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Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

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October 11, 2013 edition of the Kimberley Daily Bulletin
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FRIDAY OCTOBER 11, 20 13 STORIES OR IDEAS TO SHARE? Drop us an email, a Tweet, a Facebook message, or give us a call if you have any story ideas you would like to share. www.dailybulletin.ca THE BULLETIN $ 1 10 INCLUDES G.S.T. TownsmanBulletin Like Us @kbulletin Follow Us TRAIL OF GENGHIS KHAN TIM COPE AT MCKIM Fillmmaker Cope visits Kimberley October 25= See LOCAL NEWS page 4 HAPPY THANKSGIVING There will be no Daily Bulletin on Monday, October 14, 2013. PROUDLY SERVING KIMBERLEY AND AREA SINCE 1932 | Vol. 81, Issue 199 | www.dailybulletin.ca CAROLYN GRANT PHOTO Mayor Ron McRae and CBALs Kim Roberts joined the ESL class at the College of the Rockies Kimberley campus to promote Reach a Reader. Reach a Reader in Kimberley Supporting literacy in the Kootenays CAROLYN GRANT [email protected] Bulletin staff were joined by Mayor Ron McRae and Kim Roberts from Kim- berley CBAL, and the Kimberley Dyna- miters, to promote literacy on Thursday. Mayor McRae visited the ESL class at the the Kimberley COTR campus and also read to Mother Goose students. Later on Thursday, the Dynamiters played ball hockey with local kids who made donations to Reach a Reader. A great time was had by all. Black Press newspapers across the Kootenays, in partnership with CBAL, spent Thursday promoting the impor- tance of literacy, and programs that sup- port it. Sentencing delayed for carjacker CAROLYN GRANT PHOTO Mayor McRae also stopped by the Mother Goose program at the Blarchmont Early Learning Centre to promote the importance of beginning literacy at a young age. Nickolas Bullock’s case has been delayed to give counsel more time to prepare SALLY MACDONALD Townsman Staff The man charged over a carjacking near Creston last October will be waiting until later this year to learn his sen- tence. Nickolas Bullock was back in Port Coquitlam Provincial Court on Thursday morning where his sentencing hearing continued. The 27-year-old man has pleaded guilty to robbery, dangerous op- eration of a motor vehi- cle, flight from a peace officer, and uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm. However, on October 10, Judge Deirdre Pothe- cary adjourned the sen- tencing to allow defense and prosecution to look into matters that would effect her decision. The sentencing hear- ing was held in Port Co- quitlam, but Cran- brook-based Crown prosecutor Andrew Mayes appeared via video link in the case. A video feed to the Port Coquitlam court room was set up from Cran- brook’s court house. See BULLOCK, Page 3 ARNE PETRYSHEN Townsman Staff Don’t play around with prop guns in front of a bank. That’s the les- son a couple of high school students have learned after their film shoot quickly became the subject of a full-on police takedown Wednesday morning. After a call came in, Cranbrook RCMP promptly responded to a call about a potential armed robbery at a downtown Cranbrook bank. It turned out to be group of Mount Baker Secondary students wielding a realistic prop handgun, but the seven officers who responded had to assume it was not a drill. A passerby saw the group with the prop handgun and called it in. Immediately police descended in full force and instructed the stu- dents to get on the ground. See FILM, page 3 Film shoot leads to police takedown
Page 1: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013



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TIM COPE AT MCKIMFillmmaker Cope visits Kimberley October 25=

See LOCAL NEWS page 4

HAPPY THANKSGIVINGThere will be no Daily Bulletin on

Monday, October 14, 2013.

PROUDLY SERVING KIMBERLEY AND AREA SINCE 1932 | Vol. 81, Issue 199 | www.dailybulletin.ca


Mayor Ron McRae and CBALs Kim Roberts joined the ESL class at the College of the Rockies Kimberley campus to promote Reach a Reader.

Reach a Reader in KimberleySupporting literacy in the


[email protected]

Bulletin staff were joined by Mayor Ron McRae and Kim Roberts from Kim-berley CBAL, and the Kimberley Dyna-miters, to promote literacy on Thursday.

Mayor McRae visited the ESL class at the the Kimberley COTR campus and also read to Mother Goose students.

Later on Thursday, the Dynamiters played ball hockey with local kids who made donations to Reach a Reader. A great time was had by all.

Black Press newspapers across the Kootenays, in partnership with CBAL, spent Thursday promoting the impor-tance of literacy, and programs that sup-port it.

Sentencing delayed for



Mayor McRae also stopped by the Mother Goose program at the Blarchmont Early Learning Centre to promote the importance of beginning literacy at a young age.

Nickolas Bullock’s case

has been delayed to give counsel more time to



The man charged over a carjacking near Creston last October will be waiting until later this year to learn his sen-tence.

Nickolas Bullock was back in Port Coquitlam Provincial Court on Thursday morning where his sentencing hearing continued.

The 27-year-old man has pleaded guilty to robbery, dangerous op-eration of a motor vehi-cle, flight from a peace officer, and uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm.

However, on October 10, Judge Deirdre Pothe-cary adjourned the sen-tencing to allow defense and prosecution to look into matters that would effect her decision.

The sentencing hear-ing was held in Port Co-quitlam, but Cran-brook-based Crown prosecutor Andrew Mayes appeared via video link in the case. A video feed to the Port Coquitlam court room was set up from Cran-brook’s court house.

See BULLOCK, Page 3


Don’t play around with prop guns in front of a bank. That’s the les-son a couple of high school students have learned after their film shoot quickly became the subject of a full-on police takedown Wednesday morning.

After a call came in, Cranbrook RCMP promptly responded to a call about a potential armed robbery at a downtown Cranbrook bank.

It turned out to be group of Mount Baker Secondary students wielding a realistic prop handgun, but the seven officers who responded had to assume it was not a drill.

A passerby saw the group with the prop handgun and called it in.

Immediately police descended in full force and instructed the stu-dents to get on the ground.

See FILM, page 3

Film shoot leads to police


Page 2: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

Page 2 FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013

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Courtesy Carla MCDonalD

Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, noted expert on family violence prevention, was in Cranbrook on Thursday to deliver an all-day training workshop — Intimate Partner Risk Assessment: Implications for Women’s Safety — to approximately 40 people from Kootenay agencies, including Kootenay Haven Transition House, Victims’ Services, Child Protection, Children Who Witness Abuse Program, Mental Health, and others. The purpose for this training is for the participants to receive certification in Danger Assessment. The basis for the training is to go through the danger assessment tool and to be able to use it when needed when the participants’ work requires. Left to right: Scott MacLeod, RCMP Victim Services program manager; Nancy Reid, Canadian Mental Health Association for the Kootenays, Administrator of Women’s Services, Dr. Jacqueline C. Campbell. MacLeod and Reid helped to organize the training workshop.

Barry CoulterThe RCMP will be

out in force on the re-gion’s highways this long weekend.

Cpl. Don Erichsen of East Kootenay Traffic Services said the aim is to make sure tragedy is prevented and everyone can get home to enjoy Thanksgiving.

So East Kootenay drivers should be aware that “Operation Impact” is running Oct. 11 through 14.

“Our goal is to con-tinue to enforce the ‘Big Four,’” Erichsen said. “Impaired driving, oc-cupant restraint use (seat belts), distracted driving (cellphones, etc) and aggressive driving.”

Aggressive driving is a pretty broad category, Cpl. Erichsen said. But one particular aspect that’s causing concern

to local police is driver behaviour around emergency vehicles stopped at the side of the road, displaying flashing red, blue or yel-low lights. This category includes tow trucks, which most people don’t seem to be aware of, Erichsen said.

The RCMP recently conducted a campaign over the past week in the Moyie area and in the Elk Valley, to educate drivers on how to prop-erly approach stopped emergency vehicles.

“Of the five hours we were on the road in this two-campaign period, we handed out more than 100 warnings, to people who weren’t slowing down at all and people who weren’t slowing down to the prescribed speed,” Er-ichsen said.

When the speed limit is 80 kilometres an hour or higher, vehicles must slow down to 70 kilome-tres an hour and move over. When the speed limit is lower than 70 kph — in town, basically — drivers must slow to 40 and move over.

“It’s one of the more aggressive driving be-haviours that we’re see-ing more and more of,” Erichsen said.

“The stories we’re hearing from tow truck drivers are pretty alarm-ing.”

To this end, the RCMP are preparing an education campaign, which they will be bringing into the high schools in the area, talking to young drivers and helping them de-velop proper driving habits.

Police on the road this long weekend for ‘Operation Impact’

RCMP cracking down on impaired driving, seatbelt use, distracted driving, and aggressive driving

Page 3: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 3

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin

Phase II expected to

extend life of mine up to 18

yearsArne Petryshen

Townsman Staff

Teck Coal has been given the go-ahead for an expansion of the Line Creek mine, located 20 km north-east of Sparwood.

The provincial government granted a conditional Environ-mental Assessment Certificate to Teck for the Phase II project.

Chris Stannell, se-nior communication specialist from Teck, said the Phase II will extend the Line Creek Operations for up to 18 years, as the cur-rent coal reserves will be exhausted and op-eration ceased in 2014. The project will maintain the current production of 3.5 mil-lion tonnes of metal-lurgic coal a year.

“It’s the next phase of mining at the Line Creek operation that’s required to maintain the existing produc-tion and employment levels at the mine,” he said, adding it would aid in sustaining ap-proximately 500 jobs in the region.

Environment Min-ister Mary Polak and Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett issued the condition-al certificate for the Elk Valley mine.

“We were satisfied that granting a certifi-cate is the best way to protect water quality and also to keep the mines operating and people working,” Bennett said, noting the recent concerns surrounding Seleni-um in the Elk River due to mining activi-ty. “Selenium will not be cleaned up unless the company is oper-ating successfully.”

He noted that in terms of water quali-ty, selenium is an emerging parameter of concern, and will take some time for Teck to stabilize and reverse the trends of selenium in the wa-tershed.

Bennett said that by implementing the conditions of the cer-tificate, combined with the Minister of Environment Order to develop an Elk Valley Water Quality Plan for the valley, Teck will improve the condi-tions in the watershed over time.

The 26 conditions that Teck Coal has to meet to be in compli-ance with the certifi-cate are legally-bind-ing.

They include: de-veloping manage-ment plans to miti-gate local and cumu-lative effects on water quality and wildlife; developing a com-pensation plan to off-set fish habitat loss and a regional fish habitat management plan; completing a population assess-ment of westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper Fording drain-age basin; verifying the findings of the hu-man-health-risk as-sessment ; working collaboratively with the Ktunaxa Nation to develop a number of plans, including a Cultural Management Plan, a Work Force and Business Oppor-tunities Plan and an Economic Participa-tion in Mine Closure Plan.

British Columbia’s environmental as-sessment process in-volves First Nations, government agencies and the public and looks at the potential for environmental, economic, social, heritage and health effects from a pro-posed project.

1923 Silent Comedy classic “Safety Last!”

Starring Harold Lloyd with live piano score by

composer Robert Bruce

Monday, October 21,

2013, Centre 64

See classic film with live piano

Line Creek expansion

granted with conditions

An iconic image from the silent era, Harold Lloyd in Safety First.

For the Bulletin

C o m p o s e r / p i a -nist Robert Bruce per-forms his live original score to the 1923 clas-sic silent comedy f i l m   “ S a f e t y Last!”  starring  Harold Lloyd on Monday, Oc-tober 21 at 7 p.m.  at  Centre 64.

The image of Har-old Lloyd hanging from the clock in Safe-ty Last! remains one of the most iconic of all

Hollywood films, and not just those of the silent era.  Easily the most successful and far-reaching film star-ring Lloyd,  Safety Last!  did indeed seem to capture some par-ticularly subtle yet powerful Hollywood magic, and it also con-tains quite a number of memorable scenes and gags.    Produced by Hal Roach Studios and released in 1923, this film, like many

films starring Lloyd, also really captures something of life in the 20s, particular-ly cosmopolitan life. 

Of particular inter-est at this time is that this film has just re-cently been digitally remastered and re-re-leased in various for-mats. The new version is stunningly clear and sharp and will be shown at this October 21 program.


Robert Bruce’s live score for “Safety Last!” follows the story and action pretty closely, weaving in and out of a variety of musical moods and styles ranging from the “Jazz Age” sounds popular in the 20s to more re-flective and descrip-tive neo-classical pieces which have somewhat become his own musical trade-mark.

From Page 1However, after the

situation was defused and police had a chat with the students they were let on their way.

Cpl. Rod Hrehirchuk said the situation is a good opportunity to re-mind people to think about how their actions may be perceived be-fore doing it.

He said officers have to assume the danger is real and act according-

ly. In Canada toy and

prop guns have to have an orange barrel tip as otherwise they often-times look identical to real firearms.

Hrehirchuk said an incident like this one had the potential to end badly.

He said they didn’t confiscate the prop.

Film take down

From Page 1On Tuesday, the

Crown suggested that Bullock should re-ceive a global sen-tence of eight years and two months. However, defense counsel Gary Botting suggested a sentence of less than 18 months would be appropri-ate.

Bullock is charged

in connection with the October 2, 2012, carjacking in Kitch-ener. Bullock and his 17-year-old girlfriend were hitchhiking and a Creston man stopped to pick them up. Bullock then told the driver to get out of the vehicle and pep-per sprayed him.

The stolen vehicle was later chased by

police through Cran-brook.

O n Thursday, Judge Pothecar y placed a sweeping publication ban on the case that prohib-its media from men-tioning events related to Bullock’s arrest in Cranbrook.

Carjacker trial delayed at request of counsel

Page 4: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

Page 4 FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013

LocaL NEWSdaily bulletin


YellowknifeWhitehorseVancouverVictoriaSaskatoonReginaBrandonWinnipegThunder BayS. Ste. MarieTorontoWindsorOttawaMontrealQuebec CityFredericton

p.sunny 4/-1 sunny 3/-1p.sunny 8/-1 m.sunny 7/1p.cloudy 12/8 m.sunny 12/7p.cloudy 12/7 m.sunny 13/6p.cloudy 12/0 sunny 10/-1rain 9/0 sunny 10/-3rain 14/3 rain 9/-1showers 20/5 rain 11/2p.cloudy 17/7 showers 16/4sunny 18/11 m.sunny 19/8sunny 20/11 p.cloudy 19/14sunny 22/12 p.cloudy 22/13sunny 21/8 sunny 20/9sunny 21/11 sunny 20/11m.sunny 19/10 p.cloudy 16/7m.sunny 20/6 m.sunny 16/4

TemperaturesHigh Low

Normal ..........................12.5°.................0.7°Record......................23.6°/1991 .......-6.5°/2002Yesterday......................10.1°.................3.6°

Precipitation Normal..............................................0.7mmRecord...................................11.7mm/1968Yesterday ...........................................1 mmThis month to date...........................8.2 mmThis year to date...........................1417 mmPrecipitation totals include rain and snow

Canada today tomorrow






�The Weather Network 2013

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The World today tomorrow


1POP 40%


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0POP 10%


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2POP 10%


1POP 30%

Oct 11 Oct 18 Oct 26 Nov 3



Prince George9/-3



Across the Region Tomorro w

Tomorrows�unrise� 8�00 a.m.�unset� 6�57 p.m.�oonset� 12�34 a.m.�oonrise� 3�42 p.m.

aPC MeMber Thanked

RDEK Board Chair Rob Gay recognized Roger Selby for his 13 years of service as a vol-unteer member of the Electoral Area C Adviso-ry Planning Commis-sion and Electoral Area Advisory Commission. Selby was presented with a token of the Board’s appreciation.

hoMe based business

regulaTions Move To PubliC hearing in soMe areas, noT

allBylaw amendments

concerning the regula-tion of home based businesses in the RDEK are proceeding to public hearing in October. The regulations affect Elec-toral Areas C, E, F and G as well as the Jaffray area in Electoral Area B.

The Board postponed consideration of any changes to the regula-tion of home based businesses in Electoral Area A pending a dis-cussion of the proposed amendments at the up-coming Area A Town Hall meeting. Details regarding the upcoming public hearings will be available on the RDEK website and advertised in local newspapers.

MeeTing To be held in edgewaTer

To disCuss reCreaTion

serviCe areaA meeting will be

held in the community of Edgewater to discuss a proposal that they be included in the Colum-bia Valley Recreation Service Area. If Edgewa-ter were to be included, operational funding for the Frank Shnider Me-

morial Rink would be provided through the Columbia Valley Recre-ation Service. A date for the meeting has not yet been set.

board Moves To ProTeCT baPTisTe

lake froM aCTiviTy

The RDEK will re-quest the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Nat-ural Resource Opera-tions establish a Section 16 Land Act Map Re-serve over Baptiste Lake for the purpose of pro-viding additional pro-tection for the Lake’s primary use as a reser-voir. In addition, an ap-plication will be submit-ted for a Community and Institutional Land Act tenure over the lake for a Water Reservoir. Baptiste Lake is the drinking water source for the community of

Edgewater and recently a developer who owns property around the lake constructed some docks, prompting the RDEK to seek additional protection for the water source.

Mou signed for new broadband


The Chair has been authorized to sign the Memorandum of Un-derstanding regarding the establishment of a Regional Broadband Committee. The Broad-band Committee will collaborate to develop a vision for a broadband network throughout the Columbia Basin and to provide direction for the development of a Re-gional Broadband Strat-egy. The Committee will consist of representa-tives from the RDEK, Regional District of

Central Kootenay, Co-lumbia Shuswap Re-gional District, Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Ktunaxa Na-tion Council and Village of Valemount.

Cherry Creek falls Park

inCluded in Parks Plan

Cherry Creek Falls Regional Park has been designated as an Elec-toral Area E Regional Park. The 35.8 acre par-cel of land was original-ly part of a mineral claim. The claim was purchased by the Mead-owbrook Community Association in an effort to preserve the area. The RDEK has applied for tenure over the land in the vicinity of the Falls to make it part of our Regional Parks sys-tem.

Regional District briefs

Adventurer Tim Cope coming to Kimberley on October 25

Kimberley, BC – He has traveled on horse-back from the capital of the Mongolian Empire to the edge of the Eur-asian steppe, ridden a bicycle across Russia to China, and rowed a boat along the Yenisey River through Siberia to the Arctic Ocean.

Next, Australian ad-venturer, author, and filmmaker Tim Cope – creator of the award-winning docu-mentary ‘On the Trail of Genghis Khan’ – is com-ing to Kimberley. Audi-ences in both Kimberley and Cranbrook loved the film, and his live presentation at McKim Theatre promises to be captivating indeed.

Cope, a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Soci-ety and National Geo-graphic Adventurer of the Year Honoree in 2007, has written two books – ‘Off the Rails: Moscow to Beijing on Recumbent Bikes’, pub-lished in 2003, and ‘On the Trail of Genghis Khan: An Epic Journey through the Lands of

the Nomads’, just re-leased in September. He is the creator of several documentary films and guides trekking jour-neys to remote western Mongolia.

Tim’s presentation will be a behind-the-scenes look at his 6,000-mile, three and a half-year quest to ride horses from the ancient capital of the Mongolian Em-pire, Karakorum, to the

edge of the Eurasian steppe on the Danube.

Aided by a series of stills and video that Cope captured en route, he will walk the audi-ence through a journey that began as a boyish dream to immerse him-self in the fence-free life of Mongolia – though he could barely ride a horse before he began – and became an odyssey into the nomads’ fasci-

nating past as powerful horse societies that helped shape the course of human history, and the precarious state that nomad culture finds it-self in the modern post-Soviet world. It is a story full of drama, ro-mance, and history, marred by tragedy and ending in triumph.

This will be at once a unique evening of inspi-ration and insight into

the tapestry of Eurasian steppe society, and a rare adventure reminis-cent of a forgotten age.

Tim Cope will speak at McKim Theatre on Friday, October 25 at 7:30 PM, presented by Wildsight Kimber-ley-Cranbrook. Doors open at 7 PM, and ad-mission is by donation – $10 per person sug-gested. Refreshments will be available.

Tales from the Trail of Genghis Khan

Photo submitted

Tim Cope, adventurer, author and filmmaker, will visit Kimberley on October 25.

