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Laurens advertiser.(Laurens, S.C.)...

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EMPSON MILUS. »Htcr Hipp Lo YOL. Í. LAI KENS C. LIM S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1886. big job of Clothing _Baltimore Fir©. as others who have stood the test not only of gi nd-I at ion at other institutions having as liigli and honorable records, but nl-io un examination by tlie State Hoard. Il is Imo tliis <s a matter which concern» only the doctors, and thc legislature, a! rays lias ifs share of Hint profession : yet ii is the action of thc State, ami should bc condemned in deserving terms. l b.- Third l'art j. During tin- past week, a petition I,a- been circulated herc, the origin which may unquestionably he tr.v «. 1 to thc friends of Ibo third pa»"ty ugh la'ion ot' (of \>!';<:h Kev. Sam Small ls the moving spirit, Tho pctl- ti.m seeks to enlist all prohibitionist in thc fight i'«»i' political recognition bv hiving n grand convention tn meei atan carly day ia Columbia. Wc believe that there is absolutely no cause lor alarm to thc Democrats. When tho llrst speech was nia l- aiel Sain Small took occasion todenounce President Cleveland and the patty, lie proved thc desperation of Iiis onus as well as forfeit. 1 the respect of hones! mon. lint the strange pari i- that Ibis petit; nt was signed by many ol' tho leading citizens of tin- place. Do thovîcudorsc thc third party move¬ ment? t ia .':;-; subject we can do nothing belter titan commend to our readers \ strong editorial from tho Unptist Courier, which wo republish. Tie* local I) uno-ra'io Club passoil two gool résolutif) bul ... nil tin attention of tho » milty Convention to a matter which is paramount importance. I- -' Ibo convention em,, sid :r the following : ttesolv i. Til it I . Chairman <<i the demo-i a'ie pat v of this StatC se' apart tin mo.ü i bf August for a eau va? ? ol' thc s lite by those who seek the sutlVago ol' democratic voters That, one mai's mooting lie held in each eon it v during said month and that tie- pr.-se.ii encumbent of stab ofllccs who seek re-cleetioti an 1 o'ii sr aspirants, h.- invited to discuss po liticnl Issues a' 'In s.» moldings. This resolution embodies tho fun datricnial requisite o:' sound deinoeni ev. I*, lia been a Ivo «ate \ by 'l in AovKin ism: repeatedly rind wa atso suggested hy thc last paper is sued by lin farmers movement, Nov let tie- voice ol' th"- I) moeia',lc organ (gatton li ie r 1. and i". will bc heed j ed. This m ilter of a canvass of tlc state is refusile before any reform eau h; mah- in tito laws ol'tho State So long ns o ie .. fullly approves ( >i tam mensures, .ml oilier coiinlic have Icion all ilia while wrangling ove oilier m 'asures, wo will have tho leg i si.at ure electo I a' haphazard anti rc) resenting no well defined policy. I howcvci til'- candidates for Govcno an I oilier Stat«--, obi. es go before th pCOpIo and OXprCSS their views o lin: various measures, then an cloctio whether by primary or convention will express the sentiment ol' the di mocrats ol' thc Stale on these issse and the tuen chosen will in fact as i law, be the represonlivc of thc pcopli Wc suggest thc following plank t bc incorporated in '.he State Dem« eratic platform : .?Whereas it is unjust unwise, undemocratic, to allow t!. control ol' Hie party organization t fall into the hand- ol' one who is hin self seeking thc suffrage of Iiis fal loi democrats, therefore no candidate fe publie ofllCCS shrill be eligible to th position ol' County Chairman." GLAMOUR LAND. Ati, 'Hm, lost (llamear imvii On whoso confinen I KtaiMl. Longing for homo that Klin ll lia homo no mott There .ixl my palace KI ni l, Whero now, on en I».T liaml, Tl*' flory Bwoixlii <>f Herni'iis guard Un' iloor. Thora oiieo I roamed to ot.ll near hopen mon- beautiful Timn RI reri thoughts that musing monks rostet Nothing l<*> far <>r fair Hut UH mirado was there, Pictured ujjon tai- vallcy'ii rosy mint. Thora each Hwoet «lay l heard Solids of u brooding hird, Telling of purosl ploaanrcHyet Ioho; Thora, hy tho Kitifflnn (roams Fniut fornui of darling dreams Loitered and lingered hand m hand with me. Ah: dim, door Paney lund: Thy wolkln, rainbow ipnnncd, The BOfteBl lililí of halcyon hour« o'crpast, failing away, away, All Ula OX|MWM lu (rray- As fa<lf»s tho suinmor moon, loo fair to loni. Tho Independent. Vulae of Social Itnjnyraciit. Social onjoymont ls another factor thai enters info long life. I do liol «li. vc ir ultra fashionable society, and caronoth mg for il. 't he late hours, the dissipa' Won, th" dreary formalities, i ho shallot! minded talk and the general air of hy¬ pocrisy maka it very distasteful to mo, There are a great many ninon« tho rici people in New York at tho present tinn who loso real social enjoyment. Havinp suddenly acquired wealth, they have be come separated from their old friondi and acquaintances with whom, in enrlioi days, they sjient many o sociable, an/: genxihle evening. They git big dinnen to n lot of brainless snobs, sycophanti and pnrasltea who will oat their food an<1 buigh at them behind their hacks. Tlioii honest friendships of jioorer days linvt been broken, for their acquaintance), no) being able to give big dinners, do not ac¬ cept invitations to (bom provided they tiro sent, and HO tho spirit of true, whole¬ some enjoyment is noon lost. T. T. bar¬ num in Tho Epoch. Laurens Township Democratic flub. < MI Saturday Olli in-t., nt 3 o'clock p ni tho Club .va« called toordor i»\ the president, Dr Win. Wright, Mi W. W. Dail wa- mude tompornrv Secretary. C ol .J. !.. M. Irby niov- od that the old constitution bc adopted without being read, whieb was carried. Tho folio wing ollicers wi ro tle-a elected: President, Wm Wright., Vbe-Proslden», A. c. Kui- 1er, Secretary .1. D. Sullivan. The follow lug delegates were elected to the t'onntv Convention. J. L. M, irby, Jus. ílell, <¡. W. Sholl, .Do. Moore, J. D. .M. Shaw, W, J. Cope¬ land, W. I -. I dunningham, A. C. Du I b r. W D. (J ra: . Capt C. W. Shell was nominated or recommended as ti member «>i ibo Executive Commit coe. AW. li,Cray introduced the follow? lng resolution which was adoptctl: Ltesotved that it h tho sense ol this club, that state ollicors bo liol nominated at thu state coiiventb ii to nu ot on thc Iftii in-1. Wu . SN UDS II r Pres, .J. 1 ). Sullivan Sec y. Til« ".-"ri. Limit' O" Dive.iso». Tho nature of th enuse of n given dis ease has much todo with its duration, lu thu BO called oe ntinl fevers, BUCII tu typhus, typhoid, relating mid yolloiv f vcr, tho cnu.