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Appendix A: CSLAP 2009 Lake Water Quality Summary: Lake Oscaleta General Lake Information Location town of South Salem County Westchester Basin Lower Hudson River Size 23.3 hectares (57.6 acres) Lake Origins natural Watershed Area 645 hectares (1593.2 acres) Retention Time 0.7 years Mean Depth 6.8 meters Sounding Depth 11.5 meters Public Access? no Major Tributaries no named tribs Lake Tributary To… Lake Waccabuc to Waccabuc River to Cross River to Cross River Reservoir to…to Hudson River WQ Classification B (contact recreation = swimming) Lake Outlet Latitude 41.297 Lake Outlet Longitude -73.569 Sampling Years 2006-2009 2009 Samplers Paul Lewis, Barbara Posner, Richard Karl, Jan Andersen, and Lou Feeney Main Contact Janet Andersen Lake Map (sampling location marked with a circle)

Appendix A: CSLAP 2009 Lake Water Quality Summary: Lake Oscaleta 

General Lake Information  Location town of South Salem County Westchester Basin Lower Hudson River Size 23.3 hectares (57.6 acres) Lake Origins natural Watershed Area 645 hectares (1593.2 acres) Retention Time 0.7 years Mean Depth 6.8 meters Sounding Depth 11.5 meters Public Access? no Major Tributaries no named tribs Lake Tributary To… Lake Waccabuc to Waccabuc River to Cross River to Cross

River Reservoir to…to Hudson River WQ Classification B (contact recreation = swimming) Lake Outlet Latitude 41.297 Lake Outlet Longitude -73.569 Sampling Years 2006-2009 2009 Samplers Paul Lewis, Barbara Posner, Richard Karl, Jan Andersen, and

Lou Feeney Main Contact Janet Andersen

Lake Map  (sampling location marked with a circle)

Background   Lake Oscaleta is a 58 acre lake found in the town of Lewisboro in Westchester County,

just north of the New York City region of New York State. The lake was first sampled as part of CSLAP in 2006.

It is one of 15 CSLAP lakes among the >120 lakes found in Westchester County, and one

of 41 CSLAP lakes among the >350 lakes and ponds in the Lower Hudson River drainage basin.

Lake Uses  Lake Oscaleta is a Class B lake- this means that the best intended use for the lake is for

contact recreation—bathing and swimming, non-contact recreation—boating and fishing, aquatic life, and aesthetics. The lake is used by lake residents and invited guests for a variety of recreational purposes, and there is no public access to the lake.

The following local stocking record is reported by the Three Lakes Council for Lake

Oscaleta, Lake Oscaleta, and Lake Rippowam: 1996 -no stocking 1997- ? 1998- 500 small mouth bass, 250 each in Rippowam and Oscaleta 1999- 1000 11" brown trout, 800 in Waccabuc, 200 in Oscaleta 2000- 500 11" brown trout 2001- 420 11" brown trout, 300 in Waccabuc, 120 in Oscaleta 2002- no stocking 2003- 500 10" brown trout, 350 in Waccabuc, 150 in Oscaleta 2004- 650 11" brown trout, 400 in Waccabuc, 250 in Oscaleta 2005- ? 2006- 650 11” brown trout, 425 in Waccabuc and 225 in Oscaleta 2007- no stocking 2008- 350 brown trout in Oscaleta 2009- 500 11" brown trout, 200 in Waccabuc and 300 in Oscaleta

The state record hybrid striped bass was caught in Lake Rippowam in 2000, as cited in the Cedar Eden report.

General statewide fishing regulations are applicable in Lake Oscaleta. In addition, local

regulations include a limit of 5 bass (small or large mouth) with a size limit of 12” from June 21st to November 30th, 5 trout of any size from April 1st to October 15th, 5 pickerel with a size limit of 15” between May 3rd and March 15th, 25 crappie with a size limit of 9”, 50 perch or sunfish of any size, and no catch or size limit for carp or suckers.  

Historical Water Quality Data 

CSLAP sampling was conducted on Lake Oscaleta each year from 2006-2009. The CSLAP reports for each of the past several years can be found on the NYSFOLA website at www.nysfola.org, under NYS Lake Association Lake List.

