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Laporan 2 Fix

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CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background A science that became the basis for knowing the anatomy of the human body. Human anatomy mean we are going to talk about pieces of the human body. Anatomy word itself comes from the Greek word which consists of the word "Ana" which means split-misah or parse and "tomes" which means to cut up so that the anatomy can also be interpreted parse or cut. The course of human anatomy and physiology study about 11 systems contained in the human body. One is the system framework which has eight main functions as described in the course lecturer. One of the eight functions are as proponent of the body. Order no longer something less familiar to the general public, let alone for academics. In general order known divided into two kinds, namely the outer frame or exoskeletons and order in or endoskeleton. Can be found in the exoskeletons of invertebrates or vertebrates, but endoskeleton only possessed by vertebrates alone. The skeletal system is formed from the composition of bones held together by ligaments. Bone in order to generally calcified to


A. BackgroundA science that became the basis for knowing the anatomy of the human body. Human anatomy mean we are going to talk about pieces of the human body. Anatomy word itself comes from the Greek word which consists of the word "Ana" which means split-misah or parse and "tomes" which means to cut up so that the anatomy can also be interpreted parse or cut.The course of human anatomy and physiology study about 11 systems contained in the human body. One is the system framework which has eight main functions as described in the course lecturer. One of the eight functions are as proponent of the body.Order no longer something less familiar to the general public, let alone for academics. In general order known divided into two kinds, namely the outer frame or exoskeletons and order in or endoskeleton. Can be found in the exoskeletons of invertebrates or vertebrates, but endoskeleton only possessed by vertebrates alone. The skeletal system is formed from the composition of bones held together by ligaments. Bone in order to generally calcified to become more powerful, tough and sturdy to sustain the body.Studying the skeletal system is very important in knowing how we can move or remain in a position. The skeletal system is composed in such a way and very, very complex so it ought to be grateful for its existence. In addition, as a prospective teacher, concepts such as these also should be well understood to support learning later. Seeing the importance of knowing about the order, we conducted this lab. Expected after doing a practicum, all praktikan already know and recognize a minimum order on his own body.B. PurposeThe purpose of this observation is to determine the anatomical posistion in humanC. Benefit The benefit this observation is to know the anatomocal posistion in human.


Plants generally do the movement at a time to grow, and other small movements. The movement for example tropism, dynasty, and other movements. Whereas the movement of animals in general do almost all the time. In addition, the movement of animals capable of moving displaced while plants can not. It was not because of a system that supports the above, the motion system (Taiyeb, 2015).The skeletal system is an organ system that provides physical support in living organisms. The skeletal system is generally divided into three types: external, internal, and base fluid (hydrostatic order), though hydrostatic skeletal system can also be grouped separately from the other two types because of the absence of the supporting structure. Human skeleton is formed from a single bone or joint (like the skull) which is supported by other structures such as ligaments, tendons, muscles, and other organs. The average adult human has 206 bones, although this amount may vary between individuals (Anonymous, 2013).The skeletal system is divided into two, namely the frame axis (order axial) and frame members (order appendikular). Order axial includes the skull (cranium), spine (spine), ribs (kostae), and the breastbone (sternum). Order members include shoulder girdle (pectoral bracelet) with the front frame members, and bracelets hip (pelvic bracelet) with the rear frame members (Adnan, 2013).Bony framework is the main structural system of vertebrates. Working closely with the skin, which is the largest organ in the body, the framework provides a basic form of an organism. In addition to the functions of mechanical support, the framework also serves as a major tool for the protection of the soft organs in the body. Working closely with the muscular system, the framework allows the movement of the body. Individual bones or bone formation-bone acts as a lever that is moved by the corresponding muscle is located. Specific muscle contractions causing the movement of the limbs or body parts (Fried and Hademenos, 2006).Overall framework derived from mesoderm. Along the side of the tube neurons, which originate from the ectoderm, mesoderm block regular series began to take shape in early development. The blocks are called somites, a reflection of the segmentation pattern found on the body design of most phyla animalia, ranging from roundworms and so on (Fried and Hademenos, 2006).According to Faisal (2012), almost all the bones in the body can be classified into five types based on its shape, namely:1. The long bones have an elongated shape, consisting of the main stem and the tip with a diverse structure.2. The cuboid bone is rather short, about the same length and width.3. Bone flat in general have a flat structure and consists of two plates are almost parallel of solid bone tissue covering the bone tissue spongy on the inside.4. Bone irregular (irregular) has a complex shape and can not be grouped into long bones and short bones.5. The sesamoid bones covered by a tendon, often found in areas that experience friction, stress, and physical stress, such as the palms and soles of the feet.Bones in the adult human can be classified into the framework of the principal divisions sua axial and appendicular order. Order axial consists of bones located around the longitudinal axis of the human body. Appendicular framework consists of bones that make up the upper and lower limbs (extremities) (Tortora and Derrickson, 2009)Order axial consists of bones that are along the longitudinal axis (longitudinal) of the body, a hayal vertical line through the center of gravity of the body of the head towards the space between the legs, made up of the bones of the cranium (skull), auditory bones (bone -tulang hearing), hyoid bone, rib bones (ribs), the sternum (breastbone), and the vertebral column (the joints of the spine). Appendicular framework consists of the bones of the locomotor upper and lower locomotor (extremities), plus the bones that make up the shoulder girdle (pectoral girdle) and bracelets hip (pelvic girdle) connecting tool with the framework of axial motion. The bones of the appendicular order to provide a place for muscle attachment to the body movement, support and protect internal organs such as the reproductive organs, and as a storage and release of calcium (Faisal, 2012).According to Idris (2015), the framework has the following functions:1. Give the shape and size of the body2. Establish joint which serves to move3. The muscle attachment4. Working as a lever5. As a proponent of weight6. Protect organs such as the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs7. Place the formation of blood cells and immune cells (bone marrow)8. Storage calcium


