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Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

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FISH I.D. Project Lance Sessions Mr. Arrington 1st Block Table of Contents Saltwater: 1 Great Barracuda 2 Peacock Flounder 3 Porbeagle 4 Blue Marlin 5 Crocodile Shark 6 Picasso Fish 7 Whitetip reef shark 8 French Angelfish 9 Sailfin Tang 10 Blackback Anemonefish 11 Clown anemonefish 12 Atlantic bluefin tuna 13 Skipjack tuna 14 Albacore 15 Fangtooth
Page 1: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington


Project Lance Sessions

Mr. Arrington

1st Block

Table of Contents


1 Great Barracuda

2 Peacock Flounder

3 Porbeagle

4 Blue Marlin

5 Crocodile Shark

6 Picasso Fish

7 Whitetip reef shark

8 French Angelfish

9 Sailfin Tang

10 Blackback Anemonefish

11 Clown anemonefish

12 Atlantic bluefin tuna

13 Skipjack tuna

14 Albacore

15 Fangtooth

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16 California sheephead

17 Chinook salmon

18 Leather Bass

19 Spiny Puffer

20 Common Dolphinfish

21 Atlantic Salmon

22 Sockeye Salmon

23 Rainbow Trout

24 Brook Trout

25 Striped Sea-Bass

26 Freshwater: channel catfish

27 North African catfish

28 electric catfish

29 sheatfish

30 green sunfish

31 bigmouth bass

32 smallmouth bass

33 redear sunfish

34 central stoneroller

35 brook stickleback

36 Macquarie perch

37 Fathead minnow

38 Longnose gar

39 Spotted gar

40 Florida gar

41 Shortnose gar

42 Alligator gar

43 White bass

44 Rock bass

45 Brown bullhead

46 Bluegill

47 Yellow bullhead

48 goldfish

49 cardinal tetra

50 black crappie

51 Saltwater invertebrates: Thimble jellyfish

52 Purplestriped jelly

53 Sea nettle

54 Lion’s mane jellyfish

55 Eared stalked jellyfish

56 Moon jelly

57 Purple-spined sea urchin

58 Long-spined sea urchin

59 Common sand dollar

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60 (Alaskan) king crab

61 Green crab

62 Florida stone crab

63 Yellowline arrow crab

64 Giant Japanese spider crab

65 Chinese mitten crab

66 Freshwater in: Freshwater jellyfish

67 Black spot flatworm

68 Eastern grass shrimp

69 Daggerblade grass shrimp

70 Asian clam

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Title: Saltwater Species#: 1

Common Name: Great Barracuda

Scientific Name: Sphyraena barracuda

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Sphyraenidae

Geography/ Habitat: The Great Barracuda lives in nearly all warm seas. They like tropical regions such

as Indo-Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. They live around coral reefs and they avoid brackish water unless

ready to spawn. They prefer water temperature between 74F and 82F, but they have been in found in

much colder water.

Life Strategy: It is not clear on the reproduction of the Great Barracuda, but they like to reproduce in

colder weather. They usually reproduce in estuaries and when they reproduce they leave their larvae, and

at about 500mm the young will move out of the estuarie and move into open water.

Food/ Feed Strategy: The fish are very aggressive fish and will eat other fish. When the Great Barracuda

is young they feed on small things like silversides, small mullets, etc. When they get older they will eat

mackerel, or even dolphin depending on their habitat. They use a sit-and-wait strategy, and their shape

and color reduces their visibility to prey.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/ Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: terminal

Citation: Fuller, B. 2000. "Sphyraena barracuda" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 13, 2011


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Title: Saltwater Species#: 2

Common Name: Peacock Flounder

Scientific Name: Bothus lunatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Pleuronectiformes

Family: Bothidae

Geography/ Habitat: The Peacock Flounder lives in tropical and subtropical regions. They can be found

off the coast of Florida, Bermuda, and down the coast of South America to Brazil. They live in clear

waters and they live on sand and rock bottoms. They can be found at depths as great as 80m.

Life Strategy: A male Peacock Flounder can reproduce with 6 different females during one mating

season. They usually mate during the change in warm and cold water, and they also usually mate just

before dusk. When mating the two fish begin to rise in the water, and after the rise a cloud of sperm and

egg is released. This rise in the water takes about 15 seconds. After mating the male checks and makes

sure mating was successful, and then the two fish swim away from each other in opposite directions.

Food/ Feed Strategy: The adult flounders are restricted to feeding on other benthic organisms. They

usually eat marine invertebrates, and they are very active eaters. They have a unique feeding behavior to

stun their prey.

● Body Form or Style: Depressiform

● Swim/ Locomotion Style: Anguilliform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Otterbein, K. 2011. "Bothus lunatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

13, 2011 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Bothus_lunatus.html.

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Title: Saltwater Species #: 3

Common Name: Porbeagle

Scientific Name: Lamna nasus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Lamniformes

Family: Lamnidae

Geography/ Habitat: Porbeagles live in the Northern Hemisphere of the Atlantic Ocean (from South

Carolina to the southern edge of Svalbard, Norway. The Porbeagle is primarily found in cold waters and is

commonly swimming alone. This fish remains off shore during winter and comes a little inshore during the

summer. The average deep is about 715m, and the average temperature is about 1C to 18C.

Life Strategy: Porbeagles mate from September to November. There are two mating grounds for the

western North Atlantic. It is found of the coast of Newfoundland and in Georges Bank in the Gulf of

Maine. While mating Porbeagles bite their mate’s pectoral fins and flanks in order to remain stable.

Porbeagles only breed once a year.

