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Know About Jupiter and Saturn - Shanker Adawal

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K N 0 W A B 0 U T J UPI TER & SATURN Dr. Shanker Adawal

K N 0 W A B 0 U T J UPI TER & SATURN Dr. Shanker Adawal Contents s. 11tle Page No. No. Prefloat IX 1. Basics of Astrology 1 - 10 2. J uplter 11 - 24 3. Jupiter i n Houses and Signs 25 - 102 4. Jupiter Mahadasha and its Results 103 - 104 S. Influence of Jupiter lOS - 116 Grounded due to I mpact of COnstellation and Sub 6. Jupiter & COnjund.ion 117 - 140 7. Jupiter & Marriage 140 - 146 8. Your Sex Potentiality 147 - 154 9. Jupiter & Gajakesari 1 Shakata Yogas 155 - 156 10. Impact of Retrograde Jupiter 157 - 166 in t he Twelve Houses ll. Jupiter and Diseases and 166- 171 Mar aka Planets for Sagitarius and Pisces 12. Saturn 172 - 183 13. Impact of Satum in Various Houses and Signs 184 - 249 14. Satum Mahadasha and Allied Issues 250 - 279 15. Impact of Retrograde Saturn 280 - 291 vi Contsnts 16. S3tum and Transit 291 - 296 17. Satum:Astrobgy and Diseases of Sex 297 - 308 18. Upayes - Antidotes for Planetary Afflictions 309 - 338 (Gemstones & Mantras) 19. Bhrigu Technique: Introduction & I mpact of 339 - 366 Jupiter 1 Saturn and Conjunctions. 20. Natives Bom in Nakshatra of 367 - 384 Jupiter & Saturn Results fPrejace Astrology Is only the scientific study of natural phenomena In the real workl around. 1 n fact, sdentlfk model of knowledge of astrology is based on the apparent correlation between ttle terrestrial events and the celestial phenomena in the heavens. Science w ~ considered to be a set of universal truths In nature. But through contiooal observational research, nuclear science has. for example. developed so r r ~ . ~ c : h as that we cannot help but think that man has for a long time in history been victim of taking Dalton's atomic theory for an ultimate reality. Similarly the law of cause and effect had been considered as a universal truth till Heisenberg's pri nciple of uncertainty was discovered. Suthes, adVIce from the eldef'ly, pilgrimage, wisdom, throne, time, yagyas, loss and proft:, worship of Shiva, height. cleverness and departure. Wi lliam Lity- This planet appears the biggest of all and is more fair than others. The light it emits is slightly yellowish but nevertheless fair. Its speed iS more than Saturn. It completes its revolution in 14 years. 314 days and 12 hours. Its moderate speed Is 4 minutes, 52 seconds. Its maxinum northern limit is one degree, 38 minutes and southern limits 1 degree 40 minutes. It remains retrograde for 120 days. During this period its speed remains stationery for the first five days and last four days. It is a male planet. by nature it i s hot and humid. It factors patience, politeness, gravity, justice and good luck. 1 nterpreting the above views In the natal chatt. Jupiter is the: lord of the Ninth House. and the Twelfth House i.e. house of Expenditure. The Ninth House reads to knowledge, growth of learning, spiritualism etc. The Twelfth House denotes salvation, global friendship and charity. The etymological meanilg of Guru (Jupiter) is destroyer of ignorance. (Gu = ignorance, ru destroy) . The darkness of ignorance in our hearts dissipates when illun'Wlated by the light of J upiteal>a it/ad/Junrlpatichjnhaha. He has a large physique and a distended stomach, black hai" and eyes. Hts bearing is regal and he has all the traits one might flld in a Icing. Sarvaarthlchlntumanl .. Haasyapriyaha pithakafaanifaatrnaa sadhyaha praataapi nanu punshchalascha. Brihaspatistun dilagaatrayastihi Jcafaatmakaha shreshthamathihi suvidwaan. He has a cheerlul disposition and aChieves fame early in life. Bile. phlegm and wind/air art all in equal proportion. This ptrSon is given to debaue:htry and may be obese. Ht is also and erudite. Dhundhlruj - samyak-saaraha susvarodaarabuddhihi. Oakshaha kafi chaatimaansaha praagyaha sugyaha keertito jeevasangyaha. Thjs man ;s shortstatured. He has a golden complexion and a sweet voice. He has a liberal mindset, He is powerful, learned and wise. His eyes Me reddish-yellow. William Uty - He is tall. has a reddish-yel low complexion and handsome. He has large, almond-shaped eyes, a btoad forehead, slken hak' that is sl!ghtt( reddish and a long beard. He has a large pot belly but strong legs and shoulders. His feet appear big, His speech is rational. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 19 If Jupiter faces the East, his is and his colouring is I ke honey. He has large eyes and is fat He has a bil'thmartc on the right foot If J upit'el' faces the West. then the pei'SOn is short but a beautiful physique. He has soft. reddish blonde hair and he is balding slightly at the forehead. These people have an average life expectancy, take deyed for others all his l fe. These people have a welt--endowed physique. are tall and muscular and fai' complexioned. In their earlier years. they are slim but add weight and flab in later life. They have big, radiant eyes flanked by long, bow shaped eyebrows. They have butkteeth, a double dlin and fleshy cheeks. These people have hairy legs. a broad forehead and persph a lot. After the age of 36, they suffer from gastriC ailments and arttdis. These people also tire easily with the slightest exertion. They lice to eat vegetables but that causes excessive heat in their bodies. They take great pride in their lineage and defend it at every opportunity. These people establish schools, colleges, ashrams and other institutes. If Jupiter is malefic then tl'le person has mucl'l false pride. SuCh persons start many ventures but these inevitably tum out to be loss-maki'lg propositions. They are quick to praise themsetves but generally see others as being inferior to themseves. And they are quick to criticise others. They are callous where their wives are concerned but get on weU with other women. They are given to debauChery. Though they are unable to study mue:h. these persons considef themsetves well educated and try to throw their weight around. These people tend to create problems in estabtished institutions. Generally Jupiter proves beneficial in Aries. Leo. Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. Its effects are lesser in Libra, Scorpio, canoc:er and Aquarius. In Taun.Js. Virgo and Capricorn. its effects are detrimental. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 21 Factors and I nftuences Katyaanavarma Mangalyadharmapanshtikamahatvashiksha biyog put'fa5httam yanasan5uv.!mMihanya. Putraprabhurjeevahaha. The influence of Jupiter extends to auspicious occasions, religion, physical well-being, education, abstinence, magnanimity, country, vehide, sleep, 90ld, prosperity and son. Of these. the expression Niyoga am have multiple interpretations. I t can mean utility, need. sensuous, effort. determination. by association with brother-in-law (deval) after the death of husband. The meaning should be derived as per the context. Bldyanath - Pragyavlttasharlrapushtitanyagyagyanl vaageeshwaraat. Acharya deva gurubhusurshapdoshe shokam cha gulmarujamindraguruhu karoti Intellect, wealth, physical well being, progeny and knowledge are determined with Jupiter as the reference. Disappointment because of the curse or anger of teachers. deities and sages is an effect that Jupiter can bring on. Gutma rog (11) is also attributed to it. Paraa.shar Swakarmyajanadevabrahmindhangriha kanchana vastraparamitlaandulanadikarakao guru. Self enterprises, yagyas. deities, Brahmins. house. clothes. gold, utensils. friends and the honour of being seated in a palanquil, all come under the ilftuence of Jupiter. Gunaakal' Ohishnat sukhancha. Prosperity should be determined in relation to Jupiter. Sarvarthachlntamanl VagdhoranimantrarajBtantranaishthihl k:BgjBBtvrgyamnigambhavabodhakamaputrasampaajjyejeevBnopaye-k:Brmayot}B