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  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day 1

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. What number is five cubed?

    5 x 5 x 5 = 125

    2. A circle has radius r.What is the formula for the area of the circle?

    Area = pi x radius x radius

    = r

    3. Jenny and ar! share some money in the ratio t"o to three.Jenny#s share is one hundred and ten pounds.$o" much is ar!#s share?

    x 55 2 % 3 x 55



    '. (he net of a trian)ular prism is made from trian)les andrectan)les. $o" many of each shape are needed?

    3 rectan)les2 trian)les

    5. ultiply minus six by minus t"o.

    *+ x ,2 =12

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    Percentage Change

    (a) -ne calculation belo" )ives the ans"er to the uestionWhat is ! increase" #y $%(ic! /0 the correct one.

    hoose one of the other calculations.Write a uestion about percenta)es that this calculation

    represents.alculation chosen..uestion it represents

    4o" do the same for the remainin) t"o calculations.alculation chosenuestion it represents

    /b0 ill in the missin) decimal number.

    (o decrease by 1'67 multiply by

    1&& , 1' = 8+ 8+6



    A cup of coffee costs 91.:5

    (he dia)ram sho"s ho" much money different people )et "hen youbuy a cup of coffee.

    /a0 omplete the table to sho" "hat percenta)e of the cost of acup of coffee )oes to the retailers7 )ro"ers and others.

    ;ho" your "or!in)

    91.:5 = 1:5p

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic Questions


    Day 2

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. What is one third of three*uarters of one hundred?

    1 x 3 x1&& 1 of :5 = 253 ' 3

    2. #m thin!in) of a number. call it n. suare my number and then add '.Write an expression to sho" the result.

    n2 @ '

    3. ("enty*one out of thirty*six pupils said they "atched (op of theops.What an)le on a pie chart "ould sho" this?

    1 pupil = 3+&= 1&21 pupils = 21 x 1& = 21& 3+

    '. (here are seven red and three blue balls in a ba). am )oin) tota!e a ball out of the ba) at random. What is the probability thatthe ball "ill be blue?

    4o of Blue = 3(otal 1&

    5. Write a multiple of three that is bi))er than one hundred.

    1&27 1&57 1&87 .. or other

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    /a0 Write the values of ! and m.

    6) = *2= )+= 2m

    8 x 8= ' x 2 x ' x 2 == ' x ' x ' x ' = '3

    ! = ...3..m = ..+

    /b0 omplete the follo"in)%

    215= ,2 6*215 = 21) - 21 so ,2 6* 2

    21) = .((16,*)..(

    2 marks

    ' x ' x '

    2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2


    ;ome numbers are smaller than their suares.

    or example% : C :2

    Which numbers are eual to their suares?

    *1 x ,1 = 1& x & = &1 x 1 = 1

    ;o only ! 1

    2 marks

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    1 mark


    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day ,

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. am thin!in) of a number. call it n. double my number then subtract three.Write an expression to sho" the result.

    n double it = 2n;ubtract 3 2n , 3

    2. What percenta)e of fifty pounds is thirty*five pounds?

    35 x 1&& = :&65&

    3. -n avera)e7 the driest place on earth )ets only nou)ht point

    five millimetres of rain every year.n total7 ho" much rain "ould it expect to )et in t"entyyears?

    &.5 x 2& = 1&mm

    '. (o the nearest "hole number7 "hat is the suare root ofei)hty*three point nine?

    83.> = 81 D81 = >

    5. t ta!es me one and a half minutes to s"im one len)th of thepool.$o" many len)ths can s"im in fifteen minutes?


    1.5 x 1& = 15 1& len)ths

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    Pentagonal Pyrami"

    (he dia)ram sho"s the net for a ri)ht*pyramid "ith a re)ularpenta)on as its base.

    (he net is constructed usin) five strai)ht lines.

    /a0 Without measurin)7 explain "hy an)le a must be 1&8F

    /b0 alculate the siGe of an)le b.

    Hou must sho" your "or!in)



    s a re)ular penta)onnterior an)les = 3 trian)les = 3 x 18& = 5'&F

    Ach an)le = 5'& = 1&8F 5

    1 mark



    18& , 1&8 = :2

    :2 I 2 = 3+

    /c0 -n these nets7 the point mar!ed lies on theperpendicular bisector of a side of the penta)on.

    -n side of the re)ular penta)on belo"7 use compassesand a strai)ht ed)e to construct the perpendicular


    Hou must leave in your construction lines.