Food/ Feed Strategy: Porbeagles feed on a variety of pelagic fish including lancetfish, herring, sardines,

etc. They also may feed on other sharks, and sea snails and sea urchins, which says they are near the


● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim / Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: terminal

Citation: Edmunds, J. and R. Meredith. 2011. "Lamna nasus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 13, 2011 at


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Title: Saltwater Species #: 4

Common Name: Atlantic Blue Marlin

Scientific Name: Makaira nigricans

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Istiophoridae

Geography/ Habitat: The Blue Marlin lives in tropical warm areas in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian

Oceans. The marlin stays far from land except where the continental shelf is narrow. It prefers blue water

like the northern gulf of Mexico, and it is found in water temperatures of 22-31C

Life Strategy: In the North Atlantic the spawning season extends form July through October, and in the

southern Atlantic is when the sea surface is at 28C. In the Pacific is from December to January. The

males can spawn all year round and the females can only spawn four times in one season. For males

sexual maturity is reached at 2-4 years, and females reach sexual maturity at 120kg or below. The eggs

of a blue marlin are spherical, transparent, white to yellow in color, and around 1mm in diameter.

Food/ Feed Strategy: The blue marlin feeds vary aggressively. When it comes up on a school of fish or

invertebrates it comes at full speed and slashes through with its bill and then returns to devour the

stunned or dead prey.

● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim/ Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: terminal

Citation: Tung, L. 2003. "Makaira nigricans" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 13,

2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Makaira_nigricans.html.

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Title: Saltwater Species #: 5

Common Name: crocodile shark

Scientific Name: Pseudocarcharies kamoharai

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondricthyes Order: Lamniformes

Family: Pseudocarcharildae

Geography/ Habitat: The crocodile shark can be found in subtropical and tropical oceans of the

world. They like the open water but have been found inshore, but the average deep is about


Life Strategy: The sharks reproduce through internal fertilization. The female shark holds on to

the pups until they are hatched. The female can have up to four pups at a time. When the pups

are born they are miniature adults capable of swimming and feeding.

Food/ Feed Strategy: The crocodile shark has a very strong jaw and is able to eat a wide

variety of prey. They usually eat small bony fish, squids, and shrimp.

● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim/ Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: terminal

Citation: Sharma, N. and K. Wehrly. 2006. "Pseudocarcharias kamoharai" (On-line), Animal Diversity

Web. Accessed November 13, 2011


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Title: Saltwater Species #: 6

Common Name: picasso fish

Scientific Name: Rhinecanthus aculeatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Tetraodontiformes

Family: Balistidae

Geography/Habitat: The Picasso Fish lives in the Indo-Pacific region, and they are found in shallow

outer reef habitats. They are mainly found in water that has a salinity levels ranging from 1.020 to 1.023,

and in water that has a temperatures from seventy-seven to eighty degrees F.

Life Strategy: The Picasso Fish undergoes heterosexual reproduction, and the eggs are externally

fertilized by the male. The female has nets that she holds the baby’s until fertilized and cared for until they


Food/Feed Strategy: The Picasso Fish swims towards the bottom and feeds of the bottom. It’s diet

consists of mainly reef invertebrates and algae.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Schaffer, K. 2000. "Rhinecanthus aculeatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 21, 2011

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Title: Saltwater Species #: 7

Common Name: whitetip reef shark

Scientific Name: Triaenodon obesus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Chondrichtyes Order: Carcharhinformes

Family: Carcharhinidae

Geography/Habitat: The whitetip reef shark is found in both the Indian and Pacific oceans. The whitetip

is found in reefs and it is a nocturnal animal so it spends most of its time in caves, in the day, and at night

it roams around the reef. It is commonly found at depths of 8 and 40 meters.

Life Strategy: The whitetips have been known to travel in schools of nearly hundred to find a female

ready to mate. When mating the male bits the pectoral fin of the female and this is done so they can stay

in a vertical position. The female can give birth to 2 to 3 live sharks that are about 60 cm each.

Food/Feed Strategy: The whitetips feed very aggressive because they are in caves all day long. They

feed mainly on the bottom and they stick their head into cracks in the reef and wait for a fish. They mainly

eat boney fish, but their mouth if very good for picking up crab, lobster, and octopi off the bottom.

● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

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Citation: Biology of Fishes, A. Feldkamp and W. Fink. 2005. "Triaenodon obesus" (On-line), Animal

Diversity Web. Accessed November 21, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 8

Common Name: french angelfish

Scientific Name: Pomacanthus angelfish

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomacanthidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in coral reefs, and are found in the Western Tropical Atlantic ranges

from Florida and the Bahamas to Brazil.

Life Strategy: They reproduce at age of 3.4 years or older, and they reproduce by an egg-scattering

process. When the egg and sperm meat they develop in beds of floating plankton.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are mainly omnivorous, and they eat algae, detritus, and occasional parasites

from other fish.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

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Citation: Kilarski, S. 2000. "Pomacanthus paru" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

21, 2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Pomacanthus_paru.html.

Title: Saltwater Species #: 9

Common Name: sailfin tang

Scientific Name: Zebrasoma veliferum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Acanthuridae

Geography/Habitat: The sailfin tang is found in the Pacific Ocean. They are found in lagoons and

seaward reefs at 30 m or more.

Life Strategy: They reproduce in winter or early spring. Spawning usually occurs at dusk on the lunar

cycle. The fish become sexually mature between one and two years old. The eggs are pelagic and hatch

after one day.

