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Kent Police Federation Worldwide Travel Insurance Policy Policy Number: UKBOTC47187 1st April 2012 - 31st March 2013
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Kent Police Federation

Worldwide Travel Insurance Policy

Policy Number: UKBOTC471871st April 2012 - 31st March 2013

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Arranged on behalf of the Kent Police Federation, this policy provides cover for the scheme member,his/her spouse or cohabiting partner and their dependent children/grandchildren living with them and in fulltime education under the age of 22.

The Annual multi-trip policy provides worldwide cover for trips of up to 31 days duration and allows thoseinsured under the policy to travel either together or separately. Trips within the United Kingdom areincluded provided they involve at least one nights’ pre-booked and paid for accommodation.

Please take time to read all sections of the policy to make sure that you understand the terms, conditionsand exclusions before you travel. If you have any further questions about the cover please contact GeorgeBurrows on 01403 327719, by email: [email protected] or write to:

George Burrows, St Mark’s Court, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RZ

Useful Telephone Numbers

Travel claims: ACE Assistance:0845 841 0059 +44 20 7173 7798

ContentsIntroduction 3

Policy Schedule 4

Schedule(s) of Benefits 5

Dangerous Activities 7

ACE Assistance 8

Additional Services 8

Insurance Agreement 9

General Definitions 9

Specific Covers:

Medical 11

Personal Belongings 12

Money 14

Disruption 15

Personal Injury 17

Personal Liability 18

Overseas Legal Expenses 19

Winter Sports 22

General Exclusions 23

General Conditions 23

Claim Provisions 24

Complaints Procedures 24

Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme 25

Data Protection/Privacy 25

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Travel Insurance Policy Schedule

Policy Number : UKBOTC47187

Intermediary : George Burrows,St Mark’s Court, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1RZTel: 01403 327719 Fax: 01403 327778E-mail: [email protected]

Insured : Kent Police Federation Joint Branch Board Group InsuranceScheme as agents for each individual Beneficiary each for hisor her own rights and interests or of their legal representatives.

Address : Federation OfficeSutton RoadMaidstoneKentME15 9BZ

Business : Police Federation

Period of Insurance : (a) From: 1st April 2012To: 31st March 2013 (both dates inclusive)

(b) And any subsequent period for which ACE agrees to acceptcover

Renewal Date : 1st April 2013 and annually thereafter

Premium Inclusive of Premiums are calculated in accordance with rates agreedInsurance Premium between ACE and the Insured and included as part of theTax @ 20% : premium for the Insurance Scheme paid by the Insured Person

to the Insured.

Declarations : The Insured forwards monthly Declarations to theIntermediary confirming:(a) the number of Members who have requested cover; and(b) the Premium due to ACE from each Member.

The Intermediary forwards declarations detailing the number ofMembers to ACE within 30 days of the end of each proceedingmonth.

Date of Issue : 1st April 2012

Travel Insurance Schedule of Benefits

Insured Person:Any Member, Partner, Children and Dependant Grandchildren.

Please note:Members are covered up to the age of 65 years. Partners of eligible Members are covered up to theage of 85 years. Children and dependant Grandchildren are covered up to the age of 18 years, or 22years if in full-time education. Please refer to General Definitions 6, 12, 21 and 23 and General Exclusion1a for full details.

Operative Time:Whilst undertaking a Journey commencing during the Period of Insurance, and whilst Premium is beingdeducted from the Member’s salary/pension.


BENEFIT Within the Outside the EXCESSDESCRIPTION United Kingdom United Kingdom per Person

per Claim

1. Medicala. Medicalb. Supplementary Travel

and Accomodation

c. Emergency Repatriationd. Hospital Benefit

e. Hospital Benefit as aresult of being mugged

2. Personal BelongingsSectiona. Personal Belongings

Single article limitb. Personal Belongings


3. Money Sectiona. Money

Cash Limit (Children £50)b. Credit Card Misusec. Emergency Passport


Not Insured

Not Insured

Not InsuredNot Insured

Not Insured




Not Insured



Unlimited£20 for each 24 hoursup to a max of £500

£50 for each 24 hoursup to a max of £250















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4. Disruption Sectiona. Cancellationb. Curtailment or Alteration

to Itineraryc. Late Arrivald. Abandonmente. Missed Departuref. Catastropheg. Withdrawal of Services

5. Personal Injury Sectiona. Deathb. Loss of Limb(s)c. Loss of Sightd. Permanent Total


6. Personal Liability SectionPersonal LiabilityAccidental damage torented accomodation

7. Overseas LegalExpenses SectionThis section only applies toMembers who are habituallyresident in the UK

8. Winter Sports Sectiona. Own Equipmentb. Equipment Hirec. Ski Packd. Piste Closuree. Avalanche Closure



£100£5,000Not Insured£500£600





Not Insured


BENEFIT Within the Outside the EXCESSDESCRIPTION United Kingdom United Kingdom per Person

per Claim



















*Reduced to £5,000 in respect of Insured Persons under the age of 16 years at the date of sustaining bodily injury

Dangerous ActivitiesWithin the policy, for example under Section 1 -Medical, Insured Persons are not covered forclaims caused by taking part in HazardousActivities, engaging in aviation as a pilot or crewmember of a fixed wing or rotary propelled aircraftor in Air Sports or doing any other dangerousactivity.

STANDARD ACE TRAVEL INSURANCE COVERINCLUDES THE FOLLOWING:Abseiling - professionally organised andsupervisedArchery - properly supervisedCamel riding - not racingCanoeing / rafting / white water rafting - up tocategory 2Catamaran sailing* - up to 12 miles from coastonly and not racingClay-pigeon shooting - organised eventCycling - as transport onlyDeep-sea fishing / game fishingDinghy sailing* - up to 12 miles from coast onlyand not racingDry slope skiingFell walking - no picks or ropesFishingFootball - not professional, semi-professional ormajor competition or tournamentGliding - not piloting & subject to flying withqualified pilotGo-karting up to 120cc*Hiking / walking / trekking - no ropes orequipment and on recognised routesHorse riding - excludes jumping, hunting andcompetitionHot air ballooning - licensed operation only, notpilotingJet skiing*Marathon running - not professionalMountain bikingOrienteeringPaint balling / war gamesParagliding / parascending - over water onlywhen attached to a speedboatPony trekkingQuad Biking - only if wearing a helmet andprotective clothing and in a controlled

environment and not participating in any race orcompetition, and the quad bike is not more than125ccScuba diving to 30 metres - (increased to 40metres if an Insured Person holds a recogniseddiving qualification which shows the InsuredPerson is competent to make the dive)SnorkellingSurfingWaterskiingWind surfing

WINTER SPORTS COVER INCLUDES THEFOLLOWING:Cross-country skiingCurlingDownhill skiingHeli skiing*Ice skatingMogul skiingMonoskiingSkiing on-pisteSkiing off-piste - with a qualified instructorSnowboarding on-pisteSnowboarding off-piste - with a qualifiedinstructorSnowmobiling*Tobogganing

The policy may not cover Insured Persons goingto do any activity that ACE may consider tobe dangerous and that is not listed above, or if anInsured Person takes part in any competition.Please contact George Burrows on 01403 327719to contact us to see if we can provide cover.

*Under Section 6 - Personal Liability), an InsuredPerson will not be covered for liability causeddirectly or indirectly by owning or using anyaircraft, hovercraft, watercraft or mechanicallypropelled vehicle.

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Insurance AgreementThe Insured (as specified in the Policy Schedule)and ACE European Group Limited (ACE) agree that:

The Insured shall pay the Premium as agreed.

ACE will subject to the terms, Conditions andExclusions of this Policy, provide the insurance inthe manner and to the extent provided in thisPolicy. All information supplied to ACE by theInsured shall be incorporated into and be the basisof this Policy.

Andrew KendrickChairman and CEOACE European Group Limited

General DefinitionsThe following General Definitions areapplicable to the Policy as a whole.1. Accident shall mean a sudden, violent,

external, unforeseen and identifiable event andthe word Accidental shall be construedaccordingly.

2. ACE Assistance shall mean the travelassistance and emergency medical andrepatriation services organised by ACE.

3. Air Sports shall mean any aerial pursuits orsports including, but not limited to bungeejumping (unless incidental to the main trip andno more than 3 jumps), hang-gliding,microlighting, parachuting, para-gliding andparascending/parasailing over land.