-o i- a minuto vogctabl« organism that t rein to attain its full dc v. loptnctit within a v. ry short time, aftei which it produces ita progeny and dies There b no moro chnnco of one of th' II becoming chronic tuan there U of rniMm BC vera 1 cropa . ; <\.ti or harley from ono Sowing thc .-c. d. Those arc. truly. (Ip '.self limited'1 dbenaoa. It i- fortunan in many particulars that -neb a larg' proportion of discus's tire of this chaine ter. 1: main bul little difference in tin treatniont "f tle ni what tho drugs us. i may h . .> l< :. : tm (li rtrcngth is hopi up and i. lutrin i- done. Thc niait thing is to keep tin patient alive a giver number of days, whi n tho cause ex haustj itself mid recovery ought to fol low. G lobe-Democrat. Murringo Among thu Afghan*. Among riif Afgiians marriage D ¡ case of purchasing tin.- bride, A rici Afghan marries enrly, dimply Irónuso lu cause ho can tilford to pay for a w ife while ii ]j*,r .)' ften remains Bingi until middle lil > on account of his ina bility to purchase. If thc husband die and the wi«'.ow v> ¡sin . to many again Bbc or her friends have to rotund llu purchase, money to the friends "f lb« dead husband. Like Ibo Jews, n com mon custom ¡J fdr the brother of tho do Ceased to liiaily the widow. No oth«. person would think of wc« ld big lu without first asking this brother's eon prut. Thomas Stevens in New Yorl Sun. tli.rtn'.ily of I IIKIUII 11. f:t ti i ». It i- sa d that 40 p 1 cent, ot" nil th deaths fr".n |toison in (treat Dritaln ai dia- lc opium, ned llii-i rat" of mortality according to Dr. Wynter Illy the, "arise in n gt eal mei tire iTftin tin iierniciou prae'.i«?>'. lK>th of hard working EngliB mothers nial tho baby farmer, of gtvhi . infant ; 'soothing syrO'is,' 'infant! friends.' and the like, lo allay restlos1, noss and keep tl» nt asleep during th grouter part of their existence.'' lt hr I cn ealciilated that ono prepnrulio alone i- tiio uiidoubtcil eausé of death « 150,000 children every year, l'ubli Opinion. f'ininti >>i American dipers. Tlie remarkable Nnish "f Amerlcti papera places then) ahead -f any mai " elsewhere hi lix world; Tho oxcelloi > properties ol the paper aro i inparted I the addition of a mineral called a calitl lt i . ;. silicate of m.i :ne ¡a. and . li brou resembling in this iv ;- ec nslteslo i. Large nniount.i of it ate found ia i! . United Stat. /. Thin stihdatico do«* iv seem to lie found ns yet in "tier coui i' t les. Philadelphia Times, "lîvll Communient len.," I.te. Manners are contagions, there j, .-, n epidemic of fastness in thc air. lt corni from I'.nglaiid, from tho court circle from everywhere. Ii j.-, raging in «'i '? midst, producing a plentiful bhxk a Boanda ls, divorces and ntl vi utiircsscs. is a lowered tone of mamu r and moral -Mis. M. B, W. Sherwood. Wot dil lp of lllftCMC'H. A recent trnvi 1er through the Chino« o j province of Muuchunia says that besidi having a reverence for animals tho ru j tic Manchus worship diseases, and pnetb '. nl:uly tho smallpox, which i- rep;, o sontod under ti*«- form of a repulsiv Idol. Now York Kv- liing W ald. '. mind i un ni Hie Sen, v! Seven varieties i,f fish examined 1 (-1 naturalists of the Challenge Ox|>cditio aro iou i id loudly blind in thc deep ci 0 but have eyes when inhabiting hallo r.at- r. Arkuusaw Traveler, Why v te your arguments «».i or who will not lu* convinced i t if yo keep your argument! (Ill they are KU re I convince, th . ure t<- lc found runty who they ure j,et to Use. 1 - It i. esl ¡ina (eil Hint lo colli cl one | KUI ri of honey from clover GvhÜilO beads < clover inusl 1. deprived <-i nectar an 8,700,000 \ i. i: from In must he mad I In lin i: ,.m . ace ..n,: oro "ttl« lint once n year. The r.Oih pf Jain i-t! dav u. II di ii .? d fm lin- pa yea . i, N'of liing i. ina U li. /.Illulia, I'la., .June J7, I'.K N R, Venablo iV Co: I have heen using I!, fi, ll, in lily lan liv as a blood piirilioi', Having'nevi used piny medicine looipinl ii. Ilospocllully, Mrs lt At Laws, Mnkesnu Old .Man Voling, ( Kx traci from n Loltor.) P, H I bough I three hollies of you llotanle blood Halm from my tri o nd I I) Mallard, of Campobidlo, s r. i dav l een iisiiu: ii (hl'00 weeks. ft appear to gi TC lue new life and MOW M-I'O llgtll, thoro is anything that will make un oh t mau young it ii lt ll 15. I nm willing l< i seii ¡i. i nan oaruestty and hon-siiv reooinincud botan ie blood Maim. IIOTANIC ll LOCI) MA I,M C A) .'intn. O .ol gi ' For anio by TR i'^M AHA MI al. i Patents. I Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyright Obtained, and all other busillOSS in th , r.s. Paton t Oflleo nltondod bi for MOD . KM ATI-. PM KS. , « lin- office is opposite the I". S. Paten * Offlco, and weean obtain Patents In les ) time than t hose i emote from Washing I ton. j Send Mod*] or Drawing, Wo ad via . ns to patent ability free of charge; um wo make no charge, unless WO olitai 1 Patent. I W o refer here to tho Postmaster, th Snot, of Money Ordor l>i /., and the otis «dals Of the CL 8. Patent Orth o. Poi eh ciliar, advice, terms and refernneoa t actual Ol ie nts in your own Htato o County, writ'j to «. A.PNOW. Spring Clothing. II..VO 1' :i I I now I * »1 » t!l<- iolllU.1 - ;.nd nwult ymir «-tit lo ¡! inspect! >?.... You w ill Ibid a hountll'iil »rt.ii nt ol' garments l'or n on, youths an ! buys ill nil tho roi»« ular sizes, ami In ull «piiillllos nuil pr!« «-.OK. 'I'ljo designs nuil patterns ..i i );.. (.< o !. I li IN - is .n ai >. moro II tl ruo* live thun nny n tho past. There ls a do¬ er!« i chango in the -ti u s mid uiiiko up of Die garments this season uno in par« tioiihirtin I that ls iho p int- ar.» larger and tho suck couta aro eiitaivay. Very row «.f He- -tr.ngia out sack will be worn. Tiie-r garments arc innnufactu- rci expressly f..r my trvi !< mid in crib r to gel o w o o- n.vsnifillet.I ot tie- nu meron i pu tb in- and designs which ure i.'.'lei'i ll this season, I luiyo secured a large stock lor my customers to s. feet front, riioso garments are regular tail« ir mittle and will : i t perfectly and will hoi.I theil -! apo nur:! tin ga mu ut ls worn out. They aro aiso manufacturcd of imported goods as well .-?-< of (Inmost. ies in cassliiieri -, ohevniots, sorgos, silk niixi d, worsted, whipcord and curl . serons, lind in sacks', cutaways, Single ucl iii .II I » I «j hreasted frock styles. 