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Last Word: No homework

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FrontPage : Turn in your homework to the back box. You are now done with the 9-week grading period. Last Word: No homework. Key Issues in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict. Key Issues. Land and the “Occupation” Settlements Refugees Jerusalem The Security Barrier. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Last Word: No homework FrontPage : Turn in your homework to the back box. You are now done with the 9-week grading period.

Last Word: No homework

FrontPage: Turn in your homework to the back box. You are now done with the 9-week grading period.

Key Issues in the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict

Key Issues

Land and the “Occupation”SettlementsRefugeesJerusalemThe Security Barrier

Land and the “Occupation”

This is the heart of the conflict Jews believe the area of Israel/Palestine was

promised to them by God to Abraham Also based on the need for a haven for Jews of the

Diaspora (the “scattering”) Palestinian claims on the land are based on

residence in the area for hundreds of years Palestinians also comprise the demographic


British mandate of Palestine before WWII

UN Plan for Partition

After WWII, the UN recommended that Palestine be separated Israeli state (tan) Palestinian state (purple)

After British troops leave in 1948, war breaks out…

After the 1948 War of Independence

Israel drives out the attackers…occupies most of Palestine Egypt takes Gaza Strip Jordan controls West Bank

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees flee Israel for surrounding areas

The 6 Day War

Israel makes major territorial gains Takes Gaza Strip and Sinai

Peninsula from Egypt Takes Golan Heights from

Syria Takes W. Bank from Jordan Seizes East Jerusalem

The “Occupation”

The two regions of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan River were/are considered “occupied territories”. Israel has “occupied” or “liberated” these territories

since 1967. Many nations consider these two territories to be

land for a “Palestinian state”.**They will be at the center of the debate over a

possible “homeland” for Palestinians.

Recently (2005), Israel ended its occupation of the Gaza Strip

“Occupied Territories”

The Camp David Accords (1979)

Signed between Anwar Sadat (Egypt) and Menachim Begin (Israel)**First Arab-Israeli peace treaty Egypt agrees to recognize

(accept) existence of Israel Israel agrees to return control

of Sinai to Egypt

**Many Arab nations were angry with this agreement

The Oslo Accords (1993)

Signed between Rabin (Israel) and Arafat (PLO) Israel and PLO agree to recognize each other. PLO promises to stop attacking Israel Israel agrees to withdraw from occupied territories

**They return later in response to terrorist activities Arafat becomes head of Palestinian Authority – group

responsible for controlling the Palestinian territories

Current borders of Israel

Unresolved IssuesSettlements, Refugees and Jerusalem


Israelis have built “settlements”, or housing developments, in many areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (**now dismantled) Some of these settlements are

considered illegal under UN resolutions


The “Refugee Question”

Refugees: Those who fled Palestine after the creation of Israel in 1948Located in refugee camps in several places outside Israel West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon,

the Sinai

The “Right of Return” to their homes and lands is a key issue of contention


Refugee camps were supposed to be temporary places for Palestinians Have become permanent

settlements for generations of Palestinians

The Question of Jerusalem

The center of three religious: Christianity, Judaism and Islam East Jerusalem is home to sacred

sites of all three Both Palestinians and Israelis would

like to make Jerusalem the capital city of their nations.

Holy Sites in Jerusalem

Temple Mount or Haram al Sharif

Judaism: Site of the First and Second Temple in

ancient times known in Jewish tradition as the

"abode of God's presence".

Islam: Called the “Noble Sanctuary” One of the three most important sites

in Islam

The Western (“Wailing”) Wall

Judaism The holiest site in the Jewish faith Believed to be the remains of the first

and second Jewish temples

Dome of the Rock

Islam Believe that this is the place where

Muhammad ascended into heaven

The Al-Aqsa Mosque

Islam: the third holiest

mosque in Islam. The mosque was the

first direction of prayer, before Mecca in western Saudi Arabia became the focal point of Muslim worship.

One additional issue:The Security Barrier

Israel has planned and begun construction on a security wall around sections of the West Bank Also referred to as the “Apartheid Wall” Aim is to provide a barrier between

Palestinians and Israelis to prevent attacks

Construction is underway in the West Bank Some parts are completed

The Security Barrier
