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Knaresborough Anglican Team ACCORD November 2019 · remember the threefold work of the Trinity- God...

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Knaresborough Anglican Team ACCORD November 2019
Page 1: Knaresborough Anglican Team ACCORD November 2019 · remember the threefold work of the Trinity- God the Father sending His Son ... To book a baptism for children living in the parish

Knaresborough Anglican Team


November 2019

Page 2: Knaresborough Anglican Team ACCORD November 2019 · remember the threefold work of the Trinity- God the Father sending His Son ... To book a baptism for children living in the parish

Dear Friends,Dear Friends,Dear Friends,Dear Friends,

Well, I’m delighted to say that only two Sundays into being your Team Vicar

I’ve heard those three precious li�le words from a parishioner “More tea

vicar?” I feel complete and it was definitely something to celebrate!

Celebra&on seems to be a theme over these last few weeks: my licensing

was a real blessing to me and my family and we thank you all for the hard

work that went into it. Then we have had all the amazing Harvest Fes&val

services and feasts within the churches and also celebra&ng Harvest Fes&val

at all the four primary schools and the quizzes and concert; it’s been richly

joyous and has shown me what a welcoming community this is. I am

looking forward to ge0ng to know you all, finding out about all the gi1s

and talents you have and the ways in which you bless and serve the wider

Knaresborough community.

Alongside all my colleagues I’m looking forward to suppor&ng and

encouraging you and in par&cular to look at the ways in which we are

missional people and communi&es and how we can grow. Growth is a big

word for the Church at the moment, but growth is missional, numerical and

spiritual. Some have likened this to an equilateral triangle.

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As Church we grow ‘UP’ to God, we grow ‘IN’ to each other as church family

and we grow ‘OUT’ into our communi&es and we need all three elements for

us to be balanced as Chris&ans and balanced as Chris&an communi&es.

Over the next few months we have lots of opportunity to celebrate and

remember the threefold work of the Trinity- God the Father sending His Son

by and in the power of the Holy Spirit. The God who is UP who chose to come

DOWN, to be OUT in the world but desiring to be IN rela&onship with all

humanity, and for all humanity to be IN rela&onship with one another. It is

for that la�er hope that we will remember all those who gave their lives for

our hopes during our Remembrance services.

So my hope and prayer is that together we will all be drawn closer to God, to

each other and be bold enough to invite and encourage those OUTside to

take a risk and come IN, to join us, to find a warm welcome and a new home

and to hear for themselves the three precious li�le words God longs for them

to hear “I love you”.



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From the Parish RegistersFrom the Parish RegistersFrom the Parish RegistersFrom the Parish Registers

We welcome into our church family….We welcome into our church family….We welcome into our church family….We welcome into our church family….

Katie Ruth Metcalfe

Katie Ashbridge

We celebrate the marriage of….We celebrate the marriage of….We celebrate the marriage of….We celebrate the marriage of….

Nicholas Harper and Laura Jo Mottershead

Nicholas Wallace and Frances Hellowell

Gemma Coote and Thomas Severs

Jamie Chestnut and Annie Cooper

Sarah Coles and Scott Beckett

Lindsey Shepherd and John-Paul Warner

We give thanks for the life of…….We give thanks for the life of…….We give thanks for the life of…….We give thanks for the life of…….

Michael Smith

Rosemary Frayne

Peter Frayne

Jaqueline Fowler

Gwilliam Owen

John Scruton

To book a baptism To book a baptism To book a baptism To book a baptism for children living in the parish for children living in the parish for children living in the parish for children living in the parish or or or or a a a a weddingweddingweddingwedding please please please please contact the Parish Office. contact the Parish Office. contact the Parish Office. contact the Parish Office.

email [email protected] email [email protected] email [email protected] email [email protected]

Tel. Faye Wright 01423 869209Tel. Faye Wright 01423 869209Tel. Faye Wright 01423 869209Tel. Faye Wright 01423 869209

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Knaresborough Team Ministry


‘We are all responsible’ Who’s who

Incumbent Revd Garry Hinchcliffe - 01423 202092

Parish Safeguarding Officers

St John’s Catherine Jeary 01765 676501 Holy Trinity Simon Sarmiento 01423 868239 Goldsborough Lance Ogden 01423 866086 Nidd David Andrews 01423 504373 Brearton Susie Lindley 07710 357012

Who should YOU talk to if YOU observe or are told about any safeguarding concerns?

Revd Garry – 01423 202092

The Safeguarding Officer from YOUR Church

The Diocesan Safeguarding/ Ripon Area Adviser:

Narinder Lyon – 07872005309

North Yorkshire Safeguarding - 01609780780

Childline - 08001111

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Churches simply could not func&on or survive without those unsung

heroes who clean, open-up, prepare and generally ‘po�er about doing

things’, every day of the week, o1en en&rely on their own. However, we

need to be aware that doing so some&mes comes with risks a�ached.

Ecclesias&cal Insurance has published guidelines about ‘Lone working’ in

church and a copy is now pinned up in each of our church vestries.

Below are some bullet points for us all to be aware of:

Carry a personal a�ack alarm – There are five of these available for

regular lone workers in each of our churches and we will get more

when needed.