Food/Feed Strategy: This fish is a diurnal herbivore and feeds on benthic algae

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

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Citation: Cater, K. and K. Wehrly. 2006. "Zebrasoma veliferum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 22, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 10

Common Name: blackback anemonefish

Scientific Name: Amphiprion frenatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomacentridae

Geography/Habitat: The blackback anemonefish are found in the Western Pacific. They inhabit lagoon

reefs with embayments.

Life Strategy: A pair of blackbacks will mate for life, but if one partner leaves then they will find another

one to replace to other one.

Food/Feed Strategy: The blackbacks will eat algae, zooplankton, and small aquatic crustaceans. The

blackback will bring food to the anemone and will eat, but when the fish drops crumbs the anemone will

eat them. In reward for the crumbs the anemone protects the fish against predators.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

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Citation: Leutheuser, K. and W. Fink. 2004. "Amphiprion frenatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 22, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 11

Common Name: clown anemonefish

Scientific Name: Amphiprion ocellaris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Pomacentridae

Geography/Habitat: The clown fish is found in the tropical parts of Asia and Australia. It inhabits coral

reefs, and is found at depths of 15 meters. It is mainly found close to anemones.

Life Strategy: During spawning the males will prepare the anemone, and then he will attract the female

by extending fins, biting, and chasing. The males are very aggressive during spawning.

Food/Feed Strategy: The clown fish is classified as an omnivore. They usually eat zooplankton,

copepods, and algae.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

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● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Newcomb, D. and W. Fink. 2004. "Amphiprion ocellaris" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 23, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 12

Common Name: atlantic bluefin tuna

Scientific Name: Thunnus thynnus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Geography/Habitat: The bluefin tuna are found in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in the subtropical and

temperate waters. They are found in both coastal and pelagic waters, and are found from the surface

down the depths of 1000 meters.

Life Strategy: The bluefin tuna reproduces by broadcast spawning. The females can lay up to 10 million

eggs each spawning period.

Food/Feed Strategy: When they eat they form feeding aggregations, and they use their ability to swim

very fast to catch their prey. They will eat almost any small fish and they will also eat kelp.

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● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Johnson, M. and K. Wehrly. 2006. "Thunnus thynnus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 23, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 13

Common Name: skipjack tuna

Scientific Name: Katsuwonus pelamis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

Geography/Habitat: Skipjacks are found in waters all over the world, but have never been caught in the

North Sea and the Black Sea. They are found in waters above 15 degrees C. They are an epipelagic fish,

and have been rarely found at depths greater than 260 m.

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Life Strategy: The skipjacks spawn all year long, and the females can have anywhere from 80000 eggs

to 1.5 million eggs.

Food/Feed Strategy: The skipjack has a wide variety of food. They feed from early morning and again in

the late afternoon.

● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Ivan, L. 2000. "Katsuwonus pelamis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 23,

2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Katsuwonus_pelamis.html.

Title: Saltwater Species #: 14

Common Name: albacore

Scientific Name: Thunnus alalunga

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Scombridae

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Geography/Habitat: The albacores are found in the subtropical regions of the North Pacific Ocean.

Albacores inhabit depths of 0 to 600 m. They also are found in water temperatures at 10 to 25 degrees C.

Life Strategy: The albacores are polygynandrous which means that when they spawn they spawn in

groups releasing egg and sperm into the water.

Food/Feed Strategy: The albacore’s diet depends on where he is. It usually eats small crustaceans

towards the bottom of the sea floor.

● Body Form or Style: Fusiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Thunniform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Hwang, M. and K. Wehrly. 2005. "Thunnus alalunga" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 23, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 15

Common Name: fangtooth

Scientific Name: Anoplogaster cornuta

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Beryciformes

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Family: Anoplogasteridae

Geography/Habitat: This fish is found worldwide, and is found at depths from 2 to 4992 m.

Life Strategy: When it spawns it latches its jaws onto their mate’s body. When they are 13 cm in length

they reach reproductive maturity.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish and shrimp.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Malhotra, R. 2011. "Anoplogaster cornuta" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 23, 2011 at


Title: Saltwater Species #: 16

Common Name: California sheephead

Scientific Name: Semicossyphus pulcher

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

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Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Labridae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and in the Gulf of Mexico. They inhabit

rocky shoreline reefs, and are found at depths of 6 to 30 m.

Life Strategy: They are polygamous which means they have dominant males maintaining a harem of the


Food/Feed Strategy: They eat benthic invertebrates.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Doan, T., L. Graves, S. Graves, I. Perez and M. Pineda. 2011. "Semicossyphus pulcher" (On-

line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 23, 2011 at


Title: Saltwater Species #: 17

Common Name: chinook salmon

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

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Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Pacific. When they are born they are born in freshwater and

then migrate to the ocean. They prefer the water temperature under 14 C for maximum survival.

Life Strategy: When they spawn they return to their natal streams at approximately the same time of

year. They can reach sexual maturity from 2-7 years.

Food/Feed Strategy: They feed on large zooplakton, herring, pilchard, sandlance and other fishes. While

in freshwater they eat smalls animals.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Scott, C. 2003. "Oncorhynchus tshawytscha" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 23, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 18

Common Name: leather bass

Scientific Name: Dermatolepis dermatolepis

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Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Serranidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found mostly in the Eastern Central Pacific and the Southeast Pacific.

They inhabit reef areas with a depth between 4 to 40 m.

Life Strategy: They reproduce in groups and when they find a mate they rush to the surface and release

a cloud of egg and sperm.

Food/Feed Strategy: They feed on small benthic fish and they hover above the rocky reefs during the

day in search for food.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Johansson, K. and W. Fink. 2004. "Dermatolepis dermatolepis" (On-line), Animal Diversity

Web. Accessed November 23, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 19

Common Name: spiny puffer

Scientific Name: Diodon holocanthus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

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Class: Actinopterygii Order: Tetraodontiformes

Family: Diodontidae

Geography/Habitat: This fish is found throughout the world. They are found in shallow areas that are

grassy flats, coral reefs, or mangrove areas.