Lake Oscaleta was sampled in 1987 as part of the Adirondack Lake Survey Corporation

(ALSC) study of >1500 lakes in the Adirondacks and southern New York. These data show that Lake Oscaleta was less productive in 1987 than in recent years, based on slightly higher water transparency and lower nutrient levels. Dissolved oxygen readings were depressed near the lake bottom, although these readings did not bottom out. The lake was dominated by submergent plants- although milfoil and pondweeds were identified, it was not reported if these corresponded to exotic species. Phragmites was found at the lake. The lake was also sampled by Cedar Eden Environmental LLC in 2003 in anticipation of developing a Lake and Watershed Management Plan for the lake.

It is not known if local monitoring has been conducted as a fisheries management tool, or

to evaluate swimming conditions in the lake. None of the ephemeral inlets has been monitored through the NYSDEC Rotating

Intensive Basins (RIBS) program or the state stream macroinvertebrate monitoring program. The lake was not been sampled by DEC fisheries staff in support of fish stocking activities.

Lake Association and Management History  Lake Oscaleta (and its sister lakes Lake Rippowam and Lake Waccabuc) is served by the

Three Lakes Council, which was organized in 1970 and has been involved in a variety of lake and watershed management activities. These include:

• setting up a Google Group to support communication on lake stewardship and watershed

topics • providing education about yard care- phosphorus, yard waste, pet care, invasives, town

wetland permits re: docks, • setting boat speed limits (25hp town law Waccabuc, 10hp town law Oscaleta/Rippowam,

no 25hp motors allowed at Two Lake club beach) • fish stocking and encouraging participating in creel census • conducting residential surveys • conducting egg addling to control nuisance waterfowl

The Three Lakes Council maintains a website at http://www.threelakescouncil.org.


Summary of 2009 CSLAP Sampling Results 

  Evaluation of Eutrophication Indicators 

Chlorophyll a and total phosphorus readings were lower than normal in 2009, but water clarity readings were close to normal, and no long-term trends have been apparent in any of these indicators (although it may be too early to tell). The lake continues to be characterized as mesoeutrophic, based on water clarity (typical of mesotrophic lakes), total phosphorus and chlorophyll a (both typical of eutrophic lakes). The TSI evaluation suggests that each of the trophic indicators are “internally consistent,” with readings for each of the trophic indicators within the expected range. Overall trophic conditions are summarized in the Lake Scorecard.

  Evaluation of Potable Water Indicators  Algae levels may be sufficiently high to render the lake susceptible to taste and odor compounds or elevated DBP (disinfection by product) compounds that could affect the potability of the water, but the lake is not classified for this use. Deepwater ammonia and phosphorus readings are higher to those at the lake surface, and would likely impact deepwater intakes for potable water use. The deepwater iron, manganese and arsenic results from 2009 have not been received at the time of the writing of this report.

  Evaluation of Limnological Indicators  Most of the CSLAP water quality indicators were close to normal in 2009. NOx and total nitrogen readings were lower than normal, but it is likely that none of the changes in 2009 appear to be part of any long-term changes. However, it is premature to assess long-term trends with only four years of water quality data. Overall limnological conditions are summarized in the Lake Scorecard.

  Evaluation of Biological Condition  Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macroinvertebrate data have not been collected through CSLAP at Lake Oscaleta.

The CSLAP macrophyte surveys conducted by the ALSC, Allied Biological and CSLAP identified at least 23 different aquatic plant species at the lake, including one protected plant species (Potamogeton diversifolius, threadleaf pondweed) and four exotic plant species (Myriophyllum spicatum, Eurasian watermilfoil; Najas minor, brittle naiad; Phragmites sp, Phragmites; and Potamogeton crispus, curly-leafed pondweed). The modified FQI indicates that the quality of the aquatic plant community is “fair”.

Fish information collected through the ALSC indicates a mix of coldwater (at least one

species), coolwater (at least three species) and warmwater (at least ten species) fish. This suggests that the lake is primarily a warmwater fishery.

