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letotri) to IKtator^ ' -imlr imnt fitfdU i gg · 'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn...

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letotri)toIKtator^ YOL, XVII, ' -imlr i m n t fitfdUi "gg J2, Hightstown Iron Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. h i ! [IB sitbwriimr wntlniie" to miiimrartm-e. at the i. uldstuud, all sorts uf IKON- UAhflNUS ©HlAI? FOB Mill Work, iinil'*otlicrMin;lilnory, such as Horse 'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn Slu-'llens, tartie A VaugUn'" .Straw Ciililrra, mfiilu to urikr ut I If hliqi t Iliitlto. CastlugB. Nenrlyall tho ailTofcnt kinds of Plows in general IISO, will aim Uo found ut hii< cutalilkliiiieut, inclu- ding the'celebrated Dents' .Plow. Also, Sleigh anil Bli'il HlincB, Wagon DIUGISUI Ac, is. • . lliiving umdB'u »et of jmttums for Hie right ana loft 'IMPROVED CIDlEtt SCREWS, *lie in iirdjiufeil tu furnish tiio Mime to liny who miiy have uw lor the. article, ut Sew YorR luii-ivf. frprf Turning and Fitting, Jttrolt Suwijlgi .$£. stone at Hliort notice, MACIIINEItY KEI'AlnEn on rfnsmmUc tornw. The aijliButiUiir belit/vhijj that lliu niily trm- jiluii tiC cqndu'Gliiig biisiiiOjsB in on thu (Jnsli principli', will hureafkr require thu eas-h or itn ttniiviJeiit lur "" W " tkW * 4 ' SEUIKO SIIANCJLE. .Aprilin, isni. tr. New Establishment, BOOTS AND SHOES. m l l M SUBSClilTiKR lIAViX(! TAKMN X Uio Hhn|i vecsiitly i-miO!!!_-tG!l liy ihJIOs- limn, wimld Nil'irm llio jiiilillc Hint- lie inmlil ho ploiuujtl to rojciva a lil.crtii shurq cirilieir piilrun- iiisi 1 -" iiriimlHllig tu Hivq eiitirn liiitidfiH-.tlnii na tu lit. prliip. iiniLwoMcniiiimlilu, _A_11 iiriTijjaj lur Itn'ita »r Kh.ii!", "iir in-tliu JlKl'XiUlNU llmj, wijrmiiiii wllli prompt iiltenUuii, Give, mo a vail. ISfmemliCTtho pUitc—iiiMurrl-iiii Ktrrat, one ilon'r tiliuvu Utfbiini's lintel, AARON H'.KVO. I-IlghUmvniM.II'i'h 22,lRBl.-:im. lUtll, SELECT SClinqlJ FOl^ liUYfi AND t) til W La opcni-d-lii tin Ijt.'ntiriy lliiui.u ill 2 lite oriiin Clmruh of tlii« rillngii, quarter of U wucku will yiiyiiiicnco April " ' TBBMM. Aneicrat J,nnsU!>KM 8M pur qr. of 11 wooka, Knj*ii(ih tinuiijiiua Si) " " 8 " Fretieh Studiua 8-'S -. >._exiiLA ,„„. ,." ..... LiingBiigo S-' l«f '|r. of II wed.-!. LiispeiiijuiirTlimm Uciit.uml iliMMifFuniitnr to "bo cqiiiilly diviiltil iiinmig the pupils, Thu Diitriiiiii"]! <il' I hi' piililiu I'l'Slii'iilfiilly HMli.'ili'il -' '- Uil/Mn.liH A, WALTKISS, A. M. Jli^lltalnwn, Mnr. II, Itiiiil.t . HAUDIVARH IMPOEIUM. ^ ^^E SIJIISCUIISKU has n.instnntly ntl hnnrl . "a good"variuly uf IIAIIUWAIIH IIMII FL'UNf Tl'RE. whieh lio i»-remly to ili?pn«» "f at IIIIMIU- riitq prlnos, with rnimunublt! priid'. Ho win i;iv« iliuMMliilllnrif iWgrcut.lilLrKililia.fiir tllu Inoiii!^ ujt, pulidi-d, n-T uuii liu lioiiglil-i'iiliisr Huw \urli, ; i'liiliillulpliiiirof-aii.V inturmuaiiito tuwu, A gouil lisiiurtniiniL u( cps aiHl nycUaiHCS's llai-slwarc luSGnOVKLH, 1IE, OlN!5, UAKKH, nil,! II Kim^ lADLE prli-y !!^'(sr?(iiiM to VjiiiiNfy. Having.been Intij; In lnninmui,. anil h:nl m u c h ..X-- puriuiieu, IMJ 1II>]IIJ by niiii«nltiiif( llni wiini" "i ,lii« ^.ustoinerH nnil strict' iitttMitiini to (heir yitlls, to merit liu-mifiiiu-iin:u of pulilli: JIMtrini:if((!. ["£>• r.irlii:uliir iittiMiCi.iIi piiia tu 1'Ail LOU anil i"lNITUUK " 1IOEH, it of KnuiiHirii Inxiuii/S. CT CUTLKKV. vurjiiig I" C9KS0l,lnATro» OP ^ VJIlnKf! llnoiil mill IIij(Ii!>fa»'u Einliioi, fs publUhoil every I^ritliLy, nt Hightstown, Moruor Uouiity, N. j., hy STULTB & .NORTON, EdHora am! Proprietors! -ryi.ai) per annum, payable In ndvnnce; for eluba of als iub'SorlborB and oier, SI,00 oiwh. i TERM8 01" ADVERTISING. rnymont for nil ndvertlspmonft duo on tiio fir«t lusqrtion, at the following rates : For every pnuare (fmirtGiiHi llrieji), for thu first, insertion, JfHTY OKNTS, nn,( TWKNTy.j?l VI! ObNTH fur eyery sub»iii|iie!it IiiiiijrtloH, DiKplliy HiiL'e, Cuts, Blank lilies, &e,( to liu ehurged fur in the sinno jiroporlioti nuijurdiyg to tho apiwu euiiu- piod, _" .. :.;_"^,. ""-' ... _...'_J^. .._.. - Lejnl •ndvertiloriiDHti at tiio rules allowed hy Inw. A liberal reijiielion will bo ninde to ttiogo who ailvertise to tiio uxtunt of lutlf ii uolunin, or iuf>rt', nnil to thiiBn who uilvurtiNQ by tiie voiir All mlviirtisunienlii llut innrkad'on the onpy (ho iiiiiuber nf iuHertions rei|uirud, wYU be publigliL'il until ordered out, iltiil chiirgeil iieiinfdiiigly. All trnnsiont ndvui'tlmmiiuta toBuimre publiim- tlun in this pnper, m«M In* pan! /hr-h? liitrfiHn*. HOMEOPATHIC ' PIIYSEflAW Ai SliU«5EOiy. In ITInlrt Sii-eci, iHlovo IVnril- ]tofp;S HinliiBtoiTn, July SO, IBM, —{ , SAID. llill niet'liilr Suslo ia tiio liilio— A wink^ "Or bllnfc;' I think ^ho ffliflced agnhi \ . lie put bis arm nrouBd her waiiit— A pout! Nodiiubt, Put out At Hudi good tnuto. Ilor llUlo hnnd nmigbt hiui sv quiuk -= A HOratyh I He'll vuiteli lli« oiM,;h And litHtj tbo triuk,^ Then wilb bs-r hand Auull'l ough Aivl ^liow Bho iald i d b I won't," tUen held to al\\[A liisn! All! thiii wt l Paid uvory 111—p.'i'nl Hill ! A FRENCH WILL STORY. "Js-sho .dond, than ?", gentleman in a brown oout aud short W OULD respectfully aiinnniice thnt hn.lin-i per- iiiiHicnlty ru«unreil iliu piiuijtiBn of his profes- sion lit lliifhtslnw!!, Ki^iileiu^ In HhiiHUuii struei, 2 dmii-s buiuw Furmfin, formerly uusupiuj by 'Win, A, Rnwne,, Ki»|. Mnruh.'ll, IK.IO.—t , IJr. J. E, TT^AS reTHoved hi* reHblennr, to bin furiu on Ibe JL t 'roiid luailinj; froni IM^btflinvn In [i(iliiy«tuwn, ivlii're hn will eoullnue tlio priiytiey of hi* prof- ypuOn. - ; - - i y.-Urili-r< fur bia profusionn! ffirviff left lit the uilliie of IJr, A, DAWKS will rueeivu pi'innpt at- tuliiion, , • lliglitjtnwn, April l!l, Isfil, 1'IIV.Ntl'IAlV AiVI> Ml'KCiliWIV, H A VI Nil LOCATKD IN TIIR HOWHK Fn ini-rly oeeiipli'd by Dr= .li'Miipou, in Ht"itk ' Hlrent, otler^ bi^ priife^slon:il services tu the H! ens i>f lligbtstiiwii ilhd vicinity, niivBHf Mi»« .11. IiOUia,!-; IMIITC't TEAC'IIKU OF TflE iPJAiJt) AND MlltUl? » , A. EJ A^KS, SLK'.'W.'.NJ'B.MTInT, * J M i AXi;i.jVCT_l;.lUiU- '.' _L\VQRRt:pTlBLE CiiJM TKET11. . H.tt.F01UIAN, Oppn«!iu Ilia uhl Uiiplial Cliuruh TTightatown, Mny lii'IBaa IK UI«1ITSTOWW. Tho siilwrrilier lins opi>niMl 11 'Wiiir~i':']ier, Iliifflf nml Htiitinni'rv Slure miis dimr Iwluiv J.'I'. Iliili-lim- ": ; i , , * : = ! .LJ J 1_" .__ M \ = i —. 1 i : ^ll^.j I- y UJ (l •Briii*ii-Htnw, in-.MTTiTrWtrrctr where all lsin 1< nf—«irll- l'iiperranbe hiiil ishcipur limn ever, I f i^nnul m-• toiition jilviii'as lieret..for(i to t'a|ior Him 'ng- BO0KS AND STATIONARY, (if all kinds on blind, riihsMliiff of IJIlilis, Ilymn Huiiii.4, ii eompb'lii H«Holtliiu[it of Srliool Bonk*. aiJii lleligious, MiMdilliUieniiB, and .hivi nil" Ilimka, link'- HLi'ii-tible anil iiiiiuarablu I'limer, Tiny i,iliRii'iej, IJIiinii Mid jliiy Kniiks'. lil'ceipt, I'liMi, Memnmndilln, iUML eony Hmikj—iiiiihullnij I'ottur k Uaimnonil'K "hiiVelujieH" of m\7WM, lill'ltlnilS of Writing iiIicT Wrapiiiiig Pa|icf ; Hliit'-H, Ink and lliluitiHnlar il viu riuty (if Pens, renoHii, Ujiijurw, Sis, ; aucl^iivei-j'tlilng •In tin, jititimy i . l m i : y —__— ull and eee my Btouk befoio piirdi'lntlg-elnewlirre, azftsinusuud papera bound iti Kond Ktylc, unihoii i r a i lirl lirFl C Maz wlirFeeslve prompt uttentioQ. 1 o IIlght«towii,Apnl in.'in. tf. JOtIN WOOLLEY. f Watoh 3 OloTDkj pd Jewelry. ESTABLISHMENT, Blalnit,, Opposite tbo DaptisI t'liurcli, ni«SIITST€»WlV, W. J. A OOOn ASBOltTMEST of WATCHES CLOCKS ami JEWEL BY constantly "iv hnnd, sitnli ns flolil nml Hil. Tor WnteheH, (Jolil And' Ssil= vor Gunril Ohilinfl, (Jolil find ._. . ntllcma, DroiHt Pins of overy variety, JSiir nnd Finger Rtnei of rtlfforeitt pfttloriil, Silver nnd flqrmnii 8 i t a r lea noil Tiihlo Spooni, Quin nml tlnn fixtures. Poskot nnd Pen Knivoa, SeUaors, Kneedles, ,ie,, nlM-ii large viirio- ty of Bilootnolai, also Violins anil Strings, SorowB nnd Bridges, nnd WMTAntoil to glTO intisfnotiuii, Jllghtstown, Apl. IB, 1801,—ly .-. ^/^OHiUilPTION haifloitjoyqiimottof the humi KJ »n fiuoilj Vhsa vay other dlaejiic, aijd tho best, phyiieiaai,for-fflany JSBLYB hAve ^eipftired of i urn. lahlng a euro or romoily thnt would heal tho lunp; joKBBSfs than 200 yoirt the whsls medieal world h u bean oonvinood (hotihBre n jOTSteroooi pow- , fltand elBoiuiy in th« Pino -Troo Tarta honl tbo Lang^ ^QFofortt, thej h&?3 feesmaesdod the v£o of t»r water, whioh in many SMea hud s good cfi*eet, bat how to oomMno its msdioal properties ion« to bool tho Lungs hu oynr bean a. myotory, until it was iligeovored by l, Q'. 0, Wlihart, the nroprietor of WlrtMJl'tElBi.lSiB.Tftt Cordial, anil has boon pot ia bottleo patented by tho D. S, aovornmon t. Ws isy tflthotiiiit.it olMsns tho Mood of itrnsulmparit. ioB, tonohomvory n t r n , and restoroi iho.wholo •y»- temthltB'and vigor. .Mk^-lutMMan-aH»d in jit tho oonoter of tbo " 'Jmielphia.forono tiitf wondrou d T Ol wonld it ,Thb, «(mrf tho S' f tr2 li-r'i-Minn-, Hiiliiiiiou on Mill li Struyl, up- pi.- r i"f,- Iliu Knivi-iwili.it (JliiireW. X. H.--Tl!e ni-w I'iiiiiit Utini l];i=in, fin vnliiiii'li' fi.r ila li^liliii^, i-i.inl'iii,.null iilraiifinusi', Is iilm :ij.pn,M-.----Aii ('xsiminniiMi H isiviliMl, ~iU)$lil.<lmvn. .Juno !", IM7,—1-1§ _jOSEI»Si J. ATTOnNf Y AT LAW a SOLlClTpB IN CHANCERY, AND dONVKl'ANCEK, :ipOITine nvcr the " IIi;>litsluwn llnitctU;" Office, April HI, I.HiJi. t mii/,11: . .' ,, liy AT f.AW AND ffOLlVlTall IN OIIAXtiKKi',- , » i, ar. jr. Ilighls'town, *Bno VI, Vat.~l.li'.. INUUANUEJIV, niglltsto WII, W, J. IZf Ofllen ovar.T. T, Ilillrhlnsbn'fl Htrirn. N. H. rurlieuliir ilttentijin pnij tu uolleulinu. wn, .June 2P, 1330,—} Butaher & Johnston, IN POitK, JiEEF, POULTRY, EtifK l'liUITH, POTATUISH, AND MAliKET PitUDUUli UENKHALLY; i«O Sc IS'r Wr-st WnK!iin K Ian ITInlltel, W..-1T- O, P, JOIIXPIT'IN, Nuw Tonpt, THOMAS liUTCHEli, l'niJiiiloi,l>,S. J/ April 10, Ifltil. tf. Mount •& Jimeso% WIinLKSAtK COJtJUSSION DEALIillS IN ALL KINDS OP OpDNTUY f liODDOK, «13 «s aiJ Wesi Wnnliliigtaii nnrliei, 1V..1". TS liq'W,--- • -•; ^ Jhitwoen Ve.'iey Ufid FultsniltreetJ. af.anau w, piBt.niirt. Asu.tu c, JIUUN'T, '• JOSEPH n, JIMBSOS, . %jtf*All eri/m. rjcfeivcil will he pinitliiiilfii at- ttlttlfd la. [ juaotf. GET YOUR PE.OPEETY A PPLY PERSONALLY OR BY LETTER TO the Bubieriber, atNo, 11, Btockton Ht,, Ilighti- tuwn, 1S11AML P13AUUIC. I f M n i TiTnrii ili 'il i Compiinioi AQKNT pott TUB i A M OF WHcox &-Sibfts s fiewingrSIachine, CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE MAKKET, MAY II SKN AT HIS RISIDiNDE, EerosenB Oil! In bringing tho abovo nrtiels before the J jjoblio, IlttTponly to lay, that I will furn. ft 3 Lih tho boiturticla/or tholaistmonoy. « 9 All OiUtastodboforo tioy Una tiio Store. Itoturn all thnt da sot profs intiifMta(7, -P _; A, B, SfONEBBBOIB, e> Hlghlstown, Dgo. 13, Ia60 ; =3tt^o{ - N lyPAINTS ABD OILS of owry dD»rtp. ? tion may be foaod »t my oiUliliihmant, ; Lamps, Shades, WicKs, &c PRINTS t / \ A A TAnDB OF THE BBS! MABBJIR, m\J\jKf srtofi,' M 8 eta, mt yard—formm """ '••;'.'.-«£ have « And her will ?" 11 Is going to be'opened hcra inuundi- atoly by liar solicitor." "Shall wefinherit.anything " It must bo supppseij so olilllllS," " Who is this inisoriibly dressuj persnti- sigo who intrudes herself bora 1" " ' Oh, ihe," roplind tho little man, siioeringly, " Slip wou't Imvo nnioii in the will ; sho in siatar to thu dnoorisdil;" "lYFatT'lliat Alinl;,~"wlid "woVldeil' i" 1S12, a man of nothing-—an 'oflkor 7" " l'rooisuly in," • • - " Hho nUiHt liiivo no smtill aiiiciurit •s,Mfiiliiiio^y.ouE.,jirc jioh, and Antio hna no'tiiing,., Could you not lunvo this and (hko tlio^book of prayers winch the euui'ntridity at tho dcoonsud h;is jihided on a pfir KJtli tho other lot.-'" " Yoii' iiiuat bn jnkinji^J^k Pubou cxeluiluod Mailiuiia da Villubujlii; " you most ronlly bo duTl not to HOO ihio inicn- tioii of Bister Egrio in all ihiji. Our lioiinitq 1 cousin forosaw full wull I thilt jior book wuulii full to tho lot of Airqc, wbo lind tliVTlaqt. ehuioo." " And 1 whiit do yoii oomlu Ju froti inqnirod tho notary, " I eniioludu^thiit sho intended ta inti- mate to her sister thnt ri-p<<iit:inool aiul priiyor wore tho only lioli. tliiit nho hud •iiojt to fixpoqt in this wu;-|il," _. As MIIQ Hnirthod thoMo words, JFrttiiitiift du MlUrboys uiado a doiinitc sulooiiiin (if tha rqady iiinin-y for her slisiro. 31, \utry, ns iu:iy arisily bo iniaL'inoil,. pplunt- eil tho ohatami; furniture and JOWUIN, as his lot. " .Monsieur Vutry,". said M, Duliois to that gentlemen, " even suppose it hail broii tlm intention of tlm di-qmisod to piintsh her aistnr. it wikilil, bo nnblo'on your piu't, millioniiro as you arc, to givo nt least a portion of your share to Anne, who is in want of it," '• Thanfia for your kind ailvioo, dear sir," roplicid Vutry, " the matiM'OTl U situntcd on tho vory eniilines ot my woods, iind suits aduiiiTibly, all 1 tho more «o that it is ready furnished. As to tlm jewels nf sister Kgrio, they aro riiimniseonoos whioli one never ought to part with," " Since it is so," said the notary, " my poor Miidamn Anno, liord is tlio prayer book, whioli remains to you," —K\ l Ti i ntB""a r rttJIidod liy lier son, a Iian«l. Rnn)o boy with blue oyos,'took hor sktrr'a fihl prayer book, and making hor son kiss it after her; said : •.. " lloetor, Js-iaa this Look wliinh belonged to your poor aunt, who k ' doftd, But who woutd liavo, lovod you well, had she known you, , Wiioii you huve leiiruod to read,, you will j>ray to lieavnn to tiiako A great nianj." people, principally stay. a(-!inini.'ii, fiilk very s-ivnjjnly und 'patrioti- cally about banging every rebel who is taken in ..the;, war, iind thus' indirectly nssail the wise pulii-y. wliicli has Ho fur uontrulled thu G'-'Vcriimrjii in Iho manage- iiiiint of pri.«iincrs. Tliorc are two Bides Uklhia ijUListitm, iuid it is iho duly of tho Oqvcirninnnt to adopt that whieh, under all eireumflt.inec'Hs Htenis be«t. The power to hang a rebel, upon proper trial, is undoubted ; bill, on flio other hand, rxCremu suvnriiy to polilioa! prisoHcrs Ima eijnsed to bo reijiirdcd with favor by tho rivilisti'd woiild, -I4ii« 1 [ind,—ttmt—oren- l When tho Yankees sol! and toll him of j J' a respoetiiblo family," " Tlio morn so, as sister Kgrie, nohla birth, had nover foryiveB hor Anno moved at this fhno aoroi? the room in which thu family, .of .the doooasod were assombled, Hliu, was pale ; l,or oy.-a wni'B filled with tears, and .her fuoo was furrowed by care »[itli.^ryuujjioui wrin- kles. ."--"-•• ", . •• . . . " What-tlid j-pn come-htM for ?" aRkod Miidiiinfi do Villeboy*, with great liaujhli- bf h d b i who y g nent befuro had b ten:ogutiug tho liltlo uiftn -who inliorittid with her. " Mailnnio,*' the poor.I-I'ly reptioil,wit!i liuiiiilify, " I dq nrit, gome liora to claim a part of wliiit does not bcb>ng J to mo ; I came sohily to ses 31. Dubtiisg, my sister's suliiMtor, to ini|uiro if s!ic spuko of mo at her last hour," •JutT you tliltik people ouay aii j "_arrogiiiitlv Vlllb ~ S'nii wise and good as your father was, nnd mppTerrtTrfrrrynUTTmftiTtrjirato uiolhor," Tlio ey,t's of thoHo who were iirosen't ;wera flllud^ willi tuars, Dgtwith.-ftnuding their olForta to proservo an nppr>:ir,int:o lit iiulilTuronoe, Thy oliild euihrtteod tlio old bfiuk with boyijih fervor, and opening it afterward-— " Oil, iiiaiiiiiia," ho r esuliim.:!!, " what pretty pioturfls!" " Indued," said flio ino.llj.cr, happy in tlio plnduuSii uf hei',.,biiy. . v '" Yos, Tlio goo.l virgin.in S red drcs,«, holding thi> infntit .Tusua in hor anna.-n- _TJut why, niiiiniiiri, lias silk pnjirr been put npfiii th'O piotnres V " .Si) that iliuy might not be iiijurod, my 'lour," she replied-; "But, iiidmniii, why arn there ten pnpers to euuli engraving'.'" Tin; mother lonlfinl, and nllcriiig n sinlili'ii shviel", aim fell intn tin; arms (if 51, Diibois,. tho notary, who, addressini; tilUHO . - - serTod Madiirno do Vllloboyg ; «e t-lie" disnraen of a gfoat houao^—•you, who wed. dod a man, of Dothing,' a aoldicr of liutia- psn-To mir-aiHmu i»li child of tho poople, vas ,i bravo Hoiiiier, and, what is bettor, an .honest man,"- obsdrvoii Anne, i ',. •_. -.. < •At this moment a venerable parsonage, tho notiiry Uiibois,' nmdn his appnaranon', " Uoftso," ho said, « to roproaeh Aniio with a union, whioli bar sistor has forgiven hmv""Annc~hi'vi!d"a' gonorotr«,~"brav"o"i(nd -gbpd-inanr-wbo had^no other crime to, u~- proaoh himself with than the ohseurWy of his nuiiiu. X^lovt'rlLolJss,-liild ho ljytrt). y him—T, his old friond—Anno would now bo happy and_.respected." . • .• " ]jut why is this woiiiati boroi" said the notjiry gravely. I mysolf requost- cd her to bo hero," M, IJubois thon proooodgd to open the will, , -, .' " I being sound in mind and heart, Kgrio do Demfremog, rotiroil as a boarder in tha Convent of the Sister!! of the SaerOil Heart of Joaua, diatato tho following wishes 'as tho oxprostion of my formal desire and my principal clause of iny testament. " 't After my dcoeaso tlicro will bo'found Ivt® hugdrod 'thousand fiaut^ m uiuueyltT my notary's, beside jewelry, clothes and fuitiituro, aa also a obciteiiu Wfrth two huadeed thousand franog, ," In tho epnvent whoro I had boon ro- will bo found my booJtj Ihurcs g, n iioly yolumn wliidh as it was when I topk it w.itii me at "the. time of tho emigration, I desiro that thoso throo objooti bo divided into throu lot* " , ',' Tho first lot, tho two hundred n'nd franoi in monoy, •"« Tho second lot, tho Bbaleau, t-tue^and- jewels. " Tho third and lost lot, my Hcurcs dc la Vitrge, ' " « I haTo pardoned my aiiter Anno tho ^rief shohni oouie fur'ni- book. as, MLO. I would liavo d bar BOrrowihndTliriownioonor bor return to It'raneo, ' i.ooniproniiiod hor in,my will. ' . " Madamo do 'Filloboys, my muoh bo- hall havo.i.hft fipsf. ^hnjnn. " M. Vatry; py brothor.in-law, shall bavo tho iflcrind ohoioo. " Anoe wilrtttko tho remaining lot," ' « Ah, ab J" said. Vatry, «• sistor Egrfe was a very good ond j'thiFii rftlhor olovor on hor part,"'" " Anno will then only bavo tho praysr book," exclaimed Madame do- Villobbys, Iangbja^Bloud. ThBTrotttry interruptod her joonlarity,* «*.Madami,"'aaid He, " which of theft lbt/idojoaofaooMf" .* , ' " The two hundred thousand franes in y faff yen made op yonr niad 1" " Pftfttetly 10," •' • • " - ' - 11 Tho man of the law, addrenlng bim [jlVWL'Ilt-, " LOMO lier nluiip, it won't bo rriuoli -. peopla don't.die of thrsn shooVs, As for yoi, littlo cilia," addresHing llectiir, " givo mo that book : you .will tear, tlm engravings," »• __Xlio^inhorit-flrs withdrewj making vari- ous eonjeotiiros as to thn oauso of Annu's stidden illnes'i, ruid tlio interest tho iv&v. ,ry took in her, A month nfterward.thoy tnot Anno and her son oxeendiiigly well birtn^t ostravagantly dressedv taking an airing in a barouolio. This lod them to umlto inquiries, and thoy learned that An- no hadTooSntly pureliasiod a hotblfor 180- .000 francs, and that sho_was-,giving-a first rate cdudntion to her son. Tho tiuws -li-ho-n tiiuudurbult'uftoirTTiPiii, 'Ala- jyUoboysJ:and:M,. Vairy. hastened So call upon the notary for explanations. M, Pubois was working at his desk,, . "Perhaps wo arn disturbing you",* 1 naid thn arrogant old lady, "No matter,.I was just in llio act of sottling a purchasein thp state funds for Madame Anno."' : '""" " ' "What:" oxelaimoaM. Viitry, " after purohasing housa and orjuipago, sho has still money to invest J" - " Undoubtedly." ' • - ' " liuf whoro did it ooma from V' « Where 1" l>id you not sea "'I"- "When?" .- .. 11 yVlicii slio slirioked , out at ' seeing \vhat tho prayer book contained," .;« \\'o observed nothing," •''Oh, I thought you saw it," said tho saroastio notary, «Tho prayer book qpntniriod sixty engravinga, and oauh go- Kraving was covered by-ten_jjQt"j nf n thousand francs oaah," .,-. " Good,.heosons.!.'.' osolaimqd AI, \'atryj thiinderBtruok, "If 1 bad .oaly«.known it," ihoutod Madamo do Villcboys, " I'ou had the choice," said the notary, "and I myself urged you to take tho prayer book, but you refused," " But who could have eipootad to find a fortune in a broTiary ¥> Tho two passionato OBotisti withdrew, their hearts swollen with' pitiminnitfi nnvji Madamo Anno is still in Paris, If you pass by the Ewe LaQtto, on o suranior imBg—ptot n re on tbo Irst floor, illuminated by tho pale reflection of wax lights, \ Indg wlia_hji..joiBO<jU-tl>4-4wo- fair of her gon, B fair child of pis years of ago, in prayer before an old book of Hmres dc Ia Vicrgc, and for whieh n cross in geld bag been made, "Pray, for mornSlula," siMnfio" isothpr. " For your father, your dear fatbop, who perished without knowing you, with- out being ablo to love you." _ -. " Alint I pray to the saint, my patron i" 11 Yog, niy little friend ; but do not forget a saint who^watohei from heaven, aud who smiles upon us from ohovo the clouds," "Wtiat' u tht name_.of that saint. mania Ami V? .^. - Tha mother, tlien watering head with bor toara, nnswora ' .„ .... - r . . ...-, 1 _U.i_Ji.mL tllQ.4 cniolty of tfurlCtii^.uf Niiples tu prisoners i (iF.tliis'ciiiirneli'i 1 euiiipneted Oliriiti'iidiuu in hostility iijjaiiisr liini. Ko iimeli Air the foreign aspect oi the questibn, Tliere is .-ilso a dniucstic view to be taken. Extreme siiverity umkes men den- perate, niit suhiiiissive. All (lie orui'llv I of the I'Jn^li.ilr (iiiVi'riiini'iit t n - t h c Irish \ leojilo. hiis never lamed their spirit— j tirvpr era,Jieiiteil their thirst Air revuhi. I linn, ljiit."tliere is niiollier (•unsidrmlion, ! which ought to be duolsivo,, llaiiiiiiiR is - ; fi came two e,:in play at.. Our snhlier.", j thn man whom Illinois is ponding forth to i flaht lor tyn country, may, ill tho iiiuta- j tious of tliii war, full Into th* hands of (lie enemy. Is it dosiriiblo to givo tlio rebuls prutextH to hang tlioni liko ..thiuvufi and iiiurdi'rcrs ? Tho true policy is this. Hang as ii measure of retaliiitioii. If riie rebils niurdf'r our auldieis wlioti they fall" into i tliijir liiinds, wo will murder theirs. This ! is Ihn trim 1 M I I ,;,,. , ' f l l , ', ,11 ;,. ' '1.1-3 1ANKKKS- ' ' go to Lord John Jlila- tliiit' I'irginiri, whioh inaugtiroted oivilizatioti and freedom on this uontinent, is one of their rebel prov- inces—why, bis lordship, who Is as thin- visnged ns a'razor and as BCnht of Ilortli as nil Kjiyptaiti inumiuy, will give them a grin which will last them n~ lifetime'. Tlitji, llio makers and vendors of tin cups and wooden clocks, tho iiogo lords of thu Old I'niiiiiiioli—-Ilm sovereign and iudo- pendent state of Virginia! If aiiytlihig LMiiild Inflame- thu iudignalinii and Boorn whieh this atrocious war exeiteii, it would be tliis_V;i)il;ee_jiri'lwn.-inn to superiority and supremacy. To bi: iiiiiler .the do- iifiiiioifof a liiily liko .Quemi Victoria, 'digtitiguMiml by every virlue, would eon- stitute n t'uvoriililo I'xi'bniipe (or the vuU gar rnli; of a brut Mi bin'ekguiird liko hiiienlii, '|n be eni!i|iirpod in open and iimnly lij;bt by a. nation ut' gentlemen, and sulijeiituil -tu their swiiy, miulit mit-Urivo us riving dihlra't-U'd with rage and shame, but (or Yankees--the must eouUiniplible anil di'ti'sfalilc uf fin.l's oreatinn—tiio vile" WII'IMIICH whose cliiily siistenanee eon- si»ls in (lie rit'iire of :,11 PIIHT people-— I'm 1 they eat notliini; lluit anybiidy el»o will buy—for them to bud it over us—tlio Ktisr'Uli biiijiiiiige IIIJIHI. by I'libu-ecd —new,. | words must bo invontud", to express (lie 1 extent and deplh nf our fneliugs (if .mor- | titieiiliou and Hhaiiie, No, it is not possi- ble limt we eiin be vedneed to a state whieh there are nn wunls to di'scjribo. liiHieail of this, we must luiii-j tIn'n; enfranchised .nlavi'S bnek to tlu-ir true oondinon. They have IUUL' very properlv inoki'il iipun llii'iiisu'lvea us our snural'in- .., ) \_yf this sirugglii, (ion, Heott and his brave trniips, not the hanijiiien, will conduct llio war, amf in no renpeut does the eondnat of the Administration deservo liiglier prrtise:than in this. There arn always in ' tha world a great timny. -blnoiUUiirHty philosophers (rarely (igliting men) who think they enn accomplish results by shorter processes fhaVi"those pursued by generals and •siatoMiien,. As tlieso men will never be within reach of n seeessiou musket or lialli'i 1 , they forget thnt th? fiotintry owns a duly to its own soldiery, and regard the President lis somuwlint uf an old fogy in the art of hanging. Bit!, in spile of this, we think tbo Uoverumeiu is right'lipon this point,—('hiaitra Tiiiic.i. Ilundors of Fubllo Mon, ...Souio of the pulitieal ohnractcrs ot tliQ .ap'i; nralse ijweer tifistakes in' fjiiotiitij : t.ho Mibk', which liaVa' boon reeorded to admonish Ikuir ^ucce^fors to read the s.-iurcd viihimo with luoro nare aiid atk'ii- tinn. A iiKn.bcr of ('oi.i';i es-H, fViiin Illinois, a few days ago (Mr, Hugo) is re- ported ns quoting in debate tho foil lilies ns coming from the jiible : " Wlliii' VL'I Iliu hiinj. hiil.lii iiiit lu Ijiiril Tlm vili-sl iiiiiiur iii.-iy rii'uni,'' Col. JJenton, in iho Unitod Hta'te Hninfn, l.i y,-|uuli.d- ur- oei'taiu mail, , -Waddy- ; r (Iiingress, and l J l vjit'iikins of .our caat seven devils'niit_iif._ii__(.lii-_liaiiJ^i ami ji" oailant (,'iil, U r ehb so in his minister to Mexioo :*—tlnit—etui nt-r-y^—s <l Ifospilal.iif Lazarus says.; .» The images would have rivalled in norcs aud iff 6* tluibrolliev of Mnry aiid Martha." l i iT'TtieonreiV ^Jliat two^-JBfeinberif"Ht''s" Ofrtain Hlatg Legislaturo, at tha olosg of tho snssioii addressed a -eircttlar-to their ennstitiientSjiit whieh they s a i d ^ " Wo hope the cour.su wo hav*o purauod and the votes wo have' given will meet your ap-. probjiHon, We liopit you will saj.tous, as Nathan Hiiid to Ikvid, Well %mo, iiorid and faithful si " ' Another mejnbjjr earnesfly-oppOslng Htq- ineasure beforo the liouse, said, "Mr. Speaker, I would no njoro voto for that IiioaHuro than I would lay- down and worship the golden oalf that Abraham made," « A brother member correetod liimj say. -logs "JMlLSlieiikor, it \mn not Abraham that niadciN.lliO guidon oalf ; : .it was' Nchiiehadnezzar," . • ' • . That groat ifton are not always wiso, is still further exomplilied in au, anecdote of a distinguished jiidae, Lord Kenyon, who understood law hotter than gospel, alosod one nf Iria charges to a jury aa followa ;- r - " Finally gentlemen, I would call your attention to thxr ejntuiplu of Ihu Itoliiiin" H Jli ll p n Hmpernr Julian, wlln was so distinguish, ed for every Christinn virtue that ho was called Julian the Apostle," . - ^'^^ ""'" -j rarsnn 'Ilrowiilow, In tbc Knnsviilo Whig of tlio^lst, thus dispores of certain -rumor*.:, -J' --^_J!W,, '.%.„•.. ' (jno ropnrt is, that wo havo dotqr. Wiincrl'not to pntiYtsli aftbr tlio 'Juno alec- tionj and another is,, that wo qro going to removo to tho North, Wo are |oing to itay in Knoxville, and nowlioro elso, and when wo roiiiovo from tbo dwelling wo own and. occupy, it will bo to tho oi'iuotry in tho vicinity. And as to tlio paper, wo gliftll edit it and poblish it until our offioo isi dWlroyoll, and our wliidpipo la out I" A "widow woman's "only" Bbn"*"wch"t" to~ mother was pioui; and nftjr,, J ^ J j ^ ^nsworod numorou!* inquiries as to his hostthrfltcM™IHi"d* life":" "*' •Now"tdll"me7 Henry, you didn't p'int your gun at'^any qf them and coniiiiit-murdof, right agin the Bible, did you 1 It, would be so wlflkedilL Said-ho,: « I don't •tnojv-ar I killed any one, but I made eight or ton of them ifjuat d> -d ludden"!",/ To^ enjoy to-day, •stop worrying about to niorrow. Next week will be just a] enpable of taking earo of itielfas, thiaono. And why ihonldn't it I It Iwill have seven day's moro esperienoe, A LXBBON pbft fai DTjLt/,—If thoiB who aea the orjemina of 'innorient *iim»B- ment had tho direction of "th« world would take away the spring and y h jiar, ind. the ffom h thej h teri'iis^ -us our Herts ; IIKIII- mifaii, gar.lly live.i—their low, viilgiii^ ;iud did oi'iHipatiiins^liave criMin.l ibis eon- vieiion iiun I hum. 1 Jut of a siidil.'u they lave eoinu to iunigine llml, their mimerieal strength gives tliein pnwor— ati'l they i' biirsi tin: builds <it' serviiiiile, aiul are running riot with more than thu bru- tal passions.of a liberated wild bras'. oh- upriMiig has all tho ulinrmsliTi-iii'w a (Vriieiiins servrlr inBTirreoHnii. ^Tiieiir it iiiiu is demolition—Hie do.^'inrtinn everything which has the app'<.'irauiv of supi'rinr virlue, wbiebcxRitrs tinir en- vy and liali 1 , rind whieh, by ei>ulra»l. ex- poses thi! nhiiiiiel'iil ilelnnniiy nf their own lives. ' •• Wo of the S'juth coua'hl onlv to sopa- rate our destiiiies (rum 'theirs— eonlent. tu leave [hem In piir»ue their own ilegrinlfil tariti;- jni'l vieiuus npjietiij^ as they miijhi choose. ]>ut thay.^viU i!ot-le:iv«jp Oifii privilege. They fureo'us' to miliiltW tlu'iK or be subdued. They give us MO alterna- tive, They,.J[ii^.g;igge S Lod la us .the' in , v;i.-'inii"(ir thciriwthtnry and the ridibery of their banks and jewi'lry sl'iivs. \\'r ; m:iy prulit by thrt sngg.'sfion so far n,s tin- invasimi poos—fur -that will enable us tu rivtnrit them In Iheir normal eundiiioii nf va^i;ibi-r, iind tuiiuh them thnt cup in hnnd is the iminer nHitmi.1 t.f il Cotton in Wew Tha farmer* of Salam arc at this "moment undortttking'tg,t^$Y0, Cotton—no great nnmbor'of aoWif'Snt;. T " still ootton, At-tbo coamjnebiriaBtflf' thu Uuvnlutiorij.all that region,ftf Jersey raised oottori. Dalawaie ond ryland did the BftinQ, NogEOtheji sidcrud it an absurdity, tiiftgb fow now ooilsidor it otborwijn, Wo oui-ioua fuot thatttll that region gfe^iot* ton enough ior its own wants.-JBo.far.**;''• head of Goorgift was it that in 1788 050 of tho largest growora in that States moiti•: to Philadelphia for ^ins suoh as was thin in couimoii uso tboro. Ho writoa": «|I'-'Wiltr; ihiuikfully-pay wUalevti I am told thpy maki them that will from SO to 4u jjounds of blear eotton per dny and upon n vory simple ooristrubtloW Ocurgia imbubs looking fgr hirtruotton ia this art of gptton-gruwiug to tho Band-pi•. j>e.rs of New Jersey ! iluw cstensivuly Ahia produotion wonfi' iu New Jersey wo'-have no means of as- oertainiug. In 17S6 Pliiladclpliin.cxpor-'"'. (I'd li! bags to Liverpool, but in 1703 .Jay's treaty with England atipulaied that no outton .tiiould bo iiiiported jVoiu Amor- ien, HO littlo headway, had hoen'mado in 1 IK- eulttire ; but tho Bonatq rofuaad to ra-' liry the prohibitory sirliclo. We may fmilo ni- those iittoiiipts, whether past or prci- eut, nt eotton growing in Now Jersoy.— Should the lattur bo BUaoessful, tho worlil will doubtless bear of tuoni; Thbro'ard really but few indigiuoui itaploa, Ohio raised (;,UL)U,Ui!Opounds of to,baooo in 18- 4U, and nearly ll,u00,000in 1850, while in JSOU her "crop aiiiouriteil to. 24/"* oiLi third moro money than the samo griiilog produced on the tiiiie honored tobacco fields of Mary- land, New Jersey has accomplished aomo wouilerH in her day, but. the cotton atapla has piuba,bly slippeil permanently from her grnsp.—.'-V- 1", Tribune. long Lifo of the Q,uttkorsi '['lie h'eafth and lone life of the Uhrisf- As |I.I the rnbbi'i'V "f miieh nrpM—M'|'I|I-!|" ||||. finl.il," 1n ,;_ t - ? . * i ii •it* LJeavil hi tlii'ir siillurlni? punr. I Ridim niiiiC A D.VV_OiLj3AXTiJ^_—T-Ins- iri.a.t dattli! of IJarlillf^WiiSTriiTalit" on faster Himday, Aprilll, 1171" -The Jjjyje oC Ji.-j^or Ijalliuld, near Maestriiiht, w'aTTini^ht on Suinlay, the liil of July". 7o7, Tlio - I'l'iiiiiHiilii wns fruitful•- in Sunday Jightinji, Tlio pocond batllo, in 'nrtu»al, that in Fiuilcrn, was fouaht on Hunday, Hist of August, IHU:). " .".' "()n-Suiidiiy ovoiilng, 10th of January, 181 '1, Lord \Vellingtoii issunj the brief "faTTsT'et eal'liiuf iliuniaclve's Friutlds, and- called by the rest of the world Quakers, is proverbial. A recent report of Iho denili-t inuring the members of this joeloty in T.omlou is rnmarknblc as showing tint. ;i large proportion of those people livo to a ripe tild ago. Half ut' iboso who died in tlie year ivere over 7(1, iind llio remain- der giviorally ranged l'roiu._30 "(67TO. Tho health of the'Quakers is aceounted for nn lurally, ('Icanllness- rilii] teniperanap^ara . s;i isseiiiiiil part of"tlielr ruijyii'n,, Tboy are excellent livers, and oiijuy'. tho good things of tlio tfible, btit they as'flid stimii- I-itits both .in food n'ml -'lriHke^IiiB^aUo- avoid niMiitnl and spirifiiiil exeesses, and ilo-all tilings ealmly rini-ehccrful!y;"Thoy~ do r;i)t wear themselves out by ovortaak- injr tie nerviiiis sysfniii, mi'] Jjut, beliey- ini: in tho Idea that heaven is to bo talten by Ktoriu, they are as o.ilm iu their rolig- make it the first du ty to get "into tho but deloiiiiliii.il that, " Guiilail y ^ tiiug, at 7 o'clock," Tlio battle of Or- tlies was fought on Siimlfi.y u tho 07th of February, IS 14, an.l that of Toulouse, the last general notion of tho Peninsular war, occurred On Kaster Bundny, llio 10th of April following. The buttlo of Wat- erlnr) was'also^tleiihldd "cin~"".SuaUii"y,~thc ISllr of J u n e , IN1,">, Tha second Iiur- meso war atforded two 'examples— J'kstor. Sunday,-(l:o 1 Hh nf, April, 1856% thu at- faek on the lines of defence at Rangoon, and (ho attack and capture of Pomi, on Hiinday, the Uls.t of Noveitibor, 18-W,— The victory of Inkeriiiiinu was achieved on Sunday, the Of li of November, 1804, rVm3-ti> cr.iwn thu nhcJu, it ^ win mi unilnr all elrcumstaTjees, Tlie'sO aro'korno '• _urjt.hu_wa.j:s in whieh; tlio Qiiajcers pj*eHgrvo__ tlio vigor nnil frc-ihnoHs of youth, and wo liavrTiinflii (jimker iufitrTms of (iO, Iho na- exoited the envy of most of our modern belloi. It* the rest of llio world would livo as long nnd enjoy life as well ns Iho Qua- kers, they'musit give iip^ the habit of. OS- cesxivfl work and' worry, and livo "quiet and ponceablo lives, in all godliness and honesty." \Yo da not mean to say that. tho Quakors aro bettor than other (jhriit- ians, lint they most certainly dauionitrato that they l;nnw bettor llian'thn refit f>f HM— liiiw to "kcfip " n sound mind in a sbnnd body," and an ayoid tho martyrdom to winch our present high-prossuro systoni olf living dooms its subjects,—Springfield Re- pitblicnn. A HIT OP ROMANCE.—A newly married__ couple-of-Torltonio oxtraolion cahic1 into a Htone for tho porpoise of-baying the Bioei« snry nrtiil.es for hoiisekoeninp^ After piiroliasing dishes, knives, nn/1 forfe«, oof. , fc(rmill7oto,~7aoob looked around, and observing a cradle, ha Mlted, "Vat isli do bride of do gradle?" Tho rod cheeked - littlo Bpoiisa did not ice the useful farm- ing implement, ond when her liegu lord , asked tlio question HIIO tjirned round with day, the 10th of May, 1857, that the ter- rible Indian mutiny broko out at Moorut, ';, English pnper. A GtMitfiiA. " NifiHEa" llutrsii rnii -WHi—WAUI-. A corr.nf;peiidoi)t-; ; -of— llt» ('.harleston Cuvricr, writing" from Woldon (N. (Ji,) in .deKOfibiiig -theKnmroh of, tlie troops frfini Georgia northward, says : Several of them brought along their body servants, who wore ' likewise armed, and •uniformed. One of tho latter was a mouldy looking darkey, so old and dried tip ho would pass for a preserved prepara-. tion of an Egyptian mummy. Ho had but two'teeth loft out of tho .usual com- plement, arid his bead looked not unlike il dingy cotton pilion on a small scale.— Some ono asked if " Bo wasn't afraid to go-to tha wari t 3 - " No, gabj"-said -ho tilffilmi-phhor Wawi ftn i(ia nliilfi ffn too-^follow him to'tho debbel," "But suppose Abo Lincoln got§ after you, what then i "Masatt look^uut foi hi'a>,-srrufth- —nobbor lot., dis chile got hurt in de world, I'se wuf a thousand dollar, hot old Linkum ain't wuf a d—n eont. You 4—no «ah-j hi hl the old g . 4 j shado turned on his heel anoVniaTohqd off as dignified ai a Wall itreet " bear." A few yean ago a German got oiit to Peru a fow bivoi of booi, an insedt for. morly unknown thorb. Thefirstyea? he obtained a plentiful jusply of honey, but year by yoar irjooreapod, until now tho insootj will hardly edlleet, any. And why! Tho^elimita ia io equable that flowora can be had all tho year round, and the sagaoious , inieota baying dispovored thi ft h idl ti th irtit g this faot, have yg p toti the inrtinot of hoarding honey tot a wioter' that never a blushing" face and exclaimed— "Now Shako, don't boftfool, you knows wo dont vant no gradle uow,"—Sigourncy Dem, DoTiiii.vn A HA.TT£R'.-—An individual piircliascd a hat in a shop kept by a man by the name ofDodgion..Tliofiftiele was flOt in tlio ab."iQi)OQ.Qi,,tbD.propiIetDf,'iandi thd" purohasor loft tbo shop, entirely for- getting (hv mistake of yonrio,) to pay for tho aforesaid ( tilo,' The tradeBoan, upon bearing tho facts, gtarled afttr him, in hot pursuit of tho doliriquent. Upon 07- orhauljijg hjm,the_ following sogRO pOottE-! rod; 11 See here, air, i ,wiih to ipeal with' "I am Dodgioh, tbo hatter." TiiThat's myjx,'*^ . , _ ' _ ' ^ L'• v _ '.'I toll you I am Doj^ion, the battar." "So arn I";"I'm dotfgic' thi,hatter too and very likely we" aro bbtli of ni id^ i*>h h " i ffhp loono ended with a «striking' lion, in which Mr. Diddlcr fonnd bimielf eoniiderably 'miiod op ! with tlio hatter." a _, 7 ' SHAKERS.—A. man who won 1... .._ % ^ fcoy at a ,raffle s and;whog«gpii|,wtfp,w|a very inquisitive sboot U» tDathflicL of Qtn tsiDining tho ponltryj'irfiieijliaB, earn-.';, pica at Ital b^ tjSft,. rem^riittWi^'Jft* -.; Shakers aave it to hlffli*' ,7 ", ">.- v ; kvs •'• " - : ••i^-1:'*'''-'-V- ; -'.;rf--".''c<i^i' ? fe> General tho Ohii yoknt«er», railroad fatm^foo^ maskod battery.:
Page 1: letotri) to IKtator^ ' -imlr imnt fitfdU i gg · 'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn Slu-'llens, tartie A VaugUn'" .Straw Ciililrra, mfiilu to urikr ut I If hliqi t Iliitlto.

