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Letter to PA DEP Secretary Abruzzo regarding wastewater contamination issues at Worstell Wastewater...

Date post: 12-Oct-2015
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Sent by PA State Rep. Jesse White, 46th District of Pennsylvania
  • From: Schimmel, BrianTo: Donald GennusoSubject: RE: phone conversationDate: Thursday, July 31, 2014 4:52:10 PM

    Don, looks good, heres a few details added in bold. July 11, 2014 Range Resources notified the DEP of elevated chloride levels detected by one of its groundwater monitoring wellsJuly 21, 2014 Range Resources conducted sampling at the siteThe DEP plans to send inspectors to the impoundment site next week and will take its own samples from the groundwater monitoring wells and leak detection equipment. DEP does intend to contact property owners who are closest to and down gradient of the impoundment to determine if they would provide DEP access to their property to conduct sampling of their wells.Lab testing usually produces results in 30-45 daysThe DEP will not make a general notification to residents. However, if DEP determines that groundwater may have been impacted, then DEP will require a comprehensive investigation of the groundwater including an assessment of private water wells with the potential to be impacted.The groundwater standard for Chlorides is based on odor and taste thresholds. If private groundwater has been impacted, it is very likely complaints would have been made to DEP re: odor and taste changes. DEP has no current well water complaints filed by nearby property owners.

    From: Don Gennuso [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 4:15 PMTo: Schimmel, BrianSubject: RE: phone conversation To be clear, before I relay our conversation to the Board Members, I wanted to be sure that I was accurate, if any part of this email is inaccurate please correct me immediately July 11, 2014 Range Resources notified the DEP of elevated chloride levels detected by one of its groundwater monitoring wellsJuly 21, 2014 Range Resources conducted sampling at the siteThe DEP plans to send inspectors to the impoundment site next weekLab testing usually produces results in 30-45 daysThe DEP will not notify residents at this timeAccording to Eric, groundwater contamination migrates slowly and a few weeks will not make an impact(Eric, could you provide the basis for the above statement) Thank you

    From: Schimmel, Brian [mailto:[email protected]]

  • Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 3:18 PMTo: Donald GennusoSubject: RE: phone conversation Thanks Don - Ill be in touch.

    From: Don Gennuso [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 2:10 PMTo: Schimmel, BrianSubject: phone conversation As requested, please find attached a letter confirming our discussion earlier today.

    From: Schimmel, Brian [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 12:21 PMTo: Donald Gennuso; recp recpCc: [email protected]; [email protected]: July 30th Cecil Twp ltr Good Afternoon Mr. Gennuso:

    Attached is DEPs reply to your letter dated July 10th. It has been placed in the mail today. I apologize for any delay. Thank you,Brian Brian SchimmelLocal Government Liaison Department of Environmental ProtectionSouthwest Regional Office 400 Waterfront DrivePittsburgh, PA 15222-4745 Phone: 412.442.4199Fax: 412.442.4194 www.dep.state.pa.us ==

  • ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Poister, John Date: Friday, August 1, 2014 Subject: Cecil Township To: "Amanda ([email protected])" With regard to your inquiry:

    DEP was notified of elevated chloride levels in one of its groundwater monitoring wells on July 11. On July 21st Range did additional sampling on the site. DEP will have inspectors on site next week to take our own samples from the groundwater monitoring and leak detection system at the impoundment. We do intend to contact property owners who are closest to and down gradient of the impoundment to determine if they would provide DEP access to their property to conduct sampling of their wells.

    Samples will be analyzed for a wide range of inorganic and organics as well as other compounds. These lab tests generally take between 30 and 45 days to complete.

    If DEP determines that groundwater may have been impacted, the DEP will require a comprehensive investigation of the groundwater including an assessment the private water wells with the potential to be impacted.

    DEP has not had any complaints from private water well owners in the vicinity of the impoundment.


  • To: Jonna Ferencecc: carl carlson; Joseph ciccola; Mark Hunneshaoen; Bob schubenskisubject: RE: 24 Hr Water Complaint ruotincationi--- worstell Impoundment - cecilrownship-Washington Co

    Just spoke wit pleased with Range's response to her complaint allegation & does not want a

    separate DEP investigation at this time'

    please send me your final report after your investigation is completed - thanx

    Vincent Yantko / WQS Supervisor - Oil & GasDepa rtment of Environmental ProtectionCalifornia District Office25 Technology Drive I Coal Center, PA 75423Phone: 724169 1054 | Fax:724769 tIAz

    From : Jon na Ference fma i lto : iference@ ra ngeresources'com]Sent: Thursday, September27,2012 1:15 PMTo: Yantko, Vincent Bob SchubenskiSubject: 24 Hr Water Complaint Notification -Washington Co

    Worstell Impoundment - Cecil Township-

    Vince,Attachedyouwillfindthecomplaintnotificationformforyouruse.rrrGreconcernedbecausetheirwaterhasa rotten egg smell to it and they feel they have to change their filter more often

    than usual'