4. Bodily Injury shall mean an injury which iscaused solely by Accidental means and whichindependently of illness or any other causewithin 24 calendar months from the date of theAccident results directly in an InsuredPerson’s death or disablement or the incurringof Medical Expenses.

5. Business Purposes shall mean clericalactivities and non-manual work connected to theInsured.

6. Child/Children shall mean persons who arethe Member’s and/or Partner’s Children,

stepchildren, legally adopted Children andChildren for whom the Member or Partner isthe Parent or Legal Guardian. To be coveredby this Policy, the Child/Children must:a. not be marriedb. be dependent on the Member or Partnerc. normally reside with the Member; andd. be under 18 years old; or under 22 years

old if still in full-time education.7. Claim shall mean a single loss or series of

losses Due To one cause. Claims under morethan one section of this Policy will be regardedas separate claims.

8. Complications of Pregnancy shall meancomplications of pregnancy diagnosed by aQualified Medical Practitioner or specialist inobstetrics.

9. Country of Domicile shall mean the countrywithin the European Economic Area in which anInsured Person is habitually resident during thePeriod of Insurance.

10.Due To shall mean directly or indirectly causedby, arising from or in connection with.

11.Excess shall mean the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits which each InsuredPerson must pay in respect of each Claim. Inrespect of Claims received from the Memberand/or the Partner and/or the Children DueTo one cause the Excess shall be limited to£80 in total regardless of the number ofSections of this Policy to which the Claimsrelate.

12.Grandchild/Grandchildren shall meanpersons who are the Member’s and/orPartner’s Grandchildren, stepGrandchildren, or have been legally adoptedby the Member’s and/or Partner’s Child, orfor whom the Member’s and/or Partner’sChild is the Parent or Legal Guardian. To becovered by this Policy, the Grandchild/Grandchildren must:a. not be married;b. be dependent on the Member or Partner,

or on the Member’s or Partner’s Child;c. normally reside with the Member, or with

the Member’s or Partner’s Child;and

d. be under 18 years old; or under 22years old if still in full-time education.

13.Hazardous Activities shall meanmountaineering requiring the use of ropes orguides or any specialist equipment, rockclimbing, abseiling, ski or bob racing includingpractice and training for these events, mono

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ACE AssistanceConsistent with its philosophy of customer care,ACE has arranged a number of assistanceservices.

To access ACE Assistance, simply call:+44(0) 207 173 7798

To help monitor and improve service standards,calls may be recorded.

You will be requested to provide your name; yourorganisation’s name; the nature of the assistanceneeded and a contact number or address whereyou can be reached.

1. Pre-Travel AssistancePlanning a trip can be a journey in itself. That iswhy there is a pre-travel helpline on hand toprovide support and assistance for travelenquiries ranging from visa queries toinoculations required.

2. Travel AssistanceIf during a Period of Insurance the InsuredPerson requires medical or personal assistanceor advice during a Journey they may call ACEAssistance in respect of:a) Medical Assistance

i) 24 hour service24 hours a day, 365 days a year multi-lingual service.

ii) Medical ExpertiseOn hand for advice, referral or treatment.

iii) Air AmbulanceEmergency repatriation including use ofair ambulance or scheduled flights asnecessary and appropriate.

iv) Local payment of hospital billsNo need for the Insured Person to usetheir own cash.

v) Drug replacementReplacement of essential maintenancemedication or drugs.

b) Non-medical Assistancei) Replacing Lost or Stolen Documents

Help with replacement of lost or stolenpassport, tickets, or other traveldocuments.

ii) Cancelling Credit CardsAdvice on cancellation of lost or stolencredit, debit or charge cards or travellerscheques.

iii) Emergency CashAdvance of emergency funds followingloss or theft of money overseas.(Temporary loan only - Insured Personwill be required to provide proof of abilityto repay.)

iv) Lost luggage locationHelp with the tracking of lost luggage.

v) Business Documents and messagesForwarding essential business documentsand urgent messages. (Assistance only–no insurance cover).

vi) Legal advicevii) Interpreters

The provision of interpreters at businessmeetings or the translation ofdocuments. (Assistance only– noinsurance cover).

Additional ServicesYou may also choose to consider the followingservices which are totally independent of and arenot part of this policy:

1. Foreign & Commonwealth OfficeTravel AdviceThe Foreign & Commonwealth Officeperiodically issue guidelines about locationsaround the world and whether it is advisable totravel to, or within, such locations.It is a strongly recommended that you consultthe travel advice section of the Foreign &Commonwealth Office website (www.fco.gov.uk)before allowing an Insured Person to travel.

2. European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)If you intend travelling to countries within theEuropean Economic Area (all EU countries plusIceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) ACE advisesyou to obtain a European Health Insurance Card(EHIC) to take with you when you travel.A person can apply for an EHIC:a) by phone on 0845 606 2030b) by post using an EHIC form available from

the Post Officec) on-line at www.ehic.org.uk

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skiing, ski jumping, ski boarding, ice hockey,the use of bobsleighs or skeletons, ridingdriving or sailing in any kind of organised raceor doing any other dangerous activity that is notlisted or have been agreed with by ACE prior tocommencement of trip.

14.Hijack shall mean unlawful seizure orconveyance in which an Insured Person istravelling as a passenger.

15.Hospital shall mean an establishment whicheither:� exists primarily for the diagnosis, medical

care and treatment of sick or injured peopleon an in-patient basis under the supervisionof Qualified Medical Practitioner(s) one ormore of whom is available for consultation atall times;

� provides (where appropriate) facilities formajor surgery within the confines of theestablishment or in facilities controlled bythe establishment;

� provides full-time nursing service by andunder the supervision of nursing staff.

‘Hospital’ shall not include a special unit in ahospital or a place existing primarily:� for the treatment of psychiatric disease or

sub-normality;� for the care of the aged, drug addicts or

alcoholics;� as a health hydro or nature cure clinic, a

nursing or convalescent home, extendedcare facility, rest home or hospice.

16.Immediate Family shall mean Partner,spouse, cohabiting partner, Child,Grandchild, brother, sister, parent, orgrandparent and corresponding in-laws of aMember, or anyone noted as next of kin onany legal document, all of whom must beresident in the United Kingdom or Country ofDomicile

17.Insured shall mean the person, firm, companyor organisation named as the Insured in thePolicy Schedule.

18.Insured Person shall mean the Member,his/her Partner and their Child/Children

19.Journey shall mean any trip of up to 31 daysduration undertaken by an Insured Person anddevoted entirely for pleasure, rest or relaxation;and Business Purposes in respect of theMember only:a. outside the United Kingdom and their

Country of Domicile; orb. within the United Kingdom and their

Country of Domicile provided that;

� the accommodation is pre-booked.� the trip is for one night or more which

commences during the Period of Insurance.Cover shall start from the time of leavinghome address and continue until arrival backat home address.

20.Kidnap shall mean the illegal abduction andholding hostage of an Insured Person for thepurpose of demanding payment of money orthe performance of some other action as acondition of release.

21.Member shall mean a person under the age of65 years whose application formembership of the Insured’s insurance schemehas been accepted by the Insured, whose feesand/or subscriptions are not in arrears and whohas paid the Premium for this insurance.

22.Natural Disaster shall mean hurricane,tornado, storm, high water, wind, driven water,tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption,landslide, snowstorm or natural fire.

23.Parent or Legal Guardian shall mean aperson with parental responsibility, or alegal guardian, both being in accordancewith the Children Act 1989 and anystatutory amendment modification or re-enactment of it.

24.Partner shall mean a person under the age of85 years who is:a. a Member’s spouse; orb. a Member’s civil partner, registered

pursuant to the Civil Partnership Act;or

c. someone of either sex with whom aMember has been living for at least threemonths as though they were their spouse orcivil partner.

25.Period of Insurance shall mean the periodbetween and inclusive of the dates shown From:and To: on the Policy Schedule commencing at00.00 hours on the earlier date shown andexpiring at midnight on the later date shown.Dates refer to Local Standard Time at theaddress of the Insured as shown in the PolicySchedule.

26.Premium shall mean the amount shown on thePolicy Schedule in respect of the specifiedPeriod of Insurance or any amount whichsubsequently becomes due as a result ofalteration, adjustment or renewal of the Policy.