    P P



  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    1 mark 2 marksKS3 MATHEMATICS

    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day )

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. (ari "on one hundred pounds in a maths competition. $e )avet"o*fifths of his priGe money to charity. $o" much of his priGemoney7 in pounds7 did he have left?

    1 2



    35 o& 1!!135= 2!

    ,35= , - 2! = 6!

    2( What is three 'oint nine "i4i"e" #y two,($ 2 , 2 = 1(5

    !($ 2 = !()5 1($5

    ,( 7he instructions &or a &ruit "rin+ say to mi- one 'art#lac+currant 8uice with &our9'art water( : want to ma+eone litre o& this &ruit "rin+( ;ow much #lac+currant 8uiceshoul" : use

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    unning Machine

    Mali uses a runnin) machine to !eep fit.

    (he simplified distance*time )raph sho"s ho" she used the machinedurin) one run.

    Lse the )raph to ans"er these uestions.





    D i s t a n c e( k m )

    0 9 3 0 0 9 4 0 0 9 5 0 1 0 0 0

    T i m e

    /a0 Bet"een &>3& and &>'&7 "hat "as her speed in !ilometresper hour?

    >m % Mins1 1& x +



    /b0 (hrou)hout the run7 for ho" many minutes did she travelat this speed?

    >.3& , >.'& and >.5& , 1&.&&1&mins @ 1&mins


    /c0 At &>'&7 she increased her speed.By ho" many !ilometres per hour did she increase herspeed?

    &>.'& .>.5& travelled 2K !m

    Mins % >m1& &.5+& >

    > is 3!mEh more than +


    /d0 -n another day7 Mali started runnin) at &>35. ;he ranfor2' minutes at a constant speed of 1& !ilometres perhour.1&!m % +&mins2.5 15mins

    2.5!m in 15mins

    ;ho" this information on the )raph

    1 mark

    x x

    5 *

    1 mark

    2 marks

    1 mark

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day 5

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1 What is three*fifths of forty pounds?1E5of 9'& = 98 so

    3E5 is 3 x 8 = 92'

    2 (he lon)est bone in the human body is in the le). (he

    avera)e len)th of this bone in a man is fifty centimetres. na "oman it is ten percent less.What is the avera)e len)th of this bone in a "oman?

    5&cm 1&6 less than 5&cm10% of 0 6 0 6 *cm

    or -oman is 100% 8 10% 6 90% 90% of 0 6 *cm

    3. Lsin) three as an approximation for pi7 "hat is the area of a

    circle "ith radius five centimetres?a = N x r2 = 3 x 52 = 3 x 25 = 5cm2

    '. am thin!in) of a t"o*di)it number that is a multiple of ei)ht.(he di)its add up to six.What number am thin!in) of?

    ultiples of 8. 1+7 2'7 32 2 = ' = + = 2)

    5. am thin!in) of a number. call it n. add five to my number.Write an expression to sho" the result.

    4 @ 5

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    (he dia)ram belo" sho"s t"o points A and B that are +cm apart.

    Around each point are six circles of radius 1cm7 2cm7 3cm7 'cm7 5cm and+cm. Oach circle has either A or B as its centre.

    /a0 -n the dia)ram7 mar! "ith a cross any points that are 'cm a"ay

    from A and 'cm a"ay from B.

    (his is "here '!m circles cross

    /b0 4o" dra" the locus of all points that are the same distance fromA as they are from B

    Join the 2 pointsa!e sure they extend beyond the circles

    6 c m

    6 c m

    5 c m

    5 c m

    4 c m

    4 c m

    3 c m

    3 c m

    2 c m

    2 c m

    1 c m

    1 c m



    1 mark

    1 mark


    (he subPect of the euation belo" is p

    = 2 /e @ f0

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day 6

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. ive percent of a number is 8. What is the number?

    56 = 85&6 = 8&

    1&&6 = 1+&

    2. A fair spinner has ei)ht eual sections "ith a number on eachsection. ive of them are even numbers. (hree are odd numbers.What is the probability that spin an even number?

    5 * no of even8 (otal no.

    3. can ma!e a three*di)it number from the di)its t"o7 three andfour in six different "ays.$o" many of these three*di)it numbers are even?

    27 37 '

    '. What is the volume of a cuboid measurin) five centimetres by six

    centimetres by seven centimetres?Q x W x $ = 5 x + x :

    3& x : = 21!