Life Strategy: When the puffer fish is spawning the male pushes the female to the top of the water, and

the egg floats in the water until it is 10 days old. Then it is in a shell for 3 weeks and then it hatches.

Food/Feed Strategy: They have teeth on their both upper and lower jaws. It is great for cracking th

eshells of snails, sea urchins, and hermit crabs.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Kenzie, J. 2000. "Diodon holocanthus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

23, 2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Diodon_holocanthus.html.

Title: Saltwater Species #: 20

Common Name: common dolphinfish

Scientific Name: Coryphaena hippurus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

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Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Coryphaenidae

Geography/Habitat: It is found in the tropical and subtropical areas of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian

Oceans. They are commonly found near floating objects.

Life Strategy: The male and female are sexually mature at age one. They spawn two to three times per

year and can produce up to 80,000 and 1,000,000 eggs per event.

Food/Feed Strategy: They feed on teleosts, cephalopods, and crustaceans.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Bostwick, J. 2000. "Coryphaena hippurus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 23, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 21

Common Name: Atlantic salmon

Scientific Name: Salmo salar

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Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Geography/Habitat: Mainly found in the North Atlantic Ocean. They live in freshwater for 2-3 years and

then migrate to the ocean. They prefer temperatures of 4-12 C.

Life Strategy: During the spawning season the males undergo conspicuous changes in head shape. The

female deposits 700-800 eggs perpound of her somewhat adhesive for a short time.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat larvae of aquatic insects such as blackflies, stoneflies, caddisflies,

and chironomids.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Renzi, V. 1999. "Salmo salar" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 24, 2011


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Title: Salterwater Species #: 22

Common Name: sockeye salmon

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus nerka

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Geography/Habitat: Found to the western coast of North America in the Pacific Ocean. They are born in

freshwater and then migrate to the ocean to spend the rest of it’s life.

Life Strategy: They mate seasonally. The larger males reproduce more because sockeye salmon are


Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Kennedy, S. 2011. "Oncorhynchus nerka" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 24, 2011 at


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Title: Saltwater Species #: 23

Common Name: rainbow trout

Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Geography/Habitat: They are mainly found on the Pacific Coast of North America. They can be found in

freshwater, brackish, or marine waters of temperate zones. They prefer cold water around 12 C.

Life Strategy: Female find suitable nest sites, and the males guards the nest.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are insetivorous and piscivorous. They mainly feed on invertebrate larvae

drifting in mid-water.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Ridolfi, K. and K. Wehrly. 2006. "Oncorhynchus mykiss" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 24, 2011


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Title: Saltwater Species #: 24

Common Name: brook trout

Scientific Name: Salvelinus fontinalis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Salmoniformes

Family: Salmonidae

Geography/Habitat: They can be found as far south as Georgia in the Appalachian and in marine areas.

They prefer temperatures that remain below 18.8 C.

Life Strategy: Most of the time only a single male is able to fertilize the eggs that the female lays, but

sometimes more then one male can fertilize the eggs.

Food/Feed Strategy: Mainly when they are young they mainly ate aquatic insects, but when they age

they mainly eat caddisflies, mayflies, midges, and black flies.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangfirom

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Roberts, J. 2000. "Salvelinus fontinalis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

24, 2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Salvelinus_fontinalis.html.

Page 29: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater Species #: 25

Common Name: striped sea-bass

Scientific Name: Morone saxatilis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Moronidae

Geography/Habitat: They are mainly found on the Atlantic coast of the United States. They are found in

large, deep bodies of water. They prefer temperatures limit of 9 C.

Life Strategy: They reproduce in groups of about 7-8 males surround a single larger female. They push

the female to the top of the water and this causes splashing on the surface of the water. When the female

releases her eggs into the water then males release their sperm.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton, insect larvae, small crustaceans, mayflies, and larval


● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangifrom

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Wittenberg, J. 2011. "Morone saxatilis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

24, 2011 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Morone_saxatilis.html.

Title: Freshwater Species #: 26

Page 30: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Common Name: channel catfish

Scientific Name: Ictalurus punctatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Ictaluridae

Geography/Habitat: It is found in the Neartic in lower Canada and throughout the midwest of the United

States. It inhabits lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. They prefer muddy surfaces at the bottom and clear


Life Strategy: The male and female mate in the summer time, but they meat much earlier. They mate by

the male swimming past the female in the opposite direction, and the female releases her eggs into a

nest made by the female or both, and then she gaurds them until they hatch.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat snails, yellow perch, algae, snakes, frogs, insects, aquatic plants,

and even birds.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Schoonover, D. and W. Fink. 2004. "Ictalurus punctatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 27, 2011


Page 31: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 27

Common Name: North African catfish

Scientific Name: Clarias gariepinus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Clariidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and in parts of Asia. They are

found in lakes, ponds, and pools. They have adaptive to harsh environmental conditions. They can live in

water that has a pH of 6.5-8.0. They are found in temperatures of 28-30 degrees C.

Life Strategy: They breed in the summer after the rainy season. They migrate to grassy verges of rivers

and lakes, and the lay their eggs in vegetation.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are omnivores. They usually feed off of insects, plankton, snails, crabs,

shrimp, and other invertebrates.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Gunder, H. and W. Fink. 2004. "Clarias gariepinus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 27, 2011


Page 32: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 28

Common Name: electric catfish

Scientific Name: Malapterurus electricus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Silurifomres

Family: Malapteruridae

Geography/Habitat: They are found throughout western and central tropical Africa. They are generally

found among rocks or roots in waters with low visibility.