Carry a mobile phone

Tell somebody where you are going and how long you might be

Turn on all the lights

Be aware of concealed spaces such as church porches

Do not engage with those exhibi&ng any type of ‘odd’ behaviour

Do not go to church in the dark on your own

Lock doors behind you

Be aware of your points of exit

Do not carry heavy objects on

your own

Be aware of trip hazards



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The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th November at 6.30 pm at Carriages for the annual dinner.

(please note earlier time)

Christine Cope 01423 868545


The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th November at 2.15pm in the Hub at St John’s

The Speaker will be Mary Marshall giving a follow-up to MULOA (which is MU Listening, Observing, Action).

Contact Christine Cope

01423 868545

Visitors always welcome

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Macmillan Coffee Morning 2019


Once again, I am able to tell you that the final total made at the Macmillan

Coffee Morning this year was £1439.75p – isn’t that amazing?

Thanks must go to all those who helped in any way – moving tables and

decorating the outside of the hall and the arch, making coffee and doing all

the washing up that is involved, preparing and manning stalls, baking for the

cake stall, and then at the end helping to clear everything away. I would like

to say a special thankyou to June who prepares all the floats, does all the

counting of money and then takes it to a bank somewhere (?!). All this is

done quietly and efficiently and is a great help to me.

I mustn’t forget to thank all those people who support this event regularly.

Without you there would be no Coffee Morning and certainly not the great

result we made this year. I must also thank the shopkeepers of

Knaresborough who are so willing to provide raffle prizes every year.

If you feel you might like to be more involved with the Coffee Morning, please

let me know as we could do with a few more helpers next year.

Again, many thanks to you all, Christine Cope

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal We are once again collecting shoeboxes to send to needy

children around the word. If you would like to take part,

please take a leaflet from one of our churches, wrap and

fill your shoebox according to the instructions, and return

it to church by Sunday, 18th November at the latest.

Thank you

For more information, please contact: [email protected] 07759 619780

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Do join us on Wednesday 27th November at 7pm in

St John the Bap�st church followed by fellowship

at the Mitre

A short contempla&ve and reflec&ve service open to all. We offer you the

&me and space to encounter God. To find s&llness, to find rest. To pause

in all the busyness of life and to find the meaning of that life. To reflect

and refresh. An opportunity to respond to God’s love and to be renewed.

To give that love back to the everyday.

All welcome

Café church

Coffee, Cake and Prayer @ the HUB



All welcome to come and enjoy free tea/coffee, cake, chit-chat and led prayer

Friday November 1st 10.30am - 12noon

Come with friends or simply on your own We look forward to seeing you there.

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Come and join our Sunday School Group for primary age children (4+) as we learn more about our faith, the church calendar, and the Bible through fun activities with friends (joining the congregation for the end of the service).

Contact the leaders for more information

Natalie Atkinson: 07919 927623

Carli Bean: 07855 559974

Look us up on Facebook: Seekers at St John’s

We look forward to meeting you soon!


17th November

24th November

1st December

8th December

15th December







(or when the service ends)

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HARVEST FESTIVAL All good gifts around us

Harvest Festival is one of those regular and reassuring fixtures on the church calendar which occupies a special place in the hearts and minds of many people. For me it conjures up memories of heading off to Castle Junior School clutching an array of tinned food for the Harvest assembly and later, as a young chorister, singing the annual Harvest service which always began with ‘Come ye thankful people come’ and ended with ‘We plough the fields and scatter’. It was therefore with some disquiet that I heard Garry begin his Harvest sermon this year with the announcement that it would be our last Harvest Festival. What on earth is he thinking I thought to myself, this had better be good! Thankfully I wasn’t disappointed. Indeed, it was one of the most eloquent, passionate and persuasive sermons I have ever heard and I have sat through quite a few! So where was Garry coming from? Yes, of course it is right to acknowledge our agricultural past, and to give thanks for all those who work on the land and the bounty of the Harvest that provides our daily bread (around 12 million loaves a day in the UK). However, it was time to talk about the elephant in the room – before there were no elephants anywhere. Our planet currently faces an ecological disaster on a massive scale which will impact upon our lives and those of our children and grandchildren and could ultimately lead to the extinction of the human race, not to mention a myriad of other species along the way. There are always those who will dismiss such talk as scaremongering and sadly those in government and big business have been painfully slow to act, but the scientific evidence is overwhelming and only now are people waking up to the fact that something needs to be done and done quickly. Garry used the word ‘stewardship’ to describe our responsibility for the care of the planet, both individually and collectively. In essence, stewardship is taking care of something which is valuable and what could be more valuable than the planet upon which we all depend for our very survival? This is why millions of our

