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LADIES' RUBBER BOuTS - Chronicling...

Date post: 25-Aug-2018
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UNION BANK & TRUST CO. is hackcd by Leadings Gitizens of /Aberdeen worth collectively eves* one million dollars OFFICERS DIRECTORS Frank G. Jones, - President FRANK G. JONES. A. RUPERT. A Runort - - Vice-President HD. WARREN JH. READ. W B Mack, - Vice-President GEO. J. WOLFF. C. W. YANA. Zod O. Fui.th - Secretary FRED C. FURTH. R. J. ELLIOTT. H. O. Warren, - Cashier W, B. MACK. ADVISORY BOARD CHAS SST G WM E CARROLL VH.ROSENBURG. JOHN MCCULLOCH. £. H^ S - ELMORE. G. E CAKKOLL. A TOW NSEND. MAJ. S. R. NETTLETON. ?' T)' WALKER A L MACLEOD.' W. M. GOEHREND. JUDGE F. W. LOOMIS. OLE GUNNESS.- C. E. TROUTMAN. EMIL PFUND. H. M. COOK. These Men Stand for Conservatism and Safety in Management, and Invite the Patronage of the People i Tales of thn Town Terssly sold. It u. Magazines up-to-date, Evans Drug Co. G. Canterbury, dentist, over State Bank. ' «»-tf William Hunter is up from Ocosta on business. Just a line of beautiful valentines at Evans Diug Co. Dr. G. E. Chamberlain went to Seattle Friday on business. Dr. G. E. Chamberlain, Rooms S, 0, and 10, Dabney Biock. tf J. W. Parks was n passenger for Seat- tle on this morning'* train. Dr. O. R. Austin, Rooms 19-20, Doiis block, over Dean's tea store. tf J. D. Moody, of Everett, is in the city, looking sifter his interests here. Dr. E. E. Lane, Dentist. Hayes & Hayes building. Telephone 177. If Daniel Gillies returned to South Bend today, after a visit with bis fainiiy. Valentine's Day is soon here and Evans Drug Co. is prepared for it. tf A. T. Renfro returned to Tacoma Sat- urday, afier a visit with Aberdeen friends. Dr. D. C. Urip has moved to Rooms 1, 2,3, vVishlcah blk. Phone 2171 or 3353. Mis. Louis Burnett left Saturday, to join Mr, Burnett, at Green River hot springs. For Gurney, Express or Dray, call 14. A-A Star Transfer. Your ordcis prompt- ly filled. tf E. W. Wood left tliis morning for a visit to his old home, at Charleston, West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maefarlane left for San Francisco Saturday, where they will visit « few weeks. A. W. Nellson, of New York, who h s been looking after his timber iniereste here, left for his home Saturday. Dr. A. S. Austin, Hayes & Hayes Bank Bidg., over l'aiue's Drug Store. Residence Grays Harbor Hospital, tf A meeting of the citizens of the sixth ward Thursday evening declared in favor of the immediate filling of the tid - lands. Misses Marjory and Elizabeth Girton entertained the Q. V. club Thursday evening at their home, 315 Last Fourth street. H. B. McNeil will leave this week for Motes Lake, Douglas county, where Mrs. McNeil has been holding down a home- stead since last spring. The ladies of the Congregational church will hold an old fashioned social at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. McDermoth, next Wednesday evening. Mis. E. H. Piummer wont to South Bend, Friday morning, to join her hus- band, who is doing work for the Fost- Intelligeucer in that lerritory. G. R. Gugieh and Tom Hnntledge were both ban led a tine of $10 by Judge Loomi", Saturday morning, for trying to paint Hume street red on Friday night. A number of bicycles are held at the police headquarters, awaiting owners. It is the intention of the chief of police to sell these wheels if no owners show U P- . . , The report of the police justice for Janu.tr>'shows 90 arrests and $325 cash collected. Many of those who were dealt with had to work out the fines on the streets. Why get up in the morning feeling blue, Worry others and worry you; Here's a secret between you and me, Better take Rocky Mountain Tea. ?W. B. Paine & Co. Contractor F. A. Keasel completed the sewers in District B last week, and the work is ready for acceptance by the city council. Mr. Keasel also ha 9 the contract for Sewer District C and 15, which I.e will build in the spring. If you suffer with indigestion, con- stipation, feel mean and cross, no strength or appetite, your system is unhealthy, llollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea makes the system strong and healthy. 