  Evaluation of Lake Perception 

Water quality assessments, aquatic plant coverage and recreational assessments were close to normal in 2009. None of these indicators of lake perception has exhibited any clear long-term trends. Overall lake perception is summarized in the Lake Scorecard.

  Evaluation of Local Climate Change 

Neither air temperature nor water temperature were significantly different in 2009, and no long-term changes have been apparent in either indirect indicator of local climate change.

Lake Scorecard Category  Indicator  Classification  2009 Change?  Long Term 

Change? Eutrophication Indicators  Water Clarity  Mesotrophic No  Too early to tell

  Chlorophyll a  Eutrophic Lower than normal  Too early to tell

  Total Phosphorus  Eutrophic Lower than normal  Too early to tell

Potable Water Indicators  Hypolimnetic Ammonia Highly Elevated  

  Hypolimnetic Arsenic  

  Hypolimnetic Iron   

  Hypolimnetic Manganese  

Limnological Indicators  Hypolimnetic Phosphorus Higher Than Surface TP  

  Nitrate + Nitrite  Low NOx Lower than normal  Too early to tell

  Ammonia  Low Ammonia No  Too early to tell

  Total Nitrogen  Low Total Nitrogen Lower than normal  Too early to tell

  pH  Alkaline No  Too early to tell

  Specific Conductance Intermediate No  Too early to tell

True Color  Intermediate Color No  Too early to tell

Calcium  May be Susceptible to Zebra Mussels No  Too early to tell

Lake Perception  WQ Assessment  Not Quite Crystal Clear No  Too early to tell

  Aquatic Plant Coverage Subsurface Plant Growth No  Too early to tell

  Recreational Assessment Excellent No  Too early to tell

Biological Condition  Phytoplankton  Not measured through CSLAP  Not known  Not known 

  Macrophytes “Fair’ quality of aquatic plant community 

Not known  Not known 

  Zooplankton  Not measured through CSLAP  Not known  Not known 

  Macroinvertebrates  Not measured through CSLAP  Not known  Not known 

  Fish  Warmwater fishery  Not known  Not known 

  Invasive Species Eurasian watermilfoil, brittle naiad, curly leafed pondweed, phragmites 

Not known  Not known 

Local Climate Change  Air Temperature  No  Too early to tell

  Water Temperature  No  Too early to tell


Evaluation of Lake Condition Impacts to Lake Uses 

The 2007 NYSDEC Priority Waterbody Listings (PWL) for the Lower Hudson River drainage basin indicate that recreation may be stressed by excessive weeds and algae in Lake Oscaleta. The PWL listing for Lake Oscaleta can be found in Appendix C (the “Snyders Lake” reference represents an error in the posted listing, and will be corrected in future generations of the listing).

Potable Water (Drinking Water) The CSLAP dataset at Lake Oscaleta, including water chemistry data, physical

measurements, and volunteer samplers’ perception data, is inadequate to evaluate the use of the lake for potable water, and the lake is not used for this purpose.

Contact Recreation (Swimming) The CSLAP dataset at Lake Oscaleta, including water chemistry data, physical

measurements, and volunteer samplers’ perception data, suggests that swimming and contact recreation should be fully supported. Additional information about bacteria levels is needed to determine if pathogens impact swimming.

Non­Contact Recreation (Boating and Fishing) The CSLAP dataset on Lake Oscaleta, including water chemistry data, physical

measurements, and volunteer samplers’ perception data, suggest that non-contact recreation may be stressed by excessive weeds and the presence of Eurasian watermilfoil.

Aquatic Life The CSLAP dataset on Lake Oscaleta, including water chemistry data and physical

measurements, suggest that aquatic life may be stressed by deepwater anoxia and slightly elevated pH. Additional data are needed to evaluate the food and habitat conditions for aquatic organisms in the lake.

Aesthetics The CSLAP dataset on Lake Oscaleta, including volunteer samplers’ perception data,

suggest that aesthetics should be fully supported.

Fish Consumption There are no fish consumption advisories on Lake Oscaleta.

Additional Comments and Recommendations 

Aquatic plant surveys should continue to be conducted at Lake Oscaleta to determine if the plant community is comprised by other plants, or if the Brazilian elodea in Lake Waccabuc has migrated into this lake.

