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Kesaksian Pdt Brani Duyon Kalimantan

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13 documents posted in this section. August 12, 2007 Miraculous Healing and Divine Invitation to Heaven By: Pastor Brani Duyon (Transcribed from his Testimonial VCD ) Transcription and Translation by Ryan LG and Alfred Chia Introduction: In May 2006, a servant of God was brought to Heaven to meet with the Lord Jesus to receive a revelation of 6 messages. Brani Duyon @ Efendie, 52, a Dusun ethnic, serves in the Borneo Evangelic Church, Kota Belud, Sabah (in East Malaysia) as the Church Elder. He had served as Pastor in Melangkap Baru, Kota Belud for some time. Then he became the Church Leader at the SIB Bayayat from 2005-2006. In 21 April 2006, my wife and me went to the West Malaysia to attend the wedding of our son. Unfortunately after one week being there, I was attacked by a sudden stroke. I was immediately brought to the medical centre in Malaya University. The Doctor who examined me indicated that there was burst blood cells in my brain and I needed to go through an operation immediately. I was in a comma for one week after the operation and after that, I was put into intensive care for one month. During that time, there was many fellow servants of God who came to visit and pray for me, including the former SIB Sabah President, Pastor Taipin Melidoi, and his assistant Pastor Datuk Arun Selutan, as well as the Supreme Secretary, Pastor Michael. There was one time when I dreamed of a heavy pouring of rain on me. I interpret this dream as the answers to the fellow Pastors who had prayed for my recovery. Praise God, with His power I recovered sooner than expected. In one midnight during the third week of May 2006, I felt strange that I could not go to sleep while the other patients had slept soundly. During this time, I had my mind only on Jesus. Then I remembered the Word of God in Isaiah 43:26 “Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence.“ I kept thinking of these words because I wanted to focus my mind only on the Lord Jesus. I could feel the strong presence of God at that

13 documents posted in this section.

August 12, 2007

Miraculous Healing and Divine Invitation to HeavenBy: Pastor Brani Duyon(Transcribed from his Testimonial VCD ) Transcription and Translation by Ryan LG and Alfred Chia

Introduction:In May 2006, a servant of God was brought to Heaven to meet with the Lord Jesus to receive a revelation of 6 messages. Brani Duyon @ Efendie, 52, a Dusun ethnic, serves in the Borneo Evangelic Church, Kota Belud, Sabah (in East Malaysia) as the Church Elder. He had served as Pastor in Melangkap Baru, Kota Belud for some time. Then he became the Church Leader at the SIB Bayayat from 2005-2006.

In 21 April 2006, my wife and me went to the West Malaysia to attend the wedding of our son. Unfortunately after one week being there, I was attacked by a sudden stroke. I was immediately brought to the medical centre in Malaya University. The Doctor who examined me indicated that there was burst blood cells in my brain and I needed to go through an operation immediately. I was in a comma for one week after the operation and after that, I was put into intensive care for one month. During that time, there was many fellow servants of God who came to visit and pray for me, including the former SIB Sabah President, Pastor Taipin Melidoi, and his assistant Pastor Datuk Arun Selutan, as well as the Supreme Secretary, Pastor Michael.

There was one time when I dreamed of a heavy pouring of rain on me. I interpret this dream as the answers to the fellow Pastors who had prayed for my recovery. Praise God, with His power I recovered sooner than expected.

In one midnight during the third week of May 2006, I felt strange that I could not go to sleep while the other patients had slept soundly. During this time, I had my mind only on Jesus. Then I remembered the Word of God in Isaiah 43:26 “Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together; state the case for your innocence.“ I kept thinking of these words because I wanted to focus my mind only on the Lord Jesus. I could feel the strong presence of God at that time.

Then I started to pray in the spirit. After praying, I tried to sleep again but I just could not do so. Then I leaned back in my bed until suddenly I realized someone tapped me on my back and stroked on my head; this happened for a while. Then I could feel something amazing flowing into my body. I believed it was the father’s love to his child. I wondered who this person was. When I turned to face him, I was amazed to see that he was such a young and handsome guy, well-built and tall with long hair down to his neck and wearing a white dress. Then I asked him, “are you the Lord that I have been thinking of?”. He only shook his head . Then I asked again, “if not then who are you?” At last he started talking to me “I am a messenger from Heaven. Jesus ordered me to come to you with good news.”

Now I realized that he was an angel of God. Then I asked him, “what is the good news you want to tell me?” He replied, “tonight you will go to Heaven”. Immediately I felt very calm and peaceful even though my body was sick. I felt as if I did not have any pain. And Indeed I had fully recovered from my sickness the moment when the Angel told me that I was going to Heaven. Then I said to the Angel, “I’m ready to follow you to heaven. I can’t wait to see my Lord.”

While we were walking I saw my earthly body still in bed. After we walked out of the hospital, I saw an amazingly big and tall horse. “We will ride this horse,” said the Angel. The Angel helped me to get onto the horse since the horse was very tall. Then I asked the Angel, “can we go to Heaven by riding this horse?” The Angel then assured me, “of course, don’t be afraid and worried. Have you read the Word of God about Elijah who was taken up to Heaven by God?” I told him “yes, I read it before. The vehicle that brought him was the chariot of fire pulled by horses of fire.” “That’s right, and this is one of those horses that we will ride on now,” said the Angel.

At first we were going slow, but after moving about 100 meters the horse accelerated to a very high speed and I felt as if we were hit by a hurricane. Then I saw the horse flying. We crossed mountains with ease because we were flying with God’s power.

Then we reached a very big field where all the grass were all green – none of them was dried (Psalm 23:2 “He lets me rest in fields of green grass and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water“). After the Angel stopped the horse, we went down and began walking.

I can see the Kingdom of God right in front of my eyes. As we were walking on the field, I heard a bell rang. Then I asked the Angel “what is the bell ringing for?” He said “the bell is to signal that someone has arrived.”

We continued walking until we reached the end of the field while the bell was still ringing. Then I saw a very beautiful house where on top of it was a red light like a traffic light. On this light I saw the number “51”. I asked the Angel what the number meant. He said, “what is your age now?” During this time I was 51 years old. “Then that number is your age, so is your house number too,” the Angel told me. I felt so happy and peaceful to see what God has prepared for me in Heaven. I saw many houses which are already prepared by Jesus for His children who believe and follow Him.

