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LEGAL NOTICES. United HI...akra*rasttsr, rontaiairat Ui*namaa mttowrwraof tb*lotsaaasaaad,...

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LEGAL NOTICES. um maoar ut ass appiieavon of < nnlll COURT.I« JS ahMf AKMratar, tmt On»i1 s.kTjr of U>« CK» of Fl» I J^,JiV*7tba or*,,.**; of Ofiaa-too it-«o«, (mm 4M at. to nets tbe nrwnie*; of lAWiaftrM *»eso», from 4M at. tn aesi laaJawSOKtb Ward of and Off I* Mube. nb*re, Convo.ia . .7latin, «l» «ud Am«, anaat ia t> tabove MLlsM ata'tar, TZ^Lt|»7« rum of tha »ap rasa* C urt.eoteredon th* 13d la, Uaatk I**0' rT* af***, pursuant u> th* reauirame-.tji of an Art avaUrr****1''' "' **."*..' Acta* m Art Ml. Oed a "j^auawly «. UM City of Nst isit* passed April Jo, I**, t of taa avJ CfiiFairmara a the at>o,e asataar, aaaaai zLska ssaum id ILbowtm'* of Um toUiM»tMd,trM aans»*. cd t.tf u U»»» >^r«ar on O* aa*** of Uta CunvreeeioMra, u«*:h*r s* ¦ - i " Ham<l; an* eres were i"a» ka**»M'««l- of flaw Tort, ootilktd ¦ j a Msaral <.»« raa>taaj o 00* Act, pa~»*d A*rd £ .tract r f lbs Esttmatt ssSJ ba aaaa. I** its, *e< leeionara, toe gr. ' w, an.ng oar . aaaaaa ¦ _of srkoBis<*"B r «. lea at satj d*>» mmii'rm «*.. « ttx> <h* fd gs plots s Cocrt, it aid. A ad Uwsei<; I ha pr ."u.ooj «<f the A't. *u '. .ai AetaatjtMaa Act ia resMow to the Cola and Tum ia tta City aid County < f New aariKMM, pan*** May 14, l«*o. pe*s**i May 7, 4, or auara. orcapaot of owupesW « Ii UM of unimproved ktod. ssscuw thereby, that thay have er.« oa tst.n ill and _jir" ent; and that all par* da wb,«e atsr MU II latal I I BkllMrJBBS »bo may ba >pp-*d t tha ta-na. are ffaaaaaiad lo pressest tksw aaaa' Uwn ia wrrting, to Nictanku C. Ever- aa Um Cbmfmari of aa<d' C- mmiMaMere. at hia huuM, Ho. til Wbrte at la the t ty of ».« »ork, Wittun Uiwty dayi from Iba data mt Um Bot.ce and thai tae Bat* embraced by faul ass*Mm*nt ar* aa ftHHiii mal * to «se tboM iota, pnwa* or parcekj ol Ha*, Setseeii Lue aortbarly kM or »«auf «id at ana taa southerly boa of ¦kia of *a »v and ba aaatar aod waatarlv l.DM or axlaa of La* iiiiIimi aiwaaa aWlitni) toaiatrom, all U>»as atraata or part* c! aar**** w-.tain aa>d 'imita, "h<ft bavaalraady aa»n opatiad. Aod alan, at Um kda, pMraa or pan ala f tand.lyuMr. "0 k<>t« aida* "r aaid Lai- aagtue araaua. aouod*d ,m töa north by Um auuti>arl> !.«. or aWa of BE at ijd Um aoatk tha v.rtharly Loa or nda of t»! it. or. tk« aaat by aba cantar aa bat mm': tb* Thiri-wnu* and ua «tA Lai r rarfH) avanua atd on tha aMJMbt tb*t*ntar lina'^fWMr: Koarti. a.auua aod u.a mm, L»i tun. a'aoua. and c«:.ipna<na; all tna lou't aaacMof lai.d m.i). .i U,i»m> Bnuta. frootuiA ku U.a sa*J LaiuMT» a. araaua, and tha isun.-tirr atraata.aica|,Un( tbarafnim, uoaa atraati or part* oi atraat* wI.k* bara a-'raady base opmomi. Amt akw, alt rba (¦.*«. piaraa or parcakt of land, aitaata < n tha aaatar'y Bo* of said LaU.i^tou araab* and to* mt«r**«.t<t*r, *lraau, batvaM ah* aortlatrly boa or aids of tlrt at and tha aoatkarly Uc* or *>J* o! f*M at and extabdo* aautarty at^nt oaa bn^drcd fM*. bath* aim* aaora of mm* from Um aattarly hr.* or aid* of aaid LsiinctoD-awitM Aa* alao.all Um w>ta, pn» «. or parral* of land *it<i*t* on tk***atsr ly kM or aid* oi «*>d L*i.:jrt,,u *r*aua aud Ui* ia *r»».Uu£ atraata, karwaan tb* oorUaarfy kM or aid* of Sift at aod tii* aoal aVTJ ia* or ¦a** of tSd r>. asd .xtsadi**; «sttarty from sa d wMtsrly lias or e.f» of ssmI L*rmfi.n araon*, about on* hundred feat b* ths tarns rror* Of Iba And tha saad C"iosui**>o«sr* furUMf asaOOaSSO*, that toaar report ht tk* akors nutiar. a.n U* Davis a.-.d t,rsa*otaJ lo lb* 3s .rasM Court of tba State of 5**/ York, at a Spscial Tsrtn of th* mm) Court, io M bald at lbs City Hall of tha City of Nsw Tort, o* Saturday, taa l.t day of r«ar.nry, IKftl. at the opaainr of tha Coort mm taat day or u *uon tberaaibir uouinaal raa oa ha«ru. Dated fort, Ko'.*mber IAISSO. NICHOLAS C EVfJIteTT, WtL- aVLAM U0I>0I. HEhKT BKEKMAN. CommiAaionars. nlstri ort. Art lo **w-Vi ra, ii that to* osra il ths SlifKAJtELtiUAtl.la i ,*uiaUai uitii*appJcaLwiioliB«aiA/ur AWrrmens.'.* Cori:moctt> of th* t'.ty of fimw Tork.iwhtrrstf tb* tadarni aotof a aatkke p'»'*. known aaSTUTVKSA KT a tssl!a*a*iaMutb Wars of .aid City. Tiia*ubacrilMir*,coui. mumn ol £*'.,.uala and AaaaMsM t ia tb* Abovs*at<U»i uuttat, .Hiljasipo.atad ft> a rul*uf tkaSut'iauMCourt,«!»*D'-tics.p-ir.us .'. tc tha raoa,r»m»nt« cfar Ait"! to* I s* jr* OftM P*<fl* of ths Stats Of How Turk, aotnlaa " An Ai t to taMoS an Art sat rsdera Mforal law* raratng aartacalartji to la* City kotooue A«l, oaaaaJ Aord ii,|lel3," oaiaaad April .. as.tr». t o? tb* nlmiti aaJ ar.«.^a.*ct of tha Coaua akra* rasttsr, rontaiairat Ui* namaa mtt owrwra of tb* lots aaasaaad, SM uumoara ..( am h i,.|. a. they appear on tk* ni*p* ol UM Convuar .JorMra. traratksr wilh a'irli rnsp« and t'ja S'nount of aa*AMn.anl, wkstbar for iAoiAra .r heueulj a ,J amhi all ü.« AtüdarOa, *aU^*u*, .sat other tfocnmsnts, wfcich wsrs ossd by ths Corcmiaa/,nar» ie asakir« ihnr rsport, ba»*t»Mn depositad in UisStrsatlJorr at j ease* of ths City and CliBaSj mt New T'^ra, for tba aunaaailjumi arhoawawar .1 ni*y rowarr Ui*r* to rains, n lor at Issst aiity daiaao Swa Uia CouuzuMMtMra iuAk*Ui*ir retort w aa asid Supr*to* C urt, at Ua* tirr* ata pkv* haraitiaftarn »nboaed tridtb* ii.d Commi»rion s»*r»rUi*rtiTarK)tK«.pui.uAJ.ttoth*r»qiiirsarjerit.i'l t.,» Act,*ntitl*Al " As Art to amand an Art entitled aa Act ra pa'-'' tk* Oo *c TlurTa two *SleawwiiUiwI Taj** in tb* City a»d County .f .Saw Turk, aod for other purp«Ma, paaaad May 14, 1840."ps«»rd «Tay 7,18C, tc tbccwMror owaera, occapsntcr occupant, of ail ho :»**, aod im srova* or n«,ropro»«d lan-l aSacted tb«r*hy, tl ai i',»y har* f>m .aats* toaw Mtiruate aad iwaaniiioli aa* that all paraoM wboM in- MrMUars aifaitad l;.«ja: ,. who may ba oppoaed to tba aaioa, an raoMted to pr.Mtt tt.sir objactioas io wribb* to E. D*la/.«M SniAk, om of tb* said Comm.a.ionaTS, at b a place of bu.iMai, Na IT Wall itrwst, io ths City ol Nsw rort, wiUua thirty days from ths data of tbia "..t^a And that II » l.miU ambra. ed by ii,n lillln ml an Me.Bows, U«t ui to as» All Uiom k,U, llaiiai, or parcala of kmod, (wbai. w,a ba raqu.red to bm 'skst for to* purpoM of opau.ns and lay ua; tut 9tuy»*ssnt aqasrs.) sod bouoisd and dsscnbsd ss fol aaZaASl Ii!, .0",.t'*^,', **» ..ua .tr..t., n tba notb.riy V4'*' fVW+fb -"."». k* Third ..«,u.. ..H oi tUwansarry sal* b> rourti bvsum. Aod als», all ihm lots. p.a.*. ut samsls of hua l fronting on tb* WMUrly aid* of KunrU. a»*du* ba iwaaatk* northerly line or side of Ewhtb street and Tb« souths'lr Ihm or sMa ol Taorh straet; and also, lot No. 7d Koortii a.anu* at tM mirth aast orMrofTaatb^traat Aad also, *J1 UsS) luka p«, as of sarral* of ksd. frontioc on ths ssstsrty Im* or aid* of fc Jrth a«*im* batwasa Astor phuasod Hinlb strset; asd also lot Wo. «7 FYisrtb' arson*. *,.«. also, all Iba lou, piece., or pares s of bud froat.ru> oa tba weetarty his or aids of tha Bowery. batwMn Oreat Jone« sir*a4 so* Astor piece and also. U,* kos known tb* street numbers 340, MS, IH4,344k, 34b, aud 34b)* Bow«r> And also, all Uia lots, pis.se, or panels cf lands, fronting on the wMterry tins or sids r f Thiral- I'stns, between Astor pasta and Ninth street Aad also, all tha lots, .or parcala of laod, fronting on um BMterly bus or side ef urd itssM, batwMD Niutii ItXMt sod TsuUi itrwl Aod tb* said ConniMssi)o«r* further r »* uotics U.at Ui*,r »*,.. rt in U.* abu»* mat tsrwdlb* mad* and preMuted lo Ui* Supr«ir,« Court, at a Special Tarn of tb* said Court, to bs bard at ths Crty Hsll of Lbs Cily *f tSsw-Trark, on MoMay, Um 3d day of March. IHM, at Um opening of aba Court on that day, or aa sooa thsraafts* as coudmI rat ba kaui-Dstsd Raw Turk, Dacainbar 7, I«60. TAI.HAN j waters, > JAMES H PINKNaV. >ComniimioDSts. dlOUM_ft. DKLAFIKI.IHMI frl, )_ Sl'PKCMK cot'KT-ln ths nut., ol ths mmmmastsoa w 10* .aayür. A'dernien and Coniroor.alty ol the City of N«w Tork. rslattetolla OPINING and LATINO Ol'T of a Pu'.hc Souars known as HI.OOStlNGDAl.e StgOARI. in ths N:Mt**nth War! af SSS* City..fukbc Notaa is ksreby g.teo by ths Mayor, Aldermeasnd OinsntsMH) oi Dm City of New York, pnr.uaat to sututa lo-suck mmmm su«<i« aod pr-osdad, that Uia said Uta Mayor, Alderiiata and Com- mona.ty of Ibe C4y of New Turk, lutaad to make appUal on in tb* StiprsnMt oortof tks Suts of Nsw Tork, at a .psria! Tsrm of th* **m Csau to b* h«kl at tb* City Han is ths C ty of N*w Tork. oa Saliirda», toe 1st day of February. IS.M, at lbs opening of ths Court es last day, or mm mfpou Uiarealter M coudmI can be heard for tba ap- aointAMi.t ol ComruiSoMLar* of Kat.mal* aod Aisessmrut in tbs abr -a eoritled matUr; that the na'urs sod siMnt of Ui* intendad im- erosesMitt is, the npeairg and rayirg t at ol a pohhr snnare in to* NioaUteoih Ward ofUis C.t» ol Nsw York, (and wkssk "aid Mnais is Situatsd hetaeeo t fcUth aud Niulb av*uue« Bad F,ft> Uufd and rift, set#r,.h str.stt.i a* >sid out upon tbs map or ptin of tbs City of New York, by virtus ol an Act entitle J " An Art relativ* to lrn pro.arnaiiU V « l. r g t!,« Layiag out ol SiraeU and Road* in tb* City of New Tork aud lor otb*r pnrpoaaa," paaaad April 3, IM<7 .Datad New lafSu DaaaovMr 1*, lhVi. MKNRT B DAVIKS, dOll IfBbl CouomI to the Corporation. SrPilkME tOl'rt -lu tbs luattsr of lb* spptf ation oflbs May or, Alecrmsa aad Ctin.mooatty of Uta City of New York, relate* to tb* OPKNINA of SEVENTY KIK3T STREET, from Third ar* dm* to oateerh a»«nus, m the NinaUssnlh Ward of said City.Public Mot«.a s, aeiMy goau by lb* May°fi AalaroMa aad Couiinooalty ut tk* City of Nsw Y-rk, pursuaut to Statut* is such cam mad* aud proTstoe that th* aa'd th* Mayor, Alderrc*a and C immcaafty of tb* City «4 N*m York. inMnu to make apphutioa in ths SupreiM Court of th* St.te of ¦Tares Tork. st a Spt> ial Term ol the ta d Court, to mm wsWatth*Cily Hall in IbeCit, of New York, on Satunlay tba 1st day cd FsbruAry, t*ftl, st lb* onsaing of tks Court oa Uiat Jav, or as aooa tawrMlter as coubmI can b* bsard for tbs appointment of Commis- stoMrs of titirnat* aad Assessnwnt in tha above entitled natter | that IkSMtui* and ,c»it Mi th* iuipn>»*tn*at is. the opening of See- sal) tisl sliest, from land at*nu* to Ss»*nlb svsuus, in tb* Nio*> .titb Ward of tii* City of Now York, as laid out upon Ua map or ¦ku of Ui* m>4 Cry ky virtu* of aa Act snt tied " An Set ralativ* to laaproiesneaU touching the Laying out of Streets an* Roads ra Skstity ol N*w Turk sad for oUi*r purpoM*, passed ApiUJ, isot. -Dated N*w York fYareniber IS. 1HA0. OM t;st MBNKY at. DAV1ES. CoudmI lo tks Corporation. SUPREME COURT-la tks matter of ths apt' stioa of ths Mayor, AUermansnd Commonslty ol that it\ of New Yr rk, rat* trvctoUMOrkNINU ol SIXTY rinSi STHi> i, trom Third a»a- ¦m ts Titk Kin is. in tb* Ninataenth Ward ol «id City.Public But*a at b*r*by r >*u b) tb* Mayor, Aki*r-i«u aud Cooimonalty of tk* City of Haw fork, parauaut to Sut-t* ia *u>k cam mad* so* pruviCsd, that tb* said the Mayor, AMariosn snd CoicniotiaV of lb* C*y ef Nsw York ntand to mats spphc.tM>n in the SuprenM C"0rt nf tlHtSUta ef Nsw-York, at a Special Term sd Uta saet Court, to mm k*M At tbs City Hak m tbs City of Nsw York, ua Saturday, Uia lat Say of Psbruarv, ISA!, at th* opssing .Ith* Ccurt oa that day,or M aooatkereaitar as r< omI caa be beard for tb* appointment of Cam- mwsiouera of EsUrn» * and Assassiretnt n lb* aoo'asntiUM mallar i that the Mlure aad »i'ert of U>a improvement .«. the 0)«aias of ¦illy (rat street, frui. Third ateuua u> FdUi svauue, in UmNid*- UanU Ward of said City.M hud uut upos Um aaap or ptaa of tb* Crty st New fork, by »irtu* of an Act, enttl*d " An Act raUtiTe to larprcnement toueKing tk* Laying on I of Streset an* Roads in th* City et New York aad k>r other surposM," pa.«so April k, l*oT.. Dated Nsm Yurk. Decambar is, lAv'i djO uatl HENRY E DAV1ES, Coun si to th* Corpcratio*. ?a. t'l'REMIt COURT.- lu tba matt*: of u* Sppocaboa of Iba Maj- tJ or, Aktermeo aod Comrpoosky of tha Crty of New York, retatre* So IM o|«oi"s and My,eg out oi a pubbc Pavs, known as STL'Y- VESANT Sklt AKK.ia tba Se.aotaeritb Ware of aai* city. NoUco as kareby gosa. that tbs costs and chsigM lacarrsd by rsssoa of tb* pr,«sad,bss ia tie afcots matter, wdl ba tale* before Iks Honorable Jska W EdnaoLdsous ol tb* Jutticse of that Coart,(or iscsMof kw absence. Mf< re one ol lbs other Justares of mm Court,) ia tb* Supra,, a C< art Cfamhera. rn tba Cite Hall ot th* City ol N*w Tors, te, 1u*-Jay, Um s*ib day of January, 18*1, at halt past oiue n'eto k re th* 'oraui^r TALMAN J WATERS, JAMES H P1NKNEY, E Ptt.APlEI l> SMITH ContmuwMosrs -DatM N*w York, Jan Mry Olk. laOt_ j* tS* taJUPREMK COURT.- In ths mattei of th* application of tb* ^Mayor, Alowrmsa aod Coca»tm*altv ef ths nty of New York reatl '*> *M "ul u( » P»bbc l ~e, kauWB aa STUT TBSANT SQUARE, it Um Se.euUaUi Ward of said nty Ths undafaurMd, CcanmwsioMrs o! Esbmsts sad AsMMrcao*. M tks sbors SiLrjed ir attar hereSi >,»e «,,,m^ _. _~ .t UJeSsTwsttar, b*reby jit* notics, tjj.it tbey ell rxwet at tbs c*c* No. 17 Wall strset, ^>n Tuesday, lbs *«ui day of g TktlalekJ Se tb atJawMry, 1011, at h of Uaarita * oppoatt Vk<k ia Um arte»i<«>o. for tbs perpoM Um Assmmumui a. ad* by lbs said Coot' -. -rr.~' WMSMiM uwt uy woe Mid \,o jt ..****r*i person or pareocs who may ^>uidsr U>*uimIt*s a* r»rj..^". "d k»M«sniatt T4 I.MAN J. WATERS, "nioL sH KiM5* *. "kl-*PlKLl) SMITH, Cossaa . is^ Dated. New York, Jaauary rjtb, IMU >*IM /toMPTKiiUdlRa .ippicc, Tree Bank Deeiartii.enl, Albany, ,, w. k.r r rtiJL*** u,»*;'«e«bied .* tbui oSica pureuail ar^L' tA lka BANK iir*?- "C*,'^.*I TrM-deot aod Pro Ka « . « ib«5rsd bu r.aSi!W°A ^4,t,£. " lth*-- «ktf Mud ^r,"u; » ker.tsy stsj Bkaj ,T 'I p*'»'*1 .'.Mt, sutubau Coo* L _iU,t ^kJ-EiVComptroller. aTUiMiTKOII ERS »ITKE STATE UP NSW Ti.ub r" IbJli COI JITT BkNUja*; oUsto IkilI oiUim.J£^* Th* kOkO, kill» ..loftäd ^HtA,ri^»^^.fM^ "*1 MtM, trwetbM ew Yo,» «täte Bink. Um Act MUUe* tea," passed Msg »» « 7_1_>""-0 KlKM, Co^lkw. tf»M KT Hot.I.EH'S orriCI, STATE Or..,,, ..~ WC-IEKN IIAMU tt.el,,«^.n , o .r.t.Tf ** »"RH..Tb* pretor ol tks BA Baler uu ckatif* Us «Mi Hai »»i re I*, at watch phvra alar 0* I, udueted Ysea, a. Agent KM the redeTpton ,t \ w*h * retecaboa ol tk* appoiatn«»^ In) ¦ Bveuty of A taauv as. swrk sgeat. ^eu,. t. ^ 4 l Aa Art lahttiag to Um redsmpUao oVT M s,ts*A AkMae.JaaM'y l.lBfSI. ( NMSIERN BANjt, W »M.rarton C' 'inlyT^ r"RK-Ths *., Its* m Iki* oOVc*. I Bsete-sof tbe apsoinlriMT»"f_,^*u,J» BAKER, of Ike CA> u" New Yo,k, ai Ageal for UMi4"L.EL Ti m. fWeaJatiae Note«, h.etk.. _ o, . ..i ta>deoipti >n of "»0MTTROLLER'S OPTlCE.ItaM at N*w Toft .Tb* WtCT ¦«_/PLAiN* BANK, <Napkss.OaUrwOaaty.) kM true day tkssf , UisaaV* S solTS of lbs sppo ntmeut ol Me«*r». RKICK At Y«>l Ntf] as Ua rstf of Albany an BaT"ts k,r tbe redernpOnn <J its cin uNtiag .else together w ik a rsvoi aUt>a sf kSt aAepoasUiMat of Ma.sra. WaMbucs B Co. of !<<. city atofesAud SMefe ssjeaU. sareeabia ts Um act est.tied - An art rebit:rf to the ra-lempUnn of beak aoUtt," ¦ lint Mit 1 l*ai> AkMsy, Jsessry 10. 1*1. pauMM^kaay «, Wtm mmmmy, g r.|JJfR Compt^ IN TT RSI'A NC E of a* orcsr of U»* SurrogaU of the Coiatv o or; ttst ANir: ot aa orrer oi -. » Nrs Tork, NOTICE » bwrekr giesa to all peeaos» batiag da aw . WILLIAM ROBEKTSON, hta of Ms Cat} of New Tor*, da, tba same w Ui »o eher* IS*reo! to Um SuMcr.Mf mmm Bo law Bjwary, re die City cd New Tork.es rthimj <A May mi-. Dated Nsw York, tbs SOU. JAMES w ROBERTSON. Eisarulor age Mt BJ || I I AM Ki lsail* to piasMel the st kayUrsaf Be..neat teaVelkaaee.utb . csj rfOctrejee . i l*JB*Mi*ff 81 PYATMi: Cot,'BT .City ssal Coualy of Nsw Bora. IH UMsvl JACBSON afsuwi JOHN CLARK..Sou ui. us for S asuosy *. Mad mm costract..Te taa aao»a aaass* defendant Sir.Yon an kareby OBasniN to Men Um <oaspUiat in tb« actioa,this da] daly Sassta Iks ofBce of its cle'k ol ths City aad County of Hmw York, es* serve s copy nl year aMWer on me. *l uiy onV*. Bo. 1. Beet um 4 witkia twsnty days ah>r U.e Mrvaa kareof. el-lu*>»i of Ua day pi suck Mn*e, aad if you lad to so,wer tba, oiupla .t » skirsst.* fas pra-rta* wj! tsks jsdgmaat for Ui* urn of auk ssfsMsj wwaa UM s.atk Say u* Neyeaseef, -mm tnaawasd earn kasdreda-ii.it, M#Jm the lost* of tbissileia Dabei New Yart Xrersislsirl ifor, ABKAM WAKEMA* j* l*wSw| fkvslJl a AtWnM), 13 BewAauas si. jricTWFt- enrrtT. nty t»* r>n-ty .r Tnri -fu-,.ib F Hrownar riid Bar ,amra Pomer. >, Jr nsmtnit Jana t He* B>tt aad Joauh Kh-wae .*o»bk>m for mo**c oVnend ee tootratt. (Oa* let aar) To JAMES C. BENNETT: Ton art barratry ">m, ¦ooee aa* raauirad tn aeswar the ro-uplamt id tba actio*, a>Kii*_ m Save m the oflaee of Uia Dark af the City and County pf New f. I at - City HaO ia eeid City, aad to tat-va a eopf o< yoor aaewer tn the mkJ eneiptatnt M tha .'iS«"*«r, at *-S "ft., aaa aar 3A Waü atfaat, in »« d C its < f Saw Tora, witbio twenty days afWr Um* seme* 01 tau« .ama.ou oa you. sxchui'* of Lb* day of «~h serve*; and if ytro fail t" *n»w*r t>,a eatd enrr'pbiint within tha trrr* alrr»-.«4. tt * p»>iat'ff« n ..- . »-?¦ n w .! tut* fiHrnte;it a/a ii**t you for tl.e en-.i >f tbr»« b .r. 41.' ..'.> - 1 ivl.'are ».*. t> ne at at, w t>> internet m . .»< 44 fr an A»r' a, latlt, aid on *Ti ItMrcm Jury it, 184.\ trade tie eoet. ad. Ihn armm Dated rt-r.ral». 19 IB**. ISAAC P.IMEkO. Ml |*jW«arKr* CUratCTe Att rn*r. SI PREMK COURT-- RtCHMONO Col siTt ..l.«.u L. r .»., ,_ «,'n.ir,wir»tor a 16 taa ail a nieled of Coraa M C *.** Is cei.ed, eeareef Cbarlee Campbell, elerutor of dir laat MB aft aaaf*> . t ol John Heeuv.-au, d», <-a-ed, and otbera -Suovdo-i* fur frbef. .T, tbe dn.ndaEt* M*HY Lot'MA RE a HAI', HiRl frits ( 1- Ratal VF»r. .l-iHS HF.NRY RR a, I \ r. \ V V%~ 11. T. T a 4 fJ rOI NTAIN RFAI VEAU a-d CHARLES R E A u V E 4 u Y»u ara lereby euni*nne,l and required to anawar tb* coru^laiat a tbie ac- tion wl,,rb aw IM m the IT; .. of lb* r>* of It oh*) ad Ca tat/, co mm 4tl, d*v af January. IHftl, ai d of wI,k H a '-opy ~ ha.ew m aerved upa.n ynu, and eerve a ropy of vourai.ew.r on me at niv *jrfj a, N< L baity al.ret, .a ths C.t> uf <t» York, w.tu n lw«*tj ,;j>* after tke sen ira hereof. eirVnive of the ilj of «'h aarr-re t r* 'a ta an»wer tl . roDiplamt aforataid, aye plnatH w.llapp'y to tha Cotiit for tl «. rwliwf demanded in thanitnpfannL .Dat»il tu*4lli da> uf January, IW. ijlO lawf.wl GEORGE CATLIU, PlrT'a Att'i. ^J. t'Pt.EMü: Cül'RT. C> utty ul Kibfa Aoaon 0, Ph' pa, W .'«¦« k_>E P, ¦!,<.. Danial Jamaa, Au*< a G Phalpa. Jr. and Ja^iaa Sinkaa. pi*ir,t b*a, ara r.nt M ratin Ft. Wort«. William Jofanaon Jam«a H.Wat aon. DaWal B Bailia and Mary Ann Haaiaoo. de'*ndanta -S ithii n>. Kcrralief-To tl.» d«-'.i^lant H.AKY ANN DATItOR..T*« ara barray tuaiiu< ia>d and raqu.rad to anawar tb* coiaplaint ia thai ac- timm, "l .i b wat glad il tb* oCra of tLa C,'*rt of tb* County mi Kicr*. on lb* s iteaath day of Ortrbar, l°eO, tad to **rr* a copy of yoir aaawar to th* mio cornpauat on tb* anbwr.bar, at h a uffir«, No. Stt Fua<,a atrawt, in th* Cit) ot N*wT<>rt, within twenty daya aftai UieaarTKaof thil ton motu on you. *zcluair« of tb* day ot lot b a*rv» a. and if you fail to aaiwtr tb* Mid eomphuat wrthm tb* t.bm aforesaid, tb* phuaUfa 10 tin* action will apply to th* Cmrt for th* relief deszanded ,n the roraplaint I'ate* (>cti>ber l*Stb, iivaX jlO laa*y*fa JNO. J. LATTING. Plaiotilf* Attorney. VoTICE I< HKREI1V f.lVENinat tha AMERICAN PCMALK II GrARt)] AN SOCIETY intend app'yinr to tb- pr*«ent Lmt.*U tur* to eitand the pro isioaa of tbair charter in rerpact to th* Weal iraardianabip and surrender of de*t:tut* children, by conferno( addi¬ tional power» upon ibe Mayor, A'rna Hnu** Commiaaiooer, or Surro- ra'e. Ahm, to eitend the pronaiora of th* rh»rt*r to anxiliary aaao- ciation* m tartain caaaa. Aim, declatius tbair rmbt to partu ipat* in tha Common School Fund. jlO law6wFr * IN PURSL'Ab'CE of aa ordar of tb* larrocal* of BBS County ol Saw York, aoUc* m b*r*by rT*c to all parann* karins claiis* acamat WILLI AM H. PINKNEY, lat* of th* City of New York, 4«r*a**d. to praaent tha aama, with foarbara 'h*r*of, to tb* aabacn- *.'., at tb* ( Si.* of Martin, Strut r aad A. F. Smith. K-;a W.' .at iu tLa Cill tf Now York, oa or b*for* tb* twelfth day of 'vlyoazt. Dated Saw York th* aurhtb aar if January, 1*1. J*Mr- H PI1KNET. f a^....,_... jlO lawr,oiF* JAMK-i D. PHTF«, J Admin.atrat. ra. |N PtiRSCANCE of an ordar of th* Snrrorau of tba Coaa- att nf New York, notit* at hereby eitaa to all paraooa hariac claim* atainet JAMES MEAD, lat* ol tha City of 5«* York, dataaaad to praaanttli* aama witL voudbart tbaraoftotLaaubacnbar, at tba otic* ot R. Soodanan, No. 10« Broadway, in tha City «.f New York, on or b*> Narfl tb* twenty aarond Say of January nait.Datad New York, th* *«?. taai.tr- day of July, ldeo. RRIDtiET MEAD, Adounatratwi. IvlS IawiticF . LS I'I'itSUA.NCE of an ordar of ta* Surrut;aU of Ui* Couuly ot Maw York, notic* ia haraby (ivan to all peraona Larinjt claim* Itiut JAMES BENT, lata of the City or New York, tailor, dacaaaad, to präsent tb* aama with voucher* thereof to Lbs Rubecritxrt at tb* nfftraof Frwb L Fanrber. E«o Rg H Na»«»n street ,o th* C tj of Now York, on or before the twenty aevai.th dar of February n*zL. Datad .Saw York. Au.usl IS, FANNY BENT, Admiaistratrix. inji itwa-r.'F JAMES H PKRBY, Adrmnittrator. N JfTICE-ESTATE OF NATHAN DUNN, lat* of PhJtdalphia, t ...... NATHAN Dl'NN, Jr.: Ton ara hereby t . I »d that, ae Kiarutore and Trustees ander Uia W,ll of Nathan Dunn, da> ceaaad, we have aettled in the nüie of the Raguibar ol Will« for tha C.'y BBS Ccu:.ty of FLiladelpbia, in tl.e Ntat* of Penna) hrania. thra* »e-eral arcoiinta rl tb* aatat* ol tba aaid Nathan Dunn, d*ce*jutd, air* have dnatributed the baianr*a thereof, nnder dsrreea of ttj« 'fr- pbaaa'Court of the aaid rounty.and that we ara about to settle a fourth account; aud yna ara further notified to present your claim if sr.y you bar* to any part of U.e said estate, for eetlleuMot, to is as ExacBtora and Trott**», on or b*lore the ISt day of October A D ISftl FREDF.KICK BROWN, N E oruer of Fifth and Chaenut sts. ISAAC COLLINS, 119 Filbert «L Ph laJe'phia, ol* lawlyP Etacutora and Truatees of Nathan Dunn, deceased a_ I'PREME COI RT -LEVI S CHAT FIELD, Attrirnan Getw-aJ 0"f the stuta of Naw York, aramat THE PRESIDENT, Dl RECTORS AND COMPANY OF THE CANAL BANK OF At, m)AMT.. la iiumiaua or an order of tka Suprame Court of th* Slat* at New Turk, .... :r on Uia twenty evbt- day of May, laeo, the un *eni(t,ea, Keraiver of tha Canal Bank of Albany, hereby rires no Ure u the ho'.lert of the outstanding nrcubttirar notaa or bilat of th* ta,d Canal Bank, and to th* neraone hnldiaw the raruScmtas area* by tba uadaraifned a* slcI. Rauaiver for tbaulant* renutiauia; unpaat on BSSSSBf bills aurrsudared on rec*ivlng th* first dividend of a.ity par cent that they are renn.red to present th* said notes or bills S3* '*.. - ate* fer payment to tb* taid Receiver, at b>a o<*,r* m the C ty »f a ;.«ii», within two yeara rioau ti.a data af thai notice, or uj oa fault thereof Uiat they wiu lannhM r,...., aa* OeseUt or tba rood provided for the payment of t£* said notes or kills and certificate* ttd from all rlaim ba rsaaon of bold nj- tb* tan «, and that the taj* fund will bedap.iaad of under tb* ill roil.on ol the aard Court for tb* i-anent of tbe other creditors of the said Canal Bank, in snrk laanuer as rnay be bereattat deutrmiaad. For the greater iw. ai mm of Uioaa boldinx the said bills tad csrutcatat, tba Rac*i<*r bat made arranrement* ey whtth tb* -an e will alto b* paid on presents * to the Cemma-iil Baak in tkie ritr..Albany, Jun* I, 1HA0. jtyl lawayF ANDREW WHITE, rlacaavar. ^JCPRFME COL'RT. New York.-W.lliara C Wetmor*neauwf li^Hariison Palmei and Ann hia w:fe. Hannah F Bruff, Richard P. Bruf7, .Brufl, Phebe tf Bratl. and Jarnea B. Bruit .Summon*, for re i*l. '.Com n' t sen ) To ANN PALMER :-You are hereby tommooed *nd reoinred to answer th* complaint in this action, which waa filed ia the oCc* of the Clerk ol tb* Citv and County nf Naw. York, at tha City Hall, in tba City ol New York, on the ltd day of November, |HfW>, and to s*r»e a copy of your anaw»r to the said com plaint on the eiihamber, at hie office, No HI Wallet in the dty of New York, within twenty daye after Iba »erv^ e of Iba aumuiona on you, aiclusivaol the day of such service. And ifyoaf-il toauawe* the said complaint within the time afbreaai I, the plaintiff in this te- t»on will apply to the Court for the ral af demanded in in* complaint l>*t*dN*w.|ork.NoTsmb*rW, loM' R It BoWNE, o!7 lawriwF Plaintifa' Attorney. IN PCRSI'ANCR of aa order ot :b* SurroeaU of the County af New-York, rVitics it haraby given to all parsnoa having clause uamat JOHN TONIIELE, Ute of tb* City of New Yort. .la caaaed, tc present the lame, with tbe vouchers thereof, to the sub tenbers st ths ofhreof William K. Thorn.No V Beek man-street it the Cite nf New York, on r before Uta twenty firat nay af Juu* neit.Dated New York Uiaaaveutaentb da- of December, 1SS0 VALENTINE O. H irr, 1 KR1NCIS E, BERUKK, > Eiscrrtova *tUla**uTa_I.E'lRUr. HALL._)_ rv ew York supreme court..-citi and county 11 OK NkW YORK..Conrad A Ten Eick, Plaintiff a(amal DetM k Adam*. Delen.lant SiiMiiiMin* for rf -To DKKIi K ADAMS, DefenJaut. You are hereby summoned aud rei|u<red to answer tba complaiut ia true artinn, whxh was filel >u tie* Ofhce ol the Clwk mi the City aad County of New York, in tb* Slat* ot R*W York, larrrmbei lath. A D. UMm\ an.l to serve copy of your anaaer to the eaid .-orapla.at oo tbe eubecrioer, at hat OBi. e. No. fi Nswau sUerl, in tl.e C.ty ot Nee York, w.Uiiu twenty days after the service of this aummo; e on yoa, stilus v* of the Jay of tarh service, and if yo« ft to answer th* said complaint wilhiB Bbe time ah rvsa.d, the plaintiff m this action Brill app'y to the Court for tb* rebel d**iandrd ia the complaint.Dated, Decemoer 1Mb, 1SA0. J. S BOSWORTH. PUinliff 's AtUiruey, dJO laa'wF / Nassau street, New York City. IN PURSUANCE of an ordar ef lbs Surrogat« of tb* Coauty «| N*w York notirs a hsraby g.vsn to ail persona having cslua Igaiaat ROBERT D.SANFORD.Uiteiif th* City nf.Ntw Yort,deceas¬ ed U »rwaent theaam* w.tl roe. i, era thereof to the lufaKrihera.at ttsS eteraof 0. H. Wilbsm* No SIS r*arl-etr**t, in tb* City of Nee York, on or b*foratb* s*v*tth day of July next. Dated Naw York, tba «lh dsv ol D*<-*»-b*r. irNI CATHARINE E. SANFORD, Admiatratri, piawnan'F OEoRGE H WILLIAMS, Administrate.. tN PURSUANCE elan ordar of tb* Sorrogal* of tb* County ol New York, BotMW is hsrwby givau to all persons having claims taaiast RICHARD FISHER late of tb* City ol New York. Grocer, dscetssi. to .-re »?>... th* earns with vouch*. thereofto tb* suoecril er, St bi«str re, No. .»»* Wash'rgtonst ia tba City af N*w fork, on or hafer* tha t»eity tkird day of May next O.-ee «*w York, th* |w*nty^.r«t day of Nev*m**r, 1*A0. JOHN F. FISHER, Ii28 lawriniT* Adnuiuistrator. IU PURSUANCE of an ordar of lb* Surrogate of tb* County of Nee York, i otic* is haraby c,rente paraooa aarmi claimsa<a.asl ei'RDON WHEELER. I*t* of th* City of New York, mer¬ chant, deceased, to praeaat th*saan* wrth eoncbara thereof to to* tubecnoar, at hie atera. No If W.ilian. street, m th* City of New. York, oo or befura tb* lourteenlb day «f Apr.l salt Data* New Tort.tli* 10th Say vf Oct..bei, IHM. ell laweaF ANDREW LESTERSEiex-et*» IN PURSUANCE of ai. order of Ike Surrogat* ol th* County ol Raw York, ootir* a hereby grr*s to *" parsons having era ret against M ARY THOMPSON, la'* ol meC.tyea New York decaasad, LNaw York, notice at hereby erven to all persona having era ret gainst M ARY THOMPSON, la'* ot irjaCityei New York derase**, prevent Uie seme w,tb voucher* thereof U> tb* subeenbar, at Ute oC<* ol Wiu. R Learn. No. fi WaB ttraeL ia tb* City of New York, oa or before U.e firat day of March next. Dated New Y*rk, tbe .1 ".k Say o Augast, lHftU ALFRED O. THOMPSON, Administrator. asJO i - * IN PURSUANCE of an ordar of th* Sumarat* id tbe County of New York, notice ia hereby given to all pareons havera* rlem* agaiuat GEORGE P o 1 EsEIt,Late oftii*C,ly ol N*w York. JecearaJ, to praaant tb* same with vouchara toaraüf to tba sabscriocr. at his office, Jaotcey Court, No 3* Wall »t, -n tb* City of New York, oa or before the Fourteenth dsy of May n*tt.Dat*d New York, tb* 1Mb Say of Nov*mb*r, leteS. DANIEL F. TOMPH4N9, nlStawnm'F AJmauatrator w.