Aquatic Plant IDs­2009 None submitted for identification


Time Series: Trophic Indicators, 2009  

Time Series: Trophic Indicators, Typical Year (2006­2009) 
















3/28/2009 5/27/2009 7/26/2009 9/24/2009 11/23/2009 1/22/2010


, m



d C


, µg





















d (m


TP a

nd C







June July Aug Sept OctMay Nov

 Time Series: Lake Perception Indicators, 2009   

  Time Series: Lake Perception Indicators, Typical Year (2006­2009) 







3/28/2009 5/27/2009 7/26/2009 9/24/2009 11/23/2009 1/22/2010



n Clarity



Most Favorable

Least Favorable









May June July Aug Sept OctMost


Least Favorable





Appendix B­ CSLAP Water Quality Sampling Results for Lake Oscaleta 

LNum LName Date Zbot Zsd Zsamp Tot.P NO3 NH4 TDN TN/TP TColor pH Cond25 Ca Chl.a205 L Oscaleta 6/12/2006 10.6 2.26 1.5 0.024 0.03 0.04 17 7.78 135 15.6 10.46205 L Oscaleta 6/25/2006 10.7 2.25 1.5 0.034 0.02 0.02 12 7.62 128 0.16205 L Oscaleta 7/9/2006 10.5 2.35 1.5 0.016 0.01 0.06 0.48 29.63 15 8.89 121 4.97205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2006 11.0 2.50 1.5 0.030 0.01 0.01 0.50 16.68 21 8.70 133 8.11205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2006 10.8 1.70 1.5 0.055 0.02 0.03 0.57 10.32 35 9.11 131 11.7 24.62205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2006 10.6 0.50 1.5 0.031 0.01 0.01 24 9.36 124 53.64205 L Oscaleta 9/9/2006 10.7 3.10 1.5 0.036 0.02 0.12 0.80 22.02 18 7.68 138 5.17205 L Oscaleta 10/7/2006 10.8 2.35 1.5 0.024 0.01 0.05 0.48 19.99 15 7.39 151 10.07205 L Oscaleta 7/7/2007 10.8 4.05 1.5 0.012 0.01 0.03 0.37 70.8 17 7.54 150 11.9 3.68205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2007 10.8 2.93 1.5 0.018 0.01 0.01 0.42 51.1 15 8.56 108 7.55205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2007 10.8 3.60 1.5 0.019 0.01 0.01 0.60 70.3 16 8.15 131 2.90205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2007 10.8 3.40 1.5 0.017 0.00 0.01 0.66 85.9 8 7.98 131 7.37205 L Oscaleta 9/2/2007 10.8 3.88 1.5 0.030 0.00 0.01 0.61 44.6 17 7.14 112 11.9 4.48205 L Oscaleta 9/16/2007 10.7 3.05 1.5 0.017 0.01 0.01 0.48 60.8 12 7.65 137 11.11205 L Oscaleta 9/30/2007 10.9 3.30 1.5 0.015 0.04 0.02 0.68 103.4 14 8.00 121 10.85205 L Oscaleta 10/21/2007 10.7 3.30 1.5 0.025 0.01 0.02 0.76 67.7 12 7.45 124 13.35205 L Oscaleta 5/10/2008 10.9 2.85 1.5 0.021 0.01 0.02 9 8.30 129 5.25205 L Oscaleta 5/24/2008 10.8 3.20 1.5 0.019 0.02 0.04 0.38 44.39 15 8.91 156 3.76205 L Oscaleta 6/8/2008 10.7 3.35 1.5 0.017 0.02 0.34 42.38 18 8.17 172 7.53205 L Oscaleta 6/22/2008 11.5 1.85 1.5 0.016 0.00 0.01 0.49 69.15 8.75 95 12.7 4.47205 L Oscaleta 7/6/2008 10.7 2.45 1.5 0.013 0.03 0.03 0.22 37.31 16 8.22 142 6.15205 L Oscaleta 7/20/2008 10.3 2.80 