Page 5: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013



We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Province of BC.


Weekend Symposium October 25-27, Nelson BC

Keynote speaker:

Photo Credit: Martin Lipm


Greg Payce 2013 Saidye Bronfman Award Winner

Travel subsidies available

Presenters include: Rebecca Hannon, Sarah Alford, Chi Cheng Lee, Jeremy Addington, Lou Lynn and Helen Sebelius


ring Your Community

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Courtesy of the Kim-berley Heritage Muse-um archives



MORNING FIRE”Insurance adjusters

this morning all but com-pleted their examination of the charred embers that marked Kimberley’s worst fire of the year early Tuesday morning.

While figures were not available, it is believed damage will not exceed the original estimate of $20,000 made after the conflagration was brought under control.

The fire started at 12:50 a.m. Tuesday at the rear of the Elite Café, housed in the Savoy Rooms building, and quickly spread to the rear of the adjoining Faulds building.

The alarm was turned in by Mel Forsythe, who happened to be passing at the time and in short order a general alarm was sounded, with city Fire Department and C.M. & S. crews respond-ing.

Six lines were laid and an estimated 81,000 gal-lons of water were poured on the blaze which, al-though it burned fiercely, sending flames 30 feet into the air, was actually under control within a very few minutes.

When the fire broke out, there were twelve persons sleeping in the Savoy Rooms, all of whom managed to make their way to safety except two who were assisted by firemen when overcome by smoke.

Chief Dickens stated later that the two fire crews not only had to keep the blaze under control but also to keep it from spreading to the Elks Hall and the Parnell Block. Both were threat-ened by the blaze, which had begun to creep into the Elks Hall when spot-ted by employees of the Elks Club who finishing their days work when the fire began.



The largest real estate transaction of the year in Kimberley was complet-ed Wednesday night with the announcement by Frank Shaw of the sale of

the Sylvia Motor Court to Johnstone MacKenzie of Kamloops.

Mr. Shaw built the Syl-via Court some years ago and has operated it since. But sale of the business does not mean he is retir-ing from active business life, he told The News, Mr. Shaw still owns Selkirk Motors Ltd.

Well known in Kim-berley’s service club and business life, he said his future business plans are uncertain.



Wallinger Avenue is rapidly coming into its own as one of the import-ant business thorough-fares in Kimberley.

Promise of further building activity on this busy street was seen this week with announce-ment that Wallace Lloyd, well known Kimberley business man and finan-cier, was the successful bidder for the property known as the Kerrigan Estate, located across from the Federal Build-ing.

At the same time, work began on a new building on Wallinger at the rear of Lloyd’s Hard-ware in the first step to-wards what may ulti-mately be a new block of stores and offices be-tween Spokane Street and the Post Office.

Mr. Lloyd told The News that definite plans for use of the Kerrigan lots had not yet been made but he admitted there were several possi-bilities, including a su-permarket or a super ser-vice station.

A block or two away, work is proceeding well on the new concrete block building for the Kimberley Trading Com-pany who will operate from their new building and utilize the site of their present store for a park-ing lot.

Not far away, there is the new building of the Kimberley Rod and Gun Club on which work is expected to be resumed to provide club quarters, and a shooting gallery for local and district sports-men.

And last, but by no means least, is the start of work that by next spring will remove the bottle-neck of the narrow bridge over Mark Creek on Wall-inger.


There is still time to get tickets for the Rota-ry Bones, Beer and Boogie event on Octo-ber 19, but you’d better hurry.

Bones, Beer and Boogie is a recipe for fun that you do not want to miss.

Select your favorite rib sauce, add a frosty brew and boogie the night away to your fa-vorite music supplied by “The Hit of July Fest” Ray Gareau who plays what his audience

wants, - all for a great cause.

Tickets are $40 from any Rotarian and pro-ceeds go to community projects including up-grades to Rotary Park.

October 19, 2013 (We could say it’s an October Feast!)

Centennial Hall5:30 pm Wine &

Beer6:30 pm Bones &

more Beer or Wine7:30 pm Boogie &

even more Beer, and of course Wine

Limited tickets

Bones, beer and boogie



George Webber came to Kimberley in 1949, and built a life here. He moved out to Meadowbrook in 1970 and one of his joys was gardening. George’s daughter Shelley Mcinroy reports that George is now 91 years old and bed-bound, suffering from lung cancer and a brain tumour. “But back in the spring, George was still busy, cooking, gardening, grocery shopping and � irting with the ladies at Overwaitea. He was tired. But he wanted his gar-den. So in the spring with the help of his son in law Mike, and friends Carl and son Chris Johansen, the garden was planted. Soon after, George was not able to work the garden; he had become too unwell, but the daughter watered, the son in law hilled and watered, the granddaughter watered, and there was a bit of help from Mother Nature too. Everyone was busy, there was no special recipe for keeping this garden. But the garden grew and grew and grew. And George told me: “I sure would like it if a couple of my potatoes had their picture in the Bulletin.” Last week, Mike started har-vesting the garden. Carl came to help. And George’s face lit up when we brought in some of the potatoes and carrots for him to see. He loves pota-toes, and these potatoes are terri� c!

The Way it Was


The Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development is being thanked for the $10,000 infrastructure planning grant for the Spur Valley Groundwater Study.


Columbia Valley Services Commit-tee Chair Gerry Taft and Kootenay Conservation Program Manager Dave Hillary will attend the Real Estate Foundation of BC Land Awards Gala later this month. The RDEK’s Colum-bia Valley Local Conservation Fund has been named as a 2013 Land Award Finalist.


The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will be asked to install signage at all locations where wildlife carcasses are disposed of. The loca-tions are currently not marked and the RDEK is hoping signage will be in-stalled to alert the public and mini-mize the risk of human/wildlife inter-action at these sites.


A letter will be sent to Canadian Pacific Railway requesting that loco-motive engines not idle for extended periods near residential areas. The community of Wasa reported locomo-tives running for 48 hours at a time over the winter months creating ex-tensive noise and exhaust fumes.


The Royal Canadian Legion Fernie Branch and Sparwood Branch will re-ceive $45 each from the Electoral Area A DGIA account for the Poppy Re-membrance Campaign.

The Cranbrook and District Cham-ber of Commerce will receive $2000 from the Electoral Area C DGIA ac-count to support local athlete Gordon McArthur’s participation in the 2014 Olympic Games.

The Summit Community Services Society will receive $2000 from the Electoral Area C DGIA account and $1000 from the Electoral Area E DGIA account for the Police Based Victim Services Program.

Regional District meeting briefs

Page 6: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013



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LETTERS to the EDITORRe: Paving

A recent letter to the editor from Mr. Brian Kostiuk (Paving – Cranbrook Daily Townsman – Thursday September 26, 2013) was critical of the City using taxpay-er dollars to pave an access road to the Spray Irrigation Administration Centre located off Highway 3/95 north of the City earlier this fall.

The paving work was first identified as the preferred dust control method in an engineering design study completed in 2009 as part of the overall Wastewater Improvement Program at the spray irriga-tion property. City administration ac-knowledges and understands the con-cerns of Mr. Kostiuk and other citizens of the community that paving the road to the spray irrigation pump house may not have been the best use of the City’s re-sources given the City’s infrastructure deficit including City streets that are in need of repair and maintenance.

The CAO is reviewing the decision to pave the access road with staff.

The City would like to thank Mr. Kosti-uk for bringing his concerns forward.

Wayne Stetski, MayorCity of Cranbrook

HazingI can hardly contain myself as to when

the next segment of ‘hazing’ will appear on the horizon.

After the much publicized and suc-cessful hazing of urban deer on the out-skirts of Kimberley, I look forward to the

next hazing event. I imagine there will be a great turnout of locals all willing to pay cash money to witness the ‘Hazing of the Grizzlies’. I expect the attendance would eclipse the Accordion Fest.

Regarding Ted Bolton’s letter to the editor on branding, points well taken.

Bill RobertsKimberley

Time for sensible marijuana laws in BC

Mr Fletcher’s recent editorial misrep-resented the Sensible BC campaign, and could lead to confusion about our efforts for a marijuana referendum.

The ultimate aim of Sensible BC is to have BC’s marijuana industry regulated in a similar manner to wine. Our pro-posed legislation, the Sensible Policing Act, is designed to bring us closer to that goal.

The Sensible Policing Act has four components, all of which are within pro-vincial jurisdiction.

The first aspect is to redirect police re-sources away from being wasted on sim-ple possession of marijuana. Last year, BC police made over 16,500 arrests for mari-juana possession, draining $10.5 million in police and court time away from inves-tigation of more serious criminal offenc-es.

If Sensible BC is successful, then tens of thousands of hours of police and court time would immediately be freed up to pursue real criminals. This means safer

communities for everyone, and less back-log in our courts.

Second, our legislation treats a minor in possession of marijuana exactly the same as if it were alcohol. The allows po-lice to deal with a teenager smoking pot, but without the lifetime criminal record that can restrict travel and employment.

Third, the Sensible Policing Act calls upon the federal government to repeal marijuana prohibition, so that BC can regulate and tax it in a manner similar to wine and beer. This would send a power-ful message of change to Ottawa, and give our Prime Minister the mandate to legal-ize.

Finally, our legislation creates a BC commission to figure out the rules need-ed to implement legalization. Like alco-hol and tobacco, most of the regulation for legal marijuana would be determined at the provincial level.

British Columbia cannot fully legalize marijuana without a change to federal law., but we can take some sensible steps in the right direction. That is what Sensi-ble BC is all about.

We’re now about one month into our three month time-limit for gathering sig-natures. This is the largest and most orga-nized marijuana reform effort in Canadi-an history. If you support sensible mari-juana laws, then join our growing team of over 3000 canvassers, and help collect signatures in your community.

Find out more at http://SensibleBC.ca

Dana LarsenSensible BC

Page 7: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 7


The Campbell & Manning Block

UPCOMINGAcrylic Gels, Mediums and Pastes Workshop with Linda Bullock - Saturday 12th October, 10-2pm. CDAC Workshop Space, 135 10th Avenue South, Cranbrook. Back by popular demand. Linda Bullock will help you create a swatch of acrylic alchemy! Pre-registration required. Helen 250-426-42232013 FREE FAMILY SWIM Wednesday, Oct. 16th, 6:00-7:00 PM is sponsored by Kimberley Health-Care Auxiliary. Children 18 years & under must be accompanied by an adult.Oct. 16, 7-9pm at Christ the Servant Parish Hall - a presentation by Monica Lambton, Coordinator of the o� ce of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation for the Congregation of Notre Dam - will present ways to share what we can learn from St. Marguerite.ESL volunteer tutor training with CBAL begins Oct 18 & 19th. Help others to speak and read English. Pre-registration required – Katherine 250-417-2896 or [email protected] OCTOBER 19, to the music of Chapparal, 7 pm, at the Cranbrook Seniors HALL, 2 St. S. Refreshments served. Check out the JAM ( Ice-cream Social) on Last Saturdays at 1:30 for a time of refreshment and fun. *Oct. Jam moved up to 19th. 250.489.2720 Home Grown Music Society presents the � rst Co� ee House of this season on Saturday, Oct 19 at Centre 64 at 8:00 pm. Tickets at the Snowdrift Cafe & Centre 64 in Kimberley.Kimberley Rotary all new Bones, Beer & Boogie October Feast. Centennial Centre October 19th. Cocktails 5:30 pm, Dinner 6:30 pm. Dance to your favourite music by Ray Gareau. Tickets online www.facebook.com/KimberleyRotaryClubSunday, Oct. 20th from 2 to 4 pm. Attend “The Grateful Executor” free seminar at Kimberley United Church. Help the Food Bank with a donation while you obtain essential information about appointing or being an Executor.East Kootenay Historical Association Fall Meeting Sunday Oct. 20th at Heritage Inn. Time: 11:30, lunch 12 noon. Guest speaker: Mr. Joe Pierre. Info: Marilyn 426-3070, Skip 426-3679. We Need Members!

Place your notice in your “What’s Up?” Community Calendar FREE of charge. This column is intended for the use of clubs

and non-profit organizations to publicize their coming events — provided the following requirements are met:

• Notices will be accepted two weeks prior to the event. • All notices must be emailed, faxed or dropped off in person. No telephone calls please.

• NOTICES SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30 WORDS.• Only one notice per week from any one club or organization.

• All notices must be received by the Thursday prior to publication• There is no guarantee of publication. Notices will run subject to space limitations.


Drop off: 822 Cranbrook St. N. • Drop off: 335 Spokane StreetFax: 250-426-5003 • Fax: 250-427-5336

E-mail: [email protected]


ONGOING Dog Lovers! We have a pet section at Bibles For Missions Thrift Store. We’d love you to join us running our store. Flexible hours, short shifts to suit you. Come meet new friends! Open Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm. 824 Kootenay St. N., Cranbrook.Contact the Kimberley Health Care Auxiliary Thrift Shops at 250-427-2503 (Brenda) or 250-427-1754 Gayle) for volunteer opportunities: cashiers, sorters, after hours cleaners.Community Acupuncture. By donation – Each Tuesday 4-6 pm, Roots to Health Naturopathic Clinic, Kimberley Health Centre – Lower Level, 260 4th Ave. 778-481-5008. Please visit: www.roots-to-health.com for more info.Help Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cranbrook: One way you can help is by donating to our “Blue Bin” located outside to the left of Wal-Mart by the propane tanks. This bin is there for any clothing items or soft items you have laying around in your house. (250) 489-3111 or email us at [email protected] Branch of the Stroke Recovery Association of BC. Meetings are from 10:00am-1:00pm the 2nd and 4th Wed. in the lower level of the Senior Citizen’s Hall, 125-17th St. S. Bring bag lunch. Tootie Gripich, 426-3994.The GoGo Grannies meet the last Monday of each month at 7:00 at The College of the Rockies. Join us as we raise awareness & funds for Grandmothers raising their Grandchildren in countries devastated by Aids. Norma at 250-426-6111.The Cranbrook Kimberley Hospice Society seeks volunteers to help us provide services to persons at the end of life and their families. Training is provided. Call 250-417-2019, Toll Free 1-855-417-2019 if interested.Play and Learn Parenting/Literacy Program – 8 week registered program for parents with preschool children with a facilitated play and activity component for children. Kimberley Early Learning Centre Kim 250-427-4468.Introduction to Pottery with Sonya Rokosh - Wednesday evenings for eight weeks, Sept. 11th-Oct. 30th, 6-8pm each Wed. CDAC Workshop Space, 135 10th Ave S, Cranbrook. A great course for budding potters. Pre-registration required. 250-426-4223 / [email protected] music and two stepping every Thursday night from 8pm to 11pm. Everyone welcome. At the Eagles Nest (upstairs), Fraternal Order Of Eagles Hall, 715 Kootenay St N, Cranbrook. (250) 426-5614Dance/Practice: every Saturday. Practice from 7 to 8 PM, dancing until 11 PM. Dance With Me Cranbrook Studio, 206-14 A 13th Street, South, behind Safeway.“Volunteers are needed to assist sta� with childminding while parents attend programs at the Kimberley Early Learning Center. Come play!! Weekly or monthly for 2 hours. Diana 250 427-0716”

daily townsman / daily bulletin

In the earliest days, the town of Cran-brook grew in such a way as to define certain as-

pects of the community to the present day.

The CPR yards formed the initial focal point with businesses and residential areas fanning out to the east and west.

The west side did not fan well due in part to the separation from greater Cranbrook by constant rail traffic.

To the east of the CPR, along Van Horne, Baker and Cranbrook Streets, lay the business district. The area near-est the tracks was taken by hotels and business-es or other pursuits commonly accompany-ing the CPR at the time: small rail-related indus-try, Chinatown, and the red-light district.

Much of the nearby housing — single lot, one-storey cottages — was occupied by railway and lumber workers. Beyond that the city grew, dictated in part, according to the place-ment of now removed creeks and marshes.

The initial growth in the area between 1st and 9th Avenue and Baker to 2nd Street re-quired ensuing home owners to construct their (often larger and more elaborate houses) in the area known as Baker Hill and further east along Joseph Creek.

The red-light district and Chinatown eventu-ally disappeared to be replaced primarily by light industry and busi-ness.

Throughout the

Photo Jim Cameron 2011

The Campbell & Manning Block, 112- 8th Avenue.

JaNUS: Then & Now

Jim Cameron

early years Hanson (8th) Avenue, between Baker and 1st Street, more or less functioned as a buffer between the blue-collar to the west and the white-collar to the east. It became an avenue of garages, re-pair shops and small, often temporary, busi-nesses, a character, or perhaps lack of it, that has continued to the present day.

It was upon this street that Leroy Sage built his shoe/sec-ond-hand shop in 1904. Mr. Sage died in 1905, leaving the property in the hands of the execu-tors of the estate who, in 1907, sold it to pioneer Cranbrook Hotel owner James Ryan, who, in 1909, sold it to local gro-cery merchants Joseph Campbell and Ira Man-ning.

The partners under-took to construct a rent-al space known as the Campbell and Manning Block, hiring local con-tractor George Leask to erect the superstructure in October, 1911.

Within a month the bricklayers were work-ing apace and the re-sult, by January, 1912, was a two-storey brick building with two stores (whose large plate glass windows have long since been filled in) and storage space on the

ground floor, at least 17 rental bedrooms on the second floor and a four-lane, 10-pin bowling alley in the basement.

It seemed a perfect recipe for success. It wasn’t quite.

If not the location then certainly the reces-sion of the First World War hurt rentals for the Campbell and Manning enterprise as it did not fare as well as might be expected. The stores were transient; a con-fectionery, a general merchant, a taxidermy, a furniture repair shop, a restaurant and nu-merous other undertak-ings over the next few years. The upstairs rooms were originally rented to the nearby Cranbrook Hotel while a hotel annex was being constructed across the street but that was only temporary.

While it was without doubt the most attrac-tive building on the block and one of the most substantial in the business district, it doesn’t appear to have quite lived up to expec-tations. The bowling alley, though popular at times, ran intermittent-ly during the next five decades.

Campbell and Man-ning dissolved their partnership in 1913. At the time they also

owned both the Cosmo-politan Hotel and their long-standing grocery business. Although Mr. Manning took the gro-cery and Mr. Campbell took the Cosmopolitan, they apparently re-tained joint ownership of the business block.

In May of 1920, Messrs Joseph Maripo-di and Egisto Bigattini purchased the property which became known as the Venezia Hotel. It was a baptism under fire for Egisto Bigattini who awoke in his hotel room during the early morning hours of May 27, 1920, to find a man rummaging through his effects. A scuffle ensued in which Mr. Bigattini was shot in the abdo-men. The assailant made his escape through a window onto a roof only to return a short time later while the police were investi-gating. He was immedi-ately identified by his victim and arrested.

Although Mr. Bigatti-ni suffered a rather large loss of blood he was back on his feet within a week. The ensuing trial attracted much local at-tention not least due to the fact that Mr. Bigatti-ni accused his attacker, Charles De Palmer of Fernie, of approaching him earlier in the week with a proposition to

provide women prosti-tutes to work out of the hotel on a regular basis, an offer which Bigattini claimed he refused.

De Palmer was tried, found guilty and sen-tenced to 18 months of hard labour in the Nel-son jail.

The hotel never quite shook the some-what unsavoury reputa-tion garnered during the incident and ongo-ing liquor infractions didn’t help. It was later purchased by the Provenzano brothers, sold to Joe Lipovski in 1955 and, in turn, to Tom Chittick and Stan McKay in 1968. It was this partnership that re-named it the Sam Steele Hotel during the city’s annual Sam Steele Days in August, 1969.

For the next 30 years the Sam Steele Hotel settled in as a more-or-less genial neighbour-hood pub, attracting pretty much one of ev-erything that the neigh-bourhood had to offer. The interior was reno-vated a few times; door-ways filled in, the exteri-or painted white and odd little bits of decora-tion added. The bowl-ing alley sat unused. Following the turn of this century the hopeful heritage building be-came a strip joint, which it remains.