    Theyareapproximat"\DromtheWorstel|lmpoundmentandwedohavepre-drilltestingforthem.Wearecurrently utilizing the Worstell lmpoundment'

    we are going to order water sampling and testing ano tnelhave been notified of that'

    lf you have any question, please let me know'

    Thank youJonna

    Jonna Ference-Reg u I atory Com pl ian ce-S peci al ist

    Office phone: Zd.q-tAS-SZbg - Cell: 724-7A5-456'l

    Range Resources - Appalachia'3000 Town Center BoulevardGanonsburg, PA15317

    LLC Soutftern Marcellus Shale Divison

  • De


    October 31,2012

    Re: Water Testing Analysis & Results

    -Attached you will find a copy of the Report of Analysis indicating the laboratory results from

    your recent water testing coniucted by dnvironmental Service Laboratories, [nc' contracted byRange Resources-Appallchia, LLC. Sampling was conducted in response to a complaint placedon Septemb er 26,20i2 where it was statei thit the water had a rotten egg smetl' ESL sampledyour water source on October l, 2012. Testing included the analysis of parameters for bothprimary (health-based) and secondary (non-healt[ based, aesthetic or nuisance-causing) drinkingwater standards. A test for hydrogen sulfide was also added to the list of parameters due to the'rotten egg' smell. There *u, no indication of hydrogen sulfide in the sample results'

    This report indicates that your water source met most of the minimum requirements for the,orr,, irimary drinking waier standards on the date that sampling was conducted'

    The following palameter was found outside of the primary drinking water standards:

    Total Coliform

    The following parameter was found outside of the secondary drinking water standards:

    Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

    please note that two additional parameters, strontium and magnesium' were reported above the

    maximum normal value for Western pennsylvania. There is no primary or secondary drinkingwater standard for strontium or magnesium'

    Your source was also sampled on September 20,2010 before construction of the worstellImpoundment started. The results from the 2010 sample and the current results' 2012'


    compared. It does not appear your source has changed, except for seasonal fluctuations' from the2010 sampling.


    in Pennsylvania, the quality of drinking water supplied ^from private water systems is not

    regulated, and it i, ttrrl*nrr', r"rponribilifl" p."y1itt :qt: drinking water for yor-rr householdand guests. Several ,ourr", *. uuuilubl"io"tt" iublic which,providJ instructional guidance forchoosing rrearmenr options and mainter.;;r ;f private driniing water suppries including theWashington County-6oof"rurin, E*t"nrion atliq-ZZg-6881 and P*1.S'ut:.Water


    Extension website, http://extension.psu.edJ*u"'' If you have any other questions regardingyour water Report of Analysis pleaie "oniu., me

    at tiq-lqZ-5259 or Range Resources surface

    iand department for further assistance'

    SincerelY,i(--)r"'.f?4-\r- 1L e,a--

    /\Jor(pgiFerenceReftatorY ComPliance SPecialist

    Range Resources-APPalachia, LLC

    Pennsylvania DEP Bureau of Oil and Gas

  • !t ! l


    Prepared For:

    Range Resources APPalachia LLC3000 Town Center Boulevard

    Canonsburg, PA 15317

    Project DescriPtion:

    WORSTEL IMPOUNDMENT RESAMPLEWashington CountYChartiers TownshiP


    October 19, 2012

    PrePared BY:

    EffiiRcFF,iE1lT,&:-:-Ei'l- V i --r'-\t- --ir rr I rt rlrSenVcr

    - [neonnroRlEs, lNc,.l803 Phllodelphlo St,, lndiqno, PA 15701ozal aos-TESi Q24)4bU4n9www.enviro@

    Reviewed bY:

    ichaelJ. MoYerif,ief Operati ng officer

  • iLTAL



    l8O3 Phlladelphla St.lndlana, PA 15701P: {724} 463-IE5Tt: (72a) a65{209PAOEP: 32 00382

    1276 Bentleyvllle Rd.Van Voorhis, PA 15355P: (72r) ?58-TE5TF: l72al 258-8376PADEP: 53 04247

    l20O River AvenueWilllemspon. PA l77OLP: (570) 321-9002F: {s70} 321-1957PADEP:41'04880

    I 3 October 20 l2

    Range Resources - Appalachia, LLCAttn: Sherry Rantovich3000 Town Center BoulevardCanonsburg, PA 15317

    Work Order: 2100036Project: Worstetl Impoundment' Resample

    Client Stmple lD

    Report of Analysis

    Lrb Sample ID Mah:ix Date Sampled Dste Received

    2r00036-01 Water l0/01/2012 ll:30 l0/012012 I l:30

    Report NarrltiveThe results contained in this report are only representative of the samples received. Environmenlal Service Laboratories, lnc. is not

    responsible for use or ilterpretation ofthe data included herein'

    Trip Blank 2100036-02 not analyzed. No analyte hits in associated samples'



    Reccived out of recommended hold time.

