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Lhoh Ooza Nak azdli Dustl us · PDF file05-09-2015 · Bit Ooza’/Lhoh...

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Bit Ooza’/Lhoh OozaNakazdli Dustlus Bi-monthly Newsletter of the Nakazdli Whuten September/October 2017 From the Dayis Desk In This Issue From the Dayis Desk Young Women's Group Canoe Trips Upcoming Events And More Continued on next page. Hadi Nakazdli Whutenne, First, I would like to send condolences to all the families whom have lost loved ones over the past year, and to always keep in mind that the commu- nity will always be here to help you through the darkest of times. I would also like to congratulate all our members on EVERY accomplish- ment (big or small) that you have made over the past year, you all deserve a pat on the back. As the new school year is upon us I would like to remind everyone to be mindful of all the children that will be heading back to school. Please obey the posted speed limits in the community especially now that the long- awaited pavement is on the roads. Please keep our little ones safe. Also,

Bit Ooza’/Lhoh Ooza’

Nak’azdli Dustl’us Bi-monthly Newsletter of the Nak’azdli Whut’en September/October 2017

From the Dayi’s Desk

In This Issue

• From the Dayi’s


• Young Women's


• Canoe Trips

• Upcoming Events

• And More

Continued on next page.

Hadi Nak’azdli Whut’enne,

First, I would like to send condolences to all the families whom have lost

loved ones over the past year, and to always keep in mind that the commu-

nity will always be here to help you through the darkest of times.

I would also like to congratulate all our members on EVERY accomplish-

ment (big or small) that you have made over the past year, you all deserve

a pat on the back.

As the new school year is upon us I would like to remind everyone to be

mindful of all the children that will be heading back to school. Please obey

the posted speed limits in the community especially now that the long-

awaited pavement is on the roads. Please keep our little one’s safe. Also,

2 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Continued from page 1.

Continued on next page.

parents get involved with your child/

children’s schooling it is very important

to assist them to succeed in their


I am in hopes that many of our mem-

bers have been able to harvest salmon

for their winter supply. This year the

fisheries were closed to many people

with the exception of Nak’azdli and oth-

ers here in the north.

As the hunting season fast approaches

I have been getting requests for hunt-

ing letters from other first nation mem-

bers to be able to access our territory

to harvest moose and other game. I am

very reluctant to give out these letters

as many of our members in the past

have not been able to harvest wild

game due to many factors, one being

the low moose numbers.

I would like to remind our members we

need to be conservative of the supply

of salmon and wild game if we want

our future generations to be able to do

as our ancestors have in the past.

Overharvesting of any species goes

against the lessons we were taught by

our elders. We need to be mindful of

the generations to come.

Also, this year there was an All Nations

Gathering here in Nak’azdli. I hope it

will be a great event and a well-

attended event. It will be the 1st Annual

and it will have some challenges to

face for the first year as like everything

else nothing goes as planned.

Annual General Assembly

I would like to thank the members for

being respectful for most of the AGA, I

do truly understand that it can be very

emotional and frustrating at this event,

however many of you were very re-

spectful and mindful of all in attend-

ance. I understand that there are a lot

of unanswered questions that were

presented at the AGA and the member-

ship deserves those answers. It

seemed the main area of concern was

the Economic Development Depart-

ment. This department has its own

board of directors along with its own

business charter, which governs them.

As with any and all concerns it needs

to be documented and presented to

the managers where the concerns are

and/or the Ec-Dev officer. Also, the

member at large on this board is Coun-

cilor Nancy Elsa Berland and you can

leave messages here at the office for

her or send her an email at

[email protected]


Nak’azdli Whut’en is continuing on the

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 3

path of leaving Carrier Sekani Tribal

Council, there is still lots of work ahead

of us to complete this endeavor the

members wanted. To ensure we have a

smooth transition we have retained

Castlemain Group to assist us. The

Castlemain Group has also hired a

band member, Marion Erickson, to as-

sist them.

Our official date for this to be complete

will be March 31st, 2018.

First Nations Leadership Gathering

Beginning of September, myself along

with Councilor Ramona Joseph and a

youth from Vancouver will be meeting

with the newly elected Government.

The FNLG is scheduled to take place

on Sept 6-7th.This is a great opportuni-

ty for Nak’azdli to raise our concerns. I

will ensure to raise the concerns we as

Nak’azdli face on a daily basis’.


