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Kingdom Partners 2014 Impact Report

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Operation Baby Rescue

Spiritual Development






Syria and Iraq

Sustainable Development




















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Kingdom Partners does not take the calling to share hope lightly. For the past 15 years, you have stood in the gap on behalf of the least of these in our world . . . working with urgency, sacrifice, and compassion. And the results are nothing short of lives impacted for eternity.

Since its founding, Kingdom Partners has shined the hope of Christ in 22 countries, impacting hundreds of thousands.

I thank God for you—men and women who refuse to look away from pressing physical and spiritual needs. Not only are you restoring health, dignity, and hope . . . but your compassion is contagious—a model of Christ’s love for many. Something this world desperately needs.

Thank you for fighting this battle alongside World Help. Thank you for setting the example of Christ-like love in action. Thank you for doing something that will outlive you and last for eternity.

Help for today . . . Hope for tomorrow,

Vernon BrewerFounder and President, World Help

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Sandra Perry spends time with

a sponsored child in Honduras.

Kingdom Partners is currently providing for the healthy development of 89 children through sponsorship. Poverty, disease, gender and social discrimination—children often suffer the most, paying the greatest price . . . one of the ultimate injustices of all.

Investing in early childhood development is one of the strategic ways we can ensure a child experiences physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being as an adult. Thank you, Kingdom Partners, for understanding the Biblical mandate of honoring God by caring for children, the very “least of these.” Genesis is just one of these precious children:

Hola! I’m Genesis Nicolle. I am 5 years old.Your help is very important to me because I get lunch and snacks Monday through Friday, shoes, and a uniform to attend the day care center. Every day I wake and tell my grandmother to bathe me because I want to be in kindergarten at Jesus Friend of The Children. From my house I go on my way walking, jumping, and am very happy because I know my teacher awaits me.

Your investment in the lives of children, like Genesis, is allowing them to experience the life God intended them to—overflowing in love, potential, and opportunity.

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Clean water has been an essential component of Kingdom Partners’ strategy to restore health and hope to impoverished communities. From the clay roads of the Guatemalan forest villages to the bustling campuses of schools in Uganda, your gift of clean water is breaking the chains that have kept thousands from experiencing true health. This year alone, Kingdom Partners has funded 10 wells that will literally transform entire communities!

The students and staff at Good Samaritan Children’s Home in Uganda have benefited greatly from your clean-water campaign this year. Due to the increased number of children enrolled at the school—now more than 2,200—water sources were becoming strained, which complicated operations. Kingdom Partners stepped in and provided Good Samaritan with a brand-new water system and pump.

“They no longer miss classes [to collect] water and they have their meals on time because the kitchen has clean water.”

– Good Samaritan staff

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Malnutrition, ultimately caused by dirty drinking water, is a cruelty no child should ever experience—yet it is the underlying cause of death for millions of children every year. With your help, our partners in Guatemala, Uganda, and Haiti are working around the clock to rehabilitate children ravaged by malnutrition. Though it is easily preventable, it is also one of the most devastating to a child’s long-term health—and the younger the child, the greater the physical consequences later on in life.

Thank you for helping rescue children from one of the most physically destructive side effects of poverty—a sickness they have no control over. In the last several years, your compassion has allowed 122 children to reach their full potential while restoring their chances for a healthy and robust childhood.

Four-year-old Dilcia was born three months premature and miraculously survived. As a result of her complicated birth, she suffers from psychomotor delay and seizures. Her little body has fought every day, yet extreme poverty took a grave toll. Over the years, Dilcia became grossly malnourished and weak. By the time she arrived at our Baby Rescue Center, she could barely move. She received intense nutritional therapy and before long, she was smiling again. Today, Dilcia is the healthiest she has ever been.

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Thank you for partnering with us to fulfill the Great Commission alongside men and women of faith on the ground in Cuba, Nepal, China, India, Syria, and Iraq.

This year, Kingdom Partners gave to support the distribution of illustrated storybook Bibles for child refugees in the Middle East . . . digital Bibles for Chinese university students . . . and copies of God’s Word for persecuted Christ followers in Cuba—investments that will not return void.

Your continued commitment to global church planting has resulted in 678 churches established in the last year, and thousands of lives impacted for eternity. This means, Kingdom Partners has planted 2,016 churches since inception, touching 201,600 lives around the world. The residual effect of your dedication can never be measured in this life.

Go therefore and make disciples . . .

“My life was fully in darkness because I did not know about Jesus Christ until I met Brother Siyaram. He was sharing Jesus’ Gospel to another person. I was there and heard the Gospel. My eyes opened and I began to cry. With the grace of Jesus, I left all bad habits. Now I am living a Christian life with my family.”

– Vinod Lal, India

Tim and Dominic Rand serve

together in Cuba.

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Kingdom Partners believes in dignity for all people . . . because all people matter to God. When you heard about the shocking rate of women suffering the humiliating aftermath of birth-related injuries in Ethiopia, you stepped forward and got involved without hesitation.

Your partnership in Ethiopia has brought physical and emotional healing to women who have suffered years of social stigmatization for obstetric fistula—a traumatic injury that results after a prolonged, obstructed labor. Culturally, these women are considered “cursed”.