Life Strategy: Nothing much is known about the reproduction with electric catfish, but they mate in holes

that are 3 meters in length and 1 to 3 meters deep.

Food/Feed Strategy: They hunt and stun their prey with its paralyzing electrical organ discharge. They

can consume prey up to half of their size, and will eat about anything that lives in its habitat.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Ng, H. 2000. "Malapterurus electricus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

27, 2011 http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Malapterurus_electricus.html.

Page 33: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 29

Common Name: sheatfish

Scientific Name: Silurus glanis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Siluridae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in eastern Europe and Asia. They are found in large rivers and lakes

in deep water. They are sometimes found in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea.

Life Strategy: There is not much known about the reproduction on sheatfish. Males create nest where

females lay the eggs, and then males guard them until they hatch.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly feed on plankton, worms, snails, crustaceans, aquatic insects, and

small fish.

● Body Form or Style: Anguilliform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: SLONE, C. and S. Harrel. 2006. "Silurus glanis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 27, 2011


Page 34: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 30

Common Name: green sunfish

Scientific Name: Lepomis cyanellus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in central North America. They prefer small sluggish streams and


Life Strategy: They build nests around sunny areas with a gravel substrate. The males aggressively

defended the nest. Then when the nest is ready they spawn. They spawn by swimming in circles above

the nest. The males can spawn with several females simultaneously.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat insects and small snails. As adults they eat small crayfish, fish

eggs, insects, and small fish.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Clemons, E. and S. Harrel. 2006. "Lepomis cyanellus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 27, 2011


Page 35: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 31

Common Name: bigmouth bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus salmoides

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in North America, Canada, Mexico, and from the Atlantic coast.

They prefer quiet clear waters with abundant vegetation.

Life Strategy: The male builds a nest in shallow water, and then the female swims near it a lays her eggs

in the nest.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat insects, crayfish, and other fish species.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Curtis, R. and K. Wehrly. 2006. "Micropterus salmoides" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 27, 2011


Page 36: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 32

Common Name: smallmouth bass

Scientific Name: Micropterus dolomieu

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Great Lakes, Quebec, St. Lawrence, New Hampshire to North

Dakota, and the Mississippi River. They prefer the northern range and are found in cooler rivers and lakes

with rocky or sandy bottoms.

Life Strategy: The male will guard the nest, and several females may spawn in the same nest.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat crayfish, amphibians, insects, and other fish.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Whitlock, J. and W. Fink. 2004. "Micropterus dolomieu" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed November 27, 2011


Page 37: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 33

Common Name: redear sunfish

Scientific Name: Lepomis microlophus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in central and southern United States. They prefer warm and calm

waters. They are found in ponds, lakes, river backwaters, and reservoirs.

Life Strategy: Male redear sunfish make a popping nose during mating season. They do this to get the

attention of a female. Then the males make nest from sand, and they are found usually near plants. After

the female lays her eggs the male will not leave until they have hatched.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat insects and small snails

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Barbee, J. 2011. "Lepomis microlophus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November

27, 2011 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Lepomis_microlophus.html.

Page 38: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 34

Common Name: central stoneroller

Scientific Name: Campostoma anomalum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in New York and through the Great Lakes. They are found in cool,

clear, small streams with a fast current.

Life Strategy: Males begin making multiple nests. The females are usually jumping out of the water (in

the air) before spawning. Females will lay their eggs in the nest, and then they will leave. No male or

female will guard the eggs.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat diatoms and filamentous algae. They also eat detritus, inorganic

material, and blue-green algae.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Gagnon, C. 2011. "Campostoma anomalum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

November 27, 2011 at


Page 39: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 35

Common Name: brook stickleback

Scientific Name: Culaea inconstans

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Gasterosteiformes

Family: Gasterosteidae

Geography/Habitat: They are mainly found in the Arctic and Atlantic drainages from Nova Scotia to the

northern territories of Canada. They inhabit shallow edges of cool clear lakes and ponds.

Life Strategy: Males build the nest and the female comes and lays her eggs, and the males defend the

nest until the babies are born.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are carnivorous feeders on aquatic invertebrates.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: 2011. "Culaea inconstans" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed November 27, 2011 at


Page 40: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 36

Common Name: Macquarie perch

Scientific Name: Macquaria australasica

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Percichthyidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in Australia. They live in rivers and deep streams and rocky pools.

They favor cool water with slow-moving riffles.

Life Strategy: They migrate upstream in schools. The males nudge the females vent region which

causes the release of eggs. The females mate each year.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat aquatic invertebrates.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Kosakowski, L. and K. Wehrly. 2006. "Macquaria australasica" (On-line), Animal

Diversity Web. Accessed December 05, 2011


Title: Saltwater Species #: 37

Page 41: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Common Name: fathead minnow

Scientific Name: Pimephales promelas

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found from Quebec to Alberta and Northwest Territories, Canada. They

are also found in small rivers and ponds. They are mainly found in muddy pools.

Life Strategy: They spawn between the months of May and September. They produce anywhere from

1000 to 10000 offspring per season.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are benthic filter feeders sifting through the mud and silit in order to find

food. They usually eat diatoms, filamentous algae, small crustaceans, and insect larvae.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Sommer, A. 2011. "Pimephales promelas" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 05, 2011 at


Title: Freshwater Species #: 38

Page 42: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Common Name: longnose gar

Scientific Name: Lepisosteus osseus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Semionotiformes

Family: Lepisosteidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found throughout the eastern United States. They live in sluggish areas of

larger rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and estuaries.