letotri) to IKtator^YOL, XVII,

' -imlr i m n t fitfdUi "gg


Hightstown Iron FoundryAND MACHINE SHOP.

h i ! [IB sitbwriimr wntlniie" to miiimrartm-e. at thei . uldstuud, all sorts uf IKON- UAhflNUS

©HlAI? FOBMill Work, iinil'*otlicrMin;lilnory, such as Horse

'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn Slu-'llens,tartie A VaugUn'" .Straw Ciililrra, mfiilu to urikr utIIfhliqi t Iliitlto.

CastlugB.Nenrlyall tho ailTofcnt kinds of Plows in general

IISO, will aim Uo found ut hii< cutalilkliiiieut, inclu-ding the'celebrated Dents' .Plow. Also, Sleigh anilBli'il HlincB, Wagon DIUGISUI Ac , i s . • .

lliiving umdB'u »et of jmttums for Hie right analoft

'IMPROVED CIDlEtt SCREWS, „*lie in iirdjiufeil tu furnish tiio Mime to liny who miiyhave uw lor the. article, ut Sew YorR luii-ivf.

frprf Turning and Fitting, Jttrolt Suwijlgi .$£.stone at Hliort notice,

MACIIINEItY KEI'AlnEn on rfnsmmUc tornw.The aijliButiUiir belit/vhijj tha t lliu niily trm- jiluii

tiC cqndu'Gliiig biisiiiOjsB in on thu (Jnsli principli ' ,will hureafkr require thu eas-h or itn ttniiviJeiit lur

" " W " t k W * 4 ' SEUIKO SIIANCJLE..Aprilin, isni. tr.

New Establishment,BOOTS AND SHOES.

m l l M SUBSClilTiKR lIAViX(! TAKMNX Uio Hhn|i vecsiitly i-miO!!!_-tG!l liy ihJIOs-l imn, wimld Nil'irm llio jiiilillc Hint- lie inmlilho ploiuujtl to rojciva a lil.crtii shurq cirilieir piilrun-iiisi1-" iiriimlHllig tu Hivq eiitirn liiitidfiH-.tlnii na tu lit.prliip. iiniLwoMcniiiimlilu, _A_11 iiriTijjaj lur Itn'ita »rKh.ii!", "iir in-tliu J lKl 'XiUlNU llmj, wijrmiiiii wllliprompt iiltenUuii,

Give, mo a vail.• ISfmemliCTtho pUitc—iiiMurrl-iiii Ktrrat, one ilon'r

tiliuvu Utfbiini's lintel,AARON H'.KVO.

I-IlghUmvniM.II'i'h 22,lRBl.-:im.

lUtll ,

SELECT S C l i n q l J F O l ^ liUYfi AND t) t i l WLa opcni-d-lii tin Ijt.'ntiriy lliiui.u ill2 lite

oriiin Clmruh of tlii« rillngii,quarter of U wucku will yiiyiiiicnco April

" • '

TBBMM.Aneicrat J,nnsU!>KM 8M pur qr. of 11 wooka,Knj*ii(ih tinuiijiiua Si) " "

8 "


Studiua 8-'S-. >._exiiLA ,„„. , . " . . . . .LiingBiigo S-' l « f ' | r . of II wed.-!.

L i i s p e i i i j u i i r T l i m m Uciit .uml iliMMifFuniitnrto "bo cqiiiilly diviiltil iiinmig the pupils, •

Thu Diitriiiiii"]! <il' I hi' piililiu I'l'Slii'iilfiilly HMli.'ili'il-' '- Uil /Mn.l iH A, WALTKISS, A. M.Jli^lltalnwn, Mnr. I I , Itiiiil.t .



^^E SIJIISCUIISKU has n.instnntly ntl hnnrl. "a good"variuly uf IIAIIUWAIIH IIMII FL'UNf

Tl'RE. whieh lio i»-remly to ili?pn«» "f at IIIIMIU-riitq prlnos, with rnimunublt! priid'. Ho win i;iv«iliuMMliilllnrif iWgrcut.lilLrKililia.fiir tllu Inoiii!^ ujt,pulidi-d, n-T uuii liu lioiiglil-i'iiliisr i» Huw \urli ,

; i'liiliillulpliiiirof-aii.V inturmuaiiito tuwu,A gouil lisiiurtniiniL u( •

cps aiHl nycUaiHCS's llai-slwarcl u S G n O V K L H , 1 I E , O l N ! 5 , U A K K H ,

nil,! II Kim^

lADLEprl i -y !!^'(sr?(iiiM to VjiiiiNfy.

H a v i n g . b e e n Int i j ; In l n n i n m u i , . a n i l h :n l m u c h ..X--p u r i u i i e u , IMJ 1II>]I IJ b y nii i i«nlt i i i f( llni w i i n i " " i ,lii«^ .us to inerH nn i l s t r i c t ' i i t t tMiti ini t o ( h e i r y i t l l s , t om e r i t liu-mifiiiu-iin:u of pu l i l l i : JIMtrini:if((!.

["£>• r . i r l i i : u l i i r iittiMiCi.iIi p i i i a tu 1 'Ai l L O U a n i li " l N I T U U K "

1IOEH,it of KnuiiHirii Inxiuii/S.

CT CUTLKKV. vurjiiig I"

C9KS0l,lnATro» OP ^

VJIlnKf! l l n o i i l mill IIij(Ii!>fa»'u E i n l i i o i ,

fs publUhoil every I ritliLy, nt Hightstown, MoruorUouiity, N. j . , hy

STULTB & .NORTON,EdHora am! Proprietors!

-ryi.ai) per annum, payable In ndvnnce;for eluba of als iub'SorlborB and oier, SI,00 oiwh.

i TERM8 01" ADVERTISING.rnymont for nil ndvertlspmonft duo on tiio fir«t

lusqrtion, at the following rates :For every pnuare (fmirtGiiHi llrieji), for thu first,

insertion, JfHTY OKNTS, nn,( TWKNTy.j?l VI!ObNTH fur eyery sub»iii|iie!it IiiiiijrtloH, DiKplliyHiiL'e, Cuts, Blank lilies, &e,( to liu ehurged fur inthe sinno jiroporlioti nuijurdiyg to tho apiwu euiiu-piod, _" .. :.;_"^,. ""-' ... _...'_J^. . . _ . . — -

Lejnl •ndvertiloriiDHti at tiio rules allowed hyInw.

A liberal reijiielion will bo ninde to ttiogo whoailvertise to tiio uxtunt of lutlf ii uolunin, or iuf>rt',nnil to thiiBn who uilvurtiNQ by tiie voiir

All mlviirtisunienlii llut innrkad'on the onpy (hoiiiiiuber nf iuHertions rei|uirud, wYU be publigliL'iluntil ordered out, iltiil chiirgeil iieiinfdiiigly.

All trnnsiont ndvui'tlmmiiuta toBuimre publiim-tlun in this pnper, m«M In* pan! /hr-h? liitrfiHn*.


In ITInlrt Sii-eci, iHlovo IVnril-

]tofp;SHinliiBtoiTn, July SO, IBM, —{

, SAID.llill niet'liilr Suslo ia tiio liilio—

A wink^"Or bllnfc;'

I think^ho ffliflced agnhi \ .

lie put bis arm nrouBd her waiiit—A pout!Nodiiubt,Put out

At Hudi good tnuto.

Ilor llUlo hnnd nmigbt hiui sv quiuk -=A HOratyh IHe'll vuitelilli« oiM,;h

And litHtj tbo triuk,^

Then wilb bs-r handAuull'l


Aivl liow

Bho iald i

d b

I won ' t , " tUen held to al\\[—A liisn!All! thiii

wt lP a i d u v o r y 111—p.'i'nl H i l l !


"Js-sho .dond, than ?",

gentleman in a brown oout aud short

WOULD respectfully aiinnniice thnt hn.lin-i per-iiiiHicnlty ru«unreil iliu piiuijtiBn of his profes-

sion lit lliifhtslnw!!, Ki^iileiu^ In HhiiHUuii struei,2 dmii-s buiuw Furmfin, formerly uusupiuj by 'Win,A, Rnwne,, Ki»|.

Mnruh.'ll, IK.IO.—t ,

IJr. J. E,TT^AS reTHoved hi* reHblennr, to bin furiu on IbeJL t 'roiid luailinj; froni IM^btflinvn In [i(iliiy«tuwn,ivlii're hn will eoullnue tlio priiytiey of hi* prof-ypuOn. - ; - -

i y.-Urili-r< fur bia profusionn! ffirviff left litthe uilliie of IJr, A, DAWKS will rueeivu pi'innpt at-tuliiion, , •

lliglitjtnwn, April l!l, Isfil,

1'IIV.Ntl'IAlV AiVI> Ml'KCiliWIV,

HA VI Nil LOCATKD IN TIIR HOWHK Fnini-rly oeeiipli'd by Dr= .li'Miipou, in Ht"itk '

Hlrent, otler^ bi^ priife^slon:il services tu the H!ens i>f lligbtstiiwii ilhd vicinity, niivBHf

Mi»« .11. IiOUia,!-; IMIITC'tTEAC'IIKU OF TflE

iPJAiJt) AND Mll tUl?

» , A. EJ A ^ K S ,SLK'.'W.'.NJ'B.MTInT, * JM

iAXi;i.jVCT_l;.lUiU- '.'


. H. tt. F01UIAN,Oppn«!iu Ilia uhl Uiiplial Cliuruh

TTightatown, Mny l i i ' IBaa

IK UI«1ITSTOWW.Tho siilwrrilier lins opi>niMl 11 'Wiiir~i':']ier, Iliifflf

nml Htiitinni'rv Slure miis dimr Iwluiv J . ' I ' . Iliili-lim-" : ; i , , * : = ! .LJ J 1 _" . _ _ M \ = i — . 1 i : ^ l l ^ . j I -

y UJ (l•Briii*ii-Htnw, in-.MTTiTrWtrrctr where all lsin 1< nf—«irll-

l'iiper ran be hiiil ishcipur limn ever, I f i^nnul m-•toiition jilviii'as lieret..for(i to t'a|ior Him 'ng-

BO0KS AND STATIONARY,(if all kinds on blind, riihsMliiff of IJIlilis, IlymnHuiiii.4, ii eompb'lii H«Holtliiu[it of Srliool Bonk*. aiJiilleligious, MiMdilliUieniiB, and .hivi nil" Ilimka, link'-HLi'ii-tible anil iiiiiuarablu I'limer, Tiny i,iliRii'iej,IJIiinii Mid jliiy Kniiks'. lil'ceipt, I'liMi, Memnmndilln,iUML eony Hmikj—iiiiihullnij I'ottur k Uaimnonil'K"hiiVelujieH" of m\7WM, lill'ltlnilS of Writing iiIicTWrapiiiiig Pa|icf ; Hliit'-H, Ink and lliluitiHnlar il viuriuty (if Pens, renoHii, Ujiijurw, Sis, ; aucl^iivei-j'tlilng

•In tin, j i t i t i m y i . l m i :y — _ _ —ull and eee my Btouk befoio piirdi'lntlg-elnewlirre,azftsinusuud papera bound iti Kond Ktylc, unihoii

i r a i l i r l l i r F l


wlirFeeslveprompt uttentioQ.1

oIIlght«towii,Apnl in.'in. tf.


Watoh3 OloTDkj p d Jewelry.E S T A B L I S H M E N T ,

Blalnit,, Opposite tbo DaptisI t'liurcli,ni«SIITST€»WlV, W. J .

A OOOn ASBOltTMEST ofWATCHES CLOCKS amiJ E W E L BY constantly "iv

hnnd, sitnli ns flolil nml Hil.Tor WnteheH, (Jolil And' Ssil=vor Gunril Ohilinfl, (Jolil find

._. . ntllcma, DroiHt Pinsof overy variety, JSiir nnd Finger Rtnei of rtlfforeittpfttloriil, Silver nnd flqrmnii 8 i t a r l ea noil TiihloSpooni, Quin nml tlnn fixtures. Poskot nnd PenKnivoa, SeUaors, Kneedles, ,ie,, nlM-ii large viirio-ty of Bilootnolai, also Violins anil Strings, SorowBnnd Bridges,

nnd WMTAntoil to glTO intisfnotiuii,Jllghtstown, Apl. IB, 1801,—ly .-.

^/^OHiUilPTION hai floitjoyqii mottof the humiKJ »n fiuoilj Vhsa vay other dlaejiic, aijd tho best,phyiieiaai,for-fflany JSBLYB hAve ^eipftired of i urn.lahlng a euro or romoily thnt would heal tho lunp;joKBBSfs than 200 yoirt the whsls medieal worldh u bean oonvinood (hotihBre 1« n jOTSteroooi pow-

, fltand elBoiuiy in th« Pino -Troo Tarta honl tboLang^ ^QFofortt, thej h&?3 feesmaesdod the v£oof t»r water, whioh in many SMea hud s good cfi*eet,bat how to oomMno its msdioal properties ion« tobool tho Lungs hu oynr bean a. myotory, until it wasiligeovored by l , Q'. 0, Wlihart, the nroprietor ofWlrtMJl'tElBi.lSiB.Tftt Cordial, anil has boon potia bottleo patented by tho D. S, aovornmon t. Ws isytflthotiiiit.it olMsns tho Mood of itrnsulmparit.ioB, tonohomvory n t rn , and restoroi iho.wholo •y»-t emth l tB ' and vigor. .Mk^-lutMMan-aH»d in

jit tho oonoter of tbo" 'Jmielphia.forono

tiitf wondrou dT O l

wonldit ,Thb,«(mrf tho

S ' f t r 2 l i - r ' i -Minn- , Hii l i i i i iou o n Mil l li S t r u y l , up-pi.-ri"f,- Iliu Kniv i - iwi l i . i t (JliiireW.

X . H . - - T l ! e ni-w I ' i i i i i i t U t in i l];i=in, fin v n l i i i i i ' l i 'fi.r i la l i ^ l i l i i i ^ , i - i . in l ' i i i , .nu l l i i l r a i i f inus i ' , I s i i l m:ij.pn,M-.----Aii ( ' x s iminn i iMi H isiviliMl,~iU)$lil.<lmvn. .Juno !", IM7,—1-1§

_jOSEI»Si J .


:ipOITine nvcr the " IIi;>litsluwn llnitctU;" Office,April HI, I.HiJi. t mii/,11: . .' , ,

liy AT f.AW AND ffOLlVlTallIN OIIAXtiKKi',- , »

i, ar. jr.

Ilighls'town, *Bno VI, Vat.~l.li'..


n i g l l t s t o WII, W, J .

IZf Ofllen ovar.T. T, Ilillrhlnsbn'fl Htrirn.N. H. rurlieuliir ilttentijin pnij tu uolleulinu.

wn, .June 2P, 1330,—}

Butaher & Johnston,IN POitK, JiEEF, POULTRY, Et i fK l'liUITH,


i«O Sc IS'r Wr-st WnK!iinKIan ITInlltel, W..-1T-O, P, J O I I X P I T ' I N , Nuw Tonpt,THOMAS liUTCHEli, l'niJiiiloi,l>,S. J /April 10, Ifltil. tf.


IN ALL KINDS OP OpDNTUY f liODDOK,«13 «s a i J Wesi Wnnliliigtaii nnrliei, 1V..1".

T S l i q ' W , - - - • -•;

^ Jhitwoen Ve.'iey Ufid FultsniltreetJ.af.anau w, piBt.niirt. Asu.tu c, JIUUN'T,


%jtf*All eri/m. rjcfeivcil will he pinitliiiilfii at-ttlttlfd la. [ juaotf.


APPLY PERSONALLY OR BY LETTER TOthe Bubieriber, atNo, 11, Btockton Ht,, Ilighti-

tuwn, 1S11AML P13AUUIC.I f M n i TiTnrii ili 'il iCompiinioi


WHcox &-Sibftss fiewingrSIachine,CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE


EerosenB Oil!In bringing tho abovo nrtiels before the

J jjoblio, IlttTponly to lay, that I will furn. ft3 Lih tho boiturticla/or tholaistmonoy. «9 All OiU tastod boforo tioy Una tiio Store.

Itoturn all thnt da sot profs intiifMta(7, -P_; A, B, SfONEBBBOIB, e>Hlghlstown, Dgo. 13, Ia60;=3tt^o{ - NlyPAINTS ABD OILS of owry dD»rtp. ?

tion may be foaod »t my oiUliliihmant, ;Lamps, Shades, WicKs, & c


m\J\jKf srtofi,' M 8 eta, mt yard—formm

""" '••;'.'.-«£

have •

« And her will ?"11 Is going to be'opened hcra inuundi-

atoly by liar solicitor.""Sha l l wefinherit.anything" It must bo supppseij so


" Who is this inisoriibly dressuj persnti-sigo who intrudes herself bora 1"

" ' Oh, ihe , " roplind tho little man,siioeringly, " Slip wou't Imvo nnioii in thewill ; sho in siatar to thu dnoorisdil;"

" lYFatT ' l l ia t Alinl;,~"wlid "woVldeil' i"1S12, a man of nothing-—an 'oflkor 7"

" l'rooisuly in," • • - •" Hho nUiHt liiivo no smtill aiiiciurit

•s,Mfiiliiiio^y.ouE.,jirc jioh, and Antiohna no'tiiing,., Could you not lunvo thisand (hko tlio^book of prayers winch theeuui'ntridity a t tho dcoonsud h;is jihided ona pfir KJtli tho other lot.-'"

" Yoii' iiiuat bn jnkinji^J^k Puboucxeluiluod Mailiuiia da Villubujlii; " youmost ronlly bo duTl not to HOO ihio inicn-tioii of Bister Egrio in all ihiji. Ourlioiinitq 1 cousin forosaw full wull I thilt jiorbook wuulii full to tho lot of Airqc, wbolind tliVTlaqt. ehuioo."

" And1 whiit do yoii oomlu Ju frotiinqnirod tho notary,

" I eniioludu^thiit sho intended ta inti-mate to her sister thnt ri-p<<iit:inool aiulpriiyor wore tho only lioli. tliiit nho hud•iiojt to fixpoqt in this wu;-|il," _.

As MIIQ Hnirthod thoMo words , JFrttiiitiiftdu MlUrboys uiado a doiinitc sulooiiiin (iftha rqady iiinin-y for her slisiro. 31 ,\ u t r y , ns iu:iy arisily bo iniaL'inoil,. pplunt-eil tho ohatami ; furni ture and JOWUIN, ashis lot.

" .Monsieur Vutry,". said M, Duliois tothat gentlemen, " even suppose it hailbroii tlm intention of tlm di-qmisod topiintsh her aistnr. it wikilil, bo nnblo'onyour piu't, millioniiro as you arc, to givont least a portion of your share to Anne,who is in want of it,"

'• Thanfia for your kind ailvioo, dearsir," roplicid Vutry, " the matiM'OTl Usituntcd on tho vory eniilines ot my woods,iind suits aduiiiTibly, all1 tho more «o thatit is ready furnished. As to tlm jewels nfsister Kgrio, they aro riiimniseonoos whiolione never ought to part with,"

" Since it is so," said the notary, " mypoor Miidamn Anno, liord is tlio prayerbook, whioli remains to you,"—K\lTiintB""arrttJIidod liy lier son, a Iian«l.Rnn)o boy with blue oyos,'took hor skt r r 'afihl prayer book, and making hor son kissit after her; said : •..

" lloetor, Js-iaa this Look wliinh belongedto your poor aunt, who k ' doftd, But whowoutd liavo, lovod you well, had sheknown you, , Wiioii you huve leiiruod toread,, you will j>ray to lieavnn to tiiako

A great nianj." people, principally stay.a(-!inini.'ii, fiilk very s-ivnjjnly und 'patrioti-cally about banging every rebel who istaken in ..the;, war, iind thus' indirectlynssail the wise pulii-y. wliicli has Ho furuontrulled thu G'-'Vcriimrjii in Iho manage-iiiiint of pri.«iincrs. Tliorc are two BidesUklhia ijUListitm, iuid it is iho duly of thoOqvcirninnnt to adopt that whieh, • underall eireumflt.inec'Hs Htenis be«t. Thepower to hang a rebel, upon proper trial,is undoubted ; bill, on flio other hand,rxCremu suvnriiy to polilioa! prisoHcrs Imaeijnsed to bo reijiirdcd with favor by thorivilisti'd woiild, -I4ii« 1 [ind,—ttmt—oren-


When tho Yankeessol! and toll him

of j J'

a respoetiiblo family,"" Tlio morn so, as sister Kgrie,

nohla birth, had nover foryiveB hor

Anno moved at this fhno aoroi? theroom in which thu family, .of .the doooasodwere assombled, Hliu, was pale ; l,or oy.-awni'B filled with tears, and .her fuoo wasfurrowed by care »[itli.^ryuujjioui wrin-kles. . " - - " - • • ", . •• . . .

" What-tlid j-pn come-htM for ?" aRkodMiidiiinfi do Villeboy*, with great liaujhli-

b f h d b iwhoy g

nent befuro had bten:ogutiug tho liltlo uiftn -who inliorittidwith her.

" Mailnnio,*' the poor.I-I'ly reptioil,wit!iliuiiiilify, " I dq nrit, gome liora to claim apart of wliiit does not bcb>ng Jto mo ; Icame sohily to ses 31. Dubtiisg, my sister'ssuliiMtor, to ini|uiro if s!ic spuko of mo ather last hour,"

•JutT you tliltik people ouayaii j"_arrogiiiitlv

V l l l b ~

S'nii wise and good as your father was, nndmppTerrtTrfrrrynUTTmftiTtrjirato uiolhor,"

Tlio ey,t's of thoHo who were iirosen't;wera flllud^ willi tuars, Dgtwith.-ftnudingtheir olForta to proservo an nppr>:ir,int:o litiiulilTuronoe, Thy oliild euihrtteod tlio oldbfiuk with boyijih fervor, and opening itafterward-—

" Oil, iiiaiiiiiia," hor esuliim.:!!, " whatpretty pioturfls!"