In the past year, Nak’azdli Whut’en has

lost many staff due to various reasons,

and Nak’azdli Whut’en wishes them

well on their endeavors. With that being

said Nak’azdli Whut’en has joined into

an agreement with a self-identified

Strong First Nations Women from the

Kispiox Territory. She brings with her

more than 10 years of experience in

executive management. She has many

prominent accomplishments and suc-

cess’s. Her start date is officially Mon-

day August 28th. It is with great pleas-

ure that we inform you that we have re-

tained Mrs. Sandra Olson on a 1-year

term contract to act as the Chief Oper-

ation Officer for Nak’azdli Whut’en.

Please make her feel at home here in


In closing I would like to thank all Na-

k’azdli Whut’enne for their patience, we

have faced a lot in past year and we

know that it can get very frustrating at

times. Remain patient as the old saying

goes “ good things come to those who


Our chief and council usually meet the

last Tuesday and Wednesday of every

month and these as like all meetings

are open to our membership to attend.

Come out and get involved.

Stay safe out there while gathering

your winter food. Remember you have

family and friends that care for you and

want you to return home everyday



Chief Alexander McKinnon

Nak’azdli Whut’en Dayi’

Continued from previous page.

Continued on next page.

Chief Operating Officer Report:

Sandra Wesley-Olson born and raised in Gitxsan. She is a member of the

Anspayaxw (Kispiox) Band. Sandra has worked for solely First Nations Com-

munities. Her passion is to help First Nations become more Independent

whether it be individuals, organizations or communities. For Sandra to do this,

she has successfully furthered her education in receiving her Bachelor of

Commerce Degree through Royals Road University in Victoria, B.C.

Sandra has 10+ years of Senior Management work experience and continues

to be committed to working with the best interest of First Nations.

Sandra has been honored with her Grandmother’s Hereditary Wing chief

name; “Els Wok” in March 2013. As a first nation she has been taught by her

parents and grandparents the culture protocols and food preparation .

Sandra is the eldest of 6 siblings, married and has 4 children, grandchildren

and numerous nieces and nephews. Sandra believes family is good medicine.

Sandra Wesley-Olson

Chief Operating Officer

6 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Community Events September 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

October 2017

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30 31

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 7


4 Labour Day - Offices Closed

31-4 All Nations Gathering

6 First Day of School

6 Social Development Meeting, 9:00 am

11-12 CSTC Reconciliation Table

15 Education Meeting, 9:00am Boardroom

26-27 Band Council Meeting, 9:00 am Boardroom

30 Joanne Sam Potlach, 12pm

October 1 Bingo Resumes

4 Sisters In Spirit Vigil, Location TBA

6 Housing Meeting, 9:00 am Housing Office

9 Thanksgiving - Offices Closed

31 Halloween

8 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017


September 7th

Happy 12th birthday wishes going to:

Jack Prince

September 10th

Happy Birthday Bonan

September 13th

Happy Birthday Keisha!!

From: Cassandra!

September 19th

Happy 16th

Birthday Donovan Walter Gregg!

Clear the sidewalks :)

Love: Mom, Dad & Landon.

September 23rd

Happy Birthday Collleeeeeeeeeen! :)

From: Cassandra

September 24th

Happy Birthday Dylan,

From: Cassandra

October 1st

Happy Birthday Wishes going to:

Avery Prince

October 2nd

Happy Birthday Grandma Louise!

I love you :)

From: Cassandra, Cambria & Dante.

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 9

Young Women’s Group:

Beauty Within

Program September 21st, 22nd, 23rd

A program open to the young women in Nak’azdli

intended to promote a positive self image, boost

confidence and self-esteem levels. We will be having

workshops such as emotional intelligence. The

program will end with a photoshoot , which includes

professional hair and makeup applications

Brought to you by the Nak’azdli Alternate Justice Centre

In order to be considered for this event

Contact Maddison Sam at the Nak’azdli Alternate

Justice Centre to express your interest.

There is limited spots.

10 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Capital & Lands: Greetings!

Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself to members of the Nak’azdli Whut’en.

My name is George HoLem, as of July 17

th, 2017, I have taken the position

of Capital Lands Manager which was recently vacated by Aileen Prince. My immediate focus has been get up to speed on a number projects which in-clude: Community Paving Project, the Emergency Generator Plant, Protective Fencing installation in certain areas of the residential properties on-reserve, the Environmental Assessment Phase 2 (INAC), Proposed housing sub-division (21) units and the Na’kal Bun School Addition. This list represents my immediate priorities but there is a list of other projects that will be coming on stream in the near future. Also, I have the task of studying the new Land Code and the First Nations Land Man-agement Act which will bring significant changes to our community.

My wife Ur-sula

has taken a position with Nezul Be Hunuyeh Child & Family Services as a Guardianship Social Worker. We have left our adult children (Stephanie & Ste-phen) in the Lower Mainland where we have lived for the past 15 years, and have our 7 year old son Silas with us (he was too cute to leave behind). Silas will begin Grade 2 in September at Na’kal Bun School.