Life Strategy: During the mating process 15 males can approach the female. Rapid and violent quivering

makes the sperm and eggs to be released.

Food/Feed Strategy: Gars are active night feeders feeding on insects and fish.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Rudy, B. 2003. "Lepisosteus osseus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 05, 2011


Page 43: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 39

Common Name: spotted gar

Scientific Name: Lepisosteus oculatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Semionotiformes

Family: Lepisosteidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found throughout Lake Michigan and Lake Erie drainages. They live in

open waters usually 3-5 meters deep. They are found around fallen logs, trees, or brush.

Life Strategy: Multiple males gather in shallow water near vegetation. Female allow more than one male

to fertilize their eggs.

Food/Feed Strategy: This species of gar is a ambush predator. It feeds on mainly aquatic crustaceans.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Hall, L., T. Meade, D. Paulette, J. Albert, K. Francl and S. Givinsky. 1999.

"Lepisosteus oculatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed December 05, 2011


Page 44: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 40

Common Name: Florida gar

Scientific Name: Lepisosteus platyrhincus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Semionotiformes

Family: Lepisosteidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in Florida. They live in large lowland streams, canals, and lakes with

muddy or sandy bottoms.

Life Strategy: Females will lay her eggs on vegetation and the males will follow and fertilize them.

Food/Feed Strategy: Florida gars use ram feeding, which is lunging or chasing to kill their prey at high

speeds. They mainly eat fish and shrimp and crayfish.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Lackey, S. and S. Harrel. 2006. "Lepisosteus platyrhincus" (On-line), Animal Diversity

Web. Accessed December 05, 2011


Page 45: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 41

Common Name: shortnose gar

Scientific Name: Lepisosteus platostomus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Semionotiformes

Family: Lepisosteidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Mississippi River, central Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin to

Montana, and Alabama from Louisiana. They live in lakes, swamps, and clam pools. They found near

vegetation and submerged logs.

Life Strategy: They spawn in early to mid April until the end of May. They spawn in shallow water with

grass and aquatic weeds.

Food/Feed Strategy: They feed mainly in the day. They catch their prey by ambush.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Bradburn, M. 2003. "Lepisosteus platostomus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 05, 2011



Page 46: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 42

Common Name: alligator gar

Scientific Name: Atractosteus spatula

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Semionotiformes

Family: Lepisosteidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Ohio River and the Mississippi River south to the Gulf of

Mexico. They live in large lakes, rivers, and bayous.

Life Strategy: Female gars lay their eggs on rocks or vegetation. Much isn’t known about the

reproduction of this species.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are carnivores and they sit-and-wait for their prey. They lung at them with

short bursts of speed. They will eat fish, ducks, turtles, small mammals, and carrion.

● Body Form or Style: Sagittiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Roberts, D. and S. Harrel. 2006. "Atractosteus spatula" (On-line), Animal Diversity

Web. Accessed December 05, 2011


Page 47: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 43

Common Name: white bass

Scientific Name: Morone chrysops

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Moronidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in many parts of North America. They live in large bodies of water.

Life Strategy: They migrate upstream to spawn. The female releases her eggs and then the male is

close behind to fertilize them.

Food/Feed Strategy: They eat mainly minnows, johnny darters, gizzard shad, threadfin shad, young

sunfish, and yellow perch.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Morgan, T. and S. Harrel. 2006. "Morone chrysops" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 05, 2011


Page 48: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 44

Common Name: Rock bass

Scientific Name: Ambloplites rupestris

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi Valley. They live in

large lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. In the winter you can find rock bass under ice, yet they can stand 88

degrees F in the summer.

Life Strategy: They spawn in early summer. The male makes the nest and the female comes and lays

her eggs. She can lay up to 2000 to 10,000 eggs, and they can hatch in one to three weeks.

Food/Feed Strategy: They feed mainly on aquatic plants. They can also eat crayfish, minnows, tadpoles,

worms, and insects.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Rolf, C. 2000. "Ambloplites rupestris" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 05, 2011


Page 49: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 45

Common Name: brown bullhead

Scientific Name: Ameiurus nebulosus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Ictaluridae

Geography/Habitat: They found in Canada and the United States. They live in pools and slow-moving

creeks and rivers, reservoirs, ponds, and lakes.

Life Strategy: They make a nest and then a series of bumping and nibbling happens. Then they face

away from each other during gamete release.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly feed on insects, small fish, fish eggs, mollusks, plants, leeches,

worms, and crayfish.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Guth, R. 2011. "Ameiurus nebulosus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 05, 2011 at


Page 50: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 46

Common Name: bluegill

Scientific Name: Lepomis macrochirus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They found in the Great Lakes and Mississippi River systems. They live in slow

moving lakes and rocky streams.

Life Strategy: Males make the nest with about 20 to 50 other males in shallow water. The male grunts to

attract the female, and then they touch bellies. Then they release the eggs and the sperm.

Food/Feed Strategy: They eat very small animals because of their small mouths. They usually eat

snails, worms, shrimp, aquatic insects, small crayfish, and zooplankton.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Parr, C. 2002. "Lepomis macrochirus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 06, 2011


Page 51: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 47

Common Name: yellow bullhead

Scientific Name: Ameiurus natalis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Siluriformes

Family: Ictaluridae

Geography/Habitat: They are found throughout the eastern United States. They live in the backwaters

with slow current in rivers and streams.

Life Strategy: The males dig nests in the mud near rocks and stumps and vegetation to protect the nest.

This attract the female for mating.