" Indued," said flio ino.llj.cr, happy intlio plnduuSii uf hei',.,biiy. . v

' " Yos, Tlio goo.l virgin.in S red drcs,«,holding thi> infntit .Tusua in hor anna.-n-

_TJut why, niiiiniiiri, lias silk pnjirr beenput npfiii th'O piotnres V

" .Si) that iliuy might not be iiijurod,my 'lour," she replied-;

" B u t , iiidmniii, why arn there tenpnpers to euuli engrav ing ' . ' "

Tin; mother lonlfinl, and nl lcr i i ig nsinlili'ii shviel", aim fell intn tin; a rms (if51, Diibois,. tho no ta ry , who, addressini ;tilUHO • • . - - •

serTod Madiirno do Vllloboyg ; «e t-lie"disnraen of a gfoat houao^—•you, who wed.dod a man, of Dothing,' a aoldicr of liutia-psn-To

mir-aiHmu i»lichild of tho poople, vas ,i bravo Hoiiiier,and, what is bettor, an .honest man,"-o b s d r v o i i A n n e , i ',. •_. -.. <

•At this moment a venerable parsonage,tho notiiry Uiibois,' nmdn his appnaranon',

" Uoftso," ho said, « to roproaeh Aniiowith a union, whioli bar sistor has forgivenhmv""Annc~hi'vi!d"a' gonorotr«,~"brav"o"i(nd-gbpd-inanr-wbo had^no other crime to, u~-proaoh himself with than the ohseurWyof his nuiiiu. X^lovt'rlLolJss,-liild ho ljytrt).

yhim—T, his old friond—Anno would nowbo happy and_.respected." . • .• •

" ]jut why is this woiiiati boroi" saidthe notjiry gravely. <« I mysolf requost-cd her to bo hero,"

M, IJubois thon proooodgd to open thewill, , - , . ' •

" I being sound in mind and heart,Kgrio do Demfremog, rotiroil as a boarderin tha Convent of the Sister!! of the SaerOilHeart of Joaua, diatato tho followingwishes 'as tho oxprostion of my formaldesire and my principal clause of inytestament. "

't After my dcoeaso tlicro will bo'foundIvt® hugdrod 'thousand fiaut^ m uiuueyltTmy notary's, beside jewelry, clothes andfuitiituro, aa also a obciteiiu Wfrth twohuadeed thousand franog,

," In tho epnvent whoro I had boon ro-will bo found my booJtj Ihurcsg , n iioly yolumn wliidh

as it was when I topk it w.itii me at "the.time of tho emigration, I desiro thatthoso throo objooti bo divided into throulot* " ,

',' Tho first lot, tho two hundredn'nd franoi in monoy,

•"« Tho second lot, tho Bbaleau,t-tue^and - jewels.

" Tho third and lost lot, myHcurcs dc la Vitrge, ' "

« I haTo pardoned my aiiter Anno tho^rief shohni oouie



as, MLO. I would liavod bar BOrrowihndTliriownioonor

bor return to It'raneo, ' i.ooniproniiiod horin,my will. ' .

" Madamo do 'Filloboys, my muoh bo-hall havo.i.hft fipsf. ^hnjnn.

" M. Vatry; py brothor.in-law, shallbavo tho iflcrind ohoioo. •

" Anoe wilrtttko tho remaining lot," '« Ah, ab J" said. Vatry, «• sistor Egrfe

was a very good ond j'thiFii rftlhor olovoron hor part,"'"

" Anno will then only bavo tho praysrbook," exclaimed Madame do- Villobbys,Iangbja^Bloud.

ThBTrotttry interruptod her joonlarity,*«*.Madami,"'aaid He, " which of theft

lbt/idojoaofaooMf" .* ,' " The two hundred thousand franes in

y,« faff yen made op yonr niad 1"

" Pftfttetly 10," • ' • • " - ' -11 Tho man of the law, addrenlng bim


" LOMO lier nluiip, it won't bo rriuoli -.peopla don't.die of thrsn shooVs, As foryoi, littlo cilia," addresHing • llectiir," givo mo that book : you .will tear, tlmengravings," • »•__Xlio inhorit-flrs withdrewj making vari-ous eonjeotiiros as to thn oauso of Annu'sstidden illnes'i, ruid tlio interest tho iv&v.,ry took in her, A month nfterward.thoytnot Anno and her son oxeendiiigly wellbirtn^t ostravagantly dressedv taking anairing in a barouolio. This lod them toumlto inquiries, and thoy learned that An-no hadTooSntly pureliasiod a hotblfor 180-.000 francs, and that sho_was-,giving-afirst rate cdudntion to her son. Tho tiuws

-li-ho-n tiiuudurbult'uftoirTTiPiii, 'Ala-jyUoboysJ:and:M,. Vairy. hastened

So call upon the notary for explanations.M, Pubois was working at his desk,, .

"Perhaps wo arn disturbing you",*1 naidthn arrogant old lady,

"No matter,.I was just in llio act ofsottling a purchasein thp state funds forMadame Anno."' :'""" " '

"What:" oxelaimoaM. Viitry, " afterpurohasing housa and orjuipago, sho hasstill money to invest J" -

" Undoubtedly." ' • - '" liuf whoro did it ooma from V'« Where 1" l>id you not sea "'I"-"When?" .- ..11 yVlicii slio slirioked , out at ' seeing

\vhat tho prayer book contained,".;« \\'o observed nothing,"

•''Oh, I thought you saw it," said thosaroastio notary, «Tho prayer bookqpntniriod sixty engravinga, and oauh go-Kraving was covered by-ten_jjQt"j nf nthousand francs oaah,".,-. " Good,.heosons.!.'.' osolaimqd AI, \'atryjthiinderBtruok,

"I f 1 bad .oaly«.known it," ihoutodMadamo do Villcboys,

" I'ou had the choice," said the notary,"and I myself urged you to take thoprayer book, but you refused,"

" But who could have eipootad to finda fortune in a broTiary ¥>

Tho two passionato OBotisti withdrew,their hearts swollen with' pitiminnitfi nnvji

Madamo Anno is still in Paris, If youpass by the Ewe LaQtto, on o suranior

imBg—ptot n reon tbo Irst floor, illuminated by tho palereflection of wax lights,

\ Indg wlia_hji..joiBO<jU-tl>4-4wo- fairof her gon, B fair child of pis years

of ago, in prayer before an old book ofHmres dc Ia Vicrgc, and for whieh n crossin geld bag been made,

"Pray, for mornSlula," siMnfio"isothpr. •

" For your father, your dear fatbop,who perished without knowing you, with-out being ablo to love you." _ - .

" Alint I pray to the saint, my patron i"11 Yog, niy little friend ; but do not

forget a saint who^watohei n« fromheaven, aud who smiles upon us fromohovo the clouds,"

"Wtiat' u th t name_.of that saint.mania Ami V? . ^ . -

Tha mother, tlien wateringhead with bor toara, nnswora '

.„ .... - r . . ...-, 1_U.i_Ji.mL tllQ.4cniolty of tfurlCtii^.uf Niiples tu prisoners i(iF.tliis'ciiiirneli'i1 euiiipneted Oliriiti 'iidiuuin hostility iijjaiiisr liini. Ko iimeli Air theforeign aspect oi the quest ibn,

Tliere is .-ilso a dniucstic view to betaken . E x t r e m e siiverity umkes men den-pera te , niit suhiiiissive. All (lie orui ' l lv Iof the I'Jn^li.ilr (iiiVi'riiini'iit t n - t h c Irish \leojilo. hiis never lamed their sp i r i t— j

tirvpr era,Jieiiteil their t h i r s t Air r e v u h i . Ilinn, ljiit."tliere is niiollier (•unsidrmlion, !which ought to be duolsivo,, llaiiiiiiiR is -;

fi came two e,:in play at.. O u r snhlier.", jthn man whom Illinois is ponding forth to iflaht lor tyn count ry , may , ill tho iiiuta- jtious of tliii war, full Into t h * hands of (lieenemy. I s it dosiriiblo to givo tlio rebulsprutextH to hang tlioni liko ..thiuvufi andiiiurdi'rcrs ?

Tho t rue policy is this . H a n g as iimeasure of retaliiitioii. I f riie r eb i l sniurdf'r our auldieis wlioti they fall" into itliijir liiinds, wo will murder theirs . This !i s I h n t r i m 1 M I I , ; , , . , ' f l l , ', , 1 1 ; , . '

'1.1-3 1ANKKKS- ' '

go to Lord J o h n Jl i la-tliiit' I'irginiri, whioh

inaugt i roted oivilizatioti and freedom onthis uont inent , is one of their rebel prov-inces—why, bis lordship, who Is as th in-visnged ns a ' r a z o r and as BCnht of Ilortlias nil Kjiyptaiti inumiuy, will give thema grin which will las t them n~ lifetime'.Tlitji, llio makers and vendors of tin cupsand wooden clocks, tho iiogo lords of thuOld I'niiiiiiioli—-Ilm sovereign and iudo-penden t s ta te of Virginia! If aiiytl ihigLMiiild Inflame- thu iudignalinii and Boornwhieh this atrocious war exeiteii, it wouldbe tliis_V;i)il;ee_jiri'lwn.-inn to superiori tyand supremacy . To bi: iiiiiler .the do-iifiiiioifof a liiily l i k o .Quemi Victoria ,'digtitiguMiml by every vir lue , would eon-s t i tu te n t'uvoriililo I'xi'bniipe (or the vuUgar rnli; of a brut Mi bin'ekguiird likohiiienlii, ' | n be eni!i|iirpod in open andiimnly lij;bt by a. nation ut' gent lemen, andsulijeiituil -tu their swiiy, miulit mit-Urivous r iv ing dihlra't-U'd with rage and shame,but (or Y a n k e e s - - t h e must eouUiniplibleanil di'ti 'sfalilc uf fin.l 's oreatinn—tiiovile" WII'IMIICH whose cliiily siistenanee eon-si»ls in (lie rit'iire of :,11 PI IHT people-— I'm1

they eat notliini; lluit anybiidy el»o willbuy—for them to bud it over us—tlioKtisr'Uli biiijiiiiige IIIJIHI. by I'libu-ecd —new,.

| words must bo invontud", to express (lie1 ex tent and deplh nf our fneliugs (if .mor-| titieiiliou and Hhaiiie, N o , it is not possi-

ble limt we eiin be vedneed to a statewhieh there are nn wunls to di'scjribo.

liiHieail of this, we must luiii-j tIn'n;enfranchised .nlavi'S bnek to tlu-ir trueoondinon. They have IUUL' very properlvinoki'il iipun llii'iiisu'lvea us our snural ' in-

.., ) \_yf

this sirugglii, (ion, Heott and his bravetrniips, not the hanijiiien, will conduct lliowar, amf in no renpeut does the eondnatof the Administration deservo liiglierprrtise:than in this. There arn always in 'tha world a great timny. -blnoiUUiirHtyphilosophers (rarely (igliting men) whothink they enn accomplish results byshorter processes fhaVi"those pursued bygenerals and •siatoMiien,. As tlieso menwill never be within reach of n seeessioumusket or lialli'i1, they forget thnt th?fiotintry owns a duly to its own soldiery,and regard the President lis somuwlint ufan old fogy in the art of hanging. Bit!,in spile of this, we think tbo Uoverumeiuis right'lipon this point,—('hiaitra Tiiiic.i.

I lundors of Fubllo Mon,

...Souio of the pulitieal ohnractcrs ot tliQ.ap'i; nralse ijweer tifistakes in' fjiiotiitij :t.hoMibk', which liaVa' boon reeorded toadmonish Ikuir ^ucce^fors to read thes.-iurcd viihimo with luoro nare aiid a t k ' i i -tinn. A iiKn.bcr of ('oi.i';i es-H, fViiinIllinois, a few days ago (Mr, Hugo) is re-ported ns quoting in debate tho foillilies ns coming from the jiible :

" W l l i i i ' V L ' I I l i u h i i n j . h i i l . l i i i i i i t l u I j i i r i l

T l m v i l i - s l i i i i i i u r i i i . - i y r i i ' u n i , ' '

Col. JJenton, in iho Unitod Hta'teHninfn, l.i y,-|uuli.d-


oei'taiu mail,

, -Waddy- •;r(Iiingress, and

l J l

vjit 'iikins of .ourcaat seven devils'niit_iif._ii__(.lii-_liaiiJ^i ami ji"

oailant (,'iil, Urehb so

in hisminister to Mexioo:*—tlnit—etui nt-r-y —s

<l Ifospilal.iif Lazarus says.; .» Theimages would have rivalled in norcs aud

iff 6* tluibrolliev of Mnry aiid Martha."l i iT'TtieonreiV ^Jliat two^-JBfeinberif"Ht''s"

Ofrtain Hlatg Legislaturo, at tha olosg oftho snssioii addressed a -eircttlar-to theirennstitiientSjiit whieh they s a i d ^ " Wohope the cour.su wo hav*o purauod and thevotes wo have' given will meet your ap-.probjiHon, We liopit you will s a j . to us,as Nathan Hiiid to Ikvid, Well %mo,iiorid and faithful si " '

Another mejnbjjr earnesfly-oppOslng Htq-ineasure beforo the liouse, said, " M r .Speaker, I would no njoro voto for thatIiioaHuro than I would lay- down andworship the golden oalf that Abrahammade," «

A brother member correetod liimj say.-logs "JMlLSlieiikor, it \mn not Abrahamthat niadciN.lliO guidon oalf ;: .it was'Nchiiehadnezzar," . • ' • .

That groat ifton are not always wiso, isstill further exomplilied in au, anecdote ofa distinguished jiidae, Lord Kenyon, whounderstood law hotter than gospel, alosodone nf Iria charges to a jury aa followa ;-r-" Finally gentlemen, I would call yourattention to thxr ejntuiplu of Ihu Itoliiiin"H J l i ll p nHmpernr Julian, wlln was so distinguish,ed for every Christinn virtue that ho wascalled Julian the Apostle," .

- ^ ' ^ ^ ""'" -j

rarsnn 'Ilrowiilow, In tbc KnnsviiloWhig of tlio^lst, thus dispores of certain

-rumor*.: , -J' --^_J!W,, ' . % . „ • . .

' (jno ropnrt is, that wo havo dotqr.Wiincrl'not to pntiYtsli aftbr tlio 'Juno alec-tionj and another is,, that wo qro going toremovo to tho North, Wo are |oing toitay in Knoxville, and nowlioro elso, andwhen wo roiiiovo from tbo dwelling woown and. occupy, it will bo to tho oi'iuotryin tho vicinity. And as to tlio paper, wogliftll edit it and poblish it until our offiooisi dWlroyoll, and our wliidpipo la out I"

A "widow woman's "only" Bbn"*"wch"t" to~

mother was pioui; and nftjr,, J ^ J j ^^nsworod numorou!* inquiries as to hishostthrfltcM™IHi"d* life":" "*' •Now"tdll"me7Henry, you didn't p'int your gun at'^anyqf them and coniiiiit-murdof, right aginthe Bible, did you 1 It, would be sowlflkedilL Said-ho,: « I don't •tnojv-arI killed any one, but I made eight or tonof them ifjuat d> -d ludden"!",/

To enjoy to-day, •stop worrying aboutto niorrow. Next week will be just a]enpable of taking earo of itielfas, thiaono.And why ihonldn't it I It Iwill haveseven day's moro esperienoe,

A LXBBON pbft f a i DTjLt/,—If thoiBwho aea the orjemina of 'innorient *iim»B-ment had tho direction of "th« worldwould take away the spring and y

h jiar , ind. theffom h


t e r i ' i i s^ -us o u r Herts ; IIKIII- mifaii,

g a r . l l y l i v e . i — t h e i r low, viilgiii^ ; iud

did o i ' i H i p a t i i i n s ^ l i a v e criMin.l i b i s e o n -

v ie i ion i iun I hum. 1 Jut of a si idi l . 'u t h e y

l ave eoinu to iunig ine llml, t he i r m i m e r i e a l

s t r e n g t h g i v e s tliein p n w o r — a t i ' l t h e y

i' b i i rs i tin: bui lds <it' s e rv i i i i i l e , a iul

a r e r u n n i n g r iot with more t han thu b r u -

ta l p a s s i o n s . o f a l i b e r a t e d wild b r a s ' .

oh- upr iMi ig has a l l tho ulinrmsliTi-iii 'w

a (Vriieiiins s e r v r l r inBTirreoHnii. ^ T i i e i i r

it iiiiu is d e m o l i t i o n — H i e d o . ^ ' i n r t i n n

e v e r y t h i n g which has the app'<. ' irauiv

of sup i ' r i n r v i r l u e , w b i e b c x R i t r s t i n i r e n -

vy a n d liali1 , rind w h i e h , by ei>ulra»l . ex -

poses thi! nhiiiiiel'iil i l e l n n n i i y nf t h e i r own

l i v e s . ' ••

W o of t h e S ' ju th coua 'h l on lv to s o p a -

r a t e our des t i i i i e s ( rum ' t h e i r s — eon len t . tu

l e a v e [ hem In pi i r»ue the i r own i legr in l f i l

tariti;- jni ' l v i e iuus n p j i e t i i j ^ as t h e y mii jhi

c h o o s e . ]>u t thay .^v iU i ! o t - l e : i v « j p Oifii

p r i v i l e g e . T h e y f u r e o ' u s ' to miliiltW tlu'iK

or be s u b d u e d . They give us MO a l t e rna -t ive, They,.J[i i^.g;iggeSLod l a us .the' in ,v;i.-'inii"(ir t h c i r i w t h t n r y and the ridiberyof their banks and jewi'lry s l ' i ivs . \\'r ;

m:iy prulit by thrt sngg.'sfion so far n,s tin-invasimi poos—fur -that will enable us turivtnrit them In Iheir normal eundiiioii nfva^i ; ibi-r , iind tuiiuh them thnt cup inhnnd is the iminer nHitmi.1 t.f il

Cotton in WewTha farmer* of Salam

arc at this "moment undortttking'tg,t^$Y0,Cotton—no great nnmbor'of aoWif'Snt;. T"still ootton, At-tbo coamjnebiriaBt flf 'thu Uuvnlutiorij.all that region,ftfJersey raised oottori. Dalawaie ondryland did the BftinQ, NogEOthejisidcrud it an absurdity, tiiftgb fownow ooilsidor it otborwijn, Wooui-ioua fuot thatttll that region gfe^iot*ton enough ior its own wants. -JBo. far .**;''•head of Goorgift was it that in 1788 050of tho largest growora in that States moiti•:to Philadelphia for ins suoh as was thinin couimoii uso tboro. Ho writoa": «|I'-'Wiltr;ihiuikfully-pay wUalevtiI am told thpy maki them that willfrom SO to 4u jjounds of blear eotton perdny and upon n vory simple ooristrubtloWOcurgia imbubs looking fgr hirtruotton iathis art of gptton-gruwiug to tho Band-pi•.j>e.rs of New Jersey !

iluw cstensivuly Ahia produotion wonfi'iu New Jersey wo '-have no means of as-oertainiug. In 17S6 Pliiladclpliin.cxpor-'"'.(I'd li! bags to Liverpool, but in 1703.Jay's treaty with England atipulaied thatno outton .tiiould bo iiiiported jVoiu Amor-ien, HO littlo headway, had hoen'mado in1 IK- eulttire ; but tho Bonatq rofuaad to ra-'liry the prohibitory sirliclo. We may fmiloni- those iittoiiipts, whether past or prci-eut, nt eotton growing in Now Jersoy.—Should the lattur bo BUaoessful, tho worlilwill doubtless bear of tuoni; Thbro'ardreally but few indigiuoui itaploa, Ohioraised (;,UL)U,Ui!Opounds of to,baooo in 18-4U, and nearly ll,u00,000in 1850, whilein JSOU her "crop aiiiouriteil to. 2 4 / " *

oiLi third moromoney than the samo griiilog produced onthe tiiiie honored tobacco fields of Mary-land, New Jersey has accomplished aomowouilerH in her day, but. the cotton ataplahas piuba,bly slippeil permanently fromher grnsp.—.'-V- 1", Tribune.

long Lifo of the Q,uttkorsi

'['lie h'eafth and lone life of the Uhrisf-

As |I.I the rnbbi'i'V "f

miiehnrpM—M'|'I|I-!|" | | | | . f in l . i l , " 1 n , ; _

t - ? . * i ii

• i t *

LJeavil hi tlii'ir siillurlni? punr.I Ridim niiiiC

A D.VV_OiLj3AXTiJ^_—T-Ins-iri.a.t dattli! of IJarlillf^WiiSTriiTalit" onfaster Himday, A p r i l l l , 1171" -TheJjjyje oC Ji.-j^or Ijalliuld, near Maestriiiht,w'aTTini^ht on Suinlay, the liil of July".

7o7, Tlio - I'l'iiiiiHiilii wns fruitful•- inSunday Jightinji, Tlio pocond batllo, in'nrtu»al, that in Fiuilcrn, was fouaht on

Hunday, Hist of August, IHU:). " .".'"()n-Suiidiiy ovoiilng, 10th of January,

181 '1, Lord \Vellingtoii issunj the brief

"faTTsT'et eal'liiuf iliuniaclve's Friutlds, and-called by the rest of the world Quakers,is proverbial. A recent report of Ihodenili-t inuring the members of this joelotyin T.omlou is rnmarknblc as showing t i n t .;i large proportion of those people livo toa ripe tild ago. Half ut' iboso who diedin tlie year ivere over 7(1, iind llio remain-der giviorally ranged l'roiu._30 "(67TO. Thohealth of the'Quakers is aceounted for nnlurally, ('Icanllness- rilii] teniperanap^ara .s;i isseiiiiiil part of"tlielr ruijyii'n,, Tboyare excellent livers, and oiijuy'. tho goodthings of tlio tfible, btit they as'flid stimii-I-itits both .in food n'ml -'lriHke^IiiB^aUo-avoid niMiitnl and spirifiiiil exeesses, andilo-all tilings ealmly rini-ehccrful!y;"Thoy~do r;i)t wear themselves out by ovortaak-injr t ie nerviiiis sysfniii, mi'] Jjut, beliey-ini: in tho Idea that heaven is to bo taltenby Ktoriu, they are as o.ilm iu their rolig-

make it the first du ty to get "into tho

but deloiiiiliii.il that, " Guiilaily ^

tiiug, at 7 o'clock," Tlio battle of O r -tlies was fought on Siimlfi.yu tho 07th ofFebruary, IS 14, an.l that of Toulouse,the last general notion of tho Peninsularwar, occurred On Kaster Bundny, llio 10thof April following. The buttlo of Wat-erlnr) was'also^tleiihldd "cin~"".SuaUii"y,~thcISl l r of June, IN1,">, Tha second Iiur-meso war atforded two 'examples— J'kstor.Sunday,-(l:o 1 Hh nf, April, 1856% thu at-faek on the lines of defence at Rangoon,and (ho attack and capture of Pomi, onHiinday, the Uls.t of Noveitibor, 18-W,—The victory of Inkeriiiiinu was achievedon Sunday, the Of li of November, 1804,rVm3-ti> cr.iwn thu nhcJu, it ^win mi

unilnr all elrcumstaTjees, Tlie'sO aro'korno '•_urjt.hu_wa.j:s in whieh; tlio Qiiajcers pj*eHgrvo__tlio vigor nnil frc-ihnoHs of youth, and wo

liavrTiinflii (jimker iufitrTms of (iO, Iho na-

exoited the envy of most of our modernbelloi. It* the rest of llio world would livoas long nnd enjoy life as well ns Iho Qua-kers, they'musit give iip the habit of. OS-cesxivfl work a n d ' worry, and livo "quietand ponceablo lives, in all godliness andhonesty." \Yo da not mean to say tha t .tho Quakors aro bettor than other (jhriit-ians, lint they most certainly dauionitratothat they l;nnw bettor llian'thn refit f>f HM—liiiw to "kcfip " n sound mind in a sbnndbody," and an ayoid tho martyrdom towinch our present high-prossuro systoni olfliving dooms its subjects,—Springfield Re-pitblicnn.

A HIT OP ROMANCE.—A newly married__couple-of-Torltonio oxtraolion cahic1 into aHtone for tho porpoise of-baying the Bioei«snry nrtiil.es for hoiisekoeninp^ Afterpiiroliasing dishes, knives, nn/1 forfe«, oof. ,fc(rmill7oto,~7aoob looked around, andobserving a cradle, ha Mlted, "Vat isli dobride of do gradle?" Tho rod cheeked -littlo Bpoiisa did not ice the useful farm-ing implement, ond when her liegu lord ,asked tlio question HIIO tjirned round with

day, the 10th of May, 1857, that the ter-rible Indian mutiny broko out at Moorut,

';, English pnper.

A GtMitfiiA. " NifiHEa" llutrsii rnii-WHi—WAUI-. A corr.nf;peiidoi)t-;;-of— llt»('.harleston Cuvricr, writing" from Woldon(N. (Ji,) in .deKOfibiiig -theKnmroh of, tlietroops frfini Georgia northward, says :

Several of them brought along theirbody servants, who wore ' likewise armed,and •uniformed. One of tho latter was amouldy looking darkey, so old and driedtip ho would pass for a preserved prepara-.tion of an Egyptian mummy. Ho hadbut two'teeth loft out of tho .usual com-plement, arid his bead looked not unlike

il dingy cotton pilion on a small scale.—Some ono asked if " Bo wasn't afraid togo-to tha wari t3- " No, gabj"-said -ho

tilffilmi-phhor Wawi ftn i(ia nliilfi ffntoo-^follow him to'tho debbel," "Butsuppose Abo Lincoln got§ after you, whatthen i "Masatt look^uut foi hi'a>,-srrufth-—nobbor lot., dis chile got hurt in deworld, I'se wuf a thousand dollar, hotold Linkum ain't wuf a d—n eont. You

4—no «ah-jhi h l

the oldg . 4 jshado turned on his heel anoVniaTohqd offas dignified ai a Wall itreet " bear."

A few yean ago a German got oiit toPeru a fow bivoi of booi, an insedt for.morly unknown thorb. The first yea? heobtained a plentiful jusply of honey, butyear by yoar irjooreapod, until now thoinsootj will hardly edlleet, any. Andwhy! Tho^elimita ia io equable thatflowora can be had all tho year round, andthe sagaoious , inieota baying dispovoredthi f t h idl ti th irtit

gthis faot, have

yg ptoti the inrtinot

of hoarding honey tot a wioter' that never

a blushing" face and exclaimed— "NowShako, don't bo ft fool, you knows wo dontvant no gradle uow,"—Sigourncy Dem,

DoTiiii.vn A HA.TT£R'.-—An individualpiircliascd a hat in a shop kept by a manby the name ofDodgion..Tliofiftiele wasflOt in tlio ab."iQi)OQ.Qi,,tbD.propiIetDf,'iandithd" purohasor loft tbo shop, entirely for-getting (hv mistake of yonrio,) to pay fortho aforesaid (tilo, ' The tradeBoan, uponbearing tho facts, gtarled afttr him, inhot pursuit of tho doliriquent. Upon 07-orhauljijg hjm,the_ following sogRO pOottE-!rod ;

11 See here, air, i ,wiih to ipea l with'

" I am Dodgioh, tbo hatter."TiiThat's m y j x , ' * ^ . , _ ' _ ' ^ „ L '• v _

'.'I toll you I am Doj^ion, the battar.""So arn I";"I'm dotfgic' th i ,hat ter too

and very likely we" aro bbtli of ni i d ^i * > h h " i

ffhp loono ended with a «striking'lion, in which Mr. Diddlcr fonnd bimielfeoniiderably 'miiod op! withtlio hatter." a _ , 7 '

SHAKERS.—A. man who won 1... .._ % ^fcoy at a ,raffles and;whog«gpii|,wtfp,w|avery inquisitive sboot U» tDathflicL of QtntsiDining tho ponltryj'irfiieijliaB, earn-.';,pica at Ital b^ tjSft,. rem^riittWi^'Jft* -.;Shakers aave it to hlffli*' ,7 ", ">.-v; kvs •'•

" - : ••i^-1:'*'''-'-V-;-'.;rf--".''c<i^i'?fe>

Generaltho Ohii yoknt«er»,railroad fatm^foo^maskod battery.:

Page 2: letotri) to IKtator^ ' -imlr imnt fitfdU i gg · 'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn Slu-'llens, tartie A VaugUn'" .Straw Ciililrra, mfiilu to urikr ut I If hliqi t Iliitlto.

THE LATE CAPTAIN WAIID,—(>ptainWartf, lato eommandor 'of; the U. Statog.ntnniHHrJgJgAhnnitJ»lin-lngt.liia-1ifB-in,,tlift

HMHTBTOWH, JTCt 4, 1881,'

:-^-^(t'o lFieiiT»Towjr QAZETTH-.J» published in theBorough of*Hi|ctat«fown, Maroar County, N, J,,

riljtBaledootliyOomiJoii and Atnboy liullfoml, oinl'slnialatsi fxteniivoly in the Monties of Mefnof,Middlmei and MMOsouth, and in cvory village

f th l l d f m A b H dMiddlmei, nd , o y g

' on tho Hud of the rsllrsnd from Ambuv to Harden-•"town, AdTerliien in Hew ?orlt, Philadelphia,

Tronton, Bad MowBruniwiok, wlli And tho Uatitle•, tb.be ono of tho most yalunble advertising Hiediiunj

• fn the itali ," • * ' '

; T i e t a t i i t War News,• The probability tu'nt tlio doeisivo blow,«o often aUoded to, is now soon to boBtrnoifi booorafli each day gtronger, andthe advance niotoment most bo expected

j ^ l M a , J L J J J ^ .fewid ty a,__.. Bogi men t . a ft ftr.rogitncnt ii crossing into Virginia, nnd'the ininenM army li rapidly oone"onTru,£T

llpg tliero. In tho ovont of an important. battle, Gen. Scott will take tho oonimatidin person. Among the minor movemention foot, it woi expected that a maskedbnttary pear Slount Vornon lvould bo at.tioSpd Ofl Tneiday riijITt. ~^""

. The PooBhonlai ii to guard the mouth,. of the Eappabannoek River to prevent .the

egress of tho stoamor St. Nicholas, whichtuo traitor Ilollina, in llio guise of an oldwoman, seized on Monday,, I t is laid that 0,000 Bubal trorips nrnwithin an hour's inaroli of Fairfax, wfthlargo bodies of eavulry between ourpiokets and that point,

yromWillianiiportj wo have news ofihorp work, 'On Tuosday tiiarnjng early,tha troops which have been concentrating

tho ford' at tbo latlur plate. A lightcniuod, thopartk'ulars of wliiyli aru glvuuin another oolumn. Our Ironps bulmvoiladmirably, and the Rubois retreated, witlioooiiderablo loss, A column of eighteenregiments was yasiorday under iiiiirdiiugOrdbrH, and was expected to.cross thePotomac late last flight. It was uiulor-itood tbot Biirnsido's Rhode Island Kogi-luent, and sonic of those from Col, Btomi',4oolijnini'wp.uld join llic force just fjjokrsii.of to-day. 'Ton days' ruflons ore "tu be

', tukcli. The c'neiny wera yostcrdiiy «f.tornoon busily engaged in creating earth-

tmok ol tlic'Iliglitft on Lho. VirgininHido, fliid it;wns.thought tlioy iiitinJud topat jtheir giiTaJm a -position ;lo .obstructtha luarehoF fliir men.' "" ' V• From, Fortress 3Ionrno wo loarn that

JIilifijd^iftssaolHiioiiS-RL'giuKmt lias moved,from that place, and tiikun u position bo.twoon llampton and Ngvvimirligt jiridgo,jjiout, Butler has gone to iMua.HiicliuHiJttsto Induce tWib authorities thorn to send aregiuient of ejvairy to Fortress Monroe,where it -in grculy noc tVnfc"—_____

(Kentucky) papevithat several companies ,of infantry andcavalry bavo gone to 'Cumberland Gupand Wliooler'a Gap, l 0 prevent tho Na,,lignni troops froin passiug through Kuii.tacky to^nld the IJiibn muu jn KasturnTonnosseo. Tho Uuion IH<:II of Kentuckydeclare that they shall luavo. It Is also

" Btatod that GOT. Jackson of Missouri is inJJaihville, and that an expedititm nguiiistMiiiouri is fitting out on the Buuthuinborder «f thai State.

i r said lliu.1 not only nro wng-for thn f"HvnH innri""""' "

tho orniy,-btt4^cwaIr.Y_nja. _a 1 gp_ In d ispoiisable, Gon, Scott tolographod yesterdayto Now Xork, urgingwhole formation was biand now ponirijanuod by_Uol.Sl*lleynoIds,should be lent on at onoo from tliat city;The •rfigiinor.t is full, »nd arfangoruontahave boon made for tha.iiccciisnry horsesbut about. $10,000, aro nuojed to.finishits oquipiaent. For Ibii saini an appliea.

• tiori Kris been made to the Union DefenseOommitteo at Now York, and it is'pre-sumed they will furnish It,

JSP The three Ntw Jersey lli'SfimciiliThifL1'rfiiton fur Wusliiiijrtrm cfn Fiidriy, ImriiigIiiiil n fine dregs reviviv by I In; (Juvirnur tin-iluy previous. They were, luliy itjn^iiiyi, mul

eirfdiliiblu apjii-nruMco, Tin1 ( Hi

recent •skirmish pff. Mathias Point; was nnative oborn "In"

d, in ^hioh eityjie was | Thn. WrstU.pushin' " '" " th d il fo entered tfio'.'Nttvy in

1832, and married the daughter of Mr.Samuel Wliittomore,, of N<jw York, in tliosame year. Captain Ward was one ofthe boat, educated men hi (lie Navy,—Be/ore hid appaii'it incut as a SlidsliipnianIio_.wiy! twd yoari a student in tlio Nor-'wfoli, ConnBotioutj University, and afterho entered tho Navy, ho- pwseil a year of

0- in Washington, (now Trinity) Ool-

lege, lie Was an indefatigable studciitall his lifo. Ho was pfisses.ied of a hand-some property, loft Jiim by his father,and just before bo sailed in tho Freeborn,his brother-in-law effected tin inHUrnuueof 80,000 on IIIM fi'fo ut tho Mutual LoauOflleo, Now Vorlt.

A Gooij E.—Tliq PhiladelphiaLodger says that tba " fourth New Jer-soy Itegiiriont, at Wnshingtonj were puid.isJL.la.si woek, and tha jmon,.._IiislcndJcfsquandering ihnir money in rlut n11•! 1 i-ectltiousncas, sunl i t liiiliiO to (heir f:imilius.