LeTTerS To The ediTorLetters to the Editor should be a maximum of 400 words in length. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contri-bution. All letters must include the name and daytime phone number of the writer for verification purposes. The phone number will not be printed. Anonymous letters will not be published. Only one letter per month from any particular letter writer will be published. Email letters to [email protected]. Mail to The Daily Townsman, 822 Cranbrook St. N., Cranbrook, B.C. V1C 3R9. In Kimberley, email [email protected]. Mail to The Daily Bulletin, 335 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC V1A 1Y9.

Page 8: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013



Finding chemistry between players can like prospecting for gold.

It can take time, but eventually, you may get lucky and strike it rich.

The Kootenay Ice discovered that last year, pairing up Jaedon Descheneau and Sam Reinhart, and the two have become the of-fensive backbone of the team.

When one scores, the other usually assists, and vice versa.

Their chemistry has really shown since the beginning of the season, as the two have piled on the points on the scoresheet. In eight games, Reinhart has seven goals and 12 assists, while De-scheneau has seven goals and eight assists.

However, it’s not fair to say that they alone are providing offensive production.

Like last year, Levi Cable and Luke Philp were paired up with graduate Brock Montgomery and provided some solid offensive production on their own right, as Philp, the team rookie of the year, scored 20 goals while Cable added 14, despite missing five games at the end of the season.

Philp and Cable are reunited again this season, and they have 11 points combined in 8 games.

Plus, scoring has come in from other areas of the roster, which is always an encouraging sign.

When it comes to finding chemistry between players, head coach Ryan McGill first looks for pairs before searching for a third player to complete the line.

“You want to find pairs, for sure,” said McGill, “and then, with-in those pairs that find good chemistry, you have to find that third person that can bring some-thing else to the table—an intangi-ble, so to speak—where some-body that can maybe get on the forecheck and get that first hit and turn that puck over, or somebody that has lots of speed through the neutral zone to complement the pairs that have the real good chemistry.”

It’s tough to read too much into

lines combinations, because it can change on a nightly basis if some-one is fired up and having a good game, McGill added.

“On some nights, it might be different in certain situations, be-cause somebody’s really got a game going and you want to make sure you give that person every opportunity to help someone else out, too,” McGill said. “So you’ll find that I keep a lot of pairs to-gether, and then move guys in and out on that one spot.”

Cable played with Reinhart and Descheneau for a bit, before reuniting with Philp. Zach Zbo-rosky and Matt Alfaro have both rotated in and out as the third man with Reinhart and Descheneau.

“Obviously we’d love the op-portunity that if we had four lines that could stay together the whole time and develop a huge amount of chemistry, that’d be great for us, it’s just in the game of hockey, it’s not always entirely possible,” said McGill.

Combinations can get tricky, too, when injuries come into play.

Jeff Hubic, who uses his size to play a physical role up front, was sent back down to defence in Le-thbridge to add an extra body to the defensive corps, which is missing Tanner Faith and Landon Peel to injury.

SPORTSMixing the right chemistry


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A local lacrosse ath-lete is hoping to make a provincial squad this weekend as he heads down to the Lower Mainland to try out for Team B.C.

Caine Manion, a 15-year-old lacrosse player, is hoping to make the crossover from box lacrosse to field lacrosse with a provincial team that will travel around to high-level tourna-ments.

He already booked a

spot on Team Koote-nay, but now he’s set his sights a little higher, and hopes to make the team as a midfield.

“I want to showcase that I know I can be on the team, that I can fit in with the team and be a team player,” said Manion.

Cranbrook has a thriving box lacrosse scene with the Outlaws minor lacrosse associa-tion and is working on getting a high school field lacrosse team off the ground.

Field lacrosse is

much different from it’s box counterpart, how-ever, Manion has had some help sharpening his skills from a local NCAA athlete.

Dakota Hollister, who is currently down at Bellarmine Universi-ty in Kentucky on a la-crosse scholarship, has worked with Manion over the summer to give him some pointers.

“Practically the whole field lacrosse,” said Manion, on what he learned from Hollis-ter. “He practically showed me everything.”


Caine Manion is trying out for a provincial � eld lacrosse team this weekend.

Local lacrosse player hoping to crack provincial team

See ICE , Page 9

Raonic loses out at Shanghai MastersASSOCIATED PRESS

SHANGHAI, China - Canada’s Milos Raon-ic has been eliminated from the Shanghai Masters after losing 7-6 (2), 6-4 to Switzerland’s Stanislas Wawrinka in the third round.

The 10th-ranked player from Thornhill, Ont., was coming off two straight final ap-pearances, winning in Thailand before losing the final in Tokyo last week.

Meanwhile, Roger Federer’s chances of qualifying for the ATP Tour Finals took a hit Thursday when he lost in three sets to Gael Monfils, the latest ear-

ly-round loss for the 17-time Grand Slam champion.

Monfils beat the for-mer No. 1-ranked Fed-erer 6-4, 6-7 (5), 6-3 in the third round, ex-tending the Swiss star’s recent slide.

Defending champi-on Novak Djokovic and top-ranked Rafael Nadal, meanwhile, moved into the quar-ter-finals with straight-set wins. Djokovic beat Italy’s Fabio Fognini 6-3, 6-3, while Nadal rallied from 5-2 down in the second-set tie-breaker to down Ar-gentina’s Carlos Ber-locq 6-1, 7-6 (5).

Two of the tourna-

ment’s other top seed-ed players were oust-ed: No. 3 David Ferrer lost to Florian Mayer 6-4, 6-3, and No. 4 Tomas Berdych was ousted by Nicolas Al-magro 6-7 (6), 6-3, 7-6 (4).

Federer, who has slipped to No. 7 in the rankings, was playing for the first time since losing in the fourth round of the U.S. Open. He was in need of a strong showing in Shanghai to secure a berth in the elite sea-son-ending ATP Tour Finals in London - a tournament he played every year since 2002.

Federer is currently seventh in the stand-ings, with only a slight lead over several other players vying to get into the eight-man field in London. He plans to play in Basel and Paris in hopes of making it into the Nov. 4-11 tournament.

Federer fell to a player ranked outside the top 40 for the fourth time in his last six matches. He came into the match with a 6-1 record against Monfils, who returned to the tour recently after an injury layoff.

Federer remained upbeat despite the loss - and his subsequent defeat in doubles with Chinese partner Zhang Ze. He said the most important thing was not to worry about every setback.

“It’s pretty simple: You just keep on work-ing hard, make sure that you get back on winning ways, then you become confident again, sort of get there,” Federer said.

Page 9: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 9

SportSdaily townsman / daily bulletin

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Kootenay to face Tigers, RaidersHunting the Tigers

Kootenay heads into Medicine Hat on Saturday to take on the Tigers, which sit on top of the Eastern Conference and have only one regulation loss so far in the early season.

Medicine Hat is unbeaten in regulation over the last four games, losing only to the Thun-derbirds in an overtime decision on home ice.

The Tigers benefited from the return on team captain Hunter Shinkaruk who made a strong challenge to stick with the Van-couver Canucks, however, the NHL squad made the decision to send their first-rounder back to major-junior.

In three games back with the Tigers, Shinkaruk has six points with 3 goes and 3 assists.

Despite Shinkaruk’s absence while up in the pros, the Tigers have been able to score by com-mittee with Curtis Valk, Cole San-ford, Trevor Cox and Logan McVeigh.

The Tabbies also acquired

crease guardian Daniel Wapple from the Moose Jaw Warriors, who is in a battle with Mark Lang-hammer for starting duties.

Shinkaruk and Reinhart are former teammates with Team Canada’s U18 squad two years ago, when the Canadians cap-tured a bronze medal at the World Championships.

Pillaging the RaidersAfter Saturday’s contest, the

Ice head back home to host the Prince Albert Raiders, which are also off to a hot start, with six wins and two losses in eight games.

The Raiders bolstered their blueline with the return of Winni-peg Jets’ first rounder Josh Mor-rissey, who will quarterback the defence.

Up front, the team is led by German import Leon Dratsaitl, who is happily lighting the goal lamp as he begins his draft-year campaign, and rumours have it that he will go high up in the first round.

Like with the Tigers, it’s scor-ing by committee so far with

Jayden Hart, Reid Gardiner and Dakota Conroy chipping in on the points race.

The team made a big deal in the offseason to acquire overage goaltender Cole Cheveldave from the Kamloops Blazers. Being that he came from Kamloops, the Ice haven’t had a chance to see him much over the last two years, but this will be the first of four meet-ings this season.

So far, the Raiders won their first five straight, then suffered a pair of losses before winning against the Giants in a shootout on Tuesday.

It will be the return of former Kootenay Ice coach Cory Clous-ton when the Raiders come to town. Clouston was an assistant to current bench boss Ryan Mc-Gill during his first tenure before taking over the top job for five years.

Clouston was recently over-taken by McGill as the winningest coach in Kootenay franchise his-tory, however, he’ll be looking for a win in different colours behind the Prince Albert bench.

Continued from page 8

C anadian PressVANCOUVER - The

Vancouver Canucks are expanding the duties of senior management team member Stan Smyl.

He was named direc-tor of player develop-ment Thursday, the NHL team said in a re-lease. Smyl will also continue to serve as se-nior adviser to general manager Mike Gillis.

“Stan has been a cor-nerstone of our fran-chise as a player, coach and member of our management team for over 30 years,” Gillis said in a release. “We are

thrilled to expand his role to have him work closely with our pros-pects. Stan embodies hard work and has shown an unwavering commitment to excel-lence.

“We look forward to having him instil these qualities in our pros-pects as they develop on and off the ice.”

Smyl has spent his entire professional hockey career with the Canucks organization, first as a player then as a coach before becoming a member of the senior management team.

He was named colle-

giate scouting director in June 2008 and be-came the senior adviser to the GM a few months later. In his new role, Smyl will be responsible for working with the club’s young players to assist them with their continued growth as professionals.

During his NHL playing career, Smyl es-tablished team records for games played (896), goals (262), assists (411) and points (673).

He served as team captain from 1982-1990 and had his No. 12 re-tired by the team in 1991.

Stan Smyl named Canucks’ player development director

Millions of tickets up for grabs for 2014 World Cup in Brazil

assoCiated PressSAO PAULO, Brazil -

Soccer fans have ap-plied for more than six million World Cup tick-ets, nearly double the total available in Brazil next year.

Because of the high demand, FIFA will hold a random draw to allo-cate the tickets to those who applied in the first phase, which ended on Thursday.

The second phase will be from Nov. 5-28, with tickets available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Fans will be allowed to make purchases

again on Dec. 8, after the World Cup draw de-termines where and when each of the 32 teams will play.

Organizers expect a total of nearly 3.3 mil-lion tickets to be avail-able for the first World Cup in Brazil since 1950, but only about one mil-lion were offered in the first phase. One million requests were made in the first seven hours after the sales opened in late August, and anoth-er one million requests were made in the past week.

Brazilians made 70 per cent of the requests,

followed by Americans, Argentines and Ger-mans.

Each applicant could request for up to four tickets for a maximum of seven of the 64 matches.

FIFA said in a state-ment that it received ap-plications from 203 countries, with the most popular request the opener in Sao Paulo on June 12 and the final at Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on July 13. More than 720,000 tickets were requested for the opener and more than 750,000 for the final.

Tigers drop a’s 3-0 to for berth in aL series


WINNINg WaYS: The Laurie Middle School bantam volleyball team was victorious over Jaffray in their first tournament in Fernie. Pictured back row, left to right: Hannah Davis, Natalie Armstrong, Alyssa McElhinney, Natalie Tepper, Sidney Pinch, Jessica Armstrong and Brea McCormack. Front row: Kara Lethbridge, Presley Armstrong, Georgia Wurzer, Ali Giesbrecht, Kathryn Soderstrom, and Andrea Byford.

assoCiated Press

OAKLAND, Calif. - Justin Verlander pitched another Game 5 gem in Oakland while carrying a no-hit bid into the sev-enth inning, and Miguel Cabrera homered to lead the Detroit Tigers past the Athletics 3-0 Thursday night and back into the AL cham-pionship series.

Joaquin Benoit re-tired Seth Smith on a fly ball with two on in the ninth to close out the deciding game of their division series. The Ti-

gers became the first team to reach the ALCS in three straight years since the New York Yan-kees from 1998-2001.

Game 1 is Saturday in Boston. The Tigers went 4-3 against the Red Sox this year. They have never faced each other in the post-season.

Verlander gave up a clean, two-out single to Yoenis Cespedes in the seventh to end his chance at the third no-hitter in post-season history. The hit hardly fazed him, however.

On a night he al-lowed only three base-runners, Verlander made it a post-sea-son-record 30 straight

scoreless innings against one team since Coco Crisp hit a leadoff home run for the A’s in Game 1 last October.

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Why do we give thanks this weekend?

Canadians don’t have the kind of mythology that Americans have about Thanksgiving. For them, it’s part of the founding myth of their nation. It’s the story of the Pilgrim settlement (some would call it the Pilgrim occupation of the land), and their first years in the new land. For us, thanksgiving is a harvest festival.

A festival at the time of gathering the harvest is one of the oldest cus-toms in the world. It’s a time set aside to give thanks. India’s rice har-vest festival, Pongol, is held in January. Nigeria has a New Yam Festival which falls in July or Au-gust. Many cultures cele-brate the harvest as a sa-cred time. In Swaziland, the ceremony known as Incwala is the most im-portant traditional holi-day. It celebrates both the harvest and binds the nation to its king.

Canada’s first thanks-giving was celebrated by Martin Frobisher in Newfoundland in 1578. The first official Canadi-an Thanksgiving Day was celebrated on April

5, 1872 in gratitude for the Prince of Wales’ re-covery from an illness. In 1957, Parliament de-clared the second Mon-day in October as “a day of general Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed.”

When we give thanks for harvest, we acknowl-edge that while there is much we can do, at a deep level it’s beyond our control. Most of us have forgotten that. We don’t know what it means to count on the seasons. We don’t have to worry about getting enough rain or sun at just the right time so that our crops can grow. We don’t have to fertilize or cultivate the land or bring in the harvest.

When we need food, all we have to do is hop

in the car, go to the store or the farmer’s market where it’s ready for us, pre–packaged and shrink–wrapped. We can get what we want when we want it — even straw-berries in April. It seems as if we are in control. We’ve lost that sense of looking to the skies for the right weather, that sense of waiting for crops to grow in their own time, that sense of grati-tude when everything works together.

Part of the result of such an “instant society” is that we’ve forgotten how to be grateful. We are much more adept at grumbling and com-plaining.

Dennis Prager, au-thor of “Happiness is a Serious Problem: A Human Nature Repair Manual” writes that “Gratitude isn’t an emo-tion most of us cultivate.” Even on Thanksgiving, we are more likely to concentrate on the tur-key or the television or getting the leaves raked up than on giving thanks.

But “gratitude has an extraordinary power to improve our lives”. It’s more than simply good manners. According to Prager, “the value in giv-

ing thanks … is nothing less than the key to hap-piness … The secret to happiness is gratitude. All happy people are grateful, and ungrateful people cannot be happy. We tend to think that it is being unhappy that leads people to com-plain, but it is truer to say that it is complaining that leads to people be-coming unhappy. Be-come grateful and you will become a much happier person.”

This is why Christian faith places such em-phasis on thanking God. Worship is filled with ex-pressions of gratitude. The Psalms are filled

with effusive praise to God and gratitude for all God has done.

Why? Not because God needs our gratitude. C.S. Lewis, in his reflec-tions on the Psalms, asked why it was that God expected human beings to praise him. Lewis’ conclusion is that it’s not because God needs our praise. It’s be-cause we need it. When we praise God, we en-hance our enjoyment of what we are grateful for. Learning to be thankful is the best vaccination against taking good for-tune for granted. And the less you take for granted, the more pleasure and

joy life will bring you.Prager reminds us

that happiness is a craft which needs to be prac-ticed. “Unhappiness is easy. Happiness takes hard work.” He suggests that the pursuit of mod-eration, depth, wisdom, clarity, goodness, and the transcendent will help us attain happiness.

It can be hard to do. Like most useful skills, it takes years of practice before it becomes sec-ond nature. This is one reason that religion, sin-cerely practiced, leads to happiness. It ingrains the habits of thankful-ness, and as gratitude becomes part of who we

are, we open the door to gladness.

Margaret Visser gives the same advice in her book, “The Gift of Thanks”. “Gratitude is al-ways a matter of paying attention, of deliberately beholding and appreci-ating the other.”

This Thanksgiving, we can resolve not to take the gifts in our lives for granted. Instead let us pay attention, deliber-ately appreciating all the gifts in our lives, and cul-tivating an attitude of gratitude.

Yme Woensdregt is Pastor at Christ Church Anglican in Cranbrook

The power of giving thanks

Things were not going well for Daniel Spiegelman. In fact, nothing was. His theft of a

massive amount of items from Co-lumbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library should have made him a wealthy man. Yet un-like other institutions he stole from in the past, Columbia University would not let it go. Unable to un-load his merchandise stateside, Spiegelman was forced to relocate to Europe, only to be promptly ar-rested. Even his attempt to es-cape extradition went horribly awry. Not only did he bring all kinds of un-wanted law en-forcement upon him (he claimed he had funded the Oklahoma City Bombing), but he ended up being extradited anyway. 

His new defense strategy was to try and convince the judge that his thefts had not harmed any-one, especially Columbia. His lawyers argued that ‘rare’ was simply a fancy term librarians liked to use; old books are not comparable to works of art which are one of a kind. Since most of the books Spiegelman stole are available in other editions and reprints, the loss to scholarship was nothing but a ruse by Colum-bia.

The prosecutions first witness was Jean Ashton, the chief librar-ian of Columbia’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Wearing white gloves, Ashton unrolled a scroll dating from 1262, and held it open beside a photocopy. “Most of the information that is contained in the physical object itself is absent from the photo-copy” she told the silent court-room, before listing a lengthy list of characteristics not found in the photocopy. Not only did this list include the item’s size and color, but also its weight and heft, origi-nal annotations, parchment type

and texture, quality of glue used, and any luster which remained on the scroll. None of these fea-tures, which are crucial to histori-ans, genealogists, and book scholars, can be found in the photocopy. Ashton strongly sug-gested that the scroll’s physical properties were at least — and sometimes more —important than its content.

As she moved to her second example (she had brought all

kinds of rare items), Spiegelman’s lawyer objected, stating none of the exam-ples were relevant to the case at hand. These items were simply furnished by

Columbia for the prosecution; none of these were items Spiegel-man stole.

However, each item Ashton brought had indeed been stolen by Spiegelman. The FBI had re-covered them from his apart-ment. The red-faced attorney had no choice but to let the librarian continue. One of the most damn-ing items was the multivolume Blaeu atlas —which was without question a work of art. Yet when Ashton opened each of the over-sized books’ covers, all that was left was a ragged hull. Spiegelman had cut out the maps to sell indi-vidually. The Blaeu atlas was a world cultural treasure; scholars come from all over the world to study it. Columbia University first acquired it almost 200 years ago. Now it was mutilated beyond rec-ogniztion.

The defense objected again, stating that since the FBI had re-covered most of the items stolen, they had made their way back to Columbia University. So there re-ally isn’t any loss to scholarship at all.

“There is a five year loss to scholarship,” Ashton retorted. “The students at Columbia from 1993 to 1998 will not have been to

be exposed to them.”None of this was helping

Spiegelman’s case, and he was becoming desperate. As court ad-journed for the day, he either at-tempted suicide, or tried to make it look like he attempted suicide on his way back to the jail. Either way, it was documented as a “fee-ble” attempt.

In April of 1998, Spiegelman was sentenced to six years, for “callously stealing, mutilating, and destroying rare and unique elements of our common intel-lectual heritage … he risked stunting, and probably stunted, the growth of human knowledge to the detriment of us all.” This unique ruling became precedent, and is now known as the “U.S. vs Spiegelman.”

As with everything else in this case, this story does not end here. Paul Kurtz, one of Spiegelman’s defence attorneys turned out to be no attorney at all. Having rep-resented hundreds of clients, Kurtz was arrested and charged with 44 federal counts of making false statements.

And then, things were quiet for a while, until the fall of 2000. A rate book dealer contacted Ash-ton, stating someone was in his store trying to sell some of the missing Columbia items. She rushed to the store to identify the items, and could not believe who was trying to sell them.