Then we continued walking and reached to a very huge house. When we were there, I saw many people inside. I believe they were the holy people that God have chosen. During this time, they were praising God. I saw Jesus sitting on His throne while all the people were praising and worshipping Him. They praised with all their hearts, they danced, they lifted their hands and they bowed to their knees. Deep in my heart, I said “if only people on earth praise and worship Him like this, how God will be very pleased.”

I saw many people crying while praising God. Jesus smiled, watching how devoted they were to worshipping God. They lifted their hands towards Jesus and Jesus was blessing all of them. After the service finished, Jesus walked among them and He wiped off their tears. Then I remembered the verse in the book of Revelation, “there will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain “.

The Angel brought me in to meet with Jesus. The Angel spoke to Jesus “Lord, this is the son that You have chosen to come here.” Jesus then said to me, “ great! My son you have come today”. Then Jesus hugged me and it made me so happy and peaceful that I cried. My soul jumped with joy because Jesus Himself hugged me.

The Angel then said, “Lord, I went to His house on earth when he was sick, nevertheless You know better.” Jesus replied, “yes, I heard and saw what happened to him.” The Angel continued, “during that time, I heard his wife pray for Your help. In her pray, she said: “Lord, help us, please don’t take him now because we are not ready for him to leave us yet.” That was her prayer, Lord.” Jesus then said, “I

know everything. His wife is a God-fearing person. She is faithful to Me and diligent to pray to Me.” Then my soul cried again thinking of my wife’s faithfulness to God.

Then God spoke to me, “My son, you will be back to earth because this is not your time yet to be here. There is a lot of work that you have to do when you go back. You will be very busy to serve Me.” Then I replied, “Lord, please don’t ask me to go back because I am very peaceful to be with You here. I feel happy to be close to you Lord. Please I don’t want to go back.” From His face, I can tell Jesus became disappointed. Then I begged Him for His forgiveness because I had disappointed Him. I said, “Lord, I’m ready to go back to earth but please help me Lord, give me strength, and take care of me wherever I go. Be with me Lord.” Jesus then said, “yes, don’t worry, wherever you go to serve Me, I will always be with you.” During this time, the Angel was ready to send me back to earth.

While we were ready to go back, Jesus stopped me because He had messages for me to bring to earth. He wanted me to tell these messages to the children of God on earth. “These messages are very important for them to know”, said Jesus. Jesus added that I would be very busy to convey the messages. Besides, Jesus also wanted me to share my experience to all the children of God so that they will be blessed and get new strength to follow Him.

Jesus spoke to me, “when you go back to earth tell all My children about these messages” (There were SIX MESSAGES which Jesus had given to me):

FIRST MESSAGE :“Tell My children, they must believe in Me with all their hearts, their strengths, and their minds. Those who are worried and doubt will not get into here.”

SECOND MESSAGE :“Tell My Children, They must be faithful to come to the Church services because that is the time when I will shine over their faces and they will look for my face. I will be very pleased to see My children worshipping at Church.”

THIRD MESSAGE :They must be faithful to pray, do My will, and live by My words.

FOURTH MESSAGE :“Tell My Children, they must be obedient to give tithe and offerings”. While Jesus gave this message, He said “My child, Look there” He showed me beautiful houses which are ready for His children. “My child, these houses are ready, I prepared for all My children, that believe and are obedient to Me.” Then He showed me the houses which are not yet completed. I ask “Lord, why these house are not yet completed?” Lord Jesus said “My child, these houses belong to my children that not generous giving tithe and offerings. These houses will be ready and completed after My children give more tithe and offerings to My House.”

FIFTH MESSAGE :“Tell My children, they must pray and dedicate all their wealth to Me, for protection and blessing while they are still on earth. When I come to earth for the second time, they are not to be attached to the earthly wealth. Remember the story of Lot wife,” said Lord Jesus.

SIXTH MESSAGE :“Tell My Children, they must be ready and alert because I will come soon. Sooner than people

expects!” (Jesus’ coming is not known but the rapture will surely take place. Lord Jesus will come soon!!!)

While Jesus told me the sixth message, He showed me the condition of the sky which was all clear and no cloud. I saw Jesus opened His hands to earth and He spoke “I am ready to take My children.” Then I saw many people in white robes flying up to the sky to meet Jesus and then they were gathered to the left and right side of Jesus. Many people who believe in Jesus were raptured. Moreover, I saw all members of many families were being raptured. I could see the husband and wife with their children flying up towards Jesus. I felt so peaceful to see this sight.

Then Jesus insisted, “look down”. Jesus showed me the situation on earth with a magical telescope. When I looked down I saw the situation was very chaotic. There was no peace on earth during that time. I saw people were running all over the place and they were shouting. Parents tried to look for their children and the youths were looking for their parents. Then Jesus showed me the Church in my hometown – I felt so sad because there were some people who were left behind.

Jesus then said to me, “be faithful to Me. You must convey all things that you have seen and heard to My children on earth.”

Then the Angel sent me back earth with the same horse which we rode before. We quickly reached earth. Then the Angel sent me back to the hospital. While I was seeing my earthly body, my spirit immediately went back into it.

When I realized I was already in my earthly body, I noticed that my body had fully recovered from sickness. Praise God! for His power and company.

I remember that when I was in Heaven my body looked like when I was young.

That is my testimony of meeting with the Lord Jesus in Heaven.

July 4, 2007Visions of the Rapture, Tribulation, the Holy City & the Throne's of GOD and satan(To listen online in English, Click here)

An 8 year old girl encounters Jesus Christ. (Jannet Balderas Canela). Originally Translated from Spanish Audio.

(Audio Introduction) We thank You Lord, that You allow us to make this recording. Wherever people hear this testimony, may it be of great blessing to their souls. May many souls be rescued from the horrors of what she saw. We lift to You our sister Jannet Balderas Canela who brings us the experience she had with the Lord.

Dear brothers, may the Lord bless all of you in this hour. Lets read from the Bible in 2 Corinthians 12:1-4, the Holy Word of God. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost "I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows—was caught up to paradise. He heard inexpressible

things, things that man is not permitted to tell."