I t is said nri man euut lirjinn U-MS than

§1 U, The Sliito of Now Jorsny nlluwcd

in tlio-war -of 1 8 2 1 , a hciiinty of §'i pnr

munlli....to all the voliintiJCi'M in Ih'.1 Bliilo^

without rpgiird to tbuir place of rosiilguuc,

and to siuglo and iiiiirriu.l iiliUft,'1

From the N, Y.- Tribune, of Tuesday,Wo have still more decided, assurancoi.

from'Waahington. that ..tbo IProitidnnt-.;».! aiiivcd.ftt tliaWaiiliingt'nn

MATTHIAS POINT ,—The United Btfttoi flttaraship .Pawnee

nndetscjnlned upon nothing but tbo most [ Friday morning, bringing interesting,

• • though painful intolligonoe from Matthiasaction against theon


on ; two steamer i'reeborn, on T4iur«day obtainedp ... Monday, I frora.Capt. lirowri, of the Pawnee, a rein.

two others are ready to march at tho I forfioniont of about 20 lunn, aijd, tiijitedd. Sovornl eoiiif.anles of Cavalry aro'i f''*1 others from big own vessel, compris.

the snored soil of Virginia, Twoiiientiof Oliio troops loft Camp Dennison,on Sunday for the Old DominionIndiana' roginiunts'followed onandwordoh the point of taking, Ibe, ,jfllM<r- to thoBoeno of oonfliEt. All nre compTotoljequipped and well provisioned. Klinrp«shooters accompany each regiment, Tlio,fljic/5t onUiUiiuani animatoa ovory man,—The people purely do not lag.- The'roads to Fairfax Court-IIouso aroso biuTIy obstructed by trow, and BO.threatened by masked batteries, that it ianot at present practicable to attempt anadv:iiioe by llicin,

linliimoro \yas yeHtnrdny again, greatlyoxeitud. Before daylight, doineuumnts ofartillery and infantry occupied tho city,all thn tuoiiibers yf iho lioard of PoliooComiuissionftrs, except the Mayor, worajirrestud and ialtiiu to Fiirt MoIIenry,-—Many rnnibrs tif diaoovered plots were in

Aqobrilibg to fblf itllcinenfs""ot personsin the: expedition. Captain Ward, of the

g • Z J r l y and forty in all, start,cd in i&veral onttors for Matthias Point,taking with thorn about 260 bags, whichwere iilled with sand on the shore, andwith wliioh bruait works were soon erooted,under the direction of Lisut. Cbjipliu.

While'in tho act ofsreturning to theFroehorn for the purpose, it is itufcd, ofobtfliriing cannon for the battery., a forgeof rebels estimated ut from JjdO, to 1,200suddenly eiiiergc'd from a thiok wood inwliiuli tliuy hid buou conueultid, undpoured a volley of shot into the Federalparty, who made a linsty rolroat, Severalof the men swam off tu tho 1'rceborn.—(hiptnin Ward, on the FreeborD, protectedhis liifin as fur ns possiblouvitli his guns,

fired 12 or 15 shot among tho r'ubcls,

Vtam the St-iTortph (Mioh.) T

Tbjfilliag Mventare With Two-Wu'IeSrii'tli'iit 'JmiiuH Qraliain, ISaq.,

onr np and droMed SherlfrV whoio adven-ture with the.wolf, which, it will bo ro-nflllnntpfl, tin I l l 4 ^tbo river last winter, an ujsploit, by theway that hag boon oopiod into almostevery paper in the United State,?, yester-day was the hero of an adventure morewonderful ttan.j,he one above alluded to.While crossing a ploe'o of, marshy groundbordering on the Northern bayou nearthis village, in company witlia'small boy,he discovered two extraordinary large.blue raenr snakes just ahuad of him, andalthough armed with nothing Ijut an m-

.significant slick, he resolved at once toendeavor to despateh .tlio monsters,—TherofriFe, by deaeribing a etrelo, holiuu'ded ilioin off, nnd hemmed thorn innftxt the water, 'ivliicli this spociea of r.ep>tilu diHlikca cxeoedingly, but as ho ap-

Tbo Soo'y of War announce! tbat tlieroaro now 225,000 men enrolled in tbo ler-

„ PRIZE POETRY.s Let Chigftliina boost of dijcdg in wArtiHiitOlmrtlirrswt

n u N i j AI .TMIIKNT.—Thren boys wnro

tliownod a fmv days ngn ft! ( i rwn ' i i i 'd i id,

noar lA t ig Hrancjh, T h e y B i t ilie suns

id' J'SIin Muln t i ru , J l i t h a e l Miipa, ninl

IJunrgo Wulci ' s , iiiii] wqro frn'iii 1 ! to l l i

j'c.-urs of ngn. They hud {jiiiio tu the pnnil

tu lirithc, nnd yniiMff Mulnt i ru having

'gone in lir.s!, sn|ip(psing the.1 wnlcr wus ii'il

dfiop, fi-11 into a liulo aljiiu!. (iftuiMi fcot in

widt'll, in*%vliicjli tho tfafor WUH 2 5 ft, dufn .

eiiiitrd by tin mldy in the nlirintKrl of thn

pr.ntl, and liu being unablo tu swim, wus

abuut to drown, when rti« o ther boyn

ven tured in to his aa-iistaiiijt', nnd all

three drowned toge ther . Young Mclu'-ire

was captain of a juvonile mili tary eniiijia-

ny, whioli h(id liouii out Niiiriihing, and

iiiaiiy of the buys were, (in thu bank a t tin1

_liiiic..iif. tho acojdontj . 'I'lii'y iiiitiieujiiiuly

j thn n l a n n , but thn bmlitH were no t

uil un t i l life wan exliiiut.

A C ' l T I Z K S 111' H . M . C M ( ' l ) i - N T V F u l L i ' ! II

KNTKU Tin: Ur.tiKI,' A » M V » — I . - m i i ; H,

gg, who f'rir ^fivoral yoiirH ii'i.-J bi'i'ti

ifj I)(;ntistry in Wnnds town, HIIIIK'

tiiiin prior to aliu (luinmenflpiiirnt of Inw-

fliittL'B:went.WfiHSli tfl. pursue his Jirufuss-

ion.E lihqc'Ut-ly wbile tji:il.wivcinng (o reaoh

IiiH hnine in that county, )io wns enptuiei!

aiiid impressed uUo...thfi. tt'bi-1 Jirniy. 11^'

nitilhiir now resiiilts in WoinlHtuwn. ';!,u

lia i f tint Iu-;irtl liie fiitu 'of licr son tinlil

appviaiid of It by [hi; nciv»p!i|irrH. Tin:

wcrQ rcpor lud 'hy u IJniun limn wliti

esdnped froiii the Huuili,

1 ho fnli ni stiifiilnfi

nrd Hoiuerg, of Upper I 'uim's Xc'ck, fur n

sampli ' .of nnw pniatoi1.*. oullud tlio ' l i ieb-

iiKiiid «j

tho la rges t we~havc Benn-rhis-xcjason, -Mr.

Hoinurs. s u p hu li:is biion using tlit'sn po-

tatoes sinuotl i i? first of the iiiiiiilli : tlint

Ilicy arn tho enrlie^t lie t-vcr niist'-O,"aTTlT

enilior thnn any otln'l1 Viiriuly pri idi iyoj

in thia seutlon.. 116 lias bison uultivutinji

them in ordor to supply the dutiiiijid for

send, nex t yjmr, Tliin jirjlutot is worthy

Ibu -attglilion of fnri.in.-rs nnd Irueknii-n." _

less thanlinve"

-Hhe hist three .weeks no_liiitidreii nnd fifty

d :publieation nltojwliili! inaiiy have reduced "tlio Nino ashcel.s-to meet the depression m.hi ; tlm printing buslnusa. Amiiiijj" the

goiery; Litut. Uulonul, B,MuAlMaUfr;, -MB •jiir, Du'.iie! IIutD.'ld j Ailjutuiil, Wni/Hii.iy,jr . ; Quafler Jluiter, Bumuiji lluuil, o(_ MouiilHolly; Siirgeiin, EJwurii Tiijtor, of -Middle-inwn; CliBpiain, Bobijrt II. Yiiid, rtf Bahway,21 BfBimtidt—Ooioaei, U, W, MuLeiin, nf

JiSilB M,j

i f Nywuik, SJ'lV'giincht—Uoloni-I._u

. W. Orowu, al-Pbiliidelpbia; Mnjur, Murk W.. • CJulltft, ol Putertbn,

' • -A flfrtiHT,.--A nnwiftt nf .h.yt.fnnrdi'nary

..'fltsevma-Tiaible k i t evining in the north..west. I t i ' tail rivalled in kngtb and

fiSE which appeared a .year or twoJ t has bMD lean jn ieyorai pln'oes,

•''umir'-U' oari is not "now looked fur by~aguaaametwr&ttrMti groat BttontioB. -

watched If. last ovuBiaj?, and itM*t6"e 'iilk.' With a oloar iky, look

_ We hove rt-of thie oxoellent

A jumin

: ff^fffg^

tbii Stiito that have jfcreiiseil insize or lessennd their amuunt of rending,are. the State Onsfott^ Jersey City .Daily

Nowark, Daily Advefliser, N,Daily Frcdoniari, and Nevviiik

Mercury. No profession, in tho enrninu-niiy is suJTyriitg nioro tlniSi that V)f thepress.'uii'l none tlirit are srr^joorty rrniu-neratgd. fur their labors, Header, paythepriut,er! lie Wiintsjii^ tnounyv,

Q3"*" The T'aterson Guardian.

eireuhLtion, but. nothing definite is yet | 'w>tli what c-Oeot aould not by ascertainknown. Gun, ]Jutil(s issued a proehUiiu-linn piviiiK his reasons fur llio stop lakon,nnd Uii-'uliiiiuing all iiiiuntion of intnrfi'r-ing willi iho lUUiiigipal afl'iura nf JJIIIU-mipro, fajing. t ha t as Hoon as a loya]oilizi.'i) cou ld ' bo found who would impar-tially e seen te ilie 1'olioe laws, tho mil i ta-ry foreo would" La wi thdrawn. TheHcaroli fur iii-mii -h aiili piHj^'-ewing. -

JiesiTlori from thn ri.'bcl a rmy nt York-li'wu .Mutt.1 t h a t (in' a t t a c k upon NewportNews was positively iuleuiU-d on Haturdny 'Jiif'ht, but flint a heavy rain prevented it, |About •ijfit.lO fif llio raijelH, includiiijf ,i |dh'uiij,' bn'ly (if eavulry and twolvu pieeeHnfa r i i l lu ry , --advaiiLMulfrnm i 'or l i losvn,--rI hu h!i Mussritjhu.^etts Il^Ktiisent reuiairi-i-'d a! Newpor t News oil accccjuut of tliin

(J ii Katnriliiy, a Hkiruii-sli took jilaoo (itIknviiers, \ ' i i , , a jiiaeo twolve mileH frniii('hi'Bt Itivur bridge, between pnrties ofthe 10ih and Kitli Ohio and 1st Virginial i l . f l i l i l i m U . m i l l :l n f . i i i i . i i . n , ,.t l ; , , l i i i l P . i i r -

.'Wii.ii.e- .afler, it is


f-s i j j l ]

gununr had beenwounded, Cfipt, S\'ard was slruuk in tlm |breiist by a bullet, and in tlio course of !an hour thereafter died of internal lioui.orrhage,

A sailor named William J . Buss, waswounded in four plriot1,8, it isj fnared mor-tally. Suvon.l otliers were also wounded,aniung Ihem Jiigk Wiiliunis, tii.i eox.HWiiiii, a ball, onteriii^ his thiftli.fin-; ho earriod was nouiplotoly* riddled.—'J'iig JIIQIIIIII roaclied the vessel without

Lilry, The luttur, supposiitg that tlioywere tha stronger ]Hirty, attacked tlieNational troops, and wore "routed," losingKovnriil innn, intiliiding tlio Lieutenant olthe ('uii)piiny. On our sido ono niati, niiiembor of tho IDth Oliio Jlogiiuont, wash i n t .

From Missouri we learn that a iubelbi'iyiidit'r-g^nri'al and_twu rebel colonelshave 'uiKi .fruni Muinpliis, willi a largur|ti:mtity (if arms, toward Arkansas , AtMnyKvillf, A rk , , thiiro nfo Naiil to bo:;t.i,ii(JO sliiinl of itrniM anil IVoiii 0,000 toT i ' J U O i r u r i j i H , i i n v . . • I l i u l t a l i l l 'IltlH bf l f in

liDiird fruui a t Htoukj- tnn , w i th on ly y,UUOm e n , p u r t i u l l y n r i i i ed ,

K/iiiiiiiS ti-iio|is niiard tlio o u t l e t s fromMi^onri yn Ilie border of iCaiwas nnd thnIii'liiiu Terr i tory, mid (J"l. iSii'gcl'.f. Ki'f.1!-IIHIII from S'prin^fii'ld'will wiLli tlicm.lniinin tlm letrtjiiliiig funiitioimry, who, willisjl Jiia foron, will—probably Bonn' ben':i[itiirnil, SiiiiiO nf Unfiliann's. p o n pe.ixcd"i l i i J j jc^i iTy, IIn aged r n i m r ' m a n , andlying him i.o a tree inliuniuuly umrdored!ijin. . , •- - - .

ft, is .-repnr 'ml a t I-niljipoii'lonco--lh.il..in,(lii() Hliitu" (rniips erps-Kod the MnriiiadiM t'yyiiCH, :i Hhini'li' of tho (fragn l l ivi ' r ,If'Ouiik'K N'uitli of tlie [iluoo naiiiod, nncitiiiit, liny' bud there enuanipod, inteniitrigto niiiku a stniidT— T h e Nat iona l triiiipw,

H—iiiil'ii in tlii'ir

tha t iomeexinteniaii't ^prevaili1'.! at JJenver on thei!7ih of J u n e . Then thn_ HeeuHsioiiisIfiiipf * eirpiHT^li iin^ st;itrJ._gct out, j i u inIliuir ciiinp, tff.onty milrs up Che.j('reck, liir' (ho purpose (if taldng Vu\SVkb and. Opuland," Tlieii1 movoiiienwera.wakilieijj.but tliero WUH no orgiiiii?,'bmiy to (•jipotfO theni, ant] H I P I ^to bo no raiiiedy agiiiust tlio inroad,

TUP. AiiiiKsr oi> Col., AJ.I.KN,—Thereis nir doubt, myn tlio \\ ftshington eorrflapoakii t of- the Tribune, thnt the atute.•menfrr-ffh-iih U u . b . t i i uia.k Lv Cum-eoiTOHpoudents* and others, touching in-

b i aud wjiUtou injuriea.to thop propurty of^rojii'lentii atHampton and in tho vicinity aro only too

4 1 U m l - -A4Ut|>JBj4Ujmi_Qilluljiu KMiiiug a svliuiit lield, and taking

uUHtiidy who wore armed with protectiont"roni-_ Ueii, BuiTi'r, wliatlier wisely OTimt,it was hardly'.within 'tli'o provineo of neolouel to dueidq. In a word, he wasliimaulf • guilty of insubtirdinaUon, as hejias allowed his men to box find Guncra-IlJuLler did right in strildug at tho root ofthe diffiuulty, I t is only to bo liiipQil thaiho will follow vup , tho •matter, and, bysummary measures, put a stop to pro-fliiudin^s wlilnh ilitigjraeo nur army. _ _.

any furUier dainase. Capt, Ward's bodywas brought to Wushinijtnn on Kiiturdriyby the Pawnco. In the" funeral prooeas*.ino wliioli audump.'iiii'jil it from tlio wharfto tlie plaoo of iciitiponiry depflsit in tlioNavy Vard, was displayed the riddledbanner.

The gloom which provailod in the locali-ty was oppressive. The remains bavobeen transported to his home in Coanooti-


prwehid nearer and nearer, tbo largestntir| with head erect, turnod upon* him,nnd.in an .instant coiled its strong sinewyhoiiy about his iegs with FIIOII tenacitytliut it was impossible for him to movofrom h;s tracks without falling over. Butin spite of tliia prodioaiiiont tho Bheriffwan not mijeli aliirmod, until -he -saw- the.other snake, which' ha.d incmntime beenrunning from"Si.dc to side, suddenly starttnwiirda him, • nrtd with tbo (juiokneaj oflif/htninj:, leap upon him, catohing hiariiiht arm in its ombraee, and binding it,tu hiw buily as firnily as if it had ..be'enKiMjuiel with chains of stocl, and, ofcourse, notwithstanding ho strained everynorvo in thi! effort, be could not release it,WitliJilK left ha draw a «]jQrttb knlfa from

,.,. a breast" pooket. of his coat, anil Hindu- c-l «liort work, of severing the epils of his

disiijjreeablo foes. The largest of thoseinoiihters iiii'asurMd seven feet four andone.half inches, and the oilier five footeight inehoa in length, Tlie Sliorift' gayathat it seemed to him that the torriblo

out luritisHaid tliut after thu Federal foreos

retrcmted from Matthias 1'olnt, the breast,works were -immediately occupied by thorebels, and that informiitign hud, early inthe d:iy,'bcon eommuriiusitud by a, negrotjeloriningjopr. Ilono, whose bouae winburnt by a partyTrom the Hosolute, onTuesday, that tho enamy woro in tlioneighborhood, and at least a thousandstrong. • . " "

Tho negro had approached thn Federalparly an a fugilivn, with liis shirt on apoll1, na a kind of flag of truce, lie hasbgen brought up to Washington, quitehappy' bi.-tmusu irf his osonpo irom therebel neighborhood,

I'AHHIIN Uij(iw,\[,fiw's T/AST.—ParsonUrownlow of The' Knosville fV/%, havinght'iin ndvistiil of tho ooriajiiruey to Bci?,a

Mossr*.. :JoIinson,"'.'Nck(Ui1 -May-.nrir4,:and p j n i 4 _ c n h s e i j , .and earry them in irons to .Montgomery,thnre either to bo punished for treason-against tlitj Lijiifuderutty-, or ltttpt as.ho«-tiiyos, Hiys :

'• J/fft tin) railroad' whereon Union mennro convoym] to Montguuiory in irons beeternally nnd hopolessly destroyed ' Letthn property uf men bo consumed, and lottheir lives ]my the forufolt, and tbo nameswill bo given*! Lnt -the fires of piitiiutie

bi; built- upon UiU Union "of flio wliiilu land, and lot tlimil^gaig'urwhere tln'No eonspiratora live, like the[ires'of the Lurd thnt consumed Nailaband Abiliu, tho iwn sons of-Aaron. -For

a ! If we are,7 or 'executed,

there, or even, elsewhere, all the eonaoln.tinn we want is to Ii'now._tiiat our piirtisnnfiiendii hiivo visited upon our persecutors,certain ••Secession Irndnrs;-a-rnnst terriblevengeance, Lt-t il he dnnr,, East Tcnnen-snn, though Hi-, traits of llclli he farced andIhe Ilctivrns full.'" . .

U.N'ITEU KTATKS ifoitOES A;nour-MtlllK, JU-tli/trt . . . m i tn hr. m n .

embrace of the lnrgo reptile- was of|ual totho st'reugth which two men oould. brin>gto bear oil's rope about a person's iliiibs,and was extremely painful ; while thuquickness of their lnovoniqnti was indeedastonishing. Ho brought awny their

P A Y AND PjiNSiON OP.The fullowing recapitulation affords usefulinformation to volunteeis and their faiuil-

After being nmstered into thesorvieo of tlie United States,, volunteersure eutitlod to pay, the sanao as regularIroopa,

'2d, If disabled by wounds received in•service, or disease contracted in scry ice,they aro entitled to an invalid pensionduring lifo, or as long aa their diaab-ilityeoritinuos.

3d, If any arn killed or die in theservice of the United State1!, leaving awidow, slio la entitled to what pay wasduo her.husband, and a pension. If themla no widow, the child or oliildron qf.sMob.volunteer is entitled to tho pay, and aLpcnsibn until


y,.,-'year* o'f

4th. If thoro is nn widow or childunder sixteen years of age, the otherheirs "of doeoa.iod'afo cut i 11 D tl. to tho payduo the volunteer at.tho liiiie of his deutii—no pension, At this timo neither tlievolunteers nor any heir is entitled tola,od warrants, but there is no doubt nnact of.Congress will bo pnssud early inJuly, granting one'"Iiu'mlre'd "ari.3 sixtynr-i-ps tfl nvpry vnlniiinnr wlif) fl|||j|| sm'vii

prehension in tho minds of mjiny porsonsas to the extent of the Uiiltod'Stutos 'iol-diers stationed in and nnsir Baltimore, tliefoliowinp-wil! show tho respuetivo eein.jnandii, striin^th and location of eanton-uieut : At 'Fort Rcommand nf Major Morris, there irire, 1000

F b i h b S O O l hj

nj-oFwbiohTi;bont Sd

, tho

The loss of tlio IJaltiiiioro and Ohioliailrond (•i|iiils two millions of, dollarsIn addition io . tho looomotiv^S'roporteddialroybd. at Martlusburp,' tliero .wern

iron 'to~a-firui in rson,says :Our readers have often boon surprised

why-these largo cannon were) eoridemimil.tmmonsa jiiouys,'uf groat Tieuuty and puw-er, porfeet in every jiart, hayo bium seen,after vain attempts to_ireuk them,-tum-bled outat . tha.eornflr of.Bpr iLoo jiniLUan..gross stroritB in frout of the Ilogers Loco,motive Works, for nion'hs, by all whoJ j n t l l n l uniitw tn t hn li'iiiln A l l tIlO

Five passengers cars,j to he to Sfinlllg] t'i'£lil

Tho engines provelho intense heat .nf

workmen ruined on somi of thoiq pieces,woro the pivots, and we preiumo tboyoould bn easily repaired, ... _,

SAVED BY A BiuiiT..—At the out-posts of cmo of the,.camps near BaltimoreIn "Satonlayi'W' brtl "WM ^red atVoBO- M\

rebel camp at Corinth,'Mississippi, writesto^tlio Opolika (Alabama) SouthernTte-

-publio as fojbjMii4... —Took tha train

ythe piefiet gkaidi % ^struck. »\ ginAll\ pooket\ Blbip

rtl)e-Boldferr: an ^ fi-'o^ B\;IIW

liiinijaf mi - The Hiblo-wkitorn and (Barred, and wai sent into FortMaHtinry, Qen. Banti now hat the bookin his

AN iMrcmTASf! BEFOHM;—Tb# Dukeof. Cambridge has recently introduced onimportant reform in ihtBrrUsh. arluj', by•boljahintf theflurobaie of commUiioni intho BOrnoa. Boldieri fcoroaftir must earn

^tserye,"not-buy tbirn,

pg,the lirii-built iirouiiil them, that ihey arcupw worthjesH. It will onst as .much torebiiild them as it will to buy new onos,rind the obi onoa will never bo silfn,—Bueli wanton destruction of property isvilUiiuous and oiiiiniftal ^

romaind r nnnsUMng of n part of n regi-ment froiii.MasHnnliitsatfs ; iib'Criinp Puim-py.lvftiiiii, lifltiusf Point, the Itoaiment ofNational UuarJs of Philadelphm, (M,Jj.yle, ISO men ; at Federal, Hill, thePhiladelphia llrgimffnt, Ool, Lewis, IHOmeiij at Oiniip. Carroll, M>ij. Uook'a LightArtillorj Birttery of, Uuston, 120 men ;the,Otti M4iHSiio'ni],?et's KBgiment, Col, ,7,D, Kenly, 1 ,UUU menj o nouipanie? of 111rs•2d Miiryhrnd Hegiiiient, 800 men; and theBi'llevue Gardens (liiillinan's,) Col. SmithIQthj, Infiititry of Brooklyn, i.'iOO mon,.limiting an/nggfesale of ,1,900 meH.


Cliattanooaa uboi t 4 o'clock'herd wo wtsre '(rci^tslli'moro'

and arrivod nt

what in tho Haino of eoininon sanse, is beto do without whilkey ?—say !" ••

At Davenporf, Iowa, grain ii sellingas follows: . '

» Uorn, lOo. per bushel j wheat, 50c,•rye and barley,' 24a., oati (a drug,)

S . ' i beef, mutton ami veal, (boil cuts,)B l O "5a7o, ; pptatoei, BalOe,"

"Tho Richmond,• Va., Qitj Gouneil 'hasbrotahV* nmniionln that town for f 50,-dflfj, • ^Souitjoro Confcderaoy.

(_\\i-Tritfib.---—Within the pasttweivomoutli 8 vossela enj/aged in the Uu-biin HJHVO trade, bnye bet'h iiapinrod by:U.8. erHise.fs, Iind 4,500 Africans.found onboard pliieed iirider iho caro . of tliuLib'erinn aiithor[lies. Three of the slaverswere captured off the Uuhnn eoast, thoAfiionns faken.to- Key West,, and the.survivors, 801 in—number, rdsbippod toLiberia, Thn pthor n'vij vesaols waretiikim on the South AfHorin coast. •Con-.ft,!,; biii, vutLd I} 100 a . bond for the

turn uf the neproe'a thus raptured,1 andeontraeta have been entered into by tho"

Ooloriization Soetely to'this end,' Iloro-after tho iiiauageniont of ro-oiipturof)AfrieaDB, after, thflii arrival in Libnria, U

An,Or|or,haj boon liiuod at FortrassOortjemj.JJuilor, informing tbo

a d ft\tavicinity, »nd stating that the boats plyingbetween that point a n i Bstkirame areunder tho lulo direction of the Qovura.meat".

"'. Seventeen men are said to have dfioiLei over to • the onemy fiflm tio Ns%>a:lBrigade at Fortress-Monro^' and ara nowat Suwiiil's Poiri t "at work* on tbo ssocaiion^battery, * It w—rian—reportfld—that—*.niimbttr of tho Garibrildi Legion, wio^worrtfrom New York.to Wiihingtqn,M_haM

torqeJ.!' > '* "S-"

y , Bhonoi'ilbly disohargnd—first to the Widow,second to the children, third to tlio motlier, fourth to the. father ; and, if all oftho foregoing heirs be (load, fifth, thebrnthgrs anil sisfe? 6F"£h"bse~vflioJ!fiay~s5sefVonnd dtu-jwitbout: rc«#iv,ing a -warrant'in I Hi 0 miinner oa the volunteers whoserved in Mexico aro now ro.wardyd,

^ ^ p ^ andp j p t o r l b u s feats, will

undoubtedly bo 'rewarded with the fruitsof flioir valor, • .

6th. In addition to what tbo voluuteers and heirs aro entitled to, imd-Hiiibecome eiitillod to from the _UmLftt

those perfon'niBjp-fed b d l b

•itates, the iovoral States have-paispdandwill puas acts granting pay from thaSfatrrTrfflrsury, — •• • . — •

Maj.-Qeneral Froinont has not yot boon.assigned to a ooiiinmnd in the araty.

I f p l l p i v n y ' s I ' l l l a ^ T h o li!*« l E r s s i i r cD iiiiuittrji.— The re U b u t iinu un t i l ling ruliicily furthis uliLMa uf lull nmimtnry ill^ftrilnr?, nt'tor nil uthij

hnvo failoil—Ilijt inWivy' 1'lltS, Hhio l ine tdttid u;iuH(5 hf Ilu> i-utii^ltii ill. JiiiiiduniiinlUid Unl'iinol iifg iiidi^'riiiiiniituly |jrgiiurlling tf> llnj (ll^tjrn liun ijf I lit,- ut tcnilui i t iiliv=

^ f-in pnf n i l l o i i y b ty ^ . a frf- in pnf .try iinIrri t:i tn thu ImvisU wi

ly Rvui; tha S' j imu—OH l ln -c i i i i t n i ry , [[nlluwiiy'il 1'llUthe th(? hO'.vylg by cVi iy i i i ' ln^ t l r j nyrl!l tinLttyriuli iiillEimei i l iom. (siuibiiHtj tlitj ^ t u m n u h y r nili i i^ l iuiuura rviiil rusliii'ut il* nufiUHl tone and r\g-

it—fnlnnLlii Bin!ok no lo«s tlliin Ojiiui:..-j in try i'ior;

FhcMinintiMii, in

—Oil thi*lUif rrhiinls wliu hiivtj litii;i

J)s (iralli 'fl E l i ' t l r l i ! Oil 1",>, ... ... _i[i!t-r!!;i? fif l^ivifig- £ecli tlii

l i ro | i i ini l iui l inlvgrt lsyi l ; i l l ciur rnl.uini.B, linvu enllviupsm \\i to atiitn tlio i=e.^ult.^ til' lilgii. L'syni-imcMit*,—Thusi) pci'Sdns iissiiru u s lll:il iligir rlieiini:lt |(! pilin:

Imim iiliHfi.iT r u i c n - H l J i g - !*•- »nipHi'»ilt.i»(it Do. (iriitli 'ii E l w u l f J u ^ a j j i . . . . _ . . .i u use iii iiil wliii iifu jifiliijtoil ivHli iiny yf Ihe ijis

Huu Ailvurt isuli iui if , . -, «..

DR, WISTAR-S 3ALS.\M OF WILD CHERrg,In thp wluily liistutj* yf Mgdlyal DUyuvqrioa ri'

fiMnnil.v Inis JiijiTiiririeJ st* many nr suull ruliiiirktlblonniiuf-Hiu miiinriuisi nffnuliiiim of the Tliruat,i.Hilijl, luiil Chiiil—uf Cuiiglia^Uiildi, :

Uoiisumnthm iiiSoltV n.H .lUid rnr-F^liiQd,iind justly uiilebniied UiilsuHi. So gim

tat" b.Bt iuw uf liio rajlliy who have ttatod thoIt lit liiinil nsiv

«|iyyujf itnti ecitiLin uury lur Buuiiun IILLILUJIfullj believing^ Quit its rymydiul puwors arehoii.^i^'giinriKli to enibrsiec GVQry form 0

q p e i .

fhihartt of VVitii Cherry* I eiill aiiy with tho litmoat oniiflJcnoo ihat I lliii.k it tha best Cough Ito-iuod¥-I—hltV4j-BV#r--ia*>i nT-ifc!id. -byleivs--"! swo inj

. ut cslatanoQ to its wniiderfai ettratrve ." 'C " ' ' ' " " 1'""" *'f*™ hrl ' l ight jri.ry Iftw tty H AI

p ^li,! auebiii]iaiitcyi vand -titnyr; sy mptomN of thnt ilrend

fiti! I t i d edrj Grint iffr-Y-- I tried manj lomoJidB williOut

unlil'n veaart to thu finlwun waa hud, which, hjthe bie^ins yf Diviuu 1'ryviduiieG, iosn reitsrelliii to hQ%ltn. '"

Tho Bnls.im ii now em lofcrt when any of nufiirally U nttMkod wilh Cougbi or eolda. and It lmnuvor, fii'ilod t« Eivo relief. I keep ooMtanlly oiniind a roppiy, IJurlnj Ihe piit IB yoin I Bavinfliiunrod luiiny iJcrfoia to lailko ui« of tills rcmedv, asd always-with. thy game iueigsi,

• " ' . . • • • - . ' ;, V'n-HOBBRT"~ 'nnJiliifa'

JJaJtinn hiu tho tcriltrn llmiTOn aaam h * tBUTTS" mi ths printedLhoouliuwaipiior; allol

mi ths printed ono f t i t p t ]uwaipiior; allolhor it vila ond

fir «aft W

A ntiblor iliemo' uiy lionrt it <5!IB, % ,. ,In prrliso of HBH nicK's inatiiblosa Pill!.

T.heif earqs ftro found in dvory land—iMiit Ruaitin'j SIIUWH, nnd Afriav« iniiil i--

, Th cit wondrous works tho pnpors fillPriidudod .by IInnnrcK's mutehieis 1*1118.Tints disonso nflliet yo'u 7 do not doulitThl.'i elirirriilng eolnpound will aqaryh it out,^\nd holilth itgiiin your syitem fill,If you fly nt onoo to IlBiinicit'a Pills.

Tliey'rs.iafs for nil—both old anil young—Thoir praisiis nro on every tongue |V^cm^Qj disuruiiji no longer kills,Binoo wo-nro blessed with IlEnnicK's Pilli.

I'ut up willi English, Bpfiniflh, Qgrnmi, »i'ryaeh SireytMiris. Price 25 eosts poi box. i";

r Caaitd. Bee iidyyrUsoment on 3d p.igo. ,



ih for tho Quttrtor onding Jutiq 30, I801-.lev! AiiroHBOii,iilrink-C.iwU-'y,'liomfts CDS,nim^ Early,Iliillbiiis lsiiriin,iViiljam ttctTy, .

lliomas Howlyt,Jnnies Hnrtponoe,A. B; Knrner,Edwiird Kelly,,lohn Lubaw,

CbiirlysMlirphy;3 P. Moulount,

iiitlianio! i'ootfM.J),, -John-WT-ttlehmond, -—uo, Hutqli, .Jiilin Sonher,ohn ilutelion. Miss Pokey Williarai,

,V. I', llowoli, Edwin II. Weaver,izykiyl lliigiiej.

Pergons q:illing fur iotteri in the above list will

fjgfMiilln for Now York^-North and Enat—lenvo\Vt o'gluek on Jlondny, Wednosdiiy, Hiiil Friday,iir l'hiliultjlplnit—Boutli iind Wyst—daily atj^ u!-louli; fur M.-inaliipiitl and East Jersey. ovefy.THea.,iy, TliureiJiiy, nnd s/iturdiiy, nt :ii it'iAoek, P. M.



NOTICE IS IIBlUJnV GIVEN TO ALT, PER.siUiH uuncL'iMiud {but my wify, iSIiiry E, Pul len,lut'l liiy bud and biiHrd wilfrcHit ju.4t yuu|e or

fovni'iilidii, nnd I furywnrn liny jrerrun Of nereoimnis l in^ lu-r im iiiy Hcuouiit, ua I SHU riijt liny linyylils iiuiilriiytyd fiy lior. -y .


Comity Surrogalts Offlcci("TPON TUB APPLICATION OP WILLIAMLJ lIiitBiiiliaun, liud Juim D. Ulurko. Exccjutonul'.liilin ]!, Porrinu, Intu uf (bn eoutity of MiddluMST* ^ I T l h t l ^1 ] t l f e t S t

.•}•,.tin buieby urdiT liriil diryut Ilia miid Exnoiitorau glvu ]ii!lj!ly iiutiso ta tha eryiUtors nf Uiy ssiihl dy:i'ii^td, !o bring in tbylr dybts, dernftiida nnd ybiiinsunder tiftih yr nfilrinntion njrulridt. tbo Biiid yafiUyu-ithiii 0 nionilis from iho iluto .of this order, by sotling u|) n copy of tho ordor within 2U days al'ior;boMaly heryol', ill five of the luoit nubile iJliiees inmid (Joiiiity fur lho aprioy of 3 uiontliB, nnil iiUa liyidvyrti^ing tbe naine for tbo like spiiyo of liuiu inino of Lhu news]«inorjL-Iirlntuii,ij|._llilsJilalB. Andf liny erydihil- sliiill liyjjleyt to cxhihit hi.H or hor

ilc-bt, domrind or ulnim, wiljlin aiiidpyrioil of ninssniMntliH iifteF pnblie hotlee givyn IIES iiforOEiuld'j stM'hiJMlltor_aliiill_bi; Ibryvyr burred of bis or bur not.mi ibei'L'nn- itgiiiimi lho" aiiid'Eseeulur^.

Ulvyniinilerliiy hand tlitn 11 til dny, uf June 1TO1,TJUiOPJlILUS M. IIOLUOMIJE,

IliglitBton-hrjulyT; lBljTr;L'ui' Siirnigr/tr,


ilifi stiDaoaiBiB, DHSIHODS OP OLOimof—up Uri IjusinoBB.-diuiiriH-lii-nivu nolk-.i) thftt-liir-.

will noli off the Itoeli now to bo fountl at his Lnm."oof Yard, in tho borough of Jlightatown,

AT COST! •ni l 8took_ eoniista of a good aisortnjent of Lumb-

er of Blntirids, and t,ho«e lushing anythillB'ln hitlino will flniUthnt thev can do hottDr by pufehQa-:liiK ol him than thoy cap nt other yards.

June I), lm fe It. OILKYSOS,

BLK, -SILKS! BLK, SILKS!TTTH IIAA'E A FULL LINB.PF THE'DEST/VV Binho. bought llttll* lite New York'forooJnloH, We sire wiling a liigh"Iiiitreif,"liBavy grnin,-lack Silk for 75001,18 eheap at J l f S ivy gr

ptfmS ft,ti rl , w i g lighIiiitreif,

Black Silk for 75.001,18, eheap at J l ;clo for SI, worth SI Zo ; tho best for g

_ ' .' ' O. W. QRAltT-Juno 0,-Jm , 38 Qrociio.it, Tmnton.


No, 87 East Stato-st, Trenton, N. J ,ITould rospeatfully annoanoo to tho pooplo of

inglitatowii aud vlQinlty thnt it) addition to (h*iil


C L O T H I N Gthey are prepared to fi£ out

Military Companiesat tShorhNoliee, and rfamilttile Units, for Ciiifi.

Pilrniahod in good stylo and in atriot noeordnnoowith tho ruguluiions. Ooinpetont persohii will boseiit to any plago to tjiko the measures of tnomboriot tho Oolnpiiny afto^uJiilruotB hnvo boon mado.

^ w. j . OWESS i Co,Trenton, May 30, I801,-2m

THE flOPLES' STOEl,Fresh Arrival of



BTOINPOHMXX thy oitiseim of Ili(;ht9lown and vicinity, thathis Styro lloem hlus beyii fillctl.to



N E W GOODS!Tho largest Btook over brought to this part of tbocountry nt ono time. Ho luia now on hantl mi us-sortiuynt ufgemU, whioli. In ostont, variutv, qiiiill-ity, and lownciia in prioo, are UNRIVALLED.—We iieod not purtieuliirixe, fur


^ I n f i i i t i i i i i t d f f l tc C ' imiF i l l I f n n U Of I9«;^vloi-miy.—Loiiiis nnd Di«i!tjiii!t«, $12(1.1)4' III i lli.l.li,d Stiver. SI.283 51: Furui^n Bills Aiid ' Oiiueks,

¥l,iill!l USi^iii . irom utliui- Jl.i'ulii). SM.103 71; Ujing lluucii'iiml F ix luroJ , §5,7(1(1'; IJiiu Sloultliiil.i.T?T.!i,(Mljlj Clrnuhiiion, S-'H,S-; Ugpn^ltol's, $i;n,-

.fiiM 07 ;• iiiliur J i i i i iks , -$:M ; Other iu.labti.-ili.fsj.ijilOiOOii; Surjitui', S i a u 07,

. "•-- Ii, WEED; Pm-i:J , M. CUDBEHLY, Cnslfr.

IIiglit-aluiiBii,July 1, lsiuj.,—It "... - . .

IN fins luniiT pi.Arw.

tlrrrick's Sna;ar fonteJ Fills,Tim Ui^f Fuinily Wil l

rirliy ih tho world, HKpdOT yoTu'i by live luilli.ilisnf jfiu^unH nnnii ' i l ly; ;i|,wnyd givos ^jillgriiuliiiii :cinitiriim iifithltii! injnri-nuii; liiiliuiiki-d by tbu

i i l ]ibysioi:MiM anila ill iho Uniiiii;y goutod with ail-

.Whiah ha will dUp'wo uf iit Ihn '


NT1LY PltOUtJCE taken in exuliatwo a ithe highezii prliM^. • , =^ .

I c i m l u r i i B t l i a i i k s f o r I l i e p i i l r o i i r i ^ t K h o h n s f p . -• C - . l n . i l . i l l till- i , . | . . l . 4 , | , , l 1. • j . I J Mi.lL l i , |L u i l l l i l H I I l l

;for tfl. lruil di-

reeiioris with yrush'b.is;* ^V.irniiilt-d superior to

,-iny 1'iil before lift1 pub-

T A L I , , U I A S S m ! , I . E O X C u l J S T I - , )Fkirida, July 17, I MM, ]

__ .-. JlEnnioiiMlhiinyTN. V,-TMy Dear lnm.tor i I wrilf; thig to intbriii you of this wondinlHilclVost of yuiit' Kilgiif Owitecl PilU on Iny ilnughtcr.For H yuiira she liiis been iitreetijd wilh a billuiiS der.:!ii]>ouiynt of the system sjidly Impiifing hyrllyulthivhiyli linB heonBiBiidily fnilliia ilurinjj Umi period."When ill New York In April last, a friend advisoilme tn lyst your pills, lliivin|j fullust oo!ifidt;riye inlliii jiiiljfonieiil of my friend, I obtained a supply ofI3nrue's A Pnrli, DrhgjMB, Park Row, K,Y. On'ru-turniiighonie wy eeiii.:ed nil uthyr treiiljnenl, andadministLTtd ynur [iillji, unu uiusli nisht. The imp-roviMiieui in her feelings^ fcoiupk-xioli,' digestion, ^u.

tiun tolieutthhas baen'iho result. We used lesa Ibuii5 bose^, I11K.1 tonaidor her entirely well'.." I yuu^Liku1

tho ubuvy ii jual tribute to you ns a Physician, andtrust^ it will lie the meani of iiidiiolilu uiany to adojjtyimr I'lllH ua their family medioinus.

I rouiiiin, dgnr air, with lliiiliy thiliika,Your ob't aorv't,

II»rriik<H Ki l l Bli 'ciigibeiili ig !'l.i»ii>r»tMii'4.-.* in .'? liuui's, pMinN iind weuknegs uf Ihebryagt.^ide iiild b;!uk,;:iiur ltbi'iiniatie Uoniplainl-? iliiin e-quiLlly ahoit period uf tiqjo, Bprisad oil hyailtifiilwhitolfinib sitin, their nay subjects Ihejyjjarer to noinyuirveiiiyiiee. nnd eiioh one will wimr Jrulu 1 weak10 :i lniiiilhs. l ' rke ISJ eentF. "

i lerr iykiSugar Ooitod Pills and Ki.l PhisteH lirepiihl by Drujijjiaisaiiil Merohiintx in lill'iKirlsuf theIT. S., Cuniidiu a«d South AniOrieu,.rind liliiy Imub-tufliiid by eallinji for (bora by their full ulinio.

Dli: L. K. UEIUUCK K CO.,July j , IRin.-ly , Albany, N Y .For Jnle in IHijhtslown by O. W. COWAKl), anil

D I . 4 TAYLOIt, and dealers oyorywhoro



.raaEo C'flmjfaay of New Jerscj%, y u , j ) ExcilASSIt PLAtfK, JlSBSKY CfTV.

Jjruniih Ollieo, No. piJreoHC Strcyt, Oppuaito

C.M'IT.W, STOCK, . . - . f300,OO0>ClIAllTElt • PKllPETUAL.

liiiildillg^, ^ryrybhndise, Ilousehuld Furniture >tPerKnnnl; 1'riiuc'rly Insufed mi the most favornbloternii?. . Losses equitaldy adjuited and promptlypaid. Pulkius isiuud for a rurni of yenra.

DUDLEY B mtEIKll ivrOHAS. u.iitiSSON."7'"•nitrsms vnrbitEws,-.B. WKnTCOTT, "T, J UULliMAN,JOIlS VAN VOKBT.JAMEalt.'fllOMPBON.


^ f t M ? , t—•- "~ "11108 B ORAlfE, Syer'.VTTJ, II. PHILLIPS, Um'l Aff'l. "

Having tseyn n?kud fmpliilon as M tho tn

BOOTS & SHOES,X furiBS tho oitlzoni of, liightatdwn and vlolnitj-

thnt he iti firejmrud to uiriko all kina» ol Ladies'

fashionable stylu, of. thu bust material) and-m Uia

Hnvin™ worked for tie"bert istatlislisBeiiti Inthe United 8t'atrt, oBd h a t w f S fittrni knewiadgasf the huaipui, ho fosln »fflnred that hs inn ploascall who inay ftiTor i t a w}>! n oMl,







Parawols anil Uiiibrcllan,ALSO,

D.O MESTIO Q O ODS,.^wliiih enTinotfnii legiye entfry malilnvllpa,

ISe baa coiiatiintiy un hand all kinds of .. ...'UOCKEHV. '


lfLuUll,SALT tf


| ) L | | . u | u u u i i i l i i i u i i lt, to ayeoiniiioiliitii his iriviids n'ml uiujtiiniiir.1.

Utid in oonacquonec yi tho Ibit* slijuk, tu iniM'it and

iimLsfttriyty »f- a yoriiiiiuunqy of

.B support and good will of lho pmiplu,IIu mndiiilly Invitu.-iy.iu to givy hilnaeall.—

ALL ! Ynil Hill nevyr rugret a viait tu

THE "VERY (lilJAI'EST STORKIn this"30Biio|i» of thn State, llcmyiuhor the oldBtiiud, oppusirtClsJi'TrtAL BAJs'K,

„ HKu.-jv. COWARD.IliglitstPwn,,Ajyri IB, l | l^ ' ' t f



Is the preinonito'r of death ; rcliyYo the pain andyou obeek'tbe itiaeiiso. • ' " . - - . . ' . r ..

L,%f'J./n.< Oii «r(.i npQii~ltia'iyiitrm imih JiCeffT•iri'iy; is of purib rogiitiibls prypnration. not .tho

slightest daiiger;of applying it outwardly or ill.wiirdly; it at onOi! gives a periaanent euro, In moat.cagga. in.Irom 10 to ^U.lniiiutf^. .

Thy best physiologists of Eurnpo have diRyover-eilthiit all iirginiii! derniigoinoin liLthe animal py.-t-turn ia an efloui of the ohHifuotiim of the phyalee-u-lticirie lluid in tbo organ diioaacd-"ri skilful appli-

iiii(l tho sale is at oneauocomplishoii. Wo bioeding,no vomiting, purging or bliaterlng is resorted to,~

Prof rieHnitli'ilSleoli-iuOii ifltho inarvolof thisage for the following (not every thing).

Cures lihuuiatiaui ui'ieii in a day.Cures Neuralgia, Touihaeho, twu minutes, =Ciiree Uimmp in the Stoinaeh, flvu minute?.

. thircs BaTcsV Wsundij, JJruisgrrl to-3 daya, =

Oures Jloadayho, tiftyen minutus.Cures Bur Aelio, BtitT Keek, Ague, one night.Curos'Pilafl, flwoliod Qlntids, ton dnyo.Ourei I'olous, Ui'okyn Breasts, Salt/Hueum, two

to Six days " , . . -Cures Hemorrhage Soriiftils, Aboess, (5 to 10 days


Cures Hemorrhage Ssrpfula, Abeess, 8 to lOdiiOuroB Ffuiiyd Fuot*'Ohiliiiuirii!, 1 to .11 dsyu.Ourus Ague and Fever, 1-to 2 days, and all tl

i d B l ' i t Afl'tlKoryuuis mid Wgrotuluiia Afl'oetlg^..Cures Deafness in. ono to four days,Uul'ysull pains in Uiuii.Luk, Bruiwt titfl. in 2daya

DBAi'NESB CURED,Now Uiiton, May Ittth, USSR,

Prof. DoOi-nth—My brothef hn» buon doaf throeyiiivra, and Olio buttle of-ymif-mtrfttilo Oil CUPld-h ini .pntiryly.

ANOTIIBIl INSTANT. CURE!IlBntinjaqn, Pa , Bopt., 1B»»,

1 do oortify that Prof DoBfath's liootrio Oil isinfallible for Ithumatig pains. My wife far sojnotime past baa been groatfj nfflietsd and uaabla towalk, has boon restored by tho applieatlon of thi«oil almost in4tantangou!ly, I can ohoorfuMy roe-ommond it to othen, JOHN WILljIAMSOBf.

PILKS.—Charles Sexton, Baq,, exjfsyor of Dainden, nays six - applications onMd-Mm," AlnioirBir.-red his liheumatiam, ,-- '

STIFF NECK, ,| Editor of Ls»rMi^Bilneoii«d InjtaiitaaooiiBly.]

(Itrard Houio philadalpbiii.- - — • PflffmtH' T. fr.nly iHvn It ;

piniiin that youi BlBstrio Oil is imonglhi So»tunac(fuL*»mai!!e#,of,a^ejf!jJtiB)e»,^ At the o»t-

ni!«tF-ibMta6»i-of a laJy^-wfcintlfcgBdHfcH-riiPEa"l.ccn enrsd of n most painful alfootion by ita u s , Iwng indnantt to tfv awtt le , though at. thn Hum a LpufohMinj, t. imly nelioToirn i t t s bo u a u u k mi>dicias and a oniolipciiDy humbug. But a trial con-

ihs^fflo that it possesses ajBagtg power, ftnd i t -blisih t i r h l t

viheosfflo that it powill provo n bloisihg tosuirortnghumnnlty.

1 t t l taok it Mid from t teajingiaaaBp~b ll l

1 reotitttly taok it Mid from t t ea j ingiaaaBpsheets, and u y nook bsoama BO much omillon anilpninful th«t I oould sot tain tn^ head.

orlbed hy By uhyiiouin, I last ovnnlng tried yourBleotrio Oil, This morning I ma wsU, tho foldf

Xon«*sry trul• ' ' •

Mr, 1-iviTighigaly rB^eNoif York. -,jaotef tlM rtotBwiti pfoiunre; .

Bold In N, Toi* Co., D,:l.*j™

old, w^ilthy and

• him on thatwllF*


" SJ

Page 3: letotri) to IKtator^ ' -imlr imnt fitfdU i gg · 'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn Slu-'llens, tartie A VaugUn'" .Straw Ciililrra, mfiilu to urikr ut I If hliqi t Iliitlto.

j § S " All psriont ortfefing work ilmwal Ih isqfflci, are ejipctlcd to pay far the same on itclivery thereof, ,

Fourth of July Fiitlval.The ttrrangomiBti for tho Pgurtb.flf-Julj

Celebrntion huvitig been compIuteJ, we^pub-

liih them iii full, for the benefit of all 'oon-

corned, Wo sluta for tho Information of those

Who desire to uiiiko contributions to tho table,

that they can ipnd Item Wilio M. 1, Ohuroh

Or to the grounds. Tlioeo' intqndad for tho

iohaol to bo directed accordingly, and those

for the dthor tabk'a also .apepiully delignotcd,

CJuniinittecf'will dispose of them properly.

The Ajrferaon ^guavoa will leave their ar-

mory »t S o'clock, and niurch to Mdreor

OhnpttiF room, where thiy will be joined by

the members of that organ iintion, nod pfoeeed

• to tho M. E. Ohureli, wliioh point the process-

ion will leave for tho grove in the following

order :

1—Martial Music, 2—Aoderaon Zouayei.

3—Mercer Ohipter, O. U, A. 4—11, E, Sun-

day School,' .

"~"*PhB~esoroiies on Wo ground will "commence

at 10 o'clock, ai followi •

1—MuBie, "America," 2— Reading of

Seriptnrei. 3—Pmyer. 4—.Music, " lluil

Columbia.;? 0—Reiidiug of Declaration of

Independence, by Ur. 0 . R. Bartholomew,

6—Alasij, "Slur Bpungled lijnner,"

Dinnur will be scrvud ut 12 o'cloeii for llie

children, and at 1 o'clock for the Teachers

itud pursnts,' members of Mgrcer OLopter,

the Military, nmj invited giiestp.

At 3 P, H. the following i'sereises will be

held ;

1—Music, " God bless our nativu land,"

2—Addresses, by Juriieg F . Rusling, Esq., Stid

others, 3—Mtisia,_'^It«d, White and Bluu,"

Refreshments., will bo- provided . ou the


fiSf When dBbts of a pecuniary oharaeter

_nriLjnade liatwefp jneii. anil wifliirttd to remain

due aiter the period of their piymont hug

elapFOd, they are not (infrequently the caute

nf much perplexity atii! SHffyring to tho cred'

itort who bus, no doubt, relied upon their dls

chiirga fur the ucquillul of lils«own preMing

Wiint» and iieeessitius. In this dtly of looking

_ioxw,iiEd_tQ_gteiit -things, great eventsr anJ-

gieijt fortunes, the trifled which niiilsu up the

"sum of liiiniim huppiiiees, are euliruly over-

loaliud. If ii (nun whij4»-entered4n-J,ho-i-iict-

for fortune, owes a lew djinf!) or dollara to thu

homst liiboriM1, or iho iodustrioua ineelitinic,

. he Bfliii't'ely-tliliUis of piiyinj it when due, or

oven wlieii __ealliid upon to du so, except he is

urgently iinpiirtiinpd, UT h fetirfal of exposiii"

biiMelf to piililio usliuin by \\U warm than

perveriie rieyleut. We do not wish to say thiit

lliia fliigruiil omiaaion of tlie fulDHineiit of till

huniaii ubligntinns, '• piiy. wlmt thou owest,"

urisys ju\.alI o.istss . froui'diihgutjSt. motiyea ov.

ifuwutiuiis,: on. the'cieditor—fur front- it," • It-

nHses from a less eulpiibli! but equally IVgiirtous-

Beiiliiiieiit,—u recliUjaaiiuis ,lti regard to thu

wants ijC oiliuivr. This-should -not'h6'."~"Jlen

Hhoiikl eonsiilLT that the wunta mill desires ol

all "are neurly alike, and lliut eiith one desirtii

to huveiiml to hold liis own. Did muu gciiur

Tiiiy ruTOgliiziT^ainJ ini-ritully reulisu the~ fuli

furco • aud eStuut of Ihis principln, wowoulii

- lmvH no occasiun to reityrale thcaolemu scrip-fnr fcl in inni- t in i i

us this pi'iuulple is not unlvijimiNy re^itrdui!,

and as many other) suilVr In consequence of its

neglect, as wtll as ouraulvts, we cminot avoid

the repetition. ,,

Bi'adi!i7if you owe the merehnnt dnylhiiig, poy

• him; II you owe'the meeti.inic tinylhing, pay

him i iLjQu^owe the maiiofaoturer anythltig,

p;iy hjjii ; if you owe the .Doctor uuytliipj;,

pay him ; if yiitt OWB the Parson anylhing,

pay him j if you .owe tho schoolmaster any-

tiling', pay him j and lastly, if you owe the

printer anytjiing, (we hope you don't,) ". list

lint ulecp come to your eyes, nor slumber to

your OTeliiiB," until you have paid Aim.

The first quarter of Mr, "Walters'

{school has closed, nud we ara glad ID hear

that it lias been ai well sustained as could be

i;xpeote(l. I t is gratifying' to ksow th'ttt th"e

people of our borough do not allow tbe es»


with the education of their children. We

j.JtlQpe tbut the tchool ujay continue to prOiptr, I

and that Mr, Wulterff may ba encouraged |u

bis nadertukiug by "the active co-operation of

ai+tfUQ frleitdi of- education," WB havo long

needed sueh'a sehool here i now let us sustain

it, "The next quarlef will" commeuco ou

Wednesday, the 17Hi of July,

• EOBDEHV.—On Friday Bight last, 28U) nit,,

he-Btoro at Oranbe y-Btation aaa bmkuir

Open and robbed of Oasiinjeres, C'luthi, Sea,

After the robbery the thievei wallsed to this

pluc*, and took the 12 o'clock niidnight train

rssd gut eff at 3wwtowiir-'t*faera were two of

i lg e e two of

tiita,-^ait_a. tall maa with heavy *black-whii-

kerg, tbtt other ia a short person, They had

, with them-when they got off at NewtowDL

severa! largB bundlti, W i are informed

that the loii of the mereharit i n l a r ly one

hundred dollar, ,0ne of"'the rogtm w u cap.

tared on Sutarday at Caiadan, by an employee

..:<?LJbs\C-'- is A- Sailroatf, and upon bim wire

found tome ten dolluri' worth of thi^mlsaing

. uriialei, beiide six or leteo dollars In pennies,-

He ll now confined at Oamden, 6lg, ocoom-

pliee ia enppoged to haye_takflo the Trenton


'i'miday of hat week, a furm-

^ n'ame'of Alfred Olayton, rialding at

Pro*peet Plaini, oommUtad. luielde by hang,

jogbitfisrif with Brrope in hjt jbafn.-;. The act

w«a committed ^ar l j in thi moriilng, and

from eOD?eriatjoBi with hia family the day

•prevToui, it Mal i to t av t Wen prenodltated,

Mr. CHeytqn w M formirly very intemperate

in Ma,habit«, but fut thy v m flyy ut \L, , t y v m flyy ut \L\% y«MH

had'ftNtnioea from liquor until a few days

preftStoi hii deatbF'aatttiir*^Ift and'Sj#i:'V:-'l-

1 Phil I. Baiter" londi n§ the tollowJUg

The Bay Celebrate,

Truth l i i frofigft thnn^ fiction. This will

become most plainly apparent when we eon-

sluer ib»VoiiowT5g~(MM aecoant of tbo~Fr!gin-

of tha i ib in contrast with the commonly n-

coked but fictitious version of the uflUir, n

which mention is made of Q, Washington, C:

Lee, and many other fabulous heroes, Bo it,

known then, tft all the great " uuwnsligd," Mint

on the fowih . mbiifii of July,< exuotly l|tG-

years ngp, the great Gen. B. Franklin of thu

Notioiiul Ureyp, and Brig, Oea, Billy Wilion

of the Bummer Zoutivci, assisted by Sergeants

Ooofiiciui,' Socrates, and John Urown, made

an attack upon the Southern Cootbievcracy

tueamped nt Harper's Ferry, and gained a

oumnleto victory. 1"wel»o millions of the

enciny wore slain, Ac,, by one discharge Oi

Ross Wiuau's steam gun, under the sharp

practice of Major Anderson, the;discoverer oi

America, Well may wo then rejoice. In the

words of Jed Davli, the peot, lefui " Qarjfe

diem, hiejaoet E pluribui onion,"

The above account Is truo as contained in a

telegram from* old ^ r , Buoljalong, who was

but a Binall boy at the lime.

- 4 - ——.—Cheaper-liaiiJSver,— — — -Don't forget to call at QtrfcALT's and ex-

amine his stock of FLY NETS & SUEETi ,

He has a One variety, which he will eoll



Wheat, norR y a . " " • •Oats, " JiCiirn, " ' 'Flour—Wheat per owl.,

Hj-u " " "Cum Sfeftl do,

rotntnea, per bua.,IigKB, per ioore, •IJiiHur,Liird, -Olieesc, , -IIPurk, .

While UJiuiaSalt, Turks rsland,


f l 38.M.

2R a .".II(i!) a —3 W2 251 50


- Uin

— - I I U .IS a IS


2 onH


.JUSU,_JI.^iiuw, Hijlij of -Kttiitij'-g«saliHt!re'I'liHti, anil

Eeady-Made Clothingnfevrry ile-iri-iptinn, maik- to suit the taste unil mirecol i v t i puu , CONSTANTLY ON HAND,

P.lftieiiini' iittiMition gk-t-n In tlig,

CUSTOM DEJULIITMENT,iiiid miy qnc wifiliilig il HliiTW C'lutliM gotten up Inthe lrirti.4 iiiudo, with iieiitnaV mi'l ifcx|iuti:lt\ shouldmil at \ - •• •


. Tliny would, iilso iiivilii till! Ladiiii tu call and i-x-uiiiliit- their liU'Me atoik at'


YorkWednesday, July 3, 1801.


Wheat, White, f 1 35a 1 40do Hod, SI 20 a 1 ill

Eye, . 53 a OS(Join, Jersey—Yellowj——— 50

" - " Whitq," Oo to 60Oats, Jerso3% £8 to Si

Fi.oyit ANIJ MEAL.

Wheat; superflau, g-i 00 to §4 Ho» ._ extra, f i 05 to 5 00

Rye Flour, S3 00 to 8 1 00Corn Meal, ?'J SO to §3 00


j Poach Blows, 5 1 - 5Waroors, pur bbl,,. 9 fiO to L 20

14to-15l i to 111

]futter, Country, pur lbLard,-. ' - , . ' - -• - . M w O E t L A N E O U S . ' Y - - . ' - . '•

ITiiyj-'jjc-r'.lOO l b s , , , • - . ' . . • B 5 t o 0 0

Vliito Bonus, per bus., Sl'liO .to 81 Ha



qiUB stinsCtitnEIi JIEIIB liEATB TO IN.JL fiirni his friuniifl mid thu publiuin ^ciiiorul Hint

lie has iiMt (fpoiietl ii hir^e ahrl wi ll ^iHi-gtcil Ninck

JJ, 00FFEES,jin,l SCIIliBHK, BUTTER, EU(is anJ LAUD;HAMS pillOULDERS^anil BEIED miEF,rtCKLED roilK, BEEF, Ffall, io:,

••• BI!IED FRUITS mid VEGETABLES,And all artlulda toiuit (he demands nf thn tiraoa.



& Domestic,


AND ' 7


t n y t m Iiiind and'for salo at Iho very lowestprison, ' , . !

N. B,—Country Prodttsoanfcoo in oxdhniigo forGood!. • , " •••'

OARttET S; TIKDALLnightitown, April 24, 18B1,-Iy


"In time of rooce PrepBra "for Wnr,»

, Sy purohaiing a flood etoek of


rrUIB SnBSpRIBHB HAS SOW Oif, J . hand a laige anortmoBt gf

BOOTS and SHOES,for the ipr iai trade, whloh ho MB wamBt to gi«ointiafactinn- ejDIlltiBB of tha varlnim n«w T.T.,1 n/,,.•AIUTM rtyloi ort*flflU«n«n'« waafi togathsr with L«di8i',!H!»si? ana Children'" Bhons of cvory Uct-sriptiHB, which will bo uold as low « at any otherestablishment in ' io Btate. Call and judge foryoariolTM, s - . • • • •

N- 11 All i if ark mads to crJor at tka ihorteitnotice, and •atitfaetiaa gauaotegd



, April 15,1B61-ly

Arresaeoh Reception SkirtPORTHE ABoVEaklRT ASF


lii-Hiil un ovcry linad, and the IMingii of thepeople are areused to a high state of excitement,

step fin<li upun the ntngo nf actiun, with Uwir'mlnttailxuil nud d.tri iiiiu'-'l to tern1 the people, with &


^STOOK OP GOODSjShut has never, beco for

Their stock consists In part of a largo assortment of

Plain and Fancy OassImereSjuf tliQ lutcat and most~ajfj)rovi(rBtjrdii,

French Bl'k Cloths,Doeakiiis,




lOOils selling fur one half thu usual. iiroflts, TO l u l l the tlmrs.

l'AXTON A SlOUNT nrfi licit Hi ill! rliamni.-1-rtfily lliu i xuHlritf nuwn, hut iiiti-ml til pmitiii! thu cvvn

mi f n,,,l ,,,nV nl..,.,,,- If—f-,., „ , | -||

tiieit' pluirG oii iMl illii H, Ivilcjy iii

SEET1 AND PL1AS1 THE PEOPLE.April 2i, lsiil, if.

In CJIiaiicery ol" JHcw Jersey-nylwiifMi ^'Illiaiii II. fou^t ami Hi-Hmhi hi^ kilV,

CJninpiaiTlimt-4, Lllnl Ji>4*l 'I'ltylipr :Uiil (;;i!h;iliii:- hUwill?, I'liai'li-D Alii II iiui! ll.mUBh «' , lliii IVIIM. tilllicit H, lliilii, Ijiihnf.l (i. l:uicl anil ('linrlnttn hi"=ii il'u, ainl l xi-Uiol lM'V, Ji-., jiiicl Miii^ari'iiLt hi>w"il;-, Uti'Biidiint!'. Uii Ijill, Ae. Ordti-riu-iiiilili-

ai'iiK~^implilin!int«"havo Ilfi'd tlii-ir iiiil in tlii nh"vv, X i-iHiHt?, n i i i l |jrO(;i-Hii fit' ? u l p [ ! f u i m U u v i n ^ IHJI h Ws i iu i l iiTiil l i -Lt ir i i i j i l u i ' i s n r d i l l K t " l i i w . A n i l i t l . c i n -n i ; n l » ti»:iji j ,( , .s. i- . h y a U i i l a v i t , l l i . i l Km I s i t l I > f v . .11- .:iliil M i i i g h f c - t u i h i s w l l u 1-u.Hi'lu m i l " I ' l l i u h i j l c j e l-Ni-tr J i i i v c y , m i i j U n i t pi-ni'CN-i c i i i i l i l i11• I l iu M ' l v c i lu j v - n f h e i n . I T \$, n i l t h i s t w i i i i t y h h i l h tUy i .f A ;,i i i .NIK- L h u l l N u n d r S ^ h t I m n d r u i j M l i l a i ^ l y - i n ! - , t in i l i i t f i ' - i in r j n . - i n i . i l . ) . Kly", a i i l i t i t i i r u l t i l e i - n i i l j i l i l i i i i . l i U , u n l i i -t' i l l l i . i l l l i u h u l i l i i l i s u i i l d u l o m h i i i l n d o i i | i i i u , i r , | i | . . , i i .i l i - n i ' i i ' , i i r , m - i ) V ( ! r t i r - t l i u i H i i i i | i l i i l i i u i i l . v l . H I . u n I U - U - I ' L I I -

111'.- i l r -L t l . i y n l M i i l y n t s t ; . l i r t l h i t f i l l l l y n n i l t I h ^ l t r j . r ,- n t h I N H ' ( , M LL' m a d e i i ^ a i i m t . t l iL 'm u ^ flic? (*li;i ii: i H n i• l i . i l l I h l i i k I ' i p i i t u l i l i ! m i l l j I . I , , . . . A M I 11- l»* l i u r i l l isM i m g i u i l i . t i l - i t t h i s i m l e r s h . i l l , w i l l i h i I w i t i t v d . t v . - .

l llii :i : , , , i i v l r i j j w n i i l v j a . i t l i i ) i I B I Hi)uy, Jnviiilil MurKiiTulliilliiytjiBniy a ilimfisrv Vif sfi-n|iy (hi",duf in tlii'iii, (it- to.iiiiblUliviLsvUlilii tin•iaiil Iwinily rliiyn in tlii: Utfillisl,:jwii {i.ixi-IH-, ii in/iv-'|M|'iT }JI inlu-il :il IIIIJIIIHII.WII, ill IhU filill.-, iiii.i ,.,n.jiilllill lIliTljin foi'-slx WtUliS, KUuUUrfsivuiy.atlllJ-l'f-h'i' ill evi-i-y wui U.

•• JlKMiY W. Olil-:K\.,C,_yy It, (iUMMKUl-;. C'lurls. liljl1-^"'A 4nTt; enyy It, (iUM

JHi«!tl!es..cx t'oi!nty_8nrjiosfatc's Oilier,

U PON THE AlTLICATtOX OF l-.'ZEKNil,Silvjira, »iilu Ksmutur uf juhn A,-Ulni li, lull-

ol' thu futility ut' ,>llilil3u*.is, il^ytjuriQil, I, T!i,iq,lii<III.* 51, rfiildOIlilig, riltri'O^illV uf tin; U'*UUty uf MU1-

liu iioliuu tu lliu (iruaiture ul" thg «ui4 (fuiigiiMil, hibring in the'ir^ fU'litjj, dL'iniuifls anil .ulaunH, liinliji-naih ur ullii-ln*i.tiuii iigiiiniE lliu ^aid ustalij wllhinliliio months I'riini thu dato ni' Iliiii uriliir, liy si-1-LitigMlp a tinpy ut' thiJ-OFilLU' Wilhlil tiVgury il-iv-iiiftiir tliQ diUij liureof, hi Ih'n nf tho lii'-.xr "iiultfii-I'laous 111 Bdld Cniinty fortlio sp-wg of twn rfimiltir>iHid also by mlvui'lisinj! thu -^ainij fur IJHJ lik*.3p.-4GU nf tiiny in unu *t' -thu ninv^piipiH-.-i prjii'liHlIn ,tins HtaNs, /yul if any (jfL-dkuf sliall nugiiTt-itu cshlbit his or hur dybt, ilunmnd ur cIuHa.wiihii. Siiiil |ii;iiod uf ninu mniitha iij'tar iniblig nolitji-givon iiH iiforiisaid, -«ubh "uVcdl'tUf shsul bu I'DFUVCUharrud uf .his ur liyr llQtiuii tliyryfyr a^ahidt Ilii:s:iid 10xui_Hilur.

Uivuii uudor lily linnd llil.* 3nl iliij- nf Jiinn 1SN1., " ' TllKUi'inLUa M, JiuLUII.Mlil-;,

Junq 0, ISIH.-aui >'«j-i-»ifii/(.-

Master's Siilc,

F- n f i r r L t t . ' u i i ^ A N - o i w B i r o g T j i K t w(if Uliaiieory of Nuw Juraey tii iiiu diriiiitcil,

bearing dutu gf tha loih day at March, IHUl, in ;iu^rtain eausa Jhiiryii! dijptjnding, in whiyh DavhiV. Uurhurt and wife uro CiiuipluiiiuiiU, mid J.ihnII liFUifk und wify, nnd uthurs, aru ilL-fuiiilaiit.1, 1will null lit 1'ubliu Sale,Tin tho [ircmlaiis, un Thurit 'day, thu 18th dliy uf Ju ly nuxtj at 2 o'lsliiok in thii-UiuriHjnn, all that certain Tract of Laiiii, Intij iit"Thrtrireinuiilmn.'."dmien<HMl. In th<i Tuwurhipur Jj-.mtWiudaur. ill thu Ouunty uf Mercsr, on tlio ruad lua-.(ling from tho York lipad to thg Ijordgntuwii amiSynth Aiaboy Tuniiilkq, buiug Lot Nu, 1 in Iho di-visiun ofUual Kstatu Into nf (Jliarly« Siiutli, (kutaa-•cil, coulainisig abottt Folin ACKKN uf-ijiind.

Al^y,' ii Lotof Land, liitu of yaid Jiiliii Cliarnhi-r?dyuiia«tJ, iujtiiu Jtuwnalilp afvrednid, adjuininglaiids uf juhii UuId.ViUryoii Van Jlurtur, Ju.->(!|ih(iiboraoii, JIifMiehng!, U..W. flfiiwii; lit. Chas I).JloChuinoy,-liii'l-oOiiUliliinjj llJboutt ut'ilTlili.N At -nu.H ,1 ,'li.llju,af an auro of laud,

Alsi), anothor hnt of Land, Into of 8,iid JnhllCha^iljers, dtqoiuiud, ih tliQ 1'ownsliip aforusmld,ui j / ining thy aliove'deisrlbed lot of land, lnndH nfVVillium. joltind, mid othuri, ountauuilg aboutJ I U \ H P •£ aa-Jil0ilia,(lLfin nnrn uf_lanil, tuijL-^

liui-jWitU all" mill mneuliir 1... .EOWAUl) W.