35c, Tea or Tablets, at \\ . B. Paine & Co. I Dr. Smith, Osteopath. 7-8, I' O block. I The Herald twice a week tells It sli Take your prescriptions to Evanß Drug j Co 'I I Chest protectors, all prices, Evans ! Drug Co. tf ' H. S. News by left Ft May for Harlan, lowa, to reside. ! A fresh supply of f.owney's candies at Evans Di ug Co. tf Albert Town'end went to Seattle on business today. For coughs anil col>l» try Evans White Pine Cough Cure. tf B. F. John«on left this morning for Raymond on business. Dr. Long, dentist. Room 8, Dabney block. Phone 13. tf T. E. O'Ncil lnft Friday for a cruise in Mason county timber. Mrs. Geo. J. Wolff visited friends in | Montesano last week. I Hans Seiboag.left Saturday for Wash* j burne, Wis., to resid | Brushes of all kinds and ill kinds of batn house supplies at Evans Ding Co.tf Miss Mae Cloney left Fiiday evening i for a short visit with friends in Spokane. Dean's Best Coffee for breakfast makes | you happy. Pin. ne 1411. We deliver j i'ree. If j Fifteen men applied at the city jail for j lodgings and were accomodated, Satur- | day night. , For Gurney, Exoreos or Dray, call 14 A-A Star Transfer. Your orders proinpt- j ly tilled. tf I The Review Club will meet tomorrow I afternoon with M'S. L. L. i'rask on West Fifth street. Miss Lizzie Gradl has entered the | Grays Harbor Business College, to take | a course in shoi tliand. Tne mills of the Aberdeen Lumber & I Shinssle Co. (tid not start up as was ill- I tended, on account of the snow storm. The ground hog suw his shadow yes- terday ami retired for six weeks, and the snow today looks as if he kuew his business. Q'li'e a delegation of Aberdeen Owls went to Hoquiam Friday night, where they were royally entertained by I lie lodge of that city. Miss Marguerite Jones, of Klrna, who is visiting her sister. Mrs. E. F. Jones, fell down stairs Saturday evening aud severely sprained her ankle. j The basket ball game Thursday night at the Athletic Club rooms, between the Busines College team at d the Athletic Club, was won by the latter, the score Ueing 1-1 to 13. Tnomas, the 14-montlis-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Filip, c orner of .Second and A streets, died Friday of lung trouble. The funeral took place Saturday after- noon from the family residence. Frank Wheeler will leave Wednesday for Los Angeles, where his family is vis- iting. Mr. Wheeler will go by steamer from Seattle, and take a new auto with him. At San Francisco he will be met by Rev. E. R. Prichard, anil together they will auto to Los Angeles. Rubber goods at Evans Drug Co. if Dean foi Freeh Eggs, Butter and (iro- ceries. 1 f Sheet music and musical introinents, Evans Drug Co. tf Alex. Masers left yesterday for a vi»it at Rome, Georgia. I |A. H. Newell made a businerS visit to Seattle last'week. Plenty of rending matter for idle hours at Kvans Drug Co. II Dr. Mavme MaeLafferty over Boston Store. I'll tine 1312. ti John Dragolich and family have gone to Astoria to reside. Dr I>. C. Urie ha* mnvetl to Rooms 1 2, 3, Wishkah blk. Phone 2171 or 3353, W. H. Smith has returned lo Seattle, after a visit with liio daughter, Mrs. VV. C. Judson. George Elder, a nephew of A sent Elder, is now cashier of the freight department at the railroad depot. The Elks will give a mnsicale at the lodge room tomorrow night, in honor of of Miss Suzanne Baker. Inspectors Loitl and Griffiths were down from Seattle last week, inspecting the steamer Fleetwood, Mrs. F. G. Deming went to Tacoma last week and entered the Fannie Pad- dock hospital for treatment. The "Peanut" social at the home of Mrs. J. R. Evans last Thursday evening was a very pleasant social function. Misses Josephine Frazell and Anna Trantow will graduate as tiained nurses from the Grays Haibor hospital, Febru- ary 12. The litigation among the heirs of the late M. Goldsmith ha" been settled oil! of court, to the satisfaction of all con- cerned. Mrs. B Z' , e' ,,, . vt '' «nd Mrs. A. K. An- derson, of