been appointed officers of theQueen's Hospital: Vice-Preside-

Hon. C. It. Bishop, for two years.Trustees for tho term of four years :

His Ex. Gov. J. O. Dominis, lions.A. S. Clcghorn, and J. S. Walker,Col. C. P. laukea and Mr. W. G.Irwin. Trustees elected by ballotfor four years : lions. C. R. Bishop,S. G. Wilder, and Godfrey Rhodes,Mr. A. J. Cartwright and Rev.Alex. Mackintosh. The board oftrustees elected the following officersat a special meeting : Treasurer, Mr.J. II. Paty ; Secretary, Mr. F. A.Schaefcr; Auditor, Mr. Mark P.Robinson. Executive Committee:Hons. A. S. Clcghorn and C. R.

'Bishop, Messrs. A. J. Cartwright,J. II. Paty and F. A. Schaefer.


This morning in the Police Courtn native woman, Mrs. Luika, wascharged with assault and battery onMrs. Ah Yan, who was dressed inthe latest style of Chinese costume.It appears from the evidence thatLuika sent her little boy to the stoickept by Mrs. Ah Yan, to buy someclothes, but instead of getting themas told the Chinawoman sold him apistol. Of course when he gothomehis mother remonstrated with him,and later on took the pistol back andtold Mrs. Yan she aught not to havesold a pistol to a small boy, anddemanded her money be returned.Then the fun began, but who struckthe Gist blow has not been found,both claiming it. However, they hada regular scratching and hair-pulli-

fight, or, as the judge thought, a"finger-na- il fight." Mrs. Ah Yanfelt so aggrieved that she made theabove charge. His Honor censuredthe Chinawoman for selling a pistolto a small boy and told her not todo so again. Luika was discharged.


Tuesday, July 14th.The King vs. Kong Yee, mali-

cious injury by cutting cattle. Thejury brought in a verdict of malicious mischief in the third degree.Sentence has been deferred.

Wr.DNrMiAY, July 15th.In Banco. J. M. Horner vs.

Clans Spreckels, appeal on a demurrer. Arguments heard anil submit-ted. Messrs. A. S. Ilartwell andJono. Austin for plaintiff, Messrs.Paul Neumann and F. M. Hatch fordefendant.


Wkdxbsuay, July 15th.Luika (w.) charged with assault

and battery on Ah Yan (w.), wasdischarged. Dick Cahill, for mali-cious injury to a sailing boat, wasfined SCO and costs SI. 80. Kco,Kaholiko and Kcola (w.) werebrought up on remand charged withpractising medicine without a license.Mr. Kinney appeared for Keola, anative lawyer for Kco, while Kaho-liko conducted his own case. Casestill on.


Suoaii has gone up, but our priceshave not. King Bros.' Ait Store,Hotel Street. 71 3t

Ik you want n nice shoe, boot,slipper, or any kind of childrenshoes, L. Adlcr is the place for it,13 Nuuanu street. 980. tf.

DuiiiNii the continuance of thoClearance Sale at tho HawaiianBazar, late Ten Cent Stoic, fromthis date, a reduction of ten net-cen-

will he allowed from all pureh.isea ofa dollar and over. 07 lw


Here are two lottors that werowritten by two boys who becamegreat and good men. Now, whilewo are about to commemorate theanniversary of our nation's birth, itis pleasant to look back to the dayswhen thoso two great patriots woroonly boys like the rest of us. Thofirst letter is from Richard HenryLee, who spoke so boldly and actedso bravely for our country in thetime of her groat peril and need:

"Pa brought me two pretty booksfull of pictures he got them in Alex-andria they have pictures of dogsand cats and tigers and elefnnts andever so many pretty things cousinbids mc send you one of them it hasa picture of an olefant and a littleindian boy on his back like unclejo's sam pa says if I learn my tasksgood ho will let uncle jo to bring moto sec you will you ask your ma tolet you come to sec mc.

"RicitAim Hekkv Lee."To tho letter Washington send the

following reply :

"Dear Dick, I thank you verymuch for tho pretty picture-boo- k

you gave me. Sam asked me toshow him tho pictures and I showedhim all the pictures in it; and Iread to him how the tame elephanttook care of the master's little boy,aud put him on his back aud wouldnot let anybody touch his master'slittle son. I can read three or fourpages sometimes without missing aword. Ma says I may go to seeyou and stay all day with you nextweek if it be not rainy. She says Imay ride my pony Hero if UncleBen will go with me and lead Hero. "I have a little piece of poetry about aithe picture-boo- k you gave me, but I 05

musn't tell you who wrote thepoetry.