A. Time and Place Day/date : Wednesday/ 13th May 2015Time : 16.00 p.m until 17.00 pmPlace : Green House B. Tools and material 1. Tools a) Pen 2. Materialsa) Probandus b) Torso c) Paper C. Work procedure 1. Prepared all the tools and materials to be used2. Observed the torso 3. Showing the parts of bone in torso 4. Drawing these bones on the observation




1. Frontal2. Frontal skuama3. Foramen supraorbital4. Margin supraorbital5. Os temporal6. Os nasal7. Os lakrimal8. Os zigomatikum9. Os maksila10. Os mandibula11. Foramen mental12. Orbita

Rangka Dada


1. Klavikula 2. Skapula 3. Manubrium Sterni4. Korpus Sterni5. Rawan pada Tulang Rusuk6. Prosesus Sifoideus7. Costa Vera8. Costa Fluctuante 9. Costa Spuria

Upper Ekstremity








1. Os Klavikula2. Os Skapula3. Os Humerus4. Os Ulna5. Os Radius6. Os Karpus7. Os Metakarpus8. Os Falang

Lower Ekstremity

1. Os femur2. Os Patela3. Os tibia4. Os fibula5. Os tarsus6. Os metatarsus7. Os falang

Overal skeletal

1. Os. Frontal2. Os. Nasal3. Os. Maxilla4. Os. Mandibula5. Os. Clavicula6. Os. Manubrium sterni7. Os. Corpus sterni8. Os. Processus xyphoideus9. Os. Radius10. Os. Illium11. Os. Ulna12. Os. Pubis13. Os. Carpal14. Os. Phalanges15. Os. Femur16. Os. Patella17. Os. Tibia18. Os. Fibula19. Os. Tarsal20. Os. Phalanges21. Os. Metatarsal22. Os. Metacarpal23. Os. Ischium24. Os. Coccyx25. Os. Sacrum26. Os. Humerus27. Rawan iga28. Os. Scapula29. Os. Zigomatic

B. DiscussionBased on the observations that have been made, in order to get that man is composed of three main parts: the skull (cranium), bone constituent member of the body, and limbs. Each piece is a complex arrangement and comprises a variety of bone. Bone, composed not only of different shapes, but also the type and function.1. CraniumCranium composed by a few bones with different shapes and sizes as follows:a. Frontal boneb. Frontal skuamac. Supraorbital foramend. Margin supraorbitale. Temporal bonef. Os nasalg. Os lacrimalh. Os zigomatikumi. Os maxillaj. Os mandiblek. Mental foramenl. Orbita2. Frame chestFramework of the chest consists of three kinds of ribs that true ribs (costa vera), false rib (Costa Spuria), floating rib (Costa fluctuante) and the breastbone is divided into three parts: manubrium sterni, corpus sterni, and processes sifoideus.3. VertebraeVertebrate column in the image is divided into five sections. 7 The first segment is the first cervical vertebra with a space called Os Atlas, 12 next segment is the thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae segments thereafter is, first sacral vertebra which represents the union of the five segments, and the last one vertebra adalahn koksiks which is the result of unification of the 4 segments last vertebra.4. ExtremitiesExtremity in humans is divided into two upper and lower extremities. Upper extremities composed by Os clavicle, scapula Os, Os humerus, ulna Os, Os Radius, Os Carpus, Metakarpus Os and Os Falang. While the lower extremities dosusun by Os femur, patella Os, Os tibia, fibula Os, Os tarsus, metatarsus Os and Os phalanges.Lab work done is not enough to explore all kinds of bones that make up the human framework because the limitations of materials and time. However, if examined carefully, it will get the total number of 206 bones as mentioned by Anonymous (2013) that, on average an adult human has 206 bones, although this amount may vary between individuals. the lab is done is enough to illustrate the arrangement and type of human skeletal bone constituent.

CHAPTER VCONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION A. ConclusionsThe skull (cranium),with its 22 bones, rests on the superior end of the vertebral column (backbone). The bones of the skull are grouped into two categories: cranial bones and facial bones. the primary function of the appendicular skeleton is movement. The appendicular skeleton includes the bones that make up the upper and lower limbs as well as the bones of the two girdles that attach the limbs to the axial skeletonB. SuggestionsExpected in the next practican order:1. Mastering the material and the concept practical before entering the laboratory room.2. Thorough and careful when observing images.

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Tortora, G. J. dan Derrickson, B., 2009. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 12th ed. USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc..