    5. What is the remainder "hen you divide three hundred by t"enty*nine?

    2>x 1& = 2>& 1! is remain"er 1!

    x 10 10


    4*4* *4

    *4 4* *4

    * even

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    @4ens or ""s

    Ba m is an o"" num#er(

    Which of the numbers belo" must be even7 and "hich must be odd?

    Write Rodd# or Reven# under each one.

    If unsure by some o numbers in eac! one"

    /b0 m is an odd number.

    s the number m @ 1 odd7 or even7 or is it not possible to tell? 2

    (ic! /#0 the correct box.

    Oxplain your ans"er.

    f m is odd m @ 1 is evenor m @ 1 to be even7 m @ 1 must be a multiple of '.






    3m * 1


    /m , 10 /m @ 10


    -dd Oven 4ot possible to tell

    2 marks

    1 mark

    actors Again

    /a0 y

    @ 2y @ 18

    H2 @ 18

    H2@ 11y @ 18

    4eed factors of@12 "hich add to @



    1 12*1 *122 +

    *2 *+' 3*' *3

    /y @ 20 /y @ 10

    /y @ 30 /y @ '0 /y @ :0 /y @ 10

    /y @ 10 /y @ 120 /y @ 30 /y @ 50

    1 mark

    ! 9


    @ >y 2y

    2 marks

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers


    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. ("enty*five percent of a number is seven. What is the number?

    256 is :

    5&6 is 1'1&&6 is

    2. (here are fourteen )irls and thirteen boys in a class. What is theprobability that a pupil chosen at random "ill be a )irl?

    (otal = 1' @ 13 = 2:

    irls = 1'(otal 2:

    3. (he first even number is t"o. What is the hundredth evennumber?

    2 x 1&& = 2&&

    '. (he mean of t"o numbers is 8. -ne of the numbers is t"o. Whatis the other number?

    (otal must be 8 x 2 = 1+

    ? @ 2 = 1+ ? = 1'

    5. $o" many ed)es are there on a suare based pyramid?

    ' on base' on sides

    = 8




    x 28

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    (his pattern has rotation symmetry of order +

    /a0 What is the siGe of an)le "?

    ;ho" your "or!in).


    /b0 Oach uadrilateral in the pattern is made from t"o con)ruentisosceles trian)les.

    What is the siGe of the an)le y? ;ho" your "or!in)

    An)les at point = 3+&F


    A headteacher "ants to choose a pupil from year :7 8 or > to appearon television.

    (he headteacher )ives each pupil one tic!et

    (hen she "ill select the "innin) tic!et at random

    (he table sho"s information about the tic!et used

    /a0 What is the probability that the "innin) tic!et "ill be blue?

    4umber of blue = :5(otal numbers 2'5

    ;implify /I50 = 15 '>

    /b0 What is the probability that the "innin) tic!et "ill sho"number 3>?

    (here "ill be red 3>7 blue 3>7 yello" 3>so 3 tic!ets "ith 3>. 3

    2'5/c0 (he headteacher selects the "innin) tic!et at random. ;he

    says% R(he "innin) tic!et number s 3>.# What is the probabilitythat this "innin) tic!et is blue?

    4umber is 3> 3 tic!ets "ith 3> blue is 1 of 31E3

    $ o t r a % na c c u r a t e & y



    2 6 '

    (here are + an)les2+Fso + x 2+ = 15+F

    An)les at a point = 3+&F;o 3+& * 15+F = 2&'F2&'F to share bet"een +


    2&' I + = 3'F

    2 marks

    $ o t r a % na c c u r a t e & y


    1 3 '



    1;0 14 14 6 1*:



  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day *

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. ultiply 8.: by 2

    8 x 2 = 1+&.: x 2 = 1.'

    2. A bat flies at an avera)e speed of 32 !ilometres an hour. Atthis speed7 ho" far "ill it fly in 15 minutes?

    32!m % +&mins1+!m % 3&mins8!m % 15mins

    3. ultiply the brac!ets /2x @ 10 /x , 10

    '. #m thin!in) of a number. call it t. half it andsubtract five. Write an expression to sho" the result.

    t * 5:

    5. (he first odd number is 1. What is the hundredth oddnumber?



    x x

    8 18x


    8 1

    x 1

    x x x 1

    x x 1

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    -"ls eat small mammals.(hey re)ur)itate the bones and fur in balls called pellets.

    (a) (he table sho"s the contents of +2 pellets from lon)*eared o"ls.

    /b0 alculate the mean number of mammals found in each pellet.;ho" your "or!in) and )ive your ans"er correct to 1 decimalplace.