27.Qualified Medical Practitioner shallmean adoctor or specialist who isregistered or licensedto practisemedicine under the laws of thecountry in which they practise other than:

a. an Insured Personb. a relative of an Insured Person.

28.Specific Conditions Specific Exclusionsand Specific Definitions shall mean thoseconditions, exclusions and definitions moreparticularly stated in the sections to which theyspecifically apply.

29.United Kingdom for the purposes of thisPolicy shall mean England, Scotland, Wales andNorthern Ireland (excluding Channel Islands andthe Isle of Man).

30.War shall mean armed conflict betweennations, invasion, act of foreign enemy,hostilities (whether war declared or not), civilwar, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or militaryor usurped power.

31.£ shall mean United Kingdom pounds sterling.

PLEASE NOTE that Specific Definitions relevantto the individual sections of this Policy are locatedand contained in the appropriate section.


1. MedicalA. Medical ExpensesIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson becomes ill, has Complications ofPregnancy, sustains Bodily Injury or emergencydental treatment (for pain relief and which is limitedto a maximum of £250) during a Journey outsidethe United Kingdom or Country of DomicileACE will indemnify an Insured Person in respect ofMedical Expenses up to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey.

In addition, where a Claim for Medical Expenseshas been accepted under the Policy, ACE willindemnify an Insured Person in respect ofreasonable costs necessarily incurred during theJourney for landline telephone calls, up to amaximum of £20 for any one Journey.

Medical Expenses shall mean all reasonable costsnecessarily incurred outside the United Kingdomor Country of Domicile for Hospital, nursinghome, ambulance, surgical or other diagnostic orremedial treatment given or prescribed by aQualified Medical Practitioner.

B. Supplementary Travel and AccommodationExpensesIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson becomes ill, has Complications ofPregnancy or sustains Bodily Injury during aJourney outside the United Kingdom or Countryof Domicile ACE will indemnify an Insured Personin respect of Supplementary Travel andAccommodation Expenses up to the amount shownin the Schedule of Benefits for any one Journey.

Supplementary Travel and AccommodationExpenses shall mean reasonable additional costsnecessarily incurred:1. for travel and Accommodation expenses

of an Insured Person incurred in returningto the United Kingdom or Country ofDomicile.

2. for travel and Accommodation of up to 2relatives or friends of an Insured Personwho on medical advice from a Qualified MedicalPractitioner are advised to travel to or remainwith an Insured Person.

3. a. for funeral expenses incurred in the burial orcremation of an Insured Person outsidethe United Kingdom or Country ofDomicile.

b. in transporting an Insured Person's body orashes for burial in the United Kingdom orCountry of Domicile (excluding funeral andinterment costs).

c. in transporting an Insured Person'sPersonal Belongings (as defined in thePersonal Belongings section) back to theUnited Kingdom or Country of Domicile.

Accommodation shall mean accommodation of astandard up to but not exceeding that in which anInsured Person was or would have been stayingduring the course of the Journey.

C. Emergency Repatriation ExpensesIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson becomes ill, has Complications ofPregnancy or sustains Bodily Injury during aJourney outside the United Kingdom or Countryof Domicile ACE will indemnify an Insured Personin respect of Emergency Repatriation Expenses theamount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for anyone Journey.

Emergency Repatriation Expenses shall mean allreasonable costs necessarily incurred in repatriatingan Insured Person to the most suitable Hospital

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up to the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefitsfor any one Journey.

Personal Belongings shall mean each of an InsuredPerson’s suitcases, trunks and containers of asimilar nature and their contents taken or acquiredon a Journey and articles designed to be worn orcarried by an Insured Person, including Valuables.All items of Personal Belongings must be owned byor be the legal responsibility of an Insured Personand be for an Insured Person’s own use or wear.

Valuables shall mean cameras and otherphotographic equipment, telescopes and binoculars,Audio/Video equipment (including radios,cassette/compact disc players, ipods, mp3 andmp4 players, camcorders, DVD, video, televisions,and other similar audio and video equipment),satellite navigation equipment, computers andcomputer equipment (including PDAs, personalorganisers, laptops, notebooks, netbooks and thelike), computer games equipment (includingconsoles, games and peripherals), jewellery,watches, furs, precious and semi-precious stonesand articles gold, silver or other precious metals.

B. Personal Belongings DelayIf during a Period of Insurance all or part of anInsured Person's Personal Belongings are lost ortemporarily mislaid or delayed by an airline or othercarrier for more than 12 hours during the outwardpart of a Journey ACE shall reimburse up to £100for the purchase of essential items of replacementclothing or toilet requisites.

Specific Exclusions applicable to the PersonalBelongings section:

ACE shall not be liable for:1. more than £300 for any one article, pair or set

in respect of Personal Belongings.2. more than £300 for Valuables or sports

equipment3. more than £75 in respect of sunglasses.4. vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles or their

accessories, caravans, trailers, tents, and othercamping equipment, boats, sailing boards andother water borne craft.

5. loss or damage whilst Personal Belongings areleft unattended, when an Insured Person is notin full view of and not in a position to preventunauthorised interference with the property,unlessa. in a locked hotel room, apartment, holiday

residence; orb. kept out of sight or in a locked boot or

concealed luggage compartment or underthe purpose built luggage cover of an estateor hatchback car

and such loss is evidenced by forcible andviolent entry.

6. Loss or corruption of or damage to software,information or data contained in any computer,tapes or recording equipment or any costincurred in repairing or replacing suchinformation, software data computers, tapes orrecording equipment.

7. loss or damage Due To:a. moth, vermin, wear and tear, atmospheric or

climatic conditions or gradual deterioration.b. inherent mechanical or electrical failure,

breakdown or derangement.c. any process of cleaning, restoring, repairing

or alteration.8. more than a reasonable proportion of the total

value of a pair or set where the lost or damagedarticle is part of a pair or set.

9. loss not reported to the police within 24 hoursof discovery and a report obtained.

10.loss of or damage to Valuables occurringwhilst in the custody of an airline or othertransport carrier.

11.loss or damage occurring in the custody of anairline or other transport carrier unless reportedimmediately upon discovery and in the case ofan airline a Property Irregularity Report obtained.

12.loss due to confiscation or detention by customsor any other authority.

13.any items of household furniture, appliances,equipment or mobile telephones or theiraccessories, including credit balances and thelike.

14.any items of business equipment.15.loss of or damage to sports equipment whilst it

is in use.16.the Excess stated in the Policy Schedule.

Specific Conditions applicable to the PersonalBelongings section:

1. An Insured Person shall take all reasonableprecautions for the safety of Personal Belongings.

2. On the happening of any loss or damage ACEshall be entitled:a. to take and keep possession of any article

and to deal with salvage in a reasonablemanner.

b. at its own option to repair or replace any

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or to an Insured Person's home address in theUnited Kingdom or Country of Domicileprovided that such repatriation is medicallynecessary and organised by ACE Assistance.

Specific Conditions applicable to ACEAssistance:

1. ACE Assistance must be informed immediatelyor as soon as reasonably possible of anyemergency that may potentially give rise to aClaim.

2. The Insured or an Insured Person must notmake or attempt to make arrangements withoutthe involvement and/or agreement of ACEAssistance.

3. Any repatriation will be organised by ACEAssistance by the most appropriate methodincluding, if necessary, the use of air servicesand arrangements for qualified medical staff toaccompany an Insured Person if required.

4. Full reimbursement to ACE will be made byan Insured Person for all costs incurred in theevent of repatriation services being provided byACE Assistance in good faith to any person notinsured under this Policy.

D. Hospital BenefitsIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson becomes ill, has Complications ofPregnancy or sustains Bodily Injury during aJourney outside the United Kingdom orCountry of Domicile and is admitted toHospital as an In-patient for a continuous periodof 24 hours or more on the advice of and underthe constant supervision of a qualified medicalpractitioner. ACE will pay up to the amountsshown in the Schedule of Benefits for any oneJourney.

In addition, if admission to Hospital is as a result ofBodily Injury caused by an Insured Person beingmugged, ACE will pay the additional amounts shownin the Schedule of Benefits.

Specific Condition applicable to the Medicalsection concerning cover for Complications ofPregnancy:

If the Insured Person is travelling between the28th – 35th (inclusive) weeks of pregnancy theymust provide a medical certificate issued by aQualified General Practitioner or midwife confirming

the number of weeks of pregnancy and that theyare fit to travel on the Journey. The certificatemust be dated no earlier than 5 days before theoutbound travel date.