With your help, they are reclaiming their dignity through reparative surgery, safe community, and acceptance from our partners in Ethiopia. Additionally, each one receives the training necessary to become maternal healthcare ambassadors in their own villages . . . an education that will save lives. But above all, your involvement allows us to speak to these women of God’s love and care for them—a truth they desperately need to hear in a society where women are too often devalued.

“I am so lucky to be here and to get this training. I will teach the pregnant mothers—I do not want to see them suffer with fistula.”

– Meselu Melkamu, 21

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The magnitude of Kingdom Partners’ outreach in India over the years is extraordinary and has resulted in thousands of children escaping the brutal cycle of poverty so well known in this developing country. You have provided clean water, nutritious food, medical care, education, spiritual nurturing, and a future filled with promise for each of these children.

In Jaipur, the Maru Asha Children’s Home continues to experience a healthy rate of growth because of your gifts to help expand the school and children’s home—impacting hundreds of children from the surrounding communities and local slums. Without your investments in this strategic ministry, these children would otherwise be trapped in a cycle of despair and hopelessness all too familiar in India. Thank you for paving the way for generations of health and opportunity.

“Many young lives have been built up and have left Gilgal equipped and capable to stand on their own feet. The lives molded here at Gilgal Orphan Home Churachandpur India would otherwise be broken lives.”

– James Lalrobul National Partner, India

Our partners at Gilgal Children’s Home in Churachandpur, India, celebrated the graduation of 23 students this summer—each one impacted by Kingdom Partners in some way. This incredible facility is home to more than 250 poverty-stricken children. What’s more, your gift of a medical clinic continues to protect the health of each of these precious children. Thank you for providing them with the opportunities to reach their full potential. You are raising up future Christian leaders that will impact India for Christ—an impact that will last forever!

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Last November, Typhoon Haiyan—the largest tropical cyclone ever recorded—tore through the Philippines, impacting 25 million people and killing more than 6,000. Overnight, entire families, villages, and livelihoods disappeared. Typhoon Haiyan left this group of pacific islands reeling, and without food, clean water, or medical supplies. Millions of Filipinos suddenly found themselves at risk of death.

Kingdom Partners responded to the overwhelming need, through the distribution of life-saving supplies in communities utterly devastated by Haiyan. If you had not interceded in this crisis, there is no doubt that innocent lives would have been lost on a large scale. Thank you for preventing the unthinkable for communities who had already lost everything. Your legacy of compassion will be lived out in the Philippines for many years to come.

“Sometimes it was in the form of food packs, other times with hygiene kits, and another time with temporary roofing materials and tarps.”

– Les Tilka National Partner, Philippines

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AIDS has orphaned more than 1 million children in Zimbabwe, and approximately 15 percent of the population is currently infected with the deadly virus. This crisis—complicated by a poor national healthcare system, extreme inflation, and an unstable political atmosphere—has crippled Zimbabwe’s forward progress. Yet there is more reason to hope for Zimbabwe’s well-being than ever before.

Along with the vision of Kingdom Partners, our national partner is laying the groundwork for a generation of healthy Zimbabwean children. With your help, we were able to reach isolated communities through the power of education, clean water, and spiritual development.

What abject poverty had once threatened to annihilate, Kingdom Partners is helping to restore. Health, opportunity, sustainable development, and a future filled with hope—none of this would be possible without your intentional gifts and prayers.

“The children [are] loved, cared for, groomed and training to be future leaders in Africa and be lifted from poverty.”

– Albert Mavunga, National Partner, Zimbabwe

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The legacy of Kingdom Partners is woven throughout Guatemala—from mountaintop villages to ash-laden landfills. Thank you for your ongoing support of Hope of Life’s efforts in some of Guatemala’s most impoverished communities.

In 2014 alone, St. Luke’s Hospital has served 3,000 Guatemalans suffering from treatable illnesses to life-threatening injuries. The staff has doubled in size over the course of a year, which has been an incredible blessing as the number of patients continues to grow. On any given day, the hospital oversees the treatment of more than 40 malnourished children.

With the help of Kingdom Partners, Hope of Life continues to expand operations continue to expand. With the ability to accommodate more volunteers on the campus, the staff estimates that they are able to reach 60 percent more people with aid, medical care, and community and spiritual development programs.

Overall, Hope of Life serves 500 children on a daily basis through St. Luke’s, the children’s home, Kelly’s House, causelife village, and other outreaches. Kingdom Partners is literally changing the course of futures in Guatemala!

Erica Elmenhurst plays with children in


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Civil war and militant extremism have left mind-numbing loss and tattered societies throughout Iraq and Syria. To date, more than 11 million people have been forced from their homes, and are now living as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) or refugees—many of them Christians—in surrounding countries.

This is a crisis of unimaginable proportions where women, children, and minorities are paying the greatest price—and Kingdom Partners refuses to look away. You have been involved since the crisis in the Middle East exploded into chaos, providing life-saving aid like clean water, food, medicine, blankets, and more. You have also helped fund two desperately-needed mobile medical clinics that will reach refugees with no other form of medical attention.

