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Knowleswood Primary School Pupil Premium Purpose Paperwork and Policies Perfect Usage Proving...

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Knowleswood Primary School Pupil Premium Purpose Paperwork and Policies Perfect Usage Proving Impact
Page 2: Knowleswood Primary School Pupil Premium Purpose Paperwork and Policies Perfect Usage Proving Impact.

Pupil Premium - Purpose• “Figures show that pupils who are eligible for free school meals

(FSM) underachieve considerably compared with their non-FSM peers at every key stage.

• The government therefore believes it is right that additional funds are available to give the poorest children who achieve less well a better start in life.”


• At Knowleswood 59% of our children are eligible for Pupil Premium funding, this reflects the top 20% of schools nationally.

• The Pupil Premium, using additional resources from outside school’s budget, is intended to address the inequalities by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

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Pupil Premium – Information

• The Pupil Premium is additional funding to maintained schools via Local Authorities or Academies via the Young Peoples Learning Agency.

• Allocated to children who are eligible or have been eligible for FSM in the past 6 years, are looked after or have parents in the armed forces. ** new rule – special guardianship.

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Use of Pupil Premium

• “For most pupils, the Pupil Premium will be allocated directly to schools and will be clearly identifiable. It will be for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.

• The Government intends to make available to schools the evidence we have about interventions that can improve the progress and attainment of pupils from low income backgrounds.”

(DFE)(Example to share)

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Accountability and Transparency It is vital that there is transparency about how the Pupil Premium has

been used to improve the achievement of pupils from poorer backgrounds.

Schools will report to parents annually every September about the previous school year about how they have

spent the funding.

New measures in this year’s performance

tables will capture the achievement of those

deprived children covered by Pupil


Together this will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of

attainment of pupils covered by Pupil Premium and that it is spent on our

poorest children.

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ABC Guidelines• At Knowleswood we have created guidelines to support the

decisions made about the use of pupil premium funding. • – Attendance

• – Behaviour

• – Curriculum

• – Development of personal, social, moral well being

• – Enhancement of our school environment


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The Picture at Knowleswood• In 2014 we had 248 children who were pupil premium

• 29% of those children were on the SEN register

• 8% of those children were on the most able register

• 7% were EAL

So … what did we do in 2014-2015?

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• In order to support our children and develop their learning and social well being, they must be in school.

• We now have a permanent member of staff who works only on attendance and punctuality, Mrs Daff is paid out of pupil premium money and monitors closely the attendance of all children.

• We have used some pupil premium funding to commission extra time from the Educational Social Worker in order to put in place more external support for very poor attenders. (organised by Miss Horner)

• We have rewards for excellent attendance too, the resources for which are purchased through pupil premium (for example the cinema experience)

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Behaviour• Knowleswood Buddies are now a standard

successful part of school life. New uniforms and equipment is purchased through Pupil Premium as it is a proven way of supporting some of our most vulnerable children.

• Our behaviour policy was reviewed and some new rewards are to be introduced. The policy is consistent and strictly adhered to throughout school. Any additional behaviour training for staff was and will be funded by Pupil Premium.

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• Literacy ELSLife BoatQuest20:20PAT

• MathsMax’s MM1st Class @ Number1st Class @ MathsSecuring Level 2/3/4Springboard

• We had several interventions running within each year group. Any child who is identified as underachieving can access this additional provision however we ensure that at least 50% are Pupil Premium children over all.

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Curriculum Continued• We had a variety of streamed groups for Literacy and Maths throughout school

in order to provide our children with the most individually tailored learning possible. Staffing for some of these groups is taken from Pupil Premium.

• Some Pupil Premium children have individual needs that can be catered for with special equipment, for example – lap tops, special pencils with grips, scissors, wobble cushions and so on which can be purchased via Pupil premium funding.

• Music is a vital part of the curriculum, especially for children who find accessing some of their learning difficult. We purchased ukuleles and ocarinas for weekly instrument lessons in year 2 and 3.