St John’s News & Events

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young people have recently joined the global climate strikes around the world, including many from our choir and why, as I write this, Extinction Rebellion are protesting outside Westminster. But surely this is a global problem that requires global solutions I hear you say, what difference can I possibly make? Well, I believe that it is the little things that we can all do which will ultimately make a big difference. It was great to hear Anne Morley speaking about the brilliant work being done by Knaresborough Sparks to raise awareness on environmental issue and encourage recycling, so why not get involved in one of their initiatives or simply pick up that discarded plastic bottle you see in the street and put it your own recycling bin? From a personal perspective, as a lover of wildlife in general and butterflies in particular, I spend many hours out in the countryside and can testify first hand to the decline of numerous species which were commonplace when I was a child. Pollution and litter are choking our countryside and rivers and great swathes of habitat around our town are under threat from new housing developments. Our native wildlife needs our help now more than ever before and our gardens and communal green spaces can be a vital oasis for a multitude of species, so why not let an area grow wild, cultivate some insect friendly plants, put in a small pond, provide bird house/feeders or install a hedgehog shelter? Over the course of the last twelve months I have transformed a small area of land from what resembled a building site to a wildlife garden, so it can be done and the results are incredibly rewarding. As a young chorister I was particularly fond, as I still am, of Psalm 104 which includes the verse: ‘O Lord how manifold are thy works: In wisdom hast thou made them all, the earth is full of thy riches’. The wonder of creation and the marvels of the natural world are a blessing that we take for granted at our peril. Yes, our farming heritage is important and the harvest as vital as it has ever been, but as responsible stewards we need to look to the future and take positive action to nurture and care for all the good gifts around us. Whatever form our Harvest celebrations take next year, let us hope that we can listen to Garry’s sermon secure in the knowledge that we have done our bit for the planet and future generations and will continue to do so - and if you miss singing those traditional Harvest hymns, there is always Plough Sunday!

Mark Hunter

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………From the Flower Guild

As we were putting the finishing touches to our harvest flowers and the church was glowing with warm Autumn colours mingling with the paintings and crafts of Henshaws exhibition, we learnt that a funeral was shortly to take place. Early arrivals, some mourners from far away were delighted at seeing so much warmth and colour. We hope our efforts may have made their ordeal a little easier. Harvest Festival is a favourite time for our team because the vibrant colours of flowers, fruit and vegetables are so plentiful and so accessible, a bounty that makes us realise how much we have to be thankful for. And not only flowers but a thanksgiving service with the rector telling us that in future this service will not only be based on an agricultural harvest alone, but will be celebrating all the resources our world has to offer. All of this followed by delicious home baked cottage pies and vegetables, then fruit crumbles and cheesecake to finish. A sight to behold…… the hall with tables invitingly laid and a row of smiling ladies waiting behind the pies brandishing outsize spoons with the rector controlling the queue. A great finale to a harvest thanksgiving!! Usual contacts Bernice 866539 and Antje 860463.

Pat Hewitson

…………….From the Belfry Up your tower – St John’s Bell news, October 2019 On the first of October, we took a party of Scouts up

the tower. We were able to explain the principles and technicalities of bell ringing as well as showing them the bells close up. We also showed them ropes, the various knots we use and examples of splicing and whipping. We finished by letting them chime the bells. They seemed to enjoy themselves and we are looking forward to another visit soon. The Christmas tree festival will soon be upon us. I assume that other

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groups and individuals are thinking about their designs and decorations and the bell ringers are no different. As you may recall, the bell ringers are the annual recipients of a sum of charity money. We pay this money to charity, but we choose a charity for which we can design the decorations on the Christmas tree accordingly. Last year we supported a charity called Mary's Meals, which provides school lunches in the developing world. Our tree was therefore decorated with knives, forks, spoons and cups. You will have to wait until the festival to see this year's charity!

The bell ringers also contribute something else to the Christmas Tree Festival. We will soon be practising ringing Christmas carols on hand

bells, ready to perform during the festival. Tunes on hand bells are fun to perform and beautiful to listen to. We are happy to welcome anyone to help us. If you would like to join us, please contact me (phone number and e-mail address at the end of this article). You don't need to be a great musician. If you are interested in trying your hand at bell ringing, we will be happy to give you a taste of the exercise. Feel free to come to practices at 7:30 pm Tuesday evenings or contact Matt Curl, Tower Captain on 868104 or [email protected]. You don’t need to be big or strong or musical. You just need to be able to count to 8. All welcome, young or old or in-between.

Matt Curl, Tower Captain

………….From the Choir Stalls

THANK YOU A big thank you to our friends from the choirs of Holy Trinity and St Mary’s, Goldsborough, who joined with us to sing at Stroma’s licensing service early in October. The fabulous sound of the massed choirs really enhanced this wonderful occasion and received much positive feedback, so very well done to everyone involved.

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CHORAL EVENSONG Our last Choral Evensong of the autumn term at St John’s will be on Sunday 24th November at 4.00pm when we will be celebrating the Feast of Christ the King. Visiting singers are always very welcome. Please contact me for details of music and rehearsal times. CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL This year we have more choirs and music groups than ever before performing at the Christmas Tree Festival, including live music in church on both Saturdays. Look out for full details in the next edition of Accord. CEREMONY OF CAROLS Our Christmas Concert this year will be on Sunday 8th December at 6.00pm and will feature a performance by our upper voices of Benjamin Britten’s ‘Ceremony of Carols’ with Georgina Wells on Harp. This is a magical event, not to be missed, so please put the date in your diary now. CAROLS AT FOUNTAINS ABBEY On Saturday 14th December at 2.00pm the Choir will be singing carols in the wonderfully atmospheric setting of the Cellarium at Fountains Abbey. YORK MINSTER The Choir will once again be singing the services in York Minster over the last weekend in December. It is always appreciated when we spot familiar and friendly faces in the congregation so please come along and support us at one of these services if you can. Service times are as follows: Saturday 28th December 2019 – Choral Evensong at 5.15pm Sunday 29th December 2019 – Choral Eucharist at 10.00am Choral Matins at 11.30am Choral Evensong at 4.00pm

For more information regarding any of the above, or music at St John’s in general, please email me on: [email protected].