üi tn* Will auuaiaJ. IN PURSUANCE of an ordav of tn* SurnartM of Ui* Couolt i f * New Tark. notic* la hereb» ffrveo to all peraona havius ekima sara.ast WILLIAM HATHAWAY, late nf tb* City of N*w York.ssa Captain, deceased te sraesnt tbe tarns with vouohers th*r*cf to tb* tuber near, at the eftcanf Fmet A Hicka, No. oa South stra*t. in tb* Cite ef New York, oa or before tha twenty »Ulli dar a' May BeiL.rated New Fork,the tweet) fir»t day .f »i vem**r, ISM- nS8lawtltriF*_CHARLES HAFFARD3. Kiacu'or IN FURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of tb* Barrogst* of tb* Coasty of Now York, note, e w haraby given to all pareons having rfaint* acamat W ILLIAM I.Eo WoLF. late of tb* City of Hamburgh, Grrnacy leeeased, te presaut the aama w.th vouchara thereof to :ho sutK-rbW* at tb* oSJc* of Murr.» Leo Wott, M.I). No. 39 Lirptnard >t in tb* C«y Ssw Yort, on or belors tbe mnetasnta day el July n»it.. fH'rd Saw Yort, tha Mr*«*B(k day of Janua-y. ¦ MORRIS LEO-WOLF, { .... .l»l*»6air« JOSEI'H GUTMAN, I "*ulor*- OBIPTROLiTe RS O^FICE^r. ATE OF NEW YORK-Th* OMMERCUL BARK ofClyJ* (Ciyd*. Wayne Ca.,) has ibis da., filed ia tha office, a totere of tb* appoictmaot of tba Albany El obanc* Bank in tbe City rf Akbsay as agent for tbe redemption of is c n BMSBBJ tote* sgr*awb)*totb*act**tilled" Ai act ra<at.na; to tb* redea>pii<« of bank najtea," pa»e*d May 4, Mil .Albany, Jaunary A, ISfil. f_|lt 6t] PHILO C FULLER. Comptroller. CORPORATION NOTICES OttFoRATlON NOTICE -Pubhc aoter* u) b*rsby gr»*a to tb* owner or owners, ecrapanl or occnpasU of til house* and kit*, impn v*u a oeimprov** Unda, aSecbad tneraby, that 'ha tollowir*; Aa !IT at* 5*2 "'f1**** by tb* Aliiiinn, aad ara balgad >a ¦a ottc* M lb* Bar.au of liitaimtaU for aiam^aUm. by .3 par *oe* isurasted, em: yor buibtin, a saws.- in (Vth tt from Stli «v to y^et>*a*ct w,tb the ea-a.r m Mtdiw-n av. Tb* limita emt>raced St ,u,a ss*****.ssl in. aide ail tea **v*r*i aoa»a* an* ..la ol croon*, JSiJ"U' *?? from ol laoo. ..lu.teu BB L tn tea S ivta- SLÄÄSaSJtSJ!' AI! earw«* wh<»a .»la.e.U ara .o. V^?tbot.9*uaml «»»BltTBtau. at d wbe araoppoaaS »tb* I??'*' t^ti0'^^ »*l»e*t4V* to prewast U^t^taorj*. Tm^^^?"'.^**** »« their rdB.a. No 4 Hall ol -Iw^nU, TL»S *aC^"vLV -»*e rf Uub nolaa.-Ofka. Bu « *^^w^wiVri,23*rt,«-0'. ">*«T9. l»L SAMUEL H. 01 7_ rrClNCU RlCHOLiojt, VSXAC WM SMITH. A>»e*»ort. OnVT DEPARTMERT, No. 4 ri ALL OF RECORDS..Pub** asoLta* b.r*by /;.v.ii lh*l tb, ^ Wia, Kawolaleoc, bae oawn to tb* otipo Looaaaoa Maaft) Raaob-ed. That 7tb st i>**»t*md*sl 2" rl>mtt aTlJ? t**.'****l|J "** ot T, rapine st ey a bndg* Street Corrkbloc* oa tb* outer end BaBW tu« MilIB1B mi tmt totlejlraitaa>J>*»,aiatoatu1a9tiw»t Con,m,«. <m*r st*a ot Ttb »1 to mla>wa*M A taa lead ryion under "atar oo Ivotli «»d«a »»»«reaote w tb*4h at toLLadUwic, ho. aatbov* directed aaa) .a o*">av,, ,, .,. s,jr, - -,,n, ,*d , Stive «« d C4> of fork.* Mayor. Aeaaraaa* f,' m-n-rc* '.» ..! f,a ¦»v UtAM AdoWted by_tb* rteard of Aswalant Asia- eau. ^Clt^^V^^ o^'mi'mm, Dec. li. loW . Ja- THEET ^Pk»Ä^TBfar_>2H"LT_?U O*^. »«vaHCoaar. Ol* aotaw'is bac.. S No 4 HALL or tin.um _e»i .I Coru- Bo* °^t.y r'atj*.0: * or records -rak- il*! £'>« n C>* <^,w"» raeetot«! baa saw* ,f ico ne ears i AJj^r..y*>P*rl> aiecwn as VI Hr ajeay.. Latrd ol Aaa staa: Aals Dar S3 IBSp Ado-tad ke the , Jbb *, MM. L»t"' u*%\, 11160. Appro.ae b/.b. Mti Jö|l T DODs3I,3uw.,7c.«,/ CORPORAT!<ii NOTICE. fuMac Rotere ia hereby *»».>-.. te It* "*tn "r owaert, iniptol »r orratant* uf *0 H am tad Lota, rraprcte* or unimproved Laad«, affect** thereby, that Iba fo.lowir* A*ees»rrent» lave boon rorriplarted .¦« th* Atfssore. tad a a Mgad m tb* (.Si a of u.t Bureau of aaaatiraifi kfj axtminelmo, by ail par eoee ataara»aad, nt. fo- **wr ng vacant arta of get a a1 betar**.) Alb and 7th ava oa a3d iL TWa limit* *mbr*c*J bjr l unfa Irn nar.l include all tba ..»*»»! vacant K.te. pm. aad Mrr«a of lead. .ituatad oa both aidaa of 33d ttreat, batwean A AD person* whoa* intareata are aflea-ted by lb* abov* na mat la, and who are (paraaaa to 'he aame. or aitbar of t o-ieetaH In preeent thair ob-acter n*. m wntinf to tba aax then office, No 4 Baila/ Record*, wrlbia tbirlf tare fron tr.a acta* SAMUrL H DP. MOTT. FRANC» Ml ISA AC WM <fiiH IMs* ra, OS**, I ,r*aa of Street Department, Ja* 9, IBM led Aaaaae. em, ar* ra CCORPORA Tin" NoTILC -Pnol,c u..ti<ai* a*reby tJ»eu, to to* /owaar or owaara, otrapaat or orarapaot* of aft Ruum* and U a lutprorad or u:. mpr' iad lad». aAV tad loe-ebj¦, lhat lb* foOowui* Aareaameata Mi-a beam completed by the Aa**stort. aad ar» lodge*1 tith* one* of th* Bureau of A***s*in*nls lor hit u'.»,',, ay all perv-.aamlrre.teal.va: Eor boitdinr a sewer mtllabatatai Vh of Land, situated on bot* tides of 33d at between M and fa art. oa tbeets'erU aide of Broadway and nth av er d weetarly ada nt Mn ar. bataeen 3*d aid 34th at* All peraona whoa* mteree'a ar* aftV, ted by the above Lamed ae****oaut*. and wbo are opposed to th* tain* :* '.bar of them.ar* requested to preseat'.he.r objections, in wnt,n»- tot** undaraifrned, at ti.e r pffice, No. 4 Halt cf (U-om. VBaai thirty data from the data of thi* notira SAMUEL H DE Mo IT FKaRCIS NICHOLSON liAAC WM. SMlTH, Aaseeaort. OfSc*, Bureau of Aa>aatm*pt»,Street Department, Jin 9, 1*81. I M CORPORATION NOTICE .Pnbhc Not, e a hereby r>*n. to lb* downer or ownera, occupant or occupant* of all House* and Lota, ¦mpreead or unimproved Lande, ejected thereby, that the foUowin* Aaaeaaniente bate been completed by the Assessors, and ar* k»lg*3 in tii* oiii . of the Bureau of Aaeeaemente for examination, by all parson* mterieted. f x. For regulating34th at fronitb*9th av.t.)t*a Hudson Rivar. Tba limits embraced by each assessment mclud* all th* several ho«»*» and lota of fr ,und, vacant lota, prace» ani par, aieof land, situated on both aid** of 34th at **twe*a vlt0 aT and Hudron rivar, and oa both sidss of 10th sad Uli, svs. betwee* 33d axd JMh its. All pert out who** intercut* ar* aRe, ted by lb* above named A»»**»iMct*, ind who ar* opprapd to th* aame. if .ither of them, ar* rerjoajt« i to prowtnt tkit no;e« Loot, In wr t.ruj, to tba u refer* igued, at their office, No 4 Hall of Recorda, w.'.L a thirty days from the data of Una not- e SAML'EL H. DE MOTT. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM SMITH, Ase*«aori. Offi * B*r*su of Assessments Street Deportment, Jaa. V, 1*61. j9 tot CORPORATION NOTICE Punlic note* a hereby .given to ab* ^owner or owners, occupant, r or, 'ipar.ti of all Hoaees and Lott, mproved,or unimproved lands, affected thereby, Uiat tne followina Aseesanauts kav* been completed by the Aeeaaeor*. and are lrajewd in tt* offics of tbs Bureau of Asaetiment* for siammaLon, bv all psreons mtaresud. Ha, For retrusitirr, lid st, between td aad ad I aveiues. 1 he limit* embraced by auch Aaeasameat include all tha aereral bonae. and lot* of Groucd, vacant lota, paces and pan els of laad. aituatedon both tides < f ÜJ St. betwees 2d and .If avenues. ard on tha westerly . » of 3d aveaa*, between t'.at aad ilU eta. AH persona who«« intarerta ar* affevted by tha above named Aete-aiianta, and woo a'S oppr«*d to tn* aame, or *itb*r of th*m, a.* requested U, pre»e:,t theT ItjMtiUaa, in wntir« Vi th* und*r- .i«iad, at tbs.r office, No. 4 Hail ol Records, within thirty days from ths date of this n-ita. a Office, Bureau of Aaaeaamanta, 9 treat D* partme^t, Jan. o. IHAI. SAMUEL H. DE MOTT. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM SMITH, Aeaeaeore. . fi rdhPOKAIIOfa NOTICE..Public Notice |is ,hereby riven, to the owner or owrara, ocaunantor «-rupanta of all Houaea aid Lota, miproi ed or uaimpruvsd Lands, aiTecled thereby, that the lol- loWing A.asassu-.rr.t.a have bean completed by tha Assessors, and ar* loe^d in the OSaC* of ths Bureau ol Asses amenta for eiam.nati n, by a'lperaona irterea'e.i. rtSI For kaMbaJ a tewer in Wiii.am lb frr ni In* eawer hi I ,l*rty la near Cadtr at The hm t* embraced »» tut b Asae»»ment include sfl Ue several House* aad Lots ol Ground, racaat Lot*, f ttcas and pan els of Laud, sitoatei oa bot* a. lea of William stiee», r»t«ren Cedir and t.lierty at reels. All per sona ehiar in'.ere»'» »rs all«, led by the above nsme-1 Assessments, snd who art SRSaaasa to the earn*, or either ol them, ar* re> quest**, to präsent Ibe.r o*;n lioua, ,n wriliug to the uodera^ned, at their office, No. 4 Hall of Re< ordajwitbin thirty days from the date of this no' re SAMUEL H. DE Mo IT. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC' WM. SMITH. Asaeeaora. OS'e, Bureau of Asaeeamcnta, Strert Ilepeitnient, Jan. 9, 1"A1. I Ox C10RPORAT10N NOTICE .Public not»:* ia hereby given, to tn* /owtar or owrara, i- rupaut or occupants of all bouaa* and lota, improved or nnimprnv*d lands, affected thereby, that th* folb.w. ig fdSMasmente bsve bees completed by tha aseassors, and are li-tged ia In* oiic* oflh* Bureau of Attas»'nenta for «lamination, be aliperao..* intereeted, titk For feni rg vacant lota of ground on list, i».t a 33d tta beta era 6th and Tib ava. and on the easterly aids of Tth av bstwssn 31st and 33d ata. Tb* limits smbracsd by such Asesssme.it int lud* all ths several rarant Lots, pieces and pan e's of Laad, sit¬ uated on both side* of 31st, 3id snd .1 ¦¦<. ats. between Sth and 7th ava Ail aereoas wboee interests arssffartad by tbs ahoee named Atsessinanta, and who are opposed to lb* aame, or eitiiex of them, ar* requested to pre**Dtlb*irobjection*, in writing to lb* indcraifu- ed, tt their ode*, No. 4, Htl) of Record*, within thirty daya from aha data of this notice. SAMUEL H DE MOTT, FRANCIS NICH OLSON, ISAAC WM. SMITH, Assessors OSes, Bureau of Aaaaaa m*nU, Street Dapartmeat, Jan. 9. 1861. j9 104 CORPORATION NOTICE..Pubi c nobc* a naraOy given to BSS neun or owoart, occupant or occupant* of all houaa* and lots, no proved orammproved lands, affected l*ereby, that ths following Assass- anenta have been completed by the Aeeeaaora.and are lodge.1 in tbaorfli . oflh* Bureau of Asseeemente foreiaminatien, by an pera.,n» m'-re-a- ed, vis; For Hacking a apace 4 feat wide lathe aidewalba ofetSd at. fron, Broadway to tbe Mb av. Tha limits embraced by tucb Aaeest- mer.t include all ths several Hones* and Lota of Oronad, vacant » »»»¦ and parrels of Land, situated on both sates oi .*! «'. between Broadway and Ath av. All partoos wboee interests ar* a let lad by tbssboas named AssMtmsuta, acd who *.. .».* ... . ia ... arsaee eraaam, ere o^.p.l.U .o präsent th«ir obj*Ct OAS, .0 writing to th* nridarai^red, et tliair oSlfce, No. 4 Hall of Re ort», within thirty days from tb* data or this ootir*. SAMt'EL H DC MOTT, ERA Nt IS NICHOLSON. ISAAC WM. SMITH. Assaaeoi* Office. Bureau of Aa**ssn**nts, Street Dapartmant, Jan. 9, lHfil. j9 m CORPORATION NOTICE .Public Lotic* it h*rsby given, to tns owtsror owners occupant ororcapants of all Houses aud Lots, improved or unimproved Laoda, affected thereby that the follow;-g .sments have oosn completed by to* Assessors, and are lo-lgp'i in tb* offics of til* Bureau of Aaoaaamont* for atamirtaluin by all per- .on* luterstteJ, M For rapturing iiat-sL|lrum 4lb to Lexu gton ava. The limits embraced by auch Asteaament include all tbe several h*us*3 tnd lots ol ground, vacant Iota, pieces and parcels of land, tit uated on both »aie» r ltlitat between Lanrgton and Foarth ava. boih aid** ol Wrel Grameriy.at oatween » u awl Slat tt- an<i *J tba easterly s-le of 4tb av bstwsen 4Cth and 22J s's. All persons wh(«e latsreat.a are affacted by th* above named Assessmeits, and eho arecpp(aed to <he »am*, or either of tbrni, a'* requested to preeent t) eir i I r ;,.n», in writing to th* uodeiaif^ed at their oi La, No. 4 Hall of R»orc!a. w.thin lii.rty dais from th* data ol to a not-*. SAMUEL. H DE MOTT FRANCIS NICHOLiOV, ISAA ; WM. SMIIH, Asseesors. Office, Bureau of A>sesame;its. strs.t Dspartmunt, Jan,9, li»51. t CtORPORATION NOTICE .Public notice is hereby given, to the owner or owiars, occupant or occupants of all Haue** aod Lila, improve*! uj aumprovej Lauds, affected thereby, that tue follow.ng Asee-smer.ta have been completed by the Assessors, an are lodged m the office of the Bureau of Assessment* for eismiuation, by all per aoi.a lir.tereated, vii; Fora rroaaw-lk acroea th* earns-* way of Brotdasy between Sprue and Pin.ce tta The I.in U embraced by . nh Aaaeseinent include all the several House* and Lot* of Oro in I, vacant leSiS, paces and parrel* of land, situated on h >tb til-s of Broad*ay, 'atwsen Sp' tg and Prince s'reet*. AH pertora wrj,«e int-reete are affected by the above earned Ae*e**meats, and ho are opposed to tha aan.e, or either of them, are reeiueetad to pre«ent tl,e,r oa.jectlara». teattaeaa, a* ae.. eaJaeaaeaeJ. at Ulail offir*, No. 4 Hall of Record*, within lli-r-y daya from tb* Sate of this BSJtM *. SAMUEL H DE MOTT, FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM. SMIIH. Asssaaora.Office, Buress ol Aste-sment», Street Depart I nant. Jan. 9. InAl. j9 10» ClORI'ORATION NOTICE.-Public n> Urs is hereby g.ve.n, to tl . owi er or owners, (ccapant or la cnpant* of all koaaeaand lo't, improved or unmprovad laöda, affected tnereby, Uiat the follown e Aeeeeementa have been completed by the Aaeee^nra, and are bulged in the office ol the Rureau of Assessment* for eiaiuination.br all pert tint laterreted, rn i For figging ».JewaJbi u.2lst *t betw»tn4tS av. and Broadway. Tba limits embraced by sc. b Aseeeirnent mcH 's tH lb* several House* and Lot* of ground, vacant Lota, piece* ai- J parrel*ol land, aitualed on tb* northerly aidaol iltttt. betwe-n weh aVaJawS a baa 175 feel aealti.'y lb*rslroin. All partoos ab a interests ar* aflr, tsd by tba abova named Aiseaainauts, and w o are oppoeed to tb* same, or either of them, are requested topreee-rt tlveHr abjea na, m wri ig, to tut un.lsraigned, tt their oiti,a, S i. 4 Hall ol" Records, wiliiio thirty days from tba dste of tha not-, a, SAMUEL H. DE MoTT, FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM. SMITH Ars»»»ort. Ottc-, Bursaaof Asssss.nenls, Street l>i vt mental an. y, leol. y> lot CCORPORATION ROTICE . Maw aotio* ,a hereby g,i*n. to in* J owner or u*uar», occupant or occupant* of all house* and lo.a, improvad or aaimprovad lands, affected Ibsrsbv, that lb* foil ,e. «j Asaessmentt havs keen completed by tbe Assessor*, sod ar* lad real a »h*offic*of tb* Bureau o< Aeeesement* for siamination by allperwal int*re»te«t ns: For regiilst.ng 3.'d «t Irom 3.1 to 4lu svs auf.'.t. g curb and gutte r atones therein. Tbs limit*embraced by tucb tete.» n.ant locluda all tba several boos** and lots of ground, vacant lota, piacet and parcel* of hand, . tuated oa both s»l-» of 33d st. be tweea laxington snd 4th avsaues. All persons whose njte.e-'s ar* affai ted by tb* abov* earned Atetasmenta, and who *r* oppcated t* tba tarn*, or *iti*r of tbam, ar* ray-ist tad to present tbsir objsc t..u«, ta, writing to tb* crxi*rsign*d, at lb*tr oSc*. N 4 Hall of Kscords, irrthin thirty days f mm th* dste of this ootir*. <Mhc«, Barsen of Asss*»rnent*. Ntreet Dej.artmeit.' Jaa 9 |a«,i. SAMUEL H DE MOTT. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, 13AAC WM. SMITH. Asaeesore. j9 10t rORPORATION NOTICE..Public Notice u hereby given to the owisr or ( wners, occui ant ar occupiats of all House* ant Lott, lavjpnwcd or unimproved Land*, affected thereby, that to* fellowmg Ateeeerrauts have bee* completed by the At**.eor*, aad are lodred in the Catte* ol tb* Bureau of Asatsaments fair eia... uation. by -II pertoo* intere.ted, vh. For bui'dtag a sswsr in Niai.li st. asset t point ally feet East sf Third av. to Iba s*w*r ia aveaa* A 1 he be it* emb'sced by inch As»*e»ment isclio'e «II th» several H ,u»*» and IaiU of Ground, vacatt Lota piece*and cartel* of Laad, aitu. atad on both s.Js* of Ninth efc between av. A and Third av on the wstterly t.ds of av A., both tides of F.rtt sod Satc nd avs., aad *».:- .try side of Third av. between Eighth and Tetth'ats , aat oa both a de» (t Stiiyveesnt st netwean Teeth *t and Ih n! av. All person* ¦ hot" interest, are affe. ted by tb* abov* earned A»»eesn>saU, *nl who a. . t'ppcaad to the *a/iie, or e.tber ol tlie u, are requ*»led to preat nt thair obrertJona, in writing to tbe uaJereier^ed, at their offir«, No. 4. Hail of Record", within t)..rtya*'» from th* date oftha notice. SAMUELH DE MOTT, FRANCH NICHOLSON. 114AC WM SMITH Assessor*. Office, Buiesu oi AiieasMineota, Streal Deyailur .l. Ja.. l«rM |9l0t rORPORATlON NOTICE -Pub'ic notice is Itereby r"»i to th* owner or owners, occupant or occupant* of all boueea sad kits, arproved or unimproved lands, altect*d thereby, t lat lb* follow,ng AssesssnenU nave teea completed by tbe Aeaaee.it* and are lodtr** iutb* office ol tb* Bureau ol AessssmsaU for siamioatwa. by all tsrtoDt intere*'ad, »;t for Il iac and draining low aad tunken lots oa Ihs block b unded by Bnaowsy snd Ath av. 31ef and J2d at*. Ti« ha it* anibraced ba such At*aaernent include all lb* several bou.es and lot* of grouoal, vacant lota, pacea aa* panels of land, ait uated oa tbs wee tally tide of Mb sv between 3,tt and 3*d ats. on tb* sort* .rly aids of 31tt tt, b*twe*n " :h BV. snd a lice *38 'set westerly tber* from, and on tt . soctherly sid* of 32 J st, between Alh sv. »od ¦ Im* eel 'eat we»t*rly therelroa. All paraor* w»,ae inlarest* srs «8* t- .d by th* *ho»* nsmed Astesamenl*, *ad ebo ar* opposed to '...* saa.s. or either of tliem. ar* r*qu**t*d to present then- obj*cti->oJ. a writ i.g to th* us4ersigTesd, at their offic*. No. 4 Hall of Ksoirds, with a tb tty dsysfiom tb* date of Ibis notice. »AMUEL H Da MOTT, FRANCIS NICHoL'eisi, ISAAC WM SMlTd, A»«e*e r*. Office, Buraan ol Aiiasimenu. Street Deraartsaent, Ja i 9, IsAt. |9|SI I V'HPoRA i ION NtrriCE.-Public Bot-c*iab*r*oy g «eo. laths v, owner oi owners, occupant or occasenUof all Hjutes snd Lf ts, iropic,i*d or uLiuiproa tJ Laads, affected tbareby, that tb* followicg As.SMW.er.:* bavs been complete J by tbe Aaeeesora, anJ ar* fceilead in the offi.-* cl tb* Hureea of A»**s*ment. for eiam,nation, by all nerta as intereeted, aii: Eor setting Curb and Gutter *to*a* into* tftb s> from 42J to 61*1 eta. Tb* limit* etnuracaJ by tu^h Aeeeea meiiltaclude all tb* several Heusea aad Lot* of Ground, vacant Lots, pieces and parrele ol Land, situated oa the eaaterly side of eVAta*. between 43d aad ASd tt*. and on tee westerly aide between 4*1 and Nd *t*. oi tie northerly tide of 4M et and both lidava of 44th, 4Vb. 4r9.li. 4:tb, 4riih, 49lb, SOtb. aad Alst st* betwera th* 9th av. aad boa* runo.( g paraibl lleereto. aad d.ataut 400 feet easterly aad 400 feet wsttri y theisfrom. AH perse nt whj** intereet* are affected by th* Shove rutmerl Asaeas events, Bad who ar* oppoeed n tb- aame or either of then, are reqceeied to *re*ent thar oOjacfneas. in writing to t-e uaderaignsa, st lb*ir offi. *, No. 4 Hall of Records, witb-a thirty days fron, tbe dste c I tba attic* SAMUEL H. PE MOTT, FRANCIS NICHOLSON. ISAAC WM. SMITH Aaaeaeor*. Offi e, Baraan of Aaee*>metU. Street I>*partment, Jan. 9, land. j9 lot CCORPORATION NOTICE .Public toter* a bereey given, t lM s J ewnar or owners, occupant or rexaipanta of all Hoe*** and Lot*, improved ar cn-mpro'ed Lanss. affectaJ thereby, that tb* loUoWiaf Ateaeerren-.t ha»* beer completed by the Aseeseore, and ar* lodred a the offie* of 'aa Bureau of Aeeeeementa for eiamiaateue, by all pee- seos inlereete*. vit For b^.-Ji** * Sewer witb ueceeetry raacaivius; basin* ann coNsrts ib td sv. from tbsnortbsrly side of 29te st to sad to coaxaat With tb* S*w*r r* M av. at SM at Tb* limits rmn-ared by tath Assessment include all tb* eeveral Hu*»e* sad Lots "I Groead, vacant Los. paras and parcel* ih' Laad, situated oa not* sieaaof 2d a. between *«tb snd 33d at* on lb* northerly aide f rah st sad both sals* of TUU, 31st »ad 32 1 tt between let aad M ava All aartc a- wnoe* mterssu ar* aSaa tat* ay tb* anov*oaaaad A* saseaneata aad who ar* opposed to the »an*, it »**.' of 'h*m, ar* rwrjnestad u, praeant -ba.r obyecta.ra, lawr t.nf t. tha ie*»rtag aad «I Hai a4B<a, So 4 H..I ol Ken.ota. w.u..a thirty Say* from tea 4al*of Iba aotera SAMUEL H DE MOTT, FRANCIS NICH'HJON, ISAAC WM SMITH, I. . . "i* a. at*rwan of 1. - Street Itepartn ent Jaaaary 9, 1 «61._,"< ** ?aJTREET DEPARTMENT. NO 4 HALL OF PtECORDl-Puh- aotars hereby given, that tb* following petit*"** a*** b b-eard of Aldermsa: To open, grade and rag ¦ pr*»eot*d ia th*_ heb a! retaeen 3d ana 4th av* to regulate, grade sad sat curb and easier at oath at between 6lb-*v. and East Rivet; 11 r<*->lat* aid ..Mi, .: vHwsaa au aa* 4th ava Part as.ateraaia* h*t«< obactetns thereto, are requested to pretant tieean m writing to th* utedeisaaed, st ha offic* on er before tbe soth day et Jan lary ist. -Jaa.9, Ml. L'Cj JOHN T DODGE. Street Cos mam un»rmw'm4. via; For butkhi ra Artant C tn Avsaue B T tnant arrbtdt til the several ho pieces BAvd pAneUof lai.,1. artui A'teat A mj.i Arttoa C; o* th< Atil sad 7th ¦trt»t», ar.d us tl fra.' Bai*« or* L *r»t are req.4 let Clerk, at ins <-¦<. Ol H1CU« 7tk at fm.n f-.s aswer »rares kj; such A»taws af (vwned.*ice.nt lots, .See of Tib at between of AreaBe A. ketweee »Je et* Avenue B. be pwrenas wbewe laUrasts art) tSmrM er,ia, and "!»i> are oppose i »tasisrsa) off I to present U,*ir .*¦ .«. turns, is writing -fl a. No 4 Ha'. .1 It*..-is, withia u. - setae, a AMLEL H. DC M<>TT. »\ WM tVTr% «...ea~,r*. Dflrs, ¦at Lbaeartokest Jas Maws fa lit iFPAKr»»»:>r. r. t ,uda Pirk.Jn.1a17 luv MITICE.. Pakle-aoU-s a rteeehv teen presented in the Board of V», a *it it lerentSentb **.reet le-m Fir-tattnue BStaoee interested a me ajo'e, r If. aj .tea) u present tea am in wrilng!* the uu cr be ore the iTth ,nst- t.A3 ISA!», P-ssl C-otot Aa,De»** e^TLf-ET .U I AKTMENT. n0.4hall UP RKCORD3.-Pub « t^ nrt"w kj > »'.»,t rren, that the fnttnwing prtittorjahaTe baew ,-re »e-t*d in the Board of A«aia'ant A'dermen To open Pitt» sac -n>l tr Fiftv-Uilrd at* fn m Eighth av to Heder Rireff Toreg.il*t* . cd pars East t.iteenth at.from First av. to Livingston place, anl far a (pare 4 feet « through . .rmalka of East « ttts.-.:h *t. from Aarane A to l^»ing«tor pract, wners art pared w:th bnrkatpre- »ei t. All persona ititerestad. bar at ohie, tiona thereto, are re-piee'ad preesat U,err, is writing to tl e understand, St b a olive, on or oe- I. reibe ITth day of January iw.-Jac. IT, IbSI, JOHB T. DODO I, Strtst CatmiaaioDer. j!7 TREET Dlf ARiMENT.No. 4 HALL OF RECORDS .Pat,hS BotK-s is hereby given that the following resolut on aas äaaa preeerteil m tne Board of Aaewtant A'dermen To repair gutter. ¦ Arenas D, from Seiend to Tenth at. All persone intersiled having objection* therata, are requested to present tl,a n .a writing to tbs Brdsnuxosd.at bit orVs, oa or bef re the Utk Jay of January mat. JstVlT, ISS1 JOHN T DODGE, Strest Commissionst. 'T PROPOSALS. rO IRON FOl'NDERS.ftesled prcreteeltwill be rereir»! hy the iub*tiu>r. at the OnVe ol lbs Cr.too Aqueduct Departmeul, tit Jansen :i, IBM, at 1 o'clock, P M h.r the following cast iroa ratet pipe*, t z M*< in iBcbae diameter, i,.'«» II inches diameter, M 6 »ai ne. diameter, and 11* branches of -iilfeptnt sue*. Persons ssatatrfk Sal Ms are requested, before wiiiJis,' ¦ their prop,-a ., r.i. 11,re.''ion tl.is nlS, s detailed specificationsd'.ir the work. Otf-r. tt nd'r. Pr -i« fr>r Wster pipe, and Branv.ie*.".Othce ro'on Aa-ed-ict Departnieat, January 10, 1851. NICHOLAS IEAN. Pre.i.'.nt. jl» OIRON PolNPFKS -Seared proposals will be re. -H by the er at the llo e of tl e Crotcn Aqueduct l>et jrtmen'. an- tlJanesrv list,ISS1,at J o'ctneS P fet foe b,-"a'i C»»t Irm rappais' Boiss I'-" ' u applicaUou lei U:c Wjter Puneyor at th s oCtt The B rss to ts delirrr»! s. may re-.m-e,; hy ths Department, '»»er.is BaVprstai 'ftlmm il> '-.r fa£1 ers' trBia" .OtPie Cratae Aasseda» t Iiepsnaient. dsnnarr In. InAi ,ir. UJ1 SIlCHOfcai PEAJt.Ptss ^TitEk T i.fll'AKI UENT. No. 4 H tl.I. OF RECORDS .Pun ic Ö-.i e ¦ kg raw) ptBB tost the follow.eg ite. .Lous have nsen «'*¦ ssa'.rd I BBS R-trd of Ast'tsnt A'dermsu Res heif. That U.s SWkjectcd äff] s prof er grade ol the S reels sad Areruei of SCa-hattan Vaiiej in the TaelKh Ward, he relerrei tn the Street ColMi, s».< -r Ke. oiefl, 1 hat the Street Ci-uini'Seeiner tie, aid he is bnehv re, i. to rria ure sn l t" present to the Coii.iroa Court r 11 Baal I r ti e bUBk] I Bl nj Street* and Avenues iu tbs City north cMVithit [jll] JOHN T. IM'DOK. Street Cum-nisaiooer. r|tii BKA-JS FOL'N Dl R.-*. .Sealed pmpossJsw.il es re. eared Ly j. the. i--r. ». Dm tsSt e of the tVton A inedu. t Dtpirti:!-:.'.. ni.til January it. leol, at J o cock P M. lor .l.iajj \-<w n St ipsap .-, BS 1-aäfl St, p, i iks. Coii.po.itiou to ba IS OB copper. ^ os. t.n, and 1 ol nit. the work inauahip to be of li e bast character, and sun ilar to patterns in tbs office, to be approved by the Water Purveyor, at d all to he ,<(...isred hy tbe 1st day of May reft Tbs names of two re.nonsii.1* persons, with their written assent, to become «ure ties for UM MafatSaBM m every paite ular of the coolract, w,'| let re qu.rsd tc SaBBBBraaaf SOBB propotal Payments to ba made wdbin thirty diy a tn rat the r«peci,on of etch pari. el. with a ressmtion ol ten per henl uiitil tht cnmnletion si the contrai t Persons Wishing* ts eat mste are reipieated, iiefore sending in their proposal., to call at Una office, a here altera» can be sees, offers to ba tn-lorae,!. Prie rossls for Brass SU pco« ks.".Office Crotoa Aqueduct Dcpartinaiit, Jan-.try IS ISSI ^lltojti] NICHOLAS DE AN, President. kaJTREET DEPARTMENT, No. 4 HALL OF RECORDS..Sealed Ö prr-po.tl. will be rare red at the Street Comm s«. -u.-r't O rirs, urit.l Monos).Jan ,'", itAi, at f> > rloca P M. to build a pier at tbe foot of Twenty «iith at. N. R Plans, ape.-iScttion*, and all in formation thereto, can be had on *ppI«tt.ou to the Contract Clerk of tbi* DepartmeLt-Jan 14, mm. JOHN T. DODGE, . 14 Street Commissi jr.er. s STREET DEPARTMENl.NO 4 HALL OF RECORDS..Publ,e V.'tire .hereby given, that the following resolution, have beta passed in tbs Board of Alderman: Whereas, the travel in Hrnad e ay Las lucreased to sui b a degiee at to render it iintale to l-mr pat- secser. to stten pt crossing at certs n pou tt: and wberess, it it i-n- portaat to devise seme plan to relirr* tbe lower part ol Brumdm^y ; therefore. Kesolred. Thst Chu-i Irttreet be ettendel by cutting throurhthe bocks between Fuifn and l.berty itreets, and on" kj ued of the same width bek,w L.berty street uv widen.us Tr.'/ pü.c: c.° i^riÄVsv»«« ^or^w^:ra"-t°:.-'^ {(uv from lha rorssr si FsSsa asd Chnrrh street, to the r. rr »r ' f CoKere place end Barclay streets, s r u'ting bs mtde ol the am* a si Iii as College-plac*, in tka form n' a quadrant of a circle, accord¬ ing to a map aid plan recently presented, and to.it the Counsel of the Corporatiot take the necessary «tsp» to car.-j the s-in.s lata .nVt Resolved, Tbst the name of Church street ant its extsn-wn wbtn completed shsll ba kmws and designated a. l.'