In closing, I have to add how beautiful it is in Fort. St. James. It has been most enjoyable to escape the hectic pace of the rat race that comes with living in Vancouver. I look forward to meeting the community members and I invite you to stop by the office so I can meet you in person.

Respectfully, George HoLem

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 11

Housing: Hello, my name is Justine Sam, my parents are Tracey & Herbie Charlebois. My grandparents are Euphrasia Sam and the late Alexander Sam Sr. I belong to the Lusilyoo Clan. I started as the Housing Intern on July 4th and my con-tract ends in the spring. I have definitely enjoyed working here so far with Shei-la, Priscilla and our new Lands Manager George. I have learned a lot so far, and cannot wait to learn more. With the experience I have gained so far and there is more to come with this position. I am really looking forward to see what this job has in store for me and to see where my future endeavors take me. Thank you to the Nak’azdli Housing & Lands office for allowing me to have this wonderful opportunity.

Musi, Justine Sam Housing Intern

If you or anyone you know is interested in

sitting on the Housing Committee must

submit a letter to Chief and Council.

Hello, my name is Scott Prince. My parents are Ludale Prince and Randy

A’huille. My grandparents are Shirley Prince and Ben McKinnon. I follow in my

mothers clan, Lhts’umusyoo. I am the Housing Maintenance Intern, I have been

going to houses changing out the doors, building porches, plumbing, electrical

work, painting the interior and fixing minor repairs on the rental houses.


Scott Prince

Housing Maintenance Intern

12 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Salads & Fruit Mondays, 11:00 am-1:00 pm

Beading, Sewing and Crocheting Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00 am-

4:00 pm

Medicine Picking Wednesdays, 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Making Medicine Bags Fridays, 9:00 am-4:00 pm

Nak’azdli Cultural Centre

Check out the Nak’azdli Cultural Centre on Facebook to see more photos of what we do at the

Cultural Centre

Moose Hide, photo credit: Jan Prince.

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 13

6 Mile Recovery Day Program

14 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Nak’azdli Health Centre

Pre/Post Natal Appointments Alternate Wednesdays, 10:00 am-12:00 pm,

Health Centre

Baking with Winnie Wednesdays & Fridays 10:00-3:00 pm, Youth Centre

Well Baby Clinic Wednesdays, 10:00-3:30

Baby Immunizations

Elder’s Tea Fridays, 11:00 am—2:00 pm—First Friday of the

Month, Breakfast, 9-11:00 am, Health Centre

Uloo khoh Update: Thursdays 10 - 12:00 pm, Health Centre

Weekly Health Programs Community Smudge, 2017 Nak’azdli Addictions Awareness Week Photo Courtesy of Jolene Prince

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 15

16 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

On Our Way Hello Everyone;

I am very pleased to announce that we

successfully completed a number of

programs and initiatives over the sum-

mer and now have a lot more well-

trained member looking for employ-

ment. Congratulations to everyone

who took training over the last few



The Piping Trades Foundation Pro-

gram ran at CNC and have 7 students

who successfully completed and are

actively looking for apprentice opportu-

nities. Seth Prince, Donald A’huille,

Caleb Durand, Levi Prince, Lonny

Prince, Terence Austin and Nathan Al-

exander. These guys did us all proud

and were outstanding students. The

program was very intensive and ran for

24 weeks with the best attendance that

we have had in any of our previous

programs. Great Job Guys you should

all be very proud!


We had 3 students achieve the neces-

sary grades this summer to proceed

into trades training so very proud of all

of them Congratulations to Calvin An-

toine, Dennis Sam and Morgan Prince

for achieving their grade 10 which now

qualifies them for Trades training. Un-

fortunately, we had a number of stu-

dents leave prior to the completion of

the program but we wish them all well

in whatever training and employment

they pursue.

On Our Way Program:

We ran three OOW programs one in

each of our partner communities of

Tl’azt’en, Yekooche and Takla. They

have all completed as of July. We also

ran a lot of stand alone certificate pro-

grams this summer with a great deal of

success. All and all a very productive


Coming up In September:


We will be running another Piping

Trades Program this September at

CNC the minimum grade criteria is a

grade 10 with a minimum C. Seating

is limited for this program so if you are

interested you need to make an ap-

pointment to meet with Caroline and

do all of your paperwork. You are re-

quired to prove your grade so please

get two copies of your transcripts

asap. Seating is very limited for this

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 17

program so make sure that you do not

put off applying. Nak’azdli will only

have two seats in this program unless

other seats come available. The tenta-

tive start date is September 18 and will

run for 24 weeks.