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OPEN MONDAY – SATURDAY 10am – 5pm SUNDAYS 12pm- 5pm






Why not avoid the crowds and enjoy a glass of wine and nibbles as you marvel at the lights and creativity of the trees in the magical setting of our church.

Tickets £8




email Joyce [email protected]

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…………...From the Rector

Vision 2020 With Stroma now in situ we can, as a team, move forward with our Mission & Outreach.

We will be pu0ng a ‘working party’ together from this month, with a view to carrying out

a Team wide Mission Audit early 2020.

This will be the first step in se0ng our priori&es for Mission going forward. Key elements

will be: Nurture Courses (for those already a�ending church) Enquirers Courses (for those

interested in learning more of our faith) Confirma&on (in June) and Youth & Schools; to

name but four.

20/20 Vision, or Vision 20-20 as this ini&a&ve will be named, will put us in-line with the

Diocesan Strategy.

We offer this prayer, composed by the Archdeacon of Halifax, the Ven Anne Dawtry,

which we shall use as our mantra during 2020.

A Prayer for Our Vision and Strategy

Living and loving God,

send upon us your Spirit of learning,

that we may grow ever closer to you

in knowledge and understanding,

in commitment and explora&on,

in work and in leisure,

in city, town and dale.

May we learn to be confident Chris&ans,

growing our churches and transforming our communi&es

that we may join in your promise of making all things new;

for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ,

risen, ascended and glorified,

now and for ever. Amen.

Fire assembly points and prac�ce

There was recently a fire-drill carried out a1er church, during coffee, in The HUB. We will

be giving instruc&ons as to what to do in the event of a fire in the pages of the Accord.


Leave all valuables behind

Do not return without expressly being instructed to do so

Assemble on the grass in front of the church

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Take care to no&ce if there appear to be friends missing


St John’s have been blessed by the ar&s&c endeavours of Mr Peter Kearney over a number

of years to beau&fully insert the names of the deceased into the Book of Remembrance.

However, Peter now feels that it is right to pass on this important ministry to another.

Calligraphy is a wonderful hobby that many people enjoy - would you all very kindly have a

think about whom you may know who might take on this very light but very important task.

Thank you, and an especially hearLelt thank you to Peter.

St Luke’s, Holbeck

I am delighted to say that the lovely people of St Luke’s, Holbeck have accepted our

invita&on to visit with us again the first Sunday of Advent (1st

Dec). However, we will be

doing things a li�le differently this year.

Their coach (the cost of which they have received in a grant), will drop them off near

Gracious Street at 2.00pm and they will make their way to Holy Trinity for a light lunch and

to enjoy the Christmas Fayre. They will then make their way down to St John’s to enjoy the

Christmas Tree Fes&val, followed by a cup of tea and piece of cake at 5.15pm and then into

the Chris&ngle service at 6pm. They will be leaving for home immediately a1erwards. I know

that everyone will make them very welcome.

Environment Policy

Following my sermon on Harvest Sunday at St John’s and linking in with the excellent le�er

wri�en by Mark Hunter published in this month’s Accord, the PCC will be looking at

implemen&ng an Environment Policy for all our churches. We will be publishing our policy in

due course, but please remember to think GREEN… it is good prac&ce and a biblical



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Page 20: Knaresborough Anglican Team ACCORD November 2019 · remember the threefold work of the Trinity- God the Father sending His Son ... To book a baptism for children living in the parish

HARVEST AT HOLY TRINITY A colourful display of autumn flowers in the entrance porch, skilfully arranged by Jan, greeted us for our annual service of thanks and Praise for the Harvest. Other arrangements were inside the church, enriching the scene offering warmth and welcome to all. Childhood memories of autumn spring to mind, kicking through fallen leaves with gay abandon, mouth watering parkin made with black treacle and those scrumptious toffee apples followed by the obligatory brushing of teeth.

The service was in thankfulness; we ploughed the fields, and metaphorically scattered good seeds in holding in our thoughts and prayers the unfortunate ones, the ones who have little and struggle to put food on the table. Into the hall we assembled, attracted by the tempting aromas of food, and Denise’s warm and smiling welcome on the door. The kitchen a hive of activity, “staff” in their colourful aprons eager to serve a hungry throng. Tables beautifully set -cider and apple juice keeping the salt and pepper company—invited us to take a seat. Anticipation is a wonderful thing! Revd Stroma offered greeting and prayers of thankfulness for a happy occasion before, in orderly fashion, we were invited to the serving table and served with generous portions of cottage pie accompanied by mixed vegetables. To follow was apple pie and custard: what bliss for an empty tummy! Dot, ready with top ups, chatting to guests along the way. The clatter of knives and forks onto cleared plates and pudding bowls made a satisfying sound. Coffee and tea was served with opportunity to circulate and chatter, which is lovely especially with people one hasn’t seen for some time. Thanks were offered to the hardworking folk behind the scenes who made it all possible, the raffle was drawn and the floral arrangement auctioned. £394 was raised for our CMS mission partner, Azaria Spencer , for her work with the street children in Guatemala. A joyous and thankful occasion; isn’t that what harvest is all about? Yvonne Spencer

