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Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday....

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March 7, 2010 St. Mary of the Woods Faith Community March 7, 2010—Third Sunday of Lent Rev. Gregory Sakowicz, Pastor Lent, 2010
Page 1: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 1 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

St. Mary of the Woods Faith Community March 7, 2010—Third Sunday of Lent

Rev. Gregory Sakowicz, Pastor

Lent, 2010

Page 2: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 2 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

Dear People of God, Our Lenten journey now moves into the Third Sunday of Lent. How quickly these Lenten days are moving — much like our lives! Has Lent 2010 become just another 40 day period in our lives or have we made the time to take an inven-tory of our life? Lent offers a “speedbump” along the road of life to help us slow down and put Gospel values always on the main road.

Leo Tolstoy tells this delightful story in Fables and Fairytales:

There once was a king who desired to be a great and just ruler. He summoned the best minds of his king-dom to advise him. Then the king heard about an old hermit renowned for his holiness and insight. Accompanied by a small band of knights, the king made his way to the old man's cottage. As he approached the hermit's small hut, he ordered his men to remain behind. The king then put on the cloak of a commoner and walked to the hermit-age alone. The king found the hermit digging in his small garden. The king said: "I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? Who are the people I most need and whom should I pay more attention to than others? And how can I know what is the right thing to do?" The hermit listened, but said nothing; he continued his digging. The king saw that the work was taxing on the frail, old man, so the king offered to help, and the hermit handed him the shovel and the king took over the work of digging new garden beds. As he worked, the king repeated his three questions, but before the hermit could answer, they saw a man stumbling up the path to the hermitage. Blood flowed from a gash in the man's stomach. The king and the hermit caught the man just as he collapsed. They took him inside the hut and washed and treated his wound and gave him fresh water to drink. The next morning, the man woke up and immediately recognized the king changing his bandage. "Forgive me, my lord," the man said, trembling. "Forgive you"? For what?" the king asked. "I am your enemy,'' the man explained. "In an uprising against you, you killed my brother and seized our lands. I followed you here intending to kill you. But as I came to the hermitage, your men recognized me and wounded me. I managed to escape but would have bled to death had you not cared for me. I owe you my life and I am now at your service for the rest of my days." Deeply moved to be reconciled with an old enemy, the king forgave the man and promised to return his lands. The king then called for his knights to take the man back to his own castle where the man could be properly cared for. The king then asked the hermit again his three questions. The hermit said simply, "But you have answered them." "How? When?" the perplexed king asked. "Do you not see that if you had not pitied my weakness yesterday and had not dug those beds for me but had gone on your way, that man would have ambushed you and killed you? So the most important time was when you were digging in my garden; I was the most important person; and the good you did for me was the most important business. Later, when the man came to us bleeding and near death, had you not cared for him he would have died without making peace with you. The most important person was the man and your care was the most important thing you could do and the right time was when you were doing it. "Remember then that the most important time is now because the present is the only time we have control over. The most necessary person is the one in need. And the most important pursuit is to do good for them, for it is for that purpose alone that God has sent us into this life."

As we continue our Lenten journey to the Cross with the Lord,

may Lent also surprise us — NOW! Inspire us —NOW! Allow us to discover life’s real purpose and meaning — NOW!

And please, trust God and take the time to pray this Lent — NOW!

On the Lenten road with you,

Fr. Greg

Page 3: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 3 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

St. Mary of the Woods Faith Community Lenten Schedule — 2010

Prayer Services

Friday’s 7:30 PM—Church March 12………………….………..Rosary March 26th…………………………Stations of the Cross

Communal Celebration of Reconciliation

Tuesday, March 23—7:30 pm Wednesday, March 24—10:00 am.

Monday, March 29—7:30 pm

Holy Thursday—April 1st

7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

will continue until Midnight.

Good Friday—-April 2nd

3:00 pm Solemn Liturgy of the Good Friday Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.

4:00-5:00 pm and 6:30 pm—Parish Hall Family Association serves a simple meal of soup & bread.