Specific Exclusions applicable to the Medicalsection:

ACE shall not be liable for:1. any expenses incurred where a Journey is

undertaken against the advice of a QualifiedMedical Practitioner or where a terminalcomplaint has been diagnosed or where thepurpose of the Journey is to receive medicaltreatment or advice.

2. any expenses which are recovered from anyother insurance policy or national insuranceprogramme which is applicable to an InsuredPerson.

3. any expenses incurred after 12 months from thetime of the incurring of the first expense.

4. dental or optical expenses other than thoseincurred in providing the minimum treatmentnecessary to relieve pain and discomfort for theduration of the Journey.

5. any expenses incurred as the result of treatmentto a Child under the age of 6 months who hasbeen born outside the United Kingdom orCountry of Domicile during a Journey.

6. treatment which in any way arises from or isattributable to any Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus infection or related syndrome.

7. the Excess. If the cost of medical treatment isreduced by the use of Form E111 or EuropeanHealth Insurance Card this Exclusion will notapply.

9. any expenses incurred for:a. mobile telephone calls, orb. for landline telephone calls:

(i) where a Claim for Medical Expenses hasnot been accepted under the Policy, or

(ii) for which an Insured Person cannotprovide a fully itemised bill.

2. Personal BelongingsA. Personal BelongingsIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson sustains loss of or damage to PersonalBelongings during a Journey ACE will indemnify anInsured Person in respect of such loss or damage

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Specific Conditions applicable to the Moneysection:

An Insured Person shall take all reasonableprecautions for the safety of their Money and anyMoney held in their custody or control for whichthey are responsible.

4. DisruptionA. CancellationIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson is forced to cancel any part of a plannedJourney prior to the commencement of thatJourney as the direct and necessary result of anycause outside the control of the Insured Person,ACE will indemnify the Insured Person in respectof Cancellation Expenses up to the amount shownin the Schedule for any one Journey.

Cancellation Expenses shall meanloss of deposits, or charges for advance paymentsfor travel or accommodation or other chargeswhich have not been and will not be used, butwhich become forfeit or payable under contract

B. Curtailment or Alteration to ItineraryIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson is forced to curtail or alter the itinerary toa planned Journey during the course of thatJourney ACE will indemnify an Insured Person inrespect of Curtailment or Alteration to ItineraryExpenses incurred up to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey providedthat Curtailment or Alteration to Itinerary is Due To:a. an Insured Person becoming ill, having

Complications of Pregnancy or sustainingBodily Injury;

b. the death, Bodily Injury, illness orComplications of Pregnancy of a member ofan Insured Person’s Immediate Family orany person with whom an Insured Person istravelling or is intending to travel;

c. the compulsory quarantine on the order of atreating Qualified Medical Practitioner of anInsured Person or any person an InsuredPersons travelling with or intending to travelwith provided that such Curtailment or Alterationto Itinerary is confirmed as medically necessaryby the treating Qualified MedicalPractitioner;

d. jury service, subpoena or witness call (provided

all necessary checks have been made prior tobooking the Journey), subpoena or Hijack ofan Insured Person or any person with whoman Insured Person is travelling or is intendingto travel;

e. cancellation or curtailment of scheduled publictransport services consequent upon adverseweather conditions, Natural Disaster (subjectto Specific Conditions 2 and 3), strike, riot orcivil commotion;

f. an Insured Person necessarily having to returnto the United Kingdom or Country ofDomicile as a result of the death, BodilyInjury, illness or Complications ofPregnancy of any other Insured Person withwhom the Journey is made;

g. an Insured Person’s home becominguninhabitable following fire, storm, flood, theft,subsidence or other serious damage;

h. an Insured Person's presence being requiredby the police following burglary or attemptthereat at an Insured Person's place ofresidence.

Curtailment or Alteration to Itinerary Expenses shallmean reasonable additional travel andaccommodation expenses incurred during aJourney provided that:a. such travel is of a standard no greater than that

used on the outbound part of the Journey andb. the standard of accommodation is not superior

to that used during the Journey.

C. Late ArrivalIf, during a Period of Insurance, the arrival of anInsured Person at the Journey destination isdelayed by a period of at least 12 hours from thearrival time indicated by the carrier Due Tocancellation or delay of the aircraft, sea vessel orpublicly licensed conveyance (including pre-bookedconnecting publicly licensed transportation) inwhich the Insured Person has arranged to travelDue To strike, industrial action, adverse weatherconditions, Natural Disaster (subject to SpecificConditions 2 and 3), mechanical breakdown orstructural defect affecting that aircraft, sea vessel,or publicly licensed conveyance, ACE will pay theamount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for anyone Journey.

D. AbandonmentIf, during a Period of Insurance, and following adelay of at least 24 hours from the departuretime indicated by the carrier of the outward

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article for which it is liable.3. In the event of total loss or destruction of any

article:a. of Personal Belongings purchased/acquired

less than two years prior to the date of lossthe basis of settlement shall be the cost ofreplacing the article as new provided thatthe replacement article is substantially thesame but not better than the original articlewhen new.

b. of Personal Belongings purchased/acquiredtwo years or more prior to the date of lossor any article the age of which cannot beproven by an Insured Person the basis ofsettlement shall be the cost of the originalarticle when new less a consideration forwear tear and depreciation. (This does notapply to precious metals/stones, jewelleryor watches.)

4. Any amounts paid under Personal BelongingsDelay will be deducted from any subsequentamounts payable under Personal Belongings inrespect of the same loss.

5. In the event of loss or damage to PersonalBelongings in the care, custody or control of atransport carrier an Insured Person shall firstendeavour to obtain appropriate compensationfrom such transport carrier at the time of lossor damage.

3. MoneyA. MoneyIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson sustains loss of or damage to Money duringa Journey or the 72 hours immediately prior tocommencement or subsequent to completion of theJourney ACE will indemnify an Insured Person inrespect of such loss up to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey.

Money shall mean coins, bank notes, postal ormoney orders, signed travellers cheques and othercheques, letters of credit, travel tickets, petrolcoupons or other prepaid coupons and passesincluding ski passes which belong to or are in thecustody and control of an Insured Person and areintended for travel, meals, accommodation andpersonal expenditure only.

There is a limit of £250 for each adult and £50 foreach Child under 16 for loss or theft of cash.

B. Credit Card MisuseIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson sustains financial loss as a direct result ofa credit, charge or bankers card being lost orstolen during a Journey and subsequently usedfraudulently by any person, other than an InsuredPerson or a member of an Insured Person’sfamily, ACE will indemnify an Insured Person forsuch loss up to to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey.

Provided that an Insured Person has fullycomplied with all terms and conditions under whichsuch card has been issued.

C. Emergency Passport ReplacementIf during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson sustains loss of or damage to theirpassport during a Journey outside the UnitedKingdom and Country of Domicile ACE willindemnify an Insured Person in respect of feescharged by the appropriate Consular, Visa and/orPassport Office and any additional travel oraccommodation expenses in obtaining any officialtemporary travel documents or replacementpassport and/or visa whilst outside the UnitedKingdom or Country of Domicile up to theamount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for anyone Journey.

Specific Exclusions applicable to the Moneysection:

ACE shall not be liable for:1. loss not reported to the police and/or

appropriate authorities within 48 hours ofdiscovery or earlier if required by the CreditCard issuer.

2. loss due to confiscation or detention bycustoms or any other authority.

3. loss due to devaluation of currency orshortages due to errors or omission duringmonetary transactions.

4. more than £250 in respect of coins and/orbank notes.

5. promotional vouchers or awards or any goodsor services obtained through the conversion ofsuch vouchers or awards.

6. loss where at the time of the loss the Money isleft unattended, unless such Money is left inlocked accommodation, safe or locked safetydeposit compartment and the loss is evidencedby forcible and violent entry.

7. the Excess shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

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of the Journey is to receive medical treatmentor advice.

2. any expenses incurred as a result of illness orBodily Injury where Cancellation, Curtailmentor Alteration to Itinerary has not been confirmedas medically necessary by a QualifiedMedical Practitioner.

3. any unused pre-paid return travel ticketswhere repatriation has been made.