simh8sanakaarako guru. 22 ChaptfN 2: Jupitsr Speech. foresight, Vedic hymns, politics. elephants. horses. teaching, son. means of livelihood, Mtached effort:s. (kannayoga). action without caring for the consequences and throne are detennined by )upler. } .evanath - V.tchanpatutvatuf'3ngam saukhyam tantravk:haar-anripal vinodaam. Santsaukhyamafam nigamarthagyBanamushthan gabolom gurutoscha. E'oquence. infantry, happiness of the King, progeny, knowledge of the Vedas and physk:al strength au these are influenced by J upltec: Mant reshwar Gyltanam Sadgunaatmajam chit sachivam swacharmacharyakam mahatmayam shrutlshastradhlsmrltmatl sdrvonnatl sadgatim. Devabrahmanashaktimadhwarathpah shrad dhaanch koshshthalam val dushyam vljltendrl yam dhavsukham sammanamidyadyam. Gulmantrajwarshokmohkaphjan shrothrath mahamahyam devsthanndhipraapidaanaam mahklevesh shapodbhavam rugam adhgurtltkrishtltaapacharodhabham. Knowledge, positive trains. son, minister. teacher's ideal duties, knowk-dge of the Vedas. growth and prosperity, yagya. treasury, control over the senses. honour all these are determined by J upitet Jupiter also causes t he following diseases: intestinal problems. fever. cough. unconsciousness. ear diseases. diseases caused by the curse of Brahmins and deities. yalcsha. ki nnar and Nag. Vldyaranya - Gutuna dehapushti shcha puttarthadhana. Sdmpathaha. Physical well being, sons Md wealth are det!l'mined by J upker. Western VIew s - Honour. fame, growth, face. f ri endship, prot ection, progeny, law makers. men of justice. politidans. j udges, rel igious teachers, soothsayers. lawyers, students. those who achieve doctorates, university, c l ~ s s heads. convocation ceremony, factories manufacturing woottens. thighs. legs. right ear are all Influenced by Jupiter. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 23 The following diseases are said to be influenced by J upitec diseases of the livet and lung, neurological diseases of the bl'ain, inflammation of the intestines, heart attack, colic pain, pain in the spine, diseases of the ribs and blood vessels, blood infection and fever which lasts for a long duration. I nfetences drawn from the above view$ - Katyaanavarma has mentioned the term Hiyoga. Opting for child birth by association with brother-In-law as i t was meant to be has no l'elevance in pl'esent ttnes because the practise of Nlyoga has ceased since arxient times. Mantreshwar has described control wer the se-nses 0 ltendriyatva) among J uplter's Influences.. This description is in keeping with the Puranas. It iS said in the Puranas that wife had gi ven birth to Mercury after an illicit relationship with the Moon. Due to this, it iS only natural for Jupiter to tum to asceticism. Due to the person's absorption with knowledge and teaming, naturally he has little time for the of women. The person has no time to spare to pay attention to any woman. It is, however, not quite dear why the author has listed 1he company of the spouse', in Jupiter's spheres of influence. As such J upitef is not about the company of husband or wife. Similal'ly, l>ereavement and attraction appear to have beeo wrongly attributed to Jupiter here as one is a trait characteristic of Saturn whi le the other is dominated by VE'nus. Other attributes like spiitual teacher. author of books, stable nature. fortitude: in adversity, discretion. punctuality, fearlessness. simplidty, good food - these are the other features of Jupiter which do not de:set"Ve special attention. I n my view, Jupiter influences the following attributes: second language, algebra, medicine, Hindu Law, Ci vil Law, Economics, Philosophy, Honorary degrees. Education Department. Film Censor Board, Secretariat. Advisers to Governor. College. Teachers, Professors and Barristers. Oassiflcation of I nftuence - Useful Influences In the horoscope or natal chart: religion. auspicious