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Lb Presentation 0306

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Installment Sales

  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Installment Sales

    The Challenge With Selling a Business orProperty for Cash

    Challenge: Individuals selling a business or personal

    property for a lump sum are oftentimes faced withhaving to recognize the entire gain as taxable in theyear of the sale.

    Solution: By making the sale and having part of the

    proceeds payable over the following tax year(s), theseller can recognize the taxable gain in the tax yearthe installment payment is received or deemedreceived.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Market Data*

    Level 1 businesses sell for $2.5 - $50 million(Market = $138 - $600 Billion).

    Level 6 sells for $50 million+

    *Data obtained from the 2004 Business Ref. Guide.Broker Use Only

  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    What is an Installment Sale?

    An Installment sale is defined in Sec. 453 of the Internal

    Revenue Code of 1986 as a disposition of property where atleast 1 payment is to be received after the close of the taxableyear in which the disposition occurs.

    In general, Installment Sales permit sellers to defergains on certain property dispositions to the tax year

    in which the related sale proceeds are received.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    How does a Cash Sale work?

    $100 Selling Price with a Basis of $10.

    Seller recognizes taxable profit of $90 (or 90% of sellingprice) immediately.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    How does an Installment Sale work?

    $100 Selling Price with a Basis of $10 (gross profit of $90, or90% of selling price).

    Selling price paid in installments of $10/year for 10 years.

    Seller recognizes taxable gain of $9 (90% of $10) each year

    a distribution is received.

    For simplicity, example does not take into account interest in theInstallment Obligation.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Benefits of an Installment Sale

    No direct relationship between the Buyer and Seller for the

    assigned periodic payment obligation.

    Security The Seller is not directly dependent on thesolvency or financial performance of the Buyer.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Installment Sales

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Installment Sales-Continued

    The Buyer assigns the obligation to an Assignment Company tomake periodic payments.*

    An Assignment Company funds the payment liability bypurchasing an annuity from Allstate Life (part of the AllstateCorporation, headquartered in Northbrook, IL and a Fortune 100Company).

    In the event the Assignment Company fails to makepayments, ALIC shall make the scheduled annuitypayments to Seller pursuant to the Agreement to Pay.

    *See Revenue Rulings 75-457 and 82-122 and Tax Court decisions in Wynne v. Commissioner (47B.T.A. 731 (1942), nonacq. 1943 C.B.42)and Cunningham v. Commissioner(44 T.C. 103 (1965), acq.

    1966-2 C.B. 4) for substituting obligors. Broker Use Only

  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Design Mechanics

    Sales agreement between the Buyer and the Seller includeslanguage allowing for installment sale.

    Terms of an Installment Agreement govern payment schedule.

    Can be paid period certain or period certain and life.

    Only restriction on payment streams cannot be

    life/life contingent only; needs period certain.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Target Market*

    Target value range is $500,000 to $50,000,000, or Level 2through Level 5.

    Businesses sold for less than $500,000, or Level 1, andover $50,000,000, or Level 6, are probably not a targetmarket.

    *Data obtained from the 2004 Business Ref. Guide.

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  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Some Restrictions to Consider Sales not eligible for Installment Treatment:*

    Sales to related persons where the related persondisposes of the property within 2 years

    Related persons as defined under IRC 267(b)

    Sale of inventory

    Depreciation Recapture The portion of the sale that represents amounts previously

    deducted for depreciation are includible as ordinary income

    Sales resulting in a loss

    Sale of stock or securities traded on an established securities market

    Sales of personal property by a person who regularly sells orotherwise disposes of the same type of personal property (Dealer)

    *Internal Revenue Service Publication 537. Broker Use Only

  • 7/31/2019 Lb Presentation 0306


    Reporting Requirements

    The Seller is responsible for reporting any applicable InstallmentSale income to the Internal Revenue Service and should consultwith his or her own independent tax advisor for details.

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