• Some of our children require glasses or an eye test but unfortunately have not yet received them. This obviously has a massive impact on learning. Pupil Premium allows us to take the children to the opticians and purchase a spare pair of glasses to stay in school.

• These are a few examples, please see the report to parents for more detail

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Development • Beech Room • Emotional Art and Literacy Project• Roots and Wings• Sunflower and Buttercup Groups• Woody the Tortoise• Animal Assisted Therapy

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EnhancementWe also undertook various projects last year which are ongoing this year and

the Pupil Premium funding has enabled us to do so.



Mini Bus



Roots and Wings


Market Challenge

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Monitoring, Proving Impact and Next Steps

• The monitoring and proving the impact of our pupil premium spending can be very simple or very difficult to show. For example, learning interventions show impact in the child’s progress, this is easy to measure and present. Attendance is easy to measure and show as evidence, as is behaviour by using our behaviour books as a running record.

• The impact of initiatives such as Roots and Wings, our garden, the mini bus, are far more challenging to record on paper and this is when we use pupil voice and observations. At Knowleswood we believe that the experiences the children receive from visits in the minibus, time with the Emotional Arts Team or quiet time with Woody the Tortoise are vital to their emotional growth and their development as well rounded, happy, caring members of our school community and their wider community too. We aim to continue to develop ways to monitor impact of these types of activities but strive to always provide them.

• (Please see the latest Pupil Premium Report to Parents for specific impact monitoring from last year)

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2014 - 2015• In the new school year we will be continuing with our successful projects,

interventions and schemes along with introducing new ideas in order to further develop our children’s attendance, behaviour, learning and experiences in school.

Attendance Our attendance policy and schemes are working effectively on improving attendance and punctuality. We plan to increase the amount of home visits and outside agency support. Our reward systems for attendance have been engaged with very well and we aim to extend this to a punctuality system too.BehaviourWe are proud of the behaviour at our school, our straight forward policy along with consistent positive behaviour management allow our children to learn in a calm environment. Should any Pupil Premium children require support with their behaviour, funding is available for staff training or in school support. We aim to also work on social skills and manners this year. We will be carrying out some staff training on circle time and PSHE. Pupil Premium funding will provide new, child friendly resources for this initiative.

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Curriculum Learning, attainment, progress and achievement are going to be the focus of our Pupil Premium funding this year. As the first term progresses, more funding usage will become apparent as we reassess the children and put in place the support that is required. This may be new staff members, new training or a new learning scheme.

Successful interventions will be continued and any non-teaching staff who require further or new training will be offered it.Literacy – we will continue with 20:20 , Lifeboat, ELS and alphabet arc as our 1:1 and small group interventions for the development of Literacy attainment. Maths – we will be using Max’s Marvellous Maths, First Class @ Number 1 and 2, and 1:1 focussed reinforcement work for our Maths interventions

Topic and other curriculum subjects – The new Creative National Curriculum will be put in place in Sep 14, whilst there will be some funding available from school, the Pupil Premium will enable us to provide innovative resources along with stimulating, exciting experiences at a low cost to parents.

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Development PSHCE is an area to work on this year and with Pupil Premium funding our children will have wide opportunities to experience new things, explore their feelings and the feelings of others through visitors, trips and our new outdoor learning environments. With the new curriculum comes new opportunities for multi cultural experiences too. Also, in our very first week in September our ‘Friendship Week’ will take place, designed to support the children’s transition into their new classes and remind them about our anti bullying and friendly ethos. Pupil Premium is able to enhance any of these mini topics.

Enhancement When considering the enhancement of our school surroundings, we are happier with our internal facilities, following the extensive building and improvement works. Pupil Premium funding is going to focus on our outdoor areas this year, particularly our allotment, year 1 and 2 playgrounds and hopefully an outdoor classroom.