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Spotlight on……………Ken Gambles Tell us a bit about yourself I was born and brought up in Barnsley in a coal mining family. From Barnsley Grammar School I went to London where followed a degree, teacher training and two years teaching. I met Pat there, married and moved back to Yorkshire, to Knaresborough, where we have lived for the past 46 years and never regretted it. Both our daughters were christened and later married at Holy Trinity and my granddaughter was christened there too. I was head of English at St John Fisher in Harrogate for over twenty years and when appointed was one of only two non-Catholics on the staff. What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Giving up eating meat some 40 years ago. My father couldn’t believe it as I was such a carnivore at the time. How would you describe yourself in one sentence? Easy going and rumpled. What is your motto? In a disagreement always try to stand in the other person’s shoes (not while they are wearing them obviously) What is your food heaven? Yorkshire pudding and onion gravy (as a separate dish, not as part of the meal). I’m also a sucker for fish and chips and I love a Madras strength curry. And food hell? Sauerkraut and roll mops (not together!)

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Who is your greatest inspiration? Probably my grandad, my mum’s dad who had infinite patience (unlike me) and who, despite a hard life working down the pit since the age of thirteen, loved learning and was interested in life especially the natural world. He took me to my first football match, now over sixty years ago, and I’ve loved the game ever since, both playing and watching. If you had to go and live on a desert island, what would be your luxury item? My i-Pod which has about thirty days full of music on it to keep me entertained. What is your favourite hymn? Hills of the North (original version) for Advent. Ding–Dong Merrily on High for Christmas, and Will you not watch one hour with me? For Easter. What are you most thankful to God for? For a healthy, happy life and for having retained an eagerness to keep on learning. I am grateful too for the lovely people I have met through sport, work, and in the pub. Most of all I have been so fortunate to have a loving, close family and I must mention my lovely grand-daughter Charlotte.

Holy Trinity’s Sunday School

meets on the 3rd Sunday of

the month, starting at 10:45 in

church. Children of all ages are

welcome to come and learn

about the love of Jesus in a fun and friendly way.

Contact Penny Wren 01423 864157 for more information or

just come along on Sunday 17th November

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Page 24: Knaresborough Anglican Team ACCORD November 2019 · remember the threefold work of the Trinity- God the Father sending His Son ... To book a baptism for children living in the parish

Friday 29th November

7.30 p.m.

In Holy Trinity Church Hall,


Light refreshments provided

All are welcome

Admission £5

Raising the roof at Holy Trinity

No, not another building project to fit in the

crowds….although some 120 people experienced a

fantas&c evening of rousing music and song on Saturday

19th October in Holy Trinity Church. A big thank you must go to Nick

Garre� and the Knaresborough Silver Band and to Carmel Wake and her

growing group, the St. Mary’s Singers, with a varied programme of some

well-known emo&onal pieces. Band soloists and solo singers made a

wonderful atmosphere and I think we all le1 “on a high” (back to the

roof!) with tunes and lyrics buzzing through our minds for the rest of the

evening. A big thank you to all performers, helpers and an enthusias&c

audience who jumped to their feet on several occasions. A net £771 was

raised towards the improvement of the church and

grounds…..so that we can hold more events like this.

Brian Jelbert

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Christmas Fair

Saturday 30th November

10am to 4pm Sunday 1st December

12noon to 4pm

Delicious lunches, Cakes and Preserves, Raffle

Tombola and bottle stall Books, bric a brac

And a visit by Santa himself at 3pm on Sunday with free gift for

the children

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Christmas in November?

For many years now, Nidd Church has started its Christmas celebra&ons

in November. Why? Because Nidd Hall Hotel offers three-day fes&ve

breaks star&ng in November each year. As part of these, the church

mounts a series of seven Tuesday carol services or concerts, open to

hotel guests and the wider public. With space for 100 people, we usual-

ly have 60-90 a�ending each week.

These breaks are extremely popular and comprise Christmas Eve,

Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve all rolled into a three day span of

hotel events. To regular church-goers this could seem very odd but it

might be the only &me the guests a�end a church service in the whole


The content is simple: six Bible readings from the Authorised version

(Handel’s Messiah language) telling the na&vity story from the Old and

New Testaments, interspersed with congrega&on carols accompanied

by organ. There’s a lot of fun included, like drama&zing Good King

Wenceslas with male and female voices, and singing While Shepherds

Watched to On Ilkla Moor baht’at. Some of the guests return year a1er

year and will point out “You used that joke three years ago!”

The series starts on Tuesday 14 November 4.00-4.45 and ends on

Christmas Eve. Do join us on any Tuesday and add your voice to the


David Andrews

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The Harvest Supper held on Saturday 5th October at Goldsborough Cricket

Club was a lovely social occasion with almost 50 of us enjoying jacket

potatoes with a choice of fillings and a wonderful spread of desserts.

We were amply served by Jackie’s team of cooks and servers and were

very grateful for all the contributions made to the feast. Graham organised

a family quiz and T’Ringers Team emerged as victors after a nail-biting tie


The event raised a healthy £426 thanks to the

tremendous support of our congregation and

friends. The money will go towards the

maintenance of our Grade 1 listed church.