" G. W.'s compliments to It. II. L.Aud likes his book full well,

Henceforth vv ill counthim his friend,And hopes many happy days he

may end.""Your good friend,

"Gr.oitGE Washington.'"I am going to get a whip-to- p

soon and you may sec it and whipit."


If vou continue your presentdietary and habits and live five orseven years more the burden of fatwill be doubled, and that insinuatingtailor will be still congratulatingyou. Meantime you arc "runningthe race of life" a figure of speechless appropriate to you at the pre-sent moment than it formerly washandicapped by a weight whichmakes active movement dillicult, up-

stairs ascents troublesome, respira-tion thick and panting. Not oneman in fifty lives to a good old agein this condition. The typical manof eighty or ninety years, still re-

taining a respectable amount ofenergy of body and mind, is leanand spare, and lives on slender ra-

tions. Neither your heart nor yourlungs can act easily and healthily,being oppressed by the graduallygathering fat around. And this be-

cause you continue to cat and drinkas you did, or even more luxuriouslythan you did, when youth and ac-

tivity disposed of that moiety offood which was consumed over andabove what the body required forsustenance. Such is the import ofthat balance of unexpended alimentwhich your tailor and your foolishfriends admire, and the gradual dis-

appearance of which, should yourecover your senses and diminish it,they will still deplore, half frighteu-in- g

you back to your old habitsagain by saying: "You aro growingthin ; what can be tho matter withyou?" Insane and mischievous de-

lusion. Nineteenth Century.


In Germany women do most ofthe menial out-of-do- or work. Swit-zerland is the only country in con-

tinental Europe where peasant womenare not obliged to do all thi htiidwork. A woman was seen tocentlyin Naples carrying a collin on hot-

head, chatting jjaily with a manwho walked empty-hande- d at herside. Not uufrequently a womanand a cow are seen together pullinga coal cart through the streets of aNorth German city, a man touchingthem up, gently, to be sure, with awhip as lie walks beside them. InDenmark it is not unusual to see awoman high up in a cherry" tree,picking the fruit, while a man lic3 attho foot waiting to place the ladderwhen she shall be ready to comedown with her burden. "In UpperAustria," writes n correspondent,"I saw a slight and very prettyvouns cirl carrying the mortar up tothe second story of a building, whilea man waited there to put it in placewhen she arrived." A correspon-dent reports having seen a woman inHolland drawing a canal boat, bentnearly double with the leathern har-

ness, as she trudged along thotowpath, a man sitting at his ease intho boat smoking. Chiccuo Tines.

A New Yorker advcitises : "Grave-stones for sale cheap, to close up anestate." Now is the Ulna to die.Oil City Derrick.

When a girl is young she wantsnumerous dolls, but when alio growsolder her wants increaso and shedesires several dollars. Boston Bud-


iiiiHiiMHiiii mmtmmMmmm

LEWIS & CO., GROCERS,67 nml H Ilotol tStroot,

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE: . .. .California Grapes, Peaches, Apricots, Plums, Pears, Nectarines and Prunes. Alto,Fresh Cala Salmon, do Shrimps, do Codfish, do Clams In Shell, and Rock Cod.Also, a few rice lied Cabbages, Swiss Clicesc, Cream Ohccsc. Edam Cheesoandvery mild Cala Family Cheese, Family Cala Corned Bocf, Fresh Cala Roll Buttor,Kegs Family Huttci.

ALSO, Vine Fat Smoked Salmon and dried Skip Jack and liaracuta for salocheap. A fine lot of choice Now Zealand Potatoes, just received and for sale verycheap in quantities to suit.

ALSO, full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries, just to hand per O. S. S.Co.'s steamer Mariposa.

Byeaeh airlvulof O. S. S. Co.'s steamers, we rocelvod.Fresh Cala Fruits, doFish, Oysters and Game on Ice.

Goods delivered free of charge to all parts of Honolulu, ond satisfactionguaranteed.