occasions. educatiotl, betel. prosperity, son, finance, bereavement. arthritis, all diseases mentioned accordi'lg to Westem lnfllences. entrepreneurship, yagya. home. Friends, revolution, 24 ChaptfN 2: Jupitsr prosperity, hymns. monarc:hy, throne. speech. sermoni sing, writer. publisher. s.ectetary, teacher, memory, mind, Bhakti, honour, piety. compassion, illusion, intestiMI fevet'. cough, face. fame, gmwth, r'l"''el'l"\be( of legislature, religious teachers. spiritual guru. j udges. lawyer, student, factories manufacturing woollens and cotton garments, thighs, legs. right ear, comfort of any kind, authority akin to a king. sharp mind. stable nature, courage In adversity, punctuality, detactvnent feaffessness, discretion. plain living, tasteful food etc. Useful I nftuenceS/ Factor In Education For excelling In academics. Jupiter should be in the ascendant, Third, Fifth. Seventh, Ninth and Eleventh House. Doctors with this configuration enjoy excellent practice and repute. Useful influences in Astrology Nation, j ustice. member of legislature, minister, cabinet. institutes of reaming, clan heads. vice-chancellors, registrar, convocation ceremony etc. Usetess factx>rs Niyoga. Asana, sleep, deity, Bratvnin, hyrMs and corporations ... these topics have no importance in di vining influences in the horoscope. The influence of Jupiter on business has not been mentioned because it is only t h ~ who have jupiter in the ascendant that gain fame in all positions. Spec:ial consideration for the influence of Jupiter on business should be done only when It is in the ascendant (lagna). seventh or Tenth House. Special consideration is not merited in the other houses. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum C/Uzpter 3 Jupiter in Houses ant! Signs Effects of Jupiter in the First House AMy - G ~ r Vldwaana pragyah. The person is reamed. 25 Kalyaranav.nna .. Horasansthe jeeve susshareeraha pranvaan sudiyuh. Susamikshitkaryahkaraha pragyo clheerasta tharyastha. This person is handsome, strong with a kmg life. intelligent and a man of integrly who takes action after careful thought. BaldyilrJIMth .. J eeva lagnaate chirayurmalgyani dhani rupwaan. The person is bng lived and imbued with knowtedge. wealth and beauty. Paraashara - J eevo lagne yadi wa kendragah. Tarya putrasya dirphayurclhanwan rejballabhah. The person is wealthy and dear to tfle king. His progeny have a long ife. Vasishttla Sukf>kantida syah bhayam. He is happy and radiant but somehow there is always fear furlOng in his mind. Chapter 3: Jupiter in Houses & Signs Garg - Karih sugeet.th priyadtarshanah shuchirrtatyajabhukta nripatipujitaascha. Sukhl thtJ devardhantatparastha dhani bhaavedyegutau ttJnustM. He is a poet. singer, handsome, good, magnanimous, honoured by the king, worships deities and is wealthy. Gururdhanushi meene tha tahtha karkata kepkha. Lagna tovkonkendre ~ s liK/arishtham na jayate. If Jupiter is In the ascendant (lagna), triangle or centre k'l Sagittarius, Pisces and cancer then the person has a f ~ i r l y long life. Thanurthangatejeeve gauravarnataurbhavat. vatshleshma shareere cha bolifY< cha sukhasampadaha. ThiS person has a fair complexion and has a happy childhood but he suffers from arthritis. Mithyaapwadja peeda shatrunam vishayadaayika rajaato manamtulam dhanpraaptirnekadha. This person is the vid.i m of false rumours and gets hurt by them. But the person is like poison to all his enemies because he is honoured by the king and acquires muc.h wealth. J MalcMcalanJdhl - Krurdrishti samyoge vyatha kachit prajayase yoyo vidhnah samutpannah sa sadyascha vinaashayati. If there are any retrograde or malefic planets. they destroy the beneficial influences of Jupiter. causing much pain. Sthirprakritpadhaha ThiS person has a strong physique. Praakltya sa bhavet pn'ddho manyah sarvajaneshu cha. This person is mature by nature and Is respected by all. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 27 BrlhMiyavanajaataka - thi ragya pragya ktitagya nitMamudaf't)8. Nato tanusthite deva rou b.!/Mihyaha This is a man of inteJr.ge.nt, magnanimous, wkh a good physique and strong. Pragyakilshtilmvatsare surguttJhu. This person has a chl1d In the eighth year of maniage. This Is a view shared by Dhundlraaj also. NIN'I/Iyllnllbhatt - Gurutwam gunairlagnega devapujye suveshl sukhi dhyaaadhihoalpaviyaha. Gatirbhavihi vichintya vasuni yan ThiS person i$ imbued with all positive qualities and worldly learning. He iS a teacher or a spiritual guru, He wears good clothes. robes and has a good physique but may have a low spenn count. He worries much about life after death, spends wealth on liquor. This view is seconded by jeevanaath as well. Kltllshlnath - Lagna gurau susheelascha pragathbhalo rupawanipah abhishtascha nirogigyaani saumayashca jayate. This person has has modesty, intellect. beauty, good health, is and of a calm demeanor. Atyagtanb'JabBI'il vMdhivastravipuma kafevaraha kamakaha ratha dhan pt3darshanah8. Nripativanshjanasya cha vallabha bhavati This pei'SOn weats diverse clothes and ornaments, is and is dear to the king and members of his family. J ayadv - Vldwaana nrlplgya sataramudaro daradlsan khyastaanugischlt This person Is learned, honoured by the king, m8gnanimous an has many comforts. 28 Chapter 3: Jupiter in Houses & Signs J.ageshwar- YMadevapujyo naranaam pujyajt!, bhujyate na kadannah. Shareeram dridhahmalam kantiyukt.Jm manaschintit4th naNa \')'.!.tkt.!m vidhate. This person is honoured by the king. He is not one who would partake of forbiddt!n food. He is naraanaam. He is first among all his felbw men. Prmjat'illj - L8f}nasche cha dwitiye was jeeva syanmtn(J(/hurapriye madhvfllffl vBchanam vakti 58tycm sarvahitavahana. This person speaks the t11.1th, is invotved in the of all and speaks melodiously. This person has a sweet tooth. Manneshwar - Sukriti satmajah. He is a man of immense integrity and blessed with many sons. Gholap .. This person is adept in managing worldly matters. he is famous. honourable, a slayer of foes. religious. intelligent has a dean conscience, many friends is wealthy and is universally acceptable. Hlllajaatak - Pragyakaroshthame varshe lagnasastaf'lastho brihasptJti. This person can grasp the supreme knowledge at the age of eight Luclcnow Nawaab - Mushthati yadi bh3ved S3hib3.h khushdilo m3nuj3h3 sy&tth. Ami/311 pursalchun StJtd3f3h3 ph3f3SO hl Auro manboobah. This person is radiant and authoritative. He is leader. a poet and a devout man. He IOfds over many people. Western view - This man is handsome and free of disease. If Jupiter is in a fire signs then the person is of liberal mindset. has fortitude, victorious, has many friends and Is self. respecting. In the earth signs, the person Is selfish. egotst!c, trustworthy and helps others. 1 f Jupiter Is in a water sign. then the person is given to pursuing creature comforts sighs Jupiter makes a person taw abiding, he loves justice and trustworthy. He is to help other. Irrespective of which sign is in ascendant. Jupiter makes a person magnanimous. independent, trustful, religious and Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 29 famous. Their foreMads are large and radiant and tMy cany out many big tasks during their lives. NMayaana - MtigtWtim partjajya sthithe lagna btl!aspatJ. riti Set mahipaldm dhanapa wa bhavematah. Other then cancer. if Jupiter Is In any sign then the person Is very rich or wealthy. Agyaat - Sukhi vkhepumaphalanl shodashevatShe mahatajah. Amkhpaapchate papyute wa neech kaamwane manschancha/Wan. Madhyayah putraheenah swajan parityagikritadhannah garv;shthah jamdwesM vyabhicharwi#ifn sanchaarwaan, papkaaleshbhogi. If this J upt er is in exalted positiOn then the effects are benefidal. I n the 16ths year. the person attains high offiCe. If it iS in the house of an enemy, retrograde planet. then the person does things which are