Graham Shaw

St Mary’s Children’s Society House Boxes I am now collecting boxes in for counting.

If you have already returned your box or had it emptied, that’s great.

If not, please could you bring your box to the 9am Sunday Service, or drop it off at 1

Princess Mead Goldsborough. If that is not convenient please phone/text me and I

will arrange to collect it - 07730 942751

Please phone me before dropping off a box, to make sure someone is in to receive it.

Thank you all for working to raise money for some of the most vulnerable children in

our country.

Your contribution makes a real difference.

Let’s make it a record year!

Best wishes

Sue Michael

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St. Mary’s Church, Goldsborough presents

The Ardann String Quartet in a concert of

Christmas Music Sunday 1st December 2019

at 2:30pm

Corelli, Handel, Bach and more

Tickets £10 including a Welcome Drink & Refreshments Children free!

Come, enjoy and celebrate the start of the Festive Season

The Concert will end with your favourite sing-along Carols

Reserve your tickets from Sheelagh Fowler 867 410 Lance Ogden 866 086 Laura Lindsay 863 793

All proceeds in aid of the church

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Please enjoy reading my latest blog, how God challenged me to step out and my

hopes for what he will do in a group of young women as a result. And please be

praying for this new girls group and these precious girls. 'A Space of their own.'


A Space of their own

For those who do not already know my journey into bilingual life has not been easy.

Recently I was feeling sorry for myself and I said to God, ‘why can’t you just divinely

give me the gi1 of fluent Spanish? I have been trying really hard and it would be great

if I just woke up one day and was fluent.’ Now, I s&ll fully believe that God could do

this. His response however was exactly what I needed to hear. ‘Azaria, why don’t you

start using it more.’

Ah, okay God, touché. That put me in my place.

Of course, I have been speaking Spanish every day, more and more, but I had also

been pu0ng off star&ng a new girl’s group for a few reasons, one being my fear

because it would be in Spanish.

I had a lot of self-doubt and worried that I would struggle to lead a session with a

group of children in Spanish for over an hour.

But God’s challenge was the push I needed.

A1er spending some &me in prayer and preparing myself to take the jump I talked

with our centre coordinator and she thought it was a great idea, she too had felt that

a group for the older girls was necessary and something God had put on her heart, but

wasn’t sure who could lead it. God’s gentle confirma&on gave me peace about star&ng

the group and helped take away some of my fear and self-doubt.

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The girls are aged 12+, a very delicate age for any girl but even more so for ones living

in their context and with their family situa&ons and backgrounds. I see it as a privilege

to be able to create a space for them where they will learn about God and have

ac&vi&es just for them and get to talk about relevant topics and issues.

We are s&ll in the early stages of crea&ng a space where they feel completely

comfortable and I have their confidence, but I know God has big plans for these

young women.

One thing that has been very special to see so far is them being able to be quiet in a

place away from responsibili&es, other children, the noise of life. Able to just relax,

listening to praise and worship and engaging in crea&ve ac&vi&es. I have felt God’s

peace res&ng over them, enabling them to rest and opening their hearts li�le by li�le

to Him.

I have big hopes and dreams for this group, for each one of the girls represented in it.

And very quickly the fear surrounding my own self-doubt and ability with Spanish was

stripped away as God reminded me again, that it isn’t about me. How marvellous. I

couldn’t be more pleased to know that it isn’t about me at all, not even a li�le bit. It is

about what God wants to do in the lives of these girls and Him using me, and others,

to create space for Him to work.

Love and blessings


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St JohnSt JohnSt JohnSt John

the Baptistthe Baptistthe Baptistthe Baptist KnaresboroughKnaresboroughKnaresboroughKnaresborough

Holy TrinityHoly TrinityHoly TrinityHoly Trinity



November 3rd

All Saints

and All Souls

8am Holy Communion


Holy Communion


10:45am Sung Eucharist


November 10th



8am Holy Communion


Service of Remembrance

10:57am War Memorial

10:45am Sung Eucharist


November 17th

2nd Sunday

before Advent


Holy Communion

10:30am Choral Eucharist


Sung Eucharist With

Sunday School


November 24th

Christ the King

8am Holy Communion


Holy Communion

4pm Choral Evensong

10:45am Sung Eucharist

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St MarySt MarySt MarySt Mary the Virginthe Virginthe Virginthe Virgin


St Paul & St Paul & St Paul & St Paul &

St MargaretSt MargaretSt MargaretSt Margaret NiddNiddNiddNidd

St JohnSt JohnSt JohnSt John

the Baptistthe Baptistthe Baptistthe Baptist BreartonBreartonBreartonBrearton

Sunday November


All Saints and All Souls





BCP Mattins

Sunday November


Remembrance Sunday


Holy Communion

10:50am War Memorial


BCP Holy


Sunday November


2nd Sunday before Advent


All age Holy



BCP Mattins

9am Holy


Sunday November


Christ the King





BCP Holy


Holy Communion Services are held

every Wednesday in Knaresborough

Holy Trinity at 10am

St John the Baptist at 11am

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Knaresborough Team Ministry - Benefice Diary