7:30 pm— A Walk With Jesus (Church)

Holy Saturday—April 3rd

2:00 pm—Blessing of Easter Baskets 7:30 pm—Easter Vigil & First Mass of Easter

Easter Sunday Masses—April 4th

7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M. and Noon

Reforming Illinois State Government One of the issues that United Power for Action and Justice has been working on for the past two years is re-form of Illinois State Government. This is, as they say, an “uphill” battle, but there have been some signs of significant success. Members of St. Mary of the Woods are now circulating petitions to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to change how the state is redistricted (that is, how the various senate assembly dis-tricts are redrawn) after the upcoming census. The purpose of the amendment is to take the redistricting out of the hands of the politicians and put it in the hands of an independent and non-partisan citizen panel. If you are interested in helping on this project, please call any of the following SMOW parishioners:

Greg Pierce (773-590-3801), Jeff Graul (773-774-9241), Ellen Davidson (773-775-2785), Joe Rodrigues (847-673-8930), Sue McGowan (773-631-9367), Nancy Kerstein (773-792-0884),

Michael Rabbitt (773-775-0406), or Eileen Griffin (773-775-4278). If you would like additional information, ask one of the people above for a free copy of the new book Chal-lenging the Culture of Corruption: Game-Changing Reform for Illinois by Patrick M. Collins, former assistant U.S. Attorney and former chair of the Illinois Reform Commission. Social justice is about changing the system. This is an opportunity to do so. Please join us in this effort.

Page 4: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 4 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

Liturgical Bits & Bytes

May it bear fruit in the future

Have you ever taken a Gospel story and applied it to your life? This week’s Gospel (Lk 13:1-9) provides an oppor-tunity to examine our faith lives through one of Jesus’ parables. In the Gospel story, the landowner wants to cut down a tree that was not producing fruit. The gardener pleads with him, ‘Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future.” Can the fig tree be a metaphor for our faith? Without attention and cultivation our faith lives can feel dry and unpro-ductive which leaves us without joy in the present or hope for the future. These are the comments we have heard from Catholics who have returned since the Catholics Come Home ads aired on television. There may be someone in your parish that has recently returned to the church and is now attending Mass and receiv-ing the Sacraments. Welcome them to your parish and you may hear their story. The returning Catholics that contact the Office for Evangelization have told about returning to Reconciliation and renewing their commitment to prayer and reading Scripture. These activities have begun to cultivate their faith and already they are experiencing joy and hope. The newly returned Catholics may have good advice for us all: receive the Sacraments often and spend time with God through prayer and Scripture. Try these practices for a year and see how our faith life can bear much fruit.

Intercessions The final part of the Liturgy of the Word is an opportunity for the people of God to exercise their priestly function by interceding for the needs of all humanity. These are called the General Intercessions, because they are to be just that, general, for the needs of all. They are also called the “Prayers of the Faithful” because in the early Church, those who were not yet fully initiated, that is the catechumens, were not allowed to take part in them since they had not yet been baptized priest, prophet and king. The catechumens actually left before the creed. They were not allowed to remain to hear or profess the mysteries of faith until they had completed their initiation. This second “half” of the liturgy, begin-ning with the creed, was called the “Mass of the Faithful,” while the first part was called the “Mass of the Catechumens”.

Copyright © 2008 Resource Publications, Inc. All rights reserved.




Please note that the deadline for submissions for the

March 28th Palm Sunday bulletin is

Tuesday, March 16th

The deadline for

submissions for the April 4th Easter

bulletin is

Tuesday, March 23rd

St. Mary of the Woods Family Association

invites you to join us in celebrating the tradition of the

ST. JOSEPH SWEET TABLE SUNDAY, March 14, 2010 – 8:30 A.M to 1:00 P.M Gym Meeting Room St. Joseph's Day, or the Feast of St. Joseph, came about in medieval Sicily. During a bad drought and famine, Sicilians prayed to St. Joseph, who was patron of workers and the guardian of family, for help, and the famine