It was Daniel Spiegelman himself. Having escaped from jail, he was back at it. An incredu-lous Ashton had him arrested, and two more years were added to his sentence.

Since his release from prison over 10 years ago, Columbia and the rare book world has had no more encounters with this noto-rious book thief. Everyone hopes it stays that way.

Mike Selby is Reference Librarian at the Cranbrook

Public Library

The U.S. versus Spiegelman: Part III


Mike Selby

Yme Woensdregt

Page 11: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 11

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The media spot-light on the Arab world shifts focus

almost every month: counter-revolution in Egypt, civil war in Syria, an American raid in Libya ... It rarely stays on Iraq for long, because the violence there has been going on so long that it has become part of the scenery. But just be patient a little longer.

Five months ago, a British fraudster called James McCormick was jailed for ten years for selling novelty hand-held golf-ball detectors (cost $20) to the Iraqi government as bomb detectors (cost $40,000). Yet the Iraqi security services are still using the preposterous devic-es, which don’t even have a power source. This tells you all you need to know about the situation in the country

It’s not because the Iraqis are unaware of the problem. McCor-

Meanwhile, back in Iraq …

rorism.The fear now is that

Iraq is drifting towards a sectarian civil war as well. Maliki’s govern-ment, which is domi-nated by politicians from the Shia majority of the Arab population, effectively controls only about half the country. The Kurds, who would really rather be inde-pendent, control the north, and have little in-terest in inter-Arab dis-putes. And the Sunni Arabs deeply resent being under Shia rule.

There has been a revolution in Iraq in the past decade, although it was not the democratic one that the American invaders thought they were bringing. In over-

throwing Saddam Hus-sein’s dictatorship, they also ended many centu-ries of domination by the Sunni Arab minori-ty. Now it’s Shia Arabs who rule the roost, and the Sunnis are largely frozen out of the gov-ernment, the army, and the civil service.

That may be even more important in alienating the Sunni community from the post-American settle-ment than the constant arrests and torture of Sunnis suspected of an-ti-government activity. Unemployment in Iraq is 30 percent, and half the jobs that do exist are in the gift of the govern-ment. They almost all go to Shias, and the

Sunnis have fallen on very hard times.

Mass Sunni protests began almost a year ago, and until last April they were almost entire-ly non-violent. Sunni terrorists belonging to al-Qaeda-related jihad-ist organisations — an-other by-product of the American occupation — were killing about 300 Shias a month, but they had little support in the broader Sunni community.

Then in April the Iraqi (i.e. Shia) army raided a peaceful pro-test camp in Hawijah, killing about 50 Sunnis, and suddenly the vio-lent minority of Sunni jihadists came to be seen as defenders of

Sunni rights. In May the death toll from terror-ism leaped to 700. By June it was almost a thousand, and by now some of them were Sun-nis killed by Shia count-er-terrorists. July, Au-gust and September have each brought about a thousand more victims.

This is heading back towards a civil war on the scale of what hap-pened in Iraq in 2006-2007, under the Ameri-can occupation, when some 3,000 people were being killed each month, and the govern-ment is doing nothing effective to stop it. But then, the government does nothing effective in any domain.

The Iraq government gets $100 billion a year in oil revenue, but noth-ing gets built or main-tained or repaired. Most people live in poverty, while the bulk of the oil income goes on salaries for government em-ployees, a large majority of whom either don’t show up for work at all, or fail to do any useful work when they get there. The rest of the money is simply stolen by the government’s own senior officials.

The fake bomb de-tectors are part of that vast haemorrhage of cash, and one possible reason that they have not been replaced yet is that some people will obviously make a lot of money out of the con-tract for whatever re-places them. Until the question of which people has been decid-ed, nothing will be done.

The soldiers and po-lice using them in the streets don’t mind. If they should find a bomb in a car, the suicide bomber driving it will almost detonate the ex-plosives and kill them. So a bomb detector that doesn’t detect bombs is just fine with them.

Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist

based in London.

mick allegedly received $75 million from the Iraqi government for the useless toys, and at least a third of that amount would have gone as kickbacks to the government officials who signed off on the deal. That much lolly was bound to attract the jealousy of rival govern-ment officials, and so there has indeed been an Iraqi investigation into the deal.

Three local culprits, including Major-Gener-al Jihad al-Jabiri, the head of the Defence Ministry’s directorate of combat explosives, even went to jail over the crime. (They were probably insufficiently generous in sharing their good fortune with other high office-hold-ers.) But as late as last May Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was still insisting that the “ADE-651” golf-ball detectors were effective — and they are still in wide-spread use today.

This is beyond bi-zarre, because Iraq is currently losing about a thousand lives a month to terrorist bombings. True, five times as many people are being killed each month in the civil war in neighbouring Syria, but civil wars al-ways kill many more people than mere ter-

AP Photo/ hAdi MizbAn

An aerial view of Baghdad, Iraq, is seen Friday, Sept. 27, 2013. Violence has spiked in Iraq in recent months as insurgents capitalize on rising sectarian and ethnic tensions. More than 4,000 people have been killed over the past five months alone, according to U.N. figures.

Gwynne Dyer

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Sunday Morning/Afternoon October 13 Cbk. Kim. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # # KSPS-PBS Rogers Sign Barney Clifford Georg Cat in DFlyTV Impact Inside Olympia Inside Europe Moyers-Comp Life-Cold Card Bernini $ $ CFCN App The Smile Question Dan Re NFL Football SportsCentre Handyman % % KXLY-ABC Paid Paid Good Morning This Week Ex Res Wild Expe No 2 Focus Botox Made Home McCar Weight Loss & & KREM-CBS Paid Paid CBS News Sunday Nation NFL J. Oliv All In Chan Paid Bull Riding NFL Football _ _ KHQ-NBC Today News Invest Meet the Press Tree Easy PGA Tour Gymnastics Action Sports ( ( TSN Sports Re NFL Countdown NFL Football Poker Poker ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sport Game Soccer Game Triathlon NFL Football + + GLOBAL BC In a World Sunday Morning News Block Con Osteen Jere News Gridi Moves Simp Simp Simp , , KNOW Peep Thom Rolie Upside Ella PAW Dino Arthur Wild Little Little Re Dogs Dogs Rivers Rivers Park Volc ` ` CBUT Super Poko Animal Art Cor Cor Cor Cor Cor Market Our Vancouver Land One/ Q With Jian Nature/ Things 1 M CICT Weekend Morning News Block Con Osteen Jere 16x9 Moves Simp Simp Simp Bounty Hunter 3 O CIVT Sunday Morning News Block Con Osteen Jere 16x9 Moves Simp Simp Simp Bounty Hunter 4 6 YTV Side Super Squir Pet Pet T.U.F. Spong Spong Par Mon Turtles Par Sam & Haunt Young Dog Who Saved 6 . KAYU-FOX FREE Paid Wild David Fox News Sun. NFL Sunday NFL Football From FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland. (:25) NFL Football 7 / CNN State/Union Fareed Zakaria Rel’ble Source State/Union Fareed Zakaria Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom 8 0 SPIKE Xtreme Horse. Trucks Res Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue 9 1 HGTV Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Panic 9-1-1 Panic 9-1-1 Panic 9-1-1 Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared < 4 CMT Number 1s CMT Music CMT Music Taco Taco Gags Gags Top 20 Countdown Undercover Deal Deal = 5 W Property Bro Buying Will Will Will Will Dan in Real Life Cand Dine Dine Dine Dine ? 9 SHOW Hair Paid Covert Affairs 27 Dresses Dinner for Schmucks The Blind Side @ : DISC Bering Gold Could We Survive Moonshiners Highway Thru Bering Gold Airplane Repo FantomWorks Mighty Planes A ; SLICE Lost-- Lost-- Collec Collec 48 Hours Myst. 48 Hours Myst. 48 Hours Myst. 48 Hours Myst. Friend Friend Miss Congeniality B < TLC Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Little Couple Little Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple C = BRAVO Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Mrs. Doubtfire (:45) Back to the Future (:15) Back to the Future Part II D > EA2 Things (:40) 1941 Weekend at Bernie’s II Austin Powers So I Married an Axe Murderer (:20) 1941 E ? TOON Matt Spiez Kai Tenkai Max Drag Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Percy Jackson & the Olympians Game- Groj. Groj. F @ FAM Slug Win Gravity Phi Phi Dog Good Good Jessie Jessie Shake Shake Halloweentown High Phi Phi ANT G A WPCH On Coo P. Aff Atl. The Water Horse The Tailor of Panama The Grudge 3 King King H B COM Cash Cash Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks Theory Theory John Oliver Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks I C TCM Hit the Deck Lydia On Moonlight Bay The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Magnificent Obsession K E OUT Dirt Spruce Paid Spruce Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST Museum Se Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer M G SPACE The Thaw Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who (:05) Doctor Who Doctor Who N H AMC Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead O I FS1 FOX Sports Fan NAS NFL Kickoff NASCAR MotoGP Race Lucas Oil Off Lucas Oil Off Driven Reunion P J DTOUR Fishful Paid Sunset Sunset Airport Airport Airport Airport Airport Airport Secu Secu Secu Secu Rock- Rock- Monsters W W MC1 Trace (:40) Men in Black 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (:20) The First Time The Vow People ¨ ¨ KTLA KTLA News KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 In Touch Larry Wen Pro Dr. Ho Medi Oba Paid Paid Bloop Bloop ≠ ≠ WGN-A Matlock Matlock Heat of Night Heat of Night Heat of Night Heat of Night In the Heat of the Night Funny Videos Ø Ø EA1 Grass (:20) Khaled (:45) Spartan (:35) Toy Soldiers Dante’s Peak (:20) Daylight ∂ ∂ VISN Creflo Jewish Cope Facts Islam Hour of Power Con Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Sparks David Arise Tom 102 102 MM Music Videos Video Wedge Prince Prince Trial Trial MuchMusic Countdown Top 10 Just Friends 105 105 SRC Ben Maths Annie Book Rol Ga Zoo Oniva Jour/Seigneur Les Coulisses TJ Semaine verte Regard Marques

Sunday Afternoon/Evening October 13 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Who Cares Teachings, Jon Lark Rise Doc Martin Last Tango Masterpiece Masterpiece Classic Land Girls $ $ CFCN Gas Gas W5 CTV News Upon a Time The Mentalist Amazing Race Castle News News The Mentalist % % KXLY-ABC Weight Loss Beer Estate News ABC News Carpet Funny Videos Upon a Time Revenge (:01) Betrayal KXLY V’Impe & & KREM-CBS NFL Football Back Edition News News News 60 Minutes Amazing Race The Good Wife The Mentalist News Fifth _ _ KHQ-NBC Paid No Football Night/America (:20) NFL Football KHQ News J’pard Criminal Minds News Pros ( ( TSN SportsCentre Football Night (:15) NFL Football SportsCentre Hocke SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET (2:00) NFL Football Sports MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Can Sport + + GLOBAL BC The Bounty Hunter News News Hour Secu We- Burg Simp Family Amer. The Good Wife News Block , , KNOW Hope-Wildlife Trail King George Park Volc Great Bamboo Born and Bred Dalziel Pascoe Dalziel Pascoe Prehis. Hunters ` ` CBUT Battle-Blades Mosq Mr. D Bedtime Stories Heartland Battle-Blades Dragons’ Den The National News fifth 1 M CICT The Bounty Hunter News News Hour Secu We- The Good Wife Burg Simp Family Amer. News Block Paid Paid 3 O CIVT The Bounty Hunter News News Hour Secu We- The Good Wife Burg Simp Family Amer. News Block Paid Paid 4 6 YTV Dog (:45) How to Train Your Dragon The Addams Family Zoink’ Spla Baby Boys Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX (2:25) NFL Football OT MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Theory Two Two Theory News Bones TMZ 7 / CNN Newsroom Newsroom Anthony Anthony TBA Anthony Anthony TBA Anthony 8 0 SPIKE Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Rescue 9 1 HGTV Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Beyond Scared Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Duck Duck Duck Duck Dads Dads Duck Dynasty Duck Duck Duck Duck < 4 CMT Burger Taco Deal Deal Undercover Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor = 5 W Dine Prop Our Idiot Brother Prop Meet the Parents Secretariat Love It ? 9 SHOW The Blind Side Rookie Blue Beauty Copper Rizzoli & Isles 27 Dresses Rizzoli & Isles Dinner-Schm @ : DISC Cash Cash Daily Planet Man, Cheetah, Wild Naked and Man, Cheetah, Wild Naked and Man, Cheetah A ; SLICE Miss Miss Congeniality 2 Hall Pass Money Hall Pass Friend B < TLC Couple Couple Couple Couple Island Medium Me Me Alaskan Me Me Alaskan Island Medium Couple Couple C = BRAVO Back-II Back to the Future Part III Morning Glory (:15) It’s Complicated (:45) Steel Magnolias D > EA2 1941 Weekend at Bernie’s II Austin Powers So I Married-Murderer Wes Craven’s New Nightmare One Missed Call Urban E ? TOON Groj. Groj. Groj. Groj. Camp Rocket Groj. Johnny Drag Just R.L. R.L. Ftur Family Amer. Robot Archer Fugget F @ FAM Good Next Jessie Dog Shake Austin Good Win Wiz ANT Shake Austin Next Win Mom’s-Date Prin G A WPCH Theory Theory Theory Theory Mod Mod S.W.A.T. Sein The Closer Sein Meet the Browns H B COM John Oliver Com Theory Theory Parks Match Match Cash Cash Theory Theory JFL Just/Laughs Gas Gas I C TCM High Society The Thomas Crown Affair Raffles Nosferatu Vampyr K E OUT Liqui Liqui Stor Liqui Mantracker Stor Liqui Liqui Liqui Mantracker Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Restoration Restoration Restoration Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer M G SPACE Doctor Who (:10) Doctor Who X-Men: First Class (:10) The Punisher (:40) Kick-Ass N H AMC Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Talking Dead Walking Dead Comic Walking Dead Talking Dead Comic O I FS1 Jones Moseley Crowd UFC UFC Ultimate Being Being Ultimate Fight FOX Sports Live FOX Sports Live FOX Sports P J DTOUR Places Places Mysteries at Halloween Cr. Hallown Crzy UFO’s Cras. Secu Secu Places Places Mysteries at Halloween Cr. W W MC1 (3:45) People Like Us Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (:20) The Artist Dexter Masters of Sex Shameless People Like Us ¨ ¨ KTLA Crash Family Two News News SAF3 KTLA 5 News Sunday Edition News at 10 Alien Alien ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Mother Mother Mother Mother News Replay American Beauty Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 (:15) Spartan (:05) Toy Soldiers Crooked Lake Dante’s Peak (:20) Backdraft ∂ ∂ VISN Prince Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Hagee Meyer Osteen Be Cana Popoff Christ Armor V’Impe Tom Super Tribal 102 102 MM Little Nicky Trial Trial Simp Ugly MuchMusic Countdown Chap Chap Simp Ugly Just Friends 105 105 SRC À vos marques... Party! Bean Air de famille TJ C.- Découverte Dieu Tout le monde en parle TJ Nou Pour Loca

Sunday Morning/Afternoon October 13 Cbk. Kim. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # # KSPS-PBS Rogers Sign Barney Clifford Georg Cat in DFlyTV Impact Inside Olympia Inside Europe Moyers-Comp Life-Cold Card Bernini $ $ CFCN App The Smile Question Dan Re NFL Football SportsCentre Handyman % % KXLY-ABC Paid Paid Good Morning This Week Ex Res Wild Expe No 2 Focus Botox Made Home McCar Weight Loss & & KREM-CBS Paid Paid CBS News Sunday Nation NFL J. Oliv All In Chan Paid Bull Riding NFL Football _ _ KHQ-NBC Today News Invest Meet the Press Tree Easy PGA Tour Gymnastics Action Sports ( ( TSN Sports Re NFL Countdown NFL Football Poker Poker ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sport Game Soccer Game Triathlon NFL Football + + GLOBAL BC In a World Sunday Morning News Block Con Osteen Jere News Gridi Moves Simp Simp Simp , , KNOW Peep Thom Rolie Upside Ella PAW Dino Arthur Wild Little Little Re Dogs Dogs Rivers Rivers Park Volc ` ` CBUT Super Poko Animal Art Cor Cor Cor Cor Cor Market Our Vancouver Land One/ Q With Jian Nature/ Things 1 M CICT Weekend Morning News Block Con Osteen Jere 16x9 Moves Simp Simp Simp Bounty Hunter 3 O CIVT Sunday Morning News Block Con Osteen Jere 16x9 Moves Simp Simp Simp Bounty Hunter 4 6 YTV Side Super Squir Pet Pet T.U.F. Spong Spong Par Mon Turtles Par Sam & Haunt Young Dog Who Saved 6 . KAYU-FOX FREE Paid Wild David Fox News Sun. NFL Sunday NFL Football From FirstEnergy Stadium in Cleveland. (:25) NFL Football 7 / CNN State/Union Fareed Zakaria Rel’ble Source State/Union Fareed Zakaria Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom 8 0 SPIKE Xtreme Horse. Trucks Res Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue 9 1 HGTV Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Panic 9-1-1 Panic 9-1-1 Panic 9-1-1 Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared < 4 CMT Number 1s CMT Music CMT Music Taco Taco Gags Gags Top 20 Countdown Undercover Deal Deal = 5 W Property Bro Buying Will Will Will Will Dan in Real Life Cand Dine Dine Dine Dine ? 9 SHOW Hair Paid Covert Affairs 27 Dresses Dinner for Schmucks The Blind Side @ : DISC Bering Gold Could We Survive Moonshiners Highway Thru Bering Gold Airplane Repo FantomWorks Mighty Planes A ; SLICE Lost-- Lost-- Collec Collec 48 Hours Myst. 48 Hours Myst. 48 Hours Myst. 48 Hours Myst. Friend Friend Miss Congeniality B < TLC Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Say Little Couple Little Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple C = BRAVO Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Mrs. Doubtfire (:45) Back to the Future (:15) Back to the Future Part II D > EA2 Things (:40) 1941 Weekend at Bernie’s II Austin Powers So I Married an Axe Murderer (:20) 1941 E ? TOON Matt Spiez Kai Tenkai Max Drag Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Percy Jackson & the Olympians Game- Groj. Groj. F @ FAM Slug Win Gravity Phi Phi Dog Good Good Jessie Jessie Shake Shake Halloweentown High Phi Phi ANT G A WPCH On Coo P. Aff Atl. The Water Horse The Tailor of Panama The Grudge 3 King King H B COM Cash Cash Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks Theory Theory John Oliver Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks I C TCM Hit the Deck Lydia On Moonlight Bay The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Magnificent Obsession K E OUT Dirt Spruce Paid Spruce Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST Museum Se Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer M G SPACE The Thaw Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who Doctor Who (:05) Doctor Who Doctor Who N H AMC Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead O I FS1 FOX Sports Fan NAS NFL Kickoff NASCAR MotoGP Race Lucas Oil Off Lucas Oil Off Driven Reunion P J DTOUR Fishful Paid Sunset Sunset Airport Airport Airport Airport Airport Airport Secu Secu Secu Secu Rock- Rock- Monsters W W MC1 Trace (:40) Men in Black 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (:20) The First Time The Vow People ¨ ¨ KTLA KTLA News KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 In Touch Larry Wen Pro Dr. Ho Medi Oba Paid Paid Bloop Bloop ≠ ≠ WGN-A Matlock Matlock Heat of Night Heat of Night Heat of Night Heat of Night In the Heat of the Night Funny Videos Ø Ø EA1 Grass (:20) Khaled (:45) Spartan (:35) Toy Soldiers Dante’s Peak (:20) Daylight ∂ ∂ VISN Creflo Jewish Cope Facts Islam Hour of Power Con Living Truth Faith Food Study ICEJ Sparks David Arise Tom 102 102 MM Music Videos Video Wedge Prince Prince Trial Trial MuchMusic Countdown Top 10 Just Friends 105 105 SRC Ben Maths Annie Book Rol Ga Zoo Oniva Jour/Seigneur Les Coulisses TJ Semaine verte Regard Marques