. Mluiicr in Cluumry.Dutod Mny IS, iSDl.-4'w

Middlesex County Surrogate'TTPDN tho application of Wftyno Sinilbury nnd"W Piitur J, Day, Exgbutors of Jilhh yiiijj'iiltiiitq(if tlio County of Jlitldioscx, deo'd, I, ThgophilUiJL HohmjbJ^pg i i^n i i a Jk i i i i i y of Midillowx

dlreu^ffleMid Exeeutora toglvd publiu notice inthtotoiHtoi/i 8f the iiiid deueMod, to bring in tlieir-deSts, diiinjuuU imd claims, uuiiiir oath or afiirm',1-tioa iigainit the 8!iid estate within nine rnitnthsfrom thu data of toil order, by letting up a copy ofthe order within 30 dnyi after the dutu harouf, infive ef the most public plages in suld County Ajr ihoapaoo of two nonths, and also by adverlising thetamo for tho liko (naoa of lima in one of the now«-piipera printydln Oils Btata, And if any erydltorshall noelost ta.azhibit his or her dob I, domaud orolftlm, within laid pqriiidof 0lnoflth» nftcif publie

forever barred of his or hor aotion therefor ognioBti)ia.«aid-Eiieeutera, „ > _ „ — _

Uivcn under myhalidThiB S8th iafot^May"1SBT,' . . flOiOPHILUS i i . HOLGQMDB,

Jnno IS, 1B81.-ZB* Surrogate,


PAXTOW ^ noirjK'qps. *, fall and See them.

1OO " Blk OloakiDg Cluth, at 11 38, '• SI 7S100 " " CaiilinofB, 81 2.J, •' gl 40SPleoosLaaiqiOloikingOloth, i i M, .«•-»! TSaaBoi./ •' whitoifoio, w o u . >' izio.Ingrain Oarpot at 31 ots, " Mo,Uoasn do 2U ati, " 2io.

' Aiao, _Blk, Cloth D r M r C w u , at m 80, » $10iWO Yds. Slay LovclliM, at only . 6Jo.

Ami nnuy othor (roods i t Froportionallif Lorn

WW ' • - ji-tf]


f, WUAT A ilAT ! "

By tha Indira I nm ogled,

U u f l hatsHu htrtr tlii'iii yi-iiiiipOSij gnu!«»»,-**WIIAT i H A T !

A* In hia fyam ho sut^

WBleh ouee had fayon h Lut,

Byarsoly had hd ipukenWhen npoa flow tho disor* ^

Anil n.viiigu siihl iii ft Khi por—="

!-'Th?r§ you 'JI find mie jhi fn*MiAliviija gltul to inu^t a-frimidj

Anil-wlu* uaus QYvry JPMVVVHud lijijtQiiraiiDQd lo nujtnL

'--Hi* Ims fffit (he (ifiFiihfilill,SVhiuii luukii well wiilioiir 11 Jn

Antl the Prlneo uf Wuii'^' Ik-amThq liitest fu^Iiiuii out,'*

"WIm jtft thou SlrftRgu Hdvl^yr f. 'Thu ivuni)uriii<{ Iliiiiiint.>r suiili

.Antl turned tu sun ihe bpi-iiki r,iSiit the Spirit volyu hu^ilyil :

Ti'rrnr atrliil^cn Up llfi HtLirtp.I,Anil iHishing through thu thior,

liu ilnfftd ii Gurubnldt .At Mil. Auaros's'-Stitri?,

A* ii|j town Lio pFttmiihiiU-il;Tho ulrlfl hia face ilfd ?enir,

T« Uii huiruBJi lid wna__Whi!g imvari.Uy !i«

M'hun ngiiln h$ Hu-OiluilJlfi'd ruiuciiibyr AHH si «#ruu 11 =

As nil ccrmmniyftl fylk^ ^huitld iliK Thi' hu^t it mltL^t FunIiioEiti in miy quant i ty , find evury viirlyty,

lwiiyB yii Imml tu suit^purulinrLT^*

Boots and Shoes,/•kli' ALL THE LATEST AXD SIOHT tfASU-\J iitnnhle -HiyfyH^ lor thy Hnrin^ aii-l Humiut'rinidi! tu liu sold low lor Gush, Thu t.iulk-J will (inda g'jiiyrui iiflortiiiLMtt uf

j l ioots, Sliors, kc,,

Mndo fn order nnd of Ilin lujsi iimioriiil i l i - j r* 'nnd CliiUlrens' Shoc^ iiiid Uiiityi-, in Viiviuus ^fylu^;iiiil a! vtiry low pr|i!eN.

l^f-i'iii-tiuuliir attention |mid In UI-M'AMtl N'll,A, ,1. AHIITilN, ,

Dpiinaite Ikptiist CliufL;!I, lli^htsluwn, N, .1., \ | , l : 1.1, isiil.—if


jjolloiufin'0 (DintmcnL

JJi'il Li'ps, Iiiid IIIIIIHIS, doies nml Ulicr*,

. i l l ili-.«.|-i|,lions of .MiifluMUJeJuuusJiaiJi!—UjLlllflprupi;!' iiihl ililig^ut iMe ot' tiiiM iiiu^tiiiiiiiili' priipiii''lit I mi. Til attniiipt tu null' hilil lu^« hi' liliisU-rilijJtlli> eilKi'Hnf lliu "IVIIHIIII ia ii I'.illyL fur ..liuulil tlioHliin liiifti". ii liim^y illsiiiifuil i!ii|iillliun reniiiliiii mi-ili'rnentli tu bruuli out with tuiiluhl l'urv 111 n ItWiliija, Thu iinlxnitliJiiilLillld situtuaafuriisiiljiiiiiit;ls inilii;,iti-il hvi iuitiiFU, \* fo ri:iliit:*;'t!iu liitiriiniiiii-tii.ii in [iiirl iiljimt thu wuuiiilj :"'inl 111.101111111 thuliiii-li.irhilf pni In by rukliing in plgllly iit'Oa (.Uiiliiiuiitus diiii.raiWuuil imu-iiiiiiit.

l)/j'tlient, Ulreitil il >*jie 'Ihiout, und .fsMiltl

Aiiy nf tJujjilioYG^tligsiij'es mtv,v bi? ciire,Vby >7Sllriiiifi-H^ tliu (jliitiiigijl TftiiMcH ii ilAy iiifii liii-'Mri'v^tt l irounii . l iitclUif Hi" p.itU-nl; ii « i l l ' ».i.m imm-i.siLi, tuiii jj'lvt iiiimcdiiiU r.liuf. Mi'tliuiiin tulrtiiLO- iihl II iniill Ijliiif UjMM niu 1IJ.IMI! UlU SVlliilL1 jVgtfJlil

^llljjJiit-ilinuMiiiu Bjlll liu.fi;lLJUJiuy-Juiiul_|i.irl ivliuru-iia tiii; Uiiitniuiit will ilu i(« ivurk in anu ,-_ Whiiiji-(if ii-it-H Mm mixMH-iil ill Lliu iili'irfliiiiiiiii'r fur lliuiliHqivni- iiiiiiii-ii. i,r uny siiiilhir ill^iiiiiui? iillVutlnirtin; clluHt uii,l llirwitj iv'ill Jin.I tliuiiiiuli t i ioligvuif11.-1 by fl lOiyriii, • •

Pile!/, F/,!iilii>i, Strict tire*.

TUi; nl.iivf lilnaa'il'iiiMimliilhtwili bi: ri liiiivii'l by

tlijiii _by.mint'i'HVi;liiiilly rnbbiiijj in lliu 1 >iuliii.'iit

lose not it nininJiit in nffij,m!n£ tbuir pK^u.^N,

Iwlisciilivii* i-f \mtlh ;~=&ort!i tti.d t^icr*.

bo rn'liv:rll.r-i-tiru(l li tho onitin^nnnrnTCTl fk'i-lV,i n n l U i u 1 ' i l N h i ; f i i l u - i i i i i g b t iii!<l i n u r i i i n ^ nf n - u -( i n i l i i r i i r l o i l i n t l i u J iF i i i t iMt i i u t r u i ' l i i i i m . ^ V l i u n t r i . u i -t c-i I i n JI it y i i i b u r w i i y t h u y o i i l y d r y u p i n o i m p l u u ut > h l ' U i i k i!lltT ill l i n i i t l i g r j w l i u r u i i ^ t ti IH t j i i i t l l i M M !w i l l r i ' l i i i i v u lln> l i n i n n r f r i ' i n t i l l ) n y s t i ' t i i , i n n l " l i i s v i it l i o l - l l t i i j l i t (I v i j - u n u i s U l n i l i u i i l l h y l i ( : i i i a . I l w i l lrwiuirirtiine willrltre' iisinf-[liu"l*ill^ tu pnaiiiu Hliliililljj ourg, , -

D tljuical Su-cllhins, rurnli/Hisiinil SliJTJul'iti.*. Altlii.High the abfivo CiiiiipliiiritH dilTgr widuly intlluii' url^iii iLiiii ii.ituiu. yut ib,.y nil rrquiri; lu,-iijtrgiltilMMil. .^ l iny of tin' worst i'lisus ol Hiiuli ilisun.Hus, will yit'ld In :L yijiiiii.jrnt!Vf;ly Nbort upauii ufliiiio wliuii tliia Olntlnulil Is ditiftgiitly riilibujjiiln

liiiyii.t'iiiK'd. innllKurmuii iniiluiliM tlii! I'lllailiuul.lb'n tiikuii iigiifjruifiji to tbo riuyuiiipiihyiii;* LUfgutiiiiiMpl'iiituii i.ni uayh Lux.

Ihilh the (Jinlincut a,,d Pills should he used in_ . ika foitoU'iiig vises ? - * -Jlli-l Iifgii, llnd 11'rdnstB, Buriis liuiiintiii, UIII.' ••!

Mii^fiiiytifia iiiul H.iiiil HU'rf, Couii'liay,. Ghio-ii^niE,ClilliilllilH Clil|ppn,l llnnil»_(*,_.mJi_;^ill j P,.t.,...i^Cuiilriisti'll nnd Stiff Joint*. JJluphillltiily.'ii, I'Miililllis(Ji)iit, <iliiii4nlar Swelling*, Luinbu^u. l'iluj, IHiu-m.lfii'in, Sgiilda, Piiro Nipplg.a, Born Thioiit, Skinmsuii»«, PeurjiT, Biiro IIBBHS, Tainnr?, Olccrs,Wi.mi.ls Ynw*. • .

***Suhl nt tlio Jliiiiufiiutory of rror..jliillowiiy;HI) Jluiilon LIII.C, N. V., hliil by rDapuctiihlullrii^." t i l iiiid Duiilura tliri)u|1iout"ll'iu If, SriiinJ 'llTu

MiKud worhl, in bniuH ut Sin,, liaa , niid SI uiu-li,^^^"'^lH'i'y is yuijaiJ,Qniblu,auviii^ by tiiking tiio

K, li,—yiruiitionn for the Buidando of p^tinnlmjiiovuly dlBurdur iifo alliifd to giiull box, uijlij-Wiii

Hotel,; n. a.

r t i l lBSUBSCRIDEI l WOUM) BKSPECJlTULIiYJL liiforui the travyling' pnblie that liu hns taken

tlio iVunlimjjtnn Hotel, lit UiuIitstoWB, (Inltly sueu-- w J r b ^ a O f e * ' ' • ' " • • •• ' " • ""•

l'mmd ready to iirj^wyr tliQ. wifihisa of. tho. publfe.—'Tho libuys Hotol ill qoiiTpnlonlly loiiiitcd for trnvel-ersii bt.-Lii in, jhu inimodiatu vieltiity of thy j l a i t -roiitl Popnt , "' . •

_j^' I'yrinnsi&st to any part ef tlia country on thgrtrriviil of ours. - • • •

_B>* A iharo of public putronaiio i i rcjpootfulhgolluitod. " • ' . " " -

s-, B:•April 10, !8ii,- If.



Pains, Colds, Colte, Clioiera Alorbus,Cramj CoHe, Vomiting, Didii lm.i, &t.TSo propi -S4&C hi}3 in hig_ josgesaion m

oiuei, fr6ni~h!ghiy ^onoriibla and woll-kiiowrifflpn of S(-w Jorsoy, testifying to tha exeell-

silt MuratiVQ §ffeist3 of thisBlodUijie, ^erer^l phy=glsliigg who havu bcyomo aequiuutiid with iti proji-artios arajiow using It with jnuoli ustisfnotion, inauoh oawi at tllOM fur whieh it 1« rcoonmumiktl.

Proniirod oijiy by J . O. ,W 1IAV13N8, Ullrra,.11?, 5uw Jerlejfi • 'Wholoialo Depot, 180 Oreonwioh Siroot, N. J.Bold by Drugglnta throughout the esuntry,a . IV, (OiVABD, igontfor nightstown.

April WT180I.-3m

Flour and Meal,©all at BASTOW'S, wkiro yon ean got

a good nrticlo, and the worth ofyour money at M limes,

fliii supplied with Fanoy " TUX-BSD, W H p I , AMDroonm-in ths moatappro-red• ' T ^ j ^ i U I l i - • - 'or anjtfflng in n v i m s j a t sbort notice.


HightitoWn, May 2,1861 .-3n

ityle auprMfly fop a, Litdia1 8«loon, li aowprB-ntiro* to looommodnto oil thorn wto 'may fatorhim with a sail.

and all we can' wiy ia. thatWE war nut them No OT. Greene trfjeol. Trenlon

1 f\nf\ "YARDS OF. THE UMT Q00D8

Jllghtotowa, May 9, iSOl. 2m" • J L


M[ rr\im"SUUSCHIBEB HAS CON; jjjfe,t wfl A, Mtatitly oh hiiQd a.good assort- fcfSl^ W laent of OFFICE, 'I'AIU.OII AND RUUIIKINIJ S'niVKrt, miltiiblb fur ovrry imuiiii inthe year] whiuhuumHil by siirpiisiftd lit this suuliolinl.L-ojiiitry, uiilior iu Kgiirdtu .. : .

or'IlFBiBILlTY.At.KO, ii full iiwirtimfflt lif-remU-'niuiU TrN, .TA-

I'rtNNEl) AND (*lil*i:pr IllON W A U H ; ' wlii.-li huill II t h l UAtitt '

H; wliilwill SJII ut thg, vorj-li-*i»t UAtitt PlilCli".

Tiirltooiin,';, LeUilris.ami (hitters,nnd nil kimls

oKTrN ANiT KIIKKT ti'inx WUIIK;ihiiic In thu bus! miiiiiiuf, ami with diiMiatch. Iluv.injlhmi iuuuh u.vpui iunuy in rii'ifii!^, liV luul^ t,^i|,liiluut ilial hi- BIH| Kivn pi'ifivl sii MsHn.! inn, ti mlliu liikcs'ploasiiro ill iwying that all wurk will bywiirniiitutl.

Hti-iut iiitunliiu will bo pnid In rupniring, fifher(ill ware, «(gvu», ur liny tllilig ill kia liny uf bii«-illl!S<.' Oniii,> ajul try nii; lii-f.,rii iwikiiii'ylaewhurs. Youwill find in,. nt"Xii. T^Pfiii'liinii jtruut,

,E tf-1'HUtT UAXrf iif thy LATENT 1'ATENT^i!i!i!.«taully un huni.1,

HAVID V. CAIt l lARTlliiSllntuwn. Miiy it, IHiiO,-}

This Way, Friends I'Mm r.AliaKRT -AMOUNT, OHEATKST


HAIINESS,Saddles, Biidloa, Whips, Collars,

TO HE Forxi) ly THK <IOI-.\TY,- , IN ,i-f

E, A. OUTCALT'S,Hightstown,,.N. J.

I'm ' ; i r ; n i n ; i l l t h u a l u t v u u r l u ' l u * ,

HO TO OtITCtLT'H.Api-i! Hi. Hilt. ly.


IRON FENCES.| > . \ T T H I i \ S n r si 11 l l m i m i . l i ' r n . i l j - . f c i i . f « ' I S i i r : l . t .

. 1 . m i d C l i n t h u r l 1 ' V n i ' i i i i t . I'm1 i ' u n i i -t t i t-i i <. i i i i r

V . i f d r t . l l n i l i l i i i j j . , , V i ' . , i i i n j ' l .u i n , i i ,iii>I i . x . u i i i i n i l

l i y Ui i lMi i ! ; l i n t i n : • B u l i . - i T i l i i - r , w h ' i i* j i i i ' ( i , i i i i l t o p i l l

l l j l H l U J-iiilll- « i t l l l - i l l i u r 111 >L1 Ol- I l i i l l ' l i l u [ H i n t : . . I l l

•ffnrnl-nntaTwnrr71ii7iT Tiuilip. - " = —April |;i. imil. • TUDS. C. l-nAHCK,

lS(jli____j^2j;h! v Carjicliiiir iscii,A n d OH Cloths.

New I'littunia nnd ISioh l)i!.<i.;ni<,


' JA^IESi Y, 1>I{ W O l I ' l i ,

• S.l. lliiilsnrl Htreof, New York:

TniM«lfv J l lu^uU tlMula^Uifimiruv i ' jy , ' - ^ - . "_T:-::.:.-*4* ..•'".T-l.

Viui.r o i l (j\!,ffi.\ u l r w i J I l i s J i I i i l ' •>' "'

i|iiiifiiiu«, ["•-••iii • ' ::i " iJVinilijw Klin.IuJ, llnur Mill', Hu^J.'Aii.,

TAL uijiHill v nv,w priuu-i1 Urtiiiii J-,] idiilson hlruut, Xuw Yuj-ii

Stuucs a\\h mn iUavc^T COSTS

m m - : I ' n u . i r AI I I - : i i c i n i i i v i\*i--int.Mv:i> iii.iiI i i i H I M n l , I H i . m l . i n M i i i i i » l i - i i t , l l : j ; l i i i , ! u w l i ,

• • - . , - ™ — i ' n i i T I I I : f . L I U , -v) ui 177,. - I . V / J 77:V n\UU-; -•! T (J i j /vv . N inv i sUi i - t im . '

T l i g « i l i . , . | | l n ' i ' w n - i l i l i i l h n i n t ' i i r i i i I b c p n l . l i i - I i i u ll i ' ' H p i T p i i i i ; i l l i , i l u ' [ ' i n , S l i i - i l l h , i i , i i n , l I ' u p p i ' i .

•—•Tin Gutters and Loaders••.in-tiiiitIj- mi licint].

in u >iifiri j, f" matiiirr, niii4 ^vyiiituil in >^\\'v -;stU-itsyuu^-iiii no, piiiy.ihiniiinililt? Ihiltuw lliiuil, urTliiniliif ufii'ny tIuM;!ip|inII IJIIIK- ilUll'lIi ll'ilkl!.

- • P l l l J I T CAWS, •,| !ai-;;u ;iMurliiiu!it,iif-a Viiliulyol' piittuiiiJ, fin- paluuhuiip. ' , * •

Ui-ilii-i f,T iiitkh-i lit my lino tiiit mi kind will bypinmptly li.lli!i|:

, JOKKIUI (i, IIE,V.VI-:TT. A«I:NT.Slui-i-li T>, 1st;]. ;i,pi.

Oompountl Fluid Extract of Buohu,Mli'ilii-iu*' H r-'riiimiii'tiii

X ' ' I tn (In. pnlilit- I'll-tin' iiiro "-if liriip-y, (ii-iirrl, iiml ii!i di.-iM. "

Kiiliii-y-i iiiid UH.iuiy-tli-Jtii

ul SlurAI...

• (It, Iiiiiidid

OLSON'S UUCIIU,'lor tlie !;,jtii,n-ii!'!l.


• siiii]iii!.i«l,,ii or lui:>inl!ii.'iii'c ol Uiiiig.


'—• "*iirTitTi i<nhii;v«r"' "~ " " 'WILSON'S nubuu,• f..r. He MI.iiMi.-r, * i \

'nitnfnrtuil by lliu Kjiunlij, fur tiinlo nr ft malt;.nt llm JJtiijf Ht;iri'of tlin piiiprtrti.r, l'oiimr

ikldliiliiil [•",it'IIIlill HtluOtH, IlijjIiUtiiwii,.lurNsrt ir;/,,yriA"i' VKUMIFUUI:.innl ulrin ii, {jiiiL-ral iHsortuiuiil uf nil kiiid^i of

Jijpen«Cil at all limiiy nf Ibu liijjht.'/'. J(7/,i'(M,V.

22, lPiip; mylu-Iy

, MS Pearl ,Oppssita WilHarn Street, NEW V O H K ,

A LAIiSE STOCK ill' fiVEllV nESCIUIITir)!? op


_ " Whitili wy iilfor at


April, lii, lSQI.i3ui.*M)i..



Iili tbfin OTIT nt Wuolyy'j Wiill 1'apor Uuokand Htiitinngry Stnro, snilNgwi Psnot. " " .

HlghUlowALJVW^^ -


w°OULD HEBPEOTFULLY IMIrQIlM THEV¥ oitiiuniof llightatawri nnd vicinity that ho

turn taken the storo foftniirly ocoupiQil Jby Jnoob, U,

eonstiuitly pn bund nil kinds ofeps

n nnd Domcltia, e



Ladies' Saloon.

& do",


,aro fully preimtsii for t f t f

Spring anniimracr Trafe "

Iu tiilditimi io ii very full and complute atocfc uf -

CLOTHING,rqj t MBS! AI¥D botS,

We Iii qi tlig [11,1,1 (xti-iisivo etuck (if

ClolSiSj CassimcrcSj Vcsilnp, -

Linens,. MnrHeillus, Cuslnnerea,

U'biih \vu will K-li bv tin? ytud, uv


in tiii: UIIML.


mid :tl


— —Mon-a-I'iirniahing' GoodsrA Iii,I ii s itiiiiiit ..( HIili Is, rii,l..i-.|iirt=. llfiwi.'r<,

L'ul.ll-,, t'l* ', t'raS'.its, Siippg!n|gi' = , 1/ uib) I'M i^, k g.


Tmil. ' l l , Miiivli H, l-.'.l.

JiAKEETii I- ti\BEm&U

m •'


, V\fV

\Voulil call attention to theiir

Nuc and Elegant assortment of "*



Mrs. O, Barricklo &. Oo,U , \ v i - : . i n r f f i ; i - : c i m i : i ) A I . A I I I I I - : I M I ' O I : -

tiltiull nl'


^ 1)( en purcliiibcd at theIMMC rnrri^, and so-

-— loett'tl ^ 11Ii proal I'tirpj —~— \\ (* jjlftlfTi1 nvtr^olves—tli.il I'm Iie.iuty uf :»ty!e, richnesa

ot'coJorinii1 and


Our Stock cajinot be Surpassed 1


l'(-i- tliu Hiii-iiic Tra.lu.

Al-i;i nil Ii Ji it fl ;i I J I J I ' .insiiitinulit ur

Frenoh and EngliBli China:I 'l .ihi innl linlil iliinii I l l n i i r r n in l i'vll Si

I ' lnl . i (Hill lli l n i n t i i l Tulli- l > i . | s , ^i, ,


lilkd uilh.


lur the Setisoa,


NAl 'k lN 1UNIJS.

Glass Warein vury l.iiv pij.-t--!.

fit ISi itiiitliin Man-.

M'iudoiv Shades and I'IS-IUHH,

Vi;iLY C H E A P .A l.u ,i ?|'!i:niinl ;i-".itnii HI " I '


.Ills! till' pllt 0 l.i (illy ;;••- . i™. ' i . i s t i r . , ' •


AS /;/;/;,y NMMUvi;n rn

CNVnriynpji.wlie iho Mi! et:.n.l.) •

ai'KH j/icKS; cui,x.-rsTui;i-:.I M . n i J i l l . N . i c t u r , i i ! l l i i n i i i . j i i t i H t n i i i l y . - i i l i : i ! i , | . a n

i n i t i l u l , i u u l i - r .

Book BindingIII a l l - M o d «-i t ! i n r M l t i i u i i u l i i l i l i -^pi i t i - ' f i ,

-WJ1. 'f. Mc:ilol.;--li.v,i'l,|l-r|-111 limit liiliilur.

- ' ' Tn'iit.in, X ,|-r- « » . . M I i i i i i - r . h i t nt ti'uoHni* h,«,k .s-y;,,,.

lliiil.l I I -»I I , will iiutjt with priiiiipliilluiitii),!._ Apl'i-1 Hi. 1M;I. t|'.



Ijni)ldilg-M'iif?t'5, ISriliinniil iUld Plated Wiirc, Co.d;ir Wiirup niuily to order, . •

E2?jBpiKiiil wtiuillon Jinhl Ui Pnimiiiff I'lclnici,

If you have Pictures Word! Framinghave them Framed,

Api. 15, ia:ii-ir • •


- Wilsoa's, Ko. JO E. Slaia Street,K.J,

' T O BUY ELAUOltATE DBC01lATIUKS,_ ..iiiri Imv.i ttiumJiuiig hi a workmaiililco mantifir toiilitiiii aiylmpf Areliitgqture,

Wilson's,1" Mo, 3O.TO BUY WALL FAPKH AT 0, P, 10, A 15KJ.

A pleyn, nnd bdaatiful Fnpof Curtains iiLfi emits it

1 1 ^ -• Go io Wilson's., / .10 UUV .WALT, PAPEB OHEAPERHfHAJ*--


fi, Wilson's,no I n n winie Wir.fi, Trenton, TV. j .

A pi II i ' " " " "


Boot * Shoe Store,-OOltNEll OF MAIN AND MOBRrSffN SI'S,

nmrixBTQWN, if, J. _Porsonl deMroui of enjoying iho cnmfnrt of a

good fltting, vicat looking Bout or Shoo, BIB requoi.tod to gall at tlig Storo ol the SHMrlbsr, wlicro hekdopa OB hand tfndfor aalo an;Uwi'tmopt of M '

(Jailors, *£., Ats. Uo fflannfMtaroi to order oyo-tf artlolo In bis lias, of >tio mult durublu matori.idi, Bsd in the most apprsrod i t j l s , -

Ho nsiures iho pnWo that no offort »hall ba sparod to af.ord iftUnfliBtioB, ntiti all work will bo war-ranted to bo as reaomniQiidod^ .

US*1 Ropairing doao wlli; despatch and In ft rab-'tantial manBOf. " *





Wi! .take plunmiro in snj-jhg t aour inany iVit'iiila/timl to tho Pub-lic, Unit it hus uover buon 'Our])rivi_li*»;o'lo oilbr ,m mm\y BAR-GAINS, (g<mk-from ibrcetl mAdsfus wu ami this S i

Nuw Brmiswick,

..•NOTICE.-"..-f X A i ' I N U assoeiuttiil" uiys'.-lf with lliu

JL_L lii'iu. uf J J A U A M A V , VA.NC'LEHI.1 &,

JH'.NllAMs!, I gtii'diiilly iuvitu my ffiolida

Iu Qjijj__nii'I uxiiiiiiiig tliuif «Hj]l"ge!i;eti!il

injf nij-aL-lr to affiirJ tliutn t-li« liijjhust

tglTtg|Tuir*3inj liiiuu anrHTmrrii v".

PPliTlill H. Al'pf.iiUATE,

Ninv-Dftinsiviuk, Mm-, M, i hUl . -On i



ailausj; n ic r \v i: K N' TUEM;


iin^ mnfp jfuui niiothar for

lt'ft, tjMpcyii!,Hy iliuir iull hi!]Mir!tit-M, aiiii

Uuil as the, ihuy BS-a tfjfdT

pim«" gruiiii rcmudy fur i^nntk- c

tiring ithutit what iH-ruquirm], " =.Nitk IliMsilutlit iiiid W a n t o f A|i|t«flf!?/

Thrse fuellngs wTnyh ^a gmltlcii itsf, tnost fryqiiGntl.v hvUti from ut)iinyiiimu4 ur trnuhUt, from ob^trut;^f"ii |ior^piratlt-mt or from ijitfin^ av driiiklng VMflt iaunfit iV*r u^t thus ilisui-ilurlii^ tliu iivu> unil stijma§htv|it?niju fuliow ii3 ti imtur;il yynaiiqiigndej S f^nod ap-pL-iitk' niid i* eluur Iiuad, t » Uiu K;LSI amf WesE lii^l o l y nny ulber medbius h over used faf

l "

nf fJiF KJilnIn till disLtrdt'rs nifueting these ergani whutbe^

thpy ttjt'ryla tn^uiiigh ur lug Ifttla watur, Of wi;ot!i>f-r they bt< nftltcttid wlili ytatie Pf griiVoi, sp Withiwhna and jiulnN ^etflbd'iti tho lyins e v t t i lui thu litdncya, tJnidg Ptlh xhnuid =\}Q i

IIQ wyli rubbsl into the amull ef tfii Faektime. Thy trtJatmynE will givo ttlmog^ i s -

U'rcltci whcu.otIicMnuniis have fiitlad, : ^ -I'm- Stisiiiasli^ o u t of ufflef,

Kb mgdi«ina:vr-UI is elTdiituiilly iniprqvo tha tensof tha HtORineh us tlfenu PiH^- thby>rttinorvt all *eid*iry,-fieeiuifiQod bitltcr by intumporuiiob'tir imprp^-rriiint They reaah. the livaf tllNl' fedilyo it, to aliuaUhy^aytlen; they ii pa wonderfuHy L-ftisacIsua ia&,mv.8 of gpiigni^^in fiiet thuy ssvyr IMI in'pura-U disurdt-rg uf tbu IIVUF and sLofflAdi

lloiiutea tj*hthe wo} Id for th

sthnia, Bll!di!3i

ynliil'y, i^rysiitguis, j?cnof all k iod^ I* iy , pout, A4ii^u^u^ ini

JlaiBhuyUon.JiiuBaua^lJwr.^CoeplBiBl*^go, 1'ilM, IthouiUlltlsiB, Ratcntion qTDrfno,,ula or King'i. Evi), goto Thrmita, fltona anael, Soeondiiry SymBloBi, its-Dorti-otixLileL.rs, Yenersal AffupUoas^Wyjsa gfWoakDcai fteni nhnjsyei saute, iii,

i tSold, at {he MAQufaatdry yf t i80 Mulilon..Laao, ^ , York, naS By all rmDrugii^ti ^nd ijoalors in Mo4iotno th¥bti|Unltai Slutei nn4 the eiTnrjM'woifla, inSSoontt, 02 oonts, nnd Sloaoh.

I^^lhore is q^^fd^tsjslp aavifig b^. fedlareeiilses, ' '''

, N, D,—Bifoottoni fcrtio

• ' • ^


Page 4: letotri) to IKtator^ ' -imlr imnt fitfdU i gg · 'mv«m '• nndj Threshing Miwliinca, Curn Slu-'llens, tartie A VaugUn'" .Straw Ciililrra, mfiilu to urikr ut I If hliqi t Iliitlto.

J*'%i>ifig »olMUon« qf tho best, u i moat practise!

. Pi—At a faoent ngrii„ „ „ „ . , diMUsilon, Paoll Lttibrop ofSouth Hadley, Mass., stated that without

irS to "anjr profit from the wool and of matton oould be made oliesper

" ol-baof— adding that, " in. . ™ ™ r , , , . , , i - 0 M ! grant id vantage was,

thdy could Jake their grain sin a ctudo-ttfirtriwift weuld-thorooghly digeat it,

w i n e M t b e pain for cattle had to bq•ground indsi uiitoontli part paid for that

j4poration. • He, thought the Englishmutton Meildi of ibeop most profitable,

" Hiipwfcrenoa Was for tho South-DownB,fitly fatten oaiiiij, ami their moat ig Toryfine. I t ii with sheop a§ with eattlo— thelargo breeds are naoit profltahlo on richland, and tha inoall brcodi aro host flttodfor poor lands." *

Bovn MILK OHKBE..—Oontributad to,tfie AgrionltuTigt hy " House wifa."—"i t i i r t imi , or .loppered milk (which is

. bitter) in no iron pot over ft slow lire,nntil ourd ii formed. Take out tho curd

-^drprei»-f1iB-frboy-fTom--it-with-a ladle--ftr-th^-baniBf- To eooh quartoteUHladd-

ona half pint of iwoet cream, n 'lump ofbutter the size of an egg, and salt to tieteitflw Flaea all tho ingrodioota in arfry-

' Ing pan over1 a glow flro, and ntir until itassumes a smooth, thiok eoniistanao, whqn

. ft will be r«ady fpr the tablo, either warmof cold,- [Soina houHokoepera plaoo tlioawed in a Btnimrhag and allow the wlioyto drip oot, before adding the eroiita, flto.The iaeond heating appears to bo w i m .proTement,—Ed«] •

SAiT FOB OAnnAOE,— A eorrespondflnt. of tho Farmer unit Gardiner tested tliu

value of salt on cabbages, ond with satis-faetory reiulti; After planting thorn outba WBtared them norao two or throo timemI foek with a salt water, containingnbont flftoon grains of salt to tho pint,—Tho cabbage grow beautifully, and head.ed up vary finely ; whiln - those which hadno ialt water given thorn produood loose


whiuU utiy..-,,_ r - r ~ ) than boiling. liUiji waterwai giy6n~tn~o'!n~5FfbY ssuio tiinrtj and Intho same quantities;, as the salt writer,-Ho does not know how strong a srflulion

tho-oabbagee^o«iil—boar willioutinjury, bulls fully iatiafiod tlitttSji solu-

'" tion no atrongor tlian that ho used is dc-eidtdly bonofloial.

mm(or. Oroome and Bowery,

MEW TQKK.fh i i welliknnwn and CENTRALIiY"X6CATEll

IIOTBL, nowly furniiliod. Kepi mi

THE EliriOrEAN PLAN.Accaiuhtoiinliatia • '•• ' BOO «u««l«

Gonit Btitiiiis, 10 cents, 5ft eonts and SI per "lay-Onmmittre Ilnnmt .'Hid I'tithr? $'I in |,J -TBo h«Bt tha Nun?- York Murkuts nil",,r<l-will lie

Bofvcil dai ly at the Jin ting Ouunli r nii j . in ihu !.•>* Y* Oiiliiiiiri/,

Wine Jttiiim will be Htoekuil with ehuii-o » inu?

Attached to the irotol wo lmvcn llrtiilini; RtiurnBiith linnm, Ilaih'r'n SliupxuvX 1,'iiiinlri/,,_,_Clij liiiihi',!!/ Unfit nml OiHiiiktiitri'mrt theIffiuso rjotii nirtlio l-'rrrifi, Httiliti'ltl JiijKls uiulphiotiM uf Piiblle Amuiiiiiueiili ovcrjr 3 iiilii JU1" 'lu-' • - • - ' - 7 and evpiihiH

ngen furnliillliil on fi|i]ilii'.-|li<in nt Ihu Ullea.

" COUNTRY MEIICIIANTS ,will find it In Ihoif 'Imerrit Iji liiaki) thill HmlfOthe i r lie,me when in the (Jity.

Wonnlli'it j-onr jintriinai;'1 linlnivin^ Ihnl llui lih-ernl nrrnnftcinpiili, til" Iho W r a l r l i i - a l p r f lo l l i inurn mieh im wilt ho onilrclj- miliitfnnihrr in nil.

