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Lecture 6A Hamming Distance and Euclidean Distance Performance Block Error Rate Coding Gain Asymptotic Coding Gain Soft- Decision Decoding Codes on Graphs Lecture 6A Coding 2 Wireless Embedded Systems - Communication Systems Lab - Winter 2019 Lecture 6A 1
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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Lecture 6ACoding 2

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Hamming and Euclidean Distance

Consider two transmitted codewords a1 and a2 that differ by theHamming distance d.The modulated codewords can be expressed as two signal vectors s1 ands2.Suppose that the codewords are modulated using BPSK.Each Rx code bit is one of two signal vectors ±


Ec is the average energy in a code bit (not usually equal to the averageenergy Eb in a uncoded data bit.)

For each bit position where a1 and a2 differ, the corresponding code bitsare separated by a euclidean distance d = 2

√Ec .






Figure: Euclidean distance between uncoded symbols for BPSK. For coded signals,the energy per coded bit Ec is reduced as compared to the energy Eb per uncodedbit.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Hamming Distance for BPSK

For a binary block code, the minimum number of positions that differbetween any two codewords is the minimum Hamming distance dmin.

The squared-euclidean distance between two codewords at this minimumHamming distance is

d2min = |s1 − s2|2



(s1i − s2i)2

= 4dminEc

= 4(2t + 1)Ec, (1)

For other binary modulation formats, the expression for the euclideandistance is different, but the form of (1) is valid.

For other nonbinary modulation formats, the form given in (1) is notnecessarily valid.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Code Bits and (User) Data Bits

To determine how well a code works, set the total energy in the codewordto be equal to the total energy in the dataword.

The total energy in the dataword is Ebk where Eb is the energy in anuncoded bit.

The energy in the codeword is Ecn where Ec is the energy in a code bit.

Equating the two expressions we have

Ec = EbRc, (2)

so that the energy per code bit is reduced relative to the energy peruncoded data bit by the code rate Rc = k/n.

Therefore, for the same noise power density spectrum N and the sameaverage symbol energy, a coded system will always, on average, producemore single code bit errors than an uncoded system because Ec < Eb.

Therefore, while the probability of a single code bit error increases beforedecoding, the block error rate decreases for a properly designed code.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Performance of Hard-Decision Decoding

Consider hard-decision decoding for a channel with white additivegaussian noise.

Let pe be the probability of a block error.

pC = 1− pe is the probability of correctly decoding a block.

For an uncoded system, any bit error within a block of length n willproduce a block error.For independent transmitted bits, this error is given by

pe = 1− pC

= 1− (1− pb)n (3)

≈ npb, (4)

where last form is valid pb � 1.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Uncoded Error Rate for BPSK

The probability of a bit error for binary phase-shift-keying ispb =

12 erfc


)(See Lecture 4B).

Substituting, the block error rate for an uncoded binaryphase-shift-keying system is

pe ≈n

2 erfc


), (5)

and is simply n times the probability of a single bit error if thatprobability is small.

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Block Error Rate

Now compare this uncoded block error rate to the block error rate usinga code. If the block code can correct up to t errors in a word of length n,then the probability of correctly decoding the block is

pC = 1− pe =





`︸︷︷︸` bits in error

(1− pb)n−`︸ ︷︷ ︸

` bits correct


where (n`) = n!/`!(n− `)! is the binomial coefficient , which is thenumber of patterns of ` errors within a word of length n.

The term (pe)` (1− pe)

n−` is the probability that the word contains `code bits that are in error and n− ` code bits that are correct.

Every senseword that contains up to t errors can be corrected.

A block decoding error occurs if the senseword contains more than terrors. This probability is

pe = 1− pC =





` (1− pb)n−` (6)

(Hard-coded block error rate)Wireless Embedded Systems - Communication Systems Lab - Winter 2019 Lecture 6A 7

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs






r Rat


Soft Decision

Coding Gain

Eb/N0 (dB)




r Rat


Hard DecisionLimit for BPSK


Uncoded data bit




(a) (b)

�4 4 8 12�8





-1.6 0.37

11.2 dB

Code bit before



decoding Harddecision

coding gain

Figure: (a) The code bit error rate before decoding using binary phase-shift-keying,the user data bit error rate, the bit error rate after hard-decision decoding for a Golay(23,12,7) code, and the upper bound of the bit error rate using soft-decisiondecoding using (11). (b) The maximum achievable coding gain.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Coding Gain

The coding gain is defined as the difference in Eb/N between theuncoded probability of an error the coded probability of an error.