-n n 't *et, and t^e Mn t of thai portion forming the quadrant be known aa Union quad¬ rant All peisons interested, hating objections thereto, are re¬ quested %r. present them in er t.ng to the uuder^ignad, at hisolEia. ,n .r'rta'ore tbe i-Mh da' of January, last.Jan 14, 1861. JOHN T. DODfiE «treel Con.m'seKjner Jl4 STREET DEPARTMENT. No. 4, Hall of R«ords.-Pukle- noU* is here .f given Uist ths r>!low.h* petition of JAMES PINKER TON has beeu prasrottd in the Bosrd of Atais'aat AHermen. Tu pate Chatham st. frois Tryon row to James st. with granits atone. 11 JOHN T fXIDUK, Street CALIFOHNIA. DISI'ATCH LINK KOR SAN KR \N- CISCO.-Dirtvt.Now an 1 IslsMlti ship ALEUT, row rapidly loading at Ptr*r .5, North River. Can tak- a lltriltt-d quantity of light freight, a few cabin |ia**eiig»'r*, ard sail in about ten <iays. Imme<Jlatf> appiicaiion s'louli be made. |ji7 1Q. li. 81'TTON it CO., 81 VVali-et. 171 llPl^jBQITlrr ItlHm an COAQMLES. -i-AT RÜÜUCKU RATES O? KARE-Tun splrm- did 8teamihlp CRESCENT CITY", 1,200 tun* buni.-ul John Tancnr Commander, will leave her dock Pier 2 N. R forChagres, on SATURDAY, Jan. 18, atli o'ciock P. M . For frvotrhtor pss.sgs, apply to J13 tieth_H. B. BfONK, 10 Batterr-plaee "its. mailstkamship ('()mpany 1j ..for HAVANA. NEW-URLEANS and CHAURES .Through Tirkrts to San Kraidsco at brliucrd bates. Cbagrea passengers transferrtd at Harana to a first-class stramshlp. On SATURDAY, January 25tta, at 3 P.M . tho spleudid double-enirine steamship OHIO. 3,fX)otiir,s burden. Jas. Einolay Schenck, commander.will sail precisely at o'clock P M., from her pier at loot War- ron-st. N R .wtth the Government Mai s,direct for H ivana. NewOrlears and Chsgrva Freight taken to N^w-Onearsat ustial rates. Specie only taken on freight io Havana. Shippers of packages containing jewelry, gold, or silver ware, or any articles rornmonly known as eaiuahies, mist specify the value of the shipment in their hills of ladling, or the Company will nm bo responsible for any losses ou val¬ uable tneirhandiae shipped without such specification. For jiktsege or freight, apply to M 0 ROBERTS, 177 WaYK-St comer Warren-st. Jll 125 Pacific mail steamship com^- PANY..Tho public is informed thai under lite a.-, rangen r-nts of this Company, steamers tnsrecled and ap¬ proval by üio Navy Department, and carrying the Unitcf ltat>-s Malls will conunue to ieavo Panama and San Fran¬ cisco the first and fifteenth days of each ntortth, unless detained by unavoidable accident or the noo-arriva! of th* Mails at Panama The Steamers of the first of the month will much at Acapuleo, San Rias, Mazatlan. San Diego and Monterey. Tbe Steamers of tirefifteertb of the month wl'I I >ik h at Acapuleo, but no other Mexican ports. The new steamship COLUMBIA will ply regularly after her arrival in the Pacific, between Ban Krancts.:o and ports 111 Orepon, awaiting at tile former port the arrival of mails and passengers from Panama, and returning without delay with malls and passengers for the following steamer from Ban Francisco A reg-uiar line of propellers will be kept up lor tbe transportation of freight ana transient pttssengers between Panama and Man Franci*«o. Tbe connection in the Atlantic will be maintained by tho Steamships EMPIRE CITY, leaving New-York on tho 13th, and CHEROKEE, leaving New-York on the 2Bih of each month, for Cnagres. A third boat will also be kept to New-York as a spare si>>amer. The new steamships CARIBBEAN aod PHILADEL¬ PHIA wiU form a direct iice between New-Orleans and Chagrea, leaving at such periods as will Insure as litt!« detention as possible on the Isthmus, and forming, with tho Pa- :,. * steamships, a THROUGH LINE to and from New* Oriesns and ports in Mexico, Csilfornla and Oregon, THROUGH TICKETS for any month can be sectired on application to lire Company, Si South-sL New-York. Ap¬ plications for passage from New-Orleans should be made to AF M t>TRONO. LA WKASON a, CO. A^tetAt, si that place New-Tora, Oct 31. ISSst. OfJltf II^OR san francisco, direct. DISPATCH LINE..The new and elegant Clipper S'jip STAG HOUND, RICHARDSON, Master, is now loading at Ber berth, foot of WaL-al. Particular aitemio.-i rn;u> sted to this I>«aiitifiil vessel: as sfce has lieen built with a view to excel io speed, and pretebts to tbe world the sharpest ship ever built, the ex* Btvialioo la, that she will perform tho voyage within eighty, five dais. Shippers desiring freight should make immediate appli¬ cation, as bat a small quantity remains st the present raie. Superior accommodation, for a few Cabin Pasaeng-rs E. B SUTTON, it Co M Wsil st or 2w* JOHN 0ODEN li6 »Vall-sL The ünited^tatIk and cal- IFORNIA EXPRESS COMPANY will dispatch their next EXPRESS per CRjEiCENT C1TV. on Satur¬ day, Jan. 1«, connecting; with the Mali from Panama, Feb¬ ruary 15. Shippers will ploase observe lhal this Is the only Califor¬ nia Express Company hav-mf their own facilities on tho Isiiimus. Packages are landed and sent immediately up me C hag res River In our covered American boats, bum ex¬ pressly for the business in New-York, under the care and charge cf CapL Abraham Bancker, and shipped from Pan¬ ama a. ones) by every steamer. Custom House cleavancea obtained Irre of charge. PaomitTOBi.A. B. MILLER k CO 2 Wall-at. New. York. Refer to R. S. WILLIAMS A CO. C. W. it J T. MOORE At CO. gl ft*_J. HOWARD k SON CiREGORV's california pack- . AOS EXPRESS-Persla-amship CRESCENT CITY .Tbe subscribers wul forward an EXI'UESS umt »l*ovw strsmer. on SATURI'AY NEXT, at 3 P M. Pa-ka.es and teavy freight should be .eft at tlrs otSce oa FBI DAY. Parcels received on SATURDAY until in A. M. ami Let¬ ters until °i o'c.oca. THOMPSON A U1TCUCOCK. JI5 3tMacsie.-s'sj.J Agents, 119 Pea'l-*L For california..a busip^rilsl MAN about to leave for Ian Francisco w :<l take charge f aLy scnptloo m Calll »rnia. Bus iiess or bm> bib»i w ii be promptly axd carefu'ly aitended to Address F BI- THELL, care of Mara H Newman it Co I** Broadway. JI531* United states, CALIFORNIA, <.Rr <.<-sfand the SANDWtf, M ISLANDS (PACK¬ AGE * LETTER) I \ p >v ESS Berf vd v < », of Ckay and Keerswy tu., San Frenrta'o, leeper.rul'y an- nounca thai they nave opened an other. No. 2 Vesey at, A Mol Hoase, New-V..»a. Ii > in«-'.i(>n with in-'ir oi <..- tabdabrd office in San Francisco, for Ike pAjrposeof tor- warding Soiaui Peckagvs u> and from ail pasta o( the above place«. Mr Berford having reramed fhorn Caltfornia Ihr Um pur rote of" cctiducUng iie ba finest tn ihm City, Um Company will he er.ahled. with hU large porantva,' knowledge of Calf- fon.ia, tota r> ta iha ... -a wiia aaaafj mod .patch, and logtve the utinoat *aii<fsvnion. B. k tu will also alt» od to the collection of Mile, notes, draft*. Ac Ac. kc. in anv of the ahore place« on the moat reaaousHe tenet, and will forward by EVERY STEAMER Persons out of the City will p.ease address, pre-paid. BERrURD k CO. 2 Veeey-st. Attor House, New-York- l'. trar.ee to ffire. « Ve*ey-tL . aJao, through the book* at ore of Adriane, Sherman k Co. 2 Astor House. Broad- way. jietf F~ are reduced..Through Lina for SAN FRANCISCO, via CHAGRES, direct, aid by the I'nlted State« Mail Steamera on the Pacific. The splendid steamship CHEROKEE. Htinav WinnLB CouimaLder. will leave Pier 4. North River, for Chagrea, direct, on Tl KSDA Y, January .8, at J o'clock. Passengers bv the CHEROKEE will connect with the .plentild steamship NORTHERNER, to bo at Panama on or about February I5tB, 1»'I. Bor passage, apply to j!5 HOVVLANP k A8PINWALL. B ano M Bouth-aL ISTHMUS HOTELS. ... CKtCrJ, I At,D I P ASAMA. The irving house, at Chagrea, Wallace W Williams, aaaitted by Hugh Miliar THE PANAMA RAILROAD HOTEL, at Oorgona. an¬ der the management of A. B. Miller and J. F. Conger. THE AMERICAN HOTEL, at Crueea, und or the. man¬ agement of E R Folger and H. Mliier, Jr. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, at Panama, rindar the management of Adrian B. Millar. Mi DACtf FOR EUROPE. The british and north amer¬ ICAN ROYAL MAIL 8TE AM8HIP8 BET WM F.d. NEW-YORK AND LIVKRPOOLdtr*xt,and BETWEEN BOSTON and LIVERPOOL. The Boston boats only calling at Halifax to land and re¬ ceive mailt and paaaengera. ASIA. .IiMAIna EUROPA E G Lou AFRICA, A Ryrle. NIAGARA. I Stooe. AMERICA, N. Shannon CANAiiA, Wrn litr j-m CAMBRIA, Leitch. Thru' vessels carry a clear whitb ..tour at trulr m*M bead ; tiaaaN on ttarboard aldi aau on pou aide AFRICA. A Ryrle, from New-York. We^^lay ?Hh Not CAMBRIA. J Irlich, from Boston. Wednesday. 77lh No? NIAGARA, J Stone, fin New York, Wednesday, 4th Dec EUROPA,-from Boston. Wednesday, llth Dec. ASIA. C. H. E. Judkins, from N. Y. Wednesday. Utk Dec AMERICA.-, from Boston, Wednesday, ZSth D>*e. AFRICA. A Ryrle, from New-York, Wednesday. l«l Jan. CANADA. Win. Harrison, fin Boston. Wedny. U>lh Jan. Passage from N.Y or Boston to Liverpool. 1st cabin flJO '. - " " M sb No berth secured until paid for Freight will bechargtsj on specie beyoad an amount lor personal egpetis. *. An experlencMl Surgeon on board. All letters and newspapers must pats through the P.iew OftVe For freight and passage apply to H CUNARD. Jr. M Broadway French, German, aatl other foreign goods, received ad brought In common with British goods. Through bills of lading are given in Havre for New-Tork. After the 1st of April next the rate of freight by that above steamers, from Liverpool, will bo very materially reduced._n2 tfs Steam communication be¬ tween PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL- The powerfnlnew Sfcamahip CfTY OF GLASGOW. B. R. Matthew«, (late of the " Great Wettern.") Commander« 1 .bit' tuns, 35« horse-power, is intended to sail. rkOM PHILADELPHIA. Thursday. IHihJan. 1861. Thursday, lliih March, 1851. raoM LtvEsrooL. Wednesday, llth Dee. 1*50. Wednesday, 12lk Feb. ISM. This vessel is weil known for her successful voyages be¬ tween Glasgow ard New-York, and has splendid t'.ab- room accommodation tor about 120 first and second eabtn passen- gers, (no steerage passengers taken I kates trJf pa«.i»a.*»s«. raoss sau.son.im*. raott Livaaeooi.. First Cabirr.too Dollars. I Slrat C«btn.SB Ouioeas. BVcond Coti'.n-riO Dollars | Secjnd Cabin .13 Guineas Tbete ratet include Provisions and Steward's Foe, but not W'lne or Liquors, which can be had on hoard. RATES OF FREIGHT. raoM riitLAtiEt.ptiiA. raoM livibpool. According to agreement A4 sterling per tun measure¬ ment All goods tent to the Agents tn Philadelphia will be for¬ warded with economy ami dispatch. There are two powerful Steamships now under contract for this Line.one In New-York and the other lu Glasgow- U t>e ready during the ensuing Summer. For further particulars, Bpply. in Liverpool and Belfast, to RICHARDSON. BROT HERS.it CO.; in Glasgow, to PATRICK HENDERSON Jt CO.; and in Philadelphia Bird New-York, to RICHARDSON, WATSON k CO. dIO if FOR LIVERPOOL..Packet of 2bth Jh.. The tpleiidld Packet Ship SIDDONS, Capialn Ekcst Howes Jr.. will sail as above her regular day. For freight or passage, bavtug unrivalled accommoda¬ tions, apply on hoard ai pier No. 14 East River, or to ;7 u7.ii BPOFFORD. TILESTON k CO.. 4o South-aL rpHE NEW-VORK and LIVERPOOL I UNITED STATES mail STEAMERS -Ttie ships «oropnsiMg this Lino, are Um ATLANTIC Captain Wsajj, PACIFIC, Captain Nyo, ARCTIC, Captain Lars. BALTIC, Capt Comttoct ADRIATIC Capt Oraiton. These th^ps having been built by eontract expreaaly for fjovsrnment service, every care baa been taken in their coa> Btruction at also In their engirjeB, to ensure strength and snpt*ed. and tneir accosomodattons for passengers are ano- (jualled for elegance and comfort Price o' paaaayr- from New-Tora to Liverpool. BIS«: e«- «luslresi- or sitra alas, stare-r,H»ns, $S*vS; from Liverpool lo Nfw York. *»,-« An expenenct-d S'ttßrmoo al|sa*ii9d to BMck ship No Berrtos erurwl until paJd tor. PROPOSED DATES OF SAILING PBOM sjKW-vnsa pbom livmpool Wr.lnee.iay. January 8, 1851 Saoirday, January 11, 1*5] We<jiiesday laniiu v :'.', 'Saturday, February S, 1151 We,lmre<iay,Februur7 S 1851 Saturday, February 2Z. IS51 We.lnes.lay, .. IS, 18»! iMaSurday, Marek 8, 1*51 WeniL-^iay, March >, If51 Saturday March 22, 1151 M/e,lnesday, March It I8.*I'Saturday, April 5, I Ml WedofMluy, April 2, 18 1 We.lnes.lav, April 16, 185i' For freight or paussage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, Sri Wall st New Y-.rk or !o BROWN, SHIPLEY k CO Liverf-ooJ. E O ROBERTS at CO. 13 King's Arms Yard, London, or L DRAPER, J' 8 Boulevard, Moutmartrav Paris The owners of ln*ae ships trill aot be accountable tot gold, Mirer, bullion, specie, Jewelry, pmrious suroats or metals, unless bibs of lading »r« s.gn^d 'heTe'or and the value thereof therein eipr>«sseaj After the 1st of April next, the rate of freight by UM aeova Stesjuera will bo materially rwdiicaed «2S tf OOR LIVERPOOL^UnitetJlStatM MY Mail Bteanf-ahlp PACIFIC. Captain E Nye.-Tbis Steam ship will depart with Um Malls for Europe posi¬ tively on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 12 o'clock. M. from bor hen r. at the foot of Canal-st No berth secured uil paid for. All letters and papers must pass thrrrngb the Pom Office. For Freight or Passage, having unequalod accommoda Hons for elegance or comfert, apply to EDWARD R. COLLINS, 16 Wall si Positively no freight will be received on board after Monday evening, Jan. a) The Steamer ARCTIC will guccoed the PACIFIC, and tail Ki runrv j | TRAVELING. FOR BOSTON by NEW-YORK and NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD.The following Trains leave ike Oai.au at Station, Dttily, (Sundays Excepted,i fir RostoD. at 8 oVlo. a A.M. and arrive at Boston at 5 i/ciock P.M. Dinner al SoriLgbeld. At 9 o'clock AM. arrive at Boston Bill 45 PM. By this Train paaaengera may stop from two to three hours at New- Havsn. Hanford or Springfield, or at any Station where the F.xpreta Train r> reivet patsengert. \ At 3 o'ch-ck P M Brrive at Boston at II 45 P.M 8upper at Sprlngtild. This Train receives Passengers only at Iii« Principal Stations. See bills of all the Trains. PasMngers are desired to procure Ti tk.-u before laitlug Seats in the Cara. fj 7 It] R. B. MASON, Superintendent mwo DAILY TRAINS for ALBÄNV j% and TROY, through by New-York and New Haven, Houtatocic acd Weataa Railroads.First train leaves New-Toik from Canal tt Station at 8 A M arriving at Al- bar.v at 5 P M. Setond train leave« at ?1 P.M. arriving at Albany at 12 o'clock, P M Fare through to Albany, |4. Please procure ticket! before taking teats In the cars. J17 R. B. MAJSON.Bupt-N. Y.tt N. U.R. R. i\EW.YORK (And ERIE RAILRCI^S-- il MEW ROUTE m BUFFALO and the WEST.Win- irr Arraagement .Commr-ncin/ Monday, Jan 6, IBM. Leave New-York for Bmgr.ta.uja. Eimira. Coming, Hor- n-usvüie, Geneva, Rocle-eter, Bufrnkt and lotermelittle plsres oaiiy by t'asstteUsau THOMAS POWELL and KR IF. from pier foot mt Duane-st as foliowi 1 Br«au'asi and supper on board tae boata MoRHixc Mail Tbaib at 7AM stopping, af all the tta- ttona. arriving at Otrneva the same evemug. Pasw n.-ers for Ria-bester Buffalo, kc can lodge at fWe- va and take um Express Train freaa Albany next siwnuag, arriving at R.>c<^sier and Bsffalo ai the same time as ptja- sei rers via Albaav witk the advantage of a night's reat Wav Ttiis at -i P M. »»rOcsTtJM and mientsediai« Nicht Exrarsa Tbaib at4 P M. stoppfngat.v ly at Pier- BioniBtffen.1. Cbeeier, t^Mht«, Mitidietown, f AisvliM. Del- aware Narrowalmrgh. BfaaaMMat Deposit, Suequehaaua, Great B< ad, Bingharniuti, and staatigMS west si* BiogliamiOB. Paeseiigers ftjr BurTaio b> this train pnxeesJ to Oeueva, and teie the train arrtvmg at Buffalo saue ev:..».' Pstatte, ge'tfor Itiiaaa, Cavuga Bndg*, and towns on Cayuga LsJtaV. Bake U«> cara of ihe Cinn and s^iaoueliaj.na sW.ruad at Owe go which lestv« ünoseilitUely Vrn toe arrival of the Erie train* Passerurera for Tioga and LyrvM&lng rouge Bes, Pa take Um cara of 3** Contiag and Biosäourg aUlir<<t>t at Corning Starear Vars Namiwehti rg, Hancock. Deposit, Sauqaeliauia, Great B.-nd Binahamtoa, Owegu, Ws-erly, flhr ,r» roroitif. Painted Poet and HomedsTnie on arrival of th« uaJns TRAINS TO XEW TORE. MoBBiNb Mail Tbaim Mavee (reneva at i A M. stop- plr f at al. tl«- stai.or.a ai d */rlv»s ib New York at f P.M. Ki*.mt Ex rat m Taaiii oarea Geneva at I PM-acd Horriei'.avUle at J 30 P M sUippiag at all stations west of Bit« teuton, and at Or-at Ueisd, Sut^iMiisaauS. Deposit, Hat rock Ns/rowabargh. Delaw are. Otisville. Mitd>towa, Htifferns and PtaraKant arriving in Mew-York at U A.M Way Tbaih .eaveeOr.artlle at '1 A M stopptag at an the ttttaotva and arriving In New-Tork ai It 4«AM , watawM BsuscH leaves Newbtirgt ajj y> " J*-- i V.P. M cotast-iing with the trains f^ctm*^- ,*^T*i Chester at 1 i A M and a P.M or oa arrival of UM traiiufrotaj Fbcicbt Tbaim leave from pier ^f^***?L.ni \JJ*: FTHgh, ft,r Genera. Km^rm-mtmr and Hmff^mtid We., taken by faSBMBB ^,r^»^t^MfJ^M lB/oaghw:tk<r8ic>My C HAJUaJM MTNOT^ I8M. WINTER AKRANOKME.NT. ISJl ft EW-YORK & NEW-HA VEN RAIL- * * ..ad .Oa tad after *\ cinesdaj, Dec It tha tSfiow. b»g urtu«. will brava lb- CaaaJ-s*. ttaiil. nnrBr,»»dM, .SSe%»^^^ - HI Train at 7 !3lH for New fea-baoa Wai*arooe<l Kv«, Port Cltravter, Or**rtw<ch S-»m^ rj*> VA at N*ii.-,ibr Alban». *ad th» StaOon« mi im UoriNM^ and Naug-atotl I^roada wt take this trci and sc pal »rtd«^^-r,,ft*w?r*ft!^ W«r«*A*a. for Soacoa. PrVrr. y*nf<a ^JZ?5T^myhr*° «Pnajr«».Ki wxl Coaoectfca, Rleer HeUtrosaJa, vrU lafceitasTYaJBiBaatU KxiveaatTrS at Nsrw Havee Paaarngrr* for Cana: R*j.n»»d ahm at Pi w Harra K "* 2. Exprraa Train at . e/cfoek A M ftrr Stafford, Br»dc*> port Airanr, Mrairabmle ar.d NtMgaruck Rajirutil,, N*V luven and the Canal Rabroad, Maddlerton, HtxfAereL Strirgfaid and Connecticut ilmr Katlruad, lmf rriiiaT Providence, and lootort s A.-.i-noTudanon Train at » o'clock A.N. for New. Harrn aid mttrrniediato Stacona Paaeenger* by übte Train fi r thnCanaJ Raj! road will remain at New Havaa anolSAPM for New-Haven, Htrtfortj, and Spriagtmli Keu.rood, remala in New-Haven until If N 4 EiprT^TrainatJP A4 for Bfairtford, Bridgeport, and Naogaiuck Railroads. Wm&rtxirj, New Htvea, Hartford, bj nrgSebJ Wori-eeter and BoetuR 5. Expreas Train aiJ 14 P M ft r Sraraford an<i Norwalk and connecting w;th Houaafcinic Train at Bndetport for Albany and NMMM ..^--^^^ - aVt^port a- Mr r'TONB »0 NEWTORK 1. Coer.maia.ior> Tram ai » A M froex Bridgeport, stow fang at all the interrrieciiaie s<*üot*s 2. Accxiwj»rM«darioa Train at 7 a, M for Mew lie*tea, stopping at all lnr>w*aediata Stall,*aa I Arc>unrm«laU(>n Train at » 4" AM form "ew-Havea, Stopping at all lnrerraedlata BtarJo**, re»-etrtrur rae^ruar» from Hartford auti New Hirer, Canal lUiiniad, and Naaf aiuck Railroad. 4. Bipreaa Train at 1 10 P M (In r»anaetlea with tha Ex- prrwe Traia from. Boston) from New-Haven, «oepiag at Bridgeport and Stamford, receiving paaaertgir* from mm Houeavwautc Railroad at Bridgeport 6. AccvruuiodacKm Traia at 4S0PM (retwiylayr i aaawa- .era ftvs» tha AccooirrKidatlua Traia from Bot> >a and from the Naugatuck Railroad at Bridgeport) frwii Xew Harra, stopping at all taurmedta.* HtaUo*]* 6. Expree* Train at 110 P M. (or in connection with Ex preee Traiu from B.aston. 1 aUippitig at Bridgeport, N irwai» and S am, .rd, arriving lt. N-» Vorkat 11 ^ ? hi 7. Fxpreee Trata at 9 4\ P. M.IV<mi irhlgrtfeirt tae-m- ii« cium v. ith the? Ilwiea/onic Train from Alrjejiy and PtU»- 6eld »loi piti«; at Norwalk and Bianiford. Puet.-l.gera are reaiueeted to pn.-ure tl.i. -I» l-fo e tajiOe .eaU In tha Cart- ^ 107 tf 1' ¦ MABOM. ***>%. IfNITED 8TATB8 MAIL LINK tri . - CHARLEHTOH to HAVANA via SAVANNA ft a- I.EY WEST. .Tha tpteaaid fteamahlp ISABEL, l/a-Hni. a irden, rororranded by Cart Wtliutan Eoliina, will eoa rnrnc« her rrgular trira oa Monday, Ort L and tall revalar lyfron: Charleatoo, 8. C tor Havana on tha Itl and flAtr. aac-h month, and from Havana to Charleaun oa the that* ¦I from A . »' ee»,.n aid f>i»var-.a" :.» ria *"«. I*' rrom Cbarreetoo ant*tAavanaaa to Key Wett, f.><5. Per ptrtict^üw^tp^ » ^ ^ c^ ^ leja^e*. In Charlaeton to M C MOEBCAaV Agent, in Havana, ORARE, BROT HERB a CO. PaMenreri leaving Havana hv ftiia ahtp can raaeh lalli more by tha Land root* tha "fth day. or, by anoetlnf tha iu»an>er Boathrrntv, raach Neyv-Tort aaaajB) tmm. Tt WO THE PUBLlCr^.UNTIL FÜR- J. THER NOTICE.-On and aftnr MONDAY, Dec 29, 1«.5B. ihn Bteamlioal NORWALK will leave Harlem at a o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M : will leave Peckallp at 111 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M landing- at Astoria each way. Para 6, eaott_mm* CH)R BRIDOEPORT->Fark 50 Ctim. r -The Steamboat ROOER WlI.LIAMS. Capt Cha*. \N eek.. will leave New-York from Pier foot of Market st. every Tuetdty, Thursday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock A. M. Returning, will leave the Railroad Dock, Brtdgport, every Mondav, Wednesday snjj Kmlav morntng at 8 Cclock. Bridgeport and Railroad Frelgftt taken at tho loweel rate* Eor Passag¦ or l*relghi apply on i.oart the boat, or 01 the Agent on the Dock._Jl>im* Central Raiircaatl of New-Jevaery W INTER ARRANUKMFaNTS. ? ? Comm. n. iny MONDAY. N .v. 4. |ftW_TUs Road extends frotu ELIZABETH PORT S.A inline to the WltlTB HOL'BE. N. J. roducliig ihe staging between the leriulnua of the Road and E ASTON to 2r> miles. This line leaves New-York hy steamboat Red Jacket, pier No. 1 North River, and conneeta with trains on tha New-Jersey Railroad, which leavet Now-York from foai of Cortland st TRAINS L'P-Leave New-York by steamboat Red Jack» et, pier No. 1 North River, at llfA.M. freight, and at 4 P.M. passenger, and by N.J. Railroad, foot of Cortland-eL ail A M and 44 I'M Trains leave White House and following places for New» York at follows: White House at 3, A.M.; freight at b, A.M. i Paaaangar at U P.M. iomerville at 6 AM Freight at 7 AM | Paatenger at It P.M. Bound Brook at 5, AM., Freight at 7 lOrn AM; Paa> aenger at 2 25in P.M. PralnfieldatcH AM , Frelgfalat 7| A.M., Patteoger at si r id Westfield at t.* A.M. | Freight at 7| A.M., Pattengar al i P M. Elizabethlown, Freight at Hi A.M.; Passenger al 12, P M. EliAäbeihport at S{ A.M. | Freight at 8* A.M.; Pataeu. ger at 1 P Bt. STA OES will be In readiness on the arrival of the 9 A.M. train from New-York at the White House to convey pa*> sengers to Eaaton, Wllketliarre, Reihlahmu, Allnntown and Maurh Chunk, Penn. and to Flemingion, Lnoanoa. Clinton. Mil ford and Beividere, N J. N B Ail BAUOAUE al th*) risk of the owners until de¬ livered Into the actual p<>tstaston of- the Agents of Uta Cora- pan y and checks or receipts given berufter. at C'^AMDEN AND AM BOY RAILROAD J LIN E, FROM NEW YORKTO PHILADELPHIA . One Line only will be run until further notice.lee vtof New York, from Pier No. 1 North River, fool of Balleey plaea, dally, Bundaya excepted, by sieainU>al JOHN PlrpTER, Captain John Simpson, al 12 o'clock, for Sou in Ataboy, where passengers will take the cart for Camden, tlonpira al .lie usuaJ In termed late placet and arriving la PUliadel piiiaaboutS P M rsaa. T\rst Claaa Cart. .$9,AA Second Claas Cars. 100 Third Clast Care.,. 1J>4) Dinner provided on hoard Bteambiiat John Potter Pateengers for Freehold will lake lite Stage at Weaia. Fare from New York to Freehold, «74 cents. EMIGRANT LINE. Leavet iiv tleamer TRANSPORT, CapL j. 9oald, at h trelock, P. M. Fare tl.S0. V) lt>tv of baggage allowed each petetenger, to ha carried at the rttk of lit owner, hut nothing will tie received or rontldered at liaggago except wearing anptval. ,.tfl laU BUlBV Agent. fMORRIS and ESSEX RAILROAIjC l»i PASSENOER TRAINS UP -Leave New-York toot of Cortland-tt 9 A M. and 9 90 PM; Leave Newark 94a A M and 4 IS P M. PassrNuxR TaaiNS Down..Leave Dover 7 A. M. mm 1 44 P M.; Morrlttown 7 U A. M. and 2 2.5 P. M Madltot) 7 45 A M and 2 40 P M ; Summit « "S A M arid I P M : Millvllle 4 15 A M. and 8 16PM: Orange 8 Jo A. M. and »36 P.M. Fbsicht TaaiNs.-Leavt Dover 3 A. M. and New-Tor* ' 'i A. M. )baN47g Hobsr Caa -Leare Oranga 7 AM. and IM> P M ; New-York II 34i A M and 4*>P M. Paatengert by thete trains are received and dertvored each way at North and South Orange. Milivilia, Saix*BX4L Chatbaiu, Madison, Morrttlowu. Morris Plaint, Danville. Rockaway and Dover. At Dover stage* eoansMad with Ihe A M UpMBpf irain leave for Surkatunny. Stanhope. Newton, HaCkett- town and Hope, dally, Miiford and Owego on M-mdayt, Wednetdaya and Frfdaya, and for Spart» Johntrmbtrrf, B tlrslown, Columbia, Delaware VVaterfHn.Btrwigsburgn, eoBtinulngWilhe Larkawanna Works, passing thnaigb H»r. tonvilie. Bianhupe (Pai SmiUi ttTavern, Neagle*/IJIe, CuA |..n, Duomore. Hyde Park to Providence, on Tueadaya, Thurtdtyt and Saturdays, and returning meat tha P.M. trains for New-York. At Den ville stages leave for Pow»rv1!le and Boonton oa the arrival of the A M and P. M. traint from, tad meet Its* A. M. and P. M. traint for New-York. AI Morrlttown stage* leave on tha arrival of tha A. M. aattetger traint for Mendham, Ch'-ster, Schooiev't Moun- taln, Wtthlngton. Beividere and Eatton, daily, and raaat the P. M train for New-York. A.to for Bttklng Ridge on the arrival of tha P. M trata returning next morning, connecting with tha A M. train for Kaw-York r Pataengert are to procure their tickets hafcrs tafclng Ihefr seatt in Ibe can Tickett win be received omJm on the dav When purchased. The fare* from earhsiaCoci where alrketc are told will ba Aee cert's saors whan paid in tha cart, thaat when paid for tickets at the several ticket ot&ea Paaeeo- ger* are to show their ticket* u> the cncidactor wfaaora» culred nlttf HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD.. U INTPK ARRANGEMENT .Oa and after Moo- aty Dec. 10, 1*60, tho pa.rngcr tralxt wU ran as followt, 'Sundays "ire, .t-n LEAVE NEW YORK, OOINO NORTH, Front the Office In Hudson at aear Cravafjeraat At a 16 A M.-For patterorrrs to Ptrr^rtiaeepeie, ftupptaff at all the war stations At 12 M -for freight and pt^tengert to Povighaeepaba, stopping »i all way staxiont At 2 P M -F'w Paatengert ta Pouglikeep.1«, stopping at aiitha wty mmtf _ j . , At 4 P M.For Pasaengert to Pougfiketptle, ttopptnt; atMathauiuivii.e, fonaera Hasongs. OebW Ferry, leear- man. Tarrytoas Btrg-Sing Orofm PeekaktlL Oarriaoa's, Cold Bprng ITshaW New Hajw*urxb and MtRoa Ferry. At 6P. M.For paaaamgvrt to Press*kill, stopputf at afl W'y LEAVE POUOHKEEPSIE, OOINO SOUTH. At 7 A M .Fur Jiew-York. Btontiing at Miltoa Ferry, New-Han oergb, Lt/w Point. PumkiU. Cold Bprlng, Oar- nmt&m, Peekakili. Croton, Mng Biat. Tarrjlovrt, Dr»tman, Dobtis' Ferry, fooker* and MaahaiUnriüe. At s A M'- ror 'gjP'* Paaa|ffi raV»a-.Yew», ^t^+'>VJM^or*r^ New Yark, frPinag at New-HsrelWf b, FlaLkui, Cotd AP^K^\*°f,*¦ *.»: sML Bing Bing, TarrrU/wn, Deannan, Ooonf Ferry tt,d 1 A*!tP M.-For New-York, ^*»PFb»* al ail trs* ttaaatw °" "Tleave pekkjk/ll for hxw-torb At t a M.-BtoppiaF .* ^ W*J stattoaa oa signal Patw.ug.rt ^PmB^^,w^m""JT*,m*5 * o6*erv,n;-i* rouVrwmg role* : 1st, Give parUrxiuu dlraa- Cofit to tU u«g»r:'»-wian a here your baggage la to ha d*> livered, that he may mark it accordingly. Bud tharehy trotd ii eukeaaed delays; td, pri^ure voar OcketS halfora*¦*.*> ax ska cars td, «a aot stand on dm pbatfbnaa 3.ti OLiVv.R a LEE,Bvipenalailwt, j^UR CIIARLKS'O.N. S. C.Tie K tpiradid tttmmtiBn 8CM TH KHNER, CapL O. Dvk insoo, will leave pier no 4, Norm River, on SATURDAY. Jai! I»-. all c/cierk P.M. prer'sely. sill btlx of'adior * K"ed by ihec'erk an lioW. No bartk aeearad uil r>a4d for sor Irwitlii app.y on board, and for paswaweto J1S ;w SPOKMJRD, TILESTO.V 4 CO. tf Booth-sL ^ \KW-YORK and STATEN ISLAND. Xw .Leava W bileiiall at 9. ILL1 and 6 o clock. Laar» Island ait, 1«, if, JaaaJ to'clock. juu
Page 1: LEGAL NOTICES. United HI...akra*rasttsr, rontaiairat Ui*namaa mttowrwraof tb*lotsaaasaaad, SMuumoara..(amh i,.|. a. they appearon tk* ni*p*ol UMConvuar.JorMra. traratksr wilh a'irli