Sunday Afternoon/Evening October 13 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Who Cares Teachings, Jon Lark Rise Doc Martin Last Tango Masterpiece Masterpiece Classic Land Girls $ $ CFCN Gas Gas W5 CTV News Upon a Time The Mentalist Amazing Race Castle News News The Mentalist % % KXLY-ABC Weight Loss Beer Estate News ABC News Carpet Funny Videos Upon a Time Revenge (:01) Betrayal KXLY V’Impe & & KREM-CBS NFL Football Back Edition News News News 60 Minutes Amazing Race The Good Wife The Mentalist News Fifth _ _ KHQ-NBC Paid No Football Night/America (:20) NFL Football KHQ News J’pard Criminal Minds News Pros ( ( TSN SportsCentre Football Night (:15) NFL Football SportsCentre Hocke SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET (2:00) NFL Football Sports MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Can Sport + + GLOBAL BC The Bounty Hunter News News Hour Secu We- Burg Simp Family Amer. The Good Wife News Block , , KNOW Hope-Wildlife Trail King George Park Volc Great Bamboo Born and Bred Dalziel Pascoe Dalziel Pascoe Prehis. Hunters ` ` CBUT Battle-Blades Mosq Mr. D Bedtime Stories Heartland Battle-Blades Dragons’ Den The National News fifth 1 M CICT The Bounty Hunter News News Hour Secu We- The Good Wife Burg Simp Family Amer. News Block Paid Paid 3 O CIVT The Bounty Hunter News News Hour Secu We- The Good Wife Burg Simp Family Amer. News Block Paid Paid 4 6 YTV Dog (:45) How to Train Your Dragon The Addams Family Zoink’ Spla Baby Boys Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX (2:25) NFL Football OT MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Theory Two Two Theory News Bones TMZ 7 / CNN Newsroom Newsroom Anthony Anthony TBA Anthony Anthony TBA Anthony 8 0 SPIKE Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Rescue 9 1 HGTV Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Beyond Scared Duck Duck Duck Dynasty Duck Duck Duck Duck Dads Dads Duck Dynasty Duck Duck Duck Duck < 4 CMT Burger Taco Deal Deal Undercover Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor Fear Factor = 5 W Dine Prop Our Idiot Brother Prop Meet the Parents Secretariat Love It ? 9 SHOW The Blind Side Rookie Blue Beauty Copper Rizzoli & Isles 27 Dresses Rizzoli & Isles Dinner-Schm @ : DISC Cash Cash Daily Planet Man, Cheetah, Wild Naked and Man, Cheetah, Wild Naked and Man, Cheetah A ; SLICE Miss Miss Congeniality 2 Hall Pass Money Hall Pass Friend B < TLC Couple Couple Couple Couple Island Medium Me Me Alaskan Me Me Alaskan Island Medium Couple Couple C = BRAVO Back-II Back to the Future Part III Morning Glory (:15) It’s Complicated (:45) Steel Magnolias D > EA2 1941 Weekend at Bernie’s II Austin Powers So I Married-Murderer Wes Craven’s New Nightmare One Missed Call Urban E ? TOON Groj. Groj. Groj. Groj. Camp Rocket Groj. Johnny Drag Just R.L. R.L. Ftur Family Amer. Robot Archer Fugget F @ FAM Good Next Jessie Dog Shake Austin Good Win Wiz ANT Shake Austin Next Win Mom’s-Date Prin G A WPCH Theory Theory Theory Theory Mod Mod S.W.A.T. Sein The Closer Sein Meet the Browns H B COM John Oliver Com Theory Theory Parks Match Match Cash Cash Theory Theory JFL Just/Laughs Gas Gas I C TCM High Society The Thomas Crown Affair Raffles Nosferatu Vampyr K E OUT Liqui Liqui Stor Liqui Mantracker Stor Liqui Liqui Liqui Mantracker Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Restoration Restoration Restoration Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer Amer M G SPACE Doctor Who (:10) Doctor Who X-Men: First Class (:10) The Punisher (:40) Kick-Ass N H AMC Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Talking Dead Walking Dead Comic Walking Dead Talking Dead Comic O I FS1 Jones Moseley Crowd UFC UFC Ultimate Being Being Ultimate Fight FOX Sports Live FOX Sports Live FOX Sports P J DTOUR Places Places Mysteries at Halloween Cr. Hallown Crzy UFO’s Cras. Secu Secu Places Places Mysteries at Halloween Cr. W W MC1 (3:45) People Like Us Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (:20) The Artist Dexter Masters of Sex Shameless People Like Us ¨ ¨ KTLA Crash Family Two News News SAF3 KTLA 5 News Sunday Edition News at 10 Alien Alien ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Mother Mother Mother Mother News Replay American Beauty Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 (:15) Spartan (:05) Toy Soldiers Crooked Lake Dante’s Peak (:20) Backdraft ∂ ∂ VISN Prince Hope Discov. V’Impe Jere Facts Hagee Meyer Osteen Be Cana Popoff Christ Armor V’Impe Tom Super Tribal 102 102 MM Little Nicky Trial Trial Simp Ugly MuchMusic Countdown Chap Chap Simp Ugly Just Friends 105 105 SRC À vos marques... Party! Bean Air de famille TJ C.- Découverte Dieu Tout le monde en parle TJ Nou Pour Loca

Saturday Morning/Afternoon October 12 Cbk. Kim. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # # KSPS-PBS Amer FlyTy Motor Gree Wood Wood Home Old House Kitche Jazzy Martha Cook’s Gar Antiques Genealogy Rd $ $ CFCN (6:00) Juicebox A.M. Weekend Marilyn Denis Sick Kids Written Gas Believing in Heroes The Social Cash Celeb % % KXLY-ABC Paid Paid Good Morning Hanna Ocean College Football College Football & & KREM-CBS This Morning Lucky Dr. Recipe J. Oliv All In Chan Paid Drag Boat Foot Foot College Football _ _ KHQ-NBC (6:00) Today KHQ News Saturday Lazy Noddy Gymnastics Action Sports ( ( TSN SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre Motor Score Golf TV 24/7 24/7 MLS Soccer CFL Football ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Cricket MLB MLB Baseball + + GLOBAL BC Ances Fishful Saturday Morning News Fishn Fishing Boat Driving News Hour Moves Simp Simp Simp , , KNOW Peep Thom Rolie Tree Ella PAW Magic Arthur Pingu Jack Re Wild Ani Ani Parks Parks Frontiers of ` ` CBUT Our Vancouver Animal Super Dood Cross Gimli Glider Nature/ Things the fifth estate Reci Ste Exchange Dragons’ Den 1 M CICT Weekend Morning News Fishn Fishing Boat Cana House Moves Simp Simp Simp Live Free-Die 3 O CIVT Saturday Morning News Fishn Fishing Boat Driving House Moves Simp Simp Simp Live Free-Die 4 6 YTV Side Super Side Squir Alien Kung Spong Mon Sanjay Korra Turtles Bey Po Rang Yu-Gi- B- Kung Kung 6 . KAYU-FOX 6 Min Paid Paid Paid Paid Cook Paid Paid Paid Paid Kds Trout FOX College Football 7 / CNN New Money Sat. Morning CNN Newsroom Newsroom Money Next CNN Newsroom Gupta Newsroom 8 0 SPIKE Xtreme Horse. Trucks Res Rambo Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops 9 1 HGTV Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes You Live-What You Live-What You Live-What You Live-What : 2 A&E Criminal Minds Flip House Flip House Flip House Titanic Bad < 4 CMT Number 1s CMT Music CMT Music Top 20 Countdown Boy on Bridge Taco Taco Cash, Cash, = 5 W Love It Love It-List It Will Will Will Will Parenthood My Undercover Family Thanks ? 9 SHOW Paid Paid The Green Hornet Rise of the Planet of the Apes G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Rise of Apes @ : DISC Highway Thru Ice Cold Gold Mayday Greatest Know Mayday Yukon Men Dangerous How/ How/ Highway Thru A ; SLICE Murder-Parad Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker B < TLC Property Lad. Property Lad. Property Lad. Property Lad. Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER C = BRAVO Twice/Lifetime Missing Criminal Minds Person-Interest Love Get Shorty Be Cool D > EA2 Pas (:35) Young Einstein Neverending Story II (:40) Silent Running (:10) Soylent Green (1:50) Mirage Die E ? TOON Matt Spiez Scoob Loone Gum Adven Leg Drag Big Top Scooby-Doo! Scoob Groj. Johnny Rocket Johnny Johnny F @ FAM Slug Win Gravity Phi Phi Dog Good Liv- ANT Jessie Austin Shake The Last Mimzy Phi Gravity ANT G A WPCH Paid Paid Office Atl. Paid Office College Football Brown Confessions of a Shopaholic H B COM Cash Cash Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks Gas Gas Jeff Dunham Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks I C TCM (6:30) Mystery Street Scream of Fear 2 Faces-Jekyll Battle of the Bulge It Came-Space K E OUT Can Paid Spruce Paid Paid Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST Museum Se Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid M*A*S*H MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH M G SPACE Sanctuary Panic Button Fangasm Ghost Mine Paranormal Wi. Face Off Inner Inner Sharknado N H AMC Rifle Rifle Aliens Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead O I FS1 FOX Sports FOX College Saturday College Football FOX College Football P J DTOUR Live Hair Secu Secu Airport Airport Rock- Rock- Adam Adam Burger Burger Bizarre Foods Hotel Impssble RIDE. RIDE. W W MC1 Sister (:35) Lincoln What to Expect When The Impossible The Dark Knight Rises ¨ ¨ KTLA KTLA News Adven Res Son. X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon B- Yu-Gi Yu-Gi- Family Animal Coo On Travel Amer ≠ ≠ WGN-A Matlock Matlock Heat of Night Heat of Night Heat of Night Texas Ranger Texas Ranger Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Ø Ø EA1 Turning Paige Lucky You (:05) Lost in America (:40) The Money Pit (:15) Prime It Could Happn ∂ ∂ VISN Asian Anmol Aaj Kal Gur Watno Dur Pun Punjab Gaun Lamia Virasat Quran Peace Words Mehak Fursat Tehlka Sardari 102 102 MM Music Videos Music Videos Prince Prince Top 10 Trial Trial Extract Hot Tub Time Machine 105 105 SRC Ben Maths Annie Book Rol Chass. Animo Magi 1001 Tintin Oniva Épi TJ La fac Football étudiant

Saturday Afternoon/Evening October 12 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Globe Trekker Steves An Wine Wait... L. Welk Keep Time/ Splendor in the Grass Front Center Austin City $ $ CFCN Celeb Movie etalk App CTV News W5 Mike Anger Two Neigh Played News News Shattered % % KXLY-ABC Football NAS NASCAR Racing Insider Entertainment Sanctuary Castle & & KREM-CBS Football Access H. News News News D. Burn Notice Two Broke NCIS: LA 48 Hours News Closer _ _ KHQ-NBC Judge Chica Pajan. Justin News News News Wheel CSI: Miami Ironside The Blacklist Sat. Night Live News SNL ( ( TSN (2:30) CFL Football NASCAR Racing SportsCentre NFL SportsCentre F1 Racing ) ) NET (2:00) MLB Baseball Sports MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. National Poker + + GLOBAL BC Live Free or Die Hard News News Hour Bal Inven Obsessions The Blacklist Walk Walk News SNL , , KNOW Waterfront Inside the Pod Lost Kingdoms Hope-Wildlife Prehis. Hunters Heartbeat A Touch of Frost Waterfront ` ` CBUT Na HNIC NHL Hockey NHL Hockey After Hours News NHL Hockey 1 M CICT Live Free or Die Hard News News Hour 16x9 Obsessions Walk Walk The Blacklist News Saturday Night Live 3 O CIVT Live Free or Die Hard News News Hour 16x9 Obsessions Walk Walk The Blacklist News Saturday Night Live 4 6 YTV Flintst.-Rock. The Boy Who Cried Werewolf Sam & Victo Funny Videos Monster House Boys Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Football Post MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Joint Mod Theory Mod Theory News Wante Animation Dom 7 / CNN Situation Room Newsroom Pizza Bomber Anthony Anthony Pizza Bomber TBA Anthony Pizza Bomber 8 0 SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops GLORY11 - Chicago Rambo Deadliest Deadliest 9 1 HGTV You Live-What You Live-What You Live-What Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes You Live-What : 2 A&E Bad Bad Bad Bad Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor < 4 CMT Undercover Wipeout Taco Taco Big Redneck Big Redneck Swamp Pawn Big Redneck Big Redneck Swamp Pawn = 5 W Family Thanks Cyrus Prop Dan in Real Life Our Idiot Brother Meet-Parents ? 9 SHOW Rise of Apes Beauty Collision Earth Rise of the Planet of the Apes G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Green @ : DISC How/ How/ How/ How/ Gold Rush - Last Frontier Last Frontier Street Outlaws Last Frontier Last Frontier Gold Rush - A ; SLICE Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Mob Wives Housewives Ex- Ex- Miss Congeniality Miss C B < TLC Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER C = BRAVO Cold Squad Missing Castle The Mentalist Boss (:15) Get Shorty Be Cool D > EA2 (3:40) Die Another Day (5:55) Gothika Dead Silence Child’s Play 3 Bride of Chucky House of Wax E ? TOON Johnny Johnny Johnny Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Percy Jackson & the Olympians Grandma’s Boy Fugget Crash F @ FAM Good Next Jessie Dog Shake Austin Good Win Wiz ANT Shake Austin Next Win Don’t Look Prin G A WPCH Com Com Family Family Middle Middle Old School The Closer Patriot Games Extinc H B COM Jeff Dunham Com Gas Gas Parks Match Match Cash Cash Gas Gas John Oliver Jeff Dunham Gas Gas I C TCM World, the Flesh and Devil Friendly Persuasion The Harder They Fall Crime and Punishment West-Zanzibar K E OUT Liqui Liqui Liqui Stor Mantracker Liqui Stor Liqui Liqui Mantracker Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, Amen MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH M G SPACE Panic Button Paranormal Wi. Atlantis Atlantis Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited Daybreakers N H AMC Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead O I FS1 (2:00) College Football FOX College Football FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports Sports P J DTOUR Eat St. Eat St. Secu Secu The Dead Files Ghost Adv. Ghost Adv. Eat St. Eat St. Mad Max RIDE. RIDE. W W MC1 Dark (:45) Marvel’s the Avengers What to Expect When Parker The Possession In ¨ ¨ KTLA (3:30) American Beauty Middle Middle News News Vaca Two Two Two Family Family News Sports Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Bones Bones Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 It Could Happn (4:50) Lost in America (:25) The Money Pit Apollo 13 (:20) Dragnet City Slickers ∂ ∂ VISN Gaun Pun Sanjha Masti Mu Made Des-Pardes Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Punjab theZoomer 102 102 MM Top 10 MuchMusic Countdown Simp Out Little Nicky Tosh.0 South Simp Out Extract 105 105 SRC (2:00) Football étudiant Se Semaine verte TJ C.- Petite Univers Grand Rire Dre Grey TJ Hu Info Agora

Saturday Morning/Afternoon October 12 Cbk. Kim. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # # KSPS-PBS Amer FlyTy Motor Gree Wood Wood Home Old House Kitche Jazzy Martha Cook’s Gar Antiques Genealogy Rd $ $ CFCN (6:00) Juicebox A.M. Weekend Marilyn Denis Sick Kids Written Gas Believing in Heroes The Social Cash Celeb % % KXLY-ABC Paid Paid Good Morning Hanna Ocean College Football College Football & & KREM-CBS This Morning Lucky Dr. Recipe J. Oliv All In Chan Paid Drag Boat Foot Foot College Football _ _ KHQ-NBC (6:00) Today KHQ News Saturday Lazy Noddy Gymnastics Action Sports ( ( TSN SportsCentre SportsCentre SportsCentre Motor Score Golf TV 24/7 24/7 MLS Soccer CFL Football ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Cricket MLB MLB Baseball + + GLOBAL BC Ances Fishful Saturday Morning News Fishn Fishing Boat Driving News Hour Moves Simp Simp Simp , , KNOW Peep Thom Rolie Tree Ella PAW Magic Arthur Pingu Jack Re Wild Ani Ani Parks Parks Frontiers of ` ` CBUT Our Vancouver Animal Super Dood Cross Gimli Glider Nature/ Things the fifth estate Reci Ste Exchange Dragons’ Den 1 M CICT Weekend Morning News Fishn Fishing Boat Cana House Moves Simp Simp Simp Live Free-Die 3 O CIVT Saturday Morning News Fishn Fishing Boat Driving House Moves Simp Simp Simp Live Free-Die 4 6 YTV Side Super Side Squir Alien Kung Spong Mon Sanjay Korra Turtles Bey Po Rang Yu-Gi- B- Kung Kung 6 . KAYU-FOX 6 Min Paid Paid Paid Paid Cook Paid Paid Paid Paid Kds Trout FOX College Football 7 / CNN New Money Sat. Morning CNN Newsroom Newsroom Money Next CNN Newsroom Gupta Newsroom 8 0 SPIKE Xtreme Horse. Trucks Res Rambo Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops 9 1 HGTV Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes You Live-What You Live-What You Live-What You Live-What : 2 A&E Criminal Minds Flip House Flip House Flip House Titanic Bad < 4 CMT Number 1s CMT Music CMT Music Top 20 Countdown Boy on Bridge Taco Taco Cash, Cash, = 5 W Love It Love It-List It Will Will Will Will Parenthood My Undercover Family Thanks ? 9 SHOW Paid Paid The Green Hornet Rise of the Planet of the Apes G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Rise of Apes @ : DISC Highway Thru Ice Cold Gold Mayday Greatest Know Mayday Yukon Men Dangerous How/ How/ Highway Thru A ; SLICE Murder-Parad Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker B < TLC Property Lad. Property Lad. Property Lad. Property Lad. Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER C = BRAVO Twice/Lifetime Missing Criminal Minds Person-Interest Love Get Shorty Be Cool D > EA2 Pas (:35) Young Einstein Neverending Story II (:40) Silent Running (:10) Soylent Green (1:50) Mirage Die E ? TOON Matt Spiez Scoob Loone Gum Adven Leg Drag Big Top Scooby-Doo! Scoob Groj. Johnny Rocket Johnny Johnny F @ FAM Slug Win Gravity Phi Phi Dog Good Liv- ANT Jessie Austin Shake The Last Mimzy Phi Gravity ANT G A WPCH Paid Paid Office Atl. Paid Office College Football Brown Confessions of a Shopaholic H B COM Cash Cash Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks Gas Gas Jeff Dunham Match Match Sein Sein Com Parks I C TCM (6:30) Mystery Street Scream of Fear 2 Faces-Jekyll Battle of the Bulge It Came-Space K E OUT Can Paid Spruce Paid Paid Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST Museum Se Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid M*A*S*H MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH M G SPACE Sanctuary Panic Button Fangasm Ghost Mine Paranormal Wi. Face Off Inner Inner Sharknado N H AMC Rifle Rifle Aliens Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead O I FS1 FOX Sports FOX College Saturday College Football FOX College Football P J DTOUR Live Hair Secu Secu Airport Airport Rock- Rock- Adam Adam Burger Burger Bizarre Foods Hotel Impssble RIDE. RIDE. W W MC1 Sister (:35) Lincoln What to Expect When The Impossible The Dark Knight Rises ¨ ¨ KTLA KTLA News Adven Res Son. X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon B- Yu-Gi Yu-Gi- Family Animal Coo On Travel Amer ≠ ≠ WGN-A Matlock Matlock Heat of Night Heat of Night Heat of Night Texas Ranger Texas Ranger Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Ø Ø EA1 Turning Paige Lucky You (:05) Lost in America (:40) The Money Pit (:15) Prime It Could Happn ∂ ∂ VISN Asian Anmol Aaj Kal Gur Watno Dur Pun Punjab Gaun Lamia Virasat Quran Peace Words Mehak Fursat Tehlka Sardari 102 102 MM Music Videos Music Videos Prince Prince Top 10 Trial Trial Extract Hot Tub Time Machine 105 105 SRC Ben Maths Annie Book Rol Chass. Animo Magi 1001 Tintin Oniva Épi TJ La fac Football étudiant