The maximum coding gain is limited because there is a fundamentallower bound on the value of Eb/N required to communicate reliably overa memoryless channel with white additive gaussian noise.

For this channel, the minimum value of Eb/N is called the Shannon limitand is loge 2 or −1.59 dB .

The performance of all coded-modulated formats for a memorylesschannel with white additive gaussian noise, regardless of the complexity,lies to the right of this limit.

If hard-decision detection is used, then the lower limit for the minimumvalue of Eb/N is increased to π

2 loge 2 = 0.37 dB is about 2 dB largerthan the Shannon limit.

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Simplified Forms

An estimate valid if pb � 1 can be obtained by noting that theprobability for each error pattern is a rapidly decreasing function of thenumber of errors in the pattern.

Therefore, the error pattern with the least number of errors that stillproduces a block error is the most likely error pattern.

The most likely error pattern that produces a block error is the patternwith t + 1 errors.

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Simplified Block Error Probability

The block error probability for this error pattern is determined using onlythe first term in the summation in (6) and is(


t + 1


t+1 (1− pb)n−t−1

Examining this term, if n is large and pb is small, then(1− pb)

n−t−1 ≈ 1.

Accordingly, approximate probability of a block error is

pe ≈(


t + 1


≈ ntpt+1b (7)

where nt.= ( nt+1) is the number of possible patterns with t + 1 errors.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Asymptotic Coding Gain

The probability of a single code bit error depends on the modulationformat.

For binary phase-shift-keying in additive gaussian noise,pb =

12 erfc


)where Ec is the energy in a code bit.

Using this expression in (7) and substituting Ec = EbRc for the energy ina code bit, the probability of a block error is

pe ≈ nt






If Ec/N.= x is large then pb � 1, and erfc(x) ≈ e−x2

. Thereforeerfc(x)(t+1) ≈ erfc(x

√t + 1) and

pe ≈ nt


(√Rc(t + 1)Eb


)]. (8)

(Hard-coded block error probability)

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Asymptotic Hard-Decision Coding Gain

Comparing the coded probability of a block error to the uncodedprobability of a block error given in (3), there is a difference of Rc(t + 1)in the argument to the erfc function.

This difference is defined as the asymptotic coding gain G.

For the Golay code used in Figure 2, Rc = 12/23 dmin = 7, andt = b(dmin − 1)/2c = 3.

The asymptotic coding gain is G = Rc(t + 1) = 48/23 = 3.2 dB and isin good agreement with the 3.1 dB derived from (3) at pe = 10−6

because E/N is large, pe is small, and t is small compared to n so thatthe term nt is of second-order importance.

If these conditions are satisfied, then using erfc(x) ≈ e−x2and

2(t + 1) ≈ dmin, we can write

pe ≈ e−RcdminEb/2N (9)

(Approximate hard-coded block error rate)

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Repetition Codes

The expression for asymptotic coding gain is suspect if any of theconditions used for the derivation of (9) is not satisfied.

For example, for the (3,1) repetition code, the number of errors t = 1 isnot small with respect to the length of the code n = 3.

Consequently, while the calculated coding gain at pe = 10−6 is about 1dB, value of the asymptotic coding gain, which is G = 2/3, is less thanone and is meaningless.

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Soft-Decision Decoding

Now consider ideal soft-decision decoding in which the number ofquantization levels is large.

An upper bound for the soft-decision probability of a block error can bedetermined using the probability of a detection error derived from theunion bound (see Lecture 4B)

pe =≈n

2 erfc




Now substitute the relationship between the minimum euclidean distancedmin and the minimum Hamming distance dmin given in (1) into (10) toyield

pe(coded) ≤n

2 erfc

(√(2t + 1)Rc


), (11)

(Bound on soft-coded block error rate)

where Ec = RcEb has been used, and n is the average number of nearestblocks.

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PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Soft-decision Asymptotic Coding Gain

Examining the argument of the erfc function in (11), the asymptoticcoding gain G for soft-decision decoding is

Rc(2t + 1) = Rdmin

For the Golay (23,12) code, dmin = 7, and the asymptotic gain is84/23=5.6 dB.

For a block code that can correct a large number of errors, t� 1,t + 1 ≈ t and 2t + 1 ≈ 2t.