Food/Feed Strategy: They feed at night like all other catfish. They feed on minnows, crayfish, insects,

aquatic invertebrates, and worms.

● Body Form or Style: Compressifrom

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Subcarangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Jenkins, G. and S. Harrel. 2006. "Ameiurus natalis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 06, 2011


Page 52: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 48

Common Name: goldfish

Scientific Name: Carassius auratus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Cypriniformes

Family: Cyprinidae

Geography/Habitat: They originated in China, but now they are found all over the world in aquariums,

ornamental pools, and into the wild. They prefer slow-moving freshwater bodies of waters.

Life Strategy: They mate during the summer, but if in an aquarium they can spawn all year. The female

can produce thousands of eggs.

Food/Feed Strategy: They eat plants, insects, small crustaceans, zooplankton, and detritus.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Street, R. 2002. "Carassius auratus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 06, 2011


Page 53: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater Species #: 49

Common Name: cardinal tetra

Scientific Name: Paracheirodon axelrodi

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Characiformes

Family: Characidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. They live in slow moving water.

Life Strategy: The females release their eggs during the rainy season. They mate during the twilight

dring the rainy season.

Food/Feed Strategy: They eat very small crustaceans, mesofauna, eggs, algae, detritus, and some

other types of prey.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Fintushel, S. and W. Fink. 2004. "Paracheirodon axelrodi" (On-line), Animal Diversity

Web. Accessed December 06, 2011


Title: Freshwater Species #: 50

Page 54: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Common Name: black crappie

Scientific Name: Pomoxis nigromaculatus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata

Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes

Family: Centrarchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in central and eastern North America. They live in clear, warm,

highly vegetated lakes and rivers.

Life Strategy: They migrate to shallow water and the male sweeps out a nest to attract a female.

Females can spawn with several males and can produce up to 10,000-200,000 eggs per mating season.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly feed on vegetation, aquatic insects, minnows, and fingerlings.

● Body Form or Style: Compressiform

● Swim/Locomotion Style: Carangiform

● Mouth Position: Terminal

Citation: Adams, R. 2000. "Pomoxis nigromaculatus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 06, 2011



Page 55: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 51

Common Name: thimble jellyfish

Scientific Name: Linuche unguiculata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Coronatae

Family: Linuchidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the western Atlantic Ocean. They live in shallow, warm, marine


Life Strategy: In March and April sometimes over 1,000,000 group together and mate.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat plankton, copepods, and barnacle larvae.

Citation: DuBay, M. 2011. "Linuche unguiculata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 10, 2011 at


Page 56: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 52

Common Name: purplestriped jelly

Scientific Name: Pelagia noctiluca

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Semaeostomeae

Family: Pelagiidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. They live in the open


Life Strategy: They fertilize the eggs external, and the release the sperm and the eggs by the mouth.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton, small fish, crustaceans, and other jellyfish.

Citation: Leverenz, E. 2000. "Pelagia noctiluca" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 10, 2011


Page 57: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 53

Common Name: sea nettle

Scientific Name: Chrysaora quinquecirrha

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Semaeostomeae

Family: Pelagildae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. They live in the open water

with low salinity.

Life Strategy: They reproduce sexually and asexually. They release the eggs and sperm through the


Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton, ctenophores, and other jellyfish.

Citation: Lanier, N. and A. Weber. 2011. "Chrysaora quinquecirrha" (On-line), Animal Diversity

Web. Accessed December 11, 2011 at


Page 58: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 54

Common Name: Lion’s mane jellyfish

Scientific Name: Cyanea capillata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Semaeostomeae

Family: Cyaneidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the cooler regions of the Atlantic Ocean, North Sea, and the

Baltic Sea.

Life Strategy: They reproduce sexually and they fertilize sexually through the mouth.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat fish.

Citation: Naylor, B. 2000. "Cyanea capillata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 59: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 55

Common Name: eared stalked jellyfish

Scientific Name: Haliclystus auricula

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Stauromedusae

Family: Eleutherocarpidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the northern Pacific. They live in the cool coastal waters of the

north Pacific.

Life Strategy: They reproduce sexually by releasing the egg ans sperm into the water.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat small prey including: Bivalves, snails brittle stars, and crustaceans.

Citation: Naik, S. 2000. "Haliclystus auricula" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 60: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 56

Common Name: moon jelly

Scientific Name: Aurelia aurita

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Scyphozoa Order: Semaeostomeae

Family: Ulmaridae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in warm tropical waters in all marine waters.

Life Strategy: They spawn in the spring and summer. The eggs develop in gonads located in pockets on

the jellyfish.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat plankton.

Citation: Rodriguez, R. 1999. "Aurelia aurita" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 61: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #:57

Common Name: purple-spined sea urchin

Scientific Name: Arbacia punctulata

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata

Class: Echinoidea Order: Arbacioida

Family: arbaciidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in Cape Cod to the West Indies. They on mainly found on rocks and

shells in deep salt water.

Life Strategy: The females can release several million at a time. These eggs settle and the sperm is


Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat algae and other organisms that grow on the rocks around them.

Citation: Braccini, S. 2001. "Arbacia punctulata" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #:58

Page 62: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Common Name: long-spined sea urchin

Scientific Name: Diadema antillarum

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata

Class: Echinoidea Order: Diadematoida

Family: Diadematidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in shallow waters in the Atlantic Ocean around coral reefs.

Life Strategy: The egg and sperm are released during each lunar month.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat algal turf of coral reefs.

Citation: Puckett, E. 2002. "Diadema antillarum" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 63: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #:59

Common Name: common sand dollar

Scientific Name: Echinarachnius parma

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Echinodermata

Class: Echioidea Order: Clypeasteroida

Family: Echinarachrilldae

Geography/Habitat: They are found on the North American east coast. They live in intertidal zones.