1.5 0.016 0.01 0.01 0.32 44.46 12 7.72 104 3.51205 L Oscaleta 8/3/2008 10.4 3.05 1.5 0.011 0.00 0.01 0.49 97.30 13 7.51 132 3.76205 L Oscaleta 8/17/2008 10.7 3.73 1.5 0.024 0.00 0.01 0.23 21.33 9 7.81 122 12.5 4.17205 L Oscaleta 9/1/2008 10.6 3.75 1.5 0.017 0.00 0.01 0.33 43.60 23 8.27 150 3.46205 L Oscaleta 9/14/2008 10.9 2.73 1.5 0.014 0.01 0.01 0.34 53.59 16 7.43 142 8.75205 L Oscaleta 9/28/2008 10.8 2.60 1.5 0.022 0.01 0.03 0.35 36.03 15 7.79 134 16.05205 L Oscaleta 10/11/2008 10.8 2.63 1.5 0.018 0.01 0.01 0.41 51.92 7.20 152 12.28205 L Oscaleta 10/25/2008 10.8 2.00 1.5 0.022 0.01 0.06 0.39 39.86 7.10 149 15.80205 L Oscaleta 11/9/2008 10.8 2.35 1.5 0.032 0.02 0.09 7.10 157 26.14205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2008 10.6 2.50 1.5 0.031 0.04 0.09 0.50 35.98 7.10 48.04205 L Oscaleta 4/17/2009 10.8 1.8 1.5 0.025 8.73 40.2205 L Oscaleta 5/18/2009 10.8 2.3 1.5 0.021 8.01 15.3205 L Oscaleta 06/20/2009 11.0 2.80 1.5 0.017 0.00 0.02 0.37 47.60 18 7.86 143 14.7 15.27205 L Oscaleta 07/05/2009 11.0 2.50 1.5 0.019 0.01 0.01 0.39 45.29 20 8.22 158 6.49205 L Oscaleta 07/19/2009 10.8 2.90 1.5 0.018 0.02 0.02 0.36 45.13 25 8.03 71 4.61205 L Oscaleta 08/03/2009 10.8 3.05 1.5 0.017 0.01 0.02 0.32 39.83 18 7.31 124 4.65205 L Oscaleta 08/16/2009 10.7 3.55 1.5 0.015 0.01 0.06 0.32 47.47 19 7.59 127 17.5 4.20205 L Oscaleta 08/30/2009 10.8 3.15 1.5 0.017 0.01 0.01 0.30 38.76 21 7.71 139 6.70205 L Oscaleta 09/13/2009 10.4 2.80 1.5 0.014 0.01 0.04 0.36 57.71 20 7.11 137 6.20205 L Oscaleta 10/04/2009 10.7 2.95 1.5 0.015 0.01 0.01 0.34 49.25 19 7.77 140 8.20205 L Oscaleta 10/30/2009 10.9 1.85 1.5 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2009 9.3 0.030 7.06 205 L Oscaleta 6/25/2006 10.7 9.2 0.038 205 L Oscaleta 7/9/2006 10.5 9.0 0.044 205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2006 11.0 9.5 0.046 205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2006 10.8 9.0 0.051 205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2006 10.6 9.0 0.082 205 L Oscaleta 9/9/2006 10.7 9.0 0.077 205 L Oscaleta 10/7/2006 10.8 9.5 0.061 205 L Oscaleta 7/7/2007 10.8 9.0 0.057 205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2007 10.8 9.0 0.017 205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2007 10.8 9.0 0.067 205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2007 10.8 9.0 0.013 205 L Oscaleta 9/2/2007 10.8 9.0 0.089 205 L Oscaleta 9/16/2007 10.7 9.0 0.073 205 L Oscaleta 9/30/2007 10.9 9.0 0.075 205 L Oscaleta 10/21/2007 10.7 9.0 0.090 205 L Oscaleta 5/10/2008 9.0 0.028 205 L Oscaleta 5/24/2008 9.0 0.033 205 L Oscaleta 6/8/2008 9.0 0.017 205 L Oscaleta 6/22/2008 11.0 0.058 205 L Oscaleta 7/6/2008 9.2 0.063 205 L Oscaleta 7/20/2008 9.3 0.079