For this type of code, the argument of the erfc function for soft-decisiondecoding is a factor of

√2 larger than the argument for hard-decision

decoding and

pe ≈ e−RcdminEb/N . (12)

(Approximate soft-coded block error rate)

Comparing this expression to the approximate probability of a block errorfor hard-decision soft decision decoding has an asymptotic coding gainthat is e2 larger.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Trellis and Tanner Graph

Linear codes are defined algebraically by matrix equations, but can bedepicted graphically in several ways.

Graphs can be powerful aids for understanding and designing encodersand decoders for large codes.

The two graphical models that will be described here are the trellisgraph and the Tanner graph.

These graphs will be illustrated for the code known as the (8,4,4)extended Hamming code.

This code, which is the Hamming (7,4,3) code with an additional checkbit, has a minimum Hamming distance equal to four.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Trellis for a Graph






1 1

11 1




1 11

















1 1

0 0

Figure: The (8,4,4) extended Hamming code on a minimal trellis. The highlightedpath is 01100110 and is one of sixteen codewords.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Trellis for a Graph

Each branch of the trellis is labeled with either a zero or a one.

There are sixteen paths through the trellis from the left node to the rightnode.

The sequence of labels on each such path specifies a codeword.

Every four-bit dataword is represented by a unique path by any convenientmethod of assigning the sixteen four-bit datawords to the sixteen paths.

The extended (8,4,4) Hamming code has minimum distance four.There are 256 eight-bit words in total, of which the sixteen described bythe trellis are codewords

128 words are at distance one from a unique codeword,remaining 112 words are each at Hamming distance two from twocodewords.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Hard and Soft Decisions on Graphs

A hard-decision decoder sees the trellis labeled as shown in Figure 3 withones and zeros and when given a senseword.

In effect, the decoder finds the path that agrees with the senseword in allbut at most one place.

A soft-decision decoder sees the trellis labels as ±A instead of 0, 1 andfinds the path that is closest to the senseword in total squared euclideandistance.

Such a search for the best codeword could be carried out by the methodsof sequential decoding, such as the Viterbi algorithm

topics discussed in the context of a convolutional code in the next lecture.

Convolutional codes are described in Section ?? on a trellis that is similarto the trellis shown in Figure 3.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Tanner Graphs

A Tanner graph is a bipartite graph that is an alternative to the trellisgraph that is useful for describing some iterative algorithms.

As an example, consider the extended (8,4,4) Hamming code using acheck matrix under a preferred permutation of columns given by

H =

1 1 1 0 0 1 0 01 0 1 1 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 1 1 0 10 0 1 0 0 1 1 1

, (13)

where the permutation is chosen to give the check matrix a kind ofsymmetry.

Because the check matrix has a symmetric structure with four ones inevery row, it is described by a Tanner graph

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Tanner Graphs

r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6r7

f1 f2 f3 f4


Figure: Tanner graph for an (8,4,4) code.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Tanner Graphs

The Tanner graph displays connections rather than paths.

It consists of two rows of nodes connected by lines called graph edges.

The row of nodes, depicted by circles on the bottom, corresponds to theeight bits ci of a codeword.

These are called codebit nodes or bit nodes.

The bit nodes are labeled ri and are initially identified with the sensewordcomponents.

The nodes in the row on the top are called check nodes with thosenodes depicted as squares.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Tanner Graphs - 2

Each check node represents one row of the check matrix H.

These check nodes are labeled fj .

Each check node is connected to the four bit nodes that have ones in thecorresponding row of H so that a check node fj is connected to bit noderi if Hji = 1.

The Tanner graph and the check matrix are equivalent in that one can bedeveloped from the other

However, the Tanner graph makes visible the loops that are in thedependencies but are not distinguished in the check matrix

Therefore, the Tanner graph in useful for understanding the structure ofthe dependencies in a code.

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Lecture 6A


PerformanceBlock ErrorRate

Coding Gain

AsymptoticCoding Gain


Codes onGraphs

Tanner Graphs - 3

The girth of a Tanner graph is the length of the shortest loop in thegraph

Section ?? studies the use of the Tanner graph to describe iterativedecoding algorithms

Note that evidence about bit node r4 of the senseword is not directlyinformative about decoding the correct value of bit c3

That evidence reaches c3 only indirectly through the bit nodes r0 and r7,and even more indirectly through other paths

This metaphor of evidence propagating in a graph is useful for describingiterative decoding, and for other kinds of analysis.

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