Saturday Afternoon/Evening October 12 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Globe Trekker Steves An Wine Wait... L. Welk Keep Time/ Splendor in the Grass Front Center Austin City $ $ CFCN Celeb Movie etalk App CTV News W5 Mike Anger Two Neigh Played News News Shattered % % KXLY-ABC Football NAS NASCAR Racing Insider Entertainment Sanctuary Castle & & KREM-CBS Football Access H. News News News D. Burn Notice Two Broke NCIS: LA 48 Hours News Closer _ _ KHQ-NBC Judge Chica Pajan. Justin News News News Wheel CSI: Miami Ironside The Blacklist Sat. Night Live News SNL ( ( TSN (2:30) CFL Football NASCAR Racing SportsCentre NFL SportsCentre F1 Racing ) ) NET (2:00) MLB Baseball Sports MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. National Poker + + GLOBAL BC Live Free or Die Hard News News Hour Bal Inven Obsessions The Blacklist Walk Walk News SNL , , KNOW Waterfront Inside the Pod Lost Kingdoms Hope-Wildlife Prehis. Hunters Heartbeat A Touch of Frost Waterfront ` ` CBUT Na HNIC NHL Hockey NHL Hockey After Hours News NHL Hockey 1 M CICT Live Free or Die Hard News News Hour 16x9 Obsessions Walk Walk The Blacklist News Saturday Night Live 3 O CIVT Live Free or Die Hard News News Hour 16x9 Obsessions Walk Walk The Blacklist News Saturday Night Live 4 6 YTV Flintst.-Rock. The Boy Who Cried Werewolf Sam & Victo Funny Videos Monster House Boys Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Football Post MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Joint Mod Theory Mod Theory News Wante Animation Dom 7 / CNN Situation Room Newsroom Pizza Bomber Anthony Anthony Pizza Bomber TBA Anthony Pizza Bomber 8 0 SPIKE Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops GLORY11 - Chicago Rambo Deadliest Deadliest 9 1 HGTV You Live-What You Live-What You Live-What Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes Ext. Homes You Live-What : 2 A&E Bad Bad Bad Bad Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor < 4 CMT Undercover Wipeout Taco Taco Big Redneck Big Redneck Swamp Pawn Big Redneck Big Redneck Swamp Pawn = 5 W Family Thanks Cyrus Prop Dan in Real Life Our Idiot Brother Meet-Parents ? 9 SHOW Rise of Apes Beauty Collision Earth Rise of the Planet of the Apes G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra Green @ : DISC How/ How/ How/ How/ Gold Rush - Last Frontier Last Frontier Street Outlaws Last Frontier Last Frontier Gold Rush - A ; SLICE Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Mob Wives Housewives Ex- Ex- Miss Congeniality Miss C B < TLC Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER Stories of ER C = BRAVO Cold Squad Missing Castle The Mentalist Boss (:15) Get Shorty Be Cool D > EA2 (3:40) Die Another Day (5:55) Gothika Dead Silence Child’s Play 3 Bride of Chucky House of Wax E ? TOON Johnny Johnny Johnny Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Percy Jackson & the Olympians Grandma’s Boy Fugget Crash F @ FAM Good Next Jessie Dog Shake Austin Good Win Wiz ANT Shake Austin Next Win Don’t Look Prin G A WPCH Com Com Family Family Middle Middle Old School The Closer Patriot Games Extinc H B COM Jeff Dunham Com Gas Gas Parks Match Match Cash Cash Gas Gas John Oliver Jeff Dunham Gas Gas I C TCM World, the Flesh and Devil Friendly Persuasion The Harder They Fall Crime and Punishment West-Zanzibar K E OUT Liqui Liqui Liqui Stor Mantracker Liqui Stor Liqui Liqui Mantracker Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters Ghost Hunters L F HIST MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, Amen MASH MASH MASH MASH MASH M G SPACE Panic Button Paranormal Wi. Atlantis Atlantis Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited Daybreakers N H AMC Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead Walking Dead O I FS1 (2:00) College Football FOX College Football FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports Sports P J DTOUR Eat St. Eat St. Secu Secu The Dead Files Ghost Adv. Ghost Adv. Eat St. Eat St. Mad Max RIDE. RIDE. W W MC1 Dark (:45) Marvel’s the Avengers What to Expect When Parker The Possession In ¨ ¨ KTLA (3:30) American Beauty Middle Middle News News Vaca Two Two Two Family Family News Sports Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Bones Bones Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 It Could Happn (4:50) Lost in America (:25) The Money Pit Apollo 13 (:20) Dragnet City Slickers ∂ ∂ VISN Gaun Pun Sanjha Masti Mu Made Des-Pardes Aikam Taur Lashkara Waqt 4 Punjab theZoomer 102 102 MM Top 10 MuchMusic Countdown Simp Out Little Nicky Tosh.0 South Simp Out Extract 105 105 SRC (2:00) Football étudiant Se Semaine verte TJ C.- Petite Univers Grand Rire Dre Grey TJ Hu Info Agora

Page 13: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 13

NEWSdaily townsman / daily bulletin

Weekday Morning/Afternoon Cbk. Kim. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # # KSPS-PBS Builder Clifford Arthur Martha Georg Cat in Peg Dino Sesame Street Tiger Be Fit Charlie Rose Var. Programs Thom Super $ $ CFCN CTV Varied Programs Marilyn Denis Live With Kelly The View CTV News The Social Bethenny Dr. Phil % % KXLY-ABC Morning NW Good Morning America Live With Kelly The View Paid Paid The Chew Gen. Hospital Queen Latifah & & KREM-CBS KREM 2 News CBS This Morning The 700 Club Price Is Right The Young News Bold The Talk Make a Deal _ _ KHQ-NBC News Today Judge Judge Paid Paid Days of Lives Katie ( ( TSN Sports Varied Sports Varied Sports Varied Sports Varied Programs SportsNation Varied Programs ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Var. Programs Soccer Varied Programs + + GLOBAL BC Morning News Morn Hunt The Doctors An Debt News Days of Lives The Talk , , KNOW Wibbly Ceorge Ella PAW Magic Dino Dragon Dino Poppy Pajan. Rolie Varied Dino Making Dragon Pajan. Big PAW ` ` CBUT News Varied Tiger Mon Bo On/ Busy Super Cat in Book Doodle Nature/ Things CBC Varied Republic-Doyle Steven-Chris 1 M CICT News Varied Programs Morn Hunt The Doctors An Debt Noon News Days of Lives The Talk Queen Latifah 3 O CIVT Nws Varied Programs Morn Hunt The Doctors An Debt Nn Nws Hour Days of Lives The Talk Queen Latifah 4 6 YTV Kid Res Pen T.U.F. Po Bey Res Mike Bear Bears Timo Squir Var. Programs Rated Monstr Super Side 6 . KAYU-FOX Cope Wom Var. Programs Office Paid Mother Paid Rock Varied Fam Fam Minute Minute Law & Order Fam Fam 7 / CNN CNN Newsroom Legal View Around World Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Situation Room 8 0 SPIKE Varied Programs Cops Cops Var. Programs Cops Varied Programs 9 1 HGTV Disas Bryan Varied Programs Disas Bryan Hunt Hunt Holme Varied Programs Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Minds Varied Minds Varied CSI Varied CSI Varied Minds Varied Minds Varied 1st 48 Varied Programs 1st 48 Varied < 4 CMT Number 1s CMT Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Wide Open Social Hour CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music = 5 W My Colour Colour Cand Cand My Movie Varied Programs Property Bro Love It-List It Movie ? 9 SHOW (5:00) Movie Var. Programs Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied Law & Order Patrol Varied NCIS @ : DISC Varied Programs How/ How/ Varied Programs A ; SLICE Prin ET Debt Prin Var. Programs Prop Prop Debt Debt 48 Hours Myst. Nightmares Dumbest 48 Hours Myst. B < TLC Baby Baby Preg Preg Bor Bor Not Varied Sex Varied Me Me Not Varied Programs C = BRAVO Lis Varied Femme Nikita ColdS Varied Flashpoint Blue Bloods Femme Nikita Cold Squad Minds Varied Criminal Minds D > EA2 Movie Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie E ? TOON Spiez Jim Johnny Nin Loone Jim Jim Jungle Way Johnny Spiez Matt Johnny Varied Jungle Way Johnny Stoked F @ FAM Stella- Phi Shake ANT Jessie Wiz Little Manny Pirates Sofia Phi ANT Win Wiz Wiz Good Shake ANT G A WPCH Heat of Night Law & Order Law & Order Million. Million. Divor. Divor. Judge Judge King King Com Com Sein Middle H B COM Just/Laughs Red... Red... Gas Gags Cash Cash Just/Laughs Red... Red... Theory Com Match Gags Just/Laughs I C TCM Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs K E OUT Descending Depart Varied Python Varied Track Varied Man v Repo Duck Duck Bggg Bggg Var. Programs Stor Stor L F HIST Var. Programs Pickers Varied Programs Pick Varied MASH MASH Varied Programs M G SPACE Star Trek: Voy. Stargt. Varied Stargate Atl. Star Varied Stargt. Varied Stargate Atl. Castle Varied Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Voy. N H AMC Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs Movie O I FS1 FOX Sports Sports Varied FOX Sports Varied Programs Soccer NASCAR Hub Crowd P J DTOUR Varied Programs Eat St. Eat St. World’ World’ Varied Programs Bizarre Varied Best Food W W MC1 Movie Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs (:05) Movie Varied Movie ¨ ¨ KTLA KTLA News KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 KTLA News The Test Jerry Springer Maury News at 1pm Steve Wilkos ≠ ≠ WGN-A Matlock Matlock Heat of Night Heat of Night News Texas Ranger Texas Ranger Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Ø Ø EA1 Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs ∂ ∂ VISN Life Cope Meyer Youn 700 My Mass Varied Tribal Varied Wind at Back Heartland Touched/Angel The Waltons 102 102 MM Music Videos Music Videos VideoFlow Trial Trial Trial Trial Conan Jimmy Fallon Prince Prince Simp Cleve 105 105 SRC Co Robin Gar Toc Téléj Les Docteurs Alors on jase! Ric’do Telejournal Pour le plaisir Quelle histoire!

Monday Afternoon/Evening October 14 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Peg Wild Word News Busi PBS NewsHour The An Antiques Genealogy Rd POV $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Theory Fall Hostages The Voice News News Daily J. Fal % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (:01) Castle KXLY Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac Mother We- Broke Mom Hostages News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel The Voice The Blacklist News Jay ( ( TSN (2:30) CFL Football NFL Cntdwn NFL Football SportsCentre Hocke SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Poker Tour Ryan MLB MLB Baseball Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Hocke Can + + GLOBAL BC Queen Latifah The Young News News News Hour Ent ET Bones Sleepy Hollow The Blacklist News , , KNOW Clifford Ceorge Maya Arthur Martha Wild Ani Ani Hope-Wildlife King George Mordecai Rich Architects Hope-Wildlife ` ` CBUT Reci Ste Dragons’ Den News News News Mercer Georg Cor Murdoch Myst. Cracked The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent The Blacklist Bones Sleepy Hollow News Hour Fi ET The 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent The Blacklist Bones Sleepy Hollow News Hour ET The 4 6 YTV Diary of Wimpy-Rodrick Par Spong Sam & Sam & Haunt Big Wipeout Wen Brown Middle Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Steve Harvey Bethenny Simp Two Theory Mod Two Theory Bones Sleepy Hollow News Mod Arsenio Hall 7 / CNN Situa Cross E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan AC 360 Later E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE Cops Ways Ways Ways The Rundown Deadliest Deadliest Doom Ways 9 1 HGTV Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Hunt Hunt Power Broker Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan : 2 A&E The First 48 Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared < 4 CMT Gags Gags Piz. Taco Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Piz. Taco Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos = 5 W Property Bro Prop Secretariat Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine Prop Love It Love It-List It ? 9 SHOW Iron Man 2 Lost Girl Hannah’s Law Iron Man 2 Rise of the Planet of the Apes NCIS @ : DISC Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Airplane Repo Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Airplane Repo A ; SLICE Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Lost-- Lost-- Money Money Ice Age: The Meltdown Alvin-Chipmnk B < TLC Me Me My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb C = BRAVO It’s Com Morning Glory Source Code Steel Magnolias Stepmom D > EA2 Crouching Tigr (:05) A Knight’s Tale (:20) Poseidon The Bourne Supremacy (10:50) Troy E ? TOON Annoy Annoy Groj. Groj. Johnny Johnny Adven Gum Drag Johnny Deten Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Archer Fugget F @ FAM Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good ANT Win Next Good Jessie Wiz Prin G A WPCH Middle Mod Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Mod Sein Family Family Amer. Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! Road H B COM Russell Peters Russell Peters Parks Theory Match Gas Just/Laughs Gags Match JFL Com Theory Parks JFL I C TCM Story-3 Loves Playing The Picture of Dorian Gray Story of Film (:15) Winter Light (:45) Pickpocket Cleo 5 to 7 K E OUT Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor The Project Stor Stor Stor Stor The Project Ghost Hunters L F HIST Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Swampsgiving Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn M G SPACE (:15) X-Men: First Class Falling Skies Alien Kick-Ass Falling Skies Alien N H AMC House on Hill Friday the 13th Part 3 Friday 13th: Final Chapter Friday the 13th-New Jeepers Creepers O I FS1 FOX Football NASCAR Being Being Boxing From Sunrise, Fla. FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports P J DTOUR Rock- Rock- Extreme RVs Extreme RVs Airport Airport Hotel Impssble Moves Moves Extreme RVs Airport Airport Hotel Impssble W W MC1 Adv Love at the Parade The History of the Eagles David Bowie Ray Donovan Call Calif. Lies Call Flowers of War ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two Hart of Dixie Beauty KTLA 5 News Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Parks Parks News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 Little Rascals (4:55) Madeline (:25) Baby Geniuses Weird Science (:35) Spaceballs (:15) Magicians ∂ ∂ VISN Road-Avonlea Murder, She... Eas Keep theZoomer Ec God Reflections of The Big Country Keep Popoff 102 102 MM VideoFlow Trial Trial Top 10 Simp Cleve Can’t Hardly Wait Conan Simp Cleve Can’t Hardly 105 105 SRC Terre Terre Entrée prin Mange Union Télé Encore 30 vies Parent Auberge-chien La Galère TJ Télé Alors on jase!

Weekday Morning/Afternoon Cbk. Kim. 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 # # KSPS-PBS Builder Clifford Arthur Martha Georg Cat in Peg Dino Sesame Street Tiger Be Fit Charlie Rose Var. Programs Thom Super $ $ CFCN CTV Varied Programs Marilyn Denis Live With Kelly The View CTV News The Social Bethenny Dr. Phil % % KXLY-ABC Morning NW Good Morning America Live With Kelly The View Paid Paid The Chew Gen. Hospital Queen Latifah & & KREM-CBS KREM 2 News CBS This Morning The 700 Club Price Is Right The Young News Bold The Talk Make a Deal _ _ KHQ-NBC News Today Judge Judge Paid Paid Days of Lives Katie ( ( TSN Sports Varied Sports Varied Sports Varied Sports Varied Programs SportsNation Varied Programs ) ) NET Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Var. Programs Soccer Varied Programs + + GLOBAL BC Morning News Morn Hunt The Doctors An Debt News Days of Lives The Talk , , KNOW Wibbly Ceorge Ella PAW Magic Dino Dragon Dino Poppy Pajan. Rolie Varied Dino Making Dragon Pajan. Big PAW ` ` CBUT News Varied Tiger Mon Bo On/ Busy Super Cat in Book Doodle Nature/ Things CBC Varied Republic-Doyle Steven-Chris 1 M CICT News Varied Programs Morn Hunt The Doctors An Debt Noon News Days of Lives The Talk Queen Latifah 3 O CIVT Nws Varied Programs Morn Hunt The Doctors An Debt Nn Nws Hour Days of Lives The Talk Queen Latifah 4 6 YTV Kid Res Pen T.U.F. Po Bey Res Mike Bear Bears Timo Squir Var. Programs Rated Monstr Super Side 6 . KAYU-FOX Cope Wom Var. Programs Office Paid Mother Paid Rock Varied Fam Fam Minute Minute Law & Order Fam Fam 7 / CNN CNN Newsroom Legal View Around World Newsroom CNN Newsroom Jake Tapper Situation Room 8 0 SPIKE Varied Programs Cops Cops Var. Programs Cops Varied Programs 9 1 HGTV Disas Bryan Varied Programs Disas Bryan Hunt Hunt Holme Varied Programs Hunt Hunt : 2 A&E Minds Varied Minds Varied CSI Varied CSI Varied Minds Varied Minds Varied 1st 48 Varied Programs 1st 48 Varied < 4 CMT Number 1s CMT Music CMT Music CMT Spotlight Wide Open Social Hour CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music = 5 W My Colour Colour Cand Cand My Movie Varied Programs Property Bro Love It-List It Movie ? 9 SHOW (5:00) Movie Var. Programs Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied Law & Order Patrol Varied NCIS @ : DISC Varied Programs How/ How/ Varied Programs A ; SLICE Prin ET Debt Prin Var. Programs Prop Prop Debt Debt 48 Hours Myst. Nightmares Dumbest 48 Hours Myst. B < TLC Baby Baby Preg Preg Bor Bor Not Varied Sex Varied Me Me Not Varied Programs C = BRAVO Lis Varied Femme Nikita ColdS Varied Flashpoint Blue Bloods Femme Nikita Cold Squad Minds Varied Criminal Minds D > EA2 Movie Movie Var. Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie E ? TOON Spiez Jim Johnny Nin Loone Jim Jim Jungle Way Johnny Spiez Matt Johnny Varied Jungle Way Johnny Stoked F @ FAM Stella- Phi Shake ANT Jessie Wiz Little Manny Pirates Sofia Phi ANT Win Wiz Wiz Good Shake ANT G A WPCH Heat of Night Law & Order Law & Order Million. Million. Divor. Divor. Judge Judge King King Com Com Sein Middle H B COM Just/Laughs Red... Red... Gas Gags Cash Cash Just/Laughs Red... Red... Theory Com Match Gags Just/Laughs I C TCM Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs K E OUT Descending Depart Varied Python Varied Track Varied Man v Repo Duck Duck Bggg Bggg Var. Programs Stor Stor L F HIST Var. Programs Pickers Varied Programs Pick Varied MASH MASH Varied Programs M G SPACE Star Trek: Voy. Stargt. Varied Stargate Atl. Star Varied Stargt. Varied Stargate Atl. Castle Varied Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Voy. N H AMC Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Movie Var. Programs Movie O I FS1 FOX Sports Sports Varied FOX Sports Varied Programs Soccer NASCAR Hub Crowd P J DTOUR Varied Programs Eat St. Eat St. World’ World’ Varied Programs Bizarre Varied Best Food W W MC1 Movie Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs (:05) Movie Varied Movie ¨ ¨ KTLA KTLA News KTLA 5 Morning News at 7 KTLA News The Test Jerry Springer Maury News at 1pm Steve Wilkos ≠ ≠ WGN-A Matlock Matlock Heat of Night Heat of Night News Texas Ranger Texas Ranger Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Ø Ø EA1 Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Movie Varied Programs ∂ ∂ VISN Life Cope Meyer Youn 700 My Mass Varied Tribal Varied Wind at Back Heartland Touched/Angel The Waltons 102 102 MM Music Videos Music Videos VideoFlow Trial Trial Trial Trial Conan Jimmy Fallon Prince Prince Simp Cleve 105 105 SRC Co Robin Gar Toc Téléj Les Docteurs Alors on jase! Ric’do Telejournal Pour le plaisir Quelle histoire!