Telephone No. 210, Both Companies. P. O. Box 297. (702

E. Q. SCHUMAN,Carriage and. Wagon Maker,



In HrNt-cliiH- S manner nncl priecN to Nuifc tlio timet.70 King St., adjoining Geo. W. Lincoln, Contractor & Builder. 0m

WANTED,A WOMAN to do general housework

In a family. A comfortable homeand suitable wage? promised. Apply atmis ouice. ua tt

To Lot or JLen.se.rpHOSK very desirable piemises sltu--

atcd at Kapalama, opposite theWhat Cheer House," possession given A.once. ior terms apniy to2w JOHN F. COLBUHN.

WANTEDBY a youn man, a situation as

coachman. Apply at this ofllcc.G.-

-) 2v

TO LET. or

THE two story coral buildingby Cliulan & Co. as 'a Rice

Mill, possession given inuncdiatelv. Ap-ply to CUULAN &'CO.

03 lm

PIANO TUNING.obtained the services of aHAVING Piano Tuner, wo wish

to inform tho public that we are able toTune and Itepair Pianos at Fhort notice.All orders left with us will be promptlyattended to, and all work warranted.I03J ly WEST, DOW & CO.


TXT1T1I OH WITHOUT BOARD.VY Delightful sea bathing. Dodd's

'busses run to tiie place when two ormore passengers offer. Apply lo

ALLEN llEHBETtT.EgP Telephone 302. SS lm

COTTAGE TO LET.A nice 1 room cottage, withinieay reach of II Miolulu, situ,iate al Kapjlama. Terms 20

per month. Apply to1 US. MARIA KING,

on tho grounds, or to A. !. Cailwiight,at his olllce. 10 if

NOTICE.Honolulu, July 7lh, 1885.

The undersigned expecting to leavethe Kingdom lor a time, oilers for salea live j cars' lease of the AmericanHoue with all lurnituro and appertain-menl- s

thereunto belonging. Apply forterms on the premises No. 70 MaunakeaStreet. (Co tf) '.. Y. SQUIRES.

FOR RENT.TMIAT vcrv dcsirablo and convenientJL Farallv Resilience on llerclanla

Street, until lately occupied by F. S.Pratt, Esq., complete withstables, gardens and pasture. Also, thepremises oci upiud at present a- - a LawOUlcc by John Russell, Esq., centrallylocated near the coiner of Fort andMerchant Streets. For patticulars, ap.ply either by letter or otherwise to


'ii Sim

Saratoga House.XI II. IJ. HAR'lUJ. hue lnimigi-- ofJLtI tin1 A-l- Iloiife, Iiu;:b tti mmounrulo hli fiii!id ami tint piiblW in gcm-rn- l

tluit lm lm puii'lri id t!ii

IIoiiM', Mid will ii'O.icn o'i Si mln,,May J lib. I'll .n board by thuwrel., iniiiilh ir liansienl. Spudul ticcouimo.liitlon lcr bnlles aud families.Rending Piulors open for guests of thehouse. Tlio coolest dining rooms in the

city. Xollies. 20 2m


RCUOOU7 CHAPLAIN' STREET. Les-son- sNO. given In Marine, Landscape,

.Mock Kensington, Photograph (.nil

Orayou Painting in Oil and WaterCiiIom. Flnweis in Wax, Wool, lMiuh,Kelt, Silk. T.euthor, Hair, Crystal. Fen.ther and Flidisenlu. All kinds of Em.broideiy and Dolgnlng taught withSkeleton If a i, Lace, Comb, Glass, Shelland Bullion work, ror terms, etc, ap-pl- y

io A. M. BUBItB,y!) :im Temple of Fashion.

NOTICE.& HOHBUTdONHUSTAOE iciiioved their olllcu to

corner of Kanhumiinu aud Queen btrcetsin tho olllro lately occuplul ty Jlon.Chas. T. Gulii'k. In connection withour Drayago Uusintsf, Mr. J. V. Robert-son, thu nuvvly appointed Ivcio'-cn- Warc-hoiii- ii

Keeper, will bo found, and allorders for oil to bo c.irted to and fromtho Warehouse will he promptly attend,ed to uv us.' HUSTAOE S. IIOUEUTSOX.

Hnwailtin Dull Telephone, No. 'ii.Mutual Telephone, No. 10. 04 2w

PaintlaK" &


The Kiuitnlle liil'e InsuranceSociety oi' the United

StntcM.i:ntaiui1siii:i i.v ihsu.

ISSUES Policies ou tliemo9t approvedviz: Ordinary Life, Limited

Payments, Life Endowments: TontineSavings Tontines, Semi.Tontinesj

B. C. Tontines; Elfc and Survivor,ship Annuities; Children's Endowment?,Joint Life Risks, Paitnership Insurance,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontestable and Nonforfeitable.