ended. To give thanks for ending the famine, a yearly feast -- consisting of pasta, bread, egg dishes, fish, vegetables and desserts -- is now prepared in his honor. St. Joseph's Tables, as the feast is referred to, can be found in churches, restaurants, homes, and banquet halls across the country. Any leftover food is traditionally given away or sold, with the profits donated to help the poor. When you visit a St. Joseph's table, you often receive gifts of fava beans and breads. Fava beans play an integral part of the celebration because this was the food that saved the Sicilians from starvation. The bean is said to bring good luck, and it is believed that if the St. Joseph's bread is kept in the home, the family will never starve. We welcome any donation of traditional (or non-traditional) baked goods for the table or volunteers to help serve and “clean-up”. Baked goods may be dropped off in the Gym Meeting Room between 3:30 and 5:30 on Saturday, March 13th or before all the masses on Sunday, March 14th. Please contact any of the following for further information:

Kathleen Laffey at 773-283-0039, Jack and Rosemary Goggin at 847-297-3373, Peggy Gernady at 773-763-9448 or Marcy Mahoney at 773-763-0206.

Page 5: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 5 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

SMOW Capital Campaign Update

Dear People of God.

You Spoke, We Listened! Many thanks to the parishioners (about 125) who attended the Capital Campaign Town Hall Meeting on January 20, 2010. The meeting reinforced that the members of the St. Mary of the Woods Faith Community remain committed to this project. However, many agreed that the Campaign Leadership Team needs to improve communication about the status of the Campaign. As we move forward, we pledge to keep you informed through a variety of means. A letter summarizing the information from the Town Hall Meeting was re-cently sent to all parishioners. This information may also be found on the parish website: www.smow.org. Look for the new Campaign icon to quickly and easily direct you to the Campaign section of the website.

The first weekend of each month, you will notice a Campaign Update in the Bulletin. This monthly update will include information from the Campaign Office and the Parish Facilities Planning Committee. We hope you will find these updates helpful as we move forward with the Continuing our Tradition, Ensuring our Future Campaign.

The new pastor will be announced around March 20th. Over the past few months, some of you have ex-pressed concerns about whether or not the new pastor will be supportive of the Campaign. Be assured that all pastor candidates have been made aware that we, the Faith Community of St. Mary of the Woods, expect the Campaign to go forward, and that we continue with pledge collections and building plan refinement.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the campaign office by phone: 773-763-0703, or by email: [email protected]. Please keep the Campaign in your prayers, and know that my prayers are with the entire Faith Community.

Moving forward with you, Fr. Greg

From the Parish Facilities Planning Committee

The Parish Facilities Planning Committee is currently working on: conceptual discussions with the parish architects regarding a lower cost option for the project, getting a new set budget number from the Parish Finance Committee which is needed to proceed with design

development, developing a project timeline, and cost estimates for the development of a modified project option.

From the Capital Campaign Office

Current Campaign Stats: Our pledge status remains strong. Only 12 families have discontinued or reduced their pledges. Amount Pledged to Date: $4,599,000 Amount Collected to Date: $2,926,064 Expenditures to Date: $1,559,500

Thank you for your continued support!

Page 6: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 6 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010


Every morning after the 8:00am Mass, the Rosary is prayed. Please consider joining us in this very powerful prayer for peace.


March 8, 2010 — March 14, 2010

Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

Mark Your Calendars A time to say good bye

to each of our departing priests.

Fr. Kurt will celebrate

his farewell Mass on

Saturday, May 22

at 4:30 P.M.

A reception will follow in the foyer.

Fr. Greg will celebrate his last Mass

among us as Pastor on

Sunday, June 13


A reception will follow immediately in the Gym.

Top off St. Patrick’s Day with Some Irish Cheer & Entertainment

Featuring: Traditional Irish Dinner by Harrington’s Accompanying the dinner are students from the Irish Music School of Chicago

Irish dancers from the: Foy School of Traditional Irish Dance Mullane-Healy-O’Brien Irish Dance Academy

After dinner entertainment in the SMOW Pub includes: Wildwood Rovers King Fish

Ticket price is only $45 per person. For reservations, call

Bridget Merck at 773-774-8847 or Shannon Molloy at 773-763-0394.