LEGAL NOTICES.um maoar ut ass appiieavon of

< nnlll COURT.I«JS ahMf AKMratar, tmt On»i1 s.kTjr of U>« CK» of Fl» I

J^,JiV*7tba or*,,.**; of Ofiaa-too it-«o«, (mm 4M at. to netstbe nrwnie*; of lAWiaftrM*»eso», from 4M at. tn aesi

laaJawSOKtb Ward of and Off I* Mube. nb*re, Convo.ia. .7latin, «l» «ud Am«,anaat ia t> tabove MLlsM ata'tar,

TZ^Lt|»7« rum of tha »ap rasa* C urt.eoteredon th* 13d la,

Uaatk I**0' rT* af***, pursuant u> th* reauirame-.tji of an Art

avaUrr****1''' "' **."*..'Acta* m Art Ml.Oed a

"j^auawly «. UM City of Nstisit* passed April Jo, I**, t

of taa avJ CfiiFairmara a the at>o,e asataar, aaaaai

zLska ssaum id ILbowtm'* of Um toUiM»tMd,trM aans»*. cd

t.tf u U»»» >^r«ar on O* aa*** of Uta CunvreeeioMra, u«*:h*r

s* ¦ - i "

Ham<l; an*eres were i"a»


of flaw Tort, ootilktd ¦

j a Msaral <.»« raa>taajo 00* Act, pa~»*d A*rd £.tract r f lbs Esttmatt ssSJ

ba aaaa.I** its, *e<leeionara, toe

gr. '

w, an.ng

oar . aaaaaa ¦

_of srkoBis<*"Br «. lea at satj d*>» mmii'rm «*.. «

ttx> <h* fd gs plots s Cocrt, it

aid. Aad Uwsei<; Iha pr ."u.ooj «<f the A't. *u '.