I will relate to you an experience that I had with the Lord on September 5th, 1999. We were in the church and the power of God was there filling our lives. I fell to the floor and felt the Lord's presence in me. I felt that the Lord was dealing with me, and He began to show me visions.In one vision, I saw two roads, one was very wide, with many people walking on it, but they were walking towards their destruction. The other road was very narrow, I saw there were many people walking down this road, praising and giving honor to the Lord. Then the Lord showed me another vision where an angel was fighting with a dragon. The dragon threw fire and demons to this earth.

After that I saw another vision of a very bright shining clock. It was made of gold. The time shown was twelve o'clock. But I saw a hand make the clock go back to eleven o'clock. The Lord told me, "Look, My servant, I take the time back because My people are not prepared as I want them to be, I am taking the time back, because My people don't praise Me as I want, that is why, because of My great mercy I am giving a last chance, so that everyone that comes to My feet shall receive eternal life"

Then the Lord showed me another vision, while I was still lying on the floor. I saw a man riding a horse towards me. He extended His hands, and got closer to where I was laying on the floor. Then I felt the Lord take me into His arms. I felt Him take my spirit out of my body and into His Arms. We then began to ride, we rode upwards and stopped in a place not too high or low. He said to me, "Look My servant, I told you that I was going to bring you with Me, and that is what I am doing now, because what I say with My mouth I fulfill. What I say, I do. That is why I have brought you here My servant. But first I will show you My wounds, so you will take into account and never forget what I have done for all of you."

We arrive to the Throne of God and the Lord showed me the place where the nails were put and where His side was pierced. He also showed me how He was whipped. I saw all the marks and stripes He took for all of us. He said, "Look My servant, many of you do not take into account all I have done for you, many of you forget that I died for you on the Calvary cross, and I feel pain My servant. I feel pain when My people deny me, like opening that wound again, and it hurts Me. It is like they are crucifying Me again on the cross." I saw how the Lord was crying, because He feels pain when we let Him down.

-HEAVEN-He said, "Servant I will show you many things, I will show you the streets of gold and the crystal sea, so you can go and tell My people the grandeurs that I have for them." We soon arrived to a place with beautiful streets, so beautiful. I have never seen or touched such things on earth. The streets were shining! The Lord said, "My servant, touch this street of gold, because you and My people will live here, because here My people will ride very soon." I saw the reflection of the Lord and me riding together.

After that we arrived at the crystal sea, it was so beautiful. While I was riding with the Lord through that precious sea He told me, "My servant, all this is not Mine, all this is for My people. All that you can touch I have prepared it with so much love for My people." Then He said, "Servant come here, because I will show you other things."

We then arrived in a beautiful place where I could see the glory of God, and feel His Power. It was a big beautiful place. I saw many tables, so I asked the Lord, "Lord what are all these tables are for?" He said, "Servant, remember the Wedding of the Lamb, remember that on these tables we will celebrate the

Wedding of the Lamb." I saw countless numbers of tables, and I could not see the end of them. There were angels at each table, so I asked the Lord, "Lord, why is there an angel at each table and at each chair?" The Lord said, "My servant, these angels are decorating the tables, these angels are getting ready each table because I am already preparing everything."

Dear brothers, those tables were so shiny; all of them were made of gold. The tables were very nicely decorated. I saw how each angel was putting on the fork, the knife, the spoon, the glass, the dishes, all made of gold, so beautiful. The Lord told me, "Servant, tell My people to get ready because very soon I will take them with Me so they can come here and enjoy with Me in the Wedding of the Lamb."

It was so beautiful; the presence of the Lord could be felt there, such glory and majesty! The Lord said, "Servant, come here because I will show you other things." We arrive at a place with many beautiful doors, so many beautiful doors. I said, "Lord what's behind those doors?" He said, "Behind these doors are My disciples, behind these doors are My apostles, behind these doors are all those who once walked over the earth praising and glorifying My Name."

-MARY-We began to ride again and arrive at a door that was half-opened, and the Lord said, "Servant come here, come here because behind this door is Mary. Get close and hear what she is saying, so you can go and tell My people, so you can tell the people how Mary is suffering." I got closer and saw a young lady, such a beautiful young lady, so beautiful, her face was so pretty. She was looking through a very tiny window. She was kneeling down and looking to the face of the earth, crying with tremendous pain.

She said, "Why are you worshiping me? Why, if I do not have any power! Why are you worshiping me? I do not do anything! Do not worship me! Do not bow before me! For I cannot save you! The only one that can save, the only one that can redeem you is Jesus, who died for all mankind! Many people say that I have power, that I can perform miracles, but that is a lie! I do not do anything! Almighty God was satisfied with me and He used my womb so that Jesus could be born and save everyone, but I don't have any power. I cannot do anything! Do not bow before me! Do not worship me! For I am not worthy of worship. The only one that is worthy, the only one that you bow before and adore is Jesus! He is the only one that heals and saves!"

I could see how that young lady was in such tremendous pain, full of anguish and crying. She said, "No! No! Do not worship me! Why do you bow before me? I don't do anything!" You see dear brothers, it was a tremendous thing to look at this young lady, how she was crying with such pain and sadness.

-ROBES AND CROWNS-The Lord told me, "Servant come here, because I will continue showing you things." We arrive at a very beautiful place where I could feel the glory of God. I saw lines and lines of white robes, so very white and beautiful! I touched them and the Lord said, "Servant, touch these robes, because these robes are for all of you."

I saw many lines and touched the fine clothe. It was so shining and white, like nothing I have touched on earth. The Lord said, "Servant, these robes are for all of you." There were tears running down the Lord's cheeks. The Lord said, "Servant, many of these white robes will remain here, waiting for someone to take them. Many of these robes will remain here, waiting for a body." "Why Lord?" I asked. "Because many do not worship Me as I want, many do not pay any attention to all the things I

do for all of you. Servant, many of these white robes will remain here, waiting for a body, because in My kingdom I do not receive anything dirty. In My kingdom I only allow holy things, because it is written in My Word, be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:16)

I looked and saw many robes; each one had a name written in gold. I touched the robes that were smaller and others in different sizes, and I said, "Lord, these small ones, who are going to wear them?" The Lord replied, "Servant, remember My little children, remember that I have for everyone, I am not a respecter of persons, these little robes are for My little children that praise My Name, they are for My children who like to go to My House and glorify My Name, therefore I have prepared big things for them. I have for everyone that looks for Me, I have for all those that come to My feet, I give them Eternal Life."