MontesaiiO, visited Aberdeen friends last week, the guest, of Mrs. 1!. M. Locke. Sheriff McWhinney went to Everett last week, locking for itie complaining witness in an assault case that is set for tiial today. Calilwell Bros, ate sending a crew of men to Andrews cieek, wheie they will reopen thoir logging camp with about HO men, next Thursday. J. M. Birmingham assumed the duties o? chief of police Saturday, and Adam Sell euler took his new position as chief of the the department. Mrs. S. Mc lyniont enteitained the Chnstian Endeavor society of the Pres- byterian church Friday evening at her home, 301 North II stiee'. At the checker contest Thursday night, held in the reccp iou room of the A. A. A., Hoquiam took 2."i games to 21 for Ah- berdeen. Seventy-five games are to he played, the remained at lloqti am, at a date to be fixed la'c. Builds up waste tissue, promotes appetite, improves digestion, induces refreshing sleep, giving renewed strength and health. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35c, Tea or Tablets, \V. 13. Paine & Co. Mrs. Joseph I.aw died Fri lav at her home in M intt-sano. She leaves a husband and infant daughter, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Glee- eon, of Salsop, and a neice of Mrs. Levi Welch, of Aberdeen. Broadway Pharmacy Always ready to deliver goods to your home iree and quickly. TRY US. BROADWAY PHARMACY 911 - Phone - 911 ABERDEEN HERALD, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3. J9OB City Engineer Troutaiau is visiting Bellingham on business. Mrs. Hoy Magill entertained the "Four j G'e" la«t Thursday evening. Mayor A. C. Li tie, of Ksymond, was in the city Friday on business. Aberdeen Aerie of Eag es is | tanning to secure a lot and eiect a Inn . I Reuben H. Fleet was down from I Montesano Friday evening on business. A tire alarm was rung in Friday even- | ing Iroin Highland Home addition,caused ! by a binning stump which was mistaken for a house on fire. j The regular monthly smoker of the : Aberdeen Athletic club Friday night was | a very entertaining affair. An interest- I ing piog 1 a 111 ol athletic events was pulled ; 1 ff 111 a most satisfactory manner, j As we go to press the body of a drowned ! man was found floating in the Wishknh j river, at the West & Slade Grocery Co. j wharf. The body was taken to Bowes & | Kai dolph's morgue for identification. Claude Kmg, 10 years of age, had his I left foot amputated at the Abenleeu Gen- eral hospital Saturday afternoon. The ; boy was 11111 over t»y a locomotive at; ; Montesano, and hits f »<jt so badly crushed | that min |>tit rition necessary. % I The Order of Eastern Star held their I monthly social in the Ma-onic; Temple, I Friday evening, and al though the weatb- jer was exceptionally cold, there was quite I a 1111111 her pieseut. During the evening | a tegular Dutch supper was served, and j midnight came all too Boon, 1 I*, (j. Tefft visited Monti flano last I riiiirsday, in tli4 interest of the book- binding Brin of the F. G. T.-fft Co. Air. 1\ ffi 111 t. the county officers, who as- sured hitn they would be p eased to get his line of work in Chehalis county it possible instead of sending the mouey out '.f tie county. On account of having initiations, the "peculiar social" to be given by the A. iO. U. W. lodge, Friday evening, was j postponed until next bridal* evening ! This, the oldest of the fraternal insurance ordi-i", coining to the fmnt again in Aberdeen, after laying comp ratively dor in 11111 (or a year or two. Architect Troutman is preparing plana for the Knights of Pythias building, on First stieet, near G. The plans call for a two story building 50x11)0 feet the lower floor arranged foi a ball rooin, and the upper floor for lodge purpos-s. The building will cost between $0 000 and $7,01>0, including heating apparatus. The banquet held at the Washington hotel, Friday evening, by the ChehalU County Bar Association, was the most successful gathering of Ibe legil talent of the county ever held, W. VV. Boner was toast in aster, anil the I oasts responded to were many and well handled. It is the intention to hold these banquets frequently. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Rupert Steamship Co. hell la»t week, iW. K. Mactarlane was elected presi- ! dent. The company's steamship A. T. I Litntsay is .<t San Francisco, where she j has teen libelled fur debt The ship i met w itii an accident oil the South A nier- \ ic .ii ivast, which put her iu financial ! difficulties. | Peail, the t2-yeai-oM daughter of Cep-ain Peters, of trie dredger Pacific star eil for school Thursday morning, I and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon whs found nine miles up the Wishkah rivet. The child had no recollection ot how she got there, and was brought home by j Constable Dean, who was in the vicinity j on legal business. Ron! Supervisor J. B. Havnes nailed up the road to Montesano Saturday, and declares his purpose to keep it clof-ed ilu- ! til t he gravel is put on about 7,(l0t) feet in - j order to protect the county irom possible j damage suits. No one in authority j seems to know why this graveling has I been s i long delayed, and probab v i los- | iug the road will hasten it. ! 1 The basket ball contes' let,ween the' | High school teams of Centralis and Ah- | ordeen, which took place iu the gymnas- | ium, Fiiday evening, was won by Aber- ! deeii by a score of -7 to 1". The game wu- wed played, both teams iloing good i work, and the spectators were well I pleased with 'lie correctness of the plays I made, and the spirit of fairness displayed | by both teams. The tern pel atiCe convention at I<j ui. m ! Friday evening was alien led b\ deli" | gates from all parts of the ci linty and | the ChehalH County Anti-Saloon L u avUl ' I was organized with the following offi- cer : President, Kev. O. 11. McGill; vice president, Ernest Aldrich. 1. S. Griswold, >f Montesano, L. S. Dickson, of Elma, E. Spidell, of Cosmopolis, and Mrs. Bracket!, of lloquaim, were elected to represent their'towns. Abner A. Gray, a member of the Long- shoremen's Union, died at a local hos- pital at 3 a. m., Saturday. Deceased was 00 years of age, was a native of Maine and a resident of Aberdeen 19 i years. Mr. Gray, in addition to being a ] longshoreman, was a member of Aber- ' deen Lodge, No. 52, F. & A. M,, under ! whose auspices be was buried this morn- ! ing at ten o'clock, from the Bowes & 1 Randolph undertaking parlors, Rev. C. ! McDermoth officiating. The Herald la the moat widely read paper on Or ay'a Harbor. Wise adver- tiser? enow it. The Herald twice * week tella It aIL 5 THE SAVER Child or Grown Up May Deposit Savings any time between now and Feb. 15 go, 4 fSffST* figured from Jan. Ist This is to favoi" tho:e afFee'e 1 by the temporary closing of the mills, who nnv wish to save and obtain a fair interest?and forthe children who have savings in our little banks who should bring them to us ana have con- tents credited 011 their pass boo';s. Chehalis County Bank Only Exoluslvo Savings Bank in This County Closing Out Odd and End SHOES at One-Third and One=Ha!f Value Buy your Shoes while vou yet RE A L BARGA IX S. JEFF'S SHOE STORE Latest Fall Styles SUITS, COATS anil SHIRT WAISTS ?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? a' ' i rurtrai Only Exclusive Tailor Made Ladies' Hoinc on Grays Harbor. S. STELLA JORDAN ~ 303 East Market Street. * LADIES' RUBBER BOuTS TO CLOSE'OUT. AT ANY OLD PRICK CEO. FISHER The Reliable Clothier 41 I Keren St Fresh Groceries, Butter, Eggs, Fruits, Vegetables.. Prices low as the lowest for the quality of floods we handle. We court your patronage. Die? a Rye TEA ' coffe e and CROCKERY STORE 211 South G Street PHONE 1411 Penny Arcade and (i Ms Moving Pictures ® Tlie Latest Songs CENT 11=: ? ??I????? """ Illustrated Songs of Best Artists, 5 cents < HOUSE OF CALL FOR LADIES Cosey Retiring Rooms Free No Improper Characters Allowed. Miss Vera Crawford, Lady Manager "MADE IN ABERDEEN" First Class Brick: Always Ready for Delivery Warranted Equal to Any Shipped in from Abroad Examine/These Brick and Get Prices Before Ordering- Aberdeen Brick Works A J p?ir a "