.ai AetaatjtMaa Act ia resMow to the Colaand Tum ia tta City aid County < f New

aariKMM, pan*** May 14, l«*o. pe*s**i May 7,

4, or auara. orcapaot of owupesW «


of unimproved ktod. ssscuw thereby, that thay have er.«

oa tst.n ill and _jir" ent; and that all par* da wb,«e atsr

MU II latal I I BkllMrJBBS »bo may ba >pp-*d t tha ta-na. are

ffaaaaaiad lo pressest tksw aaaa' Uwn ia wrrting, to Nictanku C. Ever-

aa Um Cbmfmari of aa<d' C- mmiMaMere. at hia huuM, Ho. til

Wbrte at la the t ty of ».« »ork, Wittun Uiwty dayi from Iba data

mt Um Bot.ce and thai tae Bat* embraced by faul ass*Mm*nt ar*

aa ftHHiii mal * to «se Aß tboM iota, pnwa* or parcekj ol Ha*,Setseeii Lue aortbarly kM or »«auf «id at ana taa southerly boa of

¦kia of *a »v and ba aaatar aod waatarlv l.DM or axlaa of La*

iiiiIimi aiwaaa aWlitni) toaiatrom, all U>»as atraata or part* c!aar**** w-.tain aa>d 'imita, "h<ft bavaalraady aa»n opatiad. Aod alan,at Um kda, pMraa or pan ala f tand.lyuMr. "0 k<>t« aida* "r aaid Lai-

aagtue araaua. aouod*d ,m töa north by Um auuti>arl> !.«. or aWa of

BE at ijd Um aoatk tha v.rtharly Loa or nda of t»! it. or. tk«aaat by aba cantar aa bat mm': tb* Thiri-wnu* and ua «tA Lai r

rarfH) avanua atd on tha aMJMbt tb*t*ntar lina'^fWMr: Koarti.a.auua aod u.a mm, L»i tun. a'aoua. and c«:.ipna<na; all tna lou'taaacMof lai.d m.i). .i U,i»m> Bnuta. frootuiA ku U.a sa*J LaiuMT» a.

araaua, and tha isun.-tirr atraata.aica|,Un( tbarafnim, uoaa

atraati or part* oi atraat* wI.k* bara a-'raady base opmomi. Amt

akw, alt rba (¦.*«. piaraa or parcakt of land, aitaata < n tha aaatar'yBo* of said LaU.i^tou araab* and to* mt«r**«.t<t*r, *lraau, batvaMah* aortlatrly boa or aids of tlrt at and tha aoatkarly Uc* or *>J* o!f*M at and extabdo* aautarty at^nt oaa bn^drcd fM*. bath* aim*

aaora of mm* from Um aattarly hr.* or aid* of aaid LsiinctoD-awitMAa* alao.all Um w>ta, pn» «. or parral* of land *it<i*t* on tk***atsr

ly kM or aid* oi «*>d L*i.:jrt,,u *r*aua aud Ui* ia *r»».Uu£ atraata,karwaan tb* oorUaarfy kM or aid* of Sift at aod tii* aoal aVTJ ia* or

¦a** of tSd r>. asd .xtsadi**; «sttarty from sa d wMtsrly lias or e.f»of ssmI L*rmfi.n araon*, about on* hundred feat b* ths tarns rror*

Of Iba And tha saad C"iosui**>o«sr* furUMf asaOOaSSO*, that toaar

report ht tk* akors nutiar. a.n U* Davis a.-.d t,rsa*otaJ lo lb* 3s.rasM Court of tba State of 5**/ York, at a Spscial Tsrtn of th*mm) Court, io M bald at lbs City Hall of tha City of Nsw Tort, o*Saturday, taa l.t day of r«ar.nry, IKftl. at the opaainr of tha Coortmm taat day or u *uon tberaaibir uouinaal raa oa ha«ru. Dated

fort, Ko'.*mber IAISSO. NICHOLAS C EVfJIteTT, WtL-aVLAM U0I>0I. HEhKT BKEKMAN. CommiAaionars. nlstri


Art lo**w-Vi ra,ii that to*osra il ths

SlifKAJtELtiUAtl.la i ,*uiaUai uitii*appJcaLwiioliB«aiA/urAWrrmens.'.* Cori:moctt> of th* t'.ty offimw Tork.iwhtrrstf tb*

tadarni aotof a aatkke p'»'*. known aaSTUTVKSA KTa tssl!a*a*iaMutb Wars of .aid City. Tiia*ubacrilMir*,coui.

mumn ol £*'.,.uala and AaaaMsM t ia tb* Abovs*at<U»i uuttat,.Hiljasipo.atad ft> a rul*uf tkaSut'iauMCourt,«!»*D'-tics.p-ir.us .'. tctha raoa,r»m»nt« cfar Ait"! to* I s* jr* OftM P*<fl* of ths StatsOf How Turk, aotnlaa " An Ai t to taMoS an Art sat

rsdera Mforal law* raratng aartacalartji to la* Citykotooue A«l, oaaaaJ Aord ii,|lel3," oaiaaad April ..

as.tr». t o? tb* nlmiti aaJ ar.«.^a.*ct of tha Coauaakra* rasttsr, rontaiairat Ui* namaa mtt owrwra of tb* lots aaasaaad,SM uumoara ..( am h i,.|. a. they appear on tk* ni*p* ol UM Convuar.JorMra. traratksr wilh a'irli rnsp« and t'ja S'nount of aa*AMn.anl,wkstbar for iAoiAra .r heueulj a ,J amhi all ü.« AtüdarOa, *aU^*u*,.sat other tfocnmsnts, wfcich wsrs ossd by ths Corcmiaa/,nar» ie

asakir« ihnr rsport, ba»*t»Mn depositad in UisStrsatlJorr at j

ease* of ths City and CliBaSj mt New T'^ra, for tba aunaaailjumiarhoawawar .1 ni*y rowarr Ui*r* to rains, n lor at Issst aiity daiaaoSwa Uia CouuzuMMtMra iuAk*Ui*ir retort w aa asid Supr*to* C urt,at Ua* tirr* ata pkv* haraitiaftarn »nboaed tridtb* ii.d Commi»rions»*r»rUi*rtiTarK)tK«.pui.uAJ.ttoth*r»qiiirsarjerit.i'l t.,» Act,*ntitl*Al" As Art to amand an Art entitled aa Act ra pa'-'' tk* Oo *c


two *SleawwiiUiwI Taj** in tb* City a»d County .f .Saw Turk,aod for other purp«Ma, paaaad May 14, 1840."ps«»rd «Tay 7,18C, tctbccwMror owaera, occapsntcr occupant, of ail ho :»**, aod imsrova* or n«,ropro»«d lan-l aSacted tb«r*hy, tl ai i',»y har* f>m.aats* toaw Mtiruate aad iwaaniiioli aa* that all paraoM wboM in-

MrMUars aifaitad l;.«ja: ,. who may ba oppoaed to tba aaioa,an raoMted to pr.Mtt tt.sir objactioas io wribb* to E. D*la/.«MSniAk, om of tb* said Comm.a.ionaTS, at b a place of bu.iMai, NaIT Wall itrwst, io ths City ol Nsw rort, wiUua thirty days from thsdata of tbia "..t^a And that II » l.miU ambra. ed by ii,n lillln mlan Me.Bows, U«t ui to as» All Uiom k,U, llaiiai, or parcala ofkmod, (wbai. w,a ba raqu.red to bm 'skst for to* purpoM of opau.nsand lay ua; tut 9tuy»*ssnt aqasrs.) sod bouoisd and dsscnbsd ss fol

aaZaASl Ii!, .0",.t'*^,', **» k» ..ua .tr..t., n tba notb.riyV4'*' fVW+fb -"."». k* Third ..«,u.. ..H oitUwansarry sal* b> rourti bvsum. Aod als», all ihm lots. p.a.*. ut

samsls of hua l fronting on tb* WMUrly aid* of KunrU. a»*du* baiwaaatk* northerly line or side of Ewhtb street and Tb« souths'lrIhm or sMa ol Taorh straet; and also, lot No. 7d Koortii a.anu* attM mirth aast orMrofTaatb^traat Aad also, *J1 UsS) luka p«, as ofsarral* of ksd. frontioc on ths ssstsrty Im* or aid* of fc Jrth a«*im*batwasa Astor phuasod Hinlb strset; asd also lot Wo. «7 FYisrtb'arson*. *,.«. also, all Iba lou, piece., or pares s of bud froat.ru> oatba weetarty his or aids of tha Bowery. batwMn Oreat Jone« sir*a4so* Astor piece and also. U,* kos known 0» tb* street numbers 340,MS, IH4,344k, 34b, aud 34b)* Bow«r> And also, all Uia lots, pis.se,or panels cf lands, fronting on the wMterry tins or sids r f Thiral-I'stns, between Astor pasta and Ninth street Aad also, all tha lots,

.or parcala of laod, fronting on um BMterly bus or side efurd itssM, batwMD Niutii ItXMt sod TsuUi itrwl Aod tb* said

ConniMssi)o«r* further r »* uotics U.at Ui*,r »*,.. rt in U.* abu»* mattsrwdlb* mad* and preMuted lo Ui* Supr«ir,« Court, at a SpecialTarn of tb* said Court, to bs bard at ths Crty Hsll of Lbs Cily *ftSsw-Trark, on MoMay, Um 3d day of March. IHM, at Um opening ofaba Court on that day, or aa sooa thsraafts* as coudmI rat bakaui-Dstsd Raw Turk, Dacainbar 7, I«60.

TAI.HAN j waters, >JAMES H PINKNaV. >ComniimioDSts.

dlOUM_ft. DKLAFIKI.IHMI frl, )_Sl'PKCMK cot'KT-ln ths nut., ol ths mmmmastsoa w 10*

.aayür. A'dernien and Coniroor.alty ol the City of N«w Tork.rslattetolla OPINING and LATINO Ol'T of a Pu'.hc Souarsknown as HI.OOStlNGDAl.e StgOARI. in ths N:Mt**nth War! afSSS* City..fukbc Notaa is ksreby g.teo by ths Mayor, AldermeasndOinsntsMH) oi Dm City of New York, pnr.uaat to sututa lo-suckmmmm su«<i« aod pr-osdad, that Uia said Uta Mayor, Alderiiata and Com-mona.ty of Ibe C4y of New Turk, lutaad to make appUal on in tb*StiprsnMt oortof tks Suts of Nsw Tork, at a .psria! Tsrm of th***m Csau to b* h«kl at tb* City Han is ths C ty of N*w Tork. oa

Saliirda», toe 1st day of February. IS.M, at lbs opening of ths Courtes last day, or mm mfpou Uiarealter M coudmI can be heard for tba ap-aointAMi.t ol ComruiSoMLar* of Kat.mal* aod Aisessmrut in tbsabr -a eoritled matUr; that the na'urs sod siMnt of Ui* intendad im-erosesMitt is, the npeairg and rayirg t at ol a pohhr snnare in to*NioaUteoih Ward ofUis C.t» ol Nsw York, (and wkssk "aid Mnais isSituatsd hetaeeo t fcUth aud Niulb av*uue« Bad F,ft> Uufd andrift, set#r,.h str.stt.i a* >sid out upon tbs map or ptin of tbs Cityof New York, by virtus ol an Act entitle J " An Art relativ* to lrnpro.arnaiiU V « l. r g t!,« Layiag out ol SiraeU and Road* in tb* Cityof New Tork aud lor otb*r pnrpoaaa," paaaad April 3, IM<7 .DatadNew lafSu DaaaovMr 1*, lhVi. MKNRT B DAVIKS,dOll IfBbl CouomI to the Corporation.

SrPilkME tOl'rt -lu tbs luattsr of lb* spptf ation oflbs Mayor, Alecrmsa aad Ctin.mooatty of Uta City of New York, relate*

to tb* OPKNINA of SEVENTY KIK3T STREET, from Third ar*

dm* to oateerh a»«nus, m the NinaUssnlh Ward of said City.PublicMot«.a s, aeiMy goau by lb* May°fi AalaroMa aad Couiinooalty uttk* City of Nsw Y-rk, pursuaut to Statut* is such cam mad* aud

proTstoe that th* aa'd th* Mayor, Alderrc*a and C immcaafty of tb*City «4 N*m York. inMnu to make apphutioa in ths SupreiM Courtof th* St.te of ¦Tares Tork. st a Spt> ial Term ol the ta d Court, to mm

wsWatth*Cily Hall in IbeCit, of New York, on Satunlay tba 1st daycd FsbruAry, t*ftl, st lb* onsaing of tks Court oa Uiat Jav, or as aooa

tawrMlter as coubmI can b* bsard for tbs appointment of Commis-stoMrs of titirnat* aad Assessnwnt in tha above entitled natter |that IkSMtui* and ,c»it Mi th* iuipn>»*tn*at is. the opening of See-sal) tisl sliest, from land at*nu* to Ss»*nlb svsuus, in tb* Nio*>

.titb Ward of tii* City of Now York, as laid out upon Ua map or

¦ku of Ui* m>4 Cry ky virtu* of aa Act snt tied " An Set ralativ*to laaproiesneaU touching the Laying out of Streets an* Roads ra

Skstity ol N*w Turk sad for oUi*r purpoM*, passed ApiUJ, isot.-Dated N*w York fYareniber IS. 1HA0.OM t;st MBNKY at. DAV1ES. CoudmI lo tks Corporation.

SUPREME COURT-la tks matter of ths apt' stioa of ths

Mayor, AUermansnd Commonslty ol that it\ of New Yr rk, rat*trvctoUMOrkNINU ol SIXTY rinSi STHi> i, trom Third a»a-

¦m ts Titk Kin is. in tb* Ninataenth Ward ol «id City.PublicBut*a at b*r*by r >*u b) tb* Mayor, Aki*r-i«u aud Cooimonalty oftk* City of Haw fork, parauaut to Sut-t* ia *u>k cam mad* so*

pruviCsd, that tb* said the Mayor, AMariosn snd CoicniotiaV of lb*

C*y ef Nsw York ntand to mats spphc.tM>n in the SuprenM C"0rtnf tlHtSUta ef Nsw-York, at a Special Term sd Uta saet Court, to mm

k*M At tbs City Hak m tbs City of Nsw York, ua Saturday, Uia latSay of Psbruarv, ISA!, at th* opssing .Ith* Ccurt oa that day,or Maooatkereaitar as r< omI caa be beard for tb* appointment of Cam-mwsiouera of EsUrn» * and Assassiretnt n lb* aoo'asntiUM mallar i

that the Mlure aad »i'ert of U>a improvement .«. the 0)«aias of¦illy (rat street, frui. Third ateuua u> FdUi svauue, in UmNid*-UanU Ward of said City.M hud uut upos Um aaap or ptaa of tb*Crty st New fork, by »irtu* of an Act, enttl*d " An Act raUtiTe to

larprcnement toueKing tk* Laying on I of Streset an* Roads in th*City et New York aad k>r other surposM," pa.«so April k, l*oT..Dated Nsm Yurk. Decambar is, lAv'idjO uatl HENRY E DAV1ES, Coun si to th* Corpcratio*.

?a. t'l'REMIt COURT.- lu tba matt*: of u* Sppocaboa of Iba Maj-tJ or, Aktermeo aod Comrpoosky of tha Crty of New York, retatre*So IM o|«oi"s and My,eg out oi a pubbc Pavs, known as STL'Y-VESANT Sklt AKK.ia tba Se.aotaeritb Ware of aai* city. NoUcoas kareby gosa. that tbs costs and chsigM lacarrsd by rsssoa of tb*pr,«sad,bss ia tie afcots matter, wdl ba tale* before Iks HonorableJska W EdnaoLdsous ol tb* Jutticse of that Coart,(or iscsMofkw absence. Mf< re one ol lbs other Justares of mm Court,) ia tb*Supra,, a C< art Cfamhera. rn tba Cite Hall ot th* City ol N*w Tors,te, 1u*-Jay, Um s*ib day of January, 18*1, at halt past oiue n'eto kre th* 'oraui^r TALMAN J WATERS, JAMES H P1NKNEY,E Ptt.APlEI l> SMITH ContmuwMosrs -DatM N*w York, JanMry Olk. laOt_ j* tS*

taJUPREMK COURT.- In ths mattei of th* application of tb*^Mayor, Alowrmsa aod Coca»tm*altv ef ths nty of New York reatl

'*> *M "ul u( » P»bbc l ~e, kauWB aa STUTTBSANT SQUARE, it Um Se.euUaUi Ward of said nty ThsundafaurMd, CcanmwsioMrs o! Esbmsts sad AsMMrcao*. M tks sborsSiLrjed ir attar hereSi >,»e «,,,m^ _. _~.t UJeSsTwsttar, b*reby jit* notics, tjj.it tbey ell rxwet at tbs c*c*

No. 17 Wall strset, ^>n Tuesday, lbs *«ui dayof g TktlalekJ Se tbatJawMry, 1011, at hof Uaarita * oppoatt

Vk<k ia Um arte»i<«>o. for tbs perpoMUm Assmmumui a. ad* by lbs said Coot'-. -rr.~' WMSMiM uwt uy woe Mid \,o jt

..****r*i person or pareocs who may ^>uidsr U>*uimIt*s a*r»rj..^". "d k»M«sniatt T4 I.MAN J. WATERS,"nioL sH KiM5* *. "kl-*PlKLl) SMITH, Cossaa . is^Dated. New York, Jaauary rjtb, IMU >*IM/toMPTKiiUdlRa .ippicc, Tree Bank Deeiartii.enl, Albany,,, w. k.r r rtiJL*** u,»*;'«e«bied .* tbui oSica pureuailar^L' tA lka BANK iir*?- "C*,'^.*I TrM-deot aod Pro

Ka « . « ib«5rsd bu r.aSi!W°A ^4,t,£. " lth*-- «ktf Mud^r,"u; » ker.tsy stsj Bkaj

,T 'I p*'»'*1 .'.Mt, sutubau Coo*

L _iU,t ^kJ-EiVComptroller.aTUiMiTKOII ERS »ITKE STATE UP NSW Ti.ub r"IbJli COI JITT BkNUja*; oUsto IkilI oiUim.J£^* Th*

kOkO, kill» ..loftäd ^HtA,ri^»^^.fM^"*1 MtM, trwetbMew Yo,» «täte Bink.

Um Act MUUe*tea," passed Msg

»»« 7_1_>""-0 .¦ KlKM, Co^lkw.tf»M KTHot.I.EH'S orriCI, STATE Or..,,, ..~

WC-IEKN IIAMU tt.el,,«^.n , o .r.t.Tf ** »"RH..Tb*

pretor ol tks BABaler uu ckatif*Us «Mi Hai »»i re

I*, at watch phvraalar 0* I, udueted

Ysea, a. Agent KM the redeTpton ,t \w*h * retecaboa ol tk* appoiatn«»^ In)¦ Bveuty of A taauv as. swrk sgeat. ^eu,. t. ^ 4 lAa Art lahttiag to Um redsmpUaooVT M

s,ts*A AkMae.JaaM'y l.lBfSI.

( NMSIERN BANjt, W »M.rarton C' 'inlyT^ r"RK-Ths*., Its* m Iki* oOVc*. I Bsete-sof tbe apsoinlriMT»"f_,^*u,J»BAKER, of Ike CA> u" New Yo,k, ai Ageal for UMi4"L.EL Tim. fWeaJatiae Note«, h.etk.. _ o, . ..i ta>deoipti >n of

"»0MTTROLLER'S OPTlCE.ItaM at N*w Toft .Tb* WtCT¦«_/PLAiN* BANK, <Napkss.OaUrwOaaty.) kM true day tkssf ,

UisaaV* S solTS oflbs sppo ntmeut ol Me«*r». RKICK At Y«>l Ntf]asUa rstf of Albany an BaT"ts k,r tbe redernpOnn <J its cin uNtiag.else together w ik a rsvoi aUt>a sf kSt aAepoasUiMat of Ma.sra.WaMbucs B Co. of !<<. city atofesAud A» SMefe ssjeaU. sareeabia ts

Um act est.tied - An art rebit:rf to the ra-lempUnn of beak aoUtt,"¦ lint Mit 1 l*ai> AkMsy, Jsessry 10. 1*1.

pauMM^kaay «, Wtm mmmmy, g r.|JJfR Compt^

IN TTRSI'ANCE of a* orcsr of U»* SurrogaU of the Coiatv oor; ttst ANir: ot aa orrer oi -. "¦»

Nrs Tork, NOTICE » bwrekr giesa to all peeaos» batiag da aw. WILLIAM ROBEKTSON, hta of Ms Cat} of New Tor*, da,

tba same w Ui »o eher* IS*reo! to Um SuMcr.Mf

mmm Bo law Bjwary, re die City cd New Tork.es

rthimj <A May mi-. Dated Nsw York, tbs SOU.JAMES w ROBERTSON. Eisarulor

age Mt BJ || I I AM Kilsail* to piasMel thest kayUrsaf Be..neat

teaVelkaaee.utb .

csj rfOctrejee. i l*JB*Mi*ff

81 PYATMi: Cot,'BT .City ssal Coualy of Nsw Bora. IH UMsvlJACBSON afsuwi JOHN CLARK..Sou ui. us for S asuosy *.

Mad mm costract..Te taa aao»a aaass* defendant Sir.Yon an

kareby OBasniN to Men Um <oaspUiat in tb« actioa,this da]daly Sassta Iks ofBce of its cle'k ol ths City aad County of Hmw

York, es* serve s copy nl year aMWer on me. *l uiy onV*. Bo. 1.

Beet um 4 witkia twsnty days ah>r U.e Mrvaa kareof. el-lu*>»iof Ua day pi suck Mn*e, aad if you lad to so,wer tba, oiupla .t »

skirsst.* fas pra-rta* wj! tsks jsdgmaat for Ui* urn ofauk ssfsMsj wwaa UM s.atk Say u* Neyeaseef, -mm tnaawasd earn

kasdreda-ii.it, M#Jm the lost* of tbissileia Dabei New YartXrersislsirl ifor, ABKAM WAKEMA*j*l*wSw| fkvslJl a AtWnM), 13 BewAauas si.

jricTWFt- enrrtT. nty t»* r>n-ty .r Tnri -fu-,.ibF Hrownar riid Bar ,amra Pomer. >, Jr nsmtnit Jana t He*

B>tt aad Joauh Kh-wae .*o»bk>m for mo**c oVnend ee tootratt.

(Oa* let aar) To JAMES C. BENNETT: Ton art barratry ">m,

¦ooee aa* raauirad tn aeswar the ro-uplamt id tba actio*, a>Kii*_m Save m the oflaee of Uia Dark af the City and County pf New

f. I at - City HaO ia eeid City, aad to tat-va a eopf o< yoor

aaewer tn the mkJ eneiptatnt M tha .'iS«"*«r, at *-S "ft.,aaa aar 3A Waü atfaat, in »« d C its < f Saw Tora, witbio twenty daysafWr Um* seme* 01 tau« .ama.ou oa you. sxchui'* of Lb* dayof «~h serve*; and if ytro fail t" *n»w*r t>,a eatd enrr'pbiint withintha trrr* alrr»-.«4. tt * p»>iat'ff« n ..- . »-?¦ n w .! tut* fiHrnte;ita/a ii**t you for tl.e en-.i >f tbr»« b .r. 41.' ..'.> - 1 ivl.'are ».*.

t> ne at at, w t>> internet m . .»< 44 fr an A»r' a, latlt, aid on

*Ti ItMrcm Jury it, 184.\ trade tie eoet. ad. Ihn armm Datedrt-r.ral». 19 IB**. ISAAC P.IMEkO.Ml |*jW«arKr* CUratCTe Att rn*r.

SI PREMK COURT-- RtCHMONO Col siTt ..l.«.u L. r .».,,_ «,'n.ir,wir»tor a 16 taa ail a nieled of Coraa M C *.** Iscei.ed, eeareef Cbarlee Campbell, elerutor of dir laat MB aft aaaf*>

. t ol John Heeuv.-au, d», <-a-ed, and otbera -Suovdo-i* fur frbef..T, tbe dn.ndaEt* M*HY Lot'MA RE a HAI', HiRl frits( 1- Ratal VF»r. .l-iHS HF.NRY RR a, I \ r. \ V V%~ 11. T. T a 4 fJrOI NTAIN RFAI VEAU a-d CHARLES R E A u V E 4 u Y»u ara

lereby euni*nne,l and required to anawar tb* coru^laiat a tbie ac-

tion wl,,rb aw IM m the IT; .. of lb* r>* of It oh*) ad Ca tat/,co mm 4tl, d*v af January. IHftl, ai d of wI,k H a '-opy ~ ha.ew maerved upa.n ynu, and eerve a ropy of vourai.ew.r on me at niv *jrfj a,

N< L baity al.ret, .a ths C.t> uf <t» York, w.tu n lw«*tj ,;j>*after tke sen ira hereof. eirVnive of the ilj of «'h aarr-re t r*

'a ta an»wer tl . roDiplamt aforataid, aye plnatH w.llapp'yto tha Cotiit for tl «. rwliwf demanded in thanitnpfannL .Dat»il tu*4llida> uf January, IW. ijlO lawf.wl GEORGE CATLIU, PlrT'a Att'i.

^J. t'Pt.EMü: Cül'RT. C> utty ul Kibfa Aoaon 0, Ph' pa, W .'«¦«k_>E P, ¦!,<.. Danial Jamaa, Au*< a G Phalpa. Jr. and Ja^iaa Sinkaa.pi*ir,t b*a, ara r.nt M ratin Ft. Wort«. William Jofanaon Jam«a H.Wataon. DaWal B Bailia and Mary Ann Haaiaoo. de'*ndanta -S ithii n>.