1 hu Ve also n line assorted line ol gents underwear iii India, gauze, hnllhilggan -md lisle tinea.I. A;. ¡: -i ry nf tin »ame material in fancy and plain color* -. n-, 'ntl-, handkerchief's ami a inrgr line ol'iieuts m-ekivoiir in alt Mn- latesi novoltii i, colors ami tint < an.I made ic ile- latest «Slape .. Sou ami -nu Ha:- for the Spring timi ti III ni '«i- uv.ir in all m iho new shapjs alni col .rs, and all sizes. 'l in.- loud! lid shades are cinm.moli mid granito hml thc gray eassiinero hats. I have in stn k tic- favorite boston soil lonfor Hiing st it' lint, willoh h a i a reputation ali nvoi the State, an-l « an mili I, purchlisci lc. c. i., i,; » ¡i,, shoes Tn al: (lie lend i nt. styles and ii uk -. ipuilitu - and prices A Ulong i iie i n i - iho I lan uist er lino silo«« which ha* thc host reputation ol any li lilli» elly. i.eur- slippers and llanelli*, pumps in ali si .. i. s. Respectfully, M. I.. KIN All I KUY IN T'A I TV. Malinger. Sparlnnhiirg S. <' I II r. KM PO lt I CM M « 'ol n m i. ¡a - tlc plano lor fiiKhlonabh Clothing, hats. IllrliislilItu g i ds, lr ink and valises lind gents lim- shoes u liol visiting the city call and exilniiiio ni" linc stock of Viuui, vouths and boy. clothing,Ac.,nil nf w iiieli yon Will iii.' in the Spartiinhurg store as well ns i: * ubmibiit. i:< -P< ctfuiiv, I'olun.!.¡a S. c M. I.. NIN A Ul) y I Loans on approved Karin Lund ' negollnteil. Kcu.->otinhlo time nm j onsy tenus. A pply to ! CD. I'.A UK s DA LI:, A t toi in y ¡it iiiWV. Lum en-. S. ( '., .Ian. 17. 1888-'in Female* College With a full.p- of assistants Un Lnuronsvillu Kcninlo College wi! rcorgaui/.o niel begin full sessioi Sept. I Ot li. Koonin comfortable Stn min rd high. Special attention t< nil Koniale iiccnmplishinciit.ç. Nov ¡uni splendid Pimms. Non-soot:*- ri m. t îovoniinoul parental, ^'iiiui Indie- under I he inn.li.ito cu-e o Mrs. M ct V.» I n 11 nm! Mrs. N. c J or dun. Pupil- received nny finn and charged until cud of quarto Hoard »IJ per month in rulvunci Tuition ¡f20, ijüjn, ami with elitssicu nilli-.- v lo per ('ol logia te your, pay aldo monthly. Wi- solicit und Imp io merit public patronage, Ko a nv in form ul ion m hin--, W. M. McCASLAN, Prosidcnl LAUKlY.N.S, fi. C., .Inly lio, issy, |j Registration Notice! Tho 1.ks of Registration wll ho opened in tlio Sherill'- (lillee ,-i Laurens, us flu- Liu directs, on th first Moiulny in each month, lint) first Moiulny in .Inly.'", M hu th Inw requires thom closed until afto tin- next general eleclion. Tills i for flu- purpose of registering ul persons who h ave become of ny* or entitled lo register -ince Ins elect ion ; to transfer person«, fron this to another County, und fron ono township ionnothci, or fron one residence to another,-All t li i mtlsl bo doiic before ol' on flu- lil's .Monday in .I illy, 1883. I .os I cert I il ca te.*) may ho renewed lo witlili !10 days of tho election, und thos who become of age between 1- .I lily and tin- election, muy registe nt any time before election. Those who llefusodor Noglocto« to Register In lon- Hie Inst oleotioi cannot register until tin- Lnw i changed. .1. WASH WA TIS, Supervisor Itcglsl rntioi Fob. 'J Ith, 1888. Port ICoyul ¿C Western Carol I ni Itu 11 vt nj Com pu u j. I n ciieet April s, I---. Time 7ftlh .Meridian, same as lt. cte I I'., lt. time. Going A mlorson -mit h. ;? on a i . lo Ml a I 11 rt.-, p i p I 112 ls p i ;iu -jo n i Leave A mlorson 1020 p ni Loa ve Hpartniiburg I Ul) p m Liai e O roon I Illa IV '?>?' p in l.eai o Lain cns * i 12 p ni L'-ui c l i reen n cod "ft 2fi p m Leave Mel oi mick '1 (fi |i in A i 've A ugusla *0 ?>> l> in < oiing North, Leave Augusta 7 BO a in I ,- ai e M i oriniek - lu ul a m Leave roon WOOil il liam Ar'vo Orosiivlllo oi un a ni Ar've Hpnrtanburg 2 lu p ni A YO A nilci -on 11 15 p in 'Mady, t baily ex. cpl Sunday. ,'Sui day only. Tho Sunday train leavos Anderson n 7 a in and returns ni I IO p m. Connects wit h 11 ain io and from OrOOIi wooli, Laurens and Sparluiihiirg. Connection* Al Augusta with fjoorgli South <'m olina and Central Uollroadl A Hpnrtanburg with A «V ( Air I ino air Ashev'ie ,v Bpartauburg H. lt. Tickets on salo io all points st i liroug ratcN, llaguago checked to destinât io. W. I CHAKI, A. Oi 1». A. YY W STAHH, Supt., Augusta, On, Thc Stale SÖUIII Camlina, . COUNT Y ol' li A U K K N s. IX 1*UODATK <«'«" UT, WliOK . «.0 NV. Shell.. .<. U.C.. lins applied I«, nu* i«..- letters <>i Administra- don o.i tho< »mu-«a Cynolhtn rtoboilson, dcociiscd. Tin si> uro therefore to oltonml minimi- i»ll al! .111.1 Miiitfulur Ul«' kill'ln-.l ¡uni creditors of Kahl itsenased, to lu- sud up 0 ¡ir lu lor." un' at a Court of Prohn te, lo 1 ¡miden nt my oftico at Laurent* tí. ll., OM tho lAt ll Uil.V of May, I ¡SSS, al In o'elOok, a. m.. to show . aux-, il' any tiny .un, why loiters should not he (tran toil. «oven under my hand mid seal this, i; i -Uh «hiv of A pi il. ISS8. A. W. DCHNSIDI'J, Probate J miyo. April '.. isss ". '.-ut MASON'S #-JLd) LL RY* ^STQRL^ & ^GLASStS- PAT ? JUIY Kl 1679. HA VI Ni; opened owl a full inn- of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, we respectfully solicit a shan- of pul.lie pat* ;l munge. Our stock is tho most complote in this secton and will lie sold at aston ishlngly low pi joes. c* REPAIRING DO : \Vi make a Specialty of llcpniring, and guarani.-.- all work ilono in a neill and sntisfaetory manner. All work Warrant« .! 1 year. : Cali at th. store-room of W. ll. (HP ; j kérson. ! : C. T. MASON'S : SON. : LAUKKNS, s. c. 1 April 1R r I TO ItKNT, A splendid rosideneo on "fimoklyu side," nood gardon orchard, all no- eessarvout building.*-: In fact om nf tin mos! ilesirnhlo roshlouccs in thu Town. A commodious House tied llveorslx " A-rosol lund on "Brooklyn -id.