    The reported value is from a dilution.Lcss than rcporting limitReporting LimitColony Forming Units

    CertilicgtionsAnalyses performed by Environmental Service Laboratories, lnc., Indiana PA unless otherwise specified.

    Environmental Service Laboratories, Inc., Indiana, PA DEP lab lD #32-32382

    Approvcd By

    CI,J.I'J(frGabe TaylorManager


    Range Resources - APPalachia, LLC3000 Tou,n Center BoulevardCanonsburg, PA I 5l I 7

    1803 Philadelphla St.Indiana, PA 15701P: (724) 463'TE5TF; (724) 455-4209PADEP: 3?-00382

    1276 Bentleyvllle Rd.Van Voorhit, PA 15366P: (724) 258-TESTF: {72a} 258-8376PADEP:63-04?47

    1200 River AvenueWllliamspo(, PA 17701P: (570) 3zl-9002F: (570) 321-r957PADEP: a1.04880

    2 r 00036-01

    Reported: l0/1312012 1246

    Sample Start Date:ReceiFt Date:Sample Source:Sampler:Sample SltelX Coordinates:Y Coordlnates:


    10/01i2012 ll:30l0/0112012 l1:30Grabscot P. MaYPrcssure Tank40.29224-80.22802

    Lab Sample ID#:Sample Type:Client Sampie ID:Well Depth:Pun eyor:Address:Clty/Stste/Zip:


    DetsQuelifier RL

    AnalysU .AnslyslsCcrtificstion Dsty'Time

    Field Analysis

    Combustible Oas Index (CGI)pHHydrogen SulfideGeneral Chemistry


    %s.u.mglL 0.0


    l0/01 08:48l0/01 08:48l0/01 08:48


    Alkalinity, Total (CaCO3)ChloridcSurfactantsNirateOil & Creasc (HEM)pHSpecifrc conductanceSulfateSulfideTotal Dissolved SolidsTotal Kjeldahl NitrogenTotal Suspended SolidsTurbidityTotal Metals


    961 .346.4ND632NDNDND











    EPAI664AsM4500-H B

    sM25l0BASTMDs16 02

    sM4500s FsM2540C


    l0/03 l7:l Il0/02 l6:07l0/01 l6:15l0/01 2l:0C10/02 08:00l0/03 l5:39l0/03 l5:35l0/05 l3:52I 0/03 l9:2110/02 ll:30l0/10 l8:3910/02 I I :30l0/02 I 8:05


    ND0.1 64NDr03ND424NDND40.4NDND8.43




    EPA200.7EPA2OO.?EPA2OO,7EPA200,7EPA200.7SM234OBEPA200.7EPA200.7EPA200,78PA200.7EPA245, I8PA200.7


    I 0/05r 0/05I 0/05I 0/05l0/05I 0/05l0/05I 0/05l 0/05I 0/05I 0i09I 0/05

    l0:29l0:29I l:55l0:29l0:29l0:29l0:29l0:29l0:29l0:29I l:50l0:29


    Range Resources - Appalachia, LLC3000 Town Center BoulevardCanonsburg, PA 15317

    1803 Phlladelphla Stlndiana, PA 15701P: (72a) 463.TE57F: (724) a654209PADEP: 32-00382

    1276 Bentleyvllle Rd.Van Voorhis, PA 15355P: (724) 258-TE5TF: (724| 258.8375PAoEP: 53-04247

    1200 River AvenueWilliamsport, PA 17701P: (570) 321.9002F: (570) 321-1957PADEP: 41.O4880


    Reporteci: I 0/ | 3170 12 I 2:46

    Sample Stert Drte:Receipt Date:Samplc Source:Sampler:Sample SitelX Coordinates:Y Coordinates:

    l0/01/2012 I l:30l0/01/2012 I l;30Grabscot P. MayPressure Tank40.29224-80.22802

    Lrb Srmple ID#:Sample Type:Client Sample ID:Well Depth:Purveyor:Address:City/Strte/Zip:






    Total Metals

    SeleniumSilverSodiumSirontiumDissolved Gases




    l0/05l0/05I 0/05r0/05


    0.0t 00.00s0,5000.0r0








    10/03 09:3210/03 09:3210/03 09:32


    Benzenem,pXylcneso-XylcneTolueneEthyl Bcnzene




    l0/01l0/01l0/01l0/01l0/01r 0/01




    Surrogale : l, 2 - Di ch loroethane-d4Surrogate: Toluene-d9Sunogale : 4 - B romof uorobenzene

    r06%102 %98%

    86-t I888- I t086-t t 5


    I 6:58I6:5816:58



    EPASOI58 MAD I 0/03Ethylene glycolMicroblologgr

    Fecal ColiformsTotal ColiformE. Coli

    ND CFU/ 100 mlPresent per 100 mLAbsent per 100 mL




    t0/0 Il0/0 Il0/0 r