We began to ride again and soon arrived at a huge place with many crowns. There were luxurious crowns, shining crowns, so I said, "Oh Lord! Those crowns, they are so beautiful. Who are these crowns for?" The Lord said, "Servant, these crowns you are touching, are for those that praise My name, for those that truly glorify My Name the way I want."

The Lord showed me other crowns, but I noticed that they were just a frame. The Lord said, "Servant look in this direction." And I began to see other crowns, but these crowns were made of thorns, so I said, "Lord, don't let a crown of thorns or a simple frame be for me!" The Lord told me, "Servant, in this place there are three types of crowns: the luxurious and shinny crowns that you can see and touch are for those that truly praise My Name, for all those that truly and with all their hearts glorify and praise My Name. They are for those that work in My vineyard, for those that enjoy to be in My house, for those that like to make an effort and take pains to be pleasant for My Word.

The crowns that are just the frame, that you can see and touch are for those that are just playing with My word, it is for those that do not like to be in My house, it is for those that do not like to fast, nor to persevere, neither glorify My Name, they are for those that just praise Me with their lips but not with their hearts as I want. Why My servant? Because nobody can deceive Me, there is no place to hide from Me. Servant, those crowns made of thorns that you can touch and see, are for those that make fun of My Word, they are for those that criticize My Word, they are for all those who I am knocking at their hearts but they do not want to accept My Word, for all those that criticize My Word."

-VISION OF THE RAPTURE-After that the Lord said, "Servant I will show you the rapture, I will show you how My coming will be." So I said, "Lord I have already seen many things, why are you going to show me more?" Then we arrive at the Throne of God, and I saw thousands and thousands of angels gathered together there. Then we started to go down, and the Lord and I stopped in a very white beautiful cloud. The Lord gave orders to the angels to come and receive the church, and the Lord told me, "Servant watch carefully, because this is the way it will be when I come back, this will be My coming."

I saw people raised from the four corners of the earth, praising the Name of the Lord. All those people were cover with the power of God. They were dressed in white robes rising up and up. They began to sing a very beautiful song, "Holy, Holy, Holy are thee oh Lord! Thank You Father! For you have raised us!" They all said, "Thank you Lord! For you have raised us!"

I saw many different people, tall, short, dark, white. All the people, and all those angels went up to the cloud where the Lord and I were. All the people and angels were full of thanksgiving to the Lord, and we all said, "Holy! Holy! Holy are thee oh Lord!" It was such a tremendous thing, I saw so many

people that I thought I knew them. They all were cover with the glory of God.

-VISION OF THE TRIBULATION-After that we arrived at the Throne of God, and the Lord said, "Servant, come here." We went out of the Throne room and arrived at a place with a very tiny window. The Lord said, "Servant, now look down." I saw terrible desolation, such tremendous desolation; the whole earth was in desolate and full of pain. The Lord said, "Look servant, this is what is going to be after I have taken My people from the earth, this will be after My coming, this will be when My church is here with Me." I saw such tremendous desolation.

I saw people that were celebrating one moment, but then, I saw a father looking for his son, a mother looking for her daughters, but they couldn't find them, because Almighty God had taken them. Relatives were looking for other relatives but they could not find them. People were looking for their neighbors but couldn't find them, because the Lord had taken them up with Him.

Something terrible what was happening over all earth. I saw a pastor running from one place to another, and I asked the Lord, "Lord, why does that man run from one place to another?" The Lord replied, "Servant, this man was a pastor, but because he thought that I was going to delay, he was left behind. He did not think that I was going to come now, he thought that it was going to take a long time before I would come back, and that is why he was left behind." The pastor running all over, saying "Lord, why was I left behind? If I am a pastor, if I have a position in the church, and the church is gone, I am left behind? Why have I been left behind?" The Lord said, "Servant, I can't do anything now, he thought My coming was going to delay, well, he was left behind."

I saw how that man was persecuted. He said, "The only thing I want is to be taken with Christ! The only thing that I want is to be with the Lord because I do not want to be here and suffer in the great tribulation!" He kept running from place to place and asking himself, "Why was I left behind? Take me with You Lord! I don't want to be here and suffer!" The Lord said, "Servant, there is nothing I can do now, for a long time I talked with him and told him that I was going to come very soon, but he didn't believe me, well, now he is left behind."

I saw many other people running all over. So many people were running, desperate trying to find peace but they could not find it. They were shouting, "We want the Word of life! We are thirsty of the Word of God!" But it was already too late, because the Lord had taken the church with Him.

I saw so many young girls and boys running through the bushes, running through the mountains trying to find peace. They wanted peace but they could not find it. The Lord told me why, "Servant I have already taken My church, and now satan is the one in control." Satan was already ruling over the earth and there was torment over all the earth! People were running from place to place. People wanted to eat each other alive, and pull out each other's hair. They blamed each other and hurt each other, because they wanted to find peace, but they couldn't find it! It wasn't possible because the Lord had already taken His church.

Such a terrible time on Earth, I saw such horrifying things. So many people were hurting each other, saying, "We want love! We want peace!" But it was too late! The Lord told me, "Look My servant, I talked to them, I spend time knocking at the hearts of these people, but they did not want to look for Me. Well, now they are left behind, and there is nothing I can do for them now. Why, because I have already taken My church with Me. While all My people are with Me in heaven enjoying the marriage of the Lamb, all these people here will suffer great pain, and there will be weeping and gnashing of

teeth. For they did not want to obey My Word, they preferred to make fun and criticize My Word."

-THE BOOK OF LIFE-After that the Lord show me a big beautiful book. It was very shinny and made of gold. I said, "Lord that big book, what is it for?" He told me, "Servant in this book are the names of those that praise Me, and the names of those that have repented and have looked for My ways. For this is the Book of Life. In this Book are written all those that gather together to praise and glorify My Name." The book was so big, and had letters written in gold. He said, "Look My servant, many of these names I haven’t erased because of My mercy, because many have turn their backs on Me. Many have turn their back on Me, but My mercy is so big that I haven’t erased them yet, for I do not want that anyone perish, but that everybody have eternal life." I began to touch the Book, and saw how so many names were written in it.