You can also register on-line at: www.events.org/stpats10.

It’s a great way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with friends & family...

Hope to see you there!

Page 7: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 7 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

Today’s Alms Collection is for

St. Sylvester Parish


Separate Second Collection next weekend to aid CATHOLICS IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE

Catholics in Central and Eastern Europe need your help to continue to revitalize the church and to foster the Spirit of Love in their parishes and communities. In 28 countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, the Collection funds vital pastoral and social projects and contributes to programs that promote Catholic life. Please be gener-ous in today’s collection for the church in Central and Eastern Europe. Believe in the power of the Spirit of Love.

Fr. Greg to tape Masses at Mercy Home. Last time as Pastor of SMOW!

OK — you’ve thought about going...but never had the time. This is it… MARCH 7th WILL BE THE LAST TIME THAT FR. GREG WILL BE AT MERCY HOME AS OUR PASTOR. Yes, Fr. Greg will continue to celebrate the taped masses BUT not as our very own Pastor. So how about it — give it a try and come today, March 7th, and show him our love by your presence. Mass begins at 3:00pm at Mercy Home, 1040 West Jackson Blvd. Meet at SMOW at 1:30pm or meet us there. A light lunch will be served before mass. For more information, call Amelia at 773-775-9427.

St. Sylvester Share & Care This weekend, March 6/7th, a van will be available on the Sioux side of the church to collect non-perishable food items for the St. Sylvester Food Pantry. Our friends at St. Sylvester truly appreciate your generosity. The non-perishable food is in great demand as are baby items—food, diapers, juice etc. Let’s be as generous as we can this weekend. Thank you for your kindness!

Religious Education News

We are trying to update our records to more efficiently get information to you. Would all Religious Education parents please send me an e-mail at [email protected]

Thank you! God bless,

Marcia Mahoney Pastoral Associate/DRE

Page 8: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 8 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

The 10:30AM Mass Nursery is available for children 3 years and younger. Please take advantage of this opportunity. The parents can better participate in the mass and the children can meet some new friends! Please email lisaannflanagan@gmail with any questions.

Volunteers March 7 Amy Brannigan & Diane Duffy March 14 Lisa Flanagan & Kim Swinkle March 21 Amy Brannigan & Murray Girls March 28 Summer Maso & Diane Duffy

2009 contribution records are now available by contacting

the Rectory (773-763-0206) during office hours —

9:00am to 4:00pm. M-F


If you haven’t picked up your new directory, the new 2010 SMOW phone directory can be picked up at the rectory. One copy is complimentary to each parish family and extras can be purchased for $5/directory. Enjoy the updates and do all you can to support the advertisers who made this publication possible.

Bus Tour of Our Lady of Sorrows Basilica & National Shrine and Garfield Conservatory Sponsored by SMOW Fine Arts Council Sunday, March 21 The excursion includes a guided tour of Our Lady of Sorrows, a visit to Garfield Park Conservatory, round trip motor coach transportation from SMOW and dinner at the Pegasus Restaurant & Taverna in Greek Town. Tickets are $55.00 per person (non re-fundable) and will be sold after all the Masses this weekend. The bus will board at 11:30A.M. on Hiawatha Ave. by Mendota and depart at 11:45 A.M. We will return to SMOW at approximately 6:30 P.M. For more information, please contact Mary Anne Eichhorn at 773-763-0206.

The Burning Bush and the Call of Moses Today we hear the call of Moses to lead his people from op-pression to freedom. God promises to be with them as they journey to a new life. Our participation in Catholic Relief Services’ Operation Rice Bowl unites us in prayer, fasting, and giv-ing with the millions of people throughout the world who are oppressed by poverty, injustice, war, disease, and lack of educa-tion and other opportunities.