UNION BANK & TRUST CO.is hackcd by

Leadings Gitizens of /Aberdeen

worth collectively eves* one million dollars

OFFICERS DIRECTORSFrank G. Jones, - President FRANK G. JONES. A. RUPERT.A Runort - - Vice-President HD. WARREN JH. READ.

W B Mack, - Vice-President GEO. J. WOLFF. C. W. YANA.

Zod O. Fui.th - Secretary FRED C. FURTH. R. J. ELLIOTT.

H. O. Warren, - Cashier W, B. MACK.






These Men Stand for Conservatism and Safety in

Management, and Invite the Patronage of the People

i Tales of thn Town Terssly sold.It u.

Magazines up-to-date, Evans Drug

Co.G. Canterbury, dentist, over State

Bank.' «»-tf

William Hunter is up from Ocosta on


Just a line of beautiful valentines at

Evans Diug Co.

Dr. G. E. Chamberlain went to Seattle

Friday on business.

Dr. G. E. Chamberlain, Rooms S, 0,

and 10, Dabney Biock. tf

J. W. Parks was n passenger for Seat-

tle on this morning'* train.

Dr. O. R. Austin, Rooms 19-20, Doiisblock, over Dean's tea store. tf

J. D. Moody, of Everett, is in the city,

looking sifter his interests here.

Dr. E. E. Lane, Dentist. Hayes &

Hayes building. Telephone 177. If

Daniel Gillies returned to South Bendtoday, after a visit with bis fainiiy.

Valentine's Day is soon here andEvans Drug Co. is prepared for it. tf

A. T. Renfro returned to Tacoma Sat-

urday, afier a visit with Aberdeen friends.

Dr. D. C. Urip has moved to Rooms 1,2,3, vVishlcah blk. Phone 2171 or 3353.

Mis. Louis Burnett left Saturday, to

join Mr, Burnett, at Green River hot

springs.For Gurney, Express or Dray, call 14.

A-A Star Transfer. Your ordcis prompt-ly filled. tf

E. W. Wood left tliis morning for a

visit to his old home, at Charleston,

West Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maefarlane left

for San Francisco Saturday, where they

will visit « few weeks.A. W. Nellson, of New York, who h s

been looking after his timber iniereste

here, left for his home Saturday.

Dr. A. S. Austin, Hayes & HayesBank Bidg., over l'aiue's Drug Store.Residence Grays Harbor Hospital, tf

A meeting of the citizens of the sixth

ward Thursday evening declared in favor

of the immediate filling of the tid - lands.

Misses Marjory and Elizabeth Girtonentertained the Q. V. club Thursday

evening at their home, 315 Last Fourth


H. B. McNeil will leave this week for

Motes Lake, Douglas county, where Mrs.

McNeil has been holding down a home-

stead since last spring.

The ladies of the Congregational church

will hold an old fashioned social at the

home of Rev. and Mrs. C. McDermoth,next Wednesday evening.

Mis. E. H. Piummer wont to SouthBend, Friday morning, to join her hus-

band, who is doing work for the Fost-Intelligeucer in that lerritory.

G. R. Gugieh and Tom Hnntledge wereboth ban led a tine of $10 by Judge

Loomi", Saturday morning, for trying to

paint Hume street red on Friday night.

A number of bicycles are held at the

police headquarters, awaiting owners.It is the intention of the chief of police

to sell these wheels if no owners show

UP- . . ,

The report of the police justice for

Janu.tr>'shows 90 arrests and $325 cash

collected. Many of those who were dealt

with had to work out the fines on the

streets.Why get up in the morning feeling

blue,Worry others and worry you;Here's a secret between you and me,

Better take Rocky Mountain Tea.

?W. B. Paine & Co.

Contractor F. A. Keasel completed

the sewers in District B last week, and

the work is ready for acceptance by the

city council. Mr. Keasel also ha 9 thecontract for Sewer District C and 15,

which I.e will build in the spring.If you suffer with indigestion, con-

stipation, feel mean and cross, nostrength or appetite, your system isunhealthy, llollister's Rocky Moun-tain Tea makes the system strong andhealthy. 35c, Tea or Tablets, at \\ .B. Paine & Co.

I Dr. Smith, Osteopath. 7-8, I' O block.