-:" I Torins inodora! ?. A i. ii nil n>i* nf cot lagos on Ji rs y shh*, I di KHNT A il« sirahle house ami lot. on brooklyn side. Koli ItKN'l A live room Colliigc or i .Jersey »iii«-. I-id: ll M NT rio..r four unod Md oro * room ii ii" tow of Lauri ns. A in at enlloco on main street noni M . K. i 'hurel .'iee low . * A te at ('ottai;« on Main Street, noni I Kentall * "Iii ye. I Apply lo J. M ll A M PTON, * M minger. [.'oil SALI:. K s M.I: \ «. d,ii lol ..;( iirodk \ n side, partially impmi o !. I- ' Ht SA I.ll A neal r. o n .t .1 r si»y shh«, containing --iv rooms, t . t -1 » <iid wei; ol' vvnior. Two' liems. Klin hind attaehod. KOll » \ l i: TWO Mun lied and lilli Acm* ol lauu just oillshln Hie ilieorpo rato limits ol the town ot' Laurens, Ai eloura nt home and till necessary out buildings. r KO lt..8 ALK A two-story llrlck.'Sloro house in tho Iowa of Laurens, Also ¡ halt Intercut ir. a good warehouse. l'i 111 SA LK \ .uh ir ol tai MIS h '. din« ri nt portions of Laurens County, '. A valúale lot of ¿li Aeros partially itu proved,ono milo west ol Lauren-. A Larg aili oiler, il, A s.i l h m I Ovo horse w i ron am splundhl sei double Marius- hand made. Also ono pair Kair hanks Scales 1 Pondiorors fora i ol property "i Hu I Town of Lau rons, Also a largo «puiulilj (. ol lauds in this au I ndj >iiilng,coiiiillcs. I T<> borrow ono or two Thousand Dollar for ono, too or, throe years, Morlgngi on splendid Itesl KdaL» in tho .Town o Lauren-, will bo ("Ivoil, A valuable horse and lot in tho To wi f Laurons on mnh^street. I lo.is has nico rooms and a niimbo t oT out buildings. «'on vi nient.lo all th i Churches and female « 'ollogo. Tho lo UOUtalUOS i holli li V'O aere- land. A small tract ol' land near llopowol church.Ono and one-half niles west o Cioldvlllo. s.iid traci eonlnlus a bo ul 7 ne ros, uboilt tn aeres cleared and in goo state ot' cultivation hillanco in inlxoi lorosl Price low, .1. M. Hampton Tho ' Old Reliable" Still To The Front We extend thanks to our friends fr their generous support through the fa lind winter, ami proposo, hy . lemo buj ¡nu, dose soiling, and first-class gcoos i merit a contlnuaiico of the same. The "one-tenth" has grow n larool; and we propose to gel our légitimai sham of tho Irado by «ticking closet thoabovo prono pis, Wo have, A full lin of goods usually fourni In a (list ? ho 11 ard ware Si ore. Those i n need ol' a lt sor, pair Scissors or a pocket Knll y hon ld call on us and get Olio Of I In «lei trio, K. very far mor should have n Panning ton side Marrow. Ho can't do withon ii also tho Karn.ors l'ot. Doubla in plow Allownorsof line Hoofs should ea! and see how their old roofs eau h.- mad as good as new and tim new OlMS cnn li prevented from over fjrvwing old, at nominal cost. inlaid, our lino, is complete, in Mani ware Agi h.Alt ural implements, Paint! ( Ills, Cully, ( Slass, «Ve., and w c make to the ¡ul vantage ol'all hu vers to give ii s eal I. Call on nm heforo buying vonr coo s.< vi s. Can iinike it to your interest. TOBACCO A SPECIALTY. Wo are Agonis for Duponts celebrate f li fl«, und maning powder. Can sti|i|d our moi chant friunds at factory prloei .W. L.BOYD. W holesali! and Ucl iii Hardware Stor LalirOIlM H. < Poh.BUh. ISM, 0¿ AiMUcnoun nuil for »uk« o i In-tU-r lernm IIIIIII over before I00,000CYPRESSSHINGLES 50,000 PINE SHINGLES. 5ö,00ü LATHS. Ceiling, Klooil.if. Hexing, MnnMInji, llrokiiln, I lulu Sa wo*! mid Turned Drv mid Kirnl-class, rend) In lin naili'd down. Win-;, yon need sud, come and -M t . ixe « lililí \W WI! IlltVO nil HÍ/.n I Oil lllllld cheap. Wo Imvo ulan Doors iind¿Mrnd«. On rougi, lumber for frame work we cati bent Un- »low «. _. GRAY & ANDERSON Laurens C. H . S Shoes for Every One ! For. lVI©ri and "Wom ©n For Gents arid adie© For Boyis and O iris Too for tri© Babies COME AND SEE THE SHOES-EVEl.Y STYLE _A_ ri d Quality MINTEH A .) A M I ESO N'S $'J.nn giuiretilocd Uoal mid Kid lin(ton Lady's Shoos are beautiful, perfectly artistic, in design. Hu stir»- mid in- spi'cf thom. MINTEH A JAMI ES< IN'S Trench Kid ami (io.it Hutton Lad lea shoe i- llio Queen -v.' ."»<). shoe for comfort and durability, they art- unexcelled. The Intest Tips mid II loading stylo for Spring and Summer'lu MIN« TER A- JAMIESON'.'.! Iteauty London Toe, Patent Leather Tip, Kid I bi I ti 'ii lindy's Shoe. Admires of bra ul y should examine I hem, LADIES' BUTTON AND LACE SHOES FROM 75 cts XTjp. WOMEN'S Polkas, 65cts. In Gent's and Boy's Shoes our Stock is Weighty. Having long ngo learned that it is more profitable ami satisfactory, b.ith to ourselves und customers lo hundió llrst-elnss goods il is our pleasure t" enumerate a list of shoes H.nd lo none m a II II fuel tired. They uri? as solid a- ih<- Hank of ringi.m.I w ith millionaire manufuet« ure rn to bael, ihein. Ho rc they atc: 'lin celebrated Chas. Heiser Sim *s, considered tho Peor of all 11 ami made (.louts, si. .1. l-'ioisl A -'«o^. I'.lojxanl, porh'cl liititm llamlsoweil shoes. Tho world renown« ed .lames Means ; I. on « i. ti;i Simes. ( mr sales ol' those are I norciisiii}» every Henson. The l-'amntis Hay State Shoos of every SI vie, in .Nun's. Ladles and fbi ldroil'8 tlii- i : 11 I » 11 i 11 > tho host entire Iii.r Simes Manul'actiired ami all Mer¬ chants woiilu liku tn handle thom. \Vo havo tho exclusivo sal" of I noni for I aturen c. Our I2.IÜ1 (.'outs Shoo ( I., Hutt in and Contres) "iii- it -, Um world". Lot UH » kow tin-in to you niel you w ill he eimviucod. Minter & Jamieson LEADERS OF LOW PRICES, n_i .A. Rv E isr.isrs s o Jan. :., I ?.'.in II A Vi Nfl oponed'out a full I'm ÜT-APLN AND I'.W'I'V ORO. CEltllvS in tho town of Lauren^, ,.. . p.'olfully invite tho buying publie to eall and seo ti-. Wo propose lo cany ovory thing in tho way ol' plantation supplies, snell as Corn, Bacon, Flour, Meal, Molasses, Sugar Coffee, Lard, Rice, Grits, Plows, Plow Stocks, Plow Bolts, Single Trees, H ¿innes, Traces, ami everything usually carried in a first-class Oroeory Store, nllj'of which wo proposo t<> -ell ai very clo-,- prices. We w ould call special attention to nur line of Laundry und Toilet Soaps. Having u night in large quantities, wo can offer spécial Induce¬ ments to dealers ns well ¡us consumers. Our line ot' Toilet Soaps is complete, price-, ranging from -j.» cents a cake down to three cakes for "> cents. John M. ('lardy, sulcsmait, would be pleased to liaVO lils friends and acquaintances to call and see him. SIMMONS KOW LU li lt LOOK SECOND l>i)()R BELOW fi RA. Y A Sl'LLIVAN, LAURENS, S. C. ¡in 17 ly We cnn jn<»ve that j is less timi two. liyou don't t>3li©v© it oa.ll e.t BOOK AND DRUG STORK. T r tho immense sato of Holiday O oodfl has beet. Illlr.I np with new slock of Drugs, Patent Medicines, School Hooks, Rlank;Hook8, Stationery, Paper Novels, pictures, Fl umes, uml Paney Ooods of all kind». Frosh puro Oarden Seeds. Second-hand Behool Hookfl bough! und sohl. New lot Birthday Cards. * .1. E WILKES Under Htmh lhi Hotel l>r. C. I.. POOLE Offers Ula profeaalonal aorvleoa t<> the ol ll sci UH ot Lau ITU s ami voinllv. Call« promptly attondod to ni «ht and da tr, Office over MaruVaro 8tor< of J. P, Mar tin <V Cd. tW All oalla nt niariit should ho loft nt the roHhUnuo of Dr. J. T. l'uolo. DR. W l-l BALL, -DKNTIHT.- ^clco over National Hank. ( mit e dnya-Mondays and ueadaya iitUIlBMS, ». J.M.Y1SANSKÍ - £»KALKd IX - WATCHES. Clooka, Jwalry, &c L A U R I : N H. H. 0