4. any costs or charges paid or discharged by theuse of promotional vouchers or awards of anydescription.

5. any expenses incurred as a result ofdisinclination to travel or the change in financialcircumstances or unemployment or change ofemployment of an Insured Person.

6. any expenses incurred as the result of thedefault or financial failure of any transportor accommodation provider, agent acting forthem or any agent acting for an InsuredPerson.

7. any expenses incurred as a result of regulationsor order made by any Public Authority orGovernment. This exclusion shall not apply tothe specific cover provided in this Disruptionsection for Natural Disaster.

8. any expenses incurred Due To the Foreignand Commonwealth Office advising againsttravel to a Journey destination. This exclusionshall not apply to the specific cover provided inthis Disruption section for Natural Disaster.

9. any expenses incurred as a result of strike orlabour dispute which existed or for whichadvance warning had been given before thedate on which the insured Journey wasbooked.

10.(Applicable to the Late Arrival and Abandonmentsub-sections only)a. any expenses incurred where the

Insured Person failed to:(i) check in according to the itinerary

supplied unless the failure was itself dueto a cause outside the control of theInsured Person

(ii) obtain written confirmation from thecarriers or their handling agents of thenumber of hours delay and the reasonfor such delay

b. withdrawal from service temporarily orotherwise of an aircraft or sea vessel on theorders or recommendation of themanufacturer, the Civil Aviation Authority, aPort Authority or any similar body in anycountry.

11.any expenses for any condition or set ofcircumstances known to an Insured Person atthe time of booking the Journey where suchconditions or set of circumstances couldreasonably have been expected to give rise tothe Disruption of a Journey.

12.(Applicable to Late Arrival and Withdrawal ofServices) If the Journey is booked within fourweeks of departure

13.the Excess shown in the Schedule of Benefits

5. Personal InjuryIf during a Period of Insurance an Accidentoccurs during a Journey and causes Bodily Injuryto an Insured Person ACE will pay the BenefitAmount shown in the Schedule of Benefits for:

A. DeathB. Loss of Limb(s)C. Loss of SightD. Permanent Total Disablement

Only one of these benefits will be payable to anyone Insured Person as a result of any oneAccident.

1. Loss of Limb shall mean in respect of:a. an arm - physical severance or total loss of

use at or above the wrist joint;and

b. a leg - physical severance or total loss ofuse above the level of the ankle (talo-tibialjoint).

2. Loss of Sight shall be deemed to haveoccurred:a. in both eyes when an Insured Person's

name has been added to the Register ofBlind Persons on the authority of a qualifiedophthalmic specialist.

b. in one eye when the degree of sightremaining after correction is 3/60 or less onthe Snellen Scale (which means an InsuredPerson is only able to see at 3 feet thatwhich they should normally be able to see at60 feet) and ACE is satisfied that thecondition is permanent and withoutexpectation of recovery.

3. Permanent Disabling Injury shall mean disabilitywhich has lasted for at least 12 months andfrom which ACE believes an Insured Personwill never recover.

4. Permanent Total Disablement shall mean a

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departure of the aircraft, sea vessel or publiclylicensed conveyance (including pre-bookedconnecting publicly licensed transportation) onwhich an Insured Person has arranged to travel,and for reasons outside the control of the InsuredPerson, an Insured Person cancels or abandonssuch Journey, ACE will indemnify an InsuredPerson in respect of irrecoverable deposits andamounts for which an Insured Person is legallyresponsible, up to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey. Claimsin respect of Natural Disaster will be subject tospecific conditions 2 and 3.

E. Missed DepartureIf, during a Period of Insurance, as a result of:a. the failure of public transport due directly to

strike, industrial action, adverse weatherconditions, Natural Disaster (subject to SpecificConditions 2 and 3), breakdown, riots and/or civilcommotion, Hijack, avalanches, landslides,traffic flow congestion, or mechanical breakdownor

b. the mechanical breakdown of, or an accidentinvolving, the private motor vehicle in which anInsured Person is travelling to reach theinternational departure point, an Insured Personmisses the departure of the ship, aircraft orother conveyance in which an Insured Person isbooked to travel, ACE will indemnify an InsuredPerson in respect of reasonable additional traveland accommodation expenses up to the amountshown in the Schedule of Benefits for any oneJourney.

F. CatastropheIf, during a Period of Insurance, an InsuredPerson is;1. forced to move from their pre-booked

accommodation outside the United Kingdomor their Country of Domicile following fire,Natural Disaster or medical epidemic, or

2. is quarantined or forced to move or cut shorttheir Journey by any local or national authority

ACE will indemnify the Insured Person for the costof reasonable additional travel and accommodationexpenses to allow them to continue with theirJourney, up to the amount shown in the Scheduleof Benefits for any one Journey.

G. Withdrawal of ServicesIf, during a Period of Insurance, an InsuredPerson suffers Withdrawal of Services for at least60 hours without a break ACE will pay up to the

amounts shown in the Schedule of Benefits for anyone Journey.

Withdrawal of Services shall mean the withdrawal of;(i) all water or electrical facilities in the Insured

Persons accommodation or(ii) waiter/waitress services at meals or(iii) kitchen services of such a nature that no food is

served or(iv) room cleaning services

Specific Conditions applicable to theDisruption Section:

1. If the Insured Person is travelling between the28th – 35th (inclusive) weeks of pregnancy theymust provide a medical certificate issued by aQualified General Practitioner or midwifeconfirming the number of weeks of pregnancyand that they are fit to travel on the Journey.The certificate must be dated no earlier than 5days before the outbound travel date.

2. The cover provided for Natural Disaster inparagraphs A, B, C, D, E and F of this Disruptionsection will only apply when any recognisedgovernment body, acting on behalf of suchgovernment, of the country to or from which theInsured Person is travelling has issued adirective:� prohibiting all travel to or from

or� recommending evacuation fromthe country or specific area or event to whichthe Insured Person was travelling provided thatthe directive came into force after the InsuredPerson purchased this insurance or booked theJourney (whichever is the latter), or in the caseof Curtailment or Alteration to Itinerary, after theInsured Person had left the United Kingdom orCountry of Domicile to commence the Journey.

3. The cover provided for Natural Disaster inparagraphs A, B, C, D, E and F of this Disruptionsection will only apply when the Insured Personis unable to recover their incurred expensesthrough any other means.

Specific Exclusions applicable to theDisruptions Section:

ACE shall not be liable for:1. any expenses where a Journey is undertaken

against the advice of a Qualified MedicalPractitioner or where a terminal complaint hasbeen previously diagnosed or where the purpose

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golf buggies used on golf courses and not onpublic roads).

b. aircraft, hovercraft, watercraft (other thannon mechanically powered watercraft lessthan 30 feet in length used on inland waters).

c. firearms (other than sporting guns).4. bodily injury loss or damage arising directly or

indirectly in connection with:a. the ownership, possession or occupation of

land or buildings, immobile property orcaravans other than rented accommodationoccupied by an Insured Person in thecourse of a Journey.

b. any wilful or malicious act.c. the carrying on of any trade, business or

profession.5. any liability assumed by an Insured Person

under any contract or agreement unless suchliability would have attached in the absence ofsuch contract or agreement.

6. any liability of whatsoever nature directly orindirectly caused by or contributed to by orarising from:a. ionising radiation or contamination by

radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or fromany nuclear waste from the combustion ofnuclear fuel.

b. the radioactive toxic explosive or otherhazardous properties of any nuclearassembly or nuclear components thereof.

7. the cost of punitive or exemplary damages.8. fines, liquidated damages or under any penalty

clause.9. the Excess shown in the Policy Schedule10.the carrying on of, or engaging in, any:

a. trade, business or profession; orb. activities or volunteer work organised by, or

under the auspices of, a charitable, voluntary,not for profit, social or similar organisationwhen liability for such activities or workshould reasonably be included within theorganisation's own Public Liability policy.

11.liability directly or indirectly occasioned byhappening through or in consequence of War.

Specific Conditions applicable to the PersonalLiability section:

1. no admission, offer, promise or indemnity shallbe made without the consent of ACE which shallbe entitled to take over and conduct in anInsured Person’s name the defence orsettlement of any claim or to prosecute in anInsured Person’s name for its own benefit any

claim for indemnity or damages or otherwiseand shall have full discretion in the conduct ofany proceedings and in the settlement of anyclaim and an Insured Person shall give allinformation and assistance as ACE may require.Every letter, claim, writ, summons and processshall be forwarded to ACE on receipt. Writtennotice shall be given to ACE immediately anInsured Person shall have notice of anyprosecution or inquest in connection with anycircumstances which may give rise to liabilityunder this section.