I The Herald twice a week tells It sli

Take your prescriptions to Evanß Drugj Co 'I

I Chest protectors, all prices, Evans! Drug Co. tf

' H. S. News by left Ft May for Harlan,

lowa, to reside.! A fresh supply of f.owney's candies at

Evans Di ug Co. tf

Albert Town'end went to Seattle on

business today.For coughs anil col>l» try Evans White

Pine Cough Cure. tf

B. F. John«on left this morning forRaymond on business.

Dr. Long, dentist. Room 8, Dabneyblock. Phone 13. tf

T. E. O'Ncil lnft Friday for a cruise inMason county timber.

Mrs. Geo. J. Wolff visited friends in

| Montesano last week.

I Hans Seiboag.left Saturday for Wash*

j burne, Wis., to resid

| Brushes of all kinds and ill kinds ofbatn house supplies at Evans Ding Co.tf

Miss Mae Cloney left Fiiday eveningi for a short visit with friends in Spokane.

Dean's Best Coffee for breakfast makes| you happy. Pin. ne 1411. We deliverj i'ree. If

j Fifteen men applied at the city jail forj lodgings and were accomodated, Satur-

| day night. ,

For Gurney, Exoreos or Dray, call 14A-A Star Transfer. Your orders proinpt-

j ly tilled. tf

I The Review Club will meet tomorrow

I afternoon with M'S. L. L. i'rask on WestFifth street.

Miss Lizzie Gradl has entered the

| Grays Harbor Business College, to take

| a course in shoi tliand.Tne mills of the Aberdeen Lumber &

I Shinssle Co. (tid not start up as was ill-

I tended, on account of the snow storm.

The ground hog suw his shadow yes-terday ami retired for six weeks, andthe snow today looks as if he kuew hisbusiness.

Q'li'e a delegation of Aberdeen Owlswent to Hoquiam Friday night, wherethey were royally entertained by I lielodge of that city.

Miss Marguerite Jones, of Klrna, whois visiting her sister. Mrs. E. F. Jones,fell down stairs Saturday evening audseverely sprained her ankle.

j The basket ball game Thursday nightat the Athletic Club rooms, between theBusines College team at d the AthleticClub, was won by the latter, the scoreUeing 1-1 to 13.

Tnomas, the 14-montlis-old son of Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Filip, c orner of .Secondand A streets, died Friday of lung trouble.The funeral took place Saturday after-noon from the family residence.

Frank Wheeler will leave Wednesdayfor Los Angeles, where his family is vis-iting. Mr. Wheeler will go by steamer

from Seattle, and take a new auto withhim. At San Francisco he will be met

by Rev. E. R. Prichard, anil together

they will auto to Los Angeles.

Rubber goods at Evans Drug Co. if

Dean foi Freeh Eggs, Butter and (iro-

ceries. 1 f

Sheet music and musical introinents,Evans Drug Co. tf

Alex. Masers left yesterday for a vi»it

at Rome, Georgia.

I |A. H. Newell made a businerS visit to

Seattle last'week.

Plenty of rending matter for idle hoursat Kvans Drug Co. II

Dr. Mavme MaeLafferty over BostonStore. I'lltine 1312. ti

John Dragolich and family have goneto Astoria to reside.

Dr I>. C. Urie ha* mnvetl to Rooms 12, 3, Wishkah blk. Phone 2171 or 3353,

W. H. Smith has returned lo Seattle,after a visit with liio daughter, Mrs. VV.C. Judson.

George Elder, a nephew of A sent Elder,is now cashier of the freight departmentat the railroad depot.

The Elks will give a mnsicale at thelodge room tomorrow night, in honor ofof Miss Suzanne Baker.

Inspectors Loitl and Griffiths were

down from Seattle last week, inspectingthe steamer Fleetwood,

Mrs. F. G. Deming went to Tacomalast week and entered the Fannie Pad-

dock hospital for treatment.

The "Peanut" social at the home ofMrs. J. R. Evans last Thursday eveningwas a very pleasant social function.

Misses Josephine Frazell and AnnaTrantow will graduate as tiained nursesfrom the Grays Haibor hospital, Febru-ary 12.