»Htcr HippLo

YOL. Í. LAI KENS C. LIM S. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1886. big job of Clothing_Baltimore Fir©.

as others who have stood the test not

only of gi nd-I at ion at other institutionshaving as liigli and honorable records,but nl-io un examination by tlie StateHoard. Il is Imo tliis <s a matter

which concern» only the doctors, andthc legislature, a! rays lias ifs share ofHint profession : yet ii is the action ofthc State, ami should bc condemned in

deserving terms.

l b.- Third l'art j.

During tin- past week, a petitionI,a- been circulated herc, the originoí which may unquestionably he tr.v «. 1to thc friends of Ibo third pa»"ty ughla'ion ot'(of \>!';<:h Kev. SamSmall ls the moving spirit, Tho pctl-ti.m seeks to enlist all prohibitionistin thc fight i'«»i' political recognitionbv hiving n grand convention tn

meei atan carly day ia Columbia.Wc believe that there is absolutelyno cause lor alarm to thc Democrats.When tho llrst speech was nia l- aielSain Small took occasion todenouncePresident Cleveland and the patty,lie proved thc desperation of Iiis onus

as well as forfeit. 1 the respect ofhones! mon. lint the strange pari i-that Ibis petit; nt was signed by manyol' tho leading citizens of tin- place.Do thovîcudorsc thc third party move¬

ment?t ia .':;-; subject we can do nothing

belter titan commend to our readers\ strong editorial from tho UnptistCourier, which wo republish.

Tie* local I) uno-ra'io Club passoiltwo gool résolutif) bul ... nil tinattention of tho » milty Conventionto a matter which is paramountimportance. I- -' Ibo convention em,,

sid :r the following :

ttesolv i. Til it I . Chairman <<ithe demo-i a'ie pat v of this StatC se'

apart tin mo.ü i bf August for a

eau va? ? ol' thc s lite by those whoseek the sutlVago ol' democratic votersThat, one mai's mooting lie held ineach eon it v during said month andthat tie- pr.-se.ii encumbent of stabofllccs who seek re-cleetioti an 1 o'ii sr

aspirants, h.- invited to discuss politicnl Issues a' 'In s.» moldings.

This resolution embodies tho fundatricnial requisite o:' sound deinoeniev. I*, lia been a Ivo «ate \ by 'l in

AovKin ism: repeatedly rind wa

atso suggested hy thc last paper issued by lin farmers movement, Novlet tie- voice ol' th"- I) moeia',lc organ(gatton li ie r 1. and i". will bc heed

j ed.This m ilter of a canvass of tlc

state is refusile before any reformeau h; mah- in tito laws ol'tho StateSo long ns o ie .. fullly approves ( >i

tam mensures, .ml oilier coiinlichave Icion all ilia while wrangling ove

oilier m 'asures, wo will have tho legi si.ature electo I a' haphazard anti rc)resenting no well defined policy. Ihowcvci til'- candidates for Govcnoan I oilier Stat«--, obi. es go before th

pCOpIo and OXprCSS their views o

lin: various measures, then an cloctiowhether by primary or conventionwill express the sentiment ol' the dimocrats ol' thc Stale on these issseand the tuen chosen will in fact as ilaw, be the represonlivc of thc pcopli

Wc suggest thc following plank tbc incorporated in '.he State Dem«eratic platform : .?Whereas it is unjustunwise, undemocratic, to allow t!.control ol' Hie party organization tfall into the hand- ol' one who is hinself seeking thc suffrage of Iiis fal loidemocrats, therefore no candidate fepublie ofllCCS shrill be eligible to thposition ol' County Chairman."


Ati, 'Hm, lost (llamear imviiOn whoso confinen I KtaiMl.

Longing for homo that Klin ll lia homo no mottThere .ixl my palace KI ni l,Whero now, on en I».T liaml,

Tl*' flory Bwoixlii <>f Herni'iis guard Un' iloor.

Thora oiieo I roamed to ot.llnear hopen mon- beautiful

Timn RIreri thoughts that musing monks rostetNothing l<*> far <>r fairHut UH mirado was there,

Pictured ujjon tai- vallcy'ii rosy mint.Thora each Hwoet «lay l heardSolids of u brooding hird,

Telling of purosl ploaanrcHyet Ioho;Thora, hy tho Kitifflnn (roamsFniut fornui of darling dreamsLoitered and lingered hand m hand with me.

Ah: dim, door Paney lund:Thy wolkln, rainbow ipnnncd,The BOfteBl lililí of halcyon hour« o'crpast,failing away, away,All Ula OX|MWM lu (rray-

As fa<lf»s tho suinmor moon, loo fair to loni.Tho Independent.

Vulae of Social Itnjnyraciit.Social onjoymont ls another factor thai

enters info long life. I do liol «li. vc irultra fashionable society, and caronothmg for il. 't he late hours, the dissipa'Won, th" dreary formalities, i ho shallot!minded talk and the general air of hy¬pocrisy maka it very distasteful to mo,There are a great many ninon« tho ricipeople in New York at tho present tinnwho loso real social enjoyment. Havinpsuddenly acquired wealth, they have become separated from their old friondiand acquaintances with whom, in enrlioidays, they sjient many o sociable, an/:genxihle evening. They git big dinnento n lot of brainless snobs, sycophantiand pnrasltea who will oat their food an<1buigh at them behind their hacks. Tlioiihonest friendships of jioorer days linvtbeen broken, for their acquaintance), no)being able to give big dinners, do not ac¬cept invitations to (bom provided theytiro sent, and HO tho spirit of true, whole¬some enjoyment is noon lost. T. T. bar¬num in Tho Epoch.

Laurens Township Democraticflub.

< MI Saturday Olli in-t., nt 3 o'clockp ni tho Club .va« called toordor i»\the president, Dr Win. Wright, MiW. W. Dail wa- mude tompornrvSecretary. C ol .J. !.. M. Irby niov-od that the old constitution bcadopted without being read, whiebwas carried. Tho foliowing ollicerswi ro tle-a elected: President, WmWright., Vbe-Proslden», A. c. Kui-1er, Secretary .1. D. Sullivan. Thefollow lug delegates were elected tothe t'onntv Convention. J. L. M,irby, Jus. ílell, <¡. W. Sholl, .Do.Moore, J. D. .M. Shaw, W, J. Cope¬land, W. I -. I dunningham, A. C.Du I b r. W D. (J ra: .

Capt C. W. Shell was nominatedor recommended as ti member «>iibo Executive Commit coe.AW. li,Cray introduced the follow?lng resolution which was adoptctl:Ltesotved that it h tho sense olthis club, that state ollicors bo liolnominated at thu state coiiventb iito nu ot on thc Iftii in-1.

Wu . SN UDS II r Pres,.J. 1 ). Sullivan Sec y.

Til« ".-"ri. Limit' O" Dive.iso».Tho nature of th enuse of n given dis

ease has much todo with its duration,lu thu BO called oe ntinl fevers, BUCII tutyphus, typhoid, relating mid yolloivf vcr, tho cnu.-o i- a minuto vogctabl«organism that t rein to attain its full dcv. loptnctit within a v. ry short time, afteiwhich it produces ita progeny and diesThere b no moro chnnco of one of th' IIbecoming chronic tuan there U of rniMmBCvera 1 cropa . ; <\.ti or harley from ono

Sowing thc .-c. d. Those arc. truly. (Ip'.self limited'1 dbenaoa. It i- fortunanin many particulars that -neb a larg'proportion of discus's tire of this chaineter. 1: main bul little difference in tintreatniont "f tle ni what tho drugs us. i

may h . .> l< :. : tm (li rtrcngth is hopiup and i. lutrin i- done. Thc niaitthing is to keep tin patient alive a givernumber of days, whi n tho cause ex

haustj itself mid recovery ought to follow. Globe-Democrat.

Murringo Among thu Afghan*.Among riif Afgiians marriage D ¡

case of purchasing tin.- bride, A riciAfghan marries enrly, dimply Irónuso lucause ho can tilford to pay for a w ifewhile ii ]j*,r .)' ften remains Bingiuntil middle lil > on account of his inability to purchase. If thc husband dieand the wi«'.ow v> ¡sin . to many againBbc or her friends have to rotund llupurchase, money to the friends "f lb«dead husband. Like Ibo Jews, n common custom ¡J fdr the brother of tho doCeased to liiaily the widow. No oth«.person would think of wc«ldbig luwithout first asking this brother's eonprut. Thomas Stevens in New YorlSun.

tli.rtn'.ily of I IIKIUII 11. f:t ti i ».

It i- sa d that 40 p 1 cent, ot" nil thdeaths fr".n |toison in (treat Dritaln aidia- lc opium, ned llii-i rat" of mortalityaccording to Dr. Wynter Illythe, "arisein n gt eal mei tire iTftin tin iierniciouprae'.i«?>'. lK>th of hard working EngliBmothers nial tho baby farmer, of gtvhi

. infant ; 'soothing syrO'is,' 'infant!friends.' and the like, lo allay restlos1,noss and keep tl» nt asleep during thgrouter part of their existence.'' lt hrI cn ealciilated that ono prepnrulioalone i- tiio uiidoubtcil eausé of death «

150,000 children every year, l'ubliOpinion.

f'ininti >>i American dipers.Tlie remarkable Nnish "f Amerlcti

papera places then) ahead -f any mai" elsewhere hi lix world; Tho oxcelloi> properties ol the paper aro i inparted I

the addition of a mineral called a calitllt i . ;. silicate of m.i :ne ¡a. and . li brouresembling in this iv ;- ec nslteslo

i. Large nniount.i of it ate found ia i!. United Stat. /. Thin stihdatico do«* iv

seem to lie found ns yet in "tier couii' t les. Philadelphia Times,

"lîvll Communient len.," I.te.Manners are contagions, there j, .-,

n epidemic of fastness in thc air. lt cornifrom I'.nglaiid, from tho court circlefrom everywhere. Ii j.-, raging in «'i

'? midst, producing a plentiful bhxka Boanda ls, divorces and ntl vi utiircsscs.

is a lowered tone of mamu r and moral-Mis. M. B, W. Sherwood.

Wot dil lp of lllftCMC'H.A recent trnvi 1er through the Chino«

o j province of Muuchunia says that besidihaving a reverence for animals tho ru

j tic Manchus worship diseases, and pnetb'. nl:uly tho smallpox, which i- rep;,o sontod under ti*«- form of a repulsivIdol. Now York Kv- liing W ald.

'. mind i un ni Hie Sen,v! Seven varieties i,f fish examined 1(-1 naturalists of the Challenge Ox|>cditio

aro iou i id loudly blind in thc deep ci0 but have eyes when inhabiting hallo

r.at- r. Arkuusaw Traveler,

Why v te your arguments «».i orwho will not lu* convinced i V« t if yokeep your argument! (Ill they are KU re Iconvince, th . ure t<- lc found runty whothey ure j,et to Use.

1 -

It i. esl¡ina (eil Hint lo colli cl one | KUI riof honey from clover GvhÜilO beads <

clover inusl 1. deprived <-i nectar an8,700,000 \ i. i: from In must he mad

I In lin i: ,.m . ace ..n,: oro "ttl«lint once n year. The r.Oih pf Jain i-t!dav u. II di ii .? d fm lin- pa yea . i,

N'of liing i. ina U li.

/.Illulia, I'la., .June J7, I'.KN R, Venablo iV Co:

I have heen using I!, fi, ll, in lily lanliv as a blood piirilioi', Having'neviused piny medicine looipinl ii.

Ilospocllully, Mrs lt At Laws,Mnkesnu Old .Man Voling,

( Kx traci from n Loltor.)P, H I bough I three hollies of youllotanle blood Halm from my triond II) Mallard, of Campobidlo, s r. i davl een iisiiu: ii (hl'00 weeks. ft appearto gi TC lue new life and MOW M-I'O llgtll,thoro is anything that will make un oh

t mau young it ii lt ll 15. I nm willing l<i seii ¡i. i nan oaruestty and hon-siiv

reooinincud botan ie blood Maim.IIOTANIC ll LOCI) MA I,M C

A) .'intn. O.ol gi' For anio by TR i'^M AHA MI al.

i Patents.I Caveats, Trade Marks and Copyright

Obtained, and all other busillOSS in th, r.s. Paton t Oflleo nltondod bi for MOD. KM ATI-. PMKS., « lin- office is opposite the I". S. Paten* Offlco, and weean obtain Patents In les) time than t hose i emote from WashingI ton.j Send Mod*] or Drawing, Wo ad via. ns to patent ability free of charge; umwo make no charge, unless WO olitai

1 Patent.I W o refer here to tho Postmaster, th

Snot, of Money Ordor l>i /., and the otis«dals Of the CL 8. Patent Orth o. Poi ehciliar, advice, terms and refernneoa tactual Olients in your own Htato oCounty, writ'j to

«. A.PNOW.

Spring Clothing.II..VO 1' :i I Inow I * »1 » t!l<- iolllU.1 - ;.ndnwult ymir «-tit lo ¡! inspect! >?.... You w illIbid a hountll'iil »rt.ii nt ol' garmentsl'or n on, youths an ! buys ill nil tho roi»«ular sizes, ami In ull «piiillllos nuil pr!««-.OK. 'I'ljo designs nuil patterns..i i );.. (.< o !. I li IN - is .n ai >. moro II tl ruo*live thun nny n tho past. There ls a do¬er!« i chango in the -ti u s mid uiiiko upof Die garments this season uno in par«tioiihirtin I that ls iho p int- ar.» largerand tho suck couta aro eiitaivay. Veryrow «.f He- -tr.ngia out sack will beworn. Tiie-r garments arc innnufactu-rci expressly f..r my trvi !< mid in crib rto gel o w o o- n.vsnifillet.I ot tie- numeron i pu tb in- and designs which urei.'.'lei'i ll this season, I luiyo secured alarge stock lor my customers to s. feetfront, riioso garments are regular tail«ir mittle and will : i t perfectly and willhoi.I theil -! apo nur:! tin gamu ut lsworn out. They aro aiso manufacturcdof imported goods as well .-?-< of (Inmost.ies in cassliiieri -, ohevniots, sorgos, silkniixi d, worsted, whipcord and curl .

serons, lind in sacks', cutaways, Singleucl iii .II I » I «j hreasted frock styles. 1hu Ve also n line assorted line ol gentsunderwear iii India, gauze, hnllhilggan-md lisle tinea.I. A;. ¡: -i ry nf tin»ame material in fancy and plain color*

-. n-, 'ntl-, handkerchief's ami a inrgrline ol'iieuts m-ekivoiir in alt Mn- latesinovoltii i, colors ami tint < an.I made icile- latest «Slape ..

Sou ami -nu Ha:- for the Spring timiti III ni '«i- uv.ir in all m iho new shapjsalni col .rs, and all sizes. 'l in.- loud! lidshades are cinm.moli mid granito hmlthc gray eassiinero hats. I have in stn ktic- favorite boston soil lonforHiing st it'lint, willoh h a i a reputation ali nvoithe State, an-l « an mili I, purchliscilc. c. i., i,; » ¡i,, shoes Tn al: (lie lend i nt.styles and ii uk -. ipuilitu - and pricesA Ulong i iie i n i - iho I lan uister lino silo««which ha* thc host reputation ol any lililli» elly. i.eur- slippers and llanelli*,pumps in ali si .. i. s. Respectfully,

M. I.. KIN All IKUY IN T'A I TV. Malinger.

Sparlnnhiirg S. <'

I II r. KM PO lt I CMM « 'ol n m i. ¡a - tlc plano lor fiiKhlonabhClothing, hats. IllrliislilItu g i ds, lr inkand valises lind gents lim- shoes u liolvisiting the city call and exilniiiio ni"linc stock of Viuui, vouths and boy.clothing,Ac.,nil nf w iiieli yon Will iii.'in the Spartiinhurg store as well ns i:* ubmibiit.

i:< -P< ctfuiiv,I'olun.!.¡a S. c M. I.. NIN A Ul)

y ILoans on approved Karin Lund

' negollnteil. Kcu.->otinhlo time nm

j onsy tenus. A pply to!CD. I'.A UK sDA LI:,

A t toi in y ¡it iiiWV.Lum en-. S. ( '., .Ian. 17. 1888-'in

Female* CollegeWith a full.p- of assistants Un

Lnuronsvillu Kcninlo College wi!rcorgaui/.o niel begin full sessioiSept. I Ot li. Koonin comfortableStn min rd high. Special attention t<nil Koniale iiccnmplishinciit.ç. Nov¡uni splendid Pimms. Non-soot:*-ri m. t îovoniinoul parental, ^'iiiuiIndie- under I he inn.li.ito cu-e oMrs. M ct V.» I n 11 nm! Mrs. N. c J ordun. Pupil- received nny finnand charged until cud of quartoHoard »IJ per month in rulvunciTuition ¡f20, ijüjn, ami with elitssicunilli-.- v lo per ('ol logia te your, payaldo monthly. Wi- solicit und Impio merit public patronage, Koa nv in form ul ion m hin--,

W. M. McCASLAN,Prosidcnl

LAUKlY.N.S, fi. C., .Inly lio, issy, |j

Registration Notice!Tho 1.ks of Registration wll

ho opened in tlio Sherill'- (lillee ,-i

Laurens, us flu- Liu directs, on thfirst Moiulny in each month, lint)first Moiulny in .Inly.'", M hu thInw requires thom closed until aftotin- next general eleclion. Tills ifor flu- purpose of registering ulpersons who have become of ny*or entitled lo register -ince Inselect ion ; to transfer person«, fronthis to another County, und fronono township ionnothci, or fronone residence to another,-All t li imtlsl bo doiic before ol' on flu- lil's.Monday in .I illy, 1883. I .os I cert Iilca te.*) may ho renewed lo witlili!10 days of tho election, und thoswho become of age between 1-.I lily and tin- election, muy registent any time before election.Those who llefusodor Noglocto«

to Register In lon- Hie Inst oleotioicannot register until tin- Lnw ichanged.

.1. WASH WA TIS,Supervisor Itcglsl rntioi

Fob. 'J Ith, 1888.

Port ICoyul ¿C Western Carol I niItu 11 vt nj Com pu u j.

I n ciieet April s, I---.Time 7ftlh .Meridian, same as lt. cte I

I'., lt. time.

GoingA mlorson

-mit h.

;? on a i

. lo Ml a I

11 rt.-, p ijß Iß p I

112 ls p i

;iu -jo n i

Leave A mlorson 1020 p niLoave Hpartniiburg I Ul) p mLiai e O roon I Illa IV '?>?' p inl.eai o Lain cns * i 12 p niL'-ui c l i reen n cod "ft 2fi p mLeave Mel oi mick '1 (fi |i inA i 've A ugusla *0 ?>> l> in

< oiing North,Leave Augusta 7 BO a inI ,- ai e M i oriniek - lu ul a mLeave (î roon WOOil il liamAr'vo Orosiivlllo oi un a niAr've Hpnrtanburg 2 lu p niA YO A nilci -on 11 15 p in

'Mady, t baily ex. cpl Sunday. ,'Suiday only.Tho Sunday train leavos Anderson n

7 a in and returns ni I IO p m.

Connects wit h 11 ain io and from OrOOIiwooli, Laurens and Sparluiihiirg.Connection* Al Augusta with fjoorgli

South <'m olina and Central UollroadlA Hpnrtanburg with A «V ( Air I ino airAshev'ie ,v Bpartauburg H. lt.Tickets on salo io all points st i liroug

ratcN, llaguago checked to destinât io.

W. I CHAKI, A. Oi 1». A.

YY W STAHH, Supt., Augusta, On,

Thc Stale oí SÖUIII Camlina,. COUNT Y ol' li A U K K N s.

IX 1*UODATK <«'«" UT,

WliOK . «.0 NV. Shell.. .<. U.C.. linsapplied I«, nu* i«..- letters <>i Administra-don o.i tho< »mu-«a Cynolhtn rtoboilson,dcociiscd.Tin si> uro therefore to oltonml minimi-

i»ll al! .111.1 Miiitfulur Ul«' kill'ln-.l ¡unicreditors of Kahl itsenased, to lu- sud up0 ¡ir lu lor." un' at a Court of Prohn te, lo1 ¡miden nt my oftico at Laurent* tí. ll.,OM tho lAt ll Uil.V of May, I ¡SSS, al Ino'elOok, a. m.. to show . aux-, il' anytiny .un, why loiters should not he(tran toil.«oven under my hand mid seal this,

i; i -Uh «hiv of A pi il. ISS8.A. W. DCHNSIDI'J,

Probate J miyo.April '.. isss ". '.-ut



^GLASStS-PAT ? JUIY Kl 1679.

HA VI Ni; opened owl a full inn- ofJewelry, Watches, Clocks, etc, we

respectfully solicit a shan- of pul.lie pat*;l munge. Our stock is tho most complote

in this secton and will lie sold at astonishlngly low pi joes.

c* REPAIRING DO: \Vi make a Specialty of llcpniring, and

guarani.-.- all work ilono in a neilland sntisfaetory manner. All

work Warrant« .! 1 year.

: Cali at th. store-room of W. ll. (HP; j kérson.

! : C. T. MASON'S : SON. :

LAUKKNS, s. c.1 April 1R rI

TO ItKNT,A splendid rosideneo on "fimoklyu

side," nood gardon orchard, all no-eessarvout building.*-: In fact om nf tinmos! ilesirnhlo roshlouccs in thu Town.A commodious House tied llveorslx

" A-rosol lund on "Brooklyn -id.-:"I Torins inodora! ?.

A i. ii nil n>i* nf cot lagos on Ji rs y shh*,I di KHNT A il« sirahle house ami

lot. on brooklyn side.Koli ItKN'l A live room Colliigc or

i .Jersey »iii«-.I-id: ll MNT rio..r four unod Mdoro

*room ii ii" tow of Lauri ns.

A in at enlloco on main street noniM . K. i 'hurel .'iee low .

* A te at ('ottai;« on Main Street, nonif» I Kentall * "Iii ye.I Apply lo

J. M ll A M PTON,* M minger.

[.'oil SALI:.

Ks M.I: \ «. d,ii lol ..;( iirodk\ n side, partially impmi o !.