LNum LName Date Zbot Zsd Zsamp Tot.P NO3 NH4 TDN TN/TP TColor pH Cond25 Ca Chl.a205 L Oscaleta 8/3/2008 9.0 0.088 205 L Oscaleta 8/17/2008 9.0 0.096 205 L Oscaleta 9/1/2008 9.0 0.081 205 L Oscaleta 9/14/2008 9.0 0.066 205 L Oscaleta 9/28/2008 9.0 0.049 205 L Oscaleta 10/11/2008 0.062 205 L Oscaleta 10/25/2008 0.062 205 L Oscaleta 11/9/2008 0.039 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2008 9.0 0.027 205 L Oscaleta 4/17/2009 9.3 0.022 7.58 205 L Oscaleta 5/18/2009 9.3 0.031 7.1 205 L Oscaleta 06/20/2009 11.0 9.0 0.058 0.67 205 L Oscaleta 07/05/2009 11.0 9.5 0.062 0.80 205 L Oscaleta 07/19/2009 10.8 9.0 0.066 0.03 205 L Oscaleta 08/03/2009 10.8 9.3 0.069 0.91 205 L Oscaleta 08/16/2009 10.7 9.2 0.075 0.05 205 L Oscaleta 08/30/2009 10.8 9.2 0.075 1.42 205 L Oscaleta 09/13/2009 10.4 9.0 0.044 0.32 205 L Oscaleta 10/04/2009 10.7 9.1 0.044 1.09 205 L Oscaleta 10/30/2009 10.9 9.4 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2009 9.3 0.030 7.06

LNum LName Date TAir TH2O QA QB QC QD 205 L Oscaleta 6/12/2006 23 20 3 2 2 0 205 L Oscaleta 6/25/2006 23 24 2 2 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 7/9/2006 27 25 2 2 2 12 205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2006 25 27 2 2 2 125 205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2006 31 31 4 2 3 1234 205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2006 32 27 4 3 4 134 205 L Oscaleta 9/9/2006 29 23 2 3 2 12 205 L Oscaleta 10/7/2006 15 17 2 2 2 25 205 L Oscaleta 7/7/2007 28 25 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2007 26 25 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2007 25 28 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2007 24 25 1 3 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 9/2/2007 25 24 2 4 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 9/16/2007 20 22 2 3 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 9/30/2007 20 21 2 3 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 10/21/2007 21 18 3 3 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 5/10/2008 19 16 205 L Oscaleta 5/24/2008 20 16 2 2 2 5 205 L Oscaleta 6/8/2008 32 23 3 2 2 8 205 L Oscaleta 6/22/2008 28 25 2 4 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 7/6/2008 29 26 3 2 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 7/20/2008 30 29 2 3 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 8/3/2008 26 27 2 3 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 8/17/2008 26 25 2 3 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 9/1/2008 24 24 2 3 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 9/14/2008 27 23 3 3 3 23 205 L Oscaleta 9/28/2008 25 20 2 3 3 2 205 L Oscaleta 10/11/2008 20 17 3 3 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 10/25/2008 17 13 205 L Oscaleta 11/9/2008 15 12 2 2 2 1 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2008 8 6 2 2 2 8 205 L Oscaleta 4/17/2009 17 11 205 L Oscaleta 5/18/2009 13 17 205 L Oscaleta 06/20/2009 27 22 3 1 2 12 205 L Oscaleta 07/05/2009 23 24 2 1 2 12 205 L Oscaleta 07/19/2009 27 25 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 08/03/2009 26 2 2 1 0 205 L Oscaleta 08/16/2009 30 27 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 08/30/2009 27 25 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 09/13/2009 25 21 2 2 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 10/04/2009 23 18 3 3 2 2 205 L Oscaleta 10/30/2009 17 13 2 3 4 58 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2009 9 205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2006 8