We will be having one seat purchased in the Carpentry program also running at CNC in September. This program has the same prerequisites as the PIP-ING TRADES. If you are interested you will need to meet with Caroline and fill out an application. Start date and duration to be announced.

Coming up in October:

On Our Way:

There will be one On Our Way pro-

gram running in Nak’azdli starting in

October. For this last 16-week pro-

gram we have 3 seats available to Na-

k’azdli members. This program will

run from October 16 to February 16. If

you are interested please give me a

call and I will add you to the list.

Office Technology Program:

This 20-week program will be focused

on the accounting side of office work

and will be held in Fort St. James start-

ing in October. Nak’azdli has 3 seats in

this program.

If you are interested in any of these

programs please call Caroline to set

up a time to do the application.

Please note: You will be contacted for

an interview once you have completed

your application package. Anyone not

accepted will be waitlisted for upcom-

ing training.

Thank you all for your continued sup-

port of our programs and your stu-

dents. Without the support of our pro-

grams we would not have these oppor-

tunities here in our community.

Lynne Leon


Continued from previous page.

18 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Mount Milligan Hadih Nak’azdli Whut’enne,

I hope everyone had a wonderful summer!

This was a busy summer as far as getting our first Summer Employment Pro-

gram going with Mount Milligan. I am happy to say that we had 10 Nak’azdli

Members hired for the Summer. Hopefully, we can get a couple of them hired

on full-time or for an extended period. We included Grade 12 Graduates, Young

Workers and members who have been applying for work in general.

I would like to thank Post Secondary Student Sumyaz Prince for working with

me for 11 weeks and the Nak’azdli Whut’en Education Department Program

Sponsorship. Sumyaz gained first hand experience in Human Resource duties

and responsibilities. It was a pleasure having her work with me.

Also, this summer we partnered along with Scarlet Security Services and the

Nak’azdli Employment & Training department for a “Basic Security Training”

course. We had 10 people in the program, these people will have an opportuni-

ty for Security Personnel Employment at Mount Milligan. Congratulations to all

10 of you for participating and I wish you all the best.

For employment inquiries please look on the Centerra Gold Inc. website Ca-

reers for job postings. You can apply on line. If you need assistance please con-

tact me at 250-996-1288 or email me at [email protected]. If you wish

to apply for jobs with Scarlet, Sodexo, Outland or Northern Spirit Transportation

you can apply directly to them or send your Resume to me.

Right now, I am proud to say that we have many Nak’azdli Members applying

for work at the Mine Site.

Wishing all of you the best!

Mount Milligan HR Liaison

Awet za.

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 19

Keyoh Monitor – Instructions

The Keyoh Monitor app lets you easily collect and report important information about your keyoh or trapline – including traditional use sites, industry activity, and environmental concerns – even with-out cell reception or Wi-Fi. It is designed to be as intuitive and complete as possible so you can re-port your sightings and concerns quickly: reporting a sighting should take less than 30 seconds and adds important information to territory maps. Some of the things we want to monitor are:

• Important food and medicine plant locations

• Animal locations and health

• Important trees for people and animals

• Trails and blazes

• Access obstructions like gates and deactiva-tions

• Water, especially drinking water sources and spawning streams

• Harmful forest practices, including improper culverts, animal migration barriers, and spills

• Cultural resources, including camp sites, cul-turally-modified trees, and cache pits

Having this information will help Nak’azdli better protect the things that are important to the people. Follow these simple steps to get started. If you have trouble, ask a youngster to help you or visit your Natural Resources Office for support.

On an iPhone or Samsung: 1. Make sure Location Services are enabled for the safari internet browser app on your phone 2.Visit https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/x/#YUjL in your safari internet app

3. Click the share icon ( )and then “Add to Homescreen”. This will put a webpage bookmark on your home screen.

When you see something in the field:

Open the webpage bookmark (iPhone) or app (Android)

Click to add a Photograph This step comes first so that you can quickly record activity or animals that may disappear quickly. Visual evidence is im-portant for providing proof.

Click the type of Observation

Click the Type of animal, plant, tree or activity.

If prompted, click to add a more specific Kind of animal, plant, tree or activity

Click the target icon to automatically add your Location (the app automatically adds the date).

Click to add a number for How Many?

This a number from 1 to “more than 10”. Count animals and trees as numbers, but think of things like spills, stream sections and plant patches in terms of area, meas-ured in hula-hoops (about 1 square metre): ask yourself, how many hula-hoops would it fill?

Click to add the Age

Are the animals young, old, or a combina-tion? Is the clear cut new, old, or mixed?