Monday Afternoon/Evening October 14 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Peg Wild Word News Busi PBS NewsHour The An Antiques Genealogy Rd POV $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Theory Fall Hostages The Voice News News Daily J. Fal % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (:01) Castle KXLY Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac Mother We- Broke Mom Hostages News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel The Voice The Blacklist News Jay ( ( TSN (2:30) CFL Football NFL Cntdwn NFL Football SportsCentre Hocke SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Poker Tour Ryan MLB MLB Baseball Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Hocke Can + + GLOBAL BC Queen Latifah The Young News News News Hour Ent ET Bones Sleepy Hollow The Blacklist News , , KNOW Clifford Ceorge Maya Arthur Martha Wild Ani Ani Hope-Wildlife King George Mordecai Rich Architects Hope-Wildlife ` ` CBUT Reci Ste Dragons’ Den News News News Mercer Georg Cor Murdoch Myst. Cracked The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent The Blacklist Bones Sleepy Hollow News Hour Fi ET The 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent The Blacklist Bones Sleepy Hollow News Hour ET The 4 6 YTV Diary of Wimpy-Rodrick Par Spong Sam & Sam & Haunt Big Wipeout Wen Brown Middle Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Steve Harvey Bethenny Simp Two Theory Mod Two Theory Bones Sleepy Hollow News Mod Arsenio Hall 7 / CNN Situa Cross E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan AC 360 Later E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE Cops Ways Ways Ways The Rundown Deadliest Deadliest Doom Ways 9 1 HGTV Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Hunt Hunt Power Broker Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan Bryan : 2 A&E The First 48 Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Beyond Scared < 4 CMT Gags Gags Piz. Taco Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Piz. Taco Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos = 5 W Property Bro Prop Secretariat Dine Dine Dine Dine Dine Prop Love It Love It-List It ? 9 SHOW Iron Man 2 Lost Girl Hannah’s Law Iron Man 2 Rise of the Planet of the Apes NCIS @ : DISC Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Airplane Repo Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Airplane Repo Amish Mafia Amish Mafia Airplane Repo A ; SLICE Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Collec Lost-- Lost-- Money Money Ice Age: The Meltdown Alvin-Chipmnk B < TLC Me Me My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb My 600-Lb C = BRAVO It’s Com Morning Glory Source Code Steel Magnolias Stepmom D > EA2 Crouching Tigr (:05) A Knight’s Tale (:20) Poseidon The Bourne Supremacy (10:50) Troy E ? TOON Annoy Annoy Groj. Groj. Johnny Johnny Adven Gum Drag Johnny Deten Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Archer Fugget F @ FAM Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good ANT Win Next Good Jessie Wiz Prin G A WPCH Middle Mod Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Mod Sein Family Family Amer. Win a Date With Tad Hamilton! Road H B COM Russell Peters Russell Peters Parks Theory Match Gas Just/Laughs Gags Match JFL Com Theory Parks JFL I C TCM Story-3 Loves Playing The Picture of Dorian Gray Story of Film (:15) Winter Light (:45) Pickpocket Cleo 5 to 7 K E OUT Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor The Project Stor Stor Stor Stor The Project Ghost Hunters L F HIST Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Swampsgiving Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn M G SPACE (:15) X-Men: First Class Falling Skies Alien Kick-Ass Falling Skies Alien N H AMC House on Hill Friday the 13th Part 3 Friday 13th: Final Chapter Friday the 13th-New Jeepers Creepers O I FS1 FOX Football NASCAR Being Being Boxing From Sunrise, Fla. FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports P J DTOUR Rock- Rock- Extreme RVs Extreme RVs Airport Airport Hotel Impssble Moves Moves Extreme RVs Airport Airport Hotel Impssble W W MC1 Adv Love at the Parade The History of the Eagles David Bowie Ray Donovan Call Calif. Lies Call Flowers of War ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two Hart of Dixie Beauty KTLA 5 News Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos Parks Parks News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 Little Rascals (4:55) Madeline (:25) Baby Geniuses Weird Science (:35) Spaceballs (:15) Magicians ∂ ∂ VISN Road-Avonlea Murder, She... Eas Keep theZoomer Ec God Reflections of The Big Country Keep Popoff 102 102 MM VideoFlow Trial Trial Top 10 Simp Cleve Can’t Hardly Wait Conan Simp Cleve Can’t Hardly 105 105 SRC Terre Terre Entrée prin Mange Union Télé Encore 30 vies Parent Auberge-chien La Galère TJ Télé Alors on jase!

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CALGARY — The Redford govern-ment is proposing sweeping changes to the way public land and water is managed in southern Alberta.

The South Saskatchewan Regional Plan is designed to balance future population and economic growth with protecting the environment.

The Progressive Conservative gov-ernment’s draft plan calls for new lim-its on air pollution and water use.

It also calls for expanding the amount of land in conservation areas within the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains by 50 per cent.

The government is asking people to review the plan and share any ideas or concerns with Alberta Environ-ment.

Southern Alberta is the most popu-lated part of the province with about 1.6 million people.


NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. — Flames have swept through a number of older buildings along so-called bridal row, in New Westminster, B.C., wiping out several businesses and of-fices.

The blaze broke out just before 4 a.m. Thursday and quickly spread through two bridal stores in the 600 block of Columbia, destroying the E.L. Lewis building, which owner Terry McBride says has belonged to his fam-ily for more than 100 years.

At least one major explosion oc-curred before the building collapsed

and fire crews from New Westminster, Delta and Burnaby continue the battle to save other heritage buildings on the same block.

New Westminster Councillor Jaime McEvoy chairs New Westmin-ster’s Community Heritage Com-mission and calls the blaze the greatest loss suffered since the Great Fire of 1898 ravaged one third of the city’s waterfront and downtown core.

Several major streets through the area will remain closed indefinitely.

A cause of the fire has not been determined.


EDMONTON — One person has been injured in a small explosion at a chemistry laboratory at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

The blast happened Wednesday afternoon on the fifth floor of the Gunning-Lemieux Chemistry Centre.

Fire officials say they believe two graduate students were in the lab at

the time of the blast.The explosion did not result in a

fire, but a hazardous materials team was called in to secure the facility.

A message from the university re-leased on Twitter overnight describes the accident as a chemistry lab mis-hap and that one person was taken to hospital.

Wall of flames burns heritage buildings

in New Westminster

Alberta government proposes changes to public land use


VANCOUVER — A Vancouver Po-lice officer accused of professional misconduct will be the subject of a public hearing.

The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner says allegations against Const. Stephen Todd include corrupt practice, deceit, neglect of duty, improper disclosure of informa-tion and discreditable conduct.

The office says it received informa-tion about the allegations from the Vancouver Police Department in March 2011.

An investigation resulted in the

matter being adjudicated through the police disciplinary process, which determined misconduct had been proven regarding some of the allega-tions and dismissal was proposed as one of the measures that should be taken.

Officers may request a public hear-ing or review on the record if the disci-plinary measure proposed is dismiss-al or a reduction in rank, and Todd chose to have a hearing.

Retired B.C. Court of Appeal judge Wally Oppal has been appointed as adjudictor for the hearing, which has not yet been scheduled.

Public hearing for B.C. cop accused of corrupt practice

Team called in after Edmonton chemistry lab blast

Page 14: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

Page 14 FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013

COMICSAnnie’s MAilbox

by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar

HoroScopeSby Jacqueline Bigar

daily townsman / daily Bulletin

Tundra By Chad Carpenter

Garfield By Jim Davis

Hagar the Horrible By Dick Browne

Baby Blues By Kirkman and Scott

Rhymes with Orange By Hillary B. Price

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Your preference might be to end the week on a positive note. When you finally achieve your goals, you could find out otherwise. Maintain a balanced perspective. Realize that dis-agreement has an important role in life. Respect others’ differences. Tonight: Out on the town. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Reach out to someone at a dis-tance. You could decide to take most of the day off, as you might not be present in the moment. You seem to feel shut out by a close loved one. This situation could change quickly. Remember, you can only control yourself. To-night: Off on a trip. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You see a situation differently from how a partner sees it. You easily could create a difficult sit-uation if you’re not careful. The alternative would be to compro-mise and respect these different ideas. Try to be considerate. To-night: Spend some time with a dear friend or loved one.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Defer to others. Trying to con-vince your normal supporters or a special person in your life that you are right will not happen to-day. Release the need for control, and trust that others will come to the same conclusion that you have come to. Tonight: Go along with a suggestion. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) You might need to spend some time cleaning your desk and put-ting the finishing touches on a project. You’ll want to greet Mon-day with a sense of rejuvenation. Approach a situation and your work in this manner. Tonight: Let the good times rock and roll. Still, make it an early night. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You can’t seem to hide your enthusiasm about the coming weekend, nor should you. At-tempt to carry out what has not yet been done this week. Wrap up or initiate a conversation, as it might be more important than you realize. Tonight: Be as sponta-neous and happy as possible. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Be aware if what is dragging you

down. You could be upset at the expense of proceeding in a cer-tain direction. You might want to come to a new understanding with a family member. It seems that lately you have felt especially pushed by this person. Tonight: Head home early. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) You have many creative ideas, yet you refuse to share them. Be honest with yourself about why you might be holding back. Are you trying to withhold some im-portant information? That type of secrecy could backfire. Be careful! Tonight: Hang out with friends and loved ones. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You might be too concerned with a money matter. Seek advice from a friend so that you can see how a problem developed and your role in it. Do not be so hard on your-self. Just accept what is, and try to avoid having a situation like this happen again. Tonight: Treat yourself well. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You’ll beam, and someone else will respond in kind. It is clear that there is an innate mutuality

between you. A friend seems a bit off and unwilling to share. Don’t take his or her behavior person-ally; instead, loosen up. Tonight: Avoid crowds, but be with a loved one. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Know when to pull back and say less. You might not agree with a boss or higher-up, but hold off on expressing how you feel right now; otherwise, it could cause you even more trouble. In the meantime, you’ll hear some other views and information. To-night: Play it low-key. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) You have a keen sense of direc-tion, and it will be confirmed in a meeting. Just the same, you still might not be able to see the big-ger picture. Before launching into action, you will want to detach a little more. You’ll need to hear others’ perspectives. Tonight: Where the crowds are. BORN TODAY Former first lady Eleanor Roo-sevelt (1884), philanthropist Charles Revson (1906), H.J. Heinz company founder Henry John Heinz (1844)

Dear Annie: I am a 36-year-old man. I was in an accident 25 years ago and suffered a mild traumatic brain injury. It was tough growing up. When I was 23, I moved out on my own. This is when the real trouble began. First, I started drinking, and then I abused my medication. In 2002, I wrecked my car while driving intoxicated. The judge told me to go to a brain injury rehab and get my life back in order. I started my first one six months later. I am in my fourth one right now. My parents became my legal guardians without discussing it with me. After the ac-cident, I received money from a settlement and was assured by the attorney that no one could touch it without my approval. Yet my parents have gone through that money without any input from me. They used it to get their house ready to sell and promised to reimburse me. They sold the place a year ago, and now they have the nerve to say that I gave them the money as a “gift.” I did no such thing. What now? -- J.D. Dear J.D.: You need to talk to a lawyer. Your parents undoubtedly requested guardian-ship in order to protect you at a time when you were going through some difficulties. And it’s also possible they expended a great deal of money on your care and rehab and felt that taking the settlement money was somehow justified. The judge who issued the guardianship can be asked to remove it. But in order to get the money back from your parents, you might have to sue them. Dear Annie: I recently lost my wife after many years together. It was an amazing mar-riage, and I miss her immensely. I am looking to find a companion. The problem is, my daughter is not in my cor-ner on this issue. How can I reason with her that it’s my life and dating or even marrying again is not being disrespectful to my late wife’s memory? -- Lonely Widower Dear Widower: How long ago is “recently”? While your dating life is not your daughter’s business, we can understand her concern if your wife died less than six months ago. She may worry that you will rush into an inappropriate or abusive relationship out of loneliness, so please be cautious. Regard-less, this is your decision. Please talk to your daughter and assure her that no one will take her mother’s place in your heart, but you miss the companionship and warmth that another person can provide. Explain that it is unfair of her to expect you to remain alone for the rest of your life, and you hope she will someday be happy for you if you find love again. Dear Annie: After reading the letter from “Broken” about her husband’s affair with his father’s hospice nurse, my hair is on fire! I am a licensed clinical social worker by profession and have been CEO of a large re-gional hospice for 27 years. In hospice, both the patient and family are one unit of care. Professional boundaries are important. This work is emotional and intimate by its nature. But sexual or personal relationships are nev-er appropriate. Patients and families are in a vulnerable position. The supervision of that nurse and her ethical standards are abso-lutely unacceptable. “Broken” should ask for the administrator of that hospice program and make a formal complaint. If she does not get a response or resolution, she should make a complaint to the agency in her state that licenses and reg-ulates hospice providers. She would be do-ing others a favor by not allowing this kind of behavior to continue. Any hospice that al-lows such a situation to continue unchecked should not be able to care for patients and their families. -- I Am Appalled Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please email your questions to [email protected], or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254. To find out more about Annie’s Mailbox and read features by other Creators Syndi-cate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syn-dicate Web page at www.creators.com.COPYRIGHT 2013 CREATORS.COM



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FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 15

PUZZLESdaily townsman / daily bulletin

Fill in the grid so that every row (nine cells wide), every column (nine cells tall) and every box (three cells by three cells) contain the digits 1 through 9 in

any order. There is only one solution for each puzzle.







Tuesday Afternoon/Evening October 15 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Peg Wild Word News Busi PBS NewsHour Superheroes: A Never-Ending Battle Superheroes Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Theory etalk Person-Interest S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy News News Daily J. Fal % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider S.H.I.E.L.D. Gold Trophy Scandal KXLY Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac NCIS NCIS: LA Person-Interest News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel Biggest Loser The Voice Chicago Fire News Jay ( ( TSN PGA Tour Golf Sports Hocke NHL Hockey SportsCentre That’s Hcky SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET Sports Hocke NHL Hockey MLB Baseball Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Hocke The + + GLOBAL BC Queen Latifah The Young News News News Hour Ent ET NCIS NCIS: LA Chicago Fire News , , KNOW Clifford Ceorge Maya Arthur Martha Wild Hope-Wildlife Frontiers of Trail Rough Aunties Frontiers of ` ` CBUT Reci Ste Dragons’ Den News News News Mercer Georg Cor Mercer 22 Min Crossing Lines The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Chicago Fire NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour Fi ET The 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Chicago Fire NCIS NCIS: LA News Hour ET The 4 6 YTV Squir T.U.F. Spong Kung Par Spong Haunt Victo iCarly iCarly Wipeout Funny Videos Middle Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Base De Bethenny Simp Two Theory Mod Two Theory Dads Brook New Mindy News Mod Arsenio Hall 7 / CNN Situa Cross E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan AC 360 Later E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Criss Angel Criss Angel Bar Rescue Criss Angel Criss Angel Ten Ten 9 1 HGTV Holmes Bryan Bryan Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Undercover Hunt Hunt Holmes Makes Undercover Ext. Homes : 2 A&E Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor Stor < 4 CMT Gags Gags Undercover Deal Deal Rules Rules Funny Videos Fear Factor Rules Rules Funny Videos Fear Factor = 5 W Perfect Plan Undercover Property Bro Love It-List It Property Bro Property Bro Property Bro Property Bro Property Bro ? 9 SHOW NCIS Lost Girl A Lover’s Revenge King, Maxwell NCIS NCIS: LA King, Maxwell NCIS @ : DISC Mighty Ships Daily Planet Gold Fever Highway Thru How/ How/ Gold Rush Highway Thru Jungle Gold A ; SLICE Lost-- Lost-- Friend Friend Ex- Ex- Princesses-Lo. Housewives Ex- Ex- Friend Friend Housewives Princesses-Lo. B < TLC Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple 19 19 Little Couple 19 19 Little Couple Couple Couple Couple Couple C = BRAVO The Listener Flashpoint Blue Bloods Baby for Sale The Listener Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Baby for Sale D > EA2 Way (:25) Selena ReGenesis (:25) Fancy Dancing Rachel Getting Married The Deep End of the Ocean E ? TOON Scoob Loone Jim Rocket Johnny Johnny Adven Shrek Dear Dracula Deten Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Archer Fugget F @ FAM Jessie Austin Good Good Dog Dog Phi Phi Shake Good Good ANT Win Next Good Jessie Wiz Prin G A WPCH Middle Mod Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Mod Sein Family Family Amer. The Mist H B COM Sein Sein Gas Com Parks Theory Match Gas Just/Laughs Gags Match Com Com Theory Parks JFL I C TCM Big Jake A Fistful of Dollars (:45) Accattone Breathless The Story of Film K E OUT Mantracker Stor Stor Stor Stor Duck Duck Stor Stor Stor Stor Duck Duck Stor Stor Ghost Hunters L F HIST Restoration Cnt. Cnt. MASH MASH Pickers Restoration Cnt. Cnt. Pawn Pawn Mountain Men Restoration M G SPACE Inner Fore Castle Stargate SG-1 Face Off Fangasm Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Face Off Fan N H AMC The Howling Friday the 13th-New Friday the 13th, Part VI Friday the 13th Part VII Ghost Ship O I FS1 FOX Football Fox 1 Fox 1 Fox 1 UFC UFC Ultimate Being Being FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports P J DTOUR Eat St. Eat St. Museum Se Hid. Hid. Monumental Mysteries at Museum Se Hid. Hid. Monumental Mysteries at W W MC1 Lucky (:25) Premium Rush A Mother’s Nightmare The Killer Elite Parker Universal Soldr ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two The Originals Supernatural KTLA 5 News Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos American Beauty Mother Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 Stripes (:45) Kicking & Screaming (:20) Childstar Child’s Play Child’s Play 2 Hannibal ∂ ∂ VISN Road-Avonlea Murder, She... Eas Fools The Sweetest Gift Enigma Wildflower Fools Popoff 102 102 MM VideoFlow Trial Trial Top 10 Simp Cleve Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Bang! Bunk Conan Simp Cleve Tosh.0 Tosh.0 105 105 SRC Terre Terre Entrée prin Mange Union TJ C.-B. 30 vies La fac Unité 9 Mémoires TJ Nou TJ C.-B.