Contested claims, none.Before insuring elsewhere, call and

get an estimate.It is calcul'ited that every reasonable

wish of the insured is emb'odied in onemore of the plans.For full particulars and pamphlets,

apply toAI.MX. .1. OAKTWKMJHT,

General Agent for Hawaiian Idnnds.GOly

Yosemite Smi link

Will be open every afternoon and even-ings as follows:

3Tnmlny, IVctliicHtlny, Tliurmlny andNnturituy.

To the public in general.

Tui'HiIuj; ami Friday KvciiIuch, andIVrilncmliiy and Haturdny

ArteriiootiH,For ladies and their escorts.


July Party $5 prize forlargest tie.

July 21 Polo between Yosemite andAlurls for prize.

July 24 Il-i- Hunt ; prize.July 2!5 TurUoy Hunt, for natives.July 28 Two mile Race for prize.July 81 Grand fancy dress masquer-ade- .

Four prizes will bogiven one for the handsom-est costume, one for the mostoriginal one, one lor thobast sustained character, andone for the most comical.

Fancy sfcutor.-- . must look out for themonth of August.

Dancing every Friday evening fiom!) to lit.

:M.uh1! Iy tlio rtaiKl,Every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday

Evening; also at the Wednesday Ma.tinee. T. E WALL, Manager.


Central Pari Skating: Bill

Open Every Evening and Wednes-day and Saturday Aftirnoons.

Music by the Band.Tuesday, Friday and Saturday Even-

ings and on WednesdayAfternoons.

Coming; .A.muKomentH:Friday, July 17 Tug -- of - War on

Skates. 0 on side, captains to be appointed to choose teams.

Saturday, July 18 A inatcur Race ; onomile dnsh; for boysunder 15. Prize 5,

Friday, July 81 Owing to tho grandsuccess of thu last MaBquciadc, and byrequest of numerous patrons of thispopular Rink, there wlM be given aGrand Fancy Dress Parade and Masque,radu on Skates, with G handsome prizes,viz.; ?10 will bo given to thu couple,Lady and Gentleman characters wearingtho handsomest costumes; $5 for thebest bustaincd character. Lady or Gen.tK'inan, IJjy or Girl; $5 for the mostcomical character; "i for tlio niot orl.ginal. barring advertisements; 1'ilzo,p vlr Club Skates, any-uuikc-

, to tho Ladywearing tho most artistic costume.

Anv other than uood deportment tobar any ono from a prize, tho judges tobu a Luilles and 2 Gentlemen.







Page 4: JUST RECEIVED JUST x l PP. S....Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing,









55 y???!v??f?S?

TO LET.TWO-STOR- Y COTTAGE, WITHA trellUod verandahs and largo

grounds, at Falama, lately occupied liyMr. W. II. Wilkinson. Jtcnt low ton good tenant. JOHN ROBELLO.


F. AVUDENBERG,71 tjttoou Hli'cct.


Steamer "J. I. Dowsett,"ASH SOHOONr.tlS

Rob Roy, Mllo Morris, and Josephine.

wAxa; iron, s$ajl,u:.Fine niul coarse Putiloa S.ill ; line

Kaknuko Salt, in quantities to suit.Also, large mid small Iron Water

Tanks. Paints, Oils, LHc, Etc. C3 ly


Offer a Silk Dress for $5.

OTIIKU:GOODS AT FIFTYALSO, cent, reduction. Embroidery,Curtains, etc., in all styles. Ladies'Hals and Caps ; Table Linen ; MixedLinen and Black Uiussels Laces.

car suits of CLOTHING ATCOST PRICES. (i02m


Orup li Lemon Trees.

IllTREES arc of the veiy bestTHESE ONE DOLLAR EACH.

For sale by.T. K1DWELL,

54 lm Honolulu Nursery.


The Fine American Bark


Due at tills port on the

lOth July Next,Will have immediate despatch for Hong-

kong direct.

For freight or passage apply to48 Uw C. BREWER & Co., Q uecu St.

BAGGAGE EXPRESS.The undersigned havingtaken charge ot liaggageE.nrcss No. 34. for the

purpose of carrying on the Express andDray business, hopes by paying stnctattention to business to" receive a shareof public patronage.

t2T Moving pianos and furniture aspecialty. ANTONE A. KEUMI.