-HELL-After that the Lord told me, "Servant, I will show you hell." So I said, "Lord, no, I won’t be able to bear it, with all that You have shown me already, I have had enough." And the Lord told me, "Servant I will show you hell, so you will go and tell the church and the people that there is a heaven but there is also a hell." We started to go down and down. We were still far from hell when I began to hear shouts and great groans. I said, "Lord take me out of here, because I won’t be able to face this!" The Lord replied, "Look My servant, do not be afraid because I am with you." We went down through some tunnels. There was a great darkness in that place, a darkness like I have never felt on earth.

We walked by some walls and I heard so many souls shouting, shouts of pain and anguish. The Lord said, "Servant let's go forward." We arrive at a place where a person was shouting. I asked the Lord, "Lord, why have we stopped here?" He replied, "Look servant, look very carefully at this person, because this person was a relative of yours on earth." And I said, "Lord who is? I can't recognize this person." The Lord said, "This person was your grandmother while on earth, she was your relative, but she was very unbelieving, that is why she is here now." She said, "Please give me water, take me out of here, because I cannot stand this pain anymore, I am thirsty." But I couldn’t do anything, the only thing I did was cry. I said, "Lord for your infinite mercy and your infinite goodness, take her out of here! Why is she here, if my parents told me she was in heaven?"

The Lord said, "Servant, the priest told your parents that she had gone to heaven, but that was a lie. That was a lie, because she used to bow before images, she adored images, and look how those images could not save her. Many times I knocked on her heart, so she would open it, and I would come inside, but instead she decided to make fun of My Word. She decided it was better to follow the world than honor My Name, and that is why she is here. She never wanted to accept My Word, she never wanted to repent, and the priest told them that she had flown to the heavens and that she was already in the heavenly mansions, but that was a lie. Look My servant, where she is." She was crying with such agony. She said, "Give me water! Take me out of here!" The Lord said, "Servant, I can’t do anything now, this soul doesn’t belong to Me anymore." We turned and walked away. She shouted to me, "No! Don’t leave me here! Give me water! Take me out of here!" He could not do anything.

We continued looking at so many people. Souls tried to grab the Lord's clothes, saying, "take us out of here!" But the Lord told them, "Get apart from Me, because you don’t belong to Me anymore, you belong to satan and his demons." It was such a terrible place, with so many souls, so many people.

-satan's throne-

We continued ridding and arrived at a very terrible place, and the Lord said, "Look servant, I will show you the throne of satan." I told Him, "No Lord! I don’t want to see that throne!" He replied, "Servant don’t be afraid, for I am with you." Then we arrive at a terrible horrifying place, I saw a huge enormous chair. satan was sitting in that. He had big nails, and he laughed and laughed, he could not stop laughing. I also saw demons everywhere. I saw demons of different sizes, I saw principalities, I saw strongholds, and many different demons. I saw how satan gave orders to his demons, orders to go up to the earth and provoke all kinds of evil things.

I saw how those demons went up and provoked crashes, slaughters, fights, divorces and all kind of evil things. Then they would come down and reported to him everything they did. And satan would laughed and laughed. satan gave prizes to the demons, and the demons began to celebrate him, and praise him and sing for him.

I saw how satan had so many plans to destroy Christians, big plans to destroy the servants of God. I saw huge churches and congregations that were full of modernism. The Lord said, "Look servant, these churches are possessed by satan, and they won’t be able to go up with me." The Lord showed me how demons provoked so many killing, and all those souls would then arrive in this damnation, a horrible place. I saw a furnace, and the Lord said, "Look servant, this is the lake of fire, and this is hell."

Every time the demons provoked slaughters, all the souls fell down to this place. The fire would consume them and they would melt. The souls cried with pain and horror, and the demons would come back to the throne of satan and tell him what they had done. satan would just laugh and laugh and gave prizes to the demons. The demons would then sing and jump for him, and do all kind of things to celebrate him. satan laughed with joy and pride because of all the souls that were arriving in hell. They kept falling second after second, and satan was so proud that he could stop laughing.

I also sensed many demonic feelings in that place, so many strongholds. I said, "Lord please take me out of here, I can't stand it anymore." The demons would poke and tormented the souls there. The souls would scream, "Leave us alone! Leave us in peace, we don’t want more torment, we want peace!" And the demons would laugh.

-THE HOLY CITY-After that we left and the Lord said, "Look, servant I will show you the Holy City, so you can go and tell My people the grandeurs that I have for them." We went up and arrive at a beautiful place, where there were beautiful trees, pines so high. Everything was so beautiful there. I could feel such a sense peace.

In the door of that city was a beautiful rainbow. There were many angels on both sides of a road. We went through the door and the Lord said, "Servant, this is the Holy City." We walked until we arrived at a garden full of beautiful roses, like I've never seen on earth.

I let go of the Lord's hand and I ran to the garden. I hugged the flowers, they were so fine and their smell was so delicious. I was going to cut a flower but the Lord said, "No servant, you cannot take anything yet. You will be able to take these flowers only when My people come here, when My church arrives to this place, then you will be able to take of these flowers." And I said, "Lord, I wanted to take just one flower to earth and show it to all the churches." But the Lord said, "No, servant, because My people are not here yet." I saw many different type of beautiful flowers.

Then we rode through beautiful green grass. The Lord sat down on the grass, and with a beautiful smile

He said, "Servant, all this that you touch and see I have prepared for My people."

We then rode to a place with a huge tree that was full of fruits. I said, "Lord, this tree? What does this tree mean? And all these fruits?" I was also going to pull off one of the fruits but the Lord told me again, "No, servant, you cannot take those fruits yet, because this tree is the tree of Life, and from this tree My people shall eat when they come up here. Meanwhile you cannot take anything until My people have arrived here." The tree had such beautiful fruits.

Then we continued ridding, and I saw so many beautiful butterflies and animals. The Lord said, "Servant all these things here are for My people. Tell My people that very soon, they are going to be here, ridding in this holy city."

We continued and arrived at another beautiful place, with many huge trees and pines. The Lord said, "Servant, all this is for My people. Servant, come here because I will show you wonders." We arrive at a beautiful place that was full of angels. One angel was huge, and had a big trumpet to his mouth. I said, "Lord, that angel, what does that mean?" The Lord replied, "Look servant, this angel is waiting for a signal, this angel is waiting for an order that I give, so he can begin to sound the trumpet, and when this angel begins to play that trumpet, My people will be taken up, raised, and transformed. But be sure of one thing servant, this trumpet will be just heard by those that are watching! So go and tell My people to watch, tell to My people don’t sleep, because if you fall sleep, you won’t hear the trumpet, tell to My people to be watching, for those that are sleeping, I won’t be able to raise them up."