IPS @ Loyola University Chicago: Exploring Ministry Opportunities

The Institute of Pastoral Studies (IPS) at Loyola University Chicago educates adults for professional ministry. IPS prepares people for spiritual leadership in church, society and the professions through six masters and numerous advanced graduate certificate programs. IPS offers trans-formative education for adult learners preparing for careers in pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, social justice, community development, religious education and pastoral ministry. Students can pursue classes on-site at our Water Tower campus and/or take classes online. IPS is conducting an open house on Saturday morning, April 17th from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Kas-beer Hall (15th Floor), 25 E. Pearson please join us! To register for the open house, please visit us at: www.luc.edu/ips/visitus.shtml. For more information about IPS, kindly contact Ryan Hoffmann, IPS Enrollment Advisor, at 312-915-7484 or via email at rhoffm4@ luc.edu.

Page 9: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 9 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

Come & discuss the novel The Shack with Father Kurt

A few weeks back, a handful of parishioners invited me to read the critically acclaimed novel The Shack by Wm. Paul Young. They also said, if I was touched by the story, they would like to have a discussion with me about it. To that end, I would like to invite anyone interested in doing so, to join me for a discussion on The Shack, Tuesday, March 9th, at 7:30 pm at Jubilee House. I would ask that you read this challenging and inspiring story be-fore that night. The book is available at any local book-store. The Shack has sold over 7 million copies and has been #1 on the New York Times Bestseller’s List. Some comments from those who have already read this story: “This book will change the way you think about God for-ever.” “Brilliant! One of the most faith-enhancing books I have ever read.” “I can’t remember the last time a book, let alone a work of fiction, had this much of a healing im-pact on my life.” All are welcome on Tuesday, March 9th at 7:30 pm at Jubilee House to join in the discussion. Peace, Father Kurt.

Friday evening, March 12th through Saturday evening, March 13th St. Mary of the Lake Seminary Mundelein, Illinois For Adults of All Ages

Cost: $150.00 per person $225.00 per couple Requests for registration infor-mation, contact the Retreat team at [email protected] Or call 847-720-4130

Respect Life Committee Respect Life Reflection

The Second Vatican Council reminded the entire Church that we are to be a leaven for the world's transformation. ... Recently, we have tried to be such a leaven in the debate about health care. It is not for us to speak to particular means of delivering health care; it is our responsibility, however, to insist, as a moral voice concerned with human solidarity, that everyone should be cared for and that no one should be deliberately killed. Cardinal Francis George, Presidential Address to General Meeting of U.S. bishops, Nov. 16, 2009; USCCB Word of Life.

Crisis Pregnancy Hotline —


Post Abortion Healing — 888-456-HOPE (4673)

Page 10: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 10 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

Please note date change to March 15th


Regina Dominican Honor Roll

A Honors: Emily McDermott Angeline Modesti Colleen Morris Emily Sullivan Megan Szmyd Kara Tomaszewski

B Honors: Erica Acosta Heather Bucher Moira Doman Jennifer Fox Christine Frick Eileen Jodlowski Annemarie Lading Ann Maher Madeline Maros Fiona McDarrah Allison Mossell Erin Shelley Sidonia Swarm Meghan Tomaszewski Gianna Funkhouser

Page 11: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 11 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

Monday, March 8 6:30——Special Intention — Joanne Blachut 8:00——Patrick Durkin Tuesday, March 9 6:30——Special Intention — Joanne Blachut 8:00——Christopher Pucinski Wednesday, March 10 6:30——Special Intention — Joanne Blachut 8:00——Ted Kamienski/Mary Jane Habeck Thursday, March 11 6:30——Special Intention — Joanne Blachut 8:00——Marie Brunetti/Elaine Haysted Friday, March 12 6:30——A. V. Furman/Jack & Luke Kaspar 8:30——Joseph Cid & William Laske Saturday, March 13 8:00——Marion Pabisinski Jack & Luke Kaspar

6:30 am 3/8———C. Dreher 3/9———W. Dunderdale 3/10———H. Hartman 3/11———A. Hoyne 3/12———T. Imburgia 8:00 am 3/8,9———S. Stachula, J. Stachula 3/10,11——K. Stapleton, K. Allen 3/12,13——J. Benandi, A. Byrne