Residence, coiner Punchbowl and ia

Streets.Orders may be left with 0. Hammer,

or West, Dow & Co., Telephone 171).


J. A. Mackenzie,Having opened a shop on

Betliel Street,(opposite the Church), is prepared to

execute all oi tiers for

Plumbing, Gas and SteamPitting,

And general work in his line. Allorders promptly attended to, and chargesstrictly moderate. 4G Uin

Pioneer St'm Candy Factory & Bakery

r.STAlSI,IKHi:i, 1803.

Manufactures all and every article inConfectionery and Pastry and UreadBakery from the best anil purest mate,ilals, guaranteed free from all

ADULTERAYBONHas always on hand all sizes of ids Rich

and Unsurpassed Quality of

WEDDING- - CAKES,Enjoying a rich reputation of many

years, and are ornamented in anystyle desired, and are sold at the

Lowest Possible PricesUnequalled facilities and steam enablesnic to sell all articles manufactured ntmy Establishment Cheaper than anyother in this Line of Business. Vanilla,Chocolate, Cocoanut, hand made andMould Creams of all flavors at SO centsper pound.


at 5 cents each. Mince anft FruitPies always on hand.

Pure and Wholesome Bread !

Vienna Rolls, Family fc Graham Breaddelivered to any parlot the city. Thelargest and most various Stock of Con.fcctloncry can bo found at

V . HORN'SSteam Candy Factory and Bakery.

No. 71 Hotel St., between Nuunuu andFort Streets.

P. 0. Box No. 75. Telephone No. 74.1001

jjFirKr.tvviiFFor Rent or Sale.

FTM. .felAlA Aft .T44lAfta UArf4lliU JUUHllSL'O UN llUllilJlll OllXJl,lopposito tno Ainusoicum, own.led and lately occupied by

Samuel Noll. Apply toL. A. THURSTON,

.'53 Merchant St.Honolulu, Juno 4th, 1S35. 033 tf

Notice to the Pile.We take pleasure in announcing to the

public that, in addition to our

Pastry and Confootionory Business,

Wo will open our

8ce Cream Parlors !

Which have been titled up elegantly ac-cording to our trade, on

MA.M'CmWA.Y. --VXUlJULi !!5Ui.Our Cream will be only of superior

quality, made of genuine cream. Aswo have made airangements with theWoodlawn Dairy to supply us only witha Ilrsl-clas- 9 article from samples wehave had of the same, we arc able toguarantee satisfaction. The followingassortments of Ice Creams and Sherbetswe will keep at our opening, and manymoie kinds if trade will justify it:




Parties supplied any day except Sun-days. Those wishing Ice Cream forSuudny must leave their orders on

before !) p. m., which will bodelivered before 10 a. m. Sunday. Thecreams will be packed so that they willkeep dnht boms In a first-cla- condi-tion. Hoping to gel a share of publicpatronage, and thanking the public forliioir liberal past favors, wc lcniain,

MELLEK & IIALBE,1003 ly King, near Alakca St.

Best Made Has no Equal.

Give it one trial on Tarnished Metalsand be Convinced.

It is a vegetable polish and warrantedfree from Acids, Poisons or Gritty sub-stances, and is superior to anything ofthe kind herelofoio offered to the publicfor cleaning and polishing Metal Sign's,Rail iiigs, Show Cases, Harness Mount,ings, Band Instruments, Brass or MetalLainp, Faucets, Stair Rods, LocomotiveHeadlights, Gun Barrels, Brass, Copper,Silverware, Nickel, Tinware, Zinc, Steel,

AND ALL METALS.It is especially adapted to Marine

Rnilroad, Stationary and Fire EngineWorks (hot or cold), and being freefrom acids or grit, will not injurejournals, bearings, the black letteringon metal signs, harness leather, or scratchthe finest polished suifncc.

The cleanest and beat Polish forLadies to use for Household and Kiteli.en use. It is put up neatly and conveni-ently to suit all, in 4, 8 and 1G o,., andlive pound boxc, and every box guaran-tee- d

perfect.Ix,Ieef., 25c, SOe, 75o & SSI.Aside from its unequalled polishing

qualities, its strongest claim on the pub-li- u

favor rests in its absolute purity andcleanliness, being a clean, creamy paste,easily and conveniently applied. ForSale only at

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO.Call and get Sample Box.

Syl. J. Cahtv, Sole Agent for Hawai-ian Island 13


BJCxillbevry Trees.ivuiTi;.