The angel was so big and beautiful, and behind him were many more angels that had smaller trumpets. Those trumpets were made of gold, and were very shiny. The Lord said, "Servant, tell My people to get ready, because I am about to give the order for the trumpet to sound."

We began to ride again and the Lord said, "Look servant, I will show you the Throne of My Father. I haven’t showed it to you, but I will show you now, so you can go and tell My people that My Father is real, and that I am real." We all began to walk, the Lord, the angels and I. When we were still far from the Father's Throne, I felt that I could not take it anymore; I could not stand before such power and glory. As we got closer and closer, I felt like I was like a feather, I could hardly walk. If the angels were not holding me, I could not continue walking.

We arrived at the Throne of the Father, and I could feel such tremendous power from the Throne. Powerful lightning came from the Throne; it was so glorious and huge. Such power surrounded the Throne; it was glowing and made of gold. Someone was sitting on the Throne, but I could not see His face, I could not stand the power coming from the Throne. I could only see the Father from His waist down. But from His waist up, I couldn’t see because then I fell to the floor. I fell because I could not bear such power and glory.

After that I saw 24 elders praising and glorifying the Name of the Lord. I saw huge archangels also glorifying the Name of the Lord. The 24 elders knelt down saying "Holy, Holy, Holy are thee oh Lord!" The angels never got tired of glorify and praising the Lord, and the elders never stopped glorifying the Name of the Lord. Tremendous fire came from the Throne, and there were so many beautiful things in that Throne.

Then we left and came to a place where there was a huge angel. I said, "Lord who is that angel?" The Lord replied, "Look servant, this is the angel Gabriel, and look at this other angel, for this is Michael." They were so big and beautiful. The Lord said, "Servant, tell to My people that the angel Gabriel and

the angel Michael really exist."

Afterwards the Lord said, "Servant, come here, because I will show you the whip." We arrive to another place where I saw the Lord take out a whip that had tree ends. He hit it against a very big chair, and said, "Servant this is for the disobedient, this whip is for those that do not want to obey My Word. Since they do not want to obey My Word, well, then I will whip them with this whip, because I punish those who I love." I saw how the Lord hit the chair with that whip, and I said, "Please Daddy, don’t hit me with that whip!" He replied, "Well servant, then obey me, because those who don’t obey Me I discipline." (Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent.)

Then the Lord took me to a precious place, a tremendous place, where I saw more crowns of gold. But those crowns already had names written on them, and were full of pearls! The Lord said, "Look servant, this crown here is for My servant Yiye Avila, and this other one is of My servant Arturo García." The crowns were precious! On one crown was written "Aida Vadillo", another had "Miguel Duran", and another had "Armando Duran." "Lord now I can see and touch all the crowns of the servants." I also saw crowns for "Pablo Pintado", and "Nahum Zamudio."The Lord said, "Servant, here I allow you to see. This is to show you that the crowns of My servants who are working in My vineyard, I have them here. So you can see My servants that are preaching My word. I have big rewards for them." I saw thousands and thousands of crowns, all of them with names written on.

I touch another crown, but I saw this crown began to lose all the stones on it. "Lord! Don’t let this be my crown!" The Lord said, "Look servant, this is what it happens to those that don’t want to work in My vineyard anymore, to those that prefer to turn their backs to Me rather than praise Me. Look servant, these servants that don’t want to praise Me anymore, this is what happens to their crowns. The servants that don’t want to work in My vineyard anymore, this is what it happens to their crowns." (Revelations 3:11)

Then the Lord took me to another very beautiful place, and I saw a lot of people that were sleeping. They had on very white robes. I said, "Lord, who are all these people?" The Lord replied, "Look servant, all these people here are those that have died on earth, and now they are here resting in paradise, and when I give the order for the trumpet to be sounded, the ones that are dead shall be raised first and then the ones that are on the earth." There were so many people, and their garments were so white. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Nobody was talking to anyone else; they were just sleeping, in a very deep sleep. And the Lord told me, "Servant they are resting, but when the trumpet sounds, these will raise up first, and then those who remain on the earth will be raised up together with them, to be with Me. And then we can celebrate the Wedding of the Lamb."

[The END]

January 17, 2007Revelations of Heaven and Hell by 7 YouthsTogether as a group, these 7 youths were taken by Jesus Christ and shown Heaven and Hell. Hear their account of the Glories of Heaven and misery of Hell.------------------------------Revelation of Heaven by 7 Youths (To listen online, click here)--- (1st Testimony, Esau) ---

2 Corinthians 12:2 :I know a man in Christ who 14 years ago - whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God know- was caught up as far as the third heaven.We were in the room, when we had the first experience. The room started to fill again with a light from the presence of the Lord. It was powerful that it lit up the entire room. The room was full of His glory, it was beautiful to be before Him.Jesus told to us, "My sons, now I will show you My Kingdom, we will go to my Glory." We took each others hands and were lifted up. I looked down and noticed that we were going out of our own bodies. As we left our bodies we were dressed with white robes and started to go up at a very high speed.We arrived in front of a pair of doors which was the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven. We were astonished at what was happening to us. Thankfully, Jesus the Son of God was there with us, along with two angels who each had four wings.The angels began to talk to us, but we didn't understand what they were saying. Their language was very different from ours, neither was it like any Earthly language. These angels were welcoming us and they opened those immense doors. We saw a wonderful place, with many different things. I remember that when we came inside, a perfect peace filled our hearts. The Bible tells us that God would give us peace that surpasses all human understanding (Philippians 4:7)The first thing I saw was a deer, so I asked one of my friends, "Sandra, are you looking at the same thing I am looking at?" She was no longer crying or shouting anymore, as when we were shown Hell. She was smiling and said: "Yes Esau, I am looking at a deer!" Then I knew that everything was real, we were really in the Kingdom of Heaven. All the horrors that we saw in Hell were soon forgotten. We were there enjoying the glory of God. We went to where the deer was, behind it stood a absolutely huge tree! It was in the center of the paradise.