Sunday 27 October 4.00 pm Team Service of Light at Holy Trinity

4.00pm Choral Evensong at St John’s

Saturday 2 November A1ernoon Tea Dance at the Hub

Wednesday 6 November 7.00 pm Core Youth Group at Holy Trinity

Sunday 10 November Remembrance Sunday services at usual &mes except

9.30am Remembrance Service at St John’s (No 10.30 service) followed by

10.57am at the War Memorial, Knaresborough Castle grounds

10:50am Service at War Memorial, Goldsborough

Tuesday 12 November 2.15pm Mothers’ Union Mee&ng at the Hub

4.00pm Carol Service at St Paul and St Margaret, Nidd (and every Tuesday

un&l Christmas Eve)

Wednesday 13 November 6:30pm Knaresborough Parish Ladies group

Annual Dinner at Carriages

Sunday 17 November 9.00am Holy Communion at Brearton

Sunday 24 November from 1.00pm Come and Sing Nidderdale Messiah at

Holy Trinity

4.00pm Choral Evensong at St John’s

Wednesday 27 November 7.00pm Encounter at St John’s

Friday 29 November 7.30pm Quiz night at Holy Trinity

7.30pm Preview evening for Christmas Tree Fes&val at St John’s

Saturday 30 November to Sunday 8 December Christmas Tree Fes&val at St


Saturday 30 November 10.00am Holy Trinity Christmas Fair with lunches

Sunday 1 December 12.00noon Holy Trinity Christmas Fair with lunches

2.00 &ll 7.00pm Visit from the congrega&on at St Luke’s Holbeck

6.00pm Chris&ngle and Carols at St John’s.

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Monday 2 December 7.00 pm Parochial Church Council mee&ng loca�on


Wednesday 4 December - no 11am service at St John’s

7.00 pm Core at Holy Trinity

Sunday 8 December 4.00 pm Chris&ngle Service at St Mary’s Goldsborough

6.00 pm Candlelit ‘Ceremony of Carols’ Concert

Tuesday 10 December Mothers’ Union Christmas Lunch at the Dower House

Sunday 15 December 6.00 pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at Holy


Sunday 22 December 4.30 pm Christmas Carol Service at St John’s Brearton

6.30 pm Lessons and Carols Service at St Mary’s Goldsborough

Monday 23 December 4.00pm Carol Service - sacred and secular - at Nidd

Church, including young singers from Stagecoach.

Tuesday 24 December CHRISTMAS EVE

11.00 am Crackers @ Christmas at St John’s

3.00 pm Na&vity Service at St Mary’s Goldsborough

4.30 pm Crib Service at Holy Trinity

6.00 pm Knaresborough Town Na&vity in Market Square

7.00 pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols at St John’s

11.30 pm Midnight Mass at St John’s, St Mary’s, Holy Trinity, & St Paul & St

Margaret Nidd

Wednesday 25 December CHRISTMAS DAY

8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) at St John’s

9.00 am Holy Communion at St Mary’s Goldsborough

10.00 am Christmas All Age Service at St John’s

10.00 am Sung Eucharist at Holy Trinity

Knaresborough Team Ministry - Benefice Diary

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On Sunday 24th November, the last Sunday before Advent, we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. Jesus was no ordinary King, he wasn’t born in a palace but in a stable. He didn’t have servants, but came to serve, and his crown was a crown of thorns

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St. Andrew the Apostle

St Andrew was the brother of St. Peter , and like his brother,

he was initially a fisherman on the Sea

of Galilee. Andrew was one of the four

disciples closest to Jesus. He was one

of the first followers of Jesus. In fact,

he discovered Jesus before his brother Peter did.

As the patron saint of Scotland, St. Andrew was not Scottish.

In fact, the saint was born in Bethsaida, Israel. More so, whilst

alive, St. Andrew never stepped foot in Scotland. He was

crucified in Greece on 30th November 60AD and according to

folklore he asked to be tied to an X shaped cross because he

did not feel worthy of dying on the same shaped cross as


St. Andrew's Day is celebrated by Scots around the world on

30th November. By law, all buildings in Scotland are required

to display the Scottish National Flag that bears the image of

the Saltire, or St

Andrew’s cross.

Can you colour St Andrew’s cross in?

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November is a dull month in every way. It is ge0ng darker, but Christmas and the winter

sols&ce are s&ll far away. However, on a good sunny day

foraging in the hedgerows will provide one with a harvest of

sloes, to prepare sloe gin, and hazelnuts for chocolates or

marzipan or to roast. You may also come across sweet

chestnuts – the trees have a peculiar twisted bark – which are

excellent for roas&ng. Many people forage for fungi, but I have

never had the confidence to do so. If you do, make sure you have a clear guide to what is and

is not edible. The clergy would hate to see their congrega&on decimated!!!!

Sloe Gin

Take a clean glass jar with a well-fi0ng lid

Wash your sloes and then prick each one with a darning needle. Put into

jar un&l full.

Shake granulated sugar into the jar un&l all the inters&ces are full.

Pour in gin, allowing all the trapped air to escape.

Shake the jar and put the lid on firmly. Turn and shake gently to allow the

sugar to dissolve.

Put the jar in a coolish dark place but every week give it a shake un&l all

the sugar is dissolved. Drink at Christmas.

And in the veg patch

November is a dull month in the garden. There are some essen&al jobs however.