Kcrralief-To tl.» d«-'.i^lant H.AKY ANN DATItOR..T*« ara

barray tuaiiu< ia>d and raqu.rad to anawar tb* coiaplaint ia thai ac-

timm, "l .i b wat glad il tb* oCra of tLa C,'*rt of tb* County miKicr*. on lb* s iteaath day of Ortrbar, l°eO, tad to **rr* a copy ofyoir aaawar to th* mio cornpauat on tb* anbwr.bar, at h a uffir«,No. Stt Fua<,a atrawt, in th* Cit) ot N*wT<>rt, within twenty dayaaftai UieaarTKaof thil ton motu on you. *zcluair« of tb* day otlot b a*rv» a. and if you fail to aaiwtr tb* Mid eomphuat wrthm tb*t.bm aforesaid, tb* phuaUfa 10 tin* action will apply to th* Cmrtfor th* relief deszanded ,n the roraplaint I'ate* (>cti>ber l*Stb, iivaX

jlO laa*y*fa JNO. J. LATTING. Plaiotilf* Attorney.

VoTICE I< HKREI1V f.lVENinat tha AMERICAN PCMALKII GrARt)] AN SOCIETY intend app'yinr to tb- pr*«ent Lmt.*Utur* to eitand the pro isioaa of tbair charter in rerpact to th* Wealiraardianabip and surrender of de*t:tut* children, by conferno( addi¬tional power» upon ibe Mayor, A'rna Hnu** Commiaaiooer, or Surro-ra'e. Ahm, to eitend the pronaiora of th* rh»rt*r to anxiliary aaao-

ciation* m tartain caaaa. Aim, declatius tbair rmbt to partu ipat* in

tha Common School Fund. jlO law6wFr *

IN PURSL'Ab'CE of aa ordar of tb* larrocal* of BBS County olSaw York, aoUc* m b*r*by rT*c to all parann* karins claiis*

acamat WILLI AM H. PINKNEY, lat* of th* City of New York,4«r*a**d. to praaent tha aama, with foarbara 'h*r*of, to tb* aabacn-*.'., at tb* ( Si.* of Martin, Strut r aad A. F. Smith. K-;aW.' .at iu tLa Cill tf Now York, oa or b*for* tb* twelfth day of'vlyoazt. Dated Saw York th* aurhtb aar if January, 1*1.

J*Mr- H PI1KNET. f a^....,_...jlO lawr,oiF* JAMK-i D. PHTF«, J Admin.atrat. ra.

|N PtiRSCANCE of an ordar of th* Snrrorau of tba Coaa-att nf New York, notit* at hereby eitaa to all paraooa hariac claim*atainet JAMES MEAD, lat* ol tha City of 5«* York, dataaaad to

praaanttli* aama witL voudbart tbaraoftotLaaubacnbar, at tba otic*ot R. Soodanan, No. 10« Broadway, in tha City «.f New York, on or b*>Narfl tb* twenty aarond Say of January nait.Datad New York, th**«?. taai.tr- day ofJuly, ldeo. RRIDtiET MEAD, Adounatratwi.IvlS IawiticF .

LS I'I'itSUA.NCE of an ordar of ta* Surrut;aU of Ui* Couuly otMaw York, notic* ia haraby (ivan to all peraona Larinjt claim*

Itiut JAMES BENT, lata of the City or New York, tailor, dacaaaad,to präsent tb* aama with voucher* thereof to Lbs Rubecritxrt at tb*nfftraof Frwb L Fanrber. E«o Rg H Na»«»n street ,o th* C tj of

Now York, on or before the twenty aevai.th dar of February n*zL.

Datad .Saw York. Au.usl IS,FANNY BENT, Admiaistratrix.

inji itwa-r.'F JAMES H PKRBY, Adrmnittrator.

NJfTICE-ESTATE OF NATHAN DUNN, lat* of PhJtdalphia,t ...... NATHAN Dl'NN, Jr.: Ton ara hereby t . I »d

that, ae Kiarutore and Trustees ander Uia W,ll of Nathan Dunn, da>

ceaaad, we have aettled in the nüie of the Raguibar ol Will« for tha

C.'y BBS Ccu:.ty of FLiladelpbia, in tl.e Ntat* of Penna) hrania. thra*»e-eral arcoiinta rl tb* aatat* ol tba aaid Nathan Dunn, d*ce*jutd,air* have dnatributed the baianr*a thereof, nnder dsrreea of ttj« 'fr-

pbaaa'Court of the aaid rounty.and that we ara about to settle a

fourth account; aud yna ara further notified to present your claimif sr.y you bar* to any part of U.e said estate, for eetlleuMot, to is

as ExacBtora and Trott**», on or b*lore the ISt day of October A DISftl FREDF.KICK BROWN,

N E oruer of Fifth and Chaenut sts.ISAAC COLLINS,

119 Filbert «L Ph laJe'phia,ol* lawlyP Etacutora and Truatees of Nathan Dunn, deceased

a_ I'PREME COI RT -LEVI S CHAT FIELD, Attrirnan Getw-aJ0"f the stuta of Naw York, aramat THE PRESIDENT, DlRECTORS AND COMPANY OF THE CANAL BANK OF At,m)AMT.. la iiumiaua or an order of tka Suprame Court of th* Slat*at New Turk, .... :r on Uia twenty evbt- day of May, laeo, the un

*eni(t,ea, Keraiver of tha Canal Bank of Albany, hereby rires no

Ure u the ho'.lert of the outstanding nrcubttirar notaa or bilat of th*ta,d Canal Bank, and to th* neraone hnldiaw the raruScmtas area* bytba uadaraifned a* slcI. Rauaiver for tbaulant* renutiauia; unpaaton BSSSSBf bills aurrsudared on rec*ivlng th* first dividend of a.itypar cent that they are renn.red to present th* said notes or bills S3*'*.. - ate* fer payment to tb* taid Receiver, at b>a o<*,r* m the C ty»f a ;.«ii», within two yeara rioau ti.a data af thai notice, or uj oafault thereof Uiat they wiu lannhM r,...., aa* OeseUt or tba rood

provided for the payment of t£* said notes or kills and certificate*ttd from all rlaim ba rsaaon of bold nj- tb* tan «, and that the taj*

fund will bedap.iaad of under tb* ill roil.on ol the aard Court for tb*i-anent of tbe other creditors of the said Canal Bank, in snrklaanuer as rnay be bereattat deutrmiaad. For the greater iw. ai

mm of Uioaa boldinx the said bills tad csrutcatat, tba Rac*i<*r batmade arranrement* ey whtth tb* -an e will alto b* paid on presentsI« * to the Cemma-iil Baak in tkie ritr..Albany, Jun* I, 1HA0.

jtyl lawayF ANDREW WHITE, rlacaavar.

^JCPRFME COL'RT. New York.-W.lliara C Wetmor*neauwfli^Hariison Palmei and Ann hia w:fe. Hannah F Bruff, Richard P.Bruf7, .Brufl, Phebe tf Bratl. and Jarnea B. Bruit .Summon*,for re i*l. '.Com n' t sen ) To ANN PALMER :-You are herebytommooed *nd reoinred to answer th* complaint in this action, whichwaa filed ia the oCc* of the Clerk ol tb* Citv and County nf Naw.York, at tha City Hall, in tba City ol New York, on the ltd day ofNovember, |HfW>, and to s*r»e a copy ofyour anaw»r to the said com

plaint on the eiihamber, at hie office, No HI Wallet in the dty ofNew York, within twenty daye after Iba »erv^ e of Iba aumuiona on

you, aiclusivaol the day of such service. And ifyoaf-il toauawe*

the said complaint within the time afbreaai I, the plaintiff in this te-

t»on will apply to the Court for the ral af demanded in in* complaintl>*t*dN*w.|ork.NoTsmb*rW, loM' R It BoWNE,

o!7 lawriwF Plaintifa' Attorney.

IN PCRSI'ANCR of aa order ot :b* SurroeaU of the County af

New-York, rVitics it haraby given to all parsnoa having clauseuamat JOHN TONIIELE, Ute of tb* City of New Yort. .lacaaaed, tc present the lame, with tbe vouchers thereof, to the subtenbers st ths ofhreof William K. Thorn.No V Beek man-street it

the Cite nf New York, on r before Uta twenty firat nay af Juu*neit.Dated New York Uiaaaveutaentb da- of December, 1SS0

VALENTINE O. H irr, 1KR1NCIS E, BERUKK, > Eiscrrtova

*tUla**uTa_I.E'lRUr. HALL._)_rv ew York supreme court..-citi and county11 OK NkW YORK..Conrad A Ten Eick, Plaintiff a(amalDetM k Adam*. Delen.lant SiiMiiiMin* for R» rf -To DKKIi KADAMS, DefenJaut. You are hereby summoned aud rei|u<redto answer tba complaiut ia true artinn, whxh was filel >u tie*Ofhce ol the Clwk mi the City aad County of New York, in tb*Slat* ot R*W York, larrrmbei lath. A D. UMm\ an.l to serve

copy of your anaaer to the eaid .-orapla.at oo tbe eubecrioer, at hatOBi. e. No. fi Nswau sUerl, in tl.e C.ty ot Nee York, w.Uiiu twentydays after the service of this aummo; e on yoa, stilus v* of the Jayof tarh service, and if yo« ft to answer th* said complaint wilhiBBbe time ah rvsa.d, the plaintiff m this action Brill app'y to the Courtfor tb* rebel d**iandrd ia the complaint.Dated, Decemoer 1Mb,1SA0. J. S BOSWORTH. PUinliff 's AtUiruey,dJO laa'wF / Nassau street, New York City.

IN PURSUANCE of an ordar ef lbs Surrogat« of tb* Coauty «|N*w York notirs a hsraby g.vsn to ail persona having cslua

Igaiaat ROBERT D.SANFORD.Uiteiif th* City nf.Ntw Yort,deceas¬ed U »rwaent theaam* w.tl roe. i, era thereof to the lufaKrihera.at ttsSeteraof 0. H. Wilbsm* No SIS r*arl-etr**t, in tb* City of Nee

York, on or b*foratb* s*v*tth day of July next. Dated Naw York,tba «lh dsv ol D*<-*»-b*r. irNI

CATHARINE E. SANFORD, Admiatratri,piawnan'F OEoRGE H WILLIAMS, Administrate..

tN PURSUANCE elan ordar of tb* Sorrogal* of tb* County olNew York, BotMW is hsrwby givau to all persons having claims

taaiast RICHARD FISHER late of tb* City ol New York. Grocer,dscetssi. to .-re »?>... th* earns with vouch*. thereofto tb* suoecril er,St bi«str re, No. .»»* Wash'rgtonst ia tba City af N*w fork, on or

hafer* tha t»eity tkird day of May next O.-ee «*w York, th*

|w*nty^.r«t day of Nev*m**r, 1*A0. JOHN F. FISHER,Ii28 lawriniT* Adnuiuistrator.

IU PURSUANCE of an ordar of lb* Surrogate of tb* County ofNee York, i otic* is haraby c,rente aü paraooa aarmi claimsa<a.asl

ei'RDON WHEELER. I*t* of th* City of New York, mer¬

chant, deceased, to praeaat th*saan* wrth eoncbara thereof to to*

tubecnoar, at hie atera. No If W.ilian. street, m th* City of New.

York, oo or befura tb* lourteenlb day «f Apr.l salt Data* New

Tort.tli* 10th Say vf Oct..bei, IHM.ell laweaF ANDREW LESTERSEiex-et*»

IN PURSUANCE of ai. order of Ike Surrogat* ol th* County olRaw York, ootir* a hereby grr*s to *" parsons having era ret

against M ARY THOMPSON, la'* ol meC.tyea New York decaasad,LNaw York, notice at hereby erven to all persona having era ret

gainst M ARY THOMPSON, la'* ot irjaCityei New York derase**,V» prevent Uie seme w,tb voucher* thereof U> tb* subeenbar, at UteoC<* ol Wiu. R Learn. No. fi WaB ttraeL ia tb* City of New York,oa or before U.e firat day of March next. Dated New Y*rk, tbe .1 ".k

Say o Augast, lHftU ALFRED O. THOMPSON, Administrator.asJO i - *

IN PURSUANCE of an ordar of th* Sumarat* id tbe County ofNew York, notice ia hereby given to all pareons havera* rlem*

agaiuat GEORGE P o 1 EsEIt,Late oftii*C,ly ol N*w York. JecearaJ,to praaant tb* same with vouchara toaraüf to tba sabscriocr. athis office, Jaotcey Court, No 3* Wall »t, -n tb* City of New York,oa or before the Fourteenth dsy of May n*tt.Dat*d New York,tb* 1Mb Say of Nov*mb*r, leteS. DANIEL F. TOMPH4N9,nlStawnm'F AJmauatrator w.üi tn* Will auuaiaJ.

IN PURSUANCE of an ordav of tn* SurnartM of Ui* Couolt i f* New Tark. notic* la hereb» ffrveo to all peraona havius ekimasara.ast WILLIAM HATHAWAY, late nf tb* City of N*w York.ssaCaptain, deceased te sraesnt tbe tarns with vouohers th*r*cf to tb*tuber near, at the eftcanf Fmet A Hicka, No. oa South stra*t. in

tb* Cite ef New York, oa or before tha twenty »Ulli dar a' MayBeiL.rated New Fork,the tweet) fir»t day .f »i vem**r, ISM-

nS8lawtltriF*_CHARLES HAFFARD3. Kiacu'or

IN FURSUANCE OF AN ORDER of tb* Barrogst* of tb* Coastyof Now York, note, e w haraby given to all pareons having rfaint*

acamat W ILLIAM I.Eo WoLF. late of tb* City of Hamburgh,Grrnacy leeeased, te presaut the aama w.th vouchara thereof to :ho

sutK-rbW* at tb* oSJc* of Murr.» Leo Wott, M.I). No. 39 Lirptnard>t in tb* C«y Ssw Yort, on or belors tbe mnetasnta day el Julyn»it.. fH'rd Saw Yort, tha Mr*«*B(k day of Janua-y. ¦


.l»l*»6air« JOSEI'H GUTMAN, I "*ulor*-OBIPTROLiTe RS O^FICE^r. ATE OF NEW YORK-Th*OMMERCUL BARK ofClyJ* (Ciyd*. Wayne Ca.,) has ibis

da., filed ia tha office, a totere of tb* appoictmaot of tba Albany Elobanc* Bank in tbe City rf Akbsay as agent for tbe redemption of is

c n BMSBBJ tote* sgr*awb)*totb*act**tilled" Ai act ra<at.na; to tb*

redea>pii<« of bank najtea," pa»e*d May 4, Mil .Albany, Jaunary A,ISfil. f_|lt 6t] PHILO C FULLER. Comptroller.

CORPORATION NOTICESOttFoRATlON NOTICE -Pubhc aoter* u) b*rsby gr»*a to tb*owner or owners, ecrapanl or occnpasU of til house* and kit*,

impn v*u a oeimprov** Unda, aSecbad tneraby, that 'ha tollowir*; Aa

!IT at* 5*2 "'f1**** by tb* Aliiiinn, aad ara balgad >a¦a ottc* M lb* Bar.au of liitaimtaU for aiam^aUm. by .3 par*oe* isurasted, em: yor buibtin, a saws.- in (Vth tt from Stli «v to

y^et>*a*ct w,tb the ea-a.r m Mtdiw-n av. Tb* limita emt>racedSt ,u,a ss*****.ssl in. aide ail tea **v*r*i aoa»a* an* ..la ol croon*,JSiJ"U' *?? from ol laoo. ..lu.teu BB L tn tea S ivta-

SLÄÄSaSJtSJ!' AI! earw«* wh<»a .»la.e.U ara

.o. V^?tbot.9*uaml «»»BltTBtau. at d wbe araoppoaaS »tb*

I??'*' t^ti0'^^ »*l»e*t4V* to prewast U^t^taorj*.Tm^^^?"'.^**** »« their rdB.a. No 4 Hall ol -Iw^nU,TL»S *aC^"vLV -»*e rf Uub nolaa.-Ofka. Bu «*^^w^wiVri,23*rt,«-0'. ">*«T9. l»L SAMUEL H. 017_ rrClNCU RlCHOLiojt, VSXAC WM SMITH. A>»e*»ort.

OnVT DEPARTMERT, No. 4 ri ALL OF RECORDS..Pub**asoLta* >» b.r*by /;.v.ii lh*l tb, ^ Wia, Kawolaleoc, bae oawnto tb* otipo Looaaaoa Maaft) Raaob-ed. That 7tb st i>**»t*md*sl2" rl>mtt aTlJ? t**.'****l|J "** ot T, rapine st ey a bndg*Street Corrkbloc* oa tb* outer end BaBW tu« MilIB1B mi tmttotlejlraitaa>J>*»,aiatoatu1a9tiw»t Con,m,«. <m*r st*aot Ttb »1 to mla>wa*M A taa lead ryion under "atar oo Ivotli «»d«a»»»«reaote w tb*4h at toLLadUwic, ho. aatbov* directed aaa) .a

o*">av,, ,, .,. s,jr, - -,,n, ,*d , Stive«« dC4> of fork.* Mayor. Aeaaraaa* f,' m-n-rc* '.» ..! f,a¦»v UtAM AdoWted by_tb* rteard of Aswalant Asia- eau.

^Clt^^V^^ o^'mi'mm, Dec. li. loW .

Ja-THEET^Pk»Ä^TBfar_>2H"LT_?UO*^. »«vaHCoaar.Ol* aotaw'is bac.. S No 4 HALL or tin.um _e»i

.I Coru-


°^t.y r'atj*.0: * or records -rak-il*! £'>« n C>* <^,w"» raeetot«! baa saw*

,f ico ne ears i AJj^r..y*>P*rl> aiecwn as VI Hr ajeay..Latrd ol Aaa staa: Aals Dar S3 IBSp Ado-tad ke the, Jbb *, MM. L»t"' u*%\, 11160. Appro.ae b/.b. MtiJö|l T DODs3I,3uw.,7c.«,/

CORPORAT!<ii NOTICE. fuMac Rotere ia hereby *»».>-.. te It*"*tn "r owaert, iniptol »r orratant* uf *0 H am tad Lota,

rraprcte* or unimproved Laad«, affect** thereby, that Iba fo.lowir*A*ees»rrent» lave boon rorriplarted .¦« th* Atfssore. tad a a Mgadm tb* (.Si a of u.t Bureau of aaaatiraifi kfj axtminelmo, by ail pareoee ataara»aad, nt. fo- **wr ng vacant arta of get a a1 betar**.)Alb and 7th ava oa a3d iL TWa limit* *mbr*c*J bjr l unfa Irnnar.l include all tba ..»*»»! vacant K.te. pm. aad Mrr«a of lead..ituatad oa both aidaa of 33d ttreat, batwean AAD person* whoa* intareata are aflea-ted by lb* abov* na

mat la, and who are (paraaaa to 'he aame. or aitbar of to-ieetaH In preeent thair ob-acter n*. m wntinf to tba aax

then office, No 4 Baila/ Record*, wrlbia tbirlf tare frontr.a acta* SAMUrL H DP. MOTT. FRANC» MlISA AC WM <fiiH IMs* ra, OS**, I ,r*aa ofStreet Department, Ja* 9, IBM

led Aaaaae.em, ar* ra

CCORPORA Tin" NoTILC -Pnol,c u..ti<ai* a*reby tJ»eu, to to*/owaar or owaara, otrapaat or orarapaot* of aft Ruum* and U a

lutprorad or u:. mpr' iad lad». aAV tad loe-ebj¦, lhat lb* foOowui*Aareaameata Mi-a beam completed by the Aa**stort. aad ar» lodge*1tith* one* of th* Bureau of A***s*in*nls lor hit u'.»,',, ay allperv-.aamlrre.teal.va: Eor boitdinr a sewer mtllabatatai Vh

of Land, situated on bot* tides of 33d at betweenM and fa art.oa tbeets'erU aide of Broadway and nth av er d weetarly ada nt Mnar. bataeen 3*d aid 34th at* All peraona whoa* mteree'a ar* aftV, tedby the above Lamed ae****oaut*. and wbo are opposed to th* tain*

:* '.bar of them.ar* requested to preseat'.he.r objections, in wnt,n»-tot** undaraifrned, at ti.e r pffice, No. 4 Halt cf (U-om. VBaaithirty data from the data of thi* notira SAMUEL H DE Mo ITFKaRCIS NICHOLSON liAAC WM. SMlTH, Aaseeaort. OfSc*,Bureau of Aa>aatm*pt»,Street Department, Jin 9, 1*81. I M

CORPORATION NOTICE .Pnbhc Not, e a hereby r>*n. to lb*downer or ownera, occupant or occupant* of all House* and Lota,

¦mpreead or unimproved Lande, ejected thereby, that the foUowin*Aaaeaaniente bate been completed by the Assessors, and ar* k»lg*3in tii* oiii . of the Bureau of Aaeeaemente for examination, by allparson* mterieted. f x. For regulating34th at fronitb*9th av.t.)t*aHudson Rivar. Tba limits embraced by each assessment mclud*all th* several ho«»*» and lota of fr ,und, vacant lota, prace» anipar, aieof land, situated on both aid** of 34th at **twe*a vlt0 aT

and Hudron rivar, and oa both sidss of 10th sad Uli, svs. betwee*33d axd JMh its. All pertout who** intercut* ar* aRe, ted by lb*above named A»»**»iMct*, ind who ar* opprapd to th* aame. if.ither of them, ar* rerjoajt« i to prowtnt tkit no;e« Loot, In wr t.ruj,to tba u refer* igued, at their office, No 4 Hall of Recorda, w.'.L a

thirty days from the data of Una not- e SAML'EL H. DE MOTT.FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM SMITH, Ase*«aori. Offi *B*r*su of Assessments Street Deportment, Jaa. V, 1*61. j9 tot

CORPORATION NOTICE Punlic note* a hereby .given to ab*^owner or owners, occupant, r or, 'ipar.ti of all Hoaees and Lott,

mproved,or unimproved lands, affected thereby, Uiat tne followinaAseesanauts kav* been completed by the Aeeaaeor*. and are lrajewdin tt* offics of tbs Bureau of Asaetiment* for siammaLon, bv allpsreons mtaresud. Ha, For retrusitirr, lid st, between td aad ad Iaveiues. 1 he limit* embraced by auch Aaeasameat include all thaaereral bonae. and lot* of Groucd, vacant lota, paces and pan els oflaad. aituatedon both tides < f ÜJ St. betwees 2d and .If avenues.ard on tha westerly . » of 3d aveaa*, between t'.at aad ilUeta. AH persona who«« intarerta ar* affevted by tha above namedAete-aiianta, and woo a'S oppr«*d to tn* aame, or *itb*r of th*m,a.* requested U, pre»e:,t theT ItjMtiUaa, in wntir« Vi th* und*r-.i«iad, at tbs.r office, No. 4 Hail ol Records, within thirty days fromths date of this n-ita. a Office, Bureau of Aaaeaamanta, 9 treat D*partme^t, Jan. o. IHAI. SAMUEL H. DE MOTT. FRANCISNICHOLSON, ISAAC WM SMITH, Aeaeaeore. . fi

rdhPOKAIIOfa NOTICE..Public Notice |is ,hereby riven, tothe owner or owrara, ocaunantor «-rupanta of all Houaea aid

Lota, miproi ed or uaimpruvsd Lands, aiTecled thereby, that the lol-loWing A.asassu-.rr.t.a have bean completed by tha Assessors, and ar*loe^d in the OSaC* of ths Bureau ol Asses amenta for eiam.nati n,by a'lperaona irterea'e.i. rtSI For kaMbaJ a tewer in Wiii.am lbfrr ni In* eawer hi I ,l*rty la near Cadtr at The hm t* embraced »»

tut b Asae»»ment include sfl Ue several House* aad Lots ol Ground,racaat Lot*, fttcas and pan els of Laud, sitoatei oa bot* a. lea ofWilliam stiee», r»t«ren Cedir and t.lierty at reels. All persona ehiar in'.ere»'» »rs all«, led by the above nsme-1 Assessments,snd who art SRSaaasa to the earn*, or either ol them, ar* re>

quest**, to präsent Ibe.r o*;n lioua, ,n wriliug to the uodera^ned, attheir office, No. 4 Hall of Re< ordajwitbin thirty days from the date ofthis no' re SAMUEL H. DE Mo IT. FRANCIS NICHOLSON,ISAAC' WM. SMITH. Asaeeaora. OS'e, Bureau of Asaeeamcnta,Strert Ilepeitnient, Jan. 9, 1"A1. I Ox

C10RPORAT10N NOTICE .Public not»:* ia hereby given, to tn*

/owtar or owrara, i- rupaut or occupants of all bouaa* and lota,improved or nnimprnv*d lands, affected thereby, that th* folb.w. igfdSMasmente bsve bees completed by tha aseassors, and are li-tged iaIn* oiic* oflh* Bureau of Attas»'nenta for «lamination, be aliperao..*intereeted, titk For feni rg vacant lota of ground on list, i».t a

33d tta beta era 6th and Tib ava. and on the easterly aids of Tth av

bstwssn 31st and 33d ata. Tb* limits smbracsd by such Asesssme.itint lud* all ths several rarant Lots, pieces and pan e's of Laad, sit¬

uated on both side* of 31st, 3id snd .1 ¦¦<. ats. between Sth and 7thava Ail aereoas wboee interests arssffartad by tbs ahoee namedAtsessinanta, and who are opposed to lb* aame, or eitiiex of them,ar* requested to pre**Dtlb*irobjection*, in writing to lb* indcraifu-ed, tt their ode*, No. 4, Htl) of Record*, within thirty daya fromaha data of this notice. SAMUEL H DE MOTT, FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM. SMITH, Assessors OSes, Bureau of Aaaaaam*nU, Street Dapartmeat, Jan. 9. 1861. j9 104

CORPORATION NOTICE..Pubi c nobc* a naraOy given to BSSneun or owoart, occupant or occupant* of all houaa* and lots, no

proved orammproved lands, affected l*ereby,thatths following Assass-anenta have been completed by the Aeeeaaora.and are lodge.1 in tbaorfli .oflh* Bureau of Asseeemente foreiaminatien, by an pera.,n» m'-re-a-

ed, vis; For Hacking a apace 4 feat wide lathe aidewalba ofetSd at.

fron, Broadway to tbe Mb av. Tha limits embraced by tucb Aaeest-mer.t include all ths several Hones* and Lota of Oronad, vacant

» »»»¦ and parrels of Land, situated on both sates oi .*! «'.

between Broadway and Ath av. All partoos wboee interests ar* a

let lad by tbssboas named AssMtmsuta, acd who *.. .».* ... .

ia ... arsaee eraaam, ere o^.p.l.U .o präsent th«ir obj*Ct OAS, .0

writing to th* nridarai^red, et tliair oSlfce, No. 4 Hall of Re ort»,within thirty days from tb* data or this ootir*. SAMt'EL H DCMOTT, ERA Nt IS NICHOLSON. ISAAC WM. SMITH. Assaaeoi*

Office. Bureau of Aa**ssn**nts, Street Dapartmant, Jan. 9, lHfil.

j9 m

CORPORATION NOTICE .Public Lotic* it h*rsby given, to tns

owtsror owners occupant ororcapants of all Houses aud Lots,improved or unimproved Laoda, affected thereby that the follow;-g

.sments have oosn completed by to* Assessors, and are lo-lgp'iin tb* offics of til* Bureau of Aaoaaamont* for atamirtaluin by all per-.on* luterstteJ, M For rapturing iiat-sL|lrum 4lb to Lexu gton ava.