The Bibles tells us in Revelation 2:7 "Whoever has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. I will grant the victor to eat from the tree of life that stands in the paradise of God"

This tree is a symbol of Jesus, because Christ is Eternal Life. Behind the tree was a river of crystalline water. It was so clear and beautiful, like we never had seen before on Earth. We just wanted to stay in that place. Many times we said to the Lord, "Lord please! Do not take us out of this place! We want to be here forever! We don't want to go back to Earth!" The Lord answered us, "It is necessary that you go back to give testimony of all the things that I have prepared for those who love Me because I am coming back very soon and my reward is with Me."When we saw the river, we hurried there and got inside of it. We remembered the scripture that says that whoever believes in the Lord, from his belly shall run rivers of living water. (John 7:38) The water from this river seemed to have life in itself, so we immersed ourselves in it. Inside and outside of the water we could breath normally. That river was very deep and there were many different colors of fish swimming in it. The light inside and out of the river was normal; in Heaven light did not come from a specific source, everything was just brightly lit up. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus is the light of that city (Revelations 21:23). With our hands, we took some of the fish out of the water; they didn't die. So we ran to the Lord and asked Him why. The Lord smiled and answered that in Heaven there is no more death, no more crying, and no more pain. (Revelations 21:4)

We left the river and ran to every place we could find, we wanted to touch and experience everything. We wanted to bring everything back home with us, because we were so amazed at the things in Heaven. They simply cannot be explained sufficiently with words. When the Apostle Paul was taken to Heaven, he saw things that he could never explain with words, because of the greatness of the things in the Kingdom of Heaven. (2 Corinthians 12) There are things we saw that we have almost no way of describing.

We then came to a very immense area; a very wonderful and beautiful place. This place was full of precious stones: gold, emeralds, rubies and diamonds. The floor was made of pure gold. We then went to a place where there were three very large books. The first one was a Bible made of gold. In Psalms it tells us that the Word of God is eternal and that the Word of God remains in Heaven forever. (Psalms 119:89) We were looking at a huge golden Bible; the pages, the scripture, everything was made of pure gold.

The second book we saw was bigger than the Bible. It was open and an angel was sitting there writing inside the book. Together with the Lord Jesus we got closer to see what the angel was writing. The angel was writing all of the things that were happening on the Earth. Everything that has happened; including the date, the hour, everything is recorded there. This is done so the Word of the Lord can be fulfilled where it says that the Books were opened, and that the people on the Earth were judged according to their works that were written in those books (Revelations 20:12). The angel was writing all the things that people were doing here on Earth, good or bad, as it is written.

We continued to the place where the third book was. It was even bigger than the last book! The book was closed, but we got closer to it. All seven of us together took the book down from its stand, according to command of the Lord, and we put it on a pillar.The pillars and columns in Heaven are so wonderful! They are not made like the ones on the Earth. The columns were like a braid, they were made of different precious stones. Some were made of diamonds, others were made of pure emeralds, others were made of pure gold, and others were made of a combination of many different type of stones. I then understand that God really is the owner of all things, as it is written in Haggai 2:8, "The gold is mine, and silver is mine." I understood that God is absolutely rich and He owns all the riches in the world. I also understood that the world in all its fullness belongs to our God, and He wants to give it to all those who ask in faith.The Lord said, "Ask me and I will give you the nations for an inheritance." (Psalms 2:8) This book that we put on the column was so big that in order to turn a page we had to walk each page to the other side of the book. We tried to read what was in that book, as the Lord asked us. At first, it was difficult to read because it was written in strange characters that we could not understand. It was different from any Earthly language; it was something totally Heavenly. But with the help of the Holy Ghost, we were given the grace to understand it. It was like a bandage was taken off our eyes and we could then understand the writing; as clear as our own language.We could see that all seven of our names were written in the book. The Lord told us that it was the Book of Life. (Revelations 3:5) We noted that the names written in the book were not the names we were called on Earth; these names were new, so the Word of God can be fulfilled when it says that He would give us a new name that no one else knows but the person who receives it. (Revelations 2:17)In Heaven, we were able to pronounce our names, but once the Lord brought us back to Earth those names were taken from our memories and our hearts. The Word of God is eternal, and it has to be fulfilled. My friends, the Bible says, (Revelations 3:11) Don't let anyone take your crown, do not let any one to usurp or remove that place that the Father has ready for you. In Heaven, there are millions of things that are wonderful, we just can't express it with our mouths. But I want to tell you something, "God is waiting for you!" However it is only the people that perseveres until the end, who will be saved! (Mark 13:13)--- (2nd Testimony, Ariel) ---When we started to go up to the Kingdom of Heaven, we came to a beautiful place with precious doors. In front of the doors were two angels. They started to talk, but their speech was angelical and we could not understand what they were saying. But the Holy Ghost gave us understanding. They were welcoming us. The Lord Jesus put His hands on the doors and they opened. If Jesus were not with us, we would never have been able to come inside Heaven.

We began to appreciate everything in Heaven. We saw a huge tree, the Bible describes this tree as the "Tree of Life." (Revelation 2:7) We went to a river, and saw a lot of fish inside. Everything was so amazing that my friends and I decided to go inside the water. We began to swim under that water. We saw the fish moving around and they caressed our bodies. They didn't swim away as normally happens on Earth; the presence of the Lord calmed the fish. The fish could trust us because they knew that we were not going to harm them. I was so blessed and marveled that I grabbed one of the fish and took it out of the water. What was so amazing was that the fish was very quiet enjoying the presence of the Lord even in my hands. I put the fish back into the water.I could see in the distance that there were white horses in Heaven, as it is written in the word of God in Revelation 19:11. "Then I saw heaven open and a white horse appeared. Its rider is called Faithful and True; justly He Judges and wages war." Those horses were the ones that the Lord will use when He comes to the Earth to take His people, His church. I walked to the horses and began to pat them. The Lord followed me and allowed me to ride one of them.When I started to ride, I felt something that I had never felt before on Earth. I began to experience the peace, the freedom, the love, the holiness that a person can have in that beautiful place. I started to enjoy everything that my eyes could see. I just wanted to enjoy everything in that beautiful paradise that the Lord has prepared for us.We also could see the wedding banquet table, everything was already served. It had no beginning or end. We saw the chairs prepared for us. There was also crowns of eternal life that are ready to be taken by us. We saw delicious foods that are already set, for all of those that will be invited to the Wedding of the Lamb.Angels where there with some white cloth for the cloaks that the Lord is preparing for us. I was amazed looking at all these things. The Word of God tells us that we have to receive that Kingdom of God like little children. (Mathew 18:3) When we were in Heaven we were like children. We started to enjoy everything there; the flowers, the residences... the Lord even allowed us to go inside the residences.