Click to add the Condition

Use your judgement: Is the animal healthy or sick, relaxed or stressed? Is the water clean or dirty? Is the logging activity dan-gerous or safe? Is your keyoh access good or bad?

Click to type any Notes you feel are important. This is optional, but more information is always better. If you selected “Other” for any of the questions above, use the Notes section to clarify, if possible.

Click and add Your Name. If you would like the Natural Resources Office to follow up with you about your observation please call us at the office.

Click “Submit” By clicking Submit you agree to share the information provided with the Nak’azdli Natural Resources Office and its research partners.

Your feedback is important. If Keyoh Guardian isn’t working for you, or if you have a type of Ob-servation you’d like added to the list, click Feed-back in the Observation menu and use the Notes box to add your comments. You can also give your feedback directly to your Natural Resources Guardian at the Natural Resources Office.

Data submitted while on your keyoh will be stored temporarily on your device until you are back in cell range or connected to Wi-Fi. It will then be uploaded to the Guardian portal where it can be viewed on a map and used to help make deci-sions that serve you. You may need to re-open the app to submit your data.

Future changes

“Feedback” … is there a way to make this more clear?

“Observation”: Future plans, including cabin sites, roads to deactivate, protected are-as, etc.

20 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Nak’azdli Youth Centre

Baking Day Mondays, 1-6:00 pm

Cooking Day Tuesdays & Thursdays,

1-6:00 pm Open to youth ages 13-18.

Taco Thursdays

Every second Thursday

Game Day Wednesdays, 1:00-6:00 pm Open to youth ages 13-18. Weekly tournaments for youth to win $10 gift cards

Movie Night Fridays, 1:00-6:00 pm

Open to youth ages 13-18.

Youth Centre Hours • Starting June 10 the Youth Centre will be

open 1:00-6:00 pm

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 21

Drumming & Singing Mondays and Tuesdays, 6:00 -8:00 pm,

Cottonwood Beach

Baking with Winnie Wednesdays & Fridays, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm,

Youth Centre

Making Crepes at the Youth Centre.

Nak’azdli Recreation

22 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 23

24 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 25

New Staff:

Hadih, My name is Marion Erickson of Lhts’umusyoo clan. I am currently working in a part-time capacity with Nak’azdli with the responsibility of helping us separate from the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council.

The membership of Nak’azdli Whut’en provid-ed the Nation’s leadership with the mandate to withdraw from the CSTC in August 2016. My job is to do the work needed to coordinate a smooth exit from the CSTC.

The Castlemain group is working with the band to assist me in coordinating this effort. This position is related to my area of study at the University of Northern British Columbia where I am pursuing a full time Public Admin-istration and Community Development de-gree with a minor in First Nations Studies.

This position requires that I speak to staff, leadership, and the CSTC to find any areas of concern about leaving the CSTC. I am hoping to learn about anything that the CSTC is cur-rently working on that Nak’azdli must find ways to address. Right now, my work plan consists of developing a final transition plan

and a communication strategy. However, this position is specifically concerned with com-munication with membership during the exit

of CSTC. My job is to make sure that the members are informed on the work that is be-ing done to help us have a smooth transition.

This project, though short, will require a high level of care and attention as to maintain re-spectful relations with our neighboring na-tions, membership, and Keyoh holders as we leave the CSTC. We look forward to a new form of a relationship with the neighboring nations. My position will end in March of 2018.

During this time, I am reminded of how inde-pendent we are as a nation and how we have been leaders in governing our own people for some time. I am excited about this project be-cause it is very much in line with our Commu-nity Plan Framework “to become a stronger self-governing Dakelh community supporting our culture and heritage through education, healthy lifestyles and economic progress”.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me:

[email protected]

26 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Annual General Assembly

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 27

Annual General Assembly

28 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 29

30 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Come out to Celebrate Grandparents Day

Lunch, Merchandise Bingo and Prizes!

September 10th

- 12:00 pm - Elders Centre

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 31

32 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 33

34 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Employment Opportunities:

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 35

38 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

September/October 2017 Nak’azdli Dustl’us 39

Bingo’s will Resume

regularly on Sunday,

October 1st

, 2017.

40 Nak’azdli Dustl’us September/October 2017

Contact Us

Membership Hours:

Mondays & Wednesdays

8 am-4 pm

Nak’azdli Whut’en

PO Box 1329

Fort St. James, BC V0J 1P0

(250) 996-7171

(250) 996-8010 (FAX)

Dustl’us Submissions:

[email protected]

Visit Us on the Web at:


Nak’azdli Whut’en: We Challenge the Future.