The limits embraced by auch Asteaament include all tbe severalh*us*3 tnd lots ol ground, vacant Iota, pieces and parcels of land, tit

uated on both »aie» r ltlitat between Lanrgton and Foarth ava.

boih aid** ol Wrel Grameriy.at oatween » u awl Slat tt- an<i *Jtba easterly s-le of 4tb av bstwsen 4Cth and 22J s's. All personswh(«e latsreat.a are affacted by th* above named Assessmeits, andeho arecpp(aed to <he »am*, or either of tbrni, a'* requested topreeent t) eir i I r ;,.n», in writing to th* uodeiaif^ed at their oi

La, No. 4 Hall of R»orc!a. w.thin lii.rty dais from th* data ol to a


WM. SMIIH, Asseesors. Office, Bureau of A>sesame;its. strs.t

Dspartmunt, Jan,9, li»51. t

CtORPORATION NOTICE .Public notice is hereby given, to theowner or owiars, occupant or occupants of all Haue** aod Lila,

improve*! uj aumprovej Lauds, affected thereby, that tue follow.ngAsee-smer.ta have been completed by the Assessors, an are lodged mthe office of the Bureau of Assessment* for eismiuation, by all peraoi.a lir.tereated, vii; Fora rroaaw-lk acroea th* earns-* way ofBrotdasy between Sprue and Pin.ce tta The I.in U embraced by.nh Aaaeseinent include all the several House* and Lot* of Oro in I,vacant leSiS, paces and parrel* of land, situated on h >tb til-sof Broad*ay, 'atwsen Sp' tg and Prince s'reet*. AH pertorawrj,«e int-reete are affected by the above earned Ae*e**meats, andho are opposed to tha aan.e, or either of them, are reeiueetad to

pre«ent tl,e,r oa.jectlara». I» teattaeaa, a* ae.. eaJaeaaeaeJ. at Ulail offir*,No. 4 Hall of Record*, within lli-r-y daya from tb* Sate of this BSJtM *.


SMIIH. Asssaaora.Office, Buress ol Aste-sment», Street Depart Inant. Jan. 9. InAl. j9 10»

ClORI'ORATION NOTICE.-Public n> Urs is hereby g.ve.n, to tl .

owi er or owners, (ccapant or la cnpant* of all koaaeaand lo't,improved or unmprovad laöda, affected tnereby, Uiat the follown e

Aeeeeementa have been completed by the Aaeee^nra, and are bulgedin the office ol the Rureau of Assessment* for eiaiuination.br allperttint laterreted, rn i For figging ».JewaJbi u.2lst *t betw»tn4tSav. and Broadway. Tba limits embraced by sc. b Aseeeirnent mcH 'stH lb* several House* and Lot* of ground, vacant Lota, piece* ai- J

parrel*ol land, aitualed on tb* northerly aidaol iltttt. betwe-nweh aVaJawS a baa 175 feel aealti.'y lb*rslroin. All partoos ab a

interests ar* aflr, tsd by tba abova named Aiseaainauts, and w o

are oppoeed to tb* same, or either of them, are requested topreee-rttlveHr abjea t« na, m wri ig, to tut un.lsraigned, tt their oiti,a, S i.

4 Hall ol" Records, wiliiio thirty days from tba dste of tha not-, a,

SAMUEL H. DE MoTT, FRANCIS NICHOLSON, ISAAC WM.SMITH Ars»»»ort. Ottc-, Bursaaof Asssss.nenls, Street l>i vt

mental an. y, leol. y> lot

CCORPORATION ROTICE .Maw aotio* ,a hereby g,i*n. to in*

J owner or u*uar», occupant or occupant* of all house* and lo.a,improvad or aaimprovad lands, affected Ibsrsbv, that lb* foil ,e. «jAsaessmentt havs keen completed by tbe Assessor*, sod ar* lad real a

»h*offic*of tb* Bureau o< Aeeesement* for siamination by allperwalint*re»te«t ns: For regiilst.ng 3.'d «t Irom 3.1 to 4lu svs auf.'.t. gcurb and gutte r atones therein. Tbs limit*embraced by tucb tete.»

n.ant locluda all tba several boos** and lots of ground, vacant lota,piacet and parcel* of hand, . tuated oa both s»l-» of 33d st. be

tweea laxington snd 4th avsaues. All persons whose njte.e-'s

ar* affai ted by tb* abov* earned Atetasmenta, and who *r*

oppcated t* tba tarn*, or *iti*r of tbam, ar* ray-isttad to presenttbsir objsc t..u«, ta, writing to tb* crxi*rsign*d, at lb*tr oSc*. N 4Hall of Kscords, irrthin thirty days fmm th* dste of this ootir*.<Mhc«, Barsen of Asss*»rnent*. Ntreet Dej.artmeit.' Jaa 9 |a«,i.SAMUEL H DE MOTT. FRANCIS NICHOLSON, 13AAC WM.SMITH. Asaeeso re. j9 10t

rORPORATION NOTICE..Public Notice u hereby given to the

owisr or ( wners, occui ant ar occupiats of all House* ant Lott,lavjpnwcd or unimproved Land*, affected thereby, that to* fellowmgAteeeerrauts have bee* completed by the At**.eor*, aad are lodredin the Catte* ol tb* Bureau of Asatsaments fair eia... uation. by -II

pertoo* intere.ted, vh. For bui'dtag a sswsr in Niai.li st. asset t

point ally feet East sf Third av. to Iba s*w*r ia aveaa* A 1 he

be it* emb'sced by inch As»*e»ment isclio'e «II th» several H ,u»*»

and IaiU of Ground, vacatt Lota piece*and cartel* of Laad, aitu.

atad on both s.Js* of Ninth efc between av. A and Third av on the

wstterly t.ds of av A., both tides of F.rtt sod Satc nd avs., aad *».:-

.try side of Third av. between Eighth and Tetth'ats , aat oa botha de» (t Stiiyveesnt st netwean Teeth *t and Ih n! av. All person*¦ hot" interest, are affe. ted by tb* abov* earned A»»eesn>saU, *nlwho a. . t'ppcaad to the *a/iie, or e.tber ol tlie u, are requ*»led to

preat nt thair obrertJona, in writing to tbe uaJereier^ed, at their offir«,No. 4. Hail of Record", within t)..rtya*'» from th* date ofthanotice. SAMUELH DE MOTT, FRANCH NICHOLSON. 114ACWM SMITH Assessor*. Office, Buiesu oi AiieasMineota, Streal

Deyailur .l. Ja.. l«rM |9l0t

rORPORATlON NOTICE -Pub'ic notice is Itereby r"»i to th*owner or owners, occupant or occupant* of all boueea sad kits,

arproved or unimproved lands, altect*d thereby, t lat lb* follow,ngAssesssnenU nave teea completed by tbe Aeaaee.it* and are lodtr**iutb* office ol tb* Bureau ol AessssmsaU for siamioatwa. by alltsrtoDt intere*'ad, »;t for Il iac and draining low aad tunken lotsoa Ihs block b unded by Bnaowsy snd Ath av. 31ef and J2d at*. Ti«ha it* anibraced ba such At*aaernent include all lb* several bou.esand lot* of grouoal, vacant lota, pacea aa* panels of land, ait uated oa

tbs wee tally tide of Mb sv between 3,tt and 3*d ats. on tb* sort*

.rly aids of 31tt tt, b*twe*n " :h BV. snd a lice *38 'set westerly tber*

from, and on tt . soctherly sid* of 32 J st, between Alh sv. »od ¦ Im*

eel 'eat we»t*rly therelroa. All paraor* w»,ae inlarest* srs «8* t-

.d by th* *ho»* nsmed Astesamenl*, *ad ebo ar* opposed to '...*

saa.s. or either of tliem. ar* r*qu**t*d to present then- obj*cti->oJ. a

writ i.g to th* us4ersigTesd, at their offic*. No. 4 Hall of Ksoirds,with a tb tty dsysfiom tb* date of Ibis notice. »AMUEL H Da


Office, Buraan ol Aiiasimenu. Street Deraartsaent, Ja i 9, IsAt. |9|SI

I V'HPoRA i ION NtrriCE.-Public Bot-c*iab*r*oy g «eo. lathsv, owner oi owners, occupant or occasenUof all Hjutes snd Lf ts,iropic,i*d or uLiuiproa tJ Laads, affected tbareby, that tb* followicgAs.SMW.er.:* bavs been complete J by tbe Aaeeesora, anJ ar* fceileadin the offi.-* cl tb* Hureea of A»**s*ment. for eiam,nation, by allnerta as intereeted, aii: Eor setting Curb and Gutter *to*a* into*

tftb s> from 42J to 61*1 eta. Tb* limit* etnuracaJ by tu^h Aeeeeameiiltaclude all tb* several Heusea aad Lot* of Ground, vacant Lots,pieces and parrele ol Land, situated oa the eaaterly side of eVAta*.between 43d aad ASd tt*. and on tee westerly aide between 4*1 and

Nd *t*. oi tie northerly tide of 4M et and both lidava of 44th, 4Vb.

4r9.li. 4:tb, 4riih, 49lb, SOtb. aad Alst st* betwera th* 9th av. aad boa*runo.( g paraibl lleereto. aad d.ataut 400 feet easterly aad 400 feetwsttri y theisfrom. AH persent whj** intereet* are affected by th*Shove rutmerl Asaeas events, Bad who ar* oppoeed n tb- aame or either

of then, are reqceeied to *re*ent thar oOjacfneas. in writing to t-e

uaderaignsa, st lb*ir offi. *, No. 4 Hall of Records, witb-a thirty daysfron, tbe dste c I tba attic* SAMUEL H. PE MOTT, FRANCISNICHOLSON. ISAAC WM. SMITH Aaaeaeor*. Offi e, Baraan ofAaee*>metU. Street I>*partment, Jan. 9, land. j9 lot

CCORPORATION NOTICE .Public toter* a bereey given, t lM s

J ewnar or owners, occupant or rexaipanta of all Hoe*** and Lot*,improved ar cn-mpro'ed Lanss. affectaJ thereby, that tb* loUoWiafAteaeerren-.t ha»* beer completed by the Aseeseore, and ar* lodred a

the offie* of 'aa Bureau of Aeeeeementa for eiamiaateue, by all pee-seos inlereete*. vit For b^.-Ji** * Sewer witb ueceeetry raacaivius;basin* ann coNsrts ib td sv. from tbsnortbsrly side of 29te st to sadto coaxaat With tb* S*w*r r* M av. at SM at Tb* limits rmn-aredby tath Assessment include all tb* eeveral Hu*»e* sad Lots "I

Groead, vacant Los. paras and parcel* ih' Laad, situated oa not*

sieaaof 2d a. between *«tb snd 33d at* on lb* northerly aide frah st sad both sals* of TUU, 31st »ad 32 1 tt between let aad Mava All aartc a- wnoe* mterssu ar* aSaa tat* ay tb* anov*oaaaad A*

saseaneata aad who ar* opposed to the »an*, it »**.' of 'h*m, ar*

rwrjnestad u, praeant -ba.r obyecta.ra, lawr t.nf t. tha ie*»rtag aad «I

Hai a4B<a, So 4 H..I ol Ken.ota. w.u..a thirty Say* from tea 4al*ofIba aotera SAMUEL H DE MOTT, FRANCIS NICH'HJON,ISAAC WM SMITH, I. . . "i* a. at*rwan of 1. -

Street Itepartn ent Jaaaary 9, 1 «61._,"< **

?aJTREET DEPARTMENT. NO 4 HALL OF PtECORDl-Puh-I« aotars hereby given, that tb* following petit*"** a*** b

b-eard of Aldermsa: To open, grade and rag ¦

pr*»eot*d ia th*_heb a! retaeen 3d ana 4th av* to regulate, grade sad sat curb and

easier at oath at between 6lb-*v. and East Rivet; 11 r<*->lat* aid

..Mi, .: vHwsaa au aa* 4th ava Part as.ateraaia* h*t«<obactetns thereto, are requested to pretant tieean m writing to th*

utedeisaaed, st ha offic* on er before tbe soth day et Jan lary ist.

-Jaa.9, Ml. L'Cj JOHN T DODGE. Street Cos

mam un»rmw'm4. via; For butkhira Artant C tn Avsaue B Ttnant arrbtdt til the several hopieces BAvd pAneUof lai.,1. artui

A'teat A mj.i Arttoa C; o* th<Atil sad 7th ¦trt»t», ar.d us tl


or* L *r»t are req.4let Clerk, at ins <-¦<.Ol H1CU«

7tk at fm.n f-.s aswer»rares kj; such A»tawsaf (vwned.*ice.nt lots,.See of Tib at betweenof AreaBe A. ketweee»Je et* Avenue B. be

pwrenas wbewe laUrasts art) tSmrMer,ia, and "!»i> are oppose i »tasisrsa) offI to present U,*ir .*¦ .«. turns, is writing

-fl a. No 4 Ha'. .1 It*..-is, withiau. - setae, a AMLEL H. DC M<>TT.»\ WM tVTr% «...ea~,r*. Dflrs,¦at Lbaeartokest Jas Maws fa lit

iFPAKr»»»:>r. r. t ,uda Pirk.Jn.1a17luv MITICE.. Pakle-aoU-s a rteeehvteen presented in the Board of V», a *itit lerentSentb **.reet le-m Fir-tattnueBStaoee interested a me ajo'e, r If. aj.tea) u present tea am in wrilng!* theuu cr be ore the iTth ,nst-

t.A3 ISA!», P-ssl C-otot Aa,De»**

e^TLf-ET .U I AKTMENT. n0.4hall UP RKCORD3.-Pub «

t^ nrt"w kj > »'.»,t rren, that the fnttnwing prtittorjahaTe baew ,-re»e-t*d in the Board of A«aia'ant A'dermen To open Pitt» sac -n>l

tr Fiftv-Uilrd at* fn m Eighth av to Heder Rireff Toreg.il*t*. cd pars East t.iteenth at.from First av. to Livingston place, anlfar a (pare 4 feet « through . .rmalka of East « ttts.-.:h *t. fromAarane A to l^»ing«tor pract, wners art pared w:th bnrkatpre-»ei t. All persona ititerestad. bar at ohie, tiona thereto, are re-piee'ad!¦ preesat U,err, is writing to tl e understand, St b a olive, on or oe-

I. reibe ITth day of January iw.-Jac. IT, IbSI, JOHB T. DODO I,Strtst CatmiaaioDer. j!7

TREET DlfARiMENT.No. 4 HALL OF RECORDS .Pat,hSBotK-s is hereby given that the following resolut on aas äaaa

preeerteil m tne Board of Aaewtant A'dermen To repair gutter. ¦Arenas D, from Seiend to Tenth at. All persone intersiled havingobjection* therata, are requested to present tl,a n .a writing to tbsBrdsnuxosd.at bit orVs, oa or bef re the Utk Jay of January mat.JstVlT, ISS1 JOHN T DODGE, Strest Commissionst. 'T

PROPOSALS.rO IRON FOl'NDERS.ftesled prcreteeltwill be rereir»! hy the

iub*tiu>r. at the OnVe ol lbs Cr.too Aqueduct Departmeul,tit Jansen :i, IBM, at 1 o'clock, P M h.r the following cast iroa

ratet pipe*, t z M*< in iBcbae diameter, i,.'«» II inches diameter,M 6 »ai ne. diameter, and 11* branches of -iilfeptnt sue*. Personsssatatrfk Sal Ms are requested, before wiiiJis,' ¦ their prop,-a .,r.i. 11,re.''ion tl.is nlS, s detailed specificationsd'.ir the work. Otf-r.tt nd'r. Pr -i« fr>r Wster pipe, and Branv.ie*.".Othce

ro'on Aa-ed-ict Departnieat, January 10, 1851. NICHOLASIEAN. Pre.i.'.nt. jl»OIRON PolNPFKS -Seared proposals will be re.-H by the

er at the llo e of tl e Crotcn Aqueduct l>et jrtmen'. an-

tlJanesrv list,ISS1,at J o'ctneS P fet foe b,-"a'i C»»t Irm rappais'Boiss I'-" ' u applicaUou lei U:c Wjter Puneyorat th s oCtt The B rss to ts delirrr»! s. may 1» re-.m-e,; hy ths

Department, '»»er.is BaVprstai 'ftlmm il> '-.r fa£1 ers' trBia".OtPie Cratae Aasseda» t Iiepsnaient. dsnnarr In. InAi

,ir. UJ1 SIlCHOfcai PEAJt.Ptss^TitEk T i.fll'AKI UENT. No. 4 H tl.I. OF RECORDS .Pun ic

Ö-.i e ¦ kg raw) ptBB tost the follow.eg ite. .Lous have nsen «'*¦

ssa'.rd I BBS R-trd of Ast'tsnt A'dermsu Res heif. That U.s

SWkjectcd äff] s prof er grade ol the S reels sad Areruei ofSCa-hattan Vaiiej in the TaelKh Ward, he relerrei tn the StreetColMi, s».< -r Ke. oiefl, 1 hat the Street Ci-uini'Seeiner tie, aid heis bnehv re, i. to rria ure sn l t" present to the Coii.iroa Courtr 11 Baal I r ti e bUBk] I Bl nj Street* and Avenues iu tbs City northcMVithit [jll] JOHN T. IM'DOK. Street Cum-nisaiooer.

r|tii BKA-JS FOL'N Dl R.-*. .Sealed pmpossJsw.il es re. eared Lyj. the. i--r. ». Dm tsSt e of the tVton A inedu. t Dtpirti:!-:.'..

ni.til January it. leol, at J o cock P M. lor .l.iajj \-<w n St ipsap .-,BS 1-aäfl St, p, i iks. Coii.po.itiou to ba IS OB copper. ^ os. t.n,and 1 ol nit. the work inauahip to be of li e bast character, and sun

ilar to patterns in tbs office, to be approved by the Water Purveyor,at d all to he ,<(...isred hy tbe 1st day of May reft Tbs names oftwo re.nonsii.1* persons, with their written assent, to become «ure

ties for UM MafatSaBM m every paite ular of the coolract, w,'| let re

qu.rsd tc SaBBBBraaaf SOBB propotal Payments to ba made wdbinthirty diy a tn rat the r«peci,on of etch pari. el. with a ressmtion olten per henl uiitil tht cnmnletion si the contrai t Persons Wishing*ts eat mste are reipieated, iiefore sending in their proposal., to call at

Una office, a here altera» can be sees, offers to ba tn-lorae,!. Prierossls for Brass SU pco« ks.".Office Crotoa Aqueduct Dcpartinaiit,Jan-.try IS ISSI ^lltojti] NICHOLAS DE AN, President.

kaJTREET DEPARTMENT, No. 4 HALL OF RECORDS..SealedÖ prr-po.tl. will be rare red at the Street Comm s«. -u.-r't O

rirs, urit.l Monos).Jan ,'", itAi, at f> > rloca P M. to build a pier at

tbe foot of Twenty «iith at. N. R Plans, ape.-iScttion*, and all in

formation thereto, can be had on *ppI«tt.ou to the Contract Clerk oftbi* DepartmeLt-Jan 14, mm. JOHN T. DODGE,

. 14Street Commissi jr.er.

sSTREET DEPARTMENl.NO 4 HALL OF RECORDS..Publ,eV.'tire .hereby given, that the following resolution, have beta

passed in tbs Board of Alderman: Whereas, the travel in Hrnade ay Las lucreased to sui b a degiee at to render it iintale to l-mr pat-secser. to stten pt crossing at certs n pou tt: and wberess, it it i-n-

portaat to devise seme plan to relirr* tbe lower part ol Brumdm^y ;therefore. Kesolred. Thst Chu-i Irttreet be ettendel by cuttingthrourhthe bocks between Fuifn and l.berty itreets, and on" kjued of the same width bek,w L.berty street uv widen.us Tr.'/pü.c: c.° i^riÄVsv»«« ^or^w^:ra"-t°:.-'^{(uv from lha rorssr si FsSsa asd Chnrrh street, to the r. rr »r ' f

CoKere place end Barclay streets, s r u'ting bs mtde ol the am*a si Iii as College-plac*, in tka form n' a quadrant of a circle, accord¬

ing to a map aid plan recently presented, and to.it the Counsel of the

Corporatiot take the necessary «tsp» to car.-j the s-in.s lata .nVtResolved, Tbst the name of Church street ant its extsn-wn wbtn

completed shsll ba kmws and designated a. l.'-n n 't *et, and t^e

Mn t of thai portion forming the quadrant be known aa Union quad¬rant All peisons interested, hating objections thereto, are re¬

quested %r. present them in er t.ng to the uuder^ignad, at hisolEia. ,n

.r'rta'ore tbe i-Mh da' of January, last.Jan 14, 1861. JOHN T.DODfiE «treel Con.m'seKjner Jl4

STREET DEPARTMENT. No. 4, Hall of R«ords.-Pukle- noU*is here .f given Uist ths r>!low.h* petition of JAMES PINKER

TON has beeu prasrottd in the Bosrd of Atais'aat AHermen. Tupate Chatham st. frois Tryon row to James st. with granits atone.

11 JOHN T fXIDUK, Street


CISCO.-Dirtvt.Now an 1 IslsMlti ship ALEUT,row rapidly loading at Ptr*r .5, North River. Can tak- alltriltt-d quantity of light freight, a few cabin |ia**eiig»'r*,ard sail in about ten <iays. Imme<Jlatf> appiicaiion s'loulibe made. |ji7 1Q. li. 81'TTON it CO., 81 VVali-et.

171 llPl^jBQITlrr ItlHm an COAQMLES.-i-AT RÜÜUCKU RATES O? KARE-Tun splrm-

did 8teamihlp CRESCENT CITY", 1,200 tun* buni.-ulJohn Tancnr Commander, will leave her dock Pier 2 N. RforChagres, on SATURDAY, Jan. 18, atli o'ciock P. M .

For frvotrhtor pss.sgs, apply to

J13 tieth_H. B. BfONK, 10 Batterr-plaee

"its. mailstkamship ('()mpany1j ..for HAVANA. NEW-URLEANS and CHAURES.Through Tirkrts to San Kraidsco at brliucrd bates.

Cbagrea passengers transferrtd at Harana to a first-classstramshlp.On SATURDAY, January 25tta, at 3 P.M . tho spleudid

double-enirine steamshipOHIO.

3,fX)otiir,s burden. Jas. Einolay Schenck, commander.willsail precisely at i» o'clock P M., from her pier at loot War-ron-st. N R .wtth the Government Mai s,direct for H ivana.NewOrlears and ChsgrvaFreight taken to N^w-Onearsat ustial rates.Specie only taken on freight io Havana.Shippers of packages containing jewelry, gold, or silver

ware, or any articles rornmonly known as eaiuahies, mist

specify the value of the shipment in their hills of ladling, or

the Company will nm bo responsible for any losses ou val¬uable tneirhandiae shipped without such specification.For jiktsege or freight, apply to

M 0 ROBERTS, 177 WaYK-St comer Warren-st.Jll 125

Pacific mail steamship com^-PANY..Tho public is informed thai under lite a.-,

rangen r-nts of this Company, steamers tnsrecled and ap¬proval by üio Navy Department, and carrying the Unitcfltat>-s Malls will conunue to ieavo Panama and San Fran¬cisco the first and fifteenth days of each ntortth, unlessdetained by unavoidable accident or the noo-arriva! of th*Mails at Panama The Steamers of the first of the monthwill much at Acapuleo, San Rias, Mazatlan. San Diego andMonterey. Tbe Steamers of tirefifteertb of the month wl'II >ik h at Acapuleo, but no other Mexican ports.The new steamship COLUMBIA will ply regularly after

her arrival in the Pacific, between Ban Krancts.:o and ports111 Orepon, awaiting at tile former port the arrival of mailsand passengers from Panama, and returning without delaywith malls and passengers for the following steamer fromBan Francisco A reg-uiar line of propellers will be kept uplor tbe transportation of freight ana transient pttssengersbetween Panama and Man Franci*«o.Tbe connection in the Atlantic will be maintained by tho

Steamships EMPIRE CITY, leaving New-York on tho13th, and CHEROKEE, leaving New-York on the 2Bih ofeach month, for Cnagres. A third boat will also be kept toNew-York as a spare si>>amer.The new steamships CARIBBEAN aod PHILADEL¬

PHIA wiU form a direct iice between New-Orleans andChagrea, leaving at such periods as will Insure as litt!«detention as possible on the Isthmus, and forming, with thoPa- :,. * steamships, a THROUGH LINE to and from New*Oriesns and ports in Mexico, Csilfornla and Oregon,THROUGH TICKETS for any month can be sectired on

application to lire Company, Si South-sL New-York. Ap¬plications for passage from New-Orleans should be made toAF M t>TRONO. LAWKASON a, CO. A^tetAt, si that placeNew-Tora, Oct 31. ISSst. OfJltf

II^OR san francisco, direct.DISPATCH LINE..The new and elegant Clipper

S'jip STAG HOUND, RICHARDSON, Master, is now

loading at Ber berth, foot of WaL-al.Particular aitemio.-i 1» rn;u> sted to this I>«aiitifiil vessel:

as sfce has lieen built with a view to excel io speed, andpretebts to tbe world the sharpest ship ever built, the ex*Btvialioo la, that she will perform tho voyage within eighty,five dais.Shippers desiring freight should make immediate appli¬

cation, as bat a small quantity remains st the present raie.Superior accommodation, for a few Cabin Pasaeng-rs

E. B SUTTON, it Co M Wsil st or

J« 2w* JOHN 0ODEN li6 »Vall-sL

The ünited^tatIk and cal-IFORNIA EXPRESS COMPANY will dispatch

their next EXPRESS per CRjEiCENT C1TV. on Satur¬day, Jan. 1«, connecting; with the Mali from Panama, Feb¬ruary 15.Shippers will ploase observe lhal this Is the only Califor¬

nia Express Company hav-mf their own facilities on thoIsiiimus. Packages are landed and sent immediately upme Chag res River In our covered American boats, bum ex¬

pressly for the business in New-York, under the care andcharge cf CapL Abraham Bancker, and shipped from Pan¬ama a. ones) by every steamer. Custom House cleavanceaobtained Irre of charge.PaomitTOBi.A. B. MILLER k CO 2 Wall-at. New.

York. Refer to R. S. WILLIAMS A CO.C. W. it J T. MOORE At CO.

gl ft*_J. HOWARD k SON

CiREGORV's california pack-. AOS EXPRESS-Persla-amship CRESCENT CITY

.Tbe subscribers wul forward an EXI'UESS umt »l*ovwstrsmer. on SATURI'AY NEXT, at 3 P M. Pa-ka.esand teavy freight should be .eft at tlrs otSce oa FBI DAY.Parcels received on SATURDAY until in A. M. ami Let¬ters until °i o'c.oca. THOMPSON A U1TCUCOCK.