Leaves need to be collected and put in a wire cage to form leaf mould. (If you don’t have a

cage and only a few leaves they will rot down sa&sfactorily in black bin bags if given a bit of

water and placed in a sheltered area). Leaf mould can be used to enrich and aerate flower and

vegetable beds.

Provided there is s&ll no severe frost perennials can be divided (use two forks) and re-planted.

Once there has been enough frost to blacken them begonias can be li1ed, cleaned and placed

in a frost free place to go dormant. Dahlia corms also need to be li1ed, cleaned and stored.

On a sunny day it can be pleasant si0ng in the sun on a sheltered bench to clean and sharpen

all your tools ready for the new season.

Flower and vegetable beds need to mulched and put to bed for their period of dormancy.

Culinary and cropping Curiosities By Sophy Potager

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Comfrey has proved to be controversial this month. I advocate making a

final brew of comfrey to have it ready to encourage new growth in the

spring. However, when this was discussed

on the radio (Gardeners’ Ques&on Time) it was strongly suggested that

the brew loses its potency if le1 for several months. I have also been

challenged by Phil Skeels who feels that comfrey is too valuable medically

to be used on plants. He recommends a poul&ce of boiled leaves on

severe bruises and even broken bones and tells me that he made a rapid

recovery from a footballing injury using comfrey which he also knew as “Knitbone”. I

have checked with Culpepper, and Phil is quite right. Comfrey poul&ces are

recommended by Culpepper, though he claims that the roots are more efficacious than

the leaves. It can also be used as a decongestant, by decoc&ng it, and will soothe

haemorrhoids, infected kidneys and breasts “sore from an abundance of milk”. Wow!

What a useful herb. I shall grow more of it.

As we are talking about fer&lizer it might be worth men&oning use of commercial

fer&lizers and applica&on of horse manure. Like many gardeners I have at this &me of

year applied a thick layer of manure in the winter months, o1en beginning in November.

Others apply chemicals at this &me. I have recently found out that this is rather a waste

of labour as the winter rains (and snow) will wash much of the nutrient straight through.

Far be�er to hold off un&l February or even March.

It is also a &me to remember the neighbours who share our garden spaces. They are

going to have a tough few months even if they are hibernators. So leave some of the

flower beds uncared for to provide cover especially for invertebrates. A hedgehog box

stuffed into a quiet and secluded spot may mean your reward of a family of slug eaters

next summer. No need to buy an expensive commercial model. Just make an L-shaped

box with a small opening in an end wall. The hedgehog will drag in his/her own bedding

and sleep round the bend out of the draught. Do put a bit of bent pipe as ven&la&on into

the end furthest from the opening to avoid your tenant suffoca&ng in the bedding. I

have had the privilege of having a hedgehog box used once by a female stoat to raise six

kits. I do hope she found the box untenanted but maybe she started by ea&ng the


You can also make a winter home for invertebrates like

lacewings and lady birds. Just make a bundle of short pieces of

cane and put them in a sheltered corner that gets some sun to

keep it reasonably dry. When they emerge they will pay you

rent by ea&ng aphids.

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Stepping More Lightly On Our World

Encouraged by my children initially and more

recently by world events I have found myself

increasingly aware of the environment and our

impact on it. I wish to step more lightly on our

world than I have in my life to date.

To this end I began to seek out small steps I could

take towards better care for our environment. I

would like to share some of these ideas with you

over the next few months. Are you drawn along this

path also?

I came across this Hierarchy of Buying when I

attended Pebblefest, a sustainable living day in

London with my daughters. It is a great way to

start. I think this must be an American version, so

for Thrift read, Charity Shop!


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Live Lectures at St Mark's Church at 09.30hrs

23 Nov 2019 Revd Dr Jeremy Duff Today is the day—for everyone! Growing church in Luke and Acts 7 Dec 2019 Dr Elaine Storkey Gender and Justice

At Mowbray Community Church

25 Jan 2020 Rt Revd James Jones The spiritual and moral imperatives in the life of Christ 28 Mar 2020 Revd Dr Malcolm Guite Christ and the Poetic Imagination

Bible Track DVD Seminars at Mowbray Community Church at 09.30hrs

15 Feb 2020 Dr Jane Williams Luke & Acts part 2 25 Apr 2020 Dr Chris Tilling St Paul's letters part 1 9 May 2020 Dr Chris Tilling St Paul's letters part 2

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Forest Room, Gracious Street 9.30-12.00

Wonder if you could write for pleasure? Wanted to try creative writing but can’t seem to get started?

Worried that what you do won’t be “worthy”?

Yes? Come on, shine, and smile at yourself!


Fun...Words...Challenges...Collaboration...Space… Inspiration plus refreshments and breaks


The morning will be facilitated by Hilary Hughes, Sue Walkington,

Sue Whalley and Elizabeth Ali (CCW)


The workshop is free but donations for the cost of the room are welcome on the day.

Hilary is a published author, English teacher, speaker, and is passionate about accessible poetry. Between us the CCW team has written hundreds of prayers, poems, reflections and produced 3 collections of our work




NOVEMBER 2nd 2019

If you’re interested and wish to book a

place, please contact Hilary on

07814 237738 or e mail her at

[email protected]

as soon as possible.

Psalm 103 v1 Bless the Lord, O m y soul, and all that is within me, Bless his holy name

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