demeanilg to his status. and is mentally unsatable. He only has a medium i fe span. has no sons. has many enemies. forsakes his own family. ThiS man is ungrateful. an egoist. picks quarrels with many people. given to debauchery and is unhappy. Harlvansha - Lagnasthe surrajmantrini naro rajpmtapi bhavet vidyavahanabhogbushandhiritipragyaprabhawadikah khyato vanshdharki ko gungaane santyaktavairo bali gaurangaha subhagah sabhaminiyuto deergaarurangudan. Thts person is famous like a king, is teamed. intelligent has fortitude. has many vehicles, is born in a famous family, has no enemies. is strong, fair and handsome. This man has a devoted wife and Mjoys good health. Tattvaptadeepejataka - Lok ved (Jf351ddhaha sakalap/MIMMaha neechagah papkheta swuchcha nalva prashta vimalaphalahara randrariphariyaktah jeev swasthanhanta vadati muniwaro drishlirasya prashasta swarih swwasthanphalah parambhyakaari drishtirasya pranoshto. If the planet is in a degraded sign then it takes CJWifl allltle benefititJI effect and if it is in an exalted house. still it takes away al benefitial 30 Chapter 3: Jupiter in Houses & Signs effects. If Jupiter is in the sixth or eight house or in the house of expenditure this planet destroys the effect of the house which it oversees but gives the beMftdal effects of the: planet which rules that house. In exact contrast Saturn gives benefi'e in an signs e>eeepting Cancer. Vir90 and Pisces ruled persons. My Experlenc - The general benefk of )uplte< In this position Is t hat there is great improvement in either the number of c:;hildren and their character or in wealth or in educatiOn. But only one of these benefits from the influence of Jupiter in this House. It also has a detrimental effect on the possbiity of inheriting ancestral property. The person's elder brother does not have a comfortable life, though and the person ends up havilg to take responsibility for him. I find that) upiter in the Eleventh House also means that the sons are very unruly and badly behaved. And frequendy their relationship with parents in fraught with strife. They take the name of the entire lineage to shame. This person despite his best efforts can do ittle for his sons to prosper but after his death his sons do prosper. If Jupiter ;sin the Eleventh House of people born under the signs of cancer, Virgo. 5agittari.Js of Pisces. the per-son has no chiktfen Of have a few who die soon alter birth. Either he Of his wife will be- sterile. Ther-e afe many problems in the first half of life. They wiU remain sit:X theif wives wil be sickly, there will be many quarrels between husband and wife. rt they have children they will all be girl children. the eldef brother dies or is bankrupted, the brother could also be failed for lncuning excess debt. The brother could also face much humlr.atlon for his financial loss resulting In the family's having to flee the e:ity or village. Here Is an example of Jupiter In the Eleventh House. Name: Raja Raamenclranarayan Ral. Oo8 28 7 1884 Shravan Shu 6 sakya 1806 Monday momlng 10.413. 94 Chapter 3: Jupiter in Houses & Signs Place: J aydevpur (Dist Dhaka, Bangladesh) Latitude 23-43; Longitude 90.26 ... This man was the I(Jng of jaydevpur In Dhaka. His father died and soon after his elder brother too died because of whidl he was crowned the king. His youn9f!r brother had also died. He got married but it was not as per reltgton and the couple had no children. In the yeN1909 he feU II and for a change he went to Darjeeling. There, his wife along with her brother poisoned him and he fell unconscious. Assuming that he was dead. they placed hin on a pyre and lit it. But there was a terrible stonn which doused the fire and after a while he regained consciousness but by then every one had left the cremation site. A passing group of hermits saw him and took him along with them. The poison and the subsequent stupor resulted in a loss of memory and for 12 years he wandered from one plbce to another with the hermits. It was only when one day after 12 years they were passing through Dhaka that his memory began resurfadng and simuft:aneously people began to re-r'I"''Itot channels. Sodologlcal c ........ pondenc:e: Business-men. scientists. orators. + SucteSSful activity a5 a businessman. scientists or orator. 122 Chaprer 6: Jupit6f and Conjunc6on Failures through dishonesty. negligence or clumsiness. fraud. calumny. A good intellect. wealth of ideas. talkativeness. All orator with exptessive an actor. - Succi!Ss in one's vocation. A pleasant conversationalist. liveliness. - Talkative or lively women. -A lively exchange of thoughts. The desire to revel In something or to become enraptured, a person with a sense and appreciation of beauty. Interest In art.- The tendency to discuss love and beauty. the state of being In raptures about somebody, the state of being in love. a merry disposition. Action guided by common. sense, oratory. the execution of plans, a good critic,. a discuSSion-speaker.- Speaking ar.d acting in coordination. a successful discussion or conference. Inhibitions when trying to make a decision, the display of uncertainty duri'lg negotiations. .. Breaking off negotiations, sayilg goodbye. the desire to wthdraw from other people. making a j ourney. The disptay of interest in novelties. inquisitiveness and curiosity, quickness at repartee or on the uptake. the abiUty to give a good answer when being challenged. Successful propaganda-activity. a resourceful Or'atOf. A powerful imagination. being well inspifed, the tendency to bamboozle Of to mislead othef the inclination "'to loose the solid ground under one's feet" during speaking, trusting in good fortune. A person successful in deception or in speculation. A person exercising an influence over the masses. a suggestive orator. Sociableness. the cultivation of thought-exchange. the desire to take part in social functions and in entertilinments. The desire and the ability to carry an enterprise to a successful end in team-work together with others, a good association. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 123 Happy and successful team.work, Ol'ganizing ability, the ability to att ange everything skillfully. - A successful meeting. The desire to build up, optimism, a pSon fond of talking, a zeal fot wealth of ideas. - A good speaker, scie-ntists or businessman. -Success i n one's calling or vocation. VENUS/ JUPITER Principle: The joy of love. happiness i n love. Psychological + A warm heart, grace, tact, attractive personality, the ability to make oneself popular with other people, a harmonious refationship to other persons, an exceptionally good sense of form. The inclination to laziness. negligence. false conduct in love-relationship, self conceit. wastefulness. an excessive exl)(ession of feeling. C SOCiableness. popularity, "Film-star manne-risms ... Biological Con"esponclonce: The hormone circulation within the body, also hormone metaboism. the glands dealing with intemat (e.g. the adrenals ot supratena&s) . - The diseases caused by the inhalation of bronze-powders to which some industrial worlhashcha shasfhaha. Pant:hap/ VMnOm._duottf taltlsarvanunl Sury-jaha kshapayateeti muniprallil- Aachaarya Vardahamihir Brihatsamhita. When it appears bluish. Shani (Saturn) is beneficial to those it rules. But when it manifests in any other colour it is destructive. according to the ancient sages. In the Grahvichaar Mala there are descriptions of Saturn in the Seventh and last houses. In the preamble to the Jyotishastra texts too. the malefte effects of Satum are desctibed as fatal and inauspicious. Even western astrologers have branded Satum as the "bringet of evil fate'". Mal'athi poet, Mahapathi has written an entite text on saturn called Shanirnahatmya wherein the appeal'ance; characteristics, the malefic i"lftuences as well