JI5 3tMacsie.-s'sj.J Agents, 119 Pea'l-*L

For california..a busip^rilslMAN about to leave for Ian Francisco w :<l take charge

f aLy d« scnptloo m Calll »rnia. Bus iiess or bm> bib»i w ii

be promptly axd carefu'ly aitended to Address F BI-THELL, care of Mara H Newman it Co I** Broadway.JI531*

United states, CALIFORNIA,<.Rr <.<-sfand the SANDWtf, M ISLANDS (PACK¬

AGE * LETTER) I \ p >v ESS Berf vd v < »,

of Ckay and Keerswy tu., San Frenrta'o, leeper.rul'y an-

nounca thai they nave opened an other. No. 2 Vesey at,A Mol Hoase, New-V..»a. Ii > in«-'.i(>n with in-'ir oi <..-

tabdabrd office in San Francisco, for Ike pAjrposeof tor-warding Soiaui Peckagvs u> and from ail pasta o( the aboveplace«.Mr Berford having reramed fhorn Caltfornia Ihr Um pur

rote of" cctiducUng iie bafinest tn ihm City, Um Companywill he er.ahled. with hU large porantva,' knowledge of Calf-fon.ia, tota r> ta iha ... -a wiia aaaafj mod .patch,and logtve the utinoat *aii<fsvnion.

B. k tu will also alt» od to the collection of Mile, notes,draft*. Ac Ac. kc. in anv of the ahore place« on the moatreaaousHe tenet, and will forward by EVERY STEAMERPersons out of the City will p.ease address, pre-paid.

BERrURD k CO.2 Veeey-st. Attor House, New-York-

l'. trar.ee to ffire. « Ve*ey-tL . aJao, through the book*at ore of Adriane, Sherman k Co. 2 Astor House. Broad-way. jietf

F~are reduced..Through Lina forSAN FRANCISCO, via CHAGRES, direct, aid by

the I'nlted State« Mail Steamera on the Pacific.The splendid steamship CHEROKEE. Htinav WinnLB

CouimaLder. will leave Pier 4. North River, for Chagrea,direct, on Tl KSDA Y, January .8, at J o'clock.Passengers bv the CHEROKEE will connect with the

.plentild steamship NORTHERNER, to bo at Panama on

or about February I5tB, 1»'I. Bor passage, apply to

j!5 HOVVLANP k A8PINWALL. B ano M Bouth-aL



The irving house, at Chagrea,Wallace W Williams, aaaitted by Hugh Miliar


der the management of A. B. Miller and J. F. Conger.THE AMERICAN HOTEL, at Crueea, undor the. man¬

agement of E R Folger and H. Mliier, Jr.THE UNITED STATES HOTEL, at Panama, rindar

the management of Adrian B. Millar. Mi DACtf

FOR EUROPE.The british and north amer¬

ICAN ROYAL MAIL 8TEAM8HIP8 BETWM F.d.NEW-YORK AND LIVKRPOOLdtr*xt,and BETWEENBOSTON and LIVERPOOL.The Boston boats only calling at Halifax to land and re¬

ceive mailt and paaaengera.ASIA. .IiMAIna EUROPA E G LouAFRICA, A Ryrle. NIAGARA. I Stooe.AMERICA, N. Shannon CANAiiA, Wrn litr j-m

CAMBRIA, Leitch.Thru' vessels carry a clear whitb ..tour at trulr m*M

bead ; tiaaaN on ttarboard aldi aau on pou aideAFRICA. A Ryrle, from New-York. We^^lay ?Hh NotCAMBRIA. J Irlich, from Boston. Wednesday. 77lh No?NIAGARA, J Stone, fin New York, Wednesday, 4th DecEUROPA,-from Boston. Wednesday, llth Dec.ASIA. C. H. E. Judkins, from N. Y. Wednesday. Utk DecAMERICA.-, from Boston, Wednesday, ZSth D>*e.AFRICA. A Ryrle, from New-York, Wednesday. l«l Jan.CANADA. Win. Harrison, fin Boston. Wedny. U>lh Jan.Passage from N.Y or Boston to Liverpool. 1st cabin flJO

'. - " " M sb

No berthsecured until paid forFreight will bechargtsj on specie beyoad an amount lor

personal egpetis. *.

An experlencMl Surgeon on board.All letters and newspapers must pats through the P.iew

OftVeFor freight and passage apply to

H CUNARD. Jr. M BroadwayFrench, German, aatl other foreign goods, received ad

brought In common with British goods.Through bills of lading are given in Havre for New-Tork.After the 1st of April next the rate of freight by that

above steamers, from Liverpool, will bo very materiallyreduced._n2 tfs

Steam communication be¬tween PHILADELPHIA AND LIVERPOOL-

The powerfnlnew Sfcamahip CfTY OF GLASGOW. B.R. Matthew«, (late of the " Great Wettern.") Commander«1 .bit' tuns, 35« horse-power, is intended to sail.

rkOM PHILADELPHIA.Thursday. IHihJan. 1861.Thursday, lliih March, 1851.

raoM LtvEsrooL.Wednesday, llth Dee. 1*50.Wednesday, 12lk Feb. ISM.

This vessel is weil known for her successful voyages be¬

tween Glasgow ard New-York, and has splendid t'.ab- room

accommodation tor about 120 first and second eabtn passen-gers, (no steerage passengers taken I

kates trJf pa«.i»a.*»s«.raoss sau.son.im*. raott Livaaeooi..

First Cabirr.too Dollars. I Slrat C«btn.SB Ouioeas.BVcond Coti'.n-riO Dollars | Secjnd Cabin .13 GuineasTbete ratet include Provisions and Steward's Foe, but not

W'lne or Liquors, which can be had on hoard.RATES OF FREIGHT.

raoM riitLAtiEt.ptiiA. raoM livibpool.According to agreement A4 sterling per tun measure¬

mentAll goods tent to the Agents tn Philadelphia will be for¬

warded with economy ami dispatch.There are two powerful Steamships now under contract

for this Line.one In New-York and the other lu Glasgow-U t>e ready during the ensuing Summer.For further particulars, Bpply. in Liverpool and Belfast,

to RICHARDSON. BROT HERS.it CO.; in Glasgow, to

PATRICK HENDERSON Jt CO.; and in PhiladelphiaBird New-York, to RICHARDSON, WATSON k CO.dIO if

FOR LIVERPOOL..Packet of 2bthJh.. The tpleiidld Packet Ship SIDDONS, Capialn

Ekcst Howes Jr.. will sail as above her regular day.For freight or passage, bavtug unrivalled accommoda¬

tions, apply on hoard ai pier No. 14 East River, or to

;7 u7.ii BPOFFORD. TILESTON k CO.. 4o South-aL


«oropnsiMg this Lino, are UmATLANTIC Captain Wsajj, PACIFIC, Captain Nyo,ARCTIC, Captain Lars. BALTIC, Capt Comttoct

ADRIATIC Capt Oraiton.These th^ps having been built by eontract expreaaly for

fjovsrnment service, every care baa been taken in their coa>

Btruction at also In their engirjeB, to ensure strength andsnpt*ed. and tneir accosomodattons for passengers are ano-

(jualled for elegance and comfortPrice o' paaaayr- from New-Tora to Liverpool. BIS«: e«-

«luslresi- or sitra alas, stare-r,H»ns, $S*vS; from Liverpoollo Nfw York. *»,-« An expenenct-d S'ttßrmoo al|sa*ii9d toBMck ship No Berrtos erurwl until paJd tor.


Wr.lnee.iay. January 8, 1851 Saoirday, January 11, 1*5]We<jiiesday laniiu v :'.', 'Saturday, February S, 1151We,lmre<iay,Februur7 S 1851 Saturday, February 2Z. IS51We.lnes.lay, .. IS, 18»! iMaSurday, Marek 8, 1*51WeniL-^iay, March >, If51 Saturday March 22, 1151M/e,lnesday, March It I8.*I'Saturday, April 5, IMlWedofMluy, April 2, 18 1We.lnes.lav, April 16, 185i'For freight or paussage apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS,

Sri Wall st New Y-.rk or !o BROWN, SHIPLEY k COLiverf-ooJ. E O ROBERTS at CO. 13 King's Arms Yard,London, or L DRAPER, J' 8 Boulevard, MoutmartravParisThe owners of ln*ae ships trill aot be accountable tot

gold, Mirer, bullion, specie, Jewelry, pmrious suroats or

metals, unless bibs of lading »r« s.gn^d 'heTe'or and thevalue thereof therein eipr>«sseajAfter the 1st of April next, the rate of freight by UM aeova

Stesjuera will bo materially rwdiicaed «2S tf

OOR LIVERPOOL^UnitetJlStatMMY Mail Bteanf-ahlp PACIFIC. Captain E Nye.-TbisSteam ship will depart with Um Malls for Europe posi¬tively on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 12 o'clock. M. from borhen r. at the foot of Canal-stNo berth secured uil paid for.All letters and papers must pass thrrrngb the Pom Office.For Freight or Passage, having unequalod accommoda

Hons for elegance or comfert, apply toEDWARD R. COLLINS, 16 Wall si

Positively no freight will be received on board afterMonday evening, Jan. a)The Steamer ARCTIC will guccoed the PACIFIC, and

tail Ki runrv j|


NEW-HAVEN RAILROAD.The following Trainsleave ike Oai.au at Station, Dttily, (Sundays Excepted,i firRostoD. at 8 oVlo. a A.M. and arrive at Boston at 5 i/ciockP.M. Dinner al SoriLgbeld.At 9 o'clock AM. arrive at Boston Bill 45 PM. By this

Train paaaengera may stop from two to three hours at New-Havsn. Hanford or Springfield, or at any Station where the

F.xpreta Train r> reivet patsengert. \

At 3 o'ch-ck P M Brrive at Boston at II 45 P.M 8upperat Sprlngtild. This Train receives Passengers only at Iii«Principal Stations. See bills of all the Trains.PasMngers are desired to procure Ti tk.-u before laitlug

Seats in the Cara. fj 7 It] R. B. MASON, Superintendentmwo DAILY TRAINS for ALBÄNVj% and TROY, through by New-York and New Haven,Houtatocic acd Weataa Railroads.First train leavesNew-Toik from Canal tt Station at 8 A M arriving at Al-bar.v at 5 P M. Setond train leave« at ?1 P.M. arriving at

Albany at 12 o'clock, P M Fare through to Albany, |4.Please procure ticket! before taking teats In the cars.

J17 R. B. MAJSON.Bupt-N. Y.tt N. U.R. R.

i\EW.YORK (And ERIE RAILRCI^S--il MEW ROUTE m BUFFALO and the WEST.Win-irr Arraagement .Commr-ncin/ Monday, Jan 6, IBM.Leave New-York for Bmgr.ta.uja. Eimira. Coming, Hor-n-usvüie, Geneva, Rocle-eter, Bufrnkt and lotermelittleplsres oaiiy by t'asstteUsau THOMAS POWELL andKR IF. from pier foot mt Duane-st as foliowi

1 Br«au'asi and supper on board tae boataMoRHixc Mail Tbaib at 7AM stopping, af all the tta-

ttona. arriving at Otrneva the same evemug.Pasw n.-ers for Ria-bester Buffalo, kc can lodge at fWe-

va and take um Express Train freaa Albany next siwnuag,arriving at R.>c<^sier and Bsffalo ai the same time as ptja-sei rers via Albaav witk the advantage of a night's reat

Wav Ttiis at -i P M. »»rOcsTtJM and aü mientsediai«

Nicht Exrarsa Tbaib at4 P M. stoppfngat.v ly at Pier-BioniBtffen.1. Cbeeier, t^Mht«, Mitidietown, f AisvliM. Del-aware Narrowalmrgh. BfaaaMMat Deposit, Suequehaaua,Great B< ad, Bingharniuti, and staatigMS west si* BiogliamiOB.Paeseiigers ftjr BurTaio b> this train pnxeesJ to Oeueva, andteie the train arrtvmg at Buffalo saue ev:..».' Pstatte,ge'tfor Itiiaaa, Cavuga Bndg*, and towns on Cayuga LsJtaV.Bake U«> cara of ihe Cinn and s^iaoueliaj.na sW.ruadat Owego which lestv« ünoseilitUely Vrn toe arrival ofthe Erie train* Passerurera for Tioga and LyrvM&lng rouge

Bes, Pa take Um cara of 3** Contiag and Biosäourg aUlir<<t>tat Corning Starear Vars Namiwehti rg, Hancock. Deposit,Sauqaeliauia, Great B.-nd Binahamtoa, Owegu, Ws-erly,flhr ,r» roroitif. Painted Poet and HomedsTnie on arrivalof th« uaJns

TRAINS TO XEW TORE.MoBBiNb Mail Tbaim Mavee (reneva at i A M. stop-

plr f at al. tl«- stai.or.a ai d */rlv»s ib New York at f P.M.Ki*.mt Ex ratm Taaiii oarea Geneva at I PM-acd

Horriei'.avUle at J 30 P M sUippiag at all stations west ofBit« teuton, and at Or-at Ueisd, Sut^iMiisaauS. Deposit,Hat rock Ns/rowabargh. Delaw are. Otisville. Mitd>towa,Htifferns and PtaraKant arriving in Mew-York at U A.MWay Tbaih .eaveeOr.artlle at '1 A M stopptag at an the

ttttaotva and arriving In New-Tork ai It 4«AM,N» watawM BsuscH leaves Newbtirgt ajj y> .» "J*--

i V.P. M cotast-iing with the trains f^ctm*^- ,*^T*iChester at 1 i A M and a P.M or oa arrival ofUM traiiufrotaj

Fbcicbt Tbaim leave from pier ^f^***?L.ni \JJ*:FTHgh, ft,r Genera. Km^rm-mtmr and Hmff^mtidWe., taken by faSBMBB ^,r^»^t^MfJ^MlB/oaghw:tk<r8ic>My C HAJUaJM MTNOT^


ft EW-YORK & NEW-HA VEN RAIL-* * ..ad .Oa tad after *\ cinesdaj, Dec It tha tSfiow.b»g urtu«. will brava lb- CaaaJ-s*. ttaiil. nnrBr,»»dM,

.SSe%»^^^ - HITrain at 7 !3lH for New fea-baoa

Wai*arooe<l Kv«, Port Cltravter, Or**rtw<ch S-»m^ rj*>

VA at N*ii.-,ibr Alban». *ad th» StaOon« mi im UoriNM^and Naug-atotl I^roada wt take this trci and sc pal»rtd«^^-r,,ft*w?r*ft!^ W«r«*A*a. for Soacoa. PrVrr.y*nf<a ^JZ?5T^myhr*° «Pnajr«».Ki wxl Coaoectfca,Rleer HeUtrosaJa, vrU lafceitasTYaJBiBaatU KxiveaatTrSat Nsrw Havee Paaarngrr* for Cana: R*j.n»»d ahm atPi w Harra

K "*

2. Exprraa Train at . e/cfoek A M ftrr Stafford, Br»dc*>port Airanr, Mrairabmle ar.d NtMgaruck Rajirutil,, N*Vluven and the Canal Rabroad, Maddlerton, HtxfAereLStrirgfaid and Connecticut ilmr Katlruad, lmf rriiiaTProvidence, and lootort

s A.-.i-noTudanon Train at » o'clock A.N. for New.Harrn aid mttrrniediato Stacona Paaeenger* by übteTrain fi r thnCanaJ Raj! road will remain at New HavaaanolSAPM for New-Haven, Htrtfortj, and SpriagtmliKeu.rood, remala in New-Haven until If N

4 EiprT^TrainatJP A4 for Bfairtford, Bridgeport, andNaogaiuck Railroads. Wm&rtxirj, New Htvea, Hartford,bj nrgSebJ Wori-eeter and BoetuR

5. Expreas Train aiJ 14 P M ft r Sraraford an<i Norwalkand connecting w;th Houaafcinic Train at Bndetport forAlbany and NMMM

..^--^^^ - aVt^port a- Mr

r'TONB »0 NEWTORK1. Coer.maia.ior> Tram ai » I« A M froex Bridgeport, stow

fang at all the interrrieciiaie s<*üot*s2. Accxiwj»rM«darioa Train at 7 a, M for Mew lie*tea,

stopping at all lnr>w*aediata Stall,*aaI Arc>unrm«laU(>n Train at » 4" AM form "ew-Havea,

Stopping at all lnrerraedlata BtarJo**, re»-etrtrur rae^ruar»from Hartford auti New Hirer, Canal lUiiniad, and Naafaiuck Railroad.

4. Bipreaa Train at 1 10 P M (In r»anaetlea with tha Ex-prrwe Traia from. Boston) from New-Haven, «oepiag at

Bridgeport and Stamford, receiving paaaertgir* from mm

Houeavwautc Railroad at Bridgeport6. AccvruuiodacKm Traia at 4S0PM (retwiylayr i aaawa-

.era ftvs» tha AccooirrKidatlua Traia from Bot> >a andfrom the Naugatuck Railroad at Bridgeport) frwii XewHarra, stopping at all taurmedta.* HtaUo*]*

6. Expree* Train at 110 P M. (or in connection with Expreee Traiu from B.aston. 1 aUippitig at Bridgeport, N irwai»and S am, .rd, arriving lt. N-» Vorkat 11 ^ ? hi

7. Fxpreee Trata at 9 4\ P. M.IV<mi irhlgrtfeirt tae-m-ii« cium v. ith the? Ilwiea/onic Train from Alrjejiy and PtU»-6eld »loi piti«; at Norwalk and Bianiford.

Puet.-l.gera are reaiueeted to pn.-ure tl.i. -I» l-fo e tajiOe.eaU In tha Cart-

^ 107 tf 1' %¦ ¦ MABOM. ***>%.



I.EY WEST. .Tha tpteaaid fteamahlp ISABEL, l/a-Hni.a irden, rororranded by Cart Wtliutan Eoliina, will eoa

rnrnc« her rrgular trira oa Monday, Ort L and tall revalar

lyfron: Charleatoo, 8. C tor Havana on tha Itl and flAtr.aac-h month, and from Havana to Charleaun oa the that*

¦Ifrom A . »' ee»,.n aid f>i»var-.a" :.» ria *"«. I*'rrom Cbarreetoo ant*tAavanaaa to Key Wett, f.><5.

Per ptrtict^üw^tp^ » ^ ^ c^ ^ leja^e*.In Charlaeton to M C MOEBCAaVAgent, in Havana, ORARE, BROTHERB a CO.PaMenreri leaving Havana hv ftiia ahtp can raaeh lalli

more by tha Land root* tha "fth day. or, by anoetlnf thaiu»an>er Boathrrntv, raach Neyv-Tort 1» aaaajB) tmm. Tt


1«.5B. ihn Bteamlioal NORWALK will leave Harlem at a

o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. M : will leave Peckallp at

111 o'clock A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M landing- at Astoriaeach way. Para 6, eaott_mm*CH)R BRIDOEPORT->Fark 50 Ctim.r -The Steamboat ROOER WlI.LIAMS. Capt Cha*.\N eek.. will leave New-York from Pier foot of Market st.

every Tuetdty, Thursday and Saturday, at 8 o'clock A. M.

Returning, will leave the Railroad Dock, Brtdgport, every

Mondav, Wednesday snjj Kmlav morntng at 8 Cclock.Bridgeport and Railroad Frelgftt taken at tho loweel

rate* Eor Passag¦ or l*relghi apply on i.oart the boat, or01 the Agent on the Dock._Jl>im*

Central Raiircaatl of New-Jevaery

W INTER ARRANUKMFaNTS.? ? Comm. n. iny MONDAY. N .v. 4. |ftW_TUs Road

extends frotu ELIZABETHPORT S.A inline to the WltlTBHOL'BE. N. J. roducliig ihe staging between the leriulnuaof the Road and EASTON to 2r> miles.This line leaves New-York hy steamboat Red Jacket,

pier No. 1 North River, and conneeta with trains on thaNew-Jersey Railroad, which leavet Now-York from foaiof Cortland stTRAINS L'P-Leave New-York by steamboat Red Jack»

et, pier No. 1 North River, at llfA.M. freight, and at 4 P.M.passenger, and by N.J. Railroad, foot of Cortland-eL ailA M and 44 I'MTrains leave White House and following places for New»

York at follows:White House at 3, A.M.; freight at b, A.M. i Paaaangar

at U P.M.iomerville at 6 AM Freight at 7 AM | Paatenger at

It P.M.Bound Brook at 5, AM., Freight at 7 lOrn AM; Paa>

aenger at 2 25in P.M.PralnfieldatcH AM , Frelgfalat 7| A.M., Patteoger at

si r idWestfield at t.* A.M. | Freight at 7| A.M., Pattengar al

i P M.Elizabethlown, Freight at Hi A.M.; Passenger al 12, P M.EliAäbeihport at S{ A.M. | Freight at 8* A.M.; Pataeu.

ger at 1 P Bt.STA OES will be In readiness on the arrival of the 9 A.M.

train from New-York at the White House to convey pa*>sengers to Eaaton, Wllketliarre, Reihlahmu, Allnntown andMaurh Chunk, Penn. and to Flemingion, Lnoanoa. Clinton.Mil ford and Beividere, N J.N B Ail BAUOAUE al th*) risk of the owners until de¬

livered Into the actual p<>tstaston of- the Agents of Uta Cora-pany and checks or receipts given berufter. at

C'^AMDEN ANDAMBOY RAILROADJ LIN E, FROM NEW YORK TO PHILADELPHIA .One Line only will be run until further notice.leevtof NewYork, from Pier No. 1 North River, fool of Balleey plaea,dally, Bundaya excepted, by sieainU>al JOHN PlrpTER,Captain John Simpson, al 12 o'clock, for Souin Ataboy,where passengers will take the cart for Camden, tlonpiraal .lie usuaJ Intermed late placet and arriving la PUliadelpiiiaaboutS P M

rsaa.T\rst Claaa Cart. .$9,AASecond Claas Cars. 100Third Clast Care.,. 1J>4)

Dinner provided on hoard Bteambiiat John PotterPateengers for Freehold will lake lite Stage at Weaia.

Fare from New York to Freehold, «74 cents.EMIGRANT LINE.

Leavet iiv tleamer TRANSPORT, CapL j. 9oald, ath trelock, P. M. Fare tl.S0. V) lt>tv of baggage allowedeach petetenger, to ha carried at the rttk of lit owner, hutnothing will tie received or rontldered at liaggago exceptwearing anptval. ,.tfl laU BUlBV Agent.

fM ORRIS and ESSEX RAILROAIjCl»i PASSENOER TRAINS UP -Leave New-York tootof Cortland-tt 9 A M. and 9 90 PM; Leave Newark 94aA M and 4 IS P M.PassrNuxR TaaiNS Down..Leave Dover 7 A. M. mm

1 44 P M.; Morrlttown 7 U A. M. and 2 2.5 P. M Madltot)7 45 A M and 2 40 P M ; Summit « "S A M arid I P M :

Millvllle 4 15 A M. and 8 16PM: Orange 8 Jo A. M. and»36 P.M.Fbsicht TaaiNs.-Leavt Dover 3 A. M. and New-Tor*

' 'i A. M.)baN47g Hobsr Caa -Leare Oranga 7 AM. and IM>

P M ; New-York II 34i A M and 4*>P M.Paatengert by thete trains are received and dertvored

each way at North and South Orange. Milivilia, Saix*BX4LChatbaiu, Madison, Morrttlowu. Morris Plaint, Danville.Rockaway and Dover.

At Dover stage* eoansMad with Ihe A M UpMBpfirain leave for Surkatunny. Stanhope. Newton, HaCkett-town and Hope, dally, Miiford and Owego on M-mdayt,Wednetdaya and Frfdaya, and for Spart» Johntrmbtrrf,B tlrslown, Columbia, Delaware VVaterfHn.Btrwigsburgn,eoBtinulngWilhe Larkawanna Works, passing thnaigb H»r.tonvilie. Bianhupe (Pai SmiUi ttTavern, Neagle*/IJIe, CuA|..n, Duomore. Hyde Park to Providence, on Tueadaya,Thurtdtyt and Saturdays, and returning meat tha P.M.trains for New-York.At Den ville stages leave for Pow»rv1!le and Boonton oa

the arrival of the A M and P. M. traint from, tad meet Its*A. M. and P. M. traint for New-York.AI Morrlttown stage* leave on tha arrival of tha A. M.

aattetger traint for Mendham, Ch'-ster, Schooiev't Moun-taln, Wtthlngton. Beividere and Eatton, daily, and raaatthe P. M train for New-York.A.to for Bttklng Ridge on the arrival of tha P. M trata

returning next morning, connecting with thaA M. train forKaw-York rPataengert are to procure their tickets hafcrs tafclng Ihefr

seatt in Ibe can Tickett win be received omJm on the davWhen purchased. The fare* from earhsiaCoci where alrketcare told will ba Aee cert's saors whan paid in tha cart, thaatwhen paid for tickets at the several ticket ot&ea Paaeeo-ger* are to show their ticket* u> the cncidactor wfaaora»culred nlttf


aty Dec. 10, 1*60, tho pa.rngcr tralxt wU ran as followt,'Sundays "ire, .t-n

LEAVE NEW YORK, OOINO NORTH,Front the Office In Hudson at aear Cravafjeraat

At a 16 A M.-For patterorrrs to Ptrr^rtiaeepeie, ftupptaffat all the war stationsAt 12 M -for freight and pt^tengert to Povighaeepaba,

stopping »i all way staxiontAt 2 P M -F'w Paatengert ta Pouglikeep.1«, stopping

at aiitha wty mmtf _ j .,

At 4 P M.For Pasaengert to Pougfiketptle, ttopptnt;atMathauiuivii.e, fonaera Hasongs. OebW Ferry, leear-

man. Tarrytoas Btrg-Sing Orofm PeekaktlL Oarriaoa's,Cold Bprng ITshaW New Hajw*urxb and MtRoa Ferry.

At 6P. M.For paaaamgvrt to Press*kill, stopputf at afl

W'y LEAVE POUOHKEEPSIE, OOINO SOUTH.At 7 A M .Fur Jiew-York. Btontiing at Miltoa Ferry,

New-Han oergb, Lt/w Point. PumkiU. Cold Bprlng, Oar-

nmt&m, Peekakili. Croton, Mng Biat. Tarrjlovrt, Dr»tman,

Dobtis' Ferry, fooker* and MaahaiUnriüe.At s A M'- ror 'gjP'* w« Paaa|ffi .» raV»a-.Yew»,

^t^+'>VJM^or*r^ New Yark, frPinagat New-HsrelWf b, FlaLkui, Cotd AP^K^\*°f,*¦ *.»:sML Bing Bing, TarrrU/wn, Deannan, Ooonf Ferry tt,d1 A*!tP M.-For New-York, ^*»PFb»* al ail trs* ttaaatw

°" "Tleave pekkjk/ll for hxw-torbAt t a M.-BtoppiaF .* ^ W*J stattoaa oa signalPatw.ug.rt ^PmB^^,w^m""JT*,m*5*o6*erv,n;-i* rouVrwmg role* : 1st, Give parUrxiuu dlraa-

Cofit to tU u«g»r:'»-wian a here your baggage la to ha d*>livered, that he may mark it accordingly. Bud tharehy trotdii eukeaaed delays; td, pri^ure voar OcketS halfora*¦*.*>ax ska cars td, «a aot stand on dm pbatfbnaa3.ti OLiVv.R a LEE,Bvipenalailwt,

j^UR CIIARLKS'O.N. S. C.TieK tpiradid tttmmtiBn 8CM TH KHNER, CapL O. Dvkinsoo, will leave pier no 4, Norm River, on SATURDAY.Jai! I»-. all c/cierk P.M. prer'sely. sill btlx of'adior

* K"ed by ihec'erk an lioW. No bartk aeearad uil r>a4dfor sor Irwitlii app.y on board, and for paswawetoJ1S ;w SPOKMJRD, TILESTO.V 4 CO. tf Booth-sL


\KW-YORK and STATEN ISLAND.Xw .Leava W bileiiall at 9. ILL1 and 6 o clock. Laar»

Island ait, 1«, if, JaaaJ to'clock. juu