The litigation among the heirs of thelate M. Goldsmith ha" been settled oil!of court, to the satisfaction of all con-


Mrs. B Z' ,e' ,,, .vt '' «nd Mrs. A. K. An-derson, of MontesaiiO, visited Aberdeenfriends last week, the guest, of Mrs. 1!.M. Locke.

Sheriff McWhinney went to Everettlast week, locking for itie complainingwitness in an assault case that is set for

tiial today.

Calilwell Bros, ate sending a crew ofmen to Andrews cieek, wheie they willreopen thoir logging camp with about HO

men, next Thursday.

J. M. Birmingham assumed the duties

o? chief of police Saturday, and Adam

Sell euler took his new position as chief

of the the department.

Mrs. S. Mc lyniont enteitained the

Chnstian Endeavor society of the Pres-byterian church Friday evening at herhome, 301 North II stiee'.

At the checker contest Thursday night,held in the reccp iou room of the A. A.A., Hoquiam took 2."i games to 21 for Ah-

berdeen. Seventy-five games are to he

played, the remained at lloqti am, at a

date to be fixed la'c.Builds up waste tissue, promotes

appetite, improves digestion, inducesrefreshing sleep, giving renewedstrength and health. That's whatHollister's Rocky Mountain Tea willdo. 35c, Tea or Tablets, \V. 13. Paine& Co.

Mrs. Joseph I.aw died Fri lav at

her home in M intt-sano. She leavesa husband and infant daughter, and was

a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Glee-eon, of Salsop, and a neice of Mrs. LeviWelch, of Aberdeen.

Broadway PharmacyAlways ready to deliver goods to your home

iree and quickly. TRY US.

BROADWAY PHARMACY911 - Phone - 911


City Engineer Troutaiau is visitingBellingham on business.

Mrs. Hoy Magill entertained the "Fourj G'e" la«t Thursday evening.

Mayor A. C. Li tie, of Ksymond, wasin the city Friday on business.

Aberdeen Aerie of Eag es is | tanningto secure a lot and eiect a Inn .

I Reuben H. Fleet was down fromI Montesano Friday evening on business.

A tire alarm was rung in Friday even-

| ing Iroin Highland Home addition,caused! by a binning stump which was mistakenfor a house on fire.

j The regular monthly smoker of the: Aberdeen Athletic club Friday night was

| a very entertaining affair. An interest-I ing piog 1 a 111 ol athletic events was pulled

; 1 ff 111 a most satisfactory manner,

j As we go to press the body of a drowned! man was found floating in the Wishknh

j river, at the West & Slade Grocery Co.j wharf. The body was taken to Bowes &

| Kai dolph's morgue for identification.Claude Kmg, 10 years of age, had his

I left foot amputated at the Abenleeu Gen-eral hospital Saturday afternoon. The

; boy was 11111 over t»y a locomotive at;; Montesano, and hits f »<jt so badly crushed

| that min |>tit rition necessary. %

I The Order of Eastern Star held their

I monthly social in the Ma-onic; Temple,I Friday evening, and al though the weatb-jer was exceptionally cold, there was quite

I a 1111111 her pieseut. During the evening

| a tegular Dutch supper was served, andj midnight came all too Boon,

1 I*, (j. Tefft visited Monti flano lastI riiiirsday, in tli4 interest of the book-binding Brin of the F. G. T.-fft Co. Air.

1\ ffi 111 t. the county officers, who as-sured hitn they would be p eased to get

his line of work in Chehalis county itpossible instead of sending the moueyout '.f tie county.

On account of having initiations, the"peculiar social" to be given by the A.

iO. U. W. lodge, Friday evening, was

j postponed until next bridal* evening! This, the oldest of the fraternal insuranceordi-i", i» coining to the fmnt again inAberdeen, after laying comp rativelydor in 11111 (or a year or two.

Architect Troutman is preparing planafor the Knights of Pythias building, onFirst stieet, near G. The plans call fora two story building 50x11)0 feet thelower floor arranged foi a ball rooin, andthe upper floor for lodge purpos-s. Thebuilding will cost between $0 000 and$7,01>0, including heating apparatus.