as the beneficial effects of this planet are discussed at tength. Mahapathi summarises Saturn'S influence saying. "When Saturn was born, he affected his father, the Sun. Surya (Sun) immediately contracted leptosy, his charioteer Arun was taken ill and his hMSes went b l ~ d . Saturn Is that malefic. But the same Saturn when In a beneficial state can bring complete fulfilment in all respects". Sa tum is similar to the setting sun. the lacklustre appearance of the sun at the time of setting is described as symboliMy - Matlvikramavaan trltlyage. This person is i ntelligent and valiant. Kalyan;wanna: MaNnossanskritadeho neechoslasaparijano bhavati soure. Shooro daanaanoorato dushcllikyagate vipulabudhiiiL This person i s dirty, unclean, impure, valiant. temperate and i"'telligent. His family members are lazy. Bal dhyanaath: Alpaashi dhanasheelavanshagunavaan bhratris.thithe bhaanujesauristuteeyesnujanaashakartaa. He eats sparingly. He is wealthy. weD mannered. virtuous and born i"' a respected famity. The presence of Saturn in this house can signify death of the person's younger brothers. Parashar. TritJ'ye mittavaf'dhanam dhana/aabham. shanafshlharaha. Satum in the Third House brin95 the person many friends and vast wealth. His brother is certain to die. Garp: Tatha Tritlyage mande .sanaro bhaagyavaan bhavet. Shaved doshasthitha peeda shareere tasya sarvada. 8hraatrlgomandagaha kvryaltd Nripatulyam chlt svkhinam satanta kvrute naram. 5{1Un'hi cha niyanta mantreeshwaro 2(}() ChaptfN t3: Impact of Sa rum in Various HousiiS & Signs This person is fortunate. happy as a king and a ministtr by profession. He is const!ntly in pain because of physical defonnity. His siblings and children are Mstroyed by the influMce of Satum in his horoscope. }aageshwar. YadiJ vikrame mandagaami kBdooshanfJm bhavennamaanasam bhaagyavlghtlaha Shda syaath. Bhavelh paalako baf bahunaam mJraanaam rane vikraml bhaagyavaan hastarogl. Shaved bhraatrikashtam videshe prayaanagrihe no vircuJmiJm /iJbhed bandhvtospi. Bhavennichasakto viraktosrthadharme yiJdB vikrfJme sooryesOQ-noomafCI8naam. His thoughts are Impure and the path to destiny Is full of hiXdles. He supports and shelters many people and his valiant and courageous in war. Hi$ hands are diseased. His brothers are troubl ed and give hi m much troubte. He travels to diStant lands because he gets no peace at home. HiS relationships with hi:s brothers are strained. He does not care about reigion or wealth and opts for the company of anti-social persons. Atyagmmha: 5ahajamandirage tapanaatmaje bhavati sarvasaho daranaashakaha. Tadanukoolanripena samo naraha swasuthaputra kafannasamanvitaha. Saturn in this position is destructive for all brothers. His wife bears many children and he is as lucky as a king. Br lhadyavanajaatak: Raajamaanyadhubhavaahanayukto graamapobahuparaakramashaali. Paafako bhavati bhoorijanaanaam maanavo ravisuttesnujasansthe. He i; respected and honoured in the K'Vlg's court has the best of vehicles. the most respected man in his village, courageous and the benefactor of many. Ohundiraaj has desaibed the same properties. Manneshwar. Already covered in various descriptions above. Vasistrtha: Streenaam priyam ravijastuthiye. He is popular among women. KIMshlnaath: Cltaayaatma}e trltlyasthe prasanno gunavatsaldha. Shatromardee nn'naam maanyo dhanee shoorashcha jaayate. Know Aboul Jupiti!N & Satum 201 He is content, pleasant. virtuous, loving, respected, coul'ageous and wealthy. He destmys his foes easity. Lucknow Nawub: khushdaano cha maanavaha S4bhyaha. Anucharavndasameto bhavati yada vM biraiJdNe johaloha. He Is suong, famous. happy, intellloent. courteous and surrounded by byal servants. Naraayanabhatt: Triteeye shano sheetafam naiva chitam janaadvdhyamaajjaayate yuktabhaashee. Avigghnam bhavet kahirch;t nalva bhaagyam driddMshaa sukhl durmukhaha satkrlpospi. This person's nature Is devoid of peace. He Is hardworl