Life Strategy: The gametes are released in the water column and they join the plankton.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat algae and fragments of organic material found in the substrate.

Citation: Ables, J. 2000. "Echinarachnius parma" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 64: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 60

Common Name: (alaskan) king crab

Scientific Name: Paralithodes camtschatica

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Lithodidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found throughout the northern Pacific Ocean. They live at depths more

than 200m.

Life Strategy: Females attract the males after they have released their eggs, and then the male clasps

on to the female until the female molts, and produce new eggs.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat fish parts.

Citation: Kluce, M. 2004. "Paralithodes camtschatica" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 11, 2011



Page 65: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 61

Common Name: green crab

Scientific Name: Carcinus maenas

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Portunidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Atlantic Ocean and off the coast of Europe. They live in tidal

marshes, sandflats, and coasts with a rocky terrain.

Life Strategy: They lay her eggs and the female carries them in a pouch.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat clams, oysters, mussels, and other small cabs.

Citation: Tutt, C. 2000. "Carcinus maenas" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 62

Page 66: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Common Name: Florida stone crab

Scientific Name: Menippe mercenaria

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Xanthidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Atlanic coast of North Carolina to the Gulf of Mexico. They live

in seagrass beds.

Life Strategy: They reproduce during the spring and fall. The female carries her eggs in a sac and

carries over 160,000 to 1,000,000.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton.

Citation: Brinkman, M. 2002. "Menippe mercenaria" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 11, 2011


Page 67: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 63

Common Name: yellowline arrow crab

Scientific Name: Stenorhynchus seticornis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Majidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in the Atlantic Ocean, and live on coral reefs.

Life Strategy: The male deposits a sperm packet into the female crab to fertilize the babies.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly feed on small feather duster worms.

Citation: Block, M. 2001. "Stenorhynchus seticornis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 11, 2011



Page 68: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 64

Common Name: giant Japanese spider crab

Scientific Name: Macrocheira kaempferi

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malaconstraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Majidae

Geography/Habitat: They are mainly found on the Pacific side of the Japanese islands. They live on

sandy and rocky bottoms.

Life Strategy: They mate during early spring. The male inserts the sperm into the female to fertilize the

eggs. The female can lay up to 1.5 million eggs per season.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat dead decaying matter along the sea bed.

Citation: Riebel, W. 2011. "Macrocheira kaempferi" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011 at


Page 69: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Saltwater (invertebrates) Species #: 65

Common Name: Chinese mitten crab

Scientific Name: Eriocheir sinensis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Grapsidae

Geography/Habitat: They are mainly found on the coasts from Japan to the mainland of China. They live

in brackish water.

Life Strategy: When they mate both sexes die and the progeny are left to fend for themselves.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat plants and animals.

Citation: Solovyeva, A., K. Bailey and D. Howe. 2008. "Eriocheir sinensis" (On-line), Animal

Diversity Web. Accessed December 11, 2011


Page 70: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater (invertebrates) Species #: 66

Common Name: freshwater jellyfish

Scientific Name: Craspedacusta sowerbyi

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Hydrozoa Order: Hydroida

Family: Olindiidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found on all continents. They live in lakes, reservoirs, man-made, etc.

Life Strategy: They reproduce asexually in the polp form. They release the eggs and sperm through the


Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton.

Citation: Erwin, A. 2000. "Craspedacusta sowerbyi" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 71: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater (invertebrates) Species #: 67

Common Name: black spot flatworm

Scientific Name: Uvulifer ambloplitis

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes

Class: Trematoda Order: Strigeatida

Family: Diplostomatidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in nearctic and neotropical areas. They live anywhere it can find.

Life Strategy: They reproduce sexually and asexually.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat anything that is obtained directly from its host.

Citation: Hickner, M. 2011. "Uvulifer ambloplitis" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011 at


Page 72: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater (invertebrates) Species #: 68

Common Name: eastern grass shrimp

Scientific Name: Palaemonetes paludosus

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Palaemonidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in freshwater ponds, lakes, and streams.

Life Strategy: They reproduce sexually. Much isn’t known after that.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat algae.

Citation: Baranowski, C. 2011. "Palaemonetes paludosus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.

Accessed December 11, 2011 at


Page 73: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater (invertebrates) Species #: 69

Common Name: daggerblade grass shrimp

Scientific Name: Palaemonetes pugio

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Malacostraca Order: Decapoda

Family: Palaemonidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found on the eastern shore of the United States. They live in freshwater

and saltwater.

Life Strategy: They mate when the water warms up. The female develops a sac to hold the eggs until

they hatch.

Food/Feed Strategy: They mainly eat zooplankton, algae, and detritus.

Citation: Geraci, L. 2001. "Palaemonetes pugio" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


Page 74: Lance Sessions - Fish ID Project 1st Block Arrington

Title: Freshwater (invertebrates) Species #: 70

Common Name: Asian clam

Scientific Name: Corbicula fluminea

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca

Class: Bivalvia Order: Veneroida

Family: Corbiculidae

Geography/Habitat: They are found in lakes and streams in Asia, North and South America, and Europe.

Life Strategy: They release larval in late summer. The clam is believed to be self-fertilization.

Food/Feed Strategy: They are filter feeders mainly eating plankton.

Citation: Naumann, R. 1999. "Corbicula fluminea" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed

December 11, 2011


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Title: Species #:

Common Name:

Scientific Name:

Kingdom: Phylum:

Class: Order:



Life Strategy:

Food/Feed Strategy:

