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Leadership Through Narrative Ethics

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Case Study: Abortion

Leadership Through Remembering Transitioning from Morehouse College to Boston University School of Medicine

Case Study: Abortion

Ethical Leadership : Narrative based ethics

Transition from Morehouse College to Boston University School of medicineAdam Lawrence Johnson

Ethical Leadership ModelSpiritCourageJustice Compassion

InstructionsWhen there is a word in RED the whole class will read it out loud COLLECTIVELY!

PracticeWhen there is a word in RED, the whole class will read it out loud COLLECTIVELY!

The Way of the Story-Teller: Narrative-based Ethics (Page 31)Remembers, Re-lives, Re-tellsHeavily Based on Experience and TraditionEvacuates Memory of Stories for Virtues and ValuesCan Shape Wisdom, Habits and Practices

Remembering, Retelling, and Reliving (Page 36) By the age of four or five, most youngsters have constructed dozens of scripts based on daily experiences; moreover, they have heard dozens of stories from their elders and perhaps scores from the communications media that happen to be prevalent in their societies. No doubt, the number of scripts and stories continues to mount in the years thereafter; and as, already suggested these become more and more complex, subtle and ambiguous. I would not be surprised if more adults in Western society posses a hundred or more regular scripts and have internalized several hundred stories.Howard GardnerLeading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership

Remembering, Retelling, and Reliving Memory-Remembering your storyVision-Retelling and Reframing your storyMission-Reliving your story

What exactly is Adam Lawrence Johnsons Plot?

In Blooms Taxonomy we learn the different levels of learning

Remembering your story covers the first two levels of the blooms TaxanomyRetelling and Reframing you consist of Applying and AnalyzingReliving your story is evaluating and creating new experiences on what you have already gone through. 8

Creating Moral Ethos (Page 31)

So even as a child I began to employ this modelFormation of abstract concepts ideas-this came from the stories my dad us to tell me. If I am obedient to God, and pray I will get what I wantMy mom is sick, I pray she will be healedMy mom is not deadRemembering what I did, Telling my Testimony, And Reliving it to complete a mission9

An Ethical Leader must contain FAITH! Victoria Lecorian Johnson Named: November 5, 1985Born: May 23, 1987Adam Lawrence JohnsonNamed: December 29, 1988Born: June 28, 1991


List of Illnesses 12/28/88- Diagnosis breast cancer, right breast03/21/89- Right mastectomy06/28/91- Birth of Adam 1991- tubal ligation1998- Grand mal seizure01/02/02- Lumpectomy01/21/02- Port-a- cath for chemo (inserted)02/15/02- Wider margin needed04/07/02- Passed out in bathroom, husband too to ER04/09/07- Puncture tear in right epigastric artery04/25/07- Hopping after leaving Northside. Wilbert after praying said, Lets go you have a blood clot. He took me to the ER (where I was) admitted04/27/02- Cardiac arrest and IVC filter inserted05/03/07- Refused AICD and transported to MCCG. Dr. Saed left the room like he had been shot when I told him I had to pray about it05/04/07- Peritoneal dialysis catheter (inserted)

My life as a Case Study An African-American Male named Wilbert has a sick wife and 2 kids. His wife is recurrently in and out of the hospital. His wife who has her Masters in Business Administration cannot work because of her many illnesses. Financially, this is causing a strain on the household. Even though Wilbert and his family are below the poverty line, they have decided to invest in the minds and extracurricular activities of their 2 children. Both Children are in private school and participate in privilege children extracurricular activities such as guitar lessons, piano lessons, after school scholastic programs, ballet and tap lessons, etc. As a result of the parents financial choices, occasionally the electricity and water would be cut out, the pantry and refrigerator at times would be sparse, the children experienced isolation and bullying, and in extreme cases the house would be put up for foreclosure. How would you classify Wilbert and his wifes decision on their investments? Bad Unethical, Good Unethical, Bad Ethical, Good unethical?

My Life as a Case Study A young African-American male name Adam is going to a small private military school. His mother has been ill for a while, and his father is oftentimes unemployed due to the time he takes off to care for his wife. One of his teachers is constantly harassing Adam in class about the financial state of his parents and seemingly decrepit state of his shoes. This is negatively affecting Adams self-esteem. Additionally, the same teacher has attempted to molest Adam on several occasions after school. However, the teacher is also the youth minister, basketball coach, and nephew by marriage to the pastor and founder of the school. Unfortunately, Adams family and the pastors family are not on the best of terms. Adam is stressed and confused on what to do. If Adam does not tell, he may be putting others at risks due to the many positions the teacher holds. If Adam does tell, he could be responsible for breaking a man from his wife and son or being expelled because of the teachers family ties to the top administration of the church and school. 1. What should Adam do?2. What are some of the other possible consequences of his actions?

Conflicting Stories Many DeathsSicknessPovertyLow Self-EsteemTHE BLACK CHURCH/SCHOOL EXPERIENCE!!

Growing up, I was always told that God can any and everything. He controls it all. So being aware of a greater power or being at all, but I was oftentimes confused as to why it felt that everything was bad was happening to us, specifically my family. Before the of 10 my sister and I had been to more funerals of our own family members, than to birthday parties. We lived in the projects14

Creating Moral Ethos

So even as a child I began to employ this modelFormation of abstract concepts ideas-this came from the stories my dad us to tell me. If I am obedient to God, and pray I will get what I wantMy mom is sick, I pray she will be healedMy mom is not deadRemembering what I did, Telling my Testimony, And Reliving it to complete a mission15

An Ethical Leader must possess HUMILITY and COMPASSION!Valedictorians BrunchJune 6th, 2009

Valedictorians BrunchFormer Governor of Georgia Sonny Perdue

An Ethical Leader should have MENTORS!Alpha Epsilon Delta InductionAugust 2009

Mr. SamarasinghePre-med advisorMorehouse father figureDr. HowardFirst G. Bio ProfessorSimilar situation in College

An Ethical Leader must possess CONFIDENCE!Harvard University Summer 2010

An Ethical Leader RESEARCH, PLANS and PREPARES!Early Medical School Selection ProgramSpring 2011

Preparation Started Freshmen yearAccepted as a Sophomore

An Ethical Leader experience TRIALS!Mothers DeathSeptember 9, 2011


An Ethical Leader must PERSERVERE!Victorias Whitecoat CeremonySeptember 16, 2011

Grandma RuthAll Sciences ClassesWorking with Cadavers

An Ethical Leader should SERVE OTHERS and possess INTEGRITY!Macchu Picchu, PeruTPaIDA, December 2011

A Ethical leader should seek and apply WISDOM!MS. Teen Atlanta Winter-Summer 2012


Wisdom If you live like a dog you will get a bitch for a wife. If you live like a prince you will receive the inheritance of a king.

Wilbert Lawrence Johnson III

An Ethical Leader should LEARN FROM FAILURE!Senior Year at BUSMFall 2012

Failed 1st Biochem TestFailed 1st Histology Test1st MCAT-7 points awayWrote in Journal

An Ethical Leader should COMPLETE what he has STARTED!Graduation BanquetMay 19, 2013

Graduated from Morehouse CollegeHonor GraduatePresident Obama

An Ethical Leader should have VISION!Promoted to Boston University School of Medicine

Family Medicine PhysicianMasters in Public Health International HealthcareBooksBut GodThe Family ManLegacy of LeadershipPOTUS???

Family Medicine Physician (MD)Masters in Business Administraion (MBA)Masters in Public Health (MPH)Pastor/Doctorate in Theology (Ph.d)International HealthcareBooksBut GodThe Family ManLegacy of LeadershipPresident of the United States???

Mission (Reliving) FaithHumilityCompassionMentorsConfidenceResearch, Plan and PrepareOvercome TrialsPerseveranceServiceIntegrityWisdomComplete what one StartedTeamwork Vision

An Ethical Leader Vision TEAMWORK!