10 100 100O18 to 21 inches.. COc 4.00 $20.002 toll feet 90c 0.00 35.00atO'lfcet l.'-'-5 S.D0 05.00

KUMHJAXI'EK 10 100 1000

1 to G inches... !? 2.00 $10.000 to 12 inches.. COc 2.C0 15.0012 to IS " .. COc 3.50 20.00IS to 24 " .. 75c 5.00 30.002 to 3 feet $1.00 7.00 40.003 to i " 1.25 9.004 to 5 1.75 12.00GtoL " 2.C0 10.00

Cuttings, per 100, $1.00; per 1,000, 0.00."White Mulbcny Seed, per ounce, 30

cents; per pound, $3.00.Russian Mulberry Seed, per ounce, 00

cents; per pound, $7.00.

Miss Nellie Lincoln RossiterIs Agent for the following papers:

South and "West, semi monthly, COc ayear;

Fanner's Call, weekly, Me per year;Farmer's Home, monthly, G0c per year;Home and School Visitor, monthly,

75c per year.As an inducement to parties to older

their Silk Worm Eggs (luring the sum.mer, to be forwarded in the tall, I oilerpremiums, fiom April 1st, as follows:For $1, 2,000 eg ire, anil a book of in-

struction.For $2, 5,000 eggs, book of instruction

and nny one paper.For $3, iai.. eggs, and any two papers.For $5, l'oz. eggs, two papers and book.For $9.00, 2 oz. eggs, and three papers.For $14, 3 oi, eggs, 3 papers and book.For $17,4 oz. oircs. and four nancrs.For $21, 5 oz. eggs, I papers and book

The ubovo charges "are the regularlist prices for eggs," ami the papers willbe sent as hero staled for (me year.Those sending oideis thinugh the sum.mer, accompanied by the cash amount,(Post-Ollle- e orders payable to me, onPostOIIlce, Pembcrton, New Joisey, U.S. A.) will receive the ptcmiuius towhich their older cntlllcs them, com.menclng at once, and tho eggs will besent about November 1st.

Nl'.M.li: MNCOLX JtOHNITKIt,Prncticnl Silk Culturlst,

New Lisbon, Burlington Co.,077 NEW JERSEY.


il7riTnirnTTmTTTT TriiTri"rrT( iinn if iiinnwn"ip HriiywaiTiiTf "' Ynrnr riTiiiiiiiriifcTtiiWiffriniiMmMnwwinrT r$fh gniiai UjnUtt.




As regards tlio influence of HieMoslems' in India, there is much tobo said, both good and bad. Thatthe Mussulman faitli is superior asan ethic institution to the Brnlimnniobelief may well be doubted. If theprinciple's which govern tho lives oftho best Brahmnns could be clearlynnd succinctly taught, they wouldbo found to contain excellent ele-

ments of public morality. Unfor-tunately, however, Brahmanism isdressed and adorned with a multi-tude of symbolism and tawdry idola-tr- y

which only confuses the simple-minde- d,

and furnishes food for thesarcasms of the wise. The dangerof symbolism is everywhere thesame. The ignorant will alwaj-- s

confound the symbol with the attri-butes of that God in whoso honorsymbols arc invented.

It is for this reason that Brahma-nism, or Hinduism, by which Imean to signify the principal Brah-man- ic

sects of worship now preva-lent in India, has degenerated intothe grossest idolatry so far as themass of Hindus arc concerned. Mo-

hammedanism, on the other hand,has maintained in a great measureits original faitli in an invisible andsupreme God. This is due to theextreme simplicity of the religion inits beginnings, excluding as it docsevery kind of image worship by thoprime prohibition, "TIiou shalt notmake a graven imago of anythinghaving a soul." That is the waythe prophet worded his command,and it has been interpreted to meanevery living thing. Mohammedanrulers have never even stamped theircoins with portraits of themselves,but only witli superscriptions anddates.

But the Hindu mind is naturallyvery imaginative, and is not easilysatisfied with any simple form ofbelief. The thrcc-hun- d red-fol- d pan-theon offers some especial attractionto each individual, and, as amongthe Egyptians of old, every manmay carry his god in his pocket,without any particular disbelief inhis neighbor's favorite deity, whomay be quite as powerful, but is notso sympathetic to his own taste. Onthe whole, a Hindu is more likely toturn atheist than to become a Mo-

hammedan, and the conversion ofHindus to Christianity has been en-

tirely insignificant. The only con-versions of any historical importancewere those of St. Francis Xavier,who made Christians of the inhabi-tants of Goa, in Southern India, bya military process of persuasion nowno longer employed in matters ofreligion.