2. ACE may at any time pay to the Insured Personin connection with any claim or series of claimsthe amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits(after deduction of any sum(s) already paid ascompensation) or any lesser amount for whichsuch claim(s) can be settled and upon suchpayment being made ACE shall relinquish theconduct and control of and be under no furtherliability in connection with such claim(s) exceptfor the payment of costs and expensesrecoverable or incurred prior to the date of suchpayment.

3. An Insured Person shall as though they werethe Insured observe, fulfil and be subject to theterms, Specific Exclusions and SpecificConditions of this section.

4. If at the time of the happening of anyoccurrence covered by this section there is anyother existing insurance whether effected by anInsured Person or not covering the sameliability ACE shall not be liable to indemnify anInsured Person in respect of such liabilityexcept so far as concerns any excess beyondthe amount which would have been payableunder such other insurance had this section notbeen effected.

7. Overseas Legal ExpensesIf during a Period of Insurance and whilstundertaking a Journey outside the UnitedKingdom or Country of Domicile an InsuredPerson sustains accidental bodily injury or illnesswhich is caused by a third party ACE will pay up tothe amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits tocover Legal Expenses arising out of Any OneClaim.

Legal Expenses shall mean:a. fees, expenses, costs/expenses of expert

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Permanent Disabling Injury, caused other thanby Loss of Limb or Loss of Sight, which resultsin the Insured Person’s inability to perform orgive attention to gainful occupation of any andevery kind.

Specific Conditions applicable to the PersonalInjury section:

1. If an Insured Person disappears and after asuitable period of time it is reasonable for thepolice or registration authorities to believe thatsuch Insured Person has died as a result ofBodily Injury, the Death Benefit Amount shallbecome payable subject to a signedundertaking by an Insured Person’s personalrepresentatives that if the belief is subsequentlyfound to be wrong such Death Benefit Amountshall be refunded to ACE.

2. If an Insured Person suffers Bodily Injury asa result of unavoidable exposure to theelements ACE will consider it as having beencaused by an Accident.

3. Any contributory degenerative condition ordisability known by an Insured Person tobe in existence at the time of sustaining BodilyInjury will be taken into account by ACE inassessing whether benefits are payable.

4. Benefit A is limited to £1,000 in respect ofBeneficiaries under the age of 16 years at thedate of sustaining Bodily Injury.

5. Benefits A, B and C are limited to £1,000 inrespect of Beneficiaries over the age of 65years at the date of sustaining Bodily Injury.

Specific Exclusions applicable to the PersonalInjury section:

ACE shall not be liable:1. if Bodily Injury results from an Insured

Person suffering from sickness or disease notdirectly resulting from Bodily Injury.

2. for disabilities arising froma. Repetitive Stress (Strain) Injury or Syndrome

or any gradually operating cause.b. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or any

psychological or psychiatric condition.3. for Permanent Total Disablement Benefit

where an Insured Person is not in gainfulemployment or above the State Retirement Age.

4. if Bodily Injury results from bungee jumping.

6. Personal LiabilityIf an Insured Person becomes legally liable to paydamages in respect of:1. accidental bodily injury (which shall include

death illness and disease) to any person.2. accidental loss of or damage to material

property occurringduring the Period of Insurance and arising out ofthe Journey, ACE will indemnify an InsuredPerson for all such damages payable in respect ofeach occurrence or a series of occurrences arisingdirectly or indirectly from one source or originalcause up to the amount shown in the Schedule ofBenefits.

ACE will also pay:1. all costs and expenses recoverable by a

claimant from an Insured Person;2. all costs and expenses incurred with the

written consent of ACE;3. solicitors’ fees for representation at any

coroner’s inquest or fatal accident enquiry or inany Court of Summary Jurisdiction; except thatin respect of occurrences happening in orclaims or legal proceedings brought ororiginating in the United States of America andCanada or any other territory within thejurisdiction of either such country, costs andexpenses described in 1, 2 and 3 above aredeemed to be included in the amount shown asthe Limit of Indemnity in the Schedule ofBenefits.

Specific Exclusions applicable to the PersonalLiability section:

This section does not apply to liability in respect of:1. bodily injury to any person who is:

a. under a contract of service orapprenticeship with the Insured when suchinjury arises out of and in the course of theiremployment by the Insured.

b. a member of an Insured Person’s family.2. loss of or damage to property belonging to or

held in trust by or in the custody or control ofan Insured Person other than rentedaccommodation occupied by an InsuredPerson in the course of a Journey.

3. bodily injury loss or damage caused directly orindirectly in connection with the ownership,possession or use by an Insured Person, theirservants or agents of:a. mechanically propelled vehicles (other than

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represent them in any legal inquiry or legalproceedings (provided any appointment of aLegal Representative is not on a contingency feebasis, where the Legal Representative charges aproportion of the amount recovered as a fee).The Insured Person shall provide ACE withdetails of the selected Legal Representative’sname and address. ACE may provide informationabout Legal Representatives in the InsuredPerson’s local area if asked to do so.

3. The Legal Representatives and the InsuredPerson must co-operate fully with and ensurethat ACE is fully informed at all times inconnection with any claim or legal proceedingsfor damages and or compensation from a thirdparty. ACE is entitled to obtain from the LegalRepresentative any information, document oradvice relating to a claim or legal proceedingsunder this Insurance. On request an InsuredPerson will give to the Legal Representative anyinstructions necessary to ensure such access.

4. ACE’s authorisation to incur Legal Expenses will begiven if an Insured Person can satisfy ACE that:a. there are reasonable grounds for pursuing or

defending the claim or legal proceedingsand the Legal Expenses will be proportionateto the value of the claim or legalproceedings and

b. it is reasonable for Legal Expenses to beprovided in a particular case.

The decision to grant authorisation will take intoaccount the opinion of the LegalRepresentatives as well as that of ACE’s ownadvisers. If there is a dispute, ACE may request,at the Insured Person’s expense, an opinion ofa barrister as to the merits of the claim or legalproceedings. If the Claim is admitted, anInsured Person’s costs in obtaining thisopinion will be covered by this Insurance.

5. If there is any dispute, other than in respect ofthe admissibility of a Claim on which ACE’sdecision is final, the dispute will be referred to asingle arbitrator who will be either a solicitor orbarrister agreed by all parties, or failingagreement, one who is nominated by thecurrent President of the appropriate LawSociety. The party against whom the decision ismade shall meet the costs of the arbitration infull. If the decision is not clearly made againsteither party the arbitrator shall have the powerto apportion costs. If the decision is made infavour of ACE, an Insured Person’s costs shallnot be recoverable under the Insurance.

6. ACE may at its discretion assume control at any

time of any claim or legal proceedings in thename of the Insured Person for damages andor compensation from a third party.

7. All Claims within this section must be submittedto ACE in writing within 90 days.

8. Any Legal Expenses incurred without the writtenagreement of ACE shall entitle ACE to withdrawcover immediately and to recover any fees orexpenses paid to an Insured Person.

9. ACE may at its discretion require the InsuredPerson to obtain at the expense of an InsuredPerson an opinion of a barrister agreed by anInsured Person and ACE as to whether or notthere are reasonable grounds for continuing topursue or defend any claim or legal proceedings.ACE will pay such expense if the opinion indicatesthat there are reasonable grounds for pursuing ordefending the claim or legal proceedings.

10.ACE may at its discretion offer to settle a Claimwith an Insured Person which it considers to bereasonable instead of initiating or continuing anyclaim or legal proceedings for damages and/orcompensation against a third party and any suchsettlement will be in full and final settlement ofAny One Claim under this Insurance.

11.ACE may at its discretion offer to settle acounter-claim against an Insured Personwhich it considers to be reasonable instead ofcontinuing any claim or legal proceedings fordamages and/or compensation by a third party.

12.An Insured Person shall be responsible for therepayment to ACE of all sums paid by ACE inrespect of the Legal Expenses where:a. an award of costs is made in favour of

an Insured Person in the claim or legalproceedings

b. costs are agreed to be paid to the InsuredPerson as part of any settlement of theclaim or legal proceedings.