Apl . IS, 18lil,-0m ., W, W, LKI.AND ,1 CO,



"Firnt irnln l o n v u f i i t V . . . . . . . ' • . ,Y ,VJ n'olm-k, A. MHi-m.n'i ilu. n t , . , . . ' . , ' :i.im " 1'. .MThiri l ( I n n t , . , :i (J " I'. Mb'ourtli clo l i t . . . . . . . , , , , . H-111 " I ' . H

Kult f nn..',Hi:i,pin \,- ^ 'il '.'••'. "I< * M

in. lit. ...I.. 'IllThiri i i l i i , A^cilil., nl 'i IIl-'uurlll ilu. " Hi . . . . . IU,II . )

I1. M

F i r s l l r a i n ill , , , , , , . ,,T.l:t i,W\,«,]c, A 11H,!,.i,ii,l ,1 , , n.,7.1 •• I1 ,\l' J ' h i r i l ilii . . . . . . . I . . - i l l " IV AIF i . i i r l i l i l i i , , . . . • , . . . . , i.-jil " I1 . AI

C'iipner-,4 Ti- i i ln , fur A m h i , y . i n i i m n n ! . , , , .1 . . ' j f i r . M

Pl!J--^ffi^|,f.^ f u r Fr i - i -h i i i i l , ^I:iT!ii!np;iii . Mm! Ku<rl iNhl i i iv i i , w i l l I n h u l l i u ' H A . M , iiiiil .-l.-li I1, ^ i .

Thn linn for Now York nt 3.43 M,.frt nnly nlJ i i i i i n a h i i r g . i i i i i l f w r I M i i l a . l i t M i l l . . i l l v n l l i - i r i l

l i i i m M i n i I ! i i r l i l i i ; t n i i ; u l l i i l h i ; r t l i i i u r * K l , , | , i l l a l l

U i v i - r : h y «li.:iiiii-> i"it"ii"A"." M i . ' i . 'i. i i i i i l i I1. M .F r i . i n l f l i i l a , l . - l [ , l i l n—l i ' i i vB fiiiii ,,r W i i l n u t s t r i i . i l

n t o A . s i , ia.Mii, a , pin,i ii !•. j i .

l i O l i v c r r l n n P i u N n « » i i l ' | i i r - N m « - V i i f l t n t H . I I I I 1 M .I . o i i v i j t ' r i n i ' u t ' i u l i U J i i i l i i r I ' h l l r i l i ] [ • l i t i i m •* i l . i ••

" -A-A-ucwwiw-iviM). A,.-Il l i h t l O l I iHirt



, RaUronrt Bfp.oij-- • - :; i I n r K f n . « . » n f l m n i i l o f [ i r i ^ m f i ' i > C " A I , : s , l i - . - h - i l f r j . f ,

t l i r , v i - r y l - i ' - i ! . i i i i l i n n i i i r l l p l , w i i h i t V I I M V l o r i i r i i i - i

. flonsES'PKET JtEQcmE Miri i !Mms-TunK.—Ninp.tentli.il of tlid discdfie.S ivliiuh

•^isppBii—frr"tbo hoofs aTrd - ankle^-of thehorio aro oqoasionod by stnnding on ihudry plank floorfl of tho stable. , Many

7 porsonrwoBin to think*-from-the way Mwy' kopjp thoif hbrao*, that the foot of the

horie was nOTOr mado for tiioiaturij, and-thaHf possible, it would be heno'fioiiil ifthey had cowhide bouts to put on'-evcry

f they went out. Nature dosignci! tlio* '—^ —ouud^the Oiirlh of tha

„« ,»=• . . - ,-.,^jBi at thq snino J.niinaliHj-

a ooTeritig wis given to -prblcet-'i't -from=itonei-Or Biumpi.—OMin.Farmt)',

''"" DON'T KIT.T, TUT, lJinp.i.^Thrir Anpand their beautiful plumage all delightus, Thny do us inoro good by Itucpinpinseoti within bpunds, than injury ii> anj-and nil ways. The division of lubor be.fwnnn* •• nncli fnthgf hir'l and'mother." uslaitb Cowper, in renring and insiruotin^

" elt- ynjing, ia n, lps«Qn^_wliioll _nll illiav

it-ndy. If any one is making war uponthe inieet-dofouring birds, so much need-ed to deliver us-from iniee.t-voracity, uiulto ttjaeh us domestic aiid inbral lessgni,he might be bettor employed. t

].— A heavy mulch brpuksthe foroo of rains, -mid proventa thrin_from oompftoting tho soil, as would/bi1

the - reiult, ' wero no- suuh pr*ociiutiuiitali on . , . • • ' " • ' :

Iron ojiiff in tho blood and prescrveHIt, goldj.or tholsvo oLJt,J esigts iiijlieBeart and corrupt! it.


H—BiiEAn.—Ono_quart—of—eorn-me»l, one pint of wheat flour, two eggs,anilJtJittls saltj with iour buttermilkinflieiiint to niako a Tery stiff bnttur,—•Mfk thjOTOnghly, nnd then add one tea-spoonful of soda dissolved in a very liltlohot water. -Stir thii in and pour intowell greased pan*, anffieiont tn be oneand a half.-or two inohos thiok whenoootci?. FIMO in a hot oven, and bakeuntil done, iay half un hour. Carry tothe table hot, .If all should not be u§ed,hats nvcrhgain. nnd it ig about as "goodni when flrst'baked.

Haifa pint of flour 4nd an egg will b .very good, but not quite as good a§ theabove. ' ' •

The lourcr the buttormilk tho bettor,

Jiuicrt on4ho due -proportion^stalkali, , .

I ; WM, PATEESON'SSnporphosphate of Lime.


'Munis t u j RMABitilmitihnf iilsf-F' The Bforecntd articlo ratisicts pnnciimlly

CbjiiTtd D"ne«r Bitlphnric Acid,- Penivinn Ciiinnn,, ana otter lmtiprtant inBrrflonM, and h put up lui^wBrtnitUHfliMiih. nth


witffy incrcBH'il wiles, fnr the

tno nnffllieltcil wnnrwof.4

AgttMmffesM^, Mai sitt«fni:tu|-i]yrli« rt-"lhiOif»tl*e -tewlts, Lelig foand cqiiol in ci!bci« iP a l Guano, ond more permimint In ILu >oll

a t M f f l w mfitAlloTfhto BttWUhoapBatc. nnliks OiisnOi can #

lire safety fat uppliol dipeeUy to the eeea or ernpiiwllcrtsu tbo other (Oimnfl, when iiwii by I

ni In often ilffitniftWo nrflpx

safety fat upplwllcrtsu tbo other (Oimnfl, when iiwillenoedperaoni. In often ilffitniftWo nrfl

• . • " • • • " ; • " ^-"-"';•-•. WM. PA

k , Agml, Cranberry, N,tnt, Smtk Drmumick, N. J,

f, W5 and 40? Broadway.'25fl& 261 Grand Street.

m fM&iS^M m Catharine Street,


< wi.-ihina in |iiir.-hii'n S'l'uvi-: ni.M,. l-;c,n., urn, invilmi In IMIII mill- ti'.«t liitj m:irro

•:-.MIT.T.I- TAvi .on . •

u u n \; T ' H

Y H A S T . in 1,'s-t i i i i i - i h . i i i h y i i l i y

T h . ' - i . l ' n i v i l i - i - . i " i ' i . in- . - , d m - « i - i - i l » i l li i l . i r i . i . . , , i i l i - . i l m i l l . m i n i ' l i n - i l l - . - I

l i i i - M M - i - i t l i i ' V i - i j - h i I n l'.ri>.,il l."i i i i i r e l .

• Us -p i j u i i ' - i r ; i r i i - . i t j i ' i i i i i y . i i - M i n i -

U l l ' l ' " l l l : l - i A l ) . i H r t i v i i ' i i " • i n i ; . - i ! • i i i t t -

1, 'u lTr i . A,--., w i i h iiii- nun- ' .


i.only hy wu . i . t . u i I : I ; I INI-:T.•I.'I.V l.ij I'iiii1-.-'!., Si;w yin-liTiiy.'



WONTAIWM NO Aflin,II fiieell. ALL oUitr Inks, English orArnrrienn, Itwrilea.nllhal aEmfnialbiuei altcrwarda ciinngine In A 4crp jeblaek eslof, whieh it remuiH for ycaf*.It doci not Mold, Thicken, Gum up,

OR CORRODE T H I PEh4I t fl.,w, P ,u, ,r , = l i r i a I * ».il,-)«, l


•an i

wii)ii'iiL»i"jiUJiMji:a%^ * •'•»] P ine-s i .N .v^c-n^

§UBt ^NarvousHeadache

Ily the nun nf .tin; o I'lllf iho IIUI Inillc ntlnf k" r,rI'fvuuH i.r Hick jiruilni'Iii- tuny he [mvij i i tnl ; niitltn ki-n iii tlif; i-iiiiirnf-iiriiniinL hi' nil hllnii.k, iffliiii-

liiitc itlUT fium pnin iiiiil siiilinrm will ho nliMtlil-il."1 in y Hliluin liiil ill. ri-mmlnK Ilii'NiillfCa uiul

li'n.Iiiili!- it, \viiliMi fi-iniilf- n,<i Ln yiii.jift.Tiii-y Ai:t j;(-nt!y iipun the h'JWC-1.-— IsiilnVJTIft ci'n

Ivi'iii-*.I'ni- li'-er.-iry rni'n, Htiul'rit^, ih-Tn-iilp fpninlos, nnd

ill lyi.^i-ir. Hi' f-ijiif-iiUiry hiiliiUi, l iny iirifviihiiihlij UNii liixntivi-. linjinivl'ig Ihv apiw'lHt-,'giving tmie ninlyij.'Mr t,i tlitr i!ik'i---tiT'- Nt-^Lin-i, iiinl r?^i',ring fh.-n.iluriil i.|iinlii'ity iiiiil i-trpiiKiii uf Ihu wliiilq Mystem.

The f • I! 1' 11 A 1.1!' I'll.I.H iirP ihp rf-nlt nf l"ii;:iiur.=!!;ni!iiii! uiul ,-iiif-ri.IIs- rMriihii-i! ,1 f>xjti rim.-n'.s,liiiviiiK hetin in use iiiiiiiy "yr;.iiJ, iiiii-inii which tinn-tin y liiivr- \iTvvt fiLoil UTiM i<iif:Vi:il ;i Viul iirn^iint iif|-:iiii uiul »;ij|;-rin^ frnni h-Mci-irln-, whi-ilu-r nlijiiii;!-

g In iho ncrvi.li- pv^ti'iii or-lrc>in ii ih-hinKfid Htiiiillit-Mniiiudi. . J _ ' - • ; • • . ' "

r] lll'.iy J-eTilii'-ll ill n i l li!iin"willi p^rrre t ' Nlf- it''li'iiif iii.iliiiii; liny i hriii^'- .,!-ilii-i. iil-il 111 f! iit.Hiii.i-

li-r lh'(ill In (iiiiiiiTli,

1IKWAHH Of fOIIXTl-'.RI.'KlTr* !in- (KifniiiH! lisirn—irvo~fiKiMl!irf« W KciiTy C;

Ki'iihlin*',- nil I'.M-II li'ix.i-inlil l.y litiifjili-lH nml ni l iilhi-r i l tMlcr. In im-ili

,S hi ix will ht;s(ifil hy nt i i ' i l , ' ] i r ' l j i ; i i i l ,an t h e ri-ftlj-lI l i ir ,

Patented November 27tli» 1S0O.

pi.nw HAH IIT;I:N :iiiy flnfl.priiqilcnily

in-fiiii, T H E I'lnsLrn FOU T W O Y E A R S , ANJ> IIAH IIKI-IN T I I T O -i-il. I t , l i i i3 l i c c n cx l i i l i l l i u l i n i l i f l u r i i n t l i i . l -JII l"ir l i" '" l•> ' " t h n snllnftii!-

Al l i m l t r , Miuuh l In- l i i h l r e - ^ i l in

HINRYO. apALDINQ,•Is* t;cdar St., Blew lorh,

Till i rf>l.t.n ,vi?.i« K S m.ii.-iKMiils yx yi-'

l i , .n nf f-vory n n n w h i , y'ws\ rd i t? w i ' r k i n . ^ , i l w;i^ s-sliibiLnil n t (hu N e w ,Ji-fKi-y Hinti- F i . i p , iiritt witsi i i v i i c l c l n ' P r i - n i i i i f t i , T i i T r - n r o ii n i i i n b i - r n f r i u r •nind t f»rrir-TIUJI 1 Fa r i i i c - r^ w h n i .u i i n iy lM"iv^. nit nfnliiilii nir>iik (if I h c m l n Ihu l i l g h c s l l u r n i * o f prniHf , I i m l ihi-y wi l l f u l l y l i l i s ivor n i l Hu l l it • i i i i i inull ln- in. I t Lii n i ln j i t i ' i l in r n i i a h n r j i n n y m i l . fur p h i w i i i ; ; f O r n . |>'it:i<»ci> i iml n i h . i f vi.«nt.-ihtL-«. In l l i ,w« o rIJ i 11.-.; ii \? p i inpl^ , i n i t a i-,,iMi riii-i i nn , ( i i i n i h l c . Pi i^i ly HIM rmgt ' i l , e-iiri h y w u i - k y d h y a n y n r i H l i n r ? !ii-y,iiiljii^iN il.iiiH' I,, i i n c v u n ( jmi i i i i i , inin ho nh i in^ i i i l l i o m i l c i ' p tn rl i iuil i n n n i l i i i i l i : , w i l h i . i i l ^ n t l i n i ; nil' I l io* ' n l , \t iif l i g h t iFrnl ' t— hiMiiii nn wi-ii j l i t nil t h o h n r « ! s nny,iH j i i / j r o j h n . n i l i o III.IJII. I t U * i i i r f i l i igo i l l l i i l twli i 'n ii i?i,nir^ | n eni i t iu .L w i i h :>ii.ii!ijp iff imi ip i i tin.! w.ji.TIoii JISH hrt^fiK^I nwV li-M if.,- p!..iv r c v u l v j pi-u=TTiTiTflijfTIIp^lirftilkTli^or^fhri; [ih»w?, - O n i m i i i m r i t h - I V ti : i i ln uf—linr ' r^e i i l i -X ' I i^V-f i - i i i i l ^ t,'-U- i i ' j r i .^ - i n iiiliS-• l i iv , :ii",l ,- ill i lu t i i i ! w o r k us w t i i i i d cu l l h e i l i i i io l iy I l io iihl l i r o u u w , hqaii lu^ I h u i l r l v u r liii!" a. c u u i l o r l i i b i o••'-lit nil u h i i - h tn r i i l l i ,

I iiiii n o w i i i i i n u f i i n t i i r i H u t h r s f I m p r n y n i l P i n w J , nfi«l v t n n w i l M i r i n g p l o w s wi l l . [ -ni l i n I h n i r n r i l c r i ,i-i irly, ii» I a h u l l h n i i n i i h i c t i i ? i i | i p ly iill I h o iiiiiiH-ilMitc i l ' - m n m R Thui ' i i w l m liuvii I IUL m u l l thlH p h , wwil l iio wi-II i n n u l l n t i ' l PX.'iniing' I'ur ihc i i i p i i ' l v i J . A l l nrilurH w i l l r o t u i v y l i ruui i i i . u t t e i i i i o u .

l-'i-li. If), ].-TilI-t ' INIIEI l , Irilj/U.ilau-ll, Mrrcfr Cn., N. J.



Speedy fit Sure Cure!H WITHIN TI IKI l l RMACU,

An (hfsr Trslimnninl* irrrr viifiniiri/ri! hy d/r.

pi nil/ nj lilt: ipiriiry uf Hnir iiiiil/

J t . i s i iKv i i . 1 ,1 ; , f i i i i n . , I ' , ! , . ;,, ISC.].Mil . S r i r i . l ' i W ! I

I hi.vi- i n n i l .V'jiir r i -p l i i i l i , - i ' l i l s .n i i i l I lilii- Ilii-lii . . ,«-,-il l l i i l l l H i i l l l . J m l In B,Mill un ; livn ll>.U.ll'A-Wiililtl i i , , i l l .

I'III-I. n|- Ih f - i - HIT f.ir ilii- iipi-jlih,irn, !,• u'liuln Ifi\\w ii l\-iv n u t "1 I In- lii'-i l ins I (!"1 h u m yni i ,'• H.-liii'llii- I ' i l i " li.V Illllll, iillil nUi-iii

Vuiii l i i u i i i i i i « i v , i i i i , - I A J I M l

1 MI ii ynii In M m l me i-i'i1 innr r l inx of your .l,Vpll.,n.-> 1'iih i I i'livi; l u , ulyi'il J : ; ; i T t i i t . l ku l u f U l k 'iifr, (Hi I Ili-lli,


r e l ' r i > , . | l , M i M i i M l - ; t . ' n i C . I . , I ' l l . , I

II, C H"|-M.l>|vil ;H'll l. VnM MM!., p

r-t.j.-ti . ( i . - . i ' i i r - . s - n i i i!li

.1 11,1 l i l i l 11111,1 h l ' l ' ! , . .X i l l v r i i i l f l . p l l i i l i , . I ' i l l s , U ' | | , y

iiii) tiiily'lhi- lii-.-il l'illa 1 Iiiivo ovi-r Irii-il.

—- jli-llo Vi-siitin, Wy,u,iljt L'ni.iiLy, ulilii.

i k v , - i l y , M U M , U S - , I I , l- i i i i .

I I . ('. Hi 'Ai . i i iNi i , K^g . : ' ^I i i i - l i l i ir «ii»ii'. iliri-iilfiH o r l.irci1 .-lirnv.TnT-T'tTi

i,lili;C yi'lil- l i ip l l . l i iK 1'ilU i i l ' i r " pai i i f - i f l i l l iy l i ip-r im y I ' l i - i m i i i T H . If yni i l u v i 1 n i i y l h i . i g u l ' I I V l , iu i l .l!il-:i 'i !.Hriiil l u fni1-Hi'-ii i l i-iiiiiiilli1 , [ i i i i iu i ly la>til i j l twii i l . i y . , ] H-iiNiiii-. ,inl' nil iHl . i i J^ I i i u i i i ' l m i i r liy y n i i r P i l l s , w hii-h I nj i i i

.niyivililJlniT-jti I'nitllilin f',i.,.I'lllllHT-v !'. lMll.

IISUV r , Sr,\ i ,r iNii, N I L l>i (-i-il.'r at., N, V , !ti H l l l i j l h


Lift! Vim nnd t'liasiiix BHHfrs,' r p H K>15 M K D I C T S ' K . S Irfvo. i i w i m n n I m f n r r Ihii

I pul>lii> t 'ur i i ) i c r in i l uf ."») }cnf<i."uit(l ( l u r i n g Hin tt h u i - h : i V ( i i f i i L l i t t i i i l i i ^ i a l i i ^ l i i - ' l u i F n ^ M - ' r i l l ^ j j m i M t

r-\-i-*ry p a r t ul' M m U l n l u ^ T n r t l i c d r i j x t E m , * r . i i i H [ f y

; i ! i i l t h i i i i r - i l i i W c p u w n r o f r i - H t O ! i n j 4 |• *-'i iVt:T l n - u h h h i

['ii=rf<ifiH - ? i i i r i : r I i i K U . i i i U ' r l i u i i r l j uvoxy k i n - I ui-. d i : ^

i ! r = i ' t u w l i i i O i t i n ; h i i l i T i i i i i i i i i i i i U l i i i h h i

T I i i - f s i l l i i w i i i j F i i r u i i i u ' j l i ^ Mu= i l i ' i r w . ' s i i i s v j i r i u t y

«ru w«| | known io-h» iit'fii-lliiil

ihy bills hi-tiNuVnf iluift'rnrif, L'iRM of Apjujtitu, JlnurfhiiFii, lltsiulHtsln;K-iHM i«it"Hri; JM-Tomper, Anxiety, Litn^iinr unil .M<Miiii<:huIy, wtllfill iiru Mlt: tfUitnr»l Hyiiiplnfii^'if i^bj' llufunjl^d.

" u ^ w o i USroTGMJS iNCLUdtUiTJ-

!o!!ii,-in^ iho fir^tiinil^ :t ilnw ni piifu, hnuU

' iiml imrlil kjiiil; I'/ul-


,,,C. ». COLIiKRT ,t Ctl'H,

FIFTH ORAND qUATlTKULY IJTSTniBUTION01' inn,mill AltTlCLEK, woilTH wnn,ii(ji),

Wlii-ll will he Snlcl fnr SI(10,000, in tho purphllsnrl!nl'ntir I i / ' i j i iMiKN 1'KNrt nt : i () i ! i« I'nr l ioX,—.iluf (lidilon j3cii H iht; lic^t tivor UreA* iiniViH will--fiiniid nnt in i-nrrntliMn iiny in!?, Kvwry hiisineeslimn iinrl nimily Blioulil I I K thu (Jidcloii Pun

Tl l i i i i i l f 1(100110 t i h illn in n i m l y Blioull II th

Tlii> lniinwinn iial uf 1(10,0110 iirtich-a will be tliH-IriliKind nmun^ iitif pntrntH nt £!()!! u:n-]i, nnd iie-i.jlniii lit |i!iid fur unt i l wo infiirm thy piiro!Miptir wliii-liill' the iblinwing urliBloN^vu iviil Hcnil hiirrfnr ^hfitlliiiil Huifl it is iiptiniiiil wiioihur ho surid Iho Ijuiiiirnml tiiko* Iho Unoils or nut.

[ t f All Unudaoiin bo ruturnei-1 n( mif oipnlisawiiiiiii III ilny« nflur tliu I'lindiuaur rcoulvM tlium.

i Ihuy lira putisiniulnry,) mid the ^Innyy willl d

' w ' " v " " l i ! B ' ~ ' 1 "

tf^tlisiii uh^ttuatiniM hi , , _ = _ _ ____ _ _ . __Tlui I/it'u ML'iriyinbWli'iivt: Tsbcn Ttnnwn'.'-io eiire the

lil,,;.i»»n»m pnrmaiiontly in ;i «-u-i!k«. nml limit i 1-uttimr*; IMilttl lEliigr.1 h inin hut 1 ( ™ « bc-t« LiiilioIn Imlf thut iiiiil!, liy rcniiivins hiunl inilaHini.lli.in j -Icwnlry; Uiinlon Gni|iu ..him-ls; Jl i iuwnUn Uyliillii",1rmii-HnWtHiwi4ffiW>iiA4AitHi,»fllr;nf thn Mw\f ' hulllm, Kriiunh iiml Aliiuriuaii i,nwnj^ lii-riigiM,linn, iii(Hitit?etf?HBni iii-Hiii^inr; ni uifl iniiiiL-.,—• — , ' . : : ' - - ' • --._. —-^^_. . . — ^ — _ ^ , — ^

/ J ™ , , , , , , H , f a l l k i m K hy f i t i - i i i - nii.1 s l - ronut l i - [ ' ' " I 1 1 1 " " . l ' r u « « l i Uiillinii '; iin.l n l l i o r La- l iua U r e s se n i n K l|,"i. kf . ino.v» linil lilnilili-r; l imy np i -mt i i niiwt ' ' " " " I * , »> K " " l VHTIBly, l" i ; i ! lhof w i l l i l l u a i l Uro»i l . l i K h l i i i i l y nn i l , , * I n i i m r l a n l u r ^ i n i - , mil l hs i iuo i " » , , « » > » « . I 'll.nyy I n n s , jlllil i i i l a t l i i lui iwt o v u r y ill)

' ffnm (he liirningil oftn liLiyh thuaii ururit-

hiivij t v e r hut1!! iuii j i i l ii guitiLln - r g m y l l y l u r t h o

uri-jf tHlhui« - — • — —

Sr/ri-i'//, fHrrf?, nml Ttirrtri-ntr. ^niT.s^.hy thnpurrn*'! p inUy whltih thfMo Lily Muilitsifii.^ givd tn Hng whut vvp w 11! syl! anuYi lu-r^on t'fpr SI IIF*; phn:=iYn'i hiuiiii ruiil nil tlie hmit*ir*= ~ ', ini In HOiih*ii "l-iiivtloiK'^i nhji u ilBinnini itrfnngi1

mom iif PruniJUHiH: Nn i\u\t in Kuah .UmuAcuil Cyft

iif UOODH usuiilly iuund in thu first iDry C«ijijtlH Hturuit, ,

PLAN OF I) ASTKTilITTlON.Ilighcht J^reiuiuin §100; Lowest $2,

Tho iirliuics nrcnninhiM!-.!; iiiiil CertifirnloH

S,h,f,,ftir font pi inn* itmt riiuVCmiipIejtiffns, hy.uir ulLiM-aiii'i.1 ujfeui uf"in.Lbu niihl^ iliut fgud iho

J;:.~7iHirul h u r d l eriMi.iiih.? •i:iini]Hi?*ittri3=T|iii"i>H

i h u i r u l t i T H t t v i : \Mu\ii u\a i i i n , nm{ i l iu t n n r l i f ' i **"t|LLI ' r u p H v u i.r«Ni]'!.:i]ii!w, ^«I! ' )»

i»|" .rhu.-iu^i ' l l l i i fiif n v e r y tUi_t>r?Hnne wiU*

u y t j u i M i i . ' t i r t 1 n < f-lLMiriu1^ nl' i h t r k i n . Viiii™f *fifth rnu\ hifhfriTz'fi- w i l l i i iwn^W hu eurt . ! i l h yn ^ ' i t iV 'hv !«"!. 'iii MM; WM)N! i--;\-^.,. ' f < . = T h " i i ib f J iu t l priijif i u i n r nf. t h o ^ e M a d i d -wn« i -nn-i l nf )M!CM; t>\ ; i j y i - n r - ^ i n n t l i n ^ " t i y t h y

»•?'• uf I h c liil'i; .M'MliiMiu.-H n l m i p ./*'f rr-'r fttnf ALfM\..— IMP)' i-lii* ^Mii !":?(• n f f h ^ W i ' S T ^

ffH ( ' i t i i i i t ry ; MitMii Mt'ilii.-MiV?' \s\\\ hu in i l i l ' l \\ Nilfis,iMlHlji !'f'iiii!'Lv liMiiir iiit-iliiiimjN

Oii-w tlit; s y s h ' i n H![iiJ!*r:t tu u r t . h i n i i*f I lit-- il IMI^JL^U,I i sun. s ls.3' ih/.^i." iNc--lii'iNti=* i?' py | - i i i i i i i « l i t=Tr^ MirlH,M- NrtJNtn ft. iiiMl hts iJui 'Ui i . -JiiWnni Frrrr* ,,,,'t Urn- C» UjiLihits =C!cn^

cvnl l i i T h U H y . JiU;M uf A ] i p u t ! l y , » » • ! Klhpnet ;* oC_

oiiloa thoiu It niiy fnr nUIt t

Anil.thii-tt vill aim. It « ,'J/./,.«,/,W Premium_ ^ • hi- J^nr/i Till {'iiUfiratrs!

VDMios. ' if ybuiliisifu i\ Qiio Khuiyl, or Ercfl fnttoriii i i ru iHmiitifiil ftrllolo of Jj^voiry,- oirolnVo n,»l) iiniVtp IVi-11 JJi,_x «£- tin- Ci.ldg'ii l'oi:«,i"i,rtl SUIULIlioliou uf ilio nrtiolo wlili-h no »oil fnr'Sl.

P l H l ' I M T O A i J K X ' l - S , , r O ? i T,i Iti.xuB I 'oi ia w i l i i ! Ui i - t in . i i tya fc!I.

11—do • • ill) • il • .1.1 - - 2 :'111 tin do 'lh tlo 4,

100 do do 100 do IS.N , B , — W i i h oiiiili i 'iii-kin-o of lull j i t i sni ! ffo ;i[-oa

out Iliy pui-i-l,!ipLT lo l l (. 'i-riinyiiliTTnTioTil whio l i Ijjji . iininti 'oil to o n n l i i i n niin nrili-v I'nr ii_finu WA' j ' i J J Inr Howiiifi ^ l i i o h i n e , oi- iiy hrdorMiV? ii\) IIMSOM in om1

iv ioki i^o y i .n n r c Hiii-o iii r r i -o ivp ^(i Urrti l i i ' i ih 'Fi eoii

|ii|- wiMi'HTT-tnl IfiX ui " Ci-itlmliil-'lMtU." H;iili1h-" ••!' Ui'v. Wm. V.I KilltT, Ui-juwMiliur'-f, b'r.iuU-

- , u i i i n . • • . . . : ; . __ .

<nk H k v u L ' h u n n — n u t 1 'IfL*±iO;tcWal-

i.!!!i>ilu.-—^iln; Ali'ilnMHi1^ IIHVU Iji't'll \ip\d w i l l i \UM ; i ^ i i u u g l i n s ' i t f i u J r i n r ii NpitMutiit h l l j \ U i i \ > A L L J li'-Mt ' ClH;Ji'-:i)il r c ^ u l i H i n zn?\-? nf t h i s i l u su r lpL iu i i : I iH^ii iu ;i lurj^P n u f u h v r " f . i i t l i i ' r v u ^ y v u l u i i h h i p r « -iln. '^H 1=: y H = I* r ft H r n . f i i l u lii [l^ wni^L furiiiH, y h ; U U i iiiiiiiiiN= 1 UfiM ifiiiutq Ht'iii ^ i i i t i s , u p i n i n |ipliiiiU IIHV

y k l i i ? to t l io i n i M j u t p u ' w u r i u ! n u i i u i w j f i h ^ e m= \Many pyF;fe*n U u g i r i u g to IJCI u s A g u n t i W l i k h i rniyMil!rkllJilt- M!'t[it:iiii-^ s .Nt i |h t Hweutrti N u r V n i i a 7>o= ' rh i ih l i l h i l i i tn p r o c u ' r Q !i Vj i lu i ih lu .p rusu i lum Upul iI ' i l i i y , Ni'j;v<Hi3 C n i n p l u i n t ^ csf n i l i n n d ^ P i i l p i i a - j M i ^ i m y i n c n l u i ' ^ L . ' " _fiuii uf i h u l l u J i i ' i , iS i i i iU- i s* UuliUj u r u .^pt iudi iy au= = I ' l A ^ O H j I f l l S f - j O ' n f f i W N ^ i S l t / ^ I C ' jK%renr!..l Phr,,xr,.-Vt-rmnf „],„„ onnslltu- MOOKS. l*I«VIX«i M AfSHNliS *0 .linns liu-vo liciinlnn impiiiru-il hy lliii'iiijiiiliiiiijus iiflu , fiBH»lit iiml fclil on Uiiliimiwinn, Any nrtiiilo (Jill..r Mi'i-uury. will Iiml thisu 'Jti-iIlniiHis 11 purf, lit : hi! milt In till) C i u l i t r y i u t b e Lnwost Whiilcmikniiru. ;,« lh i . j iitivur full In unniiijato frnm Ihu Mynl- j l'vlir™ with tlio nildiUnn of u per uuut Guuimifuluiinin. all lhui-fc.ti i i if JIi'riMliy, iiilliiilcly Buiim-r tliull ' " ' ' "Mil- l!i,i.-t pitWi'ifiil ],i=i!J,ariltiiinH nf Bill-sapirillil,

—•l'itf),,ri-,»l iiinlfisfii hy -W llr-ftr01JPAT,-' r __. . ..

^^=JJjl ill m i xxi iitl^Mi' rrii i! a j x J rrjij njj Agra Is,i::.+ 8tiuth'"4llf-i't, iiiiloif (Jhuatriut. l'hihiila

^ I ^ F n r out- liitniirity anil nhillty lii fulfil imr erffnguiilLM!t.«, IVi; hc^ tn rrfi'r ynii tn thfl fnllnwiligwcii known Lrtnltetiii'ti an-l hiiiini-M nrilin : 11 in Kxi--!'!liMii-y-I, \V , (.luary. Ex. Unv, lCiilisar;, Wi-Ntmoru

'iiinil, lla-j-'l'iilnicT,". ftir-liuril.-iiin A Co, Juwoilnra" ' Wnrlii-i +< ; IVm.-A/ni-ny, Iftq. ,1

y 0 A T ,Xlii liruiidwny. Now York.


ti. Hl .U , lKM-» :—Vtit. Iiinu'. tliii'Q I' M-.nt In von fiir :i li'ix of

i'oplialii- Pill- fur (ho H U T nf NnrvniH lipnilnrho si nilr-^, nnd iT.rdvi'd (lift

tin rffrrl Uiul I ^ ii U l h t

B, E, Cor, of Chc-.=tn«t nnd SuTontli Sti,

!-; nnd j hailiIn arnd jtir nlnir.

itlhy return mnil. Dili-rtloA, it. wiii:ni,i.;ii, Yp»ii.iuti, jiuii.

Finn) ilio Kxnminor, Xnt-fnllj, Vn.f (ipliiilii. I'iiii iii:i'oiiipl(»li Ilio iiijj.it lur wiiliii Ilii'y

wi re niiiil,., vm i-uiiru fur Ui-iiitaho iu nll-ii^,t'ui'iiii,

Fnim the KmiiiiiniT, Xnvftijli, Vii,Thoy h.ivii hoon ' lon tn l ilUlluii! llmil Ii tliOllfflnil

i-ii^(*t wiih L'litiiu ^uccu^.




STIMULATING ONGUENT,Fnr thn Whiskers Ansl llair.

Tho snbforibers tnko pleiisuro in g tilio t-ltljonn of tho VIniloil Hlnioii, ijirit Iher hnve^il«ln»it-lJin_ i g i . J j fnr anil nrf nnw i-n:il,l.-,l fr,offor ta ilig-^lmofiean piihlif', tha n/bsve juNny;eei;ebrntod nnitTforlil.ronoftnsd nritele, '

X H I i STIMUljATIIitW OKOI/1SWTi« prorofoil *y Dr. 0, P., D^llinKlinni, no oisinrntphjfiieian «f Lftnilun, ami Is wnrranted is bringout a thick sot of —

Whiskers or a Mustachein fpaiiS toB weeks. This srlldlo is iho only njiqof tho klnil BSed by tho Fronijli, nnd in Tjioaonfttidrnrisit is in nnivorjnl use, _

It is a beautiful, l lt -

tho ruotii, .eauiiing a bcunlilul growth nf luiurinnthair. If applied 'to tho malp, it will enro ».«,n.SBIB^nil 01M1S0 t9 ipriBg Op in plKoo of thp hftjilspotnafino growth of new bair. Applied iwcto dlroptiqin, It .will\tnrn Rod or imfy hair, flnfli,nnd «»loro grsy hnir lo Its ojjginnl OSIOF, lenvingit soft, siBeoih find flesililo, Tjjo "'Onguont" is nninaiipennihlq ortlelo in every Rontlcrnnn's toilet,and after 1 week's ,uM thoy would not for any oon.iiaaration bo MritUont it.