Wednesday Afternoon/Evening October 16 Cbk. Kim. 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:30 # # KSPS-PBS Sid Peg Wild Word News Busi PBS NewsHour Nature NOVA Raw to Ready Life-Cold Charlie Rose $ $ CFCN Ellen Show News News CTV News Tom People CSI: Cri. Scene Arrow Criminal Minds News News Daily J. Fal % % KXLY-ABC Rachael Ray The Doctors News ABC News News Ent Insider Toy Back Mod Super Nashville KXLY Kim & & KREM-CBS Dr. Phil Dr. Oz Show News CBS News Inside Ac Survivor Criminal Minds CSI: Cri. Scene News Late _ _ KHQ-NBC Ellen Show Judge Judge News News News Million. J’pard Wheel Revolution Law & Order Ironside News Jay ( ( TSN (2:00) PGA Tour Golf World Series of Poker Sports NHL Hockey Sports SportsCentre SportsCentre ) ) NET (2:00) MLB Baseball Sports MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Sports Sportsnet Con. Sportsnet Con. Hocke Pre + + GLOBAL BC Queen Latifah The Young News News News Hour Ent ET Survivor Elementary Ironside News , , KNOW Clifford Ceorge Maya Arthur Martha Wild Frontiers of Waterfront End of Empire Cinderella - Birmingham Waterfront ` ` CBUT Reci Ste Dragons’ Den News News News Mercer Georg Cor Dragons’ Den Republic-Doyle The National News Georg 1 M CICT The Young News News News News ET Ent Ironside Survivor Elementary News Hour Fi ET The 3 O CIVT The Young News News News Hour ET Ent Ironside Survivor Elementary News Hour ET The 4 6 YTV Squir T.U.F. Spong Kung Mon Par Sam & Victo iCarly iCarly Wipeout Funny Videos Middle Young Boys Spla 6 . KAYU-FOX Steve Harvey Cook MLB Baseball (Time tentative). Paid Theory Mod Two Theory News Mod Arsenio Hall 7 / CNN Situa Cross E. B. OutFront Cooper 360 Piers Morgan AC 360 Later E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront 8 0 SPIKE (3:00) Man on Fire Remember the Titans Deadliest Deadliest Ways Ways Jail Jail Jail 9 1 HGTV Holmes Holmes Makes Hunt Hunt Live Live Million LA Hunt Hunt Live Live Million LA Outrageous : 2 A&E The First 48 Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Bad Bad Bad Duck Duck Duck Duck Duck Bad < 4 CMT Gags Gags Undercover Deal Deal Rules Rules Funny Videos Fear Factor Rules Rules Funny Videos Fear Factor = 5 W Encounter Dan Undercover Property Bro Love It-List It Cand Love Love It-List It Love It Love It Cand Love ? 9 SHOW NCIS Lost Girl I’ll Be Seeing You Covert Affairs NCIS NCIS: LA Covert Affairs NCIS @ : DISC Mighty Planes Daily Planet Moonshiners Rednecks Tickle Auc Highway Thru Moonshiners Rednecks Tickle Auc A ; SLICE Ex- Ex- Friend Friend Prin Prin Their Baby My Big Fat Prin Prin Friend Friend My Big Fat Their Baby B < TLC Toddler-Tiara Toddler-Tiara Toddler-Tiara Cheer Perfec Best Funeral Toddler-Tiara Cheer Perfec Best Funeral Toddler-Tiara C = BRAVO The Listener Flashpoint Blue Bloods Played Boss The Listener Criminal Minds Criminal Minds (12:15) Played D > EA2 ToDie (:45) Switching Channels ReGenesis (:20) A Stone’s Throw Crooked Lake To Die For Klute E ? TOON Scoob Loone Jim Groj. Johnny Johnny Regu Gum Drag Johnny Deten Adven Ftur Family Amer. Robot Archer Fugget F @ FAM Jessie Austin Shake Shake Jessie Jessie Austin Austin Good Jessie Jessie Shake Shake Next Good Jessie Wiz Prin G A WPCH Middle Mod Theory Theory Brown Payne Brown Payne Mod Sein Family Family Amer. Armored Dared H B COM Sein Sein Gas Com Parks Theory Match Gas Just/Laughs Gags Match Com Com Theory Parks JFL I C TCM The Manchurian Candidate Rawhide (:45) Nightmare Alley (:45) The Mark of Zorro The Black Swan K E OUT Mantracker Stor Stor Stor Stor Dog and Beth Stor Stor Stor Stor Dog and Beth Stor Stor Ghost Hunters L F HIST Outlaw Bikers Mountain Men MASH MASH Mountain Men Pawn Pawn Amer Amer Truckers Hat Pawn Yukon Gold M G SPACE Inner Planet Castle Stargate SG-1 Paranormal Wi. Ghost Mine Inner Castle Star Trek: Voy. Paranormal Wi. Ghost N H AMC Puppet Master Friday the 13th Part VII Friday the 13th Part VIII Jason Goes to Hell (:15) The Hills Have Eyes O I FS1 FOX Football UFC Tonight UFC UFC Ultimate Fight Ultimate Fight FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports FOX Sports P J DTOUR Eat St. Eat St. World’ World’ RIDE. RIDE. Amaz Amaz Bizarre Foods Pitch Pitch RIDE. RIDE. Amaz Amaz Bizarre Foods W W MC1 Seek Salmon Fishing in the Yemen A Sister’s Nightmare (:05) The Moth Diaries Man on a Ledge (:15) Apollo 18 Cow ¨ ¨ KTLA Cunningham Maury Family Family News News Two Two Arrow Tom People KTLA 5 News Arsenio Hall ≠ ≠ WGN-A Funny Videos Funny Videos Rules Rules Rules Rules News at Nine Mother Rules Rules Parks Parks Rock Rock Sunny Ø Ø EA1 (3:55) Karate Kid III (5:50) C.R.A.Z.Y. Child’s Play 3 Bride of Chucky House of Wax ∂ ∂ VISN Road-Avonlea Murder, She... Eas F’wlty The Midwife Prisoners Enigma Downstairs Downstairs Super Popoff 102 102 MM VideoFlow Trial Trial Top 10 Simp Cleve South South Fools Fools Conan Simp Cleve South South 105 105 SRC Terre Terre Entrée prin Mange Union TJ C.-B. 30 vies Épi Enfants de télé Pê Par TJ Nou TJ C.-B.



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Ava is all smiles at the park!!

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order they are received.

Family and friends please join us in the “celebration of life” to honor David Bryan Hardy. June 28, 1965-Oct 1, 2013. Forever in our hearts we will always love you. David is survived by his wife, Teresa Jean Hardy, son, Bryan William John Hardy, his parents, Jane and Les Hardy, his sisters Laurrie Johnson, and Heather Hardy, his niece Jayne Johnson, his brother in law Tony Johnson and many aunts, uncles ,cousins and friends. Dinner and celebration will be held on Oct 12, 2013 between 6pm and 10 PM at the Crescent Valley hall, 1385 Highway 6, Crescent Valley BC.In lieu of flowers, there will be a

donation box at the celebration of life.

HARDYDavid Bryan

June 28 1965 - October 1 2013

Mary PagnuccoSeptember 26, 1931 -

October 8, 2013It is with great sadness that the family of Mary Pagnucco announce her peaceful passing at the East Kootenay Regional Hospital in Cranbrook on Tuesday, October 8, 2013.

Mary and her twin sister were born in Hillcrest, Alberta. Mary married Angelo Pagnucco on June

30, 1951 and they moved to Kimberley where they raised their family and lived until her passing.

Mary was an excellent seamstress and quilter. She taught many people to sew, quilt and knit, through the community college and at her store “Purcell Stitch ’n Knit”.

Mary was predeceased by her husband Angelo, son Brian, twin sister Marg Bates, brothers Peter and John Fry. Mary is survived by her sons Ken and Dave Pagnucco, daughter Kathie and son-in-law Dale Sanche. Her sister Elizabeth Comfort, two sisters-in-law, several nieces and nephews and her beloved “grand” dogs Sullivan and Bruno.

A Celebration of Mary’s Life will be held at 1:00 pm at McPherson Funeral Home in Kimberley on Saturday, October 12, 2013. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations in honour of Mary can be made to: The Terry Fox Foundation, 2669 - Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, B.C., V3C 3G7.

Arrangements entrusted to McPherson Funeral Service. Condolences for the family can be offered at:









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Obituaries Obituaries ObituariesAnnouncements


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Lost & FoundFOUND: KEYS at 1st St. and 14th Ave. Please call to identi-fy. 250-426-3497

LOST, WHILE shopping in Cranbrook. Panasonic Digital Camera - Lumix LS75. Please call 250-417-4004.

POCKET KNIFE found at 4th Ave & Cranbrook St., Kimber-ley. Contact 250-427-4300

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Required at Kootenay Import Auto Group in Cranbrook BC.

If you have a strong desire to succeed, an outgoing personality, are experienced at developing relationships (you are a people person) have excellent negotiation and presentation skills, are willing to work flexible hours, able to work independently and as part of a team, and willing to learn. Then this position may be for you!

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Family & loved ones held a wonderful memorial in the valley where Cathy and David (her loving husband) have been residing.

Cranbrook remembers Cathy, where for many years she blessed everyone with her professionalism managing the Cranbrook Golf Club, while still finding time to balance advice and guidance with her

less experienced team. One cannot forget how she conquered the daunting task of being a successful leader and throughout this plight it still was easy to be Cathy’s lifelong friend, with her kind heart and supportive nature.

It is with great honor that Cranbrook shall share in a ‘celebration of life’ with those that knew, loved & respected Cathy.

This fresh & unique affair of memorial, laughter, toast or tear shall be held at Mission Hills Golf Course in Cranbrook, BC. Please, come & leave your personal expression.

Open House @ 1pm - 5pm, Saturday, October 19th, 2013. Mission Hills Golf Course, 3320 Theatre Road, Cranbrook, BC. Phone 250-489-3009


Help WantedAn Alberta Oilfi eld Company is hiring dozer and excavator operators. Lodging and meals provided. Drug testing re-quired. Call (780)723-5051 Edson, Alta.

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Join the family at Frank’s Steak and Schnitzel Haus. Line cooks required. Experi-ence is an asset. Apply in per-son with resume ask for Bob.


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Help WantedROGA CONTRACTING LTD. is a logging and log hauling contractor with operations in Prince George, Vernon, Van-couver Island and Cranbrook. We are currently seeking a CAMP COOK with LEVEL 3 OFA, for full time employment at our Cranbrook operation. We offer competitive wages with full medical, dental and pension benefi ts packages. If you are interested in a future with us, please send your re-sumes to:

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Page 18: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

Page 18 FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 daily townsman / daily bulletin PAGE 14 Friday, October 11, 2013 DAILY TOWNSMAN/DAILY BULLETIN

11:00am - 12:00pm 700 Innes Ave. S.

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10 Boundary St. – 250-427-2428

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1200 Kootenay Street N.250-489-4704

Senior Pastor Grant McDowellSunday Service & Children’s Ministry

10:30 amwww.cranbrookalliancechurch.com

T H E A S S O C I AT E D P R E S SDENVER — The second American to

orbit the Earth and one of the last surviv-ing original Mercury 7 astronauts has died.

Astronaut Scott Carpenter was 88.Along with John Glenn, who flew three

months before him, Carpenter was one of the last two surviving original Mercury 7 astronauts for the fledgling U.S. space program.

His wife, Patty Barrett, said Carpenter died of complications from a September stroke in a Denver hospice. He lived in Vail, Colo.

“We’re going to miss him,” she said.At a time when astronauts achieved

fame on par with rock stars, folks across the country sat glued to their TV screens, anxiously awaiting the outcome of Car-penter’s 1962 ride. He overshot his land-ing by 288 miles, giving NASA and the nation an hour-long scare that he might not have made it back alive.

The fallout from that missed landing was a factor that kept NASA from launch-ing Carpenter into space again. So he went from astronaut to “aquanaut” and lived at length on the sea floor — the only man to ever formally explore the two fron-tiers.

The launch into space was nerve-rack-ing for the Navy pilot on the morning of May 24, 1962.

“You’re looking out at a totally black

sky, seeing an altimeter reading of 90,000 feet and realize you are going straight up. And the thought crossed my mind: What am I doing?” Carpenter said 49 years later in a joint lecture with Glenn at the Smith-sonian Institution.

For Carpenter, the momentary fear was worth it, he said in 2011: “The view of Mother Earth and the weightlessness is an addictive combination of senses.”

As an astronaut and aquanaut who lived underwater for the U.S. Navy, Car-penter was the first man to explore both the depths of the ocean and the heights of space.

Carpenter gave the famous send-off — “Godspeed, John Glenn” — when Glenn became the first American in orbit in Feb-ruary 1962.

Three months later, Carpenter orbited the Earth three times. He lost contact with NASA during the off-target landing but was found safely floating in his life raft 288 miles away.

He earned numerous awards and hon-orary degrees. Carpenter said that he joined the Mercury program for many rea-sons: “One of them, quite frankly, is that it is a chance for immortality. Most men never have a chance for immortality.”


asking the province’s human rights com-mission to throw out a complaint over prayer.

Ashu Solo, who describes himself as an atheist, filed the complaint about a prayer made at a city volunteer banquet in 2012.

Two other complaints filed by Solo

against the city have already been dis-missed by the commission.

One was about “Merry Christmas” signs on buses and the other was about the for-mer Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast.

The city argues the remaining com-plaint was made in bad faith, for improper motives or is frivolous or vexatious.

Solo says the city’s application is a waste

of time and argues the city is being frivo-lous and vexatious in trying to have his complaint dismissed.

Solo says if the commission dismissed his case on a technicality, he will file a new complaint the next time a prayer is said at a civic event he attends.

Commission head David Arnot will make a decision on Oct. 25.

T H E A S S O C I AT E D P R E S SFINDLAY, Ohio — An Ohio man is

finding out there’s no easy way to come back from the dead.

Donald Miller Jr. went to court this week to ask a county judge to reverse a 1994 ruling that declared him legally dead after he had disap-peared from his home eight years earlier. But the judge turned down his request, citing a three-year time limit for changing a death ruling.

Hancock County Probate Court Judge Allan Davis called it a “strange, strange situation.”

“We’ve got the obvious here. A man sitting in the courtroom, he ap-pears to be in good health,” said Davis, who told Miller the three-year limit was clear.

“I don’t know where that leaves you, but you’re still deceased as far as the law is concerned,” the judge said.

Miller resurfaced about eight years ago and went to court so that he could get a driver’s license and

reinstate his Social Security number.His ex-wife had opposed the

move, saying she doesn’t have the money to repay the Social Security benefits that were paid out to her and the couple’s two children after Miller was declared dead.

Robin Miller said her former hus-band vanished because he owed big child support payments and that the overdue payments had totalled $26,000 by 1994, The (Findlay) Cou-rier (http://bit.ly/1e5mJkr) reported.

Miller, 61, who now lives in the northwest Ohio city of Fostoria, told the judge that he disappeared in the 1980s because he had lost his job and he was an alcoholic. He lived in Florida and Georgia before returning to Ohio around 2005.

His parents told him about his “death” when he came back to the state, he said.

“It kind of went further than I ever expected it to,” Miller said. “I just kind of took off, ended up in different places.”

Saskatoon asks human rights commission to throw out city prayer complaint

Judge tells man he’s dead

Scott Carpenter, pioneering astronaut and 2nd American in space, dies at 88

Astronaut Scott Carpenter, the second U.S. man in space, died Thursday. He was 88.

Page 19: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 Page 19

NEWSdaily townsman / daily bulletin

Hillel italie and Malin Rising

Associated Press

STOCKHOLM, Sweden — If there were a literary prize higher than the Nobel, Alice Munro would probably win that, too.

“Among writers, her name is spoken in hushed tones,’’ fellow Canadian au-thor Margaret Atwood once wrote. “She’s the kind of writer about whom it is often said — no matter how well known she becomes — that she ought to be better known.’’

Munro, 82, was cited by Nobel judges Thursday as a thorough but forgiving chronicler of the human spirit, and her selection marks a couple of break-throughs among prize win-ners. She is the first Canadi-an writer to receive the $1.2 million award from the Swedish Academy since Saul Bellow, who left for the U.S. as a boy and won in 1976, and the first laureate ever to be fully identified with Can-ada. She is also the rare au-thor to win because of her short fiction.

“I think my stories have gotten around quite remark-ably for short stories, and I would really hope that this would make people see the short story as an important art, not just something that you played around with until you’d got a novel written,’’ she told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Her books having sold more than 1 million copies in the U.S. alone, she has long been an international ambassador for the short story, proof that the narra-tive arc and depth of charac-terization we expect from a novel can be realized in just 30-40 pages. Critics and peers have praised her in every way a writer can be praised: the precision of her language; the perfection of detail; the surprise and logic of her storytelling; the grace-ful, seamless shifts of moods; the intimacy with every shade of human be-haviour.

Her stories are usually set in Ontario, her home prov-ince. Among her best known is “The Bear Came Over the Mountain,’’ the story of a woman who begins losing her memory and agrees with her husband that she should be placed in a nursing home. Canadian actress-director Sarah Polley adapted the story into the 2006 film “Away from Her,’’ starring Julie Christie.

The narrative begins in a relatively tender, traditional mood. But we soon learn that the husband has been unfaithful in the past and didn’t always regret it — “What he felt was mainly a gigantic increase in well-be-ing.’’ The wife, meanwhile, has fallen for a man at the nursing home.

In the story “Dimen-sions,’’ Munro introduces us to a chambermaid named Doree, who needs to take three buses for a visit to a “facility’’ outside of Clinton, Ontario. Munro explains that Doree is happy in her work, that she has been told she is “young and decent looking’’ and that her pic-ture once was in the news-paper, in the days when her spiked blonde hair was wavy and brown.

“Dimensions’’ begins in close-up, then steadily pulls back. With every page, the story darkens, and terrifies. The “facility’’ is an institu-tion where Doree’s husband, Lloyd, is held. Doree’s pic-ture was in the paper be-cause her husband mur-dered their children.

“In all the time since what

Canadian Alice Munro, master of the short story, wins Nobel literature prize

Canadian Press

Alice Munro, first Canadian and the 13th woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

age: 82From: Born in Wingham, Ont. She now splits her time between Clinton, Ont., and Comox, B.C.First work published: 1968’s short-story collec-tion “Dance of the Happy Shades,’’ which won a Governor General’s Literary Award.Most recent work pub-lished: 2012’s “Dear Life.’’awards Munro has pre-viously won: Three Governor General’s Literary Awards, two Scotiabank Giller Prizes, the Commonwealth Writers Prize, the Man Booker International Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Trillium Book Award, the Rea Award for the Short Story, the Marian Engel Award.did you know? Munro and her first husband, James, opened Munro’s Books in Victoria’s Old Town in 1963 — exactly 50 years ago. The store mainly stocked paper-backs at a time when it wasn’t fashionable to do so. The store has switched locations twice but remains open a half-cen-tury later.

C a n a d i a n P R e s sMany of Alice Munro’s

stories feature characters who live in communities that bear a distinct resem-blance to Wingham in southwestern Ontario, where she grew up. This ex-cerpt is from her short story “Royal Beatings’’ (taken from the collection “My Best Stories,’’ Penguin, 2006) and is an example of her

spare, yet descriptive style:

They lived in a poor part of town. There was Hanrat-ty and West Hanratty, with the river flowing between them. This was West Han-ratty. In Hanratty the social structure ran from doctors and dentists and lawyers down to foundry workers and factory workers and draymen; in West Hanratty

it ran from factory workers and foundry workers down to large improvident fami-lies of casual bootleggers and prostitutes and unsuc-cessful thieves. Rose thought of her own family as straddling the river, be-longing nowhere, but that was not true. West Hanratty was where the store was and they were, on the straggling tail end of the

main street. Across the road from them was a blacksmith shop, boarded up about the time the war started, and a house that had been another store at one time. The Salada Tea sign had never been taken out of the front window; it remained as a proud and interesting decoration though there was no Salada Tea for sale inside.

An excerpt from Alice Munro’s story ‘Royal Beatings’ shows a spare yet descriptive style

had happened, any thought of the children had been something to get rid of, pull out immediately like a knife in the throat,’’ Munro writes.

Before winning the Nobel, she won a National Book Critics Circle prize for “Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Mar-riage.’’ She is also a three-time winner of the Governor General’s prize, Canada’s highest literary honour. Any further awards will likely be honorary. She told Canada’s National Post in June that she was “probably not going to write anymore.’’

Starting in the 1960s, when she was first pub-lished, she has often con-trasted her youth in Wing-ham, a conservative Canadi-an town west of Toronto, and her life after the social revolution of the ‘60s. Munro

herself lived out the fears, and celebrated the libera-tion, of the educated house-wives in Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique.’’

In an interview with AP in 2003, she described the ‘60s as “wonderful.’’

It was “because, having been born in 1931, I was a little old, but not too old, and women like me after a couple of years were wear-ing miniskirts and prancing around,’’ she said.

Munro, the daughter of a fox farmer and a teacher, was born Alice Anne Laid-law. She was a literary per-son in a nonliterary town, concealing her ambition like a forbidden passion.

She received a scholar-ship to study at the Univer-sity of Western Ontario, ma-joring in journalism, and was still an undergraduate

when she sold a story to CBC radio in Canada. She dropped out of college to marry a fellow student, James Munro, had three children and became a full-time housewife. By her early 30s, she was so confined, so frightened and depressed, that she could barely write a full sentence.

Her good fortune was to open a bookstore with her husband, in 1963. Stimu-lated by everything from the conversation of adults to simply filling out invoices, her narrative talents resur-faced but her marriage col-lapsed. Her first collection, “Dance of the Happy Shades,’’ came out in 1968 and won the Governor’s prize.

At least in her work, Munro is among the least politicized of Nobel win-

ners, who in recent years have included Mario Vargas Llosa and Doris Lessing. In 2003, she told the AP she was not inspired by current events, but instead by mem-ories, anecdotes, gossip. The stories themselves have few topical references or famous names.

“I don’t do a lot of indica-tors where you can tell what time it is, because that would impinge on me too much. Somebody writing about now would have to have Iraq in it. They need to have the right music and right celebrities and right style of clothes,’’ she said.

“In ordinary life I am a fairly active, political per-son. I have opinions and join clubs. But I always want to see what happens with people underneath; it inter-ests me more.’’

Page 20: Kimberley Daily Bulletin, October 11, 2013

Page 20 FRIday, OCTOBER 11, 2013 daily bulletin


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