13.If a conflict of interest arises, where ACE is alsothe insurer of the third party or proposeddefendant to the Claim or legal proceedings,the Insured Person has the right to select andappoint other Legal Representatives inaccordance with Provision 2 of this Section.

14.If the Legal Representatives refuse to continueacting for an Insured Person with good reasonor if an Insured Person dismisses the LegalRepresentatives without good reason the coverACE provides will end at once, unless ACEagrees to appoint other Legal Representatives.

15.If an Insured Person is a minor ACE will payLegal Expenses incurred by the Parent orLegal Guardian acting for such minor.

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witnesses and other disbursements reasonablyincurred by the Legal Representatives inpursuing a claim or legal proceedings fordamages and/or compensation against a thirdparty who has caused accidental bodily injury toor illness of an Insured Person or in appealingor resisting an appeal against the judgement ofa court, tribunal or arbitrator.

b. costs for which an Insured Person is legallyliable following an award of costs by any court ortribunal or an out of court settlement made inconnection with any claim or legal proceedings.

Legal Representatives shall mean the solicitor, firmof solicitors, lawyer, advocate or otherappropriately qualified person firm or companyappointed to act on behalf of an Insured Person.

Any One Claim shall mean all claims or legalproceedings including any appeal againstjudgement consequent upon the same originalcause, event or circumstance.

Specific Exclusions applicable to the OverseasLegal Expenses section:

In respect of each Claim under this insurance ACEwill not pay for:1. any Claim reported to ACE more than 24

months after the beginning of the incidentwhich led to the Claim.

2. any Claim where it is ACE’s opinion that theprospects for success in achieving a reasonablesettlement are insufficient and/or where thelaws, practices and/or financial regulations ofthe country in which the incident occurred wouldpreclude the obtaining of a satisfactorysettlement or the costs of doing so wouldbe disproportionate to the value of the Claim.

3. Legal Expenses incurred before receiving ACE’sprior authorisation in writing unless such costswould have been incurred subsequent to ACE’sauthorisation.

4. Legal Expenses incurred in connection with anycriminal or wilful act.

5. Legal Expenses incurred in the defence againstany civil claim or legal proceedings made orbrought against an Insured Person unless as acounter claim.

6. fines, penalties compensation or damagesimposed by a court or other authority.

7. Legal Expenses incurred for any claim or legalproceedings brought against:

a. a tour operator, travel agent, carrier, insureror their agents where the subject matter ofthe claim or legal proceedings is eligible forconsideration under an Arbitration Schemeor Complaint Procedure.

b. ACE or their agentsc. the Insured.

8. actions between Beneficiaries or pursued inorder to obtain satisfaction of a judgement orlegally binding decision.

9. Legal Expenses incurred in pursuing any claimfor compensation (either individually or as amember of a group or class action) against themanufacturer, distributor or supplier of anydrug, medication or medicine.

10.Legal Expenses chargeable by the LegalRepresentatives under contingency feearrangements.

11.Legal Expenses incurred where a InsuredPerson has:a. failed to co-operate fully with and ensure that

ACE is fully informed at all times inconnection with any claim or legalproceedings for damages and orcompensation from a third party.

b. settled or withdrawn a Claim in connectionwith any claim or legal proceedings fordamages and or compensation from a thirdparty without the agreement of ACE. In suchcircumstances ACE shall be entitled towithdraw cover immediately and to recoverany fees or expenses paid to an InsuredPerson.

12.Legal Expenses incurred after An InsuredPerson has nota. accepted an offer from a third party to settle

a claim or legal proceedings where the offeris considered reasonable by ACE.

b. accepted an offer from ACE to settle aClaim.

13.Legal Expenses which ACE considersunreasonable or excessive or unreasonablyincurred.

Special Conditions applicable to the OverseasLegal Expenses section:

1. Legal Representatives must be qualified topractise in the Courts of the country where theevent giving rise to the Claim occurred orwhere the proposed defendant under thissection is resident.

2. The Insured Person has the right to select andappoint a Legal Representative of their choice to

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Specific Conditions applicable to the WinterSports section:

1. The Insured Person must take proper care ofequipment as if not insured

2. The Insured Person must keep any damagedequipment for ACE to inspect. If ACE make apayment for that property, it will then belong toACE

3. Piste closure cover only applies for as long asthere are poor snow conditions at the InsuredPersons resort

4. Piste closure cover only applies if the InsuredPersons resort area has ski facilities above 1600metres

5. For a Piste closure claim the Insured Personmust get written confirmation from theappropriate authority to confirm that the Piste wasclosed or that it was not possible to travelto another resort

Specific Exclusions applicable to the WinterSports section:

ACE shall not be liable for;1. Loss of equipment unless a “carrier’s report” or

a “property irregularity report” is obtained.2. Loss or theft of equipment not reported to the

police within 24 hours and obtaining a policereport

3. Loss or damage caused by delay, wear and tear,moths, vermin, weather and atmosphericconditions or mechanical failure

4. More than £250 for any one snowboard or pair ofskis, including bindings, boots or poles

5. Piste closure cover for Journeys booked within 14days of date of departure

6. Avalanche closure cover if any tour operator paysfor an Insured Persons additional travel andaccommodation expenses

7. The Excess stated in the Schedule of Benefits

General ExclusionsThe following General Exclusions are applicableto the Policy as a whole.

1. ACE shall not be liable for payment of any benefitfor Bodily Injury, loss or expense suffered orincurred:a. after the expiry of the Period of Insurance

during which:

i. a Member attains the age of 65 years.ii. a Partner attains the age of 85 years.iii. a Child or Grandchild attains the age of

18 years, or 22 years if still in full-timeeducation.

2. ACE shall not be liable for payment of anybenefit for Bodily Injury, loss or expense:a. to any Insured Person who is a professional

sportsperson or professional entertainer.b. where any person other than the Member

undertakes the Journey for BusinessPurposes of the Insured of any kind.

3. ACE shall not be liable for Bodily Injury loss orexpense Due To:a. suicide, attempted suicide or deliberate self-

inflicted injury by the Insured Personregardless of the state of their mental health.

b. illegal acts of an Insured Person.c. any indirect consequences of the event which

gave rise to such Bodily Injury, loss orexpense unless specifically stated in thePolicy.

d. an Insured Person engaging in aviation asa pilot or crew member of a fixed wing orrotary propelled aircraft or in Air Sports.

e. an Insured Person engaging in HazardousActivities.

f. an Insured Person travelling on a motor cycleover 125 cc unless a valid United Kingdomlicence is held by an Insured Person for thatmachine and a secured safety helmet wasworn at the time of sustaining Bodily Injury.

g. an Insured Person engaging in scuba divingunless:i. an Insured Person is diving to a depthof less than 40 metres and

ii. an Insured Person has a ProfessionalAssociation of Diving Instructors (PADI)or equivalent qualification or is beingsupervised by a PADI or equivalentqualified instructor.

h. an Insured Person being a full time memberof the armed forces of any nation orinternational authority or a member of anyReserve Forces called out for PermanentService.

i. War in the United Kingdom or Country ofDomicile

PLEASE NOTE that Specific Exclusions relating tothe individual sections of this Policy are located andcontained in the appropriate section.

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8. Winter SportsThis cover is provided only if the Insured Personis under 65.

Below are the details of cover which is providedautomatically for up to a maximum of 17 days inany 12 month period.

1. The Insured Person will be covered under allsections for all winter sports except for skiracing in major events, ski jumping, ice hockeyand using bobsleighs and skeletons.

2. There is no cover for winter sports equipmentunder Section 2 Personal Belongings. Thecover for winter sports equipment is detailedbelow.

3. Ski lift passes are regarded as money andcover is included under Section 3 Money.

The additional cover provided for winter sports isdescribed below

If during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson sustains loss of or damage during aJourney ACE will indemnify an Insured Personin respect of such loss or damage as shown in thisSection and up to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey.

A. Own Equipment – snowboard, skis (includingbindings) boots and pole

In addition;The Insured Person will be covered for repaircosts up to the % values shown if the equipment isdamaged.

If any hired equipment is lost, stolen or damaged,ACE will pay up to £100 for replacement or repair ifthe Insured Person is held responsible.