SACRISTANS TEAM #1 March 13, 2010 Julie Albaugh Amelia Faxel Peggy Gernady Lorraine Klinkenberg Richard Klinkenberg Gloria Moran Kathy Pascente Patty Stapleton Chuck Ulie


Helen Talaga, Grandmother of John Talaga and Great Grandmother of John, Rose, Eleanor & Margaret; Audre Mullen, Mother of Jim and Grandmother of Maggie; Sophie Maderak, Aunt of Mary Anne Eichhorn; All victims of the earthquake in Chile.

“Amazing! You hang something in

your closet for awhile and it

shrinks two sizes!”

Page 12: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 12 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

A. Connolly M. Richter J. Osborne C. Dreher T. Dreher D. Gernady K. Forde W. Dunderdale T. Starcevic K. Allen K. Forde A. Bartolomei R. Coolidge E. Polick

J. Bransfield M. Rabbitt P. Drott L. Owens S. Grandinetti J. Hedstrom V. Park J. Blake R. Konow F. Wagner

4:30 p.m. Fr. Maher Homilist: Fr. Maher 7:30 a.m. Fr. Headley Homilist: Fr. Headley 9:00 a.m. Fr. Maher Homilist : Fr. Maher 10:30 a.m. Fr. Sakowicz Homilist: Fr. Mahon Noon Fr. Boras Homilist: Fr. Headley

John Blicharz/ Bill & Mill Murphy/ Frank Murphy/ Nicolo & Vita Maniscalo/ Russell Scimeca & Family/ Dr. Bruce P. Zummo/ Antoinette Mondeika Thomas Calt/ Murphy & Reddy Family Katherine O’Connor/ Fran & Dan Lynch/ Ruth O’Connell Irene Pasek/ Michael Duff/ Silvano Giusti Andrew Krylow/ Anne Hack/ Steven Domeny

P. Adams B. Alleman T. Connolly C. Devyor* T. Devyor* B. Foley M. Killackey P. Lowe D. Welch M. Mahoney J. Maurice F. Merck J. Merck E. Molloy R. Naegele J. O’Malley* M. O’Malley* J. Penzel J. Gabagat B. Kudlinski A. Loomis B. McCormack* P. McHugh* J. Montalvo T. Moran J. Reichart P. Reichart D. Allen* K. Bellinaso E. Estrada P. Hild V. Hoover B. Merck S. Mesa* R. Mundt D. Stapleton B. Blank E. Bourke B. Brunetti M. King C. Kolak K. Sain* S. Sain* M. Sandell B. Weber

Eucharist Ministers

SATURDAY & SUNDAY, March 13 & 14, 2010 Mass Mass Time Presider Intentions Servers Lectors

PLEASE NOTE Submissions for the Parish Bulletin must be delivered to the rectory or e-mailed to [email protected]

no later than Thursday, at 4:00 p.m. of the week before publication. (Ten days prior to the weekly publication date.)

Call Bill Mages at the rectory with questions (773-763-0206), or e-mail him at [email protected]. Thank you!

Page 13: Lent, 2010 - smow.org · Holy Thursday—April 1st 7:30 pm.—Solemn Liturgy of Holy Thursday. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until Midnight. Good Friday—-April

Page 13 Third Sunday of Lent March 7, 2010

BAPTISM PREPARATION PROGRAM The St. Mary of the Woods Baptism Preparation Program is for all parents who wish to have their children baptized. The program consists of one evening meeting with a leader couple and Fr. Kurt. The meeting takes place at 7:15pm.

The dates through April of 2010 are as follows: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Tuesday, April 13, 2010 Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If you are expecting a child or already have a new addition to your family and have NOT been through the preparation program, please call Bill Mages at home—773-763-7133, or at the Rectory—773-763-0206, in order to sign up for one of the meetings. Please remember that you need to attend a meeting be-fore we can schedule a date for a baptism.

God bless you!