I- ' Ht SA I.ll A neal r. o n .t .1 r

si»y shh«, containing --iv rooms, t . t -1 »<iid wei; ol' vvnior. Two' liems. Klinhind attaehod.KOll » \ l i: TWO Mun lied and lilli

Acm* ol lauu just oillshln Hie ilieorporato limits ol the town ot' Laurens, Aieloura nt home and till necessary outbuildings.

r KO lt..8ALK A two-story llrlck.'Slorohouse in tho Iowa of Laurens, Also ¡

halt Intercut ir. a good warehouse.l'i 111 SA LK \ .uh ir ol tai MIS h

'. din« ri nt portions of Laurens County,'. A valúale lot of ¿li Aeros partially itu

proved,ono milo west ol Lauren-.A Larg aili oiler, il,A s.i l h m I Ovo horse w i ron am

splundhl sei double Marius- handmade. Also ono pair Kair hanks Scales

1 Pondiorors fora i -Í ol property "i HuI Town of Lau rons, Also a largo «puiulilj(. ol lauds in this au I ndj >iiilng,coiiiillcs.I T<> borrow ono or two Thousand Dollar

for ono, too or, throe years, Morlgngion splendid Itesl KdaL» in tho .Town o

Lauren-, will bo ("Ivoil,A valuable horse and lot in tho To wi

f Laurons on mnh^street.I lo.is '« has nico rooms and a niimbo

t oT out buildings. «'on vi nient.lo all thi Churches and female « 'ollogo. Tho lo

UOUtalUOS i holli li V'O aere- land.

A small tract ol' land near llopowolchurch.Ono and one-half niles west o

Cioldvlllo. s.iid traci eonlnlus aboul 7ne ros, uboilt tn aeres cleared and in goostate ot' cultivation hillanco in inlxoilorosl Price low,

.1. M. Hampton

Tho ' Old Reliable"

Still To The FrontWe extend thanks to our friends fr

their generous support through the falind winter, ami proposo, hy . lemo buj¡nu, dose soiling, and first-class gcoos imerit a contlnuaiico of the same.

The "one-tenth" has grow n larool;and we propose to gel our légitimaisham of tho Irado by «ticking closetthoabovo pronopis, Wo have, A full linof goods usually fourni In a (list ? ho11 ard ware Si ore. Those i n need ol' a ltsor, pair Scissors or a pocket Knlly hon ld call on us and get Olio Of I In «leitrio,

K. very farmor should have n Pannington side Marrow. Ho can't do withonii also tho Karn.ors l'ot. Doubla inplowAllownorsof line Hoofs should ea!

and see how their old roofs eau h.- madas good as new and tim new OlMS cnn liprevented from over fjrvwing old, atnominal cost.

inlaid, our lino, is complete, in Maniware Agi h.Alt ural implements, Paint!( Ills, Cully, ( Slass, «Ve., and w c maketo the ¡ul vantage ol'all hu vers to give iis eal I.

Call on nm heforo buying vonr coos.< vi s. Can iinike it to your interest.

TOBACCO A SPECIALTY.Wo are Agonis for Duponts celebrate

f li fl«, und maning powder. Can sti|i|dour moi chant friunds at factory prloei

.W. L.BOYD.W holesali! and Ucl iii Hardware Stor

LalirOIlM H. <

Poh.BUh. ISM,

0¿ AiMUcnounnuil for »uk« o i In-tU-r lernm IIIIIII over before


5ö,00ü LATHS.Ceiling, Klooil.if. Hexing, MnnMInji, llrokiiln, I lulu Sawo*! mid Turned

Drv mid Kirnl-class, rend) In lin naili'd down. Win-;, yon need sud,

come and -M t . ixe « lililí I» \W WI! IlltVO nil HÍ/.n I Oil lllllld cheap.Wo Imvo ulan Doors iind¿Mrnd«. On rougi, lumber for frame work

we cati bent Un- »low «. _ .


Shoes for Every One !For. lVI©ri and "Wom©nFor Gents arid adie©For Boyis and O irisToo for tri© Babies


MINTEH A .) A M I ESO N'S $'J.nn giuiretilocd Uoal mid Kid lin(ton

Lady's Shoos are beautiful, perfectly artistic, in design. Hu stir»- mid in-

spi'cf thom.MINTEH A JAMI ES< IN'S Trench Kid ami (io.it Hutton Lad lea shoe

i- llio Queen -v.' ."»<). shoe for comfort and durability, they art- unexcelled.The Intest Tips mid II loading stylo for Spring and Summer'lu MIN«

TER A- JAMIESON'.'.! Iteauty London Toe, Patent Leather Tip, KidI bi I ti 'ii lindy's Shoe. Admires of bra ul y should examine I hem,


WOMEN'S Polkas, 65cts.In Gent's and Boy's Shoes our

Stock is Weighty.Having long ngo learned that it is more profitable ami satisfactory,

b.ith to ourselves und customers lo hundió llrst-elnss goods il is our

pleasure t" enumerate a list of shoes H.nd lo none ma II II fuel tired.They uri? as solid a- ih<- Hank of ringi.m.I w ith millionaire manufuet«

urern to bael, ihein.

Ho rc they atc:'lin celebrated Chas. Heiser Sim *s, considered tho Peor of all 11 amimade (.louts,si.

.1. l-'ioisl A -'«o^. I'.lojxanl, porh'cl liititm llamlsoweil shoes. Tho world renown«ed .lames Means ; I. on « i. ti;i Simes. ( mr sales ol' those are I norciisiii}» every Henson.The l-'amntis Hay State Shoos of every SI vie, in .Nun's. Ladles and fbi ldroil'8

tlii- i : 11 I » 11 i 11 > tho host entire Iii.r Simes Manul'actiired ami all Mer¬chants woiilu liku tn handle thom. \Vo havo tho exclusivo sal" of I noni forIaturen c.Our I2.IÜ1 (.'outs Shoo ( I., Hutt in and Contres) "iii- it -, Um world". Lot UH

» kow tin-in to you niel you w ill he eimviucod.


n_i .A. Rv E isr.isrs s oJan. :., I ?.'.in

IIA Vi Nfl oponed'out a full I'm oí ÜT-APLN AND I'.W'I'V ORO.CEltllvS in tho town of Lauren^, ,.. . p.'olfully invite tho buyingpublie to eall and seo ti-. Wo propose lo cany ovory thing in tho wayol' plantation supplies, snell as

Corn, Bacon, Flour, Meal, Molasses, SugarCoffee, Lard, Rice, Grits, Plows, Plow

Stocks, Plow Bolts, Single Trees,H ¿innes, Traces,

ami everything usually carried in a first-class Oroeory Store, nllj'ofwhich wo proposo t<> -ell ai very clo-,- prices.We w ould call special attention to nur line of Laundry und Toilet

Soaps. Having u night in large quantities, wo can offer spécial Induce¬ments to dealers ns well ¡us consumers. Our line ot' Toilet Soaps iscomplete, price-, ranging from -j.» cents a cake down to three cakes for"> cents.

John M. ('lardy, sulcsmait, would be pleased to liaVO lils friendsand acquaintances to call and see him.



¡in 17 ly

We cnn jn<»ve that j is less timi two.

liyou don't t>3li©v© it oa.ll e.t

BOOK AND DRUG STORK.T r tho immense sato of Holiday O oodfl has

beet. Illlr.I np with .» new slock of Drugs, Patent Medicines, SchoolHooks, Rlank;Hook8, Stationery, Paper Novels, pictures, Fl umes, umlPaney Ooods of all kind». Frosh puro Oarden Seeds. Second-handBehool Hookfl bough! und sohl. New lot Birthday Cards.


.1. E WILKESUnder Htmh lhi Hotel

l>r. C. I.. POOLEOffers Ula profeaalonal aorvleoa t<> the

ol ll sci UH ot Lau ITU s ami voinllv. Call«promptly attondod to ni«ht and da tr,Office over MaruVaro 8tor< of J. P, Martin <V Cd.tW All oalla nt niariit should ho loft nt

the roHhUnuo of Dr. J. T. l'uolo.


^clco over National Hank.( mit e dnya-Mondays and ueadayaiitUIlBMS, ».


WATCHES.Clooka, Jwalry, &c

L A U R I : N H. H. 0