B. Equipment Hire – snowboard, skis (includingbindings) boots and poles

If the Insured Persons own equipment is lost,stolen or damaged ACE will pay up to £10 per dayfor the reasonable cost of hiring replacementequipment.

C. Ski pack – lessons, hire, lift pass

If during a Period of Insurance an InsuredPerson becomes ill, has Complications ofPregnancy or sustains injury during a JourneyACE will indemnify an Insured Person for the costsof the part of the ski pack which cannot be used upto the amount shown in the Schedule of Benefits forany one Journey.

D. Piste Closure – applies to Journey’s startingafter 1st January and ending before 10th April

If during a Period of Insurance, and the datesstated above, the weather prevents an InsuredPerson from skiing at the resort they were bookedinto ACE will pay up to £30 per day for reasonabletransport costs to get to a different resort and forthe cost of a lift pass there.

If transport is not possible, ACE will pay £30 foreach whole day’s skiing lost, up to the amountshown in the Schedule of Benefits for any oneJourney.

E. Avalanche Closure

If during a Period of Insurance, an InsuredPersons arrival at, or departure from, their resort isdelayed due to avalanche, landslide or landslip ACEwill pay up to £25 for each full 24 hour delay tocover reasonable additional travel andaccommodation up to the amount shown in theSchedule of Benefits for any one Journey.

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Up to 6 months

6 months to 1 year

1 to 2 years

2 to 3 years

3 to 4 years

4 to 5 years

Over 5 years

% of originalpurchase-price

insuredAge of Item

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after the occurrence of any Accidental BodilyInjury or illness obtain and follow the advice ofa Qualified Medical Practitioner and ACEshall not be liable for any consequences of anInsured Person’s failure to obtain and followsuch advice and use such appliance orremedies asmay be prescribed.

5. Claims involving foreign currency will beconverted into Policy currency at the selling rateof exchange published in the Financial Times onthe day nearest to the date of the loss.

Complaints ProceduresAny complaint should be addressed to:The Customer Service ManagerACE European Group Limited200 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G1 4RUquoting the Insured’s and an Insured Person’sname, address and Policy Number.Tel: +44 (0)845 841 0056Fax: +44 (0)141 285 2901e-mail: a&[email protected]

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) may beapproached for assistance if there is stilldissatisfaction with ACE’s final response. The FOS’scontact details are given below. A leaflet explainingthe procedure is available on request.

Contact details are:The Financial Ombudsman ServiceSouth Quay Plaza183 Marsh WallLondon E14 9SRTel: 0845 0801 800Fax: 020 7964 1001e-mail: [email protected] Site: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

The existence of these complaint procedures doesnot reduce an Insured Person’s Statutory Rightsrelating to this Policy. For further information aboutyour Statutory Rights a Member should contactthe Office of Fair Trading or Citizens Advice Bureau.

Financial ServicesCompensation SchemeIn the unlikely event of ACE being unable to meetits liabilities, an Insured Person may be entitled to

compensation under the Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme.

Their contact details are:Financial Services Compensation Scheme7th Floor Lloyds Chambers,Portsoken Street,London E1 8BN,Tel: 0800 678 1100 Fax: 020 7892 7301e-mail: [email protected] Site: www.fscs.org.uk

Data Protection/Privacy1. ACE fully accepts its responsibility to protect

the privacy of customers and the confidentialityand security of information entrusted to it.

2. ACE is part of the ACE Group ofcompanies. Itand the group companies will use informationgiven together with other information for theadministration of this Policy, the handling ofclaims and the provision of customer services.The information may also be disclosed to ACE’sservice providers and agents for thesepurposes. It may be disclosed to the Insured’sagents, where appointed. It may also be usedfor the purposes of fraud prevention includingpassing details to other insurers and regulatorybodies.

3. Where the Insured or Member has providedinformation about another person in connectionwith the purchase and performance of thisinsurance Policy, ACE will assume they haveappointed the Insured or Member to act forthem, that they have consented to theprocessing of their personal data, includingsensitive personal data and they haveconsented to the transfer of their informationabroad.

4. ACE (or reputable organisations selected by it)may monitor and/or record communication toACE to ensure consistent servicing levels andaccount operation.

5. ACE will keep information about the Insuredand/or the Beneficiaries only for so long as it isappropriate. In accordance with an individual’sSubject Access rights, when asked, ACE will tellany Insured and/or Member what informationit holds about them and provide it to them inaccordance with applicable law. Any informationfound to be incorrect will be correctedpromptly.

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General ConditionsGeneral Conditions to which this Policy issubject:

1. This Policy, Policy Schedule and Schedule(s) ofBenefits shall be read as one contract and anyword or expression to which specific meaninghas been attached shall unless the contextotherwise requires bear such meaning whereverit may appear.

2. The Insured shall give written notice within areasonable time of any alteration in theirbusiness.

3. No sum payable by ACE under this Policy shallcarry interest unless payment has beenunreasonably delayed by ACE following receiptof all the required certificates, information andevidence necessary to support the Claim.Where interest becomes payable by ACE, it willbe calculated only from the date of final receiptof such certificates, information or evidence.

4. Where the Insured or an Insured Person ortheir personal representatives do not complywith any obligation to act in ascertain wayspecified in this Policy ACE reserves the rightnot to pay a Claim.

5. This Policy will be voidable in the event ofmisrepresentation, misdescription ornondisclosure of any material particular by oron behalf of the Insured, Member or InsuredPerson.

6. If at the time of a Claim there is any otherinsurance in place with another insurer coveringthe same risk ACE will be entitled to seek acontribution from that insurer.

7. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act1999 or any amendment thereto shall not applyto this Policy. Only ACE and the Insured orMember can enforce the terms of this Policy.No other party may benefit from this contractas of right. The Policy may be varied orcancelled without the consent of any third party.

8. ACE may cancela. this Policy orb. the Insurance in respect of any one

Memberby giving 30 days written notice to the Insuredat their last known address and in such eventthe premium for the period up to the date whenthe cancellation takes effect shall be calculatedand ACE shall promptly return any unearnedportion of the premium paid.

9. It is hereby agreed between ACE and the

Insured that:a. this Policy shall be governed and construed

in accordance with the Law of England andWales and the English Courts alone shallhave jurisdiction in any dispute.

b. communication of and in connection with thisPolicy shall be in the English language.

10.If an Insured Person is the victim of Hijack orKidnap the Insurance provided by this Policyshall continue for a period not exceeding 12months from the date of Hijack or Kidnap untilsuch time as an Insured Person has returnedto their place of residence.

11.ACE is required to notify the Insured andMember that other taxes or costs may existwhich are not imposed by ACE.

12.ACE reserves the right to make changes, addto the Policy terms and/or to change the totalamount payable for this insurance for legal,regulatory or taxation reasons.

PLEASE NOTE that Specific Conditions relevantto the individual sections of this Policy are locatedand contained in the appropriate section.

Claim Provisions1. On the happening of any occurrence likely

to give rise to a Claim under this Policynotice shall be given to:ACE European Group Ltd200 Broomielaw, Glasgow G1 4RU.Tel: +44 (0)845 841 0059Fax: +44 (0)141 285 2999e-mail: [email protected] 60 days or as soon as possible after thedate of the occurrence.

2. An Insured Person shall at their own expensefurnish to ACE such certificates, receipts,information and evidence as ACE may from timeto time reasonably require in the formprescribed by ACE. ACE shall be allowed at itsown expense, upon reasonable notice, torequest a medical examination of an InsuredPerson as appropriate.

3. If any Claim under this Policy shall be in anyrespect fraudulent or if any fraudulent means ordevices shall be used by the Insured or anyoneacting on the Insured’s behalf or by an InsuredPerson or any Member's legal representativesto obtain benefit under this Policy ACE shall beunder no liability in respect of such Claim.

4. An Insured Person shall as soon as possible

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In the event of a query contact:

George BurrowsSt Mark’s Court, Chart Way,

Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1RZ.

tel: 01403 327719

fax: 01403 327778

E-mail: [email protected]

ACE European Group LimitedMain Business: General Insurance.Registered in England No.1112892.Head Office:ACE Building,100 Leadenhall Street,London, EC3A 3BP.

Authorised and regulated by theFinancial Services Authority (FSA).Registration Number: FRN202803.Full details can be found on theFinancial Services Authority’sregister by visiting:www.fsa.gov.uk or by contacting theFSA on 0845 606 1234

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