Then God took us to a place that had many children. The Lord was in the middle of them and He started to play with them. He made sure to spend enough time with each of them and He enjoyed being with them. We got close to the Lord and asked Him, "Lord are these children the ones who are going to be born on Earth?". The Lord answered, "No, these children are the ones who were aborted on the Earth". Upon hearing that, I felt something inside of me that made me shake.I remembered something I had done in the past, when I did not know the Lord. At that time, I was in a relationship with a woman and she got pregnant. When she told me she was pregnant, I did not know what to do so I asked her for some time to make a decision. Time passed and when I went to her to tell my decision, it was already too late because she already had an abortion. That marked my life. Even after I accepted the Lord in my heart, that abortion was something that I could not forgive myself of. But God did something that day, He allowed me to enter that place and told me, "Ariel, do you see that girl that is there? That girl is your daughter." When He told me that, I saw the girl, I felt the wound, I had in my soul for such long time, started to heal. The Lord allowed me to walk close to her and she got close to me. I took her in my hands and saw her eyes. One word I heard from her lips, "Daddy". I understood and I felt that God had mercy on me and had forgiven me, but I had to learn to forgive myself.Dear friend, whoever reads this, I want to tell you one thing. God has already forgiven your sins, now you have to learn to forgive yourself. I give thanks to God for allowing me to share this testimony with you. Lord Jesus Christ I give you the honor and glory! This testimony is of the Lord, He allowed us to receive this revelation. I hope that each one of our brothers that reads this testimony shall receive also the blessing of this testimony and take it to bless many others.God bless you.

--- (3rd Testimony) ---

(Revelations 21:4)And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.When we arrived, these big doors were opened for us, and I started to see a valley full of flowers. The flowers were beautiful and their smell was exquisite. We started to walk and experience a total freedom like we had never felt on the Earth. We felt a peace that filled our hearts and while we looked at the flowers we noticed that they were unique; each petal was different, genuine, and had a unique color.Inside my heart, I said to my Lord that I wanted to have a flower like one of these. The Lord gave an expression of agreement, I got close to a flower and started to pull it. But nothing happened, I could not pull the flower out of the ground. I couldn't even pull the petals or leaves off of the flower. Then the Lord broke the silence and said, "Here everything must be done in love." He touched the flower and it surrendered itself to the hand of the Lord. He then gave it to us. We continued walking and the smell from the flowers was still with us.We arrived at a place with a set of very beautiful doors. These doors were not simple, they were very ornate in their craftsmanship and had precious stones engraved on them. The doors opened and we entered into a room with many people. Everybody was running here and there making preparations. Some of them carried rolls of shining white cloth over their shoulders, others were carrying spindles of golden thread, and yet others were taking some kind of plates with something like shields inside them. Everyone was running with effort.We asked the Lord why there was so much effort and hurry. Then Lord bid a young man to come close. This man had a roll of cloth on his shoulders. He came and looked at the Lord, reverently. When the Lord asked him why he was carrying that roll of cloth, he just looked at the Lord and said, "Lord you know what this cloth is for! This cloth is used to make the robes of the redeemed, the robes for the great Bride." Upon hearing this, we felt a great joy and peace. Revelation 19:8 tells us: "And it has been granted to her to be dressed in pure, resplendent linen. For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints."

When we came out of that place we felt even more peace, because it was beautiful to see that the Lord Himself was making something nice for us. He has the place and the time for you because you are important to Him. When we came out of that place, our eyes got lost in every detail in Heaven. It's like each thing had life in itself, and every object there was giving glory to God.

Then we came to a place where there were millions and millions of children, of all ages. When they saw the Lord, all of them wanted to hug Him, to feel more of His love, because He was their passion. Jesus was the passion of each child there. We felt like crying after seeing how the Lord spoiled each one of these children, how He kissed them and held their hands.We saw how angels got close to the Lord, bringing Him babies wrapped in linen. The Lord caressed, touched, and gave them a kiss on their foreheads and then the angels took them back with them. We asked the Lord why there were so many children there, were those children going to be sent to the Earth. The Lord sounded touched for a moment, and He said, "No, these children will not be sent to the Earth! These are the ones that were aborted on the Earth, whose parents don't want to have them. These are my children and I love them." I nodded my head, and even my voice trembled to ask the Lord such a question.When I didn't know the Lord, the true Life that He is, I made mistakes and sinned like everybody else. Among those sins was an abortion I had. There was a moment where I had to be face to face with the Lord and ask Him, "Lord, is the baby I aborted, long ago, here?". The Lord answered, "Yes." I started walking to one of the sides and I saw a beautiful little boy. Close to his feet stood an angel. The angel

was looking at the Lord, and the boy had his back facing us.The Lord told me, "Look, there is your boy." I wanted to see him so I ran over to him, but the angel stopped me with his hand. He showed me that I had to listen to the boy first. I started to hear what the little boy was saying. He was talking and looking in the direction of the other children. He asked the angel, "Are my daddy and my mommy coming here soon?" The angel, looking at me, answered to him, "Yes, your daddy and your mommy are just about to come."I do not know why I was given the privilege of hearing these words, but in my heart I knew that these words were the best gift that the Lord could give to me. This little one was not talking with anger, or pain, maybe knowing that we did not let him be born. He was simply waiting with the love that God had placed in his heart.We continued walking, but I kept the image of that boy in my heart. I know that each day I have to make an effort to be able to be with him one day. I have one more reason to go there, because someone is waiting for me in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Word of God tells us in Isaiah 65:19, "I too will rejoice over Jerusalem and Will delight in My people. No more will there be heard in her the voice of weeping or the voice of crying."We came to a place with some small mountains, and the Lord Jesus came dancing. In front of Him was a crowd of people dressed in white robes and they lifted their hands with green olive branches. When they waved the branches in the air, they released oil. God has great things prepared for you! Now is the time for you to put your heart before Him.God bless you.

--- (4th Testimony) ---

In the Kingdom of Heaven, we saw wonderful things as it is written in the Word of God, 1 Corinthians 2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, neither has the human heart thought of what God has prepared for those who love Him." (Message over size, truncated)