LNum LName Date TAir TH2O QA QB QC QD 205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2006 8 205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2006 8 205 L Oscaleta 9/9/2006 8 205 L Oscaleta 10/7/2006 9 205 L Oscaleta 7/7/2007 8 205 L Oscaleta 7/22/2007 8 205 L Oscaleta 8/5/2007 8 205 L Oscaleta 8/19/2007 9 205 L Oscaleta 9/2/2007 8 205 L Oscaleta 9/16/2007 9 205 L Oscaleta 9/30/2007 9 205 L Oscaleta 10/21/2007 9 205 L Oscaleta 5/10/2008 7 205 L Oscaleta 5/24/2008 7 205 L Oscaleta 6/8/2008 7 205 L Oscaleta 6/22/2008 7 205 L Oscaleta 7/6/2008 8 205 L Oscaleta 7/20/2008 8 205 L Oscaleta 8/3/2008 8 205 L Oscaleta 8/17/2008 8 205 L Oscaleta 9/1/2008 8 205 L Oscaleta 9/14/2008 9 205 L Oscaleta 9/28/2008 9 205 L Oscaleta 10/11/2008 9 205 L Oscaleta 10/25/2008 10 205 L Oscaleta 11/9/2008 10 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2008 6 205 L Oscaleta 4/17/2009 9 205 L Oscaleta 5/18/2009 9 205 L Oscaleta 06/20/2009 9 205 L Oscaleta 07/05/2009 9 205 L Oscaleta 07/19/2009 9 205 L Oscaleta 08/03/2009 10 205 L Oscaleta 08/16/2009 10 205 L Oscaleta 08/30/2009 10 205 L Oscaleta 09/13/2009 10 205 L Oscaleta 10/04/2009 10 205 L Oscaleta 10/30/2009 12 205 L Oscaleta 11/29/2009 9


Legend Information  Indicator  Description  Detection 

Limit Standard (S) / Criteria (C) 

General Information Lnum  lake number (unique to CSLAP)     Lname  name of lake (as it appears in the Gazetteer of NYS Lakes)     Date  sampling date            Field Parameters Zbot  lake depth at sampling point, meters (m)     Zsd  Secchi disk transparency or clarity  0.1m  1.2m ( C) Zsamp  water sample depth (m)  0.1m  none Tair  air temperature ( C)   ‐10C  none TH20  water temperature ( C)   ‐10C  none        Laboratory Parameters Tot.P  total phosphorus (mg/l)  0.003 mg/l  0.020 mg/l ( C) NOx  nitrate + nitrite (mg/l)  0.01 mg/l  10 mg/l NO3 (S), 

2 mg/l  NO2  (S) 

NH4  total ammonia (mg/l)  0.01 mg/l  2 mg/l NH4 (S) TN  total nitrogen (mg/l)  0.01 mg/l  none TN/TP  nitrogen to phosphorus (molar) ratio, = (TKN + NOx)*2.2/TP    none TCOLOR  true (filtered) color (ptu, platinum color units)  1 ptu  none pH  powers of hydrogen (S.U., standard pH units)  0.1 S.U.  6.5, 8.5 S.U. (S) Cond25  specific conductance, corrected to 25C (umho/cm)  1 umho/cm  none Ca  calcium (mg/l)  1 mg/l  none Chl.a  chlorophyll a (ug/l)  0.01 ug/l  none Fe  iron (mg/l)  0.1 mg/1  0.3 mg/l  (S) Mn  manganese (mg/l)  0.01 mg/l  0.3 mg/l  (S) As  arsenic (mg/l)  1 ug/l  10 ug/l    (S)        Lake Assessment QA  water quality assessment, 5 point scale; 1 = crystal clear, 2 = not 

quite crystal clear, 3 = definite algae greenness, 4 = high algae levels, 5 = severely high algae levels 


QB  aquatic plant assessment, 5 point scale; 1 = no plants visible, 2 = plants below surface, 3 = plants at surface, 4 = plants dense at surface, 5 = surface plant coverage 


QC  recreational assessment, 5 point scale; 1 = could not be nicer, 2 = excellent, 3 = slightly impaired, 4 = substantially impaired, 5 = lake not usable 


QD  reasons for recreational assessment, 8 choices; 1 = poor water clarity, 2 = excessive weeds, 3 = too much algae, 4 = lake looks bad, 5 = poor weather, 6 = litter/surface debris, 7 = too many lake users, 8 = other 


Appendix C­ PWL Listing for Lake Oscaleta 