    T fx = 1:& = 2.:' 2.:.to 1 decimal placeTf +2

    /c0 (here are about 1& &&& lon)*eared o"ls in Britain. -navera)e7 a lon) eared o"l re)ur)itates 1.' pellets per day.Alto)ether7 ho" many mammals do the 1& &&&lon)*eared o"lseat in one day? ;ho" your "or!in) and )ive your ans"er tothe nearest thousand.

    ammals in pellet x pellets per day x no. of o"ls2.: x 1.' x 1& &&&= 3: 8&&

    +$umber of mamma&s

    foun in t!e ,e&&et 1 2 3 4 5 6

    f -re.uency 9 1) 24 6 5 1 /f 62

    f+ $o" of mamma&s


    1 + 9


    2 + 1)


    3 + 24


    4 + 6


    5 + 5


    6 + 1



    Bfx6 170


    ectangle est

    (he dia)ram sho"s a rectan)le that Pust touches an euilateraltrian)le.

    /a0 ind the siGe of the an)le mar!ed x;ho" your "or!in).

    /b0 4o" the rectan)le Pust touches the euilateral trian)le so thatAB is a strai)ht line

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic QuestionsAnswers

    Day $

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. Add four to minus five.

    *5 @ ' = *1

    2. What number should you add to minus three to )et the ans"erfive?

    3. $o" many nou)ht point fives are there in ten?

    &.5 x 2 = 1 1 x 1& = 1&

    '. -n avera)e7 the driest place on earth )ets only nou)ht point fivemillimetres of rain every year. n total7 ho" much rain "ould itexpect to )et in t"enty years?


    5. What is the sum of the an)les in a rhombus?

    All '*sided shapes /uadrilaterals0 have inside an)les "hich sum to3+&F

    (hin! of number line or thermometer

    84 8 0 1 4 * 81



  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc


    7rue or alse

    upils started to solve the euation +x @ 8 = 'x @ 11 in different "ays.

    or each statement belo"7 tic! /0 (rue or alse.

    /b0 A different pupil used trial and improvement to solve the euation +x

    @ 8 = 'x @ 11

    Oxplain "hy trial and improvement is not a )ood method to use

    t "ould ta!e a lot of trialsor (a!es a lon) timeor Hou can solve it uic!ly by doin) the same thin) toboth sides

    6 7*04 711x x

    14 015x x

    6 7*04 711x x

    6 04 3x x+

    6 7*04 711x x

    2 03x

    6 * 4 11x x9 6 9

    6 74 0117*x x

    6 7*04 711x x

    2 7*011x

    6 7*04 711x x





















    Hou need to solve euation /*80 /*'x0

    +x @ 8 = 'x @ 11+x = 'x @ 11 , 8+x , 'x = 11 , 82x = 3

    +x @ 8 = 'x @ 11/*'x0 +x , 'x @ 8 = 112x @ 8 = 11

    +x @ 8 = 'x @ 11/*80 +x = 'x @ 11 , 8+x @ 'x @ 32x @ 8 = 11

    11 , 8 = 3

    3 marks

    1 mark

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    10 4 10

    Level 7 Mental Arithmetic Questions


    Day 1!

    Mental Arithmetic Questions

    1. t ta!es some*one one and half minutes to s"im the len)th of thepool. $o" many len)ths can s"im in 15 minutes?

    2. ultiply minus ei)ht by minus three.

    3. f 'x @ 3= 237 "hat is the value of x?23 , 3 = 'x2& = 'x2& ' = x

    - = 6

    )( : ha4e a &air eight si"e" "ice num#ere" 12 to 1$( What isthe 'ro#a#ility that : will throw a 'rime num#er

    /prime number0 =3E8

    5. What must multiply n suared by to )et n cubed?

    n2= n x nn3= n x n x n

    so n2x n = n3

    1 1 D

    6 1 1.

    =10 lengths10 x 1. 6 1so 1 5 1. 6 10

    *8 x *3 = 2) 8 x 3 = 2'*8 x 3 = * 2'8x , 3 = *2'*8 x ,3 = 2'

    -r used matchedline

  • 7/23/2019 Level 7 Answers.doc



    (he scatter )raph sho"s the avera)e body len)th and avera)e footlen)th of different species of rodents.

    /a0 What does the scatter )raph tell you about the type ofcorrelation bet"een the body len)th and foot len)th for theserodents?

    ositive orrelation

    /b0 ra" a line of best fit on the scatter )raph.