The Mohammedans brought withthem to India their faith, theirstrong, manly characteristics, andtheir wonderful architecture, whichlias entirely pervaded the land. Itis almost always possible to dis-

tinguish Mohammedans from Hindusat sight. They generally wear beards,whereas the Hindu is shaved, savefor his mustache; they arc moreerect, more muscular, and of bolderaspect; they wear their clothesdifferently, for all Mohammedansbutton their white linen garments ortheir cloth cafstans as wc do thatis to say, the left side is broughtover the right whereas all Hindusbutton the right side of their coatsover the left. But wherever therearc Mussulmans, there you will findtheir graceful minarets and mosques,their domed sepulchres and solitarytombs, their light balconies andpointed door-way- s, contrasting withthe heavy architectures of the Hin-

dus.There arc to be found in private

dwellings in Ahmcdabah, a Mussul-man city in the west of India, suchspecimens of beautiful design andexquisite workmanship as are hardlyto be met with anywhere else.Harper's Magazine.


Three Anameso notables weretaken prisoners at Thai Naguycn,and sentonccd to bo shot. Theyhad their arms tied all together witha silk sash, and were marched outof tho citadel, tho Tuan-Ph- u shriek-ing pitcously, nnd trying to grovelboforo his guard in a way whichwould have been heart-breakin- g ifit had not been hopeless, nnd there-fore dastardly. A box of explosivebullets had been found in the citadel.Explosive bullets were somewhat un-

common, and one of the officers gavehis revolver to a French Sergeantand asked him to try their effect onthe prisoners. Just when the partyhad got into tho suburbs the Ser-geant, whilo the men were still walk-

ing, put tho revolver behind theDoctor's car and fired. Three-quarte- rs

of his head was blownaway. The oilier two, in a last des-

perate strugglo, burst the silk scarfwhich bound them to the corpse andran. The Tuan-Ph- u was broughtdown witlx a bullet between theshoulders, and fell, gurgling upblood from tho mouth and nose.But the Court emissary, who had

been calmly scornful all this time,ducked to tho first shots and boltedround n corner down to the river.There were a dozen men after him,firing shot after shot, but he was tooactive, and zigzagged like a snipe.Unfortunately, the river was boforohim, nnd tho bank was some feethigh whoro ho struck it. IIo pausedfor a second before ho leaped, and nFrench soldier who had counted onthis brought him down. Anothershot in tho water finished him. Thenthey wont back to where the Tuan-Ph- u,

still alive, was struggling con-

vulsively in the road. It requiredfire more shots to kill him. Fiveminutes after an orderly came fromthe General's quarters saying thathe wautcd to sec the prisoners againto question them. .. G. Scott'sbook, France and Tonykiny,


We have merely to ndd that forover twenty years we have fromtilne to time heard about "ascensionrobes," etc., and have in every in-

stance proved the story a lie. Ifany such thing is. ever made orworn, it will bo by an insano per-son; but he will not be one whitmore so than have been found inother denominations besides Advcn-tist- s.

Herald of life.

J. A. DOWER,Ship .Carpenter and Boat Builder.

on hand and for sale variousHAS boats, steam bent knees,stems nnd timbers, scvcial hundred feetdialing battens and one 75 feet flag-pole for sale cheap. Apply at the Enter-pris- e

Mill or Mutual Telephone i25.03



ISo. SB Hotel Street.These new Parlors, containing sixteenPmvATK Roosts, have been elegantlydecorated and furnished. TheCelebrated Elite Ice CreamWill be made from pure cream withpuic delicious flavorings. Vanilla, Le-mo-

Orange, Pine Apple, Strawberry,Peach, Almond, Collce Glace, Chocolate.

Sherbets and Sees,In lnrgo variety. Served with CaKemndc on the Premises. Ice CreamDrinks made to order in any style.Sodn "Water, Ginger Ale and Tahiti

Robert's choicest candiesfresh by every steamer. Faml-lies- ,

Parties, Balls and Weddings sup-plied nt short notice. Ladles can havetheir home-mad- e Creams frozen andCakes baked to ordei at reasonableprices. A largo assortment of Shells,Corals, Volcanic Specimens, Tapas andgeneral Island Curios always on handat reasonable prices.

II. J. HART,JBSy-Riii- S up Telephone No. 182. 38 ly


Offer for Sale to arrive per

Bark Amy Turner,From Boston, due

JTTJiLY 1st--, 188S.

Franklin Stove Coal in Casks,( bbls Crushed Sugar,"Cases Frazer's Axle Grease,

do Hoe Handles,Bbls No 1 Rosin,

Cases Wheelbarrows,

Nest Trunks,Hay Cutters,

Flax Packing,J bbls Wilmington Tar,

Wilmington Pitch, ,

Bales Navy Oakum,Cases Ex Lard Oil,

Grindstones, Iron Safes,

Farmer's Boilers,Bbls Dairy Salt,

Bbls Cement, l?f nnd 2 in Ox Bown,Cases Axe and Pick Handles,1

Canal Harrows,Bbls Ex Prime Poik,

Kegs Nails,Cumberland Coal in bulk,


Sisal Cordage,Oak Lumber, White Wood Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Ash Lumber,Eastern White Pino Lumber,

Refrigerators,Cases Tinned Tomatoes,

Eleotrio & Downer's Korosono Oil,

Ketchup and Codflsh Balls,Cases Clam Chowder,

Fish Chowder and Gherkins,Cases Sausage Meat,

Cases Huckin's Tomnto Soup,Cases " Mock Turtle Soup,

Cases " Ox Tail Soup,

Centrifugal Linings,Buckets, Lime Wash Boards,

Cases Chairs, Cotton WaBte,Cases Yellow Metal Sheathing,

Keg's Yellow M. Sheathing Nails,Bbls Twine, Bales Duck,

Hide Poison, Linseed Oil,Cases Turpentine,

Cases Brown Soap,i bbls Mineral Paint,

Mammoth Rockers,Book Cases, Assorted,

Extension Top Carriages,Cases Curled Hair,

Drums of Caustic Soda.20 2m

Frank Gertz, 1 03 Fort Street,


A IH.l'D;BllillllPV3P1K JfiyVii BOOTS AND SHOES fl flSi

Has received by late steamers a splendid line of


For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.

5?' Don't 3?ss970



The Corner Harness Store


Large invoices of Gcorts (of all descriptions) having been received by me ,they

WILL BE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES,Than the same quality of Goeds can bo purchased elsewhere in Honolulu, ami

satisfaction guaranteed. Mv stock consists of all kinds of AMERICAN,ENGLISH AND SYDNEY MANUFACTURE,

Saddles, Belts, Pouches, Leggings, Saddle Cloths, School Bags, &o.,

Bits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c, Nickel and Silver PlatenThe reputation of my IIOMF-MAD- E HARNESS for of

and material lcmains unchallenged dining my six years' rcfcidenco heie.Thankful for the gcncious patronage of the past,"ils continuance and increase in

the future is rcspecllully solicited nt the old stand.

SSG 3m 'Corner

Every Description ef M PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,


Bill Head


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ma

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Billsh.

Invoices mCW tiGX&l&Z0Si&

Queen Street,


is now reopened. Interferinghorses a special I'. 20 tf

A Good Pasture forTOWN, at $2 CO per month.

Pasturo securely fenced, and nosick horses accepted. Apply to A. A.MONTANO, at Manoa Valley, or orderscan be left at Mclntyre & Brother'sgrocery store, corner of Fort and Kingstreets. 59 3in


3plnrmlc, - - - 3Ion.oln.lu

The oldest and only Boat Building Shopin the Kingdom.

Boats nnd Scows of all kinds made toorder. Surf Boats a specialty.

I have Oak Timbers Imported expresslyfor Island use.

All kinds of Boat Repairing done a1005 shortest notice. ly


Tho Clipper Schooner

WAIEHu",F.iKlbbling, .... Master,

Will run regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, IIANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to tho

Pacii'io Navigation Co.,800 ;im Cor. Nuuanii ii Queen bis.


ttXSvfinrmnnflr TVHTTKAIwill run icguhirly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permittingFor freight or passago apply to the

Captain on board, or toPacikio Navigation Co.,

181 Agents.



Still to Front !

insuperiority workmanship



of Fort and King streets, Honolulu, if. I

Letter Headings


Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping' Rcce'ts



Visiting Cards

ssmmsmm Way-Bill- s








Most of the Houses




.A, ,,

J !..






MX 5