The sound of machine guns woke Linda and her children from their sleep, making their stomachs turn. Before they knew it, ISIS militants had broken through their door and were forcing them into the street at gunpoint. In an instant, they had become homeless, with nothing to call their own but the thin bed clothes they wore in the cold night air. The family ran for their lives, never to return to their home in Mosul, Iraq, spending the next four months sleeping in public parks with little food or shelter.

But thanks to the support Kingdom Partners is providing, we can reach refugees, like Linda and her family, with help and hope in their darkest hours.

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Kingdom Partners has always had a long-term goal for sharing hope. When it comes to making a permanent difference, you know temporary charity just won’t do. Instead, you are investing in gifts that bring dignity, life, and the ability to look toward the future with confidence.

This year, you provided sheep for families struggling to survive on meager incomes . . . chickens for single mothers barely able to put food on the table . . . mosquito nets for children vulnerable to malaria . . . and school supplies for children breaking away from abject poverty through education.

Each of these gifts will yield future benefits: better incomes, produce to sell at local markets, strengthened learning skills, protection from disease, and healthier bodies.

Because malnutrition has weakened their immune systems, the babies at the Destiny Rescue Home in Uganda are particularly vulnerable to mosquito-transmitted malaria. But thanks to your gift of mosquito nets, these children now have the best form of protection we can offer.

Paul Szumiak joins World Help

in Peru.

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Thank you for partnering with Pastor Kam for another year of effective ministry in Nepal. As you know, life for children here is often marked by hardship, sickness, and lack of opportunity. However, you are making sure they have a fighting chance. Your support is helping children disproportionately affected by poverty overcome the obstacles keeping them from reaching their full potential. Pradeep is one of them:

“I would like to give thanks to World Help and my sponsor who helped me financially and who is always with me in prayers. World Help really made a difference in my life! Now I have a plan to finish my post-graduate [education], and I will start working. I will also be involved in church ministry. May God bless you abundantly.”

– Pradeep, Grace Home, Nepal

Your ongoing support of Pastor Kam’s wide range of ministries is making an eternal difference in Nepal. In his lifetime, Pastor Kam has planted 44 churches . . . and you have played a significant part. He shares that many of these churches are now to the point of overflowing as he and his team of church planters continue to share God’s Word with primarily Hindu communities. The hope is so tangible in this country where the spiritual need is overwhelming.

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The aftershocks of Joseph Kony’s Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) are still felt in Uganda. Years after the civil war—one where children were caught in the middle—Uganda’s “Forgotten Children” are now young adults with families of their own. Life has not been easy for those traumatized by the LRA’s brutal tactics, and a new generation of children are experiencing the aftermath of their parents’ struggle.

But Kingdom Partners is fighting the battle for these families. Through your investment in Good Samaritan Children’s Centers throughout Uganda, you are ensuring that children in some of the poorest communities are receiving an education and the opportunities they need to thrive. Additionally, your work through the Good Samaritan Children’s Home and Destiny School and Children’s Home is facilitating the healthy development of thousands of Ugandan students! Kingdom Partners is truly helping to blaze the trail for a Uganda that is stronger than ever before.

We are also happy to announce that the rescue center you helped build at Destiny is now complete and serves as home for 20 children who were previously left to die in the slum streets. These children have been rescued from the unthinkable and can now enjoy healthy childhoods filled with love.

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Kingdom Partners has always had a hands-on approach to making a difference. Since 1999, you have traveled, raced, golfed, trotted, and hosted so that others around the world might experience hope.

This year, you organized three incredible events that raised critical funds necessary to save lives . . .

Thank you for investing your time, efforts, resources, and energy into causes that matter! Not only do they make a direct impact abroad, they are also making waves here at home. These events are a strategic way to introduce potential partners to urgent needs around the world . . . and lives are transformed as a result.

The 4th annual causelife Turkey Trot hosted by Harvey Saarloos in Huntington Beach

raised $39,937

The Vines Into Water 5K hosted at the Saarloos and Sons Vineyard in Los Olivios

raised $23,500

The 11th annual Kingdom Partners Golf Tournament held at the Los Coyotes Country Club

raised $300,845

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Looking back, could you ever have dreamed you would be a part of a community that would raise $6,843,633, impacting 1.4 million people with hope? That’s just what you have done since 1999. Imagine the legacy your gifts will leave for future generations. And in 2014 alone, you provided an amazing $997,673.60, which impacted 159,024 people.

World Help’s prayer for Kingdom Partners is that you will continue to dream big, that your hearts may always be open to the needs of the world, and that God will increase your sphere of influence.

The thirsty are satisfied. The hungry are filled. The fatherless are welcomed home. The sick are healed. Thank you, Kingdom Partners, for actively following Christ’s model of love and care for the world. Thank you for bringing help for today and hope for tomorrow.

What Kingdom Partners has accomplished in 2014.


493 Biblesdistributed

678 churchesplanted

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P.O. Box 501Forest, VA 24551800-541-6691




Thank you for investing in something that will outlive you and last for eternity.