The banquet held at the Washingtonhotel, Friday evening, by the ChehalUCounty Bar Association, was the mostsuccessful gathering of Ibe legil talentof the county ever held, W. VV. Bonerwas toast inaster, anil the I oasts respondedto were many and well handled. It isthe intention to hold these banquets


At a meeting of the stockholders of theRupert Steamship Co. hell la»t week,

iW. K. Mactarlane was elected presi-! dent. The company's steamship A. T.

I Litntsay is .<t San Francisco, where shej has teen libelled fur debt The ship

i met w itii an accident oil the South A nier-

\ ic .ii ivast, which put her iu financial! difficulties.| Peail, the t2-yeai-oM daughter ofCep-ain Peters, of trie dredger Pacificstar eil for school Thursday morning, Iand at 3 o'clock in the afternoon whs

found nine miles up the Wishkah rivet.The child had no recollection ot how shegot there, and was brought home by

j Constable Dean, who was in the vicinityj on legal business.

Ron! Supervisor J. B. Havnes nailedup the road to Montesano Saturday, anddeclares his purpose to keep it clof-ed ilu-

! til t he gravel is put on about 7,(l0t) feet in -jorder to protect the county irom possible

j damage suits. No one in authorityj seems to know why this graveling hasI been s i long delayed, and probab v i los-

| iug the road will hasten it. !1 The basket ball contes' let,ween the'| High school teams of Centralis and Ah-

| ordeen, which took place iu the gymnas-

| ium, Fiiday evening, was won by Aber-! deeii by a score of -7 to 1". The gamewu- wed played, both teams iloing good

i work, and the spectators were well

I pleased with 'lie correctness of the playsI made, and the spirit of fairness displayed| by both teams.

The tern pel atiCe convention at I<jui. m

! Friday evening was alien led b\ deli"| gates from all parts of the ci linty and

| the ChehalH County Anti-Saloon Lu avUl '

I was organized with the following offi-cer : President, Kev. O. 11. McGill;vice president, Ernest Aldrich. 1. S.Griswold, >f Montesano, L. S. Dickson,of Elma, E. Spidell, of Cosmopolis, andMrs. Bracket!, of lloquaim, were electedto represent their'towns.

Abner A. Gray, a member of the Long-

shoremen's Union, died at a local hos-pital at 3 a. m., Saturday. Deceasedwas 00 years of age, was a native of

Maine and a resident of Aberdeen 19

i years. Mr. Gray, in addition to being a

] longshoreman, was a member of Aber-' deen Lodge, No. 52, F. & A. M,, under

! whose auspices be was buried this morn-! ing at ten o'clock, from the Bowes &

1 Randolph undertaking parlors, Rev. C.! McDermoth officiating.

The Herald la the moat widely read

paper on Oray'a Harbor. Wise adver-

tiser? enow it.

The Herald twice * week tella It aIL



Grown Up

May Deposit Savingsany time

between now and Feb. 15go, 4 fSffST*

figured from Jan. IstThis is to favoi" tho:e afFee'e 1 by the temporary

closing of the mills, who nnv wish to save and obtain afair interest?and forthe children who have savings in ourlittle banks who should bring them to us ana have con-tents credited 011 their pass boo';s.

Chehalis County BankOnly Exoluslvo Savings Bank in This County

Closing Out Odd and End

SHOESat One-Third and One=Ha!f Value

Buy your Shoes while vou yet



Latest Fall StylesSUITS, COATS anil SHIRT WAISTS

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Only Exclusive Tailor Made Ladies' Hoincon Grays Harbor.


303 East Market Street. *


CEO. FISHERThe Reliable Clothier 41 I Keren St

Fresh Groceries, Butter,Eggs, Fruits, Vegetables..

Prices low as the lowest for the quality offloods we handle. We court your patronage.

Die? a Rye TEA' coffe e andCROCKERY STORE

211 South G Street PHONE 1411

Penny Arcade and (i Ms

Moving Pictures ® Tlie Latest Songs

CENT 11=:???I?????


Illustrated Songs of Best Artists, 5 cents <

HOUSE OF CALL FOR LADIESCosey Retiring Rooms Free

No Improper Characters Allowed.Miss Vera Crawford, Lady Manager


First Class Brick:Always Ready for Delivery

Warranted Equal to Any Shipped in from Abroad

Examine/These Brick and Get Prices Before Ordering-

Aberdeen Brick Works A J p?ir a "