Tlin (mhBcrihors lira tho ttnly Agents tor tho nrtl-ela In tho'' United Btatot, to.whom ill o a - ji U l dt nUilresiedi', •

Pile 11 a box—for Wlo b j ril Drr t e f t h " O B { l " (

Pile 1 j ^r i r o r ^ t e i ef tho"OBi{uuiil," (aAiiniilad

& ttsaired eftet) will tm n u t toan^iilad

who d

3naUffmt, n,

34 WilUaa Btroot, Sow York,

Frmii tho IkMiiiii'iiil.Ht. C'iiiiiii.JMnn.If pun iiii-.nr hiivu ln-i'ii lnnllili.il with the IIMII-

'in-Ill1, -ouil f i r ft Iwx, tCt'iih.ilii! l ' iil. ,) so lli.it yonhlilj' lilivi! thum in ciiNi, of iiii ultiick. ,

-. 'Frmii til.' Advcrtl^tr, Provlilenre, TI-. I.TJn- ('I'iihTni^IMII-i iii-n Ntiiil In hi- u ri iiiaikiihiv pf

rHtit ivnii.ily luc Llu_- hijiiii.ii-hisiimi uni! ii! iho vtn

Nr.szYZ KGininrror it lUnuri:,, Wiit^r-Bt hDlnw'Anihilu ; MPSSM, I'riiU ft liuath. flth A SiiirHist-sts., du.,1. U, I'ullurl-Vn.., ilu.rA, F.-Wnril, &t|., I'uhlirfi

t IT nf Fil!ilijrmH, ,\l;M ill!,; M= 11= IIuTHii, tj^tngiiil^uif/Cts. _--.-lSiilik; lion Iv, M.-JJuwin, Kurtikil,,Ua|, ITIH


InirAtKIi ISI.nirAtKIi

Vllilmlfh'liin, Nfii* Tnr/: Vill/, A/liirlll/, JSliJl'iln,. Vltvrtiijirfy Urtrui!. V/iinuru itiitl.£*t, Laiiix— =

HnhulurHhipi oiin ho fHiri-hilat-il i'lir olthMi- liuint,good nt nil Iho {'oilo^oii,


•Pmninnriiliil Cmn

Huttltuiunts, oto.

nilil PIIIIJIP Knlry Tl.ink.lCniipinK,niiiiiliiii^ Chniaii-niiiii- l.iiw. I*IMI=.-iH Cnrrt-iilJiiniltitiyDj rar t i iur^hi} ,

, lur thill vofy,fitnd i d ~

wilkh luwuv

Frmii llw W,',.t,-ru I!, i!, li.iMllue, Chi insn , III, :

Wo In u; Lily i n.iiii-JSU Mr Siinililinj;, iiiid h h ivm--iv.:l-i-.rCi/|ih,illi) I'ilU, ' ' - ,

l-'r-'iir the Southern I'.iih I'Mnderi Xpw f)iloi\tii- t , i .Try ihiiiii I y-'iu lliut nre iinlioloij, nnd wd mo »uio

iiml yuiir testiinony eon lie -iiihlnl to the nlfonily ntt-ra-ijjii, |iji itiiiLliMkAouiilvL'd ijuuuill tliiit ui>.otlu;r



O " " A BTITCU IS TIMP, SAVES N I S R . " j\f\jts. iiccidenis n ill liopjirn, even in Well rcgnl,<ilct1

fuiniliei', it is vufy iliyirnlilp to have Kntije the.io nt dmivrn'"!" w y 'uf w-puiiiii;; •ii-.,™i...w.| jnyK


meeti all suoli etnei-HuRoie * nnd an lioii DhoId-oiinuffifl-iVto lie wllliputj|1 ' It I-Bals,«jij ttiitfy, find li]ito ttuj' rtioking iifiiiit; .

• " USEFUL m EVEnr yousK,1' ,Jf, B,—A Bnish accomrinnlus ench Lottie. Pike,

13 eu\M, Addfr-iW,• iifflJvnr-C, SPALDING,

Ko, t s CunAit Blieel, New Y l

^ i cert-Un nnpi.lnci|ilcd pfnipn* nro nKempting tnpuiweff-tin -tlm ulMtot*^iig—ptiWtii, linitatioiiii ufnJjPitifriiiKH tiLUR, 1 Wimlil catition fill penmnii tn

^ — ' — beftre pniuhiisliiB, and we that tlie •fiUL

ii on thf outdliic nil othtr,, arc Bwlndling

The Tonoliing in Iho IJiJuk.Ki!O[iinK DopnrliinintIN inustly from \viilli;niniiuui.oi ipl fornis, with oruliiiNlruolioiiP. looluro.^, iind hliigkihtinri.i gluoidii-lions; In uihliliou lu which, in onlor to mako thuUMlK-giuto Uuiti-Ji.s .-if' niorougli niid i/iri-'otiiiil iw p'^-

l l l : l fiili,,»Lli.^ Ti.vt.lUiijJr^JnLVf, In,,,,, pF^,: iF

My liidtBjtry we- thrive.Ill GHTS TOWN '.7

Carriage Emporium.


_ . . . IS hiive nn, hiinil (in nJMriinoiit of CAttllLACl'.rt, anil (iii) liri'p;!,™! I.

nl ^l.nrt iintii.r., iiliv nvtiiilpi in (Iiihiivi, Unu,' nt rillUKSi AS I M 1 luFtiie »a,ni nnutlt i * i>in l'.ri lin.l i ii *tii. St ii t ii, ii ii^l. AV ^ W l! i \ ' T tinSTKATT.I?.""S Euorf KKKpTTra, In three iy^an hu had in this State, niid-WAlUlAK1! thSHIHQ tn j?i¥a eiitis't*niill'jni

Wo huvg ii viiriusy ul artiule^ In tho

2, jrish Ffihnti? KtNh'ntti fur High.Schools ninV

:-fl, (JnriiffiiLr ITttijxfi JCr/ifHui, ?t)t Auuitiintiinf iiiml Ilii*iiiDfli* Men, HJO pnjft:3= * ^

TlnVAiST A-=HTit A r r o s ' s CoMMJiiEriAL t/Ai.rMii^Ti^sNfor AtfitiintiiiUNi HiiMn^aii Mjiiij ISirfh Hi-luMils uticl


CilSIMHII(l.U, t.AW,

for tlin/t'mfuwlnn. Tluninesa Men, Farmrri". Com-f l di

for tlin/t'mfuwlnn. Tluninesa Men, Farmrri". Com-niereinf Cullegoa, Jllyjli Helluols nnd Agadijliiiyii,—

!, PrhnBfj Edition, for Cofflmoa

sntinnH."- lluM^i^.-iipon-liny nnd Evfiiniig,~ Kd Yil-.

of "iiny k!n*1, oall nt l'*6 Cnlleeo.-nr faMi-CMjiltYAST & BTHATTON,

.187-1 ' phdtuhfpina

•nwjik ia not only imHynrtl ftn,d bshgyulent, bii:. _ | litfr;ify in i u e^arnnter, nnd oflera fjioilities fi*]usn= -rrit'titni""flultnre, rntinn:il mnusipiiirnt, iiiiil ftps!a

infcrcgursR, uiieqiialleil l*y nny-sneiety Intht^ pinenTnltiiUlon fyaSli 5u. Yoiirly (lues # | OB. Benefit\r\ 8t!jkpg8i.if3 00 per we'vk. = i

¥ungrai bone lit;


L Hnirrnlrllt Til.fliliilintl f*lf?hhljisit Ijij xpfrialKli,l.n%fmtiil,fnrllir lirllt/'ttj'ti.IrriJtil, tifflirttd ivith Virulent nnil (JlirniiitJiisritxrs, fftitii<!jireifit/i/ fur th$ Uurc of Dixta-

i^txitf Ihf tSfJrifnt Organ** • , •TV/TJiDTqAT, ADVICE given grntisi. by the Aet-I V i lag Surgonu, tij nil xho apply by lottor, • i thri ilerenpHon of their eoriMtinii, fugs, osoupiitloii,hnhit> of lifo, ft8,,).(liiil in OMCS nf cstrcuio povurty. Medicines furnishoil froo of ehfttgo. ,' VALUABLE ilKPOETS on Spormlilnri-httn, andother DlMWcB of thu Sexual Organ!!, nnd on theNljW-BEMEJJIES suapluyod in Ui« Bl«pos»ary,ient to Iho afflioted in loaled lotter onvelspeirffiooof (hargB. Two or three Stamps for ptjftjjg«;|jil!

AadreM, DR. J . SIvILiTN U0UGnTO»,4'etlBjSnrgoen, Howard AHfleioUbn, No, y Sauffi.yfu»f|Stroet, lTilUaelphiii, Pa. Byofilcr of tha Dire *

JOS- IVpiinnlunlly ntiended to. _

f|(ia.«e oiill iiml cxiini{ho mir BTOOK nnd P H IOils hsfere.p.urifliiisi.ngjliie.wlii.rn.. -.. . . . . . _ _

' " j . I . ' D B Y A SON,MishtBt ' lOl^Prpt . SO, IS.iO,—4

American! hetwoen tho hges nf eigiitoon nnforty-five, desiring lo himmne itienihers, will be furnfrlied with dopiei of tho by-lnw» by applying nIho'" lixoolKior" offico.

IU meetlngi BJO held (very Jlonday oTening, n

JOSEPIfcll. J0HN8TOS, Bailam,JOHN W, AVlittY, Cnrti.lliBliWtown, ArpH,5,


blio.nill bo paid to thp OMtra-t d i f ed

J^SpoeiBnttBnUon nill bo paid to thp OMtra-d of coltj in tha ufelt and nis i approf ed iaan>r _ q w p , .jftpftU

tb\nf tuttmly •nBirl-im$-atsmT befortienU, wliu i re -sfMiUd.BTiirJwlnre :er wiih the Ah* anrt

theviiuJtl In hnve thoU

elnte, B%d ihftlijie•aide ptjbjtijhod-in U>o Borough Fapsnfor throo(Bontlii-'?*'

EZRA D. HAimVELL, Ayer's Sarsap wiUa

Town CommiltCB $ East WindsorRFBQ r,FjGT.P—inAUItdM . ANDi .AFTER

the pusago of UiiJ rseotutinn, no bilL«Hnin»t:j]i«Township will boipaid unless all tho items nro tpe-l f i d i allI billa for vrurk ihttll arteeify the «ffl-

Ji ih the Ah rtl I




M q w fi a ,<t /ire u -?t~*rtl liy I h u fmhNii Jte f zi i'ffftrxi ii-it/i iiifTEfisnig ftiviii>_ It t,f Tttammtu*tffff t& rfrrp pj/xprjtxift-, JYeTi*nif,nit>x*i limit-Jfurtt, Ut*ti'p'j*iu'ii.*t W'iiidiwtlu' tSttwuielh

or Pain* hi the Uo'trch, IJ/ntiarhf, J)niw-Jiiirxs^Jufiiify Vompfuiilts^ Lftp* t*jiir*

1 sttinnftft**,- Etrhrlfrfitrsi Tiiviffijrat^i lutt iriiiifft JvtaS-f'rittr or !*tftjn>fy.

A MEDICINE, it i KJUIBU iijnl IJantiKil, mi-£ l riiiR tho. iii(ia( ngur'IViitvil ilfelfluBWftimipiwin.Kiilntiy Cniu|il;iinls, "nnil (ill lither-^liingeinciitH ofthii'Ktiiiiinnh iiiiil Rnn'vlH, in a ipceily tiiiiiiitor,

it will inHttJiTitly rcvlvu rntfinriqhriiy-anTt ilroopIni?Iii ta, nml restore the weak, norvoiia nnd sickij"

o health, atrgngtli, imil vigor, ~ -I-fcrfinnfiWlit,, Frniii tho Injuiliijloiis usa of linuorii,lie l)i;cii|no..cli!Joot(iil, ftlid their neivoun Pyfitorniiflcrnd, L'firislituliOiiH Ijrnkijn dnivn, nnd i-ulyueE

o ihriihnrrilile ciirijo of Immunity, iho DeliriumI'lTum!*, «ili nlinnst ImliiGdilitDly, fcol thi; happynil hi-iilihy invifjorftting effluayy ui'lir. llam'i In.ia«niliue Spirit. •

n'HATJT WILI.TIO,Pnsn ^^Onc wino glnsrfull ns often na neees3ftry,(iiio iloae will retnovo nil Bad Spirits,Una ilnh-g will giii-o I IQIIH Bui-iif'rbg-eu (h,MHB will euro Ifldigefltlen,Onii il.??o will give ynu & goluil Appetlta.

liiu ihisi; will stup thu ilinlruBsinjs piiins of Dispopsiii,ilnt1 ilnso will ri-iiuivc tlltj diiitr^iiging'fiiiil i]4#aj*iH^

llilt.! ulTyijl uf Wind and^FlatulyilDe, uiid nsHooii (inhu nloinauh ft.suivoii tltff Invigofaling pjiirlt, tholiiiii'i-Hsiiig liiad and nl^ pillniul fooliiif.« will bo re-

Om! duso will remove the most dMrnjsing painaift'nli,.!, tiilhcr iii the yroiniioh fjr bowuls,—A- tew -iliiaL!3-will rumevy (ill-ebstruetioii-i in thyCiiliiL-y, liiaihlor or I'riiiiiry Orijii.nB.

I'yriioiiB oiifinusly (iflliotyd with nny Kiilpoy Oom-.liiinla uro ligaureil speujy relief by n UDso ur twii,nd ii rndioiil ouru hy tho iiso crnne nr two buttled-

NIGHTLYrersons who, fi-oln ilissipivting tou much fivop nljjlit

iiul ii!i;l thu yvil elliiyts oi^iii?imoil8 liquOf?. ill v11, =nn! ]ii-ild(n;hiMi ^iukliui-M ill Hhililili:]^ ivyaluiysti, ffiil-HjiiK? ,.ty,, will iiiid uuo duily will ruuiave nil bmj

IjiiiliM nf (vealtiy nnil fiiukly fiinsfifirticiris, B/ioufFiiiku Ilin invifrfji-atiiig Npirlt thveu thiivH i i d u y ; Itvill niiiky ijiyiii ^liiiiij?, liyiiHhy yiid bn 1'PXs rymnvyII .ilj»iniiuinn« an,I irrngii lnri i iei fnmi iho meii^

s-ti-mil ni-iins, and i-iialm'y thu hluom of hiHilth niidhyillity tn liloyiii-ywurn fii.'y, " ~

Iini i i i " iii-i.jjiiiiiiyy Ii will ho fiiiind an invaluiihloinuiliiMliy In luiiinvi! liiHiiiFi-yoiihlo siiiisatiniia lit Ihoilnlnliill. All Ihy ],ii,[,rk:t,,r :i»ka i,iii triiil, ijuJ-taniliiut1 ilils )m Iiii. ],ui tiji iho Invlgnrailiiij^ipfrit in

pint bi,Illiv, ill 1(1 iMs.. nuii i is Ijli.•Juiii-rnl cli-pnl, -1H Wiilur Hlri.ul. X

Knrih "Fijui.-nil NiF.n sail! in Higlilsilim-n, hy .!. H. n i a u v y l t andilHliiUi-k, iiiid iiijllhin.i ,V Ki.-ylyr.Ciilil ill Criinhorry by Julm S Duvlion, mid liy

JanicH I.I. tjiinnvur

Trof, L Miner's "'



ma ursKToiam; mtuy ITAIII to itmri-Kiiinl i-niur witliuiii ilyoiiijii iiiul preventing thoIliiir fruiii tiirning gruy, -

VUR PliKYRK'VlNni-iiig it, whim tliyru ia IheMonat vitiiiity or rooup-oriilivo onoriiy roiiiisiiiiiig,i if I.' i--n!n\r/jv,i Nnrr>?i? ,trvn jxj±

' : * t r * M - i ^ i m ^ f f , - t i r , n i _ i i n r- . ^ | y_u * J_--J _v f./ -

IHJJrti\iiii{l iiii Riirummu.'nffebriiiiiiiuf ttui .<unlp.J''(m lUiAUTJI'TSiKU TIUC JjAlh!, impure

i l l f f t o i t i l 13 u i i t M j u i L U c r L g i f i S N : u i f _ i b l H ! i : i l i i ' j , I M ; L =

k i n g i t M ' t nnd"dilky iii its tuxttiry jiiM gitUHiii^i t N> (Mir! ruiiillly.This grunt oi'lybrUy nnd inproii^ing t lcmnnd fiir

iliig uiivqiialtuj-l jirupjirufltin, tuiivlnuQ thy prnpriulur tluit une triiii 1B (inly liyc'Bsrfury tn snt|.==fy ;i tl\*=ccmi i i s =t>iibHp of H* auperirtr qmtHfit^ uycr iinyn t h t r i*iX']i;irntitm nt pro?uiit In U?.Q. It cilaiiii^^H fht-hi'ful unit m?nlp from Uiimlriifl'rfW nt/trr rtftttnrn{*.vi/itftt.if.-i, (Tiiuffus thy liuir to grUW iiixUfiinii!^, ninli/jvfcs if. u rlulh sul% glOKNy nml Ih^ihU* npiu-jiViitn-L-,nid iibn iviinni tlru lialr''is l ^ i - i i i n g utitL Uihmin^.,t. will givii srrt*ii^ih. iiih.i vigor to (hm viml*-. ntid I'L-tUwti Ufu ^ ro* ih tu ih'i^i! i»iviiJviii"S! l i inc b^^niii^i i iriL, (HUi?jiig It tu=^iuI4..jt-fW.*Jf-i^H}t-f'i,i_LF '>/ Ii 'ii-.I ThvYQjiTii"lutiidrijiU uf Uullu^iiuil jFfnittBHJwrjii'i?aff_.Vi_ii-k \vliu iiuv.u Iiiid ike'ir hitit rustiifyil hy th<>iim <">('Hila lilvi{?i*Filt*Jfj whuiUi'Uiiltigr!= |tFu}'i:IF>llitih»iind liiiliul. L, "AL IIIIM in \i\* im^i^-i,".,, ii-m-i1* | r , -IIUUiL-tiililu U-plir,)-iiltf to !l?g nltuvv lu«(*. (Vum iin:--tms-nftflti'Irighi-*1! ri?3]it;oi!hijify, H K{]\ vfft<btu:iH Vj T u v u n t i\m Tiifir f'ruitt t t i m i n g irr/ni u n t i l t h t I j i t -u p H t y i i n d (Sf iif\'; a m i iii-UHH«fS w h u r t J - t h e - h i M r luifijili ' trihiy y h i U i ^ c d i i^ u o l u r , \h\-_ \\j.i\ *.[: ihc; i i i v l g i s r n 'fiirwU! willi LH'i'Unnty rtshurit ht ii\ nri\ri''milhi!,-giving if ft ilnrk. gh^^y upi't^iritiit-f, Ajti^ porruuu;titFTinrtullL't and ir"IT7uri^^[!iratTvnr JN punii-iiliiriy ru^iijiiuigndud, Iisn ing i-n ii^r^uahlu fni^riiiii-t';Hlid thu i^ruilt friniiitiys Ii yi|\mlM !ii dryssh'i^ ihahiflr, whloh, >vhen niolHf wiih ihy l imguruL"! 'cmi

i i i |ilayy, whylhyr pllllll nr in yiii iH-liyiliu: fill: frClJnilli-liiiind fiir it by thy lililiys.is ii xluiiihud iitilt I ur-{nil: whiyh uniiy ijlight to by wllhnulj ;is tliy liliyy-i-'.yiis it within thy rouyh uf jills h ( . in |

par' bntlla, to bo hud u t nil ni '^ieeUble ill-iirJ»l.«[«and pi-rnini-i-ji. • ' " -

I,, i l lL l . l ' l l t wnulddi i l l tlin at tent ion of l'uri-iili.iiiiil (itiiu-illiins ti> thy usy nfjiii Invi^nratnr , in i!:i-gy# whyrc thy cliildi-yiiH' Il.-irr inulinu.-i to be winikThe UNO of It liiy,-i the fouililiillun fur ll guild Itntdnfhnir us it ri:uwvi:i nny inipnri;i(!s that miiy linvuhijyniny yijiinyctyd with tht: .yyiilp, thy ryiiiuViii ,,fWhiuh laliuutaiuiry ljotll i'or Ihlt.hukllh uf. illy lihihl,and thu fiiiiiro nppeu'rantjii nf thi] hiilr.

CAIITIIIX,—Koiiujsyiiuiiiy wiihuut,. the fnc Bimll.LOU1H Ml i i l iH l t byinaiin_tlioiiiiliiidu wrnpper; »l-HO, L, MrLI.fill'S IhUlt INVIUOEATOIC, N.'Y..hlmvii in tho gin.KN.

WliDleaiih, iiyptit, no Dr-y-at , nnil cold by nil tin;jirineiluil .Mi;rahiiuls avid Brugglsta llironji'hiiut tin-worid,-—tiibyfill Ui yiiUIlt tu Jiui-yllilsyi-g by till;

I iiiau doBire lopresent.to the Anicrienn pjilille ttiyNew uml Impr i ivcdJ i i i i l i i c i i i i i

I.IQUIP IIAin DIEwhioli nflor yeara of sglei>ilfie esporiniertiing I liayejrnii^ht to porfo-otiiiii. It dyW IMayk or Uruwn in=Bluntly without Injury to (ho Huir or Skill wiifrun-Igtlt4m hais^ifcr^id'feiiiUthi^kLiiflin ireig|Qiu;u

^ . I U I S , OSLY Sll CESTM.DEPOT, M-liEY STUEET, New .Ynrk. lT-l-ly

r p l l E SUEPCTiinEniinSoTiened n mnrblo ynrdX in MAIN STREET, IhgliL'itowB, wliero hi

d d i t l i il i l f

pin iHAlft .^ii t£,i iJ , , lugnt. 'ilown, wnorer fminil rcii'lv ' " i-nt in nr-lnr, iill Illlirfi nf

WORK,Inoluilinff Wnin and Ornnmontnl JIONUMESTS,llKATiHTflNIW, MANTLE I'LKOlSis, TABLE n iCiiiNTUtl TUI'S, I'oBti for OEMBTEin* FEN.OES f i t i AKrt i.f yvyry vnriBty, lie,, itu,

lie Hrnpn uiinltiihtlv on hand, nil lilnita of Amirii-fiH rind FnruiKn MAIIBLIS, which he will loll usyhua]i im-an ho purehnaqd in Now York) or NowJorsuy,

-—^:flmfe brpuhlic patrQSflfic.Ii^soireLted,.-Orily.F?nttl-nded to with liToiiiptnysfl and ncntnegj.

I'lnco of businofi!, noitdoor to Duff's watohma-gyitilbllnhnieilt,

II will rnocivg cslieQifli atteh-

O, MOOffE,



II niiji iLiijuiiiHuiiy Tinnmanga—ss ^^-......r^ ",n^iothyfl that having glvon hii ttttojU'Sn oiolualvolytg tho pfliytlso ef Vsicrinarj Mediqins and 5iirggsry, ill nil itf briinehol, ho 1» prepiirod to ultondpruniptiy to tKoealte&f all who may b n r - U awith their pjitrotmgfl. .,^,t,^ ;••'.• ».., , . . . .„. . -

llisosiierloneo nod inoecsi in kfenting the vnrl.-OUR iliJoii.HoB of tha horse indooe him to nsloive thrithe mny ToiubDnUK iop«' t s a a r i t tha egstdaiuannd pataonoBt of ttq pabllo.


Af<j you. atek, fe«li!«* nivlCnnipUiinliig? Aro y*'" Mlt i>\

wUIi "yfiiir fiyntuin ile*-lliifl |yu_r ructii)g!i: uii'lilihj? Theiff BJinji5

turns an* oi'iiin tlio prultiUe tn

n» «Uu-n;, is f[:i!f!|i!iig UjHfii you,iitur tihoiiM UB tivotto4 by Alliiielj l»*l uf thB riglit J=«?ni-5ily* " Tiiko Aycr's^Vin^ aiiil'

it tlid HUM'S inuvg Qli unub--a iii hwlUi. i*g»iii,

of the beds; into Tlg^ress ng'

rBctioaf tiblefr inaho"iu. the Iftsiyj unU Qb»

irifticinif' Tlies^'ir not tQtt&veCif •atid thu siifrQHntiing ofgotiiif j>r^J

'iiv&MoMf PiijTefing, nw\: dlPeiuD^»PB ifuw directly they restftfo *htisyfltptn.nnd with It tliu btfc^aist

tiiU tFiviiii iitu! cfimriion cem|ilainti \z ftlHo truo In tiuiiiyof tlifl tlsi-p-gt'iiled nnil ijnn^otyus dUlympurs* Tiifl gniinVjiiirgiiiivo ti!Ti.iL-t Oxpela thnm. Catisud hy flhiiilnr obNtructlnni fiiid rtt'mii^emcnti of i%a imtumf fiinetions of Iho.1ihHh'i thiiy HTS rnitklly|j:nni! many of thciii Siireij'j eiifihl•hy the saiiiii mnanii Kone who knew thp Ttriiiva of HIBBOi'ilU, will Hujik'et ta emjiiny them when suffering ftointho illsnriia™ they rtiri^

— ^ ^ ^ , i t i j .ffgiiLJefldii)^ pliysieintis In same nf tlioprlnri[!ul CIHMS, BUQ from othyr wtsil kauwii |uiblie pur-

= Fn.m a Fttnvfifth'iig SfenMnl ff S* Lmiit, F'-b* 4, 1S5G,1m- A\y.ni YOUP V'\\U nro tlio lUWigi'B of oil th:it h

pi'f-il hi uifnlidiiO. 'flniy iiiivo eni'e-1 my Ilttl? ^tiU^htfiriii' iilrornn.i BUYBH upcu h«r hivti'H ••U'! f«t't tiiatiinil prtiViMl

i-ii iy Jiillli'i-.-'i with liiniidiijq iiml ijiiup'U'tnil lif>r Nkln nndin iii-i- imii/ A[i-H' run- c:hi|tl M=M cured, she uIsQ if&i\yuiiv i'iiifl, ftiiJ ihuy havii omud \v-\\

As a Pflmily Pliysle*

Y o u r Pills ftv** tliQ prlne-s* ef |misgft5. Thcilf I 'ScpIIoniqiViiitiia Piirl!;iHH iiny r:i_Uiftr!uf W» pnKrigisa, . T h e y a refiiilil. (nit vei-yctH-tufn npd ym-eliifii in Mi'lr iietlun »*• t haLowi'lHi Uhif-li imtUi'Li Ihyiil iiivuluiibjy 1Q \\A In £bu Uuilytii-utiiiniiLdr dNOiitSts,

Pr,\tilino, AvMin Iran tint riifswor you whuf enmiilMI -tiiivi* cured with yfnir ['ilii hoilvr -ihim H my (fit OmAr:trlrf:d with 'i^my-i'tivi nw.lieiite* 1 plnfe grrMit ti*1

df'tn'e on an i>rfi?cfTf!ii Tntliiti'tlc i n ~ m y dnflj^cnnteBE ^tliiit^isn, nnd lj!?HBviii=r asf-I da flint ym\v V\]\n nEfgni u?buaL %¥ii hnVM; 1 uryoiirso Vftlur? tlium highly ,

^ PiTTiimntfl, Pa., stay 1,15iDii. J-C, ATRR, , FIri T havi; l«pn rppnstudly eiirc

tlifs W!ir*,t hrtitbixh* filiy Ijndy ciin linvp=hy ft i1«se erui yiiitr I'illM, It fr-enm tn'arlie frym a foul stemwhich timy el nriHri at onpc, • _

' Clerk'nf Steamer* Ohm

Fmii Dr. Thtmlnre Ud'U ff N>iu Ytirk CY-y.NfiE only fiFD ynnr Piti«irulni!nih1y r\i\\\\>iP<\ to t h e i r r

jififltt \\K itfi nFtbrjfiiii.'hilt I fiiid fli*lli= Itfilfni'liil (•iri-fM mtint r.lvnr vuiY '.•••--•- • •" • • -»

d sftwt>_

to, ynivfil ji..,ni ulf«iBi5raWlio cite -of biiinm W -pl.iiiii* Unlit iiiiv Oil!! fstimily 1 L-iiii meiiMon, 1 siiiccn.J^-i.jiiicu, tlnit -ir*. itiivij (it UMmth it piii'HiiUvy wliieh is wyf-

DiiPAin-Mnsf OF THE T.-fTKnioIi, . \.Vmiiiuiiiiii,. B. O,, Tfh I'oh,, 1160. /

FrB 1 I hnvn lUPli y.iilv Pili« in m y BOIil-iiil iiiiil liop.|ii!iil

W.\\ !ii,.,v Hi-u (ii,. bi^L iiiiimrii^ wu uiiiiiliiy. Tboli- i-ijiii-liiiiiii; i,«iinnt>n l i iui lvur in i|uiv!s siiii"<la"Meil, e(ip"m,-

_UUL-IHI.V (i i iyjHe nn ii,hninil.|u ivnio,ly fur drrni i icui i ' i i t iof ( I i , I ciipiiii, liT.lM.il; 1 liiiii) MjiiiiiTT luyiiJ ii m m ,TLili'>iij tii^isii s,i iiliMiiiiiiu iliiiL it liiti mil lviuiii^ ^i^l.l lotlium. i iul t i i i i i l l}-j i . i i iB, Al.iJ.sZi) IIAI.I., M. I).,

i'liysieiiui t>f tut Marine it'vipiluU

Dysciiterj-, Dlnrilinrn, n«lnx, WcMui.M .,i,i Dr. J. u, Orvn, nf ulimu/".

Yam- PillH.liiivi. Iiml n lung IHnl ill Bi.v iiranti™, nn.l IIniiil liiuiii iii I J . I I " in iiH HUD ul' iim tastjiiurli'iita 1 Imvn

:- . ^r— ij-:- T - - ,^_ -__ , , ;

ii,i.. fli.'riit'liikhifii.-

n pi |;ivun Ul piiiiiH i!l^,'« ti),i, Tl i- l r MI iKsi i--<-p >•• 11 litsfrcisi>vu!iii-lli iyr illy M&G

Dy^i^'i^Ia, Inipiii-ity of tlir H!of>tl.Fr^ti lur. J. I", lliiiu-i, i'.illtr nf Ail mil Cl.nrr'i, Ilml.-n,

l in . Avf:in I lihvntisf-il yni i r IMiU ii-iili i.Kfrimi'ilinrt'ysni-i-i^^ in iiiy Juiniiy ii,!,i iiiniiiif iiii.M. I inn i-iiMi,) l i t v i^ i fill , !I-II- , .H^, "i'n-i-i^iiliitrt thi , i,i-r:,,ii«-ij ilijiii^Eii.i! iiiiil|inrll> 1 lin 1.1,,H,|. lln-y iiril 111.- v.il'.V li.-nl VHIII .BIVI lllO'Iti'v. i Uiuniii, iiiid 1 t-;,n gtsniiil.iitl.v i w n ||,I lln-m ti,my li'iuiiUH, - Viiura, J , V. I

; ^ W . i i s v w j , W v n i i i i i i € , , NV Y ; . O i i t ; 3 1 r l . V ._ P n s S l i : L iliii i i s i i i ^ y i . m ; U , i ! J i a r ! i , - l ( i ! U j i , iii*- i t F i t r -! l - i - r ; n ! ^ i i i i - f ( h r h ! I I I , | , ^ i : , j h u i J , i ) | ; .„[ i y* ( ^ i'l^iHiH^- i l l i !si =i'.|it iiii.l ptitiiijiiittk fritnil^ili* <•!' t.ir hhevl.

" ' Jollx I), Mli.UMlANI. M. n,

Cft!l(|t!jm!Joii,CnSilviln**«, Sillll!W««loil,KliininiiiUjii! {iiitil, .% i. ili',ii|ji«? Ljiuiii*wy, 1'nriilysi.Nj Fi i^ , i l t ,

/v, ,„ Itr.J. I; i:,„,,!,„, M,.,,i,::,l, n,,„„?«,T f i l I I I I I I ' I I i - i i i i , i i , t l , o w i l l n f > ' i i i r r i l l s - n . f - I I , , . n i i r n i , r

e . . , l l r , : l , , ! . I r , , I I N - H 1,1 , , | | | . I I - , , " , - ! H i t V | , , I I V l i . l l l l . l 1 1 . • • >11 "

l i « , n i , m i f i n ( , , I l i i i v i , . i l l i - y « l . - . i , l . | i M M n n . I n | , | . | , , . | , i i i n -

h i - j M r . , i - i i i - i i , ! , , in , , c i i , . . H i n t 111 i i . i . - i i v i . - M i i i i - r r , I ' m

l l i ' l i , j - > - l n : - ) i i i i i l . » l , H i . i i l l l i n , , : l i l , : i , | i . | | , i i i B l i i l l i i ' n l f , i l

! i ! I 1ll

F,-m Mr/, I',. fS:i;H, Phitridtrii i1 fili.l illlv nr IIV" l|,|-_'.. lino * nfV • PiilS. iTllli'il Hi Ilin

- iil-i.ji^i1 tiiiiii, iily i,xO,.IIt-iitjii:i,iii,,livgii,.f Hid iiiitiirdj umt-tiini v l i i i i nili .Ily i,r |inrii:illy ili|ijiii.,«.M|, iiml . i | m i.-iy

'VHV « I. !• llm l i n t phynii! wu iiiivu i i i i i t l n a j u i l u v u i l110 iUhur lu iiiy li;,!ii,|itH,

Fram IU Her. Iir, /fo«Iw,i,/fc Sfellinllil Epft, Ctiureh,

Tti A«ii, ll,,i-r. Pnvnnnnli.nn., ,Tnn. 0. ISJCi.TTnSniirii Pi;, i I ,i,,,,,i,i i,,, i,,ii,,.,,i,,r,,l ii,r ih,, i-cll.vf

yoili- iikni.liii^ hriiiiyiifc in,-, if I iii,l ni,E ri:|!iift m y eiifH- Id3-MI1. A i:iO,i H ttji.!! iii iny iiinliN itiisi brfintjlit im iiSiTii- -Hilling ti^iirnhjhypii'iin, wiiidl IMHlt.il In chririiff. rlir.iima-Ham; NnlMilli.inn.UiiB I Imit ihis lint nf plijHi.iiiin.illoCliW*,!! C1PW WilPfS iltlll W(,f5l,, il ltUl hy ftiPililVlfll i lWiBif-ft-,, ulliMit liuiiiit In liiiiiiu ,1, Iif. Slntliiinjli,, I irliirtwiiirrill^. 'I In'ir i'lTpei;, w,.ris i,li,w, liiii Flirt*, liy J,6i-§yyeFl!lg111 iliu u^ii.i.l' ilU'Iiij 1 iliii liuw Blitlryly well.

ii'.XAM Cin.iMmn, Bntnn neiiBK, to., 8 BPO. IMS.Pn, ATI-IU I linvn Imcn pntii-i'iysiirwl, IIT yoiir Pills, of

JiliFiiitirtic Guui—ii IjiUnfyl tliaghsi, Mint Iiiiil itflllijti-ii moiniyrars. VINOKNT SLlDliLI..

_ mfSirM nr Mm foil. In -m.irB.'t ^nf.ln, nitiiiiiieh ft -vnhiiilflij runii'ijy hi nkiiriri lianils. Is

uiim;,j,-mii, In il pill,lie pin, frnnr tllil. (Iro.-afnl coiiso.*iiit.ne,.!i Hint fit'qiii-nily folliiw its f-|!r-r,,iHi.Hifi iifli>. 'iiieaa ,Giiilliltn nn mepeury or liiliirviil injlistiiiifu wlmtavyr.

Price, 85 osnts por Box, or 0 IIOIOB for $!»

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-fHtia by J. S, nLAUVELT, iirid UruKglals nml

TAisAis 1, ftllf. tif fight Uoltt'&i'.* rnu»*K,itla